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File: 51 KB, 768x592, MARY FUCKING SUE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1895614 No.1895614 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, give me a fucking break. She's SO PURE that she EXUDES AN AURA OF PURE GOODNESS, she's SO BEAUTIFUL that the main character instantly falls in love with her and she WIELDS A SWORD OF PURE ENERGY.


>> No.1895627

And only one person can sense the aura so far? Nice try.

>> No.1895633


>> No.1895635
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I'll do it every time, bro.

>Okay, give me a fucking break. He's SO TOUGH that he EXUDES AN AURA OF PURE AWESOME, he's SO BEASTLY that the main character instantly fears him to death and he WIELDS A SPEAR MADE OF PURE CURSE.

>> No.1895641

Issei is trained to be able to sense these things, the main character was struck by her beauty, not instantly in love, it's still not pure energy, and she gets her ass kicked all the time.

The best part is, these threads always get replies, despite being a daily event. 2/10 for effort, but 10/10 for persistence.

>> No.1895647
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>> No.1895732
File: 46 KB, 773x591, MARY SUE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895770
File: 77 KB, 810x648, lolsbian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tohsaka's a lesbian in Fate, rendering your argument invalid.

>> No.1895780

Rin wants:
Archer's cock
Shirou's cock
Lancer's cock
Saber's cock
and she is tsundere for Kotomine's cock

>> No.1895802

Well she also wants Saber's cock.

>> No.1895810

You sure can read.

>> No.1895823

But it's true.

>> No.1895834

You forgot Sakura's cock.

>> No.1895845

>>1895834 Sakura's cocks

>> No.1895855

And Saber's cock.

>> No.1896099

Oh, so THATS why Fate/Stay Night is popular

>> No.1896114

No, it just means Tohsaka is cannon lesbian.

>> No.1896156


Most humorous mass typo ever. If I could draw, I'd be drawing a picture of Rin and Saber being launched out of a cannon right about now.

>> No.1896228

Rin was totally checking Rider out at the end of HF true. Fucking dyke.

>> No.1896424

Does she sparkle like a vampire too?

>> No.1896441
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>> No.1896447

He could easily change his form into that of a good looking man.

Hell he already looks pretty damn good as it is, wouldn't take much.

>> No.1896448

Now that I think about it. Couldn't he change his form into a cute drillhair loli?

>> No.1896455

If he wanted to, but why would he want to?

>> No.1896458

He could.

...fuuuck remembering the side story with that one girl that he ate who then came back.

>> No.1896468

He's eaten 104 people on record, so far, and if that intermission was any indication, getting killed isn't going to stop him.

'That one girl' isn't very descriptive, but please don't elaborate. I'm still on my first run.

>> No.1896471

it's a side story in kagetsu tohya, don't worry. You won't be spoiled.

>> No.1896495

Except that I plan to do Kagetsu Tohya once I finish all the routes in Tsukihime.

>> No.1896515

this is getting stale pasta, go back to Twilight OP

>> No.1898048


>> No.1898053

Actually Rin is a lesbian who is attracted to practically every female she comes across.

>> No.1898057

Everyone is tsundere for Kotomine cock - see Bazett.

>> No.1898060

I doubt any being would not feel something upon seeing Rider.

>> No.1898070

How about if you're a bird ?

>> No.1898073

They'd want to sit on her shoulder or make a nest in her hair.

>> No.1898081

Except Luvia.

Well... maybe...

>> No.1898150

I've been seeing a lot of threads about this and I don't know where people got Mary Sue from, but her name is Arturia.

>> No.1898514
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>> No.1898526

>I do not know what Mary Sue means.

>> No.1898554

Saber can't be a Mary Sue because Nasu is not a woman.

>> No.1898605

Cu Chulainn of legend fought and destroyed armies on his own (by turning into what appears to be Chaos Spawn) had a spear thrown by feet that hit so fucking hard that there was no method to remove it save cutting it out from the mutilated body of the former enemy, was the son of a deity and fucked practically every female in Ireland (his milf teacher, his teacher's daughter, his teacher's rival, wife of a sea god... And he married his wife, Emer, by storming into her father's fortress, killing his men and stealing his treasure alongside his daughter. ) save Morrigan, the Irish goddess of death. He was tsundere for Morrigan (and by tsundere I mean he broke her ribs and leg as well as poking out one of her eyes because she was trying to stop him. )


That is to say, I would much rather read a VN about Cu Chulainn (bad ends from breaking Geasa would be plentiful, that's how he died, even. ) than Fate/Stay Night.

>> No.1898679

>While Mary Sue is too nebulous to be judged by any hard and fast standard, certain traits have become surprisingly popular. In an effort to make their characters more attractive without having to do the leg work of natural character development, the authors just add some of these superficial traits to their character. Below are the ones that the collective unconscious (so to speak) find especially attractive and end up incorporating into their characters with regularity.

>> No.1898682

>With the way the word has mutated over time, a great many people just end up labeling any character overdosed with these traits as a Mary Sue regardless of her importance within the story. That's a logical fallacy. Even if a character has quite a number of the traits described below, Mary-Sueness can still be averted by a good enough explanation for why they're there. It's when a trait exists more to make somebody stand out than to develop them as a character that it starts going into Mary Sue territory. Alternatively you may feel as if the writer is frantically trying to justify a trait to themselves and the reader.

>> No.1898687

stale pasta, twilight, go back to it.

>> No.1898692

>=== Personality ===

> What personality? In these cases, it's fairly blatant the author is just writing the character for amazing stuff to happen to instead of a character that actually exists as a person. Obviously, this is only a Mary Sue trait if what happens gives the character special powers, fantastic romances, or somehow lets her be a big damned heroine, otherwise its just another faceless first-person perspective.
> If there is a personality, it's who the author wishes they could be, never who they are. While this is a regular feature in most original characters, Mary Sue takes it to the extreme.
>Highly persuasive, regardless of the actual content of their conversations. Everyone finds her opinions are just better than their own - even when they're usually stubborn bastards. This is especially likely in an Author Tract.
* Friend To All Living Things. It's becoming gradually less common as authors catch on to the Mary Sue Classic framework.
> Is either brave and cheerful (despite her past), or unnecessarily mopey and depressed.
>Incorruptible. In fact, unaware of the possibility of temptation.

>> No.1898697



>> No.1898723

You can see why Bazette was creaming herself.

>> No.1898738
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Actually Rin's sluttish side is what make her likeable/fappable to me.

>> No.1898758


>> No.1898763


>> No.1898765

Her breasts get bigger in H/A. I am not sure why.

>> No.1898769

Everyone's do. Tis Avenger's will.

>> No.1898770

She is a teen going from 16 to 17.
Heck, even Sakura could not completely sap her breast growth.

>> No.1898773


Disgusting chest tumors.

>> No.1898778
File: 35 KB, 736x736, 1231621644481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all the characters are already 18.

>> No.1898779

>Delicious chest tumors.

>> No.1898784
File: 287 KB, 432x555, 1231621785439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvia is bigger.

>> No.1898788

...I do not remember the warning Appear on F/SN.

>> No.1898796
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 1231622034367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1898810

For some reason, I missed that.
I clicked the mouse when the Mirror Moon segment popped in and bypassed the whole warning.

>> No.1898812


So Ilya is 18.

>> No.1898817

Ilya is older than Shiro, why not?

>> No.1898819
File: 177 KB, 1260x2910, 1231622534859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1898829

Wait, DDD is confirmed to be in the same universe?

>> No.1898831


Oh. Right. What was I thinking. Etna-syndrome.

>> No.1898860

Not exactly the same thing, but yeah.

>> No.1898906

How old is Shirou when Kiritsugu adopts him, or when Kiritsugu dies? If we know that we can calculate the year he was born.

>> No.1898908

Ah, cool. So Shirou is around my age then. Nice.

>> No.1898920

So when around the would-be alternative timeline do you think Shirou made the transition to Archer? 2010'ish?

>> No.1899294



>> No.1899320

So who was the Archer in Archers timeline?

Was it himself again?
That wouldn't make sense.

>> No.1899330


Do they ever say what day Sakura was born on? I wonder if we share the same birthday ;_;

>> No.1899338
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>> No.1899386
File: 315 KB, 512x582, 1231628775061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899440


>> No.1899462


Nobody knows who was summoned as Archer during the hero Emiya's timeline, except that it WASN'T the hero Emiya.

>> No.1899472
File: 187 KB, 783x600, 1231629798342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whose eyes are those eyes?

>> No.1899481

Maybe it was whoever used the bow Archers bow is a copy of.

>> No.1899504

I know it's from FHA
No idea what the context is though
