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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19060585 No.19060585 [Reply] [Original]


FAQ & Resources:

Rec chart:

Previous thread: >>18847655

>> No.19060593
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JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Downloads (game rips, scans, radio, etc):

>> No.19062175

Should I say it was bittersweet to see the activity in the announcement tweet? If only more people gave it a chance sooner or they found a way to cut back. The regular gacha was fine enough and I couldn’t complain when that was one of their limited in game fund sources. Plus, I did just fine with the all access.
Before the end was announced I was wondering how rhythm mobage could be preserved. Have any been ported for the game aspect alone? Recent memory only calls for one in which Kurahana did the art. Players were cut off from proceeding in the story only unlocked through payment.

>> No.19063469

I'm one of the people who pre-reged for Banyaro and started playing Day 1. Unfortunately I frequently had trouble updating the app, and the thing where you had to generate a transfer code weekly was stupid, I certainly didn't remember to do it every week. Eventually I had to give up on the game even though I liked the gameplay and music, all because I had updating problems.

Maybe I'll give it another run before it ends. I did really enjoy Osiris and Fairy4pril's music.

>> No.19064622

Did they really recast actor over a twitter scandal?

>> No.19064680

I think the unstable servers at launch was a big issue for the game's popularity. My friend told me there was initially a lot of hype with the game when it was announced, but the delays killed that off and the buggy release didn't make it worthwhile for people to stay. Hell, there was even a frequent bug that made people lose their accounts, which wasn't really fixed for like 6 months.
There are a lot of new songs, so it could be worth checking it out before the game shuts down to try playing them.

I could live with the gacha, but it was really badly structured in a way that barely felt rewarding. They never updated the perm pool and the rate-up was low (especially for SRs), so more often than not you would just get the same perm cards over and over again. I think other games make a low rate-up work because at least they update the perm pool so even if you don't hit the rate-up, you'll probably still get something new. Even if they just raised the rate-up for SRs, it would've been a lot better.

>> No.19065203

It actually got some interest in the beginning from the FGO crowd. Who then dropped it when they realized that Cure2tron weren't actually girls.

When I first started my account also got fucked by that bug. I was at least fortunate enough to issue a recovery code beforehand, but then the Note 7 recalls happened and I couldn't issue another code because at that time the system wouldn't let you make a new code until 30 days had passed. I just gave up on that account and didn't redownload the game until the following year.

I think it was like with the B-Project game, if the start is too rocky it's hard to recover.

>> No.19065219

Oh, so others had the bug too! I feel sorry for them, but good to know I wasn't alone.

Wait... FGO? Interesting... And yeah, I hated that system too.

>> No.19065361
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Serves that faget right for defiling Sanic-kun

>> No.19065383

jesus christ

>> No.19065414

It was actually a really common bug, I think there was even a section in their support form for it. They did eventually change the transfer codes to last 6 months and could be reissued more frequently, but that was pretty much after they were able to squash the bug.
And >>19065219 banyaro was developed by the same devs as FGO.

>> No.19065486

Apparently he was still making similar crude remarks at things like fanmeets.

>> No.19065545

And fans were okay with it until it blew up on the internet? Bet they're more worried about their image for liking him now. Fangirls are retarded.

>> No.19065654

He probably didn't have many fans to begin with.

>> No.19065941


>> No.19066053

Jesus, what a creep.

>> No.19066421
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What kind of stage play is this?

>> No.19068437
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It seems to be some kind of battle RPG.

>> No.19068443
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>> No.19069127
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My kind, it looks like.

>> No.19069131

Heroines look cute.

>> No.19069279

Yumecast really is getting lewder.

>> No.19071533

Do swordfags even come here anymore or do they all go to /cm/ to circlejerk now?

>> No.19072526

I'm still here. /cm/ is cancer.

>> No.19072734

Evidently a lot fucked off to there, but I imagine there's still a few who refuse to use that board. I've looked at their threads a few times and there's always blatant newfaggotry and arguments about really cringy shit, but that might be a product of a lot of them being recruited from /a/.

Also there was an otome game thread on that board once. I looked in it and it was nothing but basic entry level shit like Hakuouki. And that one Korean game with the chat system. I bet if you made a BL game thread on there it'd turn into a Chiral circlejerk.

>> No.19072845

>it'd turn into a Chiral circlejerk.
that or it'd turn into whining about "why there's no game with x" when there's probably several.

>> No.19074520

Nothing wrong with Chiral as long as it isn't dmmd, which more often than not every chiral talk just ends up being dmmd only and lamento secondaries.

>> No.19075261

I played psychedelica of the black butterfly and I didn't like it that much.

The backgrounds, except for the 2 or 3, are very pretty and atmospheric.
the BGM are alright.
Minigame is alright.
The flowchart feature is very practical.
The plot is not weak, but it's not strong either, I had some difficulty to really buy Hikage's pity backstory.
The lineup of husbando is meh and the romance almost inexistant.
No real happy end.
Character design is meh.
Heroine is pretty generic. But at least she's voiced, which is a pretty rare feature I appreciate.

I liked Haitaka better. Even if I read it in japanese while being crap at it.
Better heroine with better voice actress and I think we also had her reaction face in the text box while it's not the case in black butterfly (correct me if I'm wrong).
gorgeous BGM.
Better character design even if I assume it's the same artist who got better.
Better husbandos (Levy and that dark-skinned dude)

The only flaw I can think of is the ends, that are not very statisfying like in Black butterfly.

>> No.19075361
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>Always scrapped Hachisuka
>Now I actually want him and kiwame him
Fuck, art upgrades sure do wonders.

>> No.19075433

>art upgrades
What happened to: his butt, his left arm, and his upper body?

>> No.19076878

I prefer most Kokuchou boys to the Haitaka ones, same with the designs. But yeah, I agree that Haitaka MC is way better.

>> No.19076990
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Gunneko site is up

>> No.19079385

terrible font on those character pages, and what's with the random isekai teenager.

>> No.19079448

How about reading the story page? Then you'd know, since it's what the whole game is about.

>> No.19079694

It just bugs, A game all about kemonomimi fantasy and the normal ass teenager seems to be the important 'main boy' character.

>> No.19080234
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Me on the right

>> No.19081683

Cafe Cuillere (PS Vita) – 7/8/7/7 [29/40]
Sweet Pool (PS Vita) – 8/7/8/7 [30/40]

>> No.19083836

I want an Otome special version Switch.

>> No.19084054
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Coming over to Kouichi-kun's place to cook all night. Ruka can sleep outside.

>> No.19084327

>Ruka can sleep outside
10/10. Cruel, but that made me laugh. I like Kouichi, so it was hard to turn down his requests when I was aiming for another person's route.

>> No.19084715

The anon is right. He literally gets amazed at the animal ears and gets astounded by the "isekai" if you hear the sample voices.

>> No.19085086

on r18 otome sales

>> No.19085194

How's the romance In hatika? More or less?

>> No.19087060


>> No.19087663

Art looks good but yeah, the site kind of bugs for me too. I was also surprised there's a human in the candidates. I had the impression that Yuzu (orange haired guy) would be the main boy.

>> No.19087746

What's with the colors in the rec chart

>> No.19087801

> isekai mc is now a husbando route
Who the fuck is the writer? Is he/she a syosetsu writer?

>> No.19088068

Did another fucking Enstars actor get busted?

>> No.19088219


>> No.19088248

I found Haitaka a bit more romantikku.

>> No.19088541

Same director and writer as TaiAli which is why I'm definitely excited for it.

>> No.19088567

>Ayakashi Musubi is kill
>Cocktail Prince is kill
Reminder to never get fully invested in mibages.

>> No.19088883

MC is cute.

>> No.19089323
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I'm gonna miss ojisan.

>> No.19089341

Guess only i7, enstars, A3 and side:m have chance to survive until 2020.

>> No.19089593

>Cocktail Prince
I was kinda expecting it. It was ridiculously easy to place top 1000. I barely spend 30 minutes on my daily commute and always placed really high in events.
Still sad to see it go, it had some super cute boys.

>> No.19089682

I know it won't, but I hope mobage as a whole dies with time

>> No.19089938

Tfw there is a mobage which is kill after it managed to survive for 7 years. I wish they at least release some kind of offline mode for the game.

>> No.19090023

What game is that?

>> No.19090582
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Damn, the story was hot trash but it still had a lot of 10/10 boys. I'll miss it.

>> No.19090807

That makes sense. They can also get money from concerts and CDs and wouldn't have to rely on just the game doing well in order to survive.

>> No.19091575
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Is it me or did the gacha get tougher recently? Used over 1000 just to get absolutely nothing.

>> No.19091588
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>> No.19091589

the sameface in this bothers me

>> No.19091594
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>> No.19091613
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>> No.19091619
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>> No.19091628
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>> No.19091634
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>> No.19091646
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>> No.19091773

Did it? During the mermaid event I got four event URs with only two rolls. Haven't tried my luck on the current event though.

>> No.19092360

In the trash it goes.

>> No.19092397

If that's what bugs you over everything else then your standards must be rock bottom.

>> No.19092447

does it even matter when most of these games are only like 1% porn?
personally all I ask for is coherency and likeable characters.

>> No.19092726

>the protagonist is the cutest boy
I'm tired of this

>> No.19092843

I don't see the problem. The protagonist is the most important character.

>> No.19093200

Yeah but I can't get excited about those other fags he's romancing at all. I want close-up CGs of him, not them.

>> No.19094406

Do they all have moles?

>> No.19094957

Can we talk about drama CDs here?

>> No.19095366

sure, it's related enough.

>> No.19097077

>WoF II FD is getting a PS Vita port
Well, I surely didn't expect that.

>> No.19097286
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So the 6+ hour CDs that were in the 12,000 yen LEs will be in the Vita version for free. N-neat. Note to self: never buy LEs again

>> No.19100118
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inb4 Dialovers Zero and DMM/Bilibili games

>> No.19101622
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Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 15

>> No.19101751
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Idols most powerful thing in the universe. Actually surprised how enstars comparable to BangDream and Love Live

>> No.19101823

Thank you.

>> No.19102228
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Everytime I see you guys talking about mobages closing down it always makes me wonder how Yumecast is still surviving. They don't release a bunch of merch (only 3 cds up until now, I guess?), they barely do any live events and they're still spaming events in-game non-stop.
And I always manage to get decent ranks when I'm not even trying.

It feels the same to me. I always either get a few cards or nothing at all, like with the fan meeting gacha.

>> No.19103603

It broke 4mil downloads and ranked in some Girl's Style awards, so it has some following.

>> No.19103942
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It won 1st place for best scenario and Sousei won 2nd for best boy (Kaito was 4th of course)

>> No.19105002

What's the highest level a bodyguard could get to in Bell Chimes for Gold? It's not affected by affection level, right? I only made it to the dungeon boss through luck with the knight in the prairie in the beginning. Then I got mad dosh with the thief in the ruins area thanks to consecutive treasure chests. Things would've been faster if there wasn't this weird button lag going on.

>> No.19105342

What's up with otomate and onichans? Half of there games have a incest-psudeo incest route.

>> No.19105843

I have no idea how that goes up, but it's not really that important as long as you pick the guy that is best suited for each area, and then it's all luck with how many fairies appear to refresh your step counter to get to the boss.

>> No.19107459

The manual said they level up from the bodyguard fee they're given at the end of a dungeon trip. I've been giving the thief $800 every trip, and he must've been gambling it away since he's still stuck at level 9. I can't wait for him to get stronger so we can repeatedly bully those dungeon bosses together.

>> No.19107575

Sure you're not talking about rejet? Otomate doesn't have that many brother routes.

>> No.19108921

I too have my concerns. But the other thing I question is the events. What happened to live battles? That made the competition more fun. I also wish it was more challenging via permanent master level.
I missed this. I’ll have to try and find the scans.

>Sousei 2nd
I’m OK with this because Subaru 1st.

>> No.19110825

>Live battles.
I was out of loop for a while, an year or so, but I came back to it two months ago. Did they stop doing these definitely now? Maybe people complained about it? I mean, they added that fucking easy mode where you just need to tap the screen a few times (what's even the point?).

>> No.19114320

Staff where?

>> No.19115837
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>Literally an idol therapy simulator

Have we gone too far?


>> No.19117262

I finished Isora's route in 7Scarlet and honestly I thought it was kind of dumb, the MC isn't very good either, the thing about strawberries and the yandere parts were very bad. I already started Hino's route and seems better in general but I kind of feel underwhelmed I hope the other locked routes are better

>> No.19119342


>> No.19119642
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Well that was a little dark

>> No.19120276

looks nice.

>> No.19120290

I was checking the PS vita store for Haitaka yesterday, and I saw this game and bought it.
I already had it in japanese but my japanese is still crusty so it's so much more enjoyable to read it in english even if it's not my native language either.

The character design is a little weird with their flat-colored pupils but the back grounds are really high quality.

Everytime I buy a Japanese game, it ends up getting an english translation. And I end up succumbing to easiness.

I feel live otome translation is in fact a pretty profitable business because we see more and more of it.

>> No.19120470
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>> No.19121351

On the other hand.

>> No.19121555


>Drug addict idol
>Idol who got casting couch'd

Finally some believable idols

>> No.19121583

My sides.

>> No.19121831

Too cute.
Onoda truly an angel.
I hope he won't be on a scout.

>> No.19122001


>> No.19122099

I'll definitely check this out

>> No.19122140

Which one is the drug addict, his friend? This video has sexually abused Maeno idol.

>> No.19122440
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Kaoru winning the enstar bowl in his dreams

>> No.19123671

I don't know why I hate Kaoru so much, but I do. He's the only enstar I feel negative about.

>> No.19123848
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Wonder how the mixed media's doing. The game has at least 30,000 active users, though that's still far more than CockPri and Banyaro.

>> No.19125136

Is there any sci fi otome? Not soft Sci fi either. But full on start trek?

>> No.19125209

Not sure it's what you're looking for, but the most sci fi one I've played was Yuukyuu no Tierblade.

>> No.19125241

not really, there's a few games with robot guys, but nothing Japanese that's full on set in space.

>> No.19126408

Now I really want an otome game in a space opera setting because I'm a huge sucker for galactic nobility, but I know it'd be utter garbage

>> No.19126518

I want to reform this slut into a responsible and pure man.

>> No.19126527
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Nice fashion Yang has.

>> No.19126529
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New pose.

>> No.19126530
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His must-be acquaintance is also stylish.

>> No.19126533
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Oh great, the more I look at these uniforms, the more I feel frisky.

>> No.19126534
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Don't forget our adorable heroine.

>> No.19126537
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>> No.19127040

i want an offbrand legend of the galactic heroes otome game now

>> No.19127162

This one is also kill after 2 years and 4 months although it seems they will have some kind of announcement on July 1 for some reason.

>> No.19128786
File: 466 KB, 1800x1390, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corda manga
>Tsukimori won in the end
>College timeskip manga
>They still have feelings for each other
>Been sending love letters to each other while he's abroad
>Can't stop thinking about how much they miss each other
>"ps they're not dating LOL"
>About to approach BroCon levels as the rest of the harem starts acting up

Can't have my cute long distance love story in peace.

>> No.19129172

Does anyone know what happened to that translation group that was selling rejet games?

>> No.19129415
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>Meikoi Nendos

Holy shit

>> No.19130099

There was this game called Little Anchor years ago, where the MC is the captain of a starship. You've got your crew members as potential love targets and in between all the story you have to fight space battles, too.

>> No.19130353

Oh shit. I didn't know there's a continuation. When has this been released? As long as Hino still likes him, he wins by default.

>> No.19130569

It started running in LaLa in December, but only one chapter every 2 months. There are 3 chapters out now.

>> No.19132432

I feel like if localizations are getting announced at ax this will get one

>> No.19134840
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Don't look at the hands

>> No.19135190

But they are near the crotch I was looking, is hard not to.

>> No.19135268

Any recs for something leaning more towards the shota end of things, but more situational sexiness rather than overt stuff? Really good characterization is a must.

>> No.19135276

>Don't look
>big hands
Oh my.

>near the crotch I was looking
Anon, pls.

>> No.19139120
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>used goods

>> No.19139123
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the only thing that comes to mind is ショタに至る病

>> No.19139376

>Ken ga Toki Twitter is updating again
So it isn't dead after all. Nice.

>> No.19139668

Dramatic Create having a Summer sale https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/grid/PN.CH.JP-PN.CH.MIXED.JP-CATEGORY00002687/1

>> No.19139740

picked the hell up. thanks!

>> No.19140912
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Whose lollipop would you suck?


>> No.19143226

Otoya is my boy anon. I don't know if jap candy is anything like those lollipops they sell here but I imagine they all mostly taste like sugar anyway.

That fucking mobile game won't ever give me his photos. I'm inundated with photos of every boy but him.

>> No.19147879
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I've finally finished Collar x Malice. Every time I read an otome VN in english I'm reminded, that I should stop and stick only to jap versions. I wonder if they did any QA on the translation, probably not.

Anyway, I've enjoyed the game, it was one of the betters reads from the couple of titles I've read recently. Shame that I knew the big bads identity while doing my second route, they left if very obvious who he was.

Sasazuka > Yanagi > Enomoto > Shiraishi > Okazaki

The MC was also okay. I also like the volume of this game, especially that I read if after the mistake called Period Cube.

Now for my next game, should I start Tengai, Ikemen Sengoku or Code Realize 2nd fd? My backlog is still much bigger than that, but those are couple of the newest games I have.

>> No.19149265

>Ikemen Sengoku
An MC fashion designer is isekai'd into the Warring States period? What.

>> No.19149669

It's a mobage port, what can you expect?

>> No.19149817
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At least it wasn't an alternate universe Warring States period where everyone is a vampire or werewolf

>> No.19150096

>everyone is a vampire or werewolf
>tfw you will never see an MC that is a vampire or werewolf or supernatural being that goes back to the Warring States period full of humans to sexually bully them
Sad. Does a BL or otome game like that exist?

>> No.19150134

>tfw you will never see an MC that is a vampire or werewolf
For otome MC, Princess Nightmare's Little is a vampire.

>> No.19150212

Ah thanks for reminding me. That was an awesome game with a cheeky MC. Good character development, and dialogue. I'm surprised she even managed to snag a ghost Ogata Megumi, and an undead cyborg.

>> No.19150326

I guessed the big bad before I even left the common route. I was suspicious by the second conversation with him.

>> No.19151164

What did you think about the big bad's motivations near the ending? I thought it was rather weak and executed poorly. The main cast and the decent story mostly made it a fun read to me.

>> No.19151490

What are all the cute boy rhythm games besides Live on Stage?

>> No.19151942

Yeah, it was definitely lacking depth and his endings were too short and random to be considered good. I think it'd be more interesting if they'd pursue the Mikuni plot more.

I was also considering Mochida, but at the very end of Okazaki route the chin of the bad guy did not match with him

I'm glad that the MC was good one, but the romantic developments were too fast at times, they barely know each other for less then one month. It hurt me the most with Yanagi's route and the whole ring present. Who the fuck proposes after one month.

I'm gonna definitely get the FD.

Sometimes it's fun to play something without any expectations and just go into a mediocre game. It's Cero D so I only hope for some more daring content.

>> No.19152989

>without any expectations
I suppose that's true. I never would've played Kurayami no Hate, and Bakumatsu Renka if it weren't for that. I had fun poking the guys at Kurayami no Hate. I enjoyed Bakumatsu Renka for its serious tone, but it's too stiff with the narrative. The MC was just 'there' in most of the routes.

>> No.19153271
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I completed Nobunaga and Ieyasu's routes in Ikemen Sengoku and all things considered I actually do like the game. Though apparently the bonus chapters from the phone version were removed in exchange for the Vita routes, so the routes in the Vita version are even shorter.

>> No.19154356

Don't post this reddit shit.

>> No.19154470

>Don't post this tumblr shit

>> No.19154488

It came from the official Twitter.

>> No.19154523

How's the length of the routes, anon? I've just started the game earlier today.

>> No.19154659

I only played the phone version, but each route has about 10 common chapters, plus an extra 5 for each route branch. Of course mobage get away with shorter routes by limiting how much you read for free in a day, but if each chapter can be finished in about 10 minutes it probably wouldn't take that long to clear a route in one go.

>> No.19154759

ボーイフレンド(仮)きらめきノート. I'm surprised it hasn't kill yet.

>> No.19154851

Ichu and YumeCast.

>> No.19155319
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>> No.19155357

those are ugly.

that game's getting a vita port by the way.

>> No.19155418

How shameful.

>> No.19157700

I assume you mean mobage in particular. Also noted what isn't idolshit.

Uta no Prince-sama Shining Live
Idolmaster SideM Live on Stage
Boyfriend Beta Kirameki Note
B-PROJECT: Muteki*Dangerous
Tsukino Paradise
King of Prism: Prism Rush! Live
New Prince of Tennis: RisingBeat (not idolshit)
Yumeiro Cast (not idolshit)

>Boys and girls
Show by Rock (not idolshit)

Also shout out to Bakumatsu Rock even though it's not a mobage.

>> No.19157762

Toranoana's new layout is still ass. Checking a game's tokuten shouldn't be a hassle.

>> No.19159657
File: 53 KB, 600x338, De2DJQWVMAAwmwz.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just looks like StarRevo with a higher budget desu.

>> No.19162974

So that makes about 10 bobge on Vita now?

>> No.19163093
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>I won't hand you over to anybody, not even myself

We're approaching uncharted levels of deep here.

>> No.19163279
File: 85 KB, 780x300, De0Pr52UwAcE8Dz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a release date

>> No.19164159

Love how they're trying to charge 5000yen for a B2 tapestry

>> No.19165246
File: 141 KB, 600x600, img_chara (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DearVo music is always nice but goddammit they need to drag KENN back from idols for a second, at least for a few new tracks.

>> No.19168676

they should make a takarazuka inspired game for girls

>> No.19168805

That would just be yuri shit.

>> No.19169806

What's the difference between BL shit and yuri shit other than coming from the sunless spot?

>> No.19169857

I don't like either, I just tolerate the BL talk in this thread because it's still about guys and nobody here is an insufferable fujo sperg.

>> No.19170588
File: 55 KB, 600x337, 7-Scarlet_07-01-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the route for childhood friend in 7s'carlet. Does it get better? Because it was just downright terrible and the main antagonist a complete joke. "Mwahaha", seriously?. All that build up for an actual interesting story and what you end up getting is a fucking edge lord clad in all black leather, a cape, and a cross eyed retarded cat mask. Can't get over how the "anatagonist" clashes with the previously built up more "serious" supernatural story in the beginning. Please someone tell me I just didn't waste 39.99 buckaroos.

>> No.19170863

It gets weirder, anon. Prepare for some magic zombie bullshit flowers. But Sousuke and especially Yuzuki are best boys. Just ignore the secret route, that's where it gets the worst.

>> No.19171167

Feel free to spoiler me on this, but is the brother a route? I'm getting huge vibes he's going to be the secret route. And if so, is he blood related? Or is the secret route Tsukuyomi (the mc has mentioned too many times that he seems "similar" to her brother, so maybe he's "inherited/devoured" the soul of her brother or some other nonsense). I also think it might be Tsukuyomi because the game has mysteriously left out what the older brother looks like so far.

>> No.19171240

Of course it's the brother and of course they're not blood related. He's some old kami who got cursed or something. The MC always saw him as a brother, but suddenly nope, we fuck now. It was such poorly written plot. I don't remember many of the details, since I played the game when it came out, but try and don't drop it until Yuzuki. He's a nice tsundere.

And if you don't mind the spoiler on the antagonist it's Tsukuyomi. Before the patch the jap version spoiled this in Hino's route.

>> No.19171792
File: 81 KB, 500x594, 1520522950921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll hold out for Yuzuki then. Weird how the two poster boys for the game seem to be the most boring now from reviews I'm reading.
>not blood related
Why do they do this...every single time. Is there a single otome or Bl out there with actual incest? Why does no company have the actual balls to go ahead with full on sibling incest? I get that it's squick to some, but then why even include the hint of it being a real incestuous relationship in the first place?

>> No.19171817

>Is there a single otome or Bl out there with actual incest?
Love Revo

>> No.19171908

BWS and Tiny x Machinegun too. I think you mostly get NBR cause people still want the taboo but without the actual "squick" factor and you can also use the reveal as a twist.

>> No.19171909

>stat raising
>that art
Anything else?

>> No.19171914

i think sanzen sekai yuugi does but don't quote me on that.

>> No.19172069

not games but i know some drama CDs with real incest

kyoudai no renai jijou is the main series i can think of now, though there are definitely others

>> No.19172274
File: 81 KB, 425x318, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the matter, don't want to get /fit/?

>> No.19172753

Is Banyaro seriously ending because of iphone X coding? Couldn't they continue on android?

>> No.19172778

Only poor people own androids, so no.

>> No.19172813

Most Japs are iShitters, especially women.

>> No.19172857
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>> No.19173684

There will be a male spin off of Bang Dream soon.

>> No.19175052
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>> No.19175100

The blonde guy's face reminds me of something but I can't put my finger on it.

>> No.19175636
File: 2.25 MB, 1545x1209, mainimg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone getting this?

>> No.19176687

Absurdly bad taste, only thing worse than Iphone is Windows phone.

>> No.19176711

Hino is not that bad, now Isora almost made me drop the game, sadly they're the first routes. It starts improving with Toa until the True end, the locked route is interesting but the conclusion was poorly done.

>> No.19177539

That sameface is fucking horrible.

>> No.19180594
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>> No.19182030
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>> No.19182362

We had Banyaro, but good music never lasts.

>> No.19182407

I would love more theater inspired otome. Teikoku Star just left me lacking.

>> No.19182416

At the very least they should have made a special 10th anniversary Wasurenagusa tapestry instead of using Gyofuuroku's. Feels weird celebrating it without Hijikata.

>> No.19182483

Oh nice. How come every time I see their new images, their hair gets fluffier? I hope aromarie releases a new game. I'd like to see more of their refinedwork.

>> No.19182752

Good shit.

>> No.19183017

Isn't one of these guys a masochist? Who was it again?

>> No.19183787

think it was the halfu butler.

>> No.19184216

Bang Dream is full of yuri pandering. Wonder how gay the boy side will be.

>> No.19184278

The less yumejo pandering, the better the characters. They might change it though.

>> No.19184349

It has a nice UI, too. Though it might get nerfed like what happened to SideM.
My main complaint about Bang Dream that the music just sounds like idol trash with guitars faintly in the background.

>> No.19186864

Isn't that the game where all you need to do is eat cheesecake and go biking to lose weight?

>> No.19190621

There was a yuri route with a takarazuka love interest in Hoshizora no Comic Garden.

>> No.19194288

This anon >>19183787 is right. I like him more outside his route, and in his bad ending continuation in the FD. All the chosen bad endings in the FD give a delightful bitter contrast to the happy ending scenes available. I can't recommend viewing the FD enough after finishing the main game.

>> No.19197611
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>> No.19202796
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>> No.19202834
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>> No.19202838
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Now, among the three heroines, who is the best-looking or cutest?

>> No.19202861

Who cares

>> No.19202879


>> No.19203151

The fuck are those jalapeno looking shoes? Anyway, my vote goes to Camera-chan

>> No.19203594

We also have a new game by Aromarie

>> No.19204497
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>> No.19204603

Is the one on the left a tranny or an actual female?

>> No.19205048

They are both girls.

>> No.19205380


>> No.19205697

Kin'iro no Corda 3.

>> No.19205942

Manager a best.

>> No.19206323

Why do they all have moles?

>> No.19206372

They are sisters.

>> No.19207467
File: 208 KB, 445x630, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hereditary.

>> No.19207748
File: 318 KB, 982x1200, DfE_fJjV4AA8kAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is Girl's Style's final magazine issue.

>> No.19207761

They lost so much content after QuinRose died.

>> No.19208172

They going online only or stopping altogether?

>> No.19208757

Online only it seems: https://twitter.com/dengekigirls/status/1005375323137925120

>> No.19213107
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>It's a crossover episode

>> No.19215164
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>> No.19220170

TokiRes is going to be kill in 1 week after the movie BD will be released in August. I wonder why they are suddenly decided to kill it. Surprisingly it managed to last for 5 years and 5 months.

>> No.19221243

Kinda surprised that it even lasted this long.

>> No.19221711

Why'd the rap battle thing become so popular? Are the characters really good or something?

>> No.19222028

Had a good run considering that Konami abandoned it after like a year. It looks like Koei will continue doing events and concerts too. Maybe we can actually get a Tokimemo-style otome game now p-please?

>> No.19223106

post tmgs3 tier list


>> No.19224308 [DELETED] 

http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/tokires/livedocumentary/Enjoy whatever this thing instead. Konami is busy with Tokimeki Idols.

>> No.19224326 [DELETED] 

>>19222028 #
http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/tokires/livedocumentary/Enjoy whatever this thing instead.

>> No.19224340

Enjoy whatever this thing instead.

>> No.19224555

But you already posted true list.

>> No.19226673

why do you have to say that? I was ready to argue my case

>> No.19235733

>tfw no otome game where you play as a sadist like in Hadaka

>> No.19235802

? What about that bee one?

>> No.19235821

All the male LI are not masochists, only one of them is and he's disgusting. From what I remember he even shits himself at one part I think?

>> No.19237562

Women that act like that are just cringy.

>> No.19237828

Rin does get abused too.

>> No.19243807

We're talking about 2D here, anon.

>> No.19243817

And? Still retarded.

>> No.19243848

How so?

>> No.19243875

Have you never read good femdom djs or listened to situCDs? If that's not your thing I understand though.

>> No.19243923

Femdom is shit.

>> No.19244156

That's just, like, your opinion man.

>> No.19244308

>being this beta

>> No.19244412

You're beta by default if you like otome shit.

>> No.19244455

Compared to BL where 95% of all games you play as a bottom bitch in comparison?

>> No.19244464

Who said anything about BL? Pretty sad you had to bring it up homo shit to defend yourself.

>> No.19244647

I'll agree to disagree with you then.

>> No.19244898

why couldn't every sudden surge of posts be magazine scans

>> No.19244913

chinks stopped uploading shit

>> No.19245019

It’s the otome and BL general dumbass.

>> No.19245026


>> No.19245531

If you don't like otome or Bl what exactly are you doing here?

>> No.19245608

You keep making retarded assumptions. I'm mocking someone for liking otome while calling others betas.

>> No.19245646

Why are femdomfags so easily triggered?

>> No.19245862

Magazines are dropping like flies too or going digital.

>> No.19245897

Rozzak, is that you?

>> No.19246074

What's Giancarlo from Luckydog1 like? I played Lamento and almost liked Konoe but then he turned into a bitch that kept going "stop~ no~" through entire sex scenes and needed characters to nag at him to do things to get the plot going. I just want an MC that doesn't hesitate to get off their ass and get shit done and preferably actually enjoys sex as well.

>> No.19246309

there's several well-known, easy to find games that fit that description.

>> No.19246730

You'll like him better I guess.

>> No.19248498

>MC that doesn't hesitate to get off their ass and get shit done and preferably actually enjoys sex as well.
There's also Omerta, Tokyo Onmyoji, Mebiusline.
JJ and Tengenjibashi are kind of manwhores.
Kyoichiro might be 2cute for some but fits.

>> No.19248627


>> No.19248889
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>2 more weeks
I'm going to wait and see some reviews first.

>> No.19249382
File: 374 KB, 1536x2048, Df5DHIWU0AEga8I.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idol clothes

>> No.19250618

When was the last time otomate released anything good

>> No.19253700

Still waiting for Variable.

>> No.19253777

Good luck.

>> No.19256684

Oh boy, I feel old. I haven't even played dmmd after all these years. What happened to that other game they announced in 2017?

>> No.19257204

Still working on it. They skipped doing an April Fool's joke this year to focus on it.

>> No.19257949

Hoping they'll keep it on Vita.

>> No.19258211

it'll be mobile

>> No.19258966

Any otome games with men in their 50s to 60s?

>> No.19259050
File: 1.07 MB, 3163x2136, TR000c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 16
Download of the full anthology (Touken Ranbu Anthology ~ Records of Fresh Breeze~) including color illustrations

We'll take a break for a month, but start working on a new anthology next month!

>> No.19259409


>> No.19261407

Habataki Watcher got a twitter account https://twitter.com/HabatakiWatcher

>> No.19261561
File: 1023 KB, 2144x3036, 68754158_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>本日6月20日は『ときめきメモリアル Girl's Side』生誕16周年。

Happy Birthday!

>> No.19261596


>> No.19261613

Am I the only one that doesn't like Yuuya's art?

>> No.19261754

Dynamic Chord feat. apple-polisher V edition (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/7 [31/40]
Kurenai no Homura: Sanada Ninpou Chou (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>> No.19263416

Nips speculate that TakagiD's games would sell more if she didn't keep using Yuuya.

>> No.19265953
File: 978 KB, 1022x574, best chair ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what I remember he even shits himself at one part I think
I don't remember that but it's been like 2 years I played it

>> No.19268587

Thanks for all your translation work.

>> No.19268595

>kyoudai no renai jijou
Isn't the second set of CDs with bad endings? The first set had maybe two pairs of blood-related siblings.

>> No.19269378
File: 583 KB, 1920x1080, DgEPNSRUEAIJy-r.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking forward to Gunneko, seems fun so far.

>> No.19270001

October 11th

>> No.19270016

All the Kyoudai No Renai pairs are fully blood related, as far as I remember.

>> No.19270615
File: 91 KB, 1024x585, DgLhBRnUYAAqHhY.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jin's done with being being subtle, just get in bed with him.

>> No.19275070


>> No.19275441
File: 105 KB, 800x800, DgSOEzFVAAACU1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a cutie

>> No.19276160

no thanks

>> No.19276288

What's wrong with heterochromia?

>> No.19276331

I don't like it.

>> No.19276969

I'm pretty intrested in the mafia one that's gonna be relased in august

>> No.19277018

I'd give it a chance because of its writer.

>> No.19278172

XSEED is finally localizing Eikoku Tantei Mysteria after teasing it how many years ago.

>> No.19278289

I just want one like a dude's romance game but with all the genders flipped.

>> No.19278296

>engirls is mindless cute sol
>enstars is melodrama and slight homo
Well at least they're honest.

>> No.19278301

At least they got a few people who can actually rap on the project. I remember one of the buster bros is a professional.

>> No.19278439

Too difficult. Request something else.

>> No.19278592

Such as? This is too vague.

>> No.19278720

yeah that doesn't make much sense. I can only guess they mean nukige because there aren't many of those in otome.

>> No.19278794

Maybe chuuni stuff?

That's usually what people mean when they say that.

>> No.19278803

>JUST took a break from playing the PSP version thinking to myself how it wasn't worth all the teasing XSeed was doing if they even remembered it

But this is nice news, will still get it. May the baka gaijin market save Karin before the mobage kills them

>> No.19278818

why are chuuni games so rare in otome anyway?

>> No.19278853

My first thought was gender differences, but many popular BL games are chuunige, so maybe not.

>> No.19278899

It's more popular in light novels, at least.

>> No.19278911

Yeah, that wouldn't be my first thought for something unique to eroge since as >>19278853 points out chuuni shit is also common in BL games.

I think some elements are there in a lot of them, it's just a lot lighter perhaps due to otome players generally being younger than the eroge or even BL audience. Being restricted to all-ages suppresses a lot more than sexual content.

>> No.19278997

For the same reasons r18 games are dead

>> No.19279129

>chuuni stuff
>average otome MC
sounds like a disaster desu. careful what you wish for.

>> No.19279200

They did say with the genders flipped. And who knows, it could be a beautiful trainwreck.

>> No.19279733

They're doing the Vita version so it's still worth playing the PSP version if you like the voices better.

>> No.19279875

>Chuunishit with an otome MC
What is Fate/Prototype

>> No.19279925

shit nobody cares about.

>> No.19279931

Would there even be an audience for that if you made an otome game with nukige elements? It could get viewers if all the lewds happened to the MC, but if the boys got it instead I would be impressed.

>> No.19279942

Given that there's barely an audience for regular R18 otome, probably not.

>> No.19279991

I'll wait for the Vita port

>> No.19280008

I wonder if there would be room for something that isn't some degree of femdom or being serially sexually assaulted. I feel like those are the only scenarios the average woman would go for in straight up porn. I don't really see the generic "surrounded by a bunch of hot girls and we fuck every day because they love my dick" scenario gender flipped catching much interest.

>> No.19280017

MC getting raped nonstop would be pretty popular

>> No.19280046

None of it matters, otome will be mostly dead after the Vita is discontinued anyway

>> No.19280074

Something that'll never be a game even though it should be...

>> No.19280085

Otome has been pretty dead for a while already, but I doubt Vita's death will affect its death in any way since the move of VNs to the Switch seems to be going pretty smoothly.

>> No.19280106

A pipe dream that consists of a 10 minute short

>> No.19280114

I don't know about Japan but I heard a bunch of middle school girls talking about that stupid texting phone game casually. But then again a lot of Japanese companies hate foreigners anyway >>19280106

>> No.19280160

People actually want that? It'd always be treated as inferior by both the devs and the Fate fanbase. I'd rather an entirely original otome series instead of riding off of preexisting eroge and proving that otome inherently sucks.

>> No.19280179

i suspect some people just want to one-up fanboys which is retarded considering it's their series in the first place

>> No.19280190

There is an audience for lewd stuff going by all the R18 situation CD's that come out a year. It's just a matter of cost and nobody trying anything close to a full nukige to really gauge interest.

It would just be a short game with more ero scenes than normal R18 otome and more focus on the guy during sex scenes. A lot of older R18 otome is basically softcore where even accounting for the mosaic you couldn't see anything.

I just love Lancer and Gil even if they're slightly different versions.

>> No.19285244

