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File: 1.01 MB, 750x900, elonmar23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18674551 No.18674551 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.76fix (3/2/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.76fix.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.18674641

Why exactly your little girl dies if she steps on a well? does she get poisoned or its a scripted event?

>> No.18674655

One of the outcomes of drinking from a well (for NPCs only) is that they fall in, killing them instantly.
The two cures for this are to either forbid them from eating/drinking stuff off the ground, or give them an item that floats them like wings.

>> No.18674656

She falls into the well and drowns.

>> No.18674745

At what point i should replace all my artifact equips with miracle/godly custom enhanced gear?

>> No.18674772

When you can actually make said gear?

>> No.18674801

Find something better and use it instead? What do you mean by at what point. Even crafting gear takes enormous time just to get something genuinely good.

>> No.18674918

does bed quality effect sleeping quality, I had a happy bed drop earlier from a cupid but its uncomfortable, also is it possible to change that prefix?

>> No.18674942


>> No.18675004

I already checked through a good chunk of the wiki but none of it even talks about the prefixes besides how some change the point value of it, and uncomfortable isn't even listed on those lists

>> No.18675057

If I remember correctly these prefixes only affects the item's value for house ranking. Sleep quality is based on the base item only, not materials or prefixes.

>> No.18675063

Bed type increases potential gain but not dreams, prefixes do not affect bed quality only its type does. So your uncomfortable happy bed is exactly as good as a comfy happy bed, but neither gives you better dreams than sleeping on the floor. Exception is Jure's body pillow which does affect which wet dreams you get, also luck reportedly has an effect on dream occurrence/type

>> No.18675096

Luck can replace bad dreams with the "bad feeling passes" event.
And the trade off for Jure's body pillow is that it doesn't technically count as sleeping in a bed, so you don't get potential.

>> No.18675425
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Does Elona+ Custom increase luck or something? I've played for about an hour, and I've gotten two hermit shells (One which turned into stardust that gave me this crazy mail, I'm still level 5 I believe), and then I drank from a fountain and got a wish, so I wished for seven league.

>> No.18675431
File: 478 KB, 1286x796, Are you fucking joking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even joking, this just happened.

What do I wish for? What the fuck? Two wishes in (almost) a row??

Please advise!!

>> No.18675446

That's quite lucky.

That's quite unusual

But a recent patch (E+, not Custom) did introduce higher chance for good quality drops and wishes and similar good stuff happening, while at the same time if you savescum it disables all that from having a chance to occur for 10 minutes after loading a game. So they punish savescumming while giving you better drops if you play fairly.

>> No.18675448

The wish is actually just luckiness, but regular Elona+ had an update that significantly increases artifact droprates if you don't savescum.

>> No.18675451

Well, that's interesting. I don't save scum, so I'm happy with that. Any ideas on what I should wish for? I haven't played in a long, long time, but I remember a Happy Bed was good, but you can get those from a monster drop. Maybe that secret experience...? I don't see any of the feats I really care about.

Anything that I could consider really critical?

>> No.18675473

vindale cloak protects from etherwind if you keep forgetting and staying out
aurora ring negates thunderstorm i think
speed ring gives a ton of speed
kumiromi's secret experience is useful too, yes. you can get one per 10 levels.
while it's not often mentioned, a potion of potential can be great on low levels if you bless it, and drink it around level 15 when your potentials all drop to "bad" and you don't have access to herbed food or potions of potentials yet normally

>> No.18675479

Secret experiences of kumiromi for extra feats is never a bad choice, also astral light pens if you want some NPC as a party member, attribute or growth scrolls are valuable and rare.

>> No.18675482

Why do you get jure pillow ONLY as a bribe to join her? what do her existing followers dont get one too?

>> No.18675486
File: 409 KB, 848x716, 1437711734436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty casual, so I love the idea of that Cloak or Aurora Ring. I think you can craft Vindale Cloaks in Elona+, so I think I'll make the Aurora Ring...Does a Speed Ring increase movement speed in some way? I'm not exactly sure how Speed works. Anyways, thank you for the tips. Its a toss-up between Speed and Aurora Ring for me. I really hate bad weather in this game.

>> No.18675498

Well, the speed ring basically has a fixed enchantment of a bunch of speed which increases how often you get turns, movement and attacking, casting too. It's the most important stat, but since the rest of the stats on the ring will be random it can end up being shit.

>> No.18675505
File: 701 KB, 1286x796, Speed Ring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a gambler! Let's see what Speed does, then.

Well, I hope this was good!

>> No.18675518

That's pretty nice. I've seen rings with like 5 speed so you didn't get fucked over or anything.

>> No.18675532

You have 82 speed now, so an increase in 18 is 20% more turns.

>> No.18675535
File: 558 KB, 1286x796, Gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent! If I may bother with more questions, how do I guarantee myself not to lose equipment when I die? I have the Shell Necklace, this Speed Ring, this cool Mail and my Seven League Boots, but I tend to die in random field zones/Puppy Dungeon/etc.

Will/can I lose held equipment, or is it only inventory items...? It'd be a shame to un-equip all of these goodies out of fear of death.

>> No.18675546

Oh, good to know. Thanks!

>> No.18675560

You savescum.
Anyway, I think you only need to worry about dying at places that respawn like towns and the puppy cave. In dungeons the items should drop to the ground and stay there.
And on hunting, harvesting and party time quests you never drop items but instead lose attribute points.

>> No.18675575

Oh. Does that include random field occurances? i.e; I ignore the bandits' demands and try to flee and die. Can I ever recover those items?

I'm not going to savescum, it seems like too much work, but thank you. I'll just be cautious when I go out and not take this stuff into the horrible puppy cave.

>> No.18675581

>it seems like too much work
You can just alt+f4 when you die.

>> No.18675590

Yeah, but that's cheating! I'll stick to my stupid decisions.

>> No.18675609

Wilderness tiles and puppy cave floors are regenerated every time you re-enter them, so you never get a chance to recover those items. Towns take some time to refresh.
For safety, be sure to identify and precious items you get as quest rewards ASAP; you can get new ones later from the Little Sister quest, but ONLY if you had identified them!

>> No.18675612

Killing musicians should be illegal.

>> No.18675621

Roger!! Like, the Cooler Box, correct? I'll keep that in mind, thank you. I forgot how much I adored this game, and I'm very glad that there's still a community for it. Thanks for helping with all my questions.

>> No.18675629

How do I deal with level 400+ dungeon boss spamming gauge attacks every other turn? It insta kills my pets and then I have to kite it forever.

>> No.18675650

Exactly like the Cooler Box. This also means be sure to check the ground after finishing a quest. If you forget to pick up a reward, it's lost for good.
This and killing Little Sisters are about the only ways you can permanently screw yourself.

>> No.18675677

Does this also mean that I have to identify stuff like happy apple before eating it, if i want to copy it?

>> No.18675688

If you haven't ID'd them you can buy those later for music tickets, so those aren't lost forever. They're not cheap though.
I think you can get the mana and life items from more than one quest too.

>> No.18675709

Wait, DON'T kill the little sisters?


>> No.18675719

Food is identified after you eat it so it doesn't matter just eat it

>> No.18675741
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The ones that spawn as a result of Big Daddies? You want to capture them (using the provided quest item) and bring them back to the quest giver. This is how you get duplicate precious items.

Every Little Sister you kill permanently reduces the Big Daddy spawn rate.

>> No.18675746
File: 529 KB, 1286x796, Wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky Jerk again, I just got a SECOND Unknown Shell...What exactly does the Stardust do, and what should I use it on? The first one turned this random Mail into something pretty juicy.

>> No.18675750

Ohh, okay. Thanks. I always used to ignore them on my previous characters I think.

>> No.18675755

Oh, it just enhanced the mail, it didn't turn it into anything. My bad. I had never ID'd it.

Do I save the stardust?

>> No.18675761

The quest is from the cyberdome near Vernis.

>> No.18675766

Neato. Appreciated.

>> No.18675807
File: 916 KB, 1286x796, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help! I keep getting a debuff "You feel distracted", yet I can't stop it from afflicting me. I used a Tobacco pipe just to see what it doers. Am I stuck with this permanently?

>> No.18675815

Is it possible to train a pet so much that it beats the final boss of act 3 by itself?

>> No.18675820

You get like 10 addiction level when you smoke tobacco. Every time you get the debuff, you lose 1 level. It will stop happening after a few days. And yeah, it's way too much just for smoking once.

>> No.18675842

I've had it for several days now, so I'm a bit confused, but maybe I miscalculated. If it'll go away, then that's good, thank you.

>> No.18675855

What version are you on?

>> No.18675857


>> No.18675864

Also, same guy, but I keep getting a full crash with this message:

HspError 19 WinError 0 Ver 3030 Mode 0
efId 635 efP 82 Area 453/3
ci 0#483 ti 0#34 cc 64#214 tc 0#0 rc 66#42
3. main_init:Begin ct:245
2. main_init:End ct:0
1. pc_turn_init ct:0
0. turn_end:pc ct:0


This happens when a Thief attacks me in a lvl 2 Beginner's Forest.

>> No.18675865

It will go away eventually, the addiction counter decreases every time you get the debuff.

>> No.18675877

OK, thank you. Any idea of this crash, though?


>> No.18676002


>> No.18676191

Do you have any custom bmp files/mods installed?

>> No.18676197

Nope. Fully fresh, I got the two downloads from the pastebin here.

>> No.18676234

Download it again, maybe some file got corrupted.
But I'm also having a few issues with this version, like custom pet portraits not working and inevitable crashes on character creation (on difficulty mode selection, and a few minutes after creating a character while playing with it if I don't save&exit and restart the client). This version is a bit buggy right now.

>> No.18676300

Crumbs, alright. Thank you.

>> No.18676563

What do you guys spend your free level up skill points on?
I boosted perform to 10 because the first few levels are a pain, put some into faith and now there's not really anything left that's hard to level.

>> No.18676642

I generally farm up some plat to keep the potential 300%+ and use them on literacy. Weight lifting if I'm not going to read spellbooks.

>> No.18676659
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I used them only for the domination spell and nothing else. Didn't know this was a thing.

>> No.18676667

Platina bell has the same bitflags as Karata plus float so how come you guys are wasting your pens on him instead of just getting the bell? Am I missing something?

>> No.18676710


Karata has CresEle and keeps it upon recruitment.

>> No.18676735

So does the platina bell.

>> No.18676743

same for platina bell as been proven by anon a few threads ago

>> No.18676766

What is CresEle?

and i guess its because platina bell is purely luck to find,whats the bell speed compared to karata?

>> No.18676768



Huh, would you look at that. It does. Sucking the mascot's dick off then penning it is easier running into a platina and trying to dominate it?

Also, Karata has double platina's speed if you are into that speed is king thread.

>> No.18676772

Starting speed is bad for AP gains.

>> No.18676808


No doy. I'll just let the anons who sucks Karata off explain themselves then.

>> No.18676864

I keep hearing this AP excuse,does AP abilities matter at all if the pet will move ten turns before anyone gets one?

>> No.18676886

Am I correct in thinking that dual wielding is better for tank pets (because of the extra resist), two hand is better for damage, and that shields are just bad? Two hands only.

>> No.18677030

Speed can be massively improved on anyone with ease. It's not the speed but the NPC's bitflags that make people go for them. Every pet and player needs AP for barrier, skills and feats, and can get 800 spd by spending AP to raise it. But the higher your starting stats, the more difficult AP is to earn. INI is the sum of those starting stats, and you want it as low as possible (also gives EXP boost if low). It's possible to recalculate INI at the Oblivion Palace.

At the Oblivion Palace you have the option of lowering level/stats to a minimum, then reset INI based on the new stats. You can lower stats even further by eating zombies, then drinking cursed hermes blood to reduce speed, with a final reset for the lowest INI possible to get the fastest growth+AP gain. One player put in this massive amount of work to get an ''ultimate Karata''. But this is not necessary at all and ''normal'' low level NPCs like little girl will already have a pretty low INI.

>> No.18677077

Speaking of init, what can make it go UP?
I just noticed that the second part of my init went from 317/70 to 317/96. The second part is supposed to be my starting speed and I started with Elea. I'm only a few days into this game so I didn't do anything weird, still level 25 on North Tyris.

>> No.18677089

Please ignore me, I'm a baka.
I tabbed out while looking at my pet's character sheet, looked at it and wondered how did "my" init change.

>> No.18677113

So how necessary is doing that ridiculous grind of lowering all your stats, reinitializing and grinding it up again? Can you get all the AP abilities in a decent amount of time without doing that?

>> No.18677149

>But this is not necessary at all and ''normal'' low level NPCs like little girl will already have a pretty low INI.
You can get everything you need in no time without doing that by just playing normally/at most grinding in the void, provided you picked a pet that doesn't have extremely high INI. Standard player races and low level creatures are all fine. Examples of something with a high INI would be bells/karata (due to speed), high level monsters or an astral penned god or something.

>> No.18677212

Realistically, you only may want to keep speed ini somewhere below 200, and thats it. Autism with getting 1/1/1/1/1/1 everywhere doesnt give any real benefits.

>> No.18677520

Meshera is hot. I wanna pen her and then produce many genes with her!

>> No.18677537

Dont forget to start with bacteria with new genes.

>> No.18677573

So guys i just keep getting melancholy, will it go away or should i just keep doing drugs?

>> No.18677657

Obviously you should just keep doing drugs.

>> No.18677691

Drop all the stardust you get in a pile at home. You will need them (much) later when you start to craft equipment for yourself.
It will go away, but takes a long time. There was a bug that prevented it from ever going away but was fixed as of 1.74 or so (that's why a previous anon asked what version you were on).

>> No.18677724

>It will go away, but takes a long time
Fuck it, i will just keep doing drugs with my little girl

>> No.18677745


'attaboy. Few more before you turn black and we get to abort your babies and steal your money for drugs.

>> No.18677792

>Forced my Little Girl to do get an abort on 2nd day after our reunion.
>Robbing Thief Guild every other month.
>Never did drugs(yet).
err, i guess I should have started with drugs first, after all?

>> No.18678474
File: 231 KB, 580x383, bang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it enhances when charging
I assume its for the 1k AP Charge special action? Is it actually strong and how do I avoid getting hit for 10 turns

>> No.18678529

Timestop, high dv, tanking pets with provoke. It deals 15x damage, always crits and always has 0% ranged penalty, so not a bad choice to deal with bosses.

>> No.18678601

Can you use special ammo with charge attack?
I'm getting slightly wet from the thought of using charged burst.

>> No.18678730

What's the proper way to raise a living weapon anyway? I see people raising some as stat sticks for cooking or luck or enhance spell, and that's pretty straight forward.
But what about the combat weapons? Stack one elemental damage, or special effects like criticals or invokes? Which one is better?

>> No.18678808

Magic damage. If you use fire dragon child and can wetten target before attacking, then lightning is better.

>> No.18678817

Or you can use nether damage, especially when living weapon got nightmare proc. Its great for self-sustain.

>> No.18678846

what about vorpal? Worth investing in?

>> No.18678905

Only if its not an active weapon, I think.

>> No.18678914
File: 140 KB, 700x400, 18-03-24 14_54_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like after 100x winning streak in pet arena winning pets get 700+ turn all stat growth buff.

>> No.18678977

can ranged weapons trigger vorpal?

>> No.18678992

It only works at melee distance, not sure if ranged at melee distance can trigger it.
If you have vorpal on ranged slot weapon it will properly trigger for melee weapons, though.

>> No.18679126

Sex will kill you

sure go ahead!

>> No.18679227

Why not simply do it with jure or lulwy? dont stick your dick in crazy ehekatl or kumi

>> No.18679403


>tfw you'll never get your pelvis crushed by a giant cutie bacteria GF.

>> No.18679576

>You will accept me,wont you?

>> No.18679667
File: 260 KB, 600x800, 59642594_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly sure you will spend a few millennia being tortured by bored black angels in that summer house's sex dungeon before Lulwy even lets you touch yourself in front of her.
Also please keep any kind of dick away from my pure goddess, thank you.

>> No.18679673

Yeah no,the green haired tsundere got a whole month of celebrations just for her, i am pretty sure she secretly likes all the praise

>> No.18679721

I still haven't seen the crazy in ehekatl or kumiromi everyone speaks about. My toon worships that all natural ass and Kumi just seems like a regular person with shyness issues. Is this something that just doesn't get shown ingame?

>> No.18679731
File: 188 KB, 600x800, 58740414_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her fault that everyone loves tsuntsun (and anti-nightmare body pillows) so much.
If Lulwy didn't have this nasty habit of throwing random people in her large collection of sex dungeons people would appreciate her a lot more. Look at Yacatect, they gave her a 24/7 casino to praise capitalism all day in her name because she is such nice big sister.

>> No.18679740
File: 47 KB, 865x867, KumiYandere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A flighty anime catgirl, possibly unstable too.

>> No.18679754
File: 50 KB, 695x867, Lulwy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad the player cant knock up jure,would be cute to hear her reactions

>> No.18679776
File: 210 KB, 860x755, 2c46a3f246b65510cb6f9ae1a906529c85111f7ed7213f22f04ebda8ddbf0d70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone.
For some reason, I couldn't find any trap PCC models, so I made one of my own.

I used https://www.reddit.com/r/Elona/comments/5judoy/nsfw_nude_mod_sprite/ as a base, and I like the way it turned out. Please let me know what you think. :^)

Ver. 1: https://files.catbox.moe/bqsg04.bmp
Ver. 2: https://files.catbox.moe/7tc1xa.bmp

>> No.18679873
File: 3 KB, 825x350, redhottiddies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>oh yeah baby, I would be more than happy to make some recombinant DNAs with you

Fucking kill me already

>> No.18679886

Imagine it,she can alter her body shape to suit your needs or degenerate fantasies

>> No.18679889


>> No.18679903

Isnt the little meshera girl much better? (pet wise,not looks)

>> No.18679924

Skin is like clothing. It just gets in the way.

>> No.18679929

What are you implying?

>> No.18679944

I think both versions have a bit too much "curve" around the chest area in the front frames, like a Chinzurena design, but the side frames are very flat.

>> No.18680202

Can you wrench a final charge from wands or that's an ADOM thing?

>> No.18680217

No such thing, but you can extract charges from wands and use it to recharge other wands one you get that special ability at 20 or 30 magic item skill.

>> No.18680233

other wands of the same type I assume?
I was just wondering if I can do something with a wand of wish (0 charges)

>> No.18680272

Rod of Domination and Wish are special and cannot be recharged.

Otherwise the way it works is that sucking the power out of a wand stores a persistent counter that you can keep accumulating, and you can recharge any other wand or even spellbook with the charges. Better wands give more charges, but you can eat some wands of magic missile and use it to recharge a better wand.

>> No.18680313

How do I reliably get a wish or a light pen?
I feel ready to kill Zeome but I want to recruit Gwen before she grows up

>> No.18680329

Either get 150 cards for the witch or enable savescumming and get a wish

>> No.18680334


Suck Opatos off, get his boots. Go to world map. Let a year pass. Drink from fountain.

Longer you don't get wishes from fountain, the higher the chance for a wish. If the fountains has all gone dry and you have high lockpick/digging, you can also try getting cursed escape/return to put yourself in jail. Once in jail, lockpick/dig into other cells and lick the toilet bowls.

>> No.18680341

No. Charge attack is always one hit.

>> No.18680366
File: 61 KB, 735x620, porky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post
This is exactly why I play Elona

>> No.18680395

If you have the boots wouldn't it be easier to just burn fountains and wait for them to respawn?

>> No.18680419

I actually just got a wish, much easier too, no toilet licking(almost)
I simply dumped my collection of noble vomit from the party quests and all the cursed crim ale, and some other trash potions I had lying around into the well and kept drinking from it until I got a wish
Got a bunch of nasty mutations but nothing a potion of evolution can't fix

>> No.18680427
File: 106 KB, 571x172, jojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jojo collection

>> No.18680522

well that IS the idea

>> No.18680528


>> No.18680602
File: 19 KB, 292x51, stickman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18680630

>214cm or basically 7 feet
Literally made out of something lighter than paper. I honestly can not think of what your character would be even made of.

>> No.18680661

You don't need to "respawn" fountains, you can easily "recharge" any water source by mixing any kind of drinkable item on them (from potions and whiskey to dirty water and vomit), so you can drink from them and get all the usual effects from it (wishes included) as long you have enough material to fill them again. It's not a 1:1 ratio, so you gotta
The actual issue with wishes and fountains/wells/toilets is that every wish you get from these sources will decrease your chances to get another wish from said sources. Basically, every wish you get will increase your "wish counter" by +1, and this counter is basically your "wish failure" chance, like a reverse spell casting chance (so, instead of getting a wish, you will get a "You feel as a stroke of good fortune passed by" message).
The thing about skipping a whole year as fast as possible is that this wish counter will decrease by 1 every new year, reducing the wish failure chance, eventually going back to zero (giving you 0% failure chance).
Also, wish from other sources, like spells and wands, will not affect this counter system, so don't worry about them. And NEVER recharge the holy well in Noyel, if you do it the well will be corrupted permanently.

>> No.18680667

>you can easily "recharge" any water source by mixing any kind of drinkable item on them
And the problem with THAT is that, eventually, the source will "dry up completely," and won't recharge no matter how much you dump into it.

>> No.18680691

I just use the fountains generated on Challenge/Panic quests, completing the quest won't kick you out of the map so you can drink and refill as much as you want.

>> No.18680710

So what level of nefias do you usually wait for to use up your 100/500 yen coins stock?

>> No.18680727

Does anyone know how to make it so pets can use shift cores? They seem to blow through the gauge instantly as soon as it hits 100.

>> No.18680743

treasure balls are spawned with a level equal to your character's, nothing to do with the dungeon your in

if ( inv(3, ci) == 415 | inv(3, ci) == 416 ) {
inv(25, ci) = cdata(38, 0)

>> No.18680755

Oh. I wonder if its been a myth all along or just a stealth nerf. I remember people carrying ball machines to 1k+ lv nefias for this.

>> No.18680766

Dungeon level affecting loot containers at opening was removed a long time ago. Early in E+ development I'd say.
But Elona is one of those games where old info hangs around due to obscure mechanics and a small community.

>> No.18680772

he was referring to bringing the machines themselves into dungeons, thinking to generate the balls there for high level. chests are generated based on dungeon level, but to compensate for the poor danger levels of towns, balls are based on your own level.

>> No.18680783
File: 6 KB, 255x21, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got my astral pen
>buttering up Gwen with shitty gifts and love potions
>she starts crushing walls

>> No.18680821
File: 7 KB, 387x38, yenyen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what level should be good, i wonder. They just keep accumulating.

>> No.18680835

any. rng will play a bigger role than anything else really, if you have that many and pop em all at once you're bound to get something good from at least one. just wait for a lucky day, stuff from treasure balls follows the lucky item rule (if luck is greater than a random role from 0 to something, its item quality increases by 1)

>> No.18681003

I have some doubts that container with ilevel 1 and ilevel 200 will generate roughly the same quality item @ average.

>> No.18681020

Level has more of an effect on the type of gear you get, like a feather hat vs a fairy hat.

>> No.18681106

Do you still use up charged on patzerfaust/atomic launcher with dupli? Can you fail recharging atomic nuclear and destroy this item?

>> No.18681137
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>> No.18681189

>level 43 vs Zeome with ton of chaos resist
>didn't even go below 50% hp
>just kept hitting him till he died of overcasting
I should've done this sooner I guess, time to replace my scarecrows with Kumiromi statues

>> No.18681328
File: 45 KB, 425x424, 1520593640721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>3 months ago
>Watch a video about Elona
>It's odd, probably won't play it
>A week ago
>On a major Roguelike kick
>Rememner Elona
>Download Elona+
>Why not, it's free
>Start the game
>Make a Elea warrior
>Wait, vampire?
>Wake up in a cave after almost starving near a river
>Rescuer is some jack ass
>Suck his blood
>Kill him
>Explodes into a pile of meat
>Feel good about myself since he had it comming
>Go to city
>Adopt girl
>Suck some more blood from a shopkeeper after investing in his shop
>Shop keeper explodes
>Get knocked the fuck out
>Wake up in the same cave
>Girl is eating a dead hobo
>Smack her
>She glares at me
>Smack her until she is finished eating the corpse
>Go out to travel for five days
>Girl murders and eats everything in her way
>Haven't eaten anything
>Finally get to a city
>Invested all my money into the merchant i killed
>Kill the bastard in hopes of looting his inventory for food
>Can't remember how to loot shit
>In my futile attempt to loot get killed
>RIP Kosmos the Virgin

I can tell this will be a good game

>> No.18681515
File: 303 KB, 1214x1109, IGMcUfE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you try loss mode right off the bat you will likely get burned out from too many high-hour-investment deaths, the amount of hours per playthrough and unexpected death occurrence are very high in this game. Make an essential character first and beat act 1 to learn what you need to succeed.

>> No.18681563 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 100x100, 1521922877287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But retarded deaths is half of the fun in Elona. We need more lossbros.

>> No.18681623


This. Also, as far as my knowledge goes. The prison resets every time you visit it and there's like 10 toilet bowls waiting to be licked. Just get yourself in there and go to town.

>> No.18681684

Well I am one. To practice with essential first is the best advice I can give here, if long time players that transition into loss tend to lose a number of ~50 hour characters before even beating act 1, a completely new player would die far too often to stick with it. That many hours is way more than you need to beat e.g. Crawl/NetHack. There were a number of new players that did loss right away and I believe they all stopped playing. I don't think it's because the game is very difficult, but the customization is a huge timesink and there is more repetition than in other roguelikes. You wanna go in just a little more prepared

>> No.18681799

How do I clear the quest for kumiromi statue as a melee? Those summon knights shit on me with momotukas and other nasty things
I always played mages before and it was a habit to nuke the shit out of this place with meteor

>> No.18681800

I just craft beer and fill fountains with it in challange/panic quests.

Then drink all this beer til fountain is dry.

IMO its the fastest way if you have good fame since you dont have to focus on it and quests are common.

>> No.18681809

Don't stay too long. Your stats will begin to drop the longer you're there. Wonder what the guards think about that insane anon that keeps breaking in just to drink from their toilets.

>> No.18681810


Whichever's suitable for you, I guess. Maybe I am just a huge slut who got off from licking shit receptacles.

>> No.18681825

I spend 10 mintes on that playthrough, the learning curve seems steep so I might not get a grasp on the mechanics anytime soon

>> No.18681846

Sometimes a girl gotta kabedon too, you know.

>> No.18681869

Its closer to sandbox rpg than usual rgl, If you are stuck, refer to op paste for starter tips, they cover most important aspects.

>> No.18681935

Will do!

>> No.18681969

>kill lomias and shopkeeper at start

pics or i call bullshit

>> No.18682031

does a jure pcc exist?

>> No.18682086
File: 46 KB, 585x396, jure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18682165

I will be jure,raise the dead,and heal them!

does the protector pet also heals necromancy minions?

>> No.18682190

With healing rain, defender should be able to heal.

>> No.18682224

wait,god pets arent gender locked? lulwy angel can be a male?

>> No.18682234

some are gender locked. black angel is always female, so is golden knight.

>> No.18682385

i saw a female protector some threads ago,figured all could go either gender

barring forbidden meat

>> No.18682394

Do i get any benefit from shield skill if you use tonfa? What if you wear shield in ranged slot?

>> No.18682442


>> No.18682552

I fucking hate kobolds! They're always weakening my stats, coming out of nowhere to stab me, and always travel in packs! I'm going to lose my shit if there is an upgraded version that outright steals your items and uses them on you. Then fucking rides away on a stolen bike. I'm deathly afraid that my little girl one day is going to get Kobolded and I'm going to be an NTR victim.

>> No.18682694

How do I make my elona like this?

>> No.18682942

Just play the game long enough.

>> No.18683073
File: 478 KB, 700x379, 49441826_p13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That many hours is way more than you need to beat e.g. Crawl/NetHack
Yeah, for a game like Elona, permadeath works better as a challenge mode for quick runs than your main adventure in the game. It's not like you need a palace, a museum, three shops, and seven herb farms to beat Zeome and get your score.
Well, to me, at least. I'm someone out there is playing Loss with Custom's pet permadeath, always carrying a Harakiri and ready to cry a river when his wife gets murdered by an army of hard gays.

>> No.18683129

Who is best wife and why it is the golden knight?

i am still unsure if hammer or hammer+shield is the way to go with her

>> No.18683151

If I kill an NPC in a duel, will they respawn? Or I fucked up?

>> No.18683171

Most NPCs respawn (or get substitutes) after a few days/weeks, don't worry about it.

>> No.18683219
File: 1.81 MB, 3044x2214, 44816970_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best wife
>The only female NPC that noacat portrayed as a masculine woman
I could never understand this fetish of yours, guys.

>> No.18683237

When a person puts text that nearly blends in with the background on something they expect people to read I start to question their ability to design things.

>> No.18683267

He clearly didnt want for text to be visible at first glance.

That being said, Mia is too hot. Its truly pitiful that she is a retard.

>> No.18683272
File: 182 KB, 640x640, __black_angel_and_spiral_king_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__ada471450427212a551242bd449cbdc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, we had an adventurer in this very thread talking about the wonders of licking dirty toilets in prisons, you really shouldn't worry about something as silly as "understanding fetishes".

>> No.18683288

I understand even that anon. But i still dont understand why Golden Knight is not a husbando.
Its like marrying Kumiromi and calling him a wife.
Wait, I'm beginning to understand, I think.

>> No.18683310

Well when you think a slightly sharper chin changes an entire design to be masculine you probably don't think very straight.

>> No.18683325
File: 988 KB, 1280x768, rossithandla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my guy up to snuff for south tyris? i've never really played past north tyris before, I always kill zeome then quit. i spent some time developing some pets and my guy this time and I want to try out act 2 but im not really sure where to start

>> No.18683331
File: 988 KB, 1280x768, rossithandla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a retard and messed up the screencap, here's a better one

>> No.18683340

Mind sharing you item.bmp?

>> No.18683358

not sure how to do that, but I will if you tell me how

>> No.18683376

>black angel censoring lulwy
>she wonders why her followers oogle at her naked body

she is doing nude on purpose,right?

>> No.18683380

Long nose, eye slit drawn without even a hint of femininty, wide mouth, thick neck, pose, outfit that may as well be worn by a male. Her features are completely androgynous unlike another female warrior, Fray.

Yet you only see sharp chin. Waifu googles?

Yeah you are good to go. A bit more PV may help, though.

>> No.18683394

I don't have a waifu I'm just not intent on forcing a meme.

>> No.18683479

>I'm just not intent on forcing a meme.

what meme? well, whatever.
how do you live without waifu?

>> No.18683743

What does "you feel as a stroke of good fortune passed by"? Does it mean I missed out on a wish? I got it from drinking from a fountain.

>> No.18683754

Jure is always available to waifu,go get her tiger

>> No.18683767

Yes you failed to get a wish, because you already had wishes from fountains before.

>> No.18683775

I've had two fountain wishes, why can't I get a third? I'm only level 9, I haven't played long. Is there really a cap on fountain wishes?

>> No.18683844

you need to wait until next year

>> No.18683853

Look in the elona folder inside of the graphic folder.

>> No.18683855

Okay, thanks. :(

>> No.18683895

Every time you get a fountain wish, it's harder to get the next one.
You have a 1 in (previous wishes + 1) chance to get a wish when it rolls it, otherwise you get the "stroke of fortune passes by" message.
Your number of previous wishes is decreased by one every year.

>> No.18683902

Oh, I see. Well, that's more reasonable then, thank you!

>> No.18683916
File: 910 KB, 1584x1632, item.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go friend, i had to make it a jpeg to fit the 4mb file size, hope thats ok

>> No.18683962

Png is better to share things here,just saying

>> No.18683993
File: 1.06 MB, 1584x1632, item.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry im a mong

>> No.18684054

Thanks, and I disagree.

>> No.18684074

i mean,its how it has been always done in these threads,no? jpg is a shitty format and could downgrade the image you are trying to share

>> No.18684075

Mistleteinn not drain that much MP or does Zeome just regen MP that fast? Thought I'd be clever and shut his heal button down, but it didn't budge.

>> No.18684114

It doesn't do enough MP damage. The fight is basically:
stage 1) lower his health
stage 2) keep attacking while he heals until he runs out of MP.

>> No.18684159
File: 763 KB, 1281x796, What is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this, and how do I afford it? I have two Cure Corruption potions and that isn't enough!

I want THIS!!

>> No.18684219

An artifact wing, it's annoyingly rare. You need more corruption potions to get it, try 3-4. If you're lucky that adventurer will keep it until you have enough, then you just need to find them again.

>> No.18684231

It's a wing and god damn.
Keep a note of their name, you can later ask informants of adventurer locations.

>> No.18684236
File: 867 KB, 1281x796, What do I equip this guy with.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, thanks. I'll try to get some more potions then and find them again.

If I may ask another question, what do I do with this monster? It has an inventory, but I don't understand what I can equip on it...Can I put armor on it, or...How do I check? (Used this Insight Lens to get this page)

Thank you!!

>> No.18684261

Oh. I forgot their name. Whoops.

>> No.18684412

When you are on the page to give it items, it should say on the bottom of that window what body parts it has.
Fire@Dragon child becomes very strong once evolved. It's a good tank / melee dps.
You need to use Gene Engineering to give it body parts it is missing.

>> No.18684420

Oh! I see! Neck, Body, Ring, etc...Thanks. They kept following me when I Found them and it seemed cute, so I caught it. I don't know how gene engineering works, but I'll check it out though. So much to learn about this game, I love it!

>> No.18684447

Yeah you'll definitely need to finish that quest to get the gene machine as soon as possible. It is absolutely necessary in order to teach skills and give body parts to your pets.
It takes a bit of time and effort but pets can grow very strong (stronger than PC even) and be valuable in battle.
Make sure to give it some gems (like emerald, ruby, gold, junk stone, earth crystal, etc) every once in a while. It will sell them for full price in towns (no price penalty that PC has) and then use the money to train potential.

>> No.18684451

Elona is a pretty hardcore place.
-you can kill the king and queen of Palmia, put their corpses on display and no one gives a fuck
-you can tsujigiri random bards and they apologize for their bad music
-you can gene engineer a horse into a little girl and no one bats an eye

>> No.18684452

Oh, OK. Is there anything else but gems I can give it? I'm currently gifting all of my gems and stones and stuff to Opatos. But that sounds really cool. Thank you

>> No.18684498

Gems are the only thing pets will sell. You can also give it gold directly through Evochat when you talk to it. There is a "give 100,000 gp" option. That's not really good at the start though. At lower levels it should only cost something like 2000 to train potential, so there's no need to give it that much.
It will also loot gold off the floor if it is the only thing in the pile (as long as you didn't tell it to stop looting off the ground). You can also just let it loot gold as you go around dungeons and let it accumulate.

>> No.18684509

Oh and also if you gene engineer to teach it Pickpocket, it will automatically steal a small amount of gold every time it kills something. That's not enough to keep the potentials up later on but very viable when it's still low level.

>> No.18684532
File: 92 KB, 500x345, bird pic #371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha, thanks guys. I'll divvy up my gems between Opatos and lil' Fire Birb, thank you. The gene engineer quest sounds like a pain but I'll start it soon, once I get a bit more built up...Recently won 5 potions of cure corruption in the gambling thing (One of them is blessed!), so I'm trying to find cool stuff to trade with.

Pic related, my birb.

>> No.18684810

I haven't played in a long ass time. I'm on E+C 1.68.1. Any major changes I should be aware of? Just update elona+ binary then copy over matching E+C files?

Gotta save in my house and not in a field or something stupid before updating? Online chat server back?

>> No.18684826

Boss of a dungeon is a grass dancer and its backup crew. Fuck this dungeon in particular, I'm leaving before all the sexy dances give me a lethal boner detonation.

>> No.18684829

How do I get a lot of scrolls of gain attribute for artifact fusion? That's the only thing holding me back right now

>> No.18684873

There are a few new things. I came back after 1.66 and wrote down the changes for myself.

Museums now have a unique rank for collecting statues of unique npcs which gives you PP in the mail every month.
Sense object detects small medals, nice if you haven't collected them from towns yet.
You can dry vegetable and fish on dryrock at the ranch.
Farming is now reimagined, various fruits, vegetables, etc will only grow in certain seasons, which means your produce now stacks easier.
There's a fever mode randomly happening on around the 15th of the month, your clock on the top left will get on fire. During that lots more ground items and materials generate in random dungeons.
New pot of fusion recipe that basically sells items anywhere for 80% of their vendor sell value, good in dungeons when you're full.

>> No.18685414

Wait...the dungeon boss was some sort of boy band and you had to run from them?

>> No.18685918

I really want .bmp versions of each of these for the graphic2 folder
too bad they don't exist

>> No.18686438

Well you canat least cut several non-overlapping ones.
His male version is pretty cool too, love that style.


>> No.18686580

damn, those undeadgods are metal as fuck

>> No.18686587

i am eating putit meat like a maniac is there is another way to increase charisma

>> No.18686595

invest, perform, negotiate, prostitute yourself

>> No.18686623

Investing 50 is the fastest.

>> No.18686646

Use the putit meat to craft Putitoro, eat it then do one of these:

>> No.18686841

Guys, if you plan to read 400+ scrolls that trigger autosave, better enable savescumming. It crashes the game way too often.

>> No.18686888
File: 3.58 MB, 4800x1600, 51976607_p0Res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slighly downsized to make it fit,for whoever cant see the link

Why mani got a cat?

>> No.18686924


Better question would be, shouldn't the gods/goddesses be as big as Ebon or bigger. Probably just sprite cosmetics.

Also, poor Yacatect. Not included in most ensemble fanarts because she's new.

>> No.18686938
File: 9 KB, 789x19, Oh yeah baby, read those scrolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18686941

If i'm not mistaken its Noa's own art on his game. Not included because she is not from original game.

>> No.18686946

Even though i find the idea of huge lulwy appealing remember they need to interact with their followers sometimes

slighly tall sounds OK,ebon size does not

>> No.18686974


If that's Noa's art then holy shit; Eyth of Infidel has a form.

>> No.18687091

I will summon jure during her festival,IN FRONT OF ALL HER FOLLOWERS!

>> No.18687100

Anon was mewmewmewmewmeowed out of existence along with entirety of Noyel

>> No.18687151

Then they all resurrected in three days,the player instantly


>> No.18687165

>Then they all resurrected in three days,the player had a loss mode

>> No.18687200

It would be funny to justify with a in game explanation on how the NPC/player always revive as if nothing happened

figured this game had perma death for NPC like the elder scrolls

>> No.18687260


They crawled back up. Duh.

>> No.18687507
File: 720 KB, 2480x2085, 67538961_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His art is gorgeous, too bad he doesn't post more drawings

>> No.18687547

Utima is fucking massive goddamn.
I suppose I should have expected that.

>> No.18687597

>Azurassizzle is basically a rotten spine with wings
badass as HECK
I really hope Noa manages to finish Elin and keeps working on games in general, he's really talented

>> No.18687671

sulky Jure and the cutest Ehekatl, so good

>> No.18687974

I would be sulky too if my job was to keep alive an self destructive population

>> No.18687978

Jure doesn't have a tiger and I don't know how getting her tiger would help if she did.

>> No.18687984
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18688020

Has never happened to me when I do this.

>> No.18688029

It's a secret recruitable NPC that is supposed to be her lost pet. You need to find it to unlock Jure's route.

>> No.18688473

well it happends to me
on loss
got tired of this shit and removed penalty with elosnack.

Maybe it depends on HDD, the one which has the game is relatively old.

>> No.18688493

I'm not terribly surprised. Even on Essential I get worried it's going to fuck something up when it's repeatedly saving that rapidly.
I usually flick on the "enable savescumming" tweak when I read a bunch of scrolls just so it's not saving after each and every one.

>> No.18688639
File: 196 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-25 21_15_06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess i'll play shut-in 'til my fame goes below at least 100k for now, totally forgot about this retarded scaling.

>> No.18688717
File: 161 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-25 21_28_29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, what the hell.
I only wanted to stock'up on material kits.

I wonder if they can oneshot me at this level.

>> No.18688735
File: 563 KB, 1261x764, itgrantsbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it grants the trick of pickpocketing

I press A and there's no pickpocket option there on my stamina skills.

Where did I go wrong? Grants the trick my ass.

>> No.18688748
File: 565 KB, 1271x765, asspocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plus, since I left the thieves guild, they go full Naruto on me, and I get reduced to a shitty red stain on the floor instantly, so I can't train there.

If the equipment says it grants the trick, how can't I pickpocket?

>> No.18688754

It's just odd wording. It's a stat boost like all other skill modifiers on equipment, so it helps if you already have pickpocket but does not actually give you the skill.

>> No.18688762


god fucking damn it

>> No.18688763

Gear cannot grant skills, its an old bug. You can learn pickpocket by waiting for some time before re-visiting thief guild (to make the map reset) and then using disguise kit/incognito scroll AFTER entering the guild, before moving. Keep incognito up while you are here. Trainer is somewhere to the north-west from the stairs, very close. Get to trainer, learn skill and gtfo before guild master whoops your ass.

>> No.18688771

thank bro, I'm gonna pickpocket so hard in the futures

>> No.18688784

Protip: read a scroll of return when you enter, it will trigger just after you talked to the trainer if you go there straight.
Also, the spell "teleport other" can get rid of the guildmaster on your ass. And the guard on top of the stairs.

>> No.18688808

That's not what a bug is, it's just flavor text

>> No.18688827

Usually incorrect flavor text is classified as a minor bug, though?

>> No.18688864

Hey guys, big doubt I've had for a long time.

I have a bunch of potions of potential, waiting to be used but I don't even know how to use them best.

Can I get some tips?

>> No.18688890

bless them by mixing with blessed holy water, use when your potentials are low. Drink them depending on how often you restock on potential potions, you can drink at 'bad/hopeless' or 'great' potential levels, just keep in mind importance of stats you need.

Blessed potential potions boost ALL stat potentials at once.

>> No.18688908

This is not the case here, It may be misleading but it still is intentional. It's supposed to be flavor text, not a precise description.
You can interpret it as "this item grants you a new trick/method for your pickpocketing attempts, but it is a useless trick if you don't know the basics of pickpocketing in the first place".

>> No.18688928

Please just stop, its a fucking mistranslation and it is a minor bug.
窃盗の腕をあげる is the original flavor text.

>> No.18689073
File: 253 KB, 814x768, 13271661303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree it's a very misleading description and not the best way to translate it, but it still is flavor text, and the that is just how it was translated.
It would be a bug if the item was supposed to grant you the actual skill when equipped, or if the window incorrectly displayed the text causing misinterpretations, but it's just how the developer decided to translate the original description. Technically it is working as intended.
But I guess I'm just arguing semantics here, so I will just stop as requested.

>> No.18689216

Does this game even have any game breaking/major bugs? i dont seem to notice any,wording issues aside

messing with game files dont count

>> No.18689252

Not really, game was pretty stable since vanilla and Ano fixed a few lategame overflow bugs. Plus updates are usually bug-free or get a very fast fix.

>> No.18689348

>Eyth have mechanical wings
>Only Mani is like that, and we know for a fact his ascension to godhood was mainly artificial through science, with a little divine essence push from Lulwy
Eyth confirmed for the embodiement of science and human ingenuity.
Anyone that is not worshipping Eyth is a traitor to Humanity and a slave to extradimentional entities bent on limiting us to an irrelevant ball of dust when we could join the infinite through galactic transcendence.

M'ladies *tip fairy hat*

>> No.18689407

>lulwy helped mani

then why she hates him? she expected some dicking as a reward and he said 'nope'?

>> No.18689424

He pretended to be her lover to gain godhood.

>> No.18689428

Pretty sure if anyone is the embodiment of science it's Mani.
Don't let me interrupt your ludicrous extrapolations, though.

>> No.18689433

Because Lulwy used to love Mani, but he was just using her to obtain godhood, and ditched her ass once he got what he wanted.

>> No.18689613

Even in this game your emperor is a vegetable

>> No.18689657

turn engagement rings/amulets that give charisma raw and eat them

>> No.18689668

What did you do to the game? It looks fucking awful

>> No.18689709

You mean blur? Its dpi issues with screenshot only.

I got to fix this tileset of mine eventually, though. At least snow tiles.

>> No.18689769

Having fun playing the game as a shitty merchant and building up a murder squad. Player's only allowed to attack by throwing potions/golden storm. No spellcasting allowed, no rods allowed, scrolls are allowed. Sure, pets still can make it too easy, but it's a fun variation I find. YMMV.

>> No.18689891

Whats your murder squad made of?

>> No.18690767
File: 28 KB, 601x508, everything's alright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat dungeon boss so easily I almost missed it
>cleaning floor of enemies
>random mob brainwashes waifu
>waifu's gauge is at 100%
>oneshots me with bullshit arrow rain
No, I'm not mad, it's fine, I'm alright, nothing's wrong here.

>> No.18690778
File: 81 KB, 770x1038, NothingAtAll!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you bad enough to take on Ned and the Flanders Clan? This is now your boss, good luck!

>> No.18690926

As a Custom AI user i can only laugh at your inability to handle your waifu. Getting NTRed by some random passerby, must be harsh. heh.

>> No.18691055

Using custom ai to cheese brainwash feels like cheating, I refuse to do it.
Besides, it's so ~romantic~ using magic kiss to snap my waifu out of it and watching her murder the would be NTR'er

>> No.18691100

i didnt even realize custom ai shuts down brainwash or is it that you can put in an "if brainwash do nothing" clause?

>> No.18691135

2nd option.
Enjoy getting your ass turned into porcupine while trying to kiss your stolen honey.

>> No.18691177

>while trying to
Not him, but using stuff like pre-equipped leash, teleport spell/scroll/spact, curtain of smoke and/or dancing wire can probably fix that issue, unless your wife have way more speed than you (I don't think you should get married with bells or little roach-killing dolls, anyway).

>> No.18691188

Does magic kiss cure brainwashing? I've used it and it didn't seem to do anything about it, only hugs did.

>> No.18691198

In my case two out of three pets will simply oneshot me, the only other option may be using call familliar.

You need certain level of impress for this.

>> No.18691943

Be attitude for gains

Be praying
Be praying
Be praying

>> No.18692350


>no u

If I want to marry a 12 year old, 21 cm bell, so be it. Let me shag that tiny bellhole in peace.

>> No.18692521

Is this actually Noa's art? I thought this was his friend MT's art

>> No.18692525

why is there 2 jure and itzpalts? And who's the biggirl?

>> No.18693084

I don't use custom AI and over many dozens of hours my pets have never attacked me while under brainwash, but I have no idea why. Is there something that provides resistance to it, does tag-team prevent it, or have I just been lucky?

>> No.18693128

>Is this actually Noa's art? I thought this was his friend MT's art

>> No.18693134

I wonder. Maybe chara quality up handles this? Dont really want to check the code.

>> No.18693625

Anyone playing on Wine? Any luck getting the music work?

>> No.18693667

Which music? MP3 works properly out of the box. Didnt try midi, but you probably need to install timidity and stuff?

>> No.18693801
File: 210 KB, 1280x768, 18-03-26 15_10_28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally interacted with passerby.

>> No.18693842


Yeah, it's sometimes a boon if you interact with the other 40 adventurers whenever you get to meet them. Remember to always have tradeables at hand; that's how I got my super lure, skeleton key, and golden wings.

>> No.18693865

I just crafted 20 <eris> pots on the spot. The boon of having pets fight for you - excessive supply of mats.

>> No.18693867

I just stockpile all oracle scrolls I find and keep it in my inventory. I can always get pretty much anything I want.

>> No.18693911

>little girl
>all the god pets
>all the diary pets
Already over the fucking limit and there's a ton more I'd like to use. What do?

>> No.18693917

Drop used ones at discarded ranch.

>> No.18693920
File: 239 KB, 581x381, more like hope for good effects axed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a load of dung

>> No.18693922


I always use Pot of cure corruption, though. Pael's mom's all right and I don't need the third testicle.

Also, I'm using oracles for stardust hunting.

Just to state the obvious; the feed at the bottom tells you what the other adventurers have in their possession. You can then meet an informer and hunt these cunts down for easy trades.


Or use the dojo if you are not that far ahead.

>> No.18693953

> I don't need the third testicle
But you do.

I'd rather sell cure corruption pots in shop after blessing desu. Healing potions are surprisingly expensive so you can match any item's price on the spot when needed.

>> No.18693966

Using all of them at the same time is impossible. It's better to focus on one group instead of switching them out all the time, so if you really actively want to use more than 15 pets (instead of just collecting them to put away), I'd think up ~8 pet parties and make a new character for each party in the future. But for your current character you'd have to settle for one party of your absolute favorites.

>> No.18694092

>that one {godly} artifact made of diamond that you can't afford but it has pretty good effects
I hate these

>> No.18694501

How do you see exact item values?

>> No.18694581

Get an item called objet of heart from a act 2 sidequest (I think it's a quest given by talking bamboo sprout), keep it in your inventory and active the feature on Tweaks menu (requires Elona+ Custom).

>> No.18694780

Thank you. And are the values next to each skill modifier exactly how much that skill was increased/decrease?

>> No.18694845

No, the math is a bit more complicated than that. Even the value of each # varies from attribute to attribute.
I don't know muck about how it works either, but with this feature you can figure out the difference between two apparently identical [#####+] attributes (values can be different even though the default description shows the same amount of #'s).

>> No.18694890

> <your pet> is drooling.

>> No.18694945
File: 443 KB, 1024x768, brandedrudi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Monster keep popping up in the cities near me. First it was a "something Niggurath".

Now as a branded criminal, I'm living in Derphy.

As I write this, I remember that I equipped the orc captain ally I found with an equipment that says "it attracts monsters". Is this the reason?

Usually, it's really high leveled monsters that are popping up, I don't fucking know why. They're coming via vortex. They're not aliens.

Please, somebody help. I have like -40 karma and my allies hate me because they're getting kill all the time.

>> No.18694965


Yeah. That causes random mobs to appear near you. Remove it immediately.
Also, check if any of your stuff and your pet's stuff are cursed.

>> No.18695013

Your orc is basically a walking honey dispenser and you are wondering why there is an army of time/space-traveling bears after you.
Either bless that thing and throw it in the nearest garbage bin or just tell your orc get the hell away from you permanently (orcs aren't people and don't have feelings, don't worry too much about it).

>> No.18695034

>carries around a monster summoning weapon
>Bio: for some reason, you destroyed your hometown.

>> No.18695079
File: 440 KB, 1024x768, RINGOFFUCKINGSILENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



God damn, I'm going to lay low in Derphy for a while now.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be a brighter day

Thank dods, off to throw this shit in Mount Doom. Or just leave this shit in some field somewhere for them hobbitses

>> No.18695088

Now that everyone hates you already and you're in Derphy, you might as well do the nuke quest.

>> No.18695104


But how the hell am I supposed to pay my bills then? I heard you get -100 karma from nuking Palmia.

>> No.18695191


IIRC, guards at the embassy doesn't fuck with you if you are a criminal. They only attack you if you are really bad.

If you do have spare cure corruptions, just go to Noyel and force Pael's mom to guzzle them down like a cumslut.

>> No.18695196


By "really" bad, I meant you attempted to pickpocket/steal something on your visit there.

>> No.18695210


I think you're fucking with me but I'll give it a try.

I have some potions of corruption stored


>> No.18695259

>paying your bills
>wasting your precious potions on some disgusting abomination
Anon, it's over already. You are a criminal now, it's time to accept it and live your life as a true criminal. Steal, rape, kill, sell Pael's mom to that shady merchant in Noyelk, all that stuff.

>> No.18695282


Or you could, you know.
Pen her then make lots of genes with her. Give <lonely> Pael more siblings.

>> No.18695317

Why not make all these genes with Pael herself? This way she won't feel lonely after you sell her mother, becoming a mother will make her forget about that ether-ridden creature.
Selling her mother will even let you "practice" it with her since you will have a bed available for that nice and warm forced sleep sharing.

>> No.18695378


Oh hell yeah, mate.
Sell her mom.
Produce genes with her.
Throw a cursed Cure Corruption potion at her then abandon the family.

What a twist of faaaaaaaate~

>> No.18695464


I don't even know what you guys are talking about.

I got 70h of gameplay and just discovered bioprinter in a dungeon yesterday.

This shit just keeps on giving bois

>> No.18695535

If you are sleepy, have the special actions Squeeze and Knockout, plus a bed right below you (pillows won't work), you can enjoy a very special night with possibly any NPC.
If the NPC of choice isn't completely interested in your romantic plans, just use Knockout until you are completely sure that your physical arguments are convincing enough.
And if you are married with said NPC, you can produce a gene (your child), that can be used to start a new game+.

>> No.18695565


>has those actions


>> No.18695827

Nothing beats that first bite out of your own herbed food.

>> No.18695854
File: 69 KB, 600x800, 61919663_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adventurers were a mistake. These criminals should be killed on sight like any other monster that tries to invade our cities.

>> No.18695946
File: 440 KB, 1283x723, herbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. Feels good to officially be out of early game. Congrats to you too.

Get far enough in Elona+ and you'll come to know that there has been multiple iteration of the gods. I believe there has been 2 Itzpalts that have existed. While it wasn't mentioned, it's not impossible that the first Itzpalt could have been female. There is fan artwork at least of a female Itzpalt which kinda looks like the one standing by Itzpalt. Could be a new goddess though. Don't know what to make of Jure. Just could be showing Jure at two different moods. I'm reminded that Jure does have sisters. All of them share the healing domain. You should be familiar with them in passing at least. The healing potion names are reference to them such as the healing potion of Eris and Odina. No idea what the healing sisters look like but it would be interesting if they all looked similar.

The big lady goddess to the left in the picture is supposed to be a new goddess created for Elin. The bottom shelf is interesting since it shows what appears to be Kumiromi's other half as well as a being related to Jure with barely any info released about her. My guess is a wayward sister of the healing sister goddesses.

>> No.18695970

>not putting the statues in place of scarecrows

>> No.18695985

Don't want to deal with the creatures on the farm when collecting. Especially since I have my snail with me.

>> No.18696041

How do I put Elona in Fullscreen without using 1024 or 800 options?

If I use fullscreen with the maximum resolution that the game lets me, I can't see the monster that come at the top of the screen.

>> No.18696044

Is that how many statues I should aim for to have a good supply of herbs?

>> No.18696062
File: 133 KB, 700x400, 18-03-26 22_14_33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow Holy Shield makes immense difference, could reliably tank lv220 Atlas full gauge attacks with those stats, with equipment being very mediocre.

>> No.18696069
File: 622 KB, 1285x721, herb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might want to look into altering the resolution through config.txt in your Elona folder.

More is always better but you can still get a good amount of the stuff with just 10 or 11 statues. I managed to fill all 9 of my farms with herb plants and have seeds leftover with 11 statues.

>> No.18696072

Right? Adventurers choosing to make genes with either pael or her mom instead of making genes with both at the same time.


>> No.18696111

I see you have seen the glory of our lady Lully. Enjoying that speed Kai?

>> No.18696124

Going through Mani at the moment. Speed is due to a recent 2000 AP turn in.

>> No.18696148

What's your opinion on Lulwy? Best goddess Amirite?

>> No.18696211

A nice body that holds a twisted personality that is bitter over things that happened between her and Mani. I understand the anger towards Mani but I don't like how she treats her followers. Not really a fan of Mani either but going through his stuff for the rewards. I find it ironic that he looks down harshly on Jure for being this upstart new goddess that doesn't deserve to be in their ranks(this is before Yacatect) when Mani practically stole divinity by tricking Lulwy.

>> No.18696253

Didn't Mani lose his mortal memories as soon as he became a god? Why else would he be confused over why Lulwy holds a grudge against him

>> No.18696299

Wait, I thought Jure ascended to godhood before Mani, and isn't he always catching shit from Izapalt for being the new upstart?

>> No.18696303

Yeah I did recall reading that. Pretty much Lulwy fell in love with Mani as a mortal but tricked Lulwy into making him a god. There wasn't anything indicating that he felt the same way in what I read long ago. In the process of becoming a god he lost his memories or his memories became jumbled. That probably further angers Lulwy because it might look to her that Mani's just feigning ignorance of what he did when in reality he really doesn't know. For the most part, Mani keeps to himself and doesn't want much to do with the other gods. Too wrapped up in his own goals and affairs. Probably robots and stuff. Jure has tried to get him involved with the "league" but that failed horrendously. She kind of sees Mani as a scary older brother.

>> No.18696330

From what I read, Mani and Jure accended to their posts around the same time. The Jure we know took over the post of the previous Jure. I'm not sure what's the deal with Mani. Whether or not there was a prior Mani or he's this new god with a new portfolio. I wish I had that picture of the gods with the arrows that showed what they thought of each other. It's somewhere in the archives I'm sure. I think in that picture Mani definitely doesn't think much of old man Itzpalt and yeah Itzpalt doesn't think much of Mani.

>> No.18696374
File: 56 KB, 704x574, 1386808338955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mani is but the servant of Eyth ( Peace Be Upon Him ), for Holy Mechanization needs to be bestowed upon the flock if we are to leave the Tyranny of celestial bodies and take our rightful place in the heaven, beyond the reach of gods and gaias and elder gods.

>> No.18696385

>The Jure we know took over the post of the previous Jure.

When I say this there is actually two possible ways this happened. There was a mortal that took over but I also heard that this Jure being is technically unkillable and just gets reborn. I don't remember which of the two happened but the Jure we know definitely rose up and took over the job of her predecessor.

>> No.18696520

I remember someone mentioning that Mani used his ex(luck goddess?), to ascend from mortal to god, and that's why they hate each other now. While rest of gods were just gods.
Not sure about that tho

>> No.18696548

So my save got corrupted after my battery ran out on my laptop, anyone can help me out with that?
I got three messages when starting my save:
>Updating your save data from Ver.0 now.
>Please exit the current area and enter the world map once to update game data.
>To update your game, please save your game in a town in the previous version then retry.
I'm a complete brainlet and don't know what to do.
After I close those messages by pressing Enter my game just turns off. Did any of you lads had the same problem? Is there a hope, or should I just go for a new character?

>> No.18696599


Oh shit dawg

>> No.18696624

power outages kill elona saves
this is why you back up regularly

There is no known fix

>> No.18696676

Elosnack's article on Elona Wikia have a list of the main files of your save data, if something got corrupted it is one of them. Try to open your save data with Elosnack and try to find the corrupted file.
Another option is create a new save data, copy a file from the corrupted data, paste it on the new one, then test if the new save opens. If it works, try another file, until you find the broken one.
Ug you can't fully recover your save, at least try to recover the inventory data (put "inv.s1" from the corrupted file on a new save data) and make a gene to start a clean new game plus (check the "marriage and genes" article on wiki for details).

Also, remember to backup your saves, or install ElonaExtender to do it for you (don't use the "incremental save" feature, you will get inoffensive but very annoying crashes because Elona can't handle constant backups).

>> No.18696748

>Updating your save data from Ver.0 now.
99.9% it means game over. Start anew. Use Elona Extender from now on.

>> No.18696833

So what info do you have of the black haired girl? Any other trivia about Jure or ehekatl?

>> No.18696884

I just started playing this game and I only play on loss mode.

Is there any way to save character templates? I'm getting tired of having to go through the whole character creation bit everytime I die.

Also, what's the easiest class? I played tourist (I didn't realize they were considered a joke class) the first dozen or so times so now I just want to relax a bit.

>> No.18696889
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 1511047038703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good mods to have with Elona+.other than Custom? Sometimes I think I'm being left out playing the outdated vanilla game (because I fear my save will get corrupted).

>> No.18696892
File: 380 KB, 840x525, 1425861970673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't really have anything on her. Just seen her in artwork like pic related. Also I just noticed in the pic of >>18687507 that Lulwy is sniping at Mani which has a shield out. As for trivia...I heard that Jure doesn't like standing next to Ehekatl since Jure is very conscious about her bust size. Otherwise, Jure and Ehekatl get along well enough. In fact, Ehekatl so far doesn't have too many enemies. She might not be the brightest goddess of the bunch but it's hard to stay angry at her for too long I guess. Even Mani has had problems dealing with Ehekatl because she just kinda forces herself on him. Ehekatl think's Mani makes a good lap pillow.

>> No.18696911

The game's not really designed to be played on loss mode, hell, loss mode was added in plus not too long ago.

Loss mode is for those who have built a pretty good understanding of the game and want a challenge.

>> No.18696961

No templates, but you can make a backup of a save data you just created and recover it when you die.
Start as a farmer, go straight to Yowyn and farm a lot until you get strong/rich enough to fill all your equipment slots so you won't get murdered by rock throwers instantly.
Remember classes are just skill kits with a built-in feat, and can even be changed later. Elona is all about how you want to build your character, and how to do it efficiently.
Check the Loss Mode Guide on OP's first pastebin for tips.

>> No.18696966

Since almost every change is simply making slight edits to image or text files (or just dropping them in) I think for most players it barely registers as ''modding''. You're in practically no danger of losing your save and even if you were, you should always back up the folder before trying anything regardless. To answer your question I'd go in the order custom PCC->portrait->talk files->evochat portraits->map icons->UI edits->spritesheet. If you're still running with default character sprite/port this info pastebin
and tieba+chinese anon pack from mod pastebin will get you started

>> No.18696996


Yeah, anons are always posting bmps and such. Didn't know about this until now, thank dod

>> No.18697205

After reading your comments I decided to start a new, a bit of a shame two weeks wasted but whatever, not like I got anything to do after coming from work.

>> No.18697220

No, the models. Why would you do that?

>> No.18697298

No idea what you are trying to say.

>> No.18697300

Fuck Grass dancers. They're a work of the devil

>> No.18697305

He probably just installed one of the pastebin packs, I've seen that combination of rogue sprites in one of them.

>> No.18697309

They look terrible and out of place. Did you mod them in or something? I don't know why you would.

>> No.18697324
File: 40 KB, 435x512, 1518212431426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ corrupted

Could someone share their music pack? The /jp/ ones are all unavailable, only got the first one and not entirely. Plus, you lads always surprise me when it comes to music taste.

>> No.18697343

To be fair, vanilla isn't exactly consistent either, especially with all the resized monster pics. New NPCs aren't Mack-styled either.

>> No.18697368
File: 475 B, 38x50, vv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, rogues. They are not terrible per se, and they are amusing enough to keep despite them being out of place.
I dislike vanilla ones anyway.

>> No.18697414

The artist that Noa closely worked with who passed away, leaving him alone and causing him to stop developing original Elin

>> No.18697624

Which packs in the mod paste in specifically change how armor looks on the pic? Does anyone know?

>> No.18697677
File: 347 KB, 1286x796, Third Wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already wished for a Speed Ring and Traveller's Boots. What should I wish for now? I'm getting too many of these!!

>> No.18697696

Guess I'll go for the Kumiromi experience thing.

>> No.18697699
File: 547 KB, 1286x796, that didn&#039;t work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18697706

Yeah, "miromi" doesn't work anymore, you have to wish for the whole thing now.

>> No.18697710

i hate this

>> No.18697718

Pc I mean. There any packs that change how armor looks on the pc when equipped?

>> No.18697735
File: 415 KB, 1321x763, ifuckingdiditwhatnowomg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18697771

>Though you are gentle and merciful,
>Massacres entire city with an atomic bomb

>> No.18697773

got you some cursed seeds at least

>> No.18697790




>> No.18697809

yeah, something like that.
why would I want a cursed seed!?

>> No.18697854
File: 106 KB, 601x601, mrwojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I do if I want to update from 1.75 but the pastebin only has 1.76fix?

>> No.18697865

What is the problem?

>> No.18697875

dont I have to install 1.76 first?

>> No.18697927
File: 307 KB, 628x493, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took too long.

>> No.18697947
File: 51 KB, 210x390, zepp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster

>> No.18698033
File: 402 KB, 1286x796, Which of these.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of these should I do on my Rifle?
None of the skills I care about, so maybe Chaos Damage?

>> No.18698046

Chaos is less good for damage but excellent for inflicting status ailments, if you go all-in chaos on a living weapon you will be crippling pretty much any ordinary enemy

>> No.18698053

Cool! I'll get it then, thanks.

>> No.18698072


At least grass dancers are more interested in dancing and fucking around. You'll know when they are around.

Just wait until grass killers came into play. You can't even teleport away.

>> No.18698323

How do I get Opatos' of Earth special weapon? I got his feat item and pet, but my faith from donating rocks won't go over 2900, and praying at that point gives me nothing?

>> No.18698339

Raise your Faith skill.

>> No.18698375

Crumbs. Thanks.

>> No.18698382

If you find random equipment that boosts your faith, even low level, that can raise it by a thousand easily.

>> No.18698402

Oh, really? I didn't know equips could help that much. That's a good tip, thank you!

>> No.18698412

Maybe I got lucky with a good item, but it boosted it by a lot. It only had like ## of faith on it I think.

>> No.18698439

How to reduce fishing time animation? This shit is so annoying to lvl up

>> No.18698449

Super Lure!!

>> No.18698508

>increases max karma
>also increases karma penalties
Sounds like a big scam. At least the Wicked feat lets you whore yourself with no penalties (other than surprise AIDS).

>> No.18698509
File: 241 KB, 840x525, yakasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Yakasha of minus? I thought this was blessed jure.

>> No.18698516

>tax break doubled

its p. good

>> No.18698538


You don't get it, do you. If you are evil, you don't have to pay for taxes.

>> No.18698562

>Entering towns
I like doing this.

>> No.18698564

You still have to maintain a decent karma if you want to enter towns. And tax evasion gives a fuckload of negative karma even with the feat.

>> No.18698602

Complete non issue for me since I have thousands of resurrection stock and a huge stack of unicorn horns.

>> No.18698685
File: 884 B, 48x48, C25-Guard(Silver)(ElonaPlus).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought we made a containment town for you non tax paying criminal scum!

>> No.18698692


Nigga, just enter towns normally lmao.
Guards usually can't do anything after you reached lv.30 with any class (with the exception of that one angel town at Lost Irma).

If you want to trade, just make a town of your own with servants. Customised shop and all, lmao.

You can still trade with disguise kits too.

>> No.18698696

Yes, yes, Edgelord McManChild, we understand.

>> No.18698706


Tax evasion is a good high fantasy, mate.

>> No.18698728

How are you going to get platinum to keep your skill potentials up?

>> No.18698731
File: 38 KB, 251x218, $.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you people telling me you haven't paid your taxes in advance for the next hundred years?

>> No.18698771


Do the quests normally?
Guards will attack you and merchants won't trade with you. But you can still do quests for citizens and merchants just fine. Trainers won't say no when you ask for training. So besides a few lockouts, it's all the same.

>> No.18698779
File: 700 KB, 1500x2154, OPT fluffy ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only taxes I pay is thin fried tofu to my fluffy loli kitsune wife

>> No.18698782
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x1600, 57791604_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it to ya rich boi? Everyone get a load of this baka boku. He actually pays taxes for those drunk snobs to throw violent orgy parties every single day.

>> No.18698830

You have good taste at least.

>He actually pays taxes
Paid. Past tense.
I haven't had to visit the embassy in over a decade and the guards basically don't give a shit what I do.
Why flee from society when you can write a check and have it wrapped around your finger?

>> No.18698863

Actually, I am just glad the game's karma system has nothing to do with the faith system.

You can be the lowliest of all scums; doing shit like eating Mia's cat infront of her, whoring Pael's mom, bringing prostitutes to Noyel and selling them out to children, relentlessly obliterate Gwen while she's a child, and fuck the queen of Palmia in front of the king in Amur cage, but Jure will still love you all the same if you worship her.

>> No.18698877
File: 845 KB, 801x598, Screenshot-2018-3-26 Guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pay your fucking taxes! I swear to Yacatect if you filthy fucks don't pay your taxes we'll come and take it by force! Even if you manage to defeat one of us know that we'll come back twice as strong!

>> No.18698905
File: 972 KB, 1654x1654, smugroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck you ability-less fags. I am behind seven bells!

>> No.18698909

Holy shit. You're like super guard of the year. I thought you guards just sat around eating putit donuts all day.

>> No.18698936
File: 171 KB, 848x184, 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the defining part of end game E+

>> No.18698949

Lots of MP but why skills so low?

>> No.18698955

Sayer best guard. The amount of disdain for plebs is strong in this ones portrait.

>> No.18698977

Because I used the training machine to raise my stats quickly

>> No.18698982

>2 year break
>fire up Elona+ Custom
>forget all the hotkeys, what I'm supposed to be doing, and how to play in general
Haha fuck.

>> No.18699024

Juere swordsman can't sell a singular item to a dozen visitors in a shop full of 170 various items for sale.

Trying to replace the dingus with a demon, but they just keep resisting the dominate. Got him about +20 charisma gear, but in this past month, he sells an average of one item per day, with a record high of two items during a 30 person visit. Any ideas anon?

>> No.18699077

I just use a little sister and occasionally use bronze coins to help her potential
She got something like 100 cha and 200 negotiation by the time I made it to level 50, sells faster then I can bring stuff

>> No.18699148


Okay anon, I am going to assume you are pretty early in game so many options are out of your reach.

Here's what you can do.

>Stick with the dingus.
>Train his potentials via the register.
>Set shop type to either majick (Pots/scrolls/wands) or blacksmith (equips)

Setting the shop type will restrict the kind of items you can sell BUT it will remove the chance of failing to sell an item. Thus, saving you some of the bullshit and allowing your pet to sell often. It also increases the value of the items sold.

>go to any dungeon
>hoard only the stuff to sell
>throw them all to your shop

Selling stuff trains your pet's negotiation + CHR while also giving them shop EXP for feats.
Once the three stuff above is high enough, you can safely set the shop type back to general and watch those money rolling in. Shop rank also matter, so you got to get that rank up.

Lastly, anything that can raise your home's aesthetic value cannot be sold.

>> No.18699259


>> No.18699378

Can you wish for catsister? I have a bunch of all possible diaries, except cat. And I feel like buying one with medals is a waste

>> No.18699405

I am level 51 and still a virgin despite having a huge harem of thirsty pets
>go to sleep
>spam space to skip all effects
>keep skipping the shared sleep event by accident
Every time. I am become dense harem protagonist, density level: black hole

>> No.18699411

shared sleep event?

>> No.18699418

the one from Sleep Sheep, where pet wakes up lonely and wants to fuck

>> No.18699419

Is that Elona+ Custom or something? Never heard of it. Sounds kinda cringy.

Good thing all my pets are monstrous, multi-limbed freaks

>> No.18699428

no, its from normal Elona+
Multi limbed freaks will want your warmth too, just give them a sleep sheep

>> No.18699499

Turn off the random event messages in options

>> No.18699770

Do you like Hitman sisters?

>> No.18699966

Only if they have panties equipped in their ranged slot.

>> No.18700193

cursed artifact seeds I mean

>> No.18700715
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A mob finally managed to brainwash my bell lover today.
I was promptly obliterated with -7928 HP. I don't know what I expected.

>> No.18700736

From what I've seen on /a/ lately it looks like it's NTR season.

>> No.18700761


So that's what it feels like to be Aoi Hitori'd.
I'll stay clear off NTR for a bit.

>> No.18700867

A hard counter to a emergent playstyle in elona is also a sexual fetish.

This game.

>> No.18700958

I'm thinking about starting the game with PC acting as a mount.
Any downsides?

>> No.18700993
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Very few RPG games let you bed the boss.
Now excuse me, I am going to get myself some nasty bacteria poon and a broken pelvis.

>> No.18701005

so I should eat every raw item i don't need, right?

>> No.18701012



>> No.18701028
File: 2 KB, 128x192, pcc_ride_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat the game with it, and here are my observations :
1) When the pet cast speed, it applies to it, not you. When YOU cast speed, it ALSO applies to it, not you. To have buffed speed yourself, and so your pet too as your the mount, you need to dismount, cast speed, then mount.
2) You need AP for raising speed. Unless you make the pet a support pet, it will overwhelmingly steal your preys, especially if it's using damage spells.
3) You cannot eat together without dismounting. Huge pain in the ass.

2) is solved once you reach 800 speed and get the feats and such from Leold, but 1) and 3) will never go away. Unless you do it for roleplay reason, which i did, then just use a tag team. It's really too bad that mounts don't have the AP sharing and interactibility of tag members.

Have my head slime sprite.

>> No.18701053

2 and 3 seems negligable but 1 is a major pain in the ass. I guess I'll scrap the idea, after all. Thanks for the info.

>> No.18701058

>Have my head slime sprite.
That's a putit, not a slime

>> No.18701063

Actually, what happens when riding pet cheers while you are a mount. You still dont get the speed buff part?

>> No.18701072 [DELETED] 

>To have buffed speed yourself, and so your pet too as your the mount, you need to dismount, cast speed, then mount.
That doesn't matter since your speed isn't taken into account when riding, only your pet's.

>> No.18701105

Read carefully, talk about PC being a mount, not pet.

>> No.18701106

The pet is mounting you in this case.
And by the way, because of how it works, it seems that the pet is using your buffed speed, and on top of that get the buffed speed.

No idea, never taught cheer to my putit.

>> No.18701114

>and on top of that get the buffed speed
Wtf is this even allowed?

I guess i'll test a few things on my other file first.

>> No.18701162
File: 188 KB, 540x603, 1522167973591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually courting someone that was actually trying to murder you and possibly eat your corpse
>seducing her to the point of making her desire your warmth at night
You are a good person (other adventurers would just take the easy "rape&murder" route), I hope you make tons of cute and healthy bacteria genes with her before your pelvis (and possibly other body parts) finally breaks.

>> No.18701244

Just tested.
Rider's cheer properly gives PC speed buff.
Gravity Accel accelerates both
Smells like borderline exploit desu.

>> No.18701304

A black angel is probably the best pet to cheese pet-mounting-PC speed, thanks to innate Lulwy's trick and Boost.

>> No.18701313

New >>18701306
