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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 147 KB, 850x598, 1512149142715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19323323 No.19323323 [Reply] [Original]

How do we defeat the idol menace?

>> No.19323641

Just remind people that they aren't virgins and all of them have had many sexual partners. Many.

>> No.19323683

Convert them to your cause it'll save effort in the long run.

>> No.19324084 [DELETED] 

Infiltrate their threads and shitpost them until they give up posting.
Report everything until they're scared to post any pictures of idols.
Remind them and the staff that posting images of under 18 girls(basically all idols) in swimsuits and the like is against the no junior idols rule.

>> No.19324110

Just make more threads and bump all of them.

>> No.19327843

My wife chino is cute

>> No.19327843,1 [INTERNAL] 

Someone's scared

>> No.19331635

Make good threads thoough

>> No.19333439


>> No.19333766


1) create /2hu/
2) rename /jp/ into "Japanese and Otaku Culture"

is so easy it hurts

>> No.19333788

thats pretty extreme anon, i would say its against humanitarian law

no need to drop a nuclear bomb to wipe out a fly

>> No.19333792

Why can't this be a thing.

>> No.19333796

because the new /jp/ would have 5 posts a day at best

>> No.19333801


Get your shit out of here and go to /mu/ or reddit if you want to talk. Generals are retarded

>> No.19334813

He says, while having threads dedicated a specific touhou.

>> No.19336401

>complaining about touhou threads on /jp/
Oh yes, do you complain about anime on /a/ too? Fuck off.

>> No.19336596
File: 135 KB, 750x600, yaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*get their cocks sucked by your favorite idol*

>> No.19336821

He says, in a thread complaining about idols on /jp/.

>> No.19336850

mods are not listening:


I wonder if they get paid by ZUN to let the Touhou spam on 4chan
the evidence of the spam is overwhelming

>> No.19336925 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 920x575, 1530481616202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's you don't make for the funny bullying of super Satan omiinous peoples
>conspicuous wink at audience0

>> No.19336996

But then /jp/ would be overrun with idolfag threads

>> No.19337103

Idolshit is a recent cancer

>> No.19337476

So were kancolle but you kept bitching.

>> No.19337748

Stop fighting it and embrace it. We in the west could learn how a culture of idols is best

>> No.19337791

>muh shitty bullet dodging game

>> No.19337837

How do we defeat the /v/ menace? Removing VNTS and Kancolle is a good start, but how to get rid of the ones that leaked out and how to stop mods from moving threads here instead of deleting them?

>> No.19337851

>muh glorified sluts who pretend to be pure

>> No.19337876

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19337919

>Implying my Idol Waifu is anything but as pure as the whitest snow.

Yup. Delusional bullet dodgers

>> No.19338121

She knows the taste of semen very well, anon.
I'm just trying to help you to not be deceived by their lies.

>> No.19338169

Muh sluts that I must glorify in real life. Oh how much I love these whores that I’ll never see and worship them as if they’re goddesses and such.

>> No.19338882
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>> No.19344542

Is /jp/ getting finally RED-PILLED?

>> No.19344635

because /jp/ is the touhou containment board and always has been

>> No.19344643

Touhou can not be contained.
It's one of the core things of 4chan

>> No.19344770


Touhou is spam, and 4chan is not spam.

Creating /2hu/ and permabanning it from everywhere else is the best solution.

>> No.19344817
File: 33 KB, 300x100, 1456855067077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is not spam

>> No.19344926

Kancolle isn't 3DPD, retard-kun.

>> No.19344962
File: 900 KB, 636x900, 1515542594946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To defeat the idol, we must become the idol.

>> No.19344986

Ding dong diddly based brother

>> No.19345955

There's fucking 17 3DPD threads up right now, fucking repulsive.

>> No.19346030

Stop fighting, kudasai

>> No.19346752

Thermobaric explosives

“The only good idol is a dead one”

>> No.19347076

A good shot in the triangular with a .50-Cal.

>> No.19347232

Touhou is a vidya game. They can have a general in /vg/.

Leave this board to our beautiful, innocent and pure idol waifus!

>> No.19347280

We must perform ritual sacrifice of the cirno in order to rid this menace from the third dimension of its presence within this board whose topic of discussion involves Japanese Culture.

>> No.19347328

why don't we find the ip addresses of the Touhou spammers and range ban them?

>> No.19347380

Good luck, I'm behind seven proxies.

>> No.19347394


request sent to the MODS:


maybe this time they will listen

>> No.19347406
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1530443429124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Athena like archetypes born awesomely (fully formed? Not quite) from the head of a Zeus like god of conflict and chaos
What was his namu jaypes? No, not that one guy someone else.

>> No.19347409

Why did you post your request on a trashcan board though?

>> No.19347428

Idolfags are retarded cross boarders.

>> No.19347443
File: 131 KB, 850x1190, __kurodani_yamame_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_eiri_eirri__sample-45443ecf64465160e53e6dbbaa08f128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being used to not being listened to until far to late for now anyway?

>> No.19347894


repetita iuvant

>> No.19347960

2hu is for ironic weeaboos. Go roleplay on steam or twitter.

>> No.19347963

radix malorum est cupiditas

>> No.19347978

There's nothing wrong with slower boards, but Idol threads are very active and the reduced visual pollution would give other threads a chance to breathe. I'm sure we'd have more threads about Japanese culture if "Can we have a x thread?" or "x is CUTE" weren't so ubiquitous.

>> No.19348062

Why did /jp/ end up with so many 2hu imagedump threads?

>> No.19348081

Mods killed all the actual content and there isn't much to talk about 2hu related any more other than canonocity shit flinging.

>> No.19348087

It was created because 2hu posters kept spamming /a/ with image dumps. They need their own board now that /jp/ is discussing actual otaku & Japanese culture.

>> No.19348359

>Mods killed all the actual content
Like what?

>> No.19348415

Hella based right there idol faggot. Let’s make people’s lifes fucked because they like the shit that came before your idols who are no more as plastic as those chink idols

Hello /v/.

>> No.19348437

Your mom. She has the big gay

>> No.19348441
File: 13 KB, 296x297, kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute! Hope she notices me one day ^____^

>> No.19349031

Imagine giving a shit about Touhou in 2018. Almost as pathetic as Bleach and Haruhi fags.

>> No.19350861

How is that relevant to anything?

>> No.19350877

How about we create board for idols(k-pop)
This Touhou board.
Eat shit and die.
-Your dear Anon.

>> No.19350916

I had sex with your favorite idol and there's nothing you can do about it except complain in your 13 duplicate threads

>> No.19350982


shut up ZUN, your grammar is showing

>> No.19351097
File: 5 KB, 229x220, images_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove me wrong, ass cancer.

>> No.19351548

>now that /jp/ is discussing actual otaku & Japanese culture.

>> No.19351596

Image dumps and why is X so cute are not otaku culture, just gay.

>> No.19351610
File: 728 KB, 400x1800, jp history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monster Girl threads ruined everything.

>> No.19351617

Muh 2d only autists don't have sex, virgin. But what's actually happening is I'm posting on /jp/ about idols and there's literally nothing you can do about it. Enjoy reposting the same shitty fanart while Touhou fades into irrelevance.

>> No.19351624

What happened after 2013?

>> No.19351635

Wotas began slowly killing the ironic weebs known as 2hu fans to cleanse the board.

>> No.19351713
File: 266 KB, 1099x1649, 1394316305211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ironic weebs known as 2hu fans
Try saying that with a straight face.

>> No.19351754

I already did. You're the type of faggots to roleplay as lolis. Daily reminder that 2hu needs it's own /vp/ equivalent. There's no difference between 2hu and Pokemon besides one being less relevant to Japanese culture.

>> No.19351841

>You're the type of faggots to roleplay as lolis.
And what's ironic about that?
>Daily reminder that 2hu needs it's own /vp/ equivalent
Literally the boards you're posting on rn

>> No.19351847

But your posting in that board you fucking Buffon. Stop jerking yourself off and acting like your top shit. Might as well put a trip on

>> No.19351880

>And what's ironic about that?
The absolute state of /jp/.

No, I'm posting on the board for otaku and Japanese culture discussion. Shame about the weird autists image dumping fanart from some shit game.

>> No.19351925

I'll be busy living the 2D dream while you spend your days jacking your shrimp dick to some used up cumdump that takes producer dick nightly.

>> No.19351945

/jp/ was created as a containment board for all the anons 2huposting on /a/, you fucking mong. I cannot believe the absolute state of newfags on this site.

>> No.19351956

Yes and touhou IS otaku culture. Idolshit should go to /s/ and /mu/. Go fuck off somewhere else anyway

>> No.19351970
File: 484 KB, 1800x1012, wota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of /jp/.
Now, please, tell me why people "roleplaying as lolis" are "ironic" weeaboos

>No, I'm posting on the board for otaku and Japanese culture discussion.
Whatever helps you sleep at night

>weird autists
celebfags, autism incarnate, calling others autists lol

>> No.19351984

Bring back /ugg/

>> No.19352020

90% of deleted posts on warosu is from your shitty generals. Cleanse my fucking ass.

>> No.19355193

Now tally how many non-deleted posts on warosu come from idol generals, genius

>> No.19355203

pls respong

>> No.19355251
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I like this version more.

>> No.19355682
File: 504 KB, 1845x891, Junk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your 13 duplicate threads
Cry me a river.

>> No.19355761

90% of 2hu threads on the catalog at any given time could have been a single post on a single 2hu thread either here or /vg/ but aren't because >muh board culture.

>> No.19356367

>ill be busy fantasizing about cartoons

Yes, and? It's clearly no longer solely around to contain your shitposting. You can have a /vp/ equivalent for your shitty videogame so others can post about actual content and not AM I KAWAII UGUU.

It's less and less relevant every day. Making image dump threads belongs in /c/. Idols are a cornerstone of Akihabara's scene.

Because they do it for attention like everything else. I'm pretty sure watching Japanese variety shows and listening to music is less autistic than 50% of the garbage your fan base posts on this board.

But the best part is we don't have to do anything. Your shitty game is just straight up dying. More and more of these "true otaku" that made 2hu art and content are making shit for gacha mobile games instead. And every other month, someone starts a new general to crowd out WHY IS CIRNO SO CUTE xD garbage.

>> No.19356373 [DELETED] 

Oh my god just fucking kill yourself already.

>> No.19356383 [DELETED] 

>the anal prince
>cream pie kong
>How many times have you masturbated to...
Quality content.

Nah, I have things to look forward to. I think ill start three new generals in the coming weeks. This thread has inspired me.

>> No.19356384 [DELETED] 

Kys,cross boarderd faggot.

>> No.19356670


generals we need:

kimonos, bonsai and gardens, sumo and other Japanese martial arts, Japanese festivals (matsuri) and cultural school festivals (文化祭), yakuza and current crime news

>> No.19356759

Generals are cancer. Kill Yourself out of this board and take your shitty chatrooms with you

>> No.19356817 [DELETED] 



Especially considering that the only thread about touhou that supposedly matter is a general.

>> No.19356942 [DELETED] 

These thread can easily go to >>>/c/
look at this.
Nothing but the same template posts and /vg/ memes reposting circlejerk over and over again. The entire userbase of these threads also seems unable to use sage so the threads are constantly bumped to page one by "actual content", as you say such as ">you will never have sex with [generic prostitute] why live " and "tfw no idol GF ;_;".

>> No.19357082 [DELETED] 

First of all, why is onahole and Umineko here?
Second of all,
>These thread can easily go to >>>/c/
This threads go to /c/, those threads "Kill Yourself out of this board", this threads (>>19346688
>>19165332) will go to hell too, because they are generals and then what remain, oh king of nothing? Show me a GOOD thread on /jp/.
>/vg/ memes reposting circlejerk
>Nothing but the same template posts and /vg/ memes reposting circlejerk over and over again.
You mean as an alternative to the same platinum threads we have over and over again with the same template posts over and over again. Or are you going to argue that /jp/ doesn't have a sense of community that we are constantly trying to exile from?
>The entire userbase of these threads also seems unable to use sage so the threads are constantly bumped to page one
Why would they use sage? To leave the 1st page for a golden "pure" /jp/ thread that the world has yet to see?

>> No.19357140

>First of all, why is onahole and Umineko here?
Take a wild guess
>will go to hell too, because they are generals and then what remain, oh king of nothing? Show me a GOOD thread on /jp/.
I can't. Delete this trashcan of a board.
>Why would they use sage?
Post that don't contribute to the thread should be saged. Template posts are not worth a bump.

>> No.19357182

>Take a wild guess
You don't like them personally? We may argue about Umeniko being "vg/ memes reposting circlejerk" but onahole looks more professional then average /o/ thread.
>Post that don't contribute to the thread should be saged.
And this IS just your personal opinion.

>> No.19357627 [DELETED] 

>this threads (>>19346688(Cross-thread)
>>>19165332(Cross-thread)) will go to hell too
Geez, sorry I couldn't be bothered to link every single general on the board

>We may argue about Umeniko being "vg/ memes reposting circlejerk"
*ding ding ding*
>but onahole looks more professional then average /o/ thread.
Last time I opened it, half of the replies were users asking for rec and "read the pastebin", the rest was blogshit and drama. The pastebin is the entire point of these kind of threads anyway. Yet a new one is created as soon as the old one dies, even if there's nothing to discuss at all.
>And this IS just your personal opinion.
What? That's the entire point of sage. People using it to spam thread is the reason it was made invisible.

>> No.19357744

Figures that idolfags are parasites that don't even respect the board they're using as a host.

>> No.19357833

Visible sage was removed because people only ever used it as a downvote, coming into a thread with nothing to contribute just to sage it, "this thread sucks", "posting to sage", in order to lower its non-existing score
Sage does literally nothing (sage still exists and le sagebomb meem has nothing to do with it being visible) and the intended purpose back where it was imported from was to keep a thread from getting bumped back to the top of the thread list (a typical 2ch board will hold just about 1000 threads but the front page only lists a few with varying levels of detail, while 4chan at the time had no catalog so the same principle would apply) because once it's there it's a honeypot for retards and memers to shit everywhere and derail whatever discussion you might be trying to have (2ch has no active moderation and you need to submit an email that takes them days to respond to in order to get law-breaking content removed and that's the only thing they give a shit about)

Culture is an evolving concept and /jp/ is 10 years old
Get it through your thick, autistic skull once and for all, no amount of huffing and puffing will make time turn back into an era when 4chan had less traffic and things were more or less mainstream than they are now

>> No.19357971

>Visible sage was removed because people only ever used it as a downvote, coming into a thread with nothing to contribute just to sage it, "this thread sucks", "posting to sage", in order to lower its non-existing score
So you agree with me? Sage outside /jp/ was only ever using for shitposting, hence it was made invisible.
Believe it or not some users still use the index and I'm tired of seeing threads bumped to page one by posts that solely consist of "This."
>Get it through your thick, autistic skull once and for all, no amount of huffing and puffing will make time turn back into an era when 4chan had less traffic and things were more or less mainstream than they are now
Oh, shut up. /jp/'s userbase is only a fraction of what it once was, and you, Idolfags are just a loud minority.

>> No.19358481

>So you agree with me?
Can you read at all? I just told you it got removed because it invited people to seek out and make virtually no content posts in threads they had no interest in, thinking they were impacting it somehow
People still go into threads they don't like just to shitpost, except now they're not compelled to do so in order to make use of a tool that doesn't do what they want it to do, and for better or worse shitposting is still part of 4chan as opposed to something that can simply be taken away when misused

It's pointless arguing with you retards, you keep talking about the front page being full of shit you don't like, you get a catalog to search and browse all the threads without having to sift through pages of crap and you still complain because you refuse to use it
You idiots complain that the board is moving too fast so what do you do? Spam a couple dozen shrine threads, half of which end up staying bumped for months thanks to nothing posts and barely any images at all, which are totally not like the generals you're trying to get rid of because it's "board culture"

You don't give a shit that setting up more image servers for new boards is a cost they're not willing to support when it's even been said the current ones might have to be scaled back if finances don't improve and we've even started getting shady malware ads we'd never had to deal with in the past, you just want it done because you're convinced that's going to bring back your secret club from 2, 5, even 10 years ago
You talk about loud minorities when these whiny threads keep popping up with the same arguments as ever as if the same fucking people as ever having the same discussion as ever matters to anyone in the grand scheme of things
You even admit it yourself, /jp/ has a fraction of the userbase it once had, the needs of the people who use it have little to no impact on all the issues that plague 4chan outside of it

The truth is, even though we'll probably never have effective ways to filter out all the garbage stemming from the absolutely decrepit state of the internet and the always-on, easy-access mentality of the world, thanks to forced anonymity and lackluster-by-design moderation, as well as failure or refusal to adapt to the reality that the ban in it's current state is a tool that has little to no effect these days compared to how it was when it was designed, the fact is they could give you all the tools you need to block out all the things you hate seeing and you'd still force it upon yourselves so you'd have something to bitch and moan about because 4chan used to be so good and you're not a child anymore and everything sucks now because everyone is stupid and my feet hurt but you're definitely going to change it by being a whiny faggot because it worked 10 years ago so it must work now too

Well good fucking luck with that, but count me out

>> No.19358828

Holy autism, did you just write all that?
>you get a catalog to search and browse all the threads without having to sift through pages of crap and you still complain because you refuse to use it
What makes you think I'm looking for a specific thread when browsing 4chan? I like to sit on page one and refresh so I can see what's posted on the board in real time and reply to what interests me. /jp/ is a slow board after all, do you wait in your thread for hours until someone replies to your post?
>You talk about loud minorities when these whiny threads keep popping up with the same arguments as ever as if the same fucking people as ever having the same discussion as ever matters to anyone in the grand scheme of things
What the heck, OP is literally a 7 word sentence, you call that whining?
Now who created multiple threads requesting new boards? >>>/qa/2167293
>Spam a couple dozen shrine threads, half of which end up staying bumped for months thanks to nothing posts and barely any images at all, which are totally not like the generals you're trying to get rid of because it's "board culture"
Is this 2013? Most "board culture" thread get quickly pruned or deleted nowadays, or at least they idle on page 9.
>barely any images at all,
What's the problem with that?

If there's truly nothing to discuss on /jp/ just delete the board altogether.
/c/ goes to /c/, /e/ to /e/, JAV to /t/, furfags to /trash/, videogames to /v/ and /vr/, and you can fawn over your favorite japanese prostitute on /mu/ (at least until the kick you out; maybe mods will be kind enough to give you Music/Idols or something.)

>> No.19359107

I don't think people who sit at the index looking for posts to react to in real time regardless of what they're about or which thread they're posted in have any business complaining about chatbox generals ruining their chatbox experience
I'm not even going to bother addressing all the other stupid circumstancial shit you say as if all that can't and hasn't been used before for the other side of the argument depending on how the wind blows, let alone pull examples from the archive to prove how clueless you are with the random shit you just pulled from your ass about the board you feel in capacity to lecture others about such as "This thread is just a 7 word sentence, nobody's whining here and the subject's never been brought up before" or "I'm not the one being autistic, you are!"
Hopefully your reading comprehension isn't actually as terrible as it seems and you're just wilfully ignoring the things you're inconvenienced by on your infinite quest to win arguments, because in that case you can put this skill to use and give up on trying to shape a board you don't belong in to your personal needs

>> No.19359357

>I don't think people who sit at the index looking for posts to react to in real time regardless of what they're about or which thread they're posted in have any business complaining about chatbox generals ruining their chatbox experience
Real-time might have been a poor choice of words, but surely you're not implying that browsing more threads at once is akin to a chatroom, are you?
>and the subject's never been brought up before" or "I'm not the one being autistic, you are!"
Anonymous, why you put words in my mouth?
>Hopefully your reading comprehension isn't actually as terrible as it seems and you're just wilfully ignoring the things you're inconvenienced by on your infinite quest to win arguments, because in that case you can put this skill to use and give up on trying to shape a board you don't belong in to your personal needs
I just didn't feel the need to address your long-ass irrelevant rant, that's all.

>> No.19359394

why idolfag dont just go /mu/?
make no sense to me ?***

>> No.19359428

>browsing more threads at once
what are tabs
what are bookmarks of your favourite threads
what are folders of bookmarks which can be opened with the middle click

sure smells like 12 years old maidens are among us
let me guess: you're still using the browser arrows to go back and forth instead of sideclicking the wheel of a decent mouse

>> No.19359434

Because Idolshit is not about music, it's about the whores themselves, and it's otaku culture so it's /jp/.

>> No.19359557

dont get it .

>> No.19359561

>what are tabs
Yeah, what about new threads? And the ones you've missed?
I like the index because it actually shows you what's inside a thread unlike the catalog, so I don't have to rely on some eye-catching thumbnail.
Why do you insist so much on the method I use to browse the internet, anyway?
>what are bookmarks of your favourite threads
browser bookmarks? really? at least mention the thread watcher.
>sideclicking the wheel
I actually have no idea what this is

>> No.19359577

it is fucking cancer and it belongs on /trash/

>> No.19359604
File: 279 KB, 850x728, 52946718-144A-4021-B3E8-C33D29FB95D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this proves is that idolshitters should just go off themselves in a dumpster with their precious idol that would make them fucking murder themselves.

>> No.19359623

>I don't think people who sit at the index looking for posts to react to in real time regardless of what they're about or which thread they're posted in have any business complaining about chatbox generals ruining their chatbox experience
this was the original "imageboard experience" and actually works pretty well on boards where everybody's interests are closely enough aligned that the average poster is interested in a non-trivial fraction of the front page (say, 25%), there's a reason they show five posts per thread: so anyone browsing the index can see what people are talking about. it only stopped working because over time boards slowly evolved into large tents that encompassed so many disparate interests that any given person only had interest in 10% of the board and might only be able to meaningfully contribute to 2% of them.

i'd like this experience back but the mods and everyone else have long since stopped giving a shit about it.

>> No.19359637

what's even the appeal of idolshit?
they can't sing
they all look and act the same
they speak a language some of you tricked yourselves into thinking youve learned though you still need subs
they literally have to throw away their personal lives and freedom to 'perform' and still wont give your sorry ass the light of day
id genuinely rather watch american reality tv

>> No.19359647

Reminder that 2D > 3D

>> No.19360266
File: 39 KB, 477x640, m325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually have no idea what this is

on some models you can push the wheel sideways, comfy af

>> No.19360378

always thought that side buttons on the mouse are superior. Nothing more annoying than accidentally flipping a page while furiously scrolling through loli sex slave fiction.

>> No.19361464

An idol fan is a "wota" which is a short form of "wotaku", that being "otaku"

>> No.19361480

The original "imageboard experience" was composed of a tenth of today's global userbase
The concept simply does not scale with the numbers we have now

>> No.19361593

>Why do you insist so much on the method I use to browse the internet, anyway?
Because you're retarded, you bitch and complain about how it needs to change when you're the one using it wrong

Meanwhile real change never happens because giant babies like yourself adamantly refuse to adapt, compromise or co-exist and are never pleased with what they get

>> No.19363646

>The concept simply does not scale with the numbers we have now
I disagree. It still works well even on much faster boards. And once again you fail to realize that /jp/ is a tenth of the userbase of few years back.
>you bitch and complain about how it needs to change
Again, anon, you put words in my mouth I didn't say.

You talk about adapting and coexisting while you're clearly the ones refusing to adopt common manners like politely saging worthless shitposting and pretend the existing userbase must adapt to your one-true-way of browsing this website, when in reality the index is what all boards link to by default.

>when you're the one using it wrong
Are you a literal fucking child?

>> No.19367835

Monster girls are for closet furries.
Idols(2d/3d) have the most cancerous fanbase.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.19367881

/jp/ is still doing much better then other boards

>> No.19369158

Excuse me? 2D idols are board culture, show some respect to your heritage.

>> No.19369936

Why are you even here if you're so buttmad about people liking Touhou? Pretty sure Moot explicitly stated that 2hu shit belongs on /jp/ before this board even officially came into existence. Idolshit is fine too so long as you faggots try to limit yourself to one idol general rather than a general for every fucking group under the rising sun. If you want a community that only discusses idols and idols alone, look elsewhere. I do agree that all the image dump threads are excessive though.

>> No.19370089

Why are you even here if you're so buttmad about people liking not-2hu? Pretty sure Moot explicitly stated that every not-/a/-shit related to Japan belongs on /jp/ before this board even officially came into existence. 2hu shit is fine too so long as you faggots try to limit yourself to one 2hu general rather than a general for every fucking 2hu under the rising sun. If you want a community that only discusses 2hu and 2hu alone, look elsewhere. I do agree that all the image dump threads are excessive though.

>> No.19370124

Meanwhile, 6 years ago

>> No.19370239

Meh it's probably some random faggot stirring up shit for kicks.
Actual idolfags won't even come out of their generals.

>> No.19370292

I just want a dedicated board for 2hus.

>> No.19370399

Did /jp/ lose its elitism? Or did we just forget how to do it correctly, which lead to shitposting under the pretense of elitism?

>> No.19370691

I think it's just a by-product of Japanese media being more popular and accessible now compared to then (and 4chan having a bigger userbase, and today's generation being shit, etc)
Japanese culture, like 4chan, isn't a well-kept secret only a privileged few out of an already limited group can master anymore
For example, on the subject of untranslated content (mainly VNs at the time), you have to remember Google's machine translation model only became neural over statistical, word-by-word a couple years ago, better now than it was up to that point even before considering other improvements like OCR so you don't even need to learn Kanji to be able to input it manually
While far from accurate it still enables a much broader audience to experience Japan should they so choose
Then again, the average 4chan user was a basement dwelling neckbeard when /jp/ was formed and now everyone is outside living their lives posting about their Facebook/Twitter feeds from their phones, it might simply be a sign of the shitty times we live in

>> No.19370771

Maybe you should learn the value of shutting the duck up, taking your in laws cock out of yourvmouth, turning off the home PC you're using and finding out what it's like not to have everything done years in advance whole package and take some responsibility for the connections you've been ignoring and ruining for others because or muh white guilt need to breed, lawyer fag.

>> No.19370786

So the elite have just been driven out and replaced. I guess there's nothing we can do to fix it.

>> No.19371215

77 nicely condensed threads just as moot intended

>Putting aside /b/, /soc/, and the rest of those boards on the site, /jp/ is easily the next to worst. The only way it might seem even remotely browsable or decent is if you only go there casually and stick within the two or three good threads that exist there. Trying to browse it actively or have any sort of interesting discussion is a fucking headache and a waste of time. You can't even make threads that you want to because everyone just complains about you not condensing your threads and redirects you to one of the generals that are clusterfucked and impossible to navigate. Want VN discussion? Want to have actual discussion about Touhou, eroge, figs, or anything related to the board? Too bad, you get shitposters in return.
>Speaking of shitposters, /jp/ is pretty much a haven for them. They all coordinate their shitposting with eachother via Formspring and IRC and compete to see who can flood the board with the most bullshit. It's awful, and even the people that aren't a regular part of their circlejerk facilitate and perpetuate their bullshit. They even circlejerk over who the biggest shitposters and spammers are. It's fucking terrible. And if that wasn't enough, everybody tries to force their own arbitrary opinion of what /jp/ is about and what content is and isn't allowed on the board. What you get from this are a bunch of newfags from /v/ trying to fit in and look edgy by using sage in every post and bitching about every thread that doesn't adhere to their own shitty personal code. Everybody tries to police the board and it's a fucking mess.

Sasuga 3DPD idolfags
>CTRL+F idol
>0 hits

>How do we defeat the idol menace?
More like
>How do we defeat the VN menace?
>How do we defeat the Monster Girl menace?
Next chapter
>How do we defeat the Virtual Youtuber menace?

>> No.19372066
File: 152 KB, 400x300, 1529305381370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, can't we just get along? We could share the board like we have done until now.

>> No.19372102

This is just a condensed thread to shitpost and complain about the board. Everyone is fine.

>> No.19372121

what should have happened is that the number of boards should have scaled with the variety of the userbase

what actually happened is that after moot made a certain number of boards he stopped caring about 4chan and the staff who inherited it are like "lol you don't need more boards" because very few of them (i'd wager zero) are index browsers on fragmented boards

>> No.19372148
File: 46 KB, 600x323, Idolfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolfags don't come out of their rooms

>> No.19373289

I don't think there's any way 4chan will simply get less frequented in the future rather than shutting down entirely

People have complained for years about /jp/ being trash and they will for years to come

I stick to my belief that they see it as more boards = more images = bigger costs, even if Hiro did end up making a bunch of new boards nobody asked for when he took over
Like, /trash/ was supposed to hold all the off-topic shit threads instead of them just getting deleted? But everyone can make their own threads in it? But they still make off-topic shit threads on all the other boards that end up getting deleted?
On the other hand, this place is pretty dead comparatively, they might be more inclined to move some other type of /a/ content here before splitting what we have
