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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1901696 No.1901696 [Reply] [Original]

This is why I hate japan

>> No.1901699

Because the Japanese wear shoes?

>> No.1901703

You hate Japan for having strap shoes?

Boy, do I have some news for you.

>> No.1901706

Same color socks and shoes?

>> No.1901712

No, I hate them for this retared way of standing. With the feet turned inwards. They think it looks cute and every japanese girl does this BUT IT LOOKS FUCKING RETARDED. Also japanese can't walk like humans because of this.

>> No.1901718

But it's so kawaii!

>> No.1901722
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The horror.

>> No.1901723

Yet you have no problem with the stance on the right.

>> No.1901728

I like it, this way of standing is cute.

Ema is cute.

>> No.1901733

Stance on the right is the slutty stance. Stance on the left is innocent and moe~

>> No.1901735

Slutty? That's a military stance.

>> No.1901743

women in military = sluts

>> No.1901754

As someone who is pigeon-toed, I don't see what the big deal is. It really doesn't affect my walking.

>> No.1901758

Emma is the dumbest scientist ever.

>> No.1901769

that's why she fail the forensics school and became a detective. Idiot.

>> No.1901777

hey motherfucker, my sister is in the military, if you gonna call her a slut, say that to my face, bitch, not online and see what happens, you piece of miserable shit, I dare you

>> No.1901778

And "detective" in the phoenix wright universe means "dumbest person at the police station"

>> No.1901783

Hey, pal, Gumshoe was pretty smart and cool when he had to be.

>> No.1901784

I have no macro for this, but I'll just let you know you've made my day brighter.

>> No.1901785

But Gumshoe is moe.

>> No.1901789

Never on purpose, though.

>> No.1901796

I bet she's been FUCKING A LOT OF DUDES

>> No.1901957

But it's cute. You're just jealous because you're not cute.

>> No.1902065

its not fuckin cute
eat shit

>> No.1902069

sup OP

>> No.1902083

Hideously deformed knees are so moe~

>> No.1902085

>has never seen a knee irl

>> No.1902108
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Enjoy your (beheaded) Aco.

>> No.1902125
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>> No.1902127
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>> No.1902130
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>> No.1902138
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>> No.1902147

The stance on the left is a stance a good, wholesome girl would use. The stance on the left is for disgusting "empowered" butch sluts.

>> No.1902148
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>> No.1902154

Objection! Your statements clearly contradict themselves.

>> No.1902161

How so? Please. Mr. Anon, don't object unless you have the proper evidence to back it up.

>> No.1902173

I know you can do this, Anonymous. You have all the pieces of evidence you need to win this, you just need to unravel the lies in the testimony.

>> No.1902180


>> No.1902202

So, Mr, Anon, do you have anything that will support your claim? Or should we just dismiss this case and be done with it?

>> No.1902218
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Due to Anonymous' inability to produce evidence, I am forced to penalize you, Anonymous. Again.

>> No.1902258
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>> No.1902268

Looks like someones getting disbarred from being a lawyer!


>> No.1902274
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>> No.1902417


seriously, when I was in japan I wanted to bitchslap every girl walking around like that.

>> No.1902427

What's wrong with that? Girls are supposed to walk like that. It's ladylike. You should've wanted to slap all the wannabe-man girls who walked around with their feet pointing outward, like dirty butch sluts. Though, hitting women is wrong, in any situation.

>> No.1902436

nothing wrong with that stance.
stop being a faggot, anon

>> No.1902446

Japan thinks this is a laughing matter and cute but I was born pigeon-toed.

My parents had a wooden board with a pair of shoes facing outward. I had to sleep with these on. To this day I still walk with my feet slightly inward.

This is why I hate japan.

>> No.1902467

oh god kill yourself

>> No.1902472
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There are also Ninjas.

>> No.1902475

But you can't see them, ever.

>> No.1902478

This is what you call fantasy, the way she puts her feet together shows how cute and immature she is. It's like a kid.

If you hate it so much you can just ignore everything anime/Japan/video games related and live in the real world like anyone else out there. Enjoy.

>> No.1902484


Mmm hmm. Invisible Pink Ninja.

>> No.1902526

Agreed, these women are willing to endanger male soldiers with their incompetence just to attempt to prove "a woman can do anything a man can." Their obviously extremely insecure, and are probably secretly major sluts.

>> No.1902536

Agreed, these women are willing to endanger male soldiers with their incompetence just to attempt to prove "a woman can do anything a man can." They're obviously extremely insecure, and are probably secretly major sluts.

>> No.1902543

How can you hate that stance? Feet facing inwards is cute, feminine, and moe. A lot of feminazis on /jp/ recently

>> No.1902553

y doesnt real idols do it if its so damn moe then?

>> No.1902558


A penis or clitoris both offer equally poor protection against bullets.

>> No.1902566

Fucking seconded. I can just about tolerate standing like that but when they walk it just looks like they're disabled or something. After going to Japan for a holiday, my mom actually asked me if there is some common genetic problem in Japan that causes it.

>> No.1902572


That's an oddly specific thing to hate Japan for.

>> No.1902582

That's weird OP because that stance isn't limited to Japan.

>> No.1902604

Hating a Country because of the Stance of some Women.
Jesus Fucking Christ /jp/ .

>> No.1902606

Yeah, but penis bearers can handle stress, pain, and decision making way better than vagina carriers can, and all this comes into effect on the battle field. Also, it's a man's instinct to protect women, but a unit has to work as a team. The male soldiers will be inclined to give preferential treatment to the small amount of female soldiers, and it will screw the group dynamic up.

>> No.1902608

Yes, I'm sure he harbors a legitimate and lasting hatred of Japan because of this and he wasn't just, you know, saying that.

>> No.1902620

That's a fucked up thing to say. Women shouldn't go into dangerous situations where their vagina would have to take a bullet in the first place

>> No.1902626

there are many women who could use a bullet to the vagina

>> No.1902629

They could use a good putting in their place, but hitting or shooting women is still wrong.

>> No.1902633

Sage for sexism

>> No.1902634

Thinking that the two genders should be held to different standards and be treated differently doesn't mean I ha-wait. I know* you are a woman. Go back to the kitchen.

>> No.1902645

Or what? You'll hit me?

>> No.1902653


>> No.1902657

No! I'll make you look stupid with my overwhelming male logic, and make you realize my superiority and submit to me.

>> No.1902659

Oh no! I'll never be able to show my face here again!

>> No.1902662

/jp/ is even easier to troll than I thought.

>> No.1902669

Whatever. Once you realized that you are completely unable to make decisions for yourself and all you're doing is slutting up the world with your poor attempts at imitating men, you'll be begging for men to dominate you.

>> No.1902670

I demand Sekai from School Days Anime Episode 6!

>> No.1902672

Um, guys? Just said humans in general bleed when shot, nothing else.


>> No.1902681

Oh yeah, that old cop out where you suggest, but say that since you didn't say it directly, it's not what you meant. You know you suggested that there's no problem with women being in the military, and that was a horribly stupid thing to say. You know that you're a dumb feminazi with shitty opinions. I will take perverse pleasure in teaching you your proper place!

>> No.1902684

>humans bleed when shot

>> No.1902688


I always thought they had that stance because of the way Japanese girls generally sit.

>> No.1902713
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