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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1005 KB, 750x900, RUNGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18804278 No.18804278 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.76fix (3/2/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.76fix.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.18804326

Had a good laugh, thanks OP anon.
cute oni, do you have a link to original art?

>> No.18804328

This is the best OP image in a while.
>*telebungas behind you
made my day.

>> No.18804340


>> No.18804451

Thank you.

>> No.18804496
File: 29 KB, 320x40, bumbum.cavepaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grugposting? On my Elona? It's more likely than you think.

Also, >chieftain need ban assault bumbum

>> No.18804734

I don't even like Elona, but I still come here to see those OP images. Keep it up!

>> No.18804930

I don't know whether you have abhorrently shit taste, or good taste. I'm confused now.

>> No.18804966

I just don't like grinding and this seems like a grindy game. Otherwise the game is pretty neat.

>> No.18804982

Its a roguelike+sandbox+pet raising, t-t-t-riple grind!

>> No.18805014

I take it back, you're a nigger.

>> No.18805113

Black people love grinding

>> No.18805146

Not if it takes more than 30 IQ.

>> No.18805219

My maid drank acid and died. Do I have to get a new one or will she respawn?

>> No.18805225

She'll respawn

>> No.18805311

Good to know, thanks.

>> No.18805358

Fire up Elona after 9000 years. Doing extremely well - palace, pets that can kick my ass, et cetera. Figure out I'm missing recipes, wat. Am idiot, somehow installed an older version of Custom. Fixed!

But now I can't pump out ten thousand panties any more. How am I supposed to be a cheesemaker without selling sexy women's undergarments for mad shekels?

>> No.18805396

You can make quite a few panties by meteor shower'ing degenerates at parties.

>> No.18805397

You can craft every equipment type in the game now though. You can earn money in a host of other ways now, too. Specialized shop, enhance values on food and cooking producing bonus dishes every 100 skill allow for extremely lucrative food shop, grabbing any gear on dungeon floors en masse and tossing it in your blacksmith shop still gives big profits, pet shopkeeper can get feats, there's other new crafting recipes for moneymaking as well and you can raise higher quality ranch animals by swapping out breeder/ brush animals for better goods. There's more new shit too, it's pretty good.

>> No.18805455
File: 18 KB, 80x112, 1520083621853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot bunga what an excellent OP

>> No.18805487

Is the crafting solely through the stardust-related fusion pot thing, though? Wondering how effective setting up some hermit crab farms for Unknown Shells would be.

>> No.18805519

Yeah, so now you need to find all the sources for artifacts to gather stardust. With the rare loot increase it's not too hard (chance of rare drops being generated was increased by *5 to 20 times*). Just dungeon-delving and killing enemies like diabolic clowns gives a nice amount of stardust (there's more artifacts than ever), making mincemeat out of Lomias at parties is always good, a ranch will help.

>> No.18805540

mass crab farms with fetter of earth is pretty handy, you can also farm plat this way with yacatect gem.

>> No.18805635

Bunga good, unga love OP

>> No.18805640

Hermit Crabs on a ranch can spawn the pendant? Cool.

>> No.18805654

>I just don't like grinding
Excellent then, you have Overdose mode, which is basically the Normal difficulty.
>and this seems like a grindy game.
Only if you play on Ultra Nightmare Doom difficulty version for Elona.
>Otherwise the game is pretty neat.
Sure is, give it a try, you're gonna love it.

>> No.18805666

asuras too. crabs are simply the fastest

>> No.18805680

Neat, thanks. Here I was just breeding Putits.

>> No.18805681

>Overdose mode
also known as, "lose interest after two hours and never be able to go back to normal".

>> No.18805740

Well he's not gonna touch the normal at all, might as well give him at least a toe dip into the water to test the temperature.

>> No.18805753

I'm usually starting with fairies for secret expeirences first.

>> No.18805841

Am i remembering shit wrong, or was there a map item in the game that showed you where all the towns were. I don't want to use the map on the wiki since it spoils all the locations.

>> No.18805865
File: 66 KB, 653x414, map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a world map from using the map item, doesn't really show any usable detail.

>> No.18805882


Look at all those lands..
Imagine the nefias... The grind. The bosses. THE DOGS.

>> No.18806061

Press * to look around the overworld.

>> No.18806135
File: 723 KB, 1284x723, lg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you didn't administer the appropriate amount of hugs and head pats for the little girl? Daily reminder to do that to keep your little girl off the streets of Derphy and to avoid them running away to become a dungeon boss.

>> No.18806186

Imagine that you are the one who actually created her pitiful self by stepping a foot on this nefia's floor.
Indirectly, you made her whole short life a filled with unimaginable suffering and cruel dismemberment.

>> No.18806198

So that's where she's been, figures...

>> No.18806268

>Ocean of Asseria
Ocean adventure when boys! Go yarharharing across the sea!

>> No.18806312

But our characters are cursed, any attempt of sailing always results in horrible events.

>> No.18806342

But thats when we're not the ones driving. As with the world anything not in our characters complete control always go wrong. At least with us doing the sailing we're only going to hit bad events instead of horrible ones!

>> No.18806380

I'm making sure to return home and give hugs and head pats to my little girl. Then I'm going to the church of Jure in Noyel to confess my sins because I feel like a monster.

>> No.18806490
File: 20 KB, 843x35, fucklaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i wont do what you tell me!

>> No.18806502

don't do it!

>> No.18806557
File: 29 KB, 1137x52, fucklaws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOO LATE. this madman's got people to save!

>> No.18806576

you absolute baka

>> No.18806596

I rarely play Elona anymore and i never browse these threads but i want to praise the person who always comes up with those great OP images

>> No.18806632
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>> No.18806658

I regularly kill dozens of guards every time I stroll into a city but I least I don't long distance teleport with guests!

>> No.18806661

blah blah genius or misunderstood

>> No.18806677

*at least

This is what happens when you rewrite a chunk of the sentence and don't reread.

>> No.18806721
File: 426 KB, 5000x4430, 1439677122393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found out an archer on one of my tag teams hadn't even been firing her goddamn bow for maybe several in-game years, because I forgot to change her to ranged AI at Leold. What with the flashing effects due to everyone having invokes I never even noticed. She's just been tagging along and looking around, maybe occasionally bopping an enemy when it got close if she felt like it

>> No.18806726


>> No.18806747

So you've had your own cute groupie tagging along. Cute.

>> No.18806828

But it was an emergency! People were going to die

>> No.18806847

It's not enough to just hug your little girl Kai. You need to be reading to them every day!

>> No.18806856

What's your favorite weapon type(not proficiency)?

>> No.18806874

I didn't have access to reading party for quite awhile but there are certain literary works of the gods I'm pushing my little girl to read now that she's old enough to read on her own.

>> No.18806907

Oh? Like what?

>> No.18807054

what do you guys think of nethack in comparison to elona? been thinking of getting into it as well recently.

>> No.18807082
File: 595 KB, 701x401, crab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ran into this fucker, forgot i even installed him until now.

>> No.18807085

different games basically. if anything, you can compare it to adom somewhat.

>> No.18807352
File: 749 KB, 1280x724, Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various books by Yacatect like Why you're poor and I'm rich. Various books by Jure like The Importance of Family, Friends, and Healing. Various books by Opatos and the Golden Knight like The Secret to a Hard Bod. Then a sprinkling of works from Mani such as Why the Feminism Movement is Poison and I'm Creating Waifu Bots.

>> No.18807364

I want to crush my enemies into pulp, so their meat is tender.

>> No.18807462

IF I'm getting bored of my current character, is it smart to breed a successor? What are some key points I should think of before I do that? Should I Soul Spindle all of my current pets, and how do I send stuff as inheritance? Is there a limit? Everything but things labelled Precious can be sent, right? Can I capture a level 120 monster and send it along? Can I just send ranches and museum deeds, too?

Thank you very much.

>> No.18807596

soul spindle severely gimps your pets, read wiki. you can use monster balls freely. inheritance is made from your current character inventory before making a gene. Check marriage on wiki.

>> No.18807646

Cool, thanks. Sucks that Soul Spindle gimps them, though. That's a real damn shame.

>> No.18807647

The gene character will inherit your current character's inventory (except precious stuff and some specific items, check the wiki page for details).
I don't see the point of creating a new character if you are going to import everything (even high level pets) from the previous one. Why not just try a different build on your current one?

>> No.18807674

I'm really attached to my pets, but I want to try out a totally different class of character. I don't feel like training my current Warrior into a Mage of any sort.

Plus, I never recruited Gwen the Innocent before Act 2. Gotta restart that.

>> No.18807781

>soul spindle severely gimps your pets
With the exchange that it keeps their INI values low.

>> No.18807886

Very handy for karata and other bells, yep.

>> No.18807917

How do you have so much hp and mp?

>> No.18807932

Would Ano actually add sea adventures?

>> No.18807943

Levels and attributes all contribute to HP and MP.

>> No.18807970

What he said:

>> No.18807981

Is it good to spindle a silver bell? What should I do before spindling it? Any preparation? Stuff it full of Hero Cheeses?

>> No.18808003

check wiki on those parts. hero cheese will help. skills up to lv50 are kept intact, if i recall correctly
or maybe lv30. check wiki.
worst and best part is pet's speed reset. i've heard pro-jet keeps it's speed even after soul spindling. you may want to get a bunch of herbed food, speed uppers and potential pots/processed gems to quickly level your pet.

If you want a mage route, dragon child is a must. silver bells are good too since they ignore elements, can tank meteors.

>> No.18808020

I spindled a pro jet she is now my wife.
Since I am a golem addict most of my cheeses tend to go to my squishy pets, who get much more out of it than I do for a long, long time.

Pro jet does NOT keep its speed. Does keep float and metal bit though.

>> No.18808130
File: 325 KB, 840x525, __catsister_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__3769d384df3eb5bff0f6e10328097c44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a guide about basic Custom AI ideas for people that don't really understand how the system works because of the lack of examples to work with. https://pastebin.com/NDXnhJVk
I admit that my guide may have "too many words", though. There is a pastebin of Custom AI examples made by another anon that is shorter and pretty nice: https://pastebin.com/Nipukkpa
I also made a guide for ElonaExtender's features. I remember some people mentioning they had issues with it so I made this guide to explain each feature (and point out the one that crashes your game constantly and makes you hate Extender forever). https://pastebin.com/CyE17eAp
Hopefully I didn't mess up something important.

>> No.18808147

Once you start grinding in the void, because every creature has its level boosted by a huge amount but is still easily killable most of the time, and defeating high lv creatures gives a big exp boost, levels come VERY quickly and depending on your life, every level gives a couple hundred HP

>> No.18808251

This is all too confusing. Why must you post things dumbs will never understand? I don't understand it!!!

>> No.18808260

You messed everything up, I understand less now than I did before

>> No.18808264

AI too hard for grug. Harder than grugs boulder.

>> No.18808316
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 58740414_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like I wanted to be helpful or anything anyway, dumb grugs!

>> No.18808331

Seriously though, it looks useful. I'll use it as a reference when I set up my pets AI since I haven't done any of that yet.

>> No.18808972

What shopkeeper feat should I go with?

>> No.18809033

What does "you is crazy about something" mean?

>> No.18809040

Proprietary Sales is nice since it gives you a little bit of extra income each day.
Aesthetic Sense is good if you want to get more valuable items via trade-ins.
Tie-up and Business Smile are only really useful for pets in your party.
Elegance increases the money visitors in your shop carry, so it could be a good way to get some money via performing.
Go for Proprietary Sales if you want extra cash or Aesthetic Sense if you want a chance at getting rare and expensive shit from trade-ins.

>> No.18809143

I-It helped me anon

>> No.18809232

Is there any way to learn Pickpocket without joining the Thieve's guild?

>> No.18809309

I just teleported the recruiter, disguised myself and then just went to the trainer. There's one guy that still attacks you but i believe he's melee only so you can just teleport him away.

>> No.18809311

Yes, blessed scrolls of attribute gain or something

>> No.18809425

man there's so many neat tricks in this game. shit's really reminding me of morrowind

>> No.18809461

Kinda, but it gets tiresome sometimes, at least for me, cos I still suck at powergrinding

>> No.18809486

Do guard servant level up after they die?
Can I make my own super-mob farm back at home to grind of from by repeatedly brutalising my own guards?

>> No.18809698


>> No.18809786

There was also an expanded set of examples for Custom AI posted in previous thread. https://pastebin.com/Nipukkpa

But seriously, reading about all of this makes Custom AI look much more complicated than when you actually set up the command set.

>> No.18809798

I wish someone made a guide for music extender too, its not translated at all, too confusing to use.

>> No.18809946
File: 253 KB, 840x525, __ehekatl_of_luck_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__b8913aa6ae2457cb763b5ad26b5e5736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to know it was helpful.

I also mentioned that pastebin in my post. Like I said, I admit I talked "a bit" too much and explained some things more than just once, but I wanted to try to explain how it works in details, so people can come up with their own AIs. But, for people that just want to put a working AI on their pets and call it a day, I tried to make the basic [role] routines as standalone as possible, plus that Black Angel AI and a link to the other pastebin.
Custom AI can be as simple and as complex as you want it to be, I enjoy it quite a bit. It's like giving your pets an extra bit of personality, similar to atmosphere and talk.txt files.

I actually enjoy Elona's vanilla music do I never really tried to actually use it. But it is a neat feature, I will try to see if I can figure it out.

>> No.18810036

Necromancy, is it just a meme or low-down actually useful but unpopular playstyle?

>> No.18810050
File: 11 KB, 500x500, 1508619490161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed that I messed up my replies and missed >>18808331 and >>18809143. Dumb me.
I'm glad that it was useful to you too.

>> No.18810383

How do I go about removing an alien infestation from Palmia?
So far I have tried to kill anybody who is impregnated and yet they persist.
Would nuclear fumigation help or am i fucked

>> No.18810391

Nuclear purification always solves the issue. Be sure to finish off any survivors.

>> No.18810399

Just gather a lot of bottles of poison or dye and hand them out to everyone. It'll take a while, and they may get reinfected along the way, but eventually you should be able to get rid of all the aliens.

>> No.18810404


Feed acid then immediately kill. That'd melt the child and prevent reinfection. Repeat for everyone.

>> No.18810417

Alchemical rain and ungodly speed.

>> No.18810583

I was squeamish at whipping my pets with a tamer's whip, but boy has life become easier after just bapping each of them once to not eat every corpse off the floor. Never again will they kill a horde of mummies and immediately start stuffing rotten mummy ass in their mouth

>> No.18810595

I was a bit hesitant at first too, but then one of them started begging for more. I didn't really feel so bad after that.

>> No.18810600


Remember to beat them senseless for no reason afterwards too. Just in case if they think you are sorry.

>> No.18810620

Why i can't i give my Skogsra a third hand? I already gave her a second hand using an Asura but i can't seem to give her a third hand, also using an asura. The only thing i've given her before was a neck, and she currently has 10 body parts.

>> No.18810637


You need Varuna for the third and fourth hand slots. Don't ask why. Only Varuna and above can give those slots for the Asurans.

>> No.18810656

Ah okay, thank you

>> No.18810671
File: 478 KB, 1124x758, Karavika1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who will receive my peepee next..

>> No.18810956

By the way, any idea as to what Dowsing Opatos and Itzpalt's sculpture does?

>> No.18810984

Carrying the rods makes it so every time you mine and do not get something, it rolls for loot one more time. Useful for strip mining dungeons. Sculpture is used automatically when cooking to ''purify'' the food, uncursing it if cursed

>> No.18811083

What sprite pack are you using?

>> No.18811119


OP's pastebin. Beautify 1.7.5. It's outdated.
Sideeffects may include colourful squares and titty monsters.

>> No.18811139

How do you update it?

>> No.18811165

Gimp or other multi-layer image editor.

>> No.18811188

You compare the old mod spritesheet to the new E+ spritesheet, and any new sprites that were added you just copy over to the same spot on the old spritesheet. If the difference is only a couple versions there won't be too many new NPCs, so you should only need to copy over a couple of sprites.

>> No.18811309


I see. Are they consumed?
If I have/place multiple copies, do the effect stacks? (Multiple Kugurumi kills multiple mobs and what not.)

>> No.18811320

For some reason fire bolts cause my game (latest Elona Custom) to crash randomly. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm playing on Wine, which complicates things too..

>> No.18811336

>muh freedumbs

>> No.18811339

Just take the monster sheet form graphics pack, its updated.

>> No.18811345

re-download\install the game. its works properly under wine

>> No.18811372

For treasure balls you go to a really hard dungeon to open them for best loot correct?

>> No.18811398

I believe they fixed that in Elona+, didn't they?

Also, does anybody know a good way to handle a lot of pets? I want an army, but I'm already losing control with 6 of them and keep forgetting who is who.

>> No.18811406

No only your PC level and luck matters.
Better sprites and roleplay is the key. I have tag teams with different roles personally.

>> No.18811412

Oh, I saw that tag team thing. How exactly does that work? Does it mean I can tag a slow melee with a fast melee to help him get XP?

>> No.18811413

I think, I maybe remember reading that somewhere so yeah it's probably fixed.
Ah ok then I'll wait for a lucky day or something.

>> No.18811440

Fast with slow, yes, but difference shouldnt be too big or slowpoke will slow down the tag. They share ap, first in tag sometimes protect follower, they stay on the same tile, follower doesnt expend turns for moving and can shoot/use spells while lead moves.

>> No.18811469

OK, thanks. So, would you suggest similar-speed range+mage combos, possibly? A fast archer running away plinking as the fast mage shoots...mage stuff.

But thanks!

>> No.18811501

Let's say I run into a stray cat and I want to KO it and capture it, but I have 7 pets with me. Do I have to send them all home? Otherwise, they instantly kill it when I KO it. But then I have to go back to the bar and pick them all back up again, re-use restore potions, etc...

>> No.18811522


>Command flag - Defensive
>Directive - defensive
>Send them back then use the CALL FAMILIAR skill to call them back.

>> No.18811527

Cool, thanks. I'll try that Command Flag thing then!

>> No.18811557
File: 268 KB, 625x412, No wiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a really solid throwing weapon, (obviously for a pet). I can't find a page for it on the wiki, though.

>> No.18811586


>> No.18811592

Odd. I couldn't find it. Thanks I suppose.

>> No.18811601
File: 74 KB, 1078x930, no page for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18811605

>Grand opening of my museum
>Just finished setting all the cards and figurines I have
>Rich kid drinks sulfuric and melts down
>Leaves behind a card.
I love this game.

>> No.18811607



>> No.18811610


>> No.18811646

Why do I randomly lose all of my karma from the void, or most of it? I just went through a few levels and let my bell kill everything to level this living weapon, and I went back to town with -37 karma. What the fuck did I do?

>> No.18811654


Pay no mind to that karma loss. Just enjoy the free reign you get on not paying bills and killing anyone you'd like.

>> No.18811662

No, that's stupid and I prefer to play as a good citizen.

>> No.18811789

They are never consumed, but only one of those Kumiromi dolls will activate at a time, so there’s no reason to have more than one per farm except as decor.

>> No.18811935
File: 405 KB, 1127x565, reeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to remove crabs

>> No.18811943

wow you suck

>> No.18811945

go install the maneki pack and fight them in an awaken dungeon then

>> No.18811953

nah i don't suck

>> No.18811955

you suck if you dont

>> No.18811971

says the sucker

>> No.18811988

>refuses to fight crabs
>thinks he's good

>> No.18811991

I eat crabs daily poorboy

>> No.18811996

can't eat crabs if you dont have crabs

>> No.18812003

I don't want crabs

>> No.18812393

Damn, why are you all so crabby?

>> No.18812461

What mode are you playing on? If it's abnormal, you could be getting karma penalties from killing cats. Other than that I can't think of any reason the void would make you lose karma. Perhaps it's not because you went there, but because you haven't paid your taxes in the meantime that you lost the karma.

>> No.18812498

Deepest lore.

>> No.18812569

What is the most unga bunga class+race?

How can the vernis hobo be at two places at the same time? vernis and cradle of chaos penultimate floor

>> No.18812577

Orc warrior, obviously.

>> No.18812592

Isnt that a debug race

>> No.18812608

golem warrior then
2h clubs

>> No.18812619

Are hammer stronger than 2H swords/axes?

>> No.18812653

a heavy 2h lightsabre will be the best in slot, but hammer for maximum unga bunga roleplay

>> No.18812687

Don't forget to use a boulder as ranged weapon.

>> No.18812708

as a melee weapon.

>> No.18812714

I pre-paid my taxes with 1.2 million coins not too long ago, so I honestly don't know. I'm just on normal mode, but it really drives me nuts.

>> No.18812763

normal rock or the huge ass rock?

>> No.18812819

obviously BIG BOULDER

>> No.18812826


>> No.18812841

Is there an artifact version of huge rock just like normal rocks got the vanilla artifact?

>> No.18812856

nah senpai just get a living boulder and make it do BIG DAMAGE

>> No.18812868

you need is metal\obsidian\crystal rock and an armour made of one of the leather types, else its all fake and pretense.

>> No.18812874

Does this game have some spooky stuff like minecraft had Herobrine and shit, at least some memes maybe?

>> No.18812891

This game is meme incarnate,put into a meatgrinder and sprinkled with clorox

>> No.18812892

they say that if you go up stairs 66 times, you can meet a spooky ghost

>> No.18812929

you tried, well thanks anyways

>> No.18812931

They say if you throw a quarter at Shena's ass, it will bounce RIGHT OFF

>> No.18812948


>> No.18812955

not true, confirmed

>> No.18812964

but how can a Shena's ass be so amazing?

>> No.18812980

look at her stats, she actually put all stats where she needed.

>> No.18812993

Everyone loves Shena's ass.

>> No.18813019
File: 25 KB, 464x334, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Shena's pantsu are a contraceptive.

>> No.18813067

ALso if you use them you can sometimes do it 5 times in a row.

>> No.18813068


>> No.18813092

tfw no one to throw shena's panties at me, stop time, then proceed to bash my face in with said panties while i lay there helplessly

>> No.18813113

>start golem+warrior for unga
>get dimmed even when it says i shouldnt


>> No.18813115

<Ajutelly the noble child wields <Shena's panty> proudly>

>> No.18813130

ITs a dim resist, not immunity. You alse get dimmed from insanity and such.

>> No.18813157

Does insanity resistance exist or my only option is unicorn horn/jure?

>> No.18813170

Little girl is the only option.
Well, in the worst case, younger sister's lunches. They are filled with enough love to cure everything.

>> No.18813327

What makes you think he's at both places at the same time?

>> No.18813338

Arent both the same guy?

>> No.18813342

Yes, and?

>> No.18813359


>> No.18813377
File: 114 KB, 832x846, 36471851_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this game when shitfaced is a magical journey\

>> No.18813378

But what makes you think that when you see him in the craddle of chaos he's still at vernis?

If you run into your friend Steve in the supermarket and the next day you find him in the street do you ask him how he's at borh places at the same time?

I'm just messing with you anon, but lorewise he could have just moved, like you did.

>> No.18813422

Considering this game makes me feel shitfaced when playing it normally, I can only imagine what it's like.

>> No.18813576

People usually say that it's a cheap, easier-to-manage alternative to pets, but I've never seen people talking about its usefulness in crazy high level dungeons (like floor +200 in Void and stuff like that).

>> No.18813630

Its fun to do but tedious and not very useful. But its not useless.

>> No.18813659

Wouldnt having disposable meatshields on demand always be useful?

are the other units beside dead eyes dragon even worth using?

>> No.18813685
File: 766 KB, 1280x721, stag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Killed stag god dungeon boss to get god dead armor. Elona's naming convention is definitely one of the interesting features it has. Not a bad piece but the material needs to be changed.

Reminds me that I need to get around to installing the entire crab pack again. I know I should do it but the thought of fighting those crabs again makes me put it off for another day. The day will come when I come back for my throne though crabs.

The creator of Karata Maneki has a message instructing you to take a picture upon killing Karata Maneki. So far I'm the only one I know who has brought the thing down so it would be cool to see other people who managed to bring it down too. Especially if Karata Maneki was encountered in an awakened dungeon.

>> No.18813757
File: 14 KB, 383x434, trash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is and it has dogshit stats outside of Life
Go Goblin Warrior or Goblin Predator for max unga.

>> No.18814060

If you were to design a custom race for Elona, what would it be? Anything unique or special about it? What sort of stat distribution? Would it be for PC or NPC only? Maybe for a custom pet?

>> No.18814107

What's the best home that looks nice, but isn't huge and rent-heavy? What should I aim for?

>> No.18814132

Palace. You can level it to the ground and build a small cozy cottege inside.
Because you need max vendor slots.

>> No.18814138

Got it, didn't know they had different number of vendor slots. Guess I'll get it then, thanks.

I'm gonna make it a field and pond with a few cute huts

>> No.18814190

I tried out the unitdeads some time ago and the king and queen pulled their weight I'd say.

It's not so bad, being able to suddenly crap out two undeadgods three times my level and only really needing to carry the storage key and necromantis around. However, my undead don't gain anything from killing things unlike my allies, so using them comes at the cost of valuable materials and progress on allies.

Ultimately I use them on a need-to-use basis.

>> No.18814208
File: 207 KB, 1920x1080, 4231162521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as nobody's suing me about it, I'd probably just pull in Asura. No, not those Asura, the other Asura, from Guild Wars. And then sit back and watch the shitfest that happens once Asura meet Asura and Tyris and Tyria are shortly thereafter both overrun with multi-armed lightsaber-wielding golems.

Absurd learning/magic. Shit strength/charisma. Probably terrible perception. Only bookahs have time to pay attention to things other than unseating the Arcane Council.

>> No.18814209

That's tough because with the extra races turned on there's a lot of races to chose from. Could use some new classes.

>> No.18814305

oh noooo
i didn't know building a house overwrote your old one.

>> No.18814378

All items are moved to the new one

>> No.18814408

They are, but I was going to move them around one-at-a-time. Now there's a pile that weighs more than a Gundam and I have to find a home for it all! Ahh.

>> No.18814484

Ah, yeah fuckin rippp. See ya in like 30 minutes of sorting.

>> No.18814525

Are king and queen better than dead eyes? still need the eyeball magic device upgrade or can swap for something else?

>> No.18814588

Harder to set up due to unitdead fusion requirements and they only work for one floor but they have generally stronger abilities including the disgustingness of super regene.

You can probably also light pen them too, if you want them around all the time.

>> No.18814629

Why does this always happen to me? I can deal with slimes, rabbits, chickens, clowns, and the other stuff in the puppy caves but the kobold always gets me. Is it because I'm an Elea?

>> No.18814649

Ehh using a pen for that sounds like a waste,rather use on meshera alpha or the over meshera girl

>> No.18814657

Your DV and PV are probably too low.
Get better armor and start upgrading your armor at blacksmiths.

>> No.18814695

Is there any noticeable difference between the two mesheras anyways?

>> No.18814746

If i astral pen say my dragon with all body slots,will the copy also have those or just revert to the original slots it had?

>> No.18815007

you cant astral pen pets or non-unique npcs. you can copy pet with all it's features and gimped stats/attributes with soul spindle.

>> No.18815164

Can someone give me a mega version of 1.76? My third world country internet drops the download from the drive

>> No.18815170

try bloodyshade's ftp.

>> No.18815426

It helped, thanke

>> No.18815437

>Spend 6 hours on setting up farms, grinding the relevant skills , getting fethers of earth, kumi scythe and the cute fairly.
>Finally get everything up and running for massive seed production
>Find out the cute fairy no longer spits out seeds more than once a day
*screams internally*
How exactly do i go about acquiring metric tons of seeds to fuel my herb addiction?

>> No.18815446

I'd go on a mass big daddy killing spree and use the little sister rewards to duplicate like 20 kumiromi statues.

>> No.18815449

farm little sisters, copy miromi statues en-masse
you can get a dozen of cute fariries and milk them every 3 days as well, nets quite a bit of seeds. feeding is annoying, however.

>> No.18815461

Harvest Time quests. They're a very easy source of seeds early on.
Harvest Time is arguably one of the most profitable early game quests; you get platinum coins, bronze coins, gold, seeds, AND gardening experience.

>> No.18815473

I think he followed grossly outdated power gardening guide from wikia. Literally none of the tricks from it work in current version.

>> No.18815485

The wiki really needs some work done to bring it up to date.

>> No.18815498

step up then senpai

>> No.18815528

This is indeed the case

From what I understand I would need to have gotten the statue of kumiromi from the quest to be able to dupe it via the little sister quest or am I wrong in that assumption?

>> No.18815551

Act 2.

>> No.18815568

I'm still new, I've just been running into a lot of cases where the wiki doesn't say what something is or gives outdated info.

>> No.18815572

Pah, excuses.

>> No.18815574

What's the best way to level up my pet's learning? cooking and anatomy?

>> No.18815578


Let it cook food for you. Let it kill stuff.

>> No.18815579


>> No.18815581

reading party.

>> No.18815597

Alright, thanks.

Your pets are not meant for lewd.

>> No.18815599
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>> No.18815609
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>> No.18815638

I haven't messed with the shop building yet. Any tips for someone who hasn't touched it at all and is going in blind?

>> No.18815669


>Going in blind

If you say so, the only tips I can give is; good luck.

>> No.18815679

Well I don't know how up to date the info on the wiki is so while I am keeping that page open I am gonna have to figure out the tricks of it.

>> No.18815680

try to sell for 30k gold daily and keep bronze coins stock, most reliable source of BC is harvest time. Until your shop/shopkeerper are leveled enoug you'll get shit sales.waste art is great for training shopkeeper.

>> No.18816033

1. you need to get it asap; it is a huge income source and probably more money than dungeon diving.

2. start with a low-level pet with human slots. Use gene engineering to add negotiation. it's better to have a low-level pet since they train better (cheaper).

3. go dungeon dive and dump stuff in your shop. then rinse and repeat whenever you want money. it's not that hard. higher dungeons give more expensive equipment. make a mental note of what sells for big bucks (e.g. better materials; enchantments).

4. at the start you can use bronze coins for training, but when it becomes expensive, give the pet some crafted gems and take them to town for a training session.

5. look out for +Negotiation gear in your travels. you want your shopkeeper to be wearing a full set. +Charisma is also nice, but not as important since shops sell out pretty fast after a while anyway.

6. if you want to run a food shop, you can also fish with a mechanical lure right in the shop, then dump cooked fish on the floor.

7. also you can dismiss the shopkeeper, use a sandbagged monster to start Ragnarok, Meteor/slaughter all the monsters, then put the shopkeep back to the drops.

>> No.18816038

Golem predator is more unga than that. Learn marksman then get a shotgun and crit everything that walks up to you. And if they're too far, swap out and pew pew them with a laser pistol.

>> No.18816237

>mechanically intricate guns
>distance modifiers

sure you can go MA and shit for MINMAX META builds, but that can't UNGA BUNGA as hard as BIG STICK SMASH ATTACC OOGA BOOGA

>> No.18816794

Starting a new char after 6~ months of not playing, gimme suggestions.

>> No.18816798


No pets.
Shotgun only.
No bullets.

>> No.18816835

mandatory cigar.

>> No.18816911


Just to make it crystal clear.
You must use only shotguns in the hand slot and not have anything in the ammo slot. You need to swing it like a neanderthal until you become the dual-wielding shotgun legend you are destined to be.

>> No.18816981

this sounds wonderful

>> No.18817091

I heard that the sexy dance feat was the best way to farm music tickets at parties. But I can't even reach the required score to not fail the quest when using fascinating dance, while I succeed easily with performer/ensemble.

Is there something I'm missing?

>> No.18817101


Your character is ugly, nigga. That's probably why.

>> No.18817115

God just how ugly can you be?
Up your CHA, use gem buff.

>> No.18817290

I didn't realise it needed that much CHA to be usable, thanks for the clarification.

>> No.18817333

Sexy dance isn't good because it's better than ensemble, it's good because it's cheaper(SP costs) and faster. Party time events are threshold based, once you can do them you don't really get anything from overdoing them.

>> No.18817375

This really shocked me when I tried it for the first time some time ago. Every partygoer in sight was instantly satisfied and dancing only takes like 30 turns, the difference in speed was huge. At first other performance methods are fine, but once you've got a couple hundred CHA, dancing is the way to go

>> No.18817636

Ran into Siva at the void just now..
Why did they make me obliterate the same doggo twice? Can't I just pet him and let him go in his merry way?

>> No.18817700

Does it count as two-handing if you have an extra hand slot that's empty?

>> No.18817767

I saw Lulwy getting one of her slaves to appraise an item yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for free loot or anything. She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my questing, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came back to set up my rock store, I saw her trying to fly back to heaven with like fifteen artifacts in her hands without checking their quality. Her slave was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Master, those items may be doomed.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear him, but eventually turned back around and brought them to him. When he tried to take all of the artifacts at once, she stopped him and told him to pick each item up individually “to prevent any Ehekatl infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he checked each artifact and put them in a bag and started to say the quality, she kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.

>> No.18817824

Haven't been around for a year, maybe two. How are things? You guys doing well? I notice Elona+ is still being developed, that makes me happy.

>> No.18817828

Haven't been around for a year, maybe two. How are things? You guys doing well? I notice Elona+ is still being developed, that makes me happy.

>> No.18817953

Haven't been around for a year, maybe two. How are things? You guys doing well? I notice Elona+ is still being developed, that makes me happy.

>> No.18817970
File: 16 KB, 613x587, 1519598380231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, it told me my posts failed. Please don't laugh at me

>> No.18818002

You can just, you know, delete them?

>> No.18818010

That's for quitters

>> No.18818222
File: 598 KB, 1286x796, Does this work on pets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth equipping on a pet? I'd rather use my Hero's Cloak personally, or else I'll forget and get etherwin'd.

>> No.18818247
File: 678 KB, 850x464, k poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Someone used my OC on Elona Uploader to make more OCs.


>> No.18818259

Could you post your OC?

>> No.18818281
File: 4 KB, 32x192, up7553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's this one.


>> No.18818289
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>> No.18818451

Thank you.

>> No.18818854
File: 239 KB, 850x1494, exile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I use the magnum ammo on my shotty?

>> No.18818972

Change your ammo type with Shift + A. Also, go to the blacksmith to reload if you used it all.

>> No.18819026

Magnum ammo works with pistols only.

>> No.18819188

Did they changed it? The wiki says it shotguns and pistols could use it

>> No.18819472

Two-hand style works only when you have single weapon equipped in hand slots and nothing else. even if you are a shiva incaranate.

>> No.18819475

Probably stealth change, its been a while like that.

>> No.18819827
File: 76 KB, 1319x87, YAMEROOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made me obliterate the same doggo thrice..
What did Siva do to deserve this, anon?

>> No.18819954

Then how do you make shotgun viable then?

>> No.18820011
File: 9 KB, 135x44, mc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes i think that magic capacity is a bit too op. Picrelated with 164 skill level.

Magnum is not that powerful anyway. Shotgun is a pretty bad weapon in general, mostly useful for spamming zero point shot and destroying fat bosses with burst ammo.

>> No.18820050

Magic Capacity being strong is probably because of all the endgame enemies with MP draining attacks.
It'd be annoying as fuck dying to magic reaction all the time if Magic Capacity took forever to scale well.

>> No.18820098

I understand your point, however once you trained it to some level 30-50 it basically becomes the easiest skill to level in this game and soon after you can go into extreme negatives.

>> No.18820120

Being able to go into extreme negative MP isn't too much of an issue since you still have to sacrifice a fair amount of HP to cast.
You probably wouldn't want to go into the negatives during a trip to the void or an awakened dungeon.

>> No.18820240

Oh, i actually use it in the void to get high gauge for shift cores, at least until very low levels. Furthermore, althrough It may be risky, but you can exploit it with AP traits Brave+Obstinate to maintain high gauge and reasonably high damage bonus.

>> No.18820257

Apparently you can train Fire a Volley with custom AI. And yes, it still ignores gauge requirement. I wonder if it could make ranged squads more powerful than a bunch of MA blockheads.
Feels slightly exploity to me.

>> No.18820444
File: 541 KB, 1114x712, hitnrun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew about that skill earlier.

>> No.18820524


DUI is still a serious problem even if you are in the sticks.

>> No.18821542


I'm trying to sell Elona to my friends, whose dick do I have to suckle upon in order to get more of these elonathread cover?

>> No.18821642
File: 8 KB, 635x325, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of newbies, I think, misunderstand how the power curve works in Elona. Picture related is why you would want to avoid combat until fairly late.

>> No.18821781

The wiki state you can get the Cannibalism mutation with a random chance by eating human corpses.

Is this still legit?

>> No.18821813

One time she actually managed to escape after slowing me down and running though nearby window. Forced me to use a gun.
I think this curve is incorrect, around lv150 you'll get extremely powerful/annoying monsters. Either way, player's level is mostly unrelated to player's power, which is most apparent when encountering Divine Stream enemies.
Yes. You can also get it randomly, and its also considered a good mutation.

>> No.18821864

I think you shouldn't try to sell it to people and it's better that they search for and find it on their own, as people that try something out just on recommendation are more likely to drop it after a scant few hours but not before leaving a diarrhea dump in your thread

>> No.18821917

How do i make my melee pet actually do things when i have a party full of range attackers? Is teaching it Shadow Step the only way?

>> No.18821926


Sounds like it happened before. Maybe right after that Sseth fellow made his Elona review?

Still would like those dank covers, though.

>> No.18821931

That curve doesn't quite accurately represent Elona.
Maybe the Vanilla but not Elona+
Enemies mostly slowly rise in power from level "plateau's" and then they do a big ass difficulty spike once the next plateau is reached.

>> No.18822210

Shadow step is really good for melee pets. It's something you want them to have.

>> No.18822222

You can also teach ranged attack with custom ai, if you have whip/chainsickle equipped on PC. ranged penalty is terrible, though.

>> No.18822298

I guess i'll teach it and see how it goes.

I gave my pet the Holy Lance so i specifically wanted him to attack in melee

>> No.18822325

How do I TEACH them shadowstep? AP trainer?

>> No.18822336


Yes. Tactical attack.
Or you can teach it yourself with the custom AI.

>> No.18822344
File: 3 KB, 48x96, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this image in OP so I cropped it. I don't remember seeing it in the various mod packs linked in the pastebin

>> No.18822408

Too dumb to use the AI, but thanks.

Do you know if proximity assist weapon works for pets? Actually, what does it even do?

>> No.18822422


"It provides a proximity assist weapon. - Rank 99, ranged, feet, hand (Elona+ attribute only.)
Causes a 2-turn defense penalty to the opponent. Damage is based on normal attack damage, tactics skill, and enchantment strength that ignores PV."

May or may not still be relevant.

>> No.18822425

Distant attack secial action uses melee attack at range. You can also throw this weapon if you only need it for proc.

>> No.18822434

Provides an extra attack and adds a small debuff to enemy. Only has a chance to fire, not guaranteed. It works for pets too.
"It it provides an interlocking shooting mechanism" is similar, I think it's a range variant.

>> No.18822447

OH, neat, thanks. I'll keep it on a Melee pet then, thanks. That's really useful.

>> No.18822667

Proximity assist is an invoke that deals an extra hit, and triggers on melee hits, while interlocking shooting mechanism is the same but triggers on ranged attacks. It's free damage+debuff, very useful. Can even be added to certain gear types with Garok's Hammer. So for a melee unit you want prox assist, and if you have an archer in your party, you want to give them e.g. boots/cloak with a shooting mechanism. The flavor text suggests that every few shots they somehow also fire their boots at the enemy

>> No.18822717

That's pretty cool, thanks. I use my hero's cloak so its kinda worthless on me.

>> No.18822747
File: 12 KB, 175x34, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get such a huge surplus of cure corruption later on, and avoiding etherwind is so easy. You might want to reconsider later.
Great, isn't it? My girl was still healing a decent amount of HP even with this far into the negatives.Only fear of repeat failed castings stops me going lower.

>> No.18822773

>avoiding etherwind
actually not the best idea, if you have surplus of cure corruption pots you may as well hunt for {godlies{ during etherwind.

>> No.18822830

I didn't even know that was an option. Is that just for ambushes in the overworld or do they appear in dungeons too?

>> No.18822855

Ambushes and probably random spawns when you stay in field tiles.

>> No.18822873

Wait, what? How are etherwinds beneficial?

>> No.18822882

During etherwind affected mobs spawn 'empowered', sometimes with godly artifacts.

>> No.18822895

Really? That's super cool, I had no idea. Should I just stay in a field tile then with my fetters of earth?

>> No.18822915

The opposite - travel a lot, get as many ambushes as you can allow with your cure corruption pot stock.
Clearing high level nefias may still be more effective, though. And you dont need to care about ether disease.

>> No.18822959
File: 19 KB, 365x21, HAHAperfect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I don't think I can roll something better than that.

>> No.18823049

Mandatory dwarf?

>> No.18823108

Of course.
Speaking of races, how important is starting race? Is it possible to play however you want regardless of what you picked in the beginning, or is it unreasonably hard and requires too much grinding?
Of course snails, fairies and liches are a different matter, I talking about more "vanilla" races.

>> No.18823125

I don't have a crazy amount of cure corruptions, so I guess I'll pass. Thanks though.

>> No.18823127

Only elea, fairy, snail and mutant have some kind of gameplay difference.

>> No.18823133

The best race in the game is Elea, no way around it. Everything else is sub-optimal. You -have- to go Elea for minmax.

>> No.18823135

I don't remember elea being that different from everyone else.

>> No.18823144


Depends on how autistic you are, really.
Starting race mostly matter little as attributes can be trained all the same. The bonuses most races provide can give some of them an edge in one field than the other.

The only ones that provide a huge playthrough differences would be snail, mutant, and fairy.

>> No.18823151

Snail = Sucks
Mutant = Gross
Fairy = Meme

>> No.18823157

'less damage from -magic reaction' bonus is often overlooked but is crazy powerful if used correctly
builtin vindale cloak makes it much easier to farm godlues during etherwind(add a couple of back slots for fun)

Other races, even golem, only add minor gameplay possibilities, and only golem race gives anything of worth on longer playthrough(and higher INI, annoying for midgame)

>> No.18823187

Yeah but then you have to live with the fact that you're playing a pansy elf.

>> No.18823202

Elves are the protectors of the world, every other race is just a parasite at best.

>> No.18823211

>calling best boy Gavela a parasite
delet this immediately

>> No.18823217
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It'll just mean you'll reach the non-lethal overcasting limit sooner. Plus, by the time you are ready to farm godlies in etherwind, you'd most likely already procure enough PCC to cure Pael's mom twenty times over. So in the end, you are just better at some things... at the price of being a bitch-ass elf.

>> No.18823243

>It'll just mean you'll reach the non-lethal overcasting limit sooner.
No it means onehit-kill action that drains MP is usable more often.
You can reach near-immunity with 2 vindale cloak, certain best panties and elea passive., afaik. Getting ether disease sucks if you maintain 'good ones'

>> No.18823284

>you are just better at some things.
Well, that is the whole point of race feats.
Too bad that most of these feats are too easy to replicate with gear (especially artifact fusion), AP or just some extra bit of time/patience. Elea's feats are one of the most interesting ones just because stacking ether resist isn't that easy, and trying to get/fuse magic capacity bonuses on all your gear feels a bit silly.
Just like classes, most races only have a big impact in your first few hours into the game. AP alone changes everything for everyone, including your pets.

>> No.18823292

Lomias is that you again? I'm calling the guards

>> No.18823311

Cant believe that the only elea you remember is a jerk that fed you cursed hobo corpse. Dem petty grudges.

>> No.18823381


I mean, that's the point I made some posts above, though.

>The bonuses most races provide can give some of them an edge in one field than the other.

But yeah, most races don't provide much of a unique bonuses. And Elea's can still be emulated with equips/high enough skills as well as rendered worthless simply by chugging a potion. Silly yes, but It's doable with enough patience.
I'll concede that being able to keep a beneficial ether disease (like the rain) for a longer period of time before another ether disease kicks in, is a neat benefit though.

Still doesn't beat the shame of being an elf, though.

>> No.18823430

>Still doesn't beat the shame of being an elf, though
Try to farm a Secret Treasure of Saint with a terrible luck (not just the stat) and any kind of shame you had before will be overridden by that little secret murder counter on your journal.
You will have some good laughs with the Lomias counter, though.

>> No.18823443

I can’t get away from golems.
Dimmunity, hefty life, low speed INI. Especially since all my favorite pets tend to be low life Catsisters, so I can give them my life items/gear for a long time and not worry.

I always forget how much I hate Dim until I play another race.

>> No.18823444

Fun fact: If Gwen is your pet, every time she dies and is resurrected while traveling with you, the counter also increases. I never harmed a hair on the real Gwen's head but my journal is full of deaths.

>> No.18823465


Can't find this counter. Kind of want to see how many times I have brutalised Lomias's smug-ass.

>> No.18823476

Settings > Game Settings > Record: setShow Max.

>> No.18823478

If you go in options you there is an option for showing more info in the journal, show record=>max

>> No.18823480

You have to enable extended journal in options first, then look in the journal.
I forget where the option is, exactly.

>> No.18823542
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Huh, would you look at that? Pretty sure I killed him more than Gwen. Maybe that was Larnneire.

>> No.18823552
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>> No.18823604

Now show how many times you prostituted.

>> No.18823628
File: 19 KB, 199x91, youngeryears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Younger sisters

Is that the number of time I absolute pierced my little girl?

>> No.18823652
File: 236 KB, 691x625, c93717e822e6a53903cdc6d48c94b53049dbf600f6bbaa3b68502fbf334654d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Times married: 16

>> No.18823700


>all 3 forms of Gwen
>little girl
>3 bells
>1 cutie bacteria GF
>an electric tank
>a spiral king
>1 master thief
>1 thief guildmember
>1 minotaur king
>1 chess piece
>a goose
>a prostitute

My dick has been to places.

>> No.18823723

>electric tank
>chess piece
>3 bells
do you use prosthesis now?

>> No.18823770

Guys, so you can summon a god and possibly kill it, then kill its more powerful form.
But is it possible to make them your pets?

>> No.18823777

wiki astral light pen.
short answer: yes, everyone is your pet, they just dont know it yet.

>> No.18823784

aside from guards, because duty.

>> No.18823786

Astral Light Pen, but check the wiki for what that does to god races.

>> No.18823806

Should've guessed there's something like that. Oh well, I still have a lot of grinding to get that.

>> No.18823817
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I've played a couple characters but never got super far in this game (did a bunch of quests, owned some buildings)

Basically what I'm looking for is a different starting progression. I've been most successful starting as a farmer and doing courier and farming quests early. I also usually do the bomb your own tutorial guys thing. Are there other just as viable starting activities? Could I get a teeny tiny guide to follow? Thanks my dudes

>> No.18823832


Battered and bruised but still fully erect for the challenge.

>> No.18823865

I'm running out of children to prostitute off to the paedophile lady at Arcbelc. What do when I finally ran out of children?

How do I replenish the supply of children in game world?

>> No.18823887

You can't.

>> No.18823889

Golem warrior and early dungeon diving is one of the answers.
Rely on pets, become pet herder, look at them overtaking you at everything by an order of magnitude.
Focus on getting shop early. If you find mechanical lure, buy most expensive bait and fish/cook fishes in your shop, add water tile via design menu.
Overlevel before going into dungeon for cakewalks.
Always save all little sisters and dont spend reward from the quest until you get kumiromi statue. Copy statues until you get something like a dozen.

Recently i found out that riding is fun. Riding is love, riding is life. Get a mount that can use hyper dash or dump skillpoints to get 80 riding and hyper dash. Then just run over everyone who dares to stand in the way.

You cant. Ether disease made population infertile.

>> No.18823967
File: 613 KB, 1282x724, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief. I forgot how magical floor 200ish of the void is when you first arrive. Went from AP here and there to almost every enemy giving AP and enemies giving me between 6 to 10 million exp. I love this place.

Graph is similar to my experience so far. Probably have Nefia/normal dungeons start a bit higher on power level than me but yeah pretty similar. PC will definitely overtake Nefia power level eventually because the enemies don't scale.I can see how that graph can change wildly depending on how you play the game and what you focus on though.

>> No.18824001
File: 56 KB, 704x396, __naganohara_mio_nichijou__400cbbc55e982bed67c5ba4c5db0d041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those sick, shit slurping son of a slimy snail. This game gives me more and more reason to kill Lomias with each passing day.

>> No.18824010

>Ether disease made population infertile.
Canonically wrong. When you're in a city shelter they mention how half of their pregnancies probably begin there.

>> No.18824044

factual evidence tells us the opposite.
thats probably just a silly innuendo talk about how town inhabitants cant find anything better to do.

>> No.18824061

>factual evidence
Like how you can have children yourself as an heir?

>> No.18824104

Actually this part is interesting. You can make a gene but it actually have zero relationship with you or your better half, aside from inheritance.
Your heir even travels back in time and takes your position.
I can only imagine it to be something like a rebirth story, where you need other living being to traverse the river of time with a pile of garbage you owned in your life.

>> No.18824134

I think it fits right in with the “marry whatever you want” aspect of Elona.
Basically, genetics don’t real in Irva.

>> No.18824196

where is this pedophile lady you speak of?

>> No.18824215
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Should I just improve the quality until 15 or should I slap in something else?

Both of these lightsabers are 237.8s.

>> No.18824221


>> No.18824389

What race?

>> No.18824433

+darkness res
you may as well throw them away

>> No.18824451


>not knowing lightsabers has innate darkness resist.

>> No.18824453

Since you're far in as you are commit to improving whatever it is you're focusing on. If strength/weight lifting allows, further increasing weapon weight should still keep increasing crit damage.


>> No.18824467

Never noticed, i'm properly using spears on mutant,
Either way, useless weapon, can only use in thrown slot or smth..

>> No.18824487

What's special about eulderna?

>> No.18824488


I thought the upper weight limit for max crits is 200s, or is the information over at wiki outdated at the moment?

>> No.18824547

That's what I used to do until I discovered priest. Priests can start with 22 Faith, which is enough to get Yacatect's goose right away using the slave trader jewelry trick, giving you a relatively strong pet as well as free platinum early on. At level 2 you can already reliably clear party times, turning Palmia into your main quest hub like Yowyn is for farmers. You only need 3 more Faith to get Yacatect's gemstone, easily doable by the end of the first month so you can use it again when the month rolls over. Once you get Unknown Shell, it's only 3 more Faith until Kaneituuhou, giving you a total of +22 Investing, which means you can start investing in magic shops and get potions of potential way earlier.

Also a chicken ranch, junk make for Ehekatl, pickpocket vegetables for Kumiromi = basically unlimited picnic baskets by the third month, allowing you to conserve potions of potential until you build up a stockpile so you're not at the mercy of RNG. The dagger and bow you get from nuking your cave isn't worth the time and money. You only do it because Lomias deserves to get nuked.

>> No.18824575

Nothing is special about Eulderna except that due to the starting skills of the race and attribute spread they make good fighter/mage hybrids. They also have baseline 100 life and mana making them pretty balanced. They do start off with a bit of magic resist but I wouldn't say that's anything to write home about. They're a pretty average/normal race but that perhaps is what makes Eulderna so strong. Eulderna is so normal that it has no weaknesses and having no weaknesses is one of the reasons why I picked Eulderna. That and the hybrid style fits my playstyle well.

Last character I think I had my lightsaber weigh in at around 420s. I kept track of the damage I was doing and found that my crit damage was still increasing all the way up to 420s. I think another anon did some testing and crit damage keeps increasing however past a certain point you get diminishing returns. I personally stopped around 420s but I think the number anon threw up was around 350ish for when diminishing returns began.

>> No.18824604

iirc weapon weight needed for max damage is something like 160s+1/2 of the sum of your and enemy total equipment weight

>> No.18824623

actually dont exactly remember how enemy weight plays, too lazy to look up the actual formula

>> No.18824706

Actually i need this value now so i looked it up.
>it uses the same dice roll as non-crit attacks
damage = rolemax(dice1, dice2, dmgfix)
>active weapon weight modifier
atkomosa = 0
>using martial arts
atkomosa = martial arts * 400
>using ammo
atkomosa = weight_ammo* 2
>else, weapon/thrown
atkomosa = weight_current weapon* 2
>target has non-light armor
dmgmulti = dmgmulti * (sqrt(limit(atkomosa - target's armor weight, 1, 360000)) / 3 + 100) / 100
>light armor target
dmgmulti = dmgmulti * (sqrt(limit(atkomosa, 1, 360000)) / 3 + 100) / 100

Have fun with math.

>> No.18824724

Anyone know how the speed equation for having pets ride you works? I imagine Riding and Strength plays a role, but not sure how exactly.

>> No.18824741

For shops do I need to lay out all items seperately or can I just pile everything in one area?

>> No.18824746

posted data in previous or the one before that thread.
sum of your riding+strength determines your maximum speed for PC, pet's and half of your riding skill determines pet's speed, for details lurk archive.

>> No.18824754

pile anywhere but on red squares.

>> No.18824793

I recently got my first living weapon very early into the game and i have a few questions.
Is stacking every flavor of elemental damage a bad call? I only took elemental damage upgrades as it looked like the most straightforward thing.
If so what do you generally wanna go for for a 2h melee weapon?
What are the best ways of getting more living weapons?

>> No.18824813

What's the story or lore behind the eulderna?

>> No.18824834

368s to get max crits vs inner gods, around 200-230 for everything else
stack magic or lightning for long run, or nether for great lifesteal and inferior damage
best way is to check upgraded black market vendors and adventurers.

>> No.18824840

how difficult is it to fully limb a Tyrannosaurus? can they receive limbs from any monster except humans? or do you need specific monsters to be able to receive limbs

>> No.18824868
File: 34 KB, 511x535, not a goose anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, fellow goose lovers. I was working on a replacement sprite to celebrate my goose's evolution, but my dick assumed direct control of my brain

>> No.18824888

Their race has been around a long time and they are asshole elitists with big egos.
Read the in-game description anon.
ugh thicker

>> No.18824893

Against normal enemies a rainbow living weapon(multi elemental living weapon) can get around certain resists and exploit weaknesses. So maybe I can see a case for regular enemies. However a rainbow living weapon may have difficulties if you run into an enemy with uniform decent resists across the board. Such as the enemies in the void. Eventually all void enemies have Superb and upwards in all resists except magic which magic is just Normal. So against void enemies creating a living weapon that focuses mainly on just magic would be good. If you're willing to play around with element scar, that dragon debuff whose name isn't coming to mind at the moment, wet, and focus on one element like ice for example maybe that can work too. Definitely want to focus on one element so that it can puncture through resists.

Personally I'm a fan of focusing on making a very heavy lightsaber, 420s in my case, and loading it to the brim with magic damage. Another anon was talking about vorpal and if you can get it on your other gear then I think that would be ideal as vorpal will really help milk that damage. As for mass production of living weapons crafting lightsabers is your best bet. Just keep hoarding and saving up stardust.

Sure let me look up something first.

>> No.18824927
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>Not a loli

>> No.18824942

Megid Flame.

>> No.18825055
File: 4 KB, 204x208, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18825069

From what I understand the Eulderna is a magocracy where the strongest magic users rule. Their nation is very high fantasy like with magic powering their cities and airships. From an early age every boy and girl is taught at least some amount of magic but not everyone ends up being some sort of archmage. Others go into other professions but all have at least some sort of magic to help them. Eulderna are a very proud people that seek perfection in everything they do. This drive to be the best has made them into a very powerful nation that have pioneered many discoveries. They were the first to actually begin exploring the Nefia and documenting their findings for other nations to consult.

The Eulderna is one of the two major super powers in the world. The other being the Yerles. The Eulderna and the Yerles do not get along. In fact these nations have gone to war on multiple occasions and at least one war became a world war that brought other nations such as the Juere into the mix. For now the Eulderna and Yerles are in a cold war but tensions run deep between the two.

As I said the Eulderna nation is a super power but problems within the nation are becoming more apparent. There is definitely a pride problem with the Eulderna that is becoming exploitable to the agents of chaos. Also their nation has become very decadent and spending is out of control from what townspeople in Elona say.

Yeah that's the one.

>> No.18825077

Can I suppress an opponents super regen?

>> No.18825103

Doesn't inflicting an ailment suppress regeneration, or is that just for natural regen?

>> No.18825130
File: 23 KB, 187x210, snaggletooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can...Can I hire you?
For...More sprites?

>> No.18825132

It could be found on the author's pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=39581903

>> No.18825147

Just detail what you'd like and I'll make it when I get around to it, I charge exactly $0,00

>> No.18825156
File: 743 KB, 1384x1496, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a clever man, but if I could turn Elona into loliopolis, I'd be happy.

>> No.18825175

I ended up beating it; I remembered to use mist of frailness. I'm not sure if it stopped the regeneration or let me do enough damage to ignore it, I forgot to check.

>> No.18825206

If you just want more lolis in general you can simply look through the downloadable folders full of sprites in the pastebin (chinese pack, tieba pack) at your leisure, and copy over sprites that you like to the spritesheet which the game uses for every in-game NPC (character.bmp in the main graphic folder). Give it a shot. If you don't know how to do something just ask in here. There's over 26,000 files to pick from in the Tieba pack alone.

>> No.18825212

Really? I didn't even think of that. But then it'll lose that custom touch. But, thanks, I'll try.

>> No.18825229

iirc element scar disables super regen

>> No.18825237

It doesn't, only the natural regen that comes with the healing skill.

>> No.18825311


>> No.18825392

Thanks for the help I will keep adding all of the elements as I am only level 30 still in act 1 and from what i have tested the rainbow bardiche I got seems to be better than my old +15 adamantium claymore I was using previously.

>> No.18825504

What's the best graphics pack? Gimme gimme

>> No.18825518

Less autistic comment. I see elona+ beautify for 1.75. Will this explode my 1.76fix custom install? Are there any better packs?

>> No.18825532

The worst it can do is make sprites and tiles added in 1.76 look like solid squares. You can manually merge vanilla and beautify spritesheets to update them, though the new elements may clash with the beautify style.

>> No.18825537

beautify should work fine, there's only a few missing sprites on the character and item sheets that you can copy+paste from the vanilla 1.76 spritesheet.
I personally use a modified version of beautify since I dislike the new portraits and some of the NPC sprites.

>> No.18825541

Everybody makes their own sheets and UI to personal taste, ain't really any ''go-to'' pack but you could use/edit somebody else's.

>> No.18825617

Is there any faster way to get wood pieces/chips than entering and leaving a map space? I'm trying to gather up some for the backlog of salt solutions I have.

>> No.18825822

Megid Flame might remove it, but it won’t stop them from reapplying it.

>> No.18825880

Ofuda's should work too, but I've never gotten or at least used a chance to try them.

>> No.18826107

>slave trader jewelry trick
Whats this? Never heard of it.

>> No.18826113

Nice, someone tried it.
Is it as powerful as it is on paper ?
Also, obviously go for that sweet +71 !

>> No.18826115

Yeah, I concur, wot?

>> No.18826126

Probably just getting slaves, stripping them of their valuables, then selling them at a small loss for a lot of loot.
There's probably a specific slave with an higher chance of getting lots of rings, maybe rogues ?

>> No.18826132

Dang, that sounds scummy.

>> No.18826136

Thats what I figured, and I wonder why it never occured to me to do that.

>> No.18826160

Elea mages always have rings and amulets.
Yerles machine infantry always have guns.
Mercenary archers always have bows.

after you've stripped them of their stuff, feel free to push them into the gene machine for gene engineering practice.

>> No.18826205
File: 221 KB, 1024x1024, 1522601358140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this strong urge to play again. Unfortunately I've become a normie and can't devote the time. Is there any way at all to get this running on an android tablet? Maybe through a weird series of emulators all chained together?
I'm so sorry for bringing this darkness here. I'm so ashamed.

>> No.18826212

Play what.

>> No.18826219

Every now and then I devote a month or so to slaying the inner gods. The time has come again.

>> No.18826229

On an android tablet? As far as i'm aware, impossible, but i never tried to check it.

>> No.18826230

It's just a java program right? Then I'd need a virtual keyboard?

>> No.18826231

if all else fails, you could always try leaving your computer on 24/7 and connecting to it from your mobile device via teamviewer

no idea if it will actually work well since I've never tried it before, though

>> No.18826239

That's creative, I might give that a try. It would be really finicky but I don't see anything bad resulting from that.

>> No.18826252

I've seen a NetHack port, which is written in C, so maybe(?). It's Linux so there should be a way, no idea how hard, though.

>> No.18826448

buy the cheapest second-hand netbook with windows xp and get usb numpad.

>> No.18826452
File: 126 KB, 1280x960, 1518407091570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just wouldn't work. I'd mostly be able to play on the subway. I'm on the subway a lot. I bought this tablet because I can just yank it out and it's already working in 3 seconds regardless of how crowded the train is.
God I just want to play video games.

>> No.18826476

some chinese developing elona-like android/ios game, try your luck.
all i can say that playing elona without numpad alone is a pain in the ass, so not having even a basic keyboard will just kill all the joy.

>> No.18826488

I've killed the inner gods without a numpad. I never touch the thing for whatever reason. I like to play very slow and comfy. It's the journey you know?

Can you tell me about this chinese elona-like? Even if the tablet thing doesn't end up working out I'd like to know.

>> No.18826498

i've seen a link on Noa's blog, try googling elona thread that talks about chinese and steel sheets

>> No.18826520

You're talking about this right?

>> No.18826532


>> No.18826554

Thanks anons. I couldn't find it.

>> No.18826570

well maybe guys on #elona irc (rizon.net) could help. i doubt, though

>> No.18826636

cant you, just, you know, buy windows tablet instead if you want to use windows apps?

>> No.18826642

I didn't even know that was a thing, thanks.

I bought the Amazon Fire 8 because it was the cheapest one possible since I literally just needed something to study with on the train. So now I'm in this situation.

>> No.18826657

>Amazon Fire 8
Impossible things are impossible.
just look for mobile roguelikes, there is a metric shitton of those.

>> No.18826724

Create an exo skeleton to carry your PC on your back and the screen infront of you?

>> No.18826850

Why 420? the 'heaviest' enemies are inner gods and they only have ~380s heavy weapons. all you need is (380+360)/2 for max possible damage vs anyone in this game.

>> No.18826872

Guys, is there any melee special action that forces guaranteed crits, aside from charged attack?

>> No.18826932

What are the best weapons to dual wield material-wise?

>> No.18826957

adamantium with flying scrolls. ether have slightly more damage but sped up ether disease progression is annoying.

>> No.18826972

Thanks, mate.

>> No.18827124
File: 167 KB, 673x529, Nanu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rabbit farm produced a gold bell. I am going to keep this one.

>> No.18827462
File: 5 KB, 601x53, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't tell, really. It's given to my bell who either pops everything like a zit or deals 4-8 turns of continuous attacks as it no-sell everything the enemy throw. Which usually produce pages after pages of registered hits.

But, she's strong enough to obliterate Amurdad and other lesser gods now so I am happy as a clam with that. Even got myself a mug. Now I can drink the toilets I robbed like civilised people.

>> No.18827493
File: 34 KB, 620x422, story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sinaha stole Ehekatl's cups and spread them around the world so adventurers could drink out of toilets with them
I want to worship the goddess of misfortune

>> No.18827502


What's the source on that?
I'd like to read up on deepest lore.

>> No.18827523

There's threads like this scattered around but if you want the main course you shoulda ctrl+f ''lore'' in the pastebin to find http://elonagather.wiki.fc2.com/

The main story synopsis is also a must read

>> No.18827569

It means something used fascination dance and paralyzed something else for a short while, grass dancers and a couple others like to do this. You can do it too with both bewitch and sexy dance

>> No.18827670

zero shoot.

>> No.18827911

What's the best monster to breed first? First time playing, wished for a ranch, but didn't realise I have nothing to catch and breed.
As far as I gathered, putit corpses increase Charisma. Is there any other relariveely low-level monsters who are profitable to breed? Maybe they drop some rare loot or something.

>> No.18827934
File: 30 KB, 632x357, reallynow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I need to increase my Literacy first.

>> No.18827959


Hermit crabs can drop precious artifacts.
Rabbit can drop their tail which improves luck.
Horses are easy to get at yowyn and train constitution.

>> No.18828044

>zero shoot
i thought it was obvious it was for melee weapon crit, not 'melee range'

>> No.18828120

New >>18828114

>> No.18828514

that's not a bell, that's a weird, gross creature
