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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1926897 No.1926897 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1926903

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.1926907

Sankaku and Korea? ┐(´ー`)┌

Can't wait for all the bandwagon sagers!

>> No.1926910

Kill yourself, athens.

>> No.1926913
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>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1926918

I don't get the /jp/ hate for Sankaku Complex, it's a pretty decent source of irrelevant weeaboo "news" mixed with some softcore animu porn articles?

I mean, for what it's supposed to be, it's pretty ok?

>> No.1926924

I'm so fucking sick of hearing about Korea bitching.

>> No.1926929

People on /jp/ just hate it because it's popular to, but it's not like it's a great source or anything. The whole blowing things out of proportion / thinking individual posts on 2ch represent all of Japan is kind of stupid.

>> No.1926930


Here's what happened.

Somebody posted a link, somebody else on /jp/ decided they'd call it 'newfag shit' or something similar.

From that day forward to be a cool dude you have to sage all sankaku complex threads even though it's a good site.

>> No.1926933

This is 4chan, you're supposed to hate every single site that isn't 4chan. Exceptions can be made for archives, torrents and other download-related sites, but that's about it.


>> No.1926936

why would you care?

>> No.1926939

I liked to believe /jp/ was above /b/ shit like that, but oh well.

Also, oh Korea, don't you have enough apolojuice already?

>> No.1926947

This is what fucking retards believe.

Sankaku is on the same level as ANN. People who post links to either should die.

>> No.1926951

>The whole blowing things out of proportion / thinking individual posts on 2ch represent all of Japan is kind of stupid.
So in other news, Sankaku Complex hits way too close to home? I mean, you just described /jp/.

>> No.1926968


Where the fuck do you go if not ANN? It's like the people that complain about Kotaku. They're both ok sites.

>> No.1926970


Are you a girl?

>> No.1926972


>> No.1926974
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>> No.1926975

Rage is /jp/'s fuel.

>> No.1926978


>> No.1926980

ANN is the best source for information on anime, idiot. I spent 2 months only on 4chan and I lost track of all decent new anime releases. I got back to Narutoforums and ANN and suddenly, BAM! I know all the decent titles this season.

>> No.1926982

Why are you being a retard, athens?

>> No.1926984

there are no girls here, pal.

>> No.1926987

> I got back to Narutoforums and ANN

Stay there, Sax.

>> No.1926989

ANN = anti-loli retards and buyfags
sankaku complex = fap fap fap

you can tell which is the best, /jp/.

>> No.1926991

athens and smash on at the same time, it's like I'm really on /b/

let's find currybutt so we can have a full boat of fail

>> No.1926995

It may be fapfapfap, but their power level is nothing compared to mine. I've already fapfapfaped 30 times over before they even finish once!

>> No.1926996

Sankaku in a nutshell: jap schoolgirl gets raped, pornpornporn to raise hits, the rest of what he can gather from 2ch. That's all there is to it, if you like tabloid articles, it's fine.

>> No.1926997

don't you have anything better to do athens?

>> No.1926998

Actually, both are shit.

>> No.1927000

Maybe we can convince Sion and Tatari to start posting in this thread, too.

Then it will implode under the sheer mass of its own faggotry.

>> No.1927001

>ANN is the best source for information on anime
Are you kidding?

Looking at the feeds on Tokyotosho + looking them up on AniDB works perfectly. ANN's reviews are worthless and that site is filled with retarded hypocrite elitists. Even Animesuki's forums are better than ANN.

I only go to ANN to read their insanely dumb webcomic, it started out as a joke in pre-split /a/ and now I can't quit.

>> No.1927006
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( `ー´)

>> No.1927007

Tatari is a cool guy, don't put him on Sion's level. Sion started out as a whiny bitch and "evolved" into a shit tier troll as an attempt to save face.

>> No.1927009

Are the reviews on AniDB any good, anyway? I never read them, I just look up the anime if it seemed interesting to me and as long as the total rating isn't like below 7 I'll download it.

>> No.1927012

>retarded hypocrite elitists.
You might be right but this still sounded funny from someone posting at /jp/.

>> No.1927021
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>Tatari is a cool guy

>> No.1927022

I don't really pay attention to the reviews or show ratings, I just look at the synopsis (usually stolen from ANN or somewhere like that) and who's subbing it.

I only read the release comments, but you need to take everything with a huge grain of salt, 95% of all AniDB comments are made by a) Retards b) Fansubbers badmouthing someone's else release c) Fansubbers defending their release d) People who give too much attention to irrelevant stuff like karaoke.

>> No.1927023

Sakakucomplex's power level is pathetic; it's ANN level. That alone makes it worth mocking.

>> No.1927024

I kind of knew, because you probably want to watch Hetalia when it comes out?

>> No.1927026

Classic ASCII art

How product goes
 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by German
 ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by Japanese

>> No.1927027

Yeah, I sort of figured the reviews would suck. It's like visiting Anime Planet because the "related series" feature is kind of useful but if you read the reviews oh god.

>> No.1927028

You do realize that everyone answers "Yeah" to your "Are you a girl?" question, right?

>> No.1927029


You've never seen Tatari~n throw a shitfit, have you? It's like watching a toddler.

>> No.1927036

Pondered by Klein !Klan7ih6Qs


>> No.1927037


>> No.1927031

Pondered by Klein !Klan7ih6Q!Klan7ih6Qs


>> No.1927033
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>> No.1927041
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>> No.1927043

>>I just look at the synopsis (usually stolen from ANN or somewhere like that)

This is quite bad, since the majority of ANN synopses are written before the show even comes out. They are always a poor indication of what the show has to offer (just like ANN ratings).

Just watch the first episodes of shows and decide from there.

>> No.1927046

>Just watch the first episodes of shows

I was just about to post exactly that.

>> No.1927055


That means you have terrible taste.

>> No.1927051

I find myself agreeing with ANN's reviews 8 out of 10 times. Without them I wouldn't have found Princess Tutu, GiTS Season 1, Rahxephon.

>> No.1927058

I'm worried I have a shitty attention span and get bored of series' pretty quickly though, so if others can promise good things for the series as a whole then it's a little incentive to keep watching.

I just got all of True Tears and Shigofumi, here's hoping they don't dissapoint~

>> No.1927073

>True Tears

>> No.1927083

True Tears? Looking at the synopsis and character designs something tells you won't even be able to finish one episode.

>> No.1927089

Shigofumi has a delicious grinbitch.

>> No.1927106

I usually only go to AniDB when I already know I want to watch that show, anyway. It's only helpful to see who's subbing and decide on a sub group, since it's easier than trying to parse TT results in your head.

Or when it's an old show, it won't show up on TT, so that means I'll have to hit shitty "3000 releases on a single archive XDCC bot with a tiny queue." DVD rip groups need to get on with the times. I mean, what the fuck, why is KAA still using eMule?

>> No.1927110
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We'll see.

Yeah I'm pretty much only watching it because I like the main character because of pixiv.

>> No.1927126
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