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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 800x600, saya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1905350 No.1905350 [Reply] [Original]

So has /jp/ already stopped caring about saya? I remember people going on and on about how great it was before the patch, but now that its out people seem to not even care. There are still posts about other VNs, but it seems if its not made by type moon no one cares after a week that its released.

>> No.1905352

Saya no Uta is so last week. Get with the times, man.

>> No.1905365

saya no uta wasn't epic like FSN

>> No.1905358

not enough fanarts

>> No.1905362

Well everyone has played it and everything that can be talked about has, that's all there is to it.

>> No.1905361

Motherfucker, have you not seen the long ass SnU threads? I'm half certain you're just posting this to do some durr hurr type moon trolling.

>> No.1905359

People got sick of "fuck dis shit, read saya no uta instead" in every thread that wasn't Saya no Uta.

>> No.1905364

I haven't played it yet, and I'm STILL waiting for translations to be posted

>> No.1905366
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One word: Herons.
And one of these days there will be justice.

>> No.1905367

moonspeakers trolled /jp/ into liking it before it was released

>> No.1905370

almost finished playing it myself

should i feel bad that im unphazed by all the fucked up shit in it?

>> No.1905373

There's really not much to talk about for SnU. Short story, small setting, small cast of characters, little background.

>> No.1905375

TM and Touhou are lifelong /jp/ content. SnU isn't.

Deal with it.

>> No.1905376
File: 50 KB, 800x800, 1231730240754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the slowest of all pokes.

>> No.1905381

Not everyone can appreciate art I guess.

>> No.1905382

Perhaps I am, but that means I have more in life to enjoy than you fasters.

>> No.1905384

It was overhyped just like Chaos;Head.

>> No.1905390

They said the same thing about Take it Easy heads. Enjoy your passing trends.

>> No.1905391
File: 297 KB, 973x746, 1231730383184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

>> No.1905392

Exactly what are you expecting?
The game does not have much fan work compared to Type-moon. The result would have been the same even if the translation was done a year or two ago.

>> No.1905396

What's this whole "saaya"thing about /jp/ ?

>> No.1905401

I don't have the time to be mad, I have an important in my life I live

>> No.1905403


I, for one, can't wait until the touhou business dies down.

That still doesn't change the fact that SnU is "so last week"

>> No.1905411
File: 33 KB, 350x294, 1231730621202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Take it Easy heads

>> No.1905412

I'm just shocked that after last week (when I was unable to read it) the front page was covered with how great SnU was, how it was the deepest and best VN to date, ect ect.

I understand /jp/ will always have a soft spot for TM, but I'm just a little shocked that only a week later there are no SnU threads on any of the 10 pages. Most VNs which had at least a little notoriety on /jp/ (and SnU had tons of hype going for it) had at least 1 thread a week after they were released. Even considering how short SnU was its surprising its getting no attention, but then again I suppose it was the same thing in Japan, so overseas its no different.

>> No.1905415


Get over it, already.

>> No.1905417
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>> No.1905420
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>Take it Easy heads

>> No.1905421

Apparently I'll have to, since /jp/ already has.

>> No.1905430

>its surprising its getting no attention

I haven't played this but I see no reason to stop giving it attention if you think it's good. Why use /jp/ as an indication of how well deserved of praise something should be? If you wanna appreciate it then go ahead and do so man

>> No.1905432
File: 53 KB, 480x640, 1231731000447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Saya as much as you do, but the story is pretty straightforward and there isn't much to talk about. If you want to make Saya threads, I certainly wouldn't object to it.

>> No.1905438

SnU is like one of these movies acclaimed by critics. You watch it, you like it, but then in the next day you're discussing Star Wars with your friends because no matter how the good the movie was it still isn't as interesting as Star Wars even though the latter is completely inferior technically speaking.

SnU is a mix of win and fail, awesome yet forgettable. It happens.

>> No.1905437


Yeah, Saya is fun while it lasts. It's not a bad game at all, but it's still pretty forgettable.

Everyone agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.1905463
File: 41 KB, 350x500, 1231731342692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, we need a new VN to overhype until we get a translation.
I nominate 428:Fuusa Sareta Shibuya de
or 428: In the Locked City Shibuya
or 428: The World Doesn't Change Even So

Takes place in Shibuya, has multiple protagonists whose choices affect other protagonists, and has a scenario by Type-Moon.

Perfect 40/40 Famitsu score
Yuu Takigawa (Ever17/12Riven illustrator) seems to love it

>> No.1905469



That's just useless. Surely there's a PC version.

>> No.1905472

Nope. But there's gonna be an animu with type-moon art.

>> No.1905473

We could always talk about Guro Cure.

>> No.1905482

hahaha really?

>> No.1905484
File: 183 KB, 425x1700, 1231731596277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally found it

>> No.1905483




Try again. Excellent suggestion, though.

>> No.1905488


>> No.1905489

Yeah, can't find the trailer right now though. Look it up.

>> No.1905497


No, Sumaga!

>> No.1905498


Is it because the show is called 'Canaan'? Maybe that will hep.

>> No.1905501

Yeah, that's it.


>> No.1905502

this is the same as when a TM or higurashi/umineko or touhou or wanko or chaoshead or utawarerumono etc get a translation, thread spam lasts a week at most

or for that matter

>> No.1905508


Who is we\

>> No.1905515

How about not overhyping anything?

>> No.1905519


That would be boring.

>> No.1905539

ugh... it looks like some random girls with guns anime, kind of stuff that GONZO loves to make adaptations.

Not sure if I want.

>> No.1905565


You're going to like it.

>> No.1905579

did it ever occur to you op that TM is still talked about and not SnU because type moon's thing is its large universe and has a ton of different media going for it, and SnU is a single, short, but appreciated visual novel?

>> No.1905587 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 400x400, 1231732860216.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1905665

It was very short.

Some people underestimated its horror content (painter's family, Yoh, Fuminori's mindset)

People who were looking forward to it for Saya's guro moe mystique were put off when they found out she was wasn't some mindless too-pure-pure-girl but actually had plans, jealousies, and callousness.

Other people were put off by a sociopathic main character that actually acted like a sociopath.

There's a downside present in all the endings.

It was very short.

And God forbid there are sex scenes in the game when Saya's reproductive cycle is a huge theme in the story.

>> No.1905673

I'd be more interested if there was a prequel going into more detail about the characters pre-Saya summoning and Fuminori's accident, but it isn't too necessary since the VN did a good job explaining what it was like before those events occurred.

>> No.1905682
File: 54 KB, 583x800, 1231733819531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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          //     行ったり来たり♪
.         //       ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
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  リ´ゥ`oリノ // ┣¨┣¨┣¨ ノリo´ゥ`リつ
  O   つ /       ニ と   _O
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      ノハヽ☆ // ┣¨┣¨┣¨ ノリo´ゥ`リ
 Σ⊂_ ̄リ´ゥ`oリノ/         と  とヽ

>> No.1905691

still curious about the aftereffects of the germination end

>> No.1905697
File: 122 KB, 853x1280, 1231733914327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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;⌒`)⌒`)ニニニニ し'" ̄ ̄
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  O   つ /       ニ と   _O
 Σ(_/⊃ ニニニニニニ (_/ ⌒
              //    だって止まらないで♪
.             //     ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        ((   //        ☆ノノハヽ
      ノハヽ☆ // ┣¨┣¨┣¨ ノリo´ゥ`リ
 Σ⊂_ ̄リ´ゥ`oリノ/         と  とヽ
    Dつ_ノつ ニニニニニ人人 し'⌒(__) キキキッ

>> No.1905759

So what you're saying is that people's expectations were dashed? I actually was happy it turned out how you described though, I was ready for something generic and got something awesome.

>> No.1905817

I'm a bit dissatisfied with the "good" ending. I wish they would've gone more in depth with what the world would become after saya's transformation, and more about what saya and fuminori's roles in the new world would be.

Also I wish they wouldve had the fight scene be in fuminori's perspective at least once. Both endings have a blatant copy-paste job there, and I woulda liked to see what it looked like from Fuminori's eyes (with Yue getting beat to death and, if its the bad end, Saya getting killed)

>> No.1905864

Fuck, I still can't get SnU to run on my comp.

>> No.1905869

I was under the impression Saya died after germination in that end and Fuminori transformed into a tentacle monster like the rest of humanity.

>> No.1905872

Japanese locale?

>> No.1905901

>So what you're saying is that people's expectations were dashed?

Some people's expectations yes, esp those who weren't quite into the guro or mythos genres.

>I actually was happy it turned out how you described though, I was ready for something generic and got something awesome.

I was also quite happy with it, this game has been looming in my mind for over a year or two and reading it gave me a huge amount of satisfaction. I myself would fit under the "too short" category. It could have probably used another guro and ero scene or two and maybe another ending.

>> No.1905902

applocale install, and applocale to run it worked for me (since it lets you make shortcuts to not have to start up applocale after the first time)

>> No.1905920

Tried, all I get is the warning screens to load up and then the game freezes. People told me to just wait awhile and it would eventually load but haven't had any luck so far.

>> No.1905932

Wait longer.


>> No.1905945

its an oddity in how long it takes to load for a vn

>> No.1905954

Well I just left the program on and went to sleep to see if it would load up and it hasn't worked. I guess I'll keep trying and praying for now.

>> No.1905958

I didnt understand this either, it implies she'll die, but Saya says she's not going to die.

Maybe she was just referring to the fact her DNA would cover the world now or something.

>> No.1905962
File: 85 KB, 420x600, 1231736091373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1905976

did you just start the program normally or are you using applocale to run it?

if i dont use applocale it pauses after the initial age/whatnot warning screens when you fire it up

>> No.1906024

I'm running this on Japanese locale on Vista.

>> No.1906044

I'm pretty sure it doesn't work on vista yet, you might just have to wait for all the kinks to get smoothed out.

>> No.1906058

ah dont know what to tell you, xp here still

does it make it to the little nitro+ movie after the warning screens for you? or just a black screen

>> No.1906060

That's what I was thinking but couple people on /jp/ with vistas got it to work so I tried.

>> No.1906065

No movie, just the black screen.

>> No.1906078

Works on my vista, and 64-bit no less, I'm running in Japanese locale though.

>> No.1906073

yeah thats what happens when i try to run it w/o locale
