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1928442 No.1928442 [Reply] [Original]

So who else grew up hearing stories of the occupation from your grandparents? Stuff like how the Japanese would throw babies up in the air and catch them with bayonets? My grandpa even claims he was with the resistance and killed a Jap soldier.

>> No.1928458

I see a breast, in profile.

>> No.1928456

It's possible. My grandfather lived during the occupation as well, although I do not remember him talking about that time period, ever.
Also, saging as the thread is highly susceptible to shitstorm / trolling / LOL I R FROM 2CH

>> No.1928466

Sage, since I'm not a dirty chink.

>> No.1928477

unrelated much?

>> No.1928497

In china, baby throw soldier in the air and catch it in the air.

>> No.1928508

My grandfather was still young at that time but he learned a Japanese song.

>> No.1928510
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>> No.1928522


My grandparents were nobles and were spared. Thus, I didn't hear a word of it. Like you would tell a child about war atrocities anyway.

>> No.1928523

Japanese women in the smaller islands used to throw their babies over the cliffs and then commit suicide when they heard the Americans were coming because the Japanese troops would lie to them of all the horrible things the Americans would do to them.

>> No.1928526

So a white kid ranting about Japan being inferior is acceptable while Asians talking about active occupation is not?

>> No.1928546

My father told me that his father was practicing head chop with the less splash ofblood with koreans back in WW2

>> No.1928548

My Grandpa was like 5 when the Thais kicked Vichy France (French-Thai War) in the balls, and later the Japanese set up the 'Empire of Vietnam' for about a year in 1945. Not too long after, my grandpa moved to Cambodia

>> No.1928556

Talking about active occupation is the sole prerogative of COREANS

>> No.1928551

My Chinese friend's grandfather was a Communist Sniper during the war, and my friend told me that his rifle back in China has some 60 notches on its stock, (each representing a dead Japanese or KMT soldier). The guy became a famous geneticist later in his life, too. Pretty interesting.

>> No.1928560

This thread is bullshit. Chinks resistance was always restinpeace

>> No.1928561

My great grandfather killed 8 Englishmen in the war. We're very proud of him.

Oh, and they lived in the Middle-East so Japan never really affected them.

>> No.1928574

No more WW II thread.

>> No.1928576

Here's a question:
Say you're an American with, for instance, German ancestors. Your Grandfather killed a number of Americans in the war...are you proud of him?

You meet a relative of one of the Kamikaze Pilots from Pearl Harbor -- are you supportive of his pride for his relative?

I think, that given the nature of war, it doesn't matter what side someone is on--killing someone is killing someone, and they deserve people to be proud of them. Just because they're you're enemy doesn't make them any different. It's just the same to them -- except on the other side.

>> No.1928578


Too bad your great grandfather never got a chance to kill some fucking russians.

Fuck those guys.

>> No.1928612


You are proud of the fact they survived and they were courageous under fire, not that they killed people.

>> No.1929239

my grandpa captured the crew of a nazi submarine with his scurvy seadogs on a fishing trawler off iceland

the sub had been damaged by a brit Catalina

>> No.1929280

Spoiler: Soldiers have nothing to be proud of. It's ofted said that wars are the fault of the leaders who decide them, but if no one decided to take up arms, there would be no wars. It's easy to tell yourself that people just defend themselves and follow orders, but waging war comes down to personal responsibility.

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