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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 334 KB, 844x1200, ONKNZ_c1_p001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1887664 No.1887664 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't my sister be like this?


>> No.1887668

2D only

>> No.1887674

2d incest is awesome, but the thought of my real sisters doing sexual things to me is not good, not good at all.

>> No.1887676


>> No.1887724

It turns me on.

>> No.1887738

he's just tsundere

>> No.1887752

When you have unattractive sisters, it's less appealing

>> No.1887758


>> No.1887759

I wish I had a little sister

so I could fuck her.

>> No.1887767

She wouldn't want to fuck you, if you tried to rape her she would tell your parents, and then you would be arrested and raped in prison. At most you would get on well, but nothing romantic would ever happen, no matter how many dojins you read

>> No.1887769

Once again, anyone saying they want to sleep with their sisters clearly doesn't have any.

>> No.1887779

But I do.

>> No.1887789

What about the ones who want to fuck their mom? Do they all not have mothers?

>> No.1887790


>I can speak in absolutes because incest has never, ever actually happened. The only reason we even have a word for it is because of only children and their fantasies.

>> No.1887791

If my sister had a nice personality and wasn't a bitch, I would for sure fuck her.

>> No.1887816

>nice personality
>fuck her
If for fuck you need such a bad link i feel sorry for you

>> No.1887821

I actually do, but I'm ok with it.

>> No.1887840

why would anon fuck someone he don't like, while he can have a great fap without having to "move"

>> No.1887857

I used to want to fuck my sister until she got a boyfriend.

Now I'm more interested in her boyfriend's sister.

>> No.1887864

Hopefully, she'll have a daughter you can be interested in next.

>> No.1887867

And this also applies.

>> No.1887877

Speaking of incest; You know what's really sad? A bunch of kids writing fantasy sex stories on the internet about themselves getting with their amazing, beautiful, busty sister/mother with the username anonymous. Good job guys, everyone will know how awesome you are for doing this.
I doubt everyone that posted some kind of incest story about themselves here has fucked their sister, cousin, or some relative, let alone actually had sex.
Enjoy your fantasizing, alone.

>> No.1887879

if she attractive enough and live in same house, why would you care?

>> No.1887891

We are writing about adorable flat-chested sisters.

>> No.1887892

You lost me.

>> No.1887895


Thanks for pointing that out for us, I'd never realized any of your highly salient points before.

>> No.1887904

>amazing, beautiful, busty sister
I don't think you've been on /jp/ very long, have you? At least take the time to learn your audience.

>> No.1887926


What are you, retarded?

>> No.1887927

If we ever had had sex with them, we wouldn't be writing stories, we would be bragging about them. HURRRR DURRR

>> No.1887943
File: 386 KB, 973x1410, Swing033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat-chested imoutos or big-busted onee-chans, either one is fine with me.

I just want one. ;_;

>> No.1887950

I hate it when my sister does that.

>> No.1887965
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>> No.1887967

I know man, you always have to wake up in the best part.

>> No.1887969

Your sister... does that?

>> No.1887982

Sup' /a/.

>> No.1888003

>'Sup, /a/.
You're grammer needs improving, retard.

>> No.1888004

I'm not that guy, but my sister often holds my face like that or treats me like a child just because I'm younger than her. It's very condescending.

>> No.1888011



>> No.1888017


I enjoy porn, text or photo. I also enjoy fiction.

It's not real. So what? Good on the artists for anything that adds pleasure to my life. Even if it starts out with "Dear Penthouse, I never thought it could happen to me, but..."

>> No.1888021

I'd enjoy it if I had an older sister who did that to me.

Anyway, if you don't like it, just yell "I'm not a kid any more, aneki!" and push her down on the nearest bed/table/couch. Then, as you hold her down and look into her eyes, say "I'm a man."

>> No.1888024


>> No.1888025

Enjoy breaking all bonds with your sister.

>> No.1888043

We'd break them and re-forge them stronger than ever.

>> No.1888077
File: 73 KB, 201x330, sexymommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing my mom. No lie. She's 46 but still looks like she's in her 30's.

>> No.1888080

Just tell her that she's your only option and that otherwise you'll die a virgin.

Worked for me.

>> No.1888091


Wrong ID

>> No.1888103

/jp/ - Incest

>> No.1888118


Swing Out Sisters

>> No.1888120

>>1888080 Worked for me.
I know you are lying, but want to hear a good incest fantasy story anyways.

>> No.1888141

Details, man.

>> No.1888155


Sounds cool to me.

>> No.1888173

Mine is still pretty good looking, and only in here late 30's. Actually, she's better looking than she was in her early 30's, since back then she had the stress of raising both a teenage me and my little sister, and not much time after that for anything but her job.

Considering she had me when she was 15 or sixteen, I'm surprised I didn't end up all kinds of fucked up, outside of wanting to fuck her.

>> No.1888191

So when are you going on that trip?

>> No.1888202

Next Friday.

>> No.1888223
File: 26 KB, 436x572, 1225970833048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck.

>> No.1888266
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>> No.1888307

theres a swingout sisters hentai isnt there?

is it any good?

>> No.1888317

Where did this anon go?

>> No.1888341

I do believe you're mistaken.

>> No.1888447
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>> No.1889112

Come on already.

>> No.1889161

you clearly are all kinds of fucked up.

proof: royally fucked up people don't realize they are fucked up

>> No.1889169

What about people who think they are totally messed up?

>> No.1889179

Emo fags with self diagnosed assburgers? They're just retarded.

>> No.1889196

I get along great with my little sister but I dont want to fuck her. That said I fap to imouto doujins all the time.

>> No.1889229

Ah fuck now I'll need to fap to some Imouto/Onee-chan doujin. Thank /jp/

>> No.1889239
File: 17 KB, 350x450, tie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand being an only child. I wish I had a younger sister so I had someone who looked up to me. ;_;

>> No.1889247


fapping at the speed of light.

damn i get off so easily nowadays.

>> No.1889272

Trust me, I know I am fucked up in that regard. Still, I do my best to be a positive role model for my sister, and I always help out around the house.

As an aside, I love watching my mother dance and lip sync when she pumps up the living room radio when we are the only ones home, and she doesn't realize I'm watching. As odd as it may sound, it's "cute".

>> No.1889283

Your little sister would only look up to you if you were worthy of being looked up to. Be glad you don't have one.

>> No.1889284

>Why can't my sister be like this?
Because she may only choose 1.

>> No.1889323

So people with sisters can't be kind or charming?

>> No.1889337

Not towards their sisters, no. They will only remember your arguing with them.

>> No.1889348

What if your parents separated right before your sister was born and you were reunited 12 years later once your father died with no prior contact?

On top of that, she was living with the now dead father so she's moving in with you and your mom, therefore she's extremely shy and respectful towards you?

>> No.1889350

But my little sister looks up to me ;_;

>> No.1889360

If you were born together or your ages are close to each other, maybe. Kids are horrible when they are together, they fight all the time for stupid things. It's only natural they grow up hating each other. I have a little sister and a little brother, they're constantly fighting, but they both love me. I'm 16 years older than them.

>> No.1889386

Then you realize that your life is a stereotypical incest doujin.

>> No.1889394

So then you proceed as planned.

>> No.1889423
File: 186 KB, 593x445, oneesantoboku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal persons are not attracted to family members. Also, given that most /jp/ users (and 4chan visitors in general) likely have niche hobbies and unusual lifestyles, reducing the likelihood of younger siblings looking up to them.

That said, my younger sister used to look up to me...when we were both still kids. We're only two years apart. My younger brother did to a lesser extent. Now that they're 19 and 16 respectively, they have their own ideas of what they want to do.

Incest is hot in fiction because it's kinky. It's not sexy at all in reality, unless you're a real sicko.

>> No.1889437

I turned my sister into a weeaboo, thus she looks up to me because of my weird hobbies!

>> No.1889439

>unless you're a real sicko

Almost made me rage there, bro.

>> No.1889455
File: 106 KB, 536x679, dear brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be more into incest if my sister was hot. She's not even a cool oneesama type.

>> No.1889457

>unless you life in the Southern US.


Also I figure the only reason incest is so popular on sites like /jp/ is because female relatives (siblings, cousins, mothers) are the only females most people ever have any personal relationships and contact with. Thus even if they dont outright want to fuck their own family members, they still find incest attractive subconsciously, and thus they fap to incest doujins.

>> No.1889468

What does she listen to?

>> No.1889472

In these kind of threads, the thing which always miss is participation of Anonymous little sisters, or at least girls.

>> No.1889476


>> No.1889499

Go away, athens.

>> No.1889501

>or at least girls.

I wonder why

>> No.1889520


Fuck off to /r9k/.

>> No.1889531

..So was that ever continued?

>> No.1889576

Not that I know of. I'm guessing he got vanned.

>> No.1889583

All kinds of stuff. Lately, it's been Queen and Michael Jackson. A couple days ago, I was watching her try her best to do the Thriller dance which was great, because even though she kept screwing it up, she just kept going on.

It's a good thing we have a decent sized living room.

>> No.1889616


spoilers: they aren't blood-related

>> No.1889682
File: 355 KB, 1920x1440, anime_sisterrelationship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1890626
File: 215 KB, 1000x1398, 8e98eddbb2a8c0cd16fd1b21c471a81d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for Konata to be my imouto, then we could play games all day, and instead of fapping and shlicking, we make love tenderly, with her experience in H-games she must be the perfect imouto.

>> No.1890632

>with her experience in H-games she must be the perfect imouto.
If life worked that way, wouldn't we all have harems by now?

>> No.1890637

>*SFX Stare

>> No.1890645



>> No.1890651
File: 23 KB, 324x233, 1194522109467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If life worked that way I wouldn't be here.

>> No.1890660
File: 23 KB, 225x206, ls-konata-bus.1203821073690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind that bus.

>> No.1890671
File: 253 KB, 792x950, 1210766699747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fapped to episodes of Lucky Star and not the hentai art or doujinshi a couple of times. I still don't understand this, what does it mean?

>> No.1890701
File: 49 KB, 792x950, 1199430391835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, I've fapped to Lucky Star but never bothered to watch anything past the first episode.

Oh and I only did it because Konata looks like a loli-schoolgirl version of Maria Traydor, cho.

>> No.1890745

Watch episode 6.

>> No.1890757
File: 99 KB, 546x800, 5a2b7fec64b2fff88ba949eac1a98d3a6e502835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why should I?

>> No.1890787

Meh, I've fapped to episodes of Yes! Pretty Cure 5 and never even bothered looking for doujins and porn.

>> No.1890799

>>Lucky Star
>>never bothered to watch

>> No.1890815
File: 62 KB, 765x600, mariafeathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watched the first episode and nothing else.

Honestly, I can't stand slice-of-life. I need action and/or story.

>> No.1890814

What the fuck? Get the fuck out, you faggot, nobody watches Lucky Star.

>> No.1890817

Quit making reasonable remarks. You're ruining your image.

>> No.1890820

/a/ is that way <----

>> No.1890834

Ironic that you don't tell the person that's actually POSTING the Lucky Star to gb2/a/. They're all fags, they'd love it there.

>> No.1890846

I'm pretty much the opposite, but I do like a good action if it isn't too shounen. Claymore was the perfect anime in that sense.

That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

>> No.1890856

You're probably right.
Did you know I was banned for reporting your 3D threads?

I always took you for a degenerate /b/ or /s/ type, but it seems you're human, too.

>> No.1890860

Petty hate and trolling towards jap cartoons? Fuck off to /a/, pretty sure you can hate the Raki Suta as much as you want there.

>> No.1890862


Damn, I loved Claymore. Perhaps you're not as bad as I thought.

>> No.1890867
File: 50 KB, 450x450, maria_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can you even like slice-of-life, by the way?

They're shows about nothing.

How can you care about the characters without drama or conflict? All you get are archetypes being archetypal.

Admittedly you can have just archetypes being archetypal in stories with action/drama, but then it's legitimate bad writing.

>> No.1890870


/a/ is for anime, not for people whose opinions you don't like.

Posting Lucky Star? Go back to /a/. Randomly bashing Lucky Star? Go back to /a/. Calling Lucky Star shit after some other faggot posts Lucky Star? That first faggot needs to go back to /a/.

>> No.1890878

Go back to /a/, then.

>> No.1890880

ITT anons who give up on an anime by the first episode.

>> No.1890889


because we are not a bunch of fags who like things like deep story lines, giant demons and swords, or flashbacks. In b4 speak 4 urself.

>> No.1890895

>because we are not a bunch of fags who like things like deep story lines, giant demons and swords, or flashbacks. In b4 speak 4 urself.

So then what do you like? Fanservice?

>> No.1890896

That is a good fapping episode, and yet it resembles the first episode more than most others.

>> No.1890897
File: 37 KB, 365x506, maria___stao_base.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I give up a lot of things fast.

RTSes after 2 maps. RPGs after 2 dungeons. So on.
(This don't include tutorial levels if I bother to play them.)

Movies are pretty much the only thing I'll see to the end, and not even for movie series.

>> No.1890935

guss because she's not a fucking retard like you are.

>> No.1890939

>>I always took you for a degenerate /b/ or /s/ type
Wait, what?

Who didn't love Claymore?

>>How can you even like slice-of-life, by the way?
I don't for the most part, back when I watched every single series that came out each season I watched all those shows, now I try to watch only the really good ones. I hate shit like TuLoveRu and Kanokon, but there aren't enough shows that are amazing, like Claymore, so I pass the time with those. I actually really liked Lucky Star, though.

>> No.1891003
File: 32 KB, 292x443, 1229063883891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF you guys. Can we get back to the topic of incest?

>> No.1891202

I think I speak for everyone when I say,


>> No.1891207

If everyone were wondering, you'd figure someone would have said something in the intervening 54 minutes.

>> No.1891217

>I think I speak for everyone

I'm pretty sure 80% of us already know OP's sauce, so I don't believe you speak for us at all.

>> No.1891232


>> No.1891261

>Shingo Chiryuu isn't much different than any other guy except for one thing... He's afraid of girls.
I can see this being utter shit.

>> No.1891405
File: 47 KB, 501x407, wincest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1891466

It is. Typical harem manga.

>> No.1891922

Anyone here actually participate in incest?

>> No.1891931

I participated in the National Incest Tournament of 2006.

>> No.1891957

Totally shit.

>> No.1892007

I got all touchy-feely with my sister a few times. Nothing major, just a lot of hugs. Though I did manage to lay my head on her lap. Comfy.

>> No.1892012

All laps are comfy. Not just your sister's. Or at least I have yet to put my head on a lap that wasn't comfy.

>> No.1892061

That was a shitty year, the 2005 tourney was way better, especially with the surprise mother-son twist at the end.

>> No.1892093

Dry-humping. She was 7 when that happened.

>> No.1892102

My wife teases my sister's teats while she sleeps. Does that count?

>> No.1892165

Is this a one shot or part of a series?

>> No.1892174


No, because they aren't your teats.

>> No.1892176


I remember sleeping on my sister's shoulder as a kid, good times.

>> No.1892191

Tell me more.

>> No.1892266

She enjoys people's breasts very much. If she is sleeping on \or next to you and she happens to come into contact with your breasts she will sometimes latch onto or fondle them. Same goes for if you smell like food she will lick or gum you (haven't actually seen her leave a mark doing it) on you.

>> No.1892272

Does your wife happen to be six months old?

>> No.1892280

No, just mentally ill.

>> No.1892299

Retard moe?

>> No.1892300

get your wife to play One, she will enjoy it

>> No.1892322

I think she already has. It looks like a Key game, and I'm fairly sure she already played through all or most of those.

>> No.1892363

She doesn't mind the porn?

>> No.1892366

Everyone is bothered by the porn in One.

>> No.1892373

nope, never has. She's been at least a bit perverted for the 20+ years I've known her, and really bloomed into it in the last 10.

>> No.1892392

>Everyone is bothered by the porn in One.
Haven't played it myself, but it's just raping retarded girl isn't it?

>> No.1892454

Your story sounds interesting, how did you meet your wife and end up married to her?

>> No.1892464

I skipped the adult scenes but there is only 1 girl who you might qualify as retarded in the game, Shiina. It's more that she doesn't speak because she's been through Key trauma but her journal at the end is written with intelligence so I believe she's not the least bit retarded.

Now, the scene to test her or not I think is the scene you're asking about. As far as I know /jp/ anons have said it's pure and simple rape. Though I haven't played it through so I don't know WHY people say it's rape but I accept that they know more about it than I do.

>> No.1892531


Oh there is a rape, your not the one doing it though

>> No.1892922
File: 346 KB, 837x1200, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't my mother be like this?

>> No.1892948



>> No.1892993


Anti-aging mama if I remember

>> No.1892999


>> No.1893411
File: 487 KB, 1120x1600, 1231534587460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1894231

It's not rape, it's consensual.

The only rape there is in One is done by the main character. The closest thing next is only a group breast-fondling.

>> No.1894243

This shit still alive?

>> No.1894524


it is now

>> No.1894570


>> No.1894628


>> No.1894654


>> No.1894714

When will chapter 3 be translated??????

>> No.1895634

You tell me.
