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19299890 No.19299890 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>19195363


>> No.19300932

Does that spell involve any strategy whatsoever or is it just attempt after attempt until the RNG pities you and lets you win?

>> No.19300954

A bit of both but it's mostly up to your gap reading ability.

>> No.19301121

You have to pay attention to the branch of bullets one at a time and learn to read/advance ahead, if you plan on not using the viewfinder. Notice that I'm moving left to right and vice versa for the branches. But yeah those bullet walls will bullshit at times, and the branches.

>> No.19301263

reminder that EoSD fucking SUCKS and if you think otherwise you're honestly a braindead neanderthal

>> No.19301904

This but with UFO and unironically.

>> No.19302314

Git gud.

>> No.19302452

is it better to beat a variety of games or focus one down for gitting gud

>> No.19302455

just play around for a bit and focus the one you liked the most.

>> No.19302470
File: 462 KB, 1024x768, 1417464947019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't see why UFO Reimu A or really anyone is worth playing over Sanae B in the extra. I just don't see the point in playing anyone over her when she can trivialize so many segments and cards with her shot and has a long lasting, powerful bomb with no movement penalty that affects the entire screen. What's the point of having a small hitbox when your friend never has to face the drawbacks of her being THICC by not letting the screen be flooded with danmaku in the first place?

It feels like I'm missing out on a fun extra stage with the rest of the shot types when one of them makes it a joke.

>> No.19302582


>> No.19302610

My skill degrades the more I play.

>> No.19302889 [DELETED] 

These. Only boomers play EoSD and UFO. No one cares about your shitty score. You will never beat Jap superplayers. Kill yourselves. To all the ecelebs reading this: FUCK OFF AND STOP PLAYING EOSD AND UFO. You will NEVER accomplish ANYTHING of WORTH in those games. NEVER. They are SHIT games with SHIT mechanics and SHIT "fanbases". Move on. Seriously. Move the fuck on. No one cares about your Sanae UFO lunatic run. No one fucking cares. No one cares about your perfect Remilia. No one CARES. Fuck off back to playing KUSOGE like DoDonPachi and stay out of Touhou. No one cares about EoSD and UFO. You faggots aren't even real Touhou fans. Those games AREN'T WORTH A DAMN. NO ONE CARES. NO. ONE. CARES. Go play some other shitty low quality bullet hell. EoSD and UFO are the bottom of the barrel. If you seriously play these shitty games "competitively" then KILL YOURSELF. NO ONES CARES ABOUT YOUR SHITTY TWITCH STREAM. Fuck off from Touhou. No one likes UFO or EoSD. Only FAKE fans like those two KUSOGE. Kill yourself kudasai. Just end it. Those two games are for BOOMERS. AKA OLD SENILE MEN. Those games are shit. Just like you. You are shit. EoSD is shit. UFO is shit. Fuck you.

>> No.19303040
File: 1.12 MB, 1028x833, 1528979712473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon. EoSD and UFO are too hard for you. It happens, it's no problem.

>> No.19303121

whoever hates on eosd is a literal nu-jpie.

>> No.19303204

>t. clueless neanderthals
im quoting every intellectual on earth

>> No.19303234

I feel the same way about TD and DDC and always bring up how much I hate them when I get the chance.

>> No.19303276


>> No.19303299

LLS is for true patrcians only

>> No.19303314
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Absolutely kino taste

>> No.19303343
File: 507 KB, 561x800, __hakurei_reimu_and_remilia_scarlet_koumajou_densetsu_koumajou_densetsu_1_and_touhou_drawn_by_banpai_akira__4f33ec3c9c7253844d8deb26e4b7fd46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if the game belongs here or not.

I fucking hate Koumajou I bugs at the last stage with Patche.
If you use Cirno and kill a couple of books, the game will always fucking crash and I'll lose a fucking life everytime.

And Remilia is hard as shit in this game also.
I'm really scared of the Extra stage.

>> No.19303353

I used to hate TD, but it's actually a neat 2hu game with nice music and cute girls. However, I still hate DDC, it's irredeemable shit of no positive qualities except Seija.

>> No.19303409
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>However, I still hate DDC, it's irredeemable shit of no positive qualities except Seija.
I don't know what's with that game. My hate for TD is mainly a meme that I don't actually believe in fully, but I legit dislike DDC to the point that I find it impossible to play without feeling disgusted. I actually had trouble finishing it on Normal after I just had to quit playing on the final stage when I had plenty of bombs and lives left several times. I don't know why I dislike it so much, but for some reason it just seems awfully tedious to play. It's not fun.

And I partly disagree with you on that Seija is the only good thing out of that shit show, Raiko is nice too, and the extra stage isn't nearly as terrible as the rest of the game.

>> No.19303482

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19303551

EoSD is for small brains and it's also proof that playing bad games gives you rsi

>> No.19303649

Just like making those posts

>> No.19303666

Remap for me bugs out and keeps holding down certain inputs. Can't get GRebind to work with touhou.

What other key remapper works?

>> No.19303673

I think somebody in these threads once recommended GlovePie or something called like that.

>> No.19304070
File: 1.59 MB, 1731x1200, EoSDboomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes EoSD attractive to secondary boomers?

>> No.19304096
File: 515 KB, 1000x1000, 1500152096836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EoSD boomers
That's one piece of board culture I'm going to export when I'm crossposting.

>> No.19304135

Get out of /jp/ Kudasai

>> No.19304147
File: 124 KB, 327x327, 1493576755045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who actually play the games are the biggest crossies and shit posters. What a twist?

>> No.19304151

Capitalizing "kudasai"? You get out of /jp/ instead, boomer.

>> No.19304160

EoSD boomer spotted

>> No.19304166
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shit posting and at least pretend to talk about the games.

Why is LoLK Reimu so shit? She ruined the whole game.

>> No.19304184

Isn't LoLK Marisa the shitty one?

>> No.19304196
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, guess who's playable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more like LoLK Sanae and Reisen being the good ones.

>> No.19304203

I don't see why UFO Extra is worth playing.

>> No.19304219
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Do it for her

>> No.19304241

I would if I didn't have to route the first half with 0 margin of error just to get like two measly lives. Between all the fucking UFOs getting on the way, EX-Kogasa, and that fucking second half I just gave up. I made it to Nue once and it wasn't so bad but I'm not playing that bullshit again. Second most infuriating thing I've played in the series.

>> No.19304263
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That stage is a major pain in the ass, I admit that. Ex-Kogasa isn't that bad after you've beaten her for a few hundread times trying to get your shit together on the first and the second halves of the stage itself.

>> No.19304314

I just dread EX-Kogasa because her first two spells are very RNG-heavy and I always fuck up the last one. Not sure if it's because she has too much health, Sanae-B doesn't deal enough damage, or that fucking power loss on each fucking death which makes me wonder if ZUN did actually, seriously beta-test anything above Normal. I don't like UFO very much.

>> No.19304343
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I can consistently beat her with Sanae B or any shot type really and capture all her cards. The first one is the most difficult due to either RNG or me just not seeing how to approach it, but I still manage that 80% of the time. The secret to the second one is to just stop caring and never move focused, it works almost 95% of the time when you just take it easy and don't over dodge and aim for the general direction of the gaps.

As for damage, I've never had any problems with Sanae B damage output. On the contrary, using her makes you tailor your strategies to her high damage output, making switching characters a suicide for me, when I suddenly can't fucking destroy everything and actually need to dodge things.

>> No.19304378

I mean, I guess I could try UFO Extra again, but once I win that I'm not touching that game again. A Stage 1 boss point-blanking you pisses me off.

>> No.19304389
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I mainly like it because of Nue, even if the stage is pretty bad gameplaywise (dat atmosphere though). At least her spell cards are for the most part pretty fair.

>> No.19304409

Easy doesn't mean fair. Easy means easy. You're just an inexperienced player.

>> No.19304427

I didn't say they were easy. I said they were fair. They don't have RNG bullshit to the same level as some of the worse offenders do.

>> No.19304441

Define fair.

>> No.19304451

Anything that is not wallmaku.

>> No.19304465

did you just ask yourself lol

>> No.19304475

That's a very broad definition. I'm not sure of how correct it is.

I very obviously didn't.

>> No.19304484
File: 121 KB, 328x323, mighty cold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking how? She has one of the sparsest danmaku for and EX boss.

>> No.19304490

it's not too obvious

>> No.19304494

Anything that is dodgeable is fair.
I was not the one saying Nue was hard.

>> No.19304554

LoLK was the one game where piercing would have been a big help (at least against one boss) and Reisen, the one with the busted shield, gets it. If marisa had it she might have been useful.

>> No.19304558
File: 74 KB, 647x756, kogasacurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She tries her hardest, dammit, let her be difficult.

>> No.19304577 [DELETED] 

t. foxinthewoods

>> No.19304591
File: 466 KB, 800x800, __tatara_kogasa_reitaisai_and_touhou_drawn_by_aono3__f8a5087e3366cb28465a7f003c91a9e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Useless good for nothing umbrella, who isn't hard enough to be an EX-stage midboss.

>> No.19304599

Fun fact: No one really said Nue was hard, >>19304389 called her "fair" and >>19304409 called her "easy"

>> No.19304600
File: 85 KB, 768x900, kogasasad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19304616
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I want to bully her until she cries.

>> No.19304625

Fun fact: >>19304484 implied that I meant Nue was hard

>> No.19304632

That still makes it 0 people in this thread deeming Nue hard. If you're going to nitpick, do it right.

>> No.19304637
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No, I thought you were >>19304409 and >>19304451, and implied that Nue was wallmaku.
t. >>19304484

>> No.19304641

is IN stage 4 (marisa fight) supposed to be so punishing
It always takes advantage of the fact that I lose 3-4 lives to Keine in the previous round
normal babby btw

>> No.19304645

If you're losing 3-4 lives from Keine then you have bigger problems than Marisa, but yes, she's usually punishing.

>> No.19304652

Stage 4 is a difficulty spike in many of the games and IN is no exception. The star shaped danmaku can also be off putting due to their rarity in the series. Try to get a good idea of what their hitbox is like to make them a whole lot easier to dodge.

>> No.19304660

>losing 3-4 lives against Keine
Repeat after me: Unfocused (that is to say, human) shots destroy Familiars (the weird symbols enemies and bosses spawn). Once you undertand that Keine's hardest nons will never bother you again, and her spells are easy enough on their own (especially on Normal). Marisa's a pain because her nons are really dense, and her spells take some figuring out. I find Reimu overall easier since her spells are easier, if gimmickier, and her nons can be misdirected. Fantasy Seal -Spread/Worn- is a pain, though.

>> No.19304680

One thing that I'd like to add which you might not know if you're new, is that if you're facing Marisa on stage 4, you're probably playing as either BT or NT, and should always try to bomb unfocused when you're against a boss. The focused boms are mainly panic buttons, but unfocused bombs do real damage too.

>> No.19304686

NT especially does a fuckton of damage with Youmu's bomb.

>> No.19304696
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She's a real beast and Yuyu has a surprisingly damaging shot type despite being so spread out.

>> No.19304701

But please do remember that, during stages, enemies probably die faster than their familiars (which are destroyed whenever their spawner is) so regular enemies with plenty of familiars (which you'll see from Stage 4 onwards) are best disposed of with focused (that is to say, youkai) shots, since those fly right through familiars. Once you get all of this down you'll realize why people say IN is so easy.

>> No.19304734

NT best team

>> No.19304745

I like how Yuyuko is pretty much an objectively better Sakuya in IN. It almost feels like ZUN didn't want to make NT too tough for less experienced players who may rely on focus, so he bumped up the damage for Yuyu.

>> No.19304784

NT is ridiculously strong, but is (supposed to be) tricky to use, which seems to be normal for Youmu. Youmu and Yuyuko both do more damage from shots and bombs than you would think compared to others.

>> No.19304796

Reminds me of PCB Sakuya B who is also supposed to be tricky to use, but just ends up being the best shot type in the game without even needing more skill to use than what Reimu B or Marisa require.

>> No.19304935

Is there a better shottype than PCB Sakuya B? Glitches don't count.

>> No.19305123

Thoughts on Sapphire Panlogism?

>> No.19305160

Broken game. Hopefully they fix the issues before it gets fully released.

>> No.19305168

Haven't played it yet (waiting for full version), mind explaining?

>> No.19305210

-fps counter doesn't work
-death bombs don't work at times
-bombs don't even feel like bombs (too weak)
-hecatia is extraordinarily useless
and other minor bugs

>> No.19305490

those raindrops also don't autocollect and that irks me a bit
everyone except marisa also feels very weak

>> No.19305569

Pretty sure the rain drops re not intended to be autocollected anon. But yes, Hecatia deserves better.

>> No.19305931
File: 576 KB, 640x480, typical reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical reimu

>> No.19305975

Satori version of this spellcard is the most bullshit spellcard in the whole series I swear.

>> No.19306096

Just bomb.

>> No.19306108

this is why i hate IN

>> No.19306113

Because the bullets can touch you?

>> No.19306115

Reimu B is a pretty excellent shot
Sakuya A is great for bombspam, and the powerful homing is pretty nice because PCB cards can have you moving all around

>> No.19306122

because its one of the worst balanced games

>> No.19306123


>> No.19306162

its one of the worst balanced games, border team is far superior to the other teams for survival.

>> No.19306165

Who cares about shottype balance for survival, just play border team then.
Or if you wanna play your favourite girls, just accept the challenge.

>> No.19306197

border team isn't even that overpowered, scarlet and youmu are quite a bit stronger, the way higher db timings are a thing but 1cc isn't even hard anyways so it doesn't matter

>> No.19306206

>waaaaah SA is unbalanced, only Reimu A is worth using, what a shitty game
>waaaaah IN is unbalanced, only Border Team is worth using, what a shitty game
What shall it be next, /jp/? Shitting on PCB because only Sakuya is worth playing? Complaining that outside of Marisa B and Sakuya A, DDC is a pain in the ass?

How about you fucking GIT GUD and stop blaming games for you being stupid?

>> No.19307084

Probably not if you're just going for 1ccs or extra clears. Doesn't mean that there aren't other good shot types worth using like >>19306115 mentioned.

>> No.19307096
File: 1.22 MB, 1684x1191, 1455865534513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complaining that outside of Marisa B and Sakuya A, DDC is a pain in the ass?
DDC is a pain in the ass no matter who you use to play it. Posting best DDC ass that I wouldn't mind being a pain in.

>> No.19307113

That has nothing to do with the image you responded to but ok I guess.

>> No.19307635
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I agree with this, but it can be a bit too rough on Sakuya and Alice fans.

>> No.19308546

That score is really high. Are you the best player of Imperishable Night here? I am a beginner trying to score in this game as well but I am having a hard time. Can you help me with stage 2?

>> No.19308733

Don't touch the bullets

>> No.19309943

threadly reminder that talent is everything

>> No.19310184

I don't get why everyone seems to think that being perfect at a video game is important enough to bring in this edgy shonen-antagonist talent shit.

>> No.19310219

not all games are well balanced. I don't know why this fact makes you upset.

Also, PCB is much better balanced than SA or IN because Reimu B, Sakuya A, and Sakuya B are all great choices that come down to personal preference.

>> No.19310259
File: 110 KB, 1280x1432, 1518985718244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA and IN have the reputation as unbalanced because there's 1 shot type that is the best by far, with a ton of advantages other shots do not have.

>> No.19310844
File: 51 KB, 739x847, Yuyuko (2247).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore them

>> No.19310853


>> No.19310979

Because it's a real thing no matter what you do. Some people just have to work 10x harder to achieve the same results of others and some people can achieve results that go beyond the realm of what others can do. Both cases require lots of practice but practice can only get you so far.

>> No.19311063

yeah but it's a video game, who cares? I'd trade my touhou talent for talent in drawing or math or something else if I could.

>> No.19311072

Video games are more important to some people than things like math.

>> No.19311097

Imagine spending 10,000+ hours playing Touhou just so you can post your "epic scores" to your 50 twitter followers and discord friends.

>> No.19311108

Yea but imagine playing 10,000 hours and still being shit.

>> No.19311119

I'd rather take 5 times as long to 1cc Lunatic if it meant I made more money. You're still going to get there, the game's not that hard that it's impossible unless you're the chosen one.

>> No.19311139

What the fuck are you doing in a gameplay thread then?

>> No.19311219

>being this triggered about what other people play as a video game for enjoyment

to you INfag, I like and play pc98 and eosd. Gonna make 5 more posts here and on twitter "bantering" about why they're shit? wwww

>> No.19311275

Which one do you like more? PoDD or PoFV? Why?

>> No.19311288

No one's going to answer PoDD, even though it has Yumemi.

>> No.19311335

>yeah but it's drawing, who cares?
>yeah but it's math, who cares?
The point is that it doesn't just apply to video games. It applies to literally everything in life.

>> No.19311339

You can make a career out of those. You can't make a career out of touhou.

>> No.19311344

Then go ahead, what's stopping you?

>> No.19311360

Nothing but time and effort, the same thing stopping people from being good at touhou.

>> No.19311369


>> No.19311422

truly spoken like someone who has never put in time nor effort into anything

>> No.19311425

Yeah I tend not to put time or effort into things, and that's why I'm shit at them. The fields I have gone into and things I have put effort into, however, I see good success in. It's really not that difficult, you put in the work, you get better. This isn't complicated.

>> No.19311462


that looks hard as heck

>> No.19311502

if i set my standards low enough i can be successful at anything too

>> No.19311518

t. easy mode player with a small penis

>> No.19311523

>taking a video game with the same amount of care as another hobby

Some play for casual fun, some don't dude.

is nc in his prime or low miss lnb players shit then

>> No.19311528

I only made like, one post on Twitter about how pc98 was shit, zero about eosd

And yes, eosd is garbage, and pc98 is just straight dogshit

>> No.19311534

>pc98 is garbage
Just because you're bad at something, it doesn't mean that something is garbage! It means you're garbage!

>> No.19311548


Ur right, wish I was talented

>> No.19311555

Oh also, I didn't say pc98 was garbage, I said it was utter dogshit

>> No.19311564 [DELETED] 

Oh, I was pretty sure you posted multiple times in here and in the past threads being triggered about people playing eosd, I genuinely mean this, but I was wrong, my bad my man

>> No.19311565

Which character deserves to be a protag in a mainline shmup most, /jp/?

Go to bed Reimu.

>> No.19311574

You'd be surprised. Wait for the antkPoFV shitposter to wake up.
That aside, yes obviously PoFV is the better game. It's more thought out, has tighter design and core mechanics, and it has its own identity.

>> No.19311581

Care explaining why?
But before you do, here are some non-arguments:
>there's no hitbox!
get good you casual
>it's unfair!
g e t g o o d
>the bullets blend in with the background!
unless you're a 60 year old this is no excuse
>the controls are delayed/slippery/shit
no they aren't
>m-muh "bullshit" pattern!
finally: GET GOOD

>> No.19311588

what about here then w

>> No.19311661

really makes me think wwwwwww

>> No.19311687

nc a super pooper scooper compared to nip superplayers who were born with talent that didn't have to work like a slave to get there

>> No.19311761
File: 724 KB, 640x480, 7 1ccs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact I've 1cced 7 times and STILL haven't gotten 6b probably means I'll never get it.

>> No.19311772

You're annoying. Does it really matter if I don't like your memegame? Not everyone has to like your shitty game bro

Also, you might say "but that doesn't mean you have to call it shit!" Newsflash, you don't have to be nice to things or people you don't like.

>> No.19311917

It's more like "unbalanced because there's one noob-friendly shot and the rest are rather equal in terms of power and utility".
Meanwhile, DDC has fucking Sakuya A and Marisa B who are way above the other shots, while their respective counterparts are actively below all of the rest in terms of effectiveness and Reimu is just like "well, I guess I'll just stay in the middle..."
Your argument doesn't make sense. If anything, DDC is more broken than SA.

>> No.19312299

Sakuya is underpowered, but she works well enough in her team.
Not sure what ZUN was thinking with Alice though, atleast you can use malice cannon on some attacks, I guess.

>> No.19312451

Aren't you like guaranteed to get 6B after your first 1cc? At least if that second run uses no continues. From the third 1cc onwards you actually get to pick (provided you haven't used continues)

>> No.19312456

He's talking about 6 billion.

>> No.19312557

Point in case

>> No.19312573

Damn, I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.19313254 [DELETED] 

Btw follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/houraisheep
I'm going to be the best player in the world soon

>> No.19313274

Don't forget to report any post about Twitter shit.

>> No.19313379

Complaining about not getting 6B after that little clears? Really? What, you sob for pity here and prance around happily on your Twitter for praise there? Good job on proving once again that talent is everything, though.

>> No.19313722

Wow /jp/ you sure LOVE being autistic!

>> No.19313730

Why does it feel like the quality of these threads has been going downhill lately?

>> No.19313760

pc98 is shit

t. person who plays pc98

>> No.19313807


>> No.19313876

Crossboarding? Maybe they'll just go away

>> No.19313905

Because it is. Crossboarders from /vg/, discord fags, redditors and namefags ruined these threads. Also partial blaming to scorefags, but it its mostly due to namefags.

>> No.19313950

It's summer.

>> No.19314046

retard touhou ecelebs who think they can infiltrate our board

>> No.19314127

pc98 is okay
t. also person who plays pc98

>> No.19314205

post score

>> No.19314221

Nice meme bro.

>> No.19314291

you first, shitter

>> No.19314587

Why are you linking a private twitter account? Do you perchance follow this vincentzeem person?

>> No.19314594
File: 498 KB, 1013x901, PaintDotNet_2018-06-28_15-54-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19314649

that's not pc98 you retard
and your name is censored
fuck off

>> No.19314760


>> No.19314787

he pussied out and privated his profile obviously
basically he said the nigger would get 4b SA soon
but he gave up and never got it even though it’s a piss easy score that shouldnt take anyone able to LNB more than 20 hours to get

>> No.19314799

I'm getting into 2hu games.

What are considered the, say, 3 best and 3 worst games? Not really to start with, but overall.

>> No.19314818

Don't worry buddy, I'll finish it off sometime. I just don't like playing bad games

>> No.19314828

He probably locked it because of the shitposting going on here.
Why do you even care so much? Just let it go and focus on yourself for a change instead of bringing twitter shit here.

>> No.19314868


>> No.19314924

>plays touhou

>> No.19314946

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.19314980

Care to explain why UFO and LoLK are "worst" games?

>> No.19314991

Because they're chuuuu haaaaard.

>> No.19315009

Only boomers play UFO. They think they can get a hi score but they can't.
The ufo mechanic is also extremely shit and anyone who defends it is lying. LoLK is a poorly designed game. The only redeeming factor of it is the fact that IT MAKES EOSD BOOMERS SEETHE!

>> No.19315034 [DELETED] 

>tfw Andrew Scala/Obama/Mokou sheep responds to your post

>> No.19315091 [DELETED] 


>> No.19315100 [DELETED] 

Fuck off out of /jp/ you inbred eceleb cunt.

>> No.19315154


>> No.19315189 [DELETED] 


>> No.19315202

The absolute state of ecelebs who will NEVER beat JAPANESE SCORES. Stay mad.

>> No.19315206 [DELETED] 


lul chimp gorilla POCchamp

insert cringe inducing motivational/depression speech about EoSD here

>> No.19315237

The current state of Touhou gameplay.

>> No.19315342

lol can a man have a shittier taste than yours.
though due to Poe's law I think you're baiting.

>> No.19315345 [DELETED] 

Go back to being an incel you pathetic eceleb scum.

>> No.19315400
File: 29 KB, 499x499, 1431095627292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your taste senpai

>> No.19315463

Yet ZM and other retards blame me, Mokou Sheep, for shitting up the thread when I just shitpost IN stuff and call eosd and pc98 shit, ok.

>> No.19315494

Might as well get a trip since it's so important for you to clarify who you are and what you have been doing.

>> No.19315502

Anon...2006 was 12 years ago. Please fuck off.

>> No.19315566

Well seriously, dudes act like I'm a spawn or satan but I'm not even that bad wtf, that's why I felt the need to clarify who was posting

>> No.19315576

Are you in a bad mood, kid?

>> No.19315587

No one wants you here. Take yourself and your gay eceleb scorer buddies out of our thread.

>> No.19315588
File: 226 KB, 407x1151, Opinions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no universally agreed upon best or worst Touhou games, just opinionated autists.

>> No.19315603

>high grade
Post discarded. Whoever made this was a retard. It belongs in bottom of the barrel with UFO.

>> No.19315618

What the fuck is this guy problem? Remilia buttfucked him with Meister or what?

>> No.19315629

Stupid eceleb ape. Get out of this thread. EoSD is a piece of crap with no redeeming qualities. Take those books and shove them up your ass. EoSD isn't hard. It's shit. Secondary eceleb apes like you love to lap up that shit.

>> No.19315640

Man, don't tell me it's the same guy who has been crying about them all the time.

>> No.19315654

Not a challenge. Fuck off eceleb faggot.

>> No.19315670

desu the guy sperging about "ecelebs" is more autistic than the guy shitposting about IN

>> No.19315671

Anon trying to stir shit for no reason.
Just ignore it.

>> No.19315673

Take you eceleb boyfriends and leave our board. This is not your discord. Fuck off.

>> No.19315698

This is Touhou Gameplay, not Touhou General. Can we talk about games now and not community problems?

>> No.19315752
File: 34 KB, 800x474, 2 3 2018 1cc chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played in a while, what should I try for next?

>> No.19315782

danmaku amanojaku

>> No.19315810

If this post ends with and even number, then you play SA. If Odd then you play LLS

>> No.19315816


>> No.19315885

Zero isn't a number, retire instead

>> No.19317402

Congrats on the WR!

>> No.19317507

Fuck off. Don't validate eceleb trash.

>> No.19317509

post score

>> No.19317512

The entire point of scoring is the comparison of scores.

>> No.19317616

Fuck off. I'm not eceleb trash like you.


>> No.19317836
File: 201 KB, 476x454, 1528082950153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peenus weenus xd

>> No.19320314 [DELETED] 

>m-muh ecelebs

>> No.19323419

I enjoyed UFO for what it was, I see why everyone doesnt like it though, kind of a chore to play sometimes

>> No.19323725

People like it, though. It's just this one shitposter that can't stand it because it's too hard for him.

>> No.19323765

I'm angry at people who unironically waste their time scoring that stupid shit like this seething eceleb here:
>y-you don't like it?? It MUST BE 2HARD4U!!!
Cope harder. You will never beat Japanese scores. You wasted years of your life for that shit game, gaining nothing. Stay mad.

>> No.19323875

you suck, get good, nerd

>> No.19324052

More like you suck. You'll never beat those scores. Get fucked.

>> No.19324124

Who are you quoting?

And this style of complete sperg-out, are you the same moron from the VFiS thread that whined about lewd fairies for fucking days now?

>> No.19324136

The only good place in this shithole of a board were these gameplay threads but they've gotten infested with normalfag eceleb scum from discord, twitter, twitch, and youtube. I'm only expressing my anger at their faggotry.

>> No.19324708 [DELETED] 


>> No.19324740

dude are you okay?

>> No.19324789

He's mad and sad cuz he's bad, ignore him.

>> No.19324833

Just got another 1cc! HSiFS Normal Marisa Winter! I should get back to filling out a chart now that I finally have a few things to put on it.

>> No.19324921 [DELETED] 

t. seething ecelebs
Cry harder that you won't beat Japanese score.
Practice makes perfect, anon!

>> No.19325272

How do you 1cc HRtP with the offensive type? I got the other two but this one feels just too slow.

>> No.19325529

You got HRtP with mix up with SoEW.

Do a much damage as possible, and try to only pick up power items for starters. Learn to predict what's ahead and maneuver accordingly/find a route.

>> No.19326065

>DDC in the best
>EoSD in the worst
Want me to tell you why you have shit taste?

>> No.19326074

Start with EoSD or PCB. Try to do at least a Normal 1CC and then go to other games. Avoid PoFV. Don't do IN until you've gotten good at deathbombing.

>> No.19328139 [DELETED] 

>m-muh ecelebs
>just practice bro you can do anything if you try!

>> No.19328195 [DELETED] 

Stay mad for me calling you out, smelly dumb eceleb scum. Go back to Discord. No one wants you here.

>> No.19328307

There's literally nothing wrong with the placement of those. You should be wondering with IN is so high and UFO and LoLK so low. (though the answer is obvious, this dude is simply bad at videogames)

>> No.19328330 [DELETED] 

>u-u mad??
>m-muh ecelebs

>> No.19328459 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 1104x604, MaZe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, eceleb. You will never score as high as Japanese players.
Look at this image and shit your pants. UFO is shit and you should feel bad for playing it. Ecelebs GO HOME. OUT OF /jp/! OUT!

>> No.19328465 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 537x577, ecelebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19328493 [DELETED] 

I wasn't the one denying talent. You obviously need fucking talent to get good. Talent is something that retarded ecelebs like you don't even have. Fuck off back to your Discord and cry to your EoSD and UFO scorer buddies. You will never beat Japanese scores. The fact that you even had to make that picture shows how much of a pathetic eceleb you are. Cry harder.

>> No.19328509

I've finally 1cc'd normal HSiFS with all characters and seasons. On to hard mode! For my first Touhou game it's going well, only took a couple weeks. Aya was the only character that really gave me trouble.

>> No.19328513 [DELETED] 

>m-muh ecelebs
>m-muh discord
see >>19328465

>> No.19328521 [DELETED] 

Seethe harder smell dumb eceleb scum. You will never beat Japanese scores on shit games like EoSD and UFO. Never.

>> No.19328527 [DELETED] 

>m-muh ecelebs

>> No.19328536 [DELETED] 

Cry harder, eceleb scum.

>> No.19328540 [DELETED] 

>m-muh ecelebs

>> No.19328543 [DELETED] 

So, our most recent recent sperg is obviously from /v/. People asked him several times to post anything from games, he never posted anything.
Takes his job very seriously.

>> No.19328553 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, you're worse.

>> No.19328560 [DELETED] 

>whines about e-celebs
>is actually MaZe

>> No.19328575 [DELETED] 

He went "SEETHING" a while back in this thread. You act like him being from /v/ is any surprise at this point.

>> No.19328579 [DELETED] 

That's not me you seething eceleb.
That guy is the only eceleb who knows what he's doing. Seethe harder, Discordfag.

>> No.19328598 [DELETED] 

>have to protect myself in 3rd person don't wanna be too obvious lol

>> No.19328642 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 537x577, ecelebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19328677 [DELETED] 

t. mad eceleb

>> No.19328876

I first read that as
>My skin degrades the more I play.
and found it horrifying.

>> No.19329434

"no, anon. you are the reimus"

>> No.19330257

HSiFS extra is hot garbage. How the fuck am I supposed to dodge any of this shit? Fuck this game, fuck off ZUN. Balance your shit. Christ.

>> No.19330312

Is HSiFS your first Touhou game?

I haven't played HSiFS or its extra yet, but I heard it's one of the easier extras out there.

>> No.19330391

You must be goddamn terrible if you're having trouble with HSiFS Extra.

>> No.19330432

HSiFS is the easiest since Ten Desires due to the release system. Just how blind and catatonic are you to make the connection that it has any semblance to something difficult?

>> No.19330496

Congrats. Most just move on to another game after 1cc normal, good on you for advancing into hard mode.

>> No.19330542

It's my first game, started playing in May.

pls no bully

>> No.19330572

Pick Reimu dudester.

>> No.19330682

Your first extra will seem like it's impossible, but it's definitely not. Find a route and use your resources. Don't bully ZUN or the game because it's your first time through extra, especially on something as easy as HSiFS's extra.

>> No.19331293

I'm ready to give up on this series. I've been playing PCB for three weeks now and can't fucking 1cc. I can consistently make it to Yuyuko with no lives left and 1 bomb and somehow make it 2/3 of the way through the fight. Fucking prism river and motherfucking youmu eat lives.

>> No.19331413
File: 669 KB, 1600x2447, 1507426413452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon! you can do it!!
Someone once said on here that the difference between a master and a novice is that the master has failed countless more times than the novice has even tried. I'll never forget that.

>> No.19331533

Maybe I just need to switch to a different game for a bit. I think the only ones I haven't tried yet are DDC, UFO, and LoLK.

>> No.19331544

No you don't. Finish that game dude.

>> No.19331582

I'm so sick of this game

>> No.19331631
File: 30 KB, 431x388, 1513678175597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to do other games that's fine. Keep in mind though that the purpose of games is to have fun, think about how satisfied you'll be when you look back on parts that used to be really difficult and find that they have become child's play.
Take it easy, anon.

>> No.19331632
File: 2.93 MB, 480x360, Rose Hell.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're making it yuyuko with only 1 life then you're not close to 1CCing in my opinion. either take a break or just play different games.

>> No.19331667
File: 129 KB, 768x768, 1527073774697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, switching between the games isn't optimal playstyle but if you want try them then go ahead.

>> No.19332006

Try mastering stage 4 and 5 first so you get enough lives, which you can easily do by using practice mode.

>> No.19332038

TD-fag here, why is Sanae so fucking awful?

>> No.19332044

The stages are easy, I just get bullshitted constantly by the bosses, especially fucking prismriver with Sakuya.

>> No.19332147

The point still stands, take advantage of practice mode.

>> No.19332208

Is Ikagura worth buying during the Steam™ Summer Sale?

>> No.19332301

Nice Touhou gameplay discussion for the Touhou Gameplay Thread.

>> No.19332316


>> No.19332326 [DELETED] 


>> No.19332331

This thread is exclusively for the official Touhou games, you cannot talk about doujin or other franchises.
If you can afford it, I guess you should try it, but I don't think anyone can give you advice on this ITT, including myself.

>> No.19332339 [DELETED] 

t. angry eceleb

>> No.19332523

ZUN can go fuck himself. I made it to Yuyuko as reimu with 4 lives and 3 bombs. I fucking won the fight but apparently she resurrects at the end. Fuck this I'm counting it as a 1cc, this game is garbage and I hate it.

>> No.19332583 [DELETED] 

t. angry eceleb

>> No.19332614

I hope you're not playing on easy or normal mode, anon. PCB is one of the most entry Touhou level games you could play. Plus, Touhou, as a bullet hell series, is nothing compared to others. Touhou is a relatively tame bullet hell. Don't be angry at ZUN just because you're terrible at bullet hells.

>> No.19332682

I was playing on normal. Dude I've 1cc'd HSiFS several times, I'm not exactly bad.

>> No.19332730

Check the shoot 'em up general, it's one of the few which are tolerable on that garbage board.

>> No.19332732

HSiFS is markedly easier than PCB.

>> No.19332906

Only because you can spam releases.

>> No.19333147

how many ccs do i need to have under my belt to stop being a secondary, im at 4 rn

>> No.19333194

you need at LEAST lunatic 1cc for anyone here to take you semi seriously, LNB is where you're "kinda good"

>> No.19333803
File: 311 KB, 566x424, 1476786418-yuyuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another person who falls victim to the famous last spell.
And no, it doesn't count as a 1cc. It's not like IN where the last spells mean nothing, this one is actually necessary to beat.

>> No.19333843

So judging from the charts, there's barely a handful of people who's "kinda good" here, huh?

>> No.19335355

Too bad, already marked it on my chart

>> No.19335371

i cant tell if youre baiting or just autistic

>> No.19335539

I quit this fucking series. First I get bullshitted by a bullshit spell on PCB and now TD keeps bullshitting me too. "Oh you just need one more life and you could easily 1cc? Here you go, let me just spawn all the life orbs behind huge walls of bullets so you can't get them." Jesus fucking christ zun go fucking die.

>> No.19335544

You do know that using trance makes you invincible and doubles the value of your pickups, right?

>> No.19335554

good. fuck off.

>> No.19335570

Wait what? What the shit when was this ever explained?

>> No.19335578
File: 143 KB, 322x276, 1444589608570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I didn't know either at first. Nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.19335579
File: 311 KB, 250x300, 1527917667051.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has ever gotten better by ragequitting, you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.19335580

9 button pushes away.

>> No.19335633

I stopped considering myself a casual after my first extra clear and stopped considering myself a secondary after getting my first lunatic 1cc. Now it doesn't even bother me if someone on /jp/ tells me to "lurk at least two years before posting" or "get out of /jp/" and can proudly shitpost about the girls.

>> No.19335849

zun could learn how to balance games and explain mechanics

>> No.19335909
File: 741 KB, 640x480, th13_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the shit when was this ever explained?
>zun could learn how to [...] explain mechanics
There's a "Manual" function in the main menu that sounds like you should peruse.

>> No.19336462

You actually have to put in effort if you're not playing as Reimu or maybe Cirno.

>> No.19336489

But Yuyuko's final spell isn't that bad, I capped it blind. Also, if you're struggling playing Sakuya you are in a dire need of learning how to bomb. Just keep trying, bombing, dodging and learning, and you'll realize Normal mode isn't that bad.

>> No.19336521

Oh, and never forget to apply vpatch, PCB is fucking torture without it.

>> No.19336666

Reimu does make the whole encounter pathetic, but I don't remember having much difficulty as any character.

>> No.19337013

How do i play touhou if all i have is a pc and like in murica?

>> No.19337065

download it

>> No.19338070

I'll fucking never 1cc. It doesn't matter how many lives I have at the final boss, it doesn't matter what game it is, I choke every fucking time. I'm sick of this shit.

>> No.19338090
File: 615 KB, 600x600, 1517984806765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitching and whining on /jp/ won't get you any better at the games, dumb ass.

>> No.19338093

then quit. give up. If you legitimately think you will never get 1CC then stop trying.

>> No.19338282
File: 1.13 MB, 868x1228, __kazami_yuuka_kazami_yuuka_and_kurumi_touhou_and_touhou_pc_98_drawn_by_takorice__7f6a7ab893abe9fa5247ad0aa5a5ddf9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up LLS. It hands you a ton of lives for doing absolutely nothing as they are awarded based on scoring, but the scores needed for them are so low you'll get every extra life that's available that way. Not only that, but extra lives are also awarded on stages 3, 4, 5 and 6 making them even more plentyful. Combine that with the overall easiness and relatively short length of the game and the fact that stage 4 and its boss are the hardest in the game (while the final two stages and bosses are notoriously easy) and you're in for a very approachable 1cc. Just pick Marisa A. The only things you need to worry about is a few instances that you need to know beforehand on how to approach, but once you've got that, the game is as good as cleared.

Yuuka is such a pushover I actually feel bad for her.

>> No.19338364

I'm going to do a lunatic clear of LLS because I need a screenshot of the congratulations screen. Wish me luck.

>> No.19338394 [DELETED] 

Good anon.

>> No.19338405 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 649x409, 1530498316549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this one? Don't look if you don't want a spoiler and want to do it yourself. Good luck anyway.

>> No.19338411

Good luck anon

>> No.19338443

It's gotta be that one.

I will return as soon as I clear it (Fuck knows when)

>> No.19338480
File: 44 KB, 638x399, LLS extra clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post my all time high LLS extra skill verdict now that we're at it pls don't laugh. Does anybody know how the "Your skill" is determined, what the different titles are and how much is the minumum needed for each one?

>> No.19338856

Direct download.
Or if you're too unsure and you really don't wanna get fucked in the ass, buy a VPN for one month or something.

>> No.19338931

Why are there so many whiny noobs in here?

>> No.19338958

I don't know who invited you either.

>> No.19340769

Fuck bullets that are faster than you. There's no excuse.

>> No.19341211

Just get better and memorize stuff. There's no excuse.

>> No.19341867

Is Rorschach in Danmaku static or are the waves aimed?

>> No.19341870

Pretty sure it's static. And a pain in the ass to deal with with Marisa.

>> No.19342490

Easiest lunatic 1cc?

>> No.19342506


>> No.19342575

Took me like two-three months of admittedly relatively uncommitted played to get through IN properly. Like, about two or so hours a day.

It's not an awful idea but it's worth saying I think I have to internally adjust every time I swap over from the first three PC touhous to the more modern ones.

>> No.19342608

Why do people try absolutely to get their 1cc immediately and get angry when it doesn't come within a few days? Give a rest. Enjoy the patterns, laugh at the dialogues, fap to the girls, study for some routes/way of clearing the patterns. A game is all about enjoying stuff, it's all about the journey.

>> No.19342701

>Why do people try absolutely to get their 1cc immediately and get angry when it doesn't come within a few days?
Because people are used to modern videogames coddling them and Touhou games don't do that.

>> No.19345144

Why do people try absolutely to get their pndlist immediately and get angry when it doesn't come within a few days? Give a rest. Enjoy the patterns, laugh at the dialogues, fap to the girls, study for some routes/way of scoring the patterns. A game is all about enjoying stuff, it's all about the journey.

>> No.19345563

Tonight I got through TH6 on normal (newbie) after trying a couple dozen times spread out over the last year or so. Immediately after this I tried TH7 on the same difficulty and got through it in two tries. Is it considered less hard? It was really fun anyway. I feel like I'm getting better at weaving between bullets without spazzing out and dying to super stupid things. It's fun when you get in the "zone" and can calmly dodge hard (relative to your skill level) stuff.

I'm just gonna bumble my way through all the Win games on normal and then start from TH6 again while trying for 1cc

>> No.19345588

As a disclaimed I haven't finished off TH7 quite yet and I don't really care about TH6 but I'd say yes.

TH7 gives you those cherry blossom borders to work with that prevent you from dying, and TH6's patterns will get more difficult the better you do. I think this typically means the shots get faster.

>> No.19345617

congrats on your 1cc!
i feel like your first 1cc will always be the hardest since that's when you're just learning how to play.
who would've thought that the more you played the game, the better you get at it.

>> No.19345639

I never figured out how the border works. It did pop up and save me a few times.

In TH7 it feels like everything is relatively easy until you get to Youmu (is that supposed to be Cirno in the beginning? She's super weak compared to TH6) and it's like the game throws lives at you, whereas in TH6 everything's more intense, even from the start.

I didn't 1cc, sorry if I explained it badly. I've done TH6 & 7 while using available cc's (bad end). I'll continue like this and attempt 1cc once I've played through all the Win games.

>> No.19345660

Basically when you graze and collect enough pink stuff to fill up a gauge you get a temporary shield. That's all it is. Think it also blows up most/all of the shots on the field if you trigger it too so sometimes you might wanna purposefully run into something if it's about to run out.

>> No.19345778

You can also use it without running into something by hitting bomb

>> No.19345799

yea man like totally 2hu is the hardest games in da world us 2bros are sooooooo hardcore

>> No.19345828
File: 79 KB, 640x495, 1529124353133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that. Nice shitpost, though.

>> No.19345860
File: 26 KB, 419x296, 1418320509123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuso post award

>> No.19345861

Touhou is not even hard by bullet hell standards. If you're gonna be a casual, be a polite one. Otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.19346422
File: 20 KB, 158x55, 1514127731393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saw this in a gameplay video, /jp/
I've never seen it before, does it mean you've captured a spellcard more than 99 times or something?

>> No.19346457


>> No.19346499
File: 64 KB, 960x720, 1513471468488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
I'll be a master one day, /jp/, you'll see.

>> No.19346560

Ignorant question here. Isn't that mainly because of lack of 2ALL? Let's hypothetically say that you would need to clear LoLK legacy with Reimu 2 times for legit 1cc. It would still be not enough hard?

>> No.19346576

Have you even SEEN the patterns in other bullet hells? Comparing Touhou and Dodonpachi is like comparing rainfall and a tsunami.

>> No.19346723

2ALL is bad design. Understandable on arcades, but not on PC.

>> No.19346776 [DELETED] 

Alright I watched this video and while it seems hard and it doesn't seems to be that much harder. At least compared to harder Touhou games. Bad example? Also isn't stuff like Hibachi supposed to be unbeatable without bombs?


>> No.19346784 [DELETED] 

Alright I watched this video and while it seems hard and it doesn't seems to be that much harder. At least compared to harder Touhou games. Bad example? Also isn't stuff like Inbachi supposed to be unbeatable without bombs?


>> No.19346787

Alright I watched this video and while it seems hard and it doesn't seems to be that much harder. At least compared to harder Touhou games. Bad example? Also isn't stuff like Inbachi supposed to be unbeatable without bombs?


>> No.19346838
File: 14 KB, 190x33, th410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is what real master looks like

>> No.19347302

What makes the harder arcade shmups more difficult than 2hu is mostly the lack of resources rather than the difficulty of the patterns.
Even the cave TLBs that are technically harder patterns are so retarded hard, that they end up just being resource spam, which just further increases the lack thereof for the rest of the game.

>> No.19349704


>> No.19351599

Going with the trend, I'd like Shou and Futo in a game at some point.

>> No.19352092

>the trend
Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.19353672

Can you be my senpai? I'm trying to become good at IN like you vcz aniki
