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18933371 No.18933371 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18886488

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.18933416

is the second game as terrible as the first?

>> No.18933589

My personal fav is Frontier, good plot for a nukige with an unexpected plottwist and a few good heroines with decent other ones
What does DJT means?

>> No.18933736

I never expected a eroge to go as far as just be as much cliche as it can, wtf is this.
In what world being cliche is good?

>> No.18933851

It's good

>> No.18933973

god i wanna sniff her armpits

>> No.18934024 [DELETED] 

I really need to know what this means:


The translator says something I can't really give any sense

>> No.18934062

fuck off

>> No.18934154

i don't know about being good, but isn't being cliche CIRCUS's specialty?

>> No.18934157

fuck off x2

>> No.18934820

From the short impressions I've read, people who liked the first one also liked this 2nd episode.
I'll wait for better reviews on how good the sister is, or how terrible the cliffhanger to the next episode is, before starting it. But she is the best heroine by far, so...

>> No.18934844

What's the catch? Is it supposed to be "so bad it's funny" or is there some kind of meta twist or a Truman Show situation?

>> No.18935789

So anyone played Summer Pocket demo?
This didn't give me a kamige feel, but all the heroines are cute at least.

>> No.18936321

Have any of you ever considered working as a translator for eroge?
It seems like an obvious choice considering it's something I enjoy, so I'm wondering if anybody has any experience in the field.

>> No.18936335

I thought about it. Tried working on some fan translations but decided it wasn't for me. English is too hard.

>> No.18936354

It would cut down on time to read eroge so that's a hard pass from me.

>> No.18936405

I don't blame you. I'd be living the NEET dream too if I could. This way at least I wouldn't have to leave my house as much.

>> No.18936496


Anyone played this before?

>> No.18936749

Quooooooooof. Get in here!

>> No.18936789

Fuck off.

>> No.18936801

Is that a good idea with your level of Japanese?

(I know you're shit at Japanese because you want to translate something.)

>> No.18936831

>(I know you're shit at Japanese because you want to translate something.)

Not really, although I did go through that phase several years ago.
Just bored of being a traditional wageslave, and Japanese is my only marketable skill.

>> No.18936937

I'm sure there are much better things you can do to dispel your boredom.

>> No.18937244

I decided to try translating a game, but I gave up maybe a third of the way in because it was too long and I can't write.

>> No.18937402

I can't imagine there are many opportunities for work in that field unless you're maybe in with an Internet clique of friends who have "industry" connections or something. Paid work I mean.

I would maybe consider it some day as I consider myself a pretty strong writer (in English) but it really is a ton of work and I would probably give up partway through.

>> No.18937683

Looks like the description of your average moege.

>> No.18938374

Will Jellyfish ever finish black and white?

>> No.18938890


>> No.18938996

シャムロックの花言葉 seems interesting.

>> No.18939220

That green faggot still hasn't gotten over himself after all this time.

>> No.18939337

Do anyone have Rakuen?

>> No.18939342

I've played the slime one. It was short and cute, not much else to say.

>> No.18939381

I mean how was the ero? Did it describe things like her doing photosynthesis?

>> No.18939437

Just the new Navel game for me.

>> No.18939584

All these "the protagonist has a bad/dark/brooding past, but now that he hit puberty and all the girls can't stop craving his cock, he can't help but start fucking whichever or all'.

>> No.18940217

There's live Depositfiles on AS.

>> No.18940241

Tyrhhia trial is out!

>> No.18940248

I can upload it if you don't want to deal with that site.

>> No.18940257
File: 331 KB, 1015x800, hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck is るーすぼーい writing a new eroge?

>> No.18940268

Never. He has an ongoing manga.

>> No.18940274

Pick a short one, translate it and pair up with someone who can patch in the translation. This gives you some experience and lets you see whether you could do it as a full-time job. Then show the finished work to possible employers.

>> No.18940286

Munou na Nana? Is it good?

>> No.18940431

The Navel one might be good.

>> No.18940482

What are the best pc 98 eroge? I feel like trying out stuff from older eras.

>> No.18940488

elf games

>> No.18940774

Not him, but is can you get a decent eroge pc-98 system for cheap? I've seen pc-88 for super cheap, but the "high spec" pc-98 systems seem expensive. Would a super cheap model be good enough for eroge?

I live in Tokyo, so I can just pick things up at Akiba if necessary.

>> No.18940791
File: 455 KB, 1920x1080, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not.

>> No.18940797

Just use an emu.

>> No.18940806

Surely our dude LB wouldn't dissapoint.

>> No.18940993
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anyone have updated version?

>> No.18941068
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>Length: 10-30 hours
>barely any h scenes when looking on sadpanda
Also, shame about the theme of this vn, I'd play it for the art.

>> No.18941141


>> No.18941172

You're supposed to fap to the girls slowly and painfully being tortured to death over and over again, no one cares about sex.

>> No.18941258

there is not much of it is what I'm saying

>> No.18941274

up to 2016. for 2017, you can either browse the forums or find the results in nico nico since they make videos for the ranks.

>> No.18941364 [DELETED] 

they should make one of those
"and im a gamer" type of videos for incels

>> No.18941812
File: 479 KB, 1280x720, this is my fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished Making Lovers after playing it on and off between other tiles.

I really liked the changing apartments / workplaces and one heroine focus per route aspect with very short common route, but as I complained some time before the advertised proactive seeking of love where the protagonist has to ditch his "運命的な出会い" way of thinking felt lacking since he meets pretty much every heroine by pure luck. F.ex. the 合コン girl Karen is his old acquaintance and another introduction by his friend is a lucky mix-up where he meets Saki who also happened to have a mix-up on her end followed by yet another lucky break, not to mention Ako who picks the protagonist if you ignore all others because imoutos like their oniichans from the word go as per normal operating procedure. I mean he's still the usual funny idiot who gets things done as in the devs' previous games but it doesn't feel like he's actively working to get a girl like the protagonist in Fureraba.

Regardless the actual relationship parts were solid and I ended up liking all the routes, even the girls who I didn't really expect much from and the game was fun enough to make me return to it unlike some other SMEE games I dropped. I really liked they went out of their way to give side characters who mostly or only appear in heroine routes actual sprites, though I'm a bit peeved they didn't give the protagonist and Ako's parents sprites considering they appear so much in latter's route. Finished her route last and didn't have that high expectations but living with their parents and trying to hide the relationship, along with funny interruptions at inopportune moments managed to rub off on me. Her VA hijinks were fun as well.

Also the love hotel scenes in each route were pretty great. If moege has to have H-scenes I'd love for more this sort of bit non-standard stuff.

>> No.18941918

I got my Ap2 for 3000 yen. You don't really need anything "high spec" for eroge; any 486 system with OPNA audio is more than adequate. In fact, it's usually best to stick to pre-1995 systems, since the graphics/sound hardware in Windows-era machines has compatibility problems with some DOS games.

Useful reference:
You'll want one with "86音源互換" audio. Standalone 86音源 cards exist, but they're getting really pricey these days, so it's easiest to get a machine with it built-in. I'd suggest an A-Mate (PC-9821A*) or 98Multi (Ce, Ce2, Cs2) for best compatibility.

>> No.18942960

I remember that scene. They go to the love hotel and it suddenly opens with them watching a JAV and its actress screaming like someone is killing her. Made me jump off the chair.

>> No.18943515

Nothing too interesting for me this month, backlog time i guess.

>> No.18943604

Silky's nukige really were great. I've been going through 学園催眠隷奴 lately and it's the best nukige that I have read in my life, holy shit. It's making me fap to fetishes that I did not even know I had. I'd honestly consider this game to be a kamige, a definite must play for anyone that wants a good nut. I also find it quite surprising that pretty much all of the characters in this game are voiced, except the protagonist. Even the faceless mob dudes.

I wish Silky's Plus would stop with these new "plot" games and go back to their roots with high quality nukige like this, but I'm happy this game exists regardless.

>> No.18943681

Art looks very meh. The only great nukige by Silky's are the latest ones with the elf illustrator, jokei kazoku 3 and ai shimai. That guy leaving eroge is a big loss but other than that Silky's and subbrands nowadays are a quality improvement in practically every way and I'm glad they evolved this way.

>> No.18943694

I really like the art but either way I'd say there's more to a nukige than just the art. There's also the scene set-up and the text. What's cool about this game is while it uses a hypnosis set up, it does so in a way that really never makes the game feel bland at all, and uses the gimmick to set up a lot of nice varied scenes. It's a masterpiece.

>> No.18943714

How the fug do you install ヨスガノソラ?

During the installation process, it asks me to insert disk 0 containing the file data3.cab, but the torrent only comes with a single disk and data3.cab isn't on it. I even tried downloading a different torrent and that one has the exact same issue.

>> No.18943841

ichikawa saasha did draw neyuki no genei for silkys plus though? how is that one anyway, still havent played it. setup reminds me of kawa-ke

>> No.18944238

Whole lot of black cyc, surprised Gun Astana didn’t make the cut.

>> No.18944674

I want to play this game now, is it good?

>> No.18945014

First learn Japanese, then wonder about games.

>> No.18945121


>> No.18945287

nihongo jyozu dana

>> No.18945400

I fucking love that game's OVA. I have the game in my hdd but never played it yet. I really will have to play it someday.

>> No.18945963

imagine having to work on yaoi games or some weird fetish shit and translating h-scenes all day every day. it would be soul crushing

>> No.18945972

why? nobody really liked bokusen

>> No.18945981

theres not much gore and torture? wat

>> No.18946010

He can redeem himself.

>> No.18946326

I think H scenes repeat a lot of words and even whole sentences between them, so you could make quick work of it with one of those applications that caches how you translate certain things and suggests them to you.

>> No.18947098

I've translated a game and a few manga titles professionally, but the money just isn't there. More money in business communications.

>> No.18947203

is tsuyokiss 2 gakki just the 1st game in but in autumn with a few new characters or are the routes different?

>> No.18949122

The way I remember that one's OVA, the hypnotism app basically make it so they go under and then able to be given suggestions that, when they are aware again, they will do. The catch is that they are completely aware that their bodies are going against their own will, kind of like in Bishop's Kutsujoku, but with a better pay off. Is that how the actual VN plays out?

>> No.18949627

It depends on the protagonist's mood, I guess. Some of the h scenes are like that though and I find it hot. He does a variety of shit. With one of the heroines he hypnotizes her to make her develop a fetish for rape. Another heroine is someone about to get married so he hypnotizes her to use him as 'practice' before the actual marriage. The game is a fetish goldmine, I would say. It literally has everything, even a bunch of weird shit I don't know who the hell on this earth would be into.

Another thing that I will say about this game is that you can tell the VAs worked very hard. I imagine the voice acting in this game may be hit or miss for some people but it really worked for me.

>> No.18949671

not too much overall, check sad panda there are like 8 pages of content overall

>> No.18949817

>even a bunch of weird shit I don't know who the hell on this earth would be into.
Akira's 'route' was the hottest thing in the game and would have been even better if it was more gradual.

>> No.18949943

what, you didnt like butterfly seeker?

>> No.18949961

Probably hasn't read it or other games by Plus. Sounds like the kind of guy who only plays games to masturbate.

>> No.18950030

I've read Akeiro, Nanairo, and Apeiria. I'd say my favorite out of what I read was Akeiro, but overall I wouldn't say they were anything really special for me.

>> No.18950130

How is Butterfly Seeker? I haven't heard much about it since it was released.

>> No.18950209

It's good.

>> No.18950233

its like shinsou noise.

>> No.18950261

>even a bunch of weird shit I don't know who the hell on this earth would be into
Can you explain this more?

>> No.18950270

In Akira's route case, he's your bully, then you fuck his girlfriend then brainwash him into becoming a girl, getting tits and take hormones. Last scene of the route is plowing his brand new vagina.
It's basically how all revenge NTR plots should be made.

>> No.18950293

That's genius actually.

>> No.18950305

Honestly the only issue is that he becomes a moeblob slave way too fast as per hypnosis orders. If he kept some spiteful side it would have been a miracle, especially the blowjobs.

>> No.18952631

Picked up.

>> No.18953172

Well ontop of the Akira route stuff, you also have to deal with the fact that I think one of the main goals of this game was to cater to as wide of an audience as possible. That means this game has stuff like food play, scat, saliva swallowing, you name it, all the while the girls are screaming off the top of their lungs and cumming over and over again. There's a heavy focus on scent play too, with the protag making the girls get turned on by the way he smells.

There are some parts where girls will climax from just being kissed. If you hate over the top voice acting I imagine you'd hate this game. I wonder how Himekishi Angelica is due to a bunch of EGS reviews talking about how much they laughed. If Himekishi Angelica's voice acting goes further than what this game did then I imagine it'd really be something.

>> No.18956374

what are some good eroge with hot arrogant ojousama heroines? this shit is my jam

>> No.18956605

hello lady?

>> No.18956876
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>> No.18957014

I want to play an eroge that gives me hope in life. Any suggestions?

>> No.18957018

Re:lief. Its message is positive as fuck, hot porn too.

>> No.18957229

Already played that, it indeed encouraged me that time. Looking forward to the new game next year. My only complain is that Yuu wasnt the main heroine, but it seems they fixed this in their new game, too bad it's all ages though.

>> No.18957974
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I'm trying to play this one on W10 but I can't get it to launch no matter what. Tried compatibility modes and locale.
Guessing it's impossible. You guys maybe have an idea what else I could do?

>> No.18957978


>> No.18957982

I suppose that's a solution, somehow I am not too confident about my PC running a windows virtual machine though.

>> No.18957993

RAM is what matters. If you have at least 4 GB it should be fine.

>> No.18957997

Well thanks, I'm only running a laptop but it does have 16gb of ram so I suppose I'll give it a try later.

>> No.18958015

Has anyone gotten Cradles Tale yet?

>> No.18958290

play the ERE version

>> No.18958306

I want to play a game as a prince where I can marry any number of princesses at least one of which is my biological sister who is also a princess.

Does this exist?

>> No.18958544

Lune's Saimin Princess. The king of the realm was a massive rapist so he raped your mom, raped your fellow assasin's mom and naturally fucked the queen (Farashia's mother) and his current Misstress (The blue hair daughter)

>> No.18958586
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I'll play it out of desperation and I'm very grateful that you bothered answering me.

Honestly though how does this not exist? Something like Princess Bride where you're a prince that has to choose a princess. You get say, 3 princesses from foreign countries to marry, your own childhood friend/maid, or your sister.

Holy fuck it would make so much money if done right. By the gods, it writes itself

>> No.18958595

I'm almost certain I've played at least one generic moege like that.

>> No.18958617

>Honestly though how does this not exist?
It probably exists but its also probably old af. Its just that fantasy settings are usually the land of rape nukiges where the appeal is degrading fantasy races or royalty. You could try Gakuen 3,also, nukige where MC corrupts 3 princesses and his childhood friend maid who is revealed to be MC's cousin.

If you dont mind no incest or that the related character is not blood related then you could try https://vndb.org/v17058 where half the cast are princesses and the other your sisters.

>Holy fuck it would make so much money if done right. By the gods, it writes itself
Maybe. Lewd Elves sold gangbusters because it dared to portray in non-rape situations after all.

>> No.18958624

*Related character is not a princess.

>> No.18958665

what was the big deal with lewd elf forest anyway? it seems really generic

>> No.18958720

Literally name 5 nukige with elves that are neither low budget Miel games or focused on rape/tentacle/etc.

>> No.18958761

MC being a prince is probably more common in yaoi so that might be part of why its less common elsewhere. i'm sure there are a few games with that setting though and tons with similar settings like https://vndb.org/v16657

it was mostly nagisas art and the writing seemed to be better than average for a vanilla nukige

>> No.18958777
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>it seems really generic
Whats so generic about a game where elves are born through a magic tree (hence having stuff like virgin mothers and grandmothers) and need a human to breed with? Moreso one where its focused on elves/dark elves, not a single Orc on sight, no gangbangs, literally no rape (The battlefuck between protag and dark elves dont count since they had established this would be a sex battle under no circunstance the elves dont want to be fucked by protag)?

The only one i can think of are some Norn games (Though no dark elves in there) or the trap elf VN (And then again they had Orcs raping the shota elves).

It takes no brains to figure out that given how generic most elf focused games were that people that had wanted to romance them in a high budget game flocked to the only game of its type (There are a lot of vanilla fanart of dark elves/elves so the market for such games has always been there).

>> No.18959394

fair points, i stand corrected. had no idea that so many people wanted a decent vanilla elf-luvvin experience

>> No.18959434
File: 18 KB, 250x300, Misaki Forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. And now we have like 3 games with dark elves in vanilla settings (WAFFLE one i have not read but i have seen a dog and an Orc there so it might not count) which is more than what we have gotten in nearly a decade.

And some are kinda interesting like the Appetite one where the MC mother is send to another dimension and returns as a dark elf.

>> No.18959926

>It probably exists but its also probably old af.
Why are you LARPing on /jp/?

>> No.18960712
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It does say ERE but it won't launch. Just get a console that quits on me. Does it work for you on W10?

>> No.18964437

Threads are getting pushed to the bottom of page 10 pretty quickly these days.

>> No.18964457

Try Win7 compatability mode.

>> No.18964537

Why do they need to fuck guys if they're born from trees?

>> No.18964942

eroge logic

>> No.18965306
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, ISLAND_2018-05-05_06-03-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, Karen's route was such a shitfest. Karen and Setsuna were both pathetic and annoying as shit, and the progress they were making always felt like it was taking a step backward for every step forward. I mean, I guess this is how a "realistic" romance between a bratty teenager and a manchild might play out but it didn't make for good entertainment.

I hope the other routes (and Himawari) are better.

>> No.18965535


Because there has been a war between the Elves and Dark Elves and there has been plenty of casualties. Then all of a sudden the God Magical Tree stopped giving birth to elves (Explained only in Nol's route) and thus the protagonist was summoned.

The interesting thing is that the elves given birth to will ALWAYS be female and ALWAYS be pure breed elves(Only Nol is a half elf which is explained in her route) so in a way they are still born through magic but with a diferent process (ie sex, semen and big bellies).
And as an added bonus those females will always have incestuous feelings towards their father since they acknowledge him as their father but also dont have the usual feelings a daughter would had towards their father.

Sukebe Elf has actually lots of interesting stuff like that which gives it some more depth than the usual vanilla nukige (And much more than your average elf rape nukige).

>> No.18965728

Yea, no dice, same result.

>> No.18966243

It will be appreciated.

>> No.18966444

Himawari was way better than the Island to my taste

>> No.18966456

I thought it was pretty good even if it wasn't too related to the main route. G.O.'s writing is so entertaining I could read it forever regardless of subject.

>> No.18966588

>will always have incestuous feelings towards their father
>but also dont have the usual feelings a daughter would had towards their father.

>> No.18967351
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>> No.18967362
File: 175 KB, 814x657, kuru kuru couer after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm, suddenly worst girl becomes best girl. Wonder how that happened ...

>> No.18967608

Do you have to read biman in order?

>> No.18967643

No. Aside from the framing prologues and epilogues, they're completely separate from each other.

>> No.18967742

From MC's perspective its incest (He held himself back as much as possible but his daughters always come at him) but from the Elves it isnt.

>> No.18969932

Should I just skip it then? I'm starting with 4.

>> No.18970070

Play whichever ones you want. 4 was my favorite, but I also liked 2 and 3 quite a bit.

>> No.18971218

What do you do when you've found your 10/10? I've been chasing the high that I felt during my personal masterpiece for many years and, while I still very much enjoy the medium as a whole, I can't help but feel a little saddened that I might never find something that will top it. Does anyone else feel this way?

>> No.18971301

Honestly I feel like the first route in Island was somehow even weaker than Aries in Himawari, the main thing I was interested in was the information about the island and things that happened there. So, basically, an exposition. Second route was better, and in the third one things finally start happening.
Himawari is... mostly better, I guess? Writing is somehow worse there though. Island was a pretty pleasant experience all the time in terms of prose, while in Himawari some parts felt a bit rough.
I just read whatever looks interesting. Sure, I feel sad about how the medium is at the moment, but some interesting things like apeiria still appear from time to time. Well, and it's not like eroge is the only medium that interests me, so I'm pretty content with what I get.

>> No.18972026
File: 96 KB, 800x600, more like phantom of kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with the PS2 version of this... while not quite a kamige, I would definitely put it at least in the Top 3 of Nitroplus games. I like the emphasis put on cool guns, cars, bikes, madmen, bitches, etc.; I feel you dont see that done so earnestly anymore these days. The art is not so much bad as very inconsistent and badly colourised, as is typical of its time. Also typical for it is the often excessive melodrama (not that this trend every really stopped), the protagonist is mostly a boring whiny cunt, but the supporting cast more or less makes up for him. Disappointing that the three main endings kind of fizzled out without a real climax, and they were also a bit too cliched in their treatment of the heroines. But overall, and despite all dragging parts, the game made for an entertaining journey with its tripartite structure.

I do wonder on what I missed out by playing an all ages version. I considered the remake, but iirc it added some new things and is apparently also all ages anyway. It seems to have a completely different VA cast as well, which makes me want to not pick it up, since the voice work for the main characters was really great here (Drei has to be one the best 2D girls ever, and I dont say that only because I am a Misafag). Urobuchi's eroge output seems pretty good from what I have seen. Maybe I should try Django.

>> No.18972279

my favorite eroge can't really come close to my favorite books or movies, so it's always been an inferior medium to me. i really wish i could find an eroge that meets the same highs i get from other mediums, but it's never really been that way for me. i still like eroge because it's got a lot of fanservice compared to other mediums so its easier for me to jerk off

>> No.18972401

Shouldn't you be watching Avengers right now? This thread is for the big boys, you're not welcome.

>> No.18972430

I see that a normie got lost here, I suggest you to go back to /tv/ or /lit/ where you belong.

>> No.18972436
File: 55 KB, 1841x252, Screenshot (89).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dies Irae's writing was catching some flak in a /vn/ thread and some other anon who I assume read both scripts chalks up the bad writing to the translation. I haven't actually read any visual novels in Japanese and was wondering if I could get some opinions on the translation as a whole and whether what this guy said actually has some credit.

>> No.18972442

no that's okay. ask djt they'd love to help

>> No.18972446

Right sorry for barging and bothering you. My bad dude you go read the good shit whilst I get back to my cards.

>> No.18972451

you should stay away from the cretin in /vn/ it's really not good for you

>> No.18972454

Everything is better in the original language.

>> No.18972481
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (37).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I'm reading through 八命陣 right now and I can see where this guy is coming from. I haven't read the translation of Dies Irae so I can't say too much.

>> No.18972488

I have no idea what the translation is like and have no interest in finding out, but yes, obviously some random ESL fuckwad is not going to produce anything comparable to what a professional writer can do, let alone one near the top of his field like Masada.

>> No.18972574

Fuck I enjoyed reading that. Never understood why it wasn't better received.

>> No.18972599

Personally I think its the best piece Masada has written since DI. Every character was honestly fantastic and had amazing moments, the art was top notch and I think it honestly had the best BGM of all light works. What did you think of the final fight between our /yuusha/ and the captain? I genuinely think it was the most hype fight second only to Wil vs Meth.

>> No.18972652

If I've been constantly exposed to English for more than 20 years and I can speak it fluently and far more proficiently than most native speakers, despite it not being my mother tongue, am I still considered an ESL?
Keep in mind I translate for a living and my latest client, a publishing group, offered me a side-job as an editor.
Also Masada is a shit writer, only a slightly better Nasu.

>> No.18972723

why'd you spoil that retard esl?

>> No.18972806

I still haven't found my 10/10.

>> No.18972847

That and the sequel both have fantastic BGM, I have trouble picking a favourite track.

Of course the final fight was a highlight, but 甘粕 really needed to be given more background. He was formally introduced fairly late into the story and we really don't get to see much of him at all until right at the end despite probably being the most interesting character in the cast (セージ is definitely up there though). He's a little more fleshed out in the sequel but it was a bit late by then.

Pretty standard complaint, but the H scenes were a real drag to get through. Every time I took a long break from reading it was because of a H scene.

>> No.18972881
File: 644 KB, 802x627, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe I should try Django
Do it anon
I just finished it and it was pretty great

>> No.18972952

What VN is this?

>> No.18973039
File: 112 KB, 800x600, Yosuga no Sora_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite protagonist room?

>> No.18973060
File: 154 KB, 800x600, cg.npa_000044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18973258
File: 606 KB, 816x638, Django_2016-11-25_18-38-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like spaghetti western, read it. It's one of my favourites, ever.

>> No.18973322

It's pretty damn weak compared to the original. I didn't read it entirely, just compared the prologue and a few scenes, but if the original is 10/10 then reading it in translation is maybe a 6 or 7. It's an entirely different experience and if I first read it in English I would have never gotten anywhere near as much out of the game as I did.

>> No.18973325

Is there a crack for あくまで、これは~の物語 anywhere? I can find all the game files, but no crack.

>> No.18973390
File: 4 KB, 561x53, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try getting this, seems to be the package version.

>> No.18973405

That's the torrent I have. After the game is installed, there isn't any executable and there's just some link to a website telling me to install some DMM thing where I would have to login and input a serial code for me to access the game or something.

Or is there something obvious I'm missing and I'm just autistic?

>> No.18973415

The solution, like usual, is in the place where the games are posted.

>> No.18973431

On the Mikocon website I only see other people asking for the crack. I checked before posting here.

>> No.18973484

Looks like you need to wait for a crack then or crack the game yourself.

>> No.18973501

I was just making sure there wasn't a crack I was missing.

You can go back to acting like you're some sort of professional VN reader because you can post obvious statements like >>18973415
Thanks for the help, prick.

>> No.18973520

>hurr spoonfeed me!!
It took me less than 3 seconds to find out how to play it, on a site that's known to everyone who has been here for longer than 10 seconds. If you're a complete and utter retard who can't figure out anything by himself, even after being given a hint, then that's on you.

>> No.18973522
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, ISLAND_2018-05-07_03-06-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18974159
File: 30 KB, 941x332, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18974166

And more there.

And as always EOPs crying for hook codes. Why is AS so full of them?

>> No.18974418

Yeah. I'd say you're even worse than an ESL since you seem to be making up your own definitions for words.

>> No.18974921

This won't work correctly because there's still game files missing. The crack posted later in >>18974166 is fine (not the curl.zip one).
God I fucking hate people using exe from different games and demos and calling it a crack.

>> No.18975014

While it's not as bad as this guy makes it look like, overall he is correct. Translation reads worse than the original for the most part, and dies has it's own share of problems to begin with. Combine it with the mediocre translation, and the end result would be far from the original experience.
Senshinkan, as great as it was, had a simple yet a very important problem: the main cast of heroines was weak. Because of that, the actual romance in the first three routes felt weak (I don't even want to start talking about h-scenes and how unneeded they were), and while Rinko's faces and Ayumi's shinza jokes were fun, in the end it's not what you want from the main characters. Sera was much better, which is why the last route ended up being that great.
That being said, I still consider senshinkan and bansenjin Masada's best works overall.

>> No.18975015

>And as always EOPs crying for hook codes. Why is AS so full of them?
messing with assembly level debug is pretty hardcore, not many people can figure it out, and the ones who can are also more likely to have learned japanese too. one of those dunning kruger things

>> No.18975389

Hey guys, I just came back from deployment and haven't been able to keep up with what's going on in the eroge world (4chan and archives were blocked by IT.)
What were some decent titles released between October and April? It doesn't really matter what genre they are, nukige or charage or plot as long as they are interesting and/or hot. Sorry for asking to be spoonfed.

>> No.18975427

Rance 10, Butterfly Seeker, Karigurashi Renai, Mono no Aware, Kiniro Loveriche, Lost Echoes

>> No.18976988

you're welcome

>> No.18977421

>Rich girl is actually a gyaru.

Usually you'd expect trashy girls to be ones that were poor.

>> No.18978690

I can agree with that, the heroines were fairly uninteresting in a cast full of interesting characters.

At least we have the sequel girls.

>> No.18979692
File: 601 KB, 1920x1080, mashu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to see they still keep up with the parody.

>> No.18980402

Which March mystery is better?

Butterfly Seeker or Akumade, Kore wa ~ no Monogatari?

>> No.18980407


>> No.18980412


>> No.18980465

Is her bra made of steel or are there invisible strings supporting that shit?

>> No.18980492

She's a homunculus

>> No.18980880
File: 451 KB, 800x600, gurodere_2018-05-08_13-30-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I finished guro dere, it's pretty short
definitely recommended, the girls are super cute and the romance super heart-warming, anyone who likes maruo-style moege will love it
also the humour is great, I was basically constantly entertained, despite only having 3 characters it has some super enjoyable interactions
dora-chan was my favourite because I super like the kind of girl she is, she's basically niwaka from chronobox super super cute, but irumi was the main girl and her relationship with MC was great, super romantic
also the production was great, I wonder why maruo games are always like this when he's just the writer? does he work on production as well or does he just work with the same people all the time? the sprites are super bouncy, the use of visual props to support the story are very nicly done and reminiscent of chronobox, and the BGM was actually amazing
if I was to give criticism it's that that's all the game is, it's great and fun and all but it's not a deep and profound work of art that will stay in your memory forever and make you change the way you think about fiction like dasaku is
but I'm perfectly happy with it anyway, comparing it to dasaku everything looks inferior but I still enjoyed it a lot and look forward to my fellow maruo fans reading it

>> No.18981179
File: 93 KB, 1815x173, super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18982645

i dont understand you men of guro culture but i respect your ability to fap to anything

>> No.18983565
File: 77 KB, 1024x682, 1522237823767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone mind helping me with a question regarding WA2? How close am I to the end of the Introductory Chapter if the graduation ceremony just started? I'm absolutely loving the story so far but I can't help but feel like the Closing Chapter will have a lot to live up to

>> No.18983775

You're like an hour away from the end of IC at most. Faster if you ctrl through the h-scene but most of the h-scenes in WA2 are worth reading through for story and characterization related reasons.
CC's better in almost every respect. If you're liking it now you'll likely love it later.

>> No.18983811

Yeah I just hit the h-scene
the story isn't turning out how I expected but i'm very happy with this turn of events
setsuna seems kind of manipulative, I could be wrong though, while touma seems willing to sacrifice anything for MC's happiness

>> No.18983818

It's not a guro nukige, it's a cute romance/comedy moege which has some guro scenes. I can see why you'd think that though, Maruo works are really impossible to understand if you've never read one because they're so fantastically unique and divorced from classical genre distinctions.
I'm actually so happy he has his own brand making full-price games now, it's astounding a genius like him was stuck working for low-price nukige brands until now. Can't wait for the Anagram game.

>> No.18983847

>Subject of: Gang Rape
Yep, sure sounds like a cute romance/comedy moege.

>> No.18983872

If you were to recommend only one maruo work, would it be chronobox

>> No.18984014

People do this shit with Dasaku too. They probably think it's funny.

>> No.18984058

It's debatable because they're both amazing works in very different ways. Chronobox is an extremely interesting and complex horror/mystery, while Dasaku is about the inner conflict of flawed characters learning to accept themselves for who they are. Chronobox has a very large and developed cast of characters, with some cute and funny and heart-warming and emotionally moving interactions and relationships, while Dasaku follows a smaller core cast and explore in great detail their innermost thoughts and fears and desires. Chronobox leaves a lot unexplained and has a lot of potential for speculation and theorising and interpretation, while Dasaku is very compact and complete and satisfying. Chronobox is a lot higher budget so has superior production values and visual nuances that contribute a lot to the story, but Dasaku has scenes which are far more unique and unlike anything else you'll ever see, not just in eroge but in any other work of art ever created.

So it depends on your personal taste, I know people who consider Chronobox their favorite eroge ever, but personally I was far more blown away by Dasaku.

You'll see what I mean if you read it, I'm not exaggerating.

>> No.18984079

take your time because the story hits a slump in CC
it's not uncommon for nukige or rape games to have moe girls or scenes, just play games like saishuu chikan densha 3 or maybe kisaku

>> No.18984291

>Masochist Heroine
>Sadist Protagonist
Huge red flag for me but thanks for the heads up.

>> No.18984610 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1263x709, 1525831439694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I finished the Intro chapter for WA2
and goddamn do I just feel terrible
up until the end I didn't really care for setsuna but her in the airport and them on the roof, and then her screaming 噓つけ in the closing chapter preview, it just made me feel terrible for her. I honestly don't know which of the 2 to go for first, this games' girls are too good

>> No.18984992

What? You don't know how CC is structured? Get out of here and don't come back nor look up any guides until you're done with Setsuna's route.

>> No.18987435
File: 110 KB, 640x480, bokunatsu_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing if 4chan stopped being stupid.

>> No.18987481


Hey seems like I can post for a day, after 4chan was adamant about blocking ipv4 ranges from Germany or.. whatever the heck they did.

Anyway, I've recently played bokunatsu and it's not half bad. It feels a little lifeless, probably because of how "dry" its writing is with close to no even remotely amusing things happening, or them just being presented in the least amusing way possible. But otherwise it does a few interesting things.
For one thing, the male and female protagonists have pretty much a clear love interest from the beginning, and that will always play a role. It feels like a teen romance with a healthy dose of misunderstandings, some lying, jealousy and mistakes. Due to the change of pov between the protagonists, you also get to see the feelings of essentially the main heroine quite a bit. Finally one of the heroines likes the female protagonist. So you even get yourself some yuri.

It's all kinda nice, but the endgame feels weak. Some events feel rather unrealistic and drastic. Others feel like they are cleaned up way too fast. Endings in general feel like they come a little fast. It's just messy. I still have one "route" left to go through, so some issues may still get resolved, but yeah.

>> No.18987642

Do you mean the failed captcha thing? I get that a lot the last weeks, just try posting 3-4 times and it'll go through (usually)

>> No.18987713

Didn't we have an eroge general sometimes ago?

>> No.18987778

Not >>18987481 But the Captcha for me will sometimes time out or not load at all for me. Is the text based Captcha truly dead or is there a way to bring it back?

>> No.18988121

No, literal IP range block. I got the message that my country's or ISP's IPs got blocked because of constant "abuse" or whatever.

Dunno if it comes back tomorrow, wouldn't be surprised. But these problems simply will happen more and more often, as long as 4chan stays with only ipv4 bans. Those run out. They'll get shared a lot, now that many ISPs adapt to v6.

>> No.18988278

I have been waiting for this game since last year and now that it's out I have a backlog that isn't moving.
So... what can you tell me about it? I'm not even sure of what the setting is.

>> No.18988332

Magic school isekai.
MC has pervert magic which is pretty op only for that.
All females have huge boobs and magic can make them lactate.

>> No.18988516

Just what the doctor ordered.

>> No.18989445

Google completely phased out text based captcha in March or so, so yes, it's dead for good.

>> No.18989640
File: 644 KB, 800x600, drowning in furigana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds more like one of your countrymen decided to flex his autism muscle and got range IP banned, though i never heard about this site doing that before. about the captcha, just use 4chanx and enable noscript captchas, the normal google ones stopped thinking i'm human after a few posts and just kept getting worse

on an unrelated note, eroge

>> No.18989698

the deep state is trying to silence you kraut anons from telling us the truth about migrant crime

>> No.18990033

Turns out ruitomo is on ps3, and turns out it's part of the PS+ package for this month. Is this the version to go for, or do H-scenes actually matter?

>> No.18990594

You could always get the PC version (trial should work I think) and play it for a bit. While lewds aren't that early, naked boobs are. Then you just look at that and ask your little friend.
Or visit sad panda. That's faster, but has more spoiler risks I guess.

>> No.18990784
File: 1.32 MB, 1373x1811, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the japanese otaku actually that hardcore about copyrights, or is it just that the creators wish they were that way?

>> No.18990933

Check your peers' locations the next time you torrent a newly released game.

>> No.18990941

Mostly China

>> No.18991306
File: 42 KB, 553x358, 2018-05-10_01-34-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Otome Function dev blog is still being updated. Why does he keep up that charade?

>> No.18991340
File: 171 KB, 641x400, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no

>> No.18991660
File: 182 KB, 1280x1024, singlesize2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Island is a shitfest all the way.
I think it's inferior to Steins;Gate 0 in every regard, and that's saying much.
I got tricked thinking it's plotge, but it turned out to be a shitty all-ages loli moege.

>> No.18992241

but sg0 is trash

>> No.18992545

I thought this was a kamige.

>> No.18992574

It is, that guy is probably just a dumb シナリオ厨who can't stand having anything other than hard serious plot in his games

>> No.18992955
File: 278 KB, 640x480, cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really could get away with a lot back then, huh

>> No.18993038

>do H-scenes actually matter
only in sequel

>> No.18993529

I've been thinking of pursuing an eroge that approaches romance and sex in a different way. I've gotten a bit sick of the usual romantic development where both the protagonist and heroine are crazy about each other and spend lots of playtime reaffirming how much they love each other and how precious and perfect their relationship is. I want to try a heroine route where the couple doesn't go all the way with the romance, where there is something missing. For example, maybe a friends with benefits relationship where they stay as casual buddies must of the time but fuck for fun when alone, or maybe the heroine loves the protagonist but the protagonist doesn't love her but they fuck anyway because he thinks she's hot (Amatsutsumi was good with this outside of the heroine routes), or maybe they mutually love each other but can never find the nerve to confess for real and try to keep up the front of a business relationship.

Any suggestions? The genre or whatever doesn't matter, and it's fine if this kind of relationship only happens in one route out of many. I just don't want a nukige, I know nukige often have these types of relationships but I want something with some plot (even if it's some low-stakes moege plot).

>> No.18993555

It's sad how limited the scope of eroge is getting over time. I know money talks, but the frequent autistic outbursts from the people who buy these games are just adding more and more "do not do this" checklist items to dev writers as the years go by. Stuff like Koikake and Work Spring is already going extinct soon because of that. I bet 10 years from now some of today's generic eroge will look daring and risky in comparison, maybe it'll be a sin to even wound a heroine by then.

>> No.18993601


>> No.18993686

>maybe it'll be a sin to even wound a heroine by then.
Then some neonerd gets recommended Tsukihime by some oldfag.

>> No.18993770

Sayaka route in saihate no ima

>> No.18993856

>saihate no ima
Is the ntr tag legit?

>> No.18994224


>> No.18994668
File: 320 KB, 1024x768, kiminokarada_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may fit. Starts with a "fuck club" to seek nothing but primitive pleasure, the complete opposite of what's expected of you by society. Relationships build from that I guess. I only played the route of pic related, but I mostly enjoyed it. With her you can't expect actual sex for a while though.
The game is somewhat heavy on ero, but most of these scenes include plenty of progression in their own way.

>> No.18995472

Any Beckettian VNs?

>> No.18995684


>> No.18995771
File: 129 KB, 640x400, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like the third joke about concentration camps in three hours... nice

>> No.18996299

Gonna do nofap for a month but keep playing eroge. Wish me luck bros

>> No.18996307

>just use 4chanx and enable noscript captchas
I did this but the "pick similar pictures" thing still fails every time, is it the same for you? However the following "copy this code into the box" works flawlessly. Is there any way to make that the default one?

>> No.18996529
File: 405 KB, 1280x720, sakusaki_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck. May as well play pic related. Plenty of tips from an expert.

>> No.18996568
File: 169 KB, 800x600, syare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18996589

Can't be a main heroine.

>> No.18998140
File: 346 KB, 364x558, at least they arent trucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what you mean, this is all i get

>> No.18998174
File: 36 KB, 331x591, 1510658018541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that fails for me everytime. After that I get this and it works.

>> No.18998260

i dunno, try restarting your browser, unchecking/rechecking the option in the script, disabling/enabling the plugin, rebooting. otherwise ask on /g/ i feel bad shitting the thread up with this

and if anyone uses an AMD gfx card, a bit ago they implemented the option to window capture in their drivers which is pretty nice compared to only being able to capture full screen

>> No.18998443

I tried to extract sprites from Lune games and holy shit, this is one of the worst cases of grorious nippon code forded over 1000 times.

>> No.18998569

I wouldn't expect less from Lune. After all, just trying to install 悪の女幹部 is a pain in the ass.

>> No.18998732

Nah, installaton is easy if you are not a brainlet. You don't even need crack because the game is DRM-free.
Fun part is: every sprite and CG is bitmap image. Heroine's face changed during h-scene? Here, have another 4Mb file. Also, BGM files are some shit without file extention that don't open in any player.

>> No.18999011
File: 148 KB, 640x401, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19000383

Winny seems really infamous. Hell, I remember a song by Maximum the Hormone had it repeated in the lyrics.

>> No.19002512 [SPOILER] 
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, 1526026592060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sara's route was better than Karen's, but I still can't say it was good. Something seemed off for me, like it was almost a good character route but not quite enough.

Seems like this author has a habit or hobby of making his characters do a bunch of stupid shit to establish their personalities and then blindsiding them with twists or revelations that change their entire life view, then having them continue to do stupid shit until they fuck up hard but learn a lesson in the end. I haven't played Himawari but just these two routes in Island seem to share this similarity.

Also the art in this scene was really impressive.

>> No.19003139

how does one unlock the alternate title screen of 美少女万華鏡 games? i saw them before after finishing an ending but I can't seem to make them appear again.

>> No.19004684
File: 67 KB, 200x200, 1503106323531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend a good VN with a school setting where the plot has a bit of a twist/mystery/etc. to it like Flyable Heart?

>> No.19004690


>> No.19004697

>Flyable Heart
That reminds me, I should really get around to that some time.

>> No.19004769

Remember to buy everybody's favorite imouto goods~


I got myself a hoodie

>> No.19004925

Way too many exist. Need a bit more. I don't really know what's good about the game myself either, and I'm sure there are more here. Be it because they haven't played it or just disliked it.

>> No.19005633

I like that artist more when he is drawing porn.

>> No.19005653

The entire novel felt like it was written to troll the reader. It puts in a bunch of red herring foreshadowing, and whenever you think you know what's going on, it goes "What, you thought X was true? That's stupid, why would you think that?"

>> No.19005677

When did it do that?

>> No.19005734

Big spoilers, obviously
Basically everything related to time travel: The hints that Sara is her own mother (how would that even work?), The multiple versions of Rinne and Setsuna at the end of Rinne's route that turn out to not be time travel at all, and then the final twist that there never actually was ANY time travel at all, and it's all an endless loop of Cold Sleep and Reincarnation

>> No.19005955
File: 207 KB, 640x397, she sucks anyway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it keeps happening

>> No.19007800 [SPOILER] 
File: 193 KB, 1261x713, 1526089708713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the anon who told me not to come to the thread until I finish Setsuna's true route in WA2, don't worry, i'm not looking at any replies, just posting my thoughts
the closing chapter is ending up to be a lot better than the introductory chapter. I hit another time skip and I played basically all day, and now im near the end of february, right after setsuna leaves haruki's room after their 2-3 days of constant sex. but so far the story has really had its ups and downs in terms of emotions, and i'm definitely expecting another downfall soon. on top of that, this is going on way longer than i was expecting. i wasnt thinking it'd go on for longer than the end of january, but the fact that it's still going makes me think that it's either going to keep going until spring and then do another time skip, or it will go all the way until next christmas, which sounds crazy. anyway, absolutely loving the game so far and i cant wait to come back and read the replies to these posts, but for now i wont since i dont want to spoil myself. also i still dont know what the fuck a coda is

>> No.19007993

Then I'll leave this here for the future you.
>i still dont know what the fuck a coda is
You should know this if you're reading this now. CC is split into 2 parts, CC itself and coda, the latter of which is sort of supposed to be a secret, but nowadays almost everyone knows coda exists going into WA2 since it gets talked about everywhere which ruins the reveal. I still remember absolutely losing my shit when the coda opening played on me unexpectedly (I thought for the longest time Kazusa's route was locked behind that "go to the concert" choice) and the few friends I've introduced the game to thanked me for keeping it under wraps, so if I happen upon any lucky people who still don't know about it, I'll always urge them to finish Setsuna's route in CC before checking any guides.

>> No.19010241


>> No.19011412
File: 26 KB, 691x518, 1358112228267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have the sauce for this image?
i found it on /jp/ archived thread 5 years ago

>> No.19011684

"LARPing on /jp/" is an oxymoron. As LARPing requires live action roleplay, you know, like physical shit. Even posting LARP on /jp/ wouldn't be LARPing on /jp/, it would still be LARPing elsewhere and posting it here.
"Roleplaying" has worked fine forever without that nuance. Very simple, straightforward, and correct. I'm unsure why people insist on replacing it nowadays.

>> No.19011755

Does anyone here actually know Japanese?

>> No.19011883

We look at the pictures and make up our own stories.

>> No.19011928 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1273x709, 1526140467986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this got me crying
jesus christ it's still going. maybe this is coda? a 3 year timeskip and they're in france?

>> No.19012082
File: 163 KB, 1024x640, japanese_is_hard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19012278
File: 303 KB, 1280x720, 1515860106490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19012654

I hope for your own sake that you're not consistent with words being used correctly, male homosexual affected with autism.

>> No.19012839

Faggot has connotations for flamboyant nonsensical behavior, and autism is primarily a social disorder. Their memetic usage makes sense.
LARP, on the other hand, is very specific, and exists as a term only to differentiate from normal roleplay. Much like ERP. Though "ERP on /jp/" is technically possible.
But do not worry, I am most certainly inconsistent elsewhere.

>> No.19012898
File: 245 KB, 802x598, Timpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I play games that are already in English.

>> No.19012929

Yes. I am actually Japanese, or rather what we would call a "haafu".

>> No.19012942


>> No.19013020
File: 164 KB, 800x600, Mahou_Shoujo_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But english is hard too.

>> No.19013121

Everything having ED certainly would be おしまい. Like whoopsy, can't reproduce any more!

>> No.19013139


>> No.19013219

Excuse my ignorance, but you lost me at the "おしまい" part. I would appreciate a translation.

>> No.19013305


>> No.19013391

if you had ED you couldn't reproduce with おしまい as in your dear sister

>> No.19013433
File: 309 KB, 800x600, 1502126497517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any heroines out there similar to Hiyo? In particular I really like her polite speech.

>> No.19013453

Other Shumon heroines, in particular Korisu from meguri hitohira is Hiyo 0.5.

>> No.19013631

Why did no one tell me Natsu no Ame was good?

>> No.19013668

I just had a wet dream where I fucked one of the heroines in ruitomo. This must be a sign that I should read it

>> No.19013679

>needing to be told about games with 1k votes on egs by famous writers
have you heard of this hidden gem called white album 2

>> No.19013689

>have you heard of this hidden gem called white album 2

Yeah, I thought it was pretty boring and dropped it about 10 hours in.

>> No.19013838

>Checking out CGs
>See non-loli pettankos
>Art looks awesome
>They're actually guys
Fuck me.

>> No.19013841


>> No.19013846


>> No.19013874
File: 940 KB, 800x600, i can't speak japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19014003

Damn, that actually looks good.

>> No.19014031

The original game makes too much sense as a
>fuck cardfight vanguard's shota as a magical girl simulator

>> No.19015111

>maybe this is coda? a 3 year timeskip and they're in france?
Yes. Coda is the 3 year timeskip to France. Now Coda has 3 routes for you to go to; Setsuna True, Kazusa Normal/Cheating Route, Kazusa True.
Setsuna True is the route where you remain loyal to Setsuna. You tell Setsuna that you met Kazusa in Strasbourg, you also reject Kazusa's feelings in this route. Haruki, Setsuna and Kazusa made an album in this route and remained friends only in this route. Both you and Setsuna get married by the end of the route (continuation of this route would be Setsuna Mini After Story). Kazusa Normal/Cheating Route is where you cheat Setsuna with Kazusa. You don't tell Setsuna that you met her in Strasbourg, you and Kazusa will constantly have sex in this route. Kazusa leaves you at the end of the route, this leaves Haruki emotionally broken. Setsuna will be there to help Haruki recover.(continuation of this route would be Extra Episode). Kazusa True is where you break up with Setsuna and go to Vienna with Kazusa. Same with Setsuna True, you tell Setsuna that you met her in Strasbourg. Haruki decides to be true to himself and break up with Setsuna and be Kazusa's lover, this results with Haruki quitting his job as an editor and becoming Kazusa's manager, going against Takeya and Io who wants you to be with Setsuna, and getting beaten up by Setsuna's brother. Both you and Kazusa take a plane to Vienna by the end of the route.(continuation of this route would be Kazusa Mini After Story and the 2016 Drama CD)

>> No.19016945

Aside from demo movies not being a thing anymore and that friend you borrow games from being an anonymous seeder from an obscure, almost dead magnet, how much can you relate currently to this ancient video? Because I'm glad I'm not the only one.

>> No.19017196

>Those antique memes from back when NND wasn't オワコン
Feels life-like texture ;_;


I never got this, though. Just read a regular ero doujin or manga if you're not getting the story buildup.

>> No.19017514

is EGS still dead? any alternatives besides vndb?

>> No.19017549
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>> No.19018042

Does anyone have link to japanese win7 or win10?

>> No.19018131
File: 216 KB, 1876x922, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omaera is dead, EGS itself isn't. I just use google translate for now. Search forms don't work and it can't open "large" pages like all time rankings but you can still view yearly rankings and can paste individual game links from google search into the top bar so it does what I need for the most part. You can always google cache the all time rankings if you really want to.

>> No.19018197

You can easily change Win7 and Win10 to Japanese locale without reinstalling, as long as you don't pick some stupid limited shit like home premium, starter, or whatever.
Then you can set time format and default languages as well if need be. And then set up an IME like MS's or Google's, maybe mozc if you want Google's but open source non-botnet.

Reinstalling completely is just silly. But if you must, any official win7 or win10(?) discs should work. Though that means messing with keys or loaders again.

>> No.19018248

I've bought new gaming pc, it has no OS installed yet anyway.

I don't mean JP locale, thats obvious and easy. I mean that retarded check that some games use, which checks that your Windows is Japanese. I'm fairly sure its not just formats and if I remember correctly, changing system language to Japanese didn't help too.

>> No.19018286

The discs are hash exact though. Everything can be changed with settings. If it's not locale or display language, it's usually time/date format or maybe time zone.
Worst case you just use the disc again to 'update' to Japanese, or use a VM.

But of course you could just select Japanese from the get go if you're installing fresh. I always do that.
Again any official disc is international and supports all supported languages, it's just options.

>> No.19018794

Oh, thank god. I was starting to wonder if he was dead.

>> No.19019014

>But of course you could just select Japanese from the get go if you're installing fresh. I always do that.
That's exactly why you probably never got the problem that the other anon was talking about. Windows saves the original installation language in a way that can't be changed afterwards and some games check that.

>> No.19019030

Can you name any such game? I want to see if this is actually a thing because I've never ran into it.

>> No.19019033

I've actually never heard of this. But surely it's possible.
Is there any game in particular that does it? Is it a simple registry value?

>> No.19019048

All the stuff from any brand under Visual Art's should have this. It's not a registry value. Though just using alpharomdie on the games exe will remove that check usually.

>> No.19019262
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Well this is what i get with running Key stuff for example without using alpharomdie on it and the only none japanese thing on my Win7 is that it wasn't installed in the language.

>> No.19019272

You have japanese time?

>> No.19019289

Playing 残念な姉との幸福論 And currently doing the blonde sister route, and came into a scene where subbed or M'd in classroom if that's the right term for it. I don't like protag being like that so I'm not sure if I should play it or how long is left.

The common route was Ok though, not cringe or shounen-ey like a lot of moe and comedy stuff today is

>> No.19019381

You mean the timezone or the time format?

>> No.19019398

both can make a difference

>> No.19019434

Ok i never tried setting the timezone to japan.

>> No.19019480

Drop it, seriously.

>> No.19019534

>>19018286 >>19019014
Hmm, at least setting everything to Japanese after installing in English worked for some Siglus games I've just tried.

>> No.19019546

I dug up my old copy of はつゆきさくら and you were right about it not responding to regular locale changing, but all it took was changing the display language to Japanese then setting the timezone to Japan Standard Time to get it running. Granted, it took me a while to find the Japanese language pack because my windows updater refused to get it automatically but all in all it turns out you don't actually need a Japanese ISO, unless you have some other examples that check something hidden even deeper.

>> No.19019557

Leaning that way. Just curious, are the individual routes as long as the common routes?

Sometimes its tough to predict a game from the vndb tags, played this thinking it would be a light comic vn

>> No.19019570

>it would be a light comic vn
I wish it stayed that way, Suzune's route I think was something else I didn't want to see.

>> No.19019939

Any VN where one of the Heroins is really nice and sweet but it turns out she is nice to everyone and would have sex with anyone?

>> No.19019999

I know a game like that but it's a massive endgame spoiler if I tell you

>> No.19020008

Please tell me anon, in spoilers for others.

>> No.19020778

Swan Song

>> No.19020813

You would enjoy a certain girls route in Symphonic Rain.

>> No.19021080

>Symphonic Rain.
>no sexual content

I don't think so.

>> No.19021829

Any recommendations for VNs with interesting MCs? I'm bored of the blank slate/self inserts.

>> No.19021844

well that sucks.

>> No.19022118 [DELETED] 

暁の護衛 has a pretty cool MC though sometimes he's 2cool4school
レミニセンス from the same writer is the exact opposite. Hetare as fuck, but still enjoyable

Then there are a few other games like クリサイアの果実 and Cross Channel but you probably already know them.

>> No.19022139

暁の護衛 has a pretty cool MC though sometimes he's 2cool4school
レミニセンス from the same writer is the exact opposite. Hetare as fuck, but still enjoyable

Then there are a few other games like グリザイアの果実 and Cross Channel but you probably already know them.

>> No.19022210 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 1280x720, 1526260476326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't expect to run into a spoiler of sorts on something this old but I guess I have bad luck. It's pic related, isn't it? Here's hoping it's as heavy as you make it sound (though it's all ages so it can't be that bad I guess); I did sign up for an utsuge after all.

>> No.19022400

best girl

>> No.19022716

Is Nitroplus's next just a r*pe nukige? If that's true than I'm disappointed, Shimokura Vio might be a bad writer but he always comes up with crazy cool shit.

>> No.19022735

God damn I hated her so much. I hope she has a miserable and fruitless life.

>> No.19022862

That's the literal premise of this, it's a nukige though.

No one knows, the trial was too short. The videos are cool though.

>> No.19022892

vios not a bad writer. he's just an otaku writing for other otaku.

>> No.19023757

So what are everyone's thought on the new Nitroplus game

>> No.19023861

garbage writer and ugly art

>> No.19023864

genius writer and beautiful art

>> No.19023878

ugly writer and genius art

>> No.19023880


>> No.19023892

Personally I'm very excited for it since I love the combination of plot + twisted dark sexual content. First game in 9 years from Nitroplus that looks interesting premise wise as well.

>> No.19024005

It's too graphically demanding for my pc so I'm sad I can't play it.
