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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 85 KB, 449x640, g0831010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1917359 No.1917359 [Reply] [Original]

kimochi warui

>> No.1917376

onna nuretta shitzu!

>> No.1917377
File: 56.00 MB, 3008x2000, 1231946395612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimchi warui

>> No.1917378

when did someone take a photo at me?

>> No.1917381
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>> No.1917389


>> No.1917425

this guy is dead, right?

>> No.1917439

yeah, suicide

>> No.1917450

who is he?

>> No.1917453



>> No.1917459

dude with disorder, can't remember much, liked to take pictures at cons. in the end, bag over head, strangled himsel to a tree

>> No.1917479


What a shame... He looked like such a nice creep.

>> No.1917484

Bet the women who bullied him are happy with themselves.

>> No.1917489


>> No.1917497


Don't know if you can account women for his death. If it's true that he was mentally troubled.

Go back to bed, athens.

>> No.1917495

Hi woman.

>> No.1917500

Pretty fucking sad. Despite our occasional bitching, most of /jp/ has much to be thankful for.

>> No.1917501

In the past, Allah turned the disobediant jews into dogs and pigs.

Allah, why do you wait? Change these murders to swine and let the Palestine Liberation begin!

الله أكبر
الله أكبر
الله أكبر

>> No.1917505

/r/ing the pic of his dead rotten body hanging in a tree (seriously I have see it somewhere).

>> No.1917531

Girls killed him.

>> No.1917535


>> No.1917539

It's not really him / the story in this thread isn't true.

>> No.1917558

then where is this guy

>> No.1917571

at home probably

>> No.1917572


>> No.1917574

creepy disgusting ota should euthanize themselves they serve no purpose in life just fucking die already

>> No.1917577
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1231949357670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in Munbai

>> No.1917588

Do you believe in girl power?

>> No.1917594
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Creepy, embarrassing, fucking worthless.

>> No.1917595


It's not their fault alone. If you really want to change this terrible situation, then you most do everything in your power to dismantle the NHK, alright?

>> No.1917610


>> No.1917617


>> No.1917623

what about the cute creepy ones?

>> No.1917634

Choose one.

>> No.1917640

It's perfectly possible.

>> No.1917646
File: 152 KB, 751x1000, 1231950356548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both cute and creepy.

>> No.1917650
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Oh, really?

>> No.1917651
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die ota

>> No.1917654
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>> No.1917662

Choose two.

>> No.1917665
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ota is a disgrace to his family

>> No.1917672
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>> No.1917675

what are Ai Kago's views regarding ota?

>> No.1917683

.... well fuck.

>> No.1917684


Good comeback.

>> No.1917692

The way he dresses. It seems like he's intentionally going for the classic nerd look.

>> No.1917693

I don't know, but look at this:
>Kago was crowned the kusojo ("crap girl") of Morning Musume after finishing last in the Mechaike Okajo Taiikusai Special (also known as the Mechaike Okajo Sports Festival).

>> No.1917696

There is an exception to every rule. And Nevada-tan just happens to be my favorite exception.

>> No.1917698

Is he some kind of celebrity? What do the Nipponese call him?

>> No.1917709


>> No.1917712
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>> No.1917718
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To think there's a whole industry dedicated to these globs of failure, it makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.1917721


Good money, bro.

>> No.1917728


I wonder how he took his waifu's death in DC I.f.

>> No.1917733

Hey yo man lay off the poor ota's. They ain't hurt anybody.

>> No.1917735


>> No.1917741


>> No.1917745

where do you live?

>> No.1917746
File: 111 KB, 560x746, 1231952043425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if you will having to share the same air with a "man" who made the rational choice that morning to squeeze into a school girl uniform and parade in public.

>> No.1917754


>> No.1917766
File: 76 KB, 639x480, 1231952559312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ota need to seriously reflect on their status in this world, and consider how life in general would flourish thanks to their absence

>> No.1917772

>/jp/ need to seriously reflect on their status in this world, and consider how life in general would flourish thanks to their absence

>> No.1917779


>> No.1917782

I'm the fucking Übermensch.

>> No.1917784
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>> No.1917788

sure. I've just finished reading Nietsche, his paragraph on 4chan was SO cash.

>> No.1917791
File: 21 KB, 394x285, 1231953239925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does your skin not crawl upon the mere mention of these disgusting creatures? ota, end your miserable lives right now.

>> No.1917799


>> No.1917816

If I could suck my own testicles I wouldn't be so fucking depressed.

>> No.1917812

I remember a picture of a futa in this position. I fapped.

>> No.1917823
File: 361 KB, 222x320, 1231953985719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ota bring shame to their families without a shred of remorse. no mother should have to bear this pain.

>> No.1917851
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>> No.1917857
File: 27 KB, 590x300, 1231954577356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ota, when will you realize the truth
ota, when will you stand up on your own
ota, when will you take a .45 caliber pill and wake up from this dream

we're eagerly waiting for you, ota.

>> No.1917889

What if the mother is ota?

>> No.1917921

It's still at least 10 years too early to consider that possibility.

>> No.1918039

ota is king

>> No.1918045

>It's still at least 10 years too early to consider that possibility.

>> No.1918074


>> No.1918078

It'll be at least 10 years before the possibility of an ota son having an ota mother could be feasible, seeing as how the otaku culture has only recently started to cater outside their main male 15-39 demographic.

>> No.1918088

They already exist. Well actually, the examples I've seen so far were really more cases of parents forcing their children to do stuff and less children doing it themselves.

>> No.1918103


There must be fujoshi whose children are otaku. It's possible that they converted from normalfaggottry after they married or something.

>> No.1918114

I'm sure they exist now, but their children aren't as old as >>1917823
which is who >>1917889 was referring to when he brought up the ota-mom hypothesis to the table.

>> No.1918121
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>> No.1918122

what was this guy's nickname again?

>> No.1918123
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>> No.1918141

Why did I get this overbearing feeling of sadness and empathy looking at that last picture? I feel like killing myself now

>> No.1918154

Don't forget that it's a lot harder for women to be ronery so fujoshi probably marry.

>> No.1918153

Oh wow, this guy doesn't even have to dress up in the cosplay areas, he's already himself!

>> No.1918164
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>> No.1918166

Is it just me or are his earlobes not free in the first picture?

>> No.1918167

I have the same reaction. In the top picture he just looks creepy.
But the bottom one, it's the expression on his face, the way he's barely holding onto that bag almost going to slip to the floor any second. It's like he just realized what he's been doing and is utterly flabbergasted by it.

>> No.1918168

He aged well.

>> No.1918171

Fuck you OP, your pic made me drop my banana. Now I can't eat it.

>> No.1918174

Does that have anything to do with this thread, or is it just your way of saying "I can read Japanese?"

>> No.1918205
File: 23 KB, 463x262, 1231960306922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kimochi warui

>> No.1918219

What, no Hosaka image yet? I'm disappointed in you, /jp/.

>> No.1918258

OP pic is fucking creepy mostly because of the way he lowered his face. He looks more amiable in the others, though he still is a fat, ugly failure.

>> No.1918261
File: 71 KB, 665x422, 1231960826999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1918270

Has anyone got that pic from a previous comiket when it's those two otaku (one fat, one thin) with their backs to the camera looking into the distance and the thin one is pointing at something?

>> No.1918277


Did he decide to change his shoes before he killed himself?

>> No.1918289
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 1231961232493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1918295

this thread has really put my life in perspective

>> No.1918297

Jesus FUCK what is that ghost!?

>> No.1918302

True friends.

>> No.1918311

That guy didn't really kill himself, did he?

>> No.1918309

"Simon! Your ota-stink will pierce the heavens!"

>> No.1918318
File: 24 KB, 475x600, 1231961801273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1918333

This picture makes me happy

>> No.1918363

There are many conventions I go to where this is the case.

The pioneering spirit is strong. Go forth young men.

>> No.1918373

"There is so much left to conquer, Tanzaki-san. Look! The porn awaits our arrival!"

>> No.1918802

That Konata is really short. Kind of arousing how short she/he is.

>> No.1918811

"It's a Gundam!"

>> No.1918846

Even though this goddamn cosplay, I really would like to experience that sort of friendship.


>> No.1918860

she's a girl, she's like us and she's beautiful

>> No.1918966

>>she's a girl
Obviously an attention whore
>>she's like us
No women on the internet
>>she's beautiful
3D pig disgusting

>> No.1919208

disgusting fat ota nerd-dressing.

>> No.1919348

It's probably a boy, enjoy shota
