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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19112891 No.19112891 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Japanese comedians so fucking terrible?
Do Japanese people really enjoy the unfunny gag humor they employ? The worst part is these people find work and end up all over TV. they get more attention then they deserve for relying on straight man reactions and grade school puns
I just don't understand

>> No.19113212

What kind of shitty humor do you like?

>> No.19113793

Western Comedians are possibly worse.
I've never seen one but i know they're nothing but things people don't give a shit about, and yet people still pay for the fucking show somehow.

Nippon, as far as i know, is actually tactical with their comedy.

What do you stand for faggot? I won't call you dude since you seem to lack any respectable feats.

>> No.19113844


>> No.19113917


>> No.19114078

The language simply doesn't allow for all the subtlety and nuance that English does. It's very situational which leads to their "dad humor" level puns, wordplay and wacky sight gags. That being said; I do giggle at the absurdity of it most times.

>> No.19114095
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I know, right?

>> No.19114152

Eat shit and fucking die, gaijin pig.

>> No.19114293
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>> No.19114298
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Try watching actually good people/kombi. The great thing about Japan is that popular people appear in several shows every week and the type of shows range from simple manzai (ie. stand-up) to oogiri ("come up with something", eg. making a caption for an image or an answer for a setup question) to konto (sketch comedy) to regular talkshows (based either around celebrity quests or comedian "hinadan", ie. a big group of more or less regular guests).

All western shows I have seen are either talk shows based around one comedian with third-rate writers making fun of recent events (since they lack the imagination to do anything else) with random celebrity quests and the completely scripted conversations with them, pure sketch comedy shows (which can be actually good), or the braindead sitcoms.

>> No.19114315

I'm going to err more on the side that the comedy that you're probably seeing is on a prime time show that needs to have it's comedy acceptable to a wider audience. 'You Can't Laugh' and manzai competition would be viewed by a family so having a Japanese equivalent of an Amy Shumer on that show would loose ratings so fast.

>> No.19114356
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And to mention some of the bad sides,
- Since most shows are aimed at average viewers, they take full advantage of phads (because elevens really tend to love something for 6-18 months and then completely disregard it after it has become "old").
- Tsukkomi is the norm, but the majority aren't using it to make things any funnier. Once again thoguh, it really depends on the people doing it.
- All music is ripped off from famous western stuff like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, James Bond and so on. And if it is not, then they are using OST of anime series. Some shows do go for some really surprising choices, eg. when having a subject about some sort of fight they start playing Children of Bodom or Gamma Ray.
- Subtitles. This is probably the weirdest aspect of eleven moving picture episodes for me, they just slap colorful bigass letters of what the people are saying on the screen in standard language. The only reason I could think for it would be fan service for ancient people, but for anyone else it's fucking retarded.

>> No.19115990

There are no good comedians, they all suck.
Popular western comedy is just a bunch of twats making snide comments about random shit and so on

>> No.19116685

>thinking Japanese comedians are unfunny means I must find Western comedy hilarious
You guys are seriously retarded

>> No.19116700

Manzai is actually the only thing I'm able to laugh at nowadays.

>> No.19116705

Well if you don't like any comedy, then why are you watching and complaining about Japanese comedians? And yes, if you don't like east nor west, there's nothing left.

>> No.19116795

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19117125

nothing comes close to Jewish humor

it shaped comedy in the west

>> No.19117149

>And yes, if you don't like east nor west, there's nothing left.
There is Russian comedy, but I seriously wouldn't.

>> No.19117250

comedy is only funny if it's relatable. Which is why majority of the comedy in the west are situational. Like you, I don't find jap gags/pun funny cause like you I don't understand it enough to relate to it.

>> No.19117298

>I just don't understand
Casting things in broad, reductive strokes speaks less of the content itself and more towards overgeneralized, lazy thinking. Not liking Thing does not mean there is a problem with Thing or people who like Thing; all it means is that you don't like Thing. Man, Opinions sure are hard.

>> No.19117322

The good/bad ratio of comedians in Japan is probably the same as of everywhere else.
Most comedy on the west relies on good wordplay and situational stuff. On Japan it's mostly visual and based on reactions.
There's no helping if you're just a sore sad bastard though.

>> No.19117335


if by "the west" you mean "new york" then sure

>> No.19117431

You sound like a guy who says they can't tell the quality of Japanese voice acting or complain about not being able to self-insert in porn.

Believe it or not, people are able to laugh at things for no reason (which is why absurd comedy works), cry for things that they have not experienced (which IMO is the true test for a drama), and appreciate voice beyond words (acting is portraying emotions and you'd have to be an autist to disregard it).

>> No.19117488

Hold on man what's wrong with Nu Pagadi?

>> No.19117732

>Subtitles. This is probably the weirdest aspect of eleven moving picture episodes for me, they just slap colorful bigass letters of what the people are saying on the screen in standard language. The only reason I could think for it would be fan service for ancient people, but for anyone else it's fucking retarded.
I've read in one of Tamaki Saitou's books that this shit alongside with that terrible pre-recorded outbursts of laughter are supposed to make you unwillingly laugh at unfunny jokes that weren't really aimed at your sense of humour. It's a pseudo-scientific bullshit literally no one falls for but it stayed as a part of the aesthetic.

>> No.19117785

>people are able to laugh at things for no reason (which is why absurd comedy works)
Finding humor in the surreal or absurd is still a reason. The value of comedy is not in HOW a thing makes a person laugh but the fact that it makes a person laugh at all; the means themselves aren't as important as the ends. But in general, I get your point and agree.

This stupid comedy elitism I see every now and again is just embarrassing. No one cares if you like American fart jokes more than Japanese fart jokes. They're just jokes, god damn.

>> No.19117914

the funniest japanese stuff comes not from comedians, but from weird things like Suiyobi no Downtown theories

>> No.19117935

Pick your poison faggot

>> No.19119318

The first sentence is probably true but it baffles me how much attention is given to all these run of the mill comedians

>> No.19120174

At least you haven't fallen down to the level of Australian """Humour""" which is saying things in a taunting voice.
But one thing the west needs more of is clowning in the spotlight. SNL in particular has sucked ever since it became political sketches and started allowing any actor that could badmouth the PotS on set. Where did the gags go? The silly scenarios? The things that won't be dated in a month? Hell, another thing many western comedians aren't willing to do anymore is engage in buffoonery. Like, during the whole ice cream thing if Stephen Colbert actually emulated the internet memes and lost his shit over the ice cream it would have been hilarious, but he didn't and a huge opportunity was wasted.

>> No.19120183

Well-done Russian comedy transcends the language barrier and makes people of all backgrounds laugh.

>> No.19120199

The pinnacle of Western comedy is indisputably Mr Bean.

>> No.19120490


>> No.19120608

I started finding Japanese comedy a lot more funny when I got better at the language and lived here long enough to read the culture. You need context for humor to work it seems.

Japanese don't like sarcasm (the Japanese word translates to "souring the mood") and our low-key absurdism is even harder to read without cultural context.

>> No.19120616

I.e. I find Turning Girls hilarious but its a very character driven type of comedy. You have to see the asynchronous along with the normal and the gap is the funny part.

>> No.19120664

I mean the parents coming in while streaming and poking fun at the fake personalities girls put on has been done to death

Also the fact that there are English comments, at a higher ratio than Japanese ones, on the video at all puts me off it. Post actual Japanese comedy, that Japanese people find funny, not what weeaboos find funny.

>> No.19120724


>> No.19120751

>most comments are english again
Surely, if you lived in Japan and understood Japanese culture enough to "get it" then you'd be able to post something that exclusively draws Japanese people and not English speakers commenting "I didn't understand half of this but still found it funny LOL"? Clearly context isn't needed for the humour to work in this case.

>> No.19123801

It does kinda work, i mean, it doesn't make a shitty punchline any funnier but it makes you pay it more attention unconsciously.
That shit it's all over youtube too, and even English shitty meme videos use this method as well

>> No.19123888

Some guy from youtube.

>> No.19125834

I haven't listened to this song in a while.

>> No.19125858
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>Australian Humor
I won't even bother looking up recent stuff simce you put it that way


>saying things in a taunting voice.

I'm no aussie, i assure you.

>> No.19125865

>https://youtu.be/x5h5nPLK6_ [Error]

>> No.19126114
File: 164 KB, 960x729, IMG_20180530_000005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is a factor and so are robot people too. And by factor I meant you're a bundle of birch sticks.
>liking thing around here gets you a huge paddlin so don't tell me how hard you are

>> No.19126304

Japanese comedy culture is probably one of the most interesting and refined industries in the world. The focus on comedy in Japan in the entertainment business is still a marvel to observe and deserves praise for the system and sense of humor that would not work in other countries or cultures.

>> No.19126651
File: 28 KB, 553x637, Northpole_user.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no Mongol blood
