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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 720x386, why doesn't Peter Pan use Tinkerbell as a onahole, that little slut is pratically begging for it anywho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18811844 No.18811844 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>18771660

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a

It was cleaned up and updated.

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

>> No.18812280
File: 60 KB, 801x450, Screenshot_20180412-131841__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do good?

>> No.18813179

Just looked them up, they look amazing especially the Virgin Matchless. what's the total shipping cost?

>> No.18813315

Has anyone ever had their review(s) validated over otonajp?

>> No.18813426

By validated you mean what?

>> No.18813463
File: 117 KB, 598x866, ET205_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting for this baby to come back in stock.. adjustable jaw on her. something different i guess. What do you guys think of this one if you own one.

>> No.18813473
File: 2.89 MB, 4128x2322, 1511071468798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got these, what to buy next?

>> No.18813479

When you make a review over there it doesn't instantly goes public, they have to review and validate it first.

>> No.18813489

Is that a Cocolo on the left?

>> No.18813504

nope that a Puni ana SPDX
highly recommend but god damm the pricing

>> No.18813666

what site?

>> No.18813921

That is a pretty retarded system, I'm assuming they only validate the positive ones then? That and the rage posts in all caps that make the poster look like he was the one at fault.

>> No.18813986 [DELETED] 

wow an obsolete piece of technology

what sort of revival tier snow nigger music do you plan to make with that archaic piece of shit

>> No.18814930

Anyone seen a review on the Virgin Matchless?

>> No.18814937

Yeah, I tried it out once just to see. Got my points within a few days, I think. It was a while ago and I've been too lazy to actually do more.

I've seen mediocre and poor reviews on some products, so I guess they're more concerned that the reviews are actually reviews and not all-caps rage posts like you said.

>> No.18815543

Anyone got recommendations for holes that'll bully the everloving fuck out of my frenulum?

>> No.18815894
File: 348 KB, 1406x1380, 816JhhY4OqL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>life got in the way this month
>but it gave me time to browse more dolls
>also permanent price drop on both dolls happened at the beginning of the month
Left doll:
>5.5ft tall
>hyper thin waist
>large breasts
>nice hips
>arms and legs are not skin tubes with a little bit of definition
>elf ears, wig can be changed out
>standing feet
Right doll:
>4.5ft doll
>body is more evened out
>no definition in arms or legs
>elf ears, wig can be changed out
>if kneeling, its head should be crotch height sitting in chair
cant decide.

>> No.18815994

the breast creases on the left are a turnoff. I don't know anything else beyond that.

>> No.18815995


>> No.18816030
File: 245 KB, 800x800, magic eyes lube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this? A packet came with my Lolinco, so I decided to try it out for my second go-around with it, but it's barely something I would even classify as lube. It's like the consistency of tar and dries immediately on contact with anything. So of course it's like impossible to even get any of it inside a hole, much less one as tight as lolinco. Then rubbing it on my dick with my hand felt rougher than using nothing at all. I managed to get my dick in the hole, but after one slow, arduous stroke, that shit was dry and I was going limp. Needless to say I gave up on that and finished with onatsuyu as before, but jesus christ. Is it possible that my packet had expired? I don't really care because I don't need it, but I'm just baffled.

>> No.18816067

I couldn't live with the One Piss proportions on the left, personally. I have to wonder if that level of exaggeration would actually continue to be appealing in real life. The taller height and arm definition is nice, but I'd still go with right.

>> No.18816072

You have to add water I guess.

>> No.18816113

That's what I thought midway during the attempt, but I'd already started and gotten myself situated, so I couldn't be fucked to try. Maybe I'll try it another time with the last blob of it left.
Either way, that package cover is totally bogus with it running so freely into the loli's hands. It's like a DQ Blizzard, gravity ain't doing shit even if you squeeze the tube upside down.

>> No.18816115

I always keep a squeeze bottle of water on hand for shitty lube, it's essential for when you get a giant bottle from Japan and it not the consistency you expected.

>> No.18816123

Guys I got a pretty weird issue with my Onatsuyu lotion. I used it for my third time today but it was horrible although the first two tines were great. I just used a little lube and it worked perfectly but this time it got sticky and dried really fast, so I had to apply some more lube after which it got sticky and dry again. So I applied so much lube on my dick that it was dripping but even that didn't help as it wasn't providing any lubrication. Does anyone know what's up with that? This is the first time it happened. Also on an unrelated note (I think) you can't heat up your ona with hot water. I tried and it did not work at all. I poired hot tap water inside a closed container and pit the ona in it. After 30 minutes I refreshed the water so the ona was swimming in hot water for a whole hour. But all the heat drained from it like 20 seconds after. It's not worth it, especially since my ona is kinda sticky ever since, more than before. But I would really like to know why my Onatsuyu turned against me.

>> No.18816125

Nah, I got the same lube with my Lolinco Virgo and it wasn't worth shit.

>> No.18816141
File: 63 KB, 790x575, 116-0007E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /ona/

>> No.18816144

>"[...]pedophiles may use them as a "gateway doll" which would lead to the sexual abuse of children."
Stopped reading there. Man, UK niggas suffer every day.

>> No.18816149

Did yours have any defects? If I would believe reviewers I'd think that like 9 out of 10 SPDX come with bone errors.

>> No.18816169

I don't know anything about that onatsuyu problem, sorry. But I will comment that water-heating onas is something I've also found to be not worth doing. As you've said, the heat effect is minor and doesn't last long, but mostly because by the time it cools, your dick would have warmed up the hole anyway. But for me, the set up involved with it, although not too complicated, really kills my mood and is a huge turn off. So by the time I'm actually ready to go, I feel anxious about how little time I have left to get hard and in the mood again while it's still warm, and it becomes a shitty race to get inside before it cools. But it's especially hard to get back in the mood because I can't focus or get immersed in the hentai while I'm stressing out.

>> No.18816254
File: 39 KB, 501x239, dolphin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello everyone, i just got my dolphin 2 today. i've already had two sessions with it and god damn, this is what you guys meant by dick bully huh.
if you're going to purchase this one you might not like the hard version, this is coming from someone who's uncut.
ever find yourself going ''damn, this is too soft! i want to feel more!"?
well this is the one for you.
so if you're cut you might not have such sensitivity issues.
the entrance is the largest of any ona i've seen so far, but looks are decieving.
inside are three resistant cervix structures that you'll find engulfing, squeezing and swallowing the head of your cock.
if you're even like halfway soft it'll start to push you out, it's quite a demanding ona.
definitely not one you want to go fast with either, slow and steady with the occasional increase in speed i found to be the most enjoyable use of it so far.
going too fast and i find myself overstimulated very quickly and it becomes uncomfortable in that post-orgasmic sense.
i've found the middle cervix section to be the most fun, as you get to have the choices of going backward and have a sucking out effect or the pushing in sensation and having that resistance from the last cervix.
it's such a complex variation of sensations and changes in tightness that i wouldn't recommend this to the newer user, definitely for the enthusiast.
when you add you lube you'll probably want to use a little more than usual, as i find it pushes the lube out and creates a gradually more intense experience due to the increase in resistance, which is desirable in my opinion.
what's funny about this ona is in the description it says how it's based on the anatomy of a dolphins vaginal structure, and how the three cervixes help provide an airtight seal so the semen doesn't escape, which makes it great for clean-up.
once you blow your load it's definitely staying back there without any spilling issue, and well just giving it a quick rinse to clean it is definitely not going to do it!!!
you gotta get all up in there and finger it, which is a fun task even then.
i'm wondering as i use it more and more if it'll get stretched out a tiny bit and become a little less of a bully.
I definitely want to use it again to do more science on it with my dick but it's out of commission for awhile after that last session.
if you want a totally unique ona experience and are bored of the ol human anatomy definitely give this one a go!
rating: 4.5/5

>> No.18816286

>The UK has seized 179 child-like sex dolls since March of 2016 as part of Operation Shiraz - an operation set up in conjunction with the National Crime Agency.
Also wow the comments, I shouldn't have scrolled down that far.

>> No.18816294

If you take a pic of anything relevant that might be written I could translate it. As anon said you might be needed to add water or something.

>> No.18816320

I have an USB heater which I only use for my most solid onahole since I don't want to melt the internals of the most fragile ones, and I would say in the end having a warm hole is especially worth it UPON insertion. The first feeling of having something super hot feels great, but after a bit of time passes it regulates to your body temperature anyway and you quickly forget about it.
Not sure if I have any sort of point here but that's something I noticed.

>> No.18816362

Right, well I haven't tried a USB heater yet, so maybe it'd be a lot less stressful than dealing with containers filled with hot water and all that. Plus it sucks having to deal with the water dripping everywhere upon removal from the container before putting it on your dick so as not to make a mess. Also you can probably have the lube already inside the hole if you're using a USB heater, unlike with water where you obviously can't have lube inside already because it would be washed out.

>> No.18816372

Yeah, to insert it you need lube so when I take it out I don't have to re-apply anything.

>> No.18817024

something I bought from queencat was faulty and when I messaged them about it they said they would send me a replacement, but didn't mention returning the faulty one
does that mean I don't have to worry about it or do they expect me to send it back by default?

>> No.18817047

You should ask them. If we're making assumptions though, they probably don't want it back. It's a sex toy, no one wants to handle it and they certainly can't sell it again.

>> No.18817061

Hey lads, looking to get my first onahole.
Based on the sticky, wanda is my only sensible option (UK based), so from their selection I've chosen three Toy's Heart products:
17 Bordeaux Soft
Plump Real
I'm 7x6in. Anyone had experience with any these?

>> No.18817256

I mean if they really wanted it back they surely would've mentioned that first before saying they're just sending a replacement with no follow up reply

>> No.18817517

Any recommendations for my first hard purchase? I'm interested in buying something with great durability and stimulation, but I was reading the reviews for hard holes on toydemon and they were all either mixed or super negative.

>> No.18817663

I need dispose 5+ onaholes. What's the best way to do this?

>> No.18817678

well you can be a man and realize waste disposal workers probably see a few dozen to a few hundred a day depending on where you are.

or you can take an exacto knife and shawshank them out

or you can melt them down and put them in chicken soup

or you can use them one last time and see what happens to them with a load marinating inside of them and you can post results in a few years.

>> No.18817679

You pick a trash bag, put the holes in there alongside other trashes, then trash it in a bin.

>> No.18817748

You hang them on tree branches so they would find a new home.

>> No.18817804

go to school at night and put loli ones on the table of a teacher you hate.

>> No.18817906

using a warm ona in combination with a plush hip/doll or wrapping the warm ona in a sock helps with this as the insulation helps keep the ona warm.
I've had times where I've slightly overheated an onahole (like 45-50c internal temp) and lubed it up and left it to sit in my plush doll to cool a bit and after 30 mins the thing is still above body temperature internally due to the plush insulating it.

>> No.18817912

I would assume they will do the same thing that Toydemon had me do when I recieved a faulty ona from them years ago, they will likely have you cut up the faulty ona and send them pics to prove that you destroyed it.

>> No.18817957

What's the name of that new meme doll and vids where?

>> No.18817969

can the anon with the black lock 7 tell me what your cleaning procedure is for it?
how do you dry the thing out when it's so stretchy and sticky, not to mention really tight in the side holes for the vibes?
I don't want to unnecessarily damage the material

>> No.18818030

ToyDemon, got free shipping with a code since it's over $35. Will post pics/review when it arrives sometime next week.

>> No.18818199

Are there any risks with buying used onaholes if you disinfect thoroughly?

>> No.18818299

>used onaholes
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.18818414

When I'm done using it, I take the cup off and then the vibes out and swish my fingers around the inside of the cup while rinsing under a faucet til it feels clean. I let it sit out and air dry since it has a wide opening and that has worked well for me. The opening is large enough to dab the inside with some tissues though if you want.
The compartments for the vibes don't need to be cleaned since semen isn't getting in there. If water gets in them during cleaning, air drying should be good enough.
If you find the outside to be too sticky, you can always powder it with some corn starch after cleaning.

>> No.18818575

>plant evidence that is impregnated with your DNA

>> No.18818620

Oh, you can accuse him of rape while you're at it!

>> No.18819370
File: 109 KB, 550x550, 1501525901495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the most toe-curling, dick in a blender bully hole out there today? I've got a couple of holes but I always find myself gravitating towards the more extreme ones so I just wanna say fuck it and see if theres such a thing as "too intense" for my dick.

Any ideas on where to start?

>> No.18819535

Any recommendations on a good high viscosity lube?

>> No.18819659

VAA Hard. I got the regular one as well and while it is tight it didn't live up to the hype at all desu. But the Hard is too much.

>> No.18819922

I've been testing vibes on holes, I have a bullet rotor vibrator, with wire, and a small vibrator on a elastic ring from durex play, it goes on the base of the dick

the wired bullet can't really be used inside a hole because the wire is irritating on the glans, using it outside doesn't really works, vibrations can't be felt, maybe I should try again with a wireless one, the durex play ring is nice, it makes the whole penis vibrate, any better idea without damaging the onahole or my asshole?

>> No.18820087

Bros. Daisuki hold is on another level of stimulation. I've had this thing for 2 weeks and it has skyrocketed to my number one spot. I can't stop fucking it. 10/10 would recommend if you're looking for something high stim. The only downside is that the cervix at the end isn't as hard as I wish it was to push into.

>> No.18820273

soft Lilith uterus feels so good that I can't edge with it. it already has a hole on the end only a week in though, but it's kinda nice because it let's all the air out

>> No.18820276

I like ntr and having a used hole would be nice

>> No.18820284 [DELETED] 

It looks like a great ona, but I'm like 90% sure I would have the same problem with it that I had with the Lolinco Virgo, namely that I would have a ton of trouble reaching the final chamber because my dick is bend downwards.

>> No.18820290

It looks like a great ona, but I'm like 90% sure I would have the same problem with it that I had with the Lolinco Virgo, namely that I would have a ton of trouble reaching the final chamber because my dick is bend downwards.

>> No.18820885

what I like to do is cut them up into unidentifiable small cubes, then double bag them and put them out in the trash

>> No.18820970

NTRfags prove themselves as the scum of the earth yet again

>> No.18821611

It’s the thinking man’s fetish, and if it was safe it would mean every hole finds a home even if they weren’t the right purchase

>> No.18821692
File: 278 KB, 706x412, 1440636601863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand cucks its literally "lol I love it when people steal my shit or benefit from something I have been working hard for"

>> No.18821970

I don't get it either anon.
I DO like NTR doujins though, but it's because I self-insert as the guy doing the cucking.
Cucking someone feels great you know, especially if it's someone you know.

>> No.18822332

The cuckoo is almost as degenerate as the gladly cucked, bucko. But at least cuckoos don't seem to be as cancerous nor dumb enough to live out their fantasies as their counterpart.

Anyway, how shit are grab bags from otonaJP? I'm a sucker for surprises but I've heard some unspecific negative opinions on here and don't want to support bad products.

>> No.18823353
File: 486 KB, 1280x1815, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly Anon!
It's about making somebody fall for you completely.
So much so that they even forget about the person they used to like.
It's why mind break is also a top tier fetish.
It's about love.
I will never understand why some people don't like ntr.

>> No.18823401

>trying to browse sexdolls on amazon
>4 of my 5 bookmarks are "sorry cant find it hehe heres a dog"
>one that does work has so many blanks in the recommended and what others looked at bars

>> No.18823479

well, no but they'll obviously be a bit distorted due to the cleaning and usage.

>> No.18823488

ex amazon site maint guy here
>sold out
>purged seller
>change in site policy
take your pick, some of my bookmarks dont work but a solid 15 or so of them still do. many of the sellers with good reps/reviews are still there like jy, kw, cherry, you me and(us), king mansion, etc.

>> No.18823545
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 5169QG1i4hL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone please for the love of fuck talk me out of this doll. i just wanna.. go to sleep with my dick and balls resting between these tits. just feel like wanna lay it down on its front, bend its knees back to its feet are in the air and thrust my dick between those tits while on my back. wanna just get a fucking pillow for it to kneel on while im on my PC with its tits hugging my dick. I wanna watch my cum run out its mouth and down its tits getting a little bit of air as it jumps off its nipple

>> No.18823571

Her boobs are too saggy and large and you would not be able to comfortably fall asleep hugging it, having it lay on top of you, or laying on top of it.
Get a doll with better boobs.

>> No.18823650

The cleaning will be hell, the boobs are saggy, it will be stiff and lifeless, it'll cost an arm and a leg, will be hellish to hide whenever people come over, the holes will be worse than onas, and storage will be annoying. Dolls are a lot of work, don't do it man.

>> No.18823879

How badly have you guys fucked your penis with your onaholes and lube?
It only took me two years but I finally managed to give myself a minor rash due to flaking.

>> No.18823911

still have foreskin, when the lube runs out the extra skin takes over and allows me to finish without giving myself a rugburn

>> No.18824019

Ive had no major injury but somehow manged to get a minor wound at my frenulum's banjo string (no blood or anything just looked like a mini cut) but it hurts like fucking hell when it touches water so im pretty sad i cant use any hole for now as well as recovery is taking long fuck me man..

>> No.18824107

seconding this, I want something that makes my dick erupt in only a few pumps

>> No.18824284

I know what you mean.
In my case I've become less sensitive recently so it happened at a good time, but I'd finally gotten a week off from work too so it feels like that's going to waste.

>> No.18824958

fap first
if you still really really want it afterwards, go for it

>> No.18825437

The doll may look fun to fondle, but it is not. That cheap TPE is hard, rubbery and has a strong chemical smell that is impossible to mask.
The cleaning is hell. Try wrestling 20 kilos of uncooperative weight with weird center of mass into your bathroom, with those standing feet struts scraping the flooring.

>> No.18825709
File: 7 KB, 225x225, Tenga Zero EV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need somebody to convince me not to drop $200 on what is essentially a cool onahole with 2 vibrators builtin.

Is it worth it?

>> No.18826057

Anything I should know about buying on hotpowers? I'm following the guide but I'm nervous buying from a jp site for the first time.

>> No.18826437

vibrating onas in my experience arnt worth the extra money

>> No.18826445

Should I get this or the witch? I hear they have a similar gimmick.

>> No.18827710
File: 269 KB, 600x600, Buru Ana-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onaholes with vibrators are kind of bad, but if you really want to try one, get the Buru Ana before you waste $200 on this.

>> No.18827850

Shameless self-bump

>> No.18828055

As opposed to another lube I have, 95+% of the time I do not have to re-apply the Onatsuyu, it doesn't dry off. It might be related to pre-cum mixing with it and so "constantly reviving it".
Are you creating a vaccum with your hole or not? Perhaps too much air gets in there which makes the lube dry off too quickly? Perhaps you're not producing enough pre-cum for whatever reason? Do you have some preliminaries session before insert or not at all?

>> No.18828077

I thought most ona's would be smaller but they're actually pretty average

>> No.18828087

what's the best Venus?

>> No.18828911

How's the R-20 for a starter hole? big boy

>> No.18829570

I have the regular zero, the inside texture is quite bland, you don't notice the texture at all

>> No.18830072


anybody have any opinions on this one?

>> No.18830088
File: 89 KB, 500x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there an anon with a bent dick? Could be nice for him.

>> No.18830235
File: 100 KB, 600x600, wfn0000525_01z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, but not as crazy as I'd hoped it to feel. Has two cervixes inside and one makes a hot "pop" when you go into it but both mostly feel the same. Complete chore to clean
My favorite ona ever, incredibly intense and can make me cum in a minute if I'm not careful. Orgasms with it ar better than any "edging" hole since it feels like it's sucking the cum out of your dick even as you pull out. Cleaning is really easy since it's just straight
Not all it's hyped to be, teeth kept scratching my shaft and suction was kinda weak. Looks-wise really hot though
>Puni Ana Hard Mini
Absolutely horrible, was trying to launch itself off of my dick, zero suction and sensation just wasn't there. Made for dicks the size of a clitoris
>Puni Ana 3D
Like fucking pudding, soft and just kinda sloshes on your dick. A bubble kept appearing every time I thrust which is worrying

>> No.18830254

Thanks for the quick reviews anon. Had a good laugh at the Puni Ana Hard Mini.

>> No.18830833


Have one. It's good, Durable and relatively easy to clean. It's also pretty big.

eh, vibration doesn't work well with holes because the elasticity.

Biggest thing is that turns most people off is they aren't pretty to look at (seam lines from molding, etc.) but they make some of my favorites. Most of them can be a hassle to clean (smoking phantom), delicate, or both. A lot of the textures 'look' boring but really aren't... pay attention to the descriptions

>> No.18831175
File: 138 KB, 538x442, 1514349521448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommended prostate massager?
I want to try it but I dont want to buy some cheap shit.

>> No.18831206

I haven't been here in a million years, but my lilith makes me hand hurt when I use it. When I try to grip harder with it on my dick it wears out my thumb and my hand cramps, any way to help prevent this? I suppose I could be softer with it.

>> No.18831224

tfw mating pressed my puni ana dx too hard and the skin now has some slight marks on the back fron using it over a towel.

At least the belly is as smooth as always.
I love this hip

>> No.18831235

Do you have other onaholes at hand? Could you take a pic of it next to standard sized holes?
Mine is still in transit and I can't wait for it, but I'm not sure what to expect size-wise. I know the dimensions are online but... I feel like I shouldn't expect something too big.

>> No.18831272

I used one for the first time a few months ago,
went with this:


not too intrusive for beginners I think, many vibration options, also it feels really smooth to the touch

>> No.18831337

Just go get a prostate exam.
It's free.

>> No.18831387

Have a Mouth of Truth and some J-Lube coming Tuesday. Are you supposed to hold it in your hand, or are you supposed to actually fuck it? Last toy I had was a fleshlight back in like 2014, and it worked best if you fucked it.

>> No.18831446
File: 27 KB, 282x293, 1499106808875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doll expected to be ready to ship week of April 30th with 5-10 days shipping
But I wanted it this month

>> No.18832105
File: 316 KB, 500x500, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought my first ona, Virgin Age Admission Hard. I had a fleshlight in the past but it was much too loose for my liking, so hopefully this one will be what I'm looking for

>> No.18832157

Why did you post a picture of a black guy?

>> No.18832274
File: 405 KB, 640x534, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Puni Ana 3D
>Like fucking pudding, soft and just kinda sloshes on your dick. A bubble kept appearing every time I thrust which is worrying
Like this?
http://infernalmonkey.com/2016/05/26/puni-ana-3d-review/ had the same thing happened to him.

>> No.18832481

>puni ana dx on sale for about a week
Oh god please don't make be buy it. Please no, I just got my last order. Speaking of last order, I had to reorder MoT and man, I totally understand that guy here a few months ago calling it totally awful since it scraped the hell out of his dick. I'm not sure if they changed the molding for the teeth, or it's a new QC issue with Magic Eyes, but man those teeth scrape hard as hell. My first one was just a smooth glide across my dick.

>> No.18832888

>Kind of horny
>End up onahole shopping
Thank you, wallet, for saving me from that pitfall.

>> No.18832944
File: 3.63 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180416_144926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this in Akihabara. Is it any good? I just had to try this out, but I couldn't get myself to buy one with an anime titcow or some Loli on it. That's probably half the fun to imagine fucking those 2d girls.

>> No.18832995

>go to my bookmarks
>right doll is no longer available
well fuck.

>> No.18833071

impossible/very difficult to disinfect TPE, it is porous

>> No.18833082

i took a used up hole and stuck a bunch of drywall plastic anchors in it, just be sure to leave a bit of material on the inside so it doesn't immediately chaff

>> No.18833190

dip it in rubbing alcohol


>> No.18833201


>> No.18833220

>The alcohol doesn't reach some of the microscopic crevices
>Viruses/bacteria/fungus survives
>You put your dick in
Checkmate indeed. You can't put the hole through some of the more rigorous sanitation methods so there's always that chance you don't clean it quite right. Not really worth it when a new hole is usually less than $30 plus shipping.

>> No.18833308



If you're in Akihabara shopping for sex toys then chances are a lot of lonely jap boys bought a dozen or so onas before you stepped into the store. Also if you're flying back to your country of origin just scrap the boxart.

>> No.18833438

Who cares about the packaging? The product is what matters.

>> No.18834416

FYI I received an order from otona-sekai with SAL, this time it took a week (last time was a month). It arrived at the same time as an otonajp airmail order.

>> No.18834419

Anyone elses knees hurt when you fuck your ona hip missionary? Or are my movements just bad?

>> No.18834553

>vorze A10 Piston SA cannot be even connected to PC
how the mighty have fallen

>> No.18834629 [SPOILER] 
File: 347 KB, 957x1008, 1523888265466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw entering the Student Council President

>> No.18834701

otonajp's hips are overpriced, even with "discount" it's still cheaper to buy it from otona-sekai

>> No.18834715

you're missing out, because 90% of onaholes have 2d anime girls

>> No.18834781


>> No.18834845

Sure if you buy meme holes with cheapo fanarts of popular anime girls from like Re:Zero or Konosuba on it, it's bait, it's just so fanboys end up buying them.
On the other hand you have to realize that holes with artworks on them means they paid an artist to draw it for them, and if they did so it's to make the product sell because they believe the product is worth something. For yours it just wasn't worth it to Toys Heart to pay an artist to draw anything for this, so from experience I can tell you what you got is shittier than the majority of holes with actual artworks.

Also you shouldn't be so self conscious, no one cares you're buying an onahole with an anime girl on it. If you can't get over it go buy fleshlights.

>> No.18835025

is that chink shit 'shequ' in the pastebin decent quality or is it hit or miss?

>> No.18835542

I actually like their mini torso doll, of course its not as good as say Tomax or Toys Heart but for what it is its pretty alright at least for me.

>> No.18835713

Holding it in your hand is definitely the easiest, especially with a hole like mouth of truth. You can fuck onaholes though, tying them up with a towel and such to keep them in place is quite nice, that or of course having a hip onahole which is designed to be fucked.

Mouth of truth I would probably just hold in hand though as it's not the most sturdy of holes so it's better not to be too rough with it.

>> No.18836055

Anyone know who's the artist for the Puni Ana series?

>> No.18836160
File: 113 KB, 640x480, meromero01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgot to ask for package renoval
>postal service doesnt allow pornographic content
How fucked am I? Is the box that bad? (Kind of the reason why I ordered in the first place)

>> No.18836185
File: 181 KB, 299x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18836208

Also found these :
https://exhentai.org/g/549457/350769b43e/ (from the DX bonus CD)

>> No.18836278
File: 15 KB, 149x230, aquapproved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18836434

Helix Syn

>> No.18836447

Apparently in some countries, if your package was stopped by customs, you then need to open its content in front of someone at a post office, wew.

>> No.18836552

I got my frog today, there's no nudity on the box, only lewd frog and photos of the hole internals
>postal service doesnt allow pornographic content
so no adult shops exist in your country or what?

>> No.18836652

You need to use a private courier, I've been using it but all of my past Ona's have lolis in normal clothes and poses so the boxes look like little girl toys

>> No.18836883

did you choose EMS? if so that should be fine

>> No.18837028
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>> No.18837202

What does "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" exactly mean? I've seen conflicting information about this one.

1) the package left Japan
2) the package is at the airport waiting to board a plane

2) makes the more sense since when I ordered via SAL I'd see the tracking info stuck with that one for weeks, ... it's not like the plane took weeks to arrive in my country.
OtonaJP commented on this somewhere saying it was 1), that as long as you'd see this message, that'd mean the package left Japan, but I can't help thinking they're wrong.


>> No.18837307

Depending on the country you're in i guess..but I think it also depends on the customs if they check your package or not..

>> No.18837335

wasn't there something up with Otona-sekai lately about no customer service etc.. that site even trust worthy at this point to take the risk buying from?

>> No.18837956

How long are the Alice in first stage holes supposed to last? I thought it was going to be good for at least four months. Yet after two months mine has a hole in the top. I don't think I was too rough on the poor thing. Also do you guys have any recommendations on what I should get next?

>> No.18837976

I remember some guy that seemed to know his shit said that it was 2), and as you say that is the option that makes most sense. Personal anecdotes seem to point in that direction aswell since it shouldn't take 3 days to fly 10 hours, or at least not without any updates along the way.

>> No.18838299

Hey you're talking about me, yeah it's sitting in an aircan or cargo bag either in Japan or it's destination country.
Funny enough I started doing that kind of work again and am looking forward to getting some new onaholes.
As a side note make sure you wash your hands after handling mail packages, they get absolutely filthy during transit, I always need to scrub my arms after a shift

>> No.18838450

That just encompasses everything until it arrives in your country's customs, basically it's left the warehouse where it was being stored in Japan.

>> No.18838546

onahole for a dicklet?

>> No.18838552

think it went under. either way, should avoid them for now.

>> No.18838574

Wow amazon is going fucking apeshit on sexdolls, even bookmarks I made last night are taken down.

>> No.18838629

look at the spreadsheet guide and translate cm to inches if need be.

>> No.18838726
File: 143 KB, 1495x483, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are selling fast or getting rid of shitty sellers. I have a few active bookmarks that are still there, and the area in the red box is where they have different heads but same body, or another skin tone. there used to be 4 different types available a few days ago and now only 2 types. And I keep coming across shorter/flat dolls in the recommended bar.

All other boards people talk about sexdolls, fucking MMO hot spots talk about them. I have a fucking drunk ass fuck in discord playing p99 (everquest emu server) talking about them and fucking /b/pol/gif has threads about them almost daily. I dont think amazon is nuking loli dolls or getting morality stuff but the dolls are selling fast. There was this one busty fucking doll with like K-cup tits for 800 dollars I wanted. said 8 left in stock about a week ago and was gone as of today.

>> No.18838831

Yeah after checking other bookmarks many say they only have 1 or 3 left

>> No.18839134

>the sex doll market is selling fast

Lets hope there isn't a bubble.

How long do you think this will last and is it a stable investment?

>> No.18839148


>> No.18839161

Maybe he wants to invest in a company?

>> No.18839258

It's 2. It doesn't get updated again until it's scanned by your country's post office. So in a nutshell that state means that it's either

a) in Japan's airport waiting to board the plane
b) traveling by plane
c) in your country's airport waiting to get scanned

which is why it takes so long.

>> No.18839402

Do these websites typically have sales during Golden Week? There are a couple of holes that I want to pull the trigger on, but I'm wondering if it's worth waiting.

>> No.18839479

Anyone has been ever asked for documents/receipt by customs? Since Otonajp undervalues by default I wonder what would happen in that case.

>> No.18839528

Has anyone tried an SPDX? I have a Puni Ana DX Hard, and while I love that thing to pieces, I want something a bit more fuckable. My bed is slightly too low to bend it over and fuck it doggy on the mattress, and my desk barely has enough room for my monitor and keyboard.

I've also been eyeing Wonderful Hip ! Happy Life ! and Puni Fuwa Mochi 2000. Out of those three, which would you get, anons?

>> No.18839819
File: 152 KB, 472x472, 1520742223722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i get the venus real soft in the US? it's out of stock everywhere online :(

>> No.18839834

>amazon killing off lots of doll pages
>cant even find a place selling onaholes anymore
end of times

>> No.18840376
File: 414 KB, 800x720, 1522099822826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like my Venus Real but I can't help but feel that it would be better if my dick was thicker. I have a below average girth. I hate it.

>> No.18840567

Any recommendations for an onahole with vibration? I've been looking at the buru ana

>> No.18840850

Don't know about the hard version but the vacuum when you pull oit is ducking amazing. I try to slow down so I don't cum in an instant but that only makes it harder. I barely even finished half of the doujin before I busted.

>> No.18840918

Be happy with what you have. I've a big member and can't use 90% of holes without being uncomfortable. There are perks and drawbacks for everything fren, when it comes to onaholes you're better off being average or on the smaller side. Be happy with what you can't change.

>> No.18840954

Wise words here.
The only reason "having a big member" is seen as "better" is because it's believed you're able to pleasure women better with it. While I won't dive too much in how this isn't necessarily true, here it's not relevant. You have a dick and it feels nice to play with it, so unless your dick is broken or something you should simply worry about what to buy that'll make you feel best.
As you said, a lot of onaholes are on the short side too, I'd say it's pretty rare to read about wide holes. On top of my head, aside from Venus Real, there's the Hanjuku, but that's it.

>> No.18840976

>I've a big member
Stopped reading there man F U C K you!

>> No.18840986

How about making some sort of mountain by stacking up your blankets / pillows and fitting the DX somewhere in there for hands free experience? That's what I do with my holes.

>Wonderful Hip ! Happy Life ! and Puni Fuwa Mochi 2000
I know some blogs out there wrote good reviews about the Puni Fuwa Mochi 2000 but I wouldn't buy it personally. It seems short, meaning you'll see your dick poke out, and given you already have a Puni Ana DX I just don't see the appeal. It's like a downgrade, or a sidegrade at best.
I don't know about the other one.

>> No.18840995

if there are two people that are completely identical with the only difference being that one has a 5 inch dick and the other a 8 inch dick i fucking guarantee you women would take the big dick motherfucker 9/10 times. miss me with the "size doesn't matter" damage control bs, i never seen a 5 inch dildo.

>> No.18841007

Yeah and I wouldn't want to be with stupid womyn lusting over big dicks, so why should it matter? Treat yourself better.
Also a 8 inch dick seems like hell. You'd probably end up hurting most women with that thing anyway. Had 2 friends with really BIG dicks and they couldn't enjoy sex fully because of this, like really, it was depressing hearing them talk about it, in the meantime I'm around 6 inches and I've never had problems.

>> No.18841151

You've been blinded by porn n shit my man. As the other guy said, 8 inches isn't practical at all onaholes excluded. And anyone who chooses looks over practicality in a long term sexual relationship is foolish. Furthermore, you can't go about comparing physical aspects that you can't change; it's not healthy. Change what you can and live with what you can't. I'm sure you could be more fit, healthier, better socially and more productive than you are now, so why even think about shit that you CAN'T change? And if your dick size is your biggest problem, then you're either very lucky or have a micropenis. Does having a big member get me laid? No. Does it make me friends? No. Does it give me a job? It might help in the porn industry, but I'd have to be attractive to boot.
If a partner cares so much about dick size that it becomes a real problem then they aren't a person you should have a long term relationship with.

>> No.18841400

I would definitely ask them to declare full value else when customs questions the value on the package..they will open it and at that time..you might get in worse trouble than just paying for the duty depending on the package art...especially those kiddish anime type pkg that can be consider questionable.

>> No.18841411

what hoops does a man need to jump through just get some rubber pussy!!

>> No.18841423

Amen brother~

>> No.18841430
File: 42 KB, 425x519, 1493662889808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my customs is too nice.
I've undervalued plenty of packages big and small and they havent battered an eye

but one time I got asked for receipt when I bought a daki cover. I think they believed the seller wrote the wrong price, since surely there's no way a pillow cover can cost 20000 yen

>> No.18841505
File: 121 KB, 1004x650, 1518956046139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

th-thanks queen cat

>> No.18841513

questionable condition, I guess someone was curious

>> No.18841520

I love how they memed with the price and the shipping

>> No.18841542

What the fuck

>> No.18841551

>unsuspecting, unlabeled brown box

>> No.18841572

which daki cover cost 20000 yen

>> No.18841578

plenty, look around yahoo auction and mandarake, prices go even higher

>> No.18841584

Store to avoid "Checked" : QueenCat

>> No.18841640

Did someone see it, other than the postman?

>> No.18841644

Even if I had a long schlong dong no one will want to have sex with a fat ugly awkward fuck like me anyway.

>> No.18841678

still just baffles me how these pillow cover will go at such high prices..is it because the artist's royalties? or just high margin for the retailers.

>> No.18841698

Did anyone missed it? is the question.

>> No.18841701

come-on now~ every person is beautiful in their own ways. I truly believe that.

>> No.18841711

artists usually sell their own limited ones for ~10-15k at comiket etc

then they get resold (unopened) and end up on such sites. Some covers sell for the same price, others can skyrocket

>> No.18841713

No, just the UPS man. Thankfully I was awake during normal hours today.

>> No.18841736

Holy crap...

>> No.18841931

Did you order through Amazon?

Same thing happened to someone else like a week or two ago, but they ordered through Amazon.

>> No.18841967

Listen, being ugly might be hard to change but losing weight and working on your social skills will do wonders to mitigate that. You might even look good if you improve your hygiene and take care of yourself man, don't resign when you could improve your lot in life.

>> No.18842088

Yes, I ordered through Amazon as well.

>> No.18842427

What a cruel comment

>> No.18842544

And it came just like that?? I'd think amazon would pack that box into another box with amazon tape all over it. But regardless, why would queen cat have a non-discreet tape like that

>> No.18842568

Thank jesus. Must've been a fun encounter for the postman.

>> No.18842601

Package from Otona-Sekai just arrived without any problem despite Infernal Wanker raising alarms. It seems like they had a little brain fart writing the address but nothing too catastrophic.
Fun Bonus Fact: I also received a complimentary candy bar "Geisha" but not from this package, it was from my local order of contact lenses. That amused me a bit.

>> No.18842617

It was "fulfilled by Amazon", so I'm guessing that they packed it with the extremely non-discreet tape due to legal/liability concerns from a parcel service.

I have never heard of this happening with any other vendor via Amazon, so I have no clue if "QC via Amazon" is the only one with this "loud" tape. I guess I'll just avoid Amazon from now-on.

At least the Venus is nice.

>> No.18842665

Seems to happen quite a lot. Amazon is supposed to put it into their own box but someone got lazy or is doing this maliciously.
It IS a loud tape though. Do any other sex shops use something like that when selling by amazon?

>> No.18842696

stop with the FUD, I just received my order without issues

>> No.18842728

again? or are you repostan

>> No.18842765
File: 49 KB, 579x568, 1518492549298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got mine today, but it was mentioned earlier it happened to someone else

>> No.18842897
File: 1.45 MB, 1082x980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was someone else, like 4-5 threads ago.

>> No.18842916

Just order direct from them, you must have gotten a lazy ass fucking amazon worker.
I generally order direct from queencat since they mark up their amazon prices to cover prime shipping and direct orders come in plain boxes. Only their amazon orders come with the "sex toy" tape and amazon is supposed to put the queencat box in another box.
FYI of the 2 times I've ordered from queencat on amazon, my stuff has been properly double boxed with no red tape on the outside.

>> No.18842950

I think its down to what state the third party store is based in, or which state the warehouse is in cause I've had some other things come with warning tape and some without from various sellers on amazon and QC is in kommiefornia so I woudln't be surprised if they were required to put big warning labels on everything.

>> No.18843127

If that was the case, you'd expect QC to have the tape on their direct ship boxes too. They don't, and I'm in California. It probably does just boil down to lazy Amazon employees.

>> No.18843178

I'm looking to get a new onahole soon, what is everyone's go to hole? VAA Hard? R20?

>> No.18843245
File: 101 KB, 1189x276, 1520835012405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow, contacting amazon sure did nothing since last time

>> No.18843255

they should change the tape text since this has already happened before
do they really need to write "adult toys"?

>> No.18844204

TIP: you can make your tenga vacuum cups a lot tighter by knotting elastic bands around the TPE sleeve inside.

>> No.18844646

is amazon on a rampage against sexdolls? half my bookmarks are gone

>> No.18844766
File: 17 KB, 164x308, 1451755469113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come down with bad flu
>take painkillers
>settle down for a wank

In retrospect this should have been obvious.

>> No.18845748

Most electric toys suck. That Tenga one is worth its price if you can afford it, but it doesn't have the price/pleasure ratio that Venus Real has for example.

>> No.18845832

Thanks for the recommendation. Cowgirl is nice, but doggy feels much, much better. I'll have to try that out next time.

Anyone tried the SPDX, though? How does it compare to the DX? Would you guys recommend it to someone that likes his DX Hard?

>> No.18846312

Yes, recent UK complaints and recent seizures of underage dolls have resulted in their takedown on Amazon and probably regular doll listings as collateral damage.

The Internet is contracting in some Western countries. Sometimes for good reason; sometimes for understandable albeit poor reason; sometimes for no reason other than the fact it's standing near something that's legitimately fucked up. For some things, we're on the cusp of losing things forever or risking getting arrested. I'm a fan of regulation even to my own detriment for the greater good; but even then, sometimes I wonder why this bit of society demands any attention especially when in the case of regular-aged sexdolls are completely innocuous from a harm-reduction perspective.

In America, sex toys are mostly fucking shit because it's so goddamn hard to get more advanced shit so the local manufacturers get a protected environment to peddle their half-assed no-information garbage.

>> No.18846330

Ordered multiple products from Queen Cat through Amazon. All the items were in individual brown boxes with this tape and all those boxes were in one big Amazon box.

Basically, to avoid this situation buy multiple products to force Amazon to pack them together into one Amazon box. If there's only one product they can just slap a label on it, which I completely understand from an environmental perspective - why the fuck would you pack a box in a box if the box they receive is perfectly serviceable. If it's multiple products they must put it into one box because then Amazon has to eat multiple shipping charges.

Yeah, it's not great Queen Cat doesn't tell you this on their Amazon storefront - but then, who the fuck checks the storefront, all the people burned by this are just buying the thing off a single search. There's a good chance nobody's told Queen Cat either. And even if the knew, there's no fucking way they can control how Amazon does their shipping, and even if they bitched to Amazon Amazon can just tell them, "you want to do business through us, you're going to forgive us if we want to save a fucking box" because let's be serious, this policy probably saves them millions of dollars a year not to mention cardboard.

Does this suck for people who must buy from Amazon (i.e. outside of the United States)? Yes. And I'm sorry for those people who had a box like this delivered to their home or handed to them by a postal worker.

>> No.18846470

i think there is some errors around the top of the ribcage
now that being said i love the darn thing

>> No.18846508
File: 32 KB, 408x464, dxhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100 GBP has arrived
better be good, right?

>> No.18846903

t-this wont happen for ordering otonajp, r-right?

>> No.18846933

post package content

>> No.18847054

Completely safe. On my package it just said "figures" or something.

>> No.18847072

Puni ana dx hard
Nothing special.

>> No.18847074
File: 19 KB, 592x591, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hardly browse /jp/ and I thought it'd be fun to check out the onahole thread, fuck you guys and what am I in for?

>> No.18847084

I heard great things about Niku Man, so it's a safe pick I'd say.
Mouth of Truth is fragile and people either hate or like the teeth. If you hate them you could cut them. Other than some that people swear on it as the best thing ever.
Puni Ana 3D might develop some issues down the road >>18830235 >>18832274.

>> No.18847106
File: 175 KB, 1500x1500, 31be809e-8d6c-4275-8ae3-50829a9ea83e_1.96f957189a27fe0b6f923dc0f4572c41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the Puni Ana 3D smells bad out of the box, is it safe to use hand soap to clean it?

>> No.18847115

Some people argue that soap can do bad things to your holes but really you should be completely OK if you pick a rather neutral one. Also read the pastebin.

>> No.18847445

>even more of my amazon doll bookmarks got nuked

>> No.18847669

Wtf it's very hard to reach inside puni ana when cleaning. Do I just jam the towel in?

>> No.18847822

what's the typical onahole replacement rate around here? 6 months?

>> No.18847842

I had "Hand Soap" written on the package when I bought 2x lube from otonajp. thought that was funny.

>> No.18847860
File: 286 KB, 980x885, Bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second purchase, wasnt too happy with the soft holes so I went for variety this time.

>> No.18847865

Just realised i ordered two niku mans fug

>> No.18847918

Did you valid with both of them in? Also you should've bought 2 bags at least, that one bag will nowhere be enough to store all of these.

>> No.18847922

You should get rid of the "free lotion" (unless you want it). It raises the shipping cost.

>> No.18848068
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Simply epic

>> No.18848089
File: 1.56 MB, 540x303, 1450954032659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18848143

What site?

>> No.18848161

Would the Puni hole DX (or the hard variant) be ok for a guy with a large-ish dick(8.5 inch long an inch or so in diameter)? I wouldn't want to shell out the money for it and have it tear or something.

>> No.18848204

Pretty durable conpared to Lolinco.

>> No.18848448

That's something, I suppose. Does anyone have firsthand experience? I don't mean to be too insistent but I really don't want to throw away $100ish dollars

>> No.18848457

It is very durable, but at that size, you'll stick out through the back if you go balls deep

>> No.18848538

I got mine a little under a year ago, and it's holding up fine. I've fucked it pretty hard, and the tunnels are still perfectly intact. There's some mild fraying around the cleaning hole, but it's pretty easy to fix, and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse.

You're gonna be too big for it, though. Like the other anon said, going balls deep will result in you coming out the cleaning hole. I'm between 6 and 6 1/2 inches fully erect, and I wouldn't expect anyone larger to be able to do any decent pounding.

>> No.18848578
File: 2.80 MB, 1800x2400, 1520211520949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw want a Nikuman
>have to pay for masters degree instead
I wish I could do enjo kosai

>> No.18848687

Eh? Your master doesn't come with scholarship?

>> No.18848757
File: 50 KB, 600x338, awWW3g46_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only for living expenses, I still have to pay for tuition and the likes, I wonder if women have it easier, I would probably have made some bucks in hsc to pay for college

>> No.18848827

try to contact them, maybe they can still fix it

>> No.18848829

Where do you live brother ill see if I can maybe hook you up with the extra if the shipping fees arent too shit

>> No.18848830

Unfortunately it already shipped, but this is fine. Itll find some use eventually, can never have too many holes.

>> No.18848833


>> No.18848864

Same anon again. Does anyone have both? How do they compare? Is the SPDX worth the price tag?

>> No.18848873
File: 29 KB, 384x384, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Northern Mx

>> No.18848886
File: 20 KB, 480x308, 1474210791882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shipping fees getting to the point where it would almost be cheaper to buy a new one.
Im sorry anon

>> No.18848913

It's actually not bad, especially since Niku Man is a rather safe pick. I'd love to have a new item of some of the onaholes I like to compare how they feel new compared to their current months-on use state they are in today.

>> No.18848920

Also, they give u candys

>> No.18849083
File: 493 KB, 793x960, 1443751776443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18850033

Well that's disappointing, but I appreciate the advice. While I'm on the subject are there any good loli themed onaholes that would be a good fit for me?

>> No.18850262

weren't these things supposed to be the most durable onas out there?

>> No.18850276

There are closed ended hips out there otherwise, Puni Ana DX isn't the sole one.
https://blog.onahole.eu/reviews/onaholes/ritopuri-little-princess for example. Otona-sekai has it at a nice price considering it was originally priced at 10k yen.

>> No.18850318

i can't believe such thread was been here.

>> No.18850375

Looks good? Would it fit? I mentioned my proportions in an earlier post >>18848161 back here.

>> No.18850411
File: 1.00 MB, 740x733, [MINI-HIP] HANJUKU! 1200 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't have it so I can't say, but you're asking for a loli themed hole and considering how big your dick is I'm afraid you can't really get better than something along the line of the Ritopuri.

Otherwise, I recommend to look at the Hanjuku. It's one of these toys where people complained they weren't thick enough - perhaps it'd be a perfect fit for you? It's sort of loli themed too, and more affordable than the Ritopuri or Puni Ana (but half the weight also).

>> No.18850432

That might work. Thanks for the help. It's sorta difficult to find information on this sort of thing, so it's nice to have a source of intel.

>> No.18850435


>> No.18850477

Don't let me down, /ona/. I have the SPDX sitting in my cart on OtonaJP right now, and I'm just waiting to see if it'll be worth it before I pull the trigger. I wanna use my tax return on something nice.

Does anyone know why they're throwing in free lube and a toy bag, by the way? I can't find anything mentioning a promotion of that sort.

>> No.18850527

When you reach 50, 100, 150 or whatever spent they add in stuff. Careful though as it might raise your shipping cost, so try deleting them to see if it changes anything, if not then re-do your cart to grab the free stuff.

>> No.18850650
File: 138 KB, 1077x717, 1472801801705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought Lolinoco
>USPS tells me "lol we delivered it at 1 o'clock"
>Nothing in my apartment locker box

Where do I go so I can tear someone a new asshole?

>> No.18850670

A brothel?

>> No.18850676

Nope, it's still around $90 with or without the free shit. Thanks!

Still waiting on recommendations, though.

>> No.18850691


I'm going to kill whoever at my apartment complex or USPS screwed this up. Based on the fact that the lockers are as they were at noon today, whoever was responsible for delivering the mail didn't do their job.

>> No.18850735


Nevermind. Someone dumped it outside of the box about ten minutes ago. I'm still mad.

>> No.18850763

Is the package safe?

>> No.18850974

You Americans have it easy if that's enough to spook you. That happens all the time here. It just happens that the mailman doesn't have enough time to deliver it that day and to avoid all the pain in the ass of taking the package back to the depot and having to sort it and scan it again to prepare it for delivery to the next day, he just scans it as delivered so he can deliver it later by himself.

>> No.18851260
File: 3.92 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_7672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doll was finished, pretty hyped for it to get delivered.

>> No.18851264

That's still some uncanny valley shit, but I must say it's the best sex doll I've seen.

>> No.18851265

i don't think you're allowed to post that on a christian imageboard

>> No.18851285

Forgot to spoiler

Ye, hopefully its the camera angle. Im fully expecting to to scare the shit out of me for awhile whenever I walk into my bedroom and its just sitting there.

>> No.18851289

meant to quote

>> No.18851305

well keep in mind I've never actually seen a sex doll that I would fuck because they all look fucking weird to me. But that one actually looks fuckable to me. (though still weird.)

>> No.18851628

I wish leaf amazon had more variety when it came to onaholes. Also i'm pretty sure the art on the box can land some jail time if you did order it, strange how it's listed and actually in a warehouse though

>> No.18851639
File: 183 KB, 471x412, wed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the longest you've waited for an order?
>first order: a week
>second (current) order: 15 days and counting

>> No.18851674


Yeah, everything's fine. Apartment complex just did things in the clumsiest way possible and if it happens again I'll make a stink about it.

>> No.18851921

Gave up on waiting for recommendations and pulled the trigger.

Hope mine won't have those weird skeleton defects like some of the others do.

>> No.18852047

That's going to vary depending on how much you use it, how well you take care of it, and what make/model you buy.
I get on average 6 months out of my tomax holes I've had, but that's because I have a bad habit of passing out sometimes after an intense session.
I also tend to use them daily, as I prefer them greatly over using the standard Mark 1 hand.
So anyways, moisture and genetic material sometimes sits in there for a few hours because I'm out cold like one of Bill Cosby's dates.
After a few months the porous material starts to develop signs of growth in there, so I just buy a new one.
I don't want infections.

>> No.18852176

Tell us about it once you get to try it. I'm also interested in how the DX and SPDX compare from someone who's tried both.

>> No.18852574

this looks like a poorly-lit cg model instead of something that physically exists with that lighting

>> No.18853094

Where’s a good place to find videos of guys fucking sex dolls and oneaholes? They are my fetish but got no dick so can’t use them myself :(

>> No.18853174

How about I make you my onahole? No videos needed.

>> No.18853208

Not good enough, I’m not a cute little sex doll

>> No.18853225

You can dress up as a little girl then, it's going to be even better!

>> No.18853301

What are good vaccuum onaholes ? something not too soft preferably

>> No.18853331

look into ftm strokers and clitoral pumps. not sure if Japan makes them though. I've heard the BJ dildo by number one laboratory is supposed to bd amazing. if you don't have someone to suck it for you I don't see why an onahole like the lilith uterus wouldn't work with it.
also, get yourself a dick or packer. even as a girl (male) occasionally i just need to feel the ahegao-level lust of watching my uncontrollable tight little thrusts into a well-lubed ona.

>> No.18853343

>reading comprehension

>> No.18853417

Go to xhamster or whatever and type names of products.
An example : https://xhamster.com/search?q=puni+ana

>> No.18853462
File: 162 KB, 631x1000, 1518975571950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a cocolo or ritopuri?

>> No.18853474

They're not quite the same thing. Cocolo is a body/torso and is noticeably more expensive (if we count the shipping cost adding in). To put in perspective, Cocolo would be similar to the Puni Ana SPDX, while Ritopuri would be similar to the Puni Ana DX.

So the question is, do you want a body/torso or just a hip?

>> No.18853512

>So the question is, do you want a body/torso or just a hip?
Well I already have a Puni Ana DX, so I guess I'll try a Cocolo out, from the reviews I've been reading it looks to be better than the Puni Ana models.

>> No.18853560

I own neither Cocolo or SPDX but I think it mainly comes down to preferences yeah. Some people don't like Magic Eyes because of their low quality products too, but if you take good care of the Cocolo it should be fine.

>> No.18853567

By low quality I mean durability*.

>> No.18853575

Been over a month since I ordered some Tomax holes from omocha dreams. When I messaged t hem a couple of days ago they said they would have new stock in a few days though so hopefully I will finally get them next week.

>> No.18853605

ha ha ha ha

>> No.18853627

Meh, this is so lame. I'd love to plug something inside a fucktoy, tie her up and play with her but I guess this isn't the time.
Here, have this https://lolifox.org/fap/res/378.html
It has some related stuff if you don't mind browsing a clearnet mirror of a darknet Russian imageboard

>> No.18853934


>> No.18853940

the USPS postman told you that? or their website shows that as a tracking status?...knowing USPS..i've had experience things marked delivered but doesn't show up in my mailbox till 1-2 days later..I think they just mark things delivered so they hit the timeline they promise when it actually doesn't.

>> No.18854220

Will do, anon o7

>> No.18854534
File: 96 KB, 1006x758, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, my first order has just shipped

>> No.18854606

Does anyone know how long Onatsuyu lasts before it expires? I bought two 370ml bottles in my last shipment, and this shit is going to last me for years. I literally won't be able to use all of it if it has an expiration date.

>> No.18854864

So, two questions from a pleb.
1. How much noise should you expect to make when you're pounding on these? I have people in the room opposite.
2. Any non jew places to buy from in Europe, specifically Ireland (ireland does not count as within the UK for any company if you're going to recommend a UK only place)? The ones in the paste and the ones I've found from searching don't seem good. Is jumping through hoops and waiting half a year to get it from nipland the only real option?

>> No.18854932
File: 279 KB, 850x1208, sample_6a80d1902a1be9065a88022a19243c17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gay if I buy a onahole as a gift for my male friend?

>> No.18854947

The date is on the bottom of the bottle.
I ordered one 2 months ago and it says good until December 2019.

>> No.18854959

Depends on the hole, some are fairly quiet while others are pretty loud. As for europe shops, I only know of motsutoys and omochadreams, with the former being cheaper and omocha only really being good in case you want Tomax.

>> No.18854973

For Europe :
https://www.asia-sextoys.de/ (might have to mail them to order outside Germany? I don't know, but I know they're friendly)
>Is jumping through hoops and waiting half a year to get it from nipland the only real option?
No offense but what are you talking about? You've never ordered from Japan before? It takes more or less a week to get shipped something from Japan, it's not the end of the world. True shipping costs a lot, but you'll notice that items sold in Europe also account an importing fee, so in the end it's not necessarily always cheaper. Japanese shops also know about European customs being bitches so they pack things accordingly so you don't end up in trouble.

>> No.18854977

Dickless fag

>> No.18855033

I'd explain the situation to him. If he doesn't know what an ona is he might be alienated a bit. If he does and wants to try one or is curious about it then I say it's not gay.

Just don't ask to watch him use it and you should be fine.

>> No.18855044

I think it's completely fine. Just don't tell him "you picked it for him", just say something like "I asked for recommendation on some internet thing and they recommended that one".

>> No.18855079

I don't see a date, just some string of numbers with a dash that's most likely for the manufacturer. Could you post a pic or something?

>> No.18855192
File: 101 KB, 267x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Format is YYMMDD.

>> No.18855261

Mine don't have anything stamped on them, just "CPIS-370"etched into the plastic itself.

>> No.18855517

How long does it take OtonaJP to ship out?
It's been 2 days and they're still preparing.

>> No.18855555

I see, odd.
Takes a while sometimes. They took 5 days first time I ordered from them.

>> No.18855582

Is there a way to tell when it's expired, like from the consistency or something? I bought it July of last year.

>> No.18855589

No idea, I'm a newbie.

>> No.18855617

I think the older batch of onatsuyu have no dates printed..but the later batches does.

>> No.18855621

as soon as they run to the local retail shop and pick it up ha

>> No.18855666

2 months and counting :/

>> No.18855677

Not until it goes bad. Like food, the expiration date is more of a guideline anyway; it can go bad before or long after that, that's just the date they choose to play it safe.

>> No.18855702

Eleven weeks. It was shipped via sea though, I had it coming. At least it wasn't an order of onas, I might've died if it were.

>> No.18855734

Should be fine still, and it's not like it comprises of reactive substances that can expire over time. If you really must know then just message the manufacturer and ask for expiry date of your batch.

>> No.18855796

My otona-sekai order arrived fine. Product was very nicely wrapped and they followed my instructions to the letter. It didn't have any "thank you" card, freebies or candy or whatever like otonajp does, but frankly it's not why we order onaholes and they're generally cheaper than otonajp anyway.

Just thought I'd leave this here since onahole reviewers started spreading stuff on how "otona-sekai was going under and that everyone should avoid them".

>> No.18855813

Is that good or bad

>> No.18855827

Not him but it does look like a CG model, almost as if they didn't want you to see what it really looked like so they put some CG instead to fool you.
But there seems to be a hair on her boob so she must be real. If you zoom in really close you realize she's real too.

I think she's nice, nicer than the dolls that get posted normally by far.

>> No.18855836

Cute, hope you bought her cute clothes and panties to dress up in. Hope you post pics when you get her.

>> No.18855889

Just broke out my Daisyuki Hold after about a month or so unintentional break from onaholes. Thought I'd give one of my slightly less-used holes a spin while I wait for my SPDX to get here. I love how the Daisyuki Hold pushes you out until you're rock hard, and then you can just slide right into it. Pushing my entire shaft all the way in feels so good, and that womb in the back is great to jam your dick into when you cum. Really glad I ended up buying it in my last shipment.

>> No.18855981

Is that Sanhui? I was looking at their dolls because of the textured skin they make but want something more thicc, do any other companies do textured skin like that?

>> No.18856146

Yeah that's Sanhui, there are other companies with textured skin but you'd be looking at a much higher price point

>> No.18856637

Does anyone have any recommendations for some good dual-layer onaholes besides the Daisyuki Hold? I've been staying away from the 17 Bordeaux because I've heard that they tend to have issues with the layers separating, even more than dual layer holes usually have.

>> No.18856670

What's textured skin? They make little pock marks in the silicone to make it feel like pores?

>> No.18856731
File: 173 KB, 1920x1441, 20161025194626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally the silicone or tpe would feel really smooth and flat which isn't very realistic to how skin actually feels. Im not sure exactly what they do but the skin looks very slightly bumpier and rougher in close ups, it looks a lot more realistic.
Their textured skin is supposedly way more realistic and pleasing to the touch according to a bunch of reviews from the doll forum. Ill share what I think about it when it gets delivered.

Pic related, sanhui's textured skin

>> No.18856779

>vagina bones
>that belly button
oh my

>> No.18857092

Looks like they don't sell the Onatsuyu water lube on the Amazon anymore.... where else could I purchase one for the best price?


>> No.18857548

I wonder why that is? I noticed that it started getting more and more expensive until it finally disappeared.

that saying, both toydemon and cool male sex toy have it at about 20 bucks at the moment

>> No.18857612

Dam I should've bought more of them!!! Still have like 4 bottles and haven't even finished my first. Dam lube smells bad sometimes.

>> No.18857908

I'm looking for a very stimulating hole for under 40 bucks. Any recommendations? I've only had moderate success with the recommendations in the pastebin

>> No.18858051

try your mum

>> No.18858054

>Looks like they don't sell the Onatsuyu water lube on the Amazon anymore


