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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18845481 No.18845481 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Touhou is out from the most popular search tags in pixiv, what do you expect things to go from here? Gacha games will continue to dominate for the next decade? pixiv popularity kind of mirrors on the amount of artists posting art on twitter.

Nothing has really replaced Touhou when it comes to music yet.

>> No.18845512

Smartphones were a fucking mistake

>> No.18845540

Nothing will ever surpass Touhou's amount of fan art.

>> No.18845548

This, you can't beat a quality windows game. Smart Phones are too limited and are designed for too broad of an audience.

>> No.18845576

>and are designed for too broad of an audience
Rates of profit for PC games have been declining steadily. If you were a developer you'd be insane not to chase that market - it's where the new money is. Just as we're running out of conventional oil deposits and now have to drill for shale

>> No.18845671

Half of gacha games can be played on a PC though. Even if the most popular right now are designed with mobile in mind first, if smartphones didn't exist, gacha games would have found their way to popularity.

>> No.18845705

I know, but the charm that windows games have is just way nicer.

Touhou is really the last of its kind in the snese that it is not riddled with micro transactions, or requires a wifi connection or values lore over gameplay.

These types of games are dwindling away, and I just don't want to see them go.

>> No.18845769

If smartphones didn't exist, Kancolle would be number 1 instead of #3

>> No.18845912

Man who cares, One of the merciful things about Touhou is that in the end it's truly unaffected by popularity. Everything else can and will go to complete shit, but whatever.

>> No.18845961

Well unlike Touhou gacha games have a limited time of use. I'm hoping the people shallow enough to sink months of their time into them, even if they don't put money into them, suffer burn out when they end and they realize that even if they got what they wanted from them they could have got the same with 5 minutes of googlefu.

>> No.18846009

Surprised to see Azur Lane first.

>> No.18846027

Why? The designs are actually nice, unlike Kancolle's infinite schoolgirls, archers, and mikos with only Shimakaze and the enemy girls being interesting looking.

>> No.18846039

I underestimated its popularity

>> No.18846066

I don't know if the game is that popular, but the characters lend themselves to more interesting ero images, so I imagine it being searched up more.

>> No.18846106

Kancolle was initially a niche game for military/WW2 otaku if I remembered correctly.

>> No.18846136

Is valuing the lore over gameplay really that bad ? I agree for forced connection and micro transactions, but...

Also Touhou has a pretty standard gameplay, for a shooter. It's music and lore are it's strong points.
Just take the levels, replace the characters by vessels, the background by space and the music by eurobeat and you'll get a standard stg. Not bad but not really good.

>> No.18846142

>replace music with Eurobeat
might as well give Reimu a flying ae86

>> No.18846165

You underestimate just how clean the gameplay of Touhou is. Especially when it comes to the danmaku part.
Touhou is almost a puzzle game in that regard. Especially on Hard and beyond.
I absolutely love Ikaruga, but it's such a fucking mess compared to Touhou and just not as satisfying to beat.
And then there's Shoot the Bullet/Double Spoiler/Impossible Spellcard which is straight up a puzzle game.

Fuck, Touhou is fun. And I don't even know why.

>> No.18846218

As much as I appreciate Touhou in terms of fun, it's gameplay has some flaws that turn me off. But I'll never get tired of the music.

>> No.18846333 [DELETED] 

I feel like this guy. I like the games like StB, DS, ISC and, GFW because they are different. I already think danmaku STG are degeneration of STG, but Touhou in particular might as well remove the boring ass levels and be all about bosses. The bosses are amazing, but the rest of the game is so basic it feels like a slog sometimes.

I think for " values lore over gameplay" are games where they're basically just interactive cutscenes or really basic RPGs which are just there to tell a story

>> No.18846337

I feel like this guy. I like the games like StB, DS, ISC and, GFW because they are different. I already think danmaku STG are degeneration of STG, but Touhou in particular might as well remove the boring ass levels and be all about bosses. The bosses are amazing, but the rest of the game is so basic it feels like a slog sometimes.

I think for " values lore over gameplay" he meant games where they're basically just interactive cutscenes or really basic RPGs which are just there to tell a story

>> No.18846420

Surprised that Gegege no Kitaro is there, I knew it was popular but not with the otaku crowd. Though I suppose most of it is Neko Musume drawings.

>> No.18846493

>danmaku STG are degeneration of STG
>Touhou in particular might as well remove the boring ass levels

You actually made me understand what I like about Touhou in particular and I see why our opinions differ.
To me the core gameplay of Touhou, at higher difficulties, lies with resource management. I don't find the stages boring at all, since they're a part of this.
While playing the game it's a fight against my own mistakes. I want to make as little mistakes to retain as many lives and bombs to ensure the likelihood of me beating the game.
As I'm hitting retry over and over again, I start routing out the game, learn the patterns more and more and eventually beat the game just by virtue of knowing the dance in and out.
This is fun to me. Seeing a steady progress, learning the patterns and chasing that "perfect" run, finally overcoming the challenge.

I guess, and I hate myself for saying this, it's akin to speedrunning. Some people really fucking like speedrunning, some don't see a point in it.
There's little difference between:
"Ah. Red split. The WR is impossible now. Gotta restart."
"Ah. Neat. Lost a life to Letty. Might as well restart."

>> No.18846869
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Yeah that's cool and all, but man is your post long winded and uncomfortable to read. And I love touhou.

But back on topic. It's hard to say what is the next "big" thing in otaku media/culture is. Mainly because there is so many avenues of entertainment and media consumption on the web nowadays. It wasn't kinda restricted like in the early days of the internet.

Touhou fanworks was right at the forefront of exposure when the internet/web2.0 was getting really huge at the end of 2010s, where there was still a only a few big players in media exposure. Youtube, Niconico, Pixiv, and the like. But now shit is so spread out with the rise of mobile, web 3.0/social web, and China, that it's hard to point out what is/will be the most talked about thing in Otaku culture. There is lots of competition now. Various gacha games, and flavor of the year type stuff, some Old revitalized stuff, there is so much stuff getting attention.

>> No.18846963

>"Ah. Red split. The WR is impossible now. Gotta restart."
>"Ah. Neat. Lost a life to Letty. Might as well restart."
The truth hurts

>> No.18846990

>pixiv popularity kind of mirrors on the amount of artists posting art on twitter
I wouldn't say that. For some reason especially 2hu artists massively migrated to twitter.

>> No.18847035

Honestly, is all of that otaku culture? Non-otaku can like mobile games and video games and porn.
I wonder what real otaku, the kind that know all the little details about shit, you know the kind of people that care about the details/history behind Azur Lane and Kancolle ships, are into mostly.

>> No.18847101

It's the same for Touhou. Enjoying the game and characters makes you a fan, but being interested by the inspiration behind it: Japanese mythology, tales and legends but also science, litterature... Makes you an otaku.

>> No.18847153

>Honestly, is all of that otaku culture?
No it's not. It's only part of it of course. Unless you want discuss "what is otaku culture" in the past and today, I can't point out specifics.
And do not want to have that black hole of a discussion.

>I wonder what real otaku, the kind that know all the little details about shit, you know the kind of people that care about the details/history behind Azur Lane and Kancolle ships, are into mostly.

I don't follow it but Military Stuff/ WW2 history with cute girls I suppose? But then again, what is "real otaku"?
I say it's caring and understaning about the details, even small ones.

>> No.18847187

>touhou is popular, but not at the forefront of popularity
It has the best of both worlds. Its popular enough to have new stuff coming out for it all the time, albeit not as much as soulless gatchashit. But it also doesn't have tons of shitheads coming in and shitting up to population of fans.
There's tons of REALLY shit touhou fans. If you've ever been to a con, they are there. And they are disgusting. You see them on youtube, and they are what you'd expect a disgusting person in real life to act when under the anonymity of the internet.

>> No.18847315

What's nice about it is that majority of the shit fans we had years ago moved on to Kancolle and other things. The ones left are people who genuinely love Touhou.

>> No.18847820


I was reminded of this video. It came out probably one or two years before Kancolle showed up in 2012. The whole video talks about how otaku changes very heavily in fandoms every 10 years or so. If this continues that trend, we can expect it to die down by 2022?

>> No.18847961

Azur Lane's designs are still inferior to Touhou's.
