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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19176750 No.19176750 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Previous thread: >>19166512

>> No.19176760

very good OP image

>> No.19176764

DJT irae
More like DJT iranai

>> No.19176765

Post your favorite 四字熟語.

>> No.19176772

ops a fag

>> No.19176774

no seriously this might be the single best djt op image ever

>> No.19176777

Someone linked me to this: https://tunein.com/radio/Japan-r101255/

Anyone got any recommendations for stations I can listen to to improve my comprehension?

>> No.19176778

Have you tried browsing it? You could be the guy to make all the radio recs.

>> No.19176780


>> No.19176784

I know the anki core 2k always gets recommended but I prefer using paper flash cards for learning. Is there a way to extract the vocabulary list from anki? Or does someone have a good core vocabulary list I can write onto flashcards?

>> No.19176789

when should I learn grammar?

>> No.19176790

i don't know radio stations, but if you don't know where to start, i expect something in tokyo will be easier because of dialect

>> No.19176809


>> No.19176815

if you vote for anything other than
>deliver us "jamal"
you're a cop

>> No.19176816


>> No.19176817

are you really going to make 2000 paper flashcards? i once made paper kana flashcards and that was shitty enough. i also still sucked at kana. turns out physical cards are overrated.
anyway, import the deck in anki, click the gear next to the deck, export, change format to notes in plain text. i think it's csv so you can easily import the result it into a spreadsheet program. how messy it will be depends on how many useless fields the specific version of the core deck you grab has.

>> No.19176844

you know i was gonna write some shit about how if youre some idiot flash card doer you should make every single one by hand but in a blinding flash of satori i realized that if you physically make them they are going to be imperfect in craftsmanship and those imperfections might cause you to start remembering what card is what for reasons other than the nihongo which is very unacceptable

>> No.19176855

Not at once of course but probably over time. Flash cards always helped me for other languages as well and I think over all the years I probably made hundreds of them.

Thanks mate. I downloaded two different core sets onto AnkiDroid, but one is just listening (text appears after I click Show Answer) and the other one has the English word, tons of Japanese text and when I click show answer it shows the word in Japanese. I bet that helps a lot of people, but I just want them to be simpler, for example it shows me 歩く and I translate it. (If there's a simple deck like this and I'm just an idiot for overseeing it I apologize in advance.)

What do you mean exactly with imperfections? Like folds in the corner or something?

>> No.19176866

How many years of learning Japanese does it take to be able to read Dies Irae's sequel?

>> No.19176871

two if you do it well

>> No.19176872

for a bailed shitpost this is a good point, you wont distinguish シツ by their appearance but by which one ended up with a straighter third stroke or a wiggle in it or some shit

>> No.19176874

I've learned a lot of the Joyo Kanji so far. Should I start trying to learn words now or just wait until I know all the JOyo?

>> No.19176875

read nigga read

>> No.19176882

literally any fuckin thing that would make it physically discernible from another card

cause i highly doubt someone itt is gonna properly measure and draw straight lines and use a proper paper cutter

now for all the high iq brainiacs in this thread do you know why this matters for kanjis versus if you made flashcards for multiplication tables?

>> No.19176891

>use a proper paper cutter
You... do know there's pre-cut flashcards in any size and shape you can just buy...

>> No.19176894

you should make up your own mind because the only responses you're going to get are mostly "don't do rtk" and a small fraction of "finish all of rtk first"
also if there's a right answer no one knows what it is

>> No.19176899

thats not doin it right

you gotta make them to really drill it all in your head

>> No.19176919

>do you know why this matters for kanjis versus if you made flashcards for multiplication tables?
i would guess that it's because you already know the digits very well and are much more focused on what the equation says than what it looks like

>> No.19176931

thats right!! the stuff on the times tables cards you already know and the point is for that stuff you know on the card to make you remember something else involving whats on the card

>> No.19176960


>> No.19177088

Lacks pedo text in the background.

>> No.19177102

I know Japanese.

>> No.19177126

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19177130


>> No.19177257

is it normal to be able to do japanese > english vocab significantly better than english > jp? I probably know close to 600-800 vocab by now but when i try to recall some of them the other way around I struggle pretty hard. How should I remedy this? Is there a English > JP core2k/6k?

>> No.19177292

You are retarded.

>How should I remedy this?
Read more.

Fuck off.

>> No.19177302

did you even read what I wrote? I can read just fine, but I can't recall words for shit when constructing sentences.

>> No.19177303

>how to be a rude jackass: the post

>> No.19177305


>> No.19177318

>I can read just fine
No you can't as you have admitted yourself.

Being a retarded EOP doesn't even warrant a reply.

>> No.19177319

just flip the deck dumb cunt

>> No.19177344

Watch Naruto, pause in between heated conversations and become a part of them by yelling something like お前何者だ

>> No.19177356

don't practice english->jp it's a waste of time and builds extremely bad habits
don't construct sentences when you suck at the language it's a waste of time and builds extremely bad habits

you're welcome

>> No.19177535

>Probably 95% or more of the .srt files are from official sources. If they have SDH tags (<sound of wind>, <character name>) they are likely from Netflix, if they don't then they're probably from Bandai Channel or a TV broadcast rip. Just incidentally I believe every Gundam and Macross series was from Bandai Channel.
>Presumably 100% of the .sup and other image-based files are from official sources as they are from BD rips, and there is no reason for an unofficial transcription to use a more inconvenient format.
>Lastly, all but one or two of the .ass files are from unofficial sources, namely manual transcriptions by Chinese fansubbers like Kamigami. I have noticed errors in these before, especially in OP and ED lyrics, so just be careful with these.
What % would you estimate to be official vs fan-made?

My main hesitation with using Japanese subs up to this point has been that most of the ones on kitsunekko seem to be Chinese and contain errors as you mention.

>> No.19177558

the only time you should be doing en→jp is when youre doing your anime 10k and consulting your day one reference materials

after that its time to get your butt ass to school


>> No.19177586

>anime 10k
Uh, it's actually called the ``Finnish method''.

>> No.19177588

its anime 10k or your gay

>> No.19177602


Your daily dose of reddit idiocy. 21 replies to a thread asking if one should learn katakana.

Check back tomorrow for your daily dose of reddit idiocy.

>> No.19177609


>> No.19177617

There's some stuff about radio on the resources guide. If you're wondering why some of the stations on tunein don't work, then go read that.

>> No.19177621
File: 7 KB, 418x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just print mine out like this and fold them
When I started physical flash cards, I first did the entire thing by hand, then printed the kanji and wrote the back by hand and now I just print the entire thing. Absolutely no difference that I've found and I did the first two for weeks each.

>> No.19177623

It's not some hard shit for most parts so nothing prevents you from reading it with a dictionary if you know around 10k words. You may still don't understand something but dies irae is sht so it doesn't matter. Kajiri kamui kagura uses characters no one understands (like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJW_43_ML2c ) and it succeeds in being shit too.

>> No.19177624

thats gonna trigger some boys right there

good on you though mate

>> No.19177631

Don't promote your own reddit threads here.

>> No.19177666

How far did you get into RTK before you realized that you'd gotten used to Kanji to the point you could remember them and their readings in context and didn't need to associate a keyword with them?

>> No.19177681

no, they asked if they should learn to write katakana. a subtle difference. it makes the question less stupid and more stupid at the same time in different ways.

>> No.19177693

i really like your example it's very suge

>> No.19177713

free suge knight

>> No.19177806




>> No.19177818

How could I only pick one? 一つだけを選ぶのは無理でしょう?


And what about 五字熟語?

>> No.19177819



>> No.19177824

i hope someone flies a 飛行機 into your post

>> No.19177827

messed one up:
should be 煩悩具足
Rude, I just like 四字熟語.

>> No.19177839

Weak list. How do you defend yourself from disaster?


>> No.19177843

4 character mellow word?

>> No.19177845


>> No.19177846
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1487888561352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you defend yourself from disaster?
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19177880
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>> No.19177943

look at all the meanings of 熟す and take a guess at which one applies

>> No.19177981
File: 107 KB, 257x610, 1525058886509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt isn't on either side.

He's not an Anki drone nor a Genki dekinai

>> No.19177983

thats right matts just gay

>> No.19177987

Meant *core6k drone

>> No.19178001


>> No.19178003

How do I get to Nukemarine's level?

>> No.19178008

leave this thread and chill exclusively on reddit

>> No.19178014


>> No.19178021

Last I heard he barely studies and is a self-admitted N3 now so shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.19178027

He streams himself doing sentence cards he pulled from Terrace House every night.

>> No.19178053

you're right, need a front profile image in the center surrounded by rays of enlightenment
a big 旭日旗 behind his face

>> No.19178054

has anyone asked this "nukemarine" if hes actually trying to learn nihongo?

maybe hes just a big fan of nihongo and enjoys it especially how pretty it sounds and looks on the flashcards

>> No.19178062

>tfw gotta do my anki reps
>sleepy as hell
never gonna make it.

>> No.19178073

He seems to be trying to quell his mid life "oh shit I havent done anything with my life" crisis by trying to grow his Japanese teaching epeen

>> No.19178083

>not doing your reps as soon as you wake up

>> No.19178090

>not doing reps on the shitter

>> No.19178102

I like to do my reps as soon at resets (12:01am) and then custom study forgotten cards next morning. great results so far.

>> No.19178129











>> No.19178134

Stopped reading there

>> No.19178145



>> No.19178151
File: 39 KB, 1338x233, no aids ftw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178179

>that moment of eureka when you make sense of a random sentence you read online.
we all gonna make it friends.

>> No.19178192

there was a horrifying moment in my life today when i realized i could now read yaraon at a fairly decent speed and the vision of me spending all of my free time reading japanese shitposting for the rest of my life flashed before my eyes

>> No.19178203

i started reading again after a month of being a lazy shit only maintaining my vocab reps and the grammar is easier than it was before, what gives

>> No.19178209

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19178234

I just failed to recognize like half my repeated cards for anki review. Should i just kys myself?
Is there a way to further review cards without fucking up Anki's algorithm?

>> No.19178238

Custom study forgotten cards, bad days happen to all of us.

>> No.19178242
File: 265 KB, 1915x929, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could help you but every time i try to install anki from the diskette i get this error

>> No.19178247

>tfw every other day is 85% and the other is 70% because I forget the same words every day

>> No.19178259

thanks bud

>> No.19178264

what the fug

enable suspending of leeches

>> No.19178266

I'm the same way. Just do custom study for them or be based and make physical flash cards.

>> No.19178270

how many fails to leech and when do you come back to them

>> No.19178277

>core drones struggling with leeches
>Matt being compared to Genki

No one is gonna make it

>> No.19178282

まあ みんな元気?

>> No.19178284

You can never come back for them. I unsuspended some leeches from the literal first 3 months of studying and I fail 就職 and 給料 every 5 days, I guarantee you I won't remember them when I see them in two days

t. 4500 words and unique 1850 kanji

>> No.19178285

Everyone here has already made it (except for you).
We're all just roleplaying as learners because we long for the good old days.

>> No.19178290

You already made this post in the last thread

>> No.19178294


>> No.19178295

Just leave it default. It's not like you can only memorize words via Anki. If Anki isn't working for you when it comes to a particular word for whatever reason, just let it suspend the card and forget about it. You'll learn it eventually from listening and reading instead.

>> No.19178304

I started talking to this chinese girl who is currently studying in japan the other day, and she made it to N2 in 7 months. What the fuck?
All her lectures and classes are in japanese.

How is this even possible. Anyways, she is helping me with Japanese now

>> No.19178306

It's easier to remember that way. How upset would you be if I told you I usually write in cyrillic instead of romaji?

>> No.19178307

>>Matt being compared to Genki
is steve being compared to namasensei
you're reading too deeply into meme wars, djt doesn't like matt and so matt goes on the reddit side
the real question is where's based krashen

>> No.19178308


>> No.19178317

>don't tell people to learn Japanese from anime or they'll go around saying "omae" without knowing how bad it really is
I can't tell if people are serious when they make this argument because the biggest problem with language learning is getting motivated enough to bother with it, and if anime is what motivates you then god bless. It's not like you can't just move on to other mediums to refine your speech later. This seems like a complete non-issue but I've seen circlejerk retards bitching about it in several threads now.

>> No.19178318

are you really remembering it if you don't know how to say it
why would i care one way or the other which form of dekinai transliteration you prefer

>> No.19178320

it would be a disgrace to an actual scholarly person like mr krashen to be lumped in with the likes of the riff raff in that image for this riff raff thread on this riff raff board

>> No.19178324

>It's easier to remember that way
the fuck

>> No.19178334

Funny how easy cards can be difficult for others. I used to fail 進行 and 行進.

>> No.19178335

I'm a dekinai, no problem admitting it but I don't really get what you are referring to. I simply convert the hiragana from the back of the core card to romaji/cyrillic. What's the issue?

>> No.19178343

>I can't tell if people are serious
some people are memeing but a few truly believe that they are that incompetent and that learning from the wrong media will scar them for life
it's too bad we aren't pattern recognition machines huh

>> No.19178357


>> No.19178358

so what's the difference between
思う and 考える

>> No.19178365
File: 109 KB, 1326x702, feel the epic win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178364


>> No.19178367

Don't think, feel.

>> No.19178372

i'm unsure if you are being genuine, but chouon and sokuon actually matter, they aren't just written for style

>> No.19178378

>chouon and sokuon

the what?

>> No.19178381

Etymology is really interesting. Too bad corruption makes Kanji a non-intuitive shitty band-aid system.

>> No.19178385

向日葵 「ひまわり」

name a more unintuitive reading than this, what the fuck?

>> No.19178390

doubled vowels and small tsu

>> No.19178397

it's the difference between "I think you are an idiot" and "when I'm thinking about who's an idiot your face comes to mind"

>> No.19178401

>djt doesn't like matt

It's literally just the ratatta autist that made the image that doesn't like him.

>> No.19178406

Oh, that's what you mean. Yeah, I usually include an indication for that but didn't for this one as I learned how to pronounce it a while ago and was just reviewing the kanji.

I only use physical flash cards to rote learn daily new cards and the ones I forget each day, so in this case I didn't bother to include that as I had forgotten the kanji but not the pronunciation.

>> No.19178419

>djt doesn't like matt and so matt
I don't get why Matt gets such a bad rap here. Sure, he's a bit of an autist, but doesn't that go for basically everyone here as well?

>> No.19178429

No, aside from being sick fuck pedos that jerk off to cartoon analogues for prepubescent children, everyone here is very well adjusted socially.

>> No.19178430

it's bad hop

>> No.19178432

i see, thanks anon.

>> No.19178435

People that hate Matt know he's right but are jealous of his progress

>> No.19178438

Watch Terrace House

>> No.19178440

You shouldn't like somebody who doesn't use water bottles for the sole purpose of 水分補給.

>> No.19178445

He's good at Japanese and he gives a lot of good advice but it's his messiah complex that irritates people.

>> No.19178449

Thanks for another sick ビート, my ninja.

>> No.19178450

good old bald ass piss juggin neckbearded and likely soon to be fedora wearing matt

hes ok at japanese good is not even in the conversation

>> No.19178461

Someone go on his discord and ask him what he even does with his Japanese nowadays. Also ask him for his MAL, he definitely seems like the type to have either that or a txt on his desktop.

>> No.19178467

I made the image. Matt is on the right because it's supposed to be "djt vs everything else" or "djt vs that other shit" and matt is not djt so he goes on the right, and I couldn't resist the matt/rattata head to head.
I didn't create and have never posted about rattata, but it's actually good as long as the amphetamines are optional and you can add SRS if you want.

I would have put Krashen on the left but there wasn't enough space. The only connection Krashen has to the right is matt, I don't think reddit likes him.

>> No.19178475

>RTK not on the left


>> No.19178476

Matt watched a lot of anime to git gud and confirmed in an interview with BenAJATT that he has a MAL.

>> No.19178480

replace money with nihongo


>> No.19178483

>Also ask him for his MAL
He might've lost his account like I did. They had some security fuck up recently and are forcing everyone to change their passwords as a result, but in order to get your new password you have to give them the email address associated with your account, and since I made mine the best part of a decade ago, I have no idea what fucking email address I used and probably don't remember the password to it anymore anyway.

I can always make another one I guess, but it means adding hundreds of shows back into my list, and I'll never get the start and finish dates for when I watched everything back. Shit sucks.

>> No.19178542
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>> No.19178568

>his messiah complex
i've seen so much worse that it barely even registers to me. he's a bit of a cunt. so are most people.

by the way the jug didn't look like it had piss in it to me am i blind?

>> No.19178571


I can't learn Japanese

>> No.19178580

What jug are we talking about here? Link?

>> No.19178594

>it's supposed to be "djt vs everything else" or "djt vs that other shit"

Well you fucked that up cause RTK is literally part of the djt guide (don't tell me it doesn't count because it's optional, everything in the guide is fucking optional)

>> No.19178607
File: 39 KB, 939x283, zen and the art of piss jug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19178610
File: 149 KB, 599x716, 殺す.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ぞい子 in the image

>> No.19178618

We don't use the botnet here. Shit image OP

>> No.19178620

DJT is like a continuous きょうぎ and there you get into a きょうそう with other autists and せんそう breaks out
the せんきょう doesn't look too well for you, because it's your さくせん to defend Matt so your せんじん collapses

>> No.19178637

it's cool to hate rtk right now. it's also cool to hate the guide. you care too much about the op image, it's a meme about memes.

>> No.19178649

how many weeks of 2+ hours of daily practice does it take until you're able to consistently differentiate grammar/particle kana from words, even if you don't know what the words are?

>> No.19178660

10000 hours of subbed anime or your gay

>> No.19178661

how about you start reading manga and figure it out yourself

>> No.19178700

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19178719

I'm not gonna start reading until late August or early September but I feel deep anxiety when I see Japanese sentences, knowing that using dictionaries from programs like Yomichan might be misleading at times for a beginner because of non-word kana.

>> No.19178728

you are literally shooting yourself in the foot by not starting reading as soon as you can.

>> No.19178733

I heard reading is way easier to develop than listening ability so I'm just working on listening and RTK for now.

>> No.19178735

I don't mind not having feet cause I got those 日本語の翼

>> No.19178737

it is reading, but low-tier

>> No.19178739
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1527503952307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178748

I'm not baiting. Isn't this shit common? I know DJT recommends reading as soon as possible but a few months of waiting isn't that bad.

>> No.19178761
File: 44 KB, 500x492, 1498458986010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19178766

you're not being very clear, are you talking about the 2+ hours of reading that you're going to do in 3 months or about 2+ hours of raw anime that you're doing now? with or without reading at least the first half of tae kim?

>> No.19178777

>the 2+ hours of reading that you're going to do in 3 months
This. I'm currently doing about 4 hours of daily raw anime right now but it wasn't the point of my post. I haven't read Tae Kim because I heard it might distract from RTK, but I have so much free time I feel like I could avoid that problem if I do one in the morning and the other in the evening.

>> No.19178797
File: 7 KB, 224x225, 1427388475862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't read Tae Kim because I heard it might distract from RTK

>> No.19178805

Damn, this really is great. I can't stop listening.

Got anything else that's similar? Where do you find this stuff?

>> No.19178828

there are people who are watching incomprehensible raw anime RIGHT NOW

>> No.19178840

I've learned "naruhodo" and "gomen" after 18 hours this week so I'd say it's more than worth it.

>> No.19178844

if you read tae kim it's possible you'll distinguish particles and conjugation from verbs reasonably often before you start reading. all you need to do is get a loose understanding of how it works and even without knowing what the particles or conjugations are actually doing it'll start to stand out to you. i'm not against the idea of anime before reading potentially teaching you something, but it seems highly inefficient to me without familiarizing yourself with grammar.
all i can say is it didn't take me very long. you'll occasionally be wrong for a while, but you'll be able to make a decent guess for most strings of kana in easy manga after a matter of days. the dialects in something like yotsubato were a bigger issue but they are also fairly regular and start to stand out and be easy to guess.

>> No.19178907

You're fine dude

>> No.19178910

Will do, thanks.

>> No.19178917

I casually read Tae Kim while working through RTK. Learning should be fun and I wanted to do it though, just do whatever you want

>> No.19178922

>few choice filters
>half the new thread already hidden
Whoever is remaking, just let it die. We both know you don't really care about newcomers

>> No.19178969


>> No.19178974

dont blame the rest of the thread for the foolish choices you make

>> No.19178976

I'm skimming through Tae Kim's guide, but I don't understand the difference between


What does he mean when he says that the second sentence is simply talking about the student rather than seeking to identify them?

>> No.19178980

This is straight trash man

>> No.19178985

you dont even know what they say

>> No.19178988

Not an argument

>> No.19178990

youre right im saying get on the level

>> No.19179008

but then where would i go to watch the piggies roll around in the mud or to drop a fat shitpost every once in a while

>> No.19179013
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, 1372558201242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hereby declare DJT dead
please leave the premises

>> No.19179016

Look ma! I'm necroposting!

>> No.19179024

and this is how djt died

not with a cry

but with a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwTGLqgDkzA&t=937s

>> No.19179030

With a wet smelly fart?

>> No.19179043

The first sentence is something you might ask if I showed you a picture of 3 people wearing identical clothes and told you one of them was a student.

The second sentence is what you might ask if I showed you a picture of 3 people and one of them was wearing a school uniform.

>> No.19179052

dont worry thats just tyler kim having a bit of an identity crisis

>> No.19179055

Thank you.

>> No.19179062


>> No.19179187

Why only 1850 kanji with 4500 words

Do you mine different forms of the same word or something like 見つける and 見つかる?

>> No.19179212
File: 226 KB, 396x384, 1511894367553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you run into any subs formatted like this when working on your project?


Do you know of any way to mass-remove the
bit? Or at least remove the paragraphs so it becomes

>> No.19179217

Friendly reminder to give up.

>> No.19179323



>> No.19179364

Any text editor that lets you match newlines such as Notepad++. While you're at it, learn basic regular expressions and your entire life will become 100% easier

>> No.19179553

Is there any dictionary that only has examples from modern japanese? Examples from classical Japanese are not useful at all.

>> No.19179554




>> No.19179571

are you doing sentence mining

>> No.19179583
File: 25 KB, 569x487, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threads closed guys go home

>> No.19179597

Not really, why?

>> No.19179673

If a word in Daijisen has an example in classical Japanese it generally means the usage is archaic.

>> No.19179680

This is home

>> No.19179698

Someone should make a bilingual dictionary sentence deck so that I won't have to when I try to make the j-j switch.

>> No.19179725

I'm so glad I didn't fall for this particular cult.

>> No.19179740

Why the fuck would you use sentences for that?
I would be interested in an example list of dictionary vocabulary though.

>> No.19179931

>pre-made decks

wtf is wrong with you? I mean yeah I know most people in this thread are core-tards but if you're doing sentences I would assume you're not following djt so what the fuck are you doing?

>> No.19179937

>I would be interested in an example list of dictionary vocabulary though.

just mine dictionary entries, they're out there waiting for you

>> No.19179946

heres some starters for your bilingual sentence deck

私はゲイ→as for watarshi・・gay
みんな元気?→as for minna・・genki?

>> No.19179950


>> No.19179952

I came across 出撃 in a dictionary entry. WTF is a sortie?

>> No.19179974


>> No.19180034

I came across the phrase 壺買わされそう today. Trying to find out what it means but haven't been able to find a solid definition of it. So far, it seems to be related to this folktale


since most of the example I found seems to be related to buying stuff and not getting what they wanted

There's also this, which seems to be someone's ramblings about how she uploaded a picture of a handsome guy as her profile pic then got triggered because she got hit on


>> No.19180063

google + 壷 + 買わされる

る -> そう

>> No.19180068
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - 05 [1080p]_[00:13:20.132].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 4th month of studying English
> vocabulary ~2500
> can communicate in simple sentences
> no longer need textbooks in my language

> 4th month of studying Japanese
> vocabulary ~800
> have difficulties with the manga marked "Easy" in the reading list
> finished 5 chapters of TKGG, still haven't reached "Intermediate" on imabi

Is it because Japanese is more difficult, or am I just not putting enough effort into it?

>> No.19180101

God I hate anki, I just want to finish core10k so I can read finally

>> No.19180124

japanese probably has less in common than english with your native language, or if you think not then blame the learning curve of kanji
less than 10 words a day is low
why is tae kim taking so long, just read it, don't obsess over it, you're going to have to look shit up regardless
imabi is too much information, you're wasting time with it at this point

>> No.19180126
File: 27 KB, 628x514, qXl07hl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19180127

>needing to study english
lol look at this fucking 3rd worlder

>> No.19180129

In this sentence, is 上がる read as あがる? The premade anki deck I have says のぼる but this deck is trash...
I wasn't able to find anything on weblio.jp, but yomichan makes me believe あがる is the right answer.

>> No.19180130

how many kanji do i need to know to read unko chan

>> No.19180132

tree fiddy, unironically

>> No.19180142

compare those two carefully

>> No.19180160

When is this pasta gonna die?

>> No.19180168

I feel like you're referring to my typo (上がる).
上る read as あがる is what I meant but it was too many spacebar presses away.

>> No.19180185

So: RTK->Tae Kim->Bilingual Sentence Cards->Monolingual Sentence Cards
Idk why I ask for confirmation here but how does this look?

>> No.19180199

>tfw can't tell if i'm improving a good amount or not because i'm way too hard on myself

>> No.19180200

That's what I did, except I did Tae Kim + Japanese the Manga Way. ;)
...and when you say sentence cards, I only had the definition of the *new* word. No translations.
t. I'm at 9k+ cards and haven't read shit since manga isn't reading.

>> No.19180210

I'm thinking sentence on the front then definitions of the words I don't know in the back. And sweet, can't wait to not read too.

>> No.19180212

You forgot 10000 hours of anime

>> No.19180218

Well I'm in /jp/ so that was going to come in regardless

>> No.19180219

>tfw can't tell if i'm improving a good amount or not because i'm already pretty much fluent

>> No.19180239
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1513187022889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up too early
>anki day hasn't even started

>> No.19180240 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 500x375, CtexKkGXEAANi-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> losing the birth lottery somehow makes me inferior to a lowercase posting mouth breather
> the Anglosphere represents the entirety of the 1st world
> being a filthy EOP is something you should take pride in

>> No.19180245

dont put spaces after the carrots

>> No.19180249

Put a carrot in your ass and stop telling me what to do, faggot.

>> No.19180250

dont put spaces after the comma

>> No.19180253

please stop abusing the quotational markers

>> No.19180254

I'll stop when everyone else stops.

>> No.19180258

Please stop replying to the lowercase poster(s).

>> No.19180259

If a word i mine is already in core I'll just copy it from core into the mine deck. The mine deck even has the same template to keep continuity

>> No.19180266

Dumbest shit I've read all day.

>> No.19180284



>> No.19180289

金 is the best looking kanji used for a day of the week.

>> No.19180294

I like 水 more.

>> No.19180297

I like 火 more.

>> No.19180313

Yomichan won't add new kanji cards if there's an existing kanji in other decks. How do you personally mine and how can I mine more effectively?

>> No.19180328


>> No.19180343
File: 35 KB, 712x355, 2018-06-08-084706_712x355_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I aim to not adhere to inane software limitations.

>> No.19180353







>> No.19180366

Where did you learn to mine like that?

>> No.19180395

What you're referring to as mining, is in fact, GNU/Mining, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Mining.

>> No.19180401

Only if it's the same card type. Nobody is forcing you to reuse the Core6k template.

>> No.19180429

Oh that makes sense. Part of the reason i copied the template was because i read an anon remembered cards because he had images with them and only remembered those images. I knew my mined cards would look different and this may or may not have an affect on my remembrance. In hindsight I may have been overthinking.
Thank you. I will look into this

>> No.19180449

You are aware you can make your own card type with every possible field you could possibly need even beyond core? Core is bloated to be honest, tons of unneeded fields and they make shitty cards to edit.

>> No.19180602


>> No.19180608

If you have leeches, add more words with the same kanji readings for their kanji to your deck. If you struggle with 訓読み, it's where you're fucked.

>> No.19180682

Now this is reading.

>> No.19180712
File: 91 KB, 471x858, 631-20131223131332_540x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So should it be 神O風 or 風O神?
In what direction did they read in 1941?

>> No.19180717
File: 175 KB, 736x799, 6397fb83b3f142ca0ba1f7b735dee844--planet-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise what's the best japanese dictionnary?

>> No.19180719

both of those are intended to be 神風

>> No.19180722

it's acutally 大安 today

>> No.19180723
File: 44 KB, 870x590, p8-airraid-a-20150310-870x590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but they didn't choose the direction at random when they were making those bands during the war, right?
Seems like "神O風" is something made up by modern-day Japs.

>> No.19180728

what the fuck does that have to do with learning japanese

>> No.19180729

Little, but who else gives a fuck on this website? /his/ ?

>> No.19180738
File: 53 KB, 500x379, 20171222145539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19180750

use kanji i cant read shit bruh

>> No.19180756
File: 448 KB, 1280x720, [AnimeKaizoku] Nisekoi 16 [720p][BD][dedsec]_[00:16:15.098].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic
Now that I think about it, I often see Japanese trucks and there's always some shit written on them in katakana, but it doesn't even sound like Japanese.
Have I been reading it in the wrong direction all this time?

>> No.19180757



>> No.19180763


>> No.19180766


>> No.19180776

>reading from the right
fucking savages
I bet it's jews' fault

>> No.19180782



>> No.19180786
File: 704 KB, 919x710, 1515172540703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I'm only interested in those subs which were ripped straight from the Japanese BDs/DVDs with zero tampering, OCRing, etc. involved (which I therefore feel most confident in the reliability of), I decided to take the time to compile a list for myself of all the shows in your sub pack for which there are .SUP or .IDX/.SUB files (on the assumption that these all meet the aforementioned criteria).

Here it is for anyone else who's interested:

>> No.19180792

god I wish that were me

>> No.19180796

I don't know how the fuck right --> left writing systems even developed. For right-handed people (i.e. the vast majority of the population), it means you wind up smudging everything you write with your hand as you move cross the page.

>> No.19180800

it's written top to bottom you fucking dumb cunt

>> No.19180808

Yeah, and from the right side to the left. The smudging issue doesn't go away just because you go down and then right.

>> No.19180815
File: 58 KB, 760x400, sdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't touch the paper.

>> No.19180816





>> No.19180818

I'm assuming you think that chinese people used the same pen grip as anglo subhumans when they invented their language
I don't know why you'd assume that though since china and europe are in completely different parts of the world (unless you're an inbred anglo, then you have an excuse)

>> No.19180834
File: 940 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nukemarine doesn't know ja-

>> No.19180840

It's the jews' fault that the switched to left -> right, in fact.

>> No.19180847
File: 8 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19180867

whoops dude you forgot to complete your sentece
there you go dude be careful next time

>> No.19180868 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.19180873 [DELETED] 

Why so aggro be nice man

>> No.19180887

>no Naruto
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.19180946


>> No.19180962


>> No.19180975


>> No.19180977 [DELETED] 

Fuck off cancer.

>> No.19180980


>> No.19181029


>> No.19181041

Anyone here using Yomichan on Firefox?
I have it on Chrome and Firefox both, all same settings and for some reason 'Play Audio' feature (with JapanesePod101 source) works only on Chrome.
Is there something in firefox that prevents addons from playing audio?

>> No.19181156


>> No.19181187



>> No.19181199


>> No.19181220

Do 国人 and 黒人 sound differently?
Seems like the former is こくꜜじん and the latter is こくじꜜん, but I could be wrong.

>> No.19181256

>Is there something in firefox that prevents addons from playing audio?
yeah noscript blocking japanesepod, or some other blocker

>> No.19181280

Why would he even be aware of noscript when he uses chrome?

>> No.19181284


>> No.19181290

>I just want to finish core10k so I can read finally
I hope you're not serious.

>> No.19181311

Thanks to RTK I guessed that this meant "black person" and I was right. Maybe you should think twice before criticizing RTK because apparently it helps you read even if it doesn't teach you to read.

>> No.19181323

somebody link the rtk vs google translate video

>> No.19181332


>> No.19181345

5ch doesn't work from my pc but it does from my phone, anyone else having the same problem or knows how to fix it?

>> No.19181356

I like how he mis-saw 体 as 休

>> No.19181358

So, you could understand one word, made up of two words each represented by a single kanji.
Here one more word for you: 八百屋.

>> No.19181362

How am I supposed to read if I don't understand and have to look everything up?

>> No.19181364

The human brain is magic and will begin to understand things even though you know nothing.

>> No.19181366

>extinguish fire utensil
Thanks to RTK I knew what this meant too.
Haven't gotten to those Kanji besides "100".

>> No.19181368

Stop biting everything, fucking retards. If you are bored go study Japanese.

>> No.19181371

That wasn't bait you dumb fuck.

>> No.19181376

Looking things up.

>> No.19181378

How about you fuck off to reddit? You really sound you came from there asbyou believe what most people say here and even take the time to reply seriously to them.


>> No.19181384

I look the meaning up but i can't still figure out what it means. It's tough.

>> No.19181389

Reddit annoys me because they're not honest like you guys.

>> No.19181398
File: 113 KB, 351x398, db96f72aa4004d3cc03fba83ff97d4e1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1.5 years
> hasn't learned a word of Japanese
> couldn't tell 体 and 休 apart
Please don't be real.
And the fucking comment section. My fucking sides.
"W-W-well you wasted more than a year, b-but at least your memory has improved and that's very valuable".
Jesus H Christ.

>> No.19181406

That either means you're trying too hard or you're reading something that's too hard for you. Turn your brain off.

>> No.19181408

What? The words mean the thing the dictionary says they mean. More or less. Memorising more other words isn't going to make that work any better.

>> No.19181418

You should be reading/skimming/consulting Tae Kim regularly while you read as well.

>> No.19181436

Tae Kim is for getting started.

>> No.19181440
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 7567567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about some love for HJGP

>> No.19181441

Tae Kim is far from everything you need.
It's a starter guide, not a complete reference.

>> No.19181463


>> No.19181468

Only addons I have on firefox are yomichan and clipboard inserter, no noscript - I only use firefox to help me with VNs because there is no addon like clipboard inserter for chrome.

Chrome has uBlock but it doesn't interfere with yomichan.

>> No.19181502

I'm reading the DoJG. I re-read something I couldn't yesterday and I think I got the meaning after looking it up again. The problem is that I dont know if i got the meaning right and I was told not to look up translations.

>> No.19181506

Translations usually don't get the meaning right either.

>> No.19181511

>I was told not to look up translations
Don't listen to retards.

>> No.19181522

Krashen says that even if you misunderstand something or can only get the basic gist it doesn't matter. Just keep reading.

>> No.19181530

>I dont know if i got the meaning right
If it makes sense in context it's unlikely to be far wrong.
People misunderstand things in their native language all the time. Deal with it.

>> No.19181538

if krashen told you to jump off a 橋 would you する?

>> No.19181548

If he was the world's leading authority on 橋 jumping and I wanted to する then yes

>> No.19181658


Actually, it was ported to chrome a few days ago.

>> No.19181672

Fantastic - problem solved, thank you.

>> No.19181707

Care to link it? Can't find it.

>> No.19181736

I already recognize some Kanji outside of RTK, and that outside context always makes it really easy to remember the Kanji. Does that mean RTK is redundant and pointless?

>> No.19181740

>I already recognize some Kanji outside of RTK
What the fuck does this even mean

>> No.19181750

How is that confusing? For example RTK teaches you to associate 言 with the word "say" or "words" but I already do that because I've seen 言 in various kanji relating to "word" or "japanese language" or whatever.

>> No.19181774

RTK is redundant and pointless if you study vocabulary. If you don't, you end up like >>19181332

>> No.19181781

>learn 1000 words in 6 months and you'll speak fluently
This has to be the most disingenuous video on this topic ever, especially considering the guy has lived in Japan for 5 years and still isn't actually fluent.

>> No.19181802

I find most people have a retarded conception of fluency, where if you can say and understand the 50 most basic sentences you're "fluent". Reminds me of that laoshu black guy on youtube who claims to be fluent in a dozen+ languages, even though he's fluent in like two or three at best. He just walks up to random people who speak X language and regurgitates premeditated phrases he practiced on skype with his friend a few weeks prior like "I am learning X language. I speak Y language better. How are you today? I am doing fine, thanks."

>> No.19181809

lets not be elitists

>> No.19181821


>> No.19181824

>clipboard inserter
I've seen this extension mentioned a few times here but what use does it serve for Japanese learning?

>> No.19181833

insert the text of a VN into a browser in which you can use rikai to look up words

>> No.19181852

Even without Rikai, it oftens increase readability, with better fonts and single-tone backgrounds.

>> No.19181853

so I'm doing core right now I'm having some trouble telling kanji apart sometimes. Do you guys think dabbling in KLC might be worth it? I saw one at a used book store for a relatively cheap price.

>> No.19181859

>buying learning resources
Never gonna make it

>> No.19181866
File: 69 KB, 858x702, wassi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19181869

When you find yourself repeatedly confusing two similar-looking Kanji, just try to focus on the radical that most differentiates them and create a story/mnemonic in your head. RTK is a waste but the methods he teaches can be occasionally used to your benefit.

>> No.19181882

Also, for confusing kanji, write them each time you encounter them when doing core

>> No.19181891

>RTK invented semantic radicals

>> No.19181899
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x2076, 1528190874925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 惡
> jinmeiyou kanji
Why would you put that in your kid's name anyway?

>> No.19181900

rtk is for people who wanna learn nihongo but dont know how

>> No.19181904

let me guess its from childs fiction media

>> No.19181906

>people who know how but are reluctant to invest the effort

>> No.19181911

Mnemonics isn't just semantic radicals. It's often useful to build mnemonics on them, but not always.

>> No.19181912

Is "Shadowing Let's Speak Japanese Beginner to Intermediate Edition" uploaded somewhere?

>> No.19181913

djt is pretty radically semantic

>> No.19181936
File: 138 KB, 1920x1014, chrome_2018-06-08_18-01-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

花園明朝-font master-race

>> No.19182028

>tfw only studying because of sunk costs
Anyone else know this feel

>> No.19182033

>the most disingenuous video on this topic ever
you haven't watched many language learning videos. you are fortunate to be surprised by this one. i wouldn't even consider it bad, if speaking relatively.

>> No.19182040

That's a fallacy, you know?

>> No.19182050

they added kanji to jinmeiyou that appeared in media because it was being used as an "extended-jouyou" list
they removed some of the worst offenders out of backlash of "what if some illiterate fuck uses this in their child's name", but there are still some fucking stupid ones

>> No.19182053

Sure, I might as well have put sunk cost fallacy in my post to be honest.

>> No.19182060

no, i still enjoy the nihongo
sometimes i think about dumping anki and only reading though, but i think it's still making me progress faster than otherwise

>> No.19182063

惡 is probably one of the most widely used 旧字体, isn't it?

>> No.19182065

Continue if it's fun. If not, why learn it?

>> No.19182069

I'm studying because I told everyone I am learning Japanese and don't want to look like a failure that gave up

>> No.19182072

Don't worry, you already look like a failure for learning it in the first place

>> No.19182084

Because, while I know that spending even more time than I already have on something I don't particularly enjoy is the wrong course of action, I don't want all that effort to have been for nothing. Also, my life is extremely empty with nothing to fill the void and I have a very difficult time finding hobbies. I'm just hoping that when I get to the stage that I can enjoy native content more fluently it'll be worth it it.

I know it won't.

>> No.19182100

anything with 亞 is pretty epic and for the win

>> No.19182101

don't worry, you're in the right place

>> No.19182106

You will eventually make it if you just continue. Good luck anon.

>> No.19182118

亞 is more aesthetic than 亜 desu, both by itself and as a component

>> No.19182129

Why do you think that? I guess I could look like a loser to young people who are aware of weeb culture, but every older person I talked to thinks Japan is a land of miracles and beauty and give me credit for learning a difficult language like that. I mean, guess you are just shitposting but it's the kind of mindless vile shitposting that'd fit on /pol/ or something, if you are on /jp/ you should shitpost with a bit of wit.

>> No.19182132

but this is /djt/

>> No.19182166

Maybe if you convince them you want to live and work in Japan, otherwise it's merely politeness on their part. For other people, learning languages for fun is as good as wasting time. You could as well write Sonic fanfiction by the thousands of pages as far as they care.

>> No.19182171

Learning a language so i can virtue signal to other people.
To reddit begone foul beast

>> No.19182184

Your question isn't specific enough.

>> No.19182189

No it isn't.

>> No.19182195

it is

>> No.19182202


>> No.19182211

Slashes are for boards. This is a thread.

>> No.19182216

youre a thread

>> No.19182228
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1072, [Aomori-Raws] Shiyanpin Jiating - 02 [1080p]_[00:15:10.221].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you already look like a failure for learning it in the first place
Not true.
If you respect yourself at least a little, others will respect you too (unless you're surrounded by 12-year-olds).
The other students in my class at uni know I'm studying Japanese, but they don't see me as a weeb, because they know I'm not one.
In fact, some of them even know I'm mostly doing it for anime and manga, and they're still ok with it.
It's all about how YOU feel about your hobbies. If you think they make you pathetic, they do.

>> No.19182237

im not a weeb i just post in this thread on this board ironically

>> No.19182244

I think most people in this thread post exclusively in /djt/ and couldn't care less about the rest of the board.

>> No.19182246

>Maybe if you convince them you want to live and work in Japan, otherwise it's merely politeness on their part.
it would merely be politeness if you were learning something like latin or esperanto, sure japanese isn't one of the meme career-boosting languages but some people actually genuinely think that not being an EOP is a cool interest

>> No.19182253

Do Westernfaggots actually get mocked for having interests that deviate from what the other sheep are into? All my friends have varying hobbies and they take interest in what I'm doing as opposed to mocking it, even if it's something as far out of their wheel house as anime/manga/Japanese

>> No.19182263

You're probably wrong.

>> No.19182270

no, there are dicks in the west just like everywhere else but it's mostly repressed neets imagining that everyone in the world is out to get them, or people who were bullied and are now afraid of society

>> No.19182276

Thanks to this anon >>19176621 that posted this link last thread: https://tunein.com/radio/Japan-r101255/
I've been enjoying listening to Japanese radio as I do my reps, it helps keep me focused on why I'm doing them.

>> No.19182285

Whoops. I was asking about japanese to japanese dictionnaries. I think two of them are really good but I don't remember which.

>> No.19182293
File: 38 KB, 551x534, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19182297

You're learning a foreign language. That's respectable. Better, you're learning Japanese, which is known to be a very hard language to learn.
Unless you're acting like a cringeworthy weeb about it, there's nothing shameful about learning Japanese by itself.

>> No.19182302

"Not being an EOP" is not an interest. Knowing another language does not make you more interesting, but consuming written works in this language (or communicating extensively with natives) does. Japanese culture is indeed worth getting into even without anime, manga and the likes, at least in my opinion. But it's not like an average person would appreciate that fact.

>> No.19182325

I'm pretty sure you learn the kanji for eight at the beginning

>> No.19182336

>"Not being an EOP" is not an interest.
no, it's a sentence that encapsulates a lot of different possible interests
one of which is "languages in general" and that is an interest
>Knowing another language does not make you more interesting
that's not what "an interest" means so does this is tangential. also memorizing words without using a language is fucking stupid but it is in fact "an interest"
>Japanese culture is indeed worth getting into
a culture is also an interest
>But it's not like an average person would appreciate that fact.
consider not talking to boring useless fucks who think they are superior because their interests are generic and mainstream

>> No.19182352

no the kanji for 8 doesn't have a line on top

>> No.19182355

An average person doesn't appreciate anything.
Japan is not Djibouti, in any more or less educated group of people there's at least one person interested in its culture. And if that group is big enough, there's also at least one fellow animufag, anime has nearly become mainstream.
Also, lack of appreciation is not the same thing as shaming.

>> No.19182356

So this... is the power of RTK...

>> No.19182365

i was explaining why the other dude didn't recognize it if that isn't clear
i used rtk and i can read fonts so don't meme too hard

>> No.19182369

I hope for your sake it's bait.
I mean, it sure looks like bait, but there's all kind of retards out there.

>> No.19182388
File: 17 KB, 500x300, 1526091641219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder for folks doing RTK out there, there are two main font styles in Japanese: one is for print (think Times New Roman) and one is for writing (think how you write an "a").

Your RTK card should include both types so you can recognize both and write it the proper way (don't try to write Times New Roman way)

Check our mattvsjapans latest video on the topic for more info

>> No.19182401

But how do you learn to read the font that's used between speech bubbles? The very small one.

>> No.19182404

and then theres a 3rd type well call the real ninja way which is how they write it on ninja scrolls for other real ninjas to read

>> No.19182406

Both are the same and don't have an accent.

>> No.19182409

By reading more.

>> No.19182424

>learning languages for fun is as good as wasting time
What kind of retards do you hang out with?

>> No.19182425

rtk is amazing it taught me how to read 連邦予算 and i dont know a lick of nihongo for the fuckin win

>> No.19182435

So how often do you find yourself referring to grammar resources while reading? For some reason they are different sessions for me but I think that needs to change. Also what resources do you use? I use TK but DOJG may suit my needs better

>> No.19182441

I know plenty of people learning languages for the fuck of it.
My classmate learned Turkish just to watch soap operas.
Maybe you should stop hanging out with EOPs.

>> No.19182449

you dont need grammar resources you need to absorb the fuckin nihongo

its like owning a car people dont go to school to learn how everything in a car works they just learn how to drive them and then if they are high iq or just not retarded generally (both rare) they learn about their own car and why it works the way it does so they can take care of it and keep doing the thing they learned in the beginning which is drive it

>> No.19182452

Adult people with jobs, families and responsibilities.
Millenials being millenials.

>> No.19182454

A lot in the beginning, less so as you get better.

>> No.19182458

EOPs are the most easily impressed by the idea of learning a language though, because they have no motivation to do it so it seems like magic.

>> No.19182461

>don't read for a month except to find 20 new words per day (even as far as read a dictionary to find them because I'm lazy
>read today and it was easier than a month ago

Why would I read or watch anything when I can learn the way of the 日本道 even without reading?

>> No.19182466

hot take

nihongo is easy?

>> No.19182469

Every adult I've ever known has been impressed by someone taking the initiative to study. Stop talking to retards.

>> No.19182476

ive never found another human being or anything they do impressive in my entire life

>> No.19182477

>no one learned foreign languages before millenials

>> No.19182478

I didn't read grammar resources while reading anyway but it felt wrong which is why i asked. Thanks for the analogy

>> No.19182482

if someone is impressed by another person learning a language they're probably a retarded EOP. Stop hanging out with retards

>> No.19182484

I had the same question last week. My only hypothesis is that eventually you'll be so good at japanese that finding 20 new words a day will be a monumental task

>> No.19182490

Hmm? 悪 and 惡 seem to be in the jouyou kanji list from the beginning.

>> No.19182493

Of course, your buddies who think learning things is super lame shit for dorks are the real intellectuals.

>> No.19182492

or because they tried for a week and gave up and think that they don't have the talent for it
on the other hand, i consider it interesting than i used to because i have a better understanding of what it takes and how rewarding it feels to me personally

>> No.19182500

learning is cool but https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XoyDqFy5pU

>> No.19182504

>found 60 words in half an hour the other day

>> No.19182512

All of my friends (including myself) are civilized individuals and know at least 3-4 languages. The people that are impressed by language skills are retards that lack motivation and intelligence.

>> No.19182513

or they're impressed that you're not another retarded EOP, which is uncommon to find in some countries

>> No.19182519
File: 374 KB, 665x665, 1526323576690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have 10 seconds to be impressive

>> No.19182523


>> No.19182527


>> No.19182540

Я гей.
Ich bin schwul.

>> No.19182556

Well yeah. I don't speak nip yet, but that's how it usually works.
Almost everything I read or watch has been in English for the past 3 years. I do need to look up unfamiliar words sometimes, but to find as many as 20 I'd probably need at least three weeks.
I can speed up the process by reading some actual literature though.

>> No.19182560


>> No.19182561

Your advice is so consistently terrible

>> No.19182566


This right here is how I learned the English language.

>> No.19182573
File: 479 KB, 413x570, 1414199595437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those faggots trying to translate that name in the book store always gets me.

>> No.19182584

4changlish is a terrible language though.
After 2 years of "studying" it here I now need to correct my speaking habits, because if I don't pay enough attention to what I say I start using internet slang and swearwords.

>> No.19182592

if so then its in theme with the thread

if not then im making the thread better

its for the epic win/win either way

>> No.19182599

The terms epic and win went out of fashion in 2009, but I presume that's exactly why you use them.

>> No.19182619

Started calling people brainlets irl. No one is offended ;/

>> No.19182620

I learned it by watching Friends and Married with Children when I was 8 years old, not from 4chan

>> No.19182622

that is correctz0rz

>> No.19182624

Why do Stephen Krashen and Steve Kaufman agree that grammar is acquired through constant exposure as opposed to memorizing rules then.

>> No.19182626

You don't know English.

>> No.19182629

Because their fixation is on the notion that you can be learning through studying grammar, not the niche advice here that you can studying grammar to make it easier to learn.

>> No.19182631

4chan isn't reading

>> No.19182632

dont worry about that theres incredibly scholarly people who will tell you the deepest details about things like radioactive isotope fractionation while saying fuck every other word and frankly it owns

>> No.19182635

I never said to memorize rules. In order to acquire the grammar, you have to understand it when you see it in use the first time which is what referring to a grammar resource is for.

>> No.19182638


>> No.19182642

>never read a grammar book in my life
>perfect understanding of English grammar


>> No.19182644

said no one ever so who u quotin

>> No.19182649

krashen never said don't do anything but input, just that input is the core of learning
kaufmann says to read a fucking grammar guide

>> No.19182650

You may actually be retarded.

>> No.19182659

>the way of the nippon way

>> No.19182666

So let me get this straight: you don't need any vocabulary to start reading and you shouldn't refer to grammar resources when you see a structure you don't understand either.


>> No.19182670

when you fall from the 蛇の道 you land in this thread

>> No.19182672

if you have rikai* installed you're fluent in Japanese

>> No.19182676

information is not power knowledge is

>> No.19182677

it's obviously not mandatory, it's just more efficient than going in blind, but exposure is how you actually get an intuition for it either way. it's a little head-start. the only mistake you can make is trying to "master" grammar without it being through exposure.

>> No.19182681

which reading is typically used, I keep seeing snake but I don't know what to write in its card

>> No.19182685

Yomishitters on suicide watch right now.

>> No.19182686


>> No.19182697

this is the reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCN8To23wII#t=55

>> No.19182700

Absorbing grammar naturally through input is just a meme. "a" and "an" are the two of the most common words in the entire English language and look how frequently ESLs mix those up.

>> No.19182709

i know the difference of a and an instinctively because one sounds right or wrong before a vowel

i didnt read it in a book and ive never been to a school

smoke weed

>> No.19182711

You should an hero.

>> No.19182731

Stop spamming this bullshit.

>> No.19182735

i'm too lazy to look up theories on why this mistake happens, but how do you explain the fact that it's intuitive to natives who have never been told when to use them in their lives? don't give me some shit about it being easier if it's your first language

>> No.19182738

There's a rule for a and an? It's just instinct for me because I actually consume English content. You know why from Texas doesn't know English but I do? Input. Most ESLs never actually use English, everyone that uses English knows when to use a and when to use an.

Grammar rules are a fucking joke. Just read more my niggas.

>> No.19182749

I'm pretty sure everyone who has English as their first language knows from when they're a kid that an is always used when the following word starts with a vowel sound

>> No.19182758

>Grammar rules are a fucking joke
Grammar rules are descriptive.

>> No.19182760

I've posted it exactly twice and both times it was relevant to the topic.

>don't give me some shit about it being easier if it's your first language
That is exactly it though. The part of the brain that deals with your native language is different to the part of your brain that deals with other languages that you learn after the age of ten or so. If you don't start until after that age you will simply never have an intuitive understanding of a language like a native, of which the extremely simple and intuitive "a" and "an" rule is a good example.

>> No.19182776

if you watch 10000 hours of subbed anime you stop using the wrong part of your brain to learn japanese

>> No.19182817

>If you don't start until after that age you will simply never have an intuitive understanding of a language like a native
fuck off with your dekinai pseudoscience, just because a majority of people believe this shit doesn't make it factual

>> No.19182829

Grammar rules are synthetic.

>> No.19182836

If you kill yourself you stop using your brain.

>> No.19182837

Grammar rules don't exist. There's almost always exceptions, therefore they're pseudoscience and worthless to study except in passing when just starting out

>> No.19182840

Jamal stopped using it a long time ago.

>> No.19182845

i dont even use my brain and yall are this jealous of it

>> No.19182861

> of which the extremely simple and intuitive "a" and "an" rule is a good example.
Bullshit. I never mix them up. Same applies to everything that is considered basic English grammar. I started studying English when I was 15 or so.

>> No.19182865

I'd say the same to you, just because you want to believe you can be native-level doesn't mean you ever will be. Please read this article:

>> No.19182872

humans adapt dude

we just live in a society of such abundance that we can afford to just become retarded when we reach physical maturity for the win

what a time to be alive

>> No.19182881

>tfw Jamal is likely gonna die within the next 20 years

>> No.19182885

Google phrases like "an useful" or "an European", you'll return millions of results from otherwise native-sounding ESLs.

>> No.19182886

im gonna laugh at you if you die first

>> No.19182888

>look how frequently ESLs mix those up
I think you mean Americans. ESLs usually have a better grasp of the language than Americans

>> No.19182897
File: 996 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 05 [1080p]_[00:17:43.062].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not making retarded mistakes is not "native level".
Obviously you will never be able to speak it the same way a native speaker does. But if you put some effort into studying it and spend a few years in an English-speaking country, your language skills will be above average even among native speakers (because most people are retards, that's just the harsh truth), even if your brain utilizes different mechanisms to generate speech.

>> No.19182901

that's not what synthetic means

>> No.19182902

No American ever mixes them up because it sounds extremely retarded to the native ear.

>> No.19182909

I try to say it out loud and it just feels wrong.

>> No.19182915

sounds like it confuses cause and effect but i'll read it more fully later
regardless, our understanding of the brain is a joke and researchers at respectable universities fuck it up consistently. the recurring theme is "it's actually less of a piece of shit than we thought".
>there exist examples of misuse therefore it is impossible for a foreigner to become intuitively capable of correct use

>> No.19182916

meant for

>> No.19182917


>> No.19182918

You think ESLs don't have that intuition?

>> No.19182919

Can we make a second DJT thread in which we only speak Japanese? I know there is the Japan thread on /int/ but imagine how much we would all advance if we did all this shitposting in Japanese.

>> No.19182922

I am an ESL.
I just clicked the wrong post.

>> No.19182931

you dont want this i havent seen more than half a dozen japanese posts in djt across like 2 and a half years or some shit that made me want to actually interact using nihongo

>> No.19182941


>> No.19182945

when you converse with foreigners with a shitty grasp of the language, you create a new language that is not compatible with the original. you will get better at understanding broken japanese shitposting on djt, not at understanding real japanese. it's better for no one to post in japanese in this thread.

>> No.19182960

>>there exist examples of misuse therefore it is impossible for a foreigner to become intuitively capable of correct use
Millions of examples of misuse in otherwise very well-written articles. These people have spent probably tens of thousands of hours speaking and reading/listening in English and still haven't developed an intuitive sense of this extremely simple rule. It's the same for every language. We will simply never be native-level in Japanese even if we consumed more input than the average native.

>> No.19182972

Okay. What do you think we should do?

>> No.19182979

Lay down and rot

>> No.19182996

Lower our expectations. If I can consume a wide variety of native material fairly effortlessly then that will be good enough.

>> No.19183001

>no one has ever became native level at any language
sometimes I wonder why I even still post here

>> No.19183010

If they did they started at a young age within the critical period.

>> No.19183012

Move to nippon.

>> No.19183014

low IQ post

>> No.19183020
File: 539 KB, 2048x1152, 1521014291949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can some nihongo master read this

>> No.19183025

i can tell that the loser saying that you can't become native level at any language is a fat neckbeard EOP who has 0 experience in language acquisition and is only learning japanese for porn

>> No.19183026

i think you're mistaking mistakes for lack of intuition, natives fuck up all the time and sometimes even miss them while carefully proofreading because they know what they meant so well that they don't see what they wrote.
you'd actually have a more convincing argument if you didn't say that they are otherwise very well-written, but something like "yet they use rare words and figures of speech correctly".
there are a lot of factors at play and you are simplifying the situation to what fits your assumption: becoming competent at a language is too hard as an adult.

>> No.19183038

this is the spiral that leads to foreigners being shit at language, congratulations on embracing it

>> No.19183040

Those are my expectations exactly.
Natives don't demand 100% flawless grammar skills. Even theirs aren't.

>> No.19183044

>as long as i get to jerk my ding dong I'm fine with being shit at everything
well that's gotta be a nice mentality to live by

>> No.19183051

Nah, I'm not into Asians, and marrying my right hand for the sake of living the weeb dream doesn't seems like something worth the trouble.

>> No.19183061

lmao guys he actually thinks he's gonna get to touch a woman within his lifetime, that's kinda cute actually

>> No.19183072

I already have, stop projecting.

>> No.19183077

I get mad pussy, you're the one I'm worried about bro

>> No.19183080
File: 15 KB, 885x399, translate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be fairly easy for you guys.

>> No.19183089

>go to Japan
>don't see a single (Japanese) person your height outside of the few days you spent in Tokyo when you saw 4 that were probably your height but could have been half an inch shorter, it's sometimes hard to tell.
>be completely full train on the 中央線 during rush hour
>be the only white person on the train
>be at least 4 inches taller than the tallest Japanese person
>be 14 inches taller than the average female and 9 inches taller than the average male
>feel everyone staring because there's no way you don't stand out
>you will never ever fit in

>> No.19183091

A """country"" which separated from my own centuries ago did this shit. We still use their pseudo-language as a source of entertainment.

>> No.19183093

A received a call by B and C
where's my super nihongo master trophy

>> No.19183101

i'm sorry I'm colourblind so all the green blends in with the background what's this retard trying to say

>> No.19183114
File: 745 KB, 1920x1080, [Aomori-Raws] Jikkenhin Kazoku - Creatures Family Days - 01 RAW [1080p]_[00:04:01.308].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you will never ever fit in
I enjoy being a foreigner though.
I've been living abroad since I graduated from high school and it feels great when I have to mention I'm from a different country, even though I'm part of the ethnic majority and this country is more of a homeland to me than the one I happened to be born in.

>> No.19183119

Change the theme to "Tomorrow" then.
And welcome to 4chan.

>> No.19183123

>be 14 inches taller than the average female
why even live when this will never be me

>> No.19183142

You forgot your steins;gate bitch.

>> No.19183156

maybe this guy can help you >>19182388

>> No.19183160

Nice dysfluent Japanese.

>> No.19183165

>even though I'm part of the ethnic majority

Stopped reading here.

Welcome to /jp/, it's some stupid /jp/ meme, bred by a juvenile aversion to greentext. Try greentexting and some twat will reply "who are you quoting?" within 5 minutes

But I like tall women though. It's complicated, I mean females reaching 175cm in height start looking weird. Women actually taller than me would be look fucked up. Maybe I'll run into 八尺様 next time.

>> No.19183167

this would be great for this thread >>19182919

>> No.19183169

Is saying ちゃった too feminine?

>> No.19183170

who are you quoting?

>> No.19183176

>まま また言っちゃったわ

>> No.19183177


>> No.19183188

m(_ _)m

>> No.19183189

nice try buddy

>> No.19183195

can someone spoonfeed ちゃう to me, I didn't understand it in Tae Kim

>> No.19183196

Yes, you should say しまいました, it sounds very manlyと思います

>> No.19183197

a fucked b and c in their fuckin ass holes with the telephone

>> No.19183198

now I demand my nihongo champion trophy

>> No.19183204

it makes your sentence wicked fucking gay

>> No.19183207

But isn't that a bit too formal

>> No.19183209

A made B call C?

>> No.19183219

I have no desire to use it but I don't even understand it when reading

retarded Japanese learner

>> No.19183221


>> No.19183231

just read the sentence normally, then add like a gay tone on it. you know, that stereotypical おかま intonation gays like to you use. for epic win also try shoving a dildo up your ass while you say it out loud

>> No.19183240

If you had seen at least one fucking anime you'd already know what it means by pure exposure.

>> No.19183248

I've seen 178 anime, but they were subbed though

>> No.19183256

Get the fuck out. You are only allowed to post in DJT if you have watched at least 3000 animes.

>> No.19183257
File: 111 KB, 417x234, 1527627333834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A received a call from C about B

>> No.19183258

I only post here and dgaf about the rest.

>> No.19183259

This post should be next to fucking dekinai in the djt dictionary.

>> No.19183262

no for truly epic win you gotta scream いっちゃういっちゃう while shoving the plastic pen0r in your bumz0r

>> No.19183270

I wonder how many people in this thread watched even 500 anime series.

>> No.19183272

> 178
You're not even qualified to post on /a/ yet

>> No.19183281
File: 10 KB, 250x205, a08cf653-5b8e-42fd-98bf-74cb6bbc122c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19183282

/a/ has collectively watched less than 50 anime, it's why they have constant threads about normie shonenshit like boku no hero academia and like NGE.

>> No.19183283

heartfelt confession: I like to force the 10000 hours of anime meme constantly but in reality I've only watched 92 series

>> No.19183288

You have to go back

>> No.19183292

heartfelt confession: i stress 10k hours of anime or your gay but the fact of the matter is ive only personally watched about 7777 hours

>> No.19183297

Should you really just read Tae Kim once, not practice the concepts and then start reading?
Is looking up the grammar points while reading enough to learn them without practice?

>> No.19183300

I forgot /jp/ was full of normie ironic weebs that like touhou and think episode count makes you hc
haha they have frills I'm suCH A WEEB

>> No.19183301
File: 1.73 MB, 3058x2000, chau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19183308

>started studying japanese a month ago
>overwhelmed by the amount of resources, books, methods people use.
>constantly feel like im doing it wrong and im wasting my time
on the other hand I finished my anki reps today so that was pretty cool.

>> No.19183310

watch 10000 hours of subbed anime kthx


>> No.19183311

To be honest I only learn Japanese as a form of procrastination in an attempt to avoid doing more important things that would be crucial for me to get my life in order, the more depressed I get and the more messed up my life is, the more I shut myself in my room and learn Japanese, I have quite honestly come to dislike learning Japanese but I can't stop.

>> No.19183313

I like it how just the section headers are enough and you can skip the rest

>> No.19183316

I've watched 1400 episodes of anime (about 1/4 of that is naruto) am I hardcore yet niityan!????

>> No.19183318

Rome wasn't built in a day

>> No.19183320

this win is brought to you by wayne p lammers先生

>> No.19183327

i like that your post is in reference to the best nihongo speaking whiteboy on the internet who also never used a flashcard in his life


>> No.19183329

that's wicked man

>> No.19183331

To be honest learning Japanese made me hate weeaboos and anime, I've stopped watching anime almost completely and watch j-dramas instead

>> No.19183338

gaijin males who watch "dorama" are actually about 69 times worse than people who wear naurto headbands irl

just so you know and can get your ill placed elitism in check

>> No.19183340

You're retarded

>> No.19183359

Not at all. It's a bit childish or casual rather than feminine.

>> No.19183362

I only understand like half of what he's saying but I fully agree with him.

>> No.19183363

I let it slip to a friend that I'm starting to learn, now I get spammed with random Japanese phrases...

>> No.19183370

Thanks man. To be honest I thought about giving up but in a way Japanese is still something useful so I am somewhat glad I have fallen into this particular trap. I'm also wary of quitting because I fear I might fall back into something worse like mindlessly playing video games all day like I did back in the day. Actually I feel like people in my situation also rely on drugs and alcohol but I never truly understood that, I'm guessing that's because I never had any friends that introduced me to these kind of things and with how bad those things are for your health it's hard to imagine to become an alcoholic or something without any (at least initial) peer pressure. However, I have dealt with other forms of addiction so I would never look down upon those people, addiction is one hell of a beast. My father is an alcoholic actually and I have also heard addiction is genetic so I'm staying away from that stuff. So really what keeps me learning Japanese is the fear of falling into something worse upon quitting. I am glad you took an interest man.

>> No.19183376

>he doesn't actually wear a 額当
何 the fuck?

>> No.19183380
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 11 [1080p]_[00:12:48.601].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something wrong with your life if you watch soap operas as a man.
Let alone mediocre Japanese soap operas.
I tried watching Japanese movies, and Jesus fucking Christ these people can't act for shit, even in a horror movie.

>> No.19183382 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, 1528486907699.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever you say, fag(s)

>> No.19183385

That's because you're not watching the good stuff bro
go to the CoR and search for "kurosawa" for copious nihongo gains and endless entertainment

>> No.19183386

>>constantly feel like im doing it wrong and im wasting my time
you are, there is no one who isn't, no one knows what is optimal and all you can do is see what's working for you and try making small changes. but don't obsess over making changes more than you actually learn japanese, that's how you become nukemarine.

>> No.19183403

>he hasn't watched 1リットルの涙

>> No.19183404

if you wanna be optimal you gotta flow like a 日本刀


>> No.19183421

Too flat. Quite literally to be frank, it's like he swallowed an ironing board.

>> No.19183426

I mean she*
This fucking language. One typo and the whole sentence loses its meaning.

>> No.19183427

same dude except i still like learning japanese.
i tried drugs and alcohol for a while and i still didn't get it. also too poor to keep it up.

humor aside i hope you find something more fulfilling to put an hour or two into a day, japanese has helped me become slightly more disciplined and i'm working trying to apply it to other things.

>> No.19183428
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only true beauty in this world

>> No.19183439

if they're big enough to have a little jiggle it's all good to me, maybe you're the no limits kind of guy though

>> No.19183445

Get out.

>> No.19183449

>cowtitfags are at it again
well that really cracks my biscuits

>> No.19183467

If a woman weighs more than 48.575kg, she's overweight

>> No.19183473

is that counting her melons or no

>> No.19183474

Dude, millions of natives fuck that up too, yet it's easy as fuck for an ESL to pick up on that.

>> No.19183485

ive personally never met one thats a pretty gross mistake to make because it displays the classic demonstration of knowledge but lack of understanding

>> No.19183490
File: 4 KB, 363x141, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw anime is boring. The beginning of Idolmaster is boring too, but I'm looking forward to the all the depression and drama that comes later.

I feel bad for the guy who is watching 10+ episodes a day. 2 is hard enough.

>> No.19183491

It happens CONSTANTLY online, where people type "a" instead of "an".

>> No.19183493

> ないすばでー
Is that supposed to be "nice body" ?

>> No.19183503

I'm 25 episodes into several shows after a week and my Japanese isn't any better.

>> No.19183506

you fuckin did it dude you became fluent in nihongo

>> No.19183511

>and Jesus fucking Christ these people can't act for shit, even in a horror movie.
It's crazy how they have great voice actors but their live action actors suck ass.

>> No.19183512

Wait what the fuck is it "an European" or"a European", every cell in my body says it's "a" but someone said "an European" so I automatically assumed that's the right one and felt bad because I'm a dumb ESL but I googled it like the post said and the people answering say "a" is the right one, does that mean I'm not retarded after all?

>> No.19183519

i dont think the fact you do or dont have subtitles is the problem there

i do think the fact yu0 do or dont have subtitles is the problem there

>> No.19183522

>it displays the classic demonstration of knowledge but lack of understanding
are there actually grammar resources that are so shitty as to fail to explain a/an? surely there are better examples of knowledge without understanding on concepts that take more two or three lines to fully explain and have actual edge cases or exceptions.
i've definitely heard natives fuck up but admittedly they usually know they fucked up. like if they were thinking of using a different word. and in typing it's even more common because even if you re-read what you typed you might see what you intended. as a kid i knew stupid natives who fucked it up and didn't know they fucked it up though.

>> No.19183525 [DELETED] 

It's almost as bad as those shitty nigger movies

>> No.19183540

You are supposed to watch stuff that is fun friend.

>> No.19183542

What is the problem? I've only learned a few words despite the massive time sink.

>> No.19183545
File: 2.84 MB, 854x480, 1526664931715.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something you get used to, really.

>> No.19183548 [DELETED] 

please do specify what you mean by shitty nigger movies

>> No.19183554

i literally cant engage in any discussion about grammar concepts or terminology because i never studied it ever in life

>> No.19183564

kindly refer to >>19183403, thanks

>> No.19183565

>I've watched 2 episodes of a japanese dorama on netflix, therefore I'm fully qualified to speak about the general quality of japanese live action media
^ literally you

>> No.19183568

congratulations on being a demonstration that ESLs aren't doomed to be incompetent. you don't know the rule and yet you intuitively assumed correctly.
an is used before a word that starts with a vowel sound, but because the eu in european is pronounced with a consonant y sound, so it uses a.

>> No.19183569
File: 114 KB, 500x281, chihaya-kisaragi-yakusoku-lyrics-i6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is "a European". It starts with a Y sound.

Even natives make mistakes with a/an occasionally. Recently I was arguing with my parents over whether it should be "a historical event" or "an historical event". It is obviously the former, since it starts with an H sound.

It will be fun when the depression starts.

>> No.19183574

>60 min italki session
>wasted half of it correcting my pronunciation on a few words.
holy shit im never going to make it.

>> No.19183577

注意: dont say the n word guys or you will be banished to the 闇の世界

>> No.19183583

>It is obviously the former, since it starts with an H sound.
I've heard some people eat the H and pronounce it close to "istorical". Maybe that's why.

>> No.19183586

plenty of people pronounce it "anistorical" though
maybe you're the one who don't know english

>> No.19183592

eating the h a thing, but it is british english shit and even there it's not the majority

>> No.19183593

> the one who don't

>> No.19183595

>It will be fun when the depression starts.
I am not sure what this means but good luck practising your listening comprehension

>> No.19183600

what's it like to talk to japanese people?

>> No.19183601

h-dropping is becoming more common though
and since british english is the only one that truly matters it will soon become the standard in the english language

>> No.19183607

>even there it's not the majority
Right but evidently it's common enough that anon's parents had to debate it and it didn't seem at all unnatural to me when I read it. It's just one of those mistakes, like "should of", that's teetering on the edge of being acceptable.

>> No.19183616

like talking to normal people
oh wait you don't know how that's like my bad bro

>> No.19183623

you're unironically right. i haven't spoken to anyone other than my family in several years now. but seriously, what's it like talking to japanese people?

>> No.19183631

>h-dropping is becoming more common though
is it? i was pretty confident it was becoming less common.

>like "should of", that's teetering on the edge of being acceptable.
i was willing to concede until you said this. also, if you say an but you pronounce the h in historic, you sound like an idiot.

>> No.19183641

I've talked a japanese man before and the first thing he mentioned was how I barely talk, so yeah I'd say it's pretty much like normal people.
also his portuguese was really bad

>> No.19183652

Well maybe not "acceptable" but I've seen enough people not bother to correct it online that I consider it to be in the initial stages of becoming something that just "is" because no one cares anymore. Like "on accident" vs. "by accident"

>> No.19183657

he was pretty normal, not much to say really. cool guy, definitely tries too hard to actually teach me right when I'm only paying like 14 bucks an hour.

>> No.19183659

I don't know any grammatical rules or terms in any language I know. I've noticed that generally the people that never studied grammar and immersed themselves are the ones that actually become fluent and reach near-native level.
I dare assume that most of the kids that move abroad with their families and become fluent didn't study grammar and learn the language and in a classroom setting.
Actually, "an European" might be a perfect example of how studying grammar rules (in this case "use "an" if there's a vowel") is in fact deeply harmful for your language development.

>> No.19183664

I listened more closely to the lyrics and I now I like the song even more. I feel for these dudes.

>> No.19183667

while i agree with you, it'd be a pretty shitty resource to say "with a vowel" and not "with a vowel sound", but i suppose it is something a learner might misunderstand.

>> No.19183669

my fave part is "fuck ass ochimpo"

>> No.19183671

Pill me on cloze style cards. What makes them good.

>> No.19183672

How do you guys deal with travel & anki? I'm going to japan soon for 3 weeks and I'm not sure what I want to do. Do i just set the new words to 0 and keep up with reviews? I sorta don't want to break my momentum by setting it all the way to 0. any suggestions?

>> No.19183676

yeah that's called an typo

>> No.19183680

Depends. Are you doing RTK? I like to think of RTK in terms of ROI. It took me about 3 months to initially go through RTK1, and I now spend about 10 minutes per days reviewing it. I would estimate that it increases my speed of going through Core 6K by at least 50%, since I can grok at least half the words just by looking. Likewise, for production, I don't need to learn to write anything, just remember a couple of keywords.

>> No.19183685

tbfqh rtk and roi dont belong in the same universe let alone sentence

>> No.19183688

"tk and roi dont belong in the same universe let alone sentence"

>> No.19183696

Doing reviews is enough.

>> No.19183700

Anyone ever thought about how stupid Japanese looks when written with romaji?


all of them look so natural in kanji but they're nigh unrecognizable rendered with wypipo letters.

>> No.19183706
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, [Aomori-Raws] Jikkenhin Kazoku - Creatures Family Days - 01 RAW [1080p]_[00:11:45.875].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"An European" is correct if the speaker for some reason pronounces "European" as "Ooropean". Now THAT is a mistake, but not a grammar mistake.
Same with "h dropping". The a/an rule is still applied correctly, it's just that the word itself is pronounced incorrectly (though it might be debatable).

>> No.19183708

aー nanka monku arunsuka

>> No.19183715

watasiha gei

>> No.19183716

<1 hour of listening a day and you expect to get better at listening? I'm confused.

>> No.19183721

In an alternative universe where Japanese authorities could magically get away with forcibly changing their language (hey, shit's happened before), would there be a way to drastically reduce the number of Kanji or switch to a latin script without making it hard to read due to the number of homophones?

>> No.19183722

for >>19183490

>> No.19183724


>> No.19183728

3+ hours here. Not better at all. Don't listen to the listen cult.

>> No.19183730


>> No.19183733

Closest answer so far actually.

>> No.19183738

Not as stupid as Korean though. Nothing can beat romanized Korean.
> eojinsaraminbal
> witeunipgumom
> gamchulhyemom
> deunggeulweolmun

>> No.19183740

The right answer was already posted.

>> No.19183747

3+ hours a day and for how long? And how active is your listening exactly? Just letting something play doesn't do anything. You have to actually pay attention to the sounds. And you have to do it for a long time. 3 hours of focused listening (+ dictionary sometimes) for 2 years should make you really good. Focused is the keyword here though.

>> No.19183755

Been doing it for a week. It's a fucking nightmare but I've managed to stay focused. I actually watch it.

>> No.19183757

8+ a day or don't learn japanese

>> No.19183758

>i posted an answer that i thought was right, give me credit already

nice try

>> No.19183763

give me that djt cred

>> No.19183767

Post the right answer then. I'm waiting.

>> No.19183772

I was watching 0 episodes before, now I am watching 2. So I should see improvement.

>> No.19183775


>> No.19183776

>> No.19183777

My post was pretty incomplete though. If you want to be efficient you should do 1/3 reading 2/3 listening. The reading makes it much easier to actually learn stuff to look out for in the listening. Listening is a neglected skill here though so I expect most people to undervalue it. Again active listening is the stress, passive does nothing.

>> No.19183788

matt and khatz said you need to listen to the nihongo even in your sleep

>> No.19183790


>> No.19183791

Do you have a playlist of stuff like that you could share?

>> No.19183792


>> No.19183796

i do not

settle down beavis

>> No.19183797

There are two correct answers.
is close to the one.
is close to the other.

>> No.19183801

The only pro for passive listening is that it gives you opportunities to actively listen without having to do anything. You can just tune in. Tuning out the noise and doing something else will do nothing for language learning.

>> No.19183811

>>19183797 is incorrect, that would be AはBとCに電話された
No one would ever phrase it like that.

>> No.19183818

You don't know Japanese. (or how to link posts lol)

>> No.19183836
File: 14 KB, 460x345, hTHN798[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give me the answer!!!

>> No.19183848

Matt said listening in your sleep is unnecessary.

>> No.19183849

>i dont know the answer but im gonna pretend to so i can feel superior and actually good at something for once!!!!

>> No.19183850

Hi guys,

Today i would like to share a bit more about managing your time for N1 and N2. I can`t share too much details as in how does the system work to protect the fairness of the exam. I spend the last 7 yrs doing data analysis of how the whole JLPT works together with some of the teachers from other countries.

As much as possible, as a teacher myself, i hope all students taking N1 or N2 will pass. But passing doesnt mean anything. The real challenge starts after passing it.


文字・語彙・文法: 35(おすすめ)/40分




文字・語彙・文法: 35分(おすすめ)/40分




Keigo: Please study Keigo to prepare for Keigo questions.

Star questions: Those who are having issues with star questions, please revise your basics, know how each grammar point work.

Listening: Watch a lot of drama and news to help you to catch the listening speed. During the exam, when they are saying the 例、spend the time to read the qns behind to get a headstart to understand the questions.

>> No.19183852


>> No.19183855

all he cares about is the (You)s that you are so kindly feeding him

>> No.19183859

did you just cringe at how accurate that was

>> No.19183860

More like

>> No.19183867






>> No.19183884
File: 64 KB, 600x600, cozy up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no new episode today

>> No.19183889
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, 1517988562331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I in for?

>> No.19183896

Read the VNDB/EGS tags

>> No.19183898

an extremely annoying loli voice

>> No.19183902

is she doing the exorcist head turning thing or what the fuck

>> No.19183904


>> No.19183908


>> No.19183909


>> No.19183923

Humans are capable of looking behind them

>> No.19183927

Not if you're above 150kg.

>> No.19183928

How would you guys translate this?


>> No.19183930

B forced A to call C

>> No.19183935

how would u guys translate this


>> No.19183939
File: 296 KB, 560x539, 1520570354842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19183943





>> No.19183955

she's still standing all fucked up, the legs look unnaturally bent

>> No.19183966

isn't she jumping?

>> No.19183968

shit garbagege

>> No.19183973

no idea, and just look at that right arm
this doesn't look healthy either

>> No.19183987

This looks pretty good (other than the romanji), what's the book called?

>> No.19183993

it shouldnt look healthy its a game for pedophiles

>> No.19183994

these two Kanji and their multiple readings are currently the bane of my fucking Anki reviews. Help

>> No.19184006

Because they look similar or are you having some other issue?

>> No.19184009

don't do that

>> No.19184010


>> No.19184013
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learn nihongoやってみ?

>> No.19184014

do that

>> No.19184015

I can tell them apart, but i always forget how the fuck they're read.
i know for example that the second one (so far) is used for things like "open" and the first one is used for things like "closed" but i always fuck up whether it's Shi, or To, or whatever.

>> No.19184016

Read more narration text

>> No.19184025


>> No.19184029

cum in hand

>> No.19184030
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 蒼の彼方のフォーリズム_2018-05-25_13-27-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184034
File: 326 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184053

>its one of those days where u get most of your reps wrong

>> No.19184063

I know, I feel like a failure for the rest of the day when I get 90% retention.

>> No.19184070

we can do it, lads... ;_;

>> No.19184073

Isn't 90% a bit high? You should add new cards not cards you already know!

>> No.19184084

No, you might as well remove the 9 and the remaining number is the true percentage of retention.

>> No.19184091


>> No.19184125

you can't learn japanese.

>> No.19184175
File: 7 KB, 259x195, lum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my first light novel guys.

This is what making it feels like.

>> No.19184182

what did you read lad? how long you been studying for?

>> No.19184184

Finishing a book isn't a feeling my dude

>> No.19184222

Have you watched 10000 hours anime though?

>> No.19184260

That's fucking retarded.

Better, Mexicans use their two arms to try to open the gate but Trump the genius keeps them closed

>> No.19184466

So I’m trying to learn more kanji and get my reading fluency of Japanese up. It will take me a little while before I’m up to actually reading the Harry Potter books well in Japanese. I don’t read books at all, in Japanese. So I cracked open my kindle edition of the Chamber of Secrets today. And I realised I don’t know what the brackets mean.

Eg 「あのふくろうめを黙らせられないなら 、始末してしまえ ! 」

Is it a signifier of emphasis or something? Help, please!

>> No.19184520

shitposting aside, learning a language without consuming it is always enjoyable to read about

>> No.19184544
File: 156 KB, 742x385, 1515548480197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retards link that RTK vs google translate video by a guy who took a year to complete it
>actual optimal who arent retarded faggots complete it in less than 2-3 months

>> No.19184548

In 「Xでごめん」is the で the て形 of です?

>> No.19184556


>> No.19184559

when i am allowed to have a break from my reps

>> No.19184590

At least that is better than going to the Netherlands and having my 5' 11" ass being considered short.

>> No.19184606

does anyone genuinely think that it is an argument against rtk? might as well say "hey look at this guy who used yomichan on song lyrics for one song a day for a year, he still can't read yotsuba, reading is bullshit, anki for life"

>> No.19184618

Holy fug

>> No.19184631


When you can actually finish reading something.

>> No.19184646
File: 4 KB, 199x153, jyuon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys I started having japanese horror play while I am sleeping for those epic listening gains, but now I haven't slept in 3 days and i am hearing voices in my head. any advice?

>> No.19184660


I have been "studying" for 10 months but I only started actually reading 3 months ago.

The book was the first volume of キノの旅. It wasn't that hard and I think I will read konosuba or eromanga next. Do you guys have a better recommendation?

I have only started watching raws like 2 weeks ago so my listening is still shit tho.

>> No.19184661

I recommend 走れメロス and other short stories by 太宰治.

>> No.19184680

Is it just me or is the 呪怨 girl attractive?

>> No.19184729

>he still can't read yotsuba
Manga isn't reading to begin with.

>> No.19184780

which makes it even more embarrassing to be unable to manage

>> No.19184912


Literally every language with latin characters look stupid when written. I mean look at fucking German

>> No.19184919
File: 79 KB, 555x445, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19184937


>> No.19184958
File: 388 KB, 882x5104, Basicられる[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is originally from DoJG (note 8). I can't say I've encountered any instance of it in the wild.

>> No.19184962

Congratulations, that other guy looks like an idiot now. :^)

>> No.19185019

and this is why grammarians shouldn't write grammars

>> No.19185032

Why? It explains everything clearly and gives examples.

>> No.19185098

if X is a noun, で is a particle
バカでごめん sorry for being stupid
if X is a part of a verb, でX is the で-form
踏んでごめん sorry, I stepped on you

>> No.19185149

someone said「~」
same as " " in English

>> No.19185153


pardon my being much wavy


>> No.19185221

you're responding to reddit, go tell them there

>> No.19185573
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - 05 [1080p]_[00:13:12.333].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all the dekinais on normalfag websites say that Japanese is super easy and the writing system is the real challenge?
Do I have too many chromosomes, or do they think that "こんにちは。私はゲイです。「ピンク・ホール」というゲイクラブに勤めています。" is all there is to Japanese grammar?

>> No.19185608

Probably because in order to communicate superficially with Japanese people you don't need to learn as much Japanese as someone who wants to read literature or chuuni porn games.

>> No.19185627

the answer is simple if you think about it:
they all quit before they got past the writing system so they didn't learn any japanese more complicated than 私はゲイ and from that standpoint sure it looks pretty easy.

>> No.19185639


>> No.19185641

>if you think
That's asking a lot.

>> No.19185782


>> No.19185940

my god
they're coopting the styles of wack rappers...

>> No.19186178

t. ウルママ性交

>> No.19186349

How do adjectives that are described as both な and の work?
I found this example sentence (possibly written by a baka gaijin):
It doesn't seem right to me, but my only experience is skimming Tae Kim over a year ago and hundreds of hours to anime. Should it be either な or の and not both when used like this?
なの makes me think of the sentence ender that is used to make it feel like you're explaining something (or asking for an explanation).

>> No.19186372

Japanese the Manga Way. It's in the CoR.

>> No.19186385

>reading manga is not reading
>watch 10k anime
>learn Nihongo

Why do you spam this shit all the time? It isn't even funny.
If you must shitpost, at least do something original.

>> No.19186416

Manga isn't reading though, I'm serious about that and not trying to be funny. Don't lump us manga watchers/viewers together with the other two.

>> No.19186487
File: 24 KB, 401x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I should be asking this in /int/ or /jp/'s Japanese threads, but do any of you know of any Japanese names that sound western or vice-versa? I'm writing a book (for fun, it's just something I want to give a shot at in my spare time) and it's going to be set in a rural village in Japan, but I want to avoid cliched names, but I also don't want to come up with ones out of nowhere.

>> No.19186520

2 of those are spammed by one single person whom nobody respects.

>> No.19186523


>> No.19186546

All three, you mean. The finn is on the same level of cancer as jamal. They should have been rangebanned while they were still shitposting every day on the threads in /a/.

>> No.19186555

Nah, I ironically post x isn't reading sometimes, too.

>> No.19186581

Maria? That's a good one, I can shorten it to Mari, too. Any others?

>> No.19186593


>> No.19186606

Ringo and Erika are also great ones I hadn't thought of, thanks anon!

>> No.19186613

You're welcome, my man. But you don't seem very creative for somebody writing a book.

>> No.19186636

Are you saying that based on my issues with coming up with names? I wouldn't say that translates into writing stories well in any way, but I never said I'm good at writing anyways. It's just for fun, though I would like to port it into a VN once I'm done.

>> No.19186649

I'm american where the heck did you get that from? I never posted in the /a/ thread either, the original manga isn't reading guy stopped so I carry the torch.

>> No.19186697

I often wonder why people chose to ask questions which they answer by themselves in their very next sentence.

>> No.19186727

I miss 3k cards in core before reading guy.

>> No.19186830


>> No.19186850


>> No.19186950

Ages ago there was a website with JP subs for various anime, does anyone still have the link?

>> No.19186975




>> No.19187037

Or an anon posted a torrent of subs for a bunch of shows the other day which are actually timed properly.

>> No.19187047
File: 171 KB, 988x279, Keit愛.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this reading?

>> No.19187082

Thanks anon. Any chance you got the torrent too?

>> No.19187108

Stupidly large and archived because he seems to have left in all the work in progress files for some reason.

>> No.19187133





>> No.19187148


>> No.19187162






>> No.19187195







>> No.19187202


>> No.19187223






>> No.19187265

Yeah, it looks like parentheses dropped for some reason to me. https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/208356/meaning/m0u/

>> No.19187267

fuck this regex filter is so damm good why didn't I do this ages ago

>> No.19187548


as well as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jz-zIfQrcao#t=50

>> No.19187577

Lesson 16 in RTK is fucking annoying.

>> No.19187637

I'm around N3 level after 10 months, how long until I can watch bangumi RAW? 1.5-2 years?

>> No.19187642

how many hours of subbed anime have you watched lifetime

>> No.19187717

Why didn't Tae Kim mention that 〜たら can also mean "when" ?
Well, maybe the Japs do consider it a conditional, but I've seen a few sentences where interpreting it as "when" would make the most sense, he could at least make a side note about it.

>> No.19187722

can you post some examples that perhaps the other users of the thread can benefit from

>> No.19187724

cause you a bitch

>> No.19187739

I love this language, but a personal gripe is how a concept as simple has "have to" translates into "NOT DOING, CANNOT BE DONE"
Its just such a cumbersome way to build a sentence of such a common concept. You are already starting with double negatives before you even start with other complicated aspects of the sentence. I understand there are ways to shorten it but its informal. I find it ironic in Japanese of all languages, saying you have to do something isn't more basic.
You should be watching raw stuff as much as you can, language acquisition is accumulative. At N3 you should be able to get the "jist" of a lot of whats going on and after 1 year or so you will understand 90% of the tops covered on bangumi. Subs are what kills language progress.

>> No.19187744

do you ご存知 that べき is a thing

>> No.19187747

i think this is the root of your problem >>19182945

>> No.19187753

The classic EOP.

>> No.19187756

An example sentence from Core6k:
時計を見たら、6時だった。or something like that.
There are better examples in manga, but I can't remember where.

>> No.19187763

Не угадал.
Что ты вообще хотел этим сказать?

>> No.19187766

You should be able to watch cartoons for little girls already.
You should have been doing that already.

>> No.19187769

класическият бляд

>> No.19187770

русня не люди

>> No.19187775

When I went home, there was no one there. (unexpected result)

-tyler kim 2069

>> No.19187781

What do you guys think about rangebanning all russians from 4chan

>> No.19187783
File: 268 KB, 873x945, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second buble first letter. Is that a そ? Neither kanjitomo or gt recognize it

>> No.19187787

ocr sucks at hiragana/katakana

>> No.19187789

what do you guys think about just co*existing for epic win together

>> No.19187793
File: 183 KB, 728x1000, 1525689637496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, we'll soon rangeban ourselves from the Internet, North Korea style.

>> No.19187794

>local man doesn't read tae kim, then complains about it not having something it actually does

>> No.19187796

you should prolly read something else

if youre relying on software to read it for you and youre having problems already theres gonna be many more that go unchecked

try unko chan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMx9DGl9Y0

and if you cant read unko chan then work on your anime 10k

>> No.19187802
File: 42 KB, 804x235, because typesetting is important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So MS Mincho, Gothic and Meiryo variety isn't enough fonts for me to remember.

Thanks for suggestion.

>> No.19187804

Don't even begin to worry about individual fonts. The number of variations there are between normal fonts is very small.

>> No.19187811

Write more.

>> No.19187812

thats also true dont panic over a font

>> No.19187815

the final boss of japanese is the ったら topic particle

>> No.19187816

Okay sorry, I'm retarded.

>> No.19187819


>> No.19187821

Since it happened that we're talking about me, gay.

>> No.19187826


>> No.19187829

yes, and its not quite the same feeling/usage. "should" vs "must"
It only means "when" in subtitle land, but its purpose as a contingent is constant even then.
Translating into English is a bad idea because you get all confused when its the exact same rule in Japanese.

>> No.19187833

It's okay, we all make mistakes. Just double check before making posts like that.

>> No.19187835

What's wrong with spreadsheets?

>> No.19187836

if you think なければいけない means "should" then I think the problem here is not the japanese language itself

>> No.19187838

all this shits fuckin いけない

>> No.19187843

no, I am saying べき usage while simple is more for "should" rather than must.

>> No.19187852


>> No.19187854

it's the same fucking thing mate
just admit you're challenged

>> No.19187855
File: 44 KB, 924x607, 1482466693171236286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any Japanese youtubers worth subscribing?
Not cringeworthy idol-like shit (AI channel) or mediocre "comedians" with a gazillion subscribers.

>> No.19187859

being a "youtuber" is cringe af so im not sure what youre looking for there

>> No.19187863


>> No.19187866


Slice of life or people exploring markets or places would be kind of neat.

>> No.19187867

this is pretty dope

>> No.19187869

you should check out andy milonakis aka young sachi he just walks around tokyo havin a great time with everyone

>> No.19187871


>> No.19187883

Our boy Daisuke.

>> No.19187884

The only funny thing about it is the quality of the English subtitles.

>> No.19187885


>> No.19187886


>> No.19187890

if you need subtitles to understand that then there's no way you'd get the subtle humour of the video anyway 参った参った

>> No.19187891

in a lot of ways the ping pong video is like djt

>> No.19187895


>> No.19187896

DJT is hiroshi while i'm the superior nihongo master who laughs at all of ya

>> No.19187900

nah youre more the ぱなか タイプ

>> No.19187914

This reminds me more of DJT

>> No.19187978

i think this is a more accurate representation of djt right now


>> No.19187988
File: 10 KB, 362x52, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did they start the sentence with iiya here? Is it like saying "It's feels good, didn't it" like they were asking a rhetorical question?

>> No.19187999


>> No.19188002


>> No.19188012


>> No.19188017
File: 22 KB, 885x221, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait... it just sounds exactly like no

>> No.19188021


>> No.19188023


>> No.19188031
File: 21 KB, 600x600, Cirno cears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must it be so confusing

>> No.19188035

its more of a interjection in this case. like "wew, feels good, right?"
also don't take "ね” so literally. Japs need constant social validation so its basically lost all meaning.

>> No.19188038


>> No.19188045


>> No.19188050


>> No.19188066
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>> No.19188070

got eem

>> No.19188074


>> No.19188104

"dude weed lmao"?

>> No.19188111

^ you see this guy?
he knows nihongo

>> No.19188114

>does not know about the grass laugh
all the cool kids are doing it now, gramps

>> No.19188123

I wonder how many manga are this guesstranslated.

>> No.19188126

all of them

>> No.19188128
File: 2.21 MB, 2208x1242, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Core 2k6k and Japanese the Manga Way pair so well together. Goddamn.

>> No.19188132


>> No.19188143

>textbook introduces by masu-kei instead of jisho-kei
Just fuck my verbs up, sempaitachi.

>> No.19188157

Should I read Japanese the Manga Way if I already read Tae Kim?
Or should I start reading Japanese content as soon as I finish TK?

>> No.19188159

If it being a textbook isn't enough of a reason to throw it away, that should be.

>> No.19188174

if you have watched 10000 hours of subtituladoed anime then yea you should read the wayne p lammers book and then forget about day one how to nihongo books and start crawling around in some nihongo till you can 自分の足で立つ

>> No.19188177


Manga Way is just less formal Tae Kim. If you're truly understanding Tae Kim you should start reading after. If not try the other one. I plan on doing a dry reading of Manga Way once. Then begin reading whilst also occasionally reading through Manga Way again, taking notes as needed.

>> No.19188182


>> No.19188184

Why not both? Do you have major time constraint or something? You should be swimming in any native Japanese you can (as long as it doesn't make you want to quit). No subs, no fears, no one to judge how much you suck. You WILL get improve.

Spoken conversation (not anime dialog) in particular stretches the part of your brain that increases live comprehension and intuitive situational responses. Those god-awful panel bangumi will make you sound like a native in no time.

>> No.19188189
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, 1522001133422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This language is great.

>> No.19188223

Thanks, I'm currently reading through it, however I'm not sure how well one has to know the grammar such that reading Japanese content makes sense. Either I use a Anki practice deck to reinforce the concepts, so I exactly know what they are when I see them, or I only read through the guide once and probably forget most concepts after a week or so.

Thanks for the answer.
I only have 1-2 hours per day for learning and spend most of that time on core2k. If reading the Manga way is not that beneficial after TK, it'd be better to skip it, since it would take a few weeks to read that too.

>> No.19188225

dang how epic and witty what amazing penmanship

>> No.19188228
File: 10 KB, 352x63, 2018-06-09-194040_352x63_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having 100% retention

>> No.19188238

Well, post your stats over deck life.

>> No.19188241

show me what you can do with your "retention"

>> No.19188252

Hey everyone, need genuine help

I'm translating "independent game" or indie game to Japanese. Which is correct, 独立系ゲーム or インディーズゲーム ?

>> No.19188255

are you translating

>> No.19188257


>> No.19188259

This will answer your question

>> No.19188263


>> No.19188270

I can keep making you're mom blow me every night.

>> No.19188271

I mean, if you can read kana you should already be reading stuff aimed at kids with furigana. plenty of decent manga series read by both adults and kids like Doraemon are easy to comprehend. There are lots of gaps in the day to squeeze in a bit of reading here and there to pass the time.

Listen to Japanese music only when you are out and about. You will naturally be picking out lyric fragments without looking it up.

Watch raw Japanese TV studio programs with a variety of live people of different ages, personalities, and backgrounds. It might be painful to find something to hold your interest, but at the very least the stuff about food is fairly universal.

Anime and VNs are very unnatural Japanese for the most part, and are only good as a gateway drug. I only recommend manga for reading speed and grammar acclimation.

>> No.19188276
File: 98 KB, 1116x1200, DcIL5lMVAAUI1xk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19188281

I can do everything but take criticism well. How is it not personal, when your personal failings cause you to suck?

>> No.19188291

インディ if it's a professional or commercial game that happens to be independently funded, 同人 if it's an independent hobby game.

>> No.19188296

Google or machine translation, no. I'm translating from what I've learned


Thank you anon for the help, appreciate t

>> No.19188314

it's not personal because everyone sucks, they just suck to different degrees

>> No.19188316 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 563x517, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19188327

同人 games can still keep the same status even if the group becomes famous/mainstream. Its more of an origin story but probably more of a Japan thing. Although I would consider Homestuck and doujin game and Undertale an Indie. Its hard to define why, its just a feeling.

>> No.19188332

Yes, I was oversimplifying it because the person I was responding to doesn't know enough to parse that properly.

>> No.19188344

To expand on this point, thanks to the anon that posted >>19188259
I mean, if you are at a level where you can understand even a little here you are ready to be watching this stuff while continuing you regular studies. You can see context/visuals as to whats being spoken about, and its an natural unscripted sort of dialog with some slang and accents. Also for some reason Japanese programs like to throw some subs down for whats being said occasionally.

>> No.19188419
File: 244 KB, 884x1254, 0063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a total loss for why Yukipo replaces the ー with a い, send help.

>> No.19188435


>> No.19188440

That's a メ my dude.

>> No.19188450

Its probably some sort of inside joke, because there is no objective reason as a hiragana い in the middle of a katakana word for 'beer' makes no sense, other than its pronounced the same.

>> No.19188469

truly next level analysis

That's makes sense, I guess I'll ask @ or something.

>> No.19188477

thanks a lot for the answer, then I'll start to consume more Japanese content.

>> No.19188487

Yukipo is a timid Puchidol who enjoys drinking green tea and eating pickled radish. Also she often takes rests, either she dug a hole or in a box with three letters.

>> No.19188642
File: 9 KB, 284x177, Haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen to Japanese music only when you are out and about. You will naturally be picking out lyric fragments without looking it up.

Umm this is not true, music is literally the worst listening practice practice you can do. and unless you are paying attention to the audio it is completely useless.

>Anime and VNs are very unnatural Japanese

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19188643

>in a box with three letters.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.19188645

Thank you so much!! I can't believe you found the exact sentence too. I think I'll switch from weblio to goo now.

>> No.19188665

miんna geんki?

>> No.19188748

one down, 45 to go, ganbare luck kouhai

>> No.19188819


>> No.19188834


this ninja is fuckin fine..

>> No.19188838

Have you thought about having kids and raising them bilingual? Do you think it'd be too much effort?
I'm ready for
>having kids

>> No.19188843

>having kids
sorry I couldn't help it

>> No.19188847

If by raising him bilingual you mean making him watch raw anime all day long, yeah. Otherwise he'll be speaking nipponese like a retard.

>> No.19188849

if youre actually real bilingual and not no fake bs then yeah you definitely should

if youre a wapanese fag who would name their kid reimu then you should just give up custody of your child to the mother and just pay child support and do your kid a favor by not tainting their life with your shit

>> No.19188859

are you going to raise some gaijin kids to speak japanese like some fuckin weirdos or are you going to marry a nihonjin
either way at least they wont be EOPs and in the latter case they'll actually be competent at the lingua franca, but i'm curious

>> No.19188861

man, How the fuck do you study grammar? I'm about 400 words into core and I started reading taekim's guide i get a vague idea about the lesson but when it comes to actually practicing it I struggle because I don't know any of the vocab on tae's guide. Should I just keep going? or wait until I have a bigger vocab bank?

>> No.19188869

japango the mango way by wayne p lammers

the p stands for partyboy

>> No.19188871

>Umm this is not true
Yes it is, it's just about the most inefficient form of listening practice possible, but I've definitely learned a bit from it. That said, I'd estimate that around 5 hours of actual study nets me about as much study benefit as a couple hundred hours of listening to Japanese music.

>> No.19188873

I'd never name my kid after a character I've masturbated to so much.

>> No.19188874

I hope you don't force such a useless language like japanese into them. if your point is to actually teach him a skill, maybe spanish if you're american. Just because you are a gigantic weeb doesn't mean he has to be.

>> No.19188880

>Anime and VNs are very unnatural Japanese for the most part, and are only good as a gateway drug.
I hate the dipshit redditors that actually say this as if the differences between normal and anime Japanese is relevant to 95% of westerners learning Japanese. And for the 5% who would find the differences relevant, those differences still don't matter because you can just broaden your input after watching anime.

>> No.19188882

so a language spoken by 3rd worlders and spaniards is more useful than a language spoken by a world power which is also 3rd biggest economy in the world
makes sense

>> No.19188884

the japanese is real the way they talk is not

dont talk like the anime

>> No.19188893

>are you going to raise some gaijin kids to speak japanese like some fuckin weirdos
I would love to see this but then again, I'm sure the poor kids would get teased.
We choose our parents before we're born so it's not like he would be forcing it on the kid.

>> No.19188897

>We choose our parents before we're born so it's not like he would be forcing it on the kid.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19188902

They're almost certainly going to enjoy anime (most kids do and the chances only increase if your parents do) so speaking to them in Japanese and making them watch raw anime from the beginning would be nice.
>if your point is to actually teach him a skill, maybe spanish if you're american
My kids won't want anything to do with wetbacks.

>> No.19188947

Save us, Sakubi.

>> No.19188987

if you say sakubi 3 times fast in front of the mirror real ninjas from 城南 appear and cut your balls off and administer aids to your asshole


>> No.19188991


>> No.19189000

You guys did this to yourselves. I mean the mods probably didn't help. But still.

>> No.19189011

Has anyone tried bunpro, any good?

>> No.19189029

>maybe spanish if you're american
what a fucking meme, don't learn languages because muh career opportunity, that's some unenlightened shit and they'll never practice it and they'll forget it entirely by the time they are adults
>Just because you are a gigantic weeb doesn't mean he has to be.
why even have kids if they aren't clones optimized to be better at your interests
besides, would you rather raise your mini-me on modern western children's cartoons or anime

>dont talk like the anime
that's not a concern no matter how much anime you watch unless you're actually putting effort into being a moron

>I'm sure the poor kids would get teased.
there's some of that either way, mixed kids get some shit too

>> No.19189032

I only do active listening and no passive listening. Would AJATTers make fun of me if they knew?

>> No.19189048

all vocab for the lesson is listed first so you can study it before digging in. Or just ignore it and hover over words for translation.

>> No.19189059

people talk like the anime all the time its a real thing

>> No.19189121

Does anyone know good websites to download raw manga other than http://rawlh.com/ and the DJT library?
How do the nips even pirate stuff?

The only reason I'm learning Japanese is to be able to read manga that don't get scanlated or that take a lot of time to get scanlated but there is no point to this if I can't find recent raw manga to read.

>> No.19189126

I don't really know any but here's my collection of high res raw manga, the manga you're looking for might be here. Hope I helped.

>> No.19189180

are we talking about people overall or people who actually know japanese because people who actually know japanese don't have trouble identifying anime speech patterns and avoiding them

>> No.19189185

why would we talk about people who are legit in a thread for people who are everything but

>> No.19189186

>How do the nips even pirate stuff?
Nips are fucking terrible at piracy.

>Oh, this novel was released in lovely, pristine digital format? Better convert it to low-quality .JPG images so it looks more like terrible book scans!

>> No.19189200

remember if you enjoy the manga support the publisher and author by purchasing the manga


>> No.19189202

if subpar scans are all it takes to piss off gaijin monkeys I fully support them

>> No.19189211
File: 2.81 MB, 1776x989, 桐生.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some comfy Japanese games to play in Japanese? Pic related is what I'm playing right now

>> No.19189210

can confirm there are millions of japanese people enjoying max quality manga right now that they downloaded from the intenret

>> No.19189225

I was raised trilingual. I don’t see any harm in raising kids bilingual as long as one of the parents ACTUALLY speaks the language.

>> No.19189271




>> No.19189289

Delete this.

>> No.19189331


>> No.19189336

i clicked this link and it looks like some bad japanese porno! user beware

>> No.19189356

Anyone else spend hours a day imagining the best ways to learn Japanese instead of learning Japanese?

>> No.19189362

i personally like to just obsess over learning methods and argue both internally and externally about which one is better but never being able to choose just one because i love them all

>> No.19189363

t. /djt/

>> No.19189366

this is how you become nukemarine

>> No.19189369

I just gave up learning Japanese and take my dose of Anki in the evenings. That's all of the exposure to Japanese I get.

>> No.19189386

i do 100 flashcards a day because the sooner i learn several thousand kanji the sooner i can start reading yotubato

>> No.19189406

Steve Kaufman recommends upping your word count at the cost of less retention because the sheer volume of exposure will help you better acquire the language. But I say fuck Kaufman.

>> No.19189415
File: 48 KB, 544x426, jkuyuhjnyjio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(s)he who holds the flashcards holds the power

>> No.19189426


>> No.19189427



>> No.19189436

Today's nihongo word is 棚上げ
Make sure to mine this wonderful word.

>> No.19189515

I still don’t understand how I’m supposed to read Japanese when I don’t know Japanese

>> No.19189548

>tfw 20 cards a day on anki
>tfw at this pace it will take me at least 200 days to finish core
I'm never going to make it

>> No.19189551

10000 hours of anime with ptbr subtitle

>> No.19189556

Start reading alongside doing 20 core cards per day. You'll be glad you did.

>> No.19189575

Just do a 2k core and start mining for eternity after that for epic nihongo win

>> No.19189579


Go through Japanese the Manga way while you do core. It's in the resources section. It follows core pretty well.

>> No.19189581

>you guys
It's always one or two autists fucking everything up. Don't put it on most of us.
Like in this thread alone 115 posters / 982 posts. Probably over 300 are coming from a single autist. There's nothing we can do about it.

Read easy books until you can read them easily. Then read harder books. Same way you learned your native language.

>> No.19189590

lol if you think 1 person ruins an entire thread

youre a fucking pussy who only blames others

>> No.19189614

anon the numbers don't lie

>> No.19189616

doesn't he also use srs just to look at sentences regardless of if he understands them or not? exposure is more important than review, and i'm not even sure if review is optimal for anything more than feeling good about yourself, but for normal vocab review, low retention causes snowballing which causes anki to take over your life and decreases time spent actually fucking consuming input, so that's where it's wrong.

it depends how much japanese you don't know. if you only know kana, skim a fucking grammar guide. if you skimmed tae kim, read easy shit and look a lot of shit up in both vocab and grammar dictionaries. after a day you'll have past tense and the most basic and straight-forward uses of particles ingrained in your soul. it gets easier the longer you do it. eventually you'll feel like you're actually reading, and soon it will be time to challenge yourself again with harder media.

>> No.19189626

numbers dont lie people do such as lying about numbers

>> No.19189632

rap-kun is far from the only aggressive shitposter

>> No.19189638

just fucking do it dude

>> No.19189654

aggressive? im the nicest guy here i dont fight with people i just fuck em up when they try to fight me

>> No.19189700

>youre a fucking pussy who only blames others
Whatever you say, tough guy.
But we don't have the ability to stop the retards from posting. So there's nothing we can do to stop them from drowning the thread in pure noise.

>> No.19189715

try making good posts for some epic win

>> No.19189765

aggressive as in forceful and frequent

>> No.19189789

aggressive as in passive aggressive

>> No.19189791
File: 22 KB, 380x214, 2d75d098-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im definitely the least passive aggressive poster itt

>> No.19189806

nah thats me

>> No.19189813
File: 1.35 MB, 1600x1280, 1474020226773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to consider myself True Neutral

>> No.19189820
File: 77 KB, 1324x701, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have 10 seconds to not be paggro

>> No.19189843

Apply Radical Freedom And Read All The Time

>> No.19189856

>doesn't he also use srs just to look at sentences regardless of if he understands them or not?
Steve doesn't use flashcards. He listens and reads.

>> No.19189867

all nihongo all lifetime


>> No.19189906

Do people read 次 as つに I have no idea why my core deck read it like that despite it being written as つぎ help

>> No.19189937

here we see another beginner who didn't watch 10000 hours of anime confused by authentic japanese pronunciation of words
may this serve as a lesson to yall

>> No.19189956


Core rips the word from the sentences to save space. It's why 一人 sounds like shitori.

>> No.19189990

I downloaded an easy visual novel to read but I’m having trouble installing it because the instructions are in Japanese and I don’t know Japanese.

>> No.19189991
File: 253 KB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the main difference between these Japanese channels?

>> No.19190001

the channel you want to use is tokyo mx that's where all the cool animes are

>> No.19190013

>Steve doesn't use flashcards. He listens and reads.
He mostly listens and reads but he says occasionally uses a built-in flashcard system on lingq.

>> No.19190019

new video @Matt VS Japan

>> No.19190025

Wew thanks for the heads up. I'm finishing up a video by Kotkin on Why Joseph Stalin Matters but I like AJATT interviews.

>> No.19190032

bless anybody who actually plans to sit through 40 mins of a bald jug pissing dude talking

>> No.19190055

i'm fairly certain that some video when mentioning anki among tools that he was giving opinions on, he made an off-hand comment that when he (had) used anki, he just used it to queue up exposure to text he wanted to see again with no regard for pass/fail. it's possible it was someone else, but i doubt it.

>> No.19190062

is matt literally insane? I'm not even joking that dude doesn't sound mentally sound.

>> No.19190065
File: 161 KB, 452x615, DRR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck is it called the 2k/6k deck? is it 2k out of 6k? is it 2k of something and 6k of something else? what dark magicks are contained in here?

>> No.19190078

it's being pronounced sort of like tsu-ngi, i don't know enough phonetics to know the actual sound or the name of that sound change but that is something that can happen to g. don't worry too much about it when you're early enough in to be learning words like 次.

>> No.19190082

2k kanji 6k vocab

>> No.19190083

I don't know but that's why I'm going to pretend I know in DJT. It's just an expanding number of the most common words in the language. These numbers are arbitrary but get the idea across: the first 2k are the most frequent words at 95%. The first 6k are the most frequent at 99%, etc.

>> No.19190087

Wow I was completely wrong...then I wonder what the 10k deck refers to...

>> No.19190090

there was once a core2k, then there was a core6k that included all of the words in core2k so it was called core2k6k, and then there was a core10k that included all of the words in core6k that was called core2k6k10k.
that would be cool if it had 2k kanji wouldn't it

>> No.19190337

10k deck refers to all that epic nihongo you learned watching 10000 hours of subtitled anime

>> No.19190343

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19190345

You aren't reading though.

>> No.19190348

Diggersby though

>> No.19190356

What's the best way to look up subtitles? Pause the video and OCR? Or are there any useful tools out there?

>> No.19190368

Some anon mentioned he hooks his video player with ith but I haven't tested it myself.

>> No.19190412

AEGIS subs or whatever.

>> No.19190421

Learn written Japanese.

>> No.19190501


>> No.19190505

There's gotta be a program that will display the appropriate subtitle in plaintext at the appropriate time while the video plays, right? Seems so basic and useful. I know there are websites that already do that like animelon.

>> No.19190532

Is animelon any good? The gist of it sounds incredibly useful.

>> No.19190551

That was me, I have an arrangement that lets me press a key shortcut and it automatically puts the currently displayed line of subtitles into a blank html document that I've got open in Firefox, and then I use Yomichan to check words I don't know/add them to Anki. I'm at work right now but I can post an explanation of how I do it when I get home in an hour or two. It's great, and even better with that huge pack of retimed subtitles that got posted the other day. I particularly like the way I do it because I can full-screen whatever I'm watching on my big monitor and have the html document in another.
My solution isn't a program, it's a few programs and a script for mpv, but like I said above I'll post it later. I'll share the script, too.

>> No.19190552

Why do people RTK 2000 kanji before starting to study? isn't that really dumb? I just looked at N2 kanji list and it only covers like a 1000 both genki 1 and 2 covers like 350~. if you actually RTK 2000 and end up barely using 70% of them wouldn't you forget them pretty quickly or am i wrong?

>> No.19190574

RTK teaches you to use mnemonics to remember the Kanji, and you're supposed to use it alongside an SRS program like Anki and continue reviewing for as long as needed after finishing the book. You're unlikely to forget them. JLPT doesn't matter.

>> No.19190580

Neato. I could use that.

>> No.19190585

How long do you expect to be doing Genki?

>> No.19190590

until minna is

>> No.19190606

JLPT requirements are stupid, realistically you should be able to recognize at least 2000 kanji by the time you're JLPT 2.8 (a year in on average)

It's for the retards that sit in college classes for 3 years without learning more than 100 kanji. All JLPT except N1 have nearly incomprehensible kana-barf in place of normal every day words. JLPT is a joke. All the levels below N1 are stupid and N1 is also stupid because it has nothing to do with actual Japanese

>> No.19190635

i think the standard argument is "just get it out of the way" and as was said you're not going to forget if you keep up your reviews after you're done. completely separate from the argument of if you should do (all of) RTK or not, those numbers are low-ball as fuck, if you actually read shit that has kanji you're going to go outside of those lists constantly, even at a beginner level. jlpt kanji/vocab lists are only "useful" if you're trying to study for the test without learning the language, making anki decks for jlpt vocab and jlpt grammar and jlpt kanji, which is how you end up studying for 2 years and being unable to pass n2. does that mean there's a benefit to practicing 2000 or 3000 kanji first? can't say.

>> No.19190660

t. failed the JLPT lmao

>> No.19190716

What the fuck kind of words do the 4k words after 2k have in core6k?
I quit Core after 2100 words which had I reckon around 1000 unique kanji. Core 6k as a whole had 1554 kanji or so.
I'm at 1663 kanji now, but there's still 252 kanji that were in 6k that I have never seen. How fucked is the latter half of the core deck?

>> No.19190718

>am i wrong?

>> No.19190735
File: 194 KB, 500x500, 1516214082454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the language like in Rurouni Kenshin?

I don't want to download a several dozen GB torrent only to find out that the whole series is in archaic Japanese that I have no hope of understanding.

>> No.19190743

>does that mean there's a benefit to practicing 2000 or 3000 kanji first?
there is obviously some benefit to studying kanji first but the investment of time spent memorizing kanji instead of learning words isn't worth it unless the person has brain damage

>> No.19190764

If people who decided to learn Kanji before words were brain damaged, then how would they finish RTK?

>> No.19190767

>several dozen
What sort of backwoods client are you using that you can't choose which files you download?

>> No.19190783

It's a 少年 series.

>> No.19190789

Starting with pure kanji memorization sounds insane. Why not just learn vocabulary and grammar with kanji coming in through that. What's the point of learning kanji if you can't actually read anything?

>> No.19190793

10000 hours of anime or your gay

>> No.19190799


>> No.19190804


>> No.19190806

I'm going through it because I'm a brainlet that won't be able to retain the words if I don't have some preexisting English entry for individual kanji, but it really is a boring shitty thing to have to do. Can't wait to start on words.

>> No.19190812

Download the first volume and see for yourself.

>> No.19190818

i skimmed out of curiosity. it looks like it gets dumber. more easy loanwords, more isolated prefixes/suffixes that you've already learned through words earlier, more obvious compounds, more shit you already know unless you're avoiding reading. まずい comes in at both #5210 and #5691. it is truly a shock that anyone would finish this shitty deck before mining.

>> No.19190840

this better not be porno..

>> No.19190875

It’s really good for morale to make kanji bunch of shapes you can recognize and know vague meanings of instead just incomprehensible Chinese markings. It also means you don’t have to draw unknown kanji in google translate anymore.

>> No.19190879

It's from the manga site linked on the home page of Daily Japanese Thread site posted in every op. For some reason I suspect people don't actually read the op before posting. A shame, as spending five minutes on the site djt put together would help solve problems people have far better than having to content with Jamal firing away twenty awful posts for every question posted in earnest.

>> No.19190885

>まずい comes in at both #5210 and #5691
how in the hell. it's such a popular deck though.

>> No.19190895

nothing but if you plan to watch more I would reccomend using MAL

>> No.19190899

dude the last mega link was porno whats your issue

also all my posts are literally to make you better at nihongo should you choose to become better at nihongo

>> No.19190927


>> No.19190951
File: 1.23 MB, 3286x1080, 2018-06-09--1528598864_3286x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from work, although now I realize that I'm not the anon that other guy was talking about since I don't use ith for it. I use Linux, and you'll probably have to modify the script somehow to make it work with Windows, as I'm using the "xsel" utility to manipulate the clipboard, and I haven't used Windows for anything but the occasional game in years so I don't know how the clipboard is managed on a Windows system. That said, here's how I do it:
I play the anime I'm watching with mpv, having added the subtitles I want to use by dragging the file into the window. Then, I use a simple lua script (which you just need to put into the scripts folder. On Linux, that would be /home/YOURUSERNAME/.config/mpv/scripts/ . /jp/ doesn't allow posting of code, so I've uploaded it to doko as a .txt file: https://a.doko.moe/uwufar.txt
save that as a .lua and put it in your scripts folder.
Set up firefox for text-hooking as described in the Cornucopia (Steps 2 & 3 from here: http://pastebin.com/raw/DgZ84qwk)), it would be redundant for me to explain that here.
Now just press "a" at any time while watching Japanese subbed anime and the currently displayed line of text will appear in firefox, ready to be manipulated by your mouse-over dictionary of choice.

>> No.19190982

Good post

>> No.19190984

Additionally, it doesn't have to be "a", you can change whatever key you want it to be by modifying that script. I just chose "a" because it was on the home row and it's not used for anything else in mpv.

>> No.19190986

what does "knowing" the kanji have to do with how you input a kanji when you can't recall any words which contain it? i still draw those kanji in google translate because i find it faster than radical lookup, but i don't have to glance back at the text 4 times while i do so at least.

>> No.19190988

Bad post

>> No.19191014

great post https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsYYwElc0Ug

>> No.19191017

bad bad post

>> No.19191028


You can look them up by their keywords and primitives here, I think it’s a lot less tedious than drawing them.

>> No.19191472

>A shame, as spending five minutes on the site djt put together would help solve problems people have far better than having to content with Jamal firing away twenty awful posts for every question posted in earnest.
Wait he still isn't permabanned? Why?

>> No.19191492

My guess is that he makes so many shitposts that none of them get enough reports to get any attention. We need to convince a mod to learn Japanese so they can see what we have to deal with every day.

>> No.19191495

Or just mod me instead :)

>> No.19191529

>We need to convince a mod to learn Japanese so they can see what we have to deal with every day.
We have the owner of the site. It should be a slam dunk permaban

>> No.19191537

I'm pretty sure he already knows Japanese, so he wouldn't come to DJT.

>> No.19191546

Kinomod and the medio both hate this general so they have taken steps to ensure that it will only ever get worse. Remember a little while ago when the "otaku" version of these threads were being met with range bans? Look at the threads that are being made now and the lack of moderation. Ever since a few people from /int/ started trying to chase the legacy elements out of this thread, meido has suspiciously let them tear up the threads while still deleting posts- just not theirs. The resident mentally ill shitposters have taken this as a free pass and gone to town on it, in turn appeasing moderation and their personal desire to see the thread destroy itself.
It was sabotaged by selective pruning.

>> No.19191566

imagine how much worse this thread would be if you knew japanese

>> No.19191577

Guess I gotta apply for the next open janny positions.

>> No.19191606

Yeah I remember the canadian that wanted otaku general gone. He made it clear he wants this one deleted and only /int/ to remain, and he apparently has a line with the mods on IRC.
It was such a simple name change, in line with this board, but boy did it send his autism into overdrive.

What a shame, if only the e-celeb posts and jamal got a permaban, thats all it would take really. The rest are easily filtered(like the retard that hates manga and therefore it isn't reading).

>> No.19191637

You can filter jamal too.
