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File: 17 KB, 640x368, archer0se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1869296 No.1869296 [Reply] [Original]

I am bone Rin.

>> No.1869310

I am bowling?

>> No.1869347

Oh fuck, I just got it.

>> No.1869342

you lost me

>> No.1869509

I am boring.

>> No.1869707
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I thought it was pretty obvious.

>> No.1869715
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>> No.1869719


>> No.1869735

You lost her Archer, twice.
First time when you decided that others nedeed to be protected more than her, the second time when you left her alone in heaven because you'd rather sell your soul to the world than having to admit your ideals were futile.
And you call yourself a man ? You should kill yourself... oh wait, you already tried that.

>> No.1869762

In before Unlimited Rin Works

>> No.1869761

Archer is awesome.

Anyone that disagrees is probably a faggot like Shinji.

>> No.1869777

Archer is awesome.

ArcherxRin is retarded.

>> No.1869786

Archer's true love was Illya. He lost his last family and lover = Illya.

>> No.1869804
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Archer x Sword is canon.

>> No.1869802

Shinji is awesome.

Anyone that disagrees is probably a faggot like White Ren !YLuFFdRcFQ.

>> No.1869809
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Lancer was his true love.

>> No.1869822
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Opposites attract.

>> No.1869824
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Archer is an emo faggot.

>> No.1869838
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Not emo. Just misunderstood.

>> No.1869846

At least he doesn't bother with the lame wrist-slitting bullshit and goes straight for negating his own existance by killing his past self by his own hands.

>> No.1869852

He doesn't do that because it wouldn't work. The only way to kill himself is to kill Shirou. And even then it's only a possiblity.

>> No.1869851

Yeah it's worse than that, he's not only trying to deny what he has become by killing himself, but he's also denying what he was by killing his past self.
Archer should be a new term to specify a stronger version of an Emo.

>> No.1870784
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Do you even know what emo is?

Archer is not emo. He just becomes batshit crazy in UBW.

>> No.1870799

really if shirou gave up his ideals halfway through the shit he was doing that made archer, but was still able to make a fuck ton of swords, he could make a killing selling them in underground auctions and such to maguses

>> No.1870809

If the swords remained in this world and didn't disperse after a time, then yeah.

You'd see a magus running around chopping up shit with an Excalibur, only to be stopped by another magus with another Excalibur

>> No.1870819

Excalibur is the new Kalashnikov.

>> No.1870828

Isn't UBW where he becomes emo?

>> No.1870846

Archer: Number one dealer of magical weapons in the world!

He'd have so much fucking clout, he'd easily grasp his dreams.

>> No.1870910
File: 147 KB, 1043x1500, 1231122171504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't become emo in UBW, he becomes batshit crazy. In the other two routes he's a very cool anti-hero.

Who has a fuck ton of chemistry with Rin.

>> No.1870963

>Who has a fuck ton of chemistry with Rin.
I still don't get how "here, get raped by someone you hate" is a way of showing OMG TRU LUV, but okay.

>> No.1871147

What amuses me is that every calls Archer out on that, but no one calls out Saber for not going to save her Master.

It was LANCER who saved her. Saber did shit, she just wanted to see the Time Paradox battle. Saber could have done something and what could have Archer done?

Remember, Gilgamesh was there with Shinji when he called.

>> No.1871182

>here, get raped by someone you hate

Rape? What'd I miss?

>> No.1871196

>He doesn't become emo in UBW, he becomes batshit crazy. In the other two routes he's a very cool anti-hero. Who has a fuck ton of chemistry with Rin.

"here, get raped by someone you hate" was in UBW, where he was batshit crazy. Your argument is invalid for this particular discussion.

>> No.1871261

Yeah, and considering before he went batshit crazy in UBW he took off his butt cape and wrapped it around Rin while she was sleeping so she wouldn't get cold.

Not to mention in the prologue she woke up with her house warm and with tea waiting for her.

Oh, and in Heaven's Feel he runs his fingers through Rin's hair before he goes to get his arm chopped off.

>> No.1871308
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>> No.1871350

...I think I may have fucked up my quoting. I'm on the 'Archer and Rin have great chemistry' side of things, not the 'Archer left Rin to get raped by Shinji, and thus feels nothing for her' side.

>> No.1871376
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No, I was agreeing with you that 'Rin and Archer have mucho chemistry' argument.

And adding things to it.

>> No.1871395
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I wish Rin would've gotten raped by Shinji, it would have helped to fix that bitchy personality of hers.

>> No.1871396
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>> No.1871407
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>> No.1871409
File: 104 KB, 450x312, 1231128273177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Errr . . . Archer seemed to respect Saber, but he wasn't butt crazy about her.

>> No.1871420
File: 39 KB, 378x472, 1231128392230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why I like them together so much. Maybe because they can actually do things, (aka in battle) and it'd be interesting to see what they would do.

>> No.1871452
File: 101 KB, 650x481, 1231128809346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sex though, there's like over a foot of height difference between them!

>> No.1871457

RE04 and 06. Oh god what the fuck.

>> No.1871481

I'd teach her femininity, if you know what I mean.

>> No.1871583

Badon. Geebus. But yet it makes it hotter.
