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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19120739 No.19120739 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:
Previous >>19107469

>> No.19120760

Shouldn't this be #1941?

>> No.19120765


>> No.19120787
File: 50 KB, 704x396, ichigo_mashimaro08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19120803

Give up.

>> No.19120810


>> No.19120921

そこまで理解しているのであれば 私はあくまで目上に対する言葉遣いの なっていないあなたの発一一ロに対して 冗談めかしてたしなめているのであり 本気で自分のことをトイレだとーーー口われ ているとは思っていないことにも 気付いていただきたいですね。 それにトイレは休み時間中に済ませて 置くべきと再三注意喚起を行ったはず 忠告を無視し今尿意を押さえきれずに いる自分の愚かさを恥じよ。 またクソみたいなお前の発言も流さず 返す私はやはりトイレではない。

>> No.19120927

Fuck off toillet-sensei.

>> No.19120940 [DELETED] 

that nigger is butthurt about my thread because it didnt have his OP picture, what a fucking spastic
i hope he does the honorable nihonjin thing and kills himself

>> No.19120949 [DELETED] 

>dump frog poster is also a lowercase-poster
It makes sense.

>> No.19120951



>> No.19121024



>> No.19121029
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Much better thread, since I made that OP

>> No.19121268
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how is this ok

>> No.19121323




>> No.19121385


>> No.19121473

How do I post on futaba

>> No.19121485

very carefully

>> No.19121497

Should I wear gloves

>> No.19121501

it worked for the juice

>> No.19121515
File: 298 KB, 600x512, 084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when it comes to reading, am I not supposed to worry about comprehending 100% of it and just enjoy the 80-90% I'm able to? Just got into some easy LNs after a year of grinding vocabulary and reading Tae Kim, I get a vague picture of what's happening most of the time but only occasionally do I truly understand with certainty what's going on.

Should I be breaking down each sentence in detail? Should I just read and enjoy? I'm starting to feel like the last year was a total waste and that my 3000 anki cards and those many hours I spent not enjoying studying are for nothing.

>> No.19121557

you should be able to process nihongo with nihongo in your mind

if you cant do that then you will prolly always have this deficiency

if you can do that then just examine the things you dont know and process them with nihongo until you do understand

wait till you find the giant iceberg that is your unknown unknowns that have been siting in front of your face laughing and you cant even notice them

>> No.19121589

Do whichever you enjoy most. If you pretty much get what's happening and looking things up will just make reading a chore, don't bother and keep going. If knowing there's stuff you don't understand bugs that shit out of you, look everything up.
Or read something easier for more practise.

>> No.19121615

Watch anime first

>> No.19121625


Thanks anon, the trouble is that anything "easier" isn't really any better because it's not easy to find stages between total noob and intermediate. The leap from NHK NEWS EASY to even the easiest LN is drastic, and basically that entire gray area between the two is ridiculous.

>> No.19121649

reading books to stimulate young adults minds is prolly not the thing you wanna do if youre still a baby

whereas easy news articles are written plainly and simply with no fluff

my recommendation for going from informative and to the point nihongo to fun nihongo is as always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCMx9DGl9Y0

>> No.19121653

If you watch 10000 hours of anime you can easily skip past intermediate

>> No.19121697

Any tips for retention on cards that are really giving me trouble?

The 25 or so cards that show up every day because I never remember them and they keep getting answered Again on anki until they are all thats left at the end of the session.

>> No.19121707 [DELETED] 
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>still unironically replying to reddit pasta

>> No.19121715

learn them or better yet just quit doing flashcards cuz i mean youre just gonna end up in this boat >>19121515 and still be faced with the learning nihongo problem

>> No.19121725
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>volunteer to translate manga
>can't even read kana
>not even familiar with jap language
>use ocr google translate + "smoothing"
Why do people do this?

>> No.19121731

be a teenager and want to get internet cred

>> No.19121749

Are there any half decent nip MMOs to immerse myself in while learning nihongo?

>> No.19121759

FFXIV. Theres a lot to read though so it might be rough.

>> No.19121760

PC gaming is next to nonexistent in nipland.

>> No.19121762

thats why theres endless shit 2d media about it lol

>> No.19121803

Visual novels are literature, not video games.

>> No.19121809

Literature isn't reading.

>> No.19121810 [DELETED] 


>> No.19121812

FFXIV and PSO2 have a bunch of nips playing

>> No.19121819 [DELETED] 

Give me 58 seconds of my life back

>> No.19121824 [DELETED] 

i will not

>> No.19121828
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>> No.19121858

one of those guys pisses in jugs and has no hair
one of those guys is a basically a real ninja
one of those guys is pretty fly for a white guy

know the difference it could save your nihongo career

>> No.19121880

LNs are not a great idea as your first native material, but if that's what you really want to read then by all means go for it. It's just that the pictures and/or voice acting in things like manga, VNs, anime, etc. helps a considerable amount in making the material more comprehensible.

But yeah, don't worry about not understanding very well, especially at the beginning. That's totally normal no matter what you read. Best approach is to "just read and enjoy", as you put it. If you don't get a sentence, reading it back again more than once or twice is just a waste of time. Even if you manage to eventually figure the sentence out after 5 minutes of racking your brain and consulting grammar resources, all you've done is deprive yourself of 5 minutes that you could've spent reading other sentences. If you do that for every single sentence you run into then you're hardly going to get any reading done and you'll never get anywhere. That's my experience, at least.

>I'm starting to feel like the last year was a total waste and that my 3000 anki cards and those many hours I spent not enjoying studying are for nothing.
I had the same revelation when I finally dumped beginner material for good and decided I was just going to read and listen and let my brain figure it out. Just be glad that you didn't waste 5 years on grammar and vocab decks only to get nowhere like I did.

>> No.19121884

>If you do that for every single sentence you run into then you're hardly going to get any reading done and you'll never get anywhere.
Oh, and you've also got next to no chance of actually enjoying what you're reading with that approach.

>> No.19121907

seconding that compelling content shit it really works


>> No.19121962

Looking through any given archived thread and there is a cancerous post by you every handful of minutes for 12 to 14 hours a day, 24/7. You're even more pathetic than those Madoka thread tripfags. Seek professional help you mentally ill freak.

>> No.19121965

read your post again and then read the last sentence out loud and in front of a mirror


>> No.19122006

Is there a search function in the library? I remember getting recommended kino no tabi and being able to find it but i can't seem to find it again

>> No.19122017

CTRL+F nigga

>> No.19122021

You know he's right. Search within yourself and you'll see you spend way too much time doing nothing but shitposting, Jamal-kun.

>> No.19122046
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>for 12 to 14 hours a day, 24/7

>> No.19122105

i post in a thread because its fun

i cant imagine what its like to try and put a poster in one of these threads under a microscope and look through archived threads and shit

sounds real gay

>> No.19122351


Is shit like this why it's usually encouraged to speak around pronouns/talking about yourself if necessary?

>> No.19122379
File: 193 KB, 803x1200, chi tsu su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys im reading this manga, and here in the first line

shes saying "Chi Tsu Su" right? How does that translate into "How are you?" I don't understand this language at all, i feel stupid

>> No.19122394

These are different

>> No.19122415

different how? I only see that the "tsu" is slightly bigger than the other, in your post

>> No.19122451


>> No.19122458


>> No.19122502

No you're not. Manga isn't reading.

>> No.19122519

what? Yes it is

>> No.19122565

Shes saying cheese

>> No.19122592


>> No.19122596

yeah i used translate too, but apparently in english shes saying "How are you"

>> No.19122624

thats so stupid, how am i supposed to tell the difference between the two.

>> No.19122635
File: 108 KB, 613x498, Screenshot 2018-05-29 at 12.20.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga is reading, but it's much less reading on average than you would get if you jumped straight to Light Novels.

Let's face it, using your brain is one of the most important parts of learning language, and visualizing scenarios/characters/things will help solidify what you've learned more than just about anything else. In a novel, things are described in detail, from the setting to the characters to random things happening off to the side. Manga convey this through pictures, which reduces your overall learning by a very large amount.

The real trouble is, lots of really good i+1 tier sentences for beginner/intermediate learners are found in the descriptive text of LNs, while most of the dialogue in manga are on a different level in terms of slang/grammar patterns and are not "easy" or good to use as learning material. Then, whenever there is a wall of text in a Manga, it will seem more daunting since you're not used to crunching large amounts of kanji. As a bonus, novels also contain the same dialogue whatnot/slang/etc seen in Manga, so you'll be ready for anything.

Basically what it comes down to is this - how much do you want to learn, and at what speed? If you like learning slowly and things constantly being difficult, keep on grinding core decks and reading Manga. If you want the fast track to learning all sorts of new words and grammar patterns, you pretty much have to start reading novels. Sure, you'll probably need to absorb a ton of new vocab all at once every time you start a new novel, but you'll only need to learn it once, and you were going to have to do it anyway... no downside.

Again, Manga is reading, but you're essentially cheating yourself out of learning lots of stuff you NEED to learn at some point. There's a reason English teachers hate those kids who read comics in class instead of actual books - because they're shit as learning materials go. Ironically, the only way to fully enjoy comics/manga is to read enough normal books to be able to understand them in the first place.

>> No.19122637

Learning Japanese.

>> No.19122643

Use your eyes. Seriously though you get the hang of it after a while. ちつす and ちっす look completely different to me.

>> No.19122671

I hope that's pasta and you didn't actually just type all that drivel.
>Manga is reading
Well that's your opinion and it's wrong.

>> No.19122724
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Duolingo experts, everyone.

>> No.19122770
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I took way too long to parse this and now I just want to be sure I got it right. Does this roughly mean "The age when even waiting for a train is fun"?

>> No.19122807
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Waiting for train is also fun.

>> No.19122839

What's the function of お年頃 then?

>> No.19122853
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Your readers won't notice anyway.

>> No.19122859

Anyone knows about an apparently dirty joke about the letter C? I was reading a comic manga and in a chapter girl wants to get English lessons, and she's proposed three courses, Aコース, Bコース and Ωコース. Once she hears about the Omega course she asks:
And the guy offering the course says
>シ シ C(シー)だなんて

>> No.19122860

I'm not trying to translate it, I just want to understand it.

>> No.19122869

>shitposting literally all day every day is fun
Do you have nothing else you do in life? No other interests, hobbies, people? Fucking depressing man.

>> No.19122880

自身 has accent on the first syllable while other two on the last.
Anyway, how is it even possible to misinterpret in a real speeh? It's not like japanese people (aka illiterate majority) use a lot of homophones in speaking. Homophones are more common in chinese loan words (aka words for genuine literature) whereas japs speak using native words and borrowed shit from english.

>> No.19122887

That's the first thing I thought of. What is the chapter about?

>> No.19122898

>Fortunately, cognitive science has identified a number of methods to enhance knowledge acquisition, and these techniques have fairly universal benefit. Students are more successful when they space out their study sessions over time, experience the material in multiple modalities, test themselves on the material as part of their study practices, and elaborate on material to make meaningful connections rather than engaging in activities that involve simple repetition of information (e.g., making flashcards or recopying notes).


>> No.19122903

Pretty sure 地震 is very common.

>> No.19122938

I don't say they don't use them at all, I'm merely pointing out that in speaking homophones are much less common since jappers don't use chinese words in abundancy. Like for example pretty much scarcely anyone would say 椀\碗 or 石鹸 instead of カップ and ソープ and

>> No.19122959

Sounds like you should read and listen to compelling content. Spread out over time and in variety. And make flashcards to test yourself on what you hope to have learned.

>> No.19122968

>pretty much
Fuck, forgot to delete this.

>> No.19122970

That's an argument against using decks with grammar rules.
Memorizing your first 2000 words however is not the same. It's a boring process of drilling words into your head, an unavoidable one.
Besides, it's not like you don't get any practice. Those are most common words, you're going to see them all the time, everywhere.
Though there are forms of autism that manifests itself through having a mining a deck 10000+ words in size.

>> No.19122972

Blasphemy. Flashcards have LITERALLY 0 value. Just watch anime dude lmao.

>> No.19122976

The chapter is about Hiruma (the girl on the left) and the MC (not pictured) trying to figure out a good birthday present for Chion (also not pictured) who is turning 20. MC, Hiruma and her friend in the picture are still in high school.

>> No.19122988

What's your favorite Japanese name?

For me, it's Izumi. Just sounds nice.

>> No.19122990

恋愛のABC is kinda like "bases" in English (first base, second base etc). C is sex.

>> No.19122991

Then it's kind of obvious that you interpreted the title right.

>> No.19123000

Makes sense, thanks anon

>> No.19123015

>test themselves on the material as part of their study practices
If you have a better way of doing that feel free to share it.

>> No.19123022

If you can't tell that's sarcastic then I don't even know

>> No.19123040


>> No.19123057


>> No.19123068

Come back when you've learned hiragana.

>> No.19123072

Please don't come back even then.

>> No.19123080

"cheers mate!"

>> No.19123082

its not hard to tab into a thread and write a sick zinger at some dork dude

>> No.19123099

"whats poppin birth control"

>> No.19123107
File: 322 KB, 329x520, nii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love similes and metaphors. Love reading something like this without a dictionary.

>> No.19123108

Idk, even in the simplest manga I see fuckloads of apparently Chinese words.
Chinese with a Japanese accent is like 60% of the language, can you even express an idea more complex that "まじ でっかいウンコでたよー" without using it?

>> No.19123113

You're still on your PC all day at 50. Go for a stroll or something, fuckin hell.

>> No.19123120

there aint shit you can tell me squirt dont even try

>> No.19123126

Risk of heart disease increases the older you get gramps, you really need to combat it with some physical activity.

>> No.19123136

> shes saying "Chi Tsu Su" right? How does that translate into "How are you?"
After having read at least some of the grammar guide you still believe in 1:1 translation?
Man, you don't just "feel stupid", you are indeed retarded.
And a dumb EOP probably. Go learn a European language first.

>> No.19123145

i do what i gotta do (such as fucking you are mom) dude do you?

>> No.19123156

>such as fucking you are mom
Uhuh. I see the neurodegenerative disease has already taken hold. I'm sorry.

>> No.19123166

shoulda known i was dealing with an esl

>> No.19123172

> you are indeed retarded.
Guess so am I. I should've read his other posts first, he's obviously baiting.

>> No.19123179

>dumb burger eop using esl as a insult

>> No.19123185

My post had 0 errors but nice try bucko.

>> No.19123203

dumb esl using dumb burger eop as a insult

your posting is in error

>> No.19123215

> a dribbling American retard unable to locate "Shift" on his keyboard is trying to play a grammar Nazi

>> No.19123221

>you should be able to process nihongo with nihongo in your mind
what does that even mean you retard

>> No.19123227

You guys are playing chess with pigeon.

>> No.19123230

Day 4 of RTK, 125 Kanji. My sanity is slipping.

>> No.19123244

Try learning Japanese instead. Or as well, if you like.

>> No.19123250

fuck off who cares

>> No.19123254

do i really have to explain the joke ok here it is "you are mom" > "youre mom" > "your mom" is an epic and funny joke for the win youre welcome for the internet lesson on getting the joke check back tomorrow to have your esl hole blown out again

prolly knowing nihongo


>> No.19123261

He's probably talking about thinking in Japanese.
It's a necessary skill, but you need at least two years to develop it.

>> No.19123307
File: 1.51 MB, 1110x1326, smug_tawawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> do i really have to explain the joke ok here it is "you are mom" > "youre mom" > "your mom" is an epic and funny joke
Pretending to be retarded is retarded in itself.
Just stop posting.

>> No.19123317

who said im pretending

also if everyone who was aggro towards other people this thread would be way better

try that instead poo poo boy

>> No.19123331

How long until I achieve fluency just by clicking all your links?

>> No.19123339

young hastle is great because hes articulate and raps slow

its obviously to get some gaijin appeal but thats ok you can use his easy nihongo to your benefit

>> No.19123346

> who said im pretending
Now that I think about it, your mental deficiency does seem genuine.

>> No.19123359

i mean it should be obvious: im posting in djt

i am straight up a god damn retard

>> No.19123389

So this thread isn't really about learning Japanese then.

Sorry to bother you.

>> No.19123399

youre not learning japanese in an english thread no

thats just the bottom line unfortunately

>> No.19123414

I am envious.

>> No.19123425

ahh where art thou mareni

>> No.19123443

What IME do actual Japanese people use? Surely it's not the default Microsoft Windows IME? This software is complete garbage, it's like it doesn't recognize the existence of even slightly uncommon words.

>> No.19123454

Actual Japanese keyboards.

>> No.19123458

Maybe you're not typing them right, japs fucking love winblows, and ms loves them.

>> No.19123469

use 日本語版 windows for great justice

>> No.19123476

i'll continue blogging and you can't stop me :)

>> No.19123482

Windows IME and Google IME and I think there's some Chinese/Korean IME they use too

>> No.19123484

blog all you want dude positive posts not hating on people is fuckin いいと思う

>> No.19123485

They're not particularly communicative, though. At least not on ffxiv.

>> No.19123491

if you want hard mode play 11 on odin server which is primarily japanese speakers

>> No.19123493

No one talks on PUGs, regardless of where you come from.

>> No.19123499

What do you think of dudes trying to get Japanese girlfriends to "practice" their Nihongo?

>> No.19123503

worked for me

>> No.19123504


>> No.19123507

Most people in MMOs these days say nothing. You would probably have to get the talking started

>> No.19123509

Compensated dating doesn't count.

>> No.19123516

This is why the genre had gone to shit.
PUGs? I'm sorry, i've only played the game for a couple of hours iirc.

>> No.19123524

if it was legal to slay compensated daters i would be cleaning up the streets of kawasaki and not posting in this thread


>> No.19123526

worked for brit vs japan

>> No.19123528

I recently finished with hiragana/katakana and I have been just grinding the 2/6k anki deck. At one point should I start looking at grammar? Is anki + tae kim grammar guide enough or should I look into getting genki?

thanks friends

>> No.19123530
File: 1.65 MB, 2664x1536, 1525842744289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am one of those dudes.

>> No.19123535


>> No.19123537

how about you read the guide first

>> No.19123548

Is there any better scan of yotsuba than the one in the resources? Furigana is impossible to see and even some kanji can be difficult to see.

>> No.19123553

Create 500+ sentences from Tae Kim's guide and grind them.

>> No.19123625

Pick up Groups. You should know what instances are at least.

>> No.19123630

Your handwriting is so gay.

>> No.19123732

What do you think of getting a Japanese boyfriend to help you learn Japanese instead? Then you wouldn't pick up feminine speech patterns and get laughed.

>> No.19123772

What do you think of getting your father to breastfeed you and take care for you instead? Then you wouldn't pick up feminine speech patterns and get laughed at.

>> No.19123785

How are you meant to be in a relationship with someone if you can't even talk to them properly? If the girl speaks English as well, you'll just default to it in that case.

>> No.19123792

duuude like the language of love is like universal man

>> No.19123794

>は is suddenly a copula
why do people do this

>> No.19123827

minna genki ?

>> No.19123844

Anyone have any experience reading through Danganronpa in Japanese? How difficult was it?

>> No.19123851

About as difficult as getting your mom to put out.

>> No.19123876

trash for tumblr teens

>> No.19123886

You guys aren't supportive enough of newcomers. I'm gonna join the AJATTers. Sucks I have to pay to get into their discord though.

>> No.19123895

Rule 11.

>> No.19123915

rule 34

>> No.19123970

>Matt is the only one he called perfect

Who is this shill?

>> No.19123987

Day 1 of watching raw anime. This sucks and isn't fun at all.

>> No.19123988

Watch hentai

>> No.19123992

The anti-listen more shills are out full force.

>> No.19123997
File: 81 KB, 439x404, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit anime is shit, raw or not.

>> No.19124004
File: 52 KB, 1200x675, Da0dp2iXcAIeOtJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal with the constant oppressive dread when realizing that you aren't as good as you want to be, aren't as reading as fast as you want to, don't understand as much as you feel you should, etc? I'm about 6 months into reading and instead of feeling happy with my improvement, i've just been feeling constantly down, because i'm not as good as I feel I should be.

>> No.19124014

How can I be anti-listening more when I am literally listening more right now?

I've seen it before with subs and liked it. If I watched something I haven't seen before, I wouldn't understand anything.

>> No.19124034
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>> No.19124037

Did you even watch the videos? It was clear he thought Dogen was the best by a lot.

>> No.19124049
File: 79 KB, 200x200, 1470157951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the same last year watching raws and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. If it isn't fun, try being less of a retard.

>> No.19124057

I also recently started watching raws with only 30 hours so far, but of the shows so far I recommend yuru camp as the easiest of the shows I watched.

>> No.19124066

What is it then?

>> No.19124079

How do you learn samurai Japanese?
I understand a decent portion of everything normal but any times some samurai type nibbas show up I can't pick up anything anymore. Are there anki decks for archaic words used in samurai films and such?

>> No.19124087

Be honest. How long did you study for today?

>> No.19124098

Like 2 hours with some more hours of listening.

>> No.19124121

30 minutes - anki
30 minutes - casually reading DOJG
1:30 - reading LN
still need to watch some raw anime so idk how long for that but it is usually from 1-2 hours.

This is usually my daily regime.

>> No.19124125

thats day ones for you


>> No.19124130

When reading something like Tae Kim, should I be taking notes or just going back over it a few times a week to make sure it's cemented in my mind?

>> No.19124133

I'm very good at Japanese と思う

>> No.19124135

just make every sentence into a flashcard and do them

>> No.19124139

Just 30 minutes reading a short story on the bus.

>> No.19124142

Don't bother studying grammar, patterns will emerge naturally in your brain as you consume more input.

>> No.19124146

So just dive straight into vocab and reading?

>> No.19124147


>> No.19124155
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>> No.19124158

if youve watched 10000 hours of ptbr subtitled anime yes

>> No.19124173

Yes. None of it will cement in your mind without massive amounts of input anyway. Do a quick skim read through DoJG after your first few hundred hours and then you're good to go.

>> No.19124212

I didn't make any mistake と思います

>> No.19124214


>> No.19124222

I'll keep that one in mind. For now I am only doing it with shows I've already seen. Starting with Boku dake ga Inai Machi, then maybe K-ON or Hibike Euphonium next.

>> No.19124230
File: 7 KB, 224x224, KannaPuzzled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question.

How many hours of watching raw anime until it gets better?

>> No.19124236

serious question

why dont you just know nihongo

>> No.19124237

How much TV do you think kids watch before they get literate?

>> No.19124249

Bunch of Americans are still illiterate anyway. they can't even tell the difference between your/you're, would've/would of.

>> No.19124260

no im serious.

>> No.19124261

This is because of phones autocorrecting you're to your and vice versa. They don't have any trouble distinguishing the two at all.

>would've/would of
There are salient arguments, from linguists, that "would of" should be the normal way to write how it's pronounced, just like you write "gonna", not "going to".

>> No.19124263

Google or ATOK.

>> No.19124269

How many ちゃえs do you know of?

>> No.19124270

off topic, off yourself

>> No.19124280


>> No.19124285

~2 hours learning 25 Kanji in RTK.
1 hour reviewing Kanji
40 minutes actively watching Dragon Ball raws
I should probably do some passive listening but I don't feel like it.

>> No.19124294


>> No.19124295

>tfw my first name is Miko

It's really embarrassing every time I'm visiting Japan

>> No.19124301

I'd rather watch simple stuff like Saint Seiya, which has actual dialogue unlike Dragon Ball.

>> No.19124303
File: 106 KB, 640x775, 1525348341162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 4 hours a day studying and can't read
You're gonna burn out before you make it dude. Chill out and cut the crap out of your routine.

>> No.19124307


>> No.19124308

Mikorin? かわいいと思います

>> No.19124320

say what you want about nukemarine being bad but "rtk lite" is actually good bait to get people off of rtk before it's too late

>> No.19124337

why not just not do stupid shit 最初から

>> No.19124338

some people are going to do stupid shit no matter what

>> No.19124341

they want you to write your name exactly how it is in the passport

>> No.19124343

>This is because of phones autocorrecting
Are you fucking 12?

>> No.19124345

Okay but that doesn't affect how you talk to people when you're there

>> No.19124350

No, I'm like 30.

>> No.19124362
File: 25 KB, 401x301, ゲル状.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19124374


>> No.19124398

Based on how no one can answer this question, I think no one hear actually can watch anime raw.

>> No.19124403

I can

>> No.19124411

i just watched some of the latest anime from japan and it was dope

>> No.19124417

It sucks, but I wouldn't say it's not fun. Going by context clues pulls you through the 20 minutes.

>> No.19124422

So how long of watching anime raw until it got easier?

>> No.19124424

I did almost the exact same thing for 4 months and never burned out. Reading is actually more stressful in a lot of ways for me (like embracing ambiguity, chasing grammar that is out of my reach, etc)

>> No.19124432

The more you learn Japanese, does your native language proficiency worsen"?

>> No.19124433

>Reading is actually more stressful in a lot of ways for me (like embracing ambiguity, chasing grammar that is out of my reach, etc)
This is by far the most important problem to overcome as a beginner. Everything else pales in comparison. Read more.

>> No.19124439

The your/you're problem has been plaguing the web long before mobile internet became available for consumers.

>> No.19124440

A couple months

>> No.19124443


>> No.19124445

Look at jamal, he's a nihongo god, but his English is rubbish.

>> No.19124447

You might be right. I can already feel it. I'll probably cut back to 15 Kanji per day because 25 is taking multiple hours and I thought I could do it in one hour. The problem is that if I cut back to 15 per day, it'll take me 139 days to finish RTK1. If I learn 25 per day it'll take 83 days. And actively listening to a language I can't understand is torture.

>> No.19124454

You don't have to finish RTK to learn Japanese.

>> No.19124457

No, it actually strengthens it because one language becomes a mnemonic for the other.

>> No.19124460

Why is it taking you so long? I did 25 a day and it only took an hour or so

>> No.19124465

Intelligence/IQ. You're smarter than me.

>> No.19124471

Those aren't the same thing

>> No.19124474

So I've been learning Japanese with that anki guide that is recommended here and I have one major question that is becoming a problem. What the fuck is the solution for the fact that you don't know which reading the card is for to therefore define it? If two words are written exactly the same way but pronounced different or have different meanings, how am I supposed to know which one it is? I don't see how I'm going to learn tricky words easily when I have no way of knowing whether I just guessed completely wrong or I was thinking of the other possible translation of the word. What is the solution for this? Even somebody who knew perfect Japanese would still get those cards wrong at least 50% of the time.

>> No.19124477

Delete one of the cards and put both readings and meanings on the other card.

>> No.19124481

Just remember both solutions at the same time lmao

>> No.19124483

how much subbed anime have you watched lifetime

>> No.19124485

They are but to avoid an irrelevant argument pretend I didn't mention IQ. 25 per hour is 2 minutes to think of a mnemonic and move on. But it takes me longer than that to think of a good mnemonic. I have to drill afterwards too.

>> No.19124490

Okay, I will try to do that. Is there an easy way to check for repeat cards in the deck? I've never edited any of them before.

>> No.19124495

When you watch raw anime, you're supposed to start hearing certain words and then googling what they mean right? Yea this is probably a retarded question with an obvious answer but I'm just making sure everyone else isn't an Einstein that can just magically infer the meaning of words based on repeated exposure for only a few months.

>> No.19124496

add a hint to one of them.

>> No.19124501

i appresh the shoutout but replace me with lick-g


>> No.19124502

You know what's lighter than RTK lite? Learn like 50 radicals and fuck off. Make it into an acronym. LL50RAFO. You can now distinguish kanji better. Time to stop procrastinating Japanese now innit?

>> No.19124504

cat ./file | sort | uniq -c

>> No.19124505

Real men play Japanese RPG's RAW

>> No.19124507

I learned like all the radicals in a week tho.

>> No.19124508

i quit rpgs after persona5

>> No.19124510

I fuck you're mom RAW, kid.

>> No.19124512

I just steal the koohii stories lol, no wonder it takes you so long

>> No.19124521

The bad part is that I use Koohii stories too. I spend minutes trying to figure out which one I'll remember the best.

>> No.19124526

Not sure how you could talk shit about nukemarine regardless. He's more fluent than us.

>> No.19124529

not even close

>> No.19124535

my grandma is more fluent than nukemarine, and she's dead

>> No.19124539 [DELETED] 

i cant believe i acutaly am gonna stand up for djt but as a dude thats been holding a pillow down on its face for the past what a couple years and change i can definitely tell you the average person thats been at it for a little while in these threads is better than what ive seen of that actual fuck face

>> No.19124542

English please.

>> No.19124545

sorry esl my posts arent for you

>> No.19124547

Where do you get japsubs for anime?

>> No.19124549
File: 566 KB, 1266x2073, mushibugyo_02_139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't time it, but I read a chapter of Hunter x Hunter, a chapter of Muromi-san, and a volume of Mushibugyo.
A little bit of Damekoi.
And an episode of Eva.

I imagine it was like 2.5 hours-ish?

>> No.19124552
File: 75 KB, 218x193, 1526617974017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no reponses

>> No.19124557

I can confirm this, ESL here, when I talk or write in english I always think in english, while I used to translate everything in my mind before.

>> No.19124560

Anyone follow Japanese Youtubers? Which ones are good for N2 level?

>> No.19124563

Hai Domo!

>> No.19124572

I just keep reading and stop every few minutes to sigh.

>> No.19124573

the more you sweat learning nihongo the worse it gets

dont worry about it and just have a nice time mate : )

i know lots of them here try this out


>> No.19124577

Okay okay, don't break your brain on that. If you don't immediately know which story you want then read the top 3-5 stories then hit "Again" in Anki. When the card comes up again you will remember the best mnemonic

>> No.19124583

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19124589

you don't know japanese

>> No.19124592

You don't know reading.

>> No.19124603

That was some shit music.

>> No.19124604

So what radio station or other do you listen to in the background?
I'm kind of partial to FM Yukiguni, but I've little experience with Japanese stations so far.

>> No.19124608


>> No.19124612


>> No.19124619

there are literally 2000 japanese youtubers who start their videos with that sentence

>> No.19124620

I'm dumb as hell and I don't understand how the Anki works, or I do understand but it's so basic it's making me retarded. Do you just see the word then say it to yourself? You don't type anything in or make a selection from multiple choice or anything?

>> No.19124626


>> No.19124630

There are some decks that allow input, but the Core Vocab decks are just
>see the word
>how did you do on the recognition

>> No.19124636

holy shit his english is better than matt's japanese
I think we've found the new DJT king

>> No.19124643
File: 16 KB, 360x360, 1523877915192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only he is shit at English, he is also shit at Japanese.

>> No.19124650
File: 488 KB, 1270x1331, guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is you, I presume?

>> No.19124652

Are you recognizing them or recalling them? I have Anki to where it shows me the keyword and then I have to remember both the Kanji and the story I've associated with it. Takes me too long so I might just say fuck it and go to recognition with the Kanji on the front. Or maybe just the story.

>> No.19124660

Not that guy, but am I fucking myself over by clicking hard even if I get it instantly? I just feel like the way it's going to take more than a week or possibly even a month to get back to some words seems excessive since I've only just learned these words, so I almost always go for hard so it comes back sooner.

>> No.19124664

just click good stupid cunt

>> No.19124667

I wouldn't say you're fucking yourself over. You're just signing yourself up for more revisions of the word or phrase you pressed hard on.

>> No.19124692
File: 523 KB, 1277x2071, mushibugyo_03_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, is that some 常住戦陣!! ムシブギョー?

>> No.19124718


>> No.19124729

I can speak and understand Japanese pretty much 99% for everyday usage but I can’t remember Kanji. I find it really boring compared to listening and speaking. What apps/books would you recommend?

>> No.19124738

Read the OP you banana head.

>> No.19124748


>> No.19124761

You all speak Japanese way too formally for 4chan shitters.

>> No.19124766


>> No.19124774


>> No.19124777

When is Japan going to make their language easier for us brainlets?

>> No.19124782


>> No.19124786

what does this mean?


>> No.19124790


>> No.19124796

A-arigato anon-san...

>> No.19124804


>> No.19124819

the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.19124843


>> No.19124852


>> No.19124877


>> No.19124878

It is just stupid music language.

Is this a title to a song perchance?

>> No.19124896

no actually it's megaman 11's title

>> No.19124902

The wheel of fortune man, spin it.

>> No.19124934

That looks good just put it on my watching list thanks.

>> No.19124948

>tfw you start sounding less like a silly sympathetic foreigner meddling with the language and more like a retarded/6 year old native

no way to go now except forwards if I want to become respectable again

>> No.19124954
File: 270 KB, 770x1200, 0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has an anime which was great up until the end, since the manga was still going.

>> No.19124959

Look the part of a JS.

>> No.19124965

Let me be the judge of that. Post a vocaroo.

>> No.19125034

Any suggestions on websites/apps to talk to Japanese people? I've tried HelloTalk and Interpals, but they're both pretty garbage. HelloTalk is just people begging for likes and Interpals is nothing but African/Brazilian dudes trying to scam you.

>> No.19125036

Is learning radicals worth it? I have this retarded fear that it'll prevent me from recognizing words as shapes because I'll be focusing on the individual components of each kanji too much.

>> No.19125057

That's retarded. There's nothing to worry about. Unless you do RTK, then you have something to worry about.

>> No.19125091

I've heard real life is pretty good

>> No.19125098

If real life was an option for me I wouldn't be asking for digital recommendations.

>> No.19125099

not many japanese people in northern sweden

>> No.19125103

Talk to Finns. They're Asian enough.

>> No.19125111

that's a lot of うs

>> No.19125130

that's a lot of おうs

>> No.19125279

Reading is going to come faster to you than anything else so why rush it? Prioritize listening and RTK for the first few months then start reading.

>> No.19125281
File: 141 KB, 477x474, 3KZzO9h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading is going to come faster to you than anything else
You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19125283

Fuck off

>> No.19125314

Listening is by far the hardest aspect of Japanese. Leave this thread.

>> No.19125322

Not if you have watched 10000 hours of anime

>> No.19125328

Nope. I can watch unsubbed anime because I watched 10000 hours of anime, but I'm still illiterate.

>> No.19125334

>I invested way more time into listening than reading but I still can't read

>> No.19125336

Memes aside, there literally isn't 10000 hours of anime that's worth watching.

>> No.19125337

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19125338

looks like someone hasn't discovered family friendly 90s anime

>> No.19125340

There isn't 1 hour of anime worth watching because vns are superior.

>> No.19125349

Did you miss the worth watching part?

>> No.19125357

did you miss the you're dumb part

>> No.19125361

>Not listening to radio dramas

>> No.19125363

Smarter than you

>> No.19125365

>they don't go down to the local Japanese community nihongo center and listen to the soothsayers recite the tales of genji

>> No.19125366

Aren't those just drama cds without asmr hentai?

>> No.19125405

ooga booga

>> No.19125450

>implying there isn't
>implying you can't rewatch

>> No.19125457

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19125485

italki. You have to pay though.

>> No.19125493

You need 4chan gold to see the posts

>> No.19125516

does learning japanese make you want to actually read something like the fate series or does it seem just as boring

>> No.19125520

I dropped fate stay night before I even started to learn japanese and it's still sitting on my hard drive to this day so probably not

>> No.19125541

does learning japanese make you want to actually read something like the naurto series or does it seem just as epic

>> No.19125554

That's the private tutor one isn't it? I've looked at that too.

>> No.19125576

I think there are 3 different levels: professional tutor, informal tutor, and language exchange. I think the last one is free, but then you have to talk English for half the time.

>> No.19125613

If you don't plan on living in Japan then I don't see the point in learning to recall how to write the Kanji. Just place the story on the front.

>> No.19125646

A particle.

>> No.19125667


>> No.19125684
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>> No.19125715

Are you in a hurry?
If you've never learned a language before, there's no way to answer your question.
All these tables with the number of study hours required to prepare for a particular foreign language exam may make it seem like humans are all the same when it comes to studying languages. Spoiler: we're not.

>> No.19125767

There's an average number of hours needed to learn a language like Japanese for native English speakers and the deviation probably isn't so gargantuan that you can't estimate by asking others. I hate dumbass reddit answers like "Oh we can't possibly know! My retarded cousin took 1 billion years to learn Japanese and everyone is different!"

>> No.19125779

cool thanks for the post

>> No.19125790
File: 183 KB, 728x1000, 1525689637496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, in the end you will be less proficient in Japanese than the people taking a Japanese class.
I mean, at first you're going to be miles ahead of them of course, because they will be using shit like Minna no Nihongo. But two years later your studies will plateau and theirs will not, because speaking is essential, no matter what memes you may have heard in this thread.
Learned it the hard way when I was studying English. I use English for basically everything I do, from calculus to anime (for now) and my brain has gotten so used to it I can't tell what language I spoke in my dream when I wake up, but I will always suck at English more than these smug kids from language schools.

There are definitely several grammatical errors in this post.

>> No.19125795

>I mean, at first you're going to be miles ahead of them of course, because they will be using shit like Minna no Nihongo. But two years later your studies will plateau and theirs will not, because speaking is essential
Is this bait? A reddit post? Both?

>> No.19125798
File: 252 KB, 885x626, 28250013_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because speaking is essential

>> No.19125820

Okay, it could be that I'm just retarded and that's the reason why my progress has slowed down considerably over the last two years.
If so, I'm waiting for a counter-example to my statement.

>> No.19125823

It's true that you have to practice speaking to get good at speaking, but you don't have to do so to get good at the language. In fact, forcing production can be bad for you, because you can memorize slightly wrong/weird grammatical constructions or weird word usages.

>> No.19125850

> but you don't have to do so to get good at the language
Being able to speak a language well is the definition of "being good at" it.
When your employer asks you to demonstrate your languages skills, he doesn't give a you a passage to read, he expects you to say something.

>> No.19125863


>> No.19125882

> Stephen Krashen - Wikipedia
> He is known for introducing various hypotheses related to second-language acquisition, including ......
> hypotheses

>> No.19125895

Okay, have fun not learning today.

>> No.19125967

You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19125969

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19125975

Don't do this

Keyword always on front dude

>> No.19125980
File: 57 KB, 297x347, 1444286807141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't learn japanese

>> No.19125982

If you don't care about writing/stroke order then why only put the keyword on the front? Why not the story too?

>> No.19125985

the story tells you what kanji it is
though rtk's method is bullshit in the first place

>> No.19126008

Put the Kanji on the front and try to recall the story. Nothing else matters.

>> No.19126021

Does anyone know of any free alternatives to Skritter when it comes to getting some handwriting practice in? I find myself remembering kanji and words much better by actually writing the kanji than just using flashcards alone, but I'm not too fond of having to pay $15/month or $99/year for the extra functionality.

>> No.19126022

do rtk, don't do rtk, it doesn't matter. but if you choose to do it, actually do it, going through the motions and half-assing it is a complete and total waste of time.

>> No.19126024


>> No.19126028

When you are doing flashcards, write the kanji/word.

>> No.19126029

a piece of paper and a pencil

>> No.19126033

Setting your flashcards to white-on-black has better benefits than writing out your reviews.

>> No.19126040

convincing argument. what does reading the story and reproducing the kanji from it help you memorize? the radicals? you don't to do rtk to learn that.

>> No.19126042

you don't have to do rtk to use rtk

>> No.19126047

What does using a dark background have to do with anything?

>> No.19126050


>> No.19126063

Someone here tested it on themselves. They learned hangul->jiberrish with anki, and nothing they did was statistically significant in increasing retention except for switching from black-on-white cards to white-on-black cards.

>> No.19126068


>> No.19126073

You're remembering wrong, it made no difference. But yeah writing if you're not trying to learn to write is bullshit.

>> No.19126080

We should make a suicide pact for when we get to DJT #2000.

>> No.19126085

Where can I get a black theme for anki?

>> No.19126169
File: 686 KB, 1059x1248, x_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 夕
> タ

>> No.19126201
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, lanczos_output.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my shitty handwriting

>> No.19126211


what the fuck bros how am i supposed to tell the difference??????????

>> No.19126218

Is 昼食 the smug cunt way of saying 昼ご飯 ?
I heard that speaking bastardized Chinese makes you sound educated in Japan.

>> No.19126226

read more instead of listening to people on mount stupid

>> No.19126258

This. The skill that's actually of some use is recognising kanji when you see them. Being able to write a kanji from an English keyword is not useful.

>> No.19126265
File: 49 KB, 342x343, 61bbWl0Iw-L._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19126269

Use 昼餉

>> No.19126273

I don't recognize kanji, I recognize words.
Japanese is not Chinese, even the exact same combination of kanji can be read differently depending on the context, and sometimes on the moon phase.

>> No.19126274

>being able to write a kanji is not useful.

>> No.19126283


>> No.19126292

>kanji is not useful

>> No.19126309

Words are written in kanji. If I recognise the kanji that compose a word it's far easier to remember it than trying to remember a whole word as a bunch of unrelated squiggles.

For a beginner? Not at all. Once you know enough Japanese to be writing things you'll know words, and can write those instead.

>> No.19126323

> to remember a whole word as a bunch of unrelated squiggles.
That's not how remembering works.
If you know the word 図書館, you'll recognize the 館 in 映画館, which will also help you recognize the 画 in 漫画.
Making up "stories" and learning kanji for the sake of learning kanji is a waste of time. Just read more, that's how the Japanese memorize them.

>> No.19126336

I really won't. I've done reading from about halfway through RTK, and words made of kanji I had done were far easier to remember than ones I hadn't.

>> No.19126342

> I really won't
If by that you mean "I really won't recognize", then you must have shit retention. In that case doing RTK for a few months is probably the best way.

>> No.19126344

Is it normal to feel like drowning myself to death rather than doing my reps?

>> No.19126353

If I'm not looking at them next to one another? Then no, not at all. Might look vaguely familiar but without a "name" for the kanji I wouldn't have any idea where else I'd seen it.

>> No.19126363

No, no one's forcing you to learn the language. If you feel burnt out just take a break and get back to it when your motivation is back.

>> No.19126365

joke: rtk is bad because it doesn't teach you japanese
woke: rtk is bad because it makes you really annoying

>> No.19126396

>If you know the word 図書館, you'll recognize the 館 in 映画館, which will also help you recognize the 画 in 漫画.
No, that's not guaranteed at all. These kanji are just super common. Brain doesn't want to deal with recognizing each part. I can easily read a lot of words like 蒲公英 from the first glance on them but I don't even remember what kanji are there.

>> No.19126400
File: 621 KB, 802x629, 1527099247531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this saying the tension increases or the tension lifts (as in goes away)?
The last one is the only one that makes sense to me in this sentence, because I don't why tension would increase in 好きな時間

>> No.19126412

I wouldn't recommend interpreting English loanwords according to their meanings in English.

>> No.19126416
File: 32 KB, 695x309, Screenshot_30052018_1339883536638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2) is probably what you need

>> No.19126417

That word is hardly ever used for tension, its used for spirit 99% of the time so in that case "raised spirits"

>> No.19126438

テンションが上がる = be exited
tension =/= tenshon(テンション)

>> No.19126444
File: 165 KB, 420x263, f4109b14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19126446

Protip: バイキング does not mean Norse invaders from the North.

>> No.19126448

How much Anki had you done when you started playing?
I'm at 600 plus ~50 words picked up from manga and anime, would it be a pain to play it right now?

>> No.19126464

I'm at 646 mature cards, haven't started mining yet. I only started playing it not long ago so I was probably at about 600 mature cards or so when I started it.
It's not too much of a pain, you'll probably have to do about the same amount of looking up as you do for manga. As long as you use a text hooker that is.

>> No.19126489 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 500x328, 1497867099182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have anything else like this one?


>> No.19126493
File: 242 KB, 500x328, 1500726774239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have anything else like this one?


>> No.19126569

rtk pdf on djt resources is garbage, is there a better/retail edition? seems like it is only sold as print or apple ibook.

>> No.19126571

don't get the actual book lol

>> No.19126572

step into my office my ninja


>> No.19126581

What's wrong with it that you expect to be improved by a different edition? The one I got is fine.

>> No.19126586
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, edge_detected_handwriting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at my edge detected hand writing

>> No.19126593
File: 60 KB, 762x650, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you expect to be improved

>> No.19126596 [DELETED] 

compare with the retail sample


>> No.19126597

compare with the retail sample (that is not available for sale, it seems.)


>> No.19126606

How do you decide if a word was easy, hard, okay, or to do it again? I feel like my review piles is getting too big because I almost never press easy

>> No.19126608

So there's a missing character (that's printed correctly in another font just beside it) and the line with is too wide. Is that all?

>> No.19126615

You don't want to actually use the RTK book itself, it's garbage.

In other words, have a tier list:

High tier:
Learning words without doing extensive isolated kanji study

Normal tier:
Doing extensive isolated kanji study with something other than RTK
Using RTK's method but different mnemonics
Using RTK's method but different mnemonics and keywords
Using a modified version of RTK's method with RTK's mnemonics and keywords

Bad tier:
Using RTK's method with RTK's mnemonics and keywords

>> No.19126630

me either
I have an addon called timeboxed answers, its set to 10 seconds
if it times out I fail the card
If I got it instantly, its good
if I got it, but it took a bit, then hard

>> No.19126645

As if I'd take advice from a terse sperg like you.

RTK does not provide you with mnemonics and the primitives can be adjusted as needed.

I went 1000 kanji via the "lazy" method using mnemonics provided by kklc which is better than nothing but fails for writing ability and the impersonal mnemonics are weak.

>> No.19126649

Do you usually make your own mnemonics? Is there a good set/site somewhere?

>> No.19126650
File: 173 KB, 850x1201, 1520080531756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RTK does not provide you with mnemonics
Providing mnemonics is the whole point.

Yes, it reduces at a certain point, then stops, but it does provide them.

>> No.19126652

It's called koohii.

>> No.19126655

>fails for writing ability
name one (1) time you wrote something out by hand in your native language that wasn't for yourself or something very limited like your name or the date

>> No.19126656

you should make your own, but the site koohii dot com is devoted to shared mnemonics.

>> No.19126657

I dont bother and rely 100% on srs

>> No.19126659

Making your own mnemonics and primitive names means you don't need the actual book

Rtk's keywords are also the thing most mocked about it, for good reason, they're the first thing you should change

>> No.19126660

I realize this thread is for the end goal of visual novel consumption, but if you find yourself working in japan, you will need to hand write on a daily basis.

>> No.19126662

This is what weeaboos actually believe.

>> No.19126664

sarcasm, the lowest form of wit.

>> No.19126665

A relative of mine works security in japan for a vietnamese boss. He can't handwrite shit faggot

>> No.19126666

poes law, I was being sincere, I don't use mnemonics at all dickfuck

>> No.19126672

>handwrite on a daily basis
what the fuck do you have in your head when you imagine japan

>> No.19126683

There is a reason the stationary culture there is so huge. Pens, paper for sale everywhere you go. Everyone uses paper and writing implements every day. Schools have no computers in the classrooms. Fax machines remain standard not only in businesses but also homes. Forms and applications are done long hand on paper.

>> No.19126686

Okay maybe come back to this conversation after you come back to reality

>> No.19126691

Come back when you can refute that this is not the reality.

>> No.19126693

Your conception is not even founded in reality anon

>> No.19126705
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, x720-vN0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19126706

>Everyone uses paper and writing implements every day.
By force, not choice

>> No.19126707

They don't even.

It's also only even like school kids and college students.

Just like in every other country on earth.

>> No.19126712

It in fact is. Fax machines and handwritten resumes remain the standard. Every convenience store has an aisle devoted to handwriting. There are stationary stores in every shopping area and train station periphery. People appreciate and take pride in the ability to write clearly.

>> No.19126714

You are deeply delusional. You have never been in Japan for an extended stay once in your life.

>> No.19126715

Regardless, it is used extensively like it or not.

>> No.19126717

It's not.

>> No.19126720


>> No.19126722

Ok, you can just keep saying "not" but this won't change the fact that you will suffer for lack of writing ability if your dreams of moving to the land of fax machines, handwriting and stationary come true.

>> No.19126723
File: 912 KB, 750x494, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pens, paper for sale everywhere you go.

>> No.19126725

>Schools have no computers in the classrooms.
this is as true in japan as it is everywhere else on earth
face reality dude your vision of japan is bullshit you cooked up to justify your obsession with writing

>> No.19126727

Right, in an Alabama Walmart.

>> No.19126729

This thread is not for dreaming about moving anywhere. Unless you're handwriting light novels it's not relevant to this thread.

>> No.19126732
File: 316 KB, 348x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomes of paper sold to children for the express purpose of handwriting.

>> No.19126735

a whole lot of nothing would get done if that was the case, I assure you that it's not as backwards as you think it is.

>> No.19126736

You got me there.

>> No.19126802
File: 227 KB, 576x432, [RG] ARIEL VISUAL1 -SCEBAI`s Greatest Crisis (Part One)- (01b68761).mkv_20180530_181924.115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19126874


>> No.19126889

What the fuck is this

>> No.19126897

>if your dreams of moving to the land of fax machines, handwriting and stationary come true.
I'm quite happy in aus, the land of less people per square/km leading to tourists here to feel slightly tense at the apprehension of a recent plague

>> No.19126898

It only gets better.

>> No.19126899

omg is he ok

>> No.19126901

Do some of you guys study 2+ hours a day while juggling university? after homework, exams and stuff I barely find motivation to study maybe 30-60 min on school days and if I'm lucky 2 hours on weekends. Should I just try harder?

>> No.19126926


>> No.19126935


>> No.19126943


>> No.19126950


>> No.19127181
File: 873 KB, 2114x3047, その54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> その54「双子」
Why can't I find anything about this usage of "その"?

>> No.19127198

is this porn?

>> No.19127222




>> No.19127225
File: 556 KB, 715x1000, その160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn for your soul.

>> No.19127239

>this time
>next time

sasuga nippon

>> No.19127255
File: 1.13 MB, 1105x1600, 絶対☆霊域_4_011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Nth
e.g. part X of a series or something like picture related where she's referring to one of two brothers as そのニ

>> No.19127275


>> No.19127318


>> No.19127325

Fuck, even kids' books don't have full furigana. And kids' manga only seems to get potato scans. How am I supposed to become a little girl now?

>> No.19127342

buy official, share high res scans with everyone.

>> No.19127390

> Fuck, even kids' books don't have full furigana
Aren't they all in hiragana?


>> No.19127411

>high res

>> No.19127428

whats up with nips and poop.

>> No.19127429

Manga is a lot more expensive per word of Japanese practise than novels, especially with shipping it from Japan. And I don't own a scanner, and wouldn't know how to make good use of it if I did.

Kids' books, not toddler's books. 魔女の宅急便.

>> No.19127453



>> No.19127562



>> No.19127634

No, I've read very little which is why I am interested in kids' books with full furigana.

I can listen to that, but I can't really read the text. But thanks.

>> No.19127741

Okay, found a download for it. Still, it's about dozen pages of not much writing. I want novel length easy texts to practise reading.

>> No.19127763

Read キノの旅

>> No.19127772

Why not read WNs on syosetu? yomichan makes it so much easier to read.

>> No.19127841

I don't find sitting at a computer wiggling a mouse around all that comfortable for long texts. I'd rather get more practise with something simpler that I can mostly just read.
Though I just glanced at a bright lamp and can barely read English right now anyway.

>> No.19127869

have you ever actually encountered a good piece of work in that site

>> No.19127916

A lot of LNs and manga and even some anime are adaptations of WNs. I'm 100% sure you've at least enjoyed one work that was adapted from a WN.

>> No.19127917







>> No.19127938

I've watched konosuba but I didn't really enjoy it so I'm not sure if that counts

>> No.19127967

Currently reading https://ncode.syosetu.com/n6006cw/

It has a manga too https://mangadex.org/manga/20338/tensei-shitara-ken-deshita

>> No.19128003

yup, sounds like the generic trash fanfiction to me. at least it doesn't have a wicked long title, I'll give it that

>> No.19128015

>generic trash fanfiction
Can't deny that, but at least it takes itself more seriously than konosuba.

>> No.19128128

>then you must have shit retention
Most people do. I think the people who insult RTK are just smarter than average and so they end up giving terrible advice to average people who need RTK to be able to differentiate the squiggly mess. When you point this out they just lie and humble brag.

>> No.19128145

>kids' books
do you find them interesting or something

>> No.19128195

Could someone point me to a resource that talks a bit about 'こと'? I see it being used a lot but I don't really grasp what it's about.

>> No.19128203
File: 3 KB, 262x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19128224

J-CAT gets stuck at 200 unless you study classroom materials or you're completely fluent so it doesn't matter.

>> No.19128451





>> No.19128608

That's not true.

>> No.19128619

You're taking it too literally.

>> No.19128629

And it's not a merit

>> No.19128646

How long until this shitty thread gets banned from /jp/? Or is it true that Jamal has an in with the mods :^^

>> No.19128673

plus people posting scores from 150 to 250 either saying they suck or they have no problems reading anything

>> No.19128737

That just sounds like people overestimating their ability.

>> No.19128746

go ahead and read the archive yourself, it's very unlikely that the j-cat doesn't have a problem here

>> No.19128794

I don't need to read the archive - I've already seen the posts you're referring to. I still don't see how self-evaluation from non-fluent speakers is indicative of anything.

>> No.19128806

considering the posts I'm referring to were posted over the course of a year, and aren't subjective self evaluations, very unlikely

>> No.19128817

How is it unlikely if I've been frequenting DJT for over two years?

>> No.19128826

have you read the entire thread line by line when you wake up every single day for the past two and a half years

>> No.19128849

Almost every day. I admit I skim through a lot of posts, though.

>> No.19128855

みんな元気 ?

>> No.19128860

go ahead, show that your over two years of study have lifted you beyond the 150 to 250 score range

>> No.19128864

Nuke yourselves into orbit the both of you

>> No.19128908

This is after two years and two months: >>/jp/thread/18871591#p18871889

>> No.19128943

when did you start studying

>> No.19128947

sorry but it's extremely easy to copy other people's scores and pass them off as your own, I will only accept it if you register today and include the registration info (including date) in your screenshot of your score

>> No.19129054
File: 250 KB, 1334x750, IMG_0802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two years and three months ago.
I'm not at home, so you'll have to make do with this.

>> No.19129064

so why is that score from september 2017

>> No.19129075

It's not, I posted it on the day I took the test. If you're talking about the UNIX timestamp, I use 4chan X's "randomize filename" option on my main browser.

>> No.19129234

>I use 4chan X's "randomize filename" option on my main browser.
It doesn't randomize that way, try again.

>> No.19129284

It does, but even if it didn't, the fact remains that the image I linked didn't even exist before April 22. This is also beside the point, because this conversation is supposed to be about J-CAT, not me. I only posted my score because I was prompted to.

>> No.19129317

does reading manga instead of LNs form bad habits? i feel like its a lot easier to get by just by using context clues in manga vs reading a LN

>> No.19129323

Manga isn't reading, though.

>> No.19129343


then why is it recommended to learn japanese?

>> No.19129367

memorized 25 more kanji per day. at this pace it will take until august 20 to finish.

>> No.19129405

Stop posting.

>> No.19129414

This is by far the most annoying poster in this thread.

>> No.19129509

I forgot to read today, someone post the last 10 words they mined.

>> No.19129538

I'm not even the regular poster but the (you)s came so I'll keep it up, cheers

>> No.19129540

I forgot to breathe today, somebody put me on life support.

>> No.19129599
File: 23 KB, 880x207, rtk grains of sand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19129621

Don't worry. I pretty much only read manga and I have the highest J-CAT score on DJT.

>> No.19129623

Does this shit actually help people remember kanji? Seems stupid as fuck

>> No.19129634

what is J-CAT?

>> No.19129649

Google it you lazy, dense piece of fucking shit. FUCK.

>> No.19129658

I don't want to. Tell me what it is and stop shitting up the thread with your negativity.

>> No.19129665

If you are to lazy to do a simple google search then you literally, unironically can't learn Japanese. Give up.

>> No.19129676

Google searching wouldn't let me cancel out your blog shitposting.

>> No.19129698
File: 43 KB, 925x711, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19129730

この画像好き is more natural in this case

>> No.19129920

That's nice but manga isn't reading.

>> No.19129939

yea it is

>> No.19129966

Keep in mind that 3000 words is really not that much at all. There's some debate as to how many words the average Japanese person knows, but according to this study (http://www.cgu.ac.jp/Portals/0/12-library/kiyou/n41-1.pdf)), the vast majority of Japanese college students know between 26,000 and 30,000 words. Considering that you barely know more than 10% of the words that a native speaker does, it's only natural that you would have difficulty reading. The reason you feel like your studies were a waste of time is because you had unrealistic expectations, as if 3,000 words would have been enough to read with 100% comprehension.

>> No.19129994

That's what happens when you fall for the core2k vocab anki grinding meme. That and RTK should be removed from the guide.

>> No.19130008
File: 27 KB, 472x565, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just start reading without knowing any words bro

>> No.19130015

10000 hours of anime

>> No.19130020

Well after a year of cold reading you'll know far more than someone who grinded a vocab deck than a year.

>> No.19130022

"Waiting for the train is also a fun time."

>> No.19130028

Obviously that guy is retarded. How do you even manage to take a year to do 3000 words if that's all your doing? But if you do 1500-2000 words in a reasonable time like 2-3 months while going through TK, it's definitely not a meme.

>> No.19130059

If somebody does cold reading for 2 hours a day, I'll do the same + 1 hour of anki and will know much more than them.

>> No.19130096

They don't know.

>> No.19130101

RTK is pretty good if you don't want to be illiterate. If all you care about it eroge then yeah, it's relatively uesless.

>> No.19130106

Yea, you have to study an hour extra than them to know more. Speaks to the efficacy of vocab grinding.

>> No.19130108

If you don't plan on living in Japan then writing Kanji doesn't matter.

>> No.19130116

high level nihongo challenge if you dare


>> No.19130141

If you can't write you are literally illiterate

>> No.19130147

Sure but it doesn't speak to your ability to read which is what people here actually care about.

>> No.19130151

>being illiterate doesn't affect your ability to read

I'm done with these dekinai

>> No.19130162

>retards that genuinely believe people who do anki don't also read
yeah man hovering every single word every time you encounter it is great

>> No.19130175

I did that. Worked fine

>> No.19130286

That's basically what I said in my post. You don't NEED to write in order to consume media, but in terms of "knowing" a language it's arguably vital. personally I think it helps my learning ability, even if it takes a lot more time and effort.

>> No.19130319
File: 69 KB, 858x702, wassi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19130352


>> No.19130381



>> No.19130386

You could always learn to write after you know enough of the language to have something to say.

>> No.19130387


>> No.19130424


>> No.19130425

>you can just quit smoking once you start caring about your lungs

>> No.19130440

dont argue over stupid shit

post shit you think is cool instead

>> No.19130459

I know you're under the impression these threads are for sharing your shitty rap "music" but some of us like discussing.

>> No.19130460


I'm not asking for a translation, but can someone tell me in simple terms what this doujin is supposed to be? It looks like an episode by episode synopsis of the 'dinosaurs' TV series but there's also some original artwork. Sorry if this isn't relevant to the thread, I don't know where else to ask

>> No.19130472

theres no discussion its a merry go around of garbage

>> No.19130482

Here's some cool educational shit for y'all.

>> No.19130483

sorry dude that just links to a picture of a panda bear

>> No.19130491

Almost everyone can write japanese (kana), it's absolutely unnecessary to write kanji by hand. So your point is invalid. Or if you just advocate writing kanji by hand in order to produce WRITING then I hope you write 此、其、迄、軈て、之 and so on. But I'm sure you're just retard that who doesn't even know several kanji for basic things.

>> No.19130494

you should check out what a lot of girls from sentai shows in years past have gone on to do after lol

>> No.19130499

prove why you should be listened to by anyone before you post shit like this

>> No.19130551
File: 385 KB, 484x7193, lul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before you post shit like this
As expected from bugger without any sane argument. I can write more kanji than you will be able to read in your entire life. You have to be literally mentally ill to say that someone has to write kanji to be "literate" when you can write everything using kana.

>> No.19130555

Not much different than your posts

>> No.19130558

flashcard stats and more aggressive posturing

you dont know japanese and cant do shit

>> No.19130568

to be fair though Dogen has said he practices each line in his videos like 20 times

>> No.19130584
File: 57 KB, 774x673, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19130613

I know japanese better than you will do in a thousand years, welp, for I know you won't last long. I'm not the one you can flaunt kanji knowledge in writing. If you have to use hand-writing for communication, kana is fine by any standart. Using kanji is even better, but calling someone who can't write kanji illiterate is the apogee of ignorance.

>> No.19130633
File: 416 KB, 1280x1823, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if you're new or I'm being meme'd on

Here's a page from the doujin

>> No.19130636

go home youre drunk niichan

>> No.19130645
File: 428 KB, 1280x1823, confused2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's another

>> No.19130654

lmao this is actually sick

>> No.19130765
File: 37 KB, 483x913, 20180530仮名.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming a kanji master
>not becoming a kana master

>> No.19130836

Anyone else give up on learning nip and just come here to funpost nowadays? All the good stuff gets translated anyway so I don't feel too bad.

>> No.19130935

How do (native Japanese) people decide when to use kanji, and when to use hiragana only? I even see it mixed at times: part of the word in kanji, the other part in hiragana.

>> No.19130962

What do you guys think about rewatching movies and shows multiple times.

I was just thinking how children will watch the same movie like 10 times and maybe that helps a lot with learning language?

>> No.19130978

I can't do it and it drives me nuts. I can't even force myself to rewatch shows I saw 5-10 years ago because I still vaguely remember the story beats which ruins rewatching for me. I guess I'm a pleb but I can't fathom how people can rewatch the same shit multiple times with the exception of a very select number of movies.

>> No.19131031

It is probably good for language learning, but I can't do it. Once I've seen something once, I don't want to see it again for at least several years.

My most watched anime is probably Haruhi, which I've seen 3-4 times.

>> No.19131060

Any esl who learned the language in their childhood would recommend that.

>> No.19131061

rewatching shit that you love owns

>> No.19131070

>Started two weeks ago
>Been going super hard learning hiragana, katakana and kanji, while also practicing pronunciation with basic phrases and sounds

>Learned 0 vocab
>Can read and say 90% of this thread out loud
>Absolutely no fucking idea what any of it means.

I fucked up, didn't I

>> No.19131081

>Started two weeks ago
>I fucked up, didn't I
No? Two weeks is jack shit, even if only used Duolingo and followed a guide from /r/learnjapanese that isn't enough time to fuck anything up. Just read the guide.

>> No.19131089

Why were you expecting to understand anything before the 10000 hours of anime?

>> No.19131103


I don't watch anime. I learn for the thrill of the challenge. And also to talk to Japanese people because when they speak English I find it fun

>> No.19131110

>I don't watch anime
Well you better start or at least start consuming some sort of japanese media or else give up on learning.

>> No.19131121
File: 21 KB, 250x202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't watch anime
What the fuck are you doing here then?

>> No.19131123

do I read 何 as なん or なに in these examples?

>> No.19131130


>> No.19131144


>> No.19131174

What the fuck are YOU doing here, retard? Go back to g/a/ia.

>> No.19131183

I'm learning Japanese.

>> No.19131184

you better pay some YouTuber to get onto his discord and get your questions answered
becaue /djt/ is for free it's also very shit in this regard

>> No.19131242

Wait you guys watch anime instead of Terrace House? lol

>> No.19131249


>> No.19131268


>> No.19131284

why the question marker is used in the first example but not the second?
Now, I’m considering where to set out to go.
What did he say this is?

How come これは何だと isn't an embedded question?

>> No.19131285

you to nihongo

>> No.19131292

It can't mean new, it's never used like that.

>> No.19131302

is it like the difference between:
>what did you say?
>what you said was true

>> No.19131303

yomichan is saying error: note note could not be added.

This only happened today and it goes away if I get rid of the audio field in the card.

Is there a way to fix this and keep the audio.

>> No.19131331

check the お洒落 dictionary

>> No.19131365

Hおw ニュー are you??!!

>> No.19131380

when will they learn?

>> No.19131422

I can't make up what he's saying, anyone can help out?

>> No.19131487

きょうも おえどは にほんばれ っとくらぁ

>> No.19131502

Where? Not finding any dictionary named that.

>> No.19131567

Maybe a little early, but just a reminder that if you’re interested in taking the December JLPT, they say this is usually around the time to start getting things ready.

Buying textbooks, creating study plans, preparing yourself mentally — all that important stuff should probably start sometime soon.

I encourage everyone to leave comments regarding which JLPT they plan to take, and for people who have studied for the exam before, some tips for newbies.

>> No.19131590

Anyone have any novel recommendations? Preferably somewhere in the 1500 - 1600 Kanji range. I tried bashing my head against Jinrui wa suitai shimashita, but I got tired of looking up every other word.

>> No.19131603

read what you want you dip
if its too tough for your peanut brain then read something else you want
its not hard

>> No.19131621

>1500 - 1600 Kanji range
right on pal, fuck the RTK! hahaha

>> No.19131639

You're not gonna get around having to look up things, just read whatever you enjoy or you'll give up even faster. Romeo is indeed a not a very good pick for a first novel, but not because of the number of kanji. I'm sure you already had some things in mind when you started learning Japanese that you are looking forward to, so just try those instead. It'll get easier if you keep at it every single day.

>> No.19131657

Gonna be taking N1. So far I've been just reading two novels in Japanese a month and listening to as much Japanese as possible (audiobooks, anime, drama, podcasts, etc).

I guess I should probably crack open shin kanzen master or something.

>> No.19131665

another one gets shredded by lil romeo

>> No.19131675

That was what I wanted to read, but it was too difficult.

I don't know what that's supposed to mean, I was going by the numbers from the DJT Library.

Not my first LN, but I'll look for something else, thanks.

Is the author infamous?

>> No.19131686

Man, what the hell were you thinking? Romeo-sama is basically the Nabokov of Japan. Try again in another five years.

>> No.19131688

seriously guys has noone had this problem?

>> No.19131708

>if its too tough for your peanut brain then read something else you want
whyd you say thanks to the other guy and not me whats your problem

>> No.19131739

>going from the spicy wolf LN to kino's journey

Holy shit feels like taking training weights off. I can actually read through this effortlessly

>> No.19131742

i could write 150000 words about why romeo owns

>> No.19131749

I've never heard of this person before now, please go on.

>> No.19131755 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 359x414, 1493499041497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a discord server for djt if anyone is interested in joining.


>> No.19131771

great idea now instead of wading through a handful of bad posts you can have one great big bad chat

best of luck with your discord

>> No.19131776

S&W is also pretty easy. You should expand your horizons and read more variedly.

>> No.19131782

Great idea, we really needed a place to talk about learning Japanese

>> No.19131788

Nice, make sure to ban lower case letter shitposter if you spot him there.

>> No.19131795

Reddit detected

>> No.19131797

if i join im pretty sure im going to be given instant ops

>> No.19131800

but i have to sign up for this discord thing and that shits mendokusee

>> No.19131804

Not him but any recommendations?

>> No.19131812

Glad you agree

It's just a chill(er) version of the other discord. Join if you want and we can talk about how hype we are for hvdb to have open invites again.

>> No.19131818

火花 is a recentish novel that has been a hot topic in Japan and is very nice.

>> No.19131820

>being this fucking dense

>> No.19131863

Is it normal you feel like you understand sentence yet you can't distinguish which と is being used, conditional or quote. Same with から.

>> No.19131869


>> No.19131871

I don't see how you could really mix those up. Especially for から I don't think there is room for ambiguity.

>> No.19131877

Not really, a sentence can't make sense with both at the same time. So the only time you can possibly be confused is if you simply don't understand the sentence.

>> No.19131901

I meant から from or conditional although you're right It's pretty straightforward.
I do get と mixed up pretty often though.

>> No.19131936

Does "しないと" always mean have to when connected to suru verbs? Does it also always means the same with normal stems?

>> No.19131945

you're thinking too hard

>> No.19131968

That's way too casual, I was being polite anon.

>> No.19131982

>just recovered from a 500 word Anki hiatus
Feels good man.

>> No.19131996
File: 18 KB, 343x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had this retention rate every day

>> No.19132001

Then go full genki

>> No.19132060


>> No.19132067


>> No.19132070
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>> No.19132074


>> No.19132077
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>> No.19132084


>> No.19132088

how do you have so few mature cards

>> No.19132089


>> No.19132094
File: 19 KB, 544x200, Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 5.32.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19132103

this is my white tee shirt


>> No.19132106

I haven't seen Haruhi in at least 5 years, I think I'll rewatch it in Japanese now. Thanks, anon.

>> No.19132113
File: 322 KB, 640x480, 1515820005967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19132136

>ラブひな in COR is in pdf
What the fuck

>> No.19132139

I've been studying for like 2 months

>> No.19132140

Because it's the official digital release Akamatsu put up for free on his website J-Comi.

>> No.19132151

N4: 植える, 押し入れ, 課長, 家内, 汽車, 急行, 空港, 下宿, 郊外, 講堂, 公務員, 国際, 産業, 品物, 西洋, 暖房, 駐車場, 漬ける, 電報, 展覧会, 特急, 花見, 貿易, 港, 木綿
N1: 歩む, 改まる, 身近, 乱す, 瞬き, 本体

>> No.19132161
File: 21 KB, 520x227, 54747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats my everyday though, since i refuse to lower new cards below 20

>> No.19132194

How many matures do you have and how long did it take to get them?

>> No.19132220

approaching 10k matures, bit over 2 years only missing a single day

>> No.19132273


>> No.19132280

why did you mine this lol

>> No.19132296

Why the fuck not?

>> No.19132297


>> No.19132304


>> No.19132311

How far in are you to mine such useless shit?

>> No.19132318


>> No.19132331


>> No.19132336


>> No.19132339


>> No.19132341


>> No.19132343

能天気 : )

>> No.19132344


>> No.19132370


>> No.19132375


>> No.19132378


>> No.19132411


>> No.19132435

This is my favorite word.

>> No.19132464


>> No.19132476


>> No.19132483



>> No.19132499


>> No.19132511


>> No.19132522

That's far above a normal number of reviews for doing 20 cards a day for a few years. You must be pushing hard an extremely excessive amount.

>> No.19132526

I'll push hard an extreme amount of something into you in a sec.

>> No.19132527


>> No.19132537


>> No.19132544


>> No.19132576

Spending 2 hours a day learning Calculus and Stats would be more useful than Japanese.

>> No.19132584

maybe for your ポケットブック but would it be for your 心?

>> No.19132585
File: 504 KB, 735x869, 1359666443736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't already know Calculus and Stats

>> No.19132587

How do I understand my raw animes with calculus and stats huh?

>> No.19132594

Stats a shit

>> No.19132598

They're more useful for understanding actually interesting things, like human behavior and cognition.

>> No.19132604

Lmao who gives a fuck. Anime tiddies are far more interesting.

>> No.19132607

You really only need to have a conceptual grasp on stats. Unless you happen to be going into risk analysis/modelling or something, you really only need to know that you're using the correct statistical test.

>> No.19132618

I'm already a STEM senior, anon. I'm way past that.

>> No.19132716

I've also changed my settings a lot from defaults. I was losing matures at one stage, and it felt awful
My starting ease is at 175%, reviews interval mod is 90% and I hit hard on cards I have to think about for more than a couple seconds
Im sure theres probably a better way, i just dont like losing matures, feels like going nowhere

>> No.19132744

まあ he leaped on the scene at the tender age of 12 writing lavish lyrical limericks that frankly took over the erogame game and shut it down

現在 hes currently living in the lap of luxury from his successes leaving lots of us longing for just one more lick of his lush lexicon

this is also the only known recorded footage of lil romeo本人


>> No.19132761
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, t0GopAp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skipped my daily reps for 3 days
>Its starting to really pile up
I think i'll do them tomorrow

>> No.19132771

just dont fuckin worry about it and do what you wanna do

>> No.19132774

>havent dont anki in 3 months
>still remember 100% of the words i remember
if i were any more dekiru id be dekita

>> No.19132786

what about dekiagali

>> No.19132851

>"finish" the first volume of yotsuba
>fuck off for a bit
>get back into it with a novel
>only read 5 lines
You know maybe that anon is onto something

>> No.19132853

You are a frog in the well, so even if he was you wouldn't know.

>> No.19132868
File: 666 KB, 1982x1405, IMG_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who make low quality double page scans and on top of that use mobile phone filenames should die

>> No.19132902


>> No.19132924
File: 952 KB, 1210x3951, anki-stats-2018-05-30@23-37-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you all think I'm trolling but I'm dead serious and legitimately depressed because of Japanese. I do Anki day after day so that I don't fall behind but I haven't been able to learn any new words. As you can see I have dropped my new card count. Here are my most recent stats, the only reason my retention is as high as it is is because I gave up and mashed good for my last 30 cards. There are just so many cards I can't remember that I can't even remember them in the short term to finish a session. There are just too many cards in between each appearance. I'm quite literally crying as I type this, as I have been many times before. I can't learn this language. I can't do anything.

>> No.19132956

Read more

>> No.19132964
File: 54 KB, 339x500, 51M930K7BDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19132965

I've always wondered about this too.

>> No.19132969

Stop using anki if its not working. Also how many cards are you learning daily? I started at 20 but quickly realize that was far too much for me so I set it to 10.
Have you tried RTK? Have you tried writing down the cards on physical paper.

What if every time you got a card wrong you wrote the kanji while repeating the Japanese word in your head. After that draw a picture of what that word means.

Also, just making sure but you have memorized the kana right?

>> No.19132971

I see fpbp also applies to 5ch

>> No.19132973

>furigana not blurry and shit
>no visible page crease
That's hardly low quality.

>> No.19132975

I've memorized the kana. I've tried textbooks, RTK, everything. I finally went to anki and core as a last resort and was actually making good progress for a couple months. I was building a lot of confidence but recently I've just been getting absolutely obliterated. I've dropped my new cards to 5 per day and even that is too much now.

>> No.19132976

What about grammar?

>> No.19132977

yea i mean i was gonna post "kids these days" at him but i was like whatevs

>> No.19132978

I've been slowly reading Tae Kim, but that's not really related to my inability to remember flashcards

>> No.19132979

It's low res as shit, and it looks like it's ripped off mangafox. You might not notice if you're used to shitty scans.

>> No.19132980

Computational calculus (finding integrals/derivative by brute force) and empirical statistics (sampling simulations) are incredibly easy to understand and get good at.

>> No.19133000

>I've tried textbooks, RTK, everything
Everything except actually reading.

>> No.19133002

read more

>> No.19133003

You're an entitled fuck who has no idea what a shitty scan actually looks like.

>> No.19133004

You're an angry cunt who can't find good scans.

>> No.19133006
File: 144 KB, 720x1024, 00009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's far enough above 1280px tall and it's not blurry it's fine
it's more important to save people from actual garbage quality manga like picture related than it is to be upset about some random particular series only being 1500px tall or whatever

>> No.19133009

kids these days

>> No.19133012

That looks fine though. It just has low width/height.

>> No.19133016


you can repair everything ~except~ low width/height

yes, including lots of noise

>> No.19133026

? just vectorize everything and scale it up it you fuckin crybaby

>> No.19133029

past a certain point you become unable to accurately vectorize meeting edges because there are several possible high resolution patterns corresponding to the downscaled detail, especially taking different downscaling filters into account

>> No.19133035

How bad does not reading for a day hurt my progress, overall?

>> No.19133041

you die irl

>> No.19133042

Yes it is. How do you expect to memorize words if you aren't using them.

Also pro tip; study before sleep. That means study then sleep, not study, jack off then sleep

>> No.19133044

If you don't read for a day, you lose half the progress you made the day before.

>> No.19133047

Is there any word worth mining that follows this structure? Color + some suffix. For example 赤らめる. This one obviously has something to do with the color red and in context you can easily guess that it means to blush.

>> No.19133066

To add. Memorizing words with out grammar is like remembering medical terminology if you don't know any theory. Its pointless to know what a thyroid is if you don't know what it does or you can't even use it in a sentence.
