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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 695 KB, 1000x672, fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19166509 No.19166509 [Reply] [Original]

Poseidon is best goddess.

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Content Aggregator:

Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk

>> No.19166511
File: 861 KB, 1333x1400, satyr-Axem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166515

Cute swimsuit goat!

>> No.19166518
File: 287 KB, 700x682, E295A249-E18E-4109-9754-76F24C208051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166524

Cute snek

>> No.19166529

Nice snek.

>> No.19166535
File: 381 KB, 933x700, bunyip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior snek.

>> No.19166537

sneky snek

>> No.19166568
File: 710 KB, 500x622, 1514087433502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it.

>> No.19166581
File: 359 KB, 600x604, cheshire36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monster Mu-cuck-me
y tho

>> No.19166585
File: 1.66 MB, 1280x1676, tumblr_p9v2ijI4Er1v2gw9ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166594

It makes a good gateway to monster girl material that is actually good.

>> No.19166606

>actually good
I'd believe you if it weren't for the Cathyl chapters and everything that followed.

>> No.19166612
File: 1.77 MB, 500x556, 1465853133899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19166615

I said gateway TO good material you dipshit.

>> No.19166616

Have a (You)

>> No.19166618

That's a sexy manticore, but she looks too nice for me. If I'm gonna get a manticore waifu, she needs to be sadistic and cruel (in a sexual sense) and have an addiction to my semen. Gotta get that full manticore experience, ya know?

>> No.19166620

/chaos/ is calling.

>> No.19166624
File: 261 KB, 800x484, Automaton35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recharge required

>> No.19166625


>> No.19166634
File: 111 KB, 821x767, Dizzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166640
File: 537 KB, 560x887, 1507339842991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19166652

Cute booby snake

>> No.19166656

I didn’t realize Wonderland served Jello Pudding.

>> No.19166672

>You'll never be a huge manwhore who makes old monster girls all over town feel young again

>> No.19166697
File: 283 KB, 692x881, 32894241_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.19166701

Shes cute.
Time for more booby though.

>> No.19166713
File: 1.91 MB, 1919x1600, Don't Judge Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166714
File: 404 KB, 1280x960, 1522901819765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much?

>> No.19166738

What is this even from? I see it posted every thread.

>> No.19166740

I bet she'll scratch the hell out of your hand if you try to take her ball of yarn away

>> No.19166745
File: 272 KB, 1280x960, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19166751

Now that's more my style.

I wanna know what it's like to get jabbed by her spikes at random points throughout the day, subsequently getting sucked off by her tail or mouth as she sates her semen addiction. Sometimes doing it hours on end, leaving every orifice she has swollen as its filled to the brim. Only for her to completely switch her domineering attitude at night as she grabs me like a little girl would a teddy bear as we fall asleep together, lightly purring

>> No.19166763
File: 120 KB, 595x842, C3P9WytUoAIv1bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Griffons deserve more love.

>> No.19166765
File: 693 KB, 600x919, Griffon-Captain-Small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've kinda been thinking about commissioning some Griffon art (because there ain't nearly enough), but I have no clue what the subject matter should be beyond that :/

>> No.19166772

That pic is the minimum.

>> No.19166775
File: 200 KB, 1200x1176, DdeX7RfU8AEANQv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure you'll have plenty of time to think about it during your vacation.

>> No.19166777

too lewd ma dude

>> No.19166782

Go away

>> No.19166787

I bet that shortstack Wendigo really wants anon to hurry up and use her like an Onahole already.

>> No.19166795 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.19166796 [DELETED] 


>> No.19166804

>I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it.
>No-one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we fell.
>All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important!
>Valor pleases you, Ares, so grant me my request.
>Grant me satisfaction!
>And if you do not listen, to Hell with you!

>> No.19166807
File: 632 KB, 1231x1000, 61086886_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man. I imagine being nudged by the Unagi and slipping and falling, landing right on top of her so that our stomachs are touching, me looking down into a pair of playful and knowing eyes with a smile, she having made herself vulnerable for me...

I try to laugh and push myself off of her, but my hand slips again and suddenly is caught against her squishy chest. She giggles, and isn't done playing yet. I grin and try again to get free, but my legs are caught in her tail and I just slide into an even better position for her. I'm right where she wants me, and both of us know it, and it's super fun.

I let out a happy yell and try to simply tumble us across the wet ground and roll her off, but in moments we wind up with her on top, tangled and entwined around my whole body, lips locked around mine and kissing me passionately before I even understand what's going on, hands woven around the back of my head, grasping me tighter, our tongues writhing, her voice a long, drawn-out, happy moaning hum that she sings into my throat. My hair must feel good in her hands, as she winds strands of it between her fingers, playing with all of me like I'm her favorite life-sized toy, or perhaps her willing prey. Her saliva tastes so good, something like honey that's just a tiny bit salty, and I want to kiss her deeper, my eyes squinting shut as I lose myself more to every entrapping sensation her body is rich in.

Isn't she wonderful! A daring, calculating watery vixen, yet passionate and heartfelt to her core. A culmination of many varieties of Mamono love, both a mature best friend that you can trust yourself to and a fun playmate who's all about making every moment with you something incredible and worth smiling at and cherishing.

Sleeping while wrapped up in that cushy yet slender fish body every night, must be heaven. Both her arms cherishing me, a content smile on both our faces, our bodies coated protectively in a blanket of ocean-scented oil, as if every aspect of her being is surrounding me as much as humanly possible...

I reach up and stroke towards her hair before dozing off, and my fingers and thumb graze the ridges of her flat, smooth ear-fin, and it twitches sharply in my hand, eliciting a giggle from my lover as she pulls me even tighter to her, responding to my affection with her own. I kiss the shape of her sleek neck; her entire body faintly tastes of that salty honey-like oil, one giant treat for me to enjoy. More giggles come as I take in more of that taste and add some more kisses. Weren't we trying to sleep? It's looking like we'd both rather be playful some more, the taste of my lover perking me up more every time my lips and tongue tease her, and it isn't long before she's on her back and holding me on top of her again, squeezing my face into her skin, giggles becoming breathy and ragged, her sweet body demanding to drink in my affection like a sponge, while another part of her grows thirsty to drink in something else of me, wetter than an ocean cavern...

We cry each other's names many times that night, and every inch of both our bodies-- legs, arms, hands, tails, bellies, faces, lips, tongues-- are imprinted anew with each-other's blazing caresses.

>> No.19166812


>> No.19166813
File: 2.95 MB, 2122x2619, 1497574745112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my wife.

>> No.19166818

I want to ride the slip n' slide.

>> No.19166827

Big boobied miko snake shall be mine!

>> No.19166841

The only species that even remotely engages in cuckoldry are the Centaurs as part of Crab using actual horse breeding rituals.

Literally kill yourself Bollocks.

>> No.19166844

>he didn't read the Cathyl chapter

>> No.19166858
File: 155 KB, 850x779, f2aefbeb65f823e25072e2f7c7810c68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166866

>Milking = Having Sex With
Enjoy being cucked by a machine too

>> No.19166869
File: 295 KB, 640x842, 69016398_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166878

how does a hellhound kiss her husband with burning eyes

>> No.19166884

She just melts your eyelashes and burns your eye lids. Do it for her.

>> No.19166892

Down! Down! Off the bed!

>> No.19166893
File: 324 KB, 718x425, monster girl deruella explain shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19166903
File: 766 KB, 1000x1000, 25c44c50cc2caefa6b2bc6515729ada72701775d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's magical fire a la kitsune.

>> No.19166904

As soon as the portals open I'm screaming my desire for an onee-san harem as the top of my lung.

>> No.19166934

>But little did anon know how disappointed he would be when he didn't get his harem
>He only got two onee-sans waifus after doing that.

>> No.19166936
File: 271 KB, 850x1460, vamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be the shota butler of a CC vampire
>she will never drain you on a daily basis, in more ways than one

>> No.19166937

This is the kind of stuff that makes me love eel whores so much.
I want to slip on my wife's carefully placed slime and have her ample chest ease my fall.

>> No.19166943
File: 1.02 MB, 619x865, 69090111_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166951
File: 814 KB, 1500x1938, Selene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another day at the Battle mansion
>Anon is known as a bit of a legend, beating mansion veterans always coming back for more.
>One day the audience is quiet as anon approaches the stage.
>Selene herself walks on the stage with a heavy cloak on her.
>"You've become quite the fine warrior anon. Few could say they are champions in this arena of mine."
>Dark aura surrounds her as she throws the cloak aside, revealing a fancier version of her normal armor.
>"You have no idea just how much that turns me on"
>The floor begins to rumble and anon gets a cold sweat, this was worse than that time he thought the dragon twins!
>Selene summons her greatsword and grins
>"No more games anon! Today you fight the Lilim of blades! Today you fight...ME!"
>The rumbling stops but the pressure is heavy. Regaless, anon draws his sword.
>"Give it your all, Mother knows what will happen if you disappoint me."
>And like that, the greatest fight of Anon's career begins.

>> No.19166964
File: 84 KB, 640x839, SmR4eS4V1upPzn3L8jQSLoK8a5gN8CDEWkHjJVjKgIg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19166969
File: 708 KB, 500x718, 1508767154860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug Queen

>> No.19166974

Shota butlers are for young vampires. The only exception is if your CC mistress turned you into a shota as punishment.

>> No.19166991
File: 279 KB, 850x1260, 7SZihe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here's your order

>> No.19166996

>Thinking milking a cow is the same as cuckoldry
The noose is waiting

>> No.19167004

What species are they?

>> No.19167005
File: 835 KB, 1000x1286, 61611517_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more dragon zombie, post greentexts, stories, art, etc.

>> No.19167011
File: 126 KB, 661x940, 1523489032768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anon, who's your flavor of the month right now?

I've grown a bit fixated on Pharaoh's as of late. I wonder what having one as an onee-san would be like. Would she let little shota-kun sit in her lap while she conducted court?

>> No.19167015

Um, miss! This is what I ordered yesterday. I ordered something else today.

>> No.19167023

Everyone knows that in an RPG, you never got to the arena until new game+
and by then I'll have my waifu, so there's no need for me to go.

>> No.19167028

That’s actually a good way of explaining it. I may fantasize about all kinds of species, but I always seem to come back to lamia.

>> No.19167035

Of course, she'll pet your head too.

>> No.19167039

Is there anything better than a genki Kobold who shoves her head into your groin whenever you sit down?

I second this. Dragon Zombie is both best dragon and best undead, she deserves all the love.

>> No.19167044
File: 103 KB, 752x1062, __izayoi_sakuya_touhou_drawn_by_morishima_kon__85fd5f64585b04abc9bab6faa2d23af2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no demon meido

>> No.19167047

Why would you start a new game+ if you don't want to do side missions?

>> No.19167061

How much of a gary stu are you if you beat two dragons?

>> No.19167070
File: 86 KB, 872x598, 1521056423153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody can beat the SUCC.

Not the SUCC.

>> No.19167073
File: 113 KB, 1200x684, 1514283689531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pretty damn good one if it's enough to get Selene wet.

I guess that's true, but I'm mostly just desperate and willing to compromise. Aside from a few exceptions, anyone would do.

>> No.19167078

>Cathyl outright cheated
>Centaurs engage in cuckoldry
>Mermaids love tragedy including NTR or reverse
>Suu straight up fucks the girls given a chance
>Rachnera admitted liking it to a degree
>Rachnera molests them and captured Lilith, keeping her in her sex dungeon
>Harpies sleep around with whoever
>Lamias find husbands, bring them back to the village and get cucked by their tribe
I could probably keep going. Crab should just stick to drawing. He's obsessed with giving 2D 3DPD personalities.

>> No.19167081

Can't beat the SUCC, man.

>> No.19167084
File: 291 KB, 800x1000, 1433221324100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While they aren't in my top 10, I totally want one as a yandere mommy.

>> No.19167090
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, CheshireCat161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to reason with the Bollockshitter

>> No.19167129

Going by the rules of the mansion, i would compete if i can keep the demonsilver weapon

>> No.19167145

I want to piss her off
Tell her the mansion doesn't do shit for most people and she's wasting her time as the age of swords is over.

>> No.19167154

Go eat shit with Aftyn if you're so fascinated by NTR Bollocks

>> No.19167156
File: 1.05 MB, 1168x1200, 69049457_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's private lesson time

>> No.19167166

I already graduated! I won't go back! Leave me alone!

>> No.19167168

Why do you always cut my chain when you come over here? You can just knock like a normal person you know.

>> No.19167182
File: 191 KB, 879x1200, DaRuvYCVAAA7NAj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19167183
File: 115 KB, 640x861, w5wd0de8Osm15TPtlf1fYPyLNzkfZfg4B81VnOPmjlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you swim with her?

>> No.19167192
File: 164 KB, 734x954, dz Greentext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this one from not too long ago

>> No.19167203

Cow birds best birds

>> No.19167231
File: 430 KB, 1016x921, DragonZombie13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19167240

Sweet! I’d love a girl who could make Jelly Donuts.

>> No.19167244

So much image spam this early on, wew.

>> No.19167256

Thank you for contributing. Come any time and share your wisdom with us at any time.

>> No.19167266
File: 904 KB, 1000x1200, 64763096_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best dragon.

>> No.19167270

Go away discordnigger

>> No.19167273
File: 281 KB, 750x809, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167274

>Defending cuckshit

>> No.19167280

This place doesn't deserve to have images.

>> No.19167283

Getting real sick of your epic avatarfagging and image wasting every thread
It's not subtle or funny or cute

>> No.19167286

Dick is the leading cure for all varieties of illnesses.

>> No.19167292
File: 167 KB, 721x953, 53042032_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So go make your own image-free board.

>> No.19167293

What’s her reaction when she discovers that’s a giant condom on her head?

>> No.19167294

I'd rather have Cheshires get posted than trash like >>19166518

>> No.19167299

>No arguments
>Just continues spamming
This is your mind on Discord.

>> No.19167300 [DELETED] 
File: 795 KB, 786x969, 68050979_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (You) anon

How about less bitching and more MGs?

>> No.19167306

Give the maid headpats, hot tea, and plenty of love to make her feel better!

>> No.19167308
File: 842 KB, 830x1200, demon 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would purple Demons be considered exotic, an equivalent of brown?
>leaning over a demon loli and whispering "Little purple girls are the best" in her pointed ear just before penetration

>> No.19167313

Nearly half the posts in this thread have an image with them, that's fucking ridiculous. We're gonna be out of images before we hit 600 posts if you faggots keep this shit up.

>> No.19167324

Just like every thread before this one?

>> No.19167327

I'm not defending anything you dumbass. Cathyl was backed up and in need of milking. It's something that will happen to cows and make them ill, or in her case uncomfortable. Sorry that you're so fucking dense you think it was actual cuckoldry you piece of shit.

>> No.19167329 [DELETED] 

A pox on your house. Fuck off /monster/ remnants.

>> No.19167332

>It's your momsters birthday
>nothing special happens that day
>retire to room in the evening to play some videogames
>momster walks in and tells you to shut off your game
>you ask why
>she says its time for her present as she chugs an entire bottle of ovulation drugs
>the door is locked, the windows are stuck.
>she has heart pupils

What do?

>> No.19167335

I don't know what the fuck you're on about but if people stop posting the same images every damn thread like a bunch of retards we could stave off image limit until the thread has almost fallen off the board.

>> No.19167339

Oh no we gonna run out of bandwidth, what will we ever do.

>> No.19167344

Are you perhaps afflicted with a case of the downs?

>> No.19167345

Then why would Crab need to "handwave" it by making it to where her boyfriend was cheating on her all along to justify her cucking?

>> No.19167346

Are you seriously braindead?

>> No.19167347

Even when we do, what’s the problem with Imgur or crossboard hosting?

>> No.19167351

They're probably posted by the same shitter at this point.

>> No.19167360

Having a roll of gauze in the cupboard isn't an excuse to shoot yourself in the foot.

>> No.19167363
File: 1.66 MB, 2490x3223, 8190861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, that's cold dude!

What monstergirl would you soak in a waterfight?

>> No.19167365

That's pretty much how it already goes. Threads start off with a flurry of activity, slacken up a bit, then come back to life when they're close to the bottom of the board.

>> No.19167367

Offsite faggots like you need to be excised like tumors.

>> No.19167368
File: 144 KB, 738x1200, IMG_0762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have a mouse workout buddy! One that enters heat whenever she smells my sweat!

>> No.19167369

Fuck off mobileposter.

>> No.19167377

I would if my mouse anon

>> No.19167379 [SPOILER] 
File: 290 KB, 1080x1920, 1528240625753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of folks post Cheshire when they're trolling or otherwise making a sarcastic remark. I do it and neither of those posts are me.

>> No.19167381

Was that supposed to English?

>> No.19167384

I bet she'll burn down the conbini when they ran out of pudding.

Nine tailed foxes can wreck an entire country if she wanted.

>> No.19167385

>If I had my mouse
Well, that's embarrassing.

>> No.19167390 [DELETED] 

Fuck off furfag

>> No.19167395
File: 440 KB, 1043x1300, 1521575575033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does your waifu dress up for you?

>> No.19167397 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.19167402
File: 319 KB, 676x502, she sees your bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167403

My wife isn't the biggest on cosplay or anything like that, but she loves trying out new lingerie that show off her curves!

>> No.19167405


>> No.19167406

Oh hey, it's that one asshole.

>> No.19167408

Sorry for using images on an IMAGEboard.

>> No.19167413

My Night Gaunt wife will wear clothing for me but only in pirvate.

>> No.19167425 [DELETED] 

90% percent of all shitposters are Bunyips. They are ruining the threads.

I hate Bunyips so god damn much.

>> No.19167427
File: 260 KB, 845x1200, DQDTAjhUIAEqZ0i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what it's like to be a straggler from the old Lescatie army

>> No.19167428 [DELETED] 

Nigger what, he fucking posts those reaction images every thread, and it's always in response to people talking about other sites or boards
It's consistent and identifiable patterned behavior and you're foolish to not notice it.

>> No.19167430

All the time anon, whether it's a simple cosplay outfit, plain latex catsuit or something more fancy and intricate, she'd just love showing herself off to me in all sorts of ways!

>> No.19167434
File: 211 KB, 1000x826, 62568372_p42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might try and write a longer version of that.

>> No.19167437
File: 614 KB, 1200x1651, 68800619_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunyips are good girls. It's the drop bears and and yowies that are responsible for the shitposting.

>> No.19167441

Or, or, and this is a big or, just don't repost the same images every other thread? Damn, what a concept!

>> No.19167446

There's only so may worthwhile images out there.

Greentexting is free

>> No.19167451

oh so its one of these days

>> No.19167455

So show some fucking restraint, posting images isn't obligatory

>> No.19167463
File: 254 KB, 650x742, 1521568480266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I do?

>> No.19167464

Just use extreme discretion you moron.

>> No.19167468

How would Selene react if her father disguised himself, went to the battle mansion and curbstomped all the challengers there for shits and giggles. Not actually killing/harming them, but just toying with them to gauge the type of people his daughter surrounds herself with.

>> No.19167485

What a lewd Kiki

>> No.19167490

I always get the feeling he gets excited whenever one of his daughters decide to take up the blade.

I also imagine he insists on a duel with any potential sons-in-law. Not to test their strength or bar weaker candidates, but rather just to mess with them.

>> No.19167492

>Goes back to darling multiple times
>Is clearly getting off on it
>Has broken up with the farm boy
>Not NTR

>> No.19167498

How many lilims have actual named husbands?

>> No.19167503

The farmboy was cheating on her. Why do you think she go so backed up in the first place.

And why do you think she left?

>> No.19167504

>Justify her cucking
Except he wasn't cheating on her. He was milking sheep. As in the farm animal. Thing that really grinds my gears is you dumb fucks don't even understand the difference between cuckoldry and cheating. Cuckoldry would be getting satisfaction from watching your wife getting fucked by another man. Or just by being the husband of an unfaithful wife.

They're not in a formal relationship so it's no real issue. Sorry that you're too fucking dense to understand this.

>> No.19167509

The farmboy was cheating on her. Why do you think she got so backed up in the first place?

And why do you think she left?

She was so distraught she left to work on a farm without any men.

>> No.19167510

>The farmboy was cheating on her.
Funny thing is, Crabman added that detail only recently.

>> No.19167516

>EMGtards still making excuses for the cuckcow

>> No.19167519

In that chapter, he wasn't cheating on her. She was retarded enough to think the names of those girls were actual girls. They were actually the names of his sheep he was caring for. Instead of talking it out, she kept it all inside, letting it boil up, got angrier and angrier until she beat the shit out of him, then when he was gone she let some random guy she just met milk her. The point is, Crab is notorious for giving 2D girls 3DPD personalities.

>> No.19167521
File: 1.56 MB, 1345x943, 1511314150846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needing an excuse for this
What are you, gay?

>> No.19167527

Crabmans shot artwork isn't a point in your favor.

>> No.19167529
File: 229 KB, 620x1200, 979D969D-7F3D-45A7-A168-E21DE1C16FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can’t we all just talk about the simple pleasures of Succubi?

>> No.19167531

>3DPD personalities
Going for the highscore, buddy?

>> No.19167532

I was about to call you retarded for using a bad argument, but now I realize that there are thread-spanning shitflinging contests over what is basically "excuses to draw boobs: the manga"

>> No.19167533
File: 804 KB, 1280x1150, minotaur06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have this mino instead

>> No.19167540
File: 156 KB, 600x830, succubus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167545

Yeah, I'm sure your white-knighting will get you the pussy you desire.

>> No.19167549

>City anon goes to his big sister's farm because of how expensive it's gotten to live in the city.
>The big tough Mino who no-one thought would get along with anyone takes a shine to him because he doesn't just take her shit.
>At first she's trying to wrestle with him, then she's flirting and next thing anyone knows she's screaming his name at night.

>> No.19167550

how would a kiki react to her master deciding to be HER servant for the day on her birthday?

>> No.19167551
File: 140 KB, 600x922, what_a_sicko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about doppelgangers.

>> No.19167557

Succubi are all fine in well, but I will never touch an alp, let along acknowledge its existence. Once a man, always a man. I'll take a virgin demon or a lilim that's been around town a hundred times

>> No.19167562

How about you go back to /monster/ and stop spamming your sites trash every thread?

>> No.19167564

She still wrastles with him, but now it always ends with clothes being torn off, and they always end up in weird sexual positions which then turns into full blown sex

>> No.19167566
File: 108 KB, 1078x546, 64944501_p59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what it must be like for that virgin succubus who can't get laid.

>> No.19167570

I want strongfat cows be they holst or minos.

>> No.19167571 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back where you came from

>> No.19167572

The first time they have sex would probably involve her picking him up in a fireman's carry only to accidentally yank his pants down and cause his dick to slap her cheek.
One thing leads to another and anon ends up getting a titfuck/blowjob before losing his virginity.

>> No.19167574

It's forbidden, unnatural, insulting, and just a bit arousing

>> No.19167578

>A Succubus is born as part of the first generation to go through the portals.
>She's excited by the prospect of a world untainted by the Order and how free and happy it's people must be.
>"I'd like to keep my soul, thanks."
>"God what a THOT, I bet she's fucked thousands of men."
>"I'm not into slutty girls."
Poor girl probably cries in her bed and then masturbates until she passes out to make the pain go away.

>> No.19167586

You're forgetting:
>Ewww 3DPD

>> No.19167596

>The farmboy was cheating on her
>Crabman added that detail only recently

i knew that crabman were going to justify his bullshit NTR with this kind of rushed shit. now im sure that the farm boy is never gonna be shown again and so i don´t have any reason left to read this garbage manga anymore.

fuck his garbage gary stu MC
i don't have any reason to root for a character that already have everything and don't even had to do anything to get it.

>> No.19167597

>Strongfat Hakutaku who asks if you know 'whats in your beef'

>> No.19167598

>"M-master what are you doing? This isn't ri-ri-ohhhh~ Oh that feels so niiiiiice~ Mmmmnhh~!"
>"Why'd you stop? I-I need to order you to do that more? ...Alright, get to licking servant~"
>"Let me hold your head... I want to control the pace~"
>"Oh this is so wroooong~ But it feels soooo goooood~"

>> No.19167609

>Getting this mad
Wait, were you seriously reading this in the hopes that farmboy shows up again?
What the what?

>> No.19167613
File: 116 KB, 590x443, piggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no guinea pig monstergirl

>> No.19167620


>> No.19167621

>literal /monster/ content

>> No.19167625

Cutest orc.

What would they be?
Chubbier, thick large rats?

>> No.19167632

They'd just be rabbits but shyer

>> No.19167641

So shy breeding bunnies that stammer when they ask you out?

>> No.19167647

Because unless the thread spergs out at least once every 3 days, the collective autism will condense into a black hole and wipe out mankind.

>> No.19167667

and then they start sqeaking at three am outside your window

>> No.19167668

>One day an actual cuck comes along
>"A succubus!!!"
>"I bet you've fucked hundreds of men!!"
>She denies the claim and says she's a virgin
>The cuck is instantly disappointed and walks off
>Succubus girl still a virgin
She just can't win

>> No.19167670

>No Quetzacoatl/Kukulkan girl
>No Huitzipoctli girl
>No Xibalban Bat
>No Meso-American bee girl
Feels bad man.

>> No.19167680 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 220x220, Laugh michael jordan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the cuck is instantly disappointed and walks off

>> No.19167681
File: 442 KB, 952x768, 1511292668887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not weird if I wanna take a bath with my dragon momster is it? She says its perfectly normal, but when I told the other kids in my neighborhood they all gave me weird stares.

>> No.19167684

The ones at my house are quiet.

>> No.19167693

I want a girl who can heal me from being used as a surrogate husband to my mom. In the creepy emotional vampire way, not the fun she’s a supermodel and this is a manga way.

Which girl has the most perspective for personal boundaries? And which is the best at lovingly healing genuine trauma?

>> No.19167715

Take it to /r9k/

>> No.19167716

Nine Tailed Foxes are wise and patient enough not to do such childish things! Surely there is somewhere else she could get some fresh tofu.

If they deny service to her husband for loving a filthy monster, THEN she’ll start the danmaku.

>> No.19167729

A minflayer can just magic all the bad memories away. Wallah, trauma free.

>> No.19167735


>> No.19167738
File: 389 KB, 1179x821, 64944501_p37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's cheating!

>> No.19167756
File: 218 KB, 1541x1001, De5vO87UYAATIrh.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167760

>That marshmallow cat
Its how you know comfy times are coming

>> No.19167761

>Victoria's hat
I hate this image already.

>> No.19167778


>> No.19167787

So the man is Arabic. So what? We have every other type of degenerate people in here.

>> No.19167799


>> No.19167814

>off-topic images
You faggots need to lurk more or fuck off.

People have been slacking off recently and letting this aids slide, and look at the state of this thread so far.

>> No.19167819
File: 125 KB, 545x542, tumblr_oz3pwsAQBm1u4522ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay then.

>> No.19167820

This thread isn't worth the effort anymore, anon.

>> No.19167821

>Only 54 posters so far
The calls are coming from inside the house

>> No.19167824

I want a bed that's like that hotdog bun, so I can squeeze in there with her.

>> No.19167832

Fuck off Bollocks

>> No.19167834

I'm sorry that EMG isn't a shonen manga, anon.

>> No.19167837 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 375x600, 1528248477099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sure feels good to be in the presence of fellow human boys

>> No.19167842

Wow its almost as if most of today's thread has been a bunch of shitposters bouncing off of each other.

>> No.19167852

I bet harpy chicks like to practice their songs on neighbors they like...
Which would make it awkward when ones singing for a single twenty something who needs to get up for work.

>> No.19167853

This Anon wants a girl who *doesnt* act like his mom. Wrong board.

>> No.19167860
File: 127 KB, 600x849, Jabberwock2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best dragon right here.

>> No.19167861

Do you think any monster girls develop an addiction to being pregnant?
I don't mean the typical monster girl shit where they just love having children, I mean a woman who gets jittery and depressed if she doesn't get knocked up right away after giving birth, complaining that she feels empty.

>> No.19167862

Last weekend, I thought I heard birds chirping in the middle of the night.

Then I looked at the clock, and I knew I had fucked up...

>> No.19167871

Harpy chicks have to be one of the cutest species’ babies. What other species would have especially cute children?

>> No.19167872
File: 325 KB, 874x701, Echidna23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who.

>> No.19167873


>> No.19167875

Postpartum Depression is very real anon. It can be deadly.

>> No.19167877

All cows.

>> No.19167881

Tiny crabs scuttling around sound cute. Imagine them building castles in the sand box and playing in the pool. When the fun is done, they’d be very good at making sure they’re clean for supper.

>> No.19167885

Consider a pile of bunyips curled together in a basket.

>> No.19167890

Does your body not wake up before your alarm?

Too cute.

Weresheep lolis.

>> No.19167891

Fluffy little Kobold puppies!

>> No.19167907

I bet they compare their mask designs and try each other’s on.

Do you think if you socialized a Bunyip to a male before she went through puberty, she wouldn’t rape him as hard later? Or would she rape him harder since he’s the only man she’s ever been comfortable around?

>> No.19167910

>No Yurlungur girl

>> No.19167916

Waking up implies going to sleep

>> No.19167918

I bet they start out with crude little paper mache masks before moving on to custom ones.

Also, a bunch of bunyip lolis curled up amongst each other is a fantastic floof pile.

I can't do that shit anymore, I'm getting old and staying up past midnight fucks me up.

>> No.19167919

Do you have blackout curtains?

>> No.19167920

I actually want to see that Selene story continue.
Maybe if Leon is sent to the mansion, when he's found we can give Selene a man to fight/fuck without having to burn a city to the ground.

>> No.19167921
File: 802 KB, 1974x3012, __magatsuchi_shouta_and_quetzalcoatl_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_asami_asami__da4b916de12014048a75c3de6eafd985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167926
File: 260 KB, 888x714, 1442199178773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19167930

I want to procreate with that Mexican goddess

>> No.19167931

I still find it hilarious that her idea of blending in with humans is to dress like a girl from a bro-country music video.

>> No.19167940

Part of the reason while I want small cheshires/nekomatas/werecats/sphinxes is so they can nap on me like that.

It's adorable.

>> No.19167945
File: 164 KB, 904x1271, __magatsuchi_shouta_and_quetzalcoatl_kobayashi_san_chi_no_maidragon_drawn_by_cool_kyou_shinja__cb17d7ec7973174ba94d84e003952003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with the way she dresses.

>> No.19167949

I just want to see Beast write more Battle Mansion period. Tired of being blue balled on shit that never happens like a non-Roulette story, that one Baphomet thing from last thread, and ParkedBuggy's continuation

>> No.19167955

I'd encourage the myth.

>> No.19167963

I finalized a character design and plan to write the intro to a nee story in the coming days.
>t. That one writefag that never gets mentioned.

>> No.19167988

I want a cat but my folks are allergic

>> No.19168007

>Non roulette
What about the other two stories he writes?

>> No.19168013

Kind of glad none of my girls made in this, not a fan of these kinds of meme pics. Would still kill to commission nano though.

>> No.19168015

Just doing a quick poll here to get a feel of the room.

Soft or Firm?

>> No.19168021

Medium Rare

>> No.19168025

I think I prefer firm.

>> No.19168029

Soft and Wet

>> No.19168035

Purple please, that's my favorite type.

>> No.19168038
File: 665 KB, 707x1000, 1528220185296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rainbow Centaur would be the only improvement here.

It's getting late.

>> No.19168041


>> No.19168047


>> No.19168050


>> No.19168061

Call me greedy but I want more Selene stuff, both her story and the mansion.
The story alone is enough to make Selene more than just a "concept OC" and Beast hasn't even fucking named it properly.
And we all know how a roulette works at this point, theres no way to shake that formula up that he would actually write.

>> No.19168070
File: 198 KB, 1578x1250, DcbJSH5U0AEsq8q.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paws are soft, right?

>> No.19168083

Either or, so long as soft doesn't mean its super low hanging

>> No.19168088
File: 238 KB, 1280x845, tumblr_oazxywgk6v1rkn25go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to Miss Flayer's brothel

>> No.19168089
File: 218 KB, 845x1200, 001_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time until we get a translation for pic related?

>> No.19168091

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please remember not to start adding mino DNA to everything.
Yes it adds delicious muscle but some of us want to still be able to wear the color red

>> No.19168096
File: 1.01 MB, 1218x1648, hard-living Cheshire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't even been fucking scanned yet.

>> No.19168102

Its up on e-

>> No.19168107

Fuck, I'm retarded.

>> No.19168125

Shouldn’t it be Mrs.? She clearly has a husband already.

>> No.19168130


>> No.19168136

I guess somewhere in between? You should be able to sink your fingers in, but it should spring back when you let go.

>> No.19168137

It already is online tho, in korean

>> No.19168139

It's nice she's not covered head to toe in eye themed jewelry.

>> No.19168144
File: 56 KB, 600x347, Hakutaku18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gook speak
Fuck it, got the link?

>> No.19168150

See >>19168102

>> No.19168164
File: 130 KB, 850x1133, Apex of the jungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this ferocious beast!

>> No.19168167

I want to be a big girl's daiki at night.

Truly terrifying

>> No.19168168
File: 110 KB, 1024x744, Jabberwock143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all text, not one single picture

>> No.19168187 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 540x436, 1528253651002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a smol girl's daki and--wait no--AAHH!!

>> No.19168192
File: 1.40 MB, 2870x1997, 62568396_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White horns are too pure for this world.

>> No.19168195

Jokes on those lolis!
The only thing they're getting is pure and holsome snuggling tonight because I really should go to bed.

>> No.19168205
File: 46 KB, 292x292, Holstaur2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168213

Is she parleying for that Wendifo?

>> No.19168216

The only centaur whose advances I would consider.

>> No.19168218
File: 1.09 MB, 1159x1847, 1453537882264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli white horns would be nice.

>> No.19168224

I NEED a cowgirl girlfriend, I can't go on living without one.

>> No.19168225
File: 589 KB, 1280x905, tumblr_p91yifuqzu1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sees ___.

>> No.19168232


>> No.19168249
File: 12 KB, 180x180, Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart, how the music can free her, whenever it starts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only a few Centaur ladies and one lone Mermaid type are too pure for this world

And Mindflayer too I guess but only on a technicality.

>> No.19168273
File: 70 KB, 551x816, DdCYbdrWkAEGzkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168274
File: 189 KB, 884x666, 1520296071615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a wiki chatroom you mongoloids.

>> No.19168278

You don't need to post this every thread.

>> No.19168287
File: 119 KB, 720x876, gW4QEiXf1p8ZsZPCyUgLs-vvR2O4-CVEed5Kz1klZv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you drink her nectar?

>> No.19168296

I'm going to face-fuck her, tell her she needs bigger boobs, then head off to find a Holstaur

>> No.19168300
File: 430 KB, 1000x1277, Red_and_Blue_Oni_Sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musou with monstergirls

>> No.19168310
File: 229 KB, 535x544, Weresheep23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around sheep
Don't fall asleep

>> No.19168317

What would happen if you had a harem of a Minotaur and a Red Oni?

>> No.19168322

What is she.

>> No.19168327

Drunken rape stymied by whiskey dick, I suppose.

>> No.19168341

They're the ones drinking. Not you.

The thought of a Red Oni dousing me in liquor and then licking it all off...every last drop... really turns me on. Especially since you know she's going to make sure that place is absolutely drenched.

>> No.19168345

Whitehorn with your cheeks so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

>> No.19168347
File: 129 KB, 1000x1500, SoW Arena Taunt02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168350

I see no firmness here

>> No.19168356


>> No.19168375

Do you think Kitsunes ever come up to humans in vulpine form, acting cutely to see who treats them well?

I’d love to feed a wild, white-furred fox some fresh tofu and find myself with a three-tailed wife.

>> No.19168376

What if you want to drink?

>> No.19168381

>Three-tails from the start

>> No.19168387


While she presses up against your chest, grinding against your member.

>> No.19168390

Or just in the 200-300 year old range.

>> No.19168392

From meditation and wisdom, Anon! There are some lonely foxes with NINE tails who’ve never taken a husband!

>> No.19168401

Breast and thigh cups.

>> No.19168404

Foxes are known to trick people anon. I wouldn't trust them.

>> No.19168405

Obviously they haven't taken a husband. Who wants to marry the town bicycle?
When the bait is obvious, don't take it

>> No.19168420

I want to fuck a sword

>> No.19168422

How are you still single with nine tails? Wouldn't people want to see it?

>> No.19168425

No one is interested in a 900 year-old virgin.

>> No.19168428

Covering your napping maid with a blanket, because she deserves to take a break too, with how hard she works. If you're gentle enough, you might be able to princess carry her from wherever she collapsed to a nice, warm bed.

>> No.19168430

>Near-millenial virgin kitsune
This is hilarious

>> No.19168433

>Needing her master to take care of her
What a failure of a maid.

>> No.19168436

27 year old wizard apprentice here, I'm interested.

>> No.19168438

That’s the point. It’s NOT obvious. Zipangu is full of foxes, and not all of them are single Kitsunes looking for a husband. Some could even be married to other men, but looking to exchange blessings for tofu. If you happen to be the kind of person who feeds foxes rather than shouting, chasing them, or ignoring them completely, you’re good hearted enough for an Inari to dedicate the rest of her decades long life to marriage with you.

That’s also semi-accurate to actual Kitsune mythology. Be nice to wild foxes, get a wife.

>> No.19168440

She does her best!

>> No.19168442

That’s why they don’t marry. They think no one will want them, and figure they’re going to ascend as a Tenko in a few years anyway. Who’d want an old, lonely fox like that? She’s better off not looking.

Then you show them that all mofu deserves love.

>> No.19168444

I don't think I can just afford to wait 900 years.

>> No.19168447

Then marry a younger monster and keep her from ever knowing the pain of many decades of loneliness.

>> No.19168450
File: 1.69 MB, 2110x3000, 06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works every time.

>> No.19168451

A loli lilim.

>> No.19168453

Until you die before her and leave her alone.

>> No.19168458
File: 142 KB, 992x1403, tumblr_p2imt8G9SJ1rkn25go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168460

>Not delving into Doctor Strange tier magic to extend your lifetime until you live as long as your Waifu, eventually ascending to Inari’s kingdom to join her once she becomes a Tenko Fox.

There’s a reason men dating foxes look so youthful!

>> No.19168462

She would just order you to order her around
and occasionally order you to fuck her

>> No.19168463

So you're saying she's a lil' lim

>> No.19168469


>> No.19168475

If demons could change their skin tone pink would be very popular due to druella.

>> No.19168476

Accidents can still happen.

>> No.19168477

What monsters would make the best gyarus?

>> No.19168478
File: 565 KB, 830x1200, DemonRecolor3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have a charcoal demon.

>> No.19168483
File: 722 KB, 1081x1400, tumblr_p77a6k92J01vldipoo1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168484

Matangos, because they're both shit.

>> No.19168490

Alright, time to stick my neck out for once. Let me know what you think, longer or shorter chapters. Looks a bit short in the bin even tough it took up 8 pages in word

>> No.19168491
File: 506 KB, 1280x886, gyrarushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168501

Sell me on it. Why should I open this? What’s it about? How do I know this isn’t something horrible like Futa NTR or something?

>> No.19168508
File: 552 KB, 1089x985, 64174451_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168509

He looks dead inside

>> No.19168511

It's an autistically long saga that's been brewing in my head for more than a year about anon being warped into the mamano realm and finding his place in it. Kind of lotr-ish.

>> No.19168518


>> No.19168521
File: 613 KB, 702x500, 1404816375032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19168531
File: 760 KB, 2000x1500, Bunyipchef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no!

>> No.19168536

>Okay, just stay calm
She panic-rapes the customer

>> No.19168537

Disaster strikes.

>> No.19168555

The use of perspective is disorienting, but I'd read more.

>> No.19168574
File: 429 KB, 768x1142, 1472704403815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter length is fine but I don't really like the second perspective storytelling. I've always hated it when I'm reading something and the narrator is telling me what to do.

>> No.19168579

I want to take lots of fertility boosters and then go around having sex with lots of monster girls and become a serial impregnator.

>> No.19168581
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>> No.19168590

Not him, but that reminds me of what my old high school writing teacher told me.

>> No.19168595
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>> No.19168602
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What would be a good birthday present for an oni daughteru?

Hard mode: nothing sexual.

Super hard mode: nothing involving sex or alcohol.

>> No.19168603

I'll think about changing the perspective it's being written in after the second chapter. It's already done, but I'll probably just transition to have only anon be (you).

>> No.19168606


>> No.19168610

Whatever toys or games she's interested in at the time.

>> No.19168611

Does a hip flask count as alcohol-related if she's only ever allowed to fill it up with orange juice?

>> No.19168616
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That's slightly better but I still disapprove. Do what thou wilt.

>> No.19168622

Would a manticore let you touch her paw beans?

>> No.19168628

Home gym setup. Gotta get strong to bag a husband.

>> No.19168630

Just read it, it was mediocre at best.

Seriously, I can think of a dozen stories I have read on this thread that is much better than this.

>> No.19168638
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Keep Leprechauns away from the beer!

>> No.19168646

I think they prefer whiskey anyways.

>> No.19168647

What a waste

>> No.19168649

Was about to post this.

>> No.19168653
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Memes, but also cuteness.

>> No.19168655
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Oppai loli wolfus are lewd, especially during heat.

>> No.19168663

>I'm a rookie officer, but I'm doing my doggone best!

Too cute.

>> No.19168667

At what point do the puns go from cute to annoying?

>> No.19168693

I want to make my Kiki maid wear a tight rope harness under her maid outfit all day long.

>> No.19168700

This pleases the meido.

>> No.19168729

Source? The searches aren't giving me anything

>> No.19168730

Would you punish her when she inevitably drips some lewd juices onto the floor?

>> No.19168737

Sakusaku Meat Pie Ch. 1-3, 5, 7 [English] [constantly]

>> No.19168742

People occasionally having scents that drive different Beast girls into heat is one of my favorite concepts ever. I would love to be a mouse magnet! Being surrounded by large mice asking me to play with them, being every dormouse's daki, and having all the single hinezumi's trying to 'spar' with me sounds heavenly!

>> No.19168753

Let me guess, she has to sniff around his crotch to the scent of the phone, but ends up getting hooked on the smell of dick, right?

>> No.19168756
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Watch yourselves around those space elves, citizen.

>> No.19168757

I want the same thing except with Holstaurs and cowgirls in general, that's why I'd try to get my hands on a bottle of Extra Thick Holstaur Milk and just start walking through farm fields until I hear a chorus of bells behind me.
You're not far off, she goes to smell his chest to get the sent to find his phone but turns out he's got a super special smell that sends dog girls into heat and her senpai told her the best way to get rid of the smell is to drain his balls.

>> No.19168760
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We 40k now?

>> No.19168773
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Yes. Does having a daemonette waifu from each god make you Lord of Chaos Undivided? Or to borrow a Fantasy term, the Everchosen?

>> No.19168799

>daemonette waifu from each god
How do you even turn Nurgle stuff into cute girls? Disease is just plain unsexy.

>> No.19168803

>hire a new maid to help out around you're mansion as it's too much work for one kiki to handle on her own
>the new girl is a perverted elf who just wants to get punished by her master, so she always does a terrible job at whatever task she's given
>whenever you're about to punish her, you're kiki steps in and does it for you, saying it's her responsibility as head maid to discipline the help
>the elf isn't happy about that

>> No.19168819

Just make all the diseases something sexual
>Oh no, I've contracted that disease that makes my dick bigger and causes my balls to produce sperm really fast
>Oh no, I caught a fever that can only be eased by sticking my dick in a monster's holes
>Oh no, I've gotten down with the sickness that makes me sweat aphrodisiacs

>> No.19168825
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I've got a FEVER. And the only subscription... is more COWBELL

>> No.19168826

>hiring a second maid when you already have a kiki
And I'm sure she's only punishing her because of the mistakes she made, and only goes as far as she needs to even when you're not watching.
Horny Cow Disease is no joke.

>> No.19168828

Subscription? Description? I forget which it should be.

>> No.19168829
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>> No.19168830

You mean prescription?

>> No.19168831

I see. I don't have pharmaceutical needs in any language and especially not in in English.

>> No.19168832

>especially not in in English
I gathered.

>> No.19168833

Would you really want to be the kind of master who has his kiki work her fingers to the bone keeping an entire mansion clean day in and day out by herself? Get the girl some help so she can have some free time with Mastah

>> No.19168837
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Why you gotta bully? Have another cow.

>> No.19168872
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Cute cows just increase the urge to bully, especially sexually.

>> No.19168892

The cuter the thing, the higher the urge to bully. Cows are really cute, so... I wanna tip 'em.

>> No.19168895

Tip them onto their backs so it's easier to bully their wombs, right?

>> No.19168899

Or their stomachs so you can slap and make fun of their fat butts. Their sides are also nice because you can grope their ridiculous cowtits while filling them from behind. There's basically no way to lose, no matter how they fall.

>> No.19168908 [SPOILER] 
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don't open

>> No.19168911

What's the best way to bully a thicc cow? I'd take her to an empty classroom on the second floor of the school and grope her bare breasts up against a window where she might be seen.

>> No.19168912

Joke's on you, I haven't eaten meat in two days!

>> No.19168925

You could say you don't like milk. They tend to take that as a personal challenge.

>> No.19168926

she is inferior to those who live for it

>> No.19168938

>No fairy-sized shortstack Leprechaun girl who you can trick into becoming your servant by giving her enough whiskey to make her pass out and then using her like an Onahole.
>She'll never trick you into contracting her in return so she can use the resultant mana to grow in size and dominate you all night long.

>> No.19168941

>tell her you don't like milk
>she looks shocked and runs off
>the next day, she comes up to you with a bottle of milk
>"A-anon, I think you'd like this milk if you t-tried it."
>whispers in a barely audible voice that she made it herself while blushing like crazy
Too damn cute! I wouldn't be able to keep myself from chugging it right then and there and telling her I only want to drink that milk from now on.

>> No.19168949

>Tell a Thicc Cow you don't like milk.
>She pins you to the floor and forcefully shoves her tit in your face and tells you to suck it while grinding against you.
>She won't stop until your brain associates her milk with sexual pleasure, even if that means following you home from school and pinning you to your bed while forcing you to suck her tits.

>> No.19168980

Do you think that there'd be massage parlors for CC monstergirls who can't get husbands to have some young studs rub all the stress out of their bodies with high quality oils?
Do you think there's college age monstergirls who go in acting like nervous virgins?
Would it be akin to a brothel to them?

>> No.19169000
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>> No.19169008
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And soon the last light will fade out. In the meantime would you like a story?

>> No.19169028

Why is this succubus such a fucking downer?

>> No.19169030
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What would elder and/or ancient liches be like?

>> No.19169032

>Elder Lich
>Ancient Lich
Either Thicc CCs or Lolibas.

>> No.19169041

Hip rapping grandmas who are still "down" with it, dawg.

>> No.19169066
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The flames will never fade so long as one foolish Zombie exists to re-kindle them.

>> No.19169071
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Do what you wish, I'm going to live inside a painting.

>> No.19169084
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>> No.19169089


>> No.19169144

What would you do if you met a monstergirls passed out drunk on a park bench?

>> No.19169149


>> No.19169150

take 'em home and take care of them until they're sober

>> No.19169157

If its during the day, go to the pound store and get a one of those disposable ponchos so she she wont get wet if it rains

>> No.19169161

I've seen some shit on the internet and that is still one of the more creepy ones

>> No.19169179

Why not both?

>> No.19169180

You mean actual eggs or sticking your balls in her mouth?

>> No.19169185

I remember that doujin. I wish I'd never seen it

>> No.19169191

How the fuck is that appropriate?

>> No.19169195

Cum in her hair.

>> No.19169201

No married girl would just be left alone like that so I get to do what I want

>> No.19169207

>sticking your balls in her mouth
I like the way you think

>> No.19169209

Thats wrong on so many levels.

>> No.19169212

Remember that she has to eat all of them

>> No.19169220

Whats wrong about it?
Monster girls like sex, and if she was't my type I wouldn't do it.
Hell, If we're talking MGE, it could result in her waking up and giving me a blowjob, and the resulting injection of SE could be a hangover cure, and I could get a wife

>> No.19169228

I highly advise against going up to random drunk girls and teabagging their faces

>> No.19169235

Jabberwocks would like it. They're all about having guys stick their desire in their faces. They won't say no

>> No.19169236
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Remember that even Dark Elves start off as virgins with no experience of treading men under their heels.

>> No.19169245

Fortes Fortuna Juvat

>> No.19169278

Being brave would be trying to get that balljob when she's awake

>> No.19169313

If we fuse a undead monster with an ittan momen
Will we actually have a dead thread?

>> No.19169343

That kind of reminds me of how little we talk about Ittan-momen. Considering they are pretty alright as monster girls.

>> No.19169346

Their mothers just use their fathers to teach them at a young age

>> No.19169430

I would challenge a Manticore to completely ruin me for human (and monster) pussy forever, then strip naked and taunt her in front of her friends if she refuses.

Then they’d all laugh at her venom being weak or her Tailpussy being loose, because why else wouldn’t she have raped me yet?

>> No.19169459
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New commission came in, meant to post this yesterday.
Loving how it turned out, cowfee caught me off guard with just how fast he was.

>> No.19169465

>cowfee caught me off guard with just how fast he was.
Same happened to me. It's really bloody impressive how fast yet still excellent he is.

Also, nice wight

>> No.19169466

Now that is one pretty wight. Quality commission my dude.

>> No.19169471

If monstergirl porn existed, that would be a genre. And all the girls watching would cum even harder than usual knowing the human married the Manticore, and they apparently fuck even harder in their eternal honeymoon period.

>> No.19169477


>> No.19169491

Would you challenge a Manticore whose tail is smaller than the others but with venom that's way more potent ?

>> No.19169494

It was less than 24 hours after the line art/paying that the finished version came though, guy puts sanic to shame.
Thanks dude.

>> No.19169495
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Gotta put together some Galz and get a WAAAGH going.

>> No.19169512

Yes. And I’d tell her to stick every spine she could fit in the skin between my thighs, so the venom will hit my dick faster.

I don’t just want to fuck a Manticore, Anon. I want to GET fucked by one.

>> No.19169517

How do you throw off a monstergirls pace?

>> No.19169520

I would have thought she's a Vampire if not for that ghost claw.

Would let her drain me nonetheless

>> No.19169524

By being Old Man Henderson.

>> No.19169531

But it’s implied he started dating a female Hastur after being reborn, and ran off with her into another dimension!

Being Old Man Henderson just gets you the absolute top rank of Chaos girl. No Shoggoths for him, the gnome obsessed bastard. Only beings so power that saying their name three times causes everyone in the room to make a Terrors of the Warp roll.

>> No.19169532

She looks very nice and fancy. Would gp to her balls.

>> No.19169535

Make sure you try to resist her. Manticores like it that way.

>> No.19169543

By being as dense as a harem anime MC I guess

>> No.19169557
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Does no one care for well endowed shorter canines?

>> No.19169559
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WORK with the flow dont just go with it
monsters usualy get defiant struggling men or subs willing to let anythng happen to them
Don't be those guys
When she kisses, you kiss back with equal vigor
When she humps your, you hump rihgt back, if your arms are free tweek a nipple
Show your full in vestment of having a relationship with her right from the start and what ever plan she has will melt into lustful confusion

>> No.19169560

Dogs are uninteresting creatures.

>> No.19169573

>head out to your car on the way to work one morning to find it sloppily painted red
>"Oi, Boss. We'z fixed you up roight good. Made your trukk fasta. The red onez always go fasta."
>"I fink we deserve a reward."
>now you have a bunch of P'orcs shaking their asses at you, and you're a few minutes late

>> No.19169581

But the car goes fasta so I won't be late for work. Errything works out, see?

>> No.19169582

I want to beat a loli sally so she becomes infatuated with me

>> No.19169586

Anon senpai is her idol.

>> No.19169592

I want to do that too, although I'm conflicted about her going full lewd or having her start strength training so she turns into a hulking girl obsessed with me.

>> No.19169597

>hulking girl
Sillymander doesn't know that Dexterity builds win every time.

>> No.19169602

Eh, depends.
For me, strenght builds are more fun

>> No.19169611

Dark elf childhood friends are the best!

>> No.19169617

I'd rather help her with some after training massages. They mainly focus on the chest, groin, butt, and that area of the stomach that just happens to be over the womb.

>> No.19169625
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Do you now?

>> No.19169626

'just because' right?
Its not like she wants you to train her or anything or wants to show off her progress.

>> No.19169634

Yes, yes I do.
I'd show up the the martial bars full of rough girls, thug girls, and big cuties that lift.

>> No.19169645
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Cloth girls

>> No.19169660

As someone who has a deep appreciation for the entire female body I would be delighted to fuck a cloth girl in her armpitpussy, kneepitpussy and navelpussy.

>> No.19169661

>Soil me, anon! Spill your seed on me!

>> No.19169672

I do, which is why I read and masturbated to the doujin directly preceding your comment.

>> No.19169677

>When an ittan momen invades your house and hides in your sheets so you can fuck your waifu and secretly have a threesome

>> No.19169682

Oh she still wants to show she's getting stronger alright (How else will she prove she can be a strong wife who can bear strong children?). The massages are just a bonus for her.

>> No.19169792

>”Hey Hey, Nii-chan! How many abs do I have?”

>> No.19169795

Isn't Druella kind of purple too?

>> No.19169833

What did you do to make your mistress happy today?

>> No.19169872
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>> No.19169894

Polished her scales, horns and claws along with a very nice massage.

>> No.19169900

>>Suu straight up fucks the girls given a chance

By canon Mia has stated all she does is feel them up.

>>Rachnera molests them and captured Lilith, keeping her in her sex dungeon

She loved it, and was released once she answered all of Rachnera's questions.

>>Harpies sleep around with whoever

A practice pretty much no harpies actually do. Papi's mom explained as much.

>>Lamias find husbands, bring them back to the village and get cucked by their tribe

That never actually happened, the practice was to lure a man to go to the tribe on his own and then make him a husband to as much of the village as they could. Mia was the first attempt to go out and bring a man back and she refused to go through with it.

Even if she hadn't refused it'd be hard to call it cucking when they do this with the full knowledge that he's going to be the village's husband, they his harem. It also seems likely to be a practice that will become less and less the norm as more lamias discover they like the option of having a man they don't have to share with everyone (Mia's mom certainly converted to the idea quickly).

>> No.19169912

>i don't have any reason to root for a character that already have everything and don't even had to do anything to get it.

I'm pretty sure the routine physical damage and near-death experiences count a bit in him "deserving" good things he gets.

>> No.19169914

What a shiny mistress

>> No.19169916

meant to reply to >>19169894

>> No.19169920

Sorry, I prefer Green Tea

>> No.19169921

>You'll never be a huge slut who's fucking the entire student council and morals committee while they still put on a public facade about enforcing discipline

>> No.19169922

>>The farmboy was cheating on her.
>Funny thing is, Crabman added that detail only recently.

That's the first I've heard of this, I take it its omake info? Where can I read it?

>> No.19169931
File: 185 KB, 1144x1159, GO BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theseus' Paradox and the Undead is a dangerous mixture, Anons.

>> No.19169933

That she is. Her smile is brighter than the sun even though her scales as as dark as the night.

>> No.19169934

It'd be a pretty tough addiction to have, given MGE girls pretty inevitably spend most of their time not pregnant. Even for the few relatively fertile ones it likely still takes years of sex to get pregnant.

>> No.19169935

Take a hike EMGnigger.

>> No.19169938

Does anybody happen to have Kamaitachi's Making Of text? Just that one.

>> No.19169963
File: 180 KB, 707x1000, 1446707489244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when were you under the impression you hadn't been husbandoed already?

>> No.19169981
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What kinds of weapons would Harpies use when fighting? Would they just grab and throw their opponents?

>> No.19169989

Harpies would likely carry sticky bombs.

>> No.19170007

Razors on their talons

>> No.19170009

Polearms, because they could do diving attacks and wield it with their talons.

>> No.19170010

Since I felt alone and unloved.

>> No.19170013

Since everything I touch withers and dies.

>> No.19170016
File: 993 KB, 850x850, shaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only shaman in a horde of Goblins
>Life is suffering
>No one listens to you because your tits are small
>The Hobgoblin 'leader' is a complete airhead. 'Trusted advisor' basically means the shaman does literally all of her work and she takes all of the credit.
>Have to manipulate her constantly just to get anything important done
>"Don't pillage all that food if it's just gonna spoil, we don't have any salt or ice."
>"Why are you eating that? STOP EATING THAT!"
>"I don't care who started just stop it."
>"This is the last time I'm mending your wounds, I mean it. Stop going after that guy if he's too tough for you. No, STOP CRYING, it's not a big deal."

>> No.19170023

What a cogent argument.

>> No.19170024

I understood that reference! Anyway the lives of Gobbos and Orcs sure are interesting.

>> No.19170051

Yep, although the good lord will need to help the goblins once they find out what holst milk does

The peaceful lives of dairy farmers will be ruined

>> No.19170061

>The Virgin Shaman
>Forcibly bends elements to their will
>Surrounds self with midgets to feel bigger metaphorically and physically
>More or less bullshits like an advant-garde medium
>Always hangs out with Orcs, Goblins, High Orcs, Trolls, Hobgoblins to feel smarter

>The Chad Druid
>Understands completely that nature is all intrinsically linked together and uses its symbiosis to his advantage
>Surrounds self with a menagerie of different animals and monsters
>Doesn't bullshit because he lives off the land, and hates being verbose
>Is really just a Necromancer with a tan

>> No.19170076

What a twist!

>> No.19170079

I think I haven't translated that one yet and I'm curious about it, but Enty is still refusing my credit card, so.

>> No.19170082

I'll take 5 p'orcs please.

>> No.19170093

Five? Put you don't have the equipment to deal with five!

>> No.19170098

I'll defeat a high orc the only way I know how
With a tetris match!

>> No.19170107

It would be better if you play 4 player tetris agianst an hi orc, salamander and anubs

>> No.19170115

That which grows will wither and die. All that dies will rot, and nourish the living. That is the great Cycle of Being.

>> No.19170122

Necro-Druid sounds like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.19170134
File: 428 KB, 836x600, kamaitachi_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, hope this works right, had to go to the page source in order to copy the text:




 挿絵のカマイタチは三姉妹というイメージで描いていますが、その関係性は血縁に限らず、親の違う仲の良い三匹が一緒に行動しているだけといった事もあり、その見た目も三人揃っておっぱいの大きいお姉さんだったり、三人そろってロリっ娘だったりと様々です。 <br>

Will post the rest in a minute.

>> No.19170144

>When you just want to be a hermit but you end up naturally attracting a variety of undead to your forest

>> No.19170151

Imagine a trio of 145cm pear-shaped Kamaitachi. IMAGINE.

>> No.19170152
File: 239 KB, 568x800, kamaitachi_sen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]









<p> 転倒担当の年頃な見た目の中央の個体は、カマイタチらしく速さはありそうですが、刀剣使いというよりも格闘家の様なイメージの元気っ娘!<br>

<p> 薬担当で幼く大人しいイメージの右側の個体は、カマイタチというよりも、イタチの小動物っぽいイメージになっています。<br>


>> No.19170158

>move to a swamp, the undead will get bogged down in the bog and can't get to you
>Dark Mage neighbor keeps showing up to borrow sugar

>> No.19170161

Are these the only two images attached to that post? Thanks for text.

>> No.19170168
File: 176 KB, 600x469, Orc10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make it work. Each one gets their own weekday with me, and on the weekends are for group fun

>> No.19170173

Exactly. It’s not rape if both parties wholeheartedly consent. They’d be ecstatic they don’t have to play any tricks or rough you up first. They can just get what they want immediately.

This reminds me. Does anyone have a link to that yandere manga? Like the girl says to the guy that he can never look at another girl, but the guy says he’s fine because he doesn’t really socialize much. Then she says she’s going to rape him to make him stay, and he says he always wanted to start a family with her.

>> No.19170182

Concept: Three sisters, Large/medium/small, Ninja-like

This time we've got from Zipangu, the weasel monster trio "Kamaitachi"!

Originally, the Kamaitachi was a youkai that appears in a whirlwind, pouncing on victims and slashing them. Some folklore paints them as a trio of youkai, where the first topples a human, the second one slashes them with a blade, and the third applies medicine to stop any pain or bleeding, so only the wound remains.
The MGE's Kamaitachi is based upon this version.

But in the MGE world, monsters' claws and fangs and their demon silver weapons already have the ability to cause wounds without pain or bleeding, so their salve gained a powerful aphrodisiac effect, becoming their secret tool to turn their husband into a Kamaitachi's ideal mate.

Visually they're created in the style of a trio of sisters, but they don't necessarily have to be blood related, they could simply be three good friends with different parents that banded together, and their appearances can also vary between three big-breasted onee-sans, three lolis, and anywhere in between. The trio in the profile art are related, and were drawn in different sizes, sharing the same sorts of motifs and coloring.

>> No.19170185
File: 269 KB, 415x600, 1522910530578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to end up with a horde if you're not careful.

>> No.19170187
File: 240 KB, 568x800, kamaitachi_sen_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a few more line arts, including each member of the trio having its own line art pictured separately.

>> No.19170191

>three big-breasted onee-sans


>> No.19170213

/tg/ is not allowed here.

>> No.19170216

That's the idea, yes

>> No.19170221
File: 200 KB, 1200x1048, DLNBg-6VwAACJ_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three big-breasted onee-sans
That means I can be sandwiched between three fertile, matronly weasels?

>> No.19170243

I really want to see an Ittan Momen taking a ride in a washing machine. No harsh detergent needed, maybe just a light soap and a little cum to keep her vitalized. Of course, only air dry for her. The picture of her having the wind in her hair as she sits on a clothes line is incredibly cute.

>> No.19170311

>"Well, now I'll slowly chop. You. Up~"
I'm scaroused.

>> No.19170334
File: 120 KB, 1200x1055, Echidna24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better snek.

>> No.19170350

There is nothing wrong with a Khornette get bent.

>> No.19170352

>eat out frog girl
>trip balls

>> No.19170360

There is nothing right about being a 40kiddie.

>> No.19170370

Except I'm old enough to realize the fact that the entire franchise is a parody of the 80s pseudo-totalitarian behavior of the British government and treat it as such. She's still essentially a demon girl and the person that posted it wasn't doing it just to ruffle feathers and shitpost.

>> No.19170372

Good morning and happy shitposting to you all as well.

>> No.19170383

>pseudo-totalitarian behavior of the British government
>implying they ever stopped after the 80s
>implying the "pseudo-" is even there

>> No.19170385

>parody of the 80s pseudo-totalitarian behavior of the British government
I thought it was a parody of the genre of putting things that wernt in space in space.

>> No.19170386

>Except I'm old enough to realize the fact that the entire franchise is a parody of the 80s pseudo-totalitarian behavior of the British government
Only Rogue Trader. After that, GW started treating the whole thing seriously.

>> No.19170403

Chomp chomp chomp

>> No.19170413

Remember, Anons. If you want to practice magic without getting raped by monsters, learn eromancy. Make them cum ten times in a row with a snap of your fingers and they won't have the strength to mount you.

>> No.19170424

>they could simply be three good friends with different parents that banded together
I'm picturing genki loli twins who convinced their shy CC neighbor to become their trio's healer.

>> No.19170432

Those who own the physical copy of MGE II had some design changes such as altered hairstyles, changing the rounded ears to more pointed ones, etc.

The three of them are each designed according to their respective role. The middle one being in charge of toppling a man, the left one in charge of cutting him, and the right one rubbing in the salve, but all three of them are designed with some typical kunoichi features.

Other shared elements include swirls on their clothes and in their fur like gusts of wind, the sickles growing out of their arms, and their shared color schemes, making them all look similar while still having distinguishing features of their own.

Oh, and one more thing they've got in common is that they tie up their hair, which gives them an active, energetic sort of appearance.

The big-breasted slashing one on the left probably has the most "Kamaitachi-like" look, with her cool image reminiscent of a sharp, cutting wind. Based on a sword-wielding ninja, while her clothes are in the line of a ninja outfit with a bit of a chic atmosphere, her thighs are exposed all the way, and her charm point is the way the cloth covering each Kamaitachi's chest is completely defeated by her bust's bountiful size!

Her sickles are long and sharp, and generate sharp winds when swung in a manner similar to a sword.

Compared to the book version, I had her hairstyle hide one of her eyes for added coolness.

The middle one who's in charge of knocking men over looks quick, but she's a genki girl whose image is more that of a fighter than a swordswoman! She was based on the idea of a ninja talented in physical combat, and with her wrestling suit-like outfit that perfectly fits her body's curves, with various ornaments attached to the surface, she's probably the most lewdly dressed out of them all!

Her sickles have a smaller size, but they look thick and heavy. They aren't as heavy and slow as they might look though, and she can generate powerful, heavy-hitting winds to knock over targets with them by performing striking motions.

Personally, I love her mischievous child-like expression and her hairstyle the most!

The right-hand one in charge of healing looks young, and rather than a Kamaitachi, she looks more just like a cute, small weasel. She's made in the image of a ninja dealing in salves and poisons, as well as Buddhist medicine masters, she wears longer sleeves and a short skirt in the classic miko color scheme of a white base with red bordering.

I also wanted to include a nurse element, so that's where the cross pattern on the cloth in front comes from.

Her sickles are small and short, and if they're hidden in her sleeves they won't be visible at all. By shaking her sleeves and moving her arms as if dancing, they create a gentle wind that soothes the body and soul.

Personally, my favorite part with her is the color of the medicine!

Oh, and since I've been talking about and promising all these features, they can of course quickly straddle and violate a man even while clothed. Even the one in charge of knocking you over, can simply slip her suit to the side or tear it to allow free entry.

>> No.19170438

Oh, by the way, any questions that got answered in the comments?

>> No.19170450

Could you please translate the Night Gaunt making of?

>> No.19170458

Which credit card?

>> No.19170476

Wow... all of this time I thought it was the left one that was in charge of knocking men down, since she's the tallest and the profile refers to that task going to the one with the most strength. Plus having the biggest scythes seemed to go with making "blunt" winds. Seems I was completely off there.

I love KC's enthusiasm for his creations, especially his efforts to make the tall one "cool."

>> No.19170481

>Those who own the physical copy of MGE II had some design changes such as altered hairstyles, changing the rounded ears to more pointed ones, etc.
Wow I messed that one up.

>Those who own the physical copy of MGE II will notive that they've had some design changes...

>> No.19170500

I'm not sure, there are two comments but I'm having trouble finding the text to copy on the page source.

>> No.19170503
File: 112 KB, 385x599, Mantis_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19170504

Yeah the "80's pseudo-totalitarian" sounds more like Judge Dredd, but Judges aren't Monster Girls.
Except Anubis I guess.

>> No.19170507

>a setting with Orks
Good one my man. Now let's hear what kind of fancy things our Gremlins have cobbled together for us today!

>> No.19170512

The orks are an anomaly.

>> No.19170517
File: 22 KB, 500x500, d1cf4a946705feda19921ebee87e361d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19170519

Wait, here we go. I don't think its a question though.




>> No.19170520
File: 367 KB, 786x715, 5FC554EE-75BB-4562-BFAA-B68559A4F1E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is supposed to be loading here?

>> No.19170522


>> No.19170527

The Gargoyle is just idling by until nightfall, duh.

>> No.19170531


>> No.19170535
File: 714 KB, 2800x1593, Gargoyle1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19170545

My one regret is that he didn't seem to address just what is with those leggings, i.e. are they clothing that looks like fur or fur that looks like clothing. I'm assuming the former since they are a different color from the fur of their tail and wrists.

Or does it mean they have fur underneath the leggings and that is what we see poking out in the art?

>> No.19170552

This isn't what my kids' show tells me Gargoyles are like! Not like this at all!

>> No.19170560

They're all fur, I asked him on Twitter about it a long time ago.

>> No.19170561

I use to follow the artist that did the animations for that
Then out of the blue he started doing furry shit, like really hardcore furry shit
What was up with that?

>> No.19170574

Awesome, will record that. I don't suppose you have the text saved anywhere?

>> No.19170579

Lame, I was hoping they could be removed.

>> No.19170598 [DELETED] 


>> No.19170599
File: 565 KB, 854x1200, 291_raiju_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm sure they can shrink back/vanish the fur, but it being fur also would seem to confirm that another distinguishing feature of KC's weasel girls is that they have two-toed feet (or at least enough fur on the feet to make them look like they have just two toes).

>> No.19170606

>When Gargoyles haven't ever had a story

>> No.19170620

>(or at least enough fur on the feet to make them look like they have just two toes).
It's this one. They have fur meant to look like tabi socks.

>> No.19170630
File: 96 KB, 850x922, SharkCollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if you play the jaws theme around mersharks?

>> No.19170634

Speaking of zapweasels, I saw a plain old regular weasel yesterday. That tail was fluffy.
You get told you're racist, smacked around and then raped.

>> No.19170637

They asplode

>> No.19170638

Well we can partially blame that on a lack of info on what they do outside of sex. Not that this should stop headcannons but it doesn't help.

Plus we still don't have the gargoyle remake outside of the book yet. I'm hoping if we get a "making of" gargoyle that we might get a line or two about their culture and habits outside of the whole "stone sex by day, constant active sex by night" description.

>> No.19170647

Playing the Jaws theme around mersharks is like ringing the dinner bell for Christ's sake, and I believe that you are going to ignore this particular problem until it swims up to you and asks you to fuck her in the ass!

>> No.19170650

I want to be the dickthrone of a stern judge anubis or let her use me as a stool(or just eat her out under the desk)

>> No.19170652

Wait, really? Damn. I need to do something about that.
Story ideas! Story ideas about Gargoyles! Give them to me!

>> No.19170656
File: 156 KB, 1200x823, Kamaitachi DLNBg_GVwAAFyEu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If so then I would play with their dainty, close-fitting toes.

>> No.19170678
File: 238 KB, 480x640, night_gaunts_r1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he does then here's her concept art/sketch for reference.

>> No.19170703

An anon who gets a set of Kamaitachi sisters as his wives would be a very lucky man.

>> No.19170739

As long as they don't use the sickles anymore after finding a husband, at least.

>> No.19170741

But then how would they make their husband sensitive with their special salve?

>> No.19170742

They don't hurt, so what would be the problem if they did keep using them?

>> No.19170748

I want to stare down a tough monster as I eat a Guatemalan insanity pepper

>> No.19170751

Because they don't need to? Once they've used it once, the effects will keep kicking in on their own afterwards when they've already made him into a Kamaitachi's ideal husband.
Because painful or not, being covered in cuts all over is pretty scary.

>> No.19170752

Do you get to meet your Spirit Animal Coyote Girl as well?

>> No.19170756

The 3rd sister's medicine also hides the cuts you get from the previous sister. That's from the original lore.

>> No.19170772

So what?
Either way, the profile doesn't hint at them using them past the first encounter anyway, and most MGE girls drop their gimmicks once they get a husband unless neglected, so I don't see why the Kamaitachi would be much different.

>> No.19170781

If there is one it's probably on that place or done by writers who blow chunks/don't need to post here

>> No.19170784

and the umi osho guide

>> No.19170791

Eveen the most stern face griffon of Kuu-faced lich would be scared for your safety and show emotion

>> No.19170796

Bollocks did one, so yeah.

>> No.19170806

Brooding anon buys a gargoyle to be edgy and she just wants to be lovey and jump his bones every night.

Poor nocturnal street sweeper anon finds a gargoyle to make his night shifts more enjoyable and someone to make his house a home every morning.

Experiential piece detailing the experience of being her pedestal and being frozen in climax all night while being mind melded together with her. Character development would be important.

>> No.19170809

>and most MGE girls drop their gimmicks once they get a husband unless neglected

Quite a few do, but I wouldn't say most. For every one you can name that does I say I could name another that doesn't.

But yes, as far as we know kamaitachi don't keep cutting you as they no longer have any need or reason to. Unlike, say, girtablilu, who derive great personal pleasure out of stinging their husband even when they no longer need to.

>> No.19170815

I'll do 2, but as part of another story. The street sweeper will be a vampire hunter who can't get paid no more

>> No.19170818

You've got a nice Wight there.

>> No.19170819

I want to get dressed up in matching latex catsuits with my Kobold waifu and Kobold daughteru, and then double mating press my daughteru between me and my waifu!

>> No.19170825
File: 525 KB, 600x1088, 8C993A89-21F4-48D8-87E7-826D8182FB6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Son, you must go into the mountains to find your spirit animal before you can become leader of the tribe
>pic related
>I am sorry father. I am not fit to be leader.

>> No.19170838
File: 246 KB, 1000x1000, werecat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double mating press
How exactly does this work?

>Nonsense, my son! Behold, this was your great-grandfather's spirit animal, as was your grandfather's.

>> No.19170839

>double mating press
Fuck the degenerate stuff, tell me more about this.

>> No.19170850
File: 12 KB, 416x320, LesserSuccubus7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the fur away and awaken the demon

>> No.19170853

That's where I'd lay on my back on the bed with my daughteru on her back on top of me. My dick would go in her ass while my waifu mating presses her with a strapon.

Alternatively, my waifu and I could switch places but I wouldn't want to crush her so we'd have to be standing up if we wanted to do it that way. I guess if you had a big, strong waifu you could do it with your waifu at the bottom.

>> No.19170854

>that tail growth

>> No.19170859

fuck you kdf I bet you've never actually worn latex.

>> No.19170862
File: 62 KB, 1110x800, 1526348203792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19170868

The fuzz is nice, though.

>> No.19170869

>he doesn't picture KDF a s a 24/7 rubber gimp

>> No.19170870

I wonder if griffons like shiny things

>> No.19170875

So you just picture people fully immersed in their fetish/thread gimmick?

>> No.19170876

>Anon summons a Succubus to act as his servant and gets a tall curvy sex bomb with a cute face.
>He forgot one line in his summoning circle so she's able to step out and do whatever she wants to him.
>She chooses to shove him on to the bed, crawl under the covers with him while shoving his face between her massive tits and snugglefuck him all night long while stroking his hair.

>> No.19170878

When it’s all they talk about, generally.

>> No.19170884

That looks like a very nice Succubus, anon has nothing to be scared of.

>> No.19170886
File: 352 KB, 1016x821, ohoho~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ohoho~ Did the master conjurer Anon think to ravish my poor little succ holes?

>> No.19170894

I resign myself to my fate

>> No.19170895

>Anon's anubis wife has been working overtime for the Pharaoh lately and he's worried she might be getting worn out
>ask her if she has any free time for just the two of them
>she checks her schedule and there is a large, 10 hour block labelled 'RAPE ANON LIKE CRAZY'
>"Hmmm. I might be able to fit something in."

>> No.19170897

Can't imagine what other named people would be like
But whatever

>> No.19170899

What's with all the hostility anon? If you really must know I do have a couple small pieces I wear from time to time.

No anon, not at all. I mean, I will have my first full catsuit in a couple of days depending on shipping, but I don't think I'd ever do 24/7 even with my waifu.

>> No.19170917

Yes, "missed"

>> No.19170918

Dom anubis is good

>> No.19170920

Losnis has a bunch of pics about protecting lilims from bullying.
Slowpoke has a fuck ton of holst dakis.
And Beast has a fightstick on his lap at all times and is fucked up on tea and melon juice.

>> No.19170929

Now here's the question: Is she your girlfriend, or your new momster?

>> No.19170932
File: 74 KB, 810x529, ss+(2018-06-01+at+03.13.57).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing wrong with genociding bullies

>> No.19170940

>Slowpoke has a fuck ton of holst dakis.
That fucker better not, because that would mean he hasn't shared the designs.

>> No.19170943

GF. Not that I don't like momsters though

>> No.19170960

What was his father’s spirit animal?

>> No.19170962

Oh, that's hot.

>> No.19170968

So all of the above, then.

>> No.19170977

I want a succubus to dom me with her breasts.

>> No.19170978

The other endings of that game are the what if Leah stays in that form permanently and has lots and lots of sex with her squire.

>> No.19170994

Succubi have slightly longer tongues than human women so she could lick your dick while giving you a paizuri.

>> No.19171017

Come to think of it. Succubi are actually pretty amazing.

>> No.19171019

Cute off-profile Wight.

>> No.19171029
File: 50 KB, 522x585, Mershark44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19171043

Honestly I always thought of KDF as The Gimp from Pulp Fiction posting his fetishes from that box, pretending to be asleep.

>> No.19171054

>what they do outside of sex.
Good joke.

>> No.19171056


>> No.19171081
File: 475 KB, 800x1000, 68723362_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19171095

What kinda faggot forgets to draw a Demon without black sclera?

>> No.19171099
File: 585 KB, 1041x1400, Depc_YCUcAMB4B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big sister Gremlin.

>> No.19171108
File: 947 KB, 1024x732, 47254311_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Puzzle & Dragon fans in here?

>> No.19171112
File: 119 KB, 960x1400, Bestsuccubutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Succubus steps over line, confident and smug
"You missed a line."
>She's halfway undressed, tail flitting between her labia
"What do you want to do? Stuff that dick of yours in my succ holes? Do you wanna stick it in me and be driven crazy from pleasure? Just say the words, and I'll send you to H-E-A-V-E-N~"
>In the spur of the moment, Anon yells out three simple words. 'BE MY GIRLFRIEND!'
>[ Succubus.exe has stopped working ]
>Her movements are more fidgety and embarassed, using her wings to cover her front
>When summoning circles are a well-known Succubus speed dating tool and they often times know what they're getting into by answering the call

>> No.19171114

But I don't want to test her invention today!

>> No.19171116

He posts about maledom far too much for that.

>> No.19171118

This is why I’m a vegetarian.

>> No.19171125
File: 290 KB, 1200x760, Wendigo49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Q:Do humans with a serious mental disorder get cured of it upon monsterization?[20]

>A:They can be cured with monsterization. Human men too can get rehabilitation from constant attendance of monstergirls, er, rather get cured together with Incubization.

>> No.19171131
File: 288 KB, 1200x800, karin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always did wonder why hera had blue skin
have a dragon girl

>> No.19171139

Brown, OPPAI gremlin nee-chan is cute!

>> No.19171148

Losenis looks like Stukov from Starcraft with Lilim pictures all over his command deck.
Beast resembles a black version of Floe or Marn with Earl Grey on the side and Sanford Kelly's old fightstick in his lap.
Slowpokefag has the world's largest collection of Holstaur dakis, some kind of artificial breast with authentic lactation.
The Waifufaggots look like string beaned nerds.
Ace is a combination of Percival Ulysses Cox and James Wilson, with a bunch of cats randomly going into heat around him 24/7.
Grigori is literally a /k/ LARPer.
Latenight is the marshmallow cat.
KDF is some kind of gimp into maledom and furries.
Bollocks jacks off to furries and androgynous faggots while being a sad sack of shit.
Melon is that one Mexican guy from Dexter's Lab who sits in the family cupboard, dispensing draws for coffee.

>> No.19171150
File: 143 KB, 640x853, -TcrevHcOYYQ2CMeBPhcYpFS2RHcpNR3-2guz4QG3sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your kouhai for tonight.

>> No.19171164

She wants help with homework? I'd go to her house so we could play games.

>> No.19171166

Having a Shortstack big sister must be pretty awkward considering that if genetics work out she's at perfect dick sucking height at all times.

>> No.19171174
File: 2.13 MB, 2059x1200, Waifu friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Waifufaggots look like string beaned nerds.

>> No.19171190

I play pad
And I'm a tad thinner than flore/marn, still over weight though

>> No.19171194


>Goblins discover holst milk
>This changes everything
>Clan wars erupt almost immediately over resources
>Hobgoblin leaders are overthrown left and right as their own subjects pump up their chests with enchanted dairy
>The lines of leadership blur until there is no order left. There are now only anarchy-dripping packs of top-heavy shortstacks raping and pillaging

>> No.19171203

>KDF is some kind of gimp into maledom and furries.
'Tis a lie.

>> No.19171219

Yep, true horror.
Large chested goblins overthrow their Hobgoblin leaders.
Raids are more intelligently planned, and focus more on holsts, as each leader strides to be the biggest and the bustiest

True anarchy

>> No.19171226

You’re right. He meant to say ponies

>> No.19171243

They may look like nerds, but they also look very happy with their waifus.

>> No.19171251

>Latenight is the marshmallow cat
Makes sense. But what about our new drawfriend?

>> No.19171253
File: 1.93 MB, 2490x3600, __demon_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou__by_warden101-dc5xav0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal monster body. You may not agree, but this is what peak performance looks like.

>> No.19171276

I was trying to be nice about it and not go there, too.

>> No.19171290
File: 112 KB, 1120x856, Rariatoo (1.0) [S].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19171305

>>The lines of leadership blur until there is no order left. There are now only anarchy-dripping packs of top-heavy shortstacks raping and pillaging
Why can’t I live there dammit?

>> No.19171320

>One of them went with cucksnake

>> No.19171325
File: 582 KB, 854x1200, Titania_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree.

>> No.19171335

The monstergirl train has run it's course.

>> No.19171338
File: 211 KB, 908x1000, Apophis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portals open
>lamias discover Monster Musume
>"Miia" becomes an epithet synonymous with "cuck"
>Crabman kills himself out of shame

>> No.19171350

Because life is hard

>> No.19171358
File: 1.67 MB, 1400x2000, 1528141262049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19171362


>> No.19171364

I got it for you hard.

>> No.19171366

This wasn't funny the first dozen times you posted it, and it's not funny now.

>> No.19171368
File: 285 KB, 1000x602, 62568396_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.

>> No.19171377

This joke is getting a bit dull at this point.

>> No.19171394

Maybe it'll be funny the next time .

>> No.19171396
File: 35 KB, 454x640, yLvcsbLl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19171400

It is, isn't it.

>> No.19171417

What girl is best for me if i like thick tails

>> No.19171419

What is going on in this picture?

>> No.19171425

How do you mating press a snake?

>> No.19171426 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19171430

I want to be her loyal incubus knight and cheer her up

>> No.19171433
File: 1.41 MB, 1100x1400, 1448949551086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like one of these.

>> No.19171439

How do you bondage a snake tail included?

>> No.19171445
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>> No.19171448

I'd like 12.

>> No.19171452

So, how long does it usually take for one to learn how to draw freely and relatively well?

I am thinking about taking a year off my university studies because CS sucks ass and I am nearly at breaking point.

So while at it, I might try to learn drawing, but would a year be sufficient? I was not terrible at art back at the highschool so...I'm kinda hopeful..

>> No.19171455

Ropes, pulleys, and sturdy crossbeams.

>> No.19171465

How do I get one to do the amazonian pose with me?

>> No.19171468 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.19171477
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Young version is superior.

>> No.19171483
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>> No.19171485

Don't forget to join the ideal cult. The Demon Cult!

>> No.19171495

Two or so and you should be able to doodle some nice stuff. Depends a lot on the person though.

>> No.19171503
File: 158 KB, 685x842, Demon33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about blonde demons?

>> No.19171505

I don't think there are many named or even mentioned husbands in general.

>> No.19171509

1 taco plz

>> No.19171511

>"Look mom, I posted it again!"

>> No.19171518

moe fish

>> No.19171521

I want to take selfies with my erect dick in my sleeping monster daughteru's mouth!

>> No.19171522

Knowledge of shibari and determination. Or by repeating this mantra:

Veni, Vidi, Vici, Veni.

>> No.19171524
File: 22 KB, 117x189, Holstaur milk1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is a good thing that holstaur milk doesn't work like that, only sometimes enlarging breasts and tending to not do it at all for loli monsters.

>It also has the effect of maintaining the resilience and luster of the breasts, and sometimes it can even have a breast-enlarging effect. (The effect varies depending on the race, the individual, and the sexual tastes of her husband. For all the monsters whose charm point is their childish appearance, it won't cause them to have full breasts. Instead, it exhibits an effect that will cause their tiny breasts to become even squishier, and make their skin feel even softer to the touch, so even adherents of Sabbath should relax and drink it.)

>> No.19171531

Monster girls have been around in various forms in human myth and legend for thousands of years anon, they aren't going anywhere.

>> No.19171539

That seems like Holstaur propaganda to get the Sabbath to drink their milk, for one it gives them more customers and two it removes their biggest opponent. These cows are evil geniuses I tell you.

>> No.19171546


>> No.19171558

Would it be frustrating through that years?
I mean how long would it take to genuinely enjoy drawing?
Did you feel like it was your hobby from the start?

>> No.19171563

Devil can't compete, a little Demon is far better.

>> No.19171572

Devils are better. They are devoted little house wives.

>> No.19171576

Five years if you practice every day.

>> No.19171577

What if you had both a normal demon and a devil?

>> No.19171580

That's why Extra-Thick host milk exists.

>> No.19171591

But demons are too, the profile talks about them cooking for him every day, dressing up for him, spoiling him, etc.

>> No.19171594

Apophises are the definition of perfect snek

>> No.19171599

>young nerdy guy
>with a tall and confident bombshell demon wife

Would be a funny dynamic

>> No.19171604

All the funnier as she tends to call him her servant even as she happily goes around doing things for him.

>> No.19171605
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>> No.19171643
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Eldritch abominations make the best onee-sans.

>> No.19171651
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>> No.19171668

Those thigh claw things seem disadvantageous, they keep the mate from being able to feel up the whole thigh.

>> No.19171677

The best kind of story.

>> No.19171678

They're really good.

>> No.19171679

any other happy endings?

>> No.19171682


>> No.19171683

Having friends over or visiting his parents must be weird

>> No.19171702

I played this one game with game over transformations for the girl.
one ending had her becoming a fire elemental and kept in a house to heat some bitch's cooker or some shit.
the "good" was that the text mentioned the lady having asbestos gloves and let the player figure it out .

>> No.19171722
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What would happen if you watched Tremors with a sandworm?

>> No.19171740
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This is why we need cupids.

>> No.19171746
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>> No.19171750

Is it wrong that playing Darkest Dungeon and reading stuff like Hounds of Tindalos has given me some level of inspiration for a Shub-Niggurath short?

>> No.19171759
File: 249 KB, 1800x900, YOU&#039;LL NEVER ESCAPE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Escape is not an option anon.

>> No.19171760
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Not at all.

>> No.19171767

[x]Touch reverse scale

>> No.19171811
File: 280 KB, 1123x1600, Species_Domain_-_Species_Domain_Chapter_005_-_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you be her friend?

>> No.19171814

Do not show her the 2nd movie, she would have nightmares like a Mershark watching the end of Jaws.

>> No.19171815

>They are devoted little house wives
Demons can do all that too.

It would be nice waking up to a loli Demon making you breakfast in a naked apron and standing on a stool, after a night of feasting on forbidden fruits. The rays of the morning sun falling on her exposed backside. When you walked up to her and slowly caressed one of her horns, she'd leisurely chat with the usual Demon's smug and temptating attitude mixed with youthful cuteness while leaning against you.

>> No.19171818

Everyone needs a friend.

>> No.19171824
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>> No.19171834 [DELETED] 
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Got Nidus on the grill. Which of these fucks should I farm for next?

>> No.19171843

How is the D supposed to bend into position for some of those? For the example, 9 and 10?

>> No.19171846

I think you may have made a mistake my dude.
Answer is Atlas though

>> No.19171851

That's the joke with the picture, she's in all the male places and he's in all the female ones.

>> No.19171852

If she had a man this wouldn't happen in the first place

>> No.19171885
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Except the Devil is entirely about spoiling her husband versus one random line about how the demon will cook for their husband.

>Even though they have a sadistic aura, during sex they give the highest priority to the man’s pleasure. Sometimes they don’t just rape men, conversely, they fan the flames of a man’s desire, and let him rape them like a beast or criminal.

>A tactic once commonly used by devils was to destroy people by giving them power and wealth beyond what they could handle, but many still use the same kind of method even now. They don’t just have sex with men, they make men’s desire swell beyond what they can handle and drown them in it with excessive love and pleasure by making them home-cooked meals every day, waiting on them hand and foot, and briskly taking care of anything they could possibly need.

>What they love more than anything else is the expression of their husband after being drowned in love and happiness in this matter, which from an objective point of view does indeed appear slackened and slovenly. Conversely, they don’t like it if their husband makes a difficult or sad expression, so if he makes a face like that, they’ll extend a hand or tongue to his penis right away, and it will be overwritten with any expression that they love.

>> No.19171896
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>> No.19171897

Those are for turning human women into Holsts. But then again the taste and texture would be on a whole different level compared to regular Holst milk.

>> No.19171900
File: 34 KB, 370x133, Demon extra art crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regardless of it not being part of the pact, a demon will cook whatever her man wants to eat every day, and visit clothing stores to acquire what- ever outfits he wants her to wear. It seems that it is in their nature to give into their men's demands and spoil them, regardless of the pact.

As you can see its not one random line. Demons may not focus on spoiling the man to the extreme devils do, buts its still an important part of their nature.

>> No.19171901

Escape? Why would I need to escape?
Scarner-chan is very easy to bully if you just go into her jungle.

>> No.19171904

I want a chubby, oppai devil

>> No.19171913

Hmmm, those shoggoth boobs look a bit too solid and "normal." Sure I guess they could make them look that way by altering their bodies, but its almost like the artist forgot they are slimes.

>> No.19171926


>> No.19171930



>> No.19171931

We need an image guide on the position for the girl to force herself on the man.

>> No.19171932

No no it should be like on >>>/vg/217178509


>> No.19171953

I assume if they can create a frying pans that can be strong enough to bypass their normal weakness to fire or make furniture out of their bodies, they can replicate normal human flesh. They aren't normal slimes.

>> No.19171959
File: 725 KB, 776x1200, Cupid white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your Demon hips, and raise you one Cupid ZR.

>> No.19171964 [SPOILER] 
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Do NOT open under any circumstances.

>> No.19171970
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>no pink

>> No.19171971

Seems about right

>> No.19171972

Not him but I always imagined Shogs where more fleshy than normal Slimes. They look a little more meat-like in their profile, aside from the see-through bits.

>> No.19171974

>This will never be your view from under the desk

>> No.19171978
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Does hair count?

>> No.19171980
File: 1.43 MB, 924x1280, tumblr_messaging_p9vloz9BIr1t0t1sc_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes please

>> No.19172000
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>> No.19172001

Yeah, it's still a part of Demons and due to individual variation some might be even more into it. Or to take it further, her signing herself over to being a more submissive wife than what the "default" contract in the profile says.

>> No.19172002
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>> No.19172021

That looks like a plate full of drugs

>> No.19172024

That’s because it is.

>> No.19172025

I dunno man, I've been tripping on scotch and other shit for the past few days and every time I go to sleep I keep thinking about a black furred Baphomet, man. It's not healthy, man.

>> No.19172026


>> No.19172031

Its good drugs, its not like she going to feed you weed brownies.

>> No.19172033

Perfect wife material.

>> No.19172038

The problem is that ive forgotten what most of them do

>> No.19172060

The only ones I remember are the artichoke on the left that causes you to become a nudist and the berries on the right that either make you make out, or match you to whoever ate the other berry.

I could never get interested in the demon realm flora and fauna, mostly because it reminds me too much of that fungi that brainwashes ants into zombies that spread the fungi.

>> No.19172088

Is this butterface?

>> No.19172093
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>> No.19172100

No, this is.

>> No.19172101
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I wouldn't watch it with her in the first place. I gotta protect her smile at all costs!

>> No.19172107
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, Sandworm33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

>> No.19172117

Would sandworms have knowledge of holidays like Christmas or Valentines?

>> No.19172121

Let's see, to summarize:

Holstaur milk: Nuff said

Couple's fruit: Lots of effects, mostly centered around the attraction and romantic effect of a man eating one part of the fruit while the woman eats the other part.

Intoxication fruit: Basically monster realm grapes and the wine made from them. Could potentially be used to grow a near dragon/baphomet-tier alraune or mandragora.

Melting vegetable: Serves as a sauce or topping to many dishes, reduces one's resistance to the effects of various spells and other monster realm produce.

Undine spring water: Makes a man's mana tastier, replenishes energy and heals.

Alraune nectar: Nuff said

Wrapping vegetable: A variety of effects such as improving one's skin, but eating the core makes you want to take your clothes off.

>> No.19172123

Oh god my dick can't handle cupids. It's like an arrow that seeks their asses and thighs.

>> No.19172125

Sticky mushrooms are great though.
I’d keep a plot of those in the yard.

>> No.19172130
File: 377 KB, 1092x900, 1447517916287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started really getting into oyakodon.

But only a certain kind. Mother-daughter-guy threesomes are right out, I just want the mother to gently guide her daughter and her husband during their wedding night. Just hug her and hold her hand and stroke her hair while she's being deflowered.

>> No.19172134

What’s their shtick? Or rather, what do they do to your shtick?

>> No.19172137
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, P&#039;Orc Horde Marching songs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where there's a whip. there's a way!
>Where there's a whip, there's a way!
>We don't want to go to war today!
>We just want to stay in bed with our husbands all day!

>> No.19172145


>> No.19172151
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>> No.19172166

I don't think any monster girls would if they came from a different world. They probably have entirely different holidays of their own. Anyways, whatever a sandworm knows would come from her parents at a very young age before she leaves her mother's shell, meaning they don't know much at all as they really can't be given an education. Whatever else she knows would have to be taught to her by her husband

>> No.19172169


>> No.19172178

Gonna bed five of those beauties and make them all submissive wives

>> No.19172184

No u

>> No.19172188

I don't think you understand what that word means.

>> No.19172196

As long as there is no incest on the guy's part it's great.

>> No.19172213

>Shooting your wife with your jizzooka after eating one of those
>It's a viscuous, fishy smelling version of Spider-Man webs in the form of goop like semen

>> No.19172218

>P'Orc horde crosses paths with a big strong Barbarian.
>When some of the younger, unwed P'Orcs catch sight of his muscled, bare chest, they start gossiping and giggling.
>High Orc tells them to stow it and keep marching.
>The P'Orcs stumble as they keep staring while marching, while other P'orcs flirt with the Barbarian briefly as they pass.
>One of them lifts up her top and flashes him with her impressive F Cups, before running to catch up with the rest of the Horde, her friends squealing with excitement.

>> No.19172223

Of course there isn't! It's a pure romance with some gentle guidance from her mother. Who knows, she might tell him how to do it, too. After all, her daughter should share many of her weak points.

>> No.19172235
File: 631 KB, 674x1400, 1524079774866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have anal sex with young and cute cupid-sensei.

>> No.19172236

I understand that feeling. I want to follow a tsundere Cupid around all day while she's working, and be a general annoyance to her while trying to worship her legs and midriff.

>> No.19172242

Nice timing Cupidbros.

>> No.19172249
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>> No.19172253

be careful anon, Hellhounds are dangerous in close quarters!

>> No.19172257
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>Nipple pasties

I always knew Kuupid was a lewd girl.

>> No.19172259

different variations of "makes you fuck good"

>> No.19172265

Did KC ever explain how demon realm silver weapons actually work? They don't harm the body, but they still cause wounds from which your spirit energy leaks out, and those wounds heal from monsterization in a woman's case?

>> No.19172272

I'd have sex with a cupid that's still learning, maybe on her 16-18s. It would be really fun to approach and flirt with her while her teacher watches!

I'd steal a cupid's socks, boots and shorts. Maybe her panties too!

>> No.19172276

Oh no, it’s retarded.

>> No.19172285

Sounds gross.

>> No.19172292
File: 500 KB, 800x600, 143578954543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want that guy who does off-profile designs of Monsters to draw a buff Hellhound with Cestus' like these on each hand.

>> No.19172297
File: 113 KB, 500x690, MAMONO MANA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Realm silver is basically the Applied Phlebotinum of MGE.

>> No.19172298

Imagine a very anime-like scene where somebody slashes through a target with a sword, and then the damage occurs in a flourish after they've returned the sword to the scabbard. That's basically Demon Silver

>> No.19172299

Not sure where the confusion is:

>Weapons made of mamono realm silver do not inflict wounds on the body of a cut opponent, instead inflicting damage on the opponent's magical energy. When an opponent's magical energy is wounded, mana or mamono mana will leak out from there, and they will lose their strength. In this way, it's possible to take away an opponent's strength to fight without harming or killing them.

Basically you can imagine there being a network of mana running throughout a person's body. Realm silver weapons pass through flesh and cut into this network, producing "wounds" that are not physical in nature.

>> No.19172303

>Change them to canine heads instead of Nemean Lion

>> No.19172304

Trying to come up with a good internal logic for Demon Silver is how you end up with the clusterfuck in Losenis' story

>> No.19172309

Mighty Guardian of Hades! Cerberus!

>> No.19172311

What's kc position on that?

>> No.19172313

Oh, and its not so much that monster mana "heals" the wound to a woman's mana network so much as the monster mana naturally flows into the wound to fill the space left from the woman's mana that just leaked out from the wound. And from there the energy can feed on the human mana still in her body.

>> No.19172314

Honestly, i want to know how it looks when you hit someone with a demon silver weapon!
Do blades just phase through people?
What about kunais, arrows and throwing daggers?

>> No.19172315

>Actual Cerberus style Chimera sees her
>Fur on wolf head pauldrons and snake tail either glower at her or act agitated

>> No.19172322

There is nothing that can stop me from taking the meat from the bone and start running with it


>> No.19172325

>Also, according to human common sense, it is taboo for parents and children to have sex and commit incest, but naturally, monsters have no such taboo. I previously mentioned that there are rarely monsters who end up recognizing their own father as their “husband”, but in that case, there are two possibilities. On the one hand, the mother can pleasure her husband together with her daughter, and she can teach her beloved daughter the goodness of her beloved husband. The whole family can become one, and experience bliss while having threesomes, or, on the other hand, the mother can treat even her own daughter as a rival and struggle over her husband in the same way as struggling with another monster over a man, vying for the husband by having sex. Desire for one's own father is not to be denied, and incest is never condemned. As far as monsters are concerned, if one has desire for a specific man, then one should act on the urge and have sex with him. Even if it's ones own father, etc. it won't be a problem. On the contrary, the desire for a man takes highest precedence, and it's unthinkable to discard it over something as trivial as “blood connection.”

>> No.19172327
File: 320 KB, 900x600, Darkelf_eng2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a guess.

>> No.19172328

I don't think its been officially depicted yet, the closest we've come to a description is how the mana that leaks out from the wounds inflicted by a cursed sword or a mershark is red in color and can make one think its actually blood.

As for the look of the wounds, based on that I would suppose they are glowing red marks that correspond to wherever you were cut or hit.

>> No.19172330

>Monsterization can occur due to a variety of reasons, and there's also the danger of a human woman changing into a monster as a result of a wound sustained from a monster attack. External wounds caused by claws and fangs infused with a werewolf's energy cause energy to pour out of the body instead of blood. And after energy pours out, their demonic energy will be poured in. In a woman's case, she will be changed into a werewolf the same as them. No pain is felt from such wounds. Instead of hurting, the wound heats up and continually throbs. The hot throbbing of the wound gradually spreads throughout the body. The heat of the wound causes the body to flush, and the throbbing of the wound causes the body to throb, remaking a woman's body into that of a monster. Basically, the wound completely heals at the same time a woman changes into a monster, but by that time, their monster body will be seeking a man and their monster womb will begin to throb with even more heat, seeking sperm.

So what exactly is there to heal if there's no wound? And if these weapons simply pass through people's bodies with zero resistance, then even the weakest flick would run a person straight through and leave them completely unable to fight. But that's not how they work, so what the fuck is up with this shit?

>> No.19172335

Almost. What's with all those clothes?

>> No.19172336

You're not supposed to think about it, now shut up and fap.

>> No.19172342

And yes logically the blades would phase through the body if you impaled someone. I would presume that you could still end up with arrows and such sticking out of you, assuming your mana network gives any resistance to keep the weapon from just falling through your body.

>> No.19172352
File: 124 KB, 1000x1250, 1517799141384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck on the hellhound wave of graveyard survival what do i do?

>> No.19172358

Obviously you marry one of them. Or better yet. All of them.

>> No.19172363

>So what exactly is there to heal if there's no wound? And if these weapons simply pass through people's bodies with zero resistance, then even the weakest flick would run a person straight through and leave them completely unable to fight. But that's not how they work, so what the fuck is up with this shit?

There IS a wound, just not a physical one. Again, imagine a network of magical energy running through a person like blood through your veins. If that is damaged then it does take some time to heal and the mana to stop leaking out.

And given magic in this setting can be seen to have or exhibit traits of mass, it would indeed cause some resistance when pierced by realm silver weapons.

>> No.19172376

I liked it

>> No.19172380

So where does it leak out from when there's no opening in your body? The likes of Shirohebi still need to cause actual wounds with their fangs or nails to enable them to fill you up with their demonic energy faster, passive absorption through skin contact is too slow there.

>> No.19172382

Yeah but what about ss?

>> No.19172390

Dont profane innocent Eo To by posting here in this thread you sinister degenerate!

>> No.19172398

Irl organic mercury gets absorbed through skin rather quickly

>> No.19172401

Maybe, but I'm just going by what KC himself said.

>> No.19172405

Throw her a bone, literally.

I'll let your figure out how to obtain some.

>> No.19172409
File: 198 KB, 1500x794, DN1LD9CVoAA529Y.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC said that monsters won't assault children.

>> No.19172410

Thanks for the translation.
>but all three of them are designed with some typical kunoichi features.
I now desire a trio of senran kamaitachis.

>> No.19172419

>The likes of Shirohebi still need to cause actual wounds with their fangs or nails to enable them to fill you up with their demonic energy faster, passive absorption through skin contact is too slow there.

I don't recall anything saying she uses wounds, or that physical skin impedes the absorption of mana.

Anyway, I'm still not sure what the confusion here is. Try thinking about it like different dimensions of reality. Realm silver touches one dimension while not touching another. It inflicts a wound on your spiritual body, and while this wound does nothing directly to your physical organic body it is still just as real a wound to that spiritual body.

>> No.19172433

>So where does it leak out from when there's no opening in your body?

In further detail, there would be a glowing "wound" that would appear to be on your skin but not actually effect it as the wound you are seeing is to your mana network.

One could even compare it to a ghost, a spiritual body that corresponds in size and shape to your organic body. A real silver weapon wounds this, not your organic body, but because this body is in the same location it looks at a glance like the organic body was wounded.

>> No.19172437

>A real silver weapon wounds this

Dammit, I meant "realm silver"

>> No.19172444

>Shota Anon gets caught up in a monster invasion only to get caught by an Apophis who loaned her forces to the invasion.
>Instead of raping him she gasps, scoops him up and gushes about how cute he is.
>She winds up needing his help to warm up since she didn't think joining a northern invasion force through.
>Shota Anon ends up living a happy life with his new Onee-san, even if she keeps trying to hook him up with her graped Anubis' little sister.

>> No.19172465

>Also, it's said that the lifespan of men who become an incubus becomes dramatically longer. Since they can keep living by having sex with each other, their lifespan is roughly the same as the monster that they're coupled with. Just like monsters, their appearance stops aging at a certain stage. It could be as a boy, as a young man, or as a mature man. Since an incubus is a being that's convenient for a monster, they change depending on the tastes of the monster that they're paired with. In this way, an incubus is none other than an ideal male to a female monster.

>> No.19172471

I bet the Orcs and gobbos on patrol start swooning when they see local male rangers, fighters, and barbarians

>> No.19172486
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>> No.19172491

Do they peep on them while they bathe in rivers and waterfalls?

>> No.19172498

I'd imagine Wizards and Sorcerers get plenty of attention too anon.
A good enough wizard could probably amass a sizable Goblin/Hobgoblin/Gremlin harem pretty quick.

>> No.19172514

Of course, but they also pretend to not notice the men as they suddenly enter to bathe themselves, then act surprised and aggressively flirty when they "bump" into them.

>> No.19172524

>"Shhh! He's just over here~"
>"Warcheif's gonna be mad at us if she finds out we're here..."
>"Don't worry about it, just focus on that mercenary stud bathing down there~"
>"Mmmm~ Those muscles... So defined~"
>"He's a Rogue, through and through.... I'd love to kiss those scars..."
>"You see those tattoos? He's probably worked with a Thieves Guild before... So mysterious~"
>"What I'd give for him to grab me by the hair and call me a filthy goblin slut before making my throat his onahole~"
>"Mnnh~ I just want him to spank me while he knocks my fat jiggling ass up and call me his breeding sow~"
>"I want to see his thick creamy white cum splattered all over my tits~"
>"Yea- Warchief!?"
>Is someone there?
>"Fuck, Scatter!"

>> No.19172535

The issue is how rambunctious those girls are!
Although that’s probably a Wizard only issue, sorcerers are a bit like bards

>> No.19172553

Maybe both ways.

Thats nice, although there is the issue of there being other girls in the area peeking, like hot blooded sallies or buff dragons.

>> No.19172566
File: 739 KB, 707x1000, 66050880_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you just tell her?

>> No.19172574

Lets get a photo for the album! Pickup that blade and look as yandere as you can.

>> No.19172581

"I don't like tofu and I don't get how anyone could possibly like it."

>> No.19172604

"Quickly, I need a haircut or that Kej is going to round the corner and assault me for looking like a hippie. We only have this brush cutter on hand though, so i need you to focus and be very careful.

>> No.19172611

all it takes is one well placed Evard's Black Tentacles to take down a entire horde

>> No.19172615


>> No.19172667

>Using ”<“
>Those other works
Mother of god

>> No.19172715

I bet Mouse Girls all have a crush on some famous Human Thief. Having his wanted posters pinned up next to their beds. Fantasizing about him princess-carrying them into the night.

>> No.19172725
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>> No.19172771
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>> No.19172792

She's a cute wan.

>> No.19172799

couldn't they have broken up?

>> No.19172802

>implying she won't just keep him for herself and wait for him to grow up
>every night, she snuggles him between her breasts before wrapping him up against her body with her tail
>she's so soft and smells nice, making it easy for anon to fall asleep
>she strokes his head while thinking about marrying anon once he's a man before she falls asleep herself

>> No.19172812

I think big sisters trying to play matchmaker is cuter though.

>> No.19172835

Can demons rape you before you sign their contract?

>> No.19172837

>I'd have sex with a cupid that's still learning, maybe on her 16-18s
For that I'd want a loli or JC Cupid, to calmly stare at me with the eye that's not covered by hair and ask for more teaching in a soft, breathy kuudere voice.

>> No.19172844

If they want to be mocked by other Demons for the rest of their lives.

>> No.19172851

Demon nee-chan is nice.

>> No.19172860

Just drop it. Honestly I like Miia but if Monster Musume causes these kind of shit storms just go to the /c/ thread to talk about it.

>> No.19172861

Scary, you'd have to be crazy to mess with a girl like that.

>> No.19172863

Can they even have sex before their contracts signed?

>> No.19172867

3 is the best, that's the ideal outfit for an onee-san.

>> No.19172878
File: 676 KB, 1330x629, Demon book profile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the initial sex is even stated to be a useful way to get the man to agree to the contract afterward.

>> No.19172932

For you

>> No.19172936

And she's gonna be for me.

>> No.19172991

I wish I had a demon nee-san.

>> No.19172992
File: 725 KB, 768x908, goldendragoncommission-1-768x908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would she be into cosplay?

>> No.19173012

But what if you keep having sex without agreeing to it?
Is sex out of contract sinful?

>> No.19173029

There's a 30 day free trial period, but it auto enrolls you unless you explicitly end it once that's over.

>> No.19173055
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>> No.19173060

No, but really how could you not succumb to the effects of having sex with her and wanting more? She has lots of options to convince you once you're hooked.

Heck, maybe the contract need not even be written on paper, given we see it as a crest over her womb. Maybe the man just has to agree to it and place his hand there.

I can see it now, a demon riding the man in cowgirl position, only to keep him on the cusp of orgasm. She places his hand on her abdomen and tells him that if he wants to cum he'll have to agree to the contract, and if he refuses she'll keep him on the edge for as long as she needs to.

>> No.19173085
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x1500, Devil52a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related has no EULA
Advantage Devil

>> No.19173089

If I had a loli Demon waifu, I wouldn't want to make a contract before she's grown up anyway to make it fair.

It would be fun turning the tables on a Demon by taunting her during sex instead, telling her how much of a sinful slut she is, lusting for your cock enough to forget contracts just to get more.

>> No.19173102

2 on the town, 3 around the house, 1 in the bedroom. All is as it should be.

>> No.19173108
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>> No.19173137

I want her in my adventuring party!

>> No.19173141

Pretty much this. Just swap 2 and 3 for me. Doesn’t that sweater not have a back? Also, the tits need to be slightly smaller. No, I’m not gay, I just like a balanced figure and those seem ridiculous

>> No.19173155

She looks chuuni, I bet she yells things like [Hellfire Fist!] when she attacks.

>> No.19173168

CHuuni hellhounds are best hellhounds, especially when big and buff.

>> No.19173173
File: 46 KB, 605x559, Demon90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What this anon said >>19173029. You have your 30-day, free trial. After that, continued sex will be considered as an alternate form of agreement of the contract.

If you don't want to commit, your best bet is to cut it off on the 29th day. This way you're not agreeing to the contract, and she'll move on and try to get different man to sign onto her contract. Then you can just move onto another demon and start a new 30-day, free trial. Rinse and repeat.

But you wouldn't want to cut it off after 29 days would you? You wouldn't want to destroy her confidence. You don't want to give her the fear that people will just use her over and over again for her free trial and never pay up. She isn't WinRAR, ya know.

>> No.19173178

>have a happy marriage with demon waifu
>one day you're sitting on the sofa invested in a good book
>your demon waifu comes up to you and hands you the marriage contract you signed many years ago
>"Ive updated the terms of service, Honey"

>> No.19173183

If you quit on the 29th day she'd probably yan.

>> No.19173192

Does it come with a strongfat clause?

>> No.19173198

>She isn't WinRAR, ya know.
>Because nothing happens after trial expiration, anon stays with her for the rest of his life

>> No.19173200
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>> No.19173213

I want to shake your hand over the internet. I actually had trouble placing two and three, but for me three had a bit more class to it, even though sweaters are comfy as hell. Also, that getup has sleeves, so it's not the Virgin Killer sweater you're thinking of. I even agree on the breasts,thoufh I do favor a slightly top-heavy build.

>> No.19173238

>This way you're not agreeing to the contract, and she'll move on and try to get different man to sign onto her contract. Then you can just move onto another demon and start a new 30-day, free trial.
What a strange coincidence, the next Demon and next man are both the same people as last time. I guess she'll have to start that new 30-day free trial.

>> No.19173261

Beware feral wolfus. They’re not very familiar with personal space.

>> No.19173273

Demons are just as good as tanukis when it comes to finding loopholes. Contracts are their game.

Wonder which would win in a court case battle?

>> No.19173285
File: 479 KB, 2328x3041, __anubis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_sookmo__c4094035cf4c219e8238c84dfaa9dd62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19173286

What are they fighting over?

>> No.19173296

Anon's virginity.

>> No.19173297

I don't know. I'm just talking about some generic court case, so whatever you like

>> No.19173317

Frankly, I think neither of them would care if a burrito is considered a sandwich or not in the state of Massachusetts.

>> No.19173344
File: 223 KB, 1280x1226, rMPSq9R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna get GRAPED.

>> No.19173353

Jokes on her!
I like grape!
And that snake is gonna learn the power of fetishes.

>> No.19173361

I only like green grapes. What does that mean for my taste in Apophis?

>> No.19173365

You get an emerald colored apophis.
Which is nice but I'd enjoy a cobalt colored one.

>> No.19173376

Sure, I'll take a grapesnek wife. However, she's gonna have to deal with my other wives before she can GRAPE me.

>> No.19173395

Would she constantly email me about changes to the privacy policy?

>> No.19173399
File: 164 KB, 1200x820, Kamaitachi 1507129686964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So to summarize things we've learned about the sickle weasels today:

1. KC gave a lot of thought to the personalities he was giving via the different body types.
2. The kamaitachi with the longest scythes is the one who cuts the man. The the one with the medium scythes is the close-range brawler who knocks him down.
3. The trio are not at all restricted in possible body types, all three can be the same body type even.
4. The leggings and sock-like feet are indeed furry legs and feet and not clothing.

>> No.19173418

It looks kind of goofy but I really like the thought that went into this.

>long stockings and custom-fitted shoes on all 8 legs
>Skirt and uniform top that's extra-long on the front to cover but also loose enough to conceal pedipalps and the spaces where legs meet the main body
>bangs are cut to be cute but not totally obscure the eyelets on the forehead

I'm glad to see spider moe becoming a thing.

>> No.19173451

>1v3'ing men
No fair!

>> No.19173471

Meh. Still low tier for me. Why would you want to get beat up as a show of love?

>> No.19173472

Anubi are for bending over desks and teasing while you fill her with a litter of schedule pups!

>> No.19173481

They cut a man to catch him, not as a show of love, there's no evidence they continue to do so as part of married life.

Also you aren't actually hurt so its hard to call it getting "beat up."

>> No.19173492

That's why you fight them with your younger and older brother.

>> No.19173495

I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to them trying to 'cut' me a bit after they've claimed me. I find the idea of knife play kind of kinky...

Besides, this is KC's world where nothing causes pain or bad things to happen. The cuts probably feel good.

>> No.19173501

>No strongfat cyclops or nerdy shortstack tanuki to run into at the local gameshop

Life is rough.

>> No.19173523

sick fuck

>> No.19173529
File: 1.12 MB, 850x1200, 66481234_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet she's one of those scalpers who buys a bunch of the hot collectibles or special editions and then re-sells them at a huge mark-up. Though she may give you the 'boyfriend discount' 10% off for each load you pump into her various holes or slather her tits in if you're nice.

>> No.19173539

Well, if I could get 10% off the DND books that would be pretty good.
Although I do hope she knows that every load requires her to do nothing other than have her spend the night with me.
No sex necessary, dinner is made, snuggling mandatory.

>> No.19173540

how bad is sand breath

>> No.19173544

Oh boy that means that I can get it for free?

>> No.19173546

lay down so the tackle doesn't hurt

>> No.19173549

She doesn't eat sand you know, she just burrows through it.

>> No.19173554

If the sandworms "tongue" gives you a blowjob are you technically receiving a double blowjob?
Does the "tongue" also have a tongue?

>> No.19173555

i was referring to sandworm as sand

>> No.19173558

If you have the stamina to fill her up 10 times per item, then go for it anon. Maybe you'll hit the jackpot and earn her lifetime discount.

>> No.19173566

Not really, since that's her real body, not a tongue at all.

>> No.19173615

>nerdy Dragon shyly asks if you want t-t-to see her hoard
>its all wargame miniatures, figurines, and rare rpg books games and dice

>> No.19173617


>> No.19173622

a literal gank squad monstergirl.

>> No.19173628
File: 237 KB, 700x940, 1482093858631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impressive. But are all those games just for show, or does she have the skill to back up that collection?

Loser treats the winner to dinner.

>> No.19173633

Sounds like someone needs to git gud

>> No.19173635

Well it's probably not pleasant. Imagine an animal's breath. They can't brush and neither can she. However, it's probably not as bad as an animal's breath. Mamono mana probably makes it bearable, giving it a unique smell. Sorta bad, tolerable, but not good. If she "eats" you and you become her husband, I'm guessing you get used to it within a couple hours, and incubization with her probably makes it so that your sandworm waifu's breath is only pleasant to you.

If you think of the monster's tongue as a tongue, then yes, it would be a double blowjob. Yes, the girl in the inside has a tongue.

>> No.19173658

Do you think that nerdy raccoon has a fetish for titfucking?

>Challenge a nerdy Dragon to a wargame to test if she's for real or not.
>She stomps you in less than half an hour.
>Riding the high of her victory she even smugly tells you she'll pay for dinner anyway if you do "something else" for her while meaningfully groping your crotch.
>After you leave to prep for the date she realizes what she just did and starts panicking.

>> No.19173667
File: 2.54 MB, 1613x3515, DOo5De1WkAAuhob.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mist Continent dragon when?

>> No.19173669
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>> No.19173670

I think Otohime technically count. I can't remember where they come from.

>> No.19173676
File: 1.04 MB, 1598x954, 1503715339951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if she doesn't, she will by the time I'm done. You can't just drop a massive rack like that in front of a man and not expect it to get glazed with cum.

>> No.19173678

Ryugujo. Or rather, the oceans of Zipangu.

>> No.19173683

That's Zipangu, not MC.

>> No.19173689

Do sandworms need their husbands to brush their teeth and clean their shell?

>> No.19173690

Lewd Office Raccoons.

>> No.19173691
File: 424 KB, 640x905, AmNe9PfddZs8k19WyABxLqfj3GcwsZgxbxbE635B_uc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19173699

No sense in trying to clean the shell or brush the shell's teeth. She burrows through sand and dirt all day. Besides if it was anything like the scenario I proposed, it wouldn't be a problem for her hubby and probably ward off an unwanted visitors

>> No.19173712

>Demon keeps messaging you about her "what I want you to do to me the next time we get to meet" policy
>she changes her mind a lot

>> No.19173722

Can you at-least post the full resolutions?

>> No.19173728

>Only ten times
>Not compounding the discounts so Anon has to work harder for less each time

>> No.19173734

>% instead of fixated
I only wanted a chocolate bar

>> No.19173739

>"Fufufufufu~ You've cum so much all over them but your balls still look so heavy~ I wonder why that iiiis~?"
>"Surprise! I spiked your food with sticky mushrooms and marinated it in a special mix that includes manticore venom!"
>"On the plus side, I'm going to owe you so many discounts I might as well be your wife~"
>"I wasn't kidding, you're really cute and I enjoy talking to you and I want to be your wife. ...Is it weird that I'm telling you that while you're fucking my cum-soaked tits?"

>> No.19173744

How much do i get off if i impregnate her?

>> No.19173747

Then pay full price and don’t get mixed up with bookie nookies.

>> No.19173755

And she wants your cum, so get thrusting anon. The percentage only gets lower every time you cum in the same hole or on the same part.

>> No.19173762

Remember that 'lifetime discount'? There's no need to charge you for the game if you're her husband. She'll just play it with you!

>> No.19173763

You get the lifetime discount of 100% as she takes control of all finances so you can live comfortably and stress free while your cute wife milks you dry and handles the funds.

>> No.19173775

>Sticky mushrooms
I really need to go through the encyclopedia and read up on the different foods more. The fact that there's a mushroom that lets you achieve a proper hentai bukkake with thick ropes of cum drenching her body immediately puts that in my top 3 fetish tools.

>> No.19173785
File: 3.73 MB, 2000x1683, 1510803466126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21st birthday in 3 days.
>No plans except drinking myself to death in front of my computer.

I wish I had a nice blue oni to party with and have "intellectual" conversations with. Who is the best drinking buddy MG?

Hardmode: No oni's or satyr's

>> No.19173796

Depends. Do you want her to be one who gets drunk easily but is cute because of it, or one that can keep pace with you till you both black out?

>> No.19173798
File: 1.56 MB, 1240x1754, drunk slime meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonic Slime

>> No.19173807

Go to the bar and try to buy drinks for all the halfway decent girls until the staff asks you to leave

>> No.19173808

Well in the few times I've gotten drunk, I've succumbed to stupidity quickly. So probably someone with a better handle on their drink than me.

>> No.19173814

>Who is the best drinking buddy MG?

>> No.19173815

I can't afford to go to a straight up bar. Money is tight so all I can manage is a liter of fireball.

>> No.19173822 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 322x196, 1528334666074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say she's the GOAT.

>> No.19173824

Drinking for the sake of drinking is no way to live, son.

Liquor is better with company.

>> No.19173841

Just imagine her trying to act like an Ara Ara Sugar Mama to you only to let her nerdy side out when you show up with your purchases.
>"Hmmhmhmhm? So what did my cute little anon get on his trip to the mall? I hope you remembered our lewd little exchange ra-"
>Final Fantasy 7, Personas 3 through 5, New Vegas, Okami and Yakuza 0.
>"Ohhhhmygodohmygodohmygod HOW DID YOU GET THESE? The MGC Entertainment board doesn't allow retailers in the city to sell human made games like these! How?"
>The law doesn't say anything about paying someone to go get them and bring them into the city.
>"...You used a legal loophole. Take me, right now. You can even do anal."
>Maybe later, I know you like RPGs so wanna snuggle up on the couch and play some?
>"I'm gonna cry, I love you so much."

>> No.19173848

It may be more than just bearable, given how monsters were redesigned to make their monstrous bodies appealing to men.

>And it's not just the sight of them. If a man touches the faintly flushed soft skin that they show off even once, he'll be enthralled, and it'll make him want to hold them tight and keep touching that skin forever. The inhuman blue, green, etc. skins of some races are also alluringly beautiful, and they'll draw a man's eyes and imprison him with their devilish charm. Furthermore, even their body odor sweetly and pleasantly tickles a man's nostrils. A monster's female scent is peculiar and good, awakening the male instinct inside of men. It makes a man want to be engulfed in the smell forever.

Basically unless otherwise noted (like with the bubble slime) its reasonable to say most all monsters smell good, to men at least.

>> No.19173850 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.73 MB, 2852x4410, 1528335018123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're still going with hard mode, I'd say a minotaur. A big, beefy Greek girl should be more than capable of handling her alcohol. And she'd be a total bro.

>> No.19173851

Sounds like a shitty place to live.

>> No.19173852
File: 866 KB, 2480x3859, __baphomet_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_sud_sudea__f5b6056d17bc0f8d091632390839670a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'll have two Spirytus Vodkas and a glass of milk"
>She gives you the milk

>> No.19173854

I'm gonna need to see some I.D. first, little missy.

>> No.19173856

Reminds me of Aussie

>> No.19173858

It's more because it's brand new and monstergirls aren't used to how comfortable we are with virtual violence so they just dropped a blanket ban on sales while they think of something.
Don't focus on that, instead focus on that shortstack Tanuki cosplaying and roleplaying Futaba during a long sweaty fuck session.

>> No.19173860
File: 2.91 MB, 2125x2673, 1521216149364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm single, by the by"

>> No.19173865


>> No.19173883

I dunno. Looks like some kind of sabbath gift shop trinket.

>> No.19173892

Just imagine how it would be to see her cute face: eyes shut, mouth open and tongue out, get drenched in your thick cum before you shove it between her tits and pump the rest of it out between the deep valley of her stupendous shortstack assets.

>> No.19173893

Gonna have to inspect that ID to make sure it isn't fake.

>> No.19173906
File: 160 KB, 846x878, DcNqdy4VQAA9Gqa.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for more... conclusive proof of how mature I am?

>> No.19173910

Stop RPing.

>> No.19173916
File: 134 KB, 835x900, Bunyip6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back!

>> No.19173918

Why do I get the feeling the Oni at the other end of the bar would be radiating a massive killing intent by this point?

>> No.19173925
File: 690 KB, 2480x3507, Echidna1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do!

>> No.19173926

>Big tits McDrunkard can't handle the smugness
Gee I wonder why

>> No.19173939
File: 293 KB, 581x1000, __de_chan_original_drawn_by_lolicept__369a70ca7c177c884afd789ef42cfdb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19173950

All that booze and physique and she still can’t make herself talk to a man.

>> No.19173955

What happens when you challenge a Tanuki to a nice, casual game of Monopoly? No house rules, of course.

>> No.19173960


>> No.19173962

That's basically foreplay.

>> No.19173972

Same as usual. I start a housing crisis by refusing to upgrade to hotels. By the end no one wants to look me in the eye.

>> No.19173980
File: 441 KB, 1400x1155, 1481210396724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pair of perfectly placed paizuri ports
May as well dress for it if you know it's coming, right?
I wonder if you can close the openings? Just imagine how tightly her tits would be squeezing you in that latex top, draining your balls between them, and then closing up the holes so none of it can leak out.

>> No.19173987
File: 555 KB, 943x1300, 1522766967805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>29 birthday tomorrow
I'll spend it with my waifu like always

>> No.19173995

May you be 29 for many years to come

>> No.19174027
File: 328 KB, 724x1024, 53578049_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beware my jaws that bite, my claws that catch!

>> No.19174030

Stop, I can only get so hard.

>> No.19174038
File: 137 KB, 1114x1031, 1409258122394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that no matter how pathetic you are, you will never go this low.

>> No.19174041


>> No.19174049

>Turn 30
>Constant feelings of unhappiness and such around self
>No productivity, no waifu
>No joy
>The only constant friend is scotch whiskey and bed
>TFW the only monsters who'd want me are either Will-o'-the-Wisp or some shite furries

>> No.19174052


>> No.19174056
File: 704 KB, 374x292, Familiar8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the return of the patheticfags

>> No.19174061
File: 414 KB, 1052x1500, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19174063

>eager apophis noises

>> No.19174086
File: 471 KB, 700x802, 1523097678944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to him, Familiar-chan.
Come here, Onii-chan. I'll make you feel better.

>> No.19174088
File: 125 KB, 620x877, pharaoh_by_lutherniel-d7znvkt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Begone grapist.

>> No.19174095
File: 954 KB, 1000x1200, 53542282_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
