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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1903792 No.1903792 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you go live in japan /jp/? Whats the matter? too DEEP for you?

>> No.1903801

I'm poor.

>> No.1903809

Too many Jappos

>> No.1903805

Too much racism.

>> No.1903817

Shit sux.

>> No.1903815

I would have to leave my room

>> No.1903825

too FAR for me

>> No.1903832

Corea is better.

>> No.1903835

>America is better

>> No.1903836
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>> No.1903839

I have trouble leaving my house.
A foreign country is just too much.

>> No.1903844

If you can buy a plane ticket, they'll give you a free room and food money to be a farm hand.


>> No.1903847

don't they have machines to do that?

>> No.1903849

Ever since I moved to Japan, I've been fucking hot Japanese bitches like crazy. They don't even care that I watch anime because they watch it, too. Also, I make 60k a year teaching English in a Japanese high school. What have you nerds done with your lives?

>> No.1903855

I posted on /jp/

>> No.1903861
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>fucking hot Japanese bitches
nice try.

>> No.1903862

Did those bitches have blue or green hair?
Because if they have blue or green hair I'm gonna be jealous.

>> No.1903863

I'd like to finish this university thing first. Then we'll see where it goes from there.

>> No.1903876

Ever since I moved to American, I have found that American women avoid me. For some reason, they think I watch anime because it's a big industry back in Japan. Also, I make 20k a year teaching Japanese in a community colleges. What have you salary men done with your lives?

>> No.1903888


If you go to Japan expecting it to be "supa kawaii desu ne" or even go there assuming that they'll welcome you with open arms simply because you love the culture you're an idiot, like anywhere in the world they're people (inb4 someone clever goes "LOLOL NO THEY'RE NOT") and if you act like an idiot you'll be treated like one, of course some people there are going to treat the women badly.

For fucking sakes, if you go to Tokyo, a city of like 20mil or something like that (I pulled the number out of my ass- but it's in that range) of course you'll see one or two (or maybe even 5-10) people treating a women badly, that doesn't mean that everyone does that.

I fail to see why people think of Japan on one end of an extreme spectrum, it's either incredibly good, or incredibly bad. It's a fucking country with the same pros and cons as anywhere else (that's reasonable developed) and if you convince yourself into thinking otherwise somehow, you're an idiot.

>> No.1903901

If you think that there's supa kawaiii girls in nippon, then you're stupid

>> No.1903921

There are a few. They just aren't the norm.

>> No.1903922

Not >>1903836,
I visited my Japanese buddy (we both went to U of M) in Tokyo for a little less than a week.
His neighbors in the apartment complex got in fights almost every night. From what he told me, over really little things.
He whipped the hell out of her...
I don't know if that happens a lot, but those sounds stick in my memory.

>> No.1903924

Learn the English language.

>> No.1903966

I would like to go to Japan and beat up men who beat up women. Let them feel small and scared for a while, damned fuckers.

>> No.1903979

I think I'd like living there just as much as I'd live in any country (given that they don't speak either my native language or English) even though I've never been there.

I can imagine it being hard to make friends, so I'll probably end up even more lonely than I am now.
Talking to people in my native language has some sort of calming effect compared to when I talk to people who speak English.

>> No.1903986

>hurr i am am an english nazi elitist but being the best of the worst isn't enough bawwwwwww

>> No.1903991

Because Canada is the greatest fucking nation in the world. No exceptions.

>> No.1904007

Wait, >>1903888 isn't copypasta?

>> No.1904009

too EXPENSIVE for me...

/jp/ is the next best thing.

>> No.1904016

>/jp/ is the next best thing.

If you actually have an interest in Japan and not just doujinsoft, it isn't anywhere close to being the next best thing.

>> No.1904019
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>I would like to go to Japan and beat up men who beat up women. Let them feel small and scared for a while, damned fuckers.

Underage b&. Enjoy getting your ass kicked and later raped by a small japanese man ( who has a bigger penis than you due higher testosterone levels, which is kinda funny ).

>> No.1904028

>who has a bigger penis than you due higher testosterone levels, which is kinda funny
Unpossible. Corea may have invented micropenis, but Japan has it down to an art.

I mean, even all of the guys in AVs have tiny dicks.

>> No.1904036

Because I don't speak Japanese and I'm a filthy gaijin.

>> No.1904165

I wouldn't wanna live in Japan, I'm perfectly fine living in amurica and stealing all their stuff.

>> No.1904169


>> No.1904180

Japanese AVs take the opposite approach western videos do. Instead of wrecking a girl with a massive dick, they show guys with small ones. That way the losers watching it can feel better about themselves.

Like me.

>> No.1904191

Your detector needs work, my man. Therefore, lurk moar.

>> No.1904194

Interesting theory.

>> No.1904201

Most AVs are more about pleasing the girl than pleasing the guy. Rather than long, drawn out blow jobs, the guys will go down on the girl for longer periods of time. They usually like playing with the girl more too.

>> No.1904204


Which U of M? There's like a more than half dozen "M" states?

>> No.1904224

How many other than the University of Michigan are called "U of M"?

>> No.1904229

University of Manitoba?


>> No.1904246

That sounds nice, except Japanese women are as passive as dolls in all the ones I've seen, so it's no good.

>> No.1904265

>> Japan sucks! .............. ;_;

I've been to both Japan and America. Japan is a lot better, and this not being opinion, it is so true it is a fact.

>> No.1904278


>> No.1904296

Better than XYNTAland, at least

>> No.1904344

So how is it in U of M?

>> No.1904392


its cold and snowy

>> No.1904412


That really isn't saying much.

>> No.1905118

Well, I've been to America a couple of times. It's the first place I've ever seen a black person (nigger) in my whole life (other than on TV of course). When I went to New York to drop off some goods I saw one those people in a car and I was all like," holy shit they let them drive in cars?!" Apparently I said it out loud because what was a taxi driver opened his car door and I saw he had some blunt object in his hand so I ran. Luckily I disappeared into a Taco Bell because I know those guys are fast runners. Ironically the same thing happened when I was dropping off some merchandise Texas. I saw this bald dude in overalls and a large white beard, he had some kind of separatist Texan flag on his back. I said something out loud again," What the hell is Santa Claus doing in this shithole." Luckily he was Amerifat so he couldn't run as fast.

>> No.1905121
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Uhum, I see... Please continue.

>> No.1905123

I've been to Russia. It's a horrible, horrible place.
