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18756324 No.18756324 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.76fix (3/2/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.76fix.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.18756327


Cool, that sounds good to me. Thanks man.

>> No.18756351

Thanks for the OP, truly beautiful.

>> No.18757152

>Actually, maybe we need a paste with simplified how-to for custom ai, hmm.
I considered working on something like that (trying to figure out Extender at the moment), but I noticed that everyone here have different ways of handling the command lines, so I'm not sure "how" should I make this guide.

>> No.18757272

I thought something along the lines of:

Proven samples of basic behavior patters(how to approach for melee/range, how to set up learning patter, examples of pet arena training sets.
Basic logic - how to chain spacts/debuffs and basic attacks, examples AI for specific basic roles (for example melee damage dealer, melee ball spammer, ranged pet, arrow mage, aggro tank, mount, support/debuff pet, some fancy slutvamp as a bonus)

Preference for actions/buffs for specific roles.

Basic tips and tricks, like
-all ai rules will work even if pet will lose learning stat after you set up it's ai
-give pet knowledge scroll and use it on yourself to set up rules if learning is too low
-use potions of hero/concentration/gem if pet's stats too low to start learning specific spact.
-gauge requirement for action usage (like fire a volley, time stop, etc) is ignored, so you can use them even at 0 gauge
-dont use swarm with uncontroll state
-do something harmless when brainwashed (actually can you make buff pet heal brainwash by kissing eachother? never tried such setup)

>> No.18757347

Does it give more speed than Lulwy's trick?
Can they be stacked?

>> No.18757354

I humbly request the barest of sources on those 2 finely sculptured red and pink figurines.

>> No.18757360

Both Houtengeki, check booru

>> No.18757397

Speed is capped at 800, can be stacked with lulwy's trick(capped at 550 speed if your base speed is 2k). You can also use boost(125), uncontroll(by 1/6 of the sum LRN+WIL+DEX), gravity accel (300 when overstacked), space retention (% of base speed)

>> No.18757411

So 2775 speed in buffs the as average stacking max?

>> No.18757426

Lost Irva feels unfinished as heck. Wasn't it added forever ago? Did the dev focus on autistic stuff instead of giving us story and stuff to kill?

>> No.18757444

Nah realistically you wont have time to spam space retention/gravity accel. Black angel got the highest 2475 potential speed boost
Capped out swimming can add 1k or something too.

>Focusing on autistic stuff
Dude, dont go full retard on us.

>> No.18757486

i finally got around to making a putit farm and I'm finally gettin some nice + meats, are those any better for charisma growth or are they better off sold at my shop?

>> No.18757495

make putitoros or sell cooked meat, use those money to invest in shops for charisma training.invest while under putitoro's exp boost effect.

>> No.18757504 [DELETED] 


>> No.18757521

Then on the cooking topic what sorta cooking level do i need to be-able to reliably get better than roast meat for + ingredients?

>> No.18757549

Rather than higher quality dishes you'd want extra dishes at lv100 and 200 cooking. You can get this with single lv15 living weapon and kumiromi scythe.

>> No.18757644

If you haven't killed all the chaos fort bosses, all the god servants like Amurdad, the gods themselves, and claimed dominance over the void or awakened dungeons you shouldn't be complaining about lack of stuff to kill. Get to work anon.

>> No.18757877
File: 29 KB, 457x403, questioning japanese goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with love potions? I made aphrodisiac food and the only ones that seems to want to eat it are pets that are already easy to gain affection for; regular NPCs refuse it.
I tried throwing it at someone and it did give a message about love, but it turned me hostile against the NPC so I couldn't interact with it until I left the map and returned. When I came back there was no change in the affection points. Also if I throw two at someone they tend to die from the second one.
Why is love so complicated?

>> No.18757952

>I throw two at someone they tend to die from the second one.
They get mad at you throwing bottles at them and pets kill them, because hostile.
Dont be a dick, give them proper gifts,

>> No.18758031

>aphrodisiac food and the only ones that seems to want to eat it are pets that are already easy to gain affection for
I think I heard someone saying that it have some effect on ranch pets (or maybe it was sleep sharing pets?), and apparently it improves the price of food items when sold on your shop (including jerky).

>> No.18758050

I'm just a bit afraid of making a pure "this is how I do it" guide, being creative is half of the fun after all. I will try mix some ideas from other anons like you and work on a basic guide after a few extra tests.

>> No.18758122

Mechanics is explained in Anna's blog already, but i still see very basic questions of "how do i shoot the web" kind very often. I think its important to introduce at least few basic blocks of the ai script building, with comments for each command "what it does; why it should it be in that sequence, why is it necessary"

Honestly i'd do it myself, but there is an ESL issue present.

>> No.18758179

Oh interesting. I'll give this a try. Thanks

>> No.18758334

If i kill adventurer with precious weapon, will it become a guaranteed drop?

>> No.18758488

yes (useful if you want to savescum blackcat bonuses or something)

>> No.18758582
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>You like to tinker with machines
Totally not harem.

Probably have to find some other sprites for female droids. And 5 god hearts(lol)

>> No.18758668

How difficult is it to rename your character? Is there some way to do it ingame or do you have to edit files?

>> No.18758704

Use the "i"nteract command on yourself.

>> No.18758709


>> No.18760066

Isn't this Dupli-Cane ability really overpowered?

>> No.18760187

Should I buy a second farm? My first one is always filled up, because I like food for cooking and selling.

>> No.18760209


You may only duplicane shooty spells though.

>> No.18760213

Oh, that's better then.

>> No.18760224


There's no limit to buildings, IIRC. Buy all of them. Fill the map with just farm. Fuck the tax. Don't pay them.

>> No.18760235

Sorry, I like being a good guy, and I'm saving up for one of those 1.2 million tax certificates anyways...Thanks though. I'll probably get a second farm though.

>> No.18760711

if I had the time I wouldn't mind discussing the limitations of the AI system and some small best-practice things.

>> No.18760751

fuck the taxes they're trying to hurt the profits from my gem farm

>> No.18760845

I haven't played a single second of Elona but I always come for the comedy gold OPs.

>> No.18760892
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I can't into replying to archived thread.
Anyway, yeah. I just tested that out and I just found out that you can hand your pet the whip to let it whip you good.

OP's shit is always great. It's like the front cover of a really good magazine. Time to collect them.

>> No.18760898
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Oh, so that's how.

>> No.18760909

Does anyone know which month i have to train my living weapon in to get Nether damage? the wiki doesn't have any information for the newest versions

>> No.18760911

it's not a specific month(goes in order iirc), but you can always change the list by upgrading it via stardust/blacksmith

>> No.18760948

Oh well then, thanks

>> No.18760957


Don't let the government take a piece of your cake, mate. It's all yours. Tell the North Tyris government to fuck go itself. Make your own trade by setting your own shops, your own farms, and hire your own shopkeepers. Kill guards and help the citizens of Nefia as its rogue saviour.

Always remember; North Tyris is in the sticks because the ruling classes do nothing but party, gamble, and kill one another in drunken brawl. And they all must pay dearly for ruining your sweet, innocent Gwen.

>> No.18761058

Has anybody drawn their own portraits for the pets they really like?
I feel autistic doing it, but it's fun.

>> No.18761074
File: 10 KB, 1285x14, Reforming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the game doesn't want you to eat little sisters, what are they so delicious, then?

>> No.18761124

well it feels like there's no content for PCs of lv60-100. Southern Tyris had 3 early dungeons, lower Remido wasn't a death trap like chaos cradle, and there was a variety of quests like roach king or the shitfest for kumiromi statue
Here I get sent to kill a dragon who is nearly as hard as Siva and there's little else to do beside mindless grind

>> No.18761143

>beside mindless grind
I'm confused, you say that like it isn't the point of the game.

>> No.18761296

Did you kill the dog and the dragon? No, then why the hell not. Get out there and train some more until you can. If yes go on and kill something more grand. Fucking adventurers need some dipshit NPC to tell them where to go and what to kill because they can't make their own "quests". What the fuck are they teaching adventurers now a days?

>> No.18761330
File: 119 KB, 432x339, Adventuring101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't fault me!

>> No.18761350

Hate to break it to you but you've been grinding since you started your character. The quests only acted as benchmarks to see how far you've come.

>> No.18761383

Yeah, that's what I am saying
There's not enough benchmarks. Ano just dropped a bunch of lv250 gods and TWO dungeons into the continent and called it a day. Two dungeons, I don't get why everyone got so defensive about the fact that act3 has no fucking content

>> No.18761385

Back in my day we didn't have some fancy school. Our teacher was failure and stat loss. Also spells were either dogshit or completely misunderstood leading to nobody using spells. I had my home in Noyel and I had to hike through snow, uphill, both ways, to get to the fighters guild in Port Kapul to get paid, and then to return home.

>> No.18761399

Act 3 isn't done plain and simple. Also it couldn't hurt for you to actually take it upon yourself to create benchmarks for yourself. This is a sandbox game afterall.

>> No.18761406
File: 13 KB, 48x95, DE6E11D4-7392-4B3C-9102-0151AD71800E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really want a pet kikkas pythonidae pet but i've only ever seen one in the pet arena. what level dungeons spawn level 46 monsters?

>> No.18761415


Level 46.

>> No.18761424


Just kidding. The approximate level is usually reserved for the lord of the dungeon. You'll see that snekdude somewhere between 55 to 80.
Even more. Until it gets replaced by its whiter cousin.

>> No.18761425

is this true? the wiki says this:
"This gives you a rough idea of what monsters you will face while in the dungeon, however only the end boss has a level near high danger levels. Example: A level 180 dungeon will have a boss around that level, but you should be able to navigate through it without a problem if you can take on level 50+ monsters."
which led me to believe that the monster level and dungeon level aren't 1:1 but i know the wiki's outdated on a lot of stuff so i was just making sure.

>> No.18761432

okay, thanks!

>> No.18761500

Yeah, but to minimize work/time spent instead of from scratch I prefer heavily edited cutouts from art searched under ''original'' category (to prevent it being recognizable from some franchise). I then edit their sprites to fit the portrait and also try to make it so that when tagged the two look good together (usually involved moving it horizontally and redrawing the limbs). It depends on how difficult the character type is to find whether it's wise to start with the sprite or portrait first

>> No.18762209

>but you should be able to navigate through it without a problem if you can take on level 50+ monsters."

This is for vanilla. The highest level monster was level 65 and the second and third were level 50.

>> No.18762326

Do people use PCCs for their pets or do they prefer sprites

>> No.18762337

But what if I want to join the nobility? I'd love to ruin the lives of some worthless stick farmers.

>> No.18762341

I prefer sprites, PCCs are too much work to edit for every single pet and because of how pet movement works their PCC animation looks weird (they zip around, looks bad compared to player character)

>> No.18762356

Anyonne have a good Goda sprite

>> No.18762385
File: 165 KB, 1440x868, 18-04-05 15_19_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is it? Btw, is there a way to make equipment with terrible curses less terrible by removing them somehow? Like "Disrupts growth" and such.

>> No.18762396

Disrupts growth is not that terrible, unlike 'attracts monsters' and such.
you can only prevent random teleport with gear that prevents teleporting.

>> No.18762402

I really dislike how PCCs works for both pets and players, so I don't even use animated PCCs or smooth scrolling on my character.
Plus, single-pose sprites are far nicer than most PCC stuff.

>> No.18762463

didn't mean to reply

>> No.18762557
File: 642 KB, 1286x796, What is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? I thought it was an Evolution Heart. Can it be used for anything asides evolving? The wiki only gives information on it being used to evolve (I Don't have any pets that could use it). Should I sell it?

>> No.18762591


Put it in your home. Let it rot there until you decide to king something.

>> No.18762594

Fair enough then, thanks. I won't ever use it, though.

>> No.18762601

Hearts can be used in the equip update recipe to change the type of a piece of equipment (e.g. light cloak=>armored cloak). But the heart types beside the standard evolution heart are rather rare, so I'd save this one in case you want to use it later.

>> No.18762613

Oh, THAT was what they could be used for. Thanks. I remembered it was something, but I couldn't find information on it. I guess I'll keep it, its better than making a mistake I suppose. Got it from a king chess piece or something.

>> No.18762625

Is there any reason to Puti-rank encounters? Any skill to scare off weaker enemies, or some sort of special item? Its a real fucking annoyance to be attacked 2-3 times walking from a city to another, when everything just instantly dies in a turn.

>> No.18762646


So you can beat up and catch putits.. and other seemingly useless mobs like flying frogs and hungry demons.

>> No.18762651

Oh, that sounds interesting, do you mind posting any pictures of that?

>> No.18762654

So, what about a skill that unlocks at around level ~30 for all characters, "Raging Roar" or something? Like Dupli-Cane, you can toggle it on/off and it scares off any encounters of lower level than you.

>> No.18762713
File: 888 KB, 677x929, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the process, using some art by Ryo Agawa nabbed off of danbooru

>> No.18762728

old hag

>> No.18762729

stinky baba

>> No.18762758
File: 13 KB, 131x110, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's no such thing as far as I know and I am not part of the gentlemen working on Elona+.

Besides, I am pretty sure encounter and encounter difficulty are two independent variable.

The former is random and seems to be raised in hard rain while the former depends on how far you are from Vernis + current fame.

>> No.18762765

Ah, I see. Its incredibly annoying to be attacked all the time is all, but, thanks. I didn't know it went off of Vernis.

>> No.18762774

Stick to the roads to dramatically reduce the chance of getting ambushed

>> No.18762775

How comes 2 units are standing on the same tile?

>> No.18762781


This idiot can't use "former" and "latter" well. What a moron.


Tag force. I > Tag organisation.

>> No.18762792

Fair enough then.

>> No.18762820

Can I curse flying scrolls and then use them on Diablos to make it weight more? It is special item. That's why I am asking.

>> No.18762824
File: 93 KB, 550x550, older women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18762827

Why would you want them to be heavier!?

>> No.18762832
File: 77 KB, 700x952, Flat Is Justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18762842

Yes, flying scrolls work even on unique items.

>> No.18762845

I remember doing this with that precious lightning katana a long time ago, it worked just fine.

Weapon weight affects critical damage.

>> No.18762847

Really!? I always just made mine as light as possible...That's cool, thanks!

Should I make any non-dual-wielded weapon of my pets as heavy as possible?

>> No.18762864

Don't do that, its does not matter that much, I was just going for that two handed condition.

>> No.18762871

flying scrolls work on everything.
'as heavy as possible' means around 160s+half of the rest of equipment's weight for maximum crit.

>> No.18762873

Oh, ok. Thanks!

>> No.18762881

Has anyone tried the Purge mode? What does the <purge> special action do?

>> No.18762882

But you will need like hundreds of strenght to be actually able to do that.

>> No.18762990

Is that a problem? You can even simply dump some skillpoint in weightlifting.

>> No.18763038

Ohh, I should have clarified my post more, I'm sorry. I meant the atmosphere portraits that show up when you talk to your pet if you have it selected. That reminded me to make the actual portrait too though

>> No.18763095

You draw your evochat portraits? I don't use those personally. I've made a couple from visual novel gameCG, all you need to do is just find some nukige gallery on e.g. yuki(dot)la or sadpanda or tsumino or whatever and find the standing portraits of characters w/ different expressions. There are also useful character generators that have been posted here and can probably be found in the pastebin. Actual drawing would just take far too much time for all my pets in this game, I'd consider it if I only had one or two

>> No.18763129

What do I need to be immune to brainwash?

>> No.18763133

Grass Dancers got ya too, huh?

>> No.18763169

Is a randomized check of caster's charisma vs your willpower when its you who's getting brainwashed
rnd(sdata(17, cc)) >= rnd(sdata(15, 0)

To put it bluntly, you can only pray Ehekatl that you'll pass the check.

>> No.18763190

YESSSS, how did you know? It was not her that got me, it was all those mobs around her + that my speed was like 100 because of very tired

>> No.18763211

Because those fuckers are everywhere in Act 2 and they make me kill myself constantly.

Fuck grass dancers.

>> No.18763223

Literally impossible for my melee char, they move like madmen and I cant even do anything to them, nothing protects me.

>> No.18763234

Yeah, me too. I rely on my silver bell to kill them as I run away in terror.

>> No.18763235


Two words: Grass killers.

>> No.18763250


Use gravity sphere or Shining wave to kill them reliably.

You can boost willpower relatively fast by training magic capacity and faith(preach)

>> No.18763259


I always [T]hrow bronze coins/garotte them though.

>> No.18763285

Well not every melee char got leveled throwing. I think gravity sphere is the most reliable - non-elemental damage, always hits, scales off CON.

>> No.18763291

Why is the go-to to win every encounter Shining Wave? I don't even have it.

>> No.18763303

You get it without feats with melee characters, its only lv60 tactics or something. Since its a magic damage, its useful vs resEle monsters like quicklings.

>> No.18763316

Sure, you need to hit it first tho.

>> No.18763319


Honestly though. I had a story to go with that.

>Early game battle arena
>Brawl had a platina bell
>Platina bell effortlessly dodged/regenerated all of my attacks
>This went on for three in game days
>Ran out of food
>Had to sleep in the arena like a hobo
>Finally decided to throw shit at it out of spite
>Threw a bronze coin
>Platina explodes
Thus, a new tradition was born. Trust in bronze coins, mate. They will end these no life fuckers.

>> No.18763320

Btw, will "Extra ranged attack" give bonuses to me if I equip it in melee slot?

>> No.18763329


>> No.18763335

What do you mean by hit it first? It a bolt spell that scales with tactics.

>> No.18763349

I mean that I spend all of my Sp before actually hitting quickling.

>> No.18763361

?! but it always hits afaik.

>> No.18763403

Guys I've got a question, do treasure maps ever have their loot spot be under a building?

>> No.18763407


>> No.18763411
File: 322 KB, 1440x868, 18-04-05 18_42_53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesen't, also help!?

>> No.18763421

2nd line, value 2 not 5
I've used grav sphere anyway, most reliable damage ever.

>> No.18763424

Aw, I was hoping that filling the entire map with storage houses but leaving one spot open would brute force the game to keep making the treasure maps be in that spot.

>> No.18763431

Oh i'm blind. Because it has no logic

distance > 5, move forward
dist >1, attack(ranged)
(optional to go over the corner) distance >1, move forward.
distance=1, move away

>> No.18763442
File: 616 KB, 850x1202, sample_9aac9fe18cbc33a1e1c3c4938a8e8d42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jav Jk ban, but just the titles, for now

Will they come for 2d loli next?


>> No.18763470

it still says it doesn't know what to do... the hell

>> No.18763478
File: 79 KB, 751x511, utter bafflement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18763481

never mind, I had to reequip bow, now it works. didn't do that since updating game.

>> No.18763482

Do you actually have correct ammo/no ammo for thrown equipped?

>> No.18763494
File: 143 KB, 260x674, Flatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18763498

>No it doesen't
Do you have a screenshot with the log saying that shinning wave "missed" the target?
I don't rely too much on it because of my weapon skills but in my experience it never failed to hit my targets.

>> No.18763511

I guess his tactics was too low so he couldnt 1-shot even 3-life target, target healed and he's got owned while blaming a miss.

>> No.18763531


How though? He's going in as a melee fighter.

>> No.18763542

Superb mag resist and not getting enough training, probably.

>> No.18763545

Not him, but maybe he was debuffed, or had gear with negative Tactics attributes, or just tried to kill something way higher stronger than him.

>> No.18763547

Though with 92 tactics it should be a bit less than 3k raw damage. No idea.

>> No.18763653

it doesen't say missed but it deals 0 damage most of the time.

>> No.18763659

blood stream is also an option

>> No.18763673

You need to keep bleed status stacked for it to deal some damage, though.

>> No.18763693

Doesn't it mean that the skill is hitting the target, but is dealing zero damage because to the target's resists and other defensive stats?

>> No.18763766

you can use uncontroll before shining wave.

>> No.18763782

>She doesn't use 4chan
I see why they call her McWorthless now.

>> No.18763790

Wait, this isn't 9gag?

>> No.18763877

I would breed her so much that her likelihood of dying in childbirth, despite modern medicine, would be 100%.
The only way to have legal lolis that can survive birthing big families is to make them reproduce as much as possible.
You have no right to complain about old hags if you don't find yourself a legal loli and make 20 children with her, and give your daughters to fellow connaisseurs.

>> No.18763894

Don't save thumbnails.

>> No.18763988
File: 498 KB, 2312x3000, 1519399483916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a man of good taste.

Kitty Yung is your girl eh?

>> No.18764017

And here I assumed that gentleman who explored limitless possibilities of prison as a vacation spot had no competition for the top spot.
this is not even related to elona in any way, go to /h/ or something?

>> No.18764043

I am actually surprised that there is still no rape mod or such, maybe it's because it would be too hard to make but thank god (lulwy) anyway.

>> No.18764058

Check previous thread, its all included in base Plus mod.

There was an old mod for vanilla for maximum degeneracy, but its been like a decade ago.

>> No.18764059

What are you talking about, it's been possible to rape NPCs since the introduction of sleep sharing. The surprise sex in the OP was actually performed by a player

>> No.18764066

It is not that kind of activity I would call "rape" IMO or anything similar desu.

>> No.18764079

Sleep sharing is implied sex and can be initiated by pets that have a sleep sheep, or by hugging someone on a bed. Forced sleep sharing is sleep sharing when they are not willing, after you beat them up so much they can't resist.
>You hug her to bed
>She tries desperately to resist, but you are stronger

So are you deliberately being stupid or what?

>> No.18764090

He just cant get hard unless he's being told 'you brutally rape your struggling victim", obviously.

>> No.18764094

Come on, its still not that. It's not even a skill that you can just use on anyone for some quality action. I cant go into a dungeon and rape a goblin for example.

>> No.18764099

Some flavor text has nothing to do with it. Do you actually get hard playing elona sometimes?

>> No.18764112

>I cant go into a dungeon and rape a goblin for example.
Is there anything that stops you from doing that? Its literally a rape of any victim after you passed strength check or when victim is too low on hp to struggle. It cant get any more degenerate without turning it into porn game.

No, but that was the only logical conclusion i arrived at.

>> No.18764113

Except you definitely can, you can even rape rogue bosses that attack you. What you were trying to say is ''I want it to be easier/more expanded''.

>> No.18764124

I dont't actually want it, it's more like I was surprised it hasn't been made.

>> No.18764134

More rape!

>> No.18764182

I agree.
Rape should not limited to sleepytime.
I want to turn my Elona into CoC.

>> No.18764201

I'm fairly sure that such mod was created already, I remember people talking about it here (probably the mod mentioned by >>18764058).

>> No.18764203

Without the extreme futa, furry, vore and degeneracy, right? You're not an animal fucker, right?

>> No.18764255

Who cares about dumb animals when you can get married with a lovely flying bell?

>> No.18764266
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I love killing those little guys. Most of the time I just shadowstep and just use the squeeze special action to make them burst. Usually kills them in one blow. For the hellstling I use some sort of range attack. Don't want to get close to the hellstling unless you have a lot of HP. His wire traps/blade string special action can be nasty.

>> No.18764268

I'm not exclusively a beast fucker, no.

>> No.18764279

Having sex with full-metal ring ring.
This game needs long-lasting debuff for having sex with metal/armor-type enemies, i think,

>> No.18764631

Maybe with your stats its that easy, not for me, I usually pray for my arrow to hit it.

>> No.18764648

How do I curse something specific?

>> No.18764651

Nah I was picking them up and squeezing them to death since the first time I saw a quickling on this character. That or I just magic dart them. The whole quickling line of enemies are pretty weak because of their awful life.

>> No.18764667

What's the one game mechanic you hate the most in E+

>> No.18764672

Blend with cursed water.

>> No.18764678

Drop everything else on the ground (including your curse scrolls), pray that Exorcist feat won't perfectly protect you and waste all your scrolls.

>> No.18764695
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hey guys check out what i just did

>> No.18764714

I'm just doing it for this one pet and maybe another pet. Drawing it for all of them would be hilarious though, dating sim Asura is a nice thought...

>> No.18764735

I'm conflicted whether you deserve higest praise or most horriible death.

Anyway, well done on attaining next level of degeneracy! If only child was born after swallowing something bad from the toilet it would have been perfect.

>> No.18764753
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>> No.18764812
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Squeeze also works pretty well on bells since their life is bad too. Killed this gold bell boss in one blow with it.

>> No.18764839
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>mistreating children

>> No.18764841

>entrusting your little daughter to a good husband
Best mom.

>> No.18764867

I have a feeling Raphael will also learn the joys of motherhood soon.

>> No.18764950
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>> No.18764956

After selling my child to Raphael, I realized I could of done more.

I have a new goal in Elona.

I will fuck 10 generations of my family.

>> No.18765009

How do you determine what dungeons are safe to do?

>> No.18765042

water bolt/ball is still the best way to deal with them

>> No.18765133

I can't really think of a feature that I really hate in this game, even stuff like alien pregnancy have hilarious results.
But I find a bit annoying how "simple/limited" some features are, like SP triggering Tired debuff at 49.

>> No.18765161
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That definitely works too. Use whatever works for you and you have access to.

For a long time I was doing dungeons my level or below. Found that to work well for me. Now due to recently rushing through void floors I noticed that the void can level the dungeons that spawn. So now I'm just using my journal to guide me in what dungeons are safe for me to do. Specifically I look at the deepest level entry and do that level dungeon or lower.

>> No.18765216

Damn Kai, what did that euryale ever do to you to make you punch it that hard.

>> No.18766188


>Broken peepee
-33% body stat

60 turns.

>> No.18766233

Reduction to will on reasoning that a damaged Hyper Weapon reduces meaningfulness of life.

>> No.18766502

How much stealth do you usually need to hide from enemies at a distance?

>> No.18766549

It varies from enemy to enemy, I think it's based on their Detection skill but I don't really know how it works. You will always need more as you progress.

>> No.18766568
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Just started this new character and i come across something like this - the npc only wants a single scroll of oracle for it. Not shown in pic: negates blind/paralysis

Seems worth for free stat buffs eh?

>> No.18766617

It seems alright if you're using a throwing character, but that blood-sucking could get annoying. Scrolls of Oracle aren't particularly valuable so don't worry about trading it away.
Make sure to remove the curse before equipping it.

>> No.18767006

Nothing amazing about it. You're not going to be killing Dragons and Gods with a stone. I wouldn't even use it early game.

>> No.18767160
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Ok guys, can anyone help me with this? I was just done updating my game to 1.76fix and when I went to noyel, I got an error every time I attempted to go to the center of the town. Is this normal?

>> No.18767268

maybe it's corrupt, you can reset the town by using backspace+enter on the world map to the town. it'll reset all vendors and a bunch of other shit inside though, so using sparingly.

>> No.18767271
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Does it happen when you aren't in custom?

>> No.18767332

Nope, it only happened in custom
Can't, everytime I tried to load in, it always errors

>> No.18767367

How does one make Rank 1 museum? I am at 20something but slots are already depleting.

>> No.18767385
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Kill better mobs/bosses or make more room.

>> No.18767393

Well you cant increase item limit.

>> No.18767402


Kick out the shitty mobs and put in better/stronger/rarer mobs.

>> No.18767528

Should I just load my backup?

>> No.18767539

Doubt it, just never go there

>> No.18767566


Go there on normal elona. Reset. Go there on custom.

>> No.18767618

Check compability just in case.

>> No.18767745
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>> No.18767769

Does resetting affect anything important? like quest progress and such?

>> No.18767831


Nope. Only invested levels and placement of stuff. You can move Ebon away again and get your small medal.

>> No.18767859

Can I do this repeatedly to farm gold medals?

>> No.18767875


At that rate, you might as well use elosnack/CE and just get the shit you want. No one's stopping you. Sure beats the fun out of collecting small medals, though.

>> No.18767885

So anons.
Besides being Kumiromi's seed gulper, what's stopping you from penning the head maid, teach her all sorts of supportive skills, have her be beside your tile at all times as your dedicated passive servant on the go?

>> No.18768092

Her uselessness stops me.

>> No.18768113

i have already raised a 14y/o young lady to do that for me

>> No.18768124

Getting drinks served by an exquisite loli. Mid-battle.
I see you are a man of culture as well.

>> No.18768128

I have some questions about pet leveling, I sent some of them to Dojo but apparently it does nothing, so, I am in kinda early game, lvl 50, what could be best way to train a pet? Run the puppy cave with it? Also is gene engineering really that important? Is there anybody out there that doesen't use pets at all and are doing well enough?

>> No.18768145


-Dojo and D.ranch levels them up VERY slowly. The only good thing about them is that you can put your reserves in there.

-Puppy cave/Estork's cave as long as you ran around in the first to fourth floor/void/Battle arena


-Yes. Going alone makes you more powerful since you rely on yourself. I was an all-powerful crossbowman before I decided to go all bells.

>> No.18768158

I am just in a bit of a clinch, because most of my pets like Black angel and little girl get oneshoted by some type of shit they are weak to, especially explosive stuff. Since trey are level 20 their HP is low as fuck. And losing them constantly is not a fun thing. I wish dungeons were sorted a bit more, like in specific dungeon are only specific types of monsters.

>> No.18768167


That'd remove the rougelike aspect of the game.
You can catch enemies of higher levels/buy higher level slaves and GE them into your pets to raise their levels. Also, equip them properly if you can. If you can't. Just go solo until you care enough about your pets to coddle them.

>> No.18768172

Get high enough attract to initiate *evochat*, give 100k gold (or simply feed ores/flowers til your pet pukes gold out of all it's orifices, then grind puppy cave/normal dungeons/puppy cave. Custom AI helps a lot, 4th god rewards, especially Jure's and Mani's
You can go to pet arena while having 10 speed and make your pet grind target with custom ai that prevents killing.
Example of this custom ai script would be
target dist >1 move forward
self hp < 50% healing touch
self mp >10% and target's hp < 50% healing touch (keep target)
target's hp >= 50% attack(melee/ranged)
target's hp < 50% knockout
self gauge <10% healing touch(keep target)
Make pet wear mechanical binder if you have one.
It'll train a whole bunch of skills/stats, you'll need casting (and magic capcity for the last directive) learned.
You get weapon exp on gauge attack and when you deal more than 4% of target's max hp in damage so .Sasumata is a bit slow for training.

If you have pickpocket on pet, it'll eventually be able to self-sustain itself with gold from kills.

>> No.18768204

Can you elaborate a bit more, I mean, I will have to abandon Lulwy, is that what you are trying to say? I cannot do that, it will kill me.

>> No.18768219

>not getting all god's rewards because scared of his dom lulwy
Being weak is your way of life.

>> No.18768223


>refusing to abandon a god for fear of a slap to the knees.

>> No.18768228

Who are you if you abandon your own god? That's not cool, dude. They have feelings too.

>> No.18768234

this bitch is used to getting dumped for greater benefits, no worries

>> No.18768246


Bitch. In Nefia, you are the god. The rest are there to either cover your bitch-ass when you couldn't yourself or as a stepping stone to your ever-growing autism.

>> No.18768288

Oh, by the way, dont put
self hp < 50% healing touch
self gauge <10% healing touch(keep target)
together, use only one.
Or your pet will self-implode from mana deficency.

>> No.18768289

Two things are essential for your pet's growth: money and murder. Money increases potential, murder burns potential to increase attributes and skills. Simple stuff.
Give them money (evochat), or let them earn it by stealing enemies (pickpocket skill) or selling ores and flowers while visiting towns (put these items on their inventory), and they will use all their cash on potential growth (both attributes and skills). You will see messages in the log saying that your pet is earning/spending money while walking around in any town.
Then go to a dungeon (a fairly low level one, in your pets' case), and let your pets "solo" it (avoid killing stuff with your character, let them kill as much as possible). This is basically how they train their skills (and attributes based on the trained skills). Remember you can tag pets together with the Tag Organization feature ("i"nteract menu).
You can also give them food to train their attributes, and you will also unlock a feature that lets you share food with them so both you and the pet will eat and train attributes together (this fest will appear in their talk menu when your relationship level is high enough).

>> No.18768388

sadly she's like 26 now, time progresses fast

>> No.18768439

Blessed potion/rod of slow give eternal youth.

>> No.18768461


You know what to do. Kill little girls for their soup of youth.

>> No.18768508

That soup (of wonderland) affects weight and height, not age. It just gives you a child-like body.

>> No.18768516


You know what to do. Sell crack to the abyss princess and gain lunchbox of age return.

>> No.18768526

How much riding do I need to handle Black Angel's speed boosts?

>> No.18768543

training mount's strength is the key

>> No.18768640

Damn, Gwen kicks my ass now, even tho I haven't killed her even once before. *Sigh*

>> No.18768646

Rip you missed the chance to get her card

>> No.18768653

No, I have her as a pet, so I can make her figurines anytime.

>> No.18768678

Anyone actually tried to use grown-up Gwen as a training dummy? How hard she can hit at stellar levels?

>> No.18768690
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The levels she gained from deaths should not have carried over to her astral-pen-clone anyway. Strangely enough if she dies as a pet, it is counted as a ''Gwen kill'', incrementing the counter in the journal. Now show me your Gwen

>> No.18768700


I reckon eventually she'll get tough enough enough to not only survive a god's apocalypse but proceed on beating them up to a pulp well giving you the middle finger.

>> No.18768713

But imagine the exp for killing level 6k gwen.

>> No.18768728

Can I evolve Gwen as a pet?

>> No.18768730


Great, now I feel like killing Pitiless Gwen in Yowyn. Just to put the ultimate benchmarker in the game and see how far I can go.

>> No.18768731

Where can I put all my food for it not to rot, FRIDGE IS FULL and you cant have several.

>> No.18768739

You can't evolve anything other than pets, and Gwen has an evolution, so of course. But the evo is only for the younger Gwen so if you waited until she changes in act 2 it's too late to evolve her.

>> No.18768743

4d pocket/dimensional mirror un-rots food when you place it here, and food never rots in 4DP

>> No.18768770

Also, simply carry equipment that allows eating rotten food instead of caring about this shit.

Hmmmm, half-decomposed little girl steak! Yum!

>> No.18768781

Wow, I haven't played E+ since like 1.3 and shit tons of things have change

>> No.18768855

Can I ball a ragnarock and have the ability to call etherwind on demand?

Do vindale cloak's protection stack? Will I be effectually impervious to etherwind if I install 4 more backs on me to wear 4 vindale cloaks?

>> No.18768893

Some anon tested it and apaprently it stacks vs normal therwind (not shining hedgehog/ether cave effects)

>> No.18768908


Great. Because I really want to smash some {mobs} for their artefacts. I am going to need a ragnarock first though. That is, even if I can force it to ragnarock on demand. Much more convenient than shooting a crossbow 50 times.

>> No.18768921

Does food in shop rot away? Will they still buy it? Also does unindentified food sell cheaper?

>> No.18768923

>Will they still buy it?
they will, so
>Does food in shop rot away?
is unimportant
it does rot when you visit the shop

>> No.18768933

What chat server are you guys using?

>> No.18768947

None, in the days of vanilla there was in-game chat functionality of which the server died years ago, then came an unofficial server that died last year. But barely anybody ever used the chat anyway

>> No.18768952

death messages were amusing, who cares about actual chat part.

>> No.18768953

What about showrooms? Are those still available?

>> No.18768963

Yea, that and wishes

No, in fact the unofficial server didn't even have wishes or moon gates working

>> No.18768989

That's sad. I wonder how hard it would be to recreate this.

>> No.18768993

Elin 2024

>> No.18768995

You still can download maps (there are some maps on OP's pastebin) and access them via showroom, at least.

>> No.18769070

Whats the showroom?

>> No.18769277

A building near Vernis that is used to access custom maps. Usually these maps are player houses but some of them are big cities, regular dungeons, fancy sex dungeons, and I've seen one spooky house too.

>> No.18769392
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>Accidentally herb buns that I have already herbed
>Accidentally herb a rare herb
>Even accidentally ate a rare herb after pressing e twice for god knows what reason
I have wasted so many goddamn rare herbs JUST

>> No.18769431
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In a fit of rampant fusioning, I accidentally converted 2 godlies and 2 miracles into junks.

>> No.18769438

I have a lot of Stomafillias, should i give them to my pets (when i don't have better herbs) or should i instead give them meat i find in dungeons? which one is more nutritious?

>> No.18769443


Stomafillias are filling, not nutritious.
Better off with meat. Usually, stomafillias are used as emergency food if they are not used for herb in.

>> No.18769449

Filling food is bad for pets, stat exp is good.
Cooked anything, curaria, herbed food, soy products and yoghurt are good.

>> No.18769454

Alright, thanks.

>> No.18769722
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>Accidentally press R instead of r in the middle of a fight

>> No.18769766


>> No.18769768
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Just booted up Elona for the first time in months. Not disappointed.

>> No.18769798


>> No.18770004

Can you guys explain what Herb In is? Is it worth doing, or do I eat them raw?

>> No.18770023

simply put, its a pot of fusion recipe to enhance your food item with rare herbs, eating enhanced food trains all stats.

>> No.18770036


>> No.18770041

check puppy cave's floor

>> No.18770046

Come back when you lose a unique

>> No.18770054

Those are really common, check general vendors or the embassy. Actually it helps to keep a spare of things like your potion rack, bookcase and tools in your storage. I once accidentally meteor'd my house and burned my potion rack to ash, then couldn't find a new one for a while. Ever since I kept multiples

>> No.18770056

unindentified unique*
or after eating 74 little sisters

>> No.18770097

Oh, that's cool, thanks. I thought it was just a fancy way of eating the herbs.

>> No.18770114

In a way, it is.

>> No.18770128


>> No.18770193

Anyone seen female pcc/sprites from the GUNNM universe?

>> No.18770195

Herbed food exercises all stats by a greater amount than eating the three herbs and dish seperately, and because (herbed) rank 5+ cooked dishes can be shared using pet food sharing (talk to pet and eat together), giving both eaters the same stat training bonus from the ''herbed food'' trait, you can also get twice the bang for your buck by sharing it. However if you're solo the best option is to herb blessed curarias and eat them by yourself.

>> No.18770260
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How is my character?

>> No.18770278

Human is species rather than race
looks okay. protection rating is beyond terrible, though

>> No.18770322

That's cool, thanks. I have pets so I'll definitely herb in the food.

>> No.18770331
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>> No.18770342

this is no chad dwarf, this is a whimpy gnome
eat properly.

>> No.18770364
File: 541 KB, 690x388, deburish bureido chu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop vomiting and eat a burger

>> No.18770372

Sorry, I ate wonderland soup :(

>> No.18770434

I haven't checked on Elona in a while, is martial arts still supreme or did all those nerfs to multiple attacks dethrone it?

>> No.18770452

Only nerfed mutants, really.

>> No.18770464

MA is supreme for single target, nerfs to multiple attacks only *start* lowering damage% after 50 hits in one turn which you will simply not reach with MA and which really only affects the highly specific 20 armed mutant invoking timestops and perhaps timestop ammo into burst ammo ranged attack combos (?)

>> No.18770476

it doesnt affect burst or other special multi-hit attacks. It really cripples DW parties that rely on multi-handed pets.

>> No.18770491

Thanks for clarifying that, being ranged I was pretty worried about burst.

>> No.18770500

I didn't just mean 1.76's combo thing. 1.74 had
>Every successive melee and ranged attack in a series will now have a lower chance of scoring a critical.
Like I said, it's been a while, but weren't crits a major factor in Kai's DPS?

>> No.18770531

IIRC it only reduces PER-based crit chance, but not eye of mind/predator/extra crit from gear. I've posted result of source digging a few threads ago.

>> No.18770660
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We need to eat more hamburgers. Certainly not at our ideal weights. For me I blame those damn vampkins and pumpkin related enemies throwing stuff at me causing to throw up. The last thing I want to die from is starvation so I always make sure to eat stuff but these damn pumpkins keep throwing their potions at me while I'm satisfied or bloated causing me to throw up.

The crit nerf really effected mutants and certain dual wielders the most that relied on those crits to overcome extreme negatives hit % chance. It had a minor effect on MA but nothing really worth getting worked up over. What I noticed with MA is that I was easily critting strikes 1-4 but beyond that it was much harder to crit. If I was lucky I'd get all 8 to crit but usually 3-5 crits was the norm. Damage went down a bit with MA but considering I was still killing capped out void monsters in one or two blows I didn't really care. As for how it stacked up with other modes of atttacks MA still had a good lead in damage to two hand due to 8 attacks compared to 4 and a massive lead against dual wielders that had default slots. So nothing really changed with how good MA was and still is at very high levels.

>> No.18770664

Too smol

>> No.18770692

I missed it when you could vote on names and get paid doing it

>> No.18770699
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Really, its too easy to lose weight in Elona. Down by a friggin 1,5 tonnes likes its nothing.

>> No.18770701

What monospaced font do you use? You ARE using monospaced right?

>> No.18770705

Monospaced font sucks for long item names.

>> No.18770765

This is it, right?
Thanks for the data.

And thank you as well. Glad to see you're still doing alright.

>> No.18770773

Are you guys all playing on E+C?

>> No.18770785

Pretty much. Its only benefits and no downsides.

>> No.18770787


>> No.18770860

Why do people hate AnoInu? Please redpill me

>> No.18770912

There are people that hate him? Or are you just trying to make people think that

>> No.18770949

Yep that one, and you are welcome.

>> No.18770961

Are anyone else a gunner so they can just FFFFFFF things to death brainlessly?

>> No.18770972

I'm a gunner with gunner pets so i can just loot along the way

>> No.18770987

That's the main reason to be ranged. Later you hotkey zero shoot and hold down that. Melee types just hotkey shadowstep and hold it down to teleport behind everybody

>> No.18771021

When was this notable skill thing during character creation added? First time I see it and I haven't played for a long long time.

>> No.18771070

Don't know the exact version but awhile ago. It's a neat feature since you can start a little bit better off in one of your class or race skills or learn a skill that your class/race combo doesn't start with.

>> No.18771287
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Time for a /pol/ themed playthrough

>> No.18771306


>> No.18771308
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>> No.18771320

just pick a race to exterminate

>> No.18771369

Elea, obviously.

>> No.18771401

Have to start as zanan for proper

>> No.18771417

But the Zanan are the ones plotting to exterminate the Elea for no benefit to humanity whatsoever.

>> No.18771650
File: 6 KB, 143x62, Don&#039;t forget to worship your greatest ally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's your intended end-game goal?

>> No.18771763

You're gonna kill all the Yacatect followers right?

>> No.18773492


Kill them all.
Kill mutants for being muties. Which means no saving little sisters and no eating them either.
Kill snails for being snails.
Exterminate Derphy every other day.
Exterminate Lumiest for witchcraft and wizardry.
Be a Jure devout and exterminate those who align themselves to the other gods.

Good luck.

Exclusively KO your race brothers.

>> No.18774020

>haven't played in about three years
>decide to go back into it
>roll up a new character, standard difficulty
>take it slow and just fuck around a bunch
>try doing the pupper quest at level 10
>shit all over most mobs in the cave
>make it to the pup
>party up and try to walk out
>find out the dog dies if anything sneezes in ten miles of it
>back and fourth on the stairs to pick the bastard up again
>try popping a return/escape
>keep fucking trying
>get to the first floor, almost fucking out
>dog runs after God knows what and dies
>six hours later I still haven't fucking finished the supposedly level 4 quest

I do not remember this game being that particular brand of "fun."

>> No.18774148

It took me five minutes, you're just bad at the game. Quest level is only a general indicator of enemy level and yours doesn't matter much as it rises independently of stats and only provides HP/MP/bonus points.

>> No.18774168


Bring leash. Use directives.
That quest has a bit of RNG involved. Dog could get garotted by a trap pretty easily.

>> No.18774297
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>> No.18774298

why the goose?

>> No.18774302

BGM, obviously.

>> No.18774309

After being laughed by all the party members for being a fucking goose, goose finally had enough. In a fit of righteous rage she beat a dog to death with her bare goose feet and ate his heart to become a fabulous onee-chan

>> No.18774386


Wonder if Yacatect used to be an unassuming goose.

>> No.18774396

She used to be a golden egg wholesaler.

>> No.18774414

You joshin' me?
Where did that came from?

>> No.18774447

They hidden mistery of elona: all PPs are produced exclusively by Yacatect Golden Goose Inc.'s lovely birdies.

>> No.18774464

<Isca> is cute but how can she compete with lulwy's angel?

>> No.18774467

She cant. /discussion

>> No.18774471

Usually, do you go through every god in a playthrough or do you prefer sticking to 1-3?

>> No.18774481

Most of the rewards are handy one way or another, go through all of them.

>> No.18774486

Yacatect doesn't have a fleshed out backstory because she started off as an unfinished future planned character before E+ and hadn't been included in the expansive preexisting lore. All E+ did is add her to the game but she's still practically a blank slate. You could say the reason why she doesn't seem insane like the others is nobody had the time to write her backstory yet

>> No.18774493

The real question, is Ano actually working on Plus alone?

>> No.18774560

Guys, where I can download Elona+ 1.69.3?
For some reason I like this version more than others, but I can't find any working links.

>> No.18774565

maybe bloodyshade's ftp if its still working.

>> No.18774571

As far as I know yes

>> No.18774579

I didn't notice that. Thanks!

>> No.18774606

Yeah, I am well aware of that. IIRC, only Ehekatl had a proper form for the entirety of Elona.

Kind of like her right now. Like, she's too busy being an elder sister and the god of wealth/ trade to be involved with the rest of pantheon.

Some fanart makes her flatter than Jure too.

>> No.18774671

>accepting quests without reading
>accepted a panic quest
>went in without much thoughts
>had to go against lv.300+ Five Head Gods at Port Kapul

The bells.. They did not survive.

>> No.18774696

In panic quests besides breathers, crush ground users, predators and spell casters, mobs such as chaos seeds that as a group make a beeline towards you from across the map are also terrifying. The other day I saw a $x40 panic quest with death manekis. I spun around and went to another town's board. Always check what you're in for

>> No.18774710

the trick vs death manekis is to have a piece of anti-teleport equipment with you.

>> No.18774749

Yeah, and they are also easy to kill on their own as they sit still. You're in more danger if there are many of them on the same screen or some creature inflicts an ailment on you/wastes your turns. I find Alkonosts scarier just because they tend to port away. But I'm not sure how I'd fare against a group of them that are boosted several hundred levels.

>> No.18774784
File: 78 KB, 1280x768, 18-04-07 13_59_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost given up on non-solo save.
Teaching 7 pets this stuff took 40 to 60 hours and 5 mil gold. As a trade off i've got a full set of sufficiently leveled buffs early on, but its still a chore. Leveld speed/hero just in case for pet arena, but normally they have it from Mito's cheer.
Now I',m wondering whether i should grind pet arena a bit or just finish act1 for herb fields. Despite their level range of 30-40, androids still have the same battle skill levels as when they were created.

>> No.18774797

I have invited Lulwy into my house
How do I force sleep sharing without getting minced?

>> No.18774801


Oh, I learned my lesson. Those Gods put me back to my place.
Nothing says fun like having eight power breaths and multi breath up your arse for every turn.

>> No.18774802

Get stronger.

>> No.18774821
File: 72 KB, 500x610, 1520800182173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 8 pets that are just tweaked a little at Leold, don't use custom AI and I'm happy as a clam

>> No.18774899

Getting 5 of the same kind took some time alone, then gearing up and gene engineering skills. Custom AI part probably didnt take as much time.

>> No.18774917
File: 612 KB, 1286x771, goddess room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me decorate her room
or decorate in general, what do you guys like doing in your homes?

>> No.18774927

Well you've managed to do something pretty rare. Robot firing squad is a cool idea. You can make good use of volley and command flag=>special ammos too.

>> No.18774934

Where is all the bdsm equipment? Where is the collar, leash and whip prepared? This is not her room, this is some wizard waifu room.

>> No.18774964

I'm going to make them focus on thrown, grenades for now and then stones when i get fitting staves. WIll reskin them accordingly to match the setting.

I actually considered going for special ammo just for the fun of mass-burst ammo vs bosses, but thrown provides too many benefits and much less hassle (mainly due to struck out+uncontroll being too powerful)

>> No.18775048
File: 622 KB, 1280x770, goddessroom2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's still missing something
Can I get wooden horse from somewhere beside thieves guild quest? I think I should try to rob the Yacatect casino, they had some nice toys there

>> No.18775089
File: 6 KB, 233x20, toire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, this will do nicely

>> No.18775113
File: 17 KB, 853x34, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this a thing?

>> No.18775120

>every fanart of Itzpalt portrays him as a bishounen

>> No.18775135

Is that your dying message? first time i tried that it was on loss char

What, no. He is always a fine gentleman of good stature.

>> No.18775708

death song becomes non-functioning with high enough resists. I'm not sure what the cutoff is though.

also you can remove it by spamming holy light.

>> No.18775732
File: 13 KB, 671x31, iwantmyduplicates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long road to redemption.

>> No.18775742

fun fact, when you have enough HP you can do this and still be alive afterwards. same with the rope, guillotine, Death Word, etc.

in fact, the only thing that will kill you regardless of HP is if you choke on a mochi with nobody around. while it only deals 10k or so, it does it repeatedly and you can't perform any action at all, so it will just choke until you die.

>> No.18775755

>death song becomes non-functioning with high enough resists
It deals flat 20k damage, useless when you get past that mark.

Enjoy getting MAX HP damage next update instead.

>> No.18775844

IIRC you will never get redemption, it only counts how many you killed.

>> No.18775859
File: 56 KB, 704x396, __naganohara_mio_nichijou__400cbbc55e982bed67c5ba4c5db0d041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck it. I'll kill them all. I'll feast on their corpse like royalty after I turn them into steaks. I'll be back once I got 2000 life or something.

>> No.18775875

You only get life/mana when your stats are very low. You will get nothing for killing them.
Its a trap, after all.

>> No.18775886


Fuck it. I'll let my bells feed on them instead. They have shit life stat.

>> No.18775895

They will just completely stop appearing and you'll still get like 2 hero cheeses worth of life, and zero chance to dupe items in the future.

>> No.18775921


I just went read up about the quest. Turns out I'll need to turn in 56 in order to get the first reward.
But I'll have to live with the fact I'll only have less than 1% spawn chance for big daddies.

>> No.18775940

Well you can always elosnack this back(gdata probably) if you dont want to abandon the save.

>> No.18775945

btw its capped at 10 sisters/item

>> No.18775963

Time to put all your shit into inheritance and start another save

>> No.18776004
File: 188 KB, 1280x768, 18-04-07 17_20_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grenades are nice and all, but i regret not leveling water bolt now.
Here goes my 60x winning streak.

>> No.18776016
File: 379 KB, 1349x529, lucksmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I will be fine, I think. It's my fault for feasting on all of that little sister arse.

Also /imgrelated. Two Big daddies in a row.

>> No.18776115
File: 8 KB, 600x19, porn of goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, why didin't she call it creepy?

>> No.18776350
File: 264 KB, 1512x1000, 1509749612601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you got a lot of pets and are in mid-game it gets difficult to determine who to focus training to keep the party balanced. What I do is give everyone their blessed restore body+spirit pot to refresh that shit, then tally up all their buffed stats (STR+CON+DEX...etc) and compare the total numbers of each pet. Inevitably there's going to be one or two who are a couple hundred stat points below everyone else, those get the next batch of herbed lunches and perhaps a review of their gear.

>> No.18776354
File: 242 KB, 573x356, doomed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly does "It combine poison and nerve spells" work? I wanted to give it to a pet, does the pet only need to know, for example, Nerve arrow and then the nerve arrow spell will also act as a poison-type spell? or does the pet need to know both spells? would this also apply if the pet itself has no spells but his weapon invokes a spell?

Pic unrelated, it's a doomed item without any attributes.

>> No.18776355

I hope you're using alchemical rain on the restore pots

>> No.18776382

you get second instance of damage applied with the other element, just like on-hit elemental damage on weapons.

>> No.18776394
File: 102 KB, 453x443, 1482942195347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I hadn't thought of that. I've been doing it manually for years. It will get rid of my soma buff though, necessitating an extra one

>> No.18776410

It's kinda like elemental damage in living weapons. First the spell will deal the original elemental damage, then, if the enemy survives, it will deal the extra elemental damage (poison->nerve or nerve->poison), so you don't need to learn both spells. The extra elemental damage's power is based on the attribute power, I believe.
Not sure about invokes, but it only works on spells (not living weapons with elemental damage or other non-spell tricks).

>> No.18776426
File: 1.13 MB, 720x1100, 1449729829701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, too!

>> No.18776431


>> No.18776445
File: 2.86 MB, 1032x2444, 1449156137856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to disable the visual effects/delays of pet special skills? Real bummer to be running through a dungeon and slaughtering everything, only to have three of your pets decide to use their big power move and you have to wait ten seconds. Then it happens again. Then it happens again.

>> No.18776472

esc>game setting>detailed>effect speed>0

>> No.18776480
File: 1.98 MB, 1682x1708, 1522114547465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!! Bless you!

>> No.18776526

>shower Lulwy with gifts
>can now consensually squeeze her to bed
>this all happens in front of black angel
Do you think she got off to watching it?
Either way, I bet I was still on bottom

>> No.18776533

yes; yes

>> No.18776537



Nice. Now the wings are not in the way.

>> No.18776539
File: 424 KB, 1286x796, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18776544

Welcome to Africa

>> No.18776547


Fuckin' love low level nests. Just chuck a trimagistus in there bud and watch the fireworks.

>> No.18776548

time to start the genocide

>> No.18776586
File: 14 KB, 633x327, killswitchdirective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my AI routine senpai.
Make it so that they will KO things by default and only kill stuff when I use insult. Makes it trivial when it comes to catching stuff.

>> No.18776595

I'm too dumb to understand/10

>> No.18776609

self>status>brainwash>cheer on cd>MUST KILL PC
why 2 player buff != speed?
you wont be able to catch cbit Fury/Uncontroll monsters
overall its okay

>> No.18776628


It's a reserved spot for other stuff. It needs to learn how to heal itself soon. What's a good brainwash failsafe then?
Player/=/1/move away?

>> No.18776656

self>status>=brainwash>move forward/away (keep target unchecked)

>> No.18776720


It's okay eventhough you don't give it a target?
How will it base the movement from though?

Also, being unable to capture angry fags is a small price to pay for this config. At least they'll get roflstomped immediately.

>> No.18776731

It'll always keep current enemy as target unles you select 'preserve entity as target'. It will move to/from the enemy.

>> No.18776738
File: 795 KB, 668x866, fish lvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw grinding every Fever to get materials to make more shit

This is very boring

>> No.18776767

Help me decide on a new character

>> No.18776769


>> No.18776787

snail tourist necromancer

>> No.18776793

Snail Tourist Necromancer. No other pets allowed.

>> No.18776795

How well does suicide attack scales?
Can I make a kamikaze pet that can oneshot bosses by going kablooey?

>> No.18776802

Everything that has it has ridiculously jacked Con for their level.

>> No.18776806

it deals damage equal to pet's hp afaik

>> No.18776829


RIP nuclear pet.

>> No.18776849

Download the chinese/tieba pack, go through the PCC folders and find a PCC you really like, base a character on that. Sprite and portrait take up the most time and so are a good starting point (e.g. cowboy sprite, big muscle man, one of the big titted sprites, ponytailed elf etc. making a portrait is usually easier)

>> No.18776851

That's a LOT of work, anon.

>> No.18776858

you can make it go uncontroll first for double damage.

>> No.18776898

Bahaha not at all, you look in a folder of stuff that is sorted for your convenience, and copy over a picture you like to your graphic folder. The sprites themselves are ready to use. Making a portrait is a matter of saving a picture and cutting out+resizing a rectangle in mspaint. But you don't have to, there are plenty in the packs that are also ready to use. Should take you 20 minutes. You're going to play this character maybe hundreds of hours, this is the least you can do.

If we're talking things that take actual work, editing/creating your pet's static sprites takes hours, editing PCCs many more hours (since one of them is essentially 7 sprites in one discounting frames you can mirror), drawing a PCC body from scratch takes weeks.

>> No.18776902

Sorry, but replying takes a lot of work, too...

>> No.18776997
File: 44 KB, 1098x61, He ate it within one turn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18777014

I accidentally ate my upgraded green onion :(

>> No.18777017
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 61549617_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18777045
File: 259 KB, 422x315, please help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this!?

>> No.18777060

Save the big E+ world map from the wiki and compare it to the treasure map (it's east of Palmia right by the snow).

>> No.18777063
File: 1.68 MB, 4560x2640, North_Tyris_Elona_Plus_No_Locations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18777064

road to lumiest
dude, you have a road, snow and water to serve as landmarks. Its the easiest map ever

>> No.18777066

Oh, this helps so much, thank you. I have a terrible memory.

Thanks, you're right. I'm damaged. But I did go around the map a few times.

>> No.18777249
File: 526 KB, 685x388, titties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to begin my shameful career

>> No.18777256

>You love small animals
Nobody is going to want that old hag. Oppai loli.

>> No.18777299
File: 175 KB, 564x334, You&#039;ll need this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18777302
File: 21 KB, 80x112, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dangerous to go alone, take this (and save as .bmp in paint)

>> No.18777315

>tfw I'm going to make a whore character (male) but I'm not going to use any special images or sprites

Sucks to be a lazy cunt

>> No.18777322
File: 21 KB, 80x112, redder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18777334

Thanks! She is cute

>> No.18777344

Step by step, you have no excuse anymore

>> No.18777346
File: 192 KB, 792x216, sadstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game hits a bit too close sometimes.

>> No.18777351

Autism is my excuse

Also, how do I adjust the "Send pet into a duel" list to go by my specifications, not level? My highest-level pet is pretty weak, so I want to send in my Bell over and over, but I have to manually de-select my highest level, scroll down and select the bell. This is really slow.

>> No.18777374


Tell that pet to hang out in your home.

>> No.18777379

Oh, that'll work? I'll try it, thanks

I have two million bucks after spending the rest left over but I still live in a cave

>> No.18777382
File: 832 KB, 1286x796, But how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...How do I get them to that?

>> No.18777392


Go home, as in physically walk back to your cave.
[i]nteract > Homeboard > ally at home

>> No.18777393

If you go home you can use the house board and open list of allies, pets you select in that menu will stay home until selected in the menu again. You could also tell the pet to wait at town

>> No.18777394

Oh, I've never used that thing. I'm stupid, sorry for being spoonfed. Thank you, though.

>> No.18777397

Oh, thank you to you too!
I told them to wait at town, but they still show up in the list for me though.

>> No.18777405

Oh shit you're right, all the little sisters are still showing up in the menu. If you still want to level the bell you could gene engineer a high level monster onto it. Pascal gives =<Lv65 shades in ranch, if that's too low Melkawn in S. Tyris has a monster ball shop.

>> No.18777411
File: 406 KB, 865x383, How do I improve or fix this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the first Living Weapon I found, and I sort of just went with it and slapped anything on it. Is there a good way to change it? I think I want to make it a Laser Gun because I found this great Laser Ammo, but I can't remember how exactly to do that. (An anon here recommended it.)

Oh, OK. I've done the main quest but I'm still just casually enjoying the game and spending time on the first continent, but I'll think of that, thanks.

>> No.18777433

New >>18777431
For those who requested a PCC a couple weeks ago, I haven't forgotten about you but haven't had time for this shit
