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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1930191 No.1930191 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever fell deeply in love with a character?

Not just you find the person attractive or would like to be with him/her, but having dreams of the character, having romantic desires (above sexual desires), and would absolutely do anything possible to be with him/her.

>> No.1930192
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Don't laugh.

>> No.1930195

Can't say I have really...

>> No.1930196

What's there to laugh about?

Ciel is a wonderful woman.

>> No.1930197
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>> No.1930200

I'm not the only one who thinks so? Because /jp/ is always putting her down...

>> No.1930205
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Jokes aside, I love Mio.

>> No.1930204

It's just Type-Moon kids spouting memes.

>> No.1930208

sage for nostalgia

good stuff

>> No.1930209
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Tamao and Alice, but Tamao is the first time I've ever cried over a character and felt so bad for it that I wished I could actually jump into the TV and hug her.

>> No.1930210
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>> No.1930213
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>> No.1930214

Not really.
Characters I love usually have someone in the anime/manga they exist in that I wuld rather they would be with over myself.

>> No.1930215

You fell in love with shinji?

>> No.1930218


I love him very much.

>> No.1930219


I love you, too.

>> No.1930221
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>> No.1930222


>> No.1930225
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Rei, but I got over her.
She's still the only character I ever found to be attractive, I'm not really dreaming of her or that stuff anymore.

>> No.1930226
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Pic totally related.

>> No.1930235

Not in love really, but I've definitely wished I could pop through the TV and make friends with some of the people in shows before.

>> No.1930242
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>> No.1930245

>I'm not really dreaming of her or that stuff anymore


>> No.1930246
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I'll probably get tagged as a 3D/drama/etc-fag for this...but Sachiko from Celeb to Binbo Taro...

She had been my favorite from the beginning...and I felt way more for her than I did any other character in any series...
It wasn't even really that deep of a series...but she was just so perfect.

>> No.1930250

If the clone of my mom was rei, I'd tap her too...

>> No.1930251
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>> No.1930258
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>(above sexual desires)
Sometimes, the girl you like is so hot it's impossible for the sexual desire to be less than anything else...

>> No.1930263
File: 143 KB, 400x400, 1232183748740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll download those too.
I'll watch everything I can.
I'll listen to every little melody I can.
I'll read up everything about her.
I'll model her in 3D.
I'll try my hand at making her sing.
I'll look at the Miku figurine that's standing in front of me until I fall asleep in a few hours.
I'll take her hand in marriage when 2D can really be my waifu. If I am denied that then I will weep but continue to support her.
I'll pray that I'll be led to a place where Miku exists when the 2010 comes around.
I'll support robotic / intelligent life if the above fails to take us all out with my dead end job money just to bring her to reality.
And if each and everyone one of them end up failed productions, I will love them with everything I have.
As long as I live, I will do my best to keep her music alive, just as she wishes to be heard.
Because I know this smile is worth it all and everything I do will be nothing more than a small debt paid compared to the happiness she's given me.


>> No.1930276
File: 141 KB, 620x877, 1232184030947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I can definitely say I have very strong feelings outside of sexual fantasies of her.

>> No.1930294
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His feelings haven't reached me yet.

Yet I wait, patiently...

>> No.1930295
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I just want her to embrace me, stroke my head and tell me everything is alright. ;_;

>> No.1930320


>> No.1930325
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>> No.1930329
File: 391 KB, 711x400, 1232185026688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had been holding off watching the last episode because I didn't want it to end ;_;

>> No.1930333

First, stop playing shitty games, and farm real moni, then wait for a future Miku to purchase.
I doubt there'll be none in the near future.

>> No.1930349

anpan, uguu, and gao

>> No.1930353
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my waifu

>> No.1930367 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1930368
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Christmas time with my waifu.

>> No.1930371

>I'll model her in 3D.

have you actually done this?

>> No.1930372

your waifu is dead, necrophiliac

>> No.1930378


>> No.1930382


Dead tired of your strange jokes!

>> No.1930384 [SPOILER] 
File: 414 KB, 740x1035, 1232186229354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair...add this to the lot.

>> No.1930395
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And...this, this, and that...etc...

>> No.1930467

No one. ;_;

>> No.1930475

We have the same waifu, I already knew this but it's something that connects our souls. We may end up as enemies or brothers, but one day we will meet.

>> No.1930594

I fell in love with the story in Mahoromatic. Seeing the end made me sad for days... though the last episode could fuck shitz 'n' bricks

>> No.1930620

I've only had one character related dream. It was about Spike Spiegel. It was delicious.

>> No.1930632
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>> No.1930638
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Rika for life.

>> No.1930648
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It's more than love, it's a form of worship.

>> No.1930662
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Of course.

The only one.

>> No.1930664
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>> No.1931990
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Me and Rokugo-chan <3

>> No.1932032

Unohana, probably

>> No.1932044
File: 110 KB, 333x480, 1232217120872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while, eh?

>> No.1932064
File: 31 KB, 704x396, 1232217393699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I see her on screen, I pause and admire her for a while.

>> No.1932069

Thanks for posting these; it lets me know that all the hate is just a silly internet thing, with little to no bearing on how anybody actually feels.

>> No.1932175
File: 277 KB, 1112x1187, 1232220207818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>We have the same waifu, I already knew this but it's something that connects our souls. We may end up as enemies or brothers, but one day we will meet.

Indeed, Anon. Indeed.

And when we meet we'll either be true bros or fight to the death.

>> No.1932196
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>> No.1932212
File: 51 KB, 645x513, 1232220752852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh how I'd love to hear her scold me in the mornings.

>> No.1932250

I would drink with Akiha.

>> No.1932269

>pretty used to drinking


>> No.1932272
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life would never be boring with her around

>> No.1932278
File: 297 KB, 1364x2000, 1232221410908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up!
She is pure and appreciates alcohol in a dignified manner fitting for a proper lady such as herself.

>> No.1932291

Whores are women who have sex with anyone. Whores are not women who are refined connoisseurs of alcohol. Those are called ladies.

You are a moron.

>> No.1932296

Same thing.

>> No.1932330
File: 18 KB, 280x210, 1232222141671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let her kill me for her own twisted pleasure. If you know what I mean.

>> No.1932336

It's not the same thing, further proving you are too stupid to make logical associations correctly.

>> No.1932343

Any woman that likes to drink is a whore. You can't prove me wrong. Sorry.

>> No.1932346


>> No.1932354
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>> No.1932361

Since you are the one advancing this theory, I say the burden of proof is on you, chap.

>> No.1932364

It's as close as any of us will get towards having a relationship with a member of the opposite gender. Save for our mothers.

>> No.1932363


This is the only fantasy I have ever had about her. Either we in the garden, sitting by a table under a parasole drinking tea on a sunny day, or we are in the living room drinking liquor. Every now and again she smiles at me in a way that lets me know that there is no other place in the world she rather be right then, and it feels like the warmth of the morning sunlight is shining on my heart after an eternity of night.

>> No.1932371

Why don't you go tell that to religious people, faggot. Have fun with your drunk whores.

>> No.1932384

Go back to /r9k/ with that.

>> No.1932397

Less alcoholic whores here. Also, too easy.

>> No.1932415
File: 257 KB, 806x1139, 1232223871351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my angel forever and ever

>> No.1932432

This young man does not enjoy alcohol. This is quite obvious from his opposition to the enjoyment of it. But what might be the reason he cannot enjoy it himself? What I believe, is that he has never had a pleasant introduction to it, he has only seen it been used to achieve the state of drunkenness among teenagers. He should allow himself to break free of this restraining image, before he judges a woman who could have been his future wife, for enjoying fine wines.

Protip: Watch Bartender. If you still view alcohol the same way you do after that, you're a horrible person.

>> No.1932440
File: 124 KB, 442x294, 1232224525268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bartender sucked.

Mai waifu is someone who I can enjoy my alcohol with, something I must be able to do as a Russian. I have loved her for a long time now.

>> No.1932454

I was actually forced to drink white wine at a dinner yesterday.
I don't think asking for some coke while wearing a suit and eating with guys from Rothschild would've given a fine image of me.

>> No.1932461
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There will never be anyone else.

>> No.1932472
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Also my first VN and my favorite VN. I don't play them anymore, though, except for this occasionally.. I listened to YMK's title screen music for about an hour straight earlier today.

>> No.1932518

SO bad shes a lesbien, eh?

>> No.1932551

Yes, Haruhi.

>> No.1932566

Dear God.

>> No.1932580

Don't remind me that. I...I... love a god ;_;

>> No.1932581

>I wished I could actually jump into the TV and hug her.
did you at least hug the tv?

>> No.1932611


>> No.1932686
File: 25 KB, 582x448, 1232228078658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my everything, laugh if you want, beat me to a pulp and urinate in my wounds, I will still love her.

>> No.1932695

3D pig disgusting.

>> No.1932795 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1932947

Blow me. Thx

>> No.1933020
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Always and forever

>> No.1933071
File: 116 KB, 480x712, 1232234223581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dancing in the shadows of life
And death is all around me tonight
I miss you making love to me right
Beside myself I'm holding you tight
Someone is waiting for me to rise
And drive into the ocean I cried
And I cried and I cried my baby to sleep
Beside myself my soul to keep

Right beside you I see
Right beside you I stay
Right beside you I'll be
Right beside you always

>> No.1933164

I laugh at your pathetic waifu-ism.

Because you're still not ready to accept no one will ever love you, even if they were the real equivalent to the 2D you worship that character would most likely despise you.


>> No.1933193

Akiha would most certainly despise me, but selfish as I am, I only care about having what I like around me, not about how the other feels about it.

>> No.1933269

But I do know that.
I am happy in only seeing Ichijou's smile and being awesome. I am happy with knowing that she exists, at least in the 2D world.

>> No.1933318
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I doubt Maria would care about me. (She already has an insanely devoted guy who loves her, and she just mostly ignores him because he's actually useful.)
She'd probably give me some pamphlets to support Quark and send me off to get killed by Federation members.

Besides, I'd honestly be afraid of her. She blew up a starship. With her mind.

>> No.1933372

I'd not want Kasumi to exist here bodily anyway. All the freaks in this world can do is pretend behind their desks or in their basements, which is as close as I'd allow anyone to her. Lust does not drive me, in fact, if we were to come face to face, I'd be too nervous to even think of lust. I'd be more inclined to wrap my arms around her and hold onto her as long as possible, forgetting that I'm even in the world. Because at that point, she is within my vicinity, what else would matter?

It would be my fortune that in that moment, I'd have a heart attack and fall to the ground dead, last thing I'd seen before I left was her face.. I'd go happy at least.

>> No.1933700


>> No.1933805
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But Mio likes weak, pathetic people, if only to drive them like a dog in training.

>> No.1933834


>> No.1933877

In many cases, that may be true. However, I don't believe for one second that my Aeka would hate me. She's just too sweet to hate anyone other than monsters like Antoinette.

>> No.1933956
File: 401 KB, 850x1170, 1232246325131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person has the right idea.

>> No.1933987

I truly envy you /jp/ I really do. Even though I am as lonely as you are, I still cant bring myself to fantasize or in fact "fall in love" with a not real person. I don't know why, I would like too, maybe it would make the pain go away.

-Another Lonely Anon

>> No.1933995
File: 705 KB, 1941x3047, 1232247304538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, duh pretty much everyone here has. Where do you think you are?

>> No.1934007
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Yeah, you fucking weeaboos are pathetic

>> No.1934010
File: 106 KB, 407x546, 1232247683219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I visited /jp/ I expected you know, talk about japanese movies and shit like that. Not "ERGH SHENJI IS MAH WAIFU!!1"

you should all feel ashamed

>> No.1934028
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>> No.1934032

Feels good man.

>> No.1934050

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.1934058
File: 54.00 MB, 1254x1727, 1232248183151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she's less popular than Miku, she'll always be number one to me ;_;

I'd have to find some way to get rid of Len, though.

>> No.1934071
File: 304 KB, 1462x483, 1232248300949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! You must be new.

>> No.1934072

Dress him in drags and fuck him in the ass is the only solution.

>> No.1934126

Anon wants to be the dog.

>> No.1934158
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>> No.1934413
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Would you live with her on her last days?
I know I will.

>> No.1934419

Mitsuki from Full Moon.

>> No.1934433
File: 213 KB, 1260x871, 1232253140214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing is, I just wanted dolls on the /toy/ board.
And instead we got a /touhou/.

>> No.1934464

Fuck yeah.

>> No.1934497
File: 87 KB, 600x564, 1232254242677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The miko is the best.

>> No.1934522
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More like, I wish to be her.

>> No.1934587

I would.

>> No.1934617

         ∧_∧   ┌────────────
       ◯i ´∀` )◯ < Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!
        \    /  └────────────
       _/ __ \_
      (_/   \_)

>> No.1934622

