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File: 48 KB, 806x625, 2009.01.02 01.30.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1858491 No.1858491 [Reply] [Original]


that was pretty good
the sounds and everything were awesome

>> No.1858536

Is Saya no Uta voiced?

>> No.1858551


>> No.1858559

Ah, nice.

>> No.1858564

Best game ever.

>> No.1858603

I just got here. Whoa...

>> No.1858604

but is it translated

>> No.1858606

sono me...

>> No.1858612

Where can I download this?

>> No.1858617


>> No.1858729

How do we know which route is the translated route?

>> No.1858746

Doesn't have routes, this isn't a dating sim or a typical VN. It's mostly a Lovecraftian novel with only a few choices. There's 3 endings, I just reached the first one.

>> No.1860048

Last I checked, they had about 87% ready.

>> No.1860274

Any solution yet for the problem of Saya's in-game cgs not showing?

>> No.1860277

use japanese locale

>> No.1860285

shit now im out of translated text...

This game was pretty awesome so far. Skipped most of the sex scenes...

>> No.1860297
File: 220 KB, 600x390, 1228047099628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One route leads to a BAD END in about 3 minutes. The other is translated up to a point.

>> No.1860303


Yeah, the H scenes are okay, but the really good part is the actual story.

>> No.1860309

World doesn't get fucked over, everyone lives.

>> No.1860315

Im not into loli that is my problem

>> No.1860322
File: 151 KB, 800x600, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Charged with murder and in the loony bin.


>> No.1860327


Then I guess you liked the part where Fuminori has sex with Yoh, but only after Saya has turned her into a meat blob?

>> No.1860329

Link to english patch plox?

>> No.1860333



>> No.1860335


>Back up Saya.exe, system.dll, script.pak, and >system.pak.
>Extract archive into Saya no Uta directory.

>> No.1860336

I got to the end of the translation. Kinda short, but one hell of a ride.

>> No.1860341

Yes that was better.

>> No.1860345

I love you, Anon

>> No.1860348

Protip: dont play too fast.

>> No.1860351


>> No.1860360


>> No.1860373


>> No.1860391
File: 71 KB, 797x618, worse then death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Saya can grow a dick? she's way too awesome.

>> No.1860395

Can't wait for this to get completly translated

>> No.1860399


>> No.1860436


*grab dick*

>> No.1860439

Does that doctor bitch get raped?
Cause she needs to get raped a lot!

>> No.1860452

doubt so. i have feeling, this wont end well especially for saya

>> No.1860464


>> No.1860472

the doctor is a bit scary in a different way
Ciel-ness, lol

>> No.1861199
File: 58 KB, 300x105, 2297108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, translators! I want my "Good" end already. ;_;

>> No.1861982
File: 39 KB, 600x400, 40209_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the pictures on Pixiv are actually kind of nice.

>> No.1862151

I can't get this damned thing to work. It runs fine before I change anything but once I replace the Script .pak file the game doesn't start (the screen stays black after the gore image option). Everything else from the patch folder (once replacing the original ones in the game directory) doesn't do this; not the .dll, not the System .pak file, not the .exe file. Just script.pak.

Surely I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.1862165

Have you tried using AppLocale or changing your computer account locale to Japanese?

This wasn't mentioned in your post so I assumed it would be helpful to remind~

>> No.1862173


Yeah, forgot to mention that. My computer is currently set to Japanese regional and language settings.

It works fine before I replace script.pak.

>> No.1862181

Are Nito+ games always short?

>> No.1862182

Well it was said it can take quite a while to load the script, up to 5 minutes (allegedly) so just let it sit for a little bit.

>> No.1862186

Do Type-Moon games always suck?
Are Key games always boring?

>> No.1862192

>(the screen stays black after the gore image option).
Wait a while, be patient. Engine takes a while to load English script.

>> No.1862189


Ah, I see. Thank you very much.


You could have just said 'no'.

>> No.1862191

Hello, World is ridiculously short.

>> No.1862195

Yeah Hello, World is like half the size of Saya no Uta. I wonder why no one's picked it up yet..

>> No.1862198

I see what you fag did there.

And it's not funny.

>> No.1862201

We all have that burning pain inside of us when we understand it will never be translated, ever.

>> No.1862204

How long is Demonbane?

>> No.1862209

Don't worry, in 10 years from now, when I can read moon, I'll translate it for you.

>> No.1862216

Is not Hello World like 3 GB? How is that supposed to be short?

>> No.1862218
File: 72 KB, 778x612, 1230973876250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1862226

According to http://notazsite.hp.infoseek.co.jp/main/soft/size.html
>斬魔大聖デモンベイン 2.35mb
>機神飛翔デモンベイン 0.43mb
The two demonbane games added together has a script size of 2.78mb, which is quite close to Nitroplus's longest game, hello world, at 2.94mb.

In other words, long enough that it'll never get translated.

>IF I can read moon

And that's a big if right there.

Sorry to be so pessimistic but I've been cramming moonspeak for 2 years and got nowhere. Fucking kanjis.

>> No.1862233

Demonbane's already at 50% and achieved that progress in a relatively short time period. And according to what I've read, Makoto's going back to it after Saya no Uta is finished.

>> No.1862241

>Sorry to be so pessimistic but I've been cramming moonspeak for 2 years and got nowhere. Fucking kanjis.

Haha, really? Kinda makes me want to drop it right now. Moon, that is.

How seriously are you studying?

>> No.1862242

#include <stdio.h>
main() {
 printf("Hello world!\n");

>> No.1862244

Wow that's some good news. However that's 51% of the first Demonbane game, which is only slightly longer than Saya. The sequel's much longer.

>> No.1862262

While we're on the topic of nitroplus, does anyone know what happened to the TL of Gekkou?

I remember seeing him posting here regularly and working on the translation. Now he's doing neither.

>> No.1862271

We had to offer the TL of Gekkou as compensation for Saya not eating Makoto.

>> No.1862324

whose eyes are those eyes?

>> No.1863015

i enjoyed both, Saya and chaos;QUALITY, i wonder if other nitro+ games as good as these

>> No.1863018

Hello, World is better than both

>> No.1863025

Hello, World and Phantom (of Inferno/INTEGRATION) are the best Nitroplus games, go play them.

>> No.1863028

I fucking forgot SUMAGA, go play that too.

>> No.1863031

any of this translated?

>> No.1863032

best nitro gaem is demonbane faggots.

>> No.1863037

Phantom of Inferno is, but beware - it's a QUALITY hirameki translating, stripping out the ero (the ero's not that important, though) and worst of all, porting the whole thing over to some DVDPG-like format, so you need a DVD player (apparently a lot of people have trouble finding software that plays it perfectly), and you have to live with the incredibly annoying DVD interface.

>> No.1863194

>stripping out the ero (the ero's not that important, though)
>porting the whole thing over to some DVDPG-like format
i didnt get it at all. Well i'll give a try anyway, thanks

>> No.1863267

This game is fucking sick.
And I love it.
/jp/, what have you done to me?

>> No.1863269

Are you Makoto?

>> No.1863275


>> No.1863459

Pretty good read.I was actually eating dinner while reading it,did not even affect my appetite what so ever.....actually it made me even hungrier.
What have you done to me /jp/!.......brb fridge.

>> No.1863474
File: 519 KB, 800x600, 1230995353171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not enough furries

>> No.1863495

God Tier
Saya, "Hello, World", Gekkou

Awesome Tier
Demonbane, Phantom

Moderate Tier

Shit Tier
None. Maybe the two BL games if you don't swing that way.

Haven't played, but hear good things about
Jingai Makyō,

>> No.1863521

Move Phantom to God tier and Gekkou to awesome tier.
POI is a fucking classic, Gekkou is pretty good but it's not at its level.
Also Nitroplus also did Angelo Armas, Kikokugai, Hanachirasu and Kaigen Seito and Tre Donne Crudeli.
Most of these are pretty good.

>> No.1863523

I'd add Hana Chirasu and Kikokugai and Jango** to the God Tier, and Sumaga to the Awesome Tier.

**Admittedly, all three are very polarizing.

(OT, but there are 3 BL games now, not two. The latest one clearly took some cues from Saya.)

>> No.1863544

God Tier
Saya, "Hello, World", Phantom of Inferno

Great Tier
Gekkou, Kikokugai, Sumaga, Vedogonia.

Moderate Tier
Chaos;Head, Demonbane, Django, Angelo Armas

Mediocre Tier
Hanachirasu, Jingai Makyou.

Haven't played, but hear good things about
Jingai Makyō,

>> No.1863549

At the very least, Jingai Makyou belongs in the Moderate tier.

>> No.1863550

>>Mediocre Tier
>>Hanachirasu, Jingai Makyou.
>>Jingai Makyou.

>>Haven't played, but hear good things about
>>Jingai Makyō,

I have some great news for you, pal

>> No.1863554

God Tier

Great Tier

thats all I played

>> No.1863563

Not actually by Nitro+ Tier

>> No.1863565

Mediocre tier: vjedogonia, great tier: yaoi titles, top tier: everything else

>> No.1863570
File: 51.00 MB, 1680x1050, 1230996753961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angelo Armas no good?

>> No.1863572
File: 55 KB, 454x600, 1230996806742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It had a great OST at least.

>> No.1863573

It's fine

>> No.1863574
File: 97 KB, 806x632, 1230996835147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a copypasta from that other post and forgot to delete this, no big deal.
Not really, the main character is cool and Ignis is hot but the game itself was pretty disappointing.
If anything, I should have put Hanachirasu in the moderate tier just for Akane since he is such a fabulous bastard.

>> No.1863581
File: 137 KB, 800x600, 1230996904202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty decent, nothing fantastic though. Story is a little wobbly at times and the engine is crappy.

>> No.1863588

wait! Why does she have Sayawings?

>> No.1863590

Yeah, but no one cares about your shitty opinion. Jingai Makyou is fine cause i said so.

>> No.1863600

She doesn't have Saya wings, she has angel wings.

>> No.1863608

downloading HCGs anyways

>> No.1863606
File: 121 KB, 806x632, 1230997186157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, World has the best story among all the Nitroplus VNs.

>> No.1863611

how do i run Hello, World on vista?

>> No.1863621

The girl in my house who actually plays the BL games says there are four now. I never really payed that close of attention and only remembered ever seeing two of them.

>> No.1863626

Sweet Pool will be pretty good reading

>> No.1863628

Not just that, but it is very possibly their best work. Not very Nitro+ though as far as the themes and artwork goes, but oh well.

>> No.1863637

Togainu no Chi
Sweet Pool

>> No.1863640

95% translated as of today, wait a bit more until it goes beta

>> No.1863642

That guy's hairstyle reminds me of Tezuka's works.

>> No.1863656
File: 668 KB, 800x600, 1230997712289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best for me and my maid fetish

>> No.1863664

Maybe she meant Chiral Mori?

>> No.1863672

Does Saya no Uta have an opening? Didn't see one, so I assume it doesn't, but just making sure.

>> No.1863674

That sounds like the name she said. I don't know anything about any of them other than that they aren't my cup of tea.

>> No.1863679

there's a trailer.
oh god faster faster

>> No.1863680

So I'm looking for a nitro+ VN to play.
From what I hear in this thread the one I should play should either be Hello, World or Saya no Uta.

I've only played a couple or Type moon VNs(Tsukihime, F/SN). Are these as long as those? I'm looking for a somewhat short VN. What would you suggest?

>> No.1863681

I guess. That doesn't really count in my mind.

>> No.1863687

If you're looking for short, Saya no Uta. Not only is it going to be fully translated soon, but it's fairly short. And Hello, world is the exact opposite of short.

>> No.1863688

Hello, World is as long.

Saya no Uta is extremely short.

>> No.1863690

Just the trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlcoX4nmYIU

>> No.1863691

Saya is really short, and I do mean "really", you'll clear it in a few hours at most.
Hello, World is fucking LONG though, goddam it's huge.

>> No.1863692

Saya no Uta, Kikokugai, Hana Chirasu, and Zoku Satsuriku no Jango are all short.

>> No.1863693

Saya definately isn't. Hello, world might be close. Both are much better written stories though. The length shouldn't effect whether or not you play it.

>> No.1863699

I guess I'll be back in a few hours.

>> No.1863704

Hello, World is longer than Tsukihime

>> No.1863722

Am curious, where does Sumaga fall in on this length scale?

>> No.1863736

There need to be more Saya/Planetarian length games.

>> No.1863740

/r/ a Saya OVA

>> No.1863742


that's shitty

i want long

>> No.1863744

I can't find a download link.
I can find the game but not the patch.
Where is it?

>> No.1863750

For future reference, what are all the Nitro+ games translated or in the process of being translated? I'm much more interested in Hello, World than Saya no Uta if it's indeed longer than Tsukihime.

>> No.1863753

Long or short it doesn't matter. You need to make the game long enough to tell the story at an appropriate pace. If you go too fast you will screw up the story's pacing or leave shit out that will either hinder the reader's enjoyment of the story or make it hard to understand. If you go too slow and make it too long you will screw up the story's pacing or add extra shit that detracts for the story itself.

>> No.1863755

No translation for Hello, World.

>> No.1863761
File: 136 KB, 253x334, 1230998906015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumaga's pretty long. Maybe longer than Tsukihime, but I can't really compare them since I played Tsukihime in English so it took a lot less time to read.

>> No.1863766

So, this is the opening of Hello, World?
I wonder how a VN with such a MOE MOE opening could be considered as Nitroplus' best, especially since they seem to specialize in badass action and horror.

>> No.1863770

Things I have heard people were working on:
Phantom of Inferno
Saya no Uta
Hello, World
Jingai Makyou

>> No.1863772

Chaos;Head, Saya no Uta, Sumaga, Jingai Makyo, Demonbane, Gekkou no Carnivale, soon-to-be Phantom Inferno. I think that's it.

Wow, that's a lot.

>> No.1863773

Phantom Integration, that is.

>> No.1863787

>Hello, World

I call bullshit.

>> No.1863789

Where can I find the partial english translation for saya no uta?

I can't find it.

>> No.1863801

Tried the Wiki and clicking on the first fuckling link?

>> No.1863802

I haven't heard anything about it in a long time though, but someone said they were working, on it so I added it to the list. Its likely just some bullshit thing, but what the hell. That is why I said "things I HEARD people were working on", not "Things I have seen proof of progress on".

>> No.1863804

TLWiki. Google it, read it, find it.

>> No.1863817

first comment:
>This anime is adorable T.T <3
I raged

>> No.1863825

Thank you. The fact that you raged brings joy to me.

>> No.1863872
File: 178 KB, 800x600, 1231000466544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Openings can be deceptive. The game isn't a moe moe fest. The first part of the game is highschool life moe. Then stuff starts going bad, then it gets worse, then everything goes to fucking shit.

The flash opening is better at just showing the game: http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/pc/lineup/into_04/index.php

>> No.1863879

I was fooled by one OP that made an anime series look like a lesbian drama, but was actually a fantasy comedy series.

I never trusted opening sequences ever again.

>> No.1863898

>Great Tier

Seriously, dunno why you guys like this shit so much. This game sucked serious donkey ass.

>> No.1863906

The only great Nitro+ game is Phantom of Inferno. The rest is overhyped.

>> No.1863918

Sumaga is not overhyped. It really is that good.

>> No.1863934

All visual novels are overhyped.

>> No.1863942

Life is overhyped, so is death.

>> No.1863944

Yeah, and I bet you're one of these Hongfire guys waving your penis everywhere because Nitroplus stuff isn't the most popular.

>> No.1863945

My favorite Nitroplus games, in order, are:
1. Hello, World
2. Sumaga
3. Phantom of Inferno
4. Satsuriku no Django - Tre Donne Crudelli
5. Saya no Uta

>> No.1863952

Saya must be one of the best game ever made. Moefags and power levels retards won't be able to appreciate, though. Too bad for them.

>> No.1863958

But Saya is so MOE

>> No.1863968

yeah, thats my opinion. And i like both, horrors and moe

>> No.1863997


>> No.1864002

I love moe and "powerlevel" VNs, but Saya is one of my favourite VNs

Enjoy your limited tastes

>> No.1864042

What? Didn't he just say that he liked it?

>> No.1864043
File: 353 KB, 500x693, 1231002726095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. One of the best VNs I've played in a while.

Though I'm kind of scared of talking about it too much for fear that it'll start to be seen as overrated. Goddamn you, /jp/.

>> No.1864052


>> No.1864060

Pretty much ;_;

>> No.1864077

You're a fucking liar and you know that.

>> No.1865576

There's also slow Dra+Koi translation going on.

>> No.1865603

I dont care how good a game is
If its not translared I am never playing it

>> No.1865620

Since it's on topic a bit I was wondering what a good program for enjoying Phantom of the Inferno is. As I'm prolly playing it next and would be nice knowledge to have.

>> No.1865625

VLC media player

>> No.1865635

This is not trolling. Yes, it actually works pretty well in this regard.

>> No.1865654


Wait, wait. I thought these were games?

>> No.1865673


Ah, that's what I was going to use. But then haven't really tried it out to much. Thank thee kindly though.

>> No.1865677

Does VLC show passwords nowadays? I remember it not doing that once

>> No.1865680


Phantom of Inferno is rather unique.

>> No.1865693

It's a DVD with menus, so fake interactivity, kind of minimally enough for a VN, but quite limited.
