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1881776 No.1881776 [Reply] [Original]

20 Years for Loli Manga: “Victims Don’t Have to Exist”


>> No.1881792

old shit is old. it was a case before a bush controlled appeals circuit court.

when the case has gone to the supreme court its been turned around not guilty every time.

>> No.1881802

So does this mean I can marry mai waifus legally?

>> No.1881925

Only in Ausfailia, where the judge held that cartoons are people too.

>> No.1881938

but they are ;_;

>> No.1881946

Soon they'll ban books that contain underage characters having sex. Lolita will be illegal.

>> No.1881958

So is it ok as long as it's stated in the material that the imaginary loli is of legal age?

Also, if I kill my imaginary friend is that legal or illegal? Because a lot of psychiatrists would go to jail if that's true.

>> No.1881971
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>“Victims Don’t Have to Exist”
Holy shit.

>> No.1881972

And so, the Ragnarok of weaboos begins...

>> No.1881975

What about baby furry catoon porn?

>> No.1881976

I'm going to kill the USA with only one EDP.

>> No.1881983


PETA will be your enemy.

Also, sage

>> No.1881979

Just a few steps away from "The crime doesn't have to exist".

>> No.1881980

>Victims Don't Have to Exist
Who the fuck comes up with this shit?

>> No.1881984


>> No.1881985


>> No.1881990

>The judges would have none of it, holding that the act was made for the protection of imaginary children.

It's like they really exist! America agreed.

>> No.1881987



>> No.1881988

not this shit again.

>> No.1881989

... and furfags will once again inherit this scorched earth.

>> No.1881992

My loli wife really exists. Bliss. But, on the other hand, that means that I'm constantly raping her. I don't know what I should feel anymore.

>> No.1881999
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Guys, guys... We have a workaround for this bullshit. Just add special attributed to our lolis, like giving them horns/silly hats or categorize them as hundred-year-old demons/gods/space zombie dolls and voila! A non-loli loli!

>> No.1882002
File: 217 KB, 615x856, 1231333442168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys... We have a workaround for this bullshit. Just add special attributes to our lolis, like giving them horns/silly hats or categorize them as hundred-year-old demons/gods/space zombie dolls and voila! A non-loli loli!

>> No.1882007

Hey anon, if the many world theory will ever be proved, your waifu can actually exisist in a parallel world created by your recognition, waiting for you.
How does this make you feel ?

>> No.1882008

But what if she rejects me?

>> No.1882012

Go to another parallel world

>> No.1882010

According to many worlds theory there should be a version of mai waifu out there that's devised a method to find me and be happy with me.

I'm just waiting for that day she finally reaches me. And hoping to God I"m not one of the shitty version of me that never gets to meet her.

>> No.1882011

She doesn't, in another parallel dimension.

>> No.1882014

There's always one world where she doesn't
that's by definition according to the many world theory

>> No.1882015

>hoping to God I"m not one of the shitty version of me that never gets to meet her

I've got some bad news for you, bro.

>> No.1882018

I can't wait for the day when a DNA test for pedophiles is finished so that they can be aborted before birth.

>> No.1882024

What part of it is rape? IF your wife is old enough to marry you, legally, she is outside the age range for the anti-pedo laws.

Of course, she could just be saying no everytime. That would make it rape.

>> No.1882025

That's not how DNA works.

>> No.1882026

Wait what, since when Pedophilia is a birth defect ?

>> No.1882027

Sounds like a shitty movie with Tom Cruise.Minority Report

>> No.1882029
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To be this idiot you need to try incredibly hard.

>> No.1882032

Actually, you just have to think of something silly that people might react to. It's not that hard.

>> No.1882030

uh, no. Its a learned trait, just like other things about your sexuality.

>> No.1882040

>the man apparently also received unambiguously illegal photographs of underage sexual conduct.

He did not get 20 years only for lolicon. Still pretty high just for pictures.

>> No.1882037

I see.

>> No.1882043

And then Anonymous became a troll.

>> No.1882047


something silly huh, how about this?

>On February 10, 2009 it will be illegal to resale any used children's products including toys and clothing. That is according to the U.S. Consumer Protection & Safety Commission who pushed for the new laws after dozens of toys were recalled in 2008 because of lead concerns.


>> No.1882049
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>> No.1882057

Yeah. Delete that before too many people take notice of it, and repost it as a thread.

>> No.1882060

You mean USED FIGS.
And used pantsu.

>> No.1882062

Used panties never actually come in contact with girls, so it's okay. By "used" they mean "squirted with lemon juice."

>> No.1882063

Well, it makes sense if you remember that not reporting a possession of photographs/movies/whatever of a crime you are considered an accessory to the actual crime (or to have committed the crime yourself in some places).

>> No.1882067

> Clouding the issue further, the man apparently also received unambiguously illegal photographs of underage sexual conduct.

Doesn't that specify that the toys must be for children under 12? Your need for hot glue is safe.

>> No.1882070

also pic totally unrelated as well.
sage for newfag cancer

>> No.1882075

It's obstruction of justice, if I remember correctly. Although you can just argue the right to remain silent if you are in the US.

>> No.1882076

Primula is always related.

>> No.1882092

definitely not. also she's ugly.

>> No.1882089

Actually, it would be knowingly withholding evidence, and that is not a can of worms worth getting into. The DA can take you through the ringer for it if they want. I think this is a set of crap that leads to the "if you don't report a picture or video of a crime in progress, you are guilty of it as well" comes from.

>> No.1882098

So everytime a loli H doujin is posted on /jp/, you are committing a crime just for knowing it's there?

>> No.1882130

What if I show the picture to someone really fast, then report it and get the law on the guy I showed it to as withholding evidence?

>> No.1882131

technically, yes. and so are the ISPs for not reporting it. as well as the people who own the board.

>> No.1882144 [SPOILER] 
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The fact that i'm doing something illegal is a massive turn on

>> No.1882178

So how long before moot gets threatened and shuts down 4chan?

>> No.1882191

>Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

>> No.1882193

Flimsy legal dodge is flimsy.

>> No.1882199

I suppose an accusation for abetting it's better than one for pedophilia.

>> No.1882201

Are the fags in the last third or so of this thread trolling or are they truly that retarded? It's getting hard to tell.

>> No.1882218

Does this mean I should get rid of my touhou doujins and comb my 4chan folder system deleting all of the potentially loli stuff?

I mean, are we in real danger here?

>> No.1882221

Nah, if you don't play stupid and take that stuff outside you're good.

>> No.1882222

fucking chill jesus
they're not gonna ban lolis
you're fine

>> No.1882223

Yes, I suggest completely destroying your hard drive right away. The fact that a whopping 2 people have ever been charged under this law (despite it existing for nearly 6 years) that's guaranteed to be overturned upon reaching the supreme court shows that danger is imminent.

Hurry up man.

>> No.1882226

The Crime Doesn't Have to Exist

>> No.1882225

As long as you don't look at them on a computer owned by the frigging government, you should be fine.

>> No.1882228

moot is fine as long as he acts on reports of illegal content.

>> No.1882253


That's what I'm worried about, I mean this has the potential to get really shitty.

>> No.1882265

You know that the problem with the case mentioned is that the guy had REAL CP, right? The lolicon was just an added thing.

>> No.1882884

sage for outdated court case.

Google Christopher Handley, if he goes down we're all fucked.
