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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1912859 No.1912859 [Reply] [Original]

I was crying this spring while watching MBMH because it made me realize of all the stuff I had been missing out on high school.

All the girls I could've known, all the sports things I could've joined, and all the laughs and parties I missed.

Are there any shows beside MBMH and Orange Days that will make me bitter about my life? I'd be glad to watch them.

Slice of life and funny.

Pic related: This would make /jp/ cry.

>> No.1912868

yeah i really missed out on a lot in high school.
I think we all did.

>> No.1912872

Missing out on highschool is pretty much what created us, so yeah.

>> No.1912880

Do you regret it? Are you missing out on stuff in college/uni too?

>> No.1912886

Here's an amazing spoiler: High-school and life in general is not like you see on television. Sure, you missed some stuff, but trust me it wasn't as amazing as you think.

>> No.1912893

Yeah, I kind of regret it. Especially when I talk to people here in uni and hear about how great their experiences were.

I'm sure I'm wasting my uni time as well. I'm still the same person making the same mistakes I did back then.

But at the same time, I'm doing what makes me happy now, which a big thing is being lazy. So...I am missing out on a lot just due to no motivation.

>> No.1912898

I'd agree if my friends in HS had had as terrible lives as me. But they lost their virginity, got friends and girlfriends, part-time jobs etc.

>> No.1912901


I fucking hated the first half of High School. The second half wasn't great but at least it was better than the first half.

>> No.1912954

I don't give a shit. Whenever I see these "parties" in movies and such I feel disgusted. I wouldn't want to be part of anything like that.

>> No.1912966

Stop kidding yourself. You're just scared.

Imagine if people laughed at your jokes and girls started approaching you. Wouldn't that feel nice?

>> No.1912973

I had a girl in tears asking me why I didn't love her. It wasn't very nice.

>> No.1912978

No, I don't care about other people

>> No.1912981

I HAVE NO REGRETS. This is the only path. My whole life was "Unlimited blade works

>> No.1912985

Well? Why didn't you love her?

>> No.1913005

it's not just "parties" he's referring to, Anon.
It's the entire high school experience...everything is set in front of you to take advantage of.
"i dont like people anyway, fuck them"
Is that really so? If your life had taken different paths, and everyone WAS asking you where the hottest party was this weekend, wouldn't you feel like a worthy human being?

You can only look back through the lens of what you have been through. If things had turned out differently, your mindset would surely be different.

>> No.1913014

because I'm gay

>> No.1913019


Stop kidding yourself. You're just scared.

Imagine if people laughed at your jokes and girls started approaching you. Wouldn't that feel nice?

>> No.1913026

I don't know, I just didn't. She didn't take that very well either. She was cute, but she wasn't very smart and was kind of irritating to be around.

>> No.1913029

I admire your integrity.

>> No.1913039
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You broke Cirno's heart...

>> No.1913070

j-soaps are shit

>> No.1913076

In Gymnasium (austria, 8 years, starting with 11~12 years old) the first 4 years I was bullied by two assholes.
However, as we grew older, we started to have more of a normal relation with eachother, but our class was split up and I ended in a new class with one of the guys that used to bully me.
Turned out we actually have the same interests (besides him not being into japan/japanese stuff) and we became best friends about a year after we got into the class.

From then on the next 3~4 years were quite cool.
Eventhough I never was a chick-magnet, I still had a lot of fun and went to many awesome parties and we pulled off a huge load of cunning stunts in school.

After the 8 (well, actually 9, because I had to repeat one class lol) years were over however, there was a time were I didn't go out really often, but instead drank at home some whiskey from time to time, went on /b/ etc.
Most of my friends already left my area (I lived in a rather small village) and I had nothing to do most of the time. I worked at a casino as a receptionist for a few months and then had to do civil service.

I'm 21 now and entered university in 2008.
Had to move 770km from home and now live with a schoolmate together.
At least once a week I'm hanging out at a friend's house, playing poker etc.

I'm still not an uber-social guy, but I'm happy with it.

>> No.1913088

Get drunk, get out, have fun.

There's your perfect school/university story.

>> No.1913142

I was ok at school. I had lots of friends. Went out regularly.

Not so at uni.

I'd be interested in the opinions of /jp/'s resident girls on this matter, of course you have to factor in that they have boyfriends so it makes it a lot different but the friend dynamic is pretty similar.

>> No.1913155

OP is sax.

>> No.1913167

>I'd be interested in the opinions of /jp/'s resident girls


>> No.1913168
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>> No.1913172

>I'd be interested in the opinions of /jp/'s resident girls on this matter

>> No.1913174

i just broke up with my boyfriend. so ronery ;___;

>> No.1913175

Can't you post as anon? It would derail threads in a much more entertaining way.

>> No.1913180

>of course you have to factor in that they have boyfriends

I hope athens is being a troll on this point, because, you know - there are actually guys out there who genuinely, truthfully, honestly believe that women cannot be ronery. That we find it easy to get a boyfriend, hell there are guys on /jp/ who actually believe we can get a guy whenever and wherever we want.

>> No.1913185

Oh Athens, will you ever stop?

>> No.1913187

From Sax thread to athens thread? STOP IT, JAYPEE.

>> No.1913189

Even fat nerd girls can get boyfriends. I agree with athens that life (at least in terms of relationships with the opposite sex) is easier for girls.

>> No.1913191


Hey athens, you know how you are resentful of the fact that girls have boyfriends all the time while you have never had a girlfriend?

That's how I feel about you parading around all your friends all the time.

>> No.1913194

Is it bad that I feel worse about it when I think of her as Cirno? Their personalities weren't really similar though.

>> No.1913196

I'm going to have to second this. People with friends don't know the meaning of ronery and certainly shouldn't be passing themselves off as an authority on it.

>> No.1913198

>That we find it easy to get a boyfriend, hell there are guys on /jp/ who actually believe we can get a guy whenever and wherever we want.
It's true, though, if you completely disregard your standards, you can get a guy whenever and wherever you want.

But the same holds sort of true for average to good looking guys. It's just that I'm not interested into dating fat girls and there's also the stigma that it has to be the guy to take the initiative.

>> No.1913199

But.. even if you had JAWESOME experiences in highscool time would still pass, you would go off to university, probably never see any of those kids in highschool ever again. All those parties would mean nothing. The only reason why you are complaining is that you are either really fat or had terrible grades and didnt get into university. Stop mixing up shitty Jdramas with real life retard

>> No.1913201

>Even fat nerd girls can get boyfriends.

Bulllshit, if a girl is shy she won't get a boyfriend, simple as that. Men actually have it easier than women.

>> No.1913203

try harder, a.

>> No.1913206

Yeah. It's hard to only have the internet and your occasional trip to the grocery store to look forward too.

>> No.1913210

I have like... 4 good friends.

>> No.1913212

You're a moron. It may be hard for shy girls to get boyfriends, but it's near impossible for shy guys to get girlfriends.

Unless you do LOL ONLINE DATING or a girl walks into your house and basically makes it blatantly obvious she wants to go out with you, it's just not going to happen.

>> No.1913215

I have exactly 0. Fuck you.

>> No.1913220

I have like 0.

>> No.1913222


>femanon: I have had like ... 4 boyfriends.

>> No.1913224

Jesus fucking christ, /jp/ you fuckers just really can't resist it, can you? I guess when you can have the exact same powerlevel thread over and over it's pretty simple to have the exact same troll discussion over and over.

>> No.1913228

hi athens, what's up? what are you doing this fine evening?

>> No.1913230


Friends and romantic partners are different. Some of you are probably women. With boyfriends but not friends, you have no room to complain.

>> No.1913235

You're the woman with a boyfriend.

>> No.1913243

Hey, not much. How are you?

>> No.1913240


>> No.1913245

I'm a male NEET who hasn't had a friend since high school. And even then, it was just some guy who would come around, play my Playstation, and eat my food.

I know how it feels to be rejected by girls. It makes me feel like shit, so I avoided doing it for years. Now I have no friends and no way of making new ones, and so I don't even have the opportunity to ask and be rejected again.

>> No.1913252

Do e-friends count as friends?

>> No.1913253

Good job, keep whining you fuckin loser

>> No.1913259

athens' trolling threads are quite gay, but I do feel that he keeps a significant population of girl gamer types out of /jp/. So he's not all bad, I suppose.

>> No.1913260

/jp/ sure has changed since 7+ months ago.

>> No.1913265

bad, my boyfriend hasn't called me in like 4 hours :(

>> No.1913266

But it seems like they come out the most during these threads so how does that work?

>> No.1913268

I'm pretty sure most of those are athens himself.

>> No.1913269

I don't think you have a boyfriend, enjoy your dad's phone call.

>> No.1913274

oh course he's not my boyfriend anymore, he's an insensitive asshole who doesn't pay attention to me. ;__;

>> No.1913282

You are trolling. Stop it. You're probably a girl but no need to confirm stereotypes as anecdotally true, it just makes everyone rage.

>> No.1913286

Good job, keep whining you fuckin loser

>> No.1913289

y r u so mean 2 me? ;___;

>> No.1913295

stop it.

>> No.1913298

Post a picture of yourself to prove athens wrong.

>> No.1913300

no u

>> No.1913308

sometimes i post as a girl in athens threads

>> No.1913319

Why is having a boyfriend and posting here seemingly incompatible, why do we have to be as loserish as you guys in order to be allowed to stay here.

>> No.1913325

Missing out in highschool was the best thing that ever happened to me. If you count dropping all my friends while having sex with my girlfriend every day as missing out.

>> No.1913326


No one is allowed to be happy here. This board is a place of despiar. ;_;

>> No.1913328

Do you think the amount of people you have dated or fucked is the primary element that makes you into a respectable person?

>> No.1913334

No, but it's an important element of maturity.

>> No.1913338

Of course.

>> No.1913340

/jp/ hookup thread post your info now.

>> No.1913347

sup, athens

>> No.1913352


>> No.1913365


>> No.1913368

Not me.

>> No.1913374

If you truly view it that way, you would accept that a mindless hedonist who has no purpose in his life other than going out to drink and fuck random girls is more mature than anyone who might have principles against having sex when unnecessary.

>> No.1913381

This man tells no lies.

>> No.1913393

I would rather say that person is no better than a fucking animal acting on instinct to procreate and trying to justify his lusts by "love" (yeah normalfags and love.. pft) or "shit was so cash bro". That's just the hormones going wild and if you can't control them it means you are far from mature bro.

>> No.1913460
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>> No.1913472

She will die tonight.

>> No.1913476

Looks like the years started with trolling as I suspected.
I was skiing in Norway with my family, and now I'm back in my dorm apartment.

>> No.1913479
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>> No.1913481

Looks like the year started with trolling as I suspected.
I was skiing in Norway with my family, and now I'm back in my dorm apartment.

>> No.1913526
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That version gives me OCD, why would people not align things right?

>sometimes i post as a girl in athens threads
I do that as well, the tears are delicious.

>> No.1913534

Nothin's wrong with the hormones going wild, immature or not. But it IS pretty stupid, because having lots of sex != maturity. I would think a mature person would know that choosing not to have lots of sex doesn't make him any less mature.

>> No.1913535

HS wasn't a terrible experience, people left me alone (bully wise). I had a good sized group of friends, LAN party's and weekend street racing were the usual. Not a single GF, there was one Indian (dot) girl who was the fuckin best, I'm sure she had some interest because she was the only girl to really talk to me on a friendly basis. Stopped racing for good when a friend lost his car to the state.

>> No.1913541

Posting drama question in drama thread. Gokusen any good?

>> No.1913594


what board was that? Looks like /r9k/.

Also, women are the architects of their own downfall when they type shit like that. Seriously. It's like 'Not all of us nerdy girls are whores'.

And then they go and type a typical whore's description of what she does with her week!

>> No.1913608
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>> No.1913609

hey athens, are there any women you don't hate?

>> No.1913624

I would like to believe that there are some out there that could prove it wrong, someone who might be able to fill us with some hope, just that they are reasonable to not reveal their gender. However, it's no different than religion: No matter how comfortable it is to believe, you can only keep believing something there's no proof of for so long.

>> No.1913634

Ones that aren't slutty.

>> No.1913639

so that would be a no?

>> No.1913642

Ones that are him.

>> No.1913644

Do you mean in regards to the non-slutty girl existing? Or the existence of a ronery girl?

>> No.1913649

I said ones that aren't slutty, they exist.

>> No.1913654

in what universe?

>> No.1913660

he likes the tripfag dude who pretends to be a female

>> No.1913662

The one with three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension, the best of all possible universes.

>> No.1913664


>> No.1913679


>> No.1913702

Non-slutty girls exist.

Ronery girls is a lot tougher to say. They probably exist but in far less numbers (for every 1 ronery girl there are 10,000 ronery men).

>> No.1913710

>three spatial dimensions
>the best
I don't think so athens.

>> No.1913718
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>> No.1913719

oh so now you're being sarcastic?

>> No.1913722

I spent the equivalent of high school studying so I could go to an american university. No fun in that, but I have no regrets, next year I'll be living in california.
I guess I might've missed out, but fun has never been one of my defining aspects

>> No.1913734

Have you met any non-sluts?

>> No.1913743

Leibniz seemed to think it was right.

It's ideal for life creation. The arrangements of those 4 dimensions.

Yes. It's unusual for a female virgin to exist though. I'll say that at least. And we all know shy girls will be chased whereas shy guys won't.

>> No.1913745

I own many people. Nobody is actually impressive. You have an amazing ability to stroke and pet people you imagine will dominate people. Too bad. Buy more of the shit I throw away.

>> No.1913757



>> No.1913764
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You aren't a virgin, you had a girlfriend before. You don't know what true loneliness is.

>> No.1913786
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>> No.1913790

At university, at school when I was there. Even a couple of people from 4chan.

I am a virgin.

I have never had a girlfriend.

>> No.1913808

Ha there are no girls here busted!

>> No.1913821
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