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18756122 No.18756122 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>18731927

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>> No.18756173

The black in the next premium 1 is probably gonna be Farne right?

>> No.18756179

I hope not, we don't need an ugly themed banner.

>> No.18756322
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Ever since I started DMM flower knight girl, I think "man, I'd really like to have some of this anon's nice characters in my team." whenever I look at my Nutaku account.
Just got Ivy from the 5* ticket and it just doesn't feel the same as getting her in the real game.

>> No.18756326

But Fame loses the glasses later on

>> No.18756380
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>> No.18756392

I think Aigis is more generous than FKG, at least in the current year.

FKG does seem to give a lot of rolls and stuff but giving your players a guarantee is really, really important because there's no RNG involved and its just a feature. You will get a guaranteed gacha 6* once this counter reaches 0 and you will get a guaranteed 5* once this counter reaches 0 and that's final. The counters are also set at a reasonable place with 30 rolls for a guaranteed black and 1 guaranteed plat with every 10 roll.

Meanwhile FKG could give out 200 for 4 10-rolls but the odds of not getting a rainbow from those crystals are actually depressingly high and you'd have to resign yourself to either using golds only or using the guaranteed paid deals to get someone you want which isn't exactly nice.

>> No.18756403

FKG does 1-2 special gachas every month. I don't even give a fuck about regular stone gacha.
Aigis didn't let to purchase second black ticket even during re-run.

>> No.18756412

>Guaranteed doesn't mean rng
Only place that's applicable is probably the pick-up since it's a guarantee of the 4. Still good but they always 50/50 that shit with worthless and ugly blacks too.

>> No.18756419

Paid gachas are the opposite of generosity though, which is what I'm trying to discuss here.

Guaranteed black + Pickup pools with only 4 blacks is a very nice combination, especially when you like all 4 or 3 out of 4.

>> No.18756422
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The fuck're you lookin at?

>> No.18756453

"Pick any highest-rarity unit of your choice for just 5000 JPY" every month is very generous by me. Aigis requires 33 rolls (12000 JPY) to get guaranteed black, and its not even "pick your own" deal.

>> No.18756467

Aigis is more generous than FKG for blacks, but far less so with plats. FKG gives you so many stones that you'll be drowning in golds, I've rolled 140 gacha golds (95 unique + 45 dupes) so far. There's no way you can average 3-4 new shrine plats per month in Aigis.

The values of blacks and rainbows are also different: You can have 20 shrine blacks and still fail to do some majin 15 because you didn't raise key units (hell, some plats have better value than blacks in many cases), while any set of 20 rainbows will clear every map ever in FKG, as long as you invest in them enough.

>> No.18756482

50 to 100 bucks a month spent in one (1) game is the exact opposite of generous.
Goddamn whales are retarded

>> No.18756487

You are saying that asking to spend 12000 JPY is more "generous" than asking to spend 5000 JPY and daring to call someone "retarded".

>> No.18756492

You're not talking to the same guy.
Which is why you're retarded.

>> No.18756500

I think the difference is exclusivity.

Aigis’s guarantees may seem more generous, but they’re still random (and spotlight is way worse in Aigis than FKG). Also, not all blacks are worth their rarity.

FKG’s rainbows are a luxury and generally chosen through dick-picks. You have to luck your way through persistence or money to get one, but the devs are generous enough to allow anyone to do the former.

The end result, while you may get more blacks in Aigis, you won’t necessarily appreciate them as much as rainbows in FKG, especially when there are several plats that can compete with them.

Of course, it’s also easier to appreciate rainbows in FKG since 99% of the game is easy enough to not need to worry about stats (which is why people who pick rainbows solely off of stats baffle me).

>> No.18756501

Its still paid which means its not generous. You can say its 'cheaper than' but in no way its 'more generous than'.

The "Pick anything" is cold hard cash only while you can work towards your pity counter from events, giveaways, mission clears and hit the goal regularly, sometimes resetting your counter before it hits zero because you managed to luck out and save some crystals. There's also the two free black tickets you get at the start which allow you to pick two units of your choice which also really helps.

I think 2~3 shrine blacks a month is pretty doable with fame gacha, legend tickets from trading post and just getting your guarantee from the gacha.

For highest rarity you also have to consider time and investment. Getting like 15 shrine blacks would take you a year (And there's still event blacks to consider) with the new aigis gacha system and mechanics assuming you started with at least one black then ticketed two of your choice with the free tickets while getting 15 rainbows in FKG in the same period of time without using any paid deals would be the same as finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow or winning the lottery.

>> No.18756511

I've made a horrible mistake here, I meant 2~3 shrine plats.

>> No.18756514

>I think 2~3 shrine blacks a month is pretty doable with fame gacha,
Maybe if you just started playing or have A++ rank luck.
Aigis is stingy as fuck with currency once you've got some time spent on your account.

I struggle to even make over 50 SC every month now.

>> No.18756527

All of these "deals" are a waste of money. My networth is 350k+ usd but I would never spend money on these games out of principle. If you enjoy it then more power to you. Someone has to foot the bill for the game afterall.

>> No.18756547

>I think 2~3 shrine plats a month is pretty doable with fame gacha, legend tickets from trading post and just getting your guarantee from the gacha.
That's true, but it's up to chance and the average non-paying player cannot afford legend tickets every month without selling 2AW black copies and the like. I think the playing field is still in FKG's favor when it comes to plats/golds, since there are way more golds in FKG than plats in Aigis, so you're less likely to roll a dupe in addition to getting more chances at golds in general. But yeah, there's no doubt that F2P players would struggle harder to get rainbows than blacks.

The other anon's point is also good: For both hardcore whales and small time spenders, FKG's paid deals are much more lucrative than Aigis'. The latter's strong point is instead its gameplay, and there it has an undisputed advantage because FKG has little in that department.

>> No.18756583

That's what I really dont like personally. That the highest rarity is a luxury reserved for only the biggest spenders or for when you have a big stroke of luck to hit the 0.5% pool and drag out that specific character you wanted that had 0.000X% chance to come out.

I play collecting games to collect everyone and get the characters I like. But its pretty demotivating when a game tells you to be happy with second best because the cute girls you want at the highest rarity are rarer than unicorns and you could spend from 5 to 10 tenrolls to see one and it might not even be the one you wanted which is pretty discouraging.

Its why I like games that find a way to keep you interested and soften the hard blows gacha deals to you by offering double rate up periods, mileage counters and stuff along those lines which I find FKG lacks.

And don't get me wrong, by no means I'm shitting on the game. The game is fun, the girls are super cute and the devs seem to be generous in terms of giveaways but the core problem lies in the gacha and how hard it'd be to actually pull that rainbow rarity on a rate that's lower than infamous games like Fate/Grand order.

Even if you can't afford a legend ticket every month, I still think it'd be possible to get around 2 plats a month. At the very, very least you'd be getting 1 a month but you would already have a nice selection of things and more than a few blacks before you get to the point where you're so dry you can't even afford to hit mileage or buy the ticket.

>> No.18756631

>it'd be possible to get around 2 plats a month
Agreed again, but FKG has consistently been giving me 3.6 golds per month for over three years, so Aigis still falls a bit behind.

Then again, golds in FKG become interchangeable after a while, whereas every plat in Aigis usually brings something new to the table (unless you roll Anita or something). So Aigis has a major advantage in that.

>double rate up periods
As an aside, FKG has technically been having this for nearly the entirety of its service. When the game first came online, the rates were an abysmal 81.5%/15% silver/3% gold/0.5% rainbow (the reason I treasure my Toadlily so much I that I got her during these weeks). Then they held a special campaign to double the silver/gold rates, and it was received so well that they said "screw it" and made it permanent. Early FKG was a different beast than the easygoing game of today, and rainbow worries aside, I'm glad that the game took the path it did.

They also tried to add a mileage counter in form of rainbow medals, but since paid rainbow deals are their main source of income, they erred too much on the side of caution and created a system that nets you only one rainbow per year. The recently-implemented rarity growth mechanic seems to be another crack at that problem, we'll see if it'll be more successful.

>> No.18756696

At the very least, I think FKG would benefit from giving players a free pick ticket like aigis at the start.

It wouldn't cut into profits since aigis has been doing it since ever and its still doing pretty well and it'd allow players to start with their favorite character which would help tons in the motivation department because you already have a character you really like which motivates you to keep playing.

For a fun and casual collecting game like this, I feel like they try to make too many passes at my wallet and I don't really like that. I understand they're a business and have to stay afloat somehow but that doesn't mean they have to shaft people that aren't okay with the idea of dropping $50 per rainbow they'd like.

The rainbow medals and rarity up stuff is pretty nice at least. I like the rarity up system more than the rainbow medal stuff because it looks more realistic and possible to save up and 6* a girl you really like while the medal income is awfully slow and saving up for one exchange would pretty much take you longer than it would take you in most current games. And to be honest, if you compare dedicating one year of your life to building up pity medals and just letting them win by giving them their $50 then paying up would be far cheaper since the amount of time required is unreasonably big here.

>> No.18756724

>Lapis 100% affection H-scene
My god, this is both too lewd and too wholesome at the same time.

>> No.18756932
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You know, I would have figured with the way this keeps happening I would be desensitized to it already, but it keeps hurting the same altogether.
And why am I playing in potato quality?

>> No.18757035
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>finally use the free 10 rolls
>gold gate
>3 golds
>this happens
I would probably be run over by a car soon if it wasn't for the fact that this came after some 200 rolls of nothing but a Behemoth.

>> No.18757054

Cthulhu and who else?

>> No.18757068

Light Tsukuyomi.

>> No.18757099
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Looks like we got a new water stage featuring Scotch Broom and Worm Wood.
They used the "defeating one boosts the other" mechanic again.

>> No.18757160
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The hard part in the EX stage seems to be surviving the first turn, since the enemy gets a preemptive attack round and does strong AOE. Aside from that, they went down quite fast.
Bring your Saffron dodge and barrier units!

>> No.18757371

So if I want to be autistic and reroll for the cross girl rainbow on rate up right now in FKG, whats the fastest way to do it?

I wouldn't even ask if this was on phone but it being a DMM game means its harder to reroll because of accounts and shit.

>> No.18757447

The casual nature of FKG is a selling point for some mind you. That's why I'm still playing it, and it's something the devs realised and actively cultivated years ago.

You could say the difference in level of gameplay arises because they serve distinctly different market niches.

>> No.18757460

That's part of the reason why it hurts so much to have a part of the girls be incredibly rare though. You're going in expecting a casual, relaxing collector game but it turns out the gacha has something else in mind for you when it comes to letting you collect girls.

>> No.18757544

Fortunately, Gold versions of Rainbow girls exist, and it's presumably just a matter of time for instances of it to occur.
I'm kind of biased in that regard however, since I tend to vastly prefer the Gold versions aesthetically over their original rainbows.

>> No.18757627
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Yeah, a start-off rainbow would be pretty neat. They ought to be careful in choosing how to implement that, though, since Girls Symphony kind of torpedoed its own start by giving out three rainbows in their prereg and nothing afterwards, screwing over any latecomers (they had another free rainbow before their hiatus, but by then it was too late).

I tend to shill very hard for FKG too, so it's good to get a reality check from a newer player's unbiased opinion on the game.

Maybe I'm in the minority about this, but the rarity of rainbows doesn't bother me too much, since I'm mostly in this game for seeing new designs rather than collecting them. They do really cool things with both plant biology and folklore, and the girls themselves (and their personalities) are really cute too.

And speaking of cool things, looks like there's even a fanmade tarot deck for FKG, to be released this Jabjab Maidoari (FKG-only convention, held on April 22). Their choices for each arcanum are pretty fitting to boot, you can check them here: https://twitter.com/meel_oathten/status/976811124866756610

>> No.18757806

>Girls Symphony
How they managed to fuck up that game is still beyond me. I guess they wanted to try something new, but that doesn't really excuse how the game went on for half a year without giving anything to players.

>> No.18757848

>They ought to be careful in choosing how to implement that, though
Can't they just literally copy aigis?

Anyone over X player rank gets a free pick tix permanently so it makes getting into the game much, much easier and long time players still benefit because they also qualify for it.

>> No.18757883
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Maybe it's more of a B-team effort? They break their main title twice every month, I'm not sure if they're staffed enough to keep a second running at the same quality. This isn't like Nutaku where they're porting over code (and even that is still a pretty major task, mind), they have to develop the game too.

The biggest exception is that, from what I can see from the wiki, the music references in GS are as extensive and well-researched as these in FKG. I can't really judge that, though - do we have any classical music aficionados here to weigh in on it?

Also, more Jabjab loot ahead of time. This one's a Rose & Rhodanthe tapestry from the latter's official artist.

>> No.18757923 [SPOILER] 
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Fucking excuse me?
Her tits are twice as small in her scene.
I feel cheated.

>> No.18757996

Question, how are Alice and Kayou?

Kayou seems like her SAW is good for chipping down bosses before they're even moving or near you, but other than that, I'm not sure what she really does.
I'm completely unfamiliar with monks however, so I'm not sure about Alice at all.

>> No.18758110

Kayou is a magical DPS unit that is freed from the constraints of older magical DPS units. She's low-cost, so you can just plop her down instead of waiting six hours like a mage. She targets enemies individually, so they don't need to be clustered together for a fireball splash. Her SAW has a HP-cutting perk attached to it, so she can do a number on big bosses that often come with high MR, while clearing small fry at the same time. She also buffs youkai, which boast a lot of other strong units.

Alice, similarly, is an early deploy done right: When you deploy her, she's bulky and strong enough to trivialize early game enemies, and then her SAW ramps and suddenly she's bulky and strong enough to trivialize midgame enemies, and then it ramps again and lo, she can go toe-to-toe with the biggest and meanest bosses. Her 50% dodge is also more reliable than it sounds, especially in combination with her gargantuan post-ramp HP. She greatly appreciates a rearguard to lower her cooldowns (if you aren't going Shura, but KoF looks better to me), but otherwise she's an asset to any team, no matter the composition.

>> No.18758220
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>> No.18758380

Appreciated, thanks anon. I wasn't sure about Kayou at all because I haven't done her AW or SAW yet, so she's still just a melee attack-all for me, and was hoping she became better - glad to hear that she sounds a lot more useful in general after SAW.

Alice sounds interesting, I ended up drawing her the other day and wasn't sure if she'd see any use, it's great to hear that she's actually quite good. That AoE attack seems like it could come in handy as well for shredding trash waves. Her defense stat leaves me a bit concerned, but I imagine it's not as bad as it seems. How high priority would you say getting AW/SAW for her is when compared to Kayou and Sylvia?

>> No.18758417 [DELETED] 

Need some experienced players input on my current team. Ticketed blacks are Moltena and Altair.
What units should I focus spending resources on?
Are there any major gaps that I need filled to tackle higher level Maijin content and Divine Beasts? And if yes, is it necessary to buy a black ticket to make up for that.

>> No.18758424
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Need some experienced players input on my current team. Ticketed blacks are Moltena and Altair.
What units should I focus spending resources on?
Are there any major gaps that I need filled to tackle higher level Maijin content and Divine Beasts? And if yes, is it necessary to buy a black ticket to make up for that.

>> No.18758592

If I were to roll 150 SC, should I do it on the next pickup (I have none of the four blacks and like all of them), or on the Miyabi banner?
I have no ramp aside from Katie, so I'll probably be popping pity plats on the Miyabi banner at least, trying to get Totono. I know Zenobia is in the pickup, but she's the only good plat of 5.
I have 12 blacks and all of them are possible spooks on the Miyabi banner, which is somewhat concerning, though I guess Miyabi is of higher quality than the blacks in pickup, and there's quite a few really good non-dupe off-banners. Frederika and Berna are definitely wants of mine, though, and Moltena would go well with Blanche.

>> No.18758687
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I see how it is

>> No.18758852

Brown dancer Vivi, Jerome, two gatcha blacks

>> No.18758940

1. Get Tifa SAW - she's going to be your main tank in just about every piece of endgame content, and she really wants those ramped stats to be at her best.

2. Put resources into Wendy, Freddie, and Vivian. I'd go for Wendy and Freddie first, because they're more effective units in and of themselves. Definitely SAW Wendy, but I'll leave whether you do so for the other two up to you.

3. I'd replace Lei-Mei, Ramii, and Shelt with SAW Wendy, Freddie, and Vivian. Mei and Wendy pretty much do the same thing, but Wendy self-heals (and cannot be killed) and is immune to status effects, and her skill cycle is much quicker than Mei's. You have too much defense stacked into your team right now, plus Leona provides short bursts of teamwide nullification, so Shelt can be safely nixed, while Ramii's magical damage is going to suffer against the average MR of most Majins and their minions. Trading the aforementioned three out also helps to address the issue of your team's high average cost, at least partially.

4. Consider whether or not you're open to idea of raising Elizabeth, and slotting her in over Danchou or Ema. With Vivi in the team, Liz would be a hellcat of a DPS, and Sue buffs her range. With Tifa playing main tank, Palfy playing offtank, and Wendy being the flexible shield she sometimes is, you'd still be a bit stacked in the defense department, whereas there's really no such thing as too much ranged offense. Danchou does provide ranged damage, but with only Altair as a ramp I'd probably go for swapping him out for Liz over Ema. If nothing else, Ema is cheap and reasonably sustainable for an unhealable blocker, and Samurai attacks are nice for preventing leaks.

Raising Jerome is a possibility, but slotting two Commanders in a team always feels like a waste to me. If you can get away with lowering your average cost, instead, that'd be preferable for versatility. Majins are definitely strenuous on UP gen, so you'll have to get a feel for whether or not you can manage with only a single ramp. For now, I'd say that focusing on the stuff I listed would be a wiser investment.

>> No.18758992

Ah, I should have explained my reasoning for adding Freddie and Vivian.

Dancers pair extremely well with multi-shot units, such as Sue or Elizabeth. Against Majins, especially if your main damage sources are physical DPS specialists with lower base attack, a strong Dancer is a godsend. Viv won't be useful in every bit of endgame content, but she's a fine addition to a main team and should really help Sue (and possibly Liz) excel.

Freddie is more debatable, because she isn't currently an especially impressive attacker. What she does have are both range and splash damage, though her SAW trades some of each for piercing and slow. I guess you can think of her as a convenience option, since she's quite good at thinning out crowds of trash from a safe distance. With Gunner 2AW coming in a few hours, I'm guessing that Freddie is going to get at least a modest boost in effectiveness. Trading her in for Ramii should, at the very least, prove to be an even exchange, though I'd wager it'll wind up being a net positive.

>> No.18758999

>Trying to bbcode on /jp/

>> No.18759019

Now I'll never fit in.

>> No.18759036

You could have gone with something else for emphasis, tags like that just look silly.

>> No.18759038

You just haven't broken past your limits

>> No.18759377
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>bugged tutorials

>> No.18759388

I, too, think they should give us free rainbows.

It should be a reward though, for something that takes a good couple of weeks to achieve. Like completing your first event or first whaleship mission.

>> No.18759413

It took like four refreshes to fix this and it sucked

>> No.18759499
File: 205 KB, 1200x844, Aconite Cattleya Water Lily Helenium Kodemari Lycoris Mint Clover chibi DSDOeXDU8AAGRNt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, since I started the game with a collector's mentality, but ended up having to discard those hopes and dreams due to the novel-exclusive girls which I thought I would never shell out the money for. I did
Before that I rationalised ftp collecting wrt the rainbow rarity by figuring that a freeplayer could still acquire every rainbow released at any arbitrary point in time if they played for enough years after that point. Obviously that logic is not going to work for most people and doesn't really work for me now.

Apparently Soul Senki allows you to collect all its girls as a free player. (and aside from unions its UI is incredibly gaijin/user-friendly) FKG and aegis are different beasts though.

>> No.18759588

We will see if they want to step up their game next anniversary and give everyone a free rainbow pick ticket, or it's another same old gold ticket like previous years.

>> No.18759597

>Next anniversary
Game's going to die with flash because the mobile version will never come out

>> No.18759609

It's all Girls Symphony's fault.

>> No.18759698

Didn't nutaku give a free rainbow ticket or a really cheaply priced rainbow ticket? I remember hearing something about that.

>> No.18759733

>Apparently Soul Senki allows you to collect all its girls as a free player.
Is it? I don't believe you.
I played that game when it was released and the premium gatcha is bullshit. You're only guaranteed 1 character on a 10-roll, the rest are consumable affection items and equipments. And even that guaranteed char just gives you an R.

>> No.18759777

I logged in just enough to get it, picked Ivy and went back to not playing the game.

>> No.18759783

>Nutaku being more generous than the original


>> No.18759825

Not the first time actually.
And it's also not a good sign either. Sometime it was meant to cover up their fucked up, followed with a quick cash in scheme before they abort the game.

>> No.18759839

The free rainbow was actually over some facebook campaign for either nutaku's own anniversary or nutaku FKG's.

Meanwhile on Kamihime's anniversary we got jewed out of 4000 premium currency worth of goods including inventory expansions.
Glad I'm on DMM with my free 800 slots

>> No.18759850

They said on some AMA that FKG is their best title at the moment so that's probably why they're trying to nurture it since its bringing in the cash.

>> No.18759879

I'm an idiot, please advise.

>> No.18759917
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10 rerolls and this is how the last one ends

If the game is as generous as everyone says then it wouldn't hurt if it showed me some love here. Best I got was 2 golds that werenn't particularly cute on a couple accounts and that was about it.

>> No.18759943

Congrats that's almost as rare as getting a single rainbow in a 11 draw.
You're getting there, stop giving up

>> No.18760106

Ir's more long term generosity than anything. You don't really have to grind for evolution/exp fodder and they give out more currency than most other games.

The gacha rates are not generous though. Rolled 500 gems today and only got 6 golds.

>> No.18760140

To me it sounds like the quantity they give out is negated by the amount you'd need to roll to get something nice but I'm just rerolling and frustrated with the rates so what do I know. Maybe I'll continue rerolling tomorrow, already had enough bad gacha rolls for a day.

>> No.18760196
File: 975 KB, 779x517, about as far as I can get on Mozilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know if there's any good way to run kamihime on firefox? It frequently freezes/crashes between screens for me on the firefox but it won't even make it to pic related on chrome for me.

>> No.18760356

Enable hardware acceleration on chrome.
Or replace your toaster seriously.

>> No.18760760

Disposable emails was how I went about it. Changed the one I wanted to keep into a real one.
Good luck.

>> No.18760767

How many tries did it take you? And what did you end up with?

>> No.18760840

Aigis is back up, so what did we get?

>> No.18760855

I don't quite remember the particulars, but according to my notes I ended up with a total of 27 accounts, probably about 5 rolls each for one off-banner rainbow (Red Ginger). This was at around 6 months after release so I imagine it would be easier to gather flower gems now than it was then.
I personally wasn't keen on anything back then so I just wanted a decent start. I've rolled a handful of rainbows since then, and not one of them has been a spotlight rainbow. Some people will praise this game's spotlight, but I'm not one of them. You'll make it though I'm sure, if your autism is strong enough.

>> No.18760874

We school setting now. No black in premium 1, I was hoping it'd be Lapis but eh. 200 rc for that gold pirate guy.

>> No.18760880
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>> No.18760884

What are the abilities on both paths?

>> No.18760888
File: 475 KB, 857x733, Clipboard04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very small attack increase (1059 ->1090 in my case)
Minor HP and def boost
+10 range
Post attack delay shortened a little
Not affected by weather

>> No.18760890

the first one from before is higher attack speed and ignores weather

this one is slower fire rate, more range, and increased aoe, with bigger stats too

>> No.18760891

Wow it's fucking nothing. Nice waste of art.

>> No.18760896
File: 465 KB, 847x728, Clipboard05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very large attack increase (1059 ->1446)
Large HP increase
+30 range
Post attack delay greatly increased
AoE splash ranged increased by 1.3

>> No.18760900

So, did AW2 save gunners?

>> No.18760902

>greatly increased

Her attack speed with SAW is already pretty damn low, how much lower does it get?

>> No.18760906

The only thing that could have saved them was "Post attack delay greatly shortened". What the fuck were they thinking increasing it? For fuck's sake. Mentally handicapped dev team.

>> No.18760914

Wait for Heavy Armor 2AW and you can have "Post attack delay greatly shortened"

>> No.18760917

Wait for Pirate AW2 and you can have true damage on all attacks.

>> No.18760919
File: 841 KB, 924x955, Kanon_AW2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so much cuter now

>> No.18760928

Looking back on the past few months, I really regret spending that free compensatory ~7 million gold they gave on that lame gold gacha.
At the time, I had figured I had nothing to lose since I wouldn't actually need that much to raise what few girls I had at the time, especially with a limited manyu output.
But now that manyu are readily available, I have more girls that are eating up my gold supply faster than I can generate it.

Looks like somebody's overcompensating for something, eh?
Dem thighs though.

>> No.18760941

>Not affected by weather
Are there other classes that have this feature?
As far I know, it's only ever been "immune to status effects" which doesn't cover all weather effects.

>> No.18760942

Any new art?

>> No.18760945
File: 382 KB, 949x637, 4ea5dd5d7e764d978d0751b03e306d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.18760946

You'd think after all of these AW2 the aspie retards would realize a pattern in that they're not exponentially massive powercreep but they somehow still manage to cry every time.

>> No.18760949

Barbatos ?

>> No.18760951

Geomancers and rangers

>> No.18760952

Frederica says no to poison fog

>> No.18760959

>exponentially massive powercreep
This is a powercreep, in the opposite direction.

>> No.18760960

Right, I forgot all about Rangers.

>> No.18760965

So Luxe is basically a sort of nuke skill right? Anyone using her SAW?

>> No.18760969

Why would anyone remember a worthless class with no golds or blacks

>> No.18760974


Attack: (72+1) + (80+1) = 154
Attack: (72+1) + (120+1) = 194

>> No.18760983

One attack every 2 and a half seconds to one every little over 3 seconds

Does wonders to her SAW uptime

>> No.18761000

Too bad, Janna doesn't have new art

>> No.18761002

I've seen Supura in some high level majin clears, and Roza (in theory) should be good for enemies weak to assassination, which is a thing outside of Phenex sometimes.

>> No.18761007

What about the skills/abilities/stuff of the Alchemist girl?

>> No.18761020

I can't wait for Kokoro's revival. She's really cute and I've been waiting for months to finally exchange for a cute girl in the trading post.

>> No.18761027

Would units like clarice benefit a lot from being taken to level 90 or should I stop leveling her at a certain point if I don't have a massive excess of resources?

>> No.18761028
File: 2.25 MB, 2030x1863, 89egsM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fred sure has some huge cannon

>> No.18761032

Any data on how much the first route's post attack delay decrease is?

>> No.18761044

All enemies have less phys atk on skill, and ability is enemies hit have -5% atk. She's not actually in the game yet, so banner info is all we got.

Attack: (72+1) + (80+1) = 154
Attack: (72+1) + (70+1) = 144

>> No.18761045

>that Gio

>> No.18761047

I want to be that spyglass

>> No.18761052

Can anyone check if this path removed the projectile?

>> No.18761054

Get in line

>> No.18761063

Can't believe Zola finally bought herself some clothes

>> No.18761069
File: 195 KB, 1200x848, DZ__FLzV4AAHW7S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18761076

thats a healthy looking zurihole she has there, not even mentioning how ripe this female is

>> No.18761107

What are the names under that heart umbrella thing? One is just Prince I think, can't make out the other.

>> No.18761160

So what route did you go for Frederica? I usually dickpick when in doubt but this time both look similar so no idea what to do

>> No.18761161
File: 217 KB, 643x429, 004_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, looks partially erased. Here's a clean version.

>> No.18761167

>So what route did you go for Frederica?
The warehouse.

>> No.18761170
File: 1.00 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-04-05-16-18-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fiend is too sexual

>> No.18761209

None because I don't have her ;_;

>> No.18761223

The one that gives you 400 rainbow crystals

>> No.18761237

Are you guys just esportsfags or just homo?

>> No.18761258

If a seanigger can't win at life they gotta win at their single player videogames.

>> No.18761320

Not sure if I calculated everything correct but it looked like both routes have similar DPS with SAW and 2nd route is obviously better for normal skill. So I guess bigdick cannon is the pick

>> No.18761344

Someone in my discord said they give out so many free gems that you can get everyone in a few months.

I'm not sure I believe it either.

>> No.18761390

0.5% chance means one rainbow per ~18 11-rolls on average.

But if rng hates you you can easily roll 30 times and get zilch. The person who got me in to the game quit for exactly that reason. Rolling 1500 gems in one sitting and only getting a couple of golds will sting especially after playing for a year or so and getting no rainbows. They came back recently for the anniversary bonanza, got nothing yet again and thus quit again.

I think that account was just cursed.

>> No.18761395

Goddammit she's so plump and cute, why can't she be good too? Sigh.

>> No.18761436
File: 156 KB, 950x620, Mehlis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sniped myself a cute magical girl. Now who could be her best friend to help her fight monsters and hold hands with?

>> No.18761450
File: 12 KB, 150x150, 迅雷斧ウッコアックス_icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at the exchange weapons to find exploitable interactions with the new calamity weapons, when I remembered some guy here playing on Nutaku rolled like 2 or 3 of these back then before the adjustments. I wonder if he still has them or if he even still plays. He might actually have a pretty broken grid if he does, assuming Nutaku doesn't terminate kamihime.

>> No.18761451
File: 86 KB, 439x803, mdz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MDZ did nothing wrong.

>> No.18761475

Rino I hope, another very cute gold with plat alt. Also, is it just me or this school Mehlis's art not from original Mehlis's artist?

>> No.18761495

Aegis and FGK will die along with the flash support, are their companies waiting for their games to close so they can release an updated version? I don't see them pulling a KC phase 2 and releasing an HTML5 version, at least Aegis has a mobile version but FKG doesn't, guess they're focusing their efforts to Jewel Princess.

>> No.18761518

And no, Aigis is HTML5, not flash and fuck off to shitpost on your KC thread

>> No.18761534

Well I though Aigis was in Flash with how oudated it looks but I'm glad is not that way.

>> No.18761804

She's 400 RCs.

>> No.18761865

Thank you kindly for the responses.
I hope a drop rate increase comes soon so I can farm the 3 million I need for awakenings.

>> No.18762005

Oh they're out already?
Also I thought they were gonna be like atmas but turns out they're like cosmos weapons with an added skill that triggers when you have 6 or more of their weapon type on.

That's ironically something GBF should copy since honestly cosmos weapons are just really underwhelming outside a fucking light grid that STILL can't cap, on top of being limited to 1 per account so you can't do meme grids with them.

>> No.18762041

>Oh they're out already?
They drop from rainbow chests in ragna catas, apparently.

>> No.18762070

Unless the bonus is really big it's going to be hard to fit most of them since assault 大 weapons are already rare, finding 6 (5 I guess if the calamity weapon itself counts) of the same type is a real challenge. Even the soul weapon types have an unbalanced distribution.

>> No.18762305
File: 296 KB, 957x636, 1521010906932[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always remember:
For every lucky fellow, who gets 2 rainbows in one 11-roll, there's one unlucky person who doesn't get a single rainbow for more than 120 11-rolls (i.e. 6000 flower gems).

>> No.18762358

>try rolling for Mehlis
>get three blacksmiths out of four plats
>two Sandy dupes and the other useless one

Fucking Aigis.

At least the fourth plat was a shiny new Dolce.

>> No.18762515
File: 447 KB, 1198x794, 23.01.18 0600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making me feel guilty.

Sadly, this roll of mine was probably the last straw for that person I was talking about because they disappeared immediately afterwards.

>> No.18762808

Why? They never bothered getting the mobile version for that out either.

I need this to come back already. I miss MDZ and PT.

>> No.18763022

They planned to release mobile versions for both games one after other, but since they had to remake GS, some people joked that it meant FKG mobile won't be released until they relaunch GS.

>> No.18763167


Yea, what is the occasion here?

>> No.18763254

Nah, Nanaroku drew her (or so it says on her stat window).

Tie in to the last mission of GR19 and the beginning of the school year is in April in Japan.

>> No.18763281

FKG team sold GS off to another company, so that doesn't make sense anyway.

>> No.18763345

>Someone actually saved my roll image

The dupe wheat sort of stings. I wish it had been a different rainbow since I was lucky enough to land on the 0.5% but instead I got her twice.

>> No.18763392

Spotlight is trash though.

>> No.18763450

>outside a fucking light grid that STILL can't cap
Stop living in the pre-Magna II age.

>> No.18763467

I took the one with the hat

>> No.18763490

Towa for infinite fireballs

>> No.18763530

RIP Dragon Knight V.
Yet another game released last year that didn't last a year.

Shame, I actually like this game before the devs turned it into P2W shitfest.

>> No.18763552

Dropped the game after the first event since it was pretty clear that the devs gave no shit about F2P.

>> No.18763674

Apparently the devs behind this game is Techcross. I guess they're killing this game so they can focus on Unitia.

>> No.18763690

This again proved that Techcross is utter shit at balancing their game contents.

>> No.18763736

Kamipro is actually quite balanced right now. It took them about 2 years to fix it.

>> No.18763848
File: 290 KB, 961x640, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sprite is ridiculous, does she have to be so fucking big?

>> No.18763852

She's a big girl

>> No.18763855

Except AW2 BeastMasters, AW 2 Soldiers, AW2 Tacticians, AW2 Healers and all other classes who got massively improved with AW2.

>> No.18763860
File: 27 KB, 124x86, Frederica_AW2v2_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They see me rollin', they hatin'

>> No.18763903

For you

>> No.18764057

The bigger the sprite, the better.

>> No.18764122

Maximum jealousy.

>> No.18764130

>rolled so many blacks recently I don't have the time to level and awaken them all.
My luck has been too good recently, I didn't even mean to roll the majority of them. I think I'm going to be run over by a car or something soon.

>> No.18764176

If you look closer you might notice that it is the cannon that is big, and not Freddy herself.

>> No.18764179

Freddy is pretty big herself, especially her tits.

>> No.18764226

Say, anyone have the Aigis school theme on file somewhere?

>> No.18764236

Whose is bigger? Hers or Wendy's?

>> No.18764326


>> No.18764406

Techcross's own website only takes credit for kamihime and Unitia

>> No.18764507

Wendy is quite small. Obviously Frederica is more equipped.

>> No.18765066

He meant the sprite

>> No.18765209

This fucking 70/6 mission is horse shit
Can somebody find me a guide for this bullshit WITHOUT using Velty and/or Fuuko?

>> No.18765228

Easy, I beat it with Lapis, Moltena, Clarice and Sylvia.

>> No.18765236

They hit like wet noodles.
A fucking Bernice or maybe even Leanne can take on the smaller golems with magic support.
Big iron golem is the only issue and it moves dead last anyways

>> No.18765260

No whale "protips", please.
Bernice can't fucking tank two at once, and DEFINITELY not the axe throwing golem without skill active.

>> No.18765292

>Always complained about how every video required you to have Velty and Fuuko
>Rolled Livre and can replace Fuuko with other tanks

I'm free my brother. See you on the other side when the goddess decides to release you from suffering too

>> No.18765360


>> No.18765385


Woah you can use Taigong Wang to increase the lifetime of tokens with deteriorating health by having her take some of the damage.
This is super interesting.

>> No.18765451


>> No.18765483

I'll have to experiment how to replace that Kokoro, but I'll manage somehow, thanks, this will be helpful.

>> No.18765495
File: 280 KB, 946x580, bitch tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it brahs
I'm endgame now

>> No.18765496

If you have resources saved up, Kokoro's revival starts on the 9th.

>> No.18765534

Post your team?

>> No.18765552

>Not CC'd
Am I just tired and never realized it doesn't show CC icon on that screen?

>> No.18765560

You're tired anon, not all classes have a CC.

>> No.18765569

Nice SAW faggot

>> No.18765580

No I meant for fodder units. AW2 needs CC if I haven't been under a rock the past couple months?

>> No.18765591

Yes very well done.
However you still haven't reached level 99 yet, SAW and raised the second copy to Beastmaster.
The CC icon doesn't show on units on that specific screen, you still need CC silvers for awakenings of course.

>> No.18765595

Yeah, I did that immediately after.
And then realized I spent 1 million fucking gold in the span of 10 minutes to AW her twice and then her skill.
And then realized I have no gold left.
It hurts thinking how many black units I have left that will need this process.
But fuck that, why would I even NEED other units? I have OP doggos.

You are correct. The red arrow icon is gone from their profile icons when they're used for AW.

>> No.18765602

>SAW and raised the second copy to Beastmaster.
That's a funny way of saying "sell the extra copy for 400 RC."

>> No.18765607

>But fuck that, why would I even NEED other units? I have OP doggos.
If you are mentally challenged like me, you run out of dogs eventually.
Which is why I also bring Blanche for more dogs

>> No.18765649

Do the % bonuses from passive skills apply after dancers' stat bonuses or before?
So, say, Miyabi adds exactly 200 ATK and DEF during her pre-AW infinite duration skill. Unit A has 1000 ATK. Without Prince, Unit A has 1200 in Miyabi's range. What is Unit A's ATK after deploying Prince, assuming his buff grants 20% ATK/DEF exactly?

>> No.18765686

It could be Anna the last letter looks like a ナ with erased letters probably アン
Diabolos is cute but Fleurety is a better ojou-sama. She should be the SSR Diabolos.

>> No.18765692

She's not even min cost you dumb nerd

>> No.18765708

I wish Fleurety was a better main summon.
Enmity/Pride on summon aura is a cute idea but it should've remained an idea.

Although if it's an exponential multiplier it'd be interesting, but from what I heard on the wiki it's just very lineal, although it is character ATK so I guess?
Capping at 50% is definitely an issue however.

>> No.18765738

I guess devs just slap the idea because it would be boring to add another 40%ATK/20%HP UP passive free eidolon. Not to mention pride is the best gimmick for wind team.

>> No.18765795

Can anyone confirm the claim that Freddie's 2AW attack speed increase/decrease actually has no effect upon her SAW?

>> No.18765997

But that's not really a proper answer to your question since in this instance, Miyabi also gets affected by the Prince boost and so the result is the same whether or not you add the % bonus passive before or after adding Miyabi's stats to the unit.

The % bonuses seem to apply before a dancer's stat bonuses are added when accounting for % buffs that only affect the buffed unit and not Miyabi, however.

Miyabi boost: 270
Estelle RAW: 917
Estelle Deployed (+10%): 1008
+Miyabi only (+10% +270): 1278
+Ingrid only (+20%): 1108
+Miyabi+Ingrid (+20% +270): 1378

>> No.18766057

Actually, I fucked up a bit notation, since Ingrid's buff seems to be multiplicative with Estelle's.
It should be
Estelle Deployed (1.1(RAW)): 1008
+Miyabi only (1.1(RAW) + 270): 1278
+Ingrid only (1.21(RAW)): 1108
+Miyabi+Ingrid (1.21(RAW) + 270): 1378

Although decimal values aren't retained throughout any part of the calculation so there's a slight margin of error when trying to calculate it neatly.
Maybe I should have just used hypothetical values.

>> No.18766280

Fuck, I hate myself more and more every time I choose to try a blind run.
I figured the 70/6 golems would be easy enough without looking at a video and completely forgot how that axe throwing son of a bitch worked and had my Livre die to him the moment I deployed her.

>> No.18766285
File: 163 KB, 1000x1000, 1493647808176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I use my orbs on SR LB items to sort of finish my grid or buy Adrammelechs to use as sub summons

>> No.18766469

Perfectly doable with only imperial units and no prince.

>> No.18766479


Just solo it with a single unit that's not even a black, easy game.

>> No.18766497

>with pikachu prince
Dude, everything is braindead easy when pika prince is involved.

>> No.18766504

>AW Clarice
what a horrible night to be broke as fuck

>> No.18766553
File: 965 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-04-06-11-46-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the hang of it, should be able to 3* it
In 6 hours.

>> No.18766599

>Taking multiple tries to 3* it with AW2 Moltena and Blanche among other blacks

Anon I think you might be relying too much on those dogs.

>> No.18766611

Should I deploy more dogs, then?

>> No.18767015

Tried to pull for plat Mehlis. Did 8 rolls for my pity plat. Five of them were silvers. The plat was the tengu.

I hate this game. I couldn't get Wonder Heart through two pity plats, either.

>> No.18767100

I'm just about to pop my 3rd pity plat hoping for Totono since I lack any ramp beyond Katie, I feel you anon.

>> No.18767205

Fuck, how did Dark end up with the cutest girls?
All the gacha's given me is light.
At least I got Proserpina now, but no matter how many times I check, I don't see Chernobog, Samael, Hypnos, Beleth, S Zeruel, Osiris, Pluto, etc just don't show up in my inventory.

Damn gacha.

>> No.18767213

I dunno bud, Glad I picked dark when I started.

>> No.18767422

What's the ideal tier to pull fame gacha at if you're solely looking for a shrine black?

>> No.18767441

At 10k iirc.

>> No.18767491

Great, thanks. I'm not feeling great about my odds, but hopefully it turns out well.

>> No.18767681

I'm new to DMM games and was wondering which games had the most rape besides Kamihime and TABA.

All I know is that way back when, Nutaku censored rape scenes in Kamihime to be consensual. Is it also true that the content is becoming more vanilla recently?

>> No.18767713

The "censored" rape scenes for Nutaku Kamihime are even worse because it feels like straight up NTR. In a regular rape, the girl is unwilling but in Nutaku's version, the girl ends up enjoying the cock after being penetrated for 2 seconds and becomes Villager A's personal cocksleeve by the end of the scene. Also it feels weird when you can clearly hear the JP voices screaming in resistance but the ENG text is invitation to fuck harder.

>> No.18767721

No you buy a copy of Kaiser dragoon you already have or the main element one.
Then you buy all of Kaiser dragoons.
Then you're free to do whatever thr fuck you want.
Because dark himes generally have great design of their dark attires and characteristics. Light also has cute himes like Tsukuyomi, Artemis, Diane, Dike, etc.

>> No.18767727

It has been a vanilla fest for over a year and half.

>> No.18767735

Is it just straight up impossible to get Jerome in Aigis now without buying the plat ticket for him?

>> No.18767748

why would you want a male unit

>> No.18767756

Because he's cool, and the best soldier that's not a black.

>> No.18767759

you gay?

>> No.18767762

Sure, if not hating males because they don't have a vagina is gay, then I guess I'm a flaming homosexual.

>> No.18767776

Otogi Frontier.
It's full of rapey villagers like the early Kamihime.

>> No.18767788

>got Queen Titania
>checked out her CGs on panda before unlocking the H scene in-game
>looked like molestation in the first CG
>Fuck yeah, big tittied fairy/elves getting molested/raped is my fetish
>unlock the scene and it's actually vanilla
I still fapped but what the fuck? The one scene I wanted to not be vanilla in this rapefest of a game and it's vanilla?

>> No.18767798

I got him from the subjugation crystal gacha.

>> No.18767801

I guess he might still be in that and fame gacha, then.
Just asking because he's not in the normal pool anymore, and I doubt we'll ever see him on a banner again.

>> No.18767846


See for yourself. Pretty much majority of the 5* have either rape/NTR/tentacles on one of their hscenes.

>> No.18767880

If you have Totono, you can skip Jerome.

>> No.18767888

I don't unfortunately. My only ramping characters are Katie and Lieselotte, I've been pulling on the current banner hoping for Totono with no luck.
I'd kill to have a good ramper + Uzume.

>> No.18767905

Just for reference, the best 5 rampers in the game are in order: Deira, Totono, Altia, Jerome, Sabein. With rearguard deployed, Totono and Jerome can be faster than their black-rarity counterparts given enough time. Sabein can potentially out-ramp almost everyone, but unfortunately he costs 19 at minimum, which makes him mostly impractical except in subjugations.

>> No.18767925

Can somebody explain to me why some characters are named in roundabout ways? I mean you have "Tinker Bell", "Rapunzel", straight taken from the source, but instead of "little red riding hood" (Akazukin in Japanese) we've got "Vermillion". Sun Wu Kong is called Chi-. What happened here? Copyright issues?

>> No.18767932

Thanks for the info, anon.
I popped a pity black trying for Diera on her last banner and got a black I'll never use instead, and now I'm at 5 or 6 plats drawn on the Miyabi banner with no Totono. I'm pretty sure if we ever get another black ticket, I'm going to get Altair.

When the 5000 point plat ticket comes back, I'm going to be torn between Jerome and Uzume at this rate, unless a miracle happens and I get Altair/Jerome from fame gacha or something.

>> No.18767934

Who was it?

>> No.18767941


>> No.18767945

But socie's great and super cute?

>> No.18767950

Heh, I think I remember your post, you wanted a cutie with big boobs and a small gun and not a washboard with a big gun or something.

>> No.18767957
File: 7 KB, 281x38, TotonoPls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, managed to get to another pity plat. this is probably my last shot at Totono, wish me luck

I won't argue with her being cute since that's subjective, I'm just not a fan of her AW art. Her attack speed seems too bad to really use, though.

Yep, that was me, heh. Surprised you remember that.

>> No.18767972

Fuck this game, I got a dupe of useless fucking Junon.

>> No.18767973
File: 516 KB, 970x825, Socie_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But her AW art is great and she deletes demons/angels off the map with her massive numbers on top of buffing ranged units.

You're not going to get anything if you cant appreciate your girls and this cutie right here deserves lots of appreciation.

>> No.18767994

Sorry anon, my most appreciated girls are Ingrid and Rinne. Ingrid for being so damn sexy, and Rinne for being cute and saving my ass.

>> No.18768099
File: 275 KB, 958x508, ss+(2018-04-06+at+06.48.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This team is just rainbows and cute girls although I've been lucky in that only two of my rainbows are not cute. It usually turns out to be more combat-effective then carefully built squads simply because everyone except Lantana and Peperoma are max-amped.

Mai waifu Lavender will be replaced by her rainbow version as soon as I can finish amping her.

>> No.18768175

>Lol. They started selling Red Corruption's CG set on DMM.
Random thought, but I'm surprised you never see any games buying up a dead game's assets and adapting the girls for release. Kinda like a super crossover.

Obviously it would work for most matchups do to artstyle and setting differences, but there has to be at least one other game on DMM that couldn't recycle RC's assets.

>> No.18768180

>Obviously it would work for most matchups due to artstyle and setting differences, but there has to be at least one other game on DMM that could recycle RC's assets.

>> No.18768524

Girls Cross Chronicle did that, and it didn't even last 6 months.

No one would spend real money on the gatcha for a bunch of recycled assets.

>> No.18768726

Isn't taimanin arena 90% recycled stuff?

>> No.18768771

Looking at the CG set on sadpanda, no. They all look new.

>> No.18768796

>taimanin arena on sadpanda
Do you have a link? I've been looking up and down trying to search the DMM gallery but I can't find it.

>> No.18768809

That's because they didn't even bother to upload all the recycled ones. There are literally all the empress/taimanin from all their games in there, plus some more from other lilith games, dwarfing the scarce original content.

>> No.18768839

Search taimanin battle and check "Show expunged galleries" on the advanced options.

>> No.18768861


>> No.18768978


>> No.18769004

Is that a bug or is it working as intended?
What about the increased splash area?

>> No.18769448

It has to be a bug, otherwise they would have actually made her playable.

>> No.18769464

Fuuko revival when

>> No.18769484
File: 982 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-04-06-23-16-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I had to do was somehow devote even less brain functions to thinking.
Being a retard pays off.

>> No.18769494
File: 40 KB, 408x439, 1427113908861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard thinks it's a bug
>retard thinks a "bug" that gives her a massive buff with the slow firing form is bad
Dumb SEAniggers WW@?

>> No.18769601

Not a SEAmonkey but I'm hella dumb.
Where do I fit in?

>> No.18769979 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1025x800, COQ-gdLUAAAisJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so we've got a title for the next FKG light novel. Curiously enough, neither Broom nor the maid squadron is going to feature here: If I'm getting this right, Lycoris will be working as a maid in a mysterious Western mansion under an equally mysterious witch, who is also a flower knight (and serial code character) based on... holy shit, it's Welwitschia. This is the possible sister-group to all living seed plants, alongside the similarly ancient Ginkgo and Ephedra, and known for only ever growing two leaves in its 1000+ year old life.

Welwitschia has no flower meaning, so this is further confirmation that the LN characters play by their own rules. Between this and Eringi making her debut as the first mushroom knight. future additions to FKG's roster are going to be very exciting indeed.

You're just shitposting now, >>18769448 is obviously joking.

>> No.18770005
File: 106 KB, 1025x800, COQ-gdLUAAAisJO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, so we've got a title for the next FKG light novel. Curiously enough, neither Broom nor the maid squadron is going to feature here: If I'm getting this right, Lycoris will be working as a maid in a mysterious Western mansion under an equally mysterious witch, who is also a flower knight (and serial code character) based on... holy shit, it's Welwitschia. This is the possible sister-group to all living seed plants, alongside the similarly ancient Gnetum and Ephedra, and known for only ever growing two leaves in its 1000+ year old life.

Welwitschia has no flower meaning, so this is further confirmation that the LN characters play by their own rules. Between this and Eringi making her debut as the first mushroom knight. future additions to FKG's roster are going to be very exciting indeed.

You're just shitposting now, >>18769448 is obviously joking.

>> No.18770346
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.32_[2018.04.07_03.32.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Right after I just bought a bunch of codes.

>> No.18770517
File: 10 KB, 422x260, 349818421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just how it's coded. Her SAW has a built in attack cooldown of 144, which overrides the base numbers of whatever class she is.

>> No.18770667

They really should have updated that number when they dropped Gunner CD frames by 20. Anyways, do you happen to know whether or not Towa's attack speed increase applies to skills like that?

>> No.18770750

Thanks. So I guess Heavy Cannon Master + Graviton Cannon is the best path.
You get the increased attack, increased ranged and increased splash with none of the downsides.

>> No.18770986

Superheavy Artillery, not High Cannon Master

>> No.18770990
File: 871 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-04-06-15-13-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasnt too long ago when I struggled and took me several attempts to manage to full clear a subjugation
>Get all the 1001 kills with basically zero effort and no deaths

I've sure come a long way though its probably because of the demon summoner I recently pulled trivializing this entire thing. Still very satisfied with my progression in this game though.

>> No.18771022

>Need stamina, Gathering gives 0
>Just want 30 stamina, Gathering gives 60+ and reaches max with no overflow
RNG is so fun

Just wondering, but Lily's Solar Drive-depended buff last the whole stage and it doesn't matter which team used the Solar Drive, right? So to make use of her (maximum) 30% Attack Buff, shooting the Solar Drive as early as possible is best, right? Also, the final chapter of Character Quests can be repeated to farm multiple Personal Items, but is there a need for it if you only have the one character?

>> No.18771096
File: 201 KB, 1155x715, jewels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who can't open
the loading bar always stops at this point.

>> No.18771101 [DELETED] 

>Lily's Solar Drive-depended buff last the whole stage and it doesn't matter which team used the Solar Drive, right?

Pretty sure it only counts if it's used in the fight, so you'll want to save it for when she fights a boss (and ideally at 300%). I don't think the buff carries over between fights either.

>> No.18771142

I'm having the same issue actually. What browser are you using? Tried it with Chrome and Firefox.

>> No.18771150

Looks like they broke something, if you open the browser console you see a bunch of error messages.

>> No.18771188

Why are Moltena users so bad at this game?

>> No.18771203

I have a Supergravity Shell Frederica. Would it be stupid to put Super Heavy Gunner on her?

>> No.18771216

The only good one is that guy with the youtube channel, since he kinda pretends he's paying attention to thunder timing and not wasting dogs.

>> No.18771237

Dropping dogs is an art.

>> No.18771244

Because honestly you don't need to be good if you have her.
Just keep throwing dogs at things and it'll work out eventually.

>> No.18771280

>Superheavy Artillery + Supergravity Shell is the best path
Taste aside, yes.

Heavy Cannon Master's DPS advantage over Super-Heavy Gunner, assuming that their respective attack speed changes are active full time (base skill), is <30. Meanwhile, SHG enjoys +20/36 range, +36/46 splash, and at least +380/532 attack over HCM. It's pretty much the same story for SAW, except even more tilted in SHG's favor now that we know that the cooldown frames are equal for both paths. All of this gets even more silly when you factor in the effectiveness of external buffs, which increases as base stats increase.

The only thing HCM Freddie kinda has going for her is weather immunity, which an AW Feng-Shui User already mitigates into a minor annoyance on every occasion except Barbatos' Advent. SAW SHG Freddie essentially has two components of her base skill active at all times, access to a greatly empowered true damage skill which suffers no penalty from her only detrimental class attribute, and the fringe benefit of an ~30% improvement to her HP pool.

On the contrary, that would be the wiser course of action from a gameplay perspective.

>> No.18771319

Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera... all the same

I see, thank you.

>> No.18771333

I just realized there actually is one event black I'm missing.
Anya rerun onegai

>> No.18771344

Say no to reruns
When are we going to get a new event black? Its been over half a year since the last one and an eternity since the last actually good one.

>> No.18771373

Was Saval really that long ago?

>> No.18771388

>Great Thief and the Treasure of the Pyramid (大怪盗とピラミッドの秘宝) is a collection based urgent mission running from 05/10/2017 to 19/10/2017.


>> No.18771598

>The FKG spinner nightmare completely ends in chapter 9

Thank god. Time to blast through story for gems then get shit on and go back to not playing.

>> No.18771629

I wish I could autoset cutscenes to skip.
I cannot read these runes so I'm not missing anything but my time

>> No.18771857

It's the sort of thing that's hard to determine without ingame testing, unfortunately. I have neither Fred nor Towa, though.

>> No.18771903

How fast does AW2 Zola attack?
Might be a better source of splash magic damage since she won't deal piss for damage against demons when Ingrid's SAW is on cooldown

>> No.18771933

Attack: (42+1) + (70+1) = 114

>> No.18772130
File: 154 KB, 650x386, blacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of the blacks shown here, who would benefit the most from going to level 90?

They're all hanging out around level 50 because it just works with them at around that level but I now have some resources I can use to level a couple past that so I wanted to get more opinions on who deserves to break past their limits. Of course, I already have some in mind myself but I still want to hear other people's thoughts on it.

>> No.18772189

Units like Kiba/Sylvia/Tifa are generally good options for the raw HP scaling they get and two of them also get a bit extra from their skill ramping multipliers.

>> No.18772203

Strictly speaking, units that have tokens typically benefit the most from levels since the tokens gain those levels as well, followed by units with stat-ramping skills.

So in this case, Silvia, then Tifa.

>> No.18772353

Sylvia > Tifa > Socie

Gotta hit them numbers high

>> No.18773205

Wait, so are you guys saying her Superheavy Gunner SAW ignores the attackspeed loss from her SAW?

>> No.18773688

Aigis really needs some sort of free stage I can use to sandbox and test out new setups without risk
Just make it have no rewards or be literally unclearable.

>> No.18773704
File: 301 KB, 958x640, ede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought these worked like roulettes, are arrow things totally random? I want to think is my connection fucking me as they seem to take sometimes the opposite direction to the arrows.

>> No.18773737

The question mark ones are completely random, yeah. Thankfully they've become much less common.

>> No.18773752

You can't complete that stage with only one character on the bottom camp, and you need three there to maximise your chances.

>> No.18773784
File: 301 KB, 958x640, 1523079569188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also note that paths are one-way. In other words the maps will never send squads backwards on a path.

So spinners will randomly direct the squad sown any path that squads can not approach the spinner from.

>> No.18773874

Damn I though the middle one could send you to left but I now I see it can only send you foward, now I feel stupid after I tried that and actually worked, thank's for the help.

>> No.18773931

It's the other way around; her SAW ignores any changes to her base attack speed.

>> No.18773943

It's easy to get turned around while still learning the game's internal rules.

>> No.18774062

Guys, I made a horrible mistake and bought the anniversary ticket in Kamipro. Is there a list for current most broken units?

>> No.18774153

I have never seen one, but I haven't really checked. Which element are you looking for? The best choice would also depend on what other himes you have, how many eyes you have or plan to spend (in case you're saving for a shop weapon) etc.
Straight up the most broken would probably be Light Nike, but she's limited so I don't think you can pick her with the ticket. Light has also some problem with debuffs if you don't have Light Tsukuyomi and or SSR Artemis.
Water is still overall pretty damn strong and is bound to become the top element again with calamity weapons since they have a super easy path to a 特殊剣 grid (2 from the advents and 3 from the union events). If you have nothing else and want to go water, Ryuuou with her amazing kit would probably be the best choice. In general, if you don't have debuffs (especially def debuffs) then a def debuff hime would probably be the most useful one to you.
But yeah, there's lots of things to consider.

>> No.18774270

In Kamihime, is there anything you can do with Eidolon upgrade materials aside from leveling Eidolons?
All my SSRs are max level and my inventory is full.

>> No.18774352

Upgrade other eidolon upgrade materials so they'll yeld more experience when you'll use them.

>> No.18774368

In three months I've never even considered that this is possible. Thanks

>my face >>18756380

>> No.18774387

Event black is just an excuse to create a unit that's only useful once awoken and skill awoken, to make the cost of getting there even more awful. Kinda like the current valkyrie up right now, who also needs to be min cost to be of any help and has useless second awakenings.

>> No.18774407
File: 1.17 MB, 909x517, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bodacious Boosted is nice and all, but when do we get Pettanko Promoted?

>> No.18774461

It's listed on the 5ch thread for Dragon Knight 5. I'm not sure how they figured it out but it makes sense. It has the same main quest/sub quest and recycled events with palette swapped enemies.

Apparently the Techcross games on DMM are Kamihime, Valkyrie Sage (already dead), MuvLuv, Koihime (not sure which one), Dragon Knight 5 and Unitia.

>> No.18774539

That just sounds like baseless speculation, honestly

>> No.18774603
File: 174 KB, 900x500, DOAHYWLV4AAAYd_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple months back

>> No.18774610

It's listed on the FAQ section so I'm pretty sure they have a source we don't know.

>> No.18774643

Those scenes are voiced though, so even kanji-disabled people can understand most of it.

>> No.18774780

Holy shit, I swear I didn't know this. But Cthulhu and Motu seem to be a bit too large.

>> No.18774879

> has useless second awakenings
Her AW2 saved my ass at 魔界の深層

>> No.18775006

Yep, Geiroelul is what makes (some) Valkyries viable.

>> No.18775068

Should i pick Alice or Moneta for my second black ticket? Already picked Kayou for my first one.

>> No.18775093

I think you misspelled Rinne.

>> No.18775207
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, 1494317529207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18775226


I didn't expect to be this soon, not liking the 3D chibistyle

>> No.18775307

So, I lost the second anniversary changes in kamihime, what I do with mastery points? where can I use them?

>> No.18775424

Aren't those used as cosmetics for your soul? (like, have your Arthur keep her abilities, but use Gawain's sprite in battle)

>> No.18775471

You can do all that stuff, but that's not what the mastery points are.
Click on the soul in your team comp window, so that it opens the soul's profile. On the bottom right you have 英気開放 and that's where you get to spend them.

>> No.18775485
File: 242 KB, 846x606, 7b88b99eb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. The skin change doesn't require anything.
Go to your soul page and click that button, it opens a new page with extra bonus and skill upgrades for that soul.

>> No.18775500

thanks a lot anon

>> No.18775534
File: 829 KB, 721x495, Thanatos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw Just got Thanatos from tickets, my 5th Dark SSR

>> No.18775733
File: 777 KB, 214x191, kingu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cute himes

>> No.18775990
File: 1.74 MB, 304x274, Pluto1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shit at making webums

She would be useful if Amon doesn't have C-debuff. And she bursts too quickly if you don't build your dark team around her.

>> No.18776005
File: 281 KB, 304x274, (((mammon))).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another.
Please vote for Mammon pls.
Or should I educate the wonder of this jew incarnate.

>> No.18776019

who is the best R hime? so I can put some votes on

>> No.18776158

Konohanasakuya, both as cuteness and esports.

>> No.18776174

This got greenlit on Nutaku???

>> No.18776594

Sure did, it's from the in-game banner that was shared on twitter as well.

>> No.18776631

Dike will always be the cutest in my heart. And as a lightfag, Light Caspiel is also toptier.

>> No.18776638

Maat is good.
Where the fuck you gonna get your dispels in Wind otherwise?

>> No.18776655

Orpheus, Zeruel, the girl with the minigun.

>> No.18776665

I wish I knew how to make gifs of them, but for me the cutest are Orpheus tapping to the beat, ANGERY Kingu and Bastet.

>> No.18776672

Vote for what and where?

>> No.18776741
File: 424 KB, 640x900, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could stay interested in Kamihime, but it's not really my kind of game and my favorite girl is low rarity, so there's really no drive.

>> No.18776973

Mage AW2 with a +20% skill duration feature when?
I want to be able to have -70% MR reduction permanently active using Estelle, Ingrid, and a Rearguard.

>> No.18777029

>Spend 200 flower gems on a fkg gacha
>Get shit on
>Manage to motivate myself and grind another 50
>Nazuna laughs at my efforts and tells me to go away

These rates are incredibly demotivating. Maybe I should just log in to roll whenever they give out free shit so I don't have to feel pain.

>> No.18777031

Super new to kamihime, I've done the free gatcha's a few times and have a fair selection of SR's. If I want to continue to do F2P what are the easier ways to get SSR's? I know that tickets are a thing and I've gotten one but I don't know if there are different ones.

>> No.18777080

Just clear all events and fate episodes. Save them and throw it all on someone whom you fancy. In the meantime, just grind your team and buff your weapon grid. Also find a decent union.

>> No.18777300

I suppose you COULD just treat it as a collecting game and just
log in and roll
maybe sometimes do the exp daily to unlock scenes if you feel like it too

>> No.18777396

>favorite girl is high rarity and people cry they can't draw her
>favorite girl is low rarity and people cry she's useless/not viable

>> No.18777554

Yeah that's what I do currently, they should hold something like legfes so those who are lucklets feel they have a chance to get something nice, anyway I guess the game is viable with only gold units so we don't need rainbows units that much.

>> No.18777632

>>favorite girl is low rarity and people cry she's useless/not viable
Honestly, this is why I love games where every unit is more or less viable. I'm still rocking Oili in Kanpani and she's a 1*. FKG is going this route now, too, with letting you make any non-rainbow unit into an actual rainbow with rainbow-tier stats and skills. And FGO has its grail system.

Every waifu collecting game should do this, really. Having waifus you love but can't use at high levels because they're shit is the worst.

>> No.18777680

>X game is viable with low rarities so you can play it even if you get nothing from the gacha

This always bothers me because I'm never playing a mobile game or a browser game for the gameplay so stuff like this is irrelevant. I'll usually pick it up for the cute voiced girls or story so I'd like to enjoy getting nice things, being able to save for something and feel like I'd be able to do anything I want in the game without being walled by dumb things or paywalls.

Sure, you could play some of these games with full low rarity teams like how some people argue F/GO is perfectly playable even if you don't ever get a 5* but all the awful rolls are eventually going to get to you which could lead to you dropping it or stop caring about it.

>> No.18777903

Can someone explain to me why Miyabi has an enemy range attack attraction gimmick
Does this mean she will attract lich fire or black goblin archers? Seems like a bad fucking idea considering she's paper.

>> No.18777925

Whatever she's buffing will melt the lich before it can even think of raping her.

>> No.18777935

What if I'm the one thinking of raping her?

>> No.18777952
File: 34 KB, 600x600, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might not be a lich but you would still have a boner.

>> No.18777978

I've dropped SC on like 3 Miyabi banners so far and she refuses to come to me. Is she ever going to grace my team with her presence?

>> No.18778009

Pick up dancing and she might come coach you.

>> No.18778019

How do I get silver ninjas and mages in Aigis? I have a ton of other silver fodder but I keep running out of these two types.

>> No.18778034

Check the revival and see if any available maps drop them, then spend the day farming those. If not, check the daily revival and do that instead. In the worst case, you can run the current event even though you don't get anything out of clearing maps more than once. Otherwise you're at the mercy of the gacha. You can do the 2k gold gacha, but the silver rate is really, really bad, especially when you only need one specific class.

>> No.18778040

Except Liches have near-global range and will fucking one-shot her...

>> No.18778075

It's a trade off for permanent skill uptime. With the SAW she only taunts onskill and has a 100% chance to nullify the attack.

>> No.18778204

Because she is meant to be used while Skill Awakened.

>> No.18778237

>permanent buff vs 20 second one

>> No.18778264

I don't know when you'd really need a permanent one with the way majins are designed. It's usually spaced out waves of difficult to deal with mobs rather than a continuous onslaught.

The SAW buff is also significantly stronger than the normal skill which matters when you're trying to dps down a bunch of fat enemies all at once in majins. And that's ignoring the fact that she basically neuters most ranged enemies with her skill for its duration.

>> No.18778267

Not even a dracolich can oneshot her, technically speaking.

>> No.18778274
File: 1.12 MB, 960x591, LapisAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I endgame yet, lads?
How important is her SAW anyway?

>> No.18778277

Damn. I guess I already knew the answer but I really don't want to do that and wanted a different answer.

>> No.18778280

It's a straight upgrade but not the most important thing in the world if you have other priorities.

>> No.18778309

Noted, thanks. I guess it can wait, definitely have a few things fighting for priority at the moment, with Shu-Xian and her AW + SAW, Sylvia's SAW, Alice AW + SAW, and Kayou SAW.

>> No.18778317

Not terribly. He strength lies in the attack buff, and that modifier doesn't increase. Get to it eventually for the range/MR, though.

>> No.18778319
File: 110 KB, 756x532, 1511501965812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lapis, Sylvia, Shu-Xian
No, I am not jealous.

>> No.18778362

Out of all the shrine blacks, what units are worth making both AW2 paths?

>> No.18778365
File: 1.68 MB, 500x281, When you want to rocketpunch the cute Dancer but can&#039;t.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they took away her ability to abuse stealth mechanics, since that would've been a pretty big draw to keep her regular skill.
Although game-breaking is game-breaking I suppose, no matter how fun or silly.

>> No.18778389

I feel like everyone that started recently can snipe the best blacks from the gacha because of the guaranteed pity roll. They also have a nonstop stream of SC from new missions. Must be nice.

>> No.18778394

>Cuts off when it finally rocket punches
Anon, you can't be doing things like this.

>> No.18778401

It's basically exactly what this anon >>18778389 says. I rerolled into Sylvia, got Lapis from buyable black ticket, and got Shu-Xian with the SC from the black ticket.

>> No.18778413 [DELETED] 

>Non-stop stream of SC
I'm on like month 6 and my stream of SC already stopped as a full F2P. Getting legend next month is absolutely impossible so its definitely not endless.

Though I haven't been rolling rateups and instead rolled pickups instead. The rest of my blacks that haven't been on rateups come from black tickets. Really want to roll for Miyabi but I only get burned every time I go for her, just got a totono dupe for example on my latest roll.

>> No.18778419

Lucky bastard, I just burned through 6 plats on that banner without a Totono. I have no ramp characters other than Katie.
If only I'd gotten Diera when I popped a pity black trying for her instead of fucking Socie.

>> No.18778420

>Non-stop stream of SC
I'm on like month 6 and my stream of SC already stopped as a full F2P. Getting legend next month is absolutely impossible so its definitely not endless.

Though I haven't been rolling rateups and instead rolled pickups instead. The rest of my blacks that haven't been on rateups come from the free black tickets and legend tickets. Really want to roll for Miyabi but I only get burned every time I go for her, just got a totono dupe for example on my latest roll.

>> No.18778423

>Lucky bastard
This is like my second or third totono dupe.

>> No.18778428

>Wanting to see Miyabi get fisted
You sick fuck.

>> No.18778437

Anon, from where I'm sitting, I'm envious as hell.
I have no Totono/Diera, no Altair, no Jerome/Zenobia, and not even an Uzume/Leora. I'm fucked.

>> No.18778470

Attempt to snipe, you mean.

Because spotlight is a goddamn lie, no matter which one you roll.

>> No.18778563


Tried to snipe the black zapper zombie; got Ibuki.

>> No.18778835

Rumor has it Shiva's AW will come alongside new story chapters, cross episodes and a new Dark event

>> No.18778852


>> No.18779030

>new story chapters
Cool story, anon.

>> No.18779317

In kamihime do half the girls get fucked by other people in the harem scenes or am I just shit with rolls?

>> No.18779344

Shitty rolls.
Basically everything introduced after the NY 2017 raid is pure vanilla.
The exceptions are some who get some yuri as their first scene, or Sitri/Kushinada who just get pure yuri.

>> No.18779367

Thanks for the heads up anon. I'm always down for vanilla.

>> No.18779395

There's definitely a minority who got shafted with the ever increasing scarcity of rape/NTR scenarios is neo Kamihime but honestly most of the vanilla scenes are 2pure4me and it just melts my heart.
I like the way things are for himes like Hephaestus, Chernobog, Diana, etc, it's just good vanilla.

>> No.18779414

This is true, just started playing but ain't got nothing of the featured shit, even got a black 3 rolls before the pity one but no Wonder Heart I know she's a meme class but damn also they can hit really hard sometimes so that comes as a plus with the low cost.

>> No.18779416

>yuri as their first scene, or Sitri/Kushinada who just get pure yuri.
Lucky bastards.

>> No.18779460

Are there ways to make an all male team viable?

>> No.18779465


>> No.18779520

Don't laugh please, I just want to play with my bros instead of thirsty jewel eating sluts.

>> No.18779542

Yes, but you need to have all of them.

>> No.18779553

Is there any girls (other than the ones you mentioned) I should be on the lookout for then? I hardly have anything right now so I'm not even close really knowing any of the girls or finalizing any sort of build

>> No.18779554

Is earth elemental phys damage or it's magic damamge?

>> No.18779563

FACK this compugacha -.-

>> No.18779914

this sucks desu, variety is always good and not all we get is this sweet shit

>> No.18779999

Not really, just generally any new content that comes out in either version is bound to be good vanilla.
SSR Baal is neat too and way cuter than her SR self.
Ereshkigal is... something
New players get her guaranteed on DMM but god knows when will nutaku implement her
