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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 638 KB, 643x800, 1231200170786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1919137 No.1919137 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1919164
File: 1007 KB, 2000x2286, cirno wush large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eye'm INTP two!

>> No.1919192
File: 83 KB, 940x1287, 1204158198287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESTJ, perhaps?

>> No.1919210
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>> No.1919245
File: 73 KB, 603x780, 2192006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shikieki feels more like ISTJ

>> No.1919274


Hahaha, sure, Cirno~

>> No.1919291
File: 90 KB, 517x720, 1201814616507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd guess ENFJ

>> No.1919299

I, not E

What's with everyone and E? Introvert doesn't mean a shut-in hikki. I see Keine as a well-expressed introvert.

>> No.1919305
File: 166 KB, 700x600, 1231106183086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ here.

>> No.1919313

Same here.

>> No.1919318

What are we talking about?

>> No.1919327

myers-briggs type indicator.

i wasn't sure what to make of her, but ENFJ is known as the teacher role variant, that's why i put E instead of I.

>> No.1919357

You could still be an introvert and be a teacher. There's more to the term "introvert" than someone who doesn't talk to people. (which is not true)

>> No.1919392

INTP here.

>> No.1919431

nah, it's not that. i don't really bother with trying to learn character's personalities (fanon can be misleading), so i wouldn't know if E or I is a better fit for said character's personality. for keine, i just matched her to the "teacher role variant", and for shiki "supervisor role variant" (ESTJ) seemed closest to judge. i don't equate the Introversion attitude with anti-social behavior or anything like that. my apologies if you got that impression.

>> No.1919446
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1228790080827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, ISFJ. Could have sworn I was in the Rational community last time I took this test.

Pic related?

>> No.1919462
File: 113 KB, 500x600, 1227823985655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ES something. i'm thinking ESFJ.

>> No.1919476

INT[P|J] here. No consistent result, MBTI fails.

>> No.1919490

Another INTP anon present.

>> No.1919520


Magicians basically have to be a T. Remember, Marisa is very hardworking and studious, basically required to be a top-tier magician as a human.

>> No.1919522

I tested myself again and got INTJ, but the J is very weak.

>> No.1919528

No love for ISFP?

>> No.1919534

I forgot.

>> No.1919537


I've tested myself and gotten both INTP and INTJ.

I'm going to guess /jp/ has an *enormous* preponderance of INT[P/J]. Maybe that's the Hikkikomori personality type.

>> No.1919560

Where did you test yourself at?

>> No.1919567

We're generally the more independent type, yes.

>> No.1919577

(first link from MBTI wikipedia article)
No idea if it's accurate, but it's consistent with previous results.

>> No.1919586


Don't ask a group of INTJ's for love.

>> No.1919591
File: 113 KB, 500x715, 1231195567863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another INTP character. as for myself, results fluctuate between ISTP and INTP.

>> No.1919616

For INT I get nearly a perfect score. I'm slightly more P than J.

Many people on /jp/ are introverts? Shock!

>> No.1919618

I read up on the MBTI types on Wikipedia and charted myself out to be an ISTP. Took a test and came out as ISTP. I'd say I'm ISTP.

>> No.1919626


Tested myself again now with >>1919577 and got:
I: 56
N: 100
T: 50
P: 11

Seems like I haven't changed much since I originally took the test in 9th grade.

>> No.1919629

>ISTP: "Artisan". These people are action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. They are impulsive and dangerous to stop. They often like tools, instruments, and weapons, and often become technical experts.


>dangerous to stop
Like, during fapping or something?

>technical experts
fuck yeah

>> No.1919638

Ah, which site are people using to get the numbers for how one or the other you are?

>> No.1919639



Shows the numbers.

It's quick to complete, should take you no more than like 5 minutes.

>> No.1919643


>> No.1919647

I: 100
N: 25
T: 25
P: 22

>> No.1919655
File: 146 KB, 530x707, 1229987893703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, ISTP here. My Sensing score was really weak, though.

>> No.1919657


>> No.1919663

I: 100
N: 62
T: 62
P: 44

Aren't INTPs supposed to be useful to society? I fit the description, but I do not fit the perception of successful, genius INTPs. I guess everyone hears about the successes and ignores the failures.

>> No.1919664

I: 100
S: 25
T: 25
P: 22

>> No.1919668


I: 78%
N: 50%
T: 62%
J: 56%

>> No.1919670

I: 56
N: 62
T: 19
J: 33

Hooray, what do I win?

>> No.1919673

i thought the point of this thread was to guess the personality type of touhou characters, not to find out the temperament of /jp/ users. well, i already did what i could.

>> No.1919678


>> No.1919686
File: 54 KB, 603x733, 1212024369026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm INFJ, and so is the cow.

I love people. B-but don't get me wrong; I'm not an extrovert or anything!

>> No.1919689
File: 510 KB, 1134x1577, 1224862832512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1919688

I: 89
N: 25
T: 62
J: 44


>> No.1919704

I: 67
N: 38
T: 12
P: 33

>> No.1919712

ISTJ, 100, 25, 25, 67

>> No.1919714

I: 67
N: 25
T: 1 (I think more than this, I think.)
P: 56

>> No.1919722

What does the N stand for?


>> No.1919724


>> No.1919725


>> No.1919726

Numbers so far:

/jp/ is:
29% INTP
39% INTJ
17% ISTP
(rest others)

>> No.1919727


>> No.1919728
File: 257 KB, 450x701, yukariborder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, pic related?

>> No.1919729

ISTJ here

>> No.1919734

INTJ. But honestly, I don't think 72 yes/no questions are a good method of determining personality.

>> No.1919739

I: 89
N: 12
T: 62
J: 22

>> No.1919741

Yep. Really.

>> No.1919742

Good to know im INTP

>> No.1919743

MBTI is about as accurate and useful as D&D alignment.

>> No.1919745

Numbers so far, but also with the population-at-large numbers:

/jp/ is:
26% INTP (population is 3.3%)
40% INTJ (population is 2.1%)
16% ISTP (population is 5.4%)
(rest others)

Funny that the % on /jp/, for these three types, correlates almost perfectly inversely with the % of the type in the population.

>> No.1919746


>> No.1919749

No, seriously. I have friends and everything.

>> No.1919750

Yeah, that's what I thought. Much less one done over the internet.

>> No.1919751


That internet test is almost exactly equivalent to the official one I took a while back.

>> No.1919760
File: 57 KB, 200x228, 1209532077203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Then the MBTI just seems silly.

>Natural leader

>> No.1919768


It's not actually that silly--it correlates very well with many other more validated methods of measuring personality.

The descriptions of the types are rather bogus though as they usually try to come up with far too much from those 4 letters, when in reality things vary a little bit more than that.

>> No.1919769

If you're still taking data, I'm an ISTP. (78 | 12 | 100 | 44)

>> No.1919771

it's just a rough estimation of psychological preference. on one hand it's not specific enough to pigeonhole exactly how a person behaves, but on the other hand it does offer insight into why some people can't get along with or understand others. "Please Understand Me II" is a pretty good book that goes into detail on the 16 types and type dynamics.

>> No.1919774


Yup, still taking data.

>> No.1919775
File: 67 KB, 400x400, 1211856500744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate these because I might answer some questions differently depending on how I feel.

>> No.1919778


>> No.1919784


* very expressed introvert
* distinctively expressed intuitive personality
* distinctively expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed perceiving personality

>> No.1919839

I: 78
N: 62
T: 88
J: 56

very expressed introvert
distinctively expressed intuitive personality
very expressed thinking personality
moderately expressed judging personality

>> No.1919842

whoa.. i'm a career counselor and i pop onto 4chan and i see something we use all the time... MBTI.. that's pretty cool. If you guys have questions or want insights to your personality type just ask

I'm INFP btw

>> No.1919973

I: 44
S: 12
T: 1
J: 1

Oh god, what am I ?

>> No.1920011

wow, so different from 11th grade one...

>> No.1920041


What career would you recommend for a NEET who is INFJ type?

>> No.1920047

I - 100
N - 38
T - 88
J - 22

According to the Jung Career Indicator™ I should be a librarian. Hey wait, I am!

>> No.1920053

I: 100
N: 75
T: 38
J: 67

- very expressed introvert
- distinctively expressed intuitive personality
- moderately expressed thinking personality
- distinctively expressed judging personality

Three years ago I got ISTJ.

>> No.1920105

I - 78
S - 50
T - 100
J - 1

You are:

* very expressed introvert
* moderately expressed sensing personality
* very expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

wait what?

>> No.1920118


The main thing you need to do it avoid spending too much time considering the possibilities. . . Act on them, instead, and see where it takes you. Ideas: interior designer (start at home depot or something), counselor (start volunteering at homeless shelters), crisis hotline operator (no education necessary going into it) or maybe even consider the clergy if that floats your boat. any sound fun?

>> No.1920119
File: 266 KB, 600x850, 5c1b45f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1920141

Extraverted: 11
Intuitive: 50
Thinking: 38
Judging: 33

ENTJ. Was INTJ a few years ago. Guess I'm opening up to people more.

>> No.1920149

So far:

Type Number Percent
INTJ 15 38.46%
INTP 9 23.08%
ISTP 5 12.82%
ISTJ 4 10.26%
ISFJ 2 5.13%
ISFP 2 5.13%
INFJ 1 2.56%
ENFP 1 2.56%
INFP 1 2.56%

>> No.1920150

67 25 75 56

>> No.1920151

Any ideas for >>1920141 ? Right now I'm aiming for either PR or Journalism.

>> No.1920221

I 78
N 25
T 75
P 44

>> No.1920239


*grins* can't actually help very well without talking to people, but it's fun to try.

PR or Journalism both sound like good matches, using a entrepreneurial spirit in completely different ways. Any ideas on the first steps you are going to take to get there?

For jobs like that, especially, talk to people. Network like crazy. This means doing informational interviews (really easy to do, people love talking about themselves, look it up on Google and seriously consider), and just asking around for positions. If you know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody you can get a lead to get started

Other ideas: financial advisor, corporate/team trainer, judge

>> No.1920257
File: 87 KB, 650x600, 922357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted: 100
Intuitive: 38
Thinking: 25
Judging: 44



>> No.1920276

Thanks for the advice! As of this moment I'm just trying to meet as many people as possible. I was never really a social person but college has helped change that and my networking skills have increased exponentially.

I'll most certainly look into informational interviews. Never heard of them before but from some quick research they seem to potentially hold infinite value.

>> No.1920285

56 25 25 56
Moderately everything

>> No.1920294


Awesome, glad to help :-) Now off to /b/ to kill my braincells

>> No.1920297


sure is normalfag around here

go text your bitches

>> No.1920298

Please understand me!

we all do. Nobody cares. Not even us, and we're as much like you as you'll ever encounter.

I'm only as much of a dick as you are

>> No.1920315


I 78
S 25
T 12
P 38

>> No.1920332


100 38 62 56

>> No.1920335

89 12 38 11

What do the other letters represent (J, E, N, etc)?

>> No.1920350

heh, I'm an INTJ like the plurality of /jp/, but an extremely weak one: 22, 12, 25, 1

So many of the damn questions I could have answered either way, and lots of times I wound up contradicting myself on the same types of questions... for example, all the planning vs. impulsiveness ones I was giving the answer favoring planning... but on the other hand, I make terrible use of my time (by spending more time thinking about what to do than actually doing it) and I'm not a neat freak (all that compulsiveness is limited to decision-making only); I empathize with people, but I don't express my own emotions; and so on...

Basically my personality is impossible to define with just 4 two-sided categories, which explains why I got such low values

>> No.1920351
File: 173 KB, 464x825, 2caf78f426243cdc2664c23c8562c147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1920354

No no no... you don't text the bitches, the bitches text YOU.

>> No.1920362

I: 100
S: 12
T: 62
J: 11

>> No.1920374

I 100
N 38
T 88
P 44

>> No.1920381

22 50 25 25

>> No.1920396

78 25 100 22
what should I do?

>> No.1920402


>I 100

Here is >>1920332... well, I'm not alone!

>> No.1920415

I 33
N 25
T 38
J 89

>> No.1920431

I: 78
N: 88
T: 1
P: 78

Seems about right, though I wish I learned of this before I decided to go into business.

>> No.1920444

INFJ here.

>> No.1920496

nobody keeping records anymore?

>> No.1920515


Type Number Percent
INTJ 19 33.33%
INTP 15 26.32%
ISTP 7 12.28%
ISTJ 5 8.77%
ISFJ 4 7.02%
ISFP 2 3.51%
INFJ 2 3.51%
ENFP 1 1.75%
INFP 1 1.75%
ENTJ 1 1.75%

>> No.1920518

I: 100
S: 1
T: 88
J: 56

>> No.1920521

Hey therapistfag.
INTJ in my second year of college here. I was in biochemistry and then dropped to general science because I didn't give a shit, and now I've been lying to my mother and myself that I'll get into optometry/pharmacy despite having a horrendously low GPA.

Am I doing horribly because I'm not studying enough/right/whatever (I never had to study in high school and I only started studying last semester but it still didn't seem to help), or will it never matter how much I study because I really don't actually like science?

I would switch out of the sciences in a heartbeat if I could, but I don't know to what. I'd want to do polit sci/journalism/law school, but would the extroversion destroy me? I despise small talk, but I do perfectly fine in conversation when there's a set agenda and formality to what's going on.

>> No.1920522

Why so judging, bros?


>> No.1920542

I 44
N 25
T 12
P 56

>> No.1920565

Another ISFP

I 56
S 1
F 12
P 67

>> No.1920595

If you're like me (lol INTP/ISTP, don't ask) once you get into focus, you can tear shit up. Problem is, rarely are you in focus to tear shit up.
I took a semester off and trying again. Better to switch major now, as you're only a sophomore. Changing major in senior year is a bitch.

As for extroversion destroying you? It's possible, but it's the same for all the profession. I personally do not have any contacts for all the professors I had, so getting recommendations for jobs and grad school will be a bitch. Don't be like me. Go out and meet people.

>> No.1920611

The problem is I feel like I'm only going to be able to figure out what the fuck I actually want to study through a process of elimination, which I have neither the time or money for and my parents are fed up with me.

Shit sucks.

>> No.1920616

I am INTP in laws and I get what you mean.
Its all a matter of getting in focus and in debates just leaving the doubts behind and going for it.

>> No.1920619

E-11 Extraverted
S-25 Sensing
T-12 Thinking
J-56 Judging

# slightly expressed extravert
# moderately expressed sensing personality
# slightly expressed thinking personality
# moderately expressed judging personality

so what does this mean? i dont belong with the ronery people of jp? does this test really tell you anything or is just full of bs

>> No.1920624


>> No.1920633


That test is asking it's introverted related judgment questions in instances regarding where you position yourself in a room, if you mind being the center of attention, and such.

So getting that means you just answered yes to all the "I like being an attention whore" questions.

>> No.1920634

Your complete inability to use the English language should have been your first clue.

>> No.1920636


lol wow, I'm pretty much on the same boat you are. Former Premed, realized the competition and effort were shit and not worth it, so I'm taking a sabbatical for now until I decide what to switch to, probably Comp Sci/Physics since I can take part-time credits while being a bum at the same time.

For your situation though, Poli Sci ain't bad. I took a class in it. As far as extroversion is concerned, studying the field doesn't need a lot, but you're fucked if you haven't learned to bullshit through conversations and have decent connections by the end of your program if you hope to do any post-grad like Law or something. Enjoy your essays and group presentations, too.

>> No.1920647

Hey, I'm also you but in reverse! CS/Math, really bored with the whole deal, thinking of going into one of the real sciences (maybe Physics since I already have the first two classes done).

>> No.1920675

78, 12, 50, 11

>> No.1920685


I'm a physics major. The CS kids in the lower level math/science courses always annoyed me.

>> No.1920740

Type Number Percent
INTJ 20 30.77%
INTP 18 27.69%
ISTP 8 12.31%
ISTJ 6 9.23%
ISFJ 4 6.15%
ISFP 3 4.62%
INFJ 2 3.08%
ENFP 1 1.54%
INFP 1 1.54%
ENTJ 1 1.54%
ESTJ 1 1.54%

>> No.1920768

this is freaky how you people are in nearly the same situation as me ( >>1920350 ), I was a biochemistry major, flunked out of my expensive private college after 2 years (never having to study and breezing through my supposedly good high school left me unprepared, plus being on my own and having my own computer + fast internet for the first time ever made it even harder to study).

I came home, went to community college to raise GPA, transferred to the main state university and finished my degree... but GPA was only like 2.8 overall and even worse in the major, I didn't make contacts (transferring, plus living off-campus with a looooong commute, plus my tendency of not going out of my way to meet people or ask for help, all combined to really fuck that up). Besides the difficulty getting into grad school I decided I was sick of spending money on school and wanted to go get a job and EARN money... but I'm horribly unmotivated, I tried submitting my resume to some places and after never getting asked to come in for an interview (which I was dreading anyway) I pretty much gave up.

Now I just have a deadend job which kept my parents happy for a while, but now they want me out of the house (and I'd need a better job to afford to move out). Problem is I'm dangerously content with my job (it's not that bad, just the pay is shit), and the job market is shit right now, and my lack of motivation is killing me again.

>> No.1920774

Fuck, last time I took the test I got INTJ, this time I'm INTP

I blame my being a Gemini

>> No.1920819

i'm at the getting deadend job stage of that sequence

i'm gonna guess the next step is jumping off a bridge which is why you never hear of people who get much further than that, but who knows...

>> No.1921048

ISTP/INTP (depends on the test) here.

After never once having to study at high school, I spent three years failing to study at uni (two years computer science, one year Japanese + linguistics), then did a half-year network tech course, then worked in an appliance factory, then moved to an electronics factory and worked there for three and a half years, moving up to a teamleader-esque position.

Then I got laid off and I'm waiting for the new year at uni to start (late Feb) when I'll be starting a new 4-year Mechatronics Engineering course. Hopefully the several years earning little will serve as a push to get me to actually study this time instead of play cards.

>> No.1921147

I 44
S 1
F 38
J 1

>> No.1921175

Introverted 89
Intuitive 12
Thinking 50
Perceiving 56

Thinking can randomly become Feeling also.

>> No.1921485


It's shit.

>> No.1921540

I: 56
S: 12
T: 12
P: 22

I tend to kill these tests because I answer in contradictory ways for the same category, like I don't like interacting with people but I have no trouble communicating with them. I guess it ends up fair.

>> No.1921547
File: 119 KB, 584x640, 1210275302405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems accurate:

I - 78
N - 35
F - 15
J - 90

>> No.1921548

Looks like I'm INFJ #4.

>> No.1921566
File: 240 KB, 900x1200, p37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I: 89%
N: 38%
F: 25%
P: 56%

Eh, but who knows?

>> No.1921567



>> No.1921600

Another INTJ here. Funny, the rarest seems to be the most common one here.

>> No.1921609

I: 67
I: 12
F: 12
P: 11

I always thought this test was bullshit, I never get the same results twice.

>> No.1921627


>> No.1921635

I - 100 - very expressed introvert
S - 12 - slightly expressed sensing personality
T- 25 - moderately expressed thinking personality
P - 11 - slightly expressed perceiving personality

Doesn't seem right, but whatever.

>> No.1921642


I don't think that it is surprising; /jp/ (or any other group for that matter) is self selective. We have a common set of interests and particular subjects are more interesting to certain groups. Thus, having a higher than normal population of INT versus the general population on a specialty board isn't surprising.

>> No.1921683

So somewhere along the line, this went from a touhou personality trait thread to a general personality thread. Also, the fact that there are only three other INFPs saddens me... Damn INT bastards.

>> No.1921694


>> No.1921889

Type Number Percent
INTJ 23 29.11%
INTP 20 25.32%
ISTP 11 13.92%
ISTJ 6 7.59%
ISFJ 6 7.59%
INFP 4 5.06%
ISFP 3 3.80%
INFJ 3 3.80%
ENFP 1 1.27%
ENTJ 1 1.27%
ESTJ 1 1.27%

>> No.1921894

/jp/ is 96% introverted, 66% intuitive, 78% thinking, and split down the middle on P/J. How am I not surprised?

>> No.1921906
File: 11 KB, 747x696, jp myersbriggs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1921910


IN and J are all relatively high. F is 4%.

>> No.1921915


>> No.1921944

I 100
N 50
T 62
J 33

>> No.1921964
File: 20 KB, 404x395, 1232035457078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted 33%
Intuitive 50%
Feeling 12%
Perceiving 22%

How...useful. How can I score less than 50% on categories that have only two options?

>> No.1921966

I did that years ago.
Considering I didn't change much: INTP.

>> No.1921968
File: 20 KB, 404x395, chinacomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introverted 33%
Intuitive 50%
Feeling 12%
Perceiving 22%

How...useful. How can I score less than 50% on categories that have only two options?

>> No.1921969
File: 20 KB, 600x400, Dunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessing it works this way.

>> No.1921971

I: 56
N: 62
T: 88
P: 22

>> No.1921973
File: 56 KB, 393x474, chinacompfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that makes sense.

>> No.1921982

beat me to it

>> No.1921990
File: 55 KB, 450x552, chinaoww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1922003

Since people are gathering statstics, meaning that it would actually matter a little to comment on it, I'll report in as another INTP.

>> No.1922011

I - 100%
S - 1%
T - 12%
J - 1%


>> No.1922079

WTF, 97% of the internet population are introverted?

>> No.1922100


No, 97% of /jp/

If you're surprised by this, you haven't been here long enough.

>> No.1922107

INFP... yeah

>> No.1922128
File: 245 KB, 650x488, Yukari_goes_to_the_bookstore_by_furiousrockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTP here.

>> No.1922133


>> No.1922151


> One of the rarest of the sixteen personality types, INTJs account for about 1% of the population.

>> No.1922154

>Occurring in only about one percent of the population, Healers (INFP) can easily feel isolated.
Yeah, a lot of the are one percents so there's no reason to feel special.

>> No.1922156

ISTJ, all are 25-45.

>> No.1922167
File: 11 KB, 388x307, Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1922189


>> No.1922197


Just surprised by the high percentage here, compared to the general population.

>> No.1922204


INT/jp/ are the only ones that matter though.

>> No.1922217


Shiiit, go see career counselors, the both of you. If you're in school still, it's easy, just go to the career center. They exist to help you find what major/career fits you best without wasting time fucking around.

And as for no motivation... shit, good luck man

>> No.1922221

INFJ here.

>> No.1922223

>no motivation


>> No.1923753


>> No.1923783


And it describes me perfectly

>> No.1923875

I 78
S 1
F 38
P 67

very expressed introvert

slightly expressed sensing personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

distinctively expressed perceiving personality

Beh, I did'nt think I was that big of an introvert D:
Dude, I totally have like, 4 friends I can name.

>> No.1923930


>> No.1924331

Few close friends is a property of an introvert.

>> No.1924465

I: 67
N: 25
T: 1
J: 22

>> No.1924501

I 22
N 50
T 25
J 78

* slightly expressed introvert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* moderately expressed thinking personality
* very expressed judging personality

The thing about this though is that I actually used to be extremely extroverted (albeit socially awkward/inappropriate). Over time, however, I have become more and more withdrawn, not because I'm rejected but simply because I can't relate to anyone and no longer want to make an ass out of myself (I do manage to do that one, though). Other people can still tell that I used to be extroverted through my current habits/mannerisms.

>> No.1924507

INFP here

>> No.1924538

I bet /jp/ would love Schopenhauer.

>> No.1924605

I:100 (...)

>> No.1924718

"Thoughts that are read and not your own are shitten shit." (ad-lib translation from "The Art of Insult)

/jp/ would so embrace his style of writing.. oh, wait.
