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19165332 No.19165332 [Reply] [Original]

New chapters sometime in the future (never).

Vol 11A cover should be out soon, preview a bit later.

>> No.19165946

If Horizon ends, can we expect second AHEAD? Kawakami said there will be one.

>> No.19166062

Is not like he confirmed anything but he said there is more before reaching Edge.

Considering that Obstacle isn't done and Horizon has at least vol 11 and maybe 12 coming I don't really see ahead coming soon, unless Kawakami does a dual release.

>> No.19167855
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>> No.19167868
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Can anyone tell me where are placed each Kimitoasamade, like in between what volumes of the main LN.

>> No.19167972

It's like year before
And Horizon only started working in blue thunder


>> No.19168767

Narumi is terrible intermediary, I should say.

>> No.19170915

I'm going to kill you.

>> No.19172167

Thank you!

>> No.19174553

Last known image of Kawakami's editor. Shortly after this picture was taken, he disappeared. He left a note saying he was going to seek out a tribe in the Amazon jungle with no concept of the written word.
His motives for this remain unknown.

>> No.19178319

Dead again

>> No.19180655

They're reairing Horizon from July 3rd on AT-X, for some reason.

>> No.19181820
File: 19 KB, 200x278, 978-4-04-893874-7-200x278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

 信長の残した創世計画の是非を巡る、武蔵勢と羽柴勢の長きにわたる対立もついに決着。末世解決のため協働を模索する両国だが、世界各国の反発は必至。目前に迫った「関ヶ原の戦い」の歴史再現等、まだまだ問題山積みの状況をトーリ達はどう解決していくのか――? そして、楽しい御家族合流の行方は如何に!?
 末世解決を巡る物語は、いよいよクライマックスへ! 最終章開幕!!

>> No.19181847

Vol 11 will be the final one?

>> No.19181905

Can't you read?

>> No.19182410

The growth speed of these is truly remarkable.

>> No.19182710

Yes. But since it's still "11A" I guess it'll be a final volume divided in parts and not a 3000 pages long one. I didn't expect that to actually happen but I'm still slightly disappointed.

>> No.19182772

888 pages. Hoped it would be more since 1050 yen is usually almost 1000.

>> No.19183185

Kawakami says this is the end if horizon but he's been saying the same shit for a long time. There is still a lot of things to do, Sekigahara, Westphalia, Solving what Nobunaga did, find another solution to the apocalypse.

I bet where will be a volume 12 with a proper ending.

>> No.19184440

It doesn't say it is the final volume, it says it is the final chapter.
That could be three volumes for all we know.

>> No.19185337

BDBOX with both seasons announced.

Can I believe again or is just a ruse?

>> No.19185353

>still trying to believe
Just get a rope and off yourself, another season will never happen again.

>> No.19185373
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Do not

>> No.19185376
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That's harsh, anon. I'll believe if I want...

>> No.19185401

>New music
>New extras

>> No.19185409

Wait a minute, if google translate is not completely fucking up there's some sort of new bonus video on it as well

>> No.19185435
File: 188 KB, 1302x611, kawakamicomment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the commentaries behind the BD-BOX part, Kawakami talks something about an announcement (Google Translator ofc...)

>> No.19185446


>> No.19185517

The announcement part is him saying more details about the BD Box will be announced later.

He also says the BD box is being released to coincide with the novels finishing the Apocalypse story, he hypes up whatever the bonus animation is going to be without giving any details, and he says the special novel he wrote for the BD box is a parent-child Girl's Talk volume looking back at the events of the first volume.

>> No.19185558

Kawakami is tweeting about it now as well.

>> No.19185559

I want you to learn basic japanese in 8 months anon or I'll rape you.

>> No.19185582
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I know is hard for all of you to face the truth, this annoucement of the BD-BOX is nothing but promotion for Volume 11 since is the end of Horizon if what kawakami says is true.

Remember, this is not NT and he's not Kamachi. Kawakami delivers quality that is appreciated by a small amount of people even on japan, while Kamachi just sells fast food garbage that is easy to adapt.

>> No.19185592

Even the director, Manabu Ono retweeted the announcement...

>> No.19186409

>38k yen
>december release
It's only $400 and I've got six months to prepare. I'm going to buy it, aren't I?

>> No.19186670

If you buy it, can you scan the book?
I`d do it, but finances are not looking too good for the end of the year.

>> No.19187087

I'll be buying it for sure. Just gotta stash a bit every month and I'll be good.

>> No.19187462
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>> No.19187481

What magazine is that?

>> No.19188224

Dengeki Bunko Magazine apparently

>> No.19189112
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>> No.19190427

>finish reading OnC 2A in the same month, fifteen years after kawakami wrote the afterward
>2B is 100 pages longer
God damn it. I'm gonna have to pick up the pace.

>> No.19190460

Bitches why on every pic you post when a new volume is released you use your brand new pants? I've never seen a used one on your pics.

>> No.19190677
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>> No.19190765

Mary is greatness

>> No.19191144

I buy a new pair of pants every time Kawakami releases a new book.
They're required.

>> No.19192164

>bonus animation

>> No.19192223
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>> No.19192235
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>> No.19192243

It'd be awesome if they reprinted the DVD box set novels too.

>> No.19192246
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>> No.19192252
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>> No.19192564


>> No.19192783

The original release had subtitles too, so that's nothing new.

>> No.19192785

>Based on the eight-book series by Kawakami
>eight-book series

>> No.19192874

Neat, didn't know that.

>> No.19192961

They weren't the greatest subtitles but they were serviceable.
Better than Hatena.

>> No.19194809

Nice! Thanks!

>> No.19195695


>> No.19196217

I'm still believing.

>> No.19196482
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>> No.19196523

Does this mean we'll get a new Hexennacht book?

>> No.19197116

The blu-ray rerelease has different books depending on who you pre-order with.
And a proxy is needed for those stores.

>> No.19197152

>And a proxy is needed for those stores.
God damn it

>> No.19197184

>>This item can be delivered to Germany - Mainland.
Nice. The amazon version only comes with an ebook of the bonus novel, but at least I can buy it without major issues.

>> No.19197347

I guess that's one of the bonus novels down? Ripping Kindle should be easy.
Do we have a list of all other participating stores?

>> No.19197410

Nevermind, got it. So the other first priority gotta be Bandai Visual.

>> No.19197587

I'll try to get it from the Bandai store, contacted a proxy service already.
But no promises for now, I need to see how much it will cost me total including customs first and when they need the first payment.

>> No.19197657

Okay, who should I preorder from?
Bear in mind I am not going to scan the book, it's too destructive, but as I am living in Japan some purchasing options may be easier for me than those outside.

>> No.19197765

I'm probably going to change to animate after all since it seems like it's the one store with an exclusive novel apart amazon since I do plan on scanning it.
But these fuckers at the proxy service are currently trying to rip me off so I'm searching for another one.

>> No.19197835

Also on AmiAmi, but I expect the box to be heavy as fuck so still not a good idea for overseas people (at least if they're in EU like me) because customs.


>> No.19197859

Back in the day, I would advice Yokatta, which was rather slow but at least didn`t try to fuck you over, but they seem to be defunct. So the next variant would be Tenso.

Also, Amazon listing is kind of strange. They list 10 discs, while the boxset I have is 14.

>> No.19197889

Thanks !

>> No.19197892

It's entirely possible they're going to redistribute the episodes across the discs.
If I remember correctly there is space available on discs for three to four episodes each, but they usually use one or two per volume for price gouging purposes. That isn't an issue on this kind of boxed set (original boxed set was literally the individual volumes in a box, Sentai boxed set was probably just reprints of their original run in a different package).

>> No.19197949

AmiAmi has no store specific bonus, though.


>> No.19197977

>nate tapestry
Well I know what I'm getting then, if I can order it online.

>> No.19197994

Done and done.
Cash on delivery is an option. I just need to have 42k yen in cash on the day it arrives.

>> No.19198040

Just wrote them, let's see how much they want.

Just going to ask: If these guys want a small fortune as well, mind playing proxy for me?
In case you don't mind, my mail is the same as always (name field), simply contact me.

>> No.19198168

How many bluray boxes do I have to buy to fund S3?

>> No.19198174

Just S3?
Don`t you want S 11?

>> No.19198181

I'll be happy with a S10 so I can get to see Tomo, Mito and Toori doing their thing.

>> No.19198245

I haven't done any proxying for people so I don't have any idea of how much it will cost to ship out and don't really have a way setup to receive payment.
In the distant past I have used riderproxy though (Encyclopedia and stuff), I dunno how bad they are in comparison to other services you're looking into.
Sometimes they were pretty slow, but they got the Encyclopedia out to me ridiculously fast.

>> No.19198294

No problem, I figured I'd simply ask since you were here.
Shipping and customs is going to cost me a fortune to begin with so I wanted to save at least a bit.
Might as well write the ones you recommended as well, contacted a bunch already and I'm currently waiting for offers.

Worst case scenario, I will get it from a normal store with international shipping. I won't be able to scan the Animate bonus novel but at least everything else.

>> No.19199240

get announced Oct 2019
Airdate 2020

>> No.19199304

>He still believe that Sunrise will make another season
I bet you believe on santa claus too and that girls don't take big stinky shits.

>> No.19199324

Well, preordered on Amazon.
This year's Christmas will be nice.

>> No.19199707

How many burger dollars?

>> No.19199808

47000Y (420$ or 360€) with shipping and customs included, but I'm sure they'll reduce the price anytime soon.

>> No.19200132

I'd be willing to scan the novel. But I'm UK which means shipping+tax. I have the original releases as well.

Speaking of scanned things. Did the book that came with the psp game ever get scanned? I'm planing on ordering some stuff so I can pick it up preowned if it hasn't been.

>> No.19200166

There was a book? All I remember is an Asama nendo.

>> No.19200186

Those proxy dudes were all to expensive so I ended up getting it from amazon as well, the scanning part should be covered now.
With the amount of cash this saved me, I'll try to get that animate extra via auction once it's released.

>> No.19200226

That's what I was planing on doing with it. I tend to buy a copy new for me and a preowned copy to destroy and scan.

You've probably checked but calibre with a plugin to remove the kindle drm. I'm not sure if it's changed but you might have to jump through some hoops to actually download the book too. I remember them needing a Japanese address for kindle stuff a few years ago.

They came in the same bundle. It's a sketchbook with a short story.

>> No.19200477

Yeah, changing the country of residence should do the trick as far as I know. I'll cross that hurdle once the time arrives.

>> No.19200769

I think I took photos of the appropriate pages in the fanbook at least, but I don't know if it was properly scanned.

>> No.19203749

Future predictions:





-> short OBSTACLE stories interspersed throughout the other releases

How's this look?

>> No.19204716

Looks like you should stop using drugs and kill yourself.

>> No.19204890

>1st genesis
This is bait or just retardation. There is only one genesis before Obstacle and thats Horizon.

>> No.19205107

I wonder how many OBSTACLEs we're gonna get.

>> No.19205132
File: 42 KB, 547x604, 1st genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the 1st.

Of course, there's gonna be a 2nd Genesis. They'll have to repopulate the world somehow. I don't see why Kawakami wouldn't want to write a story in the Genesis world, say a hundred years after Horizon ends.

>> No.19205415

Yeah you're baiting but also being retarded.

I suggest you to at least inform yourself with what's currently going on in Horizon or maybe read the LN before talking. There is no need to repopulate you idiot, the outcome from the SPEERS timeline is no longer happening and all what they need to do is finding another solution and use the Gates to travel to the original historical places where each country belongs, that's all.

The only one that's confirmed to get a second part in some way is AHEAD because the 2nd ahead is basically the evolution of humanity until they reach EDGE which is the heavenly era.

>> No.19205499
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>> No.19205566

Nice, thank you js06!

Poor Yoshy.

>> No.19205577

Yoshy's so cute and serious, it's wonderful. We need a new word for that, like eroundic.

>> No.19205597

>Lieutenant Shotaluvavich returns after escaping the collective farm, fails to suppress her fetish, and gets thrown in solitary confinement. And when they give her a Walk-Through-Walls Icon to rescue her, she ends up falling into an open-air bath full of boys and is arrested a second time…”

Masazumi's dad is one hell of a man.

>> No.19205636


Interesting tell you have here.

>> No.19205873

Not an argument sweetie, comeback once you read the LN instead of pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.19208987
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>> No.19213498

Well, Index translation started already.
Now, we need to take it easy...

>> No.19213516

The temptation to buy the box set even though I already have the limited edition BDs is real.

>> No.19213612

I have the regular BDs and already preordered the BDBOX...

>> No.19213698

The problem are the subs, I wonder if they are good or dogshit like the first ones.

>> No.19213745

Probably they'll be the same as the original BDs.

>> No.19214085


Huh, it all fits now.

>> No.19214357

The BD subs aren't dogshit.
They just aren't 4chan autism level.

>> No.19214361

Why should owning the limited edition BDs be a factor in deciding to buy the boxed set?

>> No.19214765

The fan book? I don't think so.
If you can't get it anywhere for a reasonable price, I should have it somewhere and I could scan it after we finish 10-B. Got it dirt cheap on some auction last year,

>> No.19215329
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Thanks, I knew you people would help push me farther down the slope.

>> No.19215366

Did they really make the edition without the e-book 10.000 yen cheaper?
I hope the other one follows.

>> No.19215563

New Horizon chapters in July then? Not too bad.

At least we got some chapters in between Kamachi.

>> No.19216189

And Kamachi isn't releasing anything in July or August

>> No.19216758

Are you sure? you know that fucker sometimes goes crazy and release everything he dumps into the toilet.

>> No.19216772

Dengeki always shows its releases 2 months in advance

>> No.19220050

If I understand how the eras and worlds work and if the Eras are in a consistent state of renewal, your scenario would actually be contained within the final instance of the Genesis World before moving onto the Obstacle scenario, or within Obstacle depending on when it actually starts.
The 2nd GENESIS, according to the given timeline and my current understanding of the Foundation World, would actually have just completely ended before being rebuilt again. That's only based on my assumption that the SPEERS world was just another, earlier version number of the Genesis World, however. Under that assumption, the SPEERs timeline could have just very well been the 2nd Genesis.

>> No.19223271

What happened with the preview of Vol 11 and the HQ cover, anyone knows when is that coming out ?

>> No.19224464

Roughly a week before the release, like always.

>> No.19227667


>> No.19228804

Close, Satan, but no cigar.

>> No.19237540
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>> No.19238486

What the actual fuck is that shit, look at those abomination supposed to be tits.

>> No.19238515

Kawakami drawing

>> No.19239854

Kawakami can't draw tits and Satoyasu sucks at mechas, they were made for each other.

>> No.19241782 [DELETED] 


>> No.19243833 [DELETED] 

>Shilling ANN
Get the fuck outta here retard.

>> No.19243874

Just to pass the time:

What kind of world would you like to see in the next OBSTACLE?

>> No.19244733

Alien hivemind with rape tentacles.

>> No.19246326

Something good and not the shitfest that was Hexennacht. Do not get me wrong, is not a bad story but is barely average, specially when it comes to the writing level of Kawakami.

What should be the next stop is either 1. what kawakami said on his twitter that maybe use the main characters of Horizon on a continuation for the story or 2. Fulfill his promise about a 2nd AHEAD.

That said 2nd AHEAD is what this world needs or maybe EDGE since that era is basically humanity + the other races going to different solar systems, worlds, etc.

>> No.19247486

EDGE is the only era without anything in it so far.
I want me some EDGE.

>> No.19247673

First we have Ookubo very nearly murdered, in one of the most graphic battle of the entire novel, probably second only to Rudolf II. It was a really well-written battle, just people brutally hacking at each other with some well-executed and believable gambits. It's rare you fear for the protagonists, but here I really did think Ookubo would die unless some outside force came to her help. The way it ended was thus a surprise to me, and that made it really satisfying.

From deadly serious we go to comic relief. Oh, Kawakami.
I hope this karaoke battle doesn't overstay its welcome like the curry battle did, that one should have been half the length.
Also what's with the talk about Seki going to duel Kotarou, wasn't she just about cut in half? Can she really fight again?

How about seriousweet?

>> No.19248566

I want some kind of desert world, like in Dune or White Sand.

>> No.19253972

This. I'm so used to Kawakami's fights being pretty chuuni — more gags than brutality — which made this fight with Ookubo all the more unusual. It wasn't a dramatic moment like with Tadakatsu or Yoshiyori, just an ordinary duel that felt like it'd go lethal at any moment. If the point was to hammer in that Ookubo's not really a combat type, it sure as hell worked.

>> No.19257605

Checking kawakami's twitter, he mantioned that he's going to be at the sunrise festival 2018, Horizon will be streamed again (we know that) and to work as a promotion for the BD-BOX and talk about other things.

>> No.19258771

What mask will he use?

>> No.19263431

Something with more weird laws of physics, like the concept spaces in OnC but the whole plot takes place there.
To date, 6B chapter 38's battle is still my favourite battle Kawakami has written, he unfolds the true creativity of 1st-Gear's concept.

>> No.19264837

Harakawa managed to finger Heo in public, oy vey.

>> No.19265039

Kawakami and Yoko Taro trade masks and live each other's lives for a day.

>> No.19265115

I`m not sure Taro is psychologically ready.

>> No.19270700

please elaborate

>> No.19271694

While they were sitting in the dragon. Mikage saw the whole thing.

>> No.19274350

Read OnC then fag.

>> No.19275742
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>Nate tapestry
Oh hell yes. This is gonna be awesome.

>> No.19275774

Would you rather have a horizon s3 or a chronicle anime?

>> No.19275780
File: 170 KB, 647x911, 03013da099e979669b6bf563e8422cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S3, easy. I must have voiced Maman.

>> No.19275862

It depends if it's a whole Owari anime or just one season.

>> No.19275871

Whole owari. Sorry I should of been more specific

>> No.19275966

I hope it isn't just one of the old Nate tapestries I already have.

>> No.19275989

Who should voice Sayama and Shinjou?
I think Fukujun would be a good Sayama, but I can't decide who'd be versatile enough to play a boy and a girl for Shinjou.

>> No.19276052

The Drama CD VAs...

>> No.19276116

Then whole Owari. I would love to see a complete adaptation of a Kawakami series.

>> No.19278740

Later, she explains the whole thing to Shinjou creating even more misunderstandings™.

>> No.19278742

Which would be weird, considering Sayama there is Noriki.

>> No.19284265
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I wonder if this is abuse or not.

>> No.19285004

You know that Owari was dumped for Horizon right?

>> No.19285085

That is not the case. Rather than dumped, an OnC anime was never in the cards to begin with. By the time LN adaptations really got going, OnC was already finished. They can't make money without boosting LN sales.

>> No.19286150

>He doesn't know about OnC being the first option then changed for Horizon
Do I really need to tell you how do I know you're a newfag?

>> No.19286507

It wasn't. It never was.
And that second "do" shouldn't be in that sentence.

>> No.19286789

Sometimes I wonder if this is the famous la creatura writing to us.

>> No.19286843

I just wish it would stop pretending to be an oldfag.

>> No.19288363
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>> No.19288920

>muh boogeyman
Is okay if you have no idea what happened before Horizon S1 came out but anyone who's been here from the times when Js06 requested new titles to translate on /a/ knows that OnC was the first option but not a viable one, that's why Horizon was the one picked up.

But hey, is okay being a newfag and pretend to know shit about anything related to Kawakami, the problem is that you get caught fast as fuck.

>> No.19289752

Are you a chinese room perhaps?

>> No.19290360

I didn't know that js06 was in charge of the anime.

>> No.19290608

>Not a single counter argument
>Reading comprehension
Americans on top of that, wow.

>> No.19290615

>he thinks someone's actually bothering to argue with him

How pitiful, anon.

>> No.19290638

>He thinks he has anything to say after getting BTFO

How pitiful, anon. Try harder maybe one day you will fit.

>> No.19290647

>Ch 4
Looks like NT is almost done, maybe a week or 2 ahead?

Is there anything of Kamachi after the most recent NT volume?

>> No.19290667

Not that I've heard. I'm guessing we'll be back to Horizon soon.

>> No.19290678

Oh, is this the announcement for the new BD box release?

>> No.19290684

As far as I can remember V11 is coming soon too.

>> No.19290692


I didn't really care for the drama CD VAs. I agree that Fukujun would make a good Sayama. Something like his Lelouch voice, but a little more deadpan.

>> No.19290698

NT11? Well, I guess that can't be helped. Kamachi.exe is one hell of a writing machine. Anyone other than js06 wouldn't even be able to keep up, let alone translate a bunch of other things at the same time.

>> No.19290702

OnC was never the first option.
Kawakami suggested doing OnC instead of Horizon but S8 wanted to do Horizon. There was never any plan to do an OnC anime.

>> No.19290720

I remember reading that S8 wanted to do Horizon as a kind of self-imposed challenge, since the conventional wisdom at the time was that Horizon couldn't be adapted into an anime.

They really pulled it off, the madmen, but it ended up being so much work there's no chance of an S3.

>> No.19290728

Kamachi isn't releasing anything for the next two months. He's tralking about Horizon 11.

>> No.19290729

Yes, pretty much that is how the story goes.
It didn't help they found a cashcow in LoveLive which got them a lot more money at less cost.

>> No.19290736

Oh, that makes more sense. My bad. Looks like Horizon volume 11-A is being released on July 10.


>> No.19290756

Are you retarded or just pretending? you're literally confirming what he said since Kawakami was a member of the production team but Sunrise wanted something different.

>> No.19290918
File: 388 KB, 1650x1200, 3rd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>July 10
That means Vol 11-B is probably out on late August or October, then Vol 11-C on December or 2019.

Get yo ass working Kawakami, Horizon is not gonna last for long.

>> No.19291003
File: 376 KB, 1101x1600, 1439246638737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that long time ago when these threads existed on /a/ it was posted a link, it was some sort of interview where it was said Owari no chronicle was the first one proposed but from a commercial standpoint it wasn't the best. Sunrise then picked Horizon but they never expected to be so difficult.

One of the details on that interview was how weird was the daily basis with Kawakami being a weird person that sometimes arrived with huge models, clothes and even reaching the point of dancing in front of the production team (Kimi's dance vs Futayo).

So yeah, it is right that owari was the first "option" if you can call it like that but Horizon was the best bet, after all it sold 50k.

>> No.19291348

I'm pretty sure the story went S8 picked Horizon, Kawakami was brought in to advise on his work, he proposed doing OnC (it was the beginning of production planning) because it was complete but the staff wanted to do Horizon.
Then Kawakami went full autism in providing materials for them to reference and performing the Summit Dance for the animators.

>> No.19291362

Oh and Horizon averaged around 20k. Maybe the first volume reached 50k but all the rest were pretty constant around 20k.

>> No.19291531

Horizon sold almost 50k with both seasons.

>> No.19292449


>> No.19292454

So what exactly is this?

>> No.19292511

The quality of the thread is so shit that now we have mindless shitposters?

>> No.19292585

Horizon was always around 20k. I don't have the link to the BD sales site on my phone though.
Not everything that disagrees with you is shitposting.

>> No.19292600

I just don't know what the topic of this thread is

>> No.19292638

>1 7 25,075 2011/12/22 Fall Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon
> 24,858 21,858 ¥990.1 7 13 ¥76.2 2011 Sunrise

Yeah you're a fucking retard.

>> No.19292705

You're not adding those together, are you?

>> No.19292725

One of those is wrong, for season 1 is 25k and for season 2 was 24k the final number on the last week.

Now why 50k wasn't that good for Sunrise?

>> No.19292968 [DELETED] 

>assburgers symptoms straight from DSM
>yaps about "fitting"


>> No.19292988

Any number is meaningless without production costs, you know. Horizon may have been a throw things at the wall and see what stics thing for them, considering that LL wasn't a cashcow it is today yet and LN adaptations seemed to bbe the next big thing.

They tried it, tried idols, and made a sensible business choice.

>> No.19293015

Did you just add both seasons together?

>> No.19293106

What was LL success like 100k? I can understand why they just choose easy cash instead of quality, really sad.

I'm not the same anon you're fighting but you really need to do some research instead of posting wrong information. Both seasons of horizon sold almost 50k units, you can find the last week's results pretty easy.

>> No.19293298

>you really need to do some research instead of posting wrong information
Oh the irony.

>> No.19293358

Again my dear newfag, get your shit right or get the fuck out back to /a/ since you don't even know how to find the overall sales or even the sales per year.

Now fuck off retard, stop pretending.

>> No.19293397

There's a reason I didn't use the current display on dvdbd.wiki.fc2.com, because the numbers are clearly fucked up. The three rows are supposed to be total after first week, total after second week and full total, you can clearly see in
That they don't follow the correct pattern at all, you have totals that are less than the first week sales or the second week sales. That's why I used the archive link, and because if you go to the top page they tell you the site is dead (comments give the impression someone has fucked over the site)

Search for "Horizon" on the page and you get averages of 21,858 for S1 and 20,950 for S2. What point are you trying to make?

Search for "Horizon" on the page and you get sales per volume between 20,000 and 25,000 for S1.
What point are you trying to make?

>> No.19296594


This is getting our of control

>> No.19296809

"Tits expand and fill the whole damn universe in the new work by famed psychopath Minoru Kawakami and his wacom-slave of indeterminate species Satoyasu!"

>> No.19297426

The nipples get puffier.

>> No.19297665


>> No.19302059


>> No.19305462


>> No.19305628


>> No.19306484


>> No.19307246


>> No.19308977


>> No.19309280

If you have nothing worth posting just let it die.

>> No.19312242
File: 224 KB, 1000x1429, 71NPnj0T4FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11A HQ cover

>> No.19312320

Cute daughteru

>> No.19313471

Is just me or the color looks weird?

>> No.19313488

Where from?
They usually post it on twitter, but it's not there this time

>> No.19313578

Amazon Japan

>> No.19313618


Amazon images have had color issues before. I remember with volume 10-A, the Futayo cover had wonky saturation on Amazon for a couple of days.

>> No.19313725

Satoyasu's wonky anatomy started bothering me somewhat as of late desu

>> No.19315133

Satoyasu and Kawakami seem to be approaching a singularity.

>> No.19315228

The era of moderation has ended. The era of extremes has begun.

>> No.19316413

For Satoyasu the extremes were always a thing, same for Kawakami ever since CITY.

The difference is that now they have a free pass with everything unlike CITY and OnC where they were cockblocked.

>> No.19317465

With all the fingering in OnC it is hardly cockblocked.

>> No.19317694

Many other LN's got sex scenes and OnC is not a special case, Kawakami got cockblocked because he couldn't write all what he wanted and he was the one saying this.

>> No.19318260

It was 2005, not the age of harem off the leash.

>> No.19319018

Index probably gonna be finished over the weekend.
Expect new Horizon next week.

>> No.19320563

And you're still wrong, there were LN's with those scenes at that year like Densetsu no yusha to quote a single example (more like rape tho) and even before that you have another kawakami title, CITY has them too. But this is not the point since you avoided adressing it when I mentioned that on my previous post, is something that happened to Kawakami before Horizon.

>> No.19321395

I have little interest in your misinterpretations.

>> No.19324450


>> No.19327277
File: 569 KB, 1327x1388, аегтвк6гв.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Futayo and I want to grow old together with her!

>> No.19329694

>I love braindead women
Why anon.

>> No.19330724
File: 174 KB, 863x1200, Dg-bXUpVMAA28MP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19330846

Fairly disappointing that the 9..B? cover was the only textless one we got in actually good quality

>> No.19330883
File: 130 KB, 1000x1391, Dg-bXUpVMAA28MP.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had fucked colors, though.

>> No.19330962
File: 255 KB, 600x700, Futayo by Aipiepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an imouto DFC-fag, but I feel warm and fuzzy whenever I look at her, I can't help but fall for her.

She's so dashing and handsome. I want to be her Kazuno. I'd love to cook meals for her and welcome her home after a hard day of training.

Did Futayo get a textless cover? I thought the Nobunaga one was an accident since they didn't release HQ textless covers after that one

>> No.19331194
File: 132 KB, 640x890, DLXSLJ8XoAAuyIA.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19333709

I was hoping something as big as this.


I want to hang it in my wall.

>> No.19334500

Just print Nobu instead

>> No.19334762

I wonder if Muton or Bitches are already raging because of the fucked up cover.

>> No.19334840 [SPOILER] 
File: 647 KB, 700x750, 1530460547187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pretend it's Futayo wearing a futuristic bridal gown?

>> No.19335089

No, print Nobu and be happy with her

>> No.19335206

Technically, it's from the past.

>> No.19336622

I'm color blind so I can't tell it's fucked up anyways.

>> No.19337323

The Spanish wiki is fucked.

Anyone got the PSP sprites again? Particularly the alternate class ones (like Naruze wearing Schwarz Hexen stuff)

>> No.19337336

I wonder why is the spanish wiki more complete than the english one.

>> No.19337647

Was showing Horizon characters to a friend and got asked a question I had never realized

Nate's chains are made of silver, right? Shouldn't they be a big weakness to her since she's a werewolf?

>> No.19337830

Looks like NT 20 translations are done.

>> No.19337840

I believe this was addressed somewhere in 1 or 2, but I don't remember clearly. I think it's one of the reasons why Nate coats her nails, though.

>> No.19341426

It's full of questionable translations from the japanese atwiki anyway.

>> No.19342613

The rebroadcast starts tomorrow

>> No.19342954
File: 197 KB, 818x1200, Horizon1A_243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH SHIT. Is this where you guys have been? I have been searching /a/ for a better part of a year an a half when the last Kawakami thread was.

Jesus H christ I have missed you guys.

Any, question time. When I look at Miriam here, I see the little Haiku(?) for the chapter. How do you read that? Just read it straight with the above text giving context?

>> No.19343054

Welcome home

>> No.19343085

Thanks man. All I've been able to do is nag Kawakami over twitter; which has been a fun correspondence. He loves his Asama shrines.

>> No.19343106

Yeah the bolded words have a weird furigana, that's all.

>> No.19343153

Mods banned Kawakami threads on /a/
Dont think too much about why when there are multiple LN threads up now

>> No.19343195

So the words above are giving more context? I assume it is a Haiku at this point. I'm just trying to imagine how it is read aloud.

>> No.19343218

There was nothing wrong with the colors of 11-A so I can't rage.

>> No.19343227

It was a temporary thing with all LNs, they don't do it anymore, we just decided to be here anyway because threads last longer.

>> No.19343258
File: 32 KB, 759x153, Lightnovels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happened fags, r*ddit mods on /a/ suddenly wanted to change the policy that was established since 2007, all happened when Moot left 4chan for Hiroshima and his scripts.

At least on /jp/ Kawakami threads last for long.

>> No.19345745


Horizon to be replayed over the air.

>> No.19345862

Season3 - 2020

>> No.19345890

S3 never. You know this anon.

>> No.19348040

What, what the shit? This volume is out on a Tuesday?
I know it's usually the 10th, but it's almost always a weekend.

>> No.19349126

What? No. It's pretty much never on a weekend. It's always on the 10th, if the 10th falls on a saturday they release it on the 9th, and if it falls on a sunday they release it on the 8th. They've done that for years.

>> No.19350230


Kawakami is literally getting a nipple overdose these days, hopefully fapping gives him some ideas for his next work.

>> No.19350315

Anyone have that picture of some dude cosplaying as Tenzo and reading the Mary doujin?
Cant for the life of me find it in my folder.

>> No.19350393
File: 85 KB, 600x449, 1466918154734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19350399

Thanks anon

>> No.19350882

You're probably thinking American time, I'm thinking Japan time because I actually pick it up on release (usually).

>> No.19350919

Have you been to one of Kawakami's events?

>> No.19351012


>> No.19351334
File: 135 KB, 1200x901, Dc1nXNeVMAIh8ol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19351349

Is it true that Futayo's based on Kawakami's IRL wife?

>> No.19351608

Why are you posting traps here?

>> No.19351626

Because 96lbs is impossible otherwise.

>> No.19352000
File: 91 KB, 768x1024, DWXJF5DUMAAJm9G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19352082
File: 141 KB, 795x1200, DSYAhUgU8AA8YNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19352347

Points for trying, but the pantylines ruin it for me.

>> No.19352356

1. you're a fag
2. the problem isn't that, is how she's thicc only on her upper body, her legs are not trained at all and looks skinny.

>> No.19352368

1. Get off him man. Everyone likes different things, even if that thing is Tenzou.
2. The problem is she is a new mother in these pics. Impressive she can do all this altogether. Unfortunately she didn't get tits from her pregnancy.

>> No.19352425
File: 86 KB, 1200x801, B2aIbLICcAEPelW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at the end of the day, it don't matter. Kawakami gonna Kawakami.

>> No.19352483

>her tits aren't real
Are you fucking shitting me?

>> No.19352515

I mean, she's japanese. Why is this a surprise?

>> No.19352520
File: 22 KB, 379x510, CB1zUN1VIAAp1au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19353315

Alright faggots. Lets do it:


Wise-sister: Laugh, taking a walk with Asama to what? #ThanksGoogle.

>> No.19353603

>fufu, taking a walk. until its time to meet Asama fits perfectly~

>> No.19355679


>> No.19356290


>> No.19358050

I...what? How in the world do you even come up with something like this?

>> No.19358651

That's awesome.

>> No.19359236
File: 1.25 MB, 1802x2615, 0431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19359263

It's here! Thanks js06!

>> No.19359293

So... Adele is tall? :think:

>> No.19359310

I am in awe that it is possible to turn karaoke into both a serious battle and an important source of character development.

Kawakami is one hell of a crazy madman.

>> No.19362411


>> No.19362631

Flatty...I mean Yoshy is so cute!

>> No.19362815

Futayo? Looks like she's getting some pudge.

>> No.19364368
File: 209 KB, 1081x1600, Horizon4A_0373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19364600

Shouldn't 11A's preview be out already?

>> No.19365063

What is Mitsudaira momma? I thought she was a werewolf, but she's a wolf spirit? But I thought that is what the one dude from Britain was.

>> No.19365226

Drake is a Hard Wolf — basically a wolfman. Nate maman, on the other hand, is a werewolf. Werewolves in the Kawakamiverse are spiritual beings.

>> No.19365341

I thought they were only females? Because Azuma was talking to an "older" werewolf right at the begining of 1a chapter 9.

Miriam Poqou, 18 years old. She was in the same class as me. The manager, who was an aged werewolf, looked into it and burst into laughter.

“Isn’t that fine?! Are appearances really that important among the young?!” he asked.

>> No.19365528

>I thought they were only females?
I don't recall that, but I could easily be forgetting something.

Regardless, that manager's gender is unspecified in the Japanese text.

>> No.19365642

Not finding it on the wikia page, so it must have been something someone said years ago and it just stuck with me.

>> No.19365809
File: 1.59 MB, 2000x3769, Reine des garous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turenne is a spirit, not just a werewolf. The guy from Britain is a straight up werewolf, the difference is abysmal.

Basically there isn't a single being in Horizon that can beat her, and when she goes full Spirit form she's unstoppable. Neither Kazuya or Nate can reach that power level.

>> No.19365821

How do you translate when the gender is not clear? like using "it" instead of "he/she/they"?

>> No.19365908

You learn to embrace the singular they.

>> No.19366002

I probably won't have photos of 11A until next weekend seeing it's coming out on a Tuesday and I have things to do during the week.

>> No.19366167

Just like HxH and the translation of Pitou using "they".

>> No.19366295

Japanese pronouns are a bitch when it comes to genders.

>> No.19366414
File: 267 KB, 460x656, pc_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up.


>> No.19366420
File: 219 KB, 460x656, pc_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366423
File: 484 KB, 920x656, pc_21-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366425
File: 202 KB, 460x656, pc_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366427
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>> No.19366433
File: 188 KB, 460x656, pc_42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366437
File: 209 KB, 460x656, pc_66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19366518

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.19366530

This must be Asama and Hirano I believe.

>> No.19366544

Am I seeing the elasticity of Horizon bras pushed to their absolute limits?

>> No.19366547

Did Asama's breasts grow after kidnapping her daughter?

>> No.19367303

Who the fuck let Kawakami in on drawing again?

>> No.19368277


>> No.19368330

Given the Sanada mon in the bag probably Unno.

>> No.19369962

New thread

