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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 910 KB, 750x900, elonmarchlast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18701306 No.18701306 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.76fix (3/2/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.76fix.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.18701356
File: 2 KB, 128x192, pcc_ride_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First i need to find decent PCC.for riding. Aside from this car from beautify pack i cant find anything even remotely sci-fi'ish, which is the requirement.

>> No.18701416

She's like 140cm, while my PC grew into a 202cm muscle god even though I started as a chuuni 156cm manlet
It must look really humorous

>> No.18701498

Hey guys

Do you know where I can put these facepacks? I put them all in the graphic folder and I think I just have to choose one but where does it go?

>> No.18701501


>> No.18701506
File: 312 KB, 1139x547, whereto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot to post pic

>> No.18701527

Ah. graphic/face1.bmp

>> No.18701537

oh I seem them now, thank dod

>> No.18701653
File: 12 KB, 536x248, Wurf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18701793

Do i get any benefits from Mount Bond feat when my pet rides PC?

>> No.18702064
File: 233 KB, 554x362, abs not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these maids are useless

>> No.18702175

They are more useful (and cuter) than the dumb slut that loves to bring hobos and rapists to your house.

>> No.18702189
File: 50 KB, 444x254, lulwy bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love blackmarket

>> No.18702208

Yeah fuck that bitch in particular
>brings in some doomed adventurer
>he has some shit booze and got me drunk
>his gear attracts an olog and some dragon harpies
>vomit and blood flying everywhere
Aftermath? The maid says "I've got nothing to do!" Fucking bitch
She also wanted to name my house "Virgin Loser Shack"

>> No.18702213

How to use skull bows? The to-hit actually gets worse with materials like Rubynus that should boost it instead

>> No.18702220

don't miss

>> No.18702246

Get a huge base hitrate and be an archer, obviously.

>> No.18702478
File: 138 KB, 700x400, 18-03-27 23_01_34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go.

>> No.18702877

If I equip a weapon and shield on my pawn, is hand 1 or 2 the right ones? Are they interchangable? Do I equip Melee on 1 and Shield on 2? Thank you!

>> No.18702900
File: 742 KB, 1286x796, Holy Shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, is this weapon any good? What is "Holy Shield"?

>> No.18702936

wrong game bub

Hands are interchangable/there is no right or left-handedness mechanic, holy shield is a buff that increases defense. Granting you the buff a small percentage of the time on hit is all that weapon has going for it (doesn't have anything that gives extra damage) and you'll probably like a different weapon type better

>> No.18702943

PV buff, increases shield skill additionally. Quite powerful buff for early melee.

>> No.18702949

OK, thanks. I didn't know if it was permanent or not.

How do you know my pet isn't literally a pawn?

It seems useful, but I'm level 19 and using that two-handed earth hammer, so I'll pass. But thank you!

>> No.18702961

You can simply swap weapon after getting buff. Downside is that it's strength depends on weapon skill.

>> No.18702967

Sounds like a hassle, and I'm not made for scythes. But that's good to know, if I find something pretty cool I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

This game is a blast.

>> No.18702983

It can't be...the legendary chess master??!

>> No.18702987
File: 2.63 MB, 350x197, crab chan cruel fate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that.

>> No.18703087

>A machine that likes tinkering with machines

>> No.18703227
File: 283 KB, 1119x383, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to fix this problem?

>> No.18703245

Yes. Stop using meteor.

>> No.18703337

What's the blackmarket level?

>> No.18703351

Okay, now what's the fun solution?

>> No.18703364

There is none, afaik.

>> No.18703848


>> No.18703984

Is there any Elona mod that just enhances the sprites in general? Instead of turning them all in anime girls? It's getting really weird to kill these spiders now that their upper half body is human

>> No.18703998

Actually, is there a mod that removes the weeb aspect? I'm a fan of the game, but the anime shit is pretty lame.

>> No.18704036



>> No.18704042

Find another game.

>> No.18704045

No, I'd rather not.

>> No.18704067

Assuming you aren't making an ass of yourself on purpose, you aren't going to get much more out of being locked to 48x48 boxes for sprites. The various spritesheets, including the monstergirl one, are less "enhance" and more "change".

>> No.18704072

But Elona IS a weeb game. You're trying to remove a big part of what it is. Anime tropes are in the game such as stuff from the Claymore and Berserk series. Not to mention there are various Japanese internet tropes and Japanese themes everywhere in the game.

>> No.18704080

Cutesy patootsie moe-moe kyun =/= anime. There's more to the genre that moeblobs.

>> No.18704093

Read what I said closer. Berserk and Claymore. I said nothing about moe moe stuff. Anon the game might just not be for you and it shows that you're already bothered by the little stuff that's in the game.

>> No.18704103

Upgrade your literacy skill, I merely want the shitty weeb sprites to be given something better looking. I don't remember Berserk having moeblob enemies.

>> No.18704105

Then stop modding the "moeblob" sprites in you retard.

>> No.18704113

No you need to upgrade it apparently. Also you're pretty stupid about complaining about moe sprites if you're using a modded sprite sheet. The fault is all on you then. If you're not using a sprite sheet then you're blind and stupid because the default sprite sheet isn't cutesy. It's just generic rpg stuff.

>> No.18704198

> shitty weeb sprites
lol. installing mod that makes everything made of shit and complaining about brown pallete.

Elona got surprisingly few references to otaku culture and much more from common internet/game tropes. Plus is more skewed towards japanese ones but is still not there to call it like that.

>> No.18704244

I don't know anon. A bunch of the food in the game is very Japanese. The fried tofu thing and why foxes supposedly like that stuff I actually learned from another /jp/ thread here. Then there's the rain festival in ludus, fucking hard gay is an actual thing, and other very japanese things. Also you got those giant robots that are a reference to the super robot wars series and one of them looks very much like it's from gundam.

>> No.18704304

Its all mostly from Plus mod, minus the hard gay part.

>> No.18704334

Elona definitely is a very Japanese game. But that's my jam and I enjoy the game very much. Trying to make it something it's not seems like a crime to me. Elona has it's charm because it's strange and very Japanese imo.

>> No.18704342

>eats a mochi, practices a bit on his wadaiko then slips into the futon

>> No.18704351

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.18704416

>is a very Japanese game

>most references are based on adom/classic console games
>barely more than a handful of local japanese memes for trope-filled game
>pretty much all areas aside from hidden town have wester design

I think you percieve it through weeb glasses somehow. Not that i actually care.

>~5 jap food types out of 50(?), 1 instrument out of a dozen of western ones, one bed out of a nearly dozen of western ones.


>> No.18704478

You are incredibly ignorant. On purpose.

And if you don't really care, why bother defending your inferior opinion?

>> No.18704505
File: 177 KB, 500x419, 1436595787434.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the pierce% on weapons the chance of ignoring the target's defense or the amount that will be ignored in all attacks?

>> No.18704512

Well what's there is definitely very Japanese and my non weeb friends were definitely shocked by it. As in oh wow haha that's strange or what the hell is this? It's not so strange to me because I know a bit more about Japanese culture than them but I guarantee you drop any normie into the game they're going to raise a lot of questions about the stuff they see in the game and write it off as oh, well this must be a Japanese thing.

>> No.18704521

It's for every attack, it's not a chance.

>> No.18704537

Well it's definitely a very Japanese game since I need a mod to translate it and even then some bits are not translated and some of the translation has been slow because sometimes arguments break out about how to properly convey a Japanese concept or thing. Don't get me started on the arguments about special action translations...

>> No.18704543

>inferior opinion
>ignorant. On purpose.
This is so next level that i even find it amusing.
I dont really care about someone having weeb glasses only.

I started playing original Elona after trying out Shooter flash game and I found it only slightly more quirky as a weird fusion of harvest moon, jrpg and adom and i only knew about some references after it's been mentioned on wiki. I guess Plus is a different story.

You are missing a point here, sorry.

On all attacks done with this particular weapon, http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_stats

>> No.18704556

Thanks, I guess this means that this stat is more reliable than the absolute pierce attribute.

>> No.18704558

What are you arguing? That the game isn't Japanese because sir it definitely is. If you're arguing w-well it's not THAT Japanese I'm sorry but that's just your opinion and shouldn't be argued as fact. I mean that guys friends obviously thought it was very Japanese.

>> No.18704565

Bear in mind they don't do quite the same thing. 100% pierce is not the same as absolute pierce hitting.
See http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_stats

>> No.18704618

>Elona got surprisingly few references to otaku culture and much more from common internet/game tropes.
that is all.

didnt know that people play it mostly because its made by japs, sorry.

Absolute pierce is valuable for it's powerful PV debuff. You'd want both 100% pierce and some chance of absolute pierce for maximum damage.

>> No.18704621
File: 21 KB, 259x356, ad01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you paid your taxes?

>> No.18704655

>goes to /jp/
>starts talking shit about anime girls and calling everything a weeb
Classic /v/

>> No.18704698

Is Yacatect a loving god? I'm kinda poor right now. Well very poor but at least I'm not addicted to drugs. Does Yacatect still love me?

>> No.18704705

She will embrace your poor self, give you some pocket change and provide you with tools to make good money yourself. She is the best.

>> No.18704726

How do i best raise a fox brother? would feeding him nothing but horses work efficiently on raising his HP?

>> No.18704732

Herbed horses.

>> No.18704737

That will take a long time before you get any reasonable amount of HP from just feeding it horse steaks. Better off giving it ruby material armor for now.

>> No.18704918
File: 61 KB, 651x429, Not today, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18704934 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 1509201393898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Plays JP-made game
>JP-made game has sensible sprites for most mobs
>Goes out of his way to install sprite mods with mongirls for said JP-made game
>Goes to /jp/ of all places to complain about it

>> No.18704949
File: 889 KB, 800x600, legendary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long time since I played this. Time to begin the new legend.

>> No.18704955

Don't forget to stab Lomias.

>> No.18704980
File: 112 KB, 500x500, 61549617_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the first natural mode guy I've ever seen

>> No.18704986

Look at what you've done.

>> No.18704995


I just posted the first one. The anti-weebs is another guy.

And had to go back to the older sprites, all the other ones look off

>> No.18705054

Beautify pack got a good amount of reasonably tame sprites. Just merge with original using gimp with grid enabled.

>> No.18705152

Have you ever thought that the carrot you offered to Kumiromi is could probably be firmly lodged in Kumiromi's tight butt hole?

>> No.18705220

I thought all the food given was to feed his enormous army of fairies that help him with his farms.

>> No.18705280

Is playing without pets reasonable?

I find no joy in curbstomping everything with bells and min maxing pets.

>> No.18705293


Yes. Nothing is stopping you from going solo. As long as you don't get too much on your plate, know to pick your fights, and properly counter some of the scum in the dungeon, the game isn't too hard to solo.

>> No.18705310

I know the feeling but I always find it weird when people say bells curb stomp everything. Always end up putting in a ton of work later on in bells and their variants to actually get them to kill the later stuff and when I do I always feel like my character got totally gimped. Have to pray my bell doesn't go potato or my character dies. Now that I'm not playing with bells I actually find the game a lot easier for some reason.

>> No.18705352

To me the game can be stressing since there are a lot of things to do, so not having to think about pets; their gear, potentials, level and eventually finding replacements makes the game a lot more fun.

>> No.18705362


I used to go solo and one-two shot everything up to Lv 120. But then pressing F for each enemy in a run kinda worn me off. So I adopted bells.

Just gear them off appropriately and run straight in. Give more time for me to think about other stuff. I do need to check their weapon every now and then to level it up.

>> No.18705403

the trick is to not take it too seriously. don't worry if your/ your pet's poteentials aren't keeping up. don't worry if gear isn't the best. don't worry if you miss a few days of cooldown from the kumi statue. none of it matters, if you play long enough you'll get all the things in the end. don't turn it into a job.

>> No.18705503

I just don't care about keeping track of them. If I die, no big deal. If they die, I have to go out of my way to revive them. Not only that, their kills make me grow slower, and now there's AP to worry about. By the time I feel like I can train one, I'm way too fast and it takes forever, so I just don't bother.

>> No.18705626


Should make it obvious that it's a sandbox game. Take it easy and do what you want. Everything doesn't have to be autistically cared for; it'll turn out all right eventually.

>> No.18706034

You could also play with a pet and not minmax or do anything to it, just keep it around, maybe in defense mode, to keep you company.

>> No.18706243

> not minmax or do anything to it
Actually if you simply teach pickpocket and cooking to pet you can pretty much forget about maintenance. Pet will grow without your involvement, and gear is important only really late in the game.

>> No.18706851

I thought he was going mad because everyone's milking him for his seeds.
Like seriously, plants don't give seeds in irva, but entire farming industry somehow has to be self sustaining

>> No.18707079

i havent played since 1.68
what the heck happened to the crafting?
i cant craft lightsabers anymore

>> No.18707104

Apparently you can't craft most gear anymore. I prefer it this way.

>> No.18707108


check last page of pot of fusion, you can craft all gear now. for details, pot of fusion on wiki.

>> No.18707124

Look for soft/sharp/hard crafting in the pot for fusion.
Note that you need one of an item to craft more now.

>> No.18707189

I ran with a fairy race so I kinda need to have pets
I can't even wear most of the unique gear I get

>> No.18707248


Let me spoonfeed you.

>Get any longsword type item (Ideally katana)
>Use pot for fusion and use the sharp equip update recipe until you get your lightsaber.
>Once you got your lightsaber, use the sharp equip making.

>> No.18707279

Doesn't this pretty much mean you can craft whatever gear you want?

As opposed to lightsabres and spears being the only craftable weapons if i recall correctly.

>> No.18707307

Yes. But now it costs evo hearts for the change recipe and stardusts for the make recipe I believe.
Still better in the long run though.

>> No.18707308


Yes. It's even better.
I wasn't around when lightsabers were the only craftables. Sorry about that.

But still, you need one of an equipment to craft more of that equipment. Which means, for an equipment that's solely on its own (like sox) is uncraftable until you obtain one.

>> No.18707391
File: 892 KB, 600x600, PANICC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Death Maneki sings a death song proudly!

>> No.18707736

Misanthrope is a good death song.

>> No.18708160
File: 152 KB, 592x1308, Tax dodger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to abyss to test some shit with living weapons
>Ended up not paying tax for 8 extra months
>All items in salary chest are cursed now

Huh, so this is a thing. Not sure if it's because I am dodging tax or it's because I didn't pick stuff up from salary chest. Probably the former.

>> No.18708229

That cursed mochi makes me wonder if you can choke while vomiting... Or is it vomiting while choking? Choking on your own vomit?

>> No.18708242

It's cute how the government is too tsundere to just stop sending you gifts, so they just curse them to have an excuse to keep sending stuff to you.

>> No.18708417

Your items look nice, are those in the item sprite sheets?

>> No.18708422

I just started playing and I was wondering what I should be looking for in weapons and armor. I know that living weapons are apparently pretty good. What else? High PV/DV? Cool effects? Stat bonuses?

>> No.18708454

Very early on you want glass stuff to improve your speed. You always want to get a few + on each piece at the blacksmith since the first few levels are cheap and it’s a massive survivability boost.
After that, you want to look for resistances and status immunities.
Special things like living weapons and rare invokes aren’t something you really need to worry about until later on.

>> No.18708469


1.75 beautify mod.
It's in the sheet.

Fair warning, though. It changes most of your mobs into monster girls and the new bosses's sprite are in solid colour since it's outdated. I also have a few complaints with it regarding to few item sprites. Other than that, it's pretty decent.


I may dodge tax and mercilessly kill guards. But I still do quests to better the lives of these people.
Cursed items have their uses though, so I am going to abuse this feature(?)

>> No.18708587

Depends on what kind of playstyle you're aiming for. Equipment weight might be something you want to keep as either light (<15s), medium (15-35s), or heavy (>35s). I wouldn't worry about the skill ups too much unless it's something crazy and personally I like to have the "It maintains (stat)" attributes. Resist for elements that you don't have a naturally strong resist against are nice to have so you don't randomly die to a stray breath attack. If you find something you like I'd bless it and run it through a blacksmith to boost it's enchant level to 5-10 but that depends on your financial situation and if you really like it use some stardust to bump it to 15. You can also use craft repair kits to change the stats of the item to the max of it's current material. Check the list of equipment attributes on the wiki if you want more details about an attribute.

>> No.18708683

For starters you need to define your gameplay style. Outfits depend entirely on that.

>> No.18708714
File: 678 KB, 1280x768, 1496889463398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I'm playing a wizard. I found a living long sword that invokes lightning bolts so I gave that to my little sister. How about this helmet? Floating might be useful, right?

>> No.18708749

Little girl I mean of course.

>> No.18708760

Floating helps you avoid some traps and you can go over acid and potion puddles without effect, mostly useful on pets to prevent them from falling into wells.

>> No.18708838

You need to focus in maintaining light <15s armor weight, find wands/helmets with "it enhances your spells' attribute. Always have equipment that adds:
protects from
-magic, willpower

focus on Life>MAG> CON stats and PV.
Good materials for equipment are crystal and mythril.
Focus on maintaining spellstock and levels for buffs:
Divine Wisdom
Holy Shield
Holy Veil
Elemental Shield

>> No.18708839
File: 512 KB, 1282x747, Rogueboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find great joy in terrorizing the rogue boss after all the crap he/she put you through early in the game?

>> No.18708852

Somehow after early game i confine myself in pet arena for endless winning streaks.
Rogue bosses have 1k level above me and still bully me.

>> No.18708882

Yeah I don't think I'd be able to take on 1k rogue bosses just yet myself. Does the pet arena give a lot of fame? Perhaps the rogue boss and minions is high level due to the amount of fame you have.

>> No.18708887

It gives 20/40/60k fame for 100/200/300 wins
You can get ~200 wins a day easily.

>> No.18710105

What kind of living weapon should I be on the lookout for if I'm a melee char? Is there anything I should or shouldn't do with them?

>> No.18710369

As you main weapon, elemental damage all the way to level 10. Magic is the "just damage" option (with very few enemies in the game having high resistance against it), Lightning's damage potential can be increased with "wet" and "element scar" debuffs (both can be applied with the AoE actions Alchemical Rain and the pet-exclusive Megid Flame), Nether have lifesteal and the damage can be increased with "nightmare" debuff (not AoE spell/action for this, though), Chaos can cause random status effects and "nightmare" debuff works with it too. The other elements are usable but not very interesting, except fire since it can cause some hilarious accidents by setting things on fire (including your loot, your pets, your house, etc).
Living weapons can also be used as "stat sticks", to increase elemental resistances or specific skills (usually non-combat ones like Cooking). You won't be using these for damage.

>> No.18710377


Depends on your playstyle.
If you are a dual wielder, opting in for two-four living lightsabers can pretty much set you for late game. If you can't get those, any living short sword can serve you well.

If you prefer two-handing, Long sword/Club/Spear works. Halberd if you are wearing heavy armour.

Anything works, really. As long as you are not wearing a cursed item that spawn mob right next to you.

What you should do with living weapons is that you need to keep in mind from the beginning as to what you are going to do with them. The weapons are highly customisable; you can turn them into a stat-stick for utility skills, turn them into an absolute crit weapon, have them deal all elemental damage under the sun, or even turn them into a resistance stat-stick. Try not to make it a mismatched montrosity if you can.

If you don't get to choose a certain upgrade you are looking for when the weapon is ready to level up, just wait until next month. Rinse and repeat until you get to choose the quality you want.

For example, I gave my Bell pet four living lightsabers. Each of these lightsabers are keyed to give the bell resistance as they level up. Currently, the bell has Superb+++++ on all damage type due to the lightsabers. I then opted in for nether damage, which grants the bell a bit more survivability in the form of lifesteal.

>> No.18710433
File: 377 KB, 1129x614, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was too exciting.

>> No.18710461
File: 26 KB, 594x371, Tax dodger2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confirmed. Dodging tax makes the local North Tyris give your cursed shit instead.


>> No.18710473

It's like the guards are spitting in your food and equipment before mailing it off to you in contempt for not paying taxes. For every tax you don't pay that's a guard not getting his pay day and little timmy not getting his dose of cure corruption.

>> No.18710893
File: 47 KB, 645x105, 12 Cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it actually used all 12 cheeses and about had a heart attack.

>> No.18710958

It works like that because you can craft multiple items with one input if you have enough ingredients (for example, 3 flour, 5 [identical] corpses and 12 cheeses will let you craft 3 hamburgers).

>> No.18711137


>> No.18711184
File: 3 KB, 452x32, starwarsmemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18711201


That's petty shit right there. All of these guards have to do is to not attack me and kindly ask for a pot, I'd hand them out instantly.

I even taught my bells knockout so I don't have to kill anymore guards. I still steal their stuff once they are KO'd though.

>> No.18711227
File: 59 KB, 420x247, 1366859925647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are my taxes paid for the next hundred months, my state-paid salary is actually higher than my tax rate.

>> No.18711272
File: 157 KB, 572x461, Pantheon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to gather all of the gods to your crib and then somehow get them to attack each other in an all-out brawl?

>> No.18711282
File: 91 KB, 308x431, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18711292

Crabbo's Revenge

>> No.18711293
File: 331 KB, 646x481, 984+56165616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18711313

Get them drunk.
Make sure you have contingency on before you get mewmewmew'd

>> No.18711356
File: 9 KB, 341x21, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I eat it"

>> No.18711468
File: 564 KB, 745x761, OperationPantheonbrawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>133 crim ales later and a fuckton of random mobs.

They don't seem to be interested in fighting one another.
My bet was on either Itzpalt or Opatos would start it since they have AoE.
Turns out Itzpalt's magic just go through the other gods and Opatos's smash doesn't seem to bother the other gods.

Any other options?

>> No.18712117

First time I killed the rogue boss I ate him out of spite.

>> No.18712355

They probably have a godly high control magic stat. Either that or they're hard coded not to in-fight. You might try power-leveling something that causes confusion or some such, but they'll likely turn hostile to you. It might also take a few hundred hours to get it to stick.

>> No.18712362

create a hostile custom NPC that casts confusion maybe

>> No.18712378
File: 275 KB, 652x478, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my pet no use the custom AI when toggled?I just want her to train concentration while i search for more stuff to gene engineer. Also, is the generic attack command like this target ; HP ; <= ; 100% ; attack ?

>> No.18712420

it should workd. at 0% progress you have a low chance of success for this
i'd suggest giving pet a scroll of knowledge to make it buff itself with divine wisdom for more slots, then add several directives with
self>gauge> less than 10% > use concentration
inbetween move away and browbeat

>> No.18712427

I tried invoking ragnarok with a crossbow aimed at some random mobs. Turns out invoking that aggroes them to me. I wonder if they would go on all-out war on an NPC if I somehow got said NPC to eat a caramel of termination.

But yeah they probably cannot hurt one another because of godlike resist + control MAG.

NPC gets obliterated almost instantly it seems. Unless if you mean making an NPC of my own, I think that's beyond my grasp.

Hey you set your pet to onslaught? Make sure it's not on intercept and defence mode. Those two overrides custom AI it seems.

>> No.18712476

Oh, it was the directive, if i have to put her on onslaught i guess i'll leash her then. Thanks

>> No.18712806

you can also put top AI directive player> distance less than 3 > move forward(keep target)

>> No.18713551

What are the best spells i should train as a full wizard?

>> No.18713557

Are there any tone file(s) for bells out there? Or do I have to make one myself?

>> No.18713674

buffs: speed, divine wisdom, concentrations, attribute shield, holy shield, holy veil, regeneration, contingency.
damage: water+ice/lightning ball/arrow spells, chaos ball, meteor.
If you are lazy or dont have evolved fox brother/fire dragon child, them magic ball/meteor


>> No.18713689


It doesn't go *Ding-a-ling* when I ring-a-ding-dick it. Tone file. Soon.

>> No.18713758

Is the only way to get a Statue of Kumiromi by completing the quest in South Tyris?

>> No.18713771

Yes, cant wish since its precious.

>> No.18713778

You can also activate wizard mode (debug/cheat mode), spawn a statue of kumiromi in front of you.

>> No.18713984
File: 974 KB, 1286x796, Potential sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a "Best" spot for leveling Living Weapons/Letting pets get easy kills for relations? I want to raise both relations with my pets and my Living Weapon, but it progresses very slowly and I can't find anywhere particularly *great* at it. I'm level 20.

>> No.18714070

I did it in pet arena. 1v9 group battles level weapons quite fast. However it'll still take a lot of time to get to lv10, especially at your level.
Lv15 takes enormous amount of XP.

>> No.18714077

OK, thanks. The weapon is level 3 at the moment, I'm just having trouble finding any fights that don't absolutely stomp me, or I effortlessly kill everything.

>> No.18714141

Living weapon's EXP gain is based on the enemy's level, so you can try either Void or pet arena (be careful with the massive fame gain, rogue gang's level is based on it).
I think impress gain ignores the target's level (or at least is really easy to get from low level mobs), a few adventures on puppy cave will give you a nice boost on relationship level. Unfortunately this dungeon isn't really good for living weapons after a while.
My suggestion is to focus on leveling the weapon first and use stuff like evochat (with the new kissu mode) and sleep sharing every now and then to improve your relationship with your younger sister (every big brother knows that molesting the fuck out of your sister's mouth until she spams Water Bolt in her panties is the best way to improve your relationship with her).

>> No.18714158

I didn't even know what that EvoChat thing was, so I didn't bugger around with it. I just want to level up my pets' relations so they start crafting free stuff for me. I'll try that out, though, er, thanks.

>> No.18714566
File: 476 KB, 1286x796, Is this worth 68000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy this? I don't care about DV on my main character, but it might work well on one of my pets. Its most of my cash though.

>> No.18714584

You can change material with scrolls, but attributes are pretty meh.

>> No.18714586

Oh, OK. I'll avoid it then, thanks.

>> No.18714896

When pets are learning a skill/spell, they only have a chance of actually using it. This doesn't mean they'll try to use it but fail, but instead they'll just skip over the line entirely as if it isn't there.

If you want your pet to learn as fast as possible, just have as many lines involving using the skill as possible.

>> No.18715242

how do I make Kumiromi spit out herb and artifact seeds? I get shit most of the time and don't want to scum

>> No.18715268

use it only on days ending in 3/6/9

>> No.18715293

Simply aim for 3/9 since cooldown is long.

>> No.18715515

What happens if you eat king roach corpse together with your pet? Do you both get pregnant at once? Is it not the purest love ever?

>> No.18715600

I wouldn't call "couple getting impregnated together by the corpse of a giant roach" the purest form of love, but I guess there is some love in there, like two girls in love with each other getting artificially inseminated together so both of them can have children, except the medic injected roaches inside of them for shits and giggles.

>> No.18715626

And then everyone dies horribly.

>> No.18715670
File: 118 KB, 840x525, 1468448315848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest love story ever told.

>> No.18715937
File: 191 KB, 500x500, 1474753538790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set up a trap
>not a single enemy triggers it
>a few steps later an identical trap slices me in half instantly
I guess Elona's thieves are just about critical buttstabbing with high stealth skill and nothing else.

>> No.18716098

>needing a weapon
>not destroying things with your bare fists
She does not merely deserves to be raped, it should be the moral impetus of any decent person to rape her.

>> No.18716139

>Little girl not two-handing a heavy weapon.
Sont make this adorable girl dirty her hands with filthy fluids of destroyed enemies.
Though obviously noone in their right mind would desire someone who looks like a half-drowned in a ditch beggar.

>> No.18716685

the dick is a 2h weapon for a loli

>> No.18716915

Has anyone managed to get their pets to use special ammo for guns?

>> No.18716923

Use the command flag.

>> No.18716929

Don't you need to use Directive for that? I never tried it but there are ammo options after the basic AI settings.

>> No.18716935

Edit: Command flag item.

>> No.18716955

Would folks mind posting their item.bmp?

>> No.18716956

Alright then. I hope it plays nice with the E+ Custom AI stuff.

>> No.18717126

If it matters to anyone else, it does, more or less.

I forgot I had a wizard mode character set up for testing these things. The wiki said for shield parry that "If target evades, it gains 2 turns of stagger/Invert, taking more damage." and I was planning on trying some bullshit with a gunner with a shield on that could force an enemy to stagger if they missed. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Doesn't play nice with claws either.

>> No.18717249

Ah yes, the story of a woman trying to catch a falling axe before it slices into her lover.

It's like damocles' sword only it's a fucking axe instead, which makes it much more suspenseful.

>> No.18717413

I hired a few juere infantry slaves and gave them crossbows and bolts but they don't want to use them.

I even took away their swords and they still won't use them. The crossbow is set to <range> but they're just punching things.

>> No.18717432

NPCs have an extremely rudimentary AI that determines their behaviors. In the case of the infantry, I imagine all they do is check if they're in melee range, and move in if they aren't. If they do then they shoot at the enemy.

There's a solution if you're using Elona+ Custom.

>> No.18717444

>There's a solution if you're using Elona+ Custom.

That's the one I'm using. What do I do?

>> No.18717506
File: 25 KB, 808x108, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i)nteract with the pet, talk to them, and click other

this pulls up the pet configuration stuff that custom supports, and the big thing there is the ability to tweak the pet's AI.

This one for a dog says to move towards their target if it's out of melee range, and if it's in melee range then melee attack. Play with it a bit and see what happens.

Though you might want to also look for a pet that more naturally supports ranged play as well.

>> No.18717562

They're attacking and killing now but only once per instance. After they kill one thing I get "The juere infantry doesn't know how to respond to the situation based on the instructions you've given him!" when they encounter a new enemy in the same instance.

>> No.18717580

It's probably a logic issue but I'm just starting to experiment with this myself as well. Could you post the AI so I can play with it?

>> No.18717587

Are you telling them to attack things over 5 tiles away?

>> No.18717599
File: 498 KB, 836x597, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have "toggle preserve entity as target" off as that stops them from attacking at all.

>> No.18717608

I don't know lol.

>> No.18717629

You might want to play around with giving the pet an idea of when to move.

>> No.18717642 [DELETED] 

Yeah I think I figured it out. I included a command to move towards me after killing something and it seems to have done the trick.

>> No.18717660

I don't think setting attack routines below movement ones is a good idea. I had some issues with it before, since the AI will check if orders are possible or not from top to bottom.
I prefer this setup:
Target Distance = 1 → Attack (Melee)
Target Distance > 1 → Move (Forward)

Your pet don't have movement commands to follow. Ranged pets can't attack if the target is 6 or more tiles away (when using Custom AI), so your pet will see the target (starts the combat AI routine) but won't be able to do anything about it until said target is 5 or less steps away from your pet (it will try and fail to attack the target, and do nothing else).
Try this:
Target Distance = 1 → Attack (Melee) OR Zero Shoot OR Move (Away) [or delete this line if you believe that don't need it]
Target Distance < 6 → Attack (Ranged)
Target Distance > 1 → Move (Forward)

Remember that different ranged weapons have different distance modifiers, the "6" in "Target Distance < 6" may not be optimal damage range for your weapon.

>> No.18717667

That was a basic experiment and I'm probably going to work on something more interesting for each of my party members when I start my conquest of Act 2 tomorrow.

>> No.18717703

Actually, what precisely happened when you used move before attack with a basic melee AI?

>> No.18717747

Mostly incompatibility issues with other commands, my pets usually are also buffing, debuffing and/or using actions like shadow step before going all out on either melee, ranged or Zero Shoot.
Keeping the movement command at the very bottom gives them the near-perfect fail-safe command: If all else fails, just go after the target. This will only fail and force them to do nothing if the target is impossible to reach AND all other actions also failed to work, and this is a fairly rare event because of how the maps are designed in Elona, and it can easily be fixed by using * to change your pets' target of choice.

>> No.18717765

>Keeping the movement command at the very bottom gives them the near-perfect fail-safe command: If all else fails, just go after the target. This will only fail and force them to do nothing if the target is impossible to reach AND all other actions also failed to work, and this is a fairly rare event because of how the maps are designed in Elona, and it can easily be fixed by using * to change your pets' target of choice.

Didn't think about either of those things. Thanks. I figured putting move first was a lazy act already but I didn't think about that advantage of putting move last and wasn't aware you could change a pet's target.

>> No.18717973

Thanks, this works perfectly.

I thought I figured it out by including a move command after the kill command but it stopped working after I changed the instance.

>> No.18718056

I found an <Arbalest> amulet then traded a potion of corruption for what I thought was an amazing "alive" crossbow (1d30+4) with 3 hit bonus, some greater evasion skill buff and fire resistance. I didn't know what "It brings an end" meant so I just ignored it and after firing it a few dozen times now I do.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this thing now? I'm only level 14. I even dropped my old weapon because I was overweight and it wasn't worth anything at the shops.

>> No.18718112

Keep it in your house for later use (it's a living weapon, even if don't use it as an weapon you can still use it as an "statstick" for resist or skill bonuses, and Ragnaroks can be fun every now and then when you get strong enough to deal with them), and get some cheap weapon from a shop and use it until you get lucky with adventurer/dungeon loot again.

>> No.18718148


Still, training said statstick involves bombing the shit out of the map.

>> No.18718165

Is there any way to stop the naps you take on the overworld?

>> No.18718195


You find it on dungeons or make it yourself with a pot of fusion.

>> No.18718246

>way to stop the naps you take on the overworld?
nope. "need sleep" forces a nap. can only travel up to 'sleepy' safely

>> No.18718284

If I gave the crossbow to an ally could it still trigger the event?

>> No.18718298

ragnarock triggers only when weapon with this attribute is used.

>> No.18718491
File: 12 KB, 606x315, Striker command list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured out that the custom routines go in order of "which is doable" first.
So I guess attacking over movement would resolve most issues of your pet not understanding what to do.
From what I understand; from 1-15:

Special action/Self-buff/Heal > Attack > Movement

Where if a special action is not possible and attack is possible, your pet will attack. And if neither is possible, then the movement command will kick in and your pet will move forward (or backward) until either is possible.
That's the simple gist of it. A lot of the actual, precise manipulations rely on using the comparators and condition well.

Personally, I am wondering if it's possible to have a preset for a certain behaviour. In the image, I list out three simple behaviours for my bell. 1-2 is for tanking, 4-5 is for killing, 7-9 is for capturing/training other pet. I need to tediously set my pet up to change its behaviour every time.

>> No.18718551

Bloodyshade dont want to touch custom ai, it seems. so you wont get any updates to it for a while(unless someone will actually step in and collaborate on patching)

>> No.18718733


Ow, that sucks.
Oh well, less work for them, more work for me.

>> No.18718956
File: 577 KB, 1280x768, rapeporn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relying on yerles gunners was a mistake.

>> No.18718959
File: 731 KB, 1280x768, cooldown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any downsides to reserving books for all the spells I know at the spell writer? Should I just stick to a couple until I'm at max guild rank + high shop rank?

Also inheriting shift cores is fun.

>> No.18718965

Spellwriter has limited stock. If you order only, say, heal of Jua books, you'll get 30 heal of jure books. If you order all 30 spells you know you'll get 1 book of each type@average.

>> No.18719159


I have a feeling that anon doesn't want naps to happen, though.
I know I don't want naps to happen. I just want to go back home and sleep near my cooking pet.

>> No.18719260
File: 205 KB, 581x334, doomed succ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I salvage this somehow? Seems pretty good if you ignore the bleed

>> No.18719287


Bless it so that it won't teleport you around. The bleed won't kill you or your pet. It will cancel out any stuff you do, though.
Pretty solid shield.
It will

>> No.18719294

Give it to pet together with <it diminishes bleeding> equipment, crimson plate for example. ## is very light drain.
On PC it will annoy you with constant interruptions for long actions, but you can use it solely for battle too.

>> No.18719316

I've used lv15 living weapon on pet with <crimson plate>. [#####+] bleeding never dropped pet's hp below 90%.

>> No.18719391

What the fuck
Why the fuck are you posting on /jp/ then you absolute retard

>> No.18719429
File: 593 KB, 1282x771, treasury.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storage houses are too small, I might need an entire storage for just 1 type of equipment soon

>> No.18719435

Noone gives any fucks about where elona thread is, retard.

>> No.18719450

Why are you gathering all this useless junk?

>> No.18719469

Low blood-sucking isn't that bad mid-combat, and can be used to train your Healing skill.
It will interrupt every multi-turn action, though (like crafting with pot of fusion).

>> No.18719472

It's all good equipment, I'll be taking most of it for pets as I undressed everyone to sort through stuff and superior material/enhance it

>> No.18719489
File: 295 KB, 1395x453, Storage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop hoarding junk, then.

>> No.18719497

>It's all good equipment,
>blunt shit
>more helmets and body armor than you have pet slots
>more shields than you'll ever use.

Just get rid of the half of the stuff here and problem will be solved.

>> No.18719523

I just want to confirm something.
Pets are not constrained by trivial shit called stamina, right?

There's nothing stopping my pet from attacking only with swarm, right?

>> No.18719537

>There's nothing stopping my pet from attacking only with swarm, right?
If its custom ai than it has it's own cooldown system based on stamina cost.
Dunno how you plan to do that without custom ai.

Btw, swarm during uncontroll has friendly fire. Found about it accidently.
When my pet oneshot PC on loss mode.

>> No.18719559

>Found about it accidently.
Never fought a mob of Ulfheoinn before? It's hilarious when they start killing each other

>> No.18719571


Is that so?
I only put two commands; shadow step and swarm. As per instruction, it does only that. It shadow stepped then it used swarm 5 times.

I also had Meshera cast super regene at 90% max HP. She does it without fail.

>> No.18719574
File: 81 KB, 1325x113, Bell&#039;s Log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am too dumb to add an image along.

>> No.18719592

Read Anna's wikia blog from op paste link for details.

>> No.18719609

Thought it only applied to Uncontroll's auto swarm.

>> No.18719642
File: 14 KB, 789x127, Stamina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read it just now and I honestly don't get it.
Either I am too stupid to understand it or it's just poorly explained.

But all I have to know is that there's a resource tied to pet's special actions and that's enough, I think.

>> No.18719681

Swarm cost 27 SP
You get energy pool of the size 5*(27/10), 13 (or 10 if its rounded down, unsure)
Every use of swarm uses 3 energy, every turn recovers 1 energy so effectively you can have ~7 turns of nonstop swarm usage before exhausting energy pool.
Each action has it's own separate energy pool, so if you alternated shadow step and swarm you can use one of those actions almost every turn, but will still exhaust energy pool during long fights. I use fallback attack(melee) or spell/debuff in the end in case if actions are on cooldown.

>> No.18719721


Thanks, mate. I get it now.

So if it runs out of energy for an ability, will the pet skip that command and execute the commands below it if applicable?
Or will it just skip a turn until it can do that special action again?

>> No.18719737

So I got a werewolf in Vernis, and managed to vote for execution of <Whom dwell in vanity>. Now I have problem since I can't find his loot/deathbag. Anyone got any ideas for it? He wasn't in his usual location, since he got something cursed and was teleporting randomly over the town.

>> No.18719745

Custom AI skips all commands that have no target or have no energy to execute and proceeds down the list. It can only be stuck if you try to use ranged spell\action beyond 7-10 tiles range(forgot exact range), or range attack beyond tiles range.

>> No.18719768


Thanks. I'll put failsafes, then.

>> No.18719771

>*ranged attack beyond 5 tiles range
need beer-proof keyboard.

>> No.18720040
File: 25 KB, 640x424, 18-03-30 16_58_54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got annoyed with slow Mani's Piety increase and went to Derphy's slaver for some cheap weapons.
Result of robbing ~50 rogue archers:
3 <arbalest> necklaces
lightsabre and those (bad) quality wings that could be sold for quite a big if you change mats and use player shop.

>> No.18720144

I kinda found a good compromise on my dead fish throwing journey.
Killing everything with dead fishes takes way too much times, so i'm playing like that, OBLITERATE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA everything by using one meteor, then kill with my fishies anything that survives.
I gain a lot of time, yet train in a meaningful manner my throwing skill.

On a related note, now that i tasted meteor gameplay, i can't go back.
It's just like with being a permacriminal, it's removing so much of the headache of the game... It's making everything so much more cozy. Buff and wet yourself, go down, meteor, get loot, repeat. So agreeable.

>> No.18720237

Another one succumbed to i-win button. A pity.

>> No.18720270

The first time I cast meteor, it didn't break 30 damage. I don't know what I did wrong. Leveled the whole map graphically, but it didn't even kill a public performer.

>> No.18720278

I don't intend to use it on bosses though.
( Well, i guess i did one-shot some bosses with it ).
Big daddies for example get the fish-in-face treatment due to surviving quite easily one meteor.

>> No.18720289

You need to level it like all others damage spells.
It also scales with magic, so raising your magic attribute also raises damage dramatically.

>> No.18720290

> I don't know what I did wrong.
Its a direct multiplier MAG*spellpower, if your MAG and casting levels are low, you wont get any damage.

>> No.18720315

>Teach bells how to knockout
>Go to dungeons
>Get skullfucked by the sound effect

It's very convenient to have your pet KO things for you but fuck me, the gong sound effect drills right through your eardrums.

>> No.18720319

>breeze through Metal Vesda, Chaos Wing and Anubis
>comm equipment with 2 Buildions and a bunch of Metal Zillas and Black wings rip me a new asshole

>> No.18720457

You could consider changing meteor's animation to giant fish falling from the sky. Just saying.

>> No.18720617

I've thinking of becoming a girl lately. Are there any pros and cons of going from a man to a girl?

>> No.18720676


Absolutely fuckin' nothing. Go home.

>> No.18720679

Using Sexy Dance feels less awkward, you can /ss/ with your fox brother, eating forbidden meat will turn you into a futa instead of an genderless angel.

>> No.18720682

Pros: you're cute.
Cons: none

>> No.18720689
File: 93 KB, 278x611, 1406760130429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you, now that you implanted the idea i won't stop until it's done.
It's too awesome to not do it.
Now, to read sixty books on drawing fishes and seventy on modifying gifs.

>> No.18720699

It's not a gif, but a serie of stills images.

Should be relatively straightforward. I should be done by june.

>> No.18720815

Please do release it if it's good.
Summon Bigger Fish is a spell I wouldn't mind abusing.

>> No.18721092

I have similar shield, but with less resists. It's a shield so you probably don't want to wear it all the time anyway. Just keep it in your inventory and pull it out when you need tank something.

>> No.18721270

There's no pros or cons mechanically.
I guess you can use a female sprite without being a trap ?

Then again, why start the game as male in the first place, that's so homosexually gay.

>> No.18721314

>I guess you can use a female sprite without being a trap ?
Major con.
>Then again, why start the game as male in the first place, that's so homosexually gay.
Roleplay or self-insert, obviously.
Self-insert with gender change is creepy as fuck, though.

>> No.18721352
File: 273 KB, 665x468, ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with a Gunner AI? I just want my Android to keep a machine-gun distance instead of shotgun, but at times she doesn't know how to act. Shouldn't it default to shooting in this case?

>> No.18721410

When she spazes out it's likely because the enemy fulfills all conditions but can't be seen, for example range 4 but behind a corner/wall/smoke.

>> No.18721423


1. Target Status != Sleep And (on)
2. Target distance = 5 ranged attack
3. Target distance <= 4 move away

Try these. See if she shoots at something.
Then add 4-5 as you see fit.

>> No.18721433


Tone file for your lovely bell pets!
Of tiny bell-holes and crushed pelvis; from yours truly.

>> No.18721483 [DELETED] 

>%txtCharge,EN //Displays when Player begins charging a gauge attack

>%txtCharge,EN //Displays when Ally starts charge a gauge attack

>%txtCharge,EN //I think it Displays when ally deals massive damage while under a Gauge skill effect

Aren't all these the same?

>> No.18721497


I 'unno. I picked it up from another author. I don't have charge in game so I can't test it out.

>> No.18721496

>%txtCharge,EN //Displays when Player begins charging a gauge attack

>%txtCharge,EN //Displays when Ally starts charge a gauge attack

>%txtCharge,EN //I think it Displays when ally deals massive damage while under a Gauge skill effect

Aren't all these the same?

>> No.18721508

>{nptc} rings, insinuating that the enemy's mother is so fat, {Opatos} uses her for deadlifting.
so much ring-ring
maybe i should get platina bell too.

>> No.18721517

Well the first and second aren't because one is you using gauge and the other is the pet. The third is when the skill actually activates, I think.

>> No.18721527

Being a drag queen or being a soy boy wishing they were female sounds like a mental disorder.

>> No.18721528

But they're all called %txtCharge,EN

>> No.18721561

Ah, that's weird. The sample.txt has %txtCharge,JP, %txtChargeS,JP, and %txtChargeA,JP, but the english lacks the suffixes on those, so unless that's intentional that's a lot of tone files that aren't proper.

>> No.18721569


Huh, is that so?
Must be an error on their part which transferred to me.
Any idea as to which goes to which? That needs to be addressed soon so I can release V02.

>> No.18721587

Its easier to google translate whole file from JA to determine what goes where.

>> No.18721606

>Play cute girl that no matter what happens turns into a turbo slut or a dyke.

I see this happen to too many of you female avatar only anons. Also futa is gay and a latent desire for dick.

>> No.18721609
File: 22 KB, 840x380, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be Charge, ChargeS, and then ChargeA, like so.

>> No.18721613

Sorry anon. Meant >>18721606 for >>18721270

>> No.18721628

"Dead fish and Meteors" is basically just Meteor.

>> No.18721654

I've never played this game but the OP image is always so fucking dank

>> No.18721663

The anon who makes our OP images is an immense blessing we don't really deserve.

>> No.18721696

Are Ragnarok dragons/titans spawned with +50 levels in Void? Cause they seemed tougher than normal grand dragons

>> No.18721750


V02: https://pastebin.com/4ctCdrUA

Will update accordingly if new error/update arise.
I know for one that the >get excited option for evochat is currently untapped.

>> No.18721774
File: 758 KB, 1287x771, good fighting top fucking stuff m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took forever. Fucking opponent was a nether dragon that kept draining hp from all the ragnarok monsters
Are they spawning docile when in pet arena?

>> No.18721786

All spawns are passive in pet arena.
Sidenote: eyebleeding-inducing spritesheet, wtf.

>> No.18721902
File: 7 KB, 265x190, enjoyment ceases.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lack of ringing worries you

>> No.18721905

>emanates blades of wind
What kind of damage is this? Fucks me up real good

>> No.18721909

where do I find more of these? Especially the little girl one

>> No.18721926
File: 233 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-30 22_34_19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow making pet ride your PC is a major hassle - with 15 riding/35 STR my speed is reduced to 30 when dragon child rides a car. I guess i'll be forced to spend all skillpoints on riding to maintain decent speed. My only hope is to make use of Sasumata to grind XP gor riding.

Zero luck with wishes doesnt help either, since I planned to make <Mito> my driver. Althrough I'm still unsure whether her Gravity Accel can be used or not with Custom AI. If its an unavailable spact then I'm truly stuck at chosing my future driver.

On the bright side of things, focusing on gold income got me a nice palace sooner than i expected, got spare money for investment as well. I wonder if i'll manage get #1 rank to invite a god before the end of november(doubt it).

Cut damage. The only protection from it is resEle cbit, which provides full immunity to cut.

>> No.18721928


>OP's pastebin.
Search for tone files

Also, V03 soon. Turns out I cannot put gods' names like {Opatos} because it'll parse it as a code. Wonder if I can use that parser to direct it to Opatos or something.

>> No.18722044

Defender best tomboy
Saved my pets and me so many times

>> No.18722056

Is there any good female defender sprite that doesn't differ much from the original?

>> No.18722068
File: 6 KB, 95x127, female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine looks like this, not sure if its androgynous enough for you. Tell me if you the sprite
I'd prefer a more feminine version myself

>> No.18722187

Is anything else even close to as fun as going a magic use in this? I kinda wanna play again and I'd like to try something else but everything seems less interesting than going a magic based char.

>> No.18722212

What's interesting about leveling the ground with meteor?

>> No.18722400

Well you can focus on nuclear launcher for fun but its not powerful enough to be relied on, spacts dont scale at all and melee is dumbhumping the target. Ranged may be fun but it requires too much micromanagement.

>> No.18722487


I just started playing, how am I doing? I feel like my little girl is carrying me a lot, my accuracy with my bow is pretty bad especially against enemies like cupids and grudges, and I get demolished by casters like fire hounds easily.. I'm working on getting rid of the ether disease, but anything else pop up?

>> No.18722512

You picked the worst race, slow digestion might sound helpful to avoid starvation, but in the long run you want to stuff your face with herbed food as much as possible

>> No.18722516
File: 1.12 MB, 1286x796, New Potentials.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought wishing for a Potion of Potential was a good idea? I did, and then blessed it with my blessed bottle of water, but one level later and my stats are back to "Bad". Why does this happen, and why did it happen so fast?

>> No.18722530

depends on how fast you're training your stats, really
You want to invest into magic stores and buy the potions instead, wishing for them is a waste

>> No.18722547

Ah, OK. I don't have any reliable source of income beyond crafting random junk, but I ran out of materials so I'm pretty poor. Most of the shops I go to are around levels 40-60 for investment.

Also, is there any reason talking to NPC's or entering new areas causing a slight freeze? It used to be instantaneous, but starting a few days ago, there'll be a 1-3 second "freeze" before it opens the dialogue/loads a new area. Any reason why this is? I can't figure it out...(Thank you!)

>> No.18722571

50 investment is enough for magic stores to spawn pots of potential, albeit rare and they cost a lot. Make sure you learn the negotiation skill to make it easier on yourself, saves up a ton of money in the long run
Can't help with freezes, might be trouble with your HDD

>> No.18722579

It might be. I mean, Elona is the only game doing it, but this isn't a place for bug-fixing, so I'll leave it alone.

Oh. If I may ask another question, er, about my pets...I like it when they eat the food I drop onto the ground, but how do I stop them from eating every random corpse? I want to level my Anatomy skill, but I don't want them chowing down on random corpses and losing stats, and having to pick the corpse up every time is irritating.

>> No.18722600

Talk to them and prohibit eating from the ground
also use tamer's whip to make it more convincing

You'll have to feed them with 'G'ive or the custom Feed option from Elona Custom though

>> No.18722603

You can tell them to "be patient with items at your feet" (or something like that). I believe it's an option somewhere when you talk to them.
But this will also stop them from looting gems and gold off the ground, and will also start raising their obedience meter (no gameplay impact, just something for flavor).
Instead of dropping items on the ground for them to eat, you should feed them with "E" instead (Custom only?)
Alternatively, if you can cook and have a good supply of Rank 5+ foods, talk to them when both you and pet are hungry, and select the "share a meal with your pet" option. This will allow both of you to eat the same food item, both benefit from the stat exp it grants, but only get half satiety each (which is good though - means you get to eat twice as frequently for more stat exp).

>> No.18722610

I'll pass, then, I don't want to manually feed them (I just drop food on the ground en masse). Thanks though.

Again, good thought, but I'd rather speed over elegance, but I'll keep it in mind. Thank you!

>> No.18722682
File: 158 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-31 01_51_33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tailoring is so useful for quick boost of house rank, I wonder why i never tried this before.

>> No.18722696

This delay whenever I talk to an npc/exit the conversation, use a scroll, enter a new zone, etc is driving me nuts. I'm putting Elona on my SSD. Hopefully this fixes it. Its probably due to my old, fucked up HDD anyways.

>> No.18722717

There is no delay even on ~6yo HDD.
You can also use ramdrive if you use laptop/have UPS, Elona is not very nice to SSDs after all.
Or simply re-enable savescumming in [ESC]>tweaks menu, it will disable all autosaves.

>> No.18722725

Could it be autosaves, and can you explain why its bad for SSD's? I'm on a desktop I built years ago, it runs fine. Not to bring other stuff in, but I can play current-day games fine, and Elona is literally the only game that has this delay (It is also incredibly annoying). Its running great on the SSD, is there a problem if I keep it on it?

>> No.18722750

It autosaves way too often, especially if you spam-read wonder/material scrolls and such. Well its not like it'll kill SSD with just this, but its still not very SSD friendly.

>> No.18722756

Ah, I see. Maybe I'll just disable this forced autosave thing. I don't savescum anyways. Thanks.

>> No.18722787

Just remember to make it actually save occasionally with F1.

>> No.18722796

Ah, right. I've crashed before. But yes, it seems that the autosave is what causes the delay, its quite obvious and very annoying...Though, I disabled it in the Tweaks menu, it still seems to "Autosave" when I talk to an NPC. Is that intentional?

But thank you.

>> No.18722803

Is it actually saving or is there just a little delay?

>> No.18722810

Honestly i'd rather use ramdrive and sync it with HDD in the background instead of bothering with it. You can sync it with SSD safely. If you remove music/unneeded graphics/PCC files it wont take much memory.

>> No.18722811

Well, there's just a 1-3 second delay, most of the time when its a specific action (using scrolls, talking to NPC, new area, etc). Its very annoying because it happens when, say, a wandering trader talks to me (So the game will "stop" for a few seconds, and then the dialogue will pop up). I didn't have this issue before. (Same version)

>> No.18722823

>1-3 second delay
That sounds like a computer issue. For me there's usually a VERY slight delay whenever talking to a shopkeeper for the first time, because it's re-making their inventory list. 1-3 seconds is completely ludicrous.
You're not running this in WINE are you?

>> No.18722838

No, no. I'm on Windows 7. I don't have this issue with anything else, i.e I was just playing a very graphically intensive 3D multiplayer game without problems. I can play Dwarf Fortress without any lag (Even with 50+ dwarves!), or, say, Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup. The delay is usually a second or two, but it can be 3+ for teleporting home/traveling merchant.

I mean, its very possible its a me issue, I just wouldn't know why it started. The first 10 or so hours on this character was fine.

>> No.18722864

The delay for me when changing screens is around 1/4 to 1/2 a second. Scrolls have almost no delay if I have autosaves off.
If you're getting this on your fucky HDD, change it to the SSD. If you're getting this on your SSD, that's just wild.

>> No.18722865

Even under Wine on 6 year old netbook there is no delay at all.
Its an issue with your half-dead HDD. Well sometimes its simply an overheating issue, so who knows what exactly is the problem.

>> No.18722899

Ah, well. Guess I'll just put up with it for now. Thank you!

>> No.18722943
File: 318 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-31 02_44_20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished for Jure on september, then summonned Mani through the usual truce ground summon. I could invite Mani to my home but Jure has no invite option.
Any ideas why? First time it happend to me.

>> No.18723024

Woohoo! Level 23 and I just got a Happy Bed from a Cupid of Love. My luck has been ridiculous. I've had 7 wishes so far (Though three were the "fleeting" ones that didn't give me a wish), and I'm sitting at around 8 Stardust I think.

>> No.18723029
File: 799 KB, 1286x796, Wait what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Are Happy Beds no longer rare anymore? Just got a second one.

Should I use scrolls of inferior material to try and make it light to carry it around with me?

>> No.18723058

After 20 mins of loading the game you get a huge rare drop boost, works on happy beds as well.

>> No.18723063

Wow. I thought it was like in the past, I farmed for a lot of stuff for ages. Didn't play Custom, though. Oh well. Thanks!

>> No.18723075

It's not a Custom addition, that's an E+ thing.

>> No.18723092

My bad, then. I guess I'm misinformed. I used to play Elona+ and I never remembered luck on this level.

>> No.18723106

It is a relatively recent addition. Part of Ano's campaign to stop people from savescumming.

>> No.18723112

Oh, OK. That's kinda dumb, if people want to savescum in a single-player game, then go ahead, but I guess a perk for not doing so is fine. Still seems pretty pointless, though.

>> No.18723130

Its pretty obvious that goal is to reduce mindless grind. People are no longer forced to savescum to get something good in reasonable amount of time. You get a lot of precious artifacts(turned into stardust) and evitems this way, but crafting now requires those items as consumables. It works surprisingly well.

>> No.18723136

That's good. I guess I shouldn't judge it when I don't have that much time in it, my bad. Loving the game as it is, just a wonderful time.

>> No.18723243

So, 1-chip gambles are the best for Cure Corruption potions, but what if I don't care for the potions? Is there any value in the 5, 10 or 20-chip plays? Can I find some sort of super-legendary-cool stuff?

>> No.18723249

>there'll be a 1-3 second "freeze" before it opens the dialogue/loads a new area
I think I had this issue before, I believe it was related to a few modded files taking too long to load. In your case, maybe it is an issue with some MP3 and/or portrait files (and ElonaExtender's incremental backups saving way too often). Create a vanilla Elona+ Custom folder and test if you still get these issues on it.

>> No.18723252

I should be playing entirely vanilla? All I'm running is Elona+ and then the Custom upgrade I downloaded from here. Do you mean I should try just Elona+, or...?

>> No.18723268

You should play Elona+ Custom, yes.
I had a similar issue before, and I believe it was because of some bad MP3 and .bmp files, plus Extender's crazy backup spam.
If you are playing with no modded files (no custom music or sprites) and isn't using Extender's constant incremental backups, then your issue is probably something else.

>> No.18723274
File: 667 KB, 1286x796, But why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something I'm missing here...? Why is this a reward from Opatos'? I saved up a lot of ores, summoned him at the Truce Grounds on November, and got...These?

Did I get April Fool'd or something?

OK. I haven't changed anything beyond the downloads I got, so I haven't any idea either. Thank you, though.

>> No.18723311

All final rewards are artifacts with big defensive stats and even bigger skill penalties.
The point of these items is to grind the penalized skill (Jure's final gift is an weapon with little to no damage potential, but it is great for hitting the same target over and over to grind Tactics and your melee fighting style skill), but they also can be used for other things (Opatos' final gift is a pretty good way to skip days/weeks/months/years without major penalties like deep-sea palace's ones).
Also, about your freezes. It may sound silly but try to rename your Elona folder to something else. For some mysterious reason this simple action solved some other weird issues in my game.

>> No.18723314

I'll try renaming it then, thanks! I didn't even think of using them to waste time, that could be useful...Though I don't really have any need for time to pass right now. I guess I'll keep them around.

>> No.18723318

The gods' final gifts are all stat/skill decreasing equipment meant to be used for training. As an example, there's one that basically kills your healing and meditation. If you take a bit of damage and use a spell, you'll constantly be training the skills because the regen is so slow.

>> No.18723320

That's neat. Not really the coolest thing, but probably quite useful.

>> No.18723360

Higher bets basically lets you get the fixed rewards (cure corruption, potential, business cards, etc) with fewer wins (you can get a potential potion with just 7 victories on 20-chip bets), but I think that godly-tier gear only appears in 20-chip bets.

>> No.18723361

OK, thanks. I'll keep doing 20 bets then, I get loads of chips on Fever Days anyways. Thank you!!

>> No.18723378

Multiple chip bets have a bit more value than before now that you can forfeit and surrender 1 chip while keeping your winning streak.

>> No.18723384

I think you need to be a follower of that god to be able to invite him/her to your house, maybe it's connected to your piety level just like the summoning process.

>> No.18723449

That's useful!!

>> No.18724026

>Be producing gears en mass
>Look on the floor to [g]rab them
>The number of produced equipment doesn't add up
>Realised I have been producing gears in my empty shop and it's past midnight


>> No.18724322

I guess I always invited gods I followed before that, huh.

Actually quite a few of those items are the most universally useful pieces of equipment. Opatos one is the most useful in general, you can pass time very fast in overland travel, good to milk off stuff that requires time (ranch, farm) or have long cooldowns (kumiromi statues, yacatect gem)

>> No.18724417


Not particularly. I am currently a servant of Jure yet I was able to invite Lulwy to my domicile after I wished her out from some jail's toilet. Maybe the invitation option has a sort of cooldown?

>> No.18724429

I'll try next month.
Maybe there is an issue with wish-summonning in truce grounds in particular.

>> No.18724560
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>> No.18724614

Go fight the crabs in the pastebin now and see how well your meteor does against them.

>> No.18724638

i am sure i'd be absolutely wrecked

>> No.18724674
File: 25 KB, 964x800, Ponderwithteaontoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if it's possible to teach a bell/quickling all kind of ball spells and have it team up with a Death Maneki with Swarm. That would be some party.

>> No.18724680

well i don't see why not

>> No.18724686

Or you can make a tag team pair of 8+ handed pets with chaos ball invokes and watch the fireworks.
Dont forget megid flame if you plan to spam balls.

>> No.18724705
File: 416 KB, 1507x451, DEATHPARTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Growing and caring mutants for the sake of giving arm slots with the least negative repercussions for my pets is a very tedious task, though.

Also, speak of the devil!
On a scale of one to ten, how fucked am I?

>> No.18724724

Why bells? A pet with magic equip is more useful.for that strat.
6/10, your stats suck. Are you an archer? Archer's gauge attack may solve the issue. Probably.

>> No.18724735

Death maneki are not very sturdy, you have enough time to kill all of them. Unless you somehow don't have the resists/defenses to survive those other critters you'll be fine. Your pet's HP is getting low, you get them barrier yet?

>> No.18724754
File: 256 KB, 1415x291, Aftermath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Though I stopped focusing on one stuff and just lay my work everywhere and mix everything up so that I don't get bored by the constant grind.

Also had to use the instant-win button as well as cancelling out custom AI.


Those in the image now are my pets. They survived.

>> No.18724920
File: 26 KB, 960x192, anime17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i did a thing.
Tested in-game, and it's as awesome as expected.
I'm happy.

>> No.18724954

so how do i actually fight these crabs? i got the npc files, do i have to find them?

>> No.18725143


You need to use summoning crystals it seems. Though, I don't know the exact mechanics behind it.

>> No.18725290
File: 139 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-31 13_37_43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wished for Opatos and invited him successfully, still no idea why Jure didnt work.

Took a while, but I finally got my driver Mito, had to resort to crafting friendship tokens since gifts are on sale only when you dont need them.
But she can use Gravity Accel with Custom AI without any issues, after all! I'm glad that burning most of my crafting mats/skill points for quick level boost wasn't for naught.

>> No.18725479

is there a legit hard bossfight in this game?
Honestly, a bad spawn of regular enemies is often far more dangerous than any boss of the same level range

>> No.18725510

I may state obvious, but bosses are static. Act3 gods will easily oneshot if you get there too early, you wont be able to finish deformed angel if your damage is lacking, etc. It shouldnt be surprising that overleveling PC would make static bosses easy.

>> No.18725546

Not really, at least not in Act 1, as long as you keep up with levels and sleep/eat to keep potential above hopeless. Then it's just farming AP for full sanic and investing/crafting potential pots and you can kill bosses more than 30 levels above yours.
Hardness depends on how early you consider them doable and tanking more bullshit attacks like black baptist and claymoai ohkoing you with gravity sphere.

>> No.18725618

Congratulations, you have a very powerful setup.

>> No.18725760
File: 185 KB, 1500x2000, hngrsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop myself from killing noble children in Partytime when their parents keep giving them precious ores and fat wallets?

>> No.18725774

simple, rob the children instead
like taking candy from a baby

>> No.18725796
File: 407 KB, 590x371, hideous and ugly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, what new mechanic would you want in Elona?

What new god/goddess?

>> No.18725807


Presets for custom AI.

>> No.18725813

Spell creation.

>> No.18725867

God of tourists
God's jewel will give treasure-map-like qests where you have to search over shown tile for sightseeing, for good amount of pp/medals. Feat - a set of traveling-related events will happen, protection from rogues Pet - good mount, weapon - walking stick with the same effect as SLB and protects from thieves.
Mechanic - switching most spacts into weapon-specific ones, like homing lazer that scales with weapon damage that requires equipped lightsaber, razor wind for scythe/shuri etc.

>> No.18725871
File: 1.16 MB, 959x840, Yakasha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A weak and frail god/goddess that when you serve under; gives you severe penalties, making the game more difficult.
Serving under the god also triggers a permanent etherwind-like spawning event where a few of the mobs out there are {godly} and/or wields artifacts. The etherwind-like event comes in a debuff-like stack and goes up the longer you live; spawning more and more {godly} tier enemies in each possible spawn zones.
The offering for the god will only be in the form of very heavy spirit or energy that these {godly} mobs drop at a low rate.

But, the god grants some pretty dank (or OP) special artifacts as well as the general opportunity to engage {godly} tier enemies without being under the effect of etherwind.

Maybe make Yakasha of Minus the goddess for this or something, I'unno.

>> No.18725893

goddess of sluttery and performance

>> No.18725913

How high can you get your salary anyway?
What can you get with a high enough salary?

>> No.18725922

What's the best thing i can sell on my shop using Alchemy? I'm not talking about the thing that will sell at the highest value but something i can easily fill my shop with and still make a decent amount of money.

>> No.18725931

>You can get ~200 wins a day easily.
Wasn't the cap that you could only fight once a day, yourself and your pets? Did a newer version change that?

>> No.18725936

I always pick the feats because salary can spawn hermes blood and speed uppers
Also had some very good randarts from it

>> No.18725937

All the healing potions and cure mutation potion.

Pet arena has no limit, unlike PC arena.
Its been like that for so long i'm not sure if it was ever changed.

>> No.18725939
File: 113 KB, 500x381, 1447220084460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, doesn't this chick die? Can you turn her into a cute dragonfu? Explain please.

>> No.18725954

different spritesheet

>> No.18725956



Check it. It's dependent on your fame and ranks.
As for me, it's roughly 30~40K biweekly + some cursed shit.

I make most of my money from managing two shops anyway.


Customised spritesheet.

>> No.18725959

Thanks! Now i only need to get an army of androids to finish the setup.
after i level this damn gene engineering to 60 for Mito

>> No.18725963

Crumbs. OK, thanks.

>> No.18725992

Just sweep through the town, stuff won't despawn unless you leave town and let it restart.
Mine the walls or level the city with mining special action if you still can't find it.

>> No.18726042

>new mechanic
Deed of Zoo, You leave your pets there and the higher the level/rarity of the pet the more gold you gain and the pets don't count as if they were in your party, just like the discarded ranch. Though it'd have to be very expensive to expand the zoo so that the discarded ranch still has some use.

>> No.18726060

>keeping rorans of all possible flavours in cages
>getting money from public for watching them
yesplease! so many new degenerate possibilities with this.

>> No.18726063


>> No.18726072
File: 137 KB, 736x981, meatfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy meter, wonder why there isn't any sort of morale meter for you, would also give reason for the drugs to exist instead of RPing. Maybe make it a reliable way to raise potential in early to midgame instead of a rush to investing/alchemising potpots.

Meshera omega, goddess of breeding.
faith stat+ STR/CON/CHR
Bonus to gene creation when making.
pet: miniature qt mesherafu
feat: further stat bonus for being pregnant, facehuggers always spawn neutral to you
weapon:some axe, I guess, deals nether/chaos +to gengineering, anatomy and healing, invokes impregnation
4th: whatever crippling debuff isn't done yet

>> No.18726077


>> No.18726081

I see.

>> No.18726093

>protects from thieves.
Make it that it nullifies bad weather and it's perfect.

>> No.18726117

>Quick, what new mechanic would you want in Elona?
That you can inherit flags for your offspring by choosing your spouse.
So for example if you make a gene with a pet that has cMetal then that gene has that flag, meaning if you're REALLY into min-maxing you could pimp out a really mean character.

>> No.18726127


>Start game
>RoD silver bell
>Make gene
>instawin next game.

>> No.18726150
File: 354 KB, 800x610, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18726151
File: 1.99 MB, 375x375, 1505957066206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18726199

You'd have to work for it though, more valuable a flag the further in the game you've got to progress with your parent character.
I'd put it at least level 1000 for the weakest flags

>> No.18726231

>Grinding 1k+ levels to get fully invulnerable chara
Are you serious? Just use wizmode/new testing mode.

>> No.18726248

This would be nice. I feel like Ano should add more stuff to the gene feature to truly feel like you're passing down something from one character to another and not just items

>> No.18726273

Like waifus?

Immortal robot that serves you and your lineage forever.

>> No.18726276

Maybe some mild race-dependent feats, like -10% damage when one of the parents is golem, some resists and such. However Elona got too many races for that and limiting enherited feats to non-debug races would be boring.

>> No.18726513

Passing on some race feats would also be good, getting a portion of fairies resistances would kinda be neat, do it over several generations for full race feat.
Then what's the point in playing anything but wizard mode? It's just a reward if you really want to grind the game, but if you just want to have it handed to you then just use wizard mode and spam MEWMEWMEW.

>> No.18726689

>It's just a reward if you really want to grind the game
Effective invulnerability is not a reward. Its a feature of dev/testing mode and should stay there. Exercise moderation in your desires.

>do it over several generations for full race feat.
Only direct parents should give feats, see above.

>> No.18726700

Is it worth buying an evolution heart for my fire dragon child or should I just wait for one to drop? I'm level 25 so it might take a while. I also have loads of spare cash from tailoring, what should I spend it on if not on that?

>> No.18726715

They will start dropping like candy, no wonder the equipment update recipe uses them because soon enough you're swimming in dozens

>> No.18726966

Anyone ever got a King Cobra as pet? Are they any good?

>> No.18727057

Poison element is very weak at 200+ lv.

>> No.18727216

Some way to get a strong buffs from cursed/doomed equipment.

>> No.18727389

Actually you may add hand slot to avoid poison element later so they are okay.There is nothing exceptional about cobra's evos, but you can make use of cure bleeding with lv15 living weapons.

>> No.18727398

They should start appearing randomly in dungeons now if you installed it correctly. Awakened dungeons too.

>> No.18727536

>Exercise moderation in your desires.
>Have to complete all the quests and sink in several hundred hours even when rushing just to attain a powerful reward
If you go through the trouble to actually grind more for your next character to be good than some people have on their main character I'd say that's a really moderate desire.
>Only direct parents should give feats, see above.
As long as the parent race continues the feat should stay/be upgraded.
Ect you're making a gene between fairy/golem and 3rd/4th generation in you'll have full race feats from both, but if you change one's parent race then you lose entire feat and feat acquisition progress.
This way you'll at best have 3 different racial feats on one character, and can't have more.

>> No.18727571

> that's a really moderate desire.
> invulnerability
Dude. What you want is NG+ with cheats enabled, not expanded game.
Who cares, anyway - nothing of such sort will be implementd anyway.

>> No.18727709

What amazing loot have you gotten recently anon?

>> No.18727911
File: 894 KB, 1283x726, ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see the wish goddess in all her splendor. She was always there to take my wishes and grant them when I had enough casting/literacy on my prior character to establish a direct line to her.

I found this ring in a lv 100ish dungeon on the ground. Probably the most amazing non static artifact I've come across so far on my current character.

>> No.18727946

two rods of wish and i killed azzrissil for a magic heart i'm going to use to get that ghost pet that has platinum song

going to take a bit to get her up to the other 3 party member's speed though but i think having a hero/speed/holy shield/feather/divine wisdom fountain working in my party should work quite nicely

>> No.18727973

Is that you Kai? Did your stats just freakin double since last time? Slow down!

>> No.18728001

Sorry I can't do that. Just so many opportunities and ways to grow your character that just opened up to me and I'm tapping into all of them.

>> No.18728034

>Wish goddess that at 4th reward also gives passive that nullifies stroke of good fortune passing event
Do wish

>> No.18728108

I've been thinking about what would happen if special actions had potential like spells lately.

>> No.18728195
File: 690 KB, 802x603, platinum mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my build looking so far? Should I have better stats by now?
I'm mainly a gun user.

>> No.18728239

pretty shit accuracy, try to turn your gun/bullets into rubynus
also eat a burger, you hungry skeleton

>> No.18728309

<Murder Knight> worth raising?

>> No.18728314

No time for eatin' when there's money to be made.

>> No.18728648

What does Throw potion (the special action) scale with?

>> No.18728656

Any reason to use reading party over regular reading if there's no danger of failure? Are memorization/literacy skills actually useful for pets?

>> No.18728684

magic devices/alchemy
LRN gives a good bonus to mana pool and you need 75 LRN to unlock all custom ai slots. Other than that its pretty useless. I didnt notice any influence from pet's memorization skill.

>> No.18728806

Thanks. I knew it needed magic device but I wasn't sure if my pet stats added to the damage or not.

Anyone use the Zombie girl/Silvia bug?

>> No.18728962

Better than where I'm at. Assuming you're still in act 1.

>> No.18729064

Any way to avoid stamina drain in Orphe's second bossfight? He keeps resummoning those chaos spirits

>> No.18729073

Yep, I haven't even started Lesimas yet.
Feels good to be autistic.

>> No.18729213

Any idea why I can't summon Itzpalt at the Truce Grounds? It's November, I've gotten his first two gifts, and I'm praying at the altar with 4800 favor.

>> No.18729264

did you summon other gods the same month?

>> No.18729293


>> No.18729339

First two? He has three. Exile, secret treasure, and elemental staff. After you get all three then try getting his fourth and last gift.

>> No.18729380

is 1d25 scale panty that does #####+ mind damage a good weapon to use at level 14?

>> No.18729389

I got the Exile and secret treasure. Wiki says that praying with enough favor for the third gift will grant both the third gift and summon the god at the same time (so you can then proceed to talk to him and receive the fourth gift), but he just gives me the staff and doesn't appear himself. For good measure, after he gave me the staff I tried offering some more rods to refill my prayer charge (favor was still >4025) and prayed again, but nothing happened.

>> No.18729443

Use as melee weapon. Panties are the best.
striped, ribbon or frilly?

I've been praying after 3rd reward, always works when pray charge is at 100%

>> No.18729639

Immersive family.
>Hero dies
>Apprentice/child/Pet becomes main character now.

>> No.18729696

Does the mind damage element already figure into the 1d25 or does it provide additional damage?

>> No.18729784


All element damage are additional.

>> No.18729802

Are there any downsides to Gene Engineering? Like can I make my pets worse by just adding random slaves on them?

>> No.18729831

Might give them an extra waist,back, or some body part by accident if you're not paying attention. Then again you might intend to do that.

>> No.18729846


The only downside is the one's donating will be removed and you are going to need GE level equal to the (pet level) - 5 in order to work on them.
Also, you have no control as to what gives what and most of it will be up to your own experimentation.
I want hand slot to my bell.
Asura and Varuna can give the first two.
But I am going to need Vishnu for the third and fourth.
Also, I am going to need three Vishnu because the first one is contractually obligated to give my pet a neck for some reason.

You mostly do not have control over who gives what. So make sure you look it through.

>> No.18729850

Slaves from the slave market are all humanoid and don't give limbs so you don't have to worry about that, more skills means more stat training so engineer away. Character levels gained from engineering are also purely positive

>> No.18730264

New >>18730249
