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18815348 No.18815348 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>18781671

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>> No.18815350
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>> No.18815372

Should I 2AW cornelia?

>> No.18815380

If you use her at all, sure, why not. Master Paladin suits her kit more, you can opt for Chaos Knight if you prefer the art.

>> No.18815385

Isn't the extra def from Master paladin total overkill with her having way too much def with her skill and Elyse's SAW skill?

>> No.18815429

Perhaps - the thing is, though, her HP pool is not particularly high as far as tanks go, so MP gets great mileage just for the boost in that area. Plus, imo reducing her block is a bit counter intuitive; 2-3 is probably ideal for a tank. Not to say Chaos Knight is bad, though - she'd be an ideal supertank duelist, doubly so against demons and undead (the former of which are incredibly common).

>> No.18815451

What about Mireille? How does she compare to Cornelia or how exactly do you use her?

>> No.18815546

Is it even worth playing the games on Nutaku? How likely are they to go out of business any time soon?

>> No.18815583

She's very much a comparable tank (maybe less so now that DKs have AW2), albeit lacking in any MR. She also absolutely murders any enemies with high dps (notably, Shuten Douji) thanks to her counterattacking.

Only their versions of Flower Knight Girl and Kamihime Project are worth playing in any capacity, and even then they aren't nearly as good as their original Japanese counterparts, so let me be the first of many to recommend that at most you use them as a bridge to the DMM versions.

>> No.18816020

So the thing with Frederica's 2AW not reducing SAW attack rate was a feature and not a bug right? Can I go ahead with the artillery one?

>> No.18816047

Should I be levelling Diera or Totono's skill first?

>> No.18816075

You should go with it even if it gets fixed which it won't

>> No.18816109
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>do a single in Aigis
>Get a silver
Well, at least I got enough for the Platinum summon from the rainbow stones
>get a Platinum dupe

After having so much trouble gathering all that shit, it really makes me wanna drop this shit but anyway, what do I do with dupes?

>> No.18816181

Aw shit lads, i just drew Sol outta the jewel gatcha. Feels good man.

>> No.18816387

You keep dupes to remind you who's the real villain of the game

>> No.18816392

I sold her for 100 rainbow crystals, well.

>> No.18816404

Now keep those crystals as a memento instead.
Never forgetti

>> No.18816417

Unitia release postponed until July.

>> No.18816443

What a surprise.

>> No.18816448

speaking of which. Is there any reason to do more than 300 rolls in the prereg gacha?

>> No.18816462


>> No.18816482

...other than rolling for a different character?

>> No.18816486

Also yes.

>> No.18816498
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Probably, how do I survive desert levels? I'm getting a hard time with base scramble 2.

>> No.18816514


Here's the thing

In most games using the holy rpg trinity, things usually work the following way:

DPS do damage
Tanks tank
Healers allows tanks to tank longer.

Tanks + Healers = Fucking long time tanking & killing stuff
DPS + Healers = Hope you have enough dps to not need tanking
DPS + Tanks = Great at dealing with trash, but don't expect wonders against strong enemies.

All three = You're good. Move on.

Here, you just have tanks & pretty much nothing else. Desert Scramble is a map for ranged DPS first & foremost.

If that is your active team, you severely lack Katie for the early ramp & block. Drop that gold monk for her.

>> No.18816520

Come on anon, at least cc that Bashira.

>> No.18816523

I, too refuse to use healers at all

>> No.18816525

Forgot to mention that desert maps pretty much force you to use healers due to the initial HP reduction.

>> No.18816547

Are you that noob anon?
If so, congrats.
Hope you're not getting diagnosed with cancer.

>> No.18816569

You get more entries in that DMM point raffle that you weren't going to win anyway. I'm skipping extra rolls, but if you feel lucky, go for it.

This is Aigis though, so the triangle is a bit skewed. It's more like "1-3 tanks, 1-2 healers, 10-13 DPS".

But yeah, a healer or two is a must. Blanche and Cenote would really benefit from extra levels too.

>> No.18816579

>My only healer is Iris
I guess that'll work

If I class change here before max, her stats won't get affected?

Thank you for the answers, I'll see what can I work with this.

>> No.18816585

How do I get more exp, I just keep repeating the same missing for iron units while I wait for my stamina to recover.

>> No.18816590

Premature class change means the CC'ed unit lost permanent stats that she would have gained in that difference.

>> No.18816601

Thank you, now you know why I haven't CC'ed her which goes to my next question >>18816585

>> No.18816610

I'm not that guy. I'm answering with the impression that you're legitimately asking a question and not a rhetorical one.

>> No.18816612

Ostensibly the Monday/Friday armor maps in conjunction with Tuesday/Saturday fairy maps (fuse 1 armor/3 fairies or 2 armors/2 fairies for 8000 exp), but the real answer is the plat and black exp fairies you get from subjugations/fame/some log-in bonuses.

>> No.18816616

Farming for Tin Cans on Monday and Fairies on Phalanx 2 is a better investment than just doing missions.

>> No.18816623

Thank you, I guess this is going to take a while.

>> No.18816726


Aigis is bit rough for starting out before you can farm the good missions.

>> No.18816791
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they're fucking making fun of me

>> No.18816919

To what do i need to make a sacrifice to get some level 100 blooming dragons? I've been running the 80 stam map 8 times now and i've still not gotten one.

>> No.18817006

>Jewel Princess suddenly offers 100+ gacha pulls without warning

>> No.18817010

Are you there?

>> No.18817046

I swear there's some fucking mandela effect here because I feel like ever since the gem gacha change the number of daily rolls I get change every day.
I swear I get 14 one day, then 10, then 20, 13 and so on

>> No.18817050

I'm here

>> No.18817074

it's a compensation for login issues, I think.

>> No.18817093

You're just getting screwed by RNG. I get most of mine from events and this one is pretty good for dragons. If your whaleship team is strong enough the sun medal shop is also a good source of them.

>> No.18817095

More like compensation for the UI glitching and breaking like some anons experienced a bit back, unless 4chan is having a NEETbux giveaway for the past 12 hours I wasn't aware of.
>tfw still can't post images

>> No.18817096

I got 110 rolls today. Turns out Morion is rarer then 5* characters.

>> No.18817230

Not a single Aquamarine for me in those 115 rolls. And I still need 3-4 to get to 30.

>> No.18817253

Wew, I've done much better on today's GO run.
Today I'll be able to buy myself a Charlesblast to replace the >Niconico Launcher and one of the Orihalcum assaults.
Doubt they'll change much since that rage OD just hits too hard but maybe I'll actually get to see that trigger

>> No.18817350


>> No.18817352

Does someone have School Mehlis' h scene?

>> No.18817359

Might be better just to concentrate on the event instead, the Treasure Rally seems like a good source of them.

>> No.18817750

I suppose you were the fellow that showed up in discord, but just in case not:

>> No.18817763

There's a discord?

>> No.18817786

Yeah, there's a widget for it on the wiki's main page. Iirc it used to be Nutaku Aigis' official one (Nordland showed up occasionally), but it got repurposed for DMM after Nutaku died.

>> No.18817808

Damn the rewards for raids finally look worth it on nutaku kamipro

>> No.18817840
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Damn, it took 7 plat rolls flashing by before this qtpie came home

>> No.18817889

Is it worth sacrificing my only copies of the 2 gold gunners if it gets me my AWs for Diera and Totono?

Grats, I wish I had a Saria.

>> No.18818092

Keep a single of every waifu ever.

Just sell revival plats for the RCs if you really cannot wait or do a single 5 SCs pull

>> No.18819036

Surely I'd get the gold gunners again, though.
Also, why are you mentioning RC?

>> No.18819432

I accidentally bought a wind arthur's sword too. Shit happens.

>> No.18819616

Burned over 100 event tickets for Kamihime, got jack shit.

>> No.18819742

Event ticket means shit. I've rolled 600 and not a single SSR.

>> No.18819785

They probably don't post odds for that reason. On that note, does anyone know the odds that they have for any event gatcha? I imagine they don't change them.

>> No.18819943

how viable is it to get the D ticket in FKG every month by free means?

>> No.18820107

>people with legendary souls that join raid battles but can't even be fucked to press auto attack so they just take up space while doing literally 0 damage
pisses me the fuck off every damn time

>> No.18820170


>> No.18820223

How often do they give those tickets anyway, every anniversary I suppose?

>> No.18820260

The only ticket that's directly gifted is the 1000th day login one, everything else you have to buy yourself.

As a free player, I think I got 9 during the past year: Three for 100 medals, three for 60 medals, and one each for 40 medals, 6000 life crystals and the login bonus. Got 8 golds and a rainbow, and thanks to some gold dupes, I have 286 rainbow medals right now.

>> No.18820463

The key is to be a lucklet and get fucking gold all and dupes if you want to get a rainbow of your choose, I see, thank you.

>> No.18820482
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Just pulled my first Rainbow.
I know I shouldn't be greedy, but just give me Easter Balloon Vine within the next few days and everything is perfect.

>> No.18820630
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Sort of, but I expect the system to get a revamp sooner or later too. FKG devs are busy fixing nation maps and balancing power parities now, and they clearly want to limit rainbow availability because it's their main source of income, but they'll eventually cave in. Rarity growth was probably a "rainbow medals, take two" approach too, since it's designed to make crucial abilities like barrier and dodge available to free players.

Maybe a discount on the first rainbow medal purchase would be good? Something like 150-200 medals sounds much more reachable for a beginning player, and since it's a one-time offer, it shouldn't affect their sales too much. They still need to be careful of a slippery slope effect though, doubly because they made golds extremely easy to obtain now, and I bet they don't want rainbows to go down the same path.

Congrats. Worse comes to worst, we'll probably get a 3.5th year anniversary celebration a few months down the line, and you can get Easter Balloonvine from the choose-a-gold ticket then. Christmas Tae-chan is a very strong rainbow too, although her kit is very unsuitable for stages that block first turn burst effects.

And huh, looks like water lobelias have been suggested as nurse plants that promote the survival of other plants and microbes in their environment by pumping extra oxygen into the water from their roots (while cattails have more clear evidence of doing this). Our Lobelia is probably an instructor because of her flower meaning, but it's a nice coincidence that a flower that helps the growth of others ended up being a teacher - not that it helps these plants themselves, though, as nurse plants are often displaced by their taller and more robust proteges in the wild.

>> No.18820904

>busy fixing nation maps

>> No.18821045

I don't understand why some people sound as if FKG devs would get bankrupt immediately if they, by any chance, increase the rate for rainbows, or making them easier to get.

>> No.18821068

I don't understand how retarded you have to be to come to that conclusion after reading a post where somebody is just explaining the reality of what you're going to get in a certain period of time.

>> No.18821078

with half of that explanation was about "rainbow is their main source of income" excuse?
I know there are shit ton of FKG shills here, so saying anything bad about it would attract this kind of reply, but face it, the rate is shit.

>> No.18821375

I dunno either considering there's over 150 unique rainbows.
It's not like Aigis where I'm pretty sure there isn't even 100 blacks and like 10% are free event units

>> No.18821407
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Nation maps are being renovated this Monday with a new system that lets you farm bond crystals from them. These missions will also be available at all times rather than under weekly rotation, and the nation-only character limitation will be removed (but it seems you'll still want to bring mono-nation teams because bond crystal farming is linked to it).

Bond crystal shop is also getting renovated with new items, and the default number of team slots will be 12 (you get your flower stones back if you expanded your limits beforehand).

I am an unabashed shill for FKG, but yes, I'll admit that the rates are shit. Also, this is a game with little in the way of gameplay. There are reasons for these (making rainbows more available wouldn't bankrupt them right away, yeah, but there was a time when people actually bought golds with DMM points too, and look where we are now), but they're still the game's main faults, and anyone who considers picking up FKG should go in knowing about them.

Still, no game on DMM does character design quite as well as FKG, and girls like Water Hyacinth, Rough Potato, Royal Waterlily, Chinese Lantern and Wax Tree are sheer genius when it comes to the number of small character references (there are probably many others I'm missing - anyone got other favorites in that department?) Unlike the once-per-season batches of Kancolle, you also get new girls every other week, so anyone playing this will find a favorite or a dozen. There's a reason that a game with 0.5% gacha rates has survived for three years and is still topping the rankings while the average DMM game is lucky to see its first anniversary.

>> No.18821420

Just quickly glanced and came out with around 92 blacka, with nearly 20 event ones.
And 6 locked behind a special gacha that comes every half a year basically, 2 other yearly holiday limiteds, and one from a NEVER EVER AGAIN collab gacha

>> No.18821505

I'm pretty sure everyone acknowledges that the rates are shit.
But the overarching concern is with regards to how much emphasis they've put on the rainbow rarity over the span of 3 years.
Since FKG has really no active game play to speak of, the Rainbow rarity used to be more about exclusivity more than anything else. A lot of Rainbows in their earliest form used to be pretty bad, especially by today's standards where Blooming is a thing.
While the art of gacha was decidedly less evolved at the time, it became pretty evident in the years that followed that brashly devaluing a system built on linking rarity to exclusivity can have considerable consequences if done without tact. FKG seems to be overly conscious about this type of potential backlash, with every new gacha-related mechanic introduced giving equivocal compensation for not existing in the months prior to implementation.

And although it may seem to be occurring at a glacial pace from a purely systematic perspective, it is pretty clear that they're making an effort to rework the current values associated with rarity. Golds are being devalued with discounted costs while Rainbows are being made more numerous, stronger, and pivotal to newer content types, so it does suggest they're going somewhere with this.
Contrary to what the other anon was thinking, my guess would just be rarity promotion eventually being the standard, while gacha Rainbows remain as a boosted luxury of sorts

>> No.18821513

Once you have full team of rainbows and few extra with unique abilities, there's no reason to spend more.

I'm at 23 now and I doubt I'm going to buy new 5k tickets. Gonna focus on 3k deals for equip slots.

>> No.18821527

So even though you've reached a power vacuum with your expenditures, you will keep spending despite not being guaranteed rainbows doing so.

Does that not defeat the point of them making money mainly off people like you whaling for rainbows?

>> No.18821547

They cannot sell dressblooms forever too, I need only 20*3 of them, minus 5 I already got.

>> No.18821557

Sometimes I end up with unlucky streaks on both Aigis and Kamihime and feel like the rates are way lower than 3%.
But after considering that in 100 free rolls in GBF this past week I've gotten zero SSRs I've come to the conclusion that a giant invisible dinosaur of misfortune just keeps pissing on me.

>> No.18821585

Less money, and from less people, to be sure. I don't have a full set of 20 rainbows, and if I were to spend on FKG, I would certainly skip the slot flowers and only go for a "a rainbow of your choice for 5000 DMM points" deal.

>>18821513 raises a good point too: FKG was never big on gating content by power, and in any case this is a game where 20 rainbows will let you trivialize every challenge map, forever. They have to balance the exclusivity of rainbows so that beginning players won't find them out of their reach, but older players won't easily be oversaturated with them.

Do rainbow medals and rarity promotion succeed at this? I don't know.

>> No.18821677

>20 rainbows will let you trivialize every challenge map, forever
Not entirely true. The final nidhoggr boss couldn't be beaten with just any old rainbows but required specific team setups.

>> No.18821719

They have been moving toward that direction for a while now, after they realized people can blast everything before they can move with bloomed Dendrobium.
You can't just slap a bunch of rainbows together and blaze through all contents anymore.

>> No.18821727
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I'm not sure. Any combination of 20 rainbows should have a means to tackle him, if with a bit of luck, as long as they're adequately amped and equipped.

I could take on Nidhoggr with 11 rainbows, and Sakura & Ume with 10, though my teams were exceptionally synergistic for a free player. Both the rape dungeon and Nidhoggr had 1PT runs too, if memory serves.

>> No.18821783
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why is she so perfect?

>> No.18821792

I remember you. That was nuts.

I also had 10 max amped rainbows but I was very low on important abilities and nid was just impossible. My good squad could get some work done but the leftovers fared not much better then golds.

I know other people who failed many times with full rainbow teams before they found a setup that worked, including a whale with a lot of detailed knowledge about abilities and team setups.

>> No.18821924
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I deluded myself for a fraction of a second thinking those silver sparkles were actually gold
I shouldn't have

>> No.18822026


>> No.18822052

>no Alyssa or Diabolos in event scenes
>its suddenly much more enjoyable
hope they show up less from now on. I miss Amon though

>> No.18822076

It doesn't matter if there's no gameplay or if the highest rarity is suppossed to be super exclusive, you're killing your players and preventing new people from starting out and enjoying the game because there's so much competition in the market and they're actually generous in the form of letting people get the highest rarity of units and making them feel like that super rare unit they want is actually achievable instead of an impossible dream unless you shell out the money instead of being meme generous in the way of 'here's 50 maint crystals, maybe if you put together a thousand and sell your soul to the devil you'll be able to get an offbanner rainbow from the rateup banner you rolled in'.

There's many collection based games that stay alive without having such a HUGE divide between paying players and free players with the best ones blurring the divide between the two and making the paid deals be a really cheap slippery slope where you swore you'd never spend on mobage but you're enjoying the game a ton and these deals are so affordably cheap that you'll have spent a hundred dollars or over before you notice that the game is draining you dry. Meanwhile in FKG its either $50 paid deals for each ranbow or save up medals for an entire year to get that ONE rainbow you wanted.

The closest equivalent to FKG's rainbow medal stuff would be saving a spark as a free player I guess but even that is much cheaper because it'll take you around like 6 months and there's really good sparking times like during roulettes or during free rolls so you save crystals and get to spark something for cheaper than usual.

>> No.18822114
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Well the 3k jewels from the event SORT OF paid off.
I like her a lot more after the anniversary stream but another AW hime to the count just stings right where it hurts.

In the Dragon Eyes I don't have.

>> No.18822161

Don't worry. Soon you'll be getting more dupes you're gonna ponder about your eye expenditure. I got so much from last 4 months, I just threw 6 yes at once on Poseidon and Michael.
Events gonna be like that after they started doing guild requests. Speaking about guild requests, I did mention last month that Satanachia story would be the saddest. I was wrong and forgot that the most serious one would be the Moon Lab Raid one. While most KH stories are average, do read this one.

>> No.18822180

Moon Lab raid is Trivia, right?

>> No.18822273

What should I use MPs for on D'Art?
Her 2 MP skills are a nuke with snatch added which just feels only worth it for leeching ragnacats and and a blatant MVP stealing nuke I don't have the ping nor the stats to abuse yet so I dunno what would grant me the best immediate benefits.
Definitely not the HP/healing/taunt nodes so I'm debating ATK, TA, or burst

>> No.18822418


>> No.18822493

>Meanwhile in FKG its either $50 paid deals for each ranbow or save up medals for an entire year to get that ONE rainbow you wanted.
Actually, the lowest rainbow deal is $30, and the rarity promotion system brings up the yearly guaranteed rainbow count to three, but details aside; yeah, there was definitely a degree of short sightedness involved with how FKG built it's gacha and rarity schemes even by early 2015's standards.
I still do appreciate that FKG has a system in place that eventually lets you take your pick from a perpetually up-to-date pool without spending and really wish this was something adopted by more games I play.

>> No.18822550

DATA is always **free** damage, so why not.

>> No.18822552

At this point you're just complaining for the sake of it.

1. Top-rarity units are desirable in part because they're, well, rare. I have a bunch of blacks in Aigis and I couldn't care less about some (and Aigis blacks are fairly rare, other games like Otogi suffer much more from this), while every rainbow will get amped and used, and will probably grow on you because of this. FKG's rainbow rates are dogshit, but at least you feel like you actually have something precious when you get one, rather than "meh, I'll roll another next week".

2. Rarity devaluation is a major concern for the game because it already happened. We aren't talking about a what-if scenario here, there used to be a time when people posted every single new gold, saved up for their revival banners, and discussed their abilities, but nobody does this anymore because it's trivial to get any gacha gold in the game. FKG has every reason to try avoiding this scenario with rainbows.

3. FKG's business model has proven itself to be successful. You'd have a point if the game never gained traction, or was in its death throes, but it already competes successfully with others on the DMM platform and will for the foreseeable future. It also has good user retention and attraction, as far as I can judge from the amount of discussion/new player posts on 2ch, so I have no clue where you're getting this "FKG is killing itself" nonsense. You're essentially asking a popular game to take a huge risk and completely change a working, profitable, and relatively well-received system, because...?

4. Any claim about the game being "fake generous" is outright bullshit, in light of the fact that literally every aspect of the game has been revamped according to user suggestions, including these that you're currently whining about.

Maybe I'm being too sycophantic about FKG, but claiming that it's not F2P-friendly is equally stupid. Actually wait, this is the "Aigis is dying" guy again, isn't it? Are we moving to "FKG is going to die next week" now?

>> No.18822554
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All honesty, I'd much rather have a $30-50 paid rainbow deal for a unit that'll remain relevant if not overkill for the game's life cycle, rather than what most gachashit tends to do with introducing powercreep/higher rarities every few months to obsolete past $5-10 purchases. Hell, the most recent buffwaves show that they're still committed to addressing the little powercreep that does exist.

I don't give a damn about 90% of rainbows anyways though, since I tend to like the design of golds more and the few I do have are more than enough for the overwhelming majority of the game content. But maybe that's just me.

>> No.18822601

>this is the "Aigis is dying" guy again, isn't it?
It might also be the absolute lucklet who threw a tantrum for a good half-dozen threads a few months ago and tried to derail every conversation about FKG into being about his shitty pulls, but his posting style is cancerous enough to be immediately recognizable and I'm pretty certain he's up a few comments on the reply chain bitching about rates as usual.

>You're essentially asking a popular game to take a huge risk and completely change a working, profitable, and relatively well-received system, because...?
Because FKG is dying anon, don't you know?

>> No.18822657

>1. Top-rarity units are desirable in part because they're, well, rare.
Not really. You don't want someone just because they're rare, you usually want someone because you like their character or because they're strong and would improve your team. Especially if its both. The way to make players appreciate the highest rarity isn't to make your rates the worst in the market and have them act like they've found the holy grail when they pull one because you'll just feel like shit 99.5% of the time when you spend your gems and get pretty demotivated. Even if people say it doesn't bother them, it eats at you eventually until you lose interest or move to a game that treats you better.

>2. Rarity devaluation is a major concern for the game.
Rarity devaluation is unavoidable as a game gets older just like powercreep. You can't have a 3-5 year old game and have a SSR be worth what it was 3 years ago or have it be as strong and useful as it was 3 years ago because the pool will be bigger, new mechanics will have been added and some units will inevitabaly outclass others even if they buff everyone and make everyone strong.

>3. FKG's business model has proven itself to be successful.
Just because its successful doesn't mean its good and I never once mentioned the game is dying or that its killing itself, my complaints are purely focused at how the game treats you like dogshit if you're not shelling out money for the paid deals and a third class citizen because you have to work with the scraps you're given unless you get so lucky you'd make a whale tilt and spend more to beat you.

>4. Any claim about the game being "fake generous" is outright bullshit
They're not though. The game is generous maybe when compared to other DMM games but if you compare it to other gacha games in the market then you wonder how could anyone ever view it as generous. The gacha/mobile game market is always evolving and the games have to evolve with it or get left behind in the dust by its competitors which is why a lot of games never make it big or don't even survive past a couple months because of how unforgiving it is. If you make a game, pull a huge audience then get complacent and never try to improve the game (or take eons doing so) then you just have something like Kancolle where there's no end of disgruntled veterans that really liked the game, its characters and everything but can't keep putting up with its bullshit because of how much worse it gets with every update.

I'm also not saying FKG is completely irreedemable or that they should just give everyone everything free forever but that they should take steps to make the gacha less unforgiving and make the entry wall a lot lower so people don't feel like they're constantly getting spit on. Increasing the rainbow rarity to 1% for example wouldn't kill them or run 2x rate up gachas every month, maybe every 3 months or so like deresute's cinfest.

>> No.18822668

>Because FKG is dying anon, don't you know?
Yeah, my aunt works in Spring Garden and she told me that the next week's girls will be Angel's Trumpet, Asphodel, Hemlock and Manchineel to celebrate FKG's quick and inevitable death.

They will change the gacha system and release their follow-up game Flower Blight Girl, where you finally get to play the Nidhogg-danchou who was teased during this April Fools event, and collect cute pests to defeat the evil flower knights who are blocking your invasion of their world. All pests will have voiced H-scenes, so please look forward to it.

>> No.18822699

>claiming that it's not F2P-friendly is equally stupid
I don't know anon, I played for nearly half a year and ragequit because I just couldn't get a rainbow no matter what.

>> No.18822702

Should've bought one at least.

>> No.18822716

Not everyone with complaints has a grudge towards the game so maybe his posting style isn't as recognizeable as you'd think or wish. Games aren't perfect as they all have their flaws but if you really like a game then you'll be willing to overloook them or work around them.

>> No.18822759

Why would I give a game that was fucking me in the ass any money?

>> No.18822850

When do the RNG based story missions end in FKG?
I'm up to the end of chpt 12 and the amount of roulette panels is getting quite ridiculous.

>> No.18822886

If you're playing a game for six months why wouldn't you put at least 30~60 on it?
That's as much if not lower than a retail game, the amount of time you've played it for warrants the price tag.

>> No.18822913

Not him but you see, some of us only spend money on things we enjoy. If this free to pay game has been boning me in the ass nonstop then the normal thing to do is quit and move on instead of tossing your paycheck at it then convince yourself you can't quit because of how invested you are.

>> No.18822974 [DELETED] 

Same, but I think the rates even with 3% are lame, damn, even with 10% rarity you can end up spending 750~1500 and not getting anything in shironeko, gacha games are just one hell of a drug. I still have to see a time when Aigis treats me well, it has been 2 months of coand I have seen only 1 black, maybe I just got spoiler by many other mobages that gives their premium currency like candy and doesn't have shitty drop rates.

>> No.18822988

Same, but I think the rates even with 3% are lame, damn, even with 10% rarity you can end up spending 750~1500 and not getting anything in shironeko, gacha games are just one hell of a drug. I still have yet to see the time when Aigis treats me well, it has been 2 months of constant play/draw and I have seen only 1 black, maybe I just got spoiler by many other mobages that gives their premium currency like candy and doesn't have shitty drop rates.

>> No.18822992

You do get something though, its just not the 4* you wanted. Gems are extremely plentiful there and powercreep comes fast and hard so its pretty hard to not get something meta if you've been regularly playing. Not to mention the guarantees at 2500 and 5000.

>> No.18822997

They really need a refresh button in the raid boss selection screen for Kamipro

>> No.18823023

>You get something though, it's just mostly a dupe 4*project

Maybe with an average luck, I remember getting 3 rolls full of nothing with the 3rd anniversary gacha.

>> No.18823037

It's a thing in the mobile version

>> No.18823047

750 is basically nothing if gunning for a memorial char, complaining range is 2000~ or even maybe 1500.

Game has no end of flaws but getting 4*'s definitely isn't one, especially now that they're bringing everyone back a couple times per year for you to roll so its a pretty shitty example or comparison.

>> No.18823079

> playing game for 6 months
> not enjoying it
Sounds like masochism or denial.

>> No.18823136

Would be worth it to fug NamaNazuna.

Also, would love to see a Hemlock girl in all seriousness.

>> No.18823146

Not really that tough to log in every once a week or so, collect freebies and do the event. Or mayb just do daily logins and roll when something nice comes out since the game is so generous after all.

>> No.18823186

>Rarity devaluation is unavoidable as a game gets older just like powercreep. You can't have a 3-5 year old game and have a SSR be worth what it was 3 years ago or have it be as strong and useful as it was 3 years ago because the pool will be bigger, new mechanics will have been added and some units will inevitabaly outclass others even if they buff everyone and make everyone strong.
Can't they just give those older units an AW strengthens them to align with meta and call it a day? It's always nice to experience a scenario in which Unit X, which you used a lot during your first year of playing but no longer use them due to powercreep, get new art and buffs that make them top tier again.

>> No.18823210

Amon in kamihime got this and players actually got pissed off because she's arguably much better than an other popular girl released after her

>> No.18823657

As you can see I'm not talking about the game itself but the fact about drop rates don't mean anything when you rely on luck/rng, if you're a lucklet, you can't change that fact.

>> No.18823790

>you'll just feel like shit 99.5% of the time when you spend your gems and get pretty demotivated
Will you? I just find myself thinking "eh, I'll get 50 more in a couple weeks". There's a ~5% chance to get a rainbow per 11x roll, so they aren't as elusive as you make them out to be either. An average player will get 2-4 per year from the gacha, plus the guarantees from rainbow medals and rarity promotion.

The gacha is shitty, yeah, but not intolerably shitty, and the satisfaction of beating it is great.

>Rarity devaluation is unavoidable as a game gets older just like powercreep.
Except FKG has been avoiding rainbow devaluation for three years and counting, using the very system that you're arguing against.

>I never once mentioned the game is dying or that its killing itself
>you're killing your players and preventing new people from starting out and enjoying the game because there's so much competition in the market

>If you make a game, pull a huge audience then get complacent and never try to improve the game
Sorry to sound condescending, but have you ever played FKG or are you just shitposting now? We had several major updates during the last month alone, FKG isn't flawless by any means but comparing it to Kancolle is straight up ridiculous.

After world 9, so they should've ended already. Something's not right if you're seeing more than one spinner per map, if even that.

>if you really like a game then you'll be willing to overloook them or work around them.
Nah man, you're thinking like a sensible person here. If you really like a game, you'll willfully ignore its faults and write walls of text to defend its honor on the internet against villains like >>18822657

>> No.18823883

>There's a ~5% chance to get a rainbow per 11x roll, so they aren't as elusive as you make them out to be either.
There's a 26% chance to get a black on Aigis, SSR on GBF or Kamihime in 10 rolls, and people still go through long dry spells in those games.
Probability ia a finnicky thing because even though you are performing those dice rolls in succession, every attempt is done in a vacuum, so while it may look like the odds are 74% against you, it still technically is 97% against you 10 times in a row (or 99.5% 11 times in FKG, whatever).

That said I wish FKG dropped the 10+1 and just made the sensible thing and go for 10 rolls with guaranteed 4*+
Asking for guaranteed golds is really just flying too close to the sun, it's realistically not gonna happen, you'll just burn.

>> No.18823953

I didn't mean to say they haven't been improving themselves, FKG has made some pretty nice updates but they're still short of the mark. Kancolle was just an extreme example of what happens when a game decides they've already made it big and there's no need to do anything else because the players will continue playing forever no matter what they do.

Recent FKG updates have good intentions and their heart on the right place but its still not quite there. I'll say rarity upgrade is much, much better than the awful rainbow medal system at least because it feels like its really possible to up someone you like instead of devoting an entire year of your life for a pity rainbow ticket. There's some other updates too but they're unrelated to gacha so its not worth mentioning them.

The gacha for this game still has the worst rates in the market and you'll be able to see a face of pure horror just by telling someone that plays a lot of gacha games that there's this really generous game where you'll be able to maybe get from two to three of the highest rarity girls a year. Either that or questions of how could anyone endure that.
There's also the thing about the gacha having outdated mechanics like not having a guaranteed 4* or above on the last roll like every single game out there right now because while rare, full 3* rolls are still possible and are pretty awful when it happens. Or having some kind of proper mileage system where you'll be able to get a pity unit after X rolls. Or even adding some kind of "Your first rainbow is on us" ticket for new players so they're eased on the game and give them something that keeps them logging back in the game like making their favorite girl really strong.

In the end, its a pretty good and very fun game with really cute girls but the gacha and everything surrounding it is like a swift kick to the balls which really sours the experience and makes it pretty hard to get into unless you love the game, its girls and/or its theme so much that you'll confront all the adversity the game presents to you and do your best with what you have.

>> No.18823954

>Something's not right if you're seeing more than one spinner per map
Nah, that won't happen until world 26 or 30+. I did it few months ago

>> No.18824007

Recently got Frey and Ouroboros from the tickets you get for voting. I'm assuming Ouroboros is power crept but what about Frey?

>> No.18824089 [DELETED] 
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1280, world10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good point, and some kind of guarantee would go a long way in helping with these unlucky streaks, as rainbow medals are too much of a long-term goal to serve in that capacity. There's no shame in ragequits like >>18822699 for times when the game really has it out for you in particular.

My suggestion is a discount on the first rainbow medal purchase, so that you can work towards a rainbow you really want, but 4*+ guarantee could be good as well. Still, FKG has been trying to make its rainbows more available through medals and rarity growth, and it's kind of unfair to pretend that "0.5% rainbows, no change, no compromise" is some kind of gospel law for the game. It's doing this slowly and carefully, yes, but that's just as well because a quick "let's double rainbow rates" kind of solution could easily be disastrous in both short and long terms.

Speaking of which, I personally despise the legfest option because it isn't an opportunity for players, it's telling them "you can only roll during these periods and are retarded if you do anything else". FKG tried this once for golds, said "fuck it", and made it permanent (golds had 3% rates on launch, the fact that you can get them at 12% from a discount gacha now should speak volumes about the kind of devaluation they faced).

These are the current maps for world 10. I'm pretty sure most maps after 9 had their spinners replaced.

>> No.18824164
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1280, world10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good point, and some kind of guarantee would go a long way in helping with these unlucky streaks, as rainbow medals are too much of a long-term goal to serve in that capacity. There's no shame in ragequits like >>18822699 for times when the game really has it out for you in particular.

My suggestion is a discount on the first rainbow medal purchase, so that you can work towards a rainbow you really want, but 4*+ guarantee could be good as well. Still, FKG has been trying to make its rainbows more available through medals and rarity growth, and it's kind of unfair to pretend that "0.5% rainbows, no change, no compromise" is some kind of gospel law for the game. It's doing this slowly and carefully, yes, but that's just as well because a quick "let's double rainbow rates" kind of solution could easily be disastrous in both short and long terms.

Speaking of which, I personally despise the legfest option because it isn't an opportunity for players, it's telling them "you can only roll during these periods and are retarded if you do anything else". FKG tried this once for golds, said "fuck it", and made it permanent (golds had 3% rates on launch, the fact that you can get them at 12% from a discount gacha now should speak volumes about the kind of devaluation they faced).

These are the current maps for world 10. I'm pretty sure most maps after 9 had their spinners replaced.

Somehow missed this entire post, my bad. Yeah, I generally agree with what you say now, though I'm more tolerant of the "don't mess with the gacha too much" attitude because any change about it is inherently risky.

I also like this game enough to do stupid shit like getting defensive over it on the internet, sorry about that as well.

>> No.18824166

Frey has an either Rage assassin (think like Siegfried), but hers has a horrible cooldown (bad) at the expense of lasting a whole turn rather than a single hit (good) on a character that has a normally usable damage nuke with burst boost and self crit (also good).
It's a pretty fucking big boost (150% on abilities and burst, 250% on normal attacks), though, plus her passive perma 10% boost against enemies in rage.

The thing is given her absurd CD she'll really only be useful for that one single round of rage killing where she's basically fucking unmatched, no one compares.

But if the fight still continues past her retard strong burst she's not a team player like Light's other retard burst enablers, outside of her mode gauge reduction boost tacked on her crit skill, she'll do very little besides the high damage you'd expect from an attacker SSR.

TL;DR Frey is INSANELY good at her gimmick, but not super outstanding or broken when her time has passed.
Seriously 15 turns on cooldown for Vorpal Straelen is absurd.

She can probably absolutely wreck even acc5 Andromalius honestly

>> No.18824208

>Speaking of which, I personally despise the legfest option because it isn't an opportunity for players, it's telling them "you can only roll during these periods and are retarded if you do anything else". FKG tried this once for golds, said "fuck it", and made it permanent (golds had 3% rates on launch, the fact that you can get them at 12% from a discount gacha now should speak volumes about the kind of devaluation they faced).
Probably was my biggest gripes with Nutaku FKG, at least concerning the Gacha. It was always a "wait for some good offer" thing, which kills the urge to roll at anything other than those periods. The complete lack of Gems didn't help either.

>> No.18824226

wow actually thist post was formatted like shit, I really should refrain from phoneposting for long winded posts like this one

>> No.18824279

Gacha games are pretty risky and complicated, if the magic formula to having a profitable gacha that keeps its players happy was an easy one then companies wouldn't struggle to keep games alive or afloat.

I personally liked the game enough to be disappointed in it because I wanted to like it since it has super cute girls but it feels like the gacha is too bloodthirsty if you're aiming to play it as a free player and something like 2~3 rainbows a year maybe if you're lucky doesn't really sit well with me so I skipped it.

I also don't plan to make a habit of complaining about the game every time mentions it but I still wanted to voice my complaints about the subject this once because I'm pretty sad about it.

>> No.18824283

Her nuke are pretty bad though, it feels like SR's.

>> No.18824308
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This is 13-3 or 13-4 I forgot already
The one before it was worse.

>> No.18824332

I did 15-28 during that recent story campaign thing, and while most of the maps had their spinners replaced or greatly reduced, there's still that occasional map that's really annoying to clear due to having two spinners. Some of those maps took ~5 attempts, but if I think back to the old fairy maps or story 1-10 during the first few months, I guess it's not that bad.

>> No.18824333
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The trick is just to stop giving a shit about rainbows. I always use them when I do pull one but I've bitched in these threads once or twice because I wanted the newest gold girl instead, and at the rate they're adding new girls you'll almost always be playing catch-up.

If you're going into things expecting rainbows though, yeah, you're going to be disappointed no matter what. With something around a 2% chance of getting one every 11-pull (and with how many 11-pulls you're handed thanks to government bailouts) someone who's expecting something worthwhile every pull or even every other pull is going to be in for a bad time. I think over my last 6 11-pulls I've gotten 2 golds. On the other hand, I got those 11-pulls within 1 month.

>I'm pretty sure most maps after 9 had their spinners replaced.
This is true, but fuck 25-x in particular. Almost everything there is nightmarish because in addition to spinners you have to equalize the speeds on your entire party in very certain ways or else one team will step on the finish line and auto-complete the stage.

>> No.18824460
File: 156 KB, 610x408, satan's mapsona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, checked the wiki and 13 didn't have any revamps. The changed story maps are 9-12, 14-16 and 20-24.

At least the world will no longer face the horror that is the old 10-5. See the pest group on I? You can't get there from a direct path, the spinner after F leads you through the pest nests and to the boss. One of your parties (a specific one, actually, which has higher speed than the rest) will need to beat the spinner to go towards H, run through the map, and beat another spinner to 3-medal this map... but in the one run out of 15 that you do this, one of your parties will miss either the G node or the E node.

Maybe the reason why I'm so happy with FKG is that I remember what this game used to be like. Yeesh.

>> No.18824516

Fuck, don't show that man. That still gives me traumas just looking at it. I remember all those wasted tries trying to clear it. It's probably still uncleared in my Nutaku account even after I left.

>> No.18824867

Is Aigis dead? I can't login and just get an error message

>> No.18824886

Imperial Gacha should just be every month at the end of each month for like a couple months.
About as many days as it's usually around for but much more frequent.

>> No.18825446

So, after all this shitty rate discussion, any news about HTML5 FKG? Plans for a mobile version? Did they say something about those in the 3rd anniversary?

>> No.18825453

No news yet (I believe some anons specifically brought it up as something that wasn't discussed) but I'm 95% certain a port is in order. FKG is a pretty major cash cow and I highly doubt they'd let it die, not with how active the dev cycle is.

>> No.18825522

That's the one. That's the fucker that broke me. I had a rule where I refused to move on in the campaign until I 3-medaled each map but I spent months wasting stamina on this POS before giving up and continuing.

I beat it eventually sometimes before they started the revamps. But bloody hell.

>> No.18825774



What's the error message say

>> No.18826156

Thought I remembered someone saying after a recent stream that a mobile version was due in May, but I missed the stream so I can't confirm beyond what I thought I read here.

>> No.18826189

I just realized Rion isn't that great if you already have Margaret. Margaret's 7 shot skill even lasts ten seconds longer than Rion's. What the hell. I feel like bowriders aren't a unit I want to keep deployed anyway so the one use limit doesn't seem like a big deal.

>> No.18826348

Sounds like you really just don't know how to deploy bow riders. Rion can use her skill every 80 seconds with half the initial timer and much higher attack. There's literally no reason to even look at Margaret if you have Rion.

>> No.18826355

Metatron AW doko

>> No.18826406

>There's literally no reason to even look at Margaret if you have Rion.
Approximate maximum DPS values:

Margaret -- 114650; vs. Demons/Youkai -- 137417
Rion -- 100149

If you're not planning on using Rion's skill multiple times, Margaret is the stronger sprinter. I do wish that Devtea would slap a secondary effect on Rion's ability, like they've done with some of the other older blacks; a mere -2 to the cost of a handful of (mainly cheap) classes is, frankly speaking, event black tier.

>> No.18826441

Speaking of event units
Why the fuck are there so many event Bishops?
And why are they better than basically all gacha bishops except S Paula?

I'd kill myself if a pity plat was wasted on an off banner Sasha.
After I maxed out her affection for research purposes, I mean.

>> No.18826446

>If you're not planning on using Rion's skill multiple times, Margaret is the stronger sprinter.
I don't see why you wouldn't use it more than once. You should be deploying bow riders in a position where they're not at risk and abusing the shit out of it.

>> No.18826449

Also should have mentioned that those DPS values are never really going to play out. Against anything that actually has enough life to survive the entire 7-shot barrage, much less several of them, you're going to see a lot of damage reduction from defense, which is going to put Rion significantly ahead. Rion's almost always going to come out higher against anything that matters because of it.

>> No.18826505
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Why not use both?

>> No.18826525

Whatever floats you boat, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone deploy two bow riders to a map at once. It's generally more trouble than it's worth to try and safeguard more than one anyway.

I'd be interested in any relevant strategies that utilize 2+ of them, though.

>> No.18826619

Either late April or May.
Just enjoy your AW Michael's cooking in the meantime.

>> No.18826643

The Amon buff really cause significant ripple effect. It made Thanatos useless while at the same time made AW Satan more useful. At least I know who I'm going to swap if I got a new dark hime.

>> No.18826685
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>> No.18826695

Thanatos isn't really useless if you DON'T have Amon still
C frame def debuff is still fairly uncommon and her self DATA and burst boost on her nuke make for a competent attacker still.

And girls who use ore as their pronouns are hot.

>> No.18826760

Light guild order is always a pain to slug through when you are a lucklet and your main debuffer is still Nyarlathotep.

>> No.18826828

That's what I meant, she is useless when you have Amon and most dark overlods have her in their disposal. And while her DATA buff is nice, it's hard to sync with her burst if you don't build your team centered around her. Personally, I don't hate her and I would love to use her but it's the ugly truth.
You'll get there anon-kun. St. Nicholas (shadow) is a tough boss with a ridiculous amount of DEF anyway. Just abuse her "Sickness Conversion"

>> No.18826876

Mobile version is "more info on mobile version very soon".

>> No.18827003

the knight girl is top tier cutie
please tell me she shows up as hime later on and we can fug her

>> No.18827037

Unfortunately no.
I think Barong event is the last time I see those white knight faggots.
Yes she's a real qtpi.

>> No.18827399

Lucked out and yolo pulled Lapis! So fucking happy, bros!

>> No.18827536

She just happens to be a nameless NPC with an unique portrait with an actual face

>> No.18827568
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>> No.18827584

Log in

>> No.18827725

This is the internet equivalent of "have you checked that the power cable is plugged in and switched on at the wall?"

>> No.18827728


>> No.18827738

Well have you?

>> No.18827764

I also did last Tuesday.
Now let us pray we will not be diagnosed with cancer!

>> No.18827806
File: 448 KB, 1199x1283, kamihime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /jp/. Newfag here and i have more questions:
1. Is it worth to continue doing the main quest at this point? I think they will not give any SR Kamihime anymore
2. How do i get more this "PP" thing? Currently i leeching all the Expert/Ragnarok raid event because i think they gives better drops. So which is better: doing 4x Normal quest (1BP) or 1x Ragnarok (4BP)
3. What is the difference between Raid Event and Raid Quest (the six elementals) ?
4. I don't have any SR Blade/Glaive. Is Mordred still worth getting? I think Andromera is better for me at this point. Also how to i get more Soul P? (this is my first play so i wasted pretty much Soul P on Standard souls)
5. Is accessories quest any good?
6. Is my SR Kamihime worth to limit break? Almost all of them are at Lv30 right now.

>> No.18827900

So now that you can get SSR uncaps through tower events what do I do with dupe SSR gacha weapons?
Do I keep them to LB them one by one through tower grinds or just use them as uncap fodder?

>> No.18827907

1. Unless you need more jewels or have nothing to do with your AP then NO
2. You get PP depends on your contribution to the raid. Both drops are shit. Do Expert if you need more blue medal and ragnarok if you need more red medal. You get the most gacha ticket if you MVP ragnarok.
3. Raid event are limited-time raid. Raid quest are daily raid that you can do thrice daily.
4. Any heroes are worth getting except Solomon and Siegfried. You can ONLY get Soul Points from events.
5. Focus on your weapon grid first but you can still try tackling on those accessory quest. Just don't be surprised how hard it is.
DUDE limit break them at least to lv60 where grimoire is your bottleneck. Focus on the most useful one. And today is Sunday so abuse those exp quest.

>> No.18827956

If those gacha weapon has excellent skill with FLB then FLB them.

>> No.18827983

>checking R himes to do the ult vritra event missions with
>get to Daphne
What in blazes
5300 attack and +50% D frame att up + 25% element att up on an R?
She's gonna hit hard

>> No.18828033

Thank you for the responding
Also what is exp quest?
Can i farm materials for limit breaking from Raid quest or those are dropped only in SP quest?

>> No.18828332

Do both
Some drops from raid quests while others in daily SP quests.
Exp quests is Sunday SP quest. It's the best map to grind your himes.

>> No.18828459

In Kamihime is it worth getting 15 points to unlock Mordred new skill?

>> No.18828464

How do i access this event? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.18828474

Until I see some super nip nerd on a youtube video doing something cool with them, I'm not getting any.

>> No.18828491

what should be my priority then? Atk up?

>> No.18828498

It was a limited time event 2 weeks ago. It's only still in the shop because you can still exchange the rewards.

>> No.18828578

First priority is without any doubt 1 in everything that looks useful. Going from 0->1 gives the greatest boost, and you can only go up to 3, so you should have plenty of points to put into whatever you like afterwards.

>> No.18828629

nice, thank anon

>> No.18828664

>doubt 1 in everything that looks useful
Don't, if it's like GB, it's more harder to get with each point you used

>> No.18828672

One of Shingen's extra skills sounds actually good on paper for Light's favored strategy: burst hard and often

>> No.18828684

I actually had to ponder for a while because of this but turns out every node just needs 1 MP per level regardless of level

>> No.18828878

Finding SSR Diabolos to be much more common than Anubis.
Do people really prefer using Azatoth over doggo that much?

>> No.18829103
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I probably should start leveling characters I would not use often
There may be some hidden gems like this total cutie

>> No.18829240
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>> No.18829288

Isn't Kanon flat herself? Also, this ball should've healed because everyone knows being flat is a privilege

>> No.18829319

who's that qt

>> No.18829361

Wait, isn't that the god of money that literally rides on a man as his steed? I'd have expected something more along the lines of Mammon.

>being flat is a privilege
Quoted for truth.

Kanon's AW2 delivered all I wanted from her. A flat chest and exposed navel are two of god's greatest gifts.

>> No.18829449
File: 61 KB, 174x170, 177_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, anon. Good job.
Amon is a bro.

>> No.18829473

The Majin are actually testing the humans for the greater evil that are the Angels. They were our guys all along.

>> No.18829496
File: 1.10 MB, 720x1010, Screenshot_2018-04-16-02-23-19-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went for a triple combo

>> No.18829539

who's this qt

>> No.18829630
File: 260 KB, 961x641, ((())).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ereshkigal. Wait did Nutaku get her?
>along the lines of Mammon
If it's KH Mammon then I guess her personality is spot on. Mammon is just a bullyable cutie.

>> No.18829636

Not yet

>> No.18829654

>Not yet
Try never or gacha unit

>> No.18829675

Nut won't get her until July at the earliest
They wouldn't dare.
Not after Pharol was given out for "free"

>> No.18829819 [DELETED] 

You know, Ereshkigal is the best girl even in her original myth.

Giant monster dragon carries you off to the netherworld? Comply and make friends with it. Find yourself unable to return because you've been corrupted by death, locking you in hell forever? Reform hell so that it's a nice, well-governed place instead (there's no torture in Ereshkigal's underworld). Your shameless slut of a little sister tries to conquer your hard-earned realm? Step down and hand your throne over to her. She proceeds to get herself killed (ending the concept of love in the process, by the way, nothing is able to have sex while Ishtar is dead), and people come from the land of the living to bring her back? Help them out despite the fact that she literally just tried to oust you, and previously got your husband murdered to boot.

She was too good for this world, which is why they made her the queen of the next one instead. I'm pissed that FGO turned her into a bootleg Rin instead of giving her a cute design of her own, she should've been a quiet, reasonable elder sister to contrast with Ishtar's lewdness.

Is that the case? My bad then.

I never really got into KH, even though I hear it has all these amazing brown girls and glasses girls.

>> No.18829841

You know, Ereshkigal is the best girl even in her original myth.

Giant monster dragon carries you off to the netherworld? Comply and make friends with it. Find yourself unable to return because you've been corrupted by death, locking you in hell forever? Reform hell so that it's a nice, well-governed place instead (there's no torture in Ereshkigal's underworld). Your shameless slut of a little sister tries to conquer your hard-earned realm? Step down and hand your throne over to her. She proceeds to get herself killed (ending the concept of love in the process, by the way, nothing is able to have sex while Ishtar is dead), and people come from the land of the living to bring her back? Help them out despite the fact that she literally just tried to oust you, and previously got your husband murdered to boot.

She was too good for this world, which is why they made her the queen of the next one instead. I'm pissed that FGO turned her into a bootleg Rin instead of giving her a cute design of her own, she should've been a quiet, reasonable elder sister to contrast with Ishtar's lewdness.

Is that the case? My bad then, I probably thought some other blonde drillhair girl was Mammon.

I never really got into KH, even though I hear it has all these amazing brown girls and glasses girls.

>> No.18829850
File: 161 KB, 586x423, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the ideal aigis team. You may not like but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.18829862

Racua doesn't belong there, the rest is perfect.

>> No.18829877

You're gonna upset people whose only experience with the game is following video walkthroughs with that Ramii.

>> No.18829879

Racua belongs there, and doubly so. Older women with flat chests are a treasure.

>> No.18829882

>tfw you were trying to make a team jiggly boobs some time ago but forgot about it.

>> No.18829886

>Older women
Exactly. Doesn't belong in a team about cute petite girls in the flower of life.

>> No.18829894

The thing about Ramii that makes people mad is that she's worse than her event counter part, though.
She's not bad in any means, it's just that Fuuko is bonkers

>> No.18829905

Not him but my only experience in the game was following video walkthroughs for months and Ramii was always there for me.

Yeah, this makes me pretty upset. Why is it even allowed that the event freebie gets nicer things that the cuter gacha shrine version anyway?

>> No.18829910

You should appreciate both the flower in the bud and the wine that matured to perfection.

Nataku and Racua enhance that team by being there.

>> No.18829920

Is Kibahime that flat?

>> No.18829927

Regardless of how cute they are or not, still no place in a themed team though.

>> No.18829932

I thought she was going to be this big snusnu orc demon but she was actually a small and flat red oni girl with horns bigger than prince's dick.

>> No.18829949

>having a "team"
>not just letting Moltena and Blanche's puppy daycare deal with everything ever

>> No.18829951
File: 319 KB, 529x318, Screenshot_2018-04-15-21-23-03-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18829973

>I'm pissed that FGO turned her into a bootleg Rin instead of giving her a cute design of her own, she should've been a quiet, reasonable elder sister to contrast with Ishtar's lewdness.
Well, to be fair, she wasn't supposed to be a bootleg Rin clone. And character-wise, she's like the myth version at least.

>> No.18829990

>using doggos
>not just ploping Shu-Xian and 2 Lei-Meis
You can't out lazy me.

>> No.18830025

I didn't really get yandere vibes from Ereshkigal's first scene but now on her second scene I can definitely see what the wiki was talking about.
But when she starts wondering about having babies that's just pure dere.

This is still definitely a bad ending, though.

>> No.18830027
File: 207 KB, 598x446, 1521852394966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start working on an all Male Aigis team, wish me luck. Soon you'll hear from my Majin level 15 clears.

>> No.18830114
File: 189 KB, 1059x780, DabC9dOVQAAluYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about Ramii being compared to Fuuko. She is way cuter and I enjoy every moment of using her. Currently waiting for this artist to deliver the doujin.
>Ereshkigal pregnant end
>Bad end

>> No.18830147

I mean in the long run the world getting destroyed because a crazy girl kidnapped you to do nothing but nonstop babymaking until the end of days is a bad ending, isn't it?

>> No.18830223

Why is fuuko considered better than ramii anyway? Their stats are almost identical, is it the damage type?

>> No.18830259

Block +1. Range becomes short, attack all enemies within range simultaneously. Infinite duration.

Block +1, defense increases by Xx. Range becomes short, but attacks all nearby enemies
simultaneously. Infinite duration. Attacks slow enemies. (50% slow for 1.33 seconds.)

Guess which one's the gacha one and which one is the free one.

>> No.18830310

Oh yeah, forgot about the skill, hopefully SAW can fix this but it's probably gonna be a switch to fly mode

>> No.18830609
File: 847 KB, 720x1012, 1511788050300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit WHY

>> No.18831117
File: 345 KB, 1081x1500, xAZHuCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pissed that FGO turned her into a bootleg Rin instead of giving her a cute design of her own
Well, there's an "unofficial" design for Fate Ishtar out there that's pretty much official anyway. It's by one of FGO's artists from the same book where they initially designed Gugalanna about 5 years before it debuted in FGO's 2017 summer event. It shows what she looks like when she's not pseudo-servant Rin. To the best of my knowledge, he hasn't done one for Ereshkigal, but it could at least give an idea of what Fate Ereshkigal might look like when not a pseudo-Servant.

Honestly, though, Rin-Ereshkigal is super cute so I ain't even mad. I'm only mad that I couldn't get her with over 300 rolls because FGO's gacha is balls.

>> No.18831322

Not to be Captain Obvious but it's a clear Terminator reference. Question is, what the fuck is it doing in Aigis of all media?

>> No.18831410

I'm not sure if it's a clear reference, but it's not like Terminator is some obscure cult movie either. Many people in Japan have seen it too.

Besides, Kokoro's event from last week had the exact same plot, where a demon goes back in time to kill the young Prince before he can establish a rebellion against the monsters. Maybe they have a fan on board.

Thanks for the info, didn't really know that. I'm far behind on Nasuverse, and just as well, because all these Saber clones don't really please me. Not too fond of Scathach either, I get that they were possibly shooting for an Aoko/Touko thing with her/Aife but "literally Aoko in a bodysuit" isn't what passes for good character design in my book.

Biggest offender is the Phantom, though. I mean, his defining character trait is that he looks like the bastard son of Two-Face and Voldemort. Why would you take that from him? What did poor Erik do to you?

>> No.18831430

Well, if Commando is anything to go by, I'm sure Japan loves Schwarzenegger.


>> No.18831457

This is my favorite Commando remix.
Kemono Friend remixes in general are godly honestly though.

>> No.18831666

Any /jp/ guilds in DMM Kamihime?

>> No.18831710

Ring and earrings are shit anyway. The only one that I kept are 2xATK UP only. It's a good thing for some reason tiaras love to come to me so much.
I guess they went for the "Phantom is a handsome fuccboi" speculation.

>> No.18831715

Don't I wish, Satan.

>> No.18831731

Why is Amon so easy

>> No.18831743

Do we even have enough anons? I felt like there's only at most 5 of us here.

>> No.18832051

Not adjusted for powercreep

>> No.18832254

Have that 5* ticket from a few weeks back on DMM FKG, are there any 5*s I should be looking for on a power basis as a newer player, or should I just dickpick Apple of Sodom?

>> No.18832275

FKG is made to be a dickpick game. Go for whatever you want. The only content that needs esports is ultimate-tier maps that are optional anyway.

>> No.18832287

Pick what makes you hard anon
>Apple of Sodom

Good decision pal,have fun fucking the gayshit out of her

>> No.18832363
File: 935 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-04-15-22-42-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Struggled with past Majins
>Get up to amon level 6 on first shot and the only reason I couldn't do 7 is because I ran out of AP

Wow this guy really is easy. Bro demon giving me free exp cans.

>> No.18832369

The only real competition was Queen of the Night. I'm a very simple man.
Not sure if she's gacha as well, but I'd love to get Sourwood. Rosemary is definitely a huge want too.

>> No.18832392

>not available in your country
Region-based IP is cancerous.

>> No.18832413

Yes, all of them are, just got a dupe apple yesterday.

>> No.18832420
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1200, 59161979_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking of the wrong apple. Unless that speculation that all fruits are fruitcakes is true.

>> No.18832506

I though it was the other one, still a good decision.

>> No.18832743
File: 277 KB, 2597x466, X4i8sDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Easter Lily after all, so the grand yurification of Spring Garden continues as planned (and she completes the pink hair/loli/otomo trifecta to boot, making her as perfect as possible by the game's art standards). Super-secret FKG leaks say that the knight captain will be replaced by a cool elder sister for all scenes by 2020, and all existing players will be assassinated and replaced by their alternate dimension loli counterparts by 2025.

Evening Primrose and Reeve's Spiraea get Easter versions too. I'm not a lolicon, but the latter's bunny suit sure looks amazing in many ways, possibly more so than Balloonvine's.

>> No.18832767
File: 23 KB, 504x122, YeCabKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she's the event girl too, amazing.

Last girl was guessed to be Hare's Ear/Bupleurum, by the way.

>> No.18832955

New bunny girl looks lovely. If she isn't the 6* I'm probably going to be burning my gems for her, against my better judgment.

Is a bunny girl a first for FKG? FKG seems pretty sparse on kemonomimi apart from catgirls, anyways.

>> No.18833002
File: 168 KB, 734x855, bbspink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear, we've been found out. I'll go ahead and say my thanks to that fellow over on the Japanese side who is ripping the new character images each week.

Animal-eared characters are not that uncommon on FKG, actually: Devil's Claw and Lion's Ear for lions, Haretail Grass for rabbits, Setaria for cats, Beefsteak Geranium for tigers, Lycoris for foxes, Creeping Smartweed for dogs. All of these are very popular girls too, and there are still more characters who are animal-themed without having the ears.

>> No.18833018


>> No.18833094

What do you call an anon who posts a lot of these to harvest (you)s?

>> No.18833101

I hotlink sample pictures and remove the master_1200/sample part so people dont complain, what does that make me?

>> No.18833140
File: 129 KB, 800x600, a010416a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Aigis can last up to ten years?

>> No.18833176

Kamihime should add more detailed teasers for gacha girls personalities, I'd probably be urged to waste jewels more often than I do by rolling for looks alone

>> No.18833181

So many Bunnygirls I want, yet so few gems I have

>> No.18833198


Here's another announcement taken directly from the JP side: FKG's 11th NND broadcast has been announced for April 22, with Tithonia added to the roster of bonus characters for premium watchers (her art is not yet revealed). It's sooner than expected, but I'm looking forward to what they have in store after Nidhoggr and rarity growth.

6-7 for sure, but I don't know about ten. I wouldn't be surprised if it survived that long, though. It's no longer the uncontested top dog of DMM R18, but that's good for its long-term survival because it has been forced to innovate rapidly.

What I'm really wondering about is what the next big thing will be. Games like Jewel Princess and Unitia are ambitious, but I don't think they'll come close to the popularity of Aigis, FKG and Kamihime, and many new games barely make a blip in this thread's radar before going down in six months.

>> No.18833228

Is kinda sad since there's no many "Tower Defense with cute girls" games like Aigis, if Aigis dies we'll only have Shiropro, I still wonder why no one wants to do Tower Defense games anymore, I have more fun with Aigis than GBF or FGO.

>> No.18833311
File: 657 KB, 960x640, 2018 4 16 seriously now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh for fuck's sake FKG.

>> No.18833318
File: 216 KB, 810x498, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao what

>> No.18833322
File: 152 KB, 560x518, wdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200 jewels
>expires until 2037

What the fuck? Is this a bug?

>> No.18833323

>cropping out the 50 nectars

I got zero for whatever this is. Unearned whaleship rewards or something?

>> No.18833330

Nutaku: Hey, we just expanded your material storage to 200. What about people who did it before with their own stones, you say? Fuck them, that's what.
DMM: We're renewing the nation maps, but that's kind of unfair to players who haven't done them before, so here's the rewards you would've gotten if you cleared literally every single one of them.

>> No.18833334

>Made 20 rerolls and didn't get a rainbow
>All 20 have 200 flower gems now

>> No.18833342
File: 837 KB, 754x488, ringo_paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, so many cute bunny girls. It's time to channel my inner Apple and lay waste to my stone stash (and my wallet once there's a ticket deal).

Gotta make that all-bunny team with Helenium as leader. むっはぁぁぁ

About time, I was starting to worry since it felt like forever since the last live stream. Sadly, I still can't get nico premium in my country because Paypal is shit.

>> No.18833355
File: 1.08 MB, 1903x1225, merge_from_ofoct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rolled all 4 on one and this is pretty much what I expected. That's 25 10-rolls without a rainbow so far across multiple accounts.

Going to sit on this monstrous stash of gems until there's a gacha with cute pink haired girls.

>> No.18833376

You'd normally expect a rainbow every 18 rolls on average. 25 is not far from that.

>> No.18833397
File: 305 KB, 920x752, F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, ReBless is dead. Here's the google translated post:

Thank you for always using "Libres".
"Librest" management office.

Although it is truly selfish, "Libres" is
We had 15:00 May 16, 2018, and we decided to stop providing the service.

We sincerely apologize to you for your patronage, thank you for your understanding.

Please schedule the service due to the following, please confirm.

【Schedule until the end of service】

◆ April 16, 2018 15:00
Stopping purchase of RB coins
Purchase stop of login pass

◆ May 15, 2018 15:00
· Service ended

* Please use items purchased before the end of service.
* Returned items can not be returned to points. Please note.

Thank you very much for your patronage for a long time.

>> No.18833504

Dropping games that botched their first few events always seem like a good idea.

>> No.18833515

Nips wasted many jewels rolling for Dian Cecht only for dat ass. I spooked my roommate laughing loudly getting her in 2 rolls.

>> No.18833612

Fuck, my clone got another rainbow but my main still can't get even once

>> No.18833648
File: 1.57 MB, 771x1200, Yx2HTZ7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit. Guess pic related was foretelling the future.

Is Christmas Begonia the next rainbow? RIP my wallet if that's the case, will whale for her.

This is amazing.

>> No.18833727
File: 1.38 MB, 963x640, Nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing the other day, this was unexpected.
I kinda wish I'd rolled on the Cattleya banner for the higher chance at her. Nothing wrong with Saffron though, she's not a loli and she's pretty cute.

>> No.18833906

Did they ever add more event types? I quit the game a few months ago when they had raid events, that exploration thing and a tower event. While the latter two were complete-able with medium effort, the raid event forced you to do 170 boss fights to max evo the event girl and another 130 fights to get all the rewards (SSR ticket).

Quite a few people had complained about that, but I don't think they every changed it, did they?

>> No.18833910

Well the game news does have a bit of personal info on them but they only started doing that like half a year ago

>> No.18834098

>takes me until just a couple days ago to get the jewels from Vritra to roll
>gacha changes to Manargarmr rateup today
I was made fun of

>> No.18834116

Thus ends another popularity contest with Sol and Artemis as the top of their rarity, but Ratri snipes top R from Boreas by a wide margin.

Hope her future SR version drops the mask.

>> No.18834121

Am very excellent at pasting links

>> No.18834292
File: 292 KB, 520x366, kamiunei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wonder if I can get 19 gems to reach 700 by the time the Revival Gacha starts on Wednesday night
>Here, have 189 Gems for the stages you didn't get the gems in, 10 for the renewal and we're having another 2 gems per day campaign for the 40th month of release
This is a conspiracy, isn't it? It's just to make me despair more once I can't roll a rainbow even with all the gems they keep throwing at me!

>> No.18834299
File: 117 KB, 960x110, nico11_before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, this is a first for FKG broadcasts: It'll be live on Youtube as well, meaning that we non-premium folks can actually watch it without being booted out every other minute. Pretty nice news.

That's actually by myonko, Reeve's Spiraea's original artist, so I wouldn't be surprised if it really was prophetic. I wonder how much it influenced the decision to commission a bunnygirl version for her, but in any case I'm very much grateful that decision was made (important note: still not a lolicon).

>Is Christmas Begonia the next rainbow?
But hold. You got your loli with the amazing butt and black hole stomach, so now's the turn for rainbow Iris or Cymbidium (or a new glasses-girl altogether). Gold Mistletoe would be great too.

The right mindset for not rolling rainbows is "who cares, I'll get 200 more stones to not roll more rainbows next month".

They come at you when you least expect them, desire sensor and all.

>> No.18834316

What's Kodemari's story anyway? She eats and doesn't grow because (reasons unknown)?

>> No.18834322
File: 35 KB, 300x300, アカバナスイレン_進化前表情_平常時.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The correct answer is to blame everything as a plot hatched by someone else to ensure your downfall.

Red Water Lily Rarity Growth when?

>> No.18834334

You couldn't max the girls in raid events without rng drops and/or ranking rewards. You got like 3 copies for doing individual kills, points during the pvp thing and the raid gatcha, but you needed 5 to max.

I quit during the Christmas event. It was a tower event where they added ranking rewards and I think you only got 2 guaranteed copies of the girl and had to get the other 3 from rng/ranking rewards.

>> No.18834393
File: 896 KB, 750x1010, a8b355fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently her town faced a famine in the past, and her body compensated by making her subsist entirely on magical power. Now everything she eats gets stored as magic instead, so she can't grow, but if you fuel her enough she turns into a one-loli army.

Probably a case of Lily Wood's worldflower manipulating its blessings to ensure that her body will always stay at the apex of perfection.

>> No.18834404

Am I the only one having issues with Rosel's shitty NPC placement?

For a sniper, Dev Tea sure likes to put her in the most retarded vulnerable spots.

>> No.18834427

You'll love Shuuka's event, which has like six maps where you have to prevent her imminent suicide.

Even in the story she's basically making an active effort to get herself killed.

>> No.18834429

Doing a blind run I had her die on one of the 5 stamina maps
Had to use tokens to mess with the dagger orcs' targetting otherwise she was dead in 3 seconds

>> No.18834494

I did Shuuka on Nutaku, and I remember struggling more with leaking shadows than keeping her from dying. But that was a terribly designed event as well.

Yeah, the first 50/5 map was where I struggled the most. Banner orcs melted my tokens, then melted Alicia unless she was on skill, then Rosel dies anyway because orcs from the bottom target her before Alicia.

An awful fake difficulty map that would've been 1000x easier if you could just put a healer where Rosel is.

>> No.18834602

They kinda make you play forward at the spawns instead of guarding the points. You have to put someone down that one road where they come up from. I tried placing someone at the intersection there to be useful but the dart orcs still target her first and I didn't pop Fiore in time.

Had no problem with anything else in the map.

>> No.18834628
File: 861 KB, 960x648, unknown-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute and yet such a fucking bitch whore of a fight

>> No.18834668
File: 1.15 MB, 1116x983, Kodemari 65366937_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added to the wiki.

>> No.18834924 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 1116x983, DLtU0kYUEAAEblj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'd certainly get that double-checked, since I'm just reposting what I can understand from the JP wiki ("her village had a food shortage because of pests, she started harvesting magic to keep herself going in response to starvation, now she's a food-powered golem"). I don't have Kodemari and haven't played her CQ, sorry if I've misled you.

In fact, most of what I'm doing in this thread is porting over 2ch/bbspink/JP wiki information. I can claim credit for a couple charts and lists though, I'm especially proud of that taxonomy graph (which used to be nice and compact, but the game now has so many girls that it's hard to see what's where - I hope it still shows that many characters are friends/cousins/sisters because of the relationships between their flowers, though).

The JP wiki is especially amazing with the flower trivia sections for each knight, you can really appreciate how much care goes into this game when you realize that, for example, Water Hyacinth is a pirate who traveled all over the world because her flower is a notoriously invasive water weed that functions as a ship through its free-floating roots and sail-like leaves, letting it conquer freshwater sources in nearly every continent. http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/bitstream/1/2055274/1/MPKV-1733.pdf is a must-read for any fans of hers.

>> No.18834940
File: 66 KB, 600x600, DNdocuiUQAAqjsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'd certainly get that double-checked, since I'm just reposting what I can understand from the JP wiki ("her village had a food shortage because of pests, she started harvesting magic to keep herself going in response to starvation, now she's a food-powered golem"). I don't have Kodemari and haven't played her CQ, sorry if I've misled you.

In fact, most of what I'm doing in this thread is porting over 2ch/bbspink/JP wiki information. I can claim credit for a couple charts and lists though, I'm especially proud of that taxonomy graph (which used to be nice and compact, but the game now has so many girls that it's hard to see what's where - I hope it still shows that many characters are friends/cousins/sisters because of the relationships between their flowers, though).

The JP wiki is especially amazing with the flower trivia sections for each knight, you can really appreciate how much care goes into this game when you realize that, for example, Water Hyacinth is a pirate who traveled all over the world because her flower is a notoriously invasive water weed that functions as a ship through its free-floating roots and sail-like leaves, letting it conquer freshwater sources in nearly every continent. http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/bitstream/1/2055274/1/MPKV-1733.pdf is a must-read for any fans of hers.

Wait dang, posted the same image as you. Here's a teaser for an improved Kodemari instead.

>> No.18834945


>> No.18834978
File: 41 KB, 537x526, f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I evolve Svarog or Titania? Svarog seems like a way better choice but my main element is wind.

Also, I've landed 3 SSR hime and Behemoth within 3 weeks. I think I should update my will

>> No.18835038

Svarog does a lot more than a buffbot
And is also not insane.
Or, not as insane as Titania at least.

>> No.18835097
File: 872 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-04-17-00-45-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to work.
Dogs get progressively worse at tanking Amon fireballs and Sieg's cooldowns are annoying as shit but what can I do

>> No.18835108

Svarog if broken post AW but, I mean, if you don't play fire she's not going to do much for you, and 3 eyes aren't something you should spend lightly.

>> No.18835131

If u main fire and keep stacking her 3rd skill, u can nuke 300k x3 = almost 1M.
Her 2nd skill is op too because u can stack with other buff. And max stack u can get from 2nd skill is 3.
Svarog is a core for fire team

>> No.18835145

They aren't suppose to fight against Illuyankash anyway. Guild request to subjugate sea monster rampaging and she got mistaken when she's only playing (by creating tidal waves). Her scenes are good tho.
Also, just use Athena www

>> No.18835166

I got Athena on like, the very next event after Illuyankas.
Athena can tank the ODs but Illy deciding she wants to put up stack after stack of damage cuts is still incredibly irritating.

>> No.18835214


Guess I'll dump them on Svarog then. My fire team members aren't too sloppy so they shouldn't take much too much effort to catch up with my wind team. Thanks for the input, guys.

>> No.18835259

Not use dogs as a crutch?

>> No.18835266

See I know what those words you just said mean individually, but when put together in a sentence like that, you're just speaking nonsense.

>> No.18835483

Does everyone get the 200 gems in FKG including newbies or just existing players and accounts? Thing has 2030 as expiry date and all.

>> No.18835506

9 out of 10 gacha games will close within year.
Its very hard to do these games correctly, your sponsors expect quick and high ROI, your players expect you be generous, have lots of events and very high quality and interesting content.

So I've made some rules for me about them:
1. Do not spend more than 1000 JPY in first month.
2. Do not spend more than 10000 JPY in first 6 months even if game looks good.
3. Drop immediately if events have PvP aspect or need real money investment.
4. Drop immediately if events feel tedious and I cannot max out rewards while playing 1-2 hours per day max.
5. Drop immediately if game drops below top 30.

>> No.18835511
File: 100 KB, 817x257, 100 dmm pt tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely everyone gets all the rewards for the previous implementation of nation maps. If you already 100%ed all of those maps then you received them previously and thus get nothing now.

>> No.18835520

I mean ifI make a new account now today after the update, will it get 250 gems (200 gems from nation rework + 50 for the poll thing) or just the 50?

>> No.18835582

> spent 300 gems
> no bunny, most of rolls are all-silvers or all-bronze
At least I'm at 650 rainbow crystals, right?

>> No.18835618
File: 1.39 MB, 960x640, palemoon_2018-04-16_13-18-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me to roll anon.

>> No.18835626

I got like 4 golds but seemingly none of them were cute in the least because I already forgot what they looked like.

>> No.18835640

>Click home
>Wheat starts talking
>Check event page and feed the fairy thing then go to the present box and collect my rewards
>Wheat is still talking

This girl's lines are way too long. Sure its cute but a minute long voice line is just too much for a homepage line.

>> No.18835803

Reminds me of affection lines in Sorakana.
Some went for like 5 minutes of nonstop talking.

>> No.18835829

>100 more stones and another '15 gold of choice.
FKG devs continue to be, well, FKG devs.

>> No.18835841

Another 100 flower gems and free 2015 gold, sasu-fucking-ga fkg devs.

>> No.18835844

Their life expectancy has been shortened to 3-6 months nowadays.

>> No.18835867

What did devtea mean by this?

>> No.18835880

Those unlucky enough to get Victoria, like me, will get 1 sc?

>> No.18835884

Shit Prioritize Magic on Victoria/Daniela ain't working

>> No.18835887

That'll get me to 450 stones. Hopefully enough for all them bunnies.

I'm seriously starting to feel bad about all the free stuff to the point where I want to spend more money on the game. Was this their plan all along!?

>> No.18835905

>6 11x rolls and nothing
Goddamn when do these dry spells end, my last rainbow came from a single ticket roll last year.
Maybe I'm supposed to just YOLO it and trick the RNG by doing only single rolls and having it take pity on me for being retarded?

>> No.18835914

just think of this anon >>18835905 and that feeling will go away.

>> No.18835919

300 flower gems is still not enough for a rainbow. I need more, give me MORE.

>> No.18835938

The duality of man

>> No.18835942

Are lucklets and whales two sides of the same coin?

>> No.18835943

It's a bit more then half a rainbow if you count gacha odds+rainbow crystals. (also rainbow medals but those add basically nothing)

>> No.18835944

>(also rainbow medals but those add basically nothing)
That'd require you to roll gold dupes.
Which requires you to roll golds.

>> No.18835949

Which would give you only 2 rainbow coins so you'd need a whooping 150 gold dupes.

>> No.18835980

On average you'll get three golds for those 6 11-rolls and the chance those are dupes is impossible to calculate without knowledge of your collection status but even if we assume all 3 are dupes that's only 6 medals or 2% of a rainbow (although keep in mind it's a pick not a random) thus basically nothing. There's also a chance of rolling a dupe rainbow but I can't be stuffed calculating what fraction of a rainbow medal that would add to the pool.

>> No.18835987

>Astronomically low odds of rolling a dupe rainbow
Not even worth considering really

>> No.18836056

Another 2 silver pots. Thanks.

>> No.18836065
File: 444 KB, 1097x1050, 67784585_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a plot, I tell you, a plot! Don't fall for it!

Nearly at 1000 here.

>> No.18836069

When will you junkies understand FKG is not the game you play if you desperately need that dopamine rush of your dice rolls landing on the microscopical "I win" square.

Just go to altema or something and roll the gacha simulators if you need it that much, jeez.

>> No.18836087
File: 190 KB, 960x640, enter the phoenix, the sequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even worth considering really
>Don't fall for it!
And speak of the devil. I don't even have that many rainbows, but I had dupe Viola and dupe Serissa already, both off-banner (featured girls were Ghost Weed and Reeve's Spiraea). I don't know if this is exceptionally good luck or exceptionally bad luck.

I guess a free player has no cause to complain about 15 gacha rainbows (plus one of my choice from the rainbow medals, since Serissa brings me well over 300). Now I'm waiting warmly for a cute glasses-wearing rainbow to grace this game again, that and rarity promotions for any of the lilies - I'll wait a couple weeks and default to Easter Lily if none of them seem to get it.

By the way, it seems that Lotus Lake's strangely-named casino is headed by a certain Hyacinth. Wonder if she and Water Hyacinth know one another, though they aren't closely related flowers.

>> No.18836106

You are there to collect girls and the only way to collect them is rolling dice and hoping it would land on the "I win" square.
Otherwise may as well as just fap to the CG on sadpanda and call it a day.

>> No.18836109
File: 139 KB, 406x513, Seal_stone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Easter Lily

Jap players complained about getting nothing if you cleared all the nation maps. This was pretty predictable really.

>> No.18836114

Turns out it wasn't enough to get all three.

9x11 rolls, one all bronze, three all silver, one each for the golds and three rolls with one gold dupe each.

Could have been worse, I guess, but this reinforces my theory that the super lucky roll I had for New Years used up all my luck for this year.

>> No.18836155

To be fair, the Missions for the Nation Maps were reset too, so those that cleared all of them also got that too.

>> No.18836195

This event's pinkhair loli.

We're actually coming very close to being able to make an entire team of lily-family flowers: We currently have 15 between Lily, Maiden Lily, Star Lily, Casablanca, Mountain Lily, Easter Lily, Tiger Lily, Toadlily, Rice Lily, Katakuri, the four tulip sisters (who of course are all paragons of chastity and virtue, and well-worthy of bearing the name of lilies), and the recently teased Fritillary. If you add in other close relatives, you can easily go past 20 already. What a time to be alive.

>> No.18836254

Only slightly below average. You need over 600 gems for a 50-50 chance at a rainbow. That's why this anon is correct: >>18834299
>The right mindset for not rolling rainbows is "who cares, I'll get 200 more stones to not roll more rainbows next month".

Or more to the point either spend 6 months saving for a decent shot at one you really want or pretend they don't exist and let them come as they may.

>> No.18836320

Alright so I made a new account to check. New players are fucked out of the 200 crystals from the nation bonus but they do get the 100 crystals from the next wave of free shit so people starting out have 3 10-rolls for starting out and not rolling a rainbow.

>> No.18836357

Oh, no worries. I've played this game long enough to know how much of a fickle mistress gacha can be (like not getting a rainbow in 10+ 11 rolls just to pull a rainbow from a single premium ticket).
I'm also aware that if there's a girl I really want, I have to let my wallet do the work. Which I will have to do once there's an exchange ticket for Kodemari. Like, holy shit, just listen to her lines. So much hhhhnnnggggg.

>> No.18836367
File: 67 KB, 847x720, 1497379837652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm also aware that if there's a girl I really want, I have to let my wallet do the work.
Just like in real life!

>> No.18836371

Stop making me want things.

2/4 people in one of my discords rolled her and it's eating me.

>> No.18836424

>2/4 people in one of my discords rolled her and it's eating me.
A friend of mine who started the game together with me and who has quite bad luck with rainbows (and hates me for having gotten about twice the amount of free ones so far) ended up getting the full bunny set in 22 rolls, so I know how you feel.

>> No.18836431
File: 646 KB, 960x640, 1951729571924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step away for 4 hours
>log in to FKG
>another 100 flower gems and a pick-your-5* ticket
God fucking damn it what is even going on anymore

>> No.18836506
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x1080, unknown (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolled x11 twice this morning, only got two Hare's Ears to show for it
>roll x11 again today
>it's not Kodemari

I am reasonably triggered.

I suppose this still brings up my rainbow count for the month to four.

>> No.18836511

Nice rate up

>> No.18836515

I'd take Herbaceous Peony over Kodemari anyday.

>> No.18836518

same desu. I only got two golds in the four x11 pulls I rolled, but they were Hare's Ear and Easter Evening Primrose so I really don't give a damn otherwise.

>> No.18836540
File: 953 KB, 1121x742, 1502896699396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I managed to clear a level 10 Maijin since starting as a new player in January.
It's pretty intense to figure out a strategy with the team you have, took me about 10 tries until I managed it.
Or maybe I'm just another dumb Moltena user.

>> No.18836557

Amon is one of the easiest majins but congrats. Majins will force you to learn how to play the game and stop letting Moltena's doggy day care do everything because you have to use the rest of your units.

>> No.18836648

Wew the jump in strength from lv8 to lv9 is pretty masssive

>> No.18836678

>Majins will force you to get specific blacks
Let's be honest for once.

>> No.18836790
File: 1017 KB, 967x649, 4910842901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd lv15 clear done.

>> No.18836820

I can't imagine how people clear 11+ without Rinne and Silvia.
The AoE damage your team keeps getting dumped on is impossible to outheal without her, Saria works up to a certain point but offskill it's over for her.
Silvia is just broken, outheals the damage she receives and you can just put her at the other end of the map and not worry about Amon nuking the rest of your team.

>> No.18836830

Mireille's SAW should just be permanent

>> No.18836865

Like this.

>> No.18836916

>that massive waste of gold and fairies on garbage you'd never deploy anywhere else

>> No.18836951

They may force you to invest in specific units that you won't really use outside their key majin (Gloria for Phenex, Reanbell for Vepar, plat Karma for Barbatos, Ricola for Furfur, Roana for Bifrons...) but I don't think any majin requires any given black. Barbatos with Rinne is possibly the closest.

>insanely specialized run where no unit can be replaced by anything but a strict upgrade
Case in point. I don't like watching majin guides because trying to figure out how to do them with the tools you have is kind of the point, at least to me. Seeing what enemies come from where and "can X healer reach Y spot" searches are perfectly fine though, no need to waste charisma on doing these yourself.

Also, what route do you guys recommend for Clissa? Extra block seems ideal, and I already have a mincost Dahlia, but blacks tend to benefit a lot from stat routes too.

>> No.18836961

I'm 100$ sure my game would've crashed in that 10 minute standoff at the end

>> No.18837037

I overlooked it at first but the new SR thunder hime has a pretty interesting gimmick.
And I hope this is the one and only time I ever see it.

>> No.18837114

I started on Anniversary but haven't touched any of these.

I know some of these are supposed to showcase how to deal with something by using the fewest units possible. But they could try to take one extra so that they're not watching their one tank tickle the boss for an hour.

>> No.18837140

where can I use these rainbow crystals, I got like 450 of them.

>> No.18837165

Short answer: You need 50 more minimum.

>> No.18837181

nice, now I don't know if I upgrade my cat or my maid that looks like a touhou girl

>> No.18837258
File: 927 KB, 720x1012, 1516197732165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why she's the most popular now.
Guess I now have to save for her SR.

>> No.18837293

Why nyarlathotep wasn't in top 3? I think jap players only like blondie lolis and this is awful.

>> No.18837313
File: 449 KB, 735x966, Green Bristlegrass Japanese Mugwort 56044159_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18837321

yes, but I think she doesn't have an awakening or whatever they call it. And I am sad that you lose the slots, I got 4 on her cause I got 4 of her.

>> No.18837334

Let alone top 3 Nyarly got completely kicked out of the top 10 this year.
Newcomers to the SR list are Hypnos (lolimama), Kingu (retard moe), Jehuty (tickles that healthy oneesan bone), Manes (smol and lewd) and Andhaka (who I don't have so I dunno).

The R top 10 got the most noticeable changes, what with Ratri out of nowhere gaining a major lead on Boreas and Charis/Yakamihime dethroning Perun, Zeruel and Sakuya out of the top 5.
Not Nergal though, seems her SR version got her the popularity boost to not only remain in the top 5 but rise up to top 3 even.

>> No.18837342

She's one of my candidates as well.

Having the four slots saves you crystals, which means faster rainbow acquisition. Both your gacha and grown rainbows are unlikely to ever have more then one slot unless you whale hard so that's normal.

>> No.18837405

I love Kingu, even if she is a retard.

I voted for nebirus and she is like in 48th in the R section, at least Ratori is hot

>> No.18837419
File: 32 KB, 720x405, 1497194123703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamihime's JP playerbase really LOVES brown girls.

>> No.18837690

The aigis app might be super smooth and better than the PC app but it bothers me so much how it tends to crash after quitting a map

>> No.18837731
File: 798 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-04-16-19-20-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fame pull is Cornelia in her UGLIEST form

I hate it. They should have chibified her cute AW looks. Don't care about the stats, skills or anything, I just want her to lose the ugly helmet.

>> No.18837738
File: 8 KB, 100x56, Chibi_Cornelia_Death_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least there's this.

>> No.18837747

Would have loved to have Cornelia on the dark fighter outfit without the helmet. Better if she keeps the evil grin.

>> No.18837923
File: 593 KB, 1120x630, 2018 4 16 prereg team finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's that. Jewel Princess's official launch might be soon (they're finally revealing 6* art of the Spectra on Twitter), so here's to hoping.

>> No.18838103


Why is Sol so highly rated? Is healing that good? I generally find that the stuff i do not clear isn't because i'm gradually getting worn out, but rather because my himes get hit by like 10k bursts, so it doesn't matter what HP they have.

>> No.18838489

Going yolo is always the first choice. But there will always be bosses doesn't allow you to win that way. Take the most annoying raid boss, water catastrophe for example. Either bring healer or dmg cutter to survive longer. If you don't wanna do that, you should have at least 20k HP with the current meta.
Nips just love Sol too much. I personally don't hate her but she's overrated now. Her AW design is bland and her lines are so long it hurts my ears. Sol should've been barred from poll so Satan can stop being in always 2nd place.

>> No.18838527

Satan winning would've given her the power to finally rename the game to Satan Project like she wanted so much.
That said the playerbase seems to have grown attached a bit too much to the top rankers from last year, out of the SSR ranking this year, only 3 are new, 5 new for the SR ranking, and 4 for the R one.

>> No.18838532

Can anyone explain the Kamihime second anniversary event to me?
I might just be dumb but I can't find anything to actually do to get event points.

>> No.18838545

Event period was from 4/2 to 4/16.
The event banner remains for another week just so people can check the results, you were too late.

>> No.18838828

Almost all the level 15 majins can be done with only plats (very specific and niche plats in extreme cases).

>> No.18839085
File: 488 KB, 1229x822, ss+(2018-04-16+at+08.10.45).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to die anons?

>> No.18839867
File: 897 KB, 1139x647, jewels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this Sunday as well.

>Jewel Princess's official launch might be soon
Heh. You've got a good nose
They just closed the Prereg Gacha and the open Beta will begin soon.

>> No.18839911

Speaking about Prereg gachas, Now there's a new gacha for Baldr Ace

>Trailer has Kotoko's song
Now I'm interested, I wonder how they're going to fuck this one.

>> No.18839977

>still complaining about getting blacks

It's easier now, than ever before.

>> No.18840004

It's easy but the pool is actually rather small so outside some pickups the risk of a dupe spook is always around.
Thankfully it's only happened to me once and it was off a ticket anyways

>> No.18840013

Dammit, I never managed to finish Aquamarine.

>> No.18840163

Is doable for a F2P to have a team filled with blacks in a 2 years?

>> No.18840184

Probably won't even take 2. There's that f2p who supposedly has 19, my maybe around 3 month old alt has 11.

>> No.18840186

>Easter Lily has a loli childhood friend and a tendency to sleep in the same bed with her
>They apparently look similar enough that they can switch places without anyone telling
Also pretty cute that marriage ceremonies in Lily Wood (and elsewhere, Easter Lily is routinely called to other nations as well) are arranged by actual lilies. Given their theme, I'm guessing that Formosan Lily herself has a chance to show up during this year's June brides event.

Thanks again for the heads-up. I had just gotten my girls to 6*, but I guess that's enough since the anon who posted information on the closed beta said that the default level cap is 30.

It would've been a different matter if the prereg maximum had been 40, which apparently requires dupes to reach.

Easily, as long as you aren't too picky with the specific girls. We had several lucky anons who rolled 5-10 blacks within their first few months in the game, thanks to a combination of black/legend tickets, pity blacks, and the initial rush of SCs from story maps and revivals.

Even I have 14 blacks, and I'm fairly unfortunate when it comes to Aigis, with no blacks in my first 8 months or so.

>> No.18840192

>My 3 month alt has 11 as f2p

Literally how

>> No.18840198
File: 177 KB, 680x490, This plus Metus and reshia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fully F2P and I have so its super possible in less than a year. I'm pretty sure there's one or two anons that started recently and are in my same position too so its not like I'm the only one. Started on anniversary so that's closer to half a year than a year or two.

You'll have plenty of chances to roll blacks between guarantees, fame rolls, shop tickets and legend tickets from hitting said guarantees.

Though with that said, you won't be fielding a full black team and will be abusing good plats instead with Katie making an apperance as a super useful gold.

>> No.18840201

2 free tickets, rerolling for easy +1, 2 from the plat tickets, the rest from the shrine.

>> No.18840257

Well, technically my account is almost 1 year but I started playing seriously a month ago, I only have 3 blacks (two being from those pity tickets) so far and I'm farming crystals so I can blew them on a pick up but so far the SC gaining feels rather slow since I also invested in more space (seeing how I need 90sc for barracks) so I wanted to know if I should keep investing in more space or just keep focusing on rolling.

>> No.18840262

>I need 90sc for barracks
I have been playing for two years and I still don't have my barracks (though that's less prudence and more stupidity, I impulsively throw everything I have at the demoness). Just expand when you need the space, you don't need to store SCs for them.

You can also buy one for "free" when the Kamihime/Shiropro collabs return, since these give out 30 SC each.

>> No.18840267

>Roll 300 more crystals because I felt like it
>Couple golds but still no rainbow in all those reolls

That's 31 10-rolls without a rainbow and I'm pretty sure I'm way below 0.5% at this point.

>> No.18840288

What >>18840262 said. Just expand when you need to. Min cost some silvers, just keep a decent amount, know what you need for your aw priorities. I also sold every daily revival girl except for Lucia. I can always get some to aw for possible bonding quest sc when I no longer have any one else to raise.

>> No.18840289

There's a 18% chance for this, so still not too exceptional.

You have like 6000 stones between your accounts now, you can roll 120 times. The chances of you not getting a rainbow from these is about one in a thousand, so you can try for that next.

>> No.18840296 [DELETED] 


>> No.18840381

Actually newbie can get more black than old player easily now with guaranteed black.
My 3 years old account with 7 blacks is example

>> No.18840397

I had a level 10 Aigis account from 2014 which I haven't touched until recently, so I had a gift box with about 180 SC and a bunch of other shit and top of not having done any other missions. Easiest blacks of my life.

>> No.18840406

Fafnir and Satan in 10 rolls is not good enough to warrant your death (unless Satan is your holy grail waifu) but you still need to look out for any signs of meteor.

>> No.18840449

>want to AW Cenote
>Need some silver character only obtainable through gachashit or event exclusive

Great game guys

>> No.18840485

>want to do literally anything
>run our of gold in 10minutes
I'm gonna beat the system you'll see all the SC I get from here on go towards saving up for refreshes for the inevitable golden week 1.5x droprate

>> No.18840500

>Just spend my only 3 rolls and got nothing

If only I knew, any signs of gold Rush on that week? probably I'll stop playing before that with how this game is treating me

>> No.18840508
File: 125 KB, 755x456, weapon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which weapon should i enhance skill right now?
My team is mostly Fire+Wind but the Light SSR weapon is limit breaked

>> No.18840542

Amaterasu weapon is defender so it's trash. If you don't have a light team wait (and by wait I mean farm those raids) for fire and wind weapons. Don't bother with SR weapons you'll likely never LM either. If you have nothing at all, just wait.

>> No.18840544

my inventory is full so i must spend some of my R weapons (with +1)

>> No.18840579

Well if it's just a few levels feel free to do it on any SR, you'll use them as fodder for SSRs later anyways.

>> No.18840585


This event's gun is assault ++ and you have it maxed out, so it'll always be good no matter what down the line.

>> No.18840601

I have exactly 19 shrine blacks after playing for a ~year and 2 months but I bought the 150SC pack so not exactly f2p. Also got extremely lucky with my legend tickets, had like 3 months where I got double new blacks from those. Seems like my luck finally run out because last 4 blacks I pulled were dupes one new black in like 5 months ._.

>> No.18840612

Maybe i should spend some of my SR Light weapons because i dont have any SR Light hime anyway?

>> No.18840622

>Magic Fencer
That is babby-tier. Get back to me when you need a dragon soldier.

>> No.18840684


Even if you don't have light himes, just raising a full grid of 10 SSR weapons, regardless of elements, will raise your base attack and HP by a significant amount. Basically, don't try to make a single element team right off the bat and just do general strengthening instead.

>> No.18840704

>You can literally farm those today on the daily revival

Is there a way to farm bishops in daily revival?

>> No.18840719

You can according to the wiki, closest one in Sarasa's.

>> No.18840729

Yesterday. Next is the christmas girl riding a reindeer.

>> No.18840859
File: 300 KB, 963x640, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18840874

>Inadvertantly roll 3 Rainbows from FKG in a single month
>Fail to get any Blacks from two monthly legend tickets and Fame gacha 8 months in a row now with light spending in the past few to meet stampcard requirements
>Only manage to roll a Black outside of the pity Black once during this same period
Luck sure feels weird when you see it happen at opposite unexpected extremes.
I even ragepulled the 1000RC ticket this month hoping to break my current streak to no avail.

>> No.18840904

On the Blooming Gacha? Would be miraculous if it was on any other Gacha.

>> No.18840927
File: 21 KB, 109x98, lau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one please.
I rolled that gacha 8 times and am still waiting to get her.

>> No.18840973

I got her twice yesterday and even a dupe Oncidium with the free gems (among the usual silvers and bronzes). All I wanted was the dog.

>> No.18841073

I would if I could, not exactly a fan of big anime tiddies.
Got her too, get fucked loser! xD jk hope you get her

I stopped playing 2 years ago but still occasionally login in to roll freebies. 300 stones, 5 new golds, considering first two were silver pulls looks like a good haul
Logged out disappointed because Christmas Rose still doesn't have 2nd scene

>> No.18841199

>Christmas Rose still doesn't have 2nd scene
I don't think any of the wazakita girls do, do they? And for that matter, I'm pretty sure Anya still doesn't have her third scene in Aigis.

>> No.18841200

So from Vritra I got the sword MLBd and all 5 (which I sold as soon as I got one to LV40) summons, all crystals, all tickets and just the 3 eye shards (would've gotten more but she never dropped more than the guaranteed one).
What do I aim for next?
EP to unlock more souls since I slacked off on getting PP hard for over a year, porn books in case I AW someone in the near future (which is looking likely, I'd start with Michael) or
anything else at all?

>> No.18841244
File: 99 KB, 723x691, 1523925756785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intentionally telling me it's never ever

>> No.18841271
File: 340 KB, 1418x1956, Da-8tchV4AAa7XW.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like for it to be sooner rather than later or never, but I dunno if it's wazakita or just the game management. At least in the case of Aigis I could see it being management. I don't think any of the cyocyo girls have 3rd scenes or AW2 art and yet he's still so interested in drawing Aigis girls that he's doing a Rindou doujin. They're clearly just not asking him for the art. Except for having him do a school version of Giovanni for some reason. Not really sure that was ever in demand. Could be the same for wazakita and Anya.

But for FKG, who can say? Just hoping wazakita is still willing and able to do some more art for the two games, myself.

>> No.18841295
File: 1.20 MB, 961x640, 15_2018-04-17-1630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, >>18840927 (I) got her with roll #9.
All one needs to do is whine on /jp/ and luck comes.

>> No.18841346

If it actually works people here would have been swimming in rainbows.

>> No.18841378

I'm gonna guess Kamipro's upcoming events will be Wrath union event reissue -> new raid -> Garuda 2nd reissue.
After that I think they run out of 2nd reissues for union events so I guess they're gonna have to put up a new advent eventually

>> No.18841406

Dina's 3rd scene was just announced, actually.


>> No.18841418


everytime a new bond quest gets added it's never for units I already AWd
Where's Ingrid's goddamn

>> No.18841468

God bless, I didn't check last night. I've been ready for a year and a half for this.

>> No.18842173

>Baldr Ace

>> No.18842604

