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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 450x635, d58e418a27e067100c404755ad9a23f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
188811 No.188811 [Reply] [Original]

Yet another thread since auto-sage has once again kicked in.
see >>186996 and >>188071 for the previous threads.
I am the beta of my patch.
Incomplete is my status, and engrishy is my text.
I have created over a thousand threads.
Unaware of trolling.
Nor aware of the installer.
Withstood faggotry to fap to Rin.
Waiting for patch's arrival.
I have no regrets, this is the only path.
My whole life was "Unlimited Leak Works."


A couple of anon posted other mirrors but look in the other threads. Password is "MESSAGE IS A FAGGOT" (without quotes). Mirror Moon is a great group and I hope TakaJun realizes that we love him and his work. Also this is probably the last thread I'll make. So someone make a new one if this gets full or a sticky would be nice.

>> No.188812

Message is gay

>> No.188813

save game plz

>> No.188832


Should be one on rapidsearch

>> No.188835

You know what? I thought the original Fate route was pretty well done. I want this UBW route to be the same quality of the fate route. But who knows maybe message will get the hint and they'll release the latest up to date build for everyones enjoyment.

>> No.188836



>> No.188840

I wanted to defend message, but then found out he was from the Netherlands. Fuck everything even remotely connected with that tardbag of a country.

>> No.188841

This patch just proves that Message is probably the greatest fag ever.
It takes 4 months to build an installer which can automate a file renaming? Please.

>> No.188842

Why hello there Message

>> No.188843
File: 36 KB, 550x283, 1205227472270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we were sending him Imouto porns right?

>> No.188845

Definitely message

>> No.188846
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>message will get the hint

>> No.188849

Can any anon update on what's happening on IRC now? Or is everybody too busy playing UBW?

>> No.188850
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>> No.188852

Tomorrow I meant maybe he'd stop being a faggot and release it tomorrow

>> No.188856

no drama

>> No.188862

Oh hell yes. I've been abstaining from downloading the damned game all this time.. I wanted a full translation of the whole thing, but now, with this, I'm getting too impatient to hold back anymore..

>> No.188872

Discussion about video technology and hardware.

>> No.188874

No drama at all.
They must be doing it in secret.

>> No.188903

I would just like to say that Message is a colossal fag.

You brought this on yourself.

>> No.188916

Brought what on himself? I don't see him having a hard time. The rest of the group will be facing more issues though.

>> No.188936


The only reason any of this happened is because others put their faith in message. Look where it got them.

Other people involved with the project have a right to feel hurt. I would. But that hurt can all be traced back to one person's need for an ego stroke that NOBODY ELSE WANTED.

>> No.188938

Yea caused by his faggot ass and his any month now installer.

>> No.188957


All of this could have been handled if he had just released the basic installer and then released an updated patch later with all of the fancy stuff.

Of course, if he's trying for some anti-piracy thing, then that would sort of defeat the purpose, but those are just a waste of time anyways, since anonymous just finds ways around them.

>> No.188963

Awww, too easy to get banned their channel.
I don't feel like generating anymore mac addresses, someone lemme know if something interesting happens.

>> No.188967



Or at least told someone what the hell was going on with the damn thing so we don't assume that it's taken months to get an installer that was not written from scratch by him to replace one file in a folder.

>> No.188968

Thanks. Now i can fap to rin.

>> No.188970

I don't get this "anti piracy" thing, why is that needed? Most people playing the game are pirating it and the translation is an illegal copyright violation too

>> No.188980

Trying to look "politically right" I bet.

>> No.188981

Not really. visual news and insani ask for official permission.

>> No.188982

t;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FATE STAY NIGHT

>> No.188983

Check out this thread for delicious Rin.

>> No.188985

After two threads of autosage we've hit autotroll.

>> No.188986

Is there a walkthrough for UBW?

>> No.188987

DELICIOUS RIN PICS -Ascalon's stash

>> No.188989


>> No.188991

Can't face the truth eh anon

>> No.188992

Sucks that this leak has made Takajun currently stop working on the HF translation though.

>> No.188994

Keep at it, you're gaining them troll points.

>> No.188995


>> No.188997


He'll get over it once he realized he's being a faggot like message.

>> No.189002


>> No.189004
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>> No.189005

He said so? Where?

>> No.189013


I'm sure he'll feel better once this blows over.

And once a few changes to the structure at mirror moon happen, if you know what I FIRE MESSAGE.

>> No.189016


same thing just happened to me. I'm guessing there's an issue with the patch or something, maybe because it's a really early revision.
sucks, huh!

>> No.189017

So it's bugged? When does this happen?

>> No.189018

This is the kind of stuff that is bound to happen when leaders don't lead and let other people start acting like they do.

Message has to go and the Leader has to lead.

>> No.189019



>> No.189028

I'm not really interested in the patch or F/SN, but I'm happy for the other people here who have been waiting for this seems like all eternity.

Good work.

>> No.189029

the Patch has been played, look for other problems.

>> No.189035

Look guys seriously give mirror moon a break eh. You guys deserve it. Takajun will not be doing the translation for a while.......... Who knows how long that'll be

>> No.189037


day 7, rooftop meeting with rin.

>> No.189033

how did the patch get leaked?

>> No.189042

Does this happen at the same point? If so when? The patch seems to be working for everyone else, and it worked for everyone at mm as well.

Just to be clear, as it worked for me: override the patch2.xp3 with the one provided on an installation of FSN with the the Fate route patch already applied beforehand. This will likely not work on a clean install without first installing the TL patch for the fate route.

That being said, I have no idea what's up with that. What OS are you using?

>> No.189047

Guys, I can tell you the deal real simple: Message was likely being a faggot hoping that someone would contract them for REAL translation work. The taxable-every-April kind.

>> No.189048


>> No.189064

you must not be able to read, he said he WOULD be finishing it. Now you can go suck Message off you troll.

>> No.189072

I'm using XP.

I just re-installed Fate patch from the installer and overwrote the patch2.xp3, then played that scene in >>189004 forward in Japanese and saved again. Then I just overwrote the patchfile with from UBW.rar.

It seems working now.

>> No.189073

Where exactly did he said that? Forum?

>> No.189083

Worked fine for me.

>> No.189084


winxp. it happens after a certain point in the conversation with rin on the rooftop during day 7.

I saved, reloaded with the old patch, and then skipped forward a bit before resaving and now it seems like I can continue, although I missed a fair amount of what just happened.

>> No.189088

It's quoted in one of the two threads you didn't read.

>> No.189091




>> No.189117

Huh it works fine for me, I'm trying to decipher the japanese error but my moon powers fail me slighty. I'm in that file @ line 83 trying to see what's wrong.

>> No.189120


When I watch these two posts, I can't help but think that these Anonymous called guys share.. what was it called again.. a hivemind?

>> No.189121

Does this work on ubuntu?

>> No.189125

But seriously why the hell did they need to make a whole new installer when all we had to do for this leaked patch was put it in the F/S folder? I don't get it? Do they honestly believe anyone who couldn't figure that out would even consider playing this?

>> No.189128


GTFO thats not even hivemind

>> No.189169

Oh hay I just read the first two threads.

I can't believe people on the MM forums were going "hurrr ill wait for official release by mm because.... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". And the ass-kissing and holier-than-thou shit they have going on, despite them not having anything to do with the project outside of sucking e-dick.

>> No.189182


they're still going i'll wait for the official!! here message place your cock in my anus!! etc

>> No.189184

It looked to me like message fanboys posting that shit.

>> No.189194

That has to be the most newfag remark I've ever heard.

>> No.189195


>> No.189200

I played a while back on my fedora box w/ wine, if you know how to install east-asian fonts, you should be fine.

Anyone else having that error on day 7? if so tell me and I'll see what's up. Thus far I've had little luck (since I can't reproduce the error on my own box).

>> No.189202


>> No.189242

im already on day 8 with no issues

>> No.189266
File: 3.00 MB, 2500x1753, 1205237330346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I was finally able to recreate the error. It definitly has to do with locale settings. Thank god I have like 3-4 different rigs in my home. I'm upping my updated patch in a bit. But only download if you're getting the error, otherwise it might break your working copy. That is to say only get it if day 7 messes up during the scene "Rin IV" w/ rin on the rooftop.

TL;DR get the .rar, if AND ONLY IF it messes up on day 7 get the updated patch here:

>> No.189270


Not only a leak, but a patch for those with issues.
You are a noble man.

>> No.189279
File: 48 KB, 800x600, 1205237503895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail Ascalon!

>> No.189281

Several hours and already more progress than Message gave us in 4 fucking months, that's a third of a year, and that's terrible.

>> No.189284

I'm actually learning more about the kirikiri engine which is a good thing. Now if I could only figure out how to remove the wrapping in the text file I could add my own edits to the script easily...

>> No.189285

Is this some kind of mouse clicking game?

>> No.189291

so should I use this patch or wait for ????.
is this the final translation?
the op post was a little misleading.
>engrishy is my text

>> No.189293


Readan game.

>> No.189295

Please notice our dear customer, that have multiple other choices than MOUSE 1! You can also press ENTER! If you think ENTER is too far away from your fat stomach, you can also try SPACE!

>> No.189296


You're welcome to wait until 2017....

>> No.189299

well I have no intention of waiting, I just want to know if the translation is accurate or final.

>> No.189302


excellent, that seems to have fixed it. thanks!

>> No.189303


He should already be feeling better.

Not like he's had a flood of people mocking his work or anything. Most people have been supportive and want him to continue.

>> No.189304

Try the patch. You have to read so much text, so that you cannot even recognize the small typos. And trust me, there's not much. I think it will be pretty much the same text even when the full release is out in October 20XX.

>> No.189305

TJ took down his rant. Or someone took it down for him.

>> No.189310


Its pre-editing.

In other words, kind of Engrishy, apparently.

I'd just wait. I don't think that it'll be long after today.

>> No.189311


ArchDemon took it down because I commented on it on the IRC.

>> No.189312
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That's okay though. I took a screencap.

>> No.189313

So how much longer until Message reveals he's the leak? My running theory, anyway.

This turns out as good news either way--anon gets paid this week, so purchasing a CDROM hot off the eleven presses will be my own little reward.

>> No.189314

The only insults I see are being directed at Message. Who doesn't deserve to be defended.

>> No.189316

I lol'd.

>> No.189317

takajun should just make the final edit public and a working installer would pop up pretty much instantly.

>> No.189319

I'm insulted that you'd imply I'm that dutch faggot.
It's definitely readable, I'd say a bit more raw than the clannad patch that's 'out'. Just not *as good as it gets*.

>> No.189321

I can understand the guy being pissed and hurt--that's human.

The fucked up part of this is, if this were a financial venture, they'd be fired for that holdover. On the other side, Message would have been fired by November.

>> No.189323


If Ascalon truly is Message, then he's the best goddamn troll in the world.

Bar none
Having successfully trolled BOTH sides, I don't think there's anyone that isn't pissed at him right now.

>> No.189328

How would you feel if I told you Message hasn't even started working on the installer and that all his 'beta testers' are just his pseudonyms?

>> No.189330

Thanks, man. I was just about to come on here and ask about that specific error.

>> No.189333

Is it funny to leak a patch from OCTOBER Ascalon?

>> No.189336

I wouldn't care because I'm playing UBW.

>> No.189337

Hello Message

>> No.189338


Well, He said he was gonna release it for christmas, but changed his mind.

>> No.189340

But... We know who's the leak, He's the OP of the past three threads you moran

>> No.189341

That would certainly make it easier for Message to not work on the installer anymore, yeah.

But I know who "Ascalon" is, and it isn't Message. :)

>> No.189342

>>189341 :)
Go back to Gaia faggot

>> No.189349

I'm glad to see you're saging because you do not believe your post is worth bumping the topic. :)

>> No.189354


>> No.189359


>> No.189365
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Meanwhile in /a/....

>> No.189371


>> No.189373

Oh wow serenity. It's been a while.

Also any errors please post them since I might have opened a pandora's box with the last patch. Also if anyone knows how to unwrap text from the files in the xp3s that'd be nice to know.

>> No.189376

>>189371 ^^

>> No.189393

I blame Windows Vista.

>> No.189403


This really isn't the thread for your faggotry. Just ignore him if it angers you.


I know nothing about kirikiri, but could it be line based?
If it's not that
Perhaps it's happening automatically. I'm looking at the files and it seems that "wrap text" is applied to every word. Perhaps try adding that "wrap text" to any word you plan on adding and see if it works?

>> No.189406


>> No.189409

don't you just hate when you download something in another computer, and have to wait to get home to test it?

Fuck yes, UBW patch!

>> No.189411

What's to be anger about?
I see :) makes you rage for no reasen

>> No.189414

It probably would, but that's not the issue. It's outright tedious to change words one by one. You see there's a base text file without all those [wrappwhatever = xxx]text. And then they use tools to make it so that bit gets added automatically. THEN they compile the xp3. I'm going to start testing things the tedious way to see if it works. But a quicker way would be nice.

>> No.189420

Sounds tedious, but then again learning through that method will give you a better understanding of the application.

That's always a good thing to me.

>> No.189424

i had to do exactly that. Downloaded the patch at work and went as fast as i can to home when my shift was over ;_;

>> No.189425


>> No.189430

These were me by the way. I keep forgetting to use the tripcode for this thread. Ah well, since I have nothing better to do I'll now be attempting to insert my own edited text into the patch. Wish me luck.

>> No.189435

I figured it out to. Takajun wanted to pressure Message into releasing the patch, so he leaked it himself.

>> No.189443


You don't have the base scenarios?

>> No.189444

I figured it out too. Takajun wanted to pressure Message into releasing the patch, so he leaked it himself.

>> No.189460


>> No.189476
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>> No.189491


It's not message's installer.
We're going to die like the disease ridden rats we are.
But on the plus side, we actually get to play UBW.

>> No.189508
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Good luck, and oh did I mention I love you?

>> No.189526

You're okay in my book. I posted as anonymous the other day in a bartender thread claiming that I'd be willing to go to Molkom for a drink. You can also get your ass down here and I'd be content with that too.

Also this is even more tedious than i expected.

>> No.189542

Will you still be continuing with the patch if mm decides to release theirs?

>> No.189545
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 1205242175069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit that was you huh? Well I'll be...
I'm moving out in two months, but I'm going to sthlm to visit sometime in late summer.
See you around!

>> No.189559


....Why would he?

>> No.189565

What a fucking time for my HDD that has my FSN game on it to crash

good thing it's on my External

>> No.189566

No, that's what I meant.
Now we'll never get the cure for cancer.

I do agree on the plus side though.

>> No.189574


Yeah, it was a pretty stupid question, but in the back of my mind I know that he won't. Otherwise, that would have been dumber.

>> No.189571


Well, now even people with cancer can play UBW.
Seems a fair tradeoff to me.

>> No.189597

Just downloaded game. This is the first visual novel I've played ever. Just finished the introduction, and it looks like this will bring me many fun hours.

And now that the translation is complete I can play it without using a walkthrough or anything so I don't accidentally end up on an untranslated path.

>> No.189600

savegame to rin h-scene plz

>> No.189606

I'm glad I got this before the final official version. I have a pirated version of fate/stay night and it would have been a pain to deal w/ anti piracy crap.

>> No.189604

Sadly, the final and longest path is still untranslated.

>> No.189615

It doesn't give you the option to enter another path until you beat the one before it. As I had to reformat recently I had to replay fate to get to UBW

>> No.189618


ohshi Heavens Feel you mean.

Well damnit. damnit damnit damnit.

>> No.189627

I have much to learn.

>> No.189660


If it makes you feel better, it might not ever get released now. So you might as well download and read away.

>> No.189665

so how do you use the save files here >>188836
i extract them to the Fate folder but they didn't show up

>> No.189674

You can't say the fans will never do something.

>> No.189696

Save goes in My Documents

>> No.189706

well fuck....
thank you anon

>> No.189707
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Indeed I would not. This is a mirror moon project and it belongs to them. I just want TakaJun and the others to realize that we love their work and we don't sweat the petty details.

So now, I'm *really* going to take a nap (I know I've claimed so for hours now), be back by evening probably. The .ks files are way too tedious to manually edit and hopefully I won't have to do that since MM will god-willing release the edited version. Make sure to report any other errors like the previous ones because those are relatively easy to fix.

>> No.189715


Have a nice nap, you deserve it.

>> No.189752

How can I transfer my completion progress and played time from one computer to another?

>> No.189779

I just came home from work!

What the fuuuuuck happened?

>> No.189783

This dude released a translated ubw bit from something like four months back. It's pretty well done, some engrish but largely intact.

No installer required, amusingly.

>> No.189784


...Read the goddamn OP?

>> No.189823

Need answers.

>> No.189831

What choices for UBW Route?

>> No.189833


>> No.189836
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Emiya-kun is such a funny guy.

>> No.189837

1. Complete Fate route
2. Reload from SEIBAA vs. Lancer fight
3. Stop SEIBAA from attacking Rin (only appears if you've done step 1)

>> No.189839

Yes, I've copied over save files but it doesn't keep my played time and it doesn't register that I've beaten the route.

>> No.189845

So for those who are playing it right now, is it good so far? Is it distinctively better than Fate? Since lots of people were saying that UBW was much better than Fate(that was a disappointment), I'm just wondering if it was all hype and nothing else.
Well I won't be able to play it till the end of the week myself.

>> No.189850

The initial Berserker fight is a lot better. The rest that I've gone through is normal everyday life, which is basically the same as Fate.

>> No.189852

God bless you, Ascalon. God bless you. ;___;

>> No.189867

it's much, much better, Lancer vs Archer part 2 is fuck win. Shirou vs Archer is awesome.
And Shirou taking down Gil all by himself is incredibly GAR.
and the route is full of Archer GARness.

>> No.189868


UBW gives you a greater feel throughout, and for people who liked Rin it's a godsend. But the endings give you a much better feeling than the hollow, empty Gainax-like ending Fate did. It's kind of sad in a parallel way though, since this time Shiro and Saber never fell in love, yet this time Saber gets to stay. What the hell.

>> No.189871
File: 124 KB, 1092x637, 1205247183820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat failfag here, Im not very familiar with visual novels, but anyways, could someone do "simple" readme since I am failing quite hard atm.

1. Accuired FSN
2. Installed the patch (http://mirrormoon.org/downloads/fatestaynight/fate-stay_night_(fate)_v1.0a_%5Bmirror_moon%5D.exe)
3. Renamed the patch2.xp3 to patch5.xp3
4. Installed the UBW patch
5. Tryed to launch the FSN from the shortcut
6. Went to "Wtf..?" mode after getting somekind of error.
7. Came here
8. Started crying in 3rd UBW thread on /jp/ since the last one was autosaged.

So what the fuck I did wrong then..?

>> No.189872

UBW gives you a greater feel throughout, and for people who liked Rin it's a godsend. Also, the endings give you a much better feeling than the hollow, empty Gainax-like ending Fate did. It's kind of sad in a parallel way though, since this time Shiro and Saber never fell in love, yet this time Saber gets to stay. What the hell.

>> No.189875

run with AppLocale

>> No.189878

Run it with AppLocale or switch your settings to Japanese.

>> No.189882


What about the fact that Ilya NEVER gets any love? Or that the only time Sakura does (HF), horrible, horrible things happen.

>> No.189885


If you didn't like Rin, you end up ronery, bitter or dead.


>> No.189886

for fucking computer illiterates like you the patch needed to be retard prove and was being delayed. damn you.

>> No.189888

Transfer over the whole fate_english_savedata folder, not just the saves

>> No.189889


>Also, the endings give you a much better feeling than the hollow, empty Gainax-like ending Fate did.

That's all I wanted to know. Thank you, anon.

>> No.189891

She gets love in HF.

>> No.189892

My save files are intact, but the game won't let me follow UBW because it doesn't beleive that i've completed Fate. Shitsux.

>> No.189908

Hold down the control key for a bit.

>> No.189910

thank you

>> No.189913

Same problem happened to me. Seems it only registers if you go through all of Fate again.

Enjoy your 9 odd hours of clicking.

>> No.189922


When does Lancer vs Archer part 2 take place?

>> No.189930

Tsukihime music took me by surprise, holy shit.

>> No.189932


>> No.189944


>> No.189954

It could have just been me being forgetful, since I haven't played Tsukihime in a while, but a news broadcast came on and I swear it was music right from its crappy soundtrack.

Actually I liked the release Tsukihime music, don't know why everyone complained about it.

>> No.189959


What >>189954 said, when the TV is on it plays some Tsukihime music.

>> No.189968

ascalon please post download times from the rapidshare options page of that file in this thread

>> No.189972

HF is stalled now?

>> No.189974

Fuck. I keep getting error messages throughout the Fate route, and it won't let me do UBW either.

>> No.189987
File: 48 KB, 783x581, 1205249252947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad End

>> No.189992

After I stop saber the same text as in Fate route happens.

ist that normal?

>> No.190000

lol Vista.

>> No.190001

I've got the same problem. I reinstalled the game and I'm about to extract patch2.xp3 alone to see if it still happens.

>> No.190004


>> No.190008


>> No.190010

Worst GET ever.

>> No.190016

means my savegame is broken?

>> No.190028

Not a GET.

>> No.190030

Cheapfag failGET

>> No.190041
File: 436 KB, 807x646, 1205249932342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Up to the 7th day and it just dies like this at the Rin scene on the rooftop.


>> No.190052


>> No.190054



>> No.190062


Rin is my least favorite out of Shiro's harem, and even behind the likes of Rider and Caster due to them being made of raw secks..

-Ilya (semi-evil sisterly albino loli. No part of that I don't like. If Shiro doesn't want her, I'll take her.)
-Saber (cannot have ;_;)

>> No.190066

It'll work fine if you just overwrite the patch and ignore the other file.

And really, I get what TakaJun is saying and I don't have any doubt that he can handle the translation side fine, but there was no reason for him to waste time because of a retard who wanted to make an installer for a patch that doesn't require one and hopefully, he'll learn how to rein dumbfucks in so it doesn't happen again. There's really no point in wasting 4-5 months of you're clients' time because of something they don't need or want.

>> No.190069



>> No.190074

>Rin is my least favorite out of Shiro's harem


>> No.190080


Because King Arthur is your dream date, amirite?

>> No.190101

Honestly I think Rin is the only female character worth a dam in FSN, Ilya didn't do the evil loli thing that well, Saber story was very disappointing and her personality isn't very attractive either and Sakura does nothing to me.

>> No.190109

>Sakura does nothing to me

Oh, but she does, she does..

>> No.190122

>Saber story was very disappointing and her personality isn't very attractive either

(╬ ಠ益ಠ)

>> No.190135


Fukken signed Anon, I love Rin but then again I love Akiha too

>> No.190136


The shitstorm shall rain down...

>> No.190131


>> No.190138


>> No.190141


>> No.190142


The shitstorm shall rain down...

>> No.190148

he's right.

>> No.190147


But I like them all ;_;

Yet Rin is the only one who gets any sort of a decent ending, even if in that ending, there exists a time paradox and an assload of other problems.

>> No.190155

>>190030 Cheapfag
GTFO retard

>> No.190156


They all have a time paradox...

Fucking Archer...

>> No.190160

Which one was the Akiha-analog again?

Yeah. That one.

>> No.190161

I was going to post a picture of Sacchin and ask when Message is finishing the installer for her path but then noticed that I don't have any Sacchin pictures.
Isn't it sad?

>> No.190167


oh fuck, I lol'd

>> No.190168

The laws of temporal physics mean nothing to Archer!

>> No.190186


That always bugged me. Shirou beats Berserker, then 20 years later (in a certain time stream, not necessarily this one), he gets killed by a pussy politician. Then he gets summoned back to the same spot as a servent, and dies against Berserker.

What the hell.

>> No.190192

Berserker still scares the shit out of me.

What an amazing monster!

>> No.190195

Fights have variables.

>> No.190200


I love how, according to Japan, King Arthur is a cute girl, Hercules is a giant monster with a neckbeard, and Medusa is hot.


>> No.190201
File: 161 KB, 495x698, 1205252415218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have some sacchin

>> No.190213

>because of a retard who wanted to make an installer for a patch that doesn't require one

But it obviously does require one, because there are so many people in this thread having problems. A lot of these problems are related to running on Windows Vista, and Vista testing and troubleshooting of the installer is what is happening at the moment.

>> No.190215

To get all the CGs in Fate, do I have to get all the bad ends as well?

Also, what does collecting all the Tiger Stamps do?

>> No.190229

An installer shouldn't take 6 months to make.

>> No.190232

Nice try, Message.

>> No.190233


Shoulda been called Ultimate Beta Works

>> No.190243


It shouldn't, but then Windows Vista came along. There are 784 configuration combinations on Vista alone that the installer is having to be tested with.


Nice try, but I'm not Message.

>> No.190251


You're an idiot.

>> No.190258

Why not release it for XP first and release a Vista compatible patch later?

>> No.190254

Message goes in all fields.

>> No.190255

That's why "REVISIONS" exist, you don't have try every kind of combinations.

>> No.190262

you speak of LOGIC, something message was planning on obtaining when he finished his installer

>> No.190263

You collect them all to see some special scene with taiga and illya in a spa. they talk about the routes and explain some shit about Shirou becoming archer and the probability of him becoming archer after each route. He pretty much becomes Archer after the end of Fate route. He has 0% chance of becoming archer after HF. and shit like that.
Also, they are fucking hillarious.

>> No.190266

fags who run vista dont deserve UBW

>> No.190273

I have vista. Vista comes with this little thing called compatability modo. If it works with XP, we can run it.

>> No.190275
File: 61 KB, 800x600, 1205254042120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lol, whoops.

>> No.190277


Oh well, he still has Sakuya.

>> No.190282



>> No.190283

where do you get this much win

>> No.190286


UBW fgt.

>> No.190291

When do you get that?

>> No.190292

>>190213 A lot of these problems are related to running on Windows Vista
So the resolution is simple.

>> No.190299

>>>190213 A lot of these problems are related to running on Windows Vista
>So the resolution is simple.

What, burn Windows Vista with fire? That would be awesome, but unfortunately it already comes installed on so many people's computers these days...

>> No.190305

To people who run Vista. Install an XP partition already you poor huckleberries.

>> No.190308

>>190299 but unfortunately it already comes installed on so many people's computers these days...
Oh, that's not my problem. I hate those people almost as much as Vista itself.

>> No.190309

Dangerously close to the autosage limit.
What do we do now?

>> No.190310
File: 41 KB, 793x152, 1205254848664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, now I can't install the game. Put CD 2, wait, Ask for CD3, put CD3, ask for 2 again, put 2, error.

I think I fail, hard mode.

>> No.190313



>> No.190317


You're trying to load the wrong disc 3.

>> No.190318

>I have vista. Vista comes with this little thing called compatability modo. If it works with XP, we can run it.

You'd think so. But in any case the general idea is for the user not to have to do any complicated stuff like "right click the icon, go into Properties, go to Compatibility tab, check Run in compatibility mode and select Windows XP from the dropdown list", since some users have trouble following instructions like that.

>> No.190337

Is there some way to tell how many people have downloaded from the rapidshare & megaupload links?

>> No.190338

What? Shit, I re-downloaded F/S N some time ago, and it worked fine if mounted. Then again, I must've fucked some file, I guess (it's the right disk, that much I know it).


>> No.190353
File: 387 KB, 1024x768, messedupfatewallpaper0uj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin are you fat?

>> No.190382

Fuck yes! Shinji!

>> No.190400

I've downloaded the patch, but will probably not use it unless I get especially bored. I'm fine waiting and find it admirable that Message is being so thorough with the installer. However, this 'leak' should have been an official beta patch, while those who didn't want to wait could at least start the game and install it with the bells and whistles version later. In fact, I also appreciate the leaker releasing a much older version of the patch, as it gives users that much more incentive to at least upgrade later. Again, I personally will not likely use the patch, but anyone who can use this patch is hopefully smart enough to back up their save before reinstalling their game to work with Messages's magnum opus.

It should also be noted that if you do decide to release beta versions in the future, you cannot be expected to support them and even considering my fellows general... demanding nature, I doubt that all that many of us would complain about the beta patch being a beta patch. Message's work is brilliant, but I like the 'nibble on these dry pancakes while I go grab the syrup' approach more than an insistence on completely self-contained distributions exclusively.

>> No.190410

Message is a complete and utter fagot whose only goal in life is to stroak his own epeen. Any fucktard would know that it doesn't take 4 months to make an isntaller. I'm fully supporting this leak and I hope the MM gets there butt in gear and releases the final version relitively quickly. That is before 4chan edits and releases there own installer.

>> No.190418

You are a retard.

>> No.190426

>look forward to the final version along with Message's installer, and admire him for putting his heart into it. Those who seem to have a hatred for a man/woman doing all this work for zero dollars are being ridiculous. That is all.

>> No.190430

Haha, oh wow.

>> No.190431



>> No.190434

Unless Message created a bunch of accounts and posted under different names to make himself feel better, it isn't him. Although:
>Message's work is brilliant

>> No.190435


>> No.190438


>> No.190440

Wasn't a troll.

>> No.190453

Just an idiot?

>> No.190663

Mirrormoon fanboy.

>> No.192182

Did you figure out how to extract and repack xp3 files? If not, upload a rar with a folder containing your edited scripts, I can repack that.

>> No.192182,1 [INTERNAL] 

Still waiting...
