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19020135 No.19020135 [Reply] [Original]

japanese dojinshi artists are dunking on touhou wiki translations

>> No.19020151
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>> No.19020166
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rightfully so

western translators who give southern accents to rural characters to "localize" them are retarded.

>> No.19020189

Good. Touhou Wiki admins are power hungry virigins. Let them be on suicide watch!

>> No.19020213

harsh but fair

>> No.19020244

I hate turning Cirno's あたい into "eye" the most, but even the wiki staff isn't retarded enough to allow that.

>> No.19020288

Most of the touhou games translations still comes from the Something Awful ADTRW subforum, so it's not surprising that they'd still be using practices that died off in other fansub groups a decade ago

>> No.19022575

Rightful so. Their translations way have been sketch.

>> No.19022770

So what exactly are they gonna do?

>> No.19022835

Do they not understand how wikis work? If you have a better solution, fuckin' implement it, or at the very least engage with the community and discuss it. Whining while doing nothing is a waste of effort and achieves nothing.

>> No.19022842

I can't read moonspeak so what are they complaining about?

>> No.19022903

hello touhou wiki devs

>> No.19022927
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Nothing. The comic is them wondering if Nemuno's accent is represented in the English translation and checking on the Touhou wiki, finding out that it in fact is. They aren't complaining at all, it's just something they find interesting. Everyone in this thread is retarded.

>> No.19022953

Oh, i see, thanks!

>> No.19022971

the "community" is a circlejerk of discord users who would ban you for fixing the OP

>> No.19022977

Nemuno does not have a southern American accent

>> No.19023002

Learn Japanese and play the games in Japanese then. If you don't want to eat shit then quit being a fucking shiteater.

>> No.19023011

I already play them in Japanese. I pointed out that Nemuno does not have a southern American accent and "localizing" her that way is retarded faggotry.

>> No.19023019

Scurry back where you came from, Twitter roach.

>> No.19023096
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Honestly they should localize Kansai accent to Boston Italian.
"Ayyy I'm wakin' 'ere."

>> No.19023110

I'm retarded, what are you supposed to do when translating dialogue with a distinct accent?

>> No.19023148

touhou.wikia.com or en.touhouwiki.net?

>> No.19023191

two schools of thought:
1) do nothing
2) find an English accent that has absolutely no relation and slap it on (Kansai? That's southern American!)

>> No.19023552

itt OP can't fucking read

>> No.19023560

Who cares what porn drawers think

>> No.19023585

itt: a bunch of nerds who got banned from the wiki for doing stupid shit and just wanna w~h~i~n~e

>> No.19023594

These characters don't speak English at all. What's your point?

>> No.19023595

>find an English accent that has absolutely no relation and slap it on (Kansai? That's southern American!)

More like "A regional/non-standard Japanese accent? This regional/non-stanard American English accent is the closest we can get to conveying they talk differently."

Honestly, if you can handle the notion of reading character dialogue in English despite knowing the characters are supposed to be speaking Japanese, this sort of shit shouldn't be so triggering to you.

>> No.19023607

Evidently nobody complaining about this can even read the comic in the OP anyways so their opinions on what constitutes bad translations are essentially worth nothing to begin with

>> No.19023681

Is that dunking when it's trying to emulate the fact that Nemuno's speech pattern is rustic?

>> No.19023687

Why is that retarded?

>> No.19023694

ITT: when the nighttime autism kicks in

>> No.19023721

the stereoypes associated with kansai people bear some resemblance to that of parts of the south, it's infinitely more appropriate than a boston, new york, texan or french accent. people don't pick this shit out of a hat.

in general the people who whine the most about translations are the people who know just enough to get themselves into trouble.

>> No.19023731

People are probably largely associating "Kansai" with "Osaka", a big city.

However, the Kansai region is pretty fucking large.

>> No.19023745

>>in general the people who whine the most about translations are the people who know just enough to get themselves into trouble.
This a thousand times. The worst part is, that these kinds of people generally aren't even "wrong", so much as perhaps misguided. The problem is that translation just kind of sucks, most things can't really be translated to anyone's definition of perfect. Yes, translating Kansai-ben to Southern American English is kind of stupid, but it's also pretty much the best way of getting a general conveyance across. I think it's also exacerbated by the fact that in written English, text written in an accent is often seen as incredibly tacky when not done with a certain level of nuance which is difficult in the best of cases, and even worse when you're trying to translate something.

>> No.19023781

Kansaiben as the south is fucking dumb
And translators don't even try to translate Marisas masculine speech and ze's

>> No.19023849

Honestly, outside of the games there should just be a note on the wikipage "This character uses masculine pronouns/archaic speech/dialect etc." for each translation site and translate it without any special flair.
One way or another there is so much lost in translation and the only way you can counter this is by using extensive notes.

>> No.19023862

I was actually going to post
>tl note: this character is speaking in kansai-ben
as a joke but there it is. It really isn't that hard. If it sounds way too tacky then maybe the stylizing was done a bit too carelessly. If stylizing actually turns the text into something conveying a different idea than the original then it's just a bad translation, not to do with the style.

believe it

>> No.19023865 [DELETED] 

it's basically not translatable. english speech is inherently non-gendered, men and women say the exact same shit in the exact same situations and only research academics can actually tell the difference because it turns out women are 25% more likely to use phrases like "quite" and "I guess" in aggregate statistical analysis.

the only thing that men do and women don't is swear like sailors and the one time someone tried that thousands of posts were slain litigating "get out of the way, bitch" to death until someone finally removed pushed it down the memory hole

>> No.19023866

it's basically not translatable. english speech is inherently non-gendered, men and women say the exact same shit in the exact same situations and only research academics can actually tell the difference because it turns out women are 25% more likely to use phrases like "quite" and "I guess" in aggregate statistical analysis. the only thing that men do and women don't is swear like sailors and the one time someone tried that thousands of posts were slain litigating "get out of the way, bitch" until someone finally said enough is enough and pushed it down the memory hole

>> No.19025397


>> No.19025781
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Localizations that go so far into trying to emulate some arbitrary bullshit they end up completely changing a character or even the entire original script are fucking retarded.
I get your point, but the fact remains that Nemuno doesn't speak in that particular accent. What would you do if there was a third character in that scene, and THAT character had a Southern American accent?

>> No.19025798

I am going to give all touhous with a rural accent the voice of yosemite sam in my head, and there is NOTHING you can do to stop me!

>> No.19025802

You know what's even more retarded? Using that bardarised creole people unironically refer to as American "English".

>> No.19026101

Have you actually thought about your ridiculous what if? The only human being on the entire planet that could write something like that is someone who's lived in BOTH Japan and the American South since childhood AND is really good at Japanese and American English. A real Japanese cowboy, or American samurai, except they're not real because they don't exist.

This is why your "completely changing a character" shit is what's retarded. Translating to English is already what's completely changing the character.

>> No.19026181

Can you even read Japanese OP

>> No.19026242

Nemuno speaks in a hick accent. It's good enough that she's translated as having a hick accent

>> No.19026576
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>they're not real because they don't exist.
Hold it right there, partner.

>> No.19026620

I hope Kenichi shoots down the tsunami coming to Cali just as Ken-sama cut down the one in Japan.

>> No.19026676

Localization and tweaking what's said to make better in the new language are both good things. It's much better to lose some of the subtle meanings and intricacies in a text than it is too make a translation that reads like dogshit and/or too flood the margins with translator notes.
You want an 100% accurate, word-for-word translation? Use google translate. You want to read the thing exactly as the author intended? Learn Japanese. You want a a translation that does both these things? Tough shit, that's not how language works. Them's the breaks.

>> No.19026753

If you can't read Japanese then your opinion on translation is worth absolutely nothing.

>> No.19026948

>too flood the margins with translator notes
I like margin notes though.

>> No.19027919

let's translate kansai-ben as a thick Russian accent

I just think it would be funny that way

>> No.19027947


t. never tried to edit someone's pet page

>> No.19027958

>japanese dojinshi artists are dunking on touhou wiki translations
They are literally not. Can you even read Japanese?

Half this thread is fucking retarded.

>> No.19027961


there's also the eternally popular
2.5) pick an accent, exaggerate it to the point of absurdity, and then push a bit further still

>> No.19027965

>You want an 100% accurate, word-for-word translation? Use google translate


>> No.19028061

Translators like to do shit like American southern accents and tell you to "eat shit" when you point out how silly this is.

They are mostly ESLs who do translations for "efame" and actually hate the users who download their TLs. Because they didn't have to learn Japanese.

>> No.19028077


pros do the exact same thing

ni no kuni 2 drove me nuts with this shit

>> No.19028120

if you don't learn japanese you can't complain about eating shit

>> No.19028149

you sound like a buffoon

>> No.19028705

Nemuno speaks like an extra in Xavier The Renegade Angel and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.19028827
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dumb whoreson apologist
lmao the cocksucking shit translators internet defence army itt

>> No.19029007

dumb translator apologist

proves his point exactly
Most translators are ESLs who want e-fame, they actually try to deliver the shittiest product possible because they hate the EOPs who use their TLs

>> No.19029468

you guys are funny, keep ignoring that this whole thread is based on a vapid lie and everyone that's complained latched onto it through confirmation bias without being able to read it themselves

>> No.19030134 [DELETED] 

Neumo having a southern American accent is a lie.

>> No.19030139

Nemuno having a southern American accent is a lie. Your post shows the disdain for EOPs held by all ESLs, which is why translators usually try to deliver the shittiest product possible.

>> No.19030572

Dumb EOPs like the shitty meme translations. If you show them a more accurate translation, they think the meme shit is better because it "spices up" the dialogue.

>> No.19030668

who cares about what dumb people think

>> No.19031023

She speaks like a mountain hag. What would be best to emulate that? And don't say it shouldn't be emulated, since just translating her speech plainly removes a large aspect of understanding.

Your pic is probably related, too. Reminds me of people complaining about Barakamon's TL... even though the islander folk are almost incomprehensible in Japanese.

>> No.19031035

Google translate is indeed "accurate", insofar as it knows most kanji and basic grammatical structure. Frankly sometimes it's spookily good, but mostly it's robot as usual

>> No.19031470


>> No.19032044

OP here


>> No.19032057

thanks for all your hard work

>> No.19032102

>What would you do if there was a third character in that scene, and THAT character had a Southern American accent?

Assuming your third character is speaking Japanese with that Southern US accent? Personally, I'd double down and render parts of their speech phonetically, which would not only convey the accent they're using, but the fact that by virtue of that accent they're speaking the language poorly. Think Brad Pitt trying to speak Italian in Inglourious Basterds. But that's just me.

>> No.19032161 [SPOILER] 
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I'd liberate
Venezuela for him in the name of the Brittanian Empire.

>> No.19032176 [SPOILER] 
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Wrong as usual, do you love circles THAT much. Open those eyes!

>> No.19032468

How would you write a character who is speaking japanese as having a southern american accent to begin with without shoving a bunch of engrish into the dialogue?

>> No.19035678

That's the proper way to translate jap dialects, y'know?

>> No.19036661

Continually repeating yourself doesn't make your claims any less ridiculous

If all you can do is split translations into "accurate" and "meme shit" you should not be talking about translation

>> No.19038432

Localization isn't translation anyway.

>> No.19042493

Why are people (probably Califags) so bothered by hearing southern USA accents?

>> No.19042502

I'm from the south and I don't want Japanese characters saying "yall" and "ain't".

Marisas masculine speech is a part of her character yet I don't see any effort from these "pro translators" to "localize" that. Yet they force meme shit like Southern American accents.

>> No.19042565

How about if they have stereotypical accents from other countries? Like Italian accents

>> No.19043023

Yeah Nemuno is rural so give her a backwater Russian accent

>> No.19043030

Marisa's Japanese speech is a part of her character, but I don't see any effort from "pro translators" to "localize" that. Truly an offense to all right-thinking men.

>> No.19043034

ability to the extent of

>> No.19043057

You're not looking very hard.

>> No.19043470

Apparently only americans speak english. I fucking hate you cunts for putting this niggertalk into every translation.

>> No.19043647

>women are 25% more likely to use phrases like "quite" and "I guess" in aggregate statistical analysis
Fuck, I use "I guess" often and I'm a dude

>> No.19043746

>ability to the extent of
That's what it says though. Translating it as "ability to" doesn't portray it properly.

>> No.19043786

>Apparently only americans speak english.
Not all Americans, just those not from southern, central, southwestern, or eastern USA or Canada.
