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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 297 KB, 973x746, roneryfatman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1885468 No.1885468 [Reply] [Original]

Well /jp/, it's over. Lost my job today, and I'm not going to find another one in this climate.

Additionally there is a draft in my apartment, and my bulbs in my main overhead light have gone, so I'm on my comp by lamplight.

It doesn't get more ronery than this.

>> No.1885473

join the military

>> No.1885480

>it's over

It's only just begun

>> No.1885475

Not your blog.

>> No.1885476

No, still have some savings around.

I'm going hikki for a few months.

>> No.1885485

I think I can one up you OP. Broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years a week ago, been crying ever since (he dumped me for a more attractive girl basically), thinking of getting a cat to compensate.

>> No.1885482


Military ain't bad. Won't ever want to play FPS again though.

>> No.1885488

Not the guy you are replying to, but what do you mean?

>> No.1885492


Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.1885504

You know those montages of some character in a TV show or whatever reminiscing about a lost love? I've been having those recently. A few years back I asked the only girl I've ever loved out.

Rejected. Point blank.

It made me realise, through that reminscing, that men are perhaps a tad more romantic than women are.

Also what killed me was when I heard from a friend that she had told a friend of his that she didn't want to because 'she didn't date virgins'. I never thought she was like that, I thought she was one of us /jp/. She loved nerdy stuff, even playing Warhammer 40k.

>> No.1885508
File: 71 KB, 600x490, 1231394460463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if. A dog is more loyal.

>> No.1885511

In before Athens.

>> No.1885513


Serves you right, jackass.

>> No.1885521


>> No.1885535


Hehe, women think they are ronery.

>> No.1885540

I want athens to attack that moron. Relationships are bullshit, jobs actually matter.

>> No.1885546

I go to school now. Well, not for real;
I just go to use their gym every other day or so. I think real classes start next month or something.

Either way, feels good man. Still got plenty of time for eroge and fapping for now.

>> No.1885556

Can that athens shit, we can be ronery you fucktard, if anything a breakup is more ronery than simply always being alone.

No, relationships are important, jobs are bullshit.

>> No.1885559

I know what you mean.
I dropped communication without confessing though (there would have been no point), so whenever I think about her I think about what I'd say if I were to try and explain things to her.
My reminiscing got less frequent and less painful as time passed.

>> No.1885561

No one on /jp/ should care about interacting with humans anymore.

Go back to /r9k/.

>> No.1885566

This post was made for athens.

>> No.1885575

This was a relapse. When I reminisce I usually remind myself of the fact that women don't feel loneliness and it's not worth getting sentimental about as a result.

>> No.1885576

Sure is trolls around here.

>> No.1885577

Athens has a new girlfriend and a new job.

He won't be posting here anytime soon.

>> No.1885581

Is that what they call bans nowadays?

>> No.1885588

Calling bullshit.

>> No.1885605

>When I reminisce I usually remind myself of the fact that women don't feel loneliness and it's not worth getting sentimental about as a result.

Do you fucks actually believe this? Loneliness is even more heightened when you know what you've lost!

>> No.1885614


Probably, but he has had past girlfriends before. That's why he hates women so much.

Polite sage.

>> No.1885619
File: 10 KB, 241x275, 1231395469097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't care about you.

>> No.1885630

Then I retract my statement. I would never blame our differences on gender, even if it were possible.

>> No.1885660

I'm pretty sure this is false.

>> No.1885703

One can only hope.

>> No.1885713

This is true. Sometimes it takes a loss for people to recognize what it really means to be alone.

It's an undeniable fact, as it applies not only to the female (troll) who posted here, but the OP himself.

>> No.1885803

That makes sense, I suspect I would agree with you if I had ever been in a relationship.

>> No.1885806

Isn't the whole point of roneryness is that it is without intermittent significant others and yes, accompanying breakups though?

>> No.1885866

I always thought of ronery as the ribcage-crushing realization that one tends to reach in the middle of the night of how alone one really is in the world.

>> No.1885891

Ronery is knowing you'll never have a need for a double bed, or if you do have one, having both pillows in the middle rather than on either side.
