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1931353 No.1931353 [Reply] [Original]

Just awhile ago, this girl whose a good friend of my little sister (probably around ten years of age) said that she loves me. I replied jokingly "I love you too. I'll wait for you until you become a woman.". To my surprise, she said that she will become a woman and that I should keep my word and wait.

Of course, that wouldn't happen, as she will probably forget about me after several years. As most childhood crushes do. But it's bothering me though.

...Maybe I should go wait and make a better person out of myself during the years of waiting.

What do you think /jp/?

>> No.1931360
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Just rape her already

>> No.1931362
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does she look like this?

>> No.1931366
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>> No.1931371

You did good. Now find her a boyfriend.

>> No.1931372

Why does she love you?

>> No.1931381

Yes, waste your youth away waiting for a 10 year old to grow up.

>> No.1931376

Why do you think? A lot of girls like older guys.

>> No.1931383

Did it happen in Japan?

>> No.1931386

And then you woke up?

>> No.1931388

she will hate you in a year or two

>> No.1931390

He is browsing /jp/, I think his youth is wasted already.

>> No.1931408

well you ruined it saying you'd wait for her to become a woman.

Had you just jumped on her there and then you'd of gotten away with all sorts of shit, especially if you said something like "Don't tell or you get in trouble".

So, yeah.

>> No.1931413

Beats me. Maybe she likes me because I take good care of my sister and her friends (that includes her). So I'm basically a nanny to a bunch of children during weekday afternoons.

That's what I thought.

>> No.1931418

Well, it's not like you have to restrain yourself in order to keep the promise, so I guess that answer is good.
Too bad she doesn't yet know that when she starts hitting puberty she'll start looking for handsomeness, coolness and self-confidence in a man and she'll think "did I really confess to this failure of a man? ahaha oh wow"

>> No.1931425

>10 year old girl
>keep a secret

>> No.1931437

It would be awesome if she comes over one day, gets into your mom's make up draw and applies a load trying to be more adult and womanly for you.

Then you can rape her.

>> No.1931448
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Ask yourself, What Would Battler Do?

>> No.1931451

Never works.

>> No.1931457

It's entirely possible, but generally not in cases like these.

>> No.1931471

>It would be awesome if she comes over one day, gets into your mom's make up draw and applies a load trying to be more adult and womanly for you.


>> No.1931481

god fucking damnit, stop taking things out of context.

>> No.1931486

You say that as if he's doing anything particularly exciting with his youth anyway.

>> No.1931496
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>> No.1931520

ok here is the plan in the time it takes her to become a woman become a wealthy playboy and buy your self perfection in all manners get all the plastic surgery available be come a miserable fake human being then open a hotel or something then build a harem then hold a tournament of some kind for all girls after your nuts... i mean heart and have her enter if she wins it was meant to be record the hole thing fox will probably buy it then you'll make even more money.

>> No.1931528
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Since it's Battler, I doubt it's that out of context. I mean, earlier he made her promise that she'd let him grope her when she grows up.

>> No.1931538
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Before I went to college, there was a similar situation with a 12 year old girl that lived in the same apartment complex as I.

When I came back the scrawny tomboy had become a gorgeous 18 year old. She reminded me of the promise and I took her out, but it was awkward and uncomfortable and I wanted her but in the end nothing happened. Now she's twenty and married.

...to someone else.

>> No.1931550
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hmmmm I've seen this somewhere before.

>> No.1931639

Of course it was awkward when you hadn't seen her in so long. You're supposed to maintain contact. You're waiting for romance, but you can still be friends with the kid.

>> No.1931640
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>> No.1931647
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I've never been in a situation like that before, so I don't have any advice. But I was reminded of this. Good luck bro.

>> No.1933920

Alright...OP, srsly how old are you? I'm assuming early/mid teens, whatever. You're probably going to lose your virginity (hopefully) very soon or in the near future. Middle and High schools have average prospects. If you get to college and can't fuck, something's wrong.

I don't see the problem in dating/fucking other girls until she's comes of age. A 10 year old girl has no idea what the fuck she wants and even if she did, her wants will change like the wind blows for pretty much the rest of her life. God knows what you and her are going to be like when she's at an age you consider to be comfortable enough to fuck. So while it's nice to joke and say that shit, you can see what pans out in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

TL;DR Waste your youth waiting, or don't wait and see how she feels way later.

>> No.1933930

i lol'd at you showing up
