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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1857763 No.1857763 [Reply] [Original]

What MMO are you playing, /jp/?

>> No.1857765

I used to play Ragnarok, but then I stopped.

>> No.1857768

I've sworn off MMOs.

Although it took a shitload of willpower to stop myself from signing up for MegaTen Online.

>> No.1857771


>> No.1857778

I use to play GE...but now retired. console games for me now

>> No.1857780

Since I quit WoW a year ago, I've had difficulty convincing myself why starting again would be a good idea.

>> No.1857781

In the market. It seems like they all blow these days.

>> No.1857788

atlantica lol

>> No.1857801

atlantica online

>> No.1857813

World of Warcraft

>> No.1857815

Cabal, Currently hacking like Mother fucking fist of the north star.

9999999999999 ALZ MOTHER FUCKER!


>> No.1857832

why cant free mmos have GOOD armor design

>> No.1857841

I shun MMOs as they gather the buffoons and retards.

But then I hang out on 4Chan, so I obviously know nothing.

>> No.1857861

Looking forward to Darkfall, myself.
Granted it seems like a bit of a longshot, but if the devs can actually deliver half of what they've promised, it could be pretty good. It's about damn time someone had the idea to actually advance the genre rather than consistently taking steps backward.

In before claims of vaporware.

>> No.1857862


>> No.1857870

because people want to roll a female and watch the character animations and the shiny boobs/ass.

also I'm have trouble thinking of a time armor was ever purposefully crafted for women warriors, like, historically.

>> No.1857888

uo demise

>> No.1857919
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>> No.1857930

most of the time that isnt even good. at least in WOW you could get some stuff and be badass looking at level 20

>> No.1857931

megaten online

>> No.1857937


>> No.1857941

Why aren't you trolling WOW, sion?

>> No.1857942

apparently no one cares as long as there is cleavage and/or thighs.

>> No.1857957

MMOs are for chumps

>> No.1857963

Anarchy Online. If any of you fuckers play AO on RK2, drop me a line and I'll help you out sometime.

How many times have we had this thread?

>> No.1857967


When is that coming out? I want to play it so bad.

>> No.1857968

I remember the days when everyone was looking forward to Age of Conan because of what it purportedly offered.

>> No.1857971


Scythians had female warriors but i'm not completely sure if they made armor just for them but i do know they used to burn their breasts down so their breasts wouldn't get in the way when they fought.

>> No.1857973


>> No.1857986


What's the progress on the international beta/release of this? I know it went into Korean beta quite a few months ago but I've heard nothing about it since.

And I played Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft for quite some time but I've given up and pretty much fill my time with catching up on VN's/Animu/Manga and playing TF2/L4D occasionally.

>> No.1857994

Yeah, but I think Darkfall is aiming for a much more niche market. If they want to corner it, they're going to have to stay fairly close to the core principles they've already laid out. Whether or not frills like ships and so forth work out is much more questionable, but those issues won't make or break the game for me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm taking this whole thing with a grain of salt, but it doesn't hurt to be a bit optimistic every now and again. I'll be giving the game a try for sure.

>> No.1858047

Star Wars Galaxies. It's one of my only time sinks that isn't /jp/-related.

>> No.1858117

por favor? oi br? oi br?

>> No.1858147

There weren't many, but it's not that complicated.

Generally the only "big" difference is female armor would have to be made out of lighter materials, studded leather/chain over plate, as heavier metal armors would be too much for a woman to carry (males having more muscle mass naturally, etc) -- it's said vikings carried like 55 kg worth of armor at all times.

>> No.1858214

aion crytek engine's so cash

>> No.1858228
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>crytek engine

Please... Don't.

>> No.1858232

World of Warcraft.
None of the accounts I have are originally mine, btw.
Last account was b& for trolling and spamming on.nimp.org links on the forums a couple of days ago. lulz were had.

>> No.1858236


>> No.1858241

I was just about to make a thread about MMOs. I'm re-downloadan Mabinogi, wating for a RO2 to come out. Although I will probably ditch it again

Okay then, /jp/, what MMO should I play?

>> No.1858243

Relax, it's the older Far Cry 1 engine, not Crysis's engine.

>> No.1858297

I don't really know why you have a sudden modesty breaking out in dress throughout the Mediterranean or Europe from the Ancient Times to the Medieval Era. I've read of the dress of Cretan Women being a fluted blouse with no top on their breasts, a contrast to Scandinavian women who dressed in a high-neck tunic but had skirts that scarecly went to the mid thigh. My guess is that it was simply prevaling culture and fashion, with the germanic migrations enforcing their trouser-domination. While there might be some protection gained from wearing pants, or perhaps wearing some sort of quilted or padded leggings, I've heard it said that the common infantryman was rarely encouraged to have heavy metal armor on his legs given they'd be walking (Unless mounted infantry). Perhaps legs for a soldier on foot are less of a target than on horseback.

Either way, a solution would be towards having women who have legs either clothed in tight fitting pants (for not cock-killing), with greaves and hip armor, or with a naked leg like the greeks with greaves and so forth.

>> No.1858300
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armor is for scrubs

ultima online
pic related, it's me and my shit

>> No.1858306


>> No.1858312
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>> No.1858319
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i'm playing this

>> No.1858322

ололо соси хуй быдло

>> No.1858323

delicious drill instructor

>> No.1858328

I'm playing Granado Espada right now actually.

The other is MegaTen online but I have yet to reinstall that after my HD reformatting.

>> No.1858330


>> No.1858348

What server do you play on?

>> No.1858369
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pic related, it's me and my tittymonster

>> No.1858368


>> No.1858406

Has the beta closed yet?

>> No.1858422

it's open beta now.

>> No.1858449

MMO's are terrible and you should feel terrible

>> No.1858477



>> No.1858493

Another megaten player here.

I should get around to joining hotglue at some point.

>> No.1858496

Anybody still play Mabinogi? Should I go play MegaTen? What is exactly good about MegaTen anyway?

>> No.1858527

World of Gensokyo.

>> No.1858532


do want.

>> No.1858544

Fund it.

>> No.1858567

only playing Atlantica now, and lately I've only been playing on weekends when the free shit they hand out motivates me to play.

Waiting on Jumpgate Evolution closed beta.

>> No.1858569


There's maybe 20 of us in Mabi

>> No.1858586


I lost my card I payed for. It's Gen 3 and now it's gone. I'm 43 years past 25 and I can't be a loli. Dammit, I wonder if IMAGINE lives up to the MegaTen series. What is so special about it?

>> No.1858588


>> No.1858609



>> No.1858623



>> No.1858629

WoW xD!!

>> No.1858633


>> No.1858634

I'm still grinding that shitfest, Runescape. I've been playing on and off for ~7 years now. I recently realized I can't quit because of an addiction to the mild adrenaline rush that the pvp in this game provides.

>> No.1858639

WoW, just started up again. Did 1-59 in a couple days, refer a friend is insane. Level so fast sometimes i forget to talent, and I got some good names like Horo luckily. Already twinked her but the 50-59 bracket is 90% Death knights, as soon as i unstealth I get bounced around like a fucking ping pong on death grip. Still fun though

>> No.1858654

It's okay. Has some nice ideas like demons fighting alongside with you but my biggest complaint is how the characters feel like they're running through molasses.

>> No.1858665

Oh man, I used to play a rogue in the 59 bracket. Far and away the most fun I ever had in that game. It's kind of sad to know that death knights ruined it; I was actually considering reactivating my account.

>> No.1858691

My favorite MMO ever was RO. I'm thinking of maybe going back to it. It never really got boring for me, although it seems hard to level. I have played on many private servers, but I really only play on Rebirth RO, because it is not all LOLZ +999 TO ALL STATS DONATER GEARZ. I also really like GunZ. Lvl 46, it is the only game I actually donated to.

>> No.1858699

Playing that Chinese grindan game, Perfect World (International version of course).

It's alright. Less grinding than most Korean games but still grinding. Only thing is that there are quests that's required for new skills and those can NOT be soloed after like level 30 so you'll have to go and ask other people to help out (mainly clerics and barbs).

Oh, and it has a facial customization feature similar to AG3's character customization. And 10% furries.

>> No.1858708

Gunzonline is a horrible horrible game...

If they'd ban certain countries from certain servers, it'd make the game a whole lot better.

But as it is, with the Player2Player crap, laggers have a major advantage (in b4 lern2shoot 10seconds into the future).

>> No.1858709

Anarchy Online: free, fun, and complex enough that you won't get bored in 2 weeks. There's a pretty good Russian playerbase too. Also, I can help if you get totally fucking lost. My first piece of advice: make an enforcer, soldier, or adventurer for your first character, because those are the simpler ones for the beginners and you won't get completely fucking lost trying to figure out simple game mechanics because of complicated class mechanics.

>> No.1858712

I understood "dicks"

>> No.1858722

You should try EternityRO.

>> No.1858732


Tried SMT: Imagine, but it's just mabinogi with more skills and less fun. I have no idea why it is less fun, but it is. Accounts have been wiped and I don't want to fight that fucking starfish in gray plate dungeon anymore, so that game is done with.

I sort of want o go back to ro now that the 3rd classes are finally coming out. Arch bishop actually sounds pretty cool. http://ro.doddlercon.com/wiki/index.php?title=Arch_Bishop
>Strikes all enemies in range centered around your character with the skill 'Lex Divina'.
>15 cells

also Expiatio and Duple Light = hey, physical attacking priests are actually good now.

>> No.1858734

If you still want to play RO, you should try EternityRO. It's got a good playerbase and no custom bullshit like that. Only really good RO server up atm.

>> No.1858740

>And 100% furries.
Fixed, you damn pandaman

>> No.1858742


I don't care about Russian communities, Russian DW:O is pretty crap. What is the most played private server for RO here on /jp/?

>> No.1858745

WWIIOL: Battleground Europe

>> No.1858762

That is fucking...

I'm not even sure.

>> No.1858777

Looks awesome. Sadly, I'm way too fucking lazy to actually do anything, but I'll keep that server on my list of servers that I need to visit.

>> No.1858778
File: 160 KB, 808x1161, Character Material_73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's MASTER PANDA to you

>> No.1858794

RaijeRO here. Moved from Rebirth. lol donatez

>> No.1858806

And she'll mate with Uziga's Death Panda.

>> No.1858832

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, whoa
That's miyako but why is she grown up, source of the pic please?

>> No.1858833 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 659x657, 1214706418846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1858841

Well, 10% and 100% furries.

Venos > Barbarians anyway

>> No.1858842
File: 86 KB, 717x521, 1181083904300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me if this is a prototype?

>> No.1858845

No. It's an illustration Takeuchi did for the reprint of some novel that inspired Tsukihime.

>> No.1858847

RYL Tartarus. www.ryltartarus.com
I'm one of the moderators/GM there.
It's one of those few WASD MMOs around, good gameplay, awesome PvP, intensive equipment smithing. Just some client problem that causes it to crash ever so often :/ if you could look past that, it's really a great MMO to play.

>> No.1858848

Will you give us free stuff if we join?

>> No.1858852

Really? Miyako was created with Melty blood, before Takeuchi's drew fsn. The pic is drawn waaay too good for that time. My guess is that it was drawn in 06~08. Are you sure?

>> No.1858854
File: 137 KB, 1126x1016, 6ca8f84bca7dd1cc940ac0dc7edc0f0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dumb. Go get the TYPE-MOON Character Material and look it up yourself, you.. you..

>> No.1858862

If my main admin isn't looking, sure.

>> No.1858869


I've played this. It has basically good design, although it is average and nothing new.

>> No.1858874

Wow, this appears to be telling me that once a human, always a human? How do I try both sides and determine which I prefer more?

>> No.1858882

Um, you create two accounts? It's F2P anyway.

>> No.1858890

Hrmph, a lot of servers/games have rules against multiple accounts, was working off that assumption. Regardless, I'll try it. Any generic tips that are common pitfalls for new players?

>> No.1858916

We have no problems with multiple accounts here. A lot of the players oftentimes switch races to balance out the gameplay if one particular race is having a monopoly in wars or PvP.
I'd suggest that you make new friends, but don't trust anyone until you're really certain they won't scam you because we have a no-interference policy with scams. We stand by the fact that if you get scammed, it's your mistake, not ours.
Best bet is to go through the forums at:
There you can find lots of helpful tips to get you through the basic parts of the game. Always ask questions, and basic forum rules apply.

>> No.1858920

Hm. I see this about upgrading that there's a "reset" that you can do endless times. Are there basically godmode characters out there, and I have no hope of catching up to them?

>> No.1858932

Yeah, there is a limit to which you can upgrade your equipments and unfortunately for new players, I'd say about 70% of the server have already reached this god-level. However, you do have more than a chance of catching up to them as resources are easy to find. I'll say the first week will be difficult, but learn how to use the public chats in the game and you're sure to find helpful players who will help you along your way. Once you start farm-grinding, give or take in about 3 weeks, you'll be able to reach this level of the big boys granted you have at least 4 hours to spend every day on the game.

>> No.1858938


That game plays it's self! It's brilliant! I fuckin' love it!

>> No.1858943

The best part is you can have a harem and have no need to lie about your gender.

What server are you playing?

>> No.1858967

Just got off Mabinogi and Mabinogi with guns...soul draining stuff that was.

If Darkfall doesn't live up to the hype(Probably won't), I'm swearing off MMORPGs for the rest of my life.

>> No.1859025

4chan on the /jp/ server.
I'm playing a sage/hate Anon build with some skillpoints into trolling.

>> No.1859198

I honestly don't get why they even bothered making male characters.

>> No.1859200

>I used to play Ragnarok, but then I stopped.

will start again when 3-1 3-2 classes come in.

>> No.1859212


>> No.1859219


>> No.1859224

jajaja XD tu madre

>> No.1859228
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My mmo isn't /jp/ related so I'm just going to post a picture of my favourite touhou.

>> No.1859333


>> No.1859645

there's an english client of megaten? i thought its only in jap

>> No.1860084

played DW:O til i realised it was just "lets stack musou+ until we can musou until the end of time"

>> No.1860130

I've been wanting to try AO for a while. What's your name? Didn't check the entire thread for it, may have missed it.

>> No.1860192

Playing Megaten. Was hoping it would last for a few weeks but it doesn't look that way. You get to level 20 on your first day then it's grind out the arse from then on.

>> No.1860220

Guess I am the only one playing Warhammer.

>> No.1860235

i was playin warhammer with the cool guys from fightingamphibians.com but that shit fell apart.. bad game is bad!

>> No.1860283

There is at least one meme guild on my Warhammer server. Don't know if they're still around, though.
They ran around spamming /v/ memes so I told them to suppress their power levels. At first they went into a meme frenzy because they thought they'd found another friendly 4chan user. Then I asked if posting Touhou was okay. It sent them into a different kind of frenzy. It was strangely satisfying.

>> No.1860325

I tried playing the MegaTen beta but...

Oh god the running animation and speed... ITS SO HORRIBLE AND SLOW, i couldn't stand it for more than 10 mins, and i'm a raging persona fan

>> No.1860475

playing RO in a low rates private server

>> No.1860483

I think I'm gonna pick RO up again, man, this game really killed me.
Blame RO for getting me into doujins, inluding T2 and Xration.

>> No.1860500




GE has good armour designs.

>> No.1860503

If afk leveling is your thing, then knock yourself out.

Then again I haven't heard much about the game since it came out. SoundTeMP has a few nice tracks on the OST though.

>> No.1860515

Currently playing Atlanica (Sikyon here, any other /jp/ers?)

Still playing RO for WoE when my guild wants me.

Tried SMT. Looks great. Gameplay sucks.

>> No.1860521

I'm playing Atlantica on Argos. It's too bad we aren't on the same server, but I'm also curious if anyone is on mine.

>> No.1860594

Warhammer online. Small scale RVR when you can get it is awesome, large scale is just RDPS doing AOE spam and MDPS sitting there watching everyone else play the game.

Its also hilarious how bad the balance is.

Marauder > White lions

Witch Elf > Witch Hunter

Shaman > Archmage

Black Orc > Swordmaster

Squig Herder > Shadow Warrior since 1.1 patch(plink now does absurd DPS)

Sorc > Bright Wizard(Disarm > Any melee guy attacking you)

>> No.1860600

For me, RO was, is, and will always be a classic MMO from its gameplay to fanart to doujins and even the R-Battle-Offline. But enough is enough, and replaying the game over and over over over 9000 times with the same tank and spank MVPs and the same old WoE WoE every week really kills the RO's image for me. Gravity should just kill the game.

Currently trying Megaten, btw.

>> No.1860618


I was referring merely to armour designs and not referencing the gameplay itself.

>> No.1860649

Out of curiosity, what's your level/formation you're running?

>> No.1860676

My level is low. I'm pretty new to Atlantica, but I know it's the kind of game I'll stick with for at least a little while.
I want to go for an AoE damage formation. I have a staff main with skud/blessing, and want to get a witch/beast trainer/whatever else I learn will be good for this kind of formation. Do you have suggestions? What are you using?

I can only read so many posts on the official forum before feeling sick

>> No.1860699

zu online, not much grinding doing the quests levels you up,
looking after the pet can get annoying

>> No.1860705


>> No.1860784


Exorcist - Lady Knight - Beast Trainer
Inventor - Witch - AxeM
Monk - Prophet - Oracle

Is what I'm currently using. Axe & Cannon's are probably the most popular mains. People seem to favor Archers lately, though. Probably because some korean guy won a recent tourny with an archerM.

Exo is a must for every formation for it's Mana Seal skill, and Speed Cast helps your Witch alot, as Meteor Strike drains your AP like mad. The Witch is in the center of the formation to reduce cannon damage to 3 characters, instead of 5. I'm probably replacing the Inventor for a Spartan later.

Prophets are for formations running 3-4 melee characters. It has a passive area heal for all your melees and buffs your melee's attack. If you have rangeds instead, get a Princess.

>> No.1860808

Thanks for the tips. Yeah I've heard a lot of hype around axe mains, but I'd like to try out staff. Frozen Axe seems mad good though. Running a viking at the moment and it's godlike for early PvE (of course I am going to be focusing on PVP in the end). Heard about exos, will have to run one for sure.

You don't happen to have any links to sites/communities with good information where I can look up all sorts of formations and skills, do you? Wikia is terribly incomplete, as usual. I can manage through the forums but just curious if there's something better out there.

Thanks again.

>> No.1860813


>> No.1860846


Merc/monster/item info, craft/formation sims and maps. Probably the best english fansite right now, and still adding content.

For PvP related stuff. Has some in-depth merc guides.

Another craft calc.

Try to get to level 4x to do Santa dungeon runs before the event ends. Stock up on reindeer antlers and trade them in for event Judgement scrolls. Those things kill most monster groups in a single hit. I leveled some of my mercs from 8x to 9x in a matter of hours spamming scrolls.

>> No.1860989

any expert's opinion on staff mains? Do they suck as much as everyone says?

>> No.1861001

Atlantica sounds pretty nice. Or at the least has a lot of useful guides.

>> No.1861058

So what is this shit? MegaTen? Mabinogi? Holy fuck I don't even know what that shit looks like. I've been playing cabal for some time now, and it's boring as shit fuck.

>> No.1861066

Healing affects them more than it affects melee mains, but still...they're squishy.

Gunner mains are bad.

>> No.1861074

Healing affects them more than it affects melee mains, but still...they're squishy. Wouldn't call them terrible. I've seen many staff mains in high divs.

>> No.1861078

Is your clan full? I've enjoyed Megaten when it was in Closed and now it's in Open I will enjoy it better. And they DON'T wipe during open beta right? RIGHT?

>> No.1861084

How is class balance in Atlantica? Will I be gimped considerably if I don't choose axe or cannon main?

>> No.1861107
File: 1.00 MB, 1400x1050, Atlantica_20081230_220327000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlantica players, something you may or may not be interested in. Japanese voices for battles (not npcs, sorry, maybe later). The voices are very nice compared to English ones.

Installation is a bit ghetto. Open "Atlantica\FxSound" and delete/rename "MAIN" and "BUDDY" folders. You must delete or rename the original folders because there are a different number of files for the English and JP voices. If you simply overwrite existing files you will have a bilingual character.

Same story for the "lang_" rars, but put them in Atlantica\LANG\ENG\FXSound.

Enjoy your moe witch, and no more "THE SKY... IS SO BEAUTIFUL..." or http://tri4.net/up/upload.php?id=122

>> No.1861112

No. There are ways to make other mains work fine. Staff main isn't as bad as people make it out to be, Archer main is good. I can't really suggest Gunner main personally, though.

>> No.1861146

bilingualism is my fetish

>> No.1861180


Can I do well with a party of 7 miko and 1 witch in Atlantica?

>> No.1861187

I wish bro. That was my initial idea too. I ended up actually liking the game and not needing to do that to stay entertained, though.
Either way totally running that shit as an alt when I get bored.

>> No.1861204

I play SMT: Imagine

shit is funny when you are in a party with only Hotglue members

>> No.1861228


Yes I'm sure that playing a game with people named Tablecat and Cirno, for example, is a barrel of laughs.

>> No.1861307

Fuck you, I actually like Tablecat. Well, I haven't played with him in a while, but he was a decent guy back on Mabi.

in b4 rage over sucking tripfag dick.
