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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18579483 No.18579483 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18563606

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JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

Leyte ships: https://i.imgur.com/O0en2P4.png

-Decisive Battle, Operation Shou-Gou! Interception in the Battle of Leyte Gulf (Part 2) has begun. It is a 7-map large-scale event that will last until March 23. E-1 is an ASW patrol mission in Palawan Passage, E-2 is based on the Battle of the Sibuyan Sea, E-3 is the "First Battle of Cape Engaño", and E-4 is "Beyond the Waters Off Samar— Battle of Leyte Gulf". E-5 is "Operation Ta-Gou Kai", E-6 is "Pursuit! The Second Striking Force". E-7 is "Victory on the Dawn Horizon— The Second Battle of Cape Engaño".
-The new ships from the main operation are DEs Hiburi (E-2 reward), Daitou (E-4 drop), Destroyer HMS Jervis (E-4 drop), and CVE-73 USS Gambier Bay (E-4 reward). The new ships from the Extra Operations are destroyer Hamanami (E-5 drop), Russian destroyer Tashkent (E-6 drop), and the Essex-class carrier CV-11 USS Intrepid (E-7 reward).
-New equipment are 10cm Twin HA+Additional Machine Guns (Musashi stock), SK Radar (E-6 medium and and easy), SK&SG Radar (E-6 hard reward), QF 4.7inch Mk.XII Kai (Jervis stock), 130mm B-13 Twin Gun Mount (E-4/5 reward), 533mm Triple Torpedo Mount (E-5 reward), and 51cm Twin Gun Mount (E-7 medium and hard), Shiden Kai (343 Air Group) Unit 301 (E-7 hard reward).
-The January ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment is the 5inch Single-Gun Mount Mk. 30. It will be obtainable with a new ship set to be implemented in the Spring.
-For the Fifth Anniversary, an American escort vessel that fought valiantly and sunk to protect the carriers off Samar from Kurita's fleet will be implemented.
-Friendly Fleet(NPC) appears in E-4 boss node during the yasen phase, where 1 of 5 preset NPC fleets will appear and provide shelling support before the escort fleet's turn. The NPC ships attack in the same way as a regular fleet does in yasen. Each fleet has a special voice line before they begin their attack. There are more Friendly Fleets(NPC) available in E-6 and E-7. New fleets have been added to E-7.
-New spring furniture has been added.
-Valentine's seasonal lines and CGs have been removed. New and returning Decisive Battle voice lines and CGs have been added. Zuikaku Kai Ni and Kai Ni A now have Cape Engaño Decisive Battle CGs.
-The Kagerou-class will receive Kai Ni starting in the spring and a few may already be implemented before Phase 2. Isokaze will receive a B Kai this Spring. Yuugumo-class will also get more Kai Ni this year.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
-KanColle will migrate to HTML5 and Friend Fleets will be implemented in the period between the Spring mini-event and summer in Phase 2.

>> No.18579504
File: 298 KB, 1650x1512, __gambier_bay_and_jervis_kantai_collection_drawn_by_tomato_omurice_melon__a60d9461835f1697cb464df7bd81a729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best newcomers.

>> No.18579516

You told me I wouldn't get raped by CV Hime /jp/. Why did you lie to me? I'm already running LBAS and route support to that node and the taihas keep increasing. Is it my formation? Do I need AACI? Should I sacrifice my firstborn?

>> No.18579523
File: 667 KB, 800x480, 20180310_19353874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank fuck I got this trash while chipping. Now time for last dance.

>> No.18579525

A ok and a shit.

>> No.18579527

help me /jp/ I am kuso farming for trashcan but R keeps sending me home. I can't even use fcf because I just barely have enough los to route to the boss. should I send my 3rd base to the air raid node instead of O? I'm not using a sub because it feels like having to retreat because it gets blown up early on G is a bigger problem than shelling on O, and sending land base there disables them anyway.

>> No.18579532
File: 148 KB, 1173x876, 4e70f935b9af8d27260f59900b00951a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody post his E5 transport fleet?
Also how did you use LBAS here?

>> No.18579538
File: 109 KB, 378x462, Shiranui what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like no one like Intrepid?

>> No.18579542
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Comptiq April 2018 Issue - KanColle Article:

>> No.18579549

>a shit.

There is no need to be rude towards the little 'tard from britbongistan.

>> No.18579550

>farming on kuso
>gets sent back
How? Also use dong if you aren't.

>> No.18579553

LBAS full of interceptors / best fighters to node F, another to the boss.

Composition: Ashigara / Nachi / Kasumi / Kinu / Ushio / Akitsumaru / Kumano (You can use Commandent Teste if you wish to, but her armour rating is a bit too low)

106 at S-rank. Kinu set up for AACI.

>> No.18579556

I thought circle was better than dong for air nodes

>> No.18579558

Cheers anon

>> No.18579560

Not when you're overwhelmed in air power.

>> No.18579565

>art by shibafu
>design that is basically generic ijn carrier but with a gun instead of a bow
>has no interesting interactions with other boats in her hour lines
>one of the less interesting essexes irl

She was pretty much doomed since the beginning.

>> No.18579570

Is this a serious question?

>> No.18579573

It's Kagashitter, just ignore him.

>> No.18579580

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.18579586

>E7 LD
>keep getting dong at D and preboss

>> No.18579587

Intrepid's design is quite pleasing.

It's just too bad, that the vast majority of lewds she is going to be featured in will most likely be either shota or interracial.

I can't wait to be disappointed.

>> No.18579595

How full of seaplane Kumano was?

>> No.18579596

That's a given, she's white in an Asian base.

>> No.18579640

Can't really remember. I think it was 3-4 seaplane fighters. You may want to play it safe, if you wish to. By the way, I think Kinu must be K2 if you want her bonus TP points.

>> No.18579645

I want my vanilla.

>> No.18579661

Did you use Kinu's own AACI setup with expansion slot?

>> No.18579665

Yes, I thought everyone here will take whatever shit Tanaka dumps as long as it's USN shipgirl

>> No.18579670

Can someone give me a good composition for E7P1 LD? I'm bleeding resources here and I'd like to end my pain now.

>> No.18579686

For TTK who are doing 5-5 this month with spoon formation what fleet and are you using spoon? 3 CV+ 3SS , 1 FBB + 5 CV/L?

>> No.18579687
File: 190 KB, 493x377, I fucking hate imps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The short answer is 'yes'. The long answer is AACI is possible without expansion slot; the reason I gave her one is so that I could fit a skilled look out on her.

>> No.18579692

Tanaka thought like that too. And the recent events haven't changed his perspective even a little bit.

>> No.18579704

So only Kasumin carrried transport equipment?

>> No.18579720

Just imagine the shitstorm if Enterprise is drawn by Shibafu

>> No.18579723

Yes yes, we know. We've gone over this enough times

>> No.18579733

How does one go about leveling interceptors and land-based fighters
Can I just sortie to E-1 repeatedly and target sub nodes?

>> No.18579734

Intrepid is quite literally the biggest blunder in the history of the game. Yeah, she's strong as shit like expected, but that's one half of the things that matter.

>> No.18579735

Even the idea that it could happen is enough to trigger some people.

>> No.18579737

Fuck off already.

>> No.18579741


>> No.18579749

When are they going to add pigeon guided weapons?

>> No.18579751
File: 1.09 MB, 740x1035, 6e06cf3df648bb195e9858814791fd49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to E3 with one sub dechi.

>> No.18579753

I tried to recreate my setup and apparently my screencap was wrong, her skilled lookout was apparently the amphibious tank; that setup was probably for part two. But you're right, load Kasumin with transport.

>> No.18579754

Nice, that'll save me a lot of resources
Thanks for the quick response anon

>> No.18579756
File: 11 KB, 209x241, 1471849066316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much potato-hate in these threads, it:s almost memetic

>> No.18579757

>pigeon guided weapons
>meme wheel
>balloon fire bomb

>> No.18579762

Once they add in nip suicide planes, rockets, torpedoes, boats, and subs.

>> No.18579763

MFW finally beat E7H and Zuikaku said aishiteru during the ending

>> No.18579766
File: 332 KB, 394x600, usio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to bother you this many times, but one more question: Why Usio instead of Shimakaze or Naganami-sama? Are they useful later?

>> No.18579768

I kind of want to see the next USN drawn by Humikane

>> No.18579772

Fair enough, but does that mean that the kraut guided bomb is off the table?

>> No.18579775

Bong bouncing bombs when?

>> No.18579778
File: 1.30 MB, 796x1200, FriendlyFireForEverybody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme wheel as anti-installation weapon would be hilarious through, think about silly animation.

>> No.18579784

>Trying to use dambusting bombs for anti-ship use
the madman

On a side note, bomb-skipping was a proper tactic my dude

>> No.18579794

Project Aphrodite would also be a pretty good anti installation weapon, assuming it doesn't kill another kennedy

>> No.18579799

>Why Usio instead of Shimakaze or Naganami-sama?
That's because I have used them for E2/E4, additionally, I think they have special damage modifier for E6-2 boss (not as effective as the Shima Girls though).

>> No.18579808

Shouldn't be, Roma did die to those things after all.

>Implying he'll ever leave Germany.

>> No.18579812

There has been 0 German content in almost 2 years, don't hold your breath.

>> No.18579826

The bauxite cost on this will be terrible, imagine equipping it on Kaga 46 slots and losing all of them on one go, just to do zero damage to the installation because of historical accuracy.

>> No.18579842

Shit artist.

>> No.18579845

I'm getting Battleship flashbacks.

>> No.18579851

Will the devs ever fix the fleet screen font so that you don't only see three letters of gaijins' names?

>> No.18579854

>Decide to redirect one LBAS to pre-boss for a change
>Forgot it's all fighters
>Get let through anyways
I would have flipped a shit if the run ended in a kill

>> No.18579876

It was designed for Japanese characters, so probably not.

>> No.18579881

Its a funny feeling, I forgot to send support the other day but killed the boss just fine anyway

>> No.18579883

Any thoughts on Hayasui in first versus second fleet for E7H P1?

>> No.18579903

Should be easy enough to make it scroll like an old marquee in HTML5 but who knows if they'll bother.

>> No.18579905

I brought a level 60 Kamoi in first fleet and only once did she go red on route out of about 30 runs. Maybe I was just lucky, but you want the extra attacker in the second fleet for the night battle.

>> No.18579994

I have stupid question.
There's three LBAS but of course earlier maps only allow for use of 1-2. Is there any way to lock out the first and second LBAS on the list to allow the 3rd one to sortie?

>> No.18580003

Flip the tab on your first and second base from sortie to standby. If only one base is set to sortie, that's what it uses.

>> No.18580004


>> No.18580046

A CL on light ahead just taiha my sub tank. What sorcery is this?

>> No.18580070

That's normal now. Wish we can do it too.

>> No.18580077

Thank you.

>> No.18580114

Just done the first run on E7H part 1. The ayanami kantai came, literally didn't change a damn thing. I think if that fleet came it means that you wiffed your friend fleet entirely.

>> No.18580130

So sometimes PBY Catalina increase the range of LBA by 2, sometimes 1. How does it work actually?

>> No.18580132

I hate potatoes so much.

>> No.18580182

Make sure you don't have Yukikaze. I got the Yahagi/DesDiv17/Yukikaze fleet every time.

>> No.18580190

up to a certain starting-range it gives +2, anything above that starting range it gives +1 IIRC

>> No.18580236

Wait what? The Chinese guide said bring Yukikaze to avoid that fleet.

Also Noshiro fleet came just now. Cleaned up a lot of things.

>> No.18580242

Fuck. So that means I really need 3 Taitei. I only have 2 Taitei. Am I fucked and never gonna clear E7 hard?

>> No.18580246

Assuming this table is still accurate, yup, essentially Catalina can't get you past 10 range. No idea if that's totally fucked you though.

>> No.18580251

Is it bad I still don't understand the optimal way to do support expedition?

>> No.18580263
File: 639 KB, 1200x1679, The Amazing Taitei-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Taitei-chan just AMAZING!

>> No.18580266

AHhhhh fuck. Should've just choose medium right from the start.

>> No.18580283

>Catalina can't get you past 10 range
Mind Catalina have 10 range, bumping the range of other planes to 11 would be useless anyways.

>> No.18580284

I'm actually trying two base on boss and one on sub node (i.e. only 2 taitei) right now. Someone else earlier also cleared with just one land base on boss and Hayasui, I think it was. I don't think you're completely out of the running.

>> No.18580352

I'm at E7-2 LD. How hurt can I expect my ass to be?

>> No.18580441

Jesus fuck, Zuikaku calm the fuck down. I am getting nervous by your screaming too.

>> No.18580454

Zuikaku is giving her best!

>> No.18580524


>> No.18580531
File: 377 KB, 873x1200, __akitsushima_and_nishikitaitei_chan_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kamelie__50d57fea6590513b21e91791e52598ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak of the devil, I just got my first Taitei-chan.
Will kamo get mad if I take it away from her?

>> No.18580533

Ok. I am doing E7 hard part 1. So far I never got to kill the boss in any of the run, and there are always some other ships left during yasen. How is it possible that I can kill it during last dance which will have 2 Dysons accompanying the boss?

>> No.18580560

bring historical ships for damage bonus and bring hayasui for resupply

>> No.18580607

Can someone explain it to me? I feel so anxious about this event. Even if I failed this event it will have no impact on anything irl but I still have this sinking feeling when I think about the possibility of failing. It is not a fucking exam or an interview but fuck me those are small time business compare to what I feel right now.

>> No.18580620


it's a normal feeling if you are doing all hard without unlimited p2w item

>> No.18580627

I felt the same way until I lost 50k resources on E7 part 1 with no end in sight. At some point you just accept despair and it all becomes okay. Just gotta keep at it, and if you don't walk home with a medal that's fine too. At least you tried.

>> No.18580636

I know that feeling. Just do it on an easier difficulty, people here berate you for it but if you're this anxious about it, it's not worth the stress. Just do what you think you can.

>> No.18580661

No. I would never forgive myself if I do it on easy. It has nothing to do with what other people think. I just can't. At the same time I just can't imagine I can do it at all.

>> No.18580664

Yeah, feels great doesn't it?
Welcome to events.

>> No.18580672

>have a perfect aircraft for patrol bomber role
>refuse to use it in that role even when yank submarines start butchering your convoys in massive amounts

Sasuga gooks.

>> No.18580674

>At least you tried.
Now this is something that irked me a lot. What did you gain if you put everything inside something and failed? The consolation phrase of "at least you tried"?

>> No.18580680

I ended up breezing through E2 medium with no retreats and every boss sortie S ranked. How is E3 hard in comparison? I'm trying to conserve buckets as my supply is low.

>> No.18580696

Well you've done all the other ones on hard before right? This one isnt as bad as it seems. P1 is tough but p2 is much easier with the debuff.

>> No.18580697

>I feel so anxious about this event.
Anticipatory anxiety and fear of failure is a hell of a drug, I feel you because I am feeling that right now. I'm plowing it through anyway because inaction will make you feel worse, at least doing the event will alleviate the anxiety somewhat. Exercise and eating right also help a lot.

>> No.18580705

E3 is also easy. The first 3 maps are nothing compared to E4

>> No.18580708

I feel the same too. In previous events I just went with whatever I felt I could do but wasn't all that bad.
In this event, I nearly gave myself an aneurysm as I really wanted the E-6 and E-7 Hard rewards. In the end, finally accepted that unless I ultrawhale be ultrahardcore, I'll never be able to clear events on Hard.

>> No.18580716

I've always done all hard if I feel that I can do it. However I started to doubt myself after the Europe event. It was the first hard event that I was confident to pursue but failed miserably.

>> No.18580723

What did you gain by sitting on 300k resources forever? This is the lowest I've dipped in years. You can absolutely gain something from it: an appreciation for not taking the game so seriously. But that's your choice. You could also fail and sink all your ships or something.

>> No.18580733

I failed once. It feels horrible. Nothing is gained out of a failure.

>> No.18580755

Will confirm, clearing it on hard with 1-2 taitei is entirely possible, i sent 2 at the boss and one at the subs even though i had 3 taitei. It is even possible with 2 bases and no hayasui barrel, as i forgot to reequip a new one on my LD.

E7 part 1 is the hardest part of the event, but still easier than Euro Hime or Air Defense Hime(when she was a final boss).

>> No.18580764

Sasuga waitopiggu.

Was it not numerous enough or what? There were some plans to make ASW versions of existing twin engine bombers, but they didn't end up building any.

>> No.18580833

This game makes me a very religious person. I now believe in the almighty RNG God, his arbitrary mercy and punishment.

>> No.18580862
File: 31 KB, 751x277, AACIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The HA gun CANNOT be Akigun or etc.
Does this include 90mm, 5inch and new 10cm?

Didn't even know that Yura has her own AACI and it's quite good.

>> No.18580897

When getting to Abyssal Zui, a fleet will have about 36% fuel and 34% ammo, so a penalty will occur.
With one barrel, Hayasui can replenish 15% of all ships on a Combined Fleet, or 30% with two barrels. But you only need 40% to not have a penalty, so there's no point bringing more than one.
Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.18580905
File: 125 KB, 1059x359, Wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other wiki is neater in this case. 90mm and 5 inch is fine, I think equipment cannot be integrated with the air-director

>> No.18580924 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1024x576, 17102403581883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Azur Lane thread.

Kancercolle is already kill. Deal with it.

>> No.18580930

1 is enough to negate damage penaly, 2 will restore your fuel for better dodge

>> No.18580939

Well it doesn't say if those are considered as HA+FD or just HA guns.
I'm too scared to test myself right now, so I'll go with +4 8cm.

>> No.18580940
File: 702 KB, 800x480, 20180310_22523239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is a good run. Noshiro fleet came and shaved 400+ hp off the boss. I have a sense that despair is coming after this though.

>> No.18580949

>not LD
prefinal form is easy

>> No.18580950

I'm in favor of creating a board for /zh/ China\General

>> No.18580958

I equipped 5inch mk28 + BOFOR on my Kinu, it works fine.

>> No.18580964

Yes I know. I haven't unlock my second Taitei and my Zuihou's Kai Ni. I will not try for LD today. Need some more preparations.

>> No.18580966 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that Kancercolle isnt an actual game

>> No.18580969

i beat her with 1 taitei and the boss died before zuihou hit her you can do it

>> No.18580981

I want to die.

>> No.18580989

Did you have all 3 night planes? Because I only have 2 night planes, Zuihou cut-in and only dealt 30 damage to the boss.

>> No.18580992

>90% content can be cleared with auto battle
>brags about gameplay
>the absolute state of chink supporter

>> No.18580996 [DELETED] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1018x2244, 49471839fea7f24cd689f9143d8364ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kaga, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18580999

>Did you have all 3 night planes?

>> No.18581002

And all the girls are sluts, with some rare exceptions.

>> No.18581003

Be careful, he's going to hack your game servers again.

>> No.18581007
File: 165 KB, 900x1064, d88926b8baad96c8bd23c445d7dd9f82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Zuikaku, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581013
File: 649 KB, 850x1201, sample_ac11c5513e1599c45ae62fc184726953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Akagi, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581018

>and no bragging about revenue for 3 months
>no bragging on pixiv art counts
>no bragging on goo trends

>> No.18581022
File: 746 KB, 850x1202, sample_8d006644deba7c9ca9dabd5e4e541093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Hiryuu, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581030 [DELETED] 

nice dubs

>> No.18581034

Hide and ignore

>> No.18581040
File: 890 KB, 751x1024, 0d2af65a0e1d4f42cf76ae280e4bd15e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Houshou, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581042

>a boat named "dragon"
>better make it a rabbit

Sasuga chinks.

>> No.18581048

Don't quote it.

>> No.18581049
File: 288 KB, 800x1119, 987917c375fc58bfe2b3ffcd97fa11a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Mikasa, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581053

Only surviving imp torpedoed Kusumi in first E5 run at H node.
What formation you used here?

>> No.18581058

Their event also easy as fuck there is no satisfaction after despair like beating hard mode in canthis

>> No.18581065
File: 565 KB, 850x493, sample_a8bd60d70627ad41556b74acc67b61af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone seems mad about japanese shipgirls despite being in /jp/, japan/general

more japanese shipgirls

>> No.18581073

I used dong all the way, hell I even used support despite knowing its ineffectiveness as it can sometime take out / chuuha some ships.

>> No.18581079 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 841x1920, ae33384564e90fc8ac6a8313515ba9e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Souryuu, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581090

This looks so fucking bad

>> No.18581092
File: 516 KB, 850x478, sample_4e38605488a830a289f11c3444ed0243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Shoukaku, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581094

>giving (you)

>> No.18581103

In what order your ships were? CAs at bottom?

>> No.18581109
File: 120 KB, 850x478, sample_fb58aafa9da641dc68d68acd9a7584de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>kancercolle dead of AIDS but doesn't want to admit
Actual gameplay below

>> No.18581116

Fuck you tanaka. 12 fucking hours and I've only done 550TP from E5 because of your fucking gay cancer game. Why am I still playing this shit?

>> No.18581121

Hahaha look at my gameplay it's bullet hell like 2hu but the bullet can miss and deal 0 damage.

>> No.18581129

Oh man, I have forgotten. It's probably like this: Akitsumaru Kinu / Nachi / Ashigara / Kasumi / Ushio / Kumano .

>> No.18581142
File: 146 KB, 850x478, sample_78f7f41373d487f6f686c7f7e9bdcc8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tanaka faggot prefers to shill for nationalistic nippon kaigi LDP cucklords instead of working in kancercolle

tanaka killed kancercolle

azur lane has gameplay


>> No.18581148

How much you had to retreat and how often got A or S at boss?

>> No.18581152

Pressing auto is not gameplay.

>> No.18581159

Oh fuck me. Is it doable with only 2? I hope it is.

But is it really worth it? I feel like my soul has been scarred by this game but I can't stop it. Why do I wish for despair?

>> No.18581162
File: 273 KB, 900x864, a6bdc16271503399a8d9ded2bb56bb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihao Tanaka.
Take my (you), cuck
Jelly much?

>> No.18581169

8 retreats. 6 S-ranks, 3 A-ranks, 1 failed run.

>> No.18581171

Cute girls make you stay. And yes, the girls here are cuter.

>> No.18581173

TP phase is just tedious. It is not despair.

>> No.18581180
File: 1.27 MB, 850x1336, sample_ea9d1ecd89ced13e5076af253ff9bd09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Yuudachi, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581181

That is not it. I can be a Kuso and still play with the cute girls.

>> No.18581182

>Oh fuck me. Is it doable with only 2? I hope it is.
My Zuihou killed the part 1 boss with a 250 damage cut in and I only have 2 night planes. It's possible, but it's not like that was the norm.

>> No.18581187

I saw some people mixing 1 TBM 1 F6F and 1 Swordfish

>> No.18581192
File: 439 KB, 1000x1337, 63fcd0aed02733f4ee48dc42565d9d3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Kaga, a Japanese shipgirl.

>> No.18581194

Yeah I am using swordfish to deal with the subs, however I forgot that my Zuihou is not K2 yet so it doesn't have ASW stat.

>> No.18581201
File: 8 KB, 89x51, A TIME HONOURED TRADITION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, until pic related happens.

>> No.18581205

>double aimed Haruna from the first node, making her taiha
>double aimed Yukikaze during the sub node, making her taiha


>> No.18581216

Do night planes contribute to daytime air power?

>> No.18581217
File: 2.24 MB, 1213x1687, 1519523020493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talkin kuso about 2hu whilst defending a game of shipbutts with no gameplay ever
obligatory response

>> No.18581223

Reading comprehension

>> No.18581229

Who the heck are you quoting?

>> No.18581232

i'm not shit talking 2hu but most chink drone claim their gameplay is equal to 2hu while in reality you can ignore most bullet with high defense, shield and evasion

>> No.18581236
File: 144 KB, 850x478, sample_0568fab8de4ae094be7226623fcb69dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold muh beers it's time to celebrate this official thread for glorious Azur Lane

>> No.18581246
File: 152 KB, 800x480, night start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-rank dropped 77TP so this is going to take forever.

>> No.18581259


>> No.18581260 [DELETED] 

>ammount of torpedoblastbutthurt KANCERCOLLeFAGS

>> No.18581266

Anyone got cheap compos for E-1 farming?

>> No.18581276

Assuming that you're already running LBAS and boss support, hang in there, anon. Frankly, getting this done under 10 runs is extremely hard, so just be patient.

>> No.18581279

Tanaka, stop please embarassing yourself mnida.

>> No.18581293 [DELETED] 

Take your meds.

>> No.18581297

How did you use the LBAS here anon?

>> No.18581304

What happened to the thread?

>> No.18581305

Just so you know I did it without any support. LBAs all on the boss and my A rank gave 50 TP only, so it was a hell of a run.

>> No.18581321

Looks like a chinaman having a funposting episode.

>> No.18581328

Interceptors to F, 1/3 to boss, pray on D.

>> No.18581331

Shitposter + Mods not doing their work

>> No.18581378
File: 40 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realize this whole event was just a quest line to get Musashi's true gun equipment

>> No.18581392
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Oh my lord.

>> No.18581393
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Yukikaze got a TCI for 235 damage. S rank Nachi drop.

Here comes the hell. 90+k fuel left. Gotta get that new Kamo to level 35 and my Zuihou to level 80 before I start LD.

>> No.18581397
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And so we witness the birth of the 51cm punch

>> No.18581399
File: 71 KB, 359x337, 43768326_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw all the events are just a giant quest line to get the girl on the last map
We have been bamboozled all these while, anon.

>> No.18581410

Did you have DA on heavy cruisers or did you try with secondary gun to remove imps?

>> No.18581416

Definitely doable with only two and a Swordfish. Eggs sunk E7P1 boss with a night CI for me no problem without Hayasui/Kamoi either.

>> No.18581417

1 main gun 1 secondary (yellow) gun. You don't need that much firepower at the boss node because the LBAs already dealt with most of them.

>> No.18581427

I think I just equipped them DA + skilled lookout and pray for the best. Running route support is not exactly cost efficient with dong but it does take out enemies from time to time

>> No.18581433

Everyone remembers Nishimura, Kurita, Ozawa and Shima, but nobody remembers Seki.

>> No.18581444

Does imp removal require yellow one? I'd rather have HA gun to help a little with AA.
My route support managed to kill 3 from H + one taiha and 4 from J during second run, so I'm going to keep them around.

>> No.18581446

1000 AP for superiority, fuck off with that.

>> No.18581448

Moderately gaped.

>> No.18581461

>Does imp removal require yellow one? I'd rather have HA gun to help a little with AA.
Not really, I just grab whatever I had in store. It is not a particularly complicated map. You can use HA gun if you want but I don't think you need AA since you already have LBAs and Akitsumaru.

>> No.18581517

Think of the bright sides; out of the fleets that are remembered Ozawa's one is the only one that wasn't a complete fuck up. So if Seki was remembered it would most likely be remembered for its failures like Kurita's, Nishimura's, and Shima's fleets are.

>> No.18581547

>Putting a sub with dong formation.
This feels like stubbing a toe; it's not life-threatening but god damn, you had to stop what you're doing just to nurse it.

>> No.18581567
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My god.

>> No.18581634

Swear to fucking god these air nodes at E5.

>> No.18581678

E6 is worse.

>> No.18581689

Seki died with honor.

>> No.18581728
File: 781 KB, 800x480, e7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to seize the victory over the dawn horizon and ignore the chink poster

>> No.18581758

Good thread guys, generals are definitely repositories of the highest quality derail-free discussion.

>> No.18581761

It's okay anon you don't have to hide your buckets.

>> No.18581779

Thank you, we value high quality discourse in this thread.

>> No.18581818
File: 127 KB, 800x480, simplyamazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right anon. Ushio even did AACI. I don't know if you should retreat now.

>> No.18581823
File: 612 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180311-03094396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously dude, every fucking RUN.

>> No.18581920
File: 150 KB, 800x480, noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing that you tell me to go home.
I have had 1 fighter wave to D, 2 to F and 1 to boss.
I'll try with 2 to D and 0 to boss next. Hopefully that carrier won't block S-ranks.

>> No.18581953

Have not seen E5's TP boss for 3 hours now...

>> No.18581967
File: 885 KB, 1601x958, Thanks Myoukou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it smooth-sailing from here on?

>> No.18581970

harder preboss but easier boss

>> No.18581978

Composition suggestions to farm E-7? My resources are at a dangerous low but I want to try for Iowa and Sara.

>> No.18581980

e7hp2 is your victory lap. enjoy

>> No.18581987
File: 84 KB, 560x740, friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your stupid fleet, equipment and LBAS plan, so maybe we can help a little.

>> No.18582003

Either wait for a smaller event to drop her or prepare your resources, with your goal in mind, for the next large event.

>> No.18582018

I'd buy a fairy calendar

>> No.18582022

I've seen around caps of people having only like 2 CVL on main fleet while farming so I got curious. Should I try for Jervish or Tashkent, then?

>> No.18582032

What difficulty?

>> No.18582039

What's a sensible fleet for E6-3?
I have the idea Italia, Roma, Nachi, Mikuma, Kasumi, Teruzuki and I-14 should meet the AS requirements and not be too gimped. Maybe drop either Italia or Roma for Ashigara.

>> No.18582046

You can get 300k in 6 months without subslaving easily. The spring event obviously won't be anything big.

>> No.18582050

Is the after action report worth E4 Hard?

>> No.18582053

Hey, at least it's not as bad as that 2000TP map we had last year.
You'll have it done in an afternoon, just hang in there.

>> No.18582055

I didn't need Iowa or Saratoga, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt. Tashkent is the best drop, Jervis is the cutest. Adjust your priorities accordingly.

>> No.18582056

Fuck no

>> No.18582060

No. E4 was a mistake.

>> No.18582086

How is the boss HP part?

>> No.18582089

I went for both Ashigara and Nachi, both of them are very taiha prone so if one of them is in the red, you can retreat one of them without crippling your fleet too much. As for LOS requirement, equipped Iyo with a nightplane + sub radar(?), it should contribute enough LOS in case Ashigara / Nachi is retreated. That's assuming you have +6/+8 LOS seaplanes and she surviving node O.

>> No.18582097

There's a 99% chance the people who did E4 hard will still have that extra report lying around in storage years down the road. It's like what happened with medals the first event when people were convinced they were some great commodity. Even if reports are rarer, they keep adding quests that give them any time something new is added.

>> No.18582101

Ashigara and Nachi have massive damage bonuses for E6, they'll easily take off half the HP each on the boss if they target her so they're actually better than BBs for me

>> No.18582104


I sort of want Saratoga because I still have to get Taihou and I got that extra catapult just for her to become a CVB. My lowest resource is fuel at 25k.

>> No.18582120
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This is not an Iowa

>> No.18582124
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>> No.18582130

stop complaining about TP phase lol

>> No.18582132

Look at the bright side, you can drop those barrels and daihatsus for more FP now which should make the last run easier

>> No.18582139

No. But I can rest easy knowing I've still cleared every map on hard to date.

>> No.18582141

Enjoy the grimmick

>> No.18582145


OK, scratch that then. Is the night aviation crew worth E4 Medium if I already have one? I haven't done the quest for nightcrew+deckhands yet but I have Saratoga ready.

>> No.18582154

>if I already have one

>> No.18582158

As of right now, no, it's not since you only have enough planes for 1 cv yasen and the NOAP+skilled deckhands is better. Consider if you want to go for E-5H or not to decide if you want to do E-4M or not.

>> No.18582163

But you also get reinforcement expansion!

>> No.18582171

Don't comback crying when you have to use all of them in the future.

>> No.18582176

You can just buy those if you need any

>> No.18582181
File: 515 KB, 799x386, ZUIHOUISSUCHAGOODSHIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more time she fucks up that badly and I will fucking scrap that egg bitch

>> No.18582196

>model D 12.5 kai ni gun with meme buffs
Is that night attack actually effective if the bonus is pre-cap?

>> No.18582198
File: 345 KB, 1448x2048, __zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_getou__8185f83ce194ed258a0677041a87d01c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not bully the Eggship.

>> No.18582202

If you're planning on challenging E5/6/7 hard then E4 medium should be easy for you. Just do it.

>> No.18582216

I think Intrepid is cute

>> No.18582233

probably not cause you're still gonna use tci on bosses that need killing. i've never personally used it before.

>> No.18582254

Is she calling to an egg farm?

>> No.18582267
File: 198 KB, 850x1192, __zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_genso__sample-a4e2c00c481c9cc3259c420df52a0b26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lays the eggs herself!

>> No.18582272
File: 728 KB, 1416x2000, Slightly Lewd Fairies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save your money for Slightly Lewd Fairies instead.

>> No.18582298
File: 210 KB, 578x661, 848b4cef0f60c96f842c5ca88ed89175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who made such book?

>> No.18582308
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>> No.18582319

Kai 2 finally this year?
Mutsu too please.

>> No.18582331

There's only two people who crafts things on the base

>> No.18582340
File: 133 KB, 1050x1492, 053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of the girls would be most likely to terminate their own marriage?

>> No.18582368

Fuck off with this cancerous meme.

>> No.18582369

tfw i succumb and fap to my daughter

>> No.18582383 [DELETED] 

Time to scrap yourself.

>> No.18582392

Who is that?

>> No.18582402

Your botefu

>> No.18582408

How does it feel?

>> No.18582415

Definitely not my waifu

>> No.18582426

As God intended. Father is supposed to mold his daughter into a perfect woman for himself.

>> No.18582470

Did she go for the fat ugly TTK?

>> No.18582485

She just couldn't get off doing it with a married man if the man is the one she married herself.

>> No.18582509

One Polish guy made it with two. On hard.

>> No.18582548

Without Hayasui. And I still can't kill it even tho I used 4 barrals on her already. But he got insane LBAS that taiha'd BB Hime and chuuha'd second one

>> No.18582550

Winged hussar too stronk.

>> No.18582561


>> No.18582592

I still would like some suggestions. My fuel and ammo can't handle getting Musashi kai ni out to play.

>> No.18582601

What exactly is the point of sending 3 Toukai on N when I get taiha from the hime anyway?

>> No.18582607
File: 615 KB, 800x480, trashcanget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first run of the day and I finally got her. now to finish e-7 and scrap la papa de las americas. is easy automatic really harder than medium because of no armor debuff?

>> No.18582616

Get the corsair at least before you scrap her.

>> No.18582629

>My fuel and ammo can't handle my assets
Are you part of the IJN?

>> No.18582677

Can't wait to see more of your epic kuso mode blogging.

>> No.18582686
File: 779 KB, 1068x1050, Winter2018-E7phase1LD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to do it with 2 Taiteis.

>> No.18582694
File: 116 KB, 567x800, 1490194887639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want samurai banners on these G4Ms!

>> No.18582701

Can't wait to see more of your epic bitching because he's not doing the difficulty mode you're doing.

>> No.18582708

There's plenty of other sites for that. You are not welcome here, newfriend.

>> No.18582709

Don't you need just one barrel to get 100% dmg?

>> No.18582713

Farming for almost 3 days in E-6 and still no russian DD.

>> No.18582721

I used go big or go home policy. The second barrel was for evasion.

>> No.18582742
File: 60 KB, 800x699, __jervis_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hanomido__2944b67043c8174af93a1c549bf6d960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa! Mada? It'sdemo ii ya!

>> No.18582744

>blog about your progress on Hard difficulty = okay.
>anything lower = fuck off.

Two wrongs don't make a right, newfag. If you can't accept one you might as well fuck both of them off.

>> No.18582828

Dumb bitch.

>> No.18582841

Nips call her Ahoko but since she's a brat it's forgiven.

>> No.18582846

I'm glad I have enough ASW girls, less reason to use her.

>> No.18582849

Why would blogging game progress be wrong? That's the point of the thread. The only wrong here is playing on anything lower than 甲.

>> No.18582854
File: 334 KB, 500x706, DX8CoE9VoAE7Q52[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saved her comrade right?

>> No.18582859

Gangut? Yeah back in the event she was a reward.

>> No.18582860

Maybe you should go report it then since its clearly offending you.

>> No.18582862

Because meido plays on ez mode.

>> No.18582863

Commie duck when?

>> No.18582876

Not him but seeing people rant about 丙 or 丁 mode is quite annoying. Maybe elitism eats my brain.

>> No.18582919

What if I am doing the same but I'm not retarded enough to blog?

>> No.18582925

Are you the anti-bully ranger or something?

>> No.18582927

Because maybe you don't want people to offend you and you actually have a brain?

>> No.18582947

No armour debuff doesn't mean shit when the meatshields are shit in comparison.

>> No.18582948

After Fuyuduck

>> No.18582965
File: 25 KB, 800x480, 2018-03-10 18-51-21 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18582999


>> No.18583012


>> No.18583014

Epic bro

>> No.18583020

Nice level 1.

>> No.18583026

That's her Kai form, retard.

Now if you excuse me, I'm off to nuke my account again.

>> No.18583039
File: 281 KB, 852x1200, dc1dee6c449fab68a4917ea0239989ac2290883a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how the fuck is it possible that I'm HQ 66 and still haven't got Kongou? I got 3 Harunas, 4 Kirishimas, 6 Hieis, countless Fusou-class and Ise-class, even got a Mutsu, a bunch of subs, including 2 Maruyus from LSC and a ton of rare DDs/DEs from the event, but not a single fucking Kongou, like seriously what the actual fuck, RNG-san? This is seriously starting to anger me, I need my 4th fleet ffs.

>> No.18583041

Post API

>> No.18583054

I also had horrible problems at getting Bongou when I started.
How many weeks have you played?

>> No.18583066

What do you mean exactly / where do I find this?

4 weeks ago, but have played almost all day erry day since starting.

>> No.18583073

I see the No Kongou Club is back.

>> No.18583079

Camp 2-3, you shitter.

>> No.18583082

Don't post your api anon-kun. In ancient times some people stole kuso TTKs account and raped his Kongo.

>> No.18583085

It happens
Best bet is just to keep leveling at 3-2-A until she drops
If you don't have any subs to level with, level your DDs and CLs at 1-5 and treasure the fact that you can do so for so cheap until you hit HQ80

>> No.18583097


>> No.18583104


>> No.18583107


>> No.18583110


>> No.18583111

I have 5 subs and have already been doing 3-2A for some time, even tried farming a bit of 2-4boss since according to the db it has the highest drop rate for Bongo but always get something else.

So is/was this a common thing? How the fuck do you explain that, Tanaka?



>> No.18583116

2-3 has even lower rate for Bongo than 2-2, which I grind everyday for dailies.

>> No.18583117

>So is/was this a common thing? How the fuck do you explain that, Tanaka?
When the majority of posters were new and the mechanics were still black magic, yeah.

>> No.18583118

Purge yourself of all worldly desires and Kongou will come to you of your own accord

>> No.18583120

>and raped his Kongo.

The old slut probably liked it anyway.

>> No.18583127

>Purge yourself of all worldly desires
Already did that, why do you think I'm even playing this >game?

>> No.18583135

Lep Lep

>> No.18583147


>> No.18583160

What do I even put in Hayasui's third slot if she has a hole and only one barrel is needed?

>> No.18583164


>> No.18583166

It doesn't count towards air power when she's in escort so I don't see the point.

>> No.18583169

Non-Abyssal F8F when?

>> No.18583172

Just more boiler, then.

>> No.18583173


>> No.18583180

Sonar to have a slightly better chance of ensuring Sub loli hime going chuuha.

>> No.18583191

I've never gotten her to chuuha even with 3 Toukai. I'm just gonna go all 3 LBAS to the boss I think.

>> No.18583193

It does in combined fleet

>> No.18583195

Around the same time when Lepu, Shiden Kai 4 and Zero 54 skilled become upgradeable.

>> No.18583201

Yeah good idea.

>> No.18583202

Nope. I just tested this, which is why I'm asking that question. I didn't get AS on node F after switching one SPF from Suzuya in main to Hayasui. 434+30

>> No.18583206

It should in taskforce vs taskforce.

>> No.18583208

That doesn't help on F. I kind of want the AS there too, not just supremacy on the boss. If I put it on Suzuya, there's no point in putting it on Hayasui too.

>> No.18583216
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>> No.18583283

Mo, I overdid it looking for Jervis.

>> No.18583307


>> No.18583337

Is the E7 route really hard?
E6 made me hysterical.

>> No.18583348

A lot easier than past 2 events

>> No.18583349

It's hard and you're paying more.

>> No.18583410

Vought XF5U when?

>> No.18583441
File: 253 KB, 794x693, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that happened.
Just as I promised you're getting scrapped Zuihou.

>> No.18583445

Oh shi-

>> No.18583455

Do it

>> No.18583466

Post pics

>> No.18583470

Does phase 1 even have bonuses?

>> No.18583472

Wow, two ships in escort sunk and not a single point of damage on Meats. I am so glad I brought 3 Taites.

>> No.18583478

What in the world were your ships doing during the day battle to leave the boss with that much hp?

>> No.18583490

Why not just execute her with a firing squad?

>> No.18583494

Friend fleet doing 8 (EIGHT) damage to the main fleet.

>> No.18583498
File: 18 KB, 250x376, laughing tanaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RNG support
>RNG friend fleet
I'm quoting Tanaka's evil plan.

>> No.18583509

Musashi shot CVL and missed. Later she left fucking escort CL on taiha. When Yahagi friend fleet came there wereBoss, BB hime, CVL and DD Elite left. They killed only CVL and DD, Abukuma killed BB Hime, Zuihou DID THAT and Kasumi with Myokou left boss at 90 something hp, I wasn't even looking

>> No.18583523

This is Musashi-chan's first real battle, please understand if she is bit sloppy.

t. Tanaka

>> No.18583527
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This is my farming fleet for super kuso, with only 1 LBA full of bombers sent to W and taking it into yasen for A rank. It's pretty cheap on resources but heavy on buckets, and resetting the gauge is where most of my resources get used up

Currently on 42 kills without Iowa

>> No.18583528


>> No.18583533

Do you not have AS+?

>> No.18583540


>> No.18583541

It was. Even bombers on Chiyoda and Chitose survived and and killed both Ta class

>> No.18583543

Haha, writing ships' names incorrectly by the way.

>> No.18583547

Миёко, suka blyat'!

>> No.18583548


>> No.18583559


>> No.18583562

May OK.

>> No.18583571

Were jets useful for the event?
I have Keiun at +5, I'm not sure whether to upgrade it up to jet or not.

>> No.18583573

Mi'yoh koh

>> No.18583576

My cock

>> No.18583577


>> No.18583583
File: 162 KB, 1041x697, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16% chance of AS+ with full slots, which is definitely not the case at the boss? You're fucking lying to me.

>> No.18583585

That's my usual luck with LBAS. Fun to watch when others remove multiple meat himes with same setup and mine blow few escorts at best.

>> No.18583587

He has Zuihou

>> No.18583591

Oh right, thpr.

>> No.18583607
File: 496 KB, 791x478, fuckyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't

>> No.18583622


>> No.18583626

what a madman

>> No.18583632

Antimarriagefag, figures.

>> No.18583642
File: 410 KB, 600x1017, 00099a3f0950ef8cdf5142e1e1bb3d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scrapping this qt

>> No.18583681

I'm sure he'd marry them if you gave him money to buy the rings. And still scrap her because of shit like that.

>> No.18583686
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>> No.18583700
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Now to finish this shit and go farm cake. Good riddance to red T and potato fleet fucking over multiple good runs.

>> No.18583703

Oh shit.

>> No.18583710

>couldn't clear even with friend fleet

>> No.18583711 [DELETED] 


>> No.18583721

How can you tell? There are no subs or anything indicative of the viewer.

How do you even survive with just 3 ships in main fleet? Why not take a normal fleet and get As without yasen?

>> No.18583726

He's using the replay feature (see: chuuha/taiha ships with normal face)

>> No.18583746

The sad truth about this game is that it's really not good for people who have certain psychiatric issues(such as anger/stress management issues,and possibly is quite detrimental to people with anxiety as well)

Exhibit A-


The story behind this pic is that,a while back I was trying to beat 3-5,and Hoppou CONTINUALLY beat my ass to the point where I did this...

This game is absolutely HORRIFIC if you have anger issues.

Especially when there are events like the one that's going on right now..the RNG is just ABSOLUTELY THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES. HOW THE FUCK CAN SEAPLANE TENDER PRINCESS BE AS TOUGH AS A FUCKING BB PRINCESS?!

The RNG... I mean,at this point,I would GLADLY deal with the russian bias of Wargaming/Gaijin than this Utterly horrific,evil,sadistic,downright nightmarish piece of bullshit known as the RNG in this game.

Again,this game isn't really great for those with anger issues and the like..and you can start understanding why people start playing games like Azur Lane,for one.

This RNG is just too fucking much and I don't know what in the bloody fuck is wrong with Tanaka...why not just give us fucking modern day ships if we have to go through hell like this? to put us into a fucking nightmare like this?

I mean,what the fuck is even the point of casual if the bosses are gonna be just as bullshit as any other modes anyway?


Jesus christ...I don't even..can't even with this game sometimes.

I am starting to understand EXACTLY why people stop playing.

The girls are cute and all,but then you have Azur lane again...

Fucking hell...I have been gaming since I was in kindergarden,and I have never,EVER come across a game so fucking infuriating,bullshit filled,and detrimental to mental health as Kancolle is.

My fucking god.

>> No.18583755

Nice spacing.

>> No.18583769

Route support doesn't activate and my fleet still manages to perfect S E6-3 O.

>> No.18583774

Nice post, but what does it really mean?

Go play some other games that have simple aproach to them. They can help you calm down and actually have fun while playing.

>> No.18583779

Super kuso is easy as fuck and it's cheap to resupply/repair.

>> No.18583786

The worst cases I remember are Lycoris Hime and Kitanda.
First one made me angry enough to start beating random stuff around my room, second one almost drove me into depression. That fucking debuff. Haguro saved me.
On Iowa event I just embraced 乙 and stopped giving a single fuck.

>> No.18583798

You are not wrong 2bh.

>> No.18583819

My super kuso runs can easily fuck me over on the two preboss nodes while using a normal CTF fleet and the fleet you show can easily have the boss node murder to many stuff if left alive for too long.
Also you are running the risk of accidentally getting a good yasen TCI proccing on the boss and ending it. Taking a full fleet will guarantee the bosses' survival and A rank without needing to go yasen.

>> No.18583822

To me it sounds you're having fun.

>> No.18583843

Seem useful for letting you bring Zuikaku with damage to E7 HP1. They sometimes get absolutely raped, of course.

>> No.18583850
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>> No.18583858


>> No.18583867

>reddit spacing
>random caps
I'm afraid it's terminal.

>> No.18583893
File: 70 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180311-05255586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18583939

I'm not sure what to put into the main fleet without driving up resource cost though whilst also improving daytime A rank chances

>> No.18583943

>build jets
>they're only useful in maps with no Tsuuuuuu
>night planes arrive
>meh, probably another worthless gimmick, not gonna bother
>they enable instakilling bosses and allow Zuihou to do oASW/night battle role too
Mistakes were made.

>> No.18583959

Literally historically accurate

>> No.18583967
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Accepting failure, scraping mistakes and becoming full casual is kinda painful but also relieving experience.
Bep dealt 40 TCI damage, that's more than Zuihou dealt last 5 runs

>> No.18583975

>only finished the first night plane quest but have a swordfish III to make up for it
feels good

>> No.18583982

>they enable instakilling bosses
No they fucking don't. It's just Zuihous meme damage.

>> No.18583998
File: 819 KB, 800x480, 20180304_00091962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha sameold Tanaka.
You thought you actually gonna get CASUAL? Good joke, m8.

Gid gud

>> No.18584003

Wait, does this mean we can have kuso(丁) collage now?

>> No.18584025
File: 75 KB, 800x480, 2018-3-11T0.21.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No S rank because boss decided to snipe Zuihou but whatever. 5k fuel left, that was close. This ending was unfair, I feel like crying right now.

>> No.18584030

>Ooyodo but also those DD shitters

>> No.18584072
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Tashcan is a lie

>> No.18584080

I don't suppose there's any way I can get a 2nd Tomonaga/Murata these days?

>> No.18584090

That's what you get for not joining earlier. Murata was even given out as kuso mode reward.

>> No.18584096

Then one for the biggest slot is enough?
I don't need to spend irrational amounts of screw on Keiun+5?

>> No.18584100

I'll give you my Murata for Shinden Kai.

>> No.18584104

>tfw had to farm E1 for Ooyodo because I had a single FCF

>> No.18584109

You can get as many Tomonaga as you want.

>> No.18584130
File: 129 KB, 800x481, Trashkent getto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she isn't a lie.

>> No.18584136

Why would you think he has a Shinden Kai if he doesn't have dupe Murata and Tomonaga?

>> No.18584158

Why do you even need more than 1?

>> No.18584163

>shinden kai

I wonder if we'll ever get a bigger napkin plane than that.

>> No.18584165


>> No.18584173

I have 1452 points right now and have yet to do 5-5. Is this a good opportunity to rank to top 500? If so, for how many points should I aim?

>> No.18584184

But it was actually built. The Reppuu Kai on the other hand was never built as all documents were destroyed during the bombing runs.

>> No.18584208

depends on what server you are on, also assume it will take 350 more points than average because the quarterly reset.

>> No.18584215

Previous event gave a free FCF on all difficulties though

>> No.18584218

>But it was actually built.

Nah, there were 2 prototype Kyushu J7Ws (not to be confused with Kawanishi N1K-J i.e. Shiden) built. The Shinden Kai is the navalized napkin version of that plane.

>> No.18584222

Event which I skipped.

>> No.18584227

I'm in Hitokappu and got done all the quarterly quests, so I was thinking to rank because most of the people (assuming rankers too) would be busy doing events instead of ranking.

>> No.18584251

>skipping the battle of Leyte Gulf
You have only yourself to blame, anon.

>> No.18584253

2200-2300 points should get you top 500 if past ranking trends hold, so you are in striking range of it.
Just be prepared for EObombers to suddenly jump up tons of points near the end.

>> No.18584265

The kai stats is literally the stats of the plane the same way Shiden Kai 2 is the same as Shiden Kai. It's the same with Re.2005, Bf and Fw planes. If they ever add Shinden land based version, it's going to have 15AA.

>> No.18584281

The LBAS version of SHidens is less than similar CV versions. (wich is correct considering how LBAS planes work).

>> No.18584297

Sorry, I had a mental breakdown when I saw the maps and the rewards for the maps.

>> No.18584310

He will always have the chance to do it from USN's perspective once phase 2 rolls in.

>> No.18584311

The worst part about subhime is having to wait 10 minutes before being able to sortie again.

>> No.18584312

How the hell do I beat E4? What set up do I need for the boss? Yukikaze's torpedo cut-ins aren't doing anything.

>> No.18584313
File: 241 KB, 850x1200, DXyG2DxU0AAyzVn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people might disagree, but Katsuragi is truly the best Unryuu for thrusting deeply, softly, and firmly into.

>> No.18584322

2 is normal
I have 3 but I still kept 1 permanently at sub node

>> No.18584326

Your logic is quite stupid. Even Tanaka should know that Shinden was a plane made for killing bombers.
He even acknowledged making stupid things in the early times, which certainly include adding Shinden with stupid AA.

>> No.18584335

It's only like 800 fuel per sortie if you get stopped at the sub node. Getting to the boss and LBAS not doing jack shit is much worse.

>> No.18584347

It sure as hell isn't going to have Raiden AA.

>> No.18584367

Should get 8-12 AA with some interception and huge anti bomber stat.

>> No.18584372

Well I already beat it long ago. Only took me 6sorties.
Just make sure everyone had a cutin setup with historical bonus.

>> No.18584377

That would probably be the easiest event ever. With the exception of Samar.

>> No.18584391

Trust in Tanaka, he'll find someway to make it hard as balls.

>> No.18584393

Only good for anal.

>> No.18584397

Yup, especially once you do the buff as Yamato, Zui, and Eggs start stomping everything and almost one-shottin Himes. It's still a bauxite suck though but at least there's no air raids to drain it further.

>> No.18584403

The only things i see Tanaka considered as mistakes is that he didn't go all jew on rewards soon enough.

>> No.18584410
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Well I sure hope that one isn't faulty. Also that was LD drop

>> No.18584436
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>Zuiho will never make you eggs
It's been nice gentlemen but time for me to leave this world.

>> No.18584443


>> No.18584451

I bet Zuihou does naughty things with eggs.

>> No.18584455

That's really not an insane result if you have double chevron bombers. When they hit they hit hard and the airpower at that node is a joke.

>> No.18584458

Hayate was also made for killing bombers and it still has 10AA. The guns can also shoot down other planes too you know, the AA can be attributed to the 4 autocannons and speed.

>> No.18584469
File: 226 KB, 848x1200, __admiral_and_zuihou_kantai_collection_and_lawson_drawn_by_kawai_maria__71391d711d662ea59c3672f8f4108594[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Employee of the month
>MVP of the event

how does she do it bros

>> No.18584471

I bet she gets admiral drunk then takes him home and makes him eat a whole bowl of eggs

>> No.18584475
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Not even once has Toukai actually been useful.

>> No.18584484

Which Sabaton song fits best for E7P2? I broke with tradition and played Thunderstruck on P1 LD clear, the timing was perfect.

>> No.18584501

Looks like they sank 80% of the fleet, you just got shat on by torpedoes.

>> No.18584506

Yes, just like the 10 times before this.

>> No.18584511

It took me almost a year to get Furutaka and unlock a ton of quests. Needless to say when I unlocked them they were way harder.

>> No.18584522

You either sorties once a month or are bullshitting because she is super common.

>> No.18584528

To Hell And Back, obviously.

>> No.18584531

Nuclear Attack

>> No.18584539

Why are you using 2 CVLs when you could be using a CAV w/ SPF that can still shell and maybe damage something and Zuikaku with jet(s)? Hayasui is a waste too, you hit them hard enough as is, the penalty is meh. The extra evasion is more important but usually the escort fleet gets murdered anyway.

>> No.18584540


>> No.18584545

Certain ships -can- take ages to drop though, anon. Kinugasa for me dropped when I was around HQ level 90.

>> No.18584552

No yasen planes though. I need everything.

>> No.18584561

Tanaka forcing stupid shit for no reason?

>> No.18584564

Jets were useful on E7 but expensive to use.

>> No.18584568

I did 80+ sorties and used a lot of different fleets - Zuikaku with jets, without Hayasui etc. That one grant me the most consistent surviving pre boss nodes.

>> No.18584572

Hayate was made to replace Hayabusa as mainline fighter. It was good in many ways including good range.
I guess that Tanaka didn't want to make Hien and Hayabusa obsolete already.

>> No.18584584
File: 34 KB, 260x260, Shiden_Kai_(343_Air_Group)_301st_Fighter_Squadron_263_Card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Tsurugi Butai was the best air group that Japan had to offer during the war?

>> No.18584593


>> No.18584596

According to Tanaka, it was Hayabusa 64.

>> No.18584602

No, it was Kato's air group.

>> No.18584609

Kinugasa is rarer than Furutaka and doesn't drop on regular nodes until you get to 5-4.

>> No.18584614

244 has five stars and they'll have upgrade to Goshikisen some day.

>> No.18584620

It is effectively 17AA after interception on sortie because of interception.

>> No.18584623

>200+ kills in 8 years
>343rd had 160+ in 8 months

>> No.18584631
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>> No.18584633
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>imagining have an R9, Mave, and VF-25, and Vic Viper as Zuiho's planes

>> No.18584635

Kinugasa drops on boss nodes in some worlds.

>> No.18584636


>> No.18584642


>> No.18584658


>> No.18584661

And you can thank Tanaka for representing it properly.

>> No.18584662
File: 923 KB, 879x1200, 33672bd980c717915cfbbfdef5172feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's the cutest idiot's 100th birthday.
Say something nice about her.

>> No.18584663


>> No.18584664

Lycoris was awful because you had to use a complete garbage comp to beat her if I remember right.

>> No.18584670

I like her chuuni and boyish attitude that she uses to hide her insecurities.

>> No.18584672


>> No.18584674

It was optional.

>> No.18584678

She'll have an easy delivery

>> No.18584682

I demand her k2 now

>> No.18584692
File: 222 KB, 1094x360, pleasejustgivemeiowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot take much more
just give me iowa please
i have reached X 71 times
why do you hate me

>> No.18584722

As much as i don't want to, good luck anon.
If you don't do it now, according to Tanakas' shitty trends, the next time you will be able to get her in 1.5+ years will be from at least three times as worse of a map.

>> No.18584724

One of the shittiest shipgirl.

>> No.18584735

and this

>> No.18584741
File: 48 KB, 687x188, 17891789544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing better than me at least, look at that smug Harusame bitch

>> No.18584742

What is Tanaka planning on the 5th anniversary?

>> No.18584743

She is super common until she doesn't drop for you for whatever reason. It took me forever to get Shokaku and Zuikaku too. I started around a month or two before AL/MI.

>> No.18584758

A delay for phase 2.
And maybe a USN DE.

>> No.18584760

That's called not over inflating your counts.

>> No.18584767

But beating her was a huge debuff.

>> No.18584769


>> No.18584770

Fuck off.

>> No.18584772

Burger boat

>> No.18584785

Actually it could be a DD too.

>> No.18584801
File: 2.15 MB, 2092x3000, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do if your dog is in heat?

>> No.18584814

Ask a gook to eat it.

>> No.18584835
File: 100 KB, 1109x1334, d0ec5b7bd1ce2db73570a8b9c3bb93d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't expect so much appreciation so quickly

>> No.18584837

Spay and neuter it.

>> No.18584845
File: 432 KB, 1037x1392, 1449087074796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what modern plons would Zui go for

>> No.18584851

Fuck off.

>> No.18584853

South 3-5 and 2-5 DD quest are going to become shit again when the spoon is removed and it sucks.

>> No.18584859

Get a sex change.

>> No.18584860

Shit stats, shit art, shit voice, shit personality, historically shit.

>> No.18584863
File: 36 KB, 845x200, pleaseiowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why I'm trying so hard to get her.
but it just won't let me.
I am not allowed to have Iowa.

Bismarck was a dupe, so she's basically just a Nagato.
Sara was alright. May or may not have saved me some resources compared to LSC, but if all I get out of this is Sara it's definitely not worth it. I started farming a couple days before this but I don't know how to work this shit.

>> No.18584871
File: 166 KB, 850x850, 020083a20e3062786af5cec65345b8d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call a big wolf to scare it off and then breed the wolf.

>> No.18584876
File: 652 KB, 2076x3022, 1440144266184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute. Her chuuni/delinquent personality is more endearing than scary.

>> No.18584886 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself Shitryuufag.

>> No.18584893
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>> No.18584900

pfffft, keep dreaming faggot.

>> No.18584907
File: 162 KB, 808x1024, __shigure_kantai_collection_drawn_by_gouta_nagishiro6624__b2d5e938c977b76799dd050f133c6853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a cock ring to simulate a knot.

>> No.18584911
File: 133 KB, 1142x960, f44bbc630888fd1a0787d9f6f2c510f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have that one, nice.

>> No.18584913

More like Kato and Hayabusa were overrated shit. Shiden and the 343 were the apex of Japanese aviation.

>> No.18584921

Nice thighs.

>> No.18584926

Go back to your Drifters thread.

>> No.18584956 [SPOILER] 
File: 682 KB, 2000x1421, 1520730108522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one answer.

>> No.18584970

They really were. While the majority of the IJN were going full retard with the Kamikaze idea, Genda knew that the only way to win was to outskill America by created better planes, better training, better communication, better strategies and most of all better pilots, and they did all of that but literally on the final months of the war. The wrong people were in charge of the war.

>> No.18584971

Should I sparkle my combined fleet and be terribly disappointed when I get fucked or should I skip straight to the getting fucked part?

>> No.18584978

Are you implying Japan didn't have much better pilots than muricans in the beginning? Really?

>> No.18584993
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>> No.18584996

>Use mamiya irako for E7 LD
>Taiha at node D twice
>Kill the boss without any spark

>> No.18585006

Kamikaze attacks weren't a bad idea by that stage of the war, more effective than regular attacks.

>> No.18585007

No, but they fell hard in the middle of the war which eventually lead to Kamikaze being used. Nobody stopped to think how to improve their situation because the panic and crisis got to their heads.

>> No.18585018

Someone please tell me, what's the secret to getting past this fucking Ru node on last dance

>> No.18585019


>> No.18585025

>Try to not compare it to Islamic terrorists blowing themselves up
>Realize they aren't so different at all

>> No.18585030

Actually close to ゼ pronunciation.

>> No.18585139

Why doesn't the combined fleet just sail in two dongs?

>> No.18585160

You can't have 2 dongs

>> No.18585164

Not everyone's mom gave them two dongs

>> No.18585171

>A Japanese officer later said that his country adopted suicide tactics because conventional tactics were inherently suicidal
Just goes to show 343 really were too good for the IJN.

>> No.18585216
File: 355 KB, 1600x1200, 0611171247-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought shinden kai was the jet version and a carrier model wasn't even planned

>> No.18585276

And you would be correct. Shinden was built for the defense of the home islands. The carrier version is completely fictional, as by that point the IJN had no carriers that could field planes no more.

>> No.18585301

how long will it take to clear e7 on teitoku mode? can it be done in a weekend?

>> No.18585338
File: 327 KB, 863x1200, 43a0a61360438fd1f5cbfadec8380e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also Suzukaze's birthday, let's say good things about her instead!

>> No.18585355

It can be done in 3 hours tops.

>> No.18585368

Kurita's double-ring formation would've been nice.

>> No.18585379
File: 26 KB, 360x360, iH_qkBZG_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shit.

>> No.18585382

Oboro is the crab. The girl is its host.

>> No.18585386


>> No.18585389

How come her wound has never healed?

>> No.18585390

Weird mouth

>> No.18585394

Chuuni bandaid, there was never a cut.

>> No.18585399

Even if your artist is dead, at least your voice actress resurrected.

>> No.18585400
File: 129 KB, 800x809, C3Lw8__UMAE09Pq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this shit top the Church of Zuiun? Zuiun had meme power, but what does this have?

>> No.18585404

Oboro is boring and has no personality, there's a reason she's the least popular of her class.

>> No.18585436


>> No.18585457

She has diabetes.

>> No.18585512

Feels like half the fanart last few weeks is just bunny suits.

>> No.18585524

When pixiv latches onto a meme, you can quit browsing for a few months and fill in the blanks. See: cat hole sweater, reversible sweater, etc

>> No.18585526

>crab porn

>> No.18585542
File: 667 KB, 2589x3623, __kashima_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ulrich_tagaragakuin__615dd93c33b790143aa67185f745956f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Competitive Swimsuits are next!

>> No.18585546

I kinda miss the phone on boobs meme. I lost the fanart by Asanagi where Unryuu is trying to balance a phone on her boobs.

>> No.18585555


>> No.18585572
File: 181 KB, 800x1130, CupDQoGUMAAprdN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.18585573

Yes. Thanks a lot. Saved.

>> No.18585577
File: 1.27 MB, 1081x1600, fat goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18585627

E4? LBAS, route support and a prayer.

>> No.18585631

It would not be a combined fleet formation then, it's just two dongs, and that's fucking gay.

>> No.18585649

I didn't want Ark Royal, but I'll take her pompom. Jervis when?

>> No.18585700
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>> No.18585705
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, 3------.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we cards now.

>> No.18585726

Is this what they're going to do for Phase 2?

>> No.18585746

Anon there's a huge problem here. Why isn't your Matsuwa married?

>> No.18585750
File: 73 KB, 442x398, 1415562859890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd Ooyodo in E-6
>still no Tashkent

>> No.18585753

Is one jet recommended for E7?

>> No.18585763

What's your farming comp? Are you post-clear?

>> No.18585776

Coz I dont want to go to jail.

>> No.18585778

Yes, two if you have them.

>> No.18585783

>mfw got tashknet in LD
>mfw no face

>> No.18585811

You have to summon her through Russian songs.

>> No.18585820

I got it from my first run. The drop rate is very high for hard mode.

>> No.18585839
File: 659 KB, 800x483, AR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Iowa. Not even close, but I guess I'll take her.

>> No.18585854

Gamby a cute.

>> No.18585878

Better than Iowa

>> No.18585887

She has a star in one eye. Close enough.

>> No.18585893

Roy is way better than Kaga too, but then again pretty much every carrier is better than Kaga.

>> No.18585924

What does Ark Royal even mean, anyways? I never cared enough to look it up.

>> No.18585939

>Ark Royal was originally built to order by the shipbuilder R. Chapman, of Deptford for Sir Walter Raleigh who was approximately 32 years of age at the time. The ship was to be called Ark, which became Ark Raleigh, following the convention at the time where the ship bore the name of her owner. The Crown, in the form of Queen Elizabeth I, purchased the ship from Raleigh in January 1587, for the sum of £5,000 (although this took the form of a reduction in the sum Sir Walter owed the queen: he received Exchequer tallies, but no money). Her new commander, Lord High Admiral of England Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, known as Lord Howard of Effingham, described the sum as "money well given". She was henceforth to be known as Ark Royal. As built, she had two gun decks, a double forecastle, a quarter deck and a poop deck right aft. She was an effective warship, but tended to roll heavily, to the discomfort of the embarked soldiers unused to the motion.

>> No.18585947

More like what does Intrepid mean

>> No.18585960

I hope you're only pretending

>> No.18585962

Nothing complicated. Just look at a dictionary.

>> No.18585998

Sorry you got garbage.

>> No.18586022
File: 87 KB, 900x637, 8f7d431f3c842c553e3738d765e8ea39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamoi grew on me, the onaholes grew on me, Roy grew on me, but I think Intrepid will never be able to

>> No.18586030

She's great as long as you don't look at her

>> No.18586032

what if she has a paper bag on her head that looks like jiji's twitter avatar.
I'm being serious here, would be kind of funny to see it though.

>> No.18586037

Still doesn't change the fact that Ark Royal is shit.

>> No.18586066

Roy is such a strange nickname. Ark makes a lot more sense to me. Seems that's what Jervis calls her too.

>> No.18586069
File: 328 KB, 700x1000, __mikazuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ootori_kyoya_ohtori__1dcc16d51c716d379b268f0fadc1615b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikazuki is cute.

>> No.18586080

Would sumata with.

>> No.18586090

Roy sounds cooler.

>> No.18586097

You only like it for the "ROY'S OUR BOY" meme.

>> No.18586106

How does a generic male name sound cooler than "Ark"?

>> No.18586123

Not really, its just that Ark is synonymous for important objects, not really for a person. Though, she's lame either way.

>> No.18586127
File: 333 KB, 1000x1000, Roy's our boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it rhymes.

>> No.18586188
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 9cee36bc4475b470a3b7bc1185650c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She better get her Kai Ni this year.

>> No.18586236

No thanks.

>> No.18586247

Why not? She's cute.

>> No.18586253
File: 560 KB, 932x1377, __matsuwa_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kugehi__7adef76673dfbab975203823e76cfa98[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hp upgrade never works

>> No.18586254

Jervis' story seems wild.

>> No.18586257

Shitryuu deserves nothing.

>> No.18586264

He probably doesn't want the abomination artstyle of Fumi Kai Ni.

>> No.18586265

Every shipgirl is cute.

>> No.18586266

But that's Shitzuki

>> No.18586275

Pretty much because of this

>> No.18586279
File: 442 KB, 1089x1040, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18586280
File: 221 KB, 408x432, Nagatsuki_Christmas_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was wrong with it? I didn't think it was that bad. Besides, I think Nagatsuki's christmas CG shows that Yadokari cares.

>> No.18586281

Next event name when

>> No.18586286

Ten Gou

>> No.18586287
File: 50 KB, 311x467, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my resources are officially fucked. I don't think I could finish in medium let alone hard, even with a week to farm. Should I just finish out the event in babby mode and get right to farming for Iowa and Tashkent post-clear?

>> No.18586288

I don't like the fact that sometimes "I can't sortie because my airplanes are sad" is a valid sentence

>> No.18586289

Of course personally I don't think its a abomination.

>> No.18586290

Kaiten when

>> No.18586291

Come to think of it, what other what-ifs operation is there? Would phase 2 extend to Axis naval operations as well?

>> No.18586296

Tanaka said never, stop asking.

>> No.18586303
File: 365 KB, 1024x1024, BBV_Canal_Princess_Vita_650_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still haven't given us the Panama event from the vita game

>> No.18586310

Phase 2 will have historical difficulty. Only scrubs do hard mode now.

>> No.18586318

Making Taitei-chan sad is a crime.

>> No.18586326

Vita also had Pudget Sound operation as well. Though no special princess for that one.
Then there is coral sea and Marinaras. Not to mention some other smaller battles.

>> No.18586327

Only ttk with all equipment upgraded to the max and with married ships stuffed with megamis will be able to clear historical difficulty.

>> No.18586328

Phase 2 will add Shigure, Ooshio and Mutsuki as starter ships

>> No.18586331
File: 166 KB, 621x409, 4095cbfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll finally have 史 difficulty in P2.

>> No.18586335

Don't forget the Portal to Hell.

>> No.18586338

And remove Samidare as a starter ship.

>> No.18586340

Shinden didn't look like something meant for carriers anyway.

>> No.18586342

samidare deserves better

>> No.18586345

11 Dyson plus 1200hp 400 armor boss pre-final run.

>> No.18586347

anyone here farming E5 hard post clear ?

>> No.18586350

Super hard mode looks pretty cool

>> No.18586361
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x3053, 38395091_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there aren't more parodies of Tenryuu as Bennett.

>> No.18586362

Silly question but do you all try to get AS on node T for E7? I realise getting AS on that node is really detrimental to the fleet but that's probably how it is.

>> No.18586371

No, but just end the farm in hard.

>> No.18586377

If phase 2 does anything visible at all, it'll probably be correcting the weird oversights and limitations of their now 5-year-old game engine. Stuff like removing what seems to be a hard-coded 7-map limitation on events, applying gun fit to support expeditions, or not being able to give convertible ships starting equipment.

>> No.18586378

I just go with AP and pray to Jesus for deliverance.

>> No.18586381


>> No.18586384

UI overhaul and QoL changes is what I've hoped for.

>> No.18586386

For chipping I sent some range-extended fighters. For last dance, which I'm in now, I'm just praying.

>> No.18586388

Double Gold

>> No.18586390

My first experience with that node left me with 3 taihas. From the looks of it, it's either you survive with chuuhas, you go home with taihas, or you miraculously come out with shouhas.

>> No.18586392

You can't get AS in E-7 because it's ridiculously high. Luckily you don't have fuel penalty to maximize your potential to evade their shelling, and bringing AACI could help you even more, but it's not really necessary.

>> No.18586394


>> No.18586397

>Stuff like removing what seems to be a hard-coded 7-map limitation on events
Hopefully that puts an end to the trend of 3 maps condensed into 1 instead of allowing 10+ maps each with multiple phases.

>> No.18586405

Just thinking about double BB Hime everywhere gives me the chills.

>> No.18586406

>You can't get AS in E-7 because it's ridiculously high
AS (航空優勢) for node T is possible, just ridiculously absurd: 2 fighter mule + 1 SPF mule and Zuihou in escort, your main fleet is pretty much crippled.

>> No.18586410

You know that instead of removing 3 for price 1 maps they'll just use this as an opportunity to have at least dozen of them every event.

>> No.18586412
File: 538 KB, 800x480, 2018-3-10T21.25.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They really nerfed this part by adding a friend fleet didn't they? Boss got chipped from 533 to 189 by the Yahagi friend fleet so all it took was one crit to finish her off.

>> No.18586417

You'll get more rewards that way.

>> No.18586419

I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that the game seems to only have a maximum limit of 7 maps.

>> No.18586430

She is not the scariest. In historical difficulty the final map will have Re class on every route, and the escort fleet of boss node consist of 6 new Re with 550hp each.

>> No.18586431

I'd like to add that AACI also seems to do nothing to mitigate the taiha rate. At the end of the day I made the smart choice to drop Maya for Myoukou who would later clinch the final kill for me.

>> No.18586436

Did you bring fastsuck?

>> No.18586441

>Boss got chipped from 533 to 189 by the Yahagi friend fleet
Sounds like you got lucky. That fleet was barely doing double digit damage to whatever they shot at for me.

>> No.18586442

They could do it like Supreme Commander, every time you complete one phase, the map expands for another phase. It's pretty cool but players will probably get tired real fast.

>> No.18586461


>> No.18586463

E5 seems intent on giving me kumano after kumano. I think I've gotten 5 in a row now. I get that 1-2 percentish is 1-2percentish but I'd like some variety in my disappointment

>> No.18586468

That only works if you are advancing. If you are moving to the next phase but still operating on the same water this can't work.

>> No.18586471

Japanese gold folded one thousand times

Alternatively: Uranium

>> No.18586476
File: 390 KB, 637x900, d6789f40486fad9941bbefad042f655a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikuzuki is a nice girl

>> No.18586492

E6 worth it to do medium?

Wish they made a squeal to FA.

>> No.18586502

Shiden Kai 4 is a decent plane. If you don't care for it then you can skip it. What are your plans for E7?

>> No.18586509

I didn't see the radar so i'm going to do hard for both.

>> No.18586511

I want to tango with this mystery girl.

>> No.18586523

good luck. let us know when you are crying on e7 p1 boss

>> No.18586529

There's Nihonium, but good luck making a medal out of it.

>> No.18586540


>> No.18586555

I had Kamoi in the 1st fleet.

>> No.18586600

We already had two of those, one at Hawaii and another at Bikini Atoll.

>> No.18586622

Does this event count? I don't remember the ocean on previous events being THIS red before

>> No.18586631

Kikuzuki seasonals when? I love her.

>> No.18586662
File: 658 KB, 800x480, 20180311_17592644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me

>> No.18586693

You should have retreated when Nachi got taiha'd. You just lost one of your best snipers, and maybe put Kasumi as flagship.

>> No.18586704


His decision was correct though. He just need 1 more damage to end it all.

>> No.18586718

I wish I was lucky like Jervis, maybe then I'd get her

>> No.18586733

I believe in you.

>> No.18586737

Thanks, man

>> No.18586745

I have shit luck and I bad mouth her as I think she's shit and yet she came to me before clearing, no idea what is wrong with these bong ships, its like that love me shitting on them or something got all of them within clearing E-4 and E-7, though I already had the latter.

>> No.18586767

Oh good, now it's Suzuyas. Thank god for that, I thought maybe after my 5th one of her it'd change again but nevermind! I really wanted a dozen Suzuyas. Fuckin' hell, man

>> No.18586787

5 more level for Kamo, 6 more level for Maruyu and 1000+ exp for Zuihou, and I can start E7HP1LD.

>> No.18586792

Keep us updated.

>> No.18586794

Ganbatte, I'll probably start chipping it tomorrow.

>> No.18586807
File: 3.02 MB, 1488x2088, __murasame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nyum__9bd315f0167b0f943af3789f1b2e0724[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get K2
>isn't useful in the event

>> No.18586809

Kamo is level 31 now.

Thanks. Good luck to you too.

>> No.18586813

Useful for the dick.

>> No.18586817
File: 896 KB, 752x1062, __murasame_kantai_collection_drawn_by_narukami_ginryuu__db046773a57f2bf47b0f541e605c4d36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's useful as a stress reliever

>> No.18586845

Alright what the fuck, 3 tokitsukazes in a row?

>> No.18586856

Should I go with Aerial Support or Support Shelling for E-7 LD?

>> No.18586857

Support for both. I'm not sure why would you even bother aerial when all nodes are cancer and it won't save your soul from Na-class in vanguard formation.

>> No.18586865

Wait for the battle of Blackett Strait.

>> No.18586867
File: 949 KB, 1754x1240, cc3f5d6abace7fc0dc98f2a0f37ced10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pat her a lot please in her stern please

>> No.18586869

Minor naval actions that could be made into small scale events

>> No.18586884

Battle of Blackett strait I guess.
Have we done the Battle of Cape St. George? I don't think so.
I don't remember if we have done Empress Augusta Bay either.

>> No.18586885

There were also multiple Ormoc bay battles as well than just the one shown here

>> No.18586886
File: 279 KB, 600x847, 3ee31fa1f1048a0daf19096e1c7ef5cb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is a top tier Mutsuki class artist.

>> No.18586891
File: 654 KB, 798x477, MailOrderBrideGet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to corrupt my new Bride into a Bourgeoisie.

>> No.18586902

The higher up party members in the Soviet machinery is no different from the bourgeoisie, so yeah.

>> No.18586903
File: 836 KB, 2590x3417, c56e5aa582b4812db09cee9ab1e4dafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your event MVP

>> No.18586904
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1284358319252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 3 days of farming and still no drop

>> No.18586905

Why does she have that bizarre inner circle within her eyes?

>> No.18586906

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception

>> No.18586907
File: 597 KB, 1057x1435, Kikuzuki Online Shop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might like this.

>> No.18586910

Yadokari's current art just seems to have that shit. Like a recent picture he did of Inazuma I think had those eyes too.

>> No.18586913
File: 20 KB, 508x78, mvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18586914
File: 294 KB, 1475x1043, __hatsuharu_hatsushimo_naganami_nenohi_wakaba_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_koruri__c7b01805cda0b511a699472a77d77e0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is their year.

>> No.18586915
File: 861 KB, 1200x800, 221d3d20a66c29c4cc666a5da5f96286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T A M A G O made Shouhou proud.

>> No.18586920

>Kikuzuki's hair


>> No.18586923

Her inner comrade locking onto your capitalist tendencies

>> No.18586929

It's the year of clouds and winds.

>> No.18586932

Where can I get the maid mod thing?

>> No.18586943


>> No.18586947
File: 51 KB, 768x768, DX_popjVoAAR9pf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asashio uniform is great

>> No.18586950

more like さみ誰

>> No.18586952

It's really only the Kai 2 version

>> No.18586966

REALLY wish I could see the boss once I hit LD.

>> No.18586978

Phase 2 will have new redone art of Takao, Atago, Aoba, Samidare and Suzukaze by Parsley, Fujikawa and Drew respectively.

>> No.18586993

How do I work up the courage to quit this game?

>> No.18587000

Tanaka already said he wouldn't add any of the Ohka weapons and stuff.

So a precedent of insane and/or dumb weapons not being added has already been established.

>> No.18587006

How about insane ship like Habbakuk?

>> No.18587010

Games are meant to be fun. If you're not having fun, maybe decrease how intensely you play the game until you start having fun again. If you feel a compulsion to go full in all the time, maybe quit altogether for a short while and see how you feel, or perhaps acknowledge you may have a problem

>> No.18587012

It didn't work IRL and it won't work here.

>> No.18587015

Was not even laid down and not even launched so her soul doesn't exist.
Same with the Russian Battleships.
Chinkshit games have what if things though.

>> No.18587017

Just do it, but do it with a bang like meganefag.

>> No.18587019

>Same with WW2 Russian Battleships they were building
is what I meant. The Sovetsky Soyuz ones, or Project 23, were not launched.

>> No.18587025

She wants to be a capitalist after all. And enjoys the expensive shit she could never have while under Communist rule.

>> No.18587026
File: 838 KB, 1200x1200, 1f6cf1d6c50536313e10a75d9757d957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody post a fleet for E5 HP part?
Do you just sent both LBAS to boss or what?

>> No.18587092

Well that is 20 years of gulag for her for anti-revolutionary tendency. Thank you comrade for exposing her, here is your 1 bar of chocolate and 2 bottles of coke as a reward.

>> No.18587113

She'll avoid gulag by becoming sex slave for high ranking state official or military leader.
She might even get to enjoy those expensive goods she wanted if she is a good girl at it.

>> No.18587116

But that is what we pretty much have right now. Complete one phase, then another, then kill boss, and get a single reward worth of at least 2 full maps.

>> No.18587130

Damn, can't wait for doujin.

>> No.18587140
File: 506 KB, 1295x1370, 1519269326991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but they are all around the same region. Imagine all your operations taking place in the same map without the need of breaking them into different maps.

>> No.18587154

There's nothing fun about this "game" anymore. It's is riddled with bugs and bullshit and the devs refuse to test any of their own shit. The only mistake was not quitting immediately 4 years ago.

>> No.18587158

>It's is riddled with bugs and bullshit and the devs refuse to test any of their own shit.
It's been like that from the very beginning though.

>> No.18587167

The devs does test their shit. Probably through a simulator and giving the maps a go ahead when they see a clear percentage figure they like.

>> No.18587181
File: 162 KB, 1000x1417, __abukuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuna_yukiyuna__df057cfbcdadafa56037b304576241e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3years running

>> No.18587184

The bugs and bullshit at the beginning were inconsequential. Now, after piling up more and more, there's just so much that the hole can hold.

>> No.18587185

Are there currently any outstanding bugs to be fixed?

>> No.18587187

I want to fuck Abukuma.

>> No.18587212
File: 1.27 MB, 1200x1600, b06075f50c476ba9aa775958a52f0f95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone notice me.

>> No.18587219

What difficulty though?

I did easy and sent three LBAS to the boss and one to node P.

>> No.18587222

甲 of course

>> No.18587236

I can't remember and my notes are not really clear so I am jotting this from memory and wikwiki requirement: Ushio, Teruzuki, Kasumi, Hatsushimo, Nachi, Ashigara, Kumano (SPF mule). As for LBAS, I can't remember that as well. I think it's either all to boss, or 1 to boss and another to N. The former seems more likely.

>> No.18587245

How is it possible that a PvE game can hurt me?

>> No.18587253

How many fighters to boss? It has quite high airpower.
Did you use dong in all nodes before boss?

>> No.18587290

>Did you use dong in all nodes before boss?
Diamond at O, else dong.

>How many fighters to boss? It has quite high airpower.
I can't remember, sorry. Probably enough to get AS.

>> No.18587302

RNG is the fastest way to make players butthurt.

>> No.18587312
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 53898331_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to ask how many land based fighters.
I guess Suzuya will have 3 or 4.

>> No.18587334

Yeah, I know. I just can't remember. I just checking the AP calculator and I guess I can't get AS even with taitei + interceptors.

>> No.18587350

She's been plenty useful as FCF staff for E5, for me.

>> No.18587363
File: 434 KB, 920x1460, E-5Boss_winter_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1fighter 3bombers to boss x2

>> No.18587365

Done with Kamo. Snatching Taitei-chan away from her. Now move on to Maruyu.

>> No.18587371

It wouldn't actually be too far off.
As I understand, they wanted to put foldable wings on it so they could hide it in caves and such. Foldable wings were widely used in carriers as a means of saving space so it could be used like that.
The main issue with the prototype was the same issue that plagued the Spitfire's conversion to Seafire - denoted pull to one side because of the propeller. This was later fixed in the Seafire by use of a counter-propeller. Could be resolved in the same fashion maybe, but well we'll never know now.

>> No.18587382
File: 94 KB, 1168x617, 61Ipd7klnJL._SL1168_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Shinden with contra-rotating props would look baller.
It's already got an excessive amount of propeller blades.

>> No.18587383

Didn't he say only no suicide weapons like Ohkas and Kaitens? What's so bad about dumbass weapons like fire balloons and some sort of crushing wheel?

>> No.18587386

Imagine the counter prop on the nose like the Do 335.

>> No.18587392 [DELETED] 


>> No.18587396

It would look stoopid just like it.
A double rear one would be better.

>> No.18587400

Finished the event.
God I was so nervous going to LD, but it was done on the very first try. God bless Yamato and her fleet.

Should I try to farm for Akizuki, or wait for next event? She's in a baux-hating map and my supply of it has considerably dwindled.

>> No.18587401

It would look very silly.
The second engine would bulge out the nose and ruin the suppository aesthetic entirely!

>> No.18587425

x2? Do you sent the other base elsewere?
Thanks for posting equipment too!

>> No.18587457

Damn. E5 is so good to train subs.

>> No.18587510

Last step: Zuihou K2.

>> No.18587524

Shame the lines won't stay. I really like Kongou's attack lines.

>> No.18587525

>forgot to put fighters on my Ryuujou for E4LD
>we finally sunk her after 5 tries
Whatever, I'll take it.

>> No.18587558

>Yamato fleet arrives
>Does absolutely nothing
>on casual

>> No.18587562

15k to see the boss once, even with LBAS at subs. What a great route.

>> No.18587577

I had yamato hit for boss for 5 damage earlier.

>> No.18587586

I will miss Yamashiro's attack line again.

>> No.18587589
File: 689 KB, 800x800, 1506528296506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please judge my event composition.

>> No.18587594

No Haruna in E7 = bad

>> No.18587599

I don't think you have enough historical ships in E-3

>> No.18587607

Bring Kongou instead, she has increased damage against the map enemies.

>> No.18587610

Well, first of all she is Kurita so she can be relocated.
Secondly, why? Because of luck? I can replace Hiei with her. However this means that Engano friend fleet with Kongou/Chikuma/exc. will not show up. Is this good?
Checking now, just a sec.
In which map exactly?

>> No.18587621

You are right. I'm missing one.
I have redesigned my fleet, here below. It should be okay now, can you give it a check?
1st fleet

2nd fleet

>> No.18587633

I've seen someone else use Tama in the main fleet, but it's not optimal, how many ducks do you have? I used Aki and Hatsuzuki in the escort fleet, . If you have one more to put in Shima fleet you're covered.

>> No.18587640

>In which map
E-7. You can bring Haruna instead for the same matter as well, both were part of Kurita's Center Force.

>> No.18587647

Fuck. My Zuihou has 64 ASW after I gave her everything equipment needed of LD.

>> No.18587661

I just realized that it is because I failed the Europe event too that I don't have enough ASW. I am so pissed.

>> No.18587675

No Hatsuzuki I'm afraid. She is my missing duck, I was MIA for two years, including her event.
I see. I have fixed it now. Can you give it a check, line-up is just below? Just so that I don't fuck up friendly fleet compositions.

E7 P2
1st fleet


2nd fleet

Ayanami (Luck increase)

E7 p1
1st fleet

Musashi (Yamashiro for LD)

2nd fleet

KTKM (Musashi for LD)
Ayanami (Luck increase)

E6 P1
Shima Only

Teruzuki(AsashioK2 for OASW)?
I-401 (? for LD) Bisco?

>> No.18587680

I mean x4. 2base both to boss.

>> No.18587681

>I don't have enough ASW. I am so pissed.
Aye, this is a severe problem. I personally intend to bring every ship who haven't sunk yet in KanColle universe to level 99 til next event.

>> No.18587685

You mean 165.

>> No.18587689

Polygamy is a sin.

>> No.18587690

First object is level 99.
Then, according to my financial strength that will follow, yeah.
However, the moni for rings might be better off allocated for Hayasui barrels or expansion slots. Even screws maybe. Events pull off unpleasant surprises in meta constantly.

>> No.18587692

That E7P1 fleet is absolutely retarded. You have more than the allowed 4 BBs, you bring Yamashiro instead of someone with a bonus, you bring Prinz instead of Myoukou.

>> No.18587697

I will run out of fuel before I run out of barrels because I never get to the boss. I don't know how I feel about that.

>> No.18587700

Also, you don't have AS+ at the boss.

>> No.18587701

Don't all the fleets in get bonuses, including Yamashiro. Her being slow though is a different problem.

>> No.18587703

If you bring Myoukou to Part 2, you're locking out the best friend fleet (Yamato, Nagato, Haguro, Myoukou, Naganami, Hatsushimo).
I'd bring Choukai instead. Had to bring her as I don't have night planes for Zuihou, but the girl did some absolutely insane crits in return.

>> No.18587729

>you bring Prinz instead of Myoukou.
My Prinz is luck modded, Myoukou is benched in order to not block her friendly fleet.
>You have more than the allowed 4 BBs
Is this about B-D shortcut? I have puncholes on both Musashi and Yamashiro so they will be fast. Kongou and Haruna are already fast. I fail to see the problem.
>Yamashiro herself
Well, what else can you suggest? I can't bring slow BB, would Hiei be a better choice? KRSM? I don't have Iowa or Gangut.
I intend to send fighters with LBAS.
Makes sense. Thanks. I will take her.

>> No.18587736

Did you guys sparkle for E7HP1LD? I have everything possible prepared and now I am getting nervous.

>> No.18587737

Help i don't why, but suddenly i have a strange desire to impregnate Asashio.

>> No.18587741
File: 59 KB, 725x291, 1366750535640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also thanks for the inputs, I wasn't expecting this many.

>> No.18587764
File: 57 KB, 800x1166, 5a6e5495969ac0aaae94bfc5ec087c23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean: Arashio

>> No.18587767

I got hard from this.

>> No.18587773

I've only ever gotten the Yamato fleet at E7 P2. Looking back on my setup, bringing Kongou/Haruna, Shimakaze and Yukikaze effectively locks out all other fleet possibilities.
How are the other fleets in comparison anyway?

>> No.18587776
File: 171 KB, 2000x848, 7098cb39926c460c7eea692efa1e9351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you need help with? Your sperm is death and you need someone else to do the breeding or you don't want to betray your wife?

>> No.18587779
File: 760 KB, 760x839, 1515529859728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come to me, Akizuki. I can't hunt for you forever.

>> No.18587782
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1500, __arashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ryuuri_aoithigo__b479e4264b0c07b5b11567ad5a6e902c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.18587785

It's fine to rape her after she pulls the buzzer, right?

>> No.18587786

Sure you can I've been hunting for her for three years so far

>> No.18587794

i can't do it because she is my cute daughter

>> No.18587795

Just do it like >>18582369. Set yourself free.

>> No.18587801

Can't your wife satisfy you?

>> No.18587805

She can't cause he's gay.

>> No.18587808

I'm so sorry.
We're gonna make it, right?

>> No.18587815


>> No.18587820
File: 167 KB, 360x360, 1505448926627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a strange desire to impregnate Asashio
>he's gay

>> No.18587824

Then do it. Don't talk about how it's strange.

>> No.18587826

Please respond >>18587729

>> No.18587832

Fine. Yamashiro doesn't get a bonus there, you can't send fighters because they don't have enough range even with taitei, you can't bring more than 4BBs period, Myoukou doesn't block Yamato fleet because she doesn't appear in part 1.
Read the whole E7 wikia page again.

>> No.18587850 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 616x636, 1520775022316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to do in front of Kasumi!

>> No.18587854

This is fucking hot.

>> No.18587856

According to wikiwiki, only Kurita, Suzuki, Ozawa and Shima fleet get a bonus. Who knows if part1 even has them. That said, the performance of my Musashi and Abukuma convinced me that a small bonus do exist for part1

>> No.18587874

>small bonus
Is the small bonus worth it? I'm bringing Iowa and Roma, but I'm thinking of replacing them with Yamato and Nagato. However that means no AP shells for artillery spotting, I wonder is it worth it.

>> No.18587886

Just use Musashi, Kongou, Haruna + gaijin unless your Yamato is fast.

>> No.18587891

>because they don't have enough range even with taitei,
Oh right that is for P2. I fucked up. Then Kumano K2 for SPFs instead of Yamashiro for LD.
> Myoukou doesn't block Yamato fleet because she doesn't appear in part 1.
Noice. Then Myoukou it is.
I did read the wikia, broken ENG translation only makes me more confused. English wikia doesn't say some of the stuff you have said.
>Who knows if part1 even has them.
Shit. So we just don't know, is that it?

>> No.18587907

> しかしボスの装甲が非常に高いため、特効があったとしても高いダメージを出すにはクリティカルを引くかどうかにかかっている。
who knows?

>> No.18587910

It is like nothing. 1 Hayasui barrel is more than 15%.

>> No.18587912


>> No.18587914

oh shit

>> No.18587921

I did it. I spent the whole support sparkle 85-49 without getting to the boss. Good.

>> No.18587925

Boiler method with punchhole however, that means no AP cut-in, not sure if that is worth it though.

>Kongou, Haruna
Is it worth ditching the friend fleet though, they are pretty useful in bringing the boss health down to manageable level.

Zuihou seems to do really crazy damage. She do pretty impressive damage to CV hime.

>> No.18587934

> Although the Leyte historical ship (Kurita fleet, Nishimura fleet, Ozawa fleet, Shima fleet) is listed as the subject of the historical correction, confirmation of the special effect is not finished for all historical ship because of many numbers.
>> It is confirmed that the specific magnification is at least 1.15 times after the cap to cover all the enemies of the boss mass. (3/2 point)
> しかしボスの装甲が非常に高いため、特効があったとしても高いダメージを出すにはクリティカルを引くかどうかにかかっている。
>> But the armor of the boss is so high that even if there is a special effect it depends on whether or not to draw the critical to make a high damage.
>> The verification result that the special effect magnification of the Leyte war dead is 1.2 times after cap and the other Leyte historical ship is somewhat higher has been reported. Detailed members are being verified

All I can understand is that the ships sunk in Leyte has good bonus.

>> No.18587937

Which is why it is only worth it for Yamato since her FP is high enough that she can still wreck BBhime without AP shell.

I believe only Musashi, Zuikaku and Zuihou have mapwide bonus.

>> No.18587944

>you get post cap bonuses
>enemy armor high enough to make it barely observable

>> No.18587947

>ships sunk in Leyte
Are the devs purposely targeting Shitgure users?

>> No.18587953

It means that Tanaka want to to prepare your anus for historical difficulty in phase 2.

>> No.18587957

I know this feeling.

>> No.18587958

Historical difficulty will remover kill protection so damage caps and shit won't matter.

>> No.18587965

However megamis can work so you don't have to worry too much when you sortie, just stuff your ships with megamis.

>> No.18587976

>megami cut-ins or you can't takedown the boss

>> No.18587983

You must have at least 2 fully upgraded sextuple in order for the cut in to do anything.

>> No.18587988

This means Fusou has bonus.
Wait a second, didn't Nishimura get wiped out, bar Shigure, in Leyte?
Also ABKM, Noshiro and Zuizuis are explained.

>> No.18587990

i hope the next event is super easy and small with non combined fleet final map

>> No.18587992

It's a what iff wission.

>> No.18587997

>Shitgure ran away even in whatif victory scenario

>> No.18588011

I'm aware.
Wasn't the last event was the one where we were supposed to lost? Nishimura never broke the strait.
Which allowed Yanks to prey upon Ozawa, and absolutely decimate them out of the water?
At least she didn't make out unscratched. She might be a coward, but she still has battle wounds to display veteranship.

>> No.18588145

Is there anything you regret ingame?
Aside of not starting early enough to have the Shinden Kai, I regret not trying the hardest during Summer 2016 when they introduced LBAS. Never will I have strong planes like Nonaka and Ginga.

>> No.18588148
File: 98 KB, 483x383, Zuihou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my Zui ready for E-7?

>> No.18588153

I sank my Akatsuki in 2014 when I didn't understand the mechanics. Never forget.

>> No.18588162

I went for the fghter bomber hayabusa instead of 54th, (didn't have ressources enough to do both at hard, without risking 64th from the last map)

>> No.18588163

Jervis, just shut up and write the report

>> No.18588168

After you level those planes she will be. The third night plane is unnecessary, though I'm sure it helps.

>> No.18588178
File: 7 KB, 137x61, Not good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. My resources are really tight right now and I need every confirmation I can get.

>> No.18588185

>foldable wings for caves
That was their jet not the Shinden.

>> No.18588218

Didn't buy slots earlier so I scrapped a bunch of my originals, I know it's just IDs but it still bothers me.
Also should've picked a different starter.

>> No.18588225

Are you for real?

>> No.18588260
File: 595 KB, 800x480, 20180310_18160300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the exact same equips on Zuihou and this was her kill on the first boss. I did use a Hayasui barrel; though not on the second where she did almost 600 damage for the kill. But it's certainly a costly map. Your fuel's in danger.

>> No.18588271

>Is there anything you regret ingame?
1) I did not manage to complete Fall 2013. E4 was the furthest I got to but I was so burned out after it, I decided to quit the event.
2) I consumed a hard medal during the Europe event because my fuel is 'low'. It was after completing it did I realise that I still have presents and Hishimochi. Panic is really clouds your judgment.

>> No.18588278

Ammo too. Repair and resupply will eat through fuel and ammo if I don't clear part 1 fast.

>> No.18588281
File: 316 KB, 1326x712, Kizami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my setup for E7 Hard Part 1 Last Dance. Any suggestion for improvement?

Asashio is non-negotiable, I've been through the Europe event and failed it. I don't want another failure because of the sub.

>> No.18588286

Level your LBAS for crit chance.

>> No.18588305

I am scared of that node too but LBAS with toukai worked pretty well (the boss is left standing most of the time but eating 1 torp is better than eating 4-5 torps at once).

>> No.18588321

51cm for Musashi, either Kongou or Haruna as flag. Swap Iowa with Yamato and still I'd say ditch the asw DD for a historical cut-in DD. Use F4U over Iwai and Murata over Tomonaga.

>> No.18588330

I will do it later. I haven't done with sparkling.

And eating 1 torp is better than eating both opening and closing torps. Asashio is non negotiable period.

>> No.18588331

Biggest regret was giving up when I was on LD during Winter 15 hard because my resources were "low". The actual reason that I didn't wanna admit back then was just lack of patience. Ever since then I've beaten every event on hard and my medal counter is basically just a harsh reminder of how weak I used to be.

>> No.18588339

Mogami is the best seaplane fighter mule. Use her

>> No.18588348

I was using 51cm but 41cm seems to increase the accuracy by a lot. Why not Musashi flag? I don't have a punchhole on Yamato. Asashio is staying in this fleet.

>> No.18588356

My Mogami is not sufficiently leveled.

>> No.18588358

>Europe event
Now we have Toukai sweep and its enough to deal with the sub hime node
Use 2 jets on Zui because she has damage bonus on all node, jets can kill 2-3 things on their double opening airstrike
Replace Maya with Choukai
Replace Asashio with yasen DD

>> No.18588369

I only have 1 jet. The reason I don't put it on her is because the amount of Tsu en route.

>> No.18588376

>Replace Maya

>> No.18588384

>and its enough to deal with the sub hime node
HAHAHAHA. Fuck you. It's not.

>> No.18588386

I regret quitting a handful of years ago.

I was playing some time before 2015, quit due to LSC, came back in 2015, started getting back into it enough to sparkle expeditions, quit due to LSC.

>> No.18588391

i did it without maya

>> No.18588393

Mind sharing your setup?

>> No.18588394

There's a decent chance 51cm has a fit bonus while there's no reason to believe 41cm has it as well. Musashi non flag because she only gets stronger from becoming chuuha, unlike the Kongou class who get crippled firepower wise. The biggest problem your fleet has is that you don't have a single ship hitting the yasen cap with only Abukuma even coming close. It's already up to luck if a yasen capped ship can get past the boss armor so betting it on a single ship with 28 luck is quite insane. Give Yukikaze 3 torps and you'll double your chances.

The sub node will screw you over with or without oasw so I'd just get that 3rd TCI ship but it's your choice

>> No.18588428

>Musashi non flag because she only gets stronger from becoming chuuha
Really? Also according to the table in the OP 51cm is not a fit gun.

> The biggest problem your fleet has is that you don't have a single ship hitting the yasen cap with only Abukuma even coming close.
That is literally the Chinese setup though, they cleared hard with that.

>> No.18588434

The one in the OP is the proto 51cm, isn't it?

>> No.18588450

Yes. I only have proto.

>> No.18588455

Musashi kai 2 comes with a 51cm.

>> No.18588461

That fit table is almost 2 years old and most likely outdated. People have managed to datamine the vita version for the accurate fit data. As for Musashi kai ni there's no real way of knowing since actual tests have not been made but it's a relatively safe assumption if she has a fit bonus it would be with the 51cm which is her gun. Nagato kai ni gets a boosted fit with 41cm too compared to her kai form

>> No.18588462

It is proto too.

>> No.18588468
File: 528 KB, 803x480, e7 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All APCI DA setup for historical damage bonus no FCF on LD
APCI DA setup to prevent gaijin friend fleet
-Zui 2 jets and 2 best fighters
-SPF mule 4 SPF

-Hayasui 2 boilers 2 juices
-Smkz 2 type D gun 1 searchlight
-Choukai 2 gun yasen plane Fumo
-Abkm luckmoded 1 minisub 2 torp
-Ykkz 2 torp 1 flare
-Zuihou 3 night plane 1 night crew

3 bomber 1 taitei boss
3 Toukai 1 Catalina sub
3 Interceptor 1 Catalina preboss

>> No.18588472

Wait, it is. Guess I'm blind.

>> No.18588476

Which parts E6 need good TCI DDs?
Annoying that one map has two tags.

>> No.18588481

>vita version
Does it actually reflect web browser version though? Also why is it not updated in the OP?

I personally see that Musashi is a lot more accurate when she's using proto 41cm. That is just anecdotal though.

>> No.18588486

the BB hime part

>> No.18588489


So only potato fleet came as your friend fleet?

>> No.18588518

Thanks. I think I should just pour 100 screws in to get that second jet.

>> No.18588522

Yes but they are good enough to clean the trash

>> No.18588528

57 drops without Iowa, this fucking slut

>> No.18588550

Just hope that one of the future events introduce one of SoDaks or North Carolinas as a budget slow bullyable version of her.

>> No.18588558


It always makes me wonder, since I mostly see people get the last kill with S rank. Did you get the kill on Dysons with LBAs, daytime shelling, or just yasen clean off?

>> No.18588568
File: 671 KB, 800x480, 20180311_10282898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cost me 30k, holy shit.

>> No.18588576

Other than get everything prepared, i.e. check to make sure to get the best setup, the best order get everyone sparkled, everything max proficiency, the only thing I can do is pray?

>> No.18588583
File: 47 KB, 687x514, DWTT2l9VMAAr0p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's safe to say it does. Exact formulas that were previously unknown have been extracted and proven and fit mechanics including marriage fit are now fully known. I was originally the one who pushed to have the current tables in the OP and all this happened while I was taking a break from the game. I haven't been around these threads for a while either so I'm not sure how up to date the thread is in general.

This is the fit table I refer to now (source: https://twitter.com/yumeji396).). Marriage fit penalty is 60% for each gun. Combined fit/penalty with same class guns is (fit or penalty)×√(# of guns)

>> No.18588591

Musashi destroyed 1st Dyson with DA, while Zui, Bongo and Haruna combined effort sunk the 2nd Dyson.

>> No.18588598

Are you using proto 51cm on Musashi?

>> No.18588606

Find appropriate music.

>> No.18588607

No data on 51cm though. However it can safely say that proto 41cm is extra fit on Musashi.

Also who is the one that gets the OP up every time?

>> No.18588610

51 cm and Iowa gun

>> No.18588618


>> No.18588625

Which music did /jp/ use for important LD?

>> No.18588644

People are busy farming maruyu and Iowa dupes so we'll probably have to wait 1 or 2 months more before any data on Musashi kai ni fit. Even 46cm kai fit is not yet known afaik

>> No.18588648
File: 578 KB, 1000x1200, 55d012dfe1284990ca2f00c692d1279c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did you people end up using this powerful breeding DD?

>> No.18588650

Did the Vita event have its own music, or did it recycle stuff from the browser game?

>> No.18588657

I would rather breed her sister.

>> No.18588660

Gotta play my usual Aimer songs then.

>> No.18588665

For mating press on my bed

>> No.18588679
File: 294 KB, 800x960, noshiro kantai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 3. It is more common than you think. After 2base of bombers and boss support, the enemy escort fleet should be all dead when the battle start leaving Musashi to punch the mainfleet.
Friend fleet is just there to soften her up so that you can finish her off with a crit.

>> No.18588685

You didn't send her to any maps?
I'll send her to E5 then.

>> No.18588689

What was the engagement you got for that particular image?

>> No.18588693

Yeah, cause you can't do shit to her otherwise.

>> No.18588700

My planned fleet is functionally no different than yours other than that I am using Asashio. I hope it worked out well.

>> No.18588722
File: 310 KB, 800x960, potato a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hankousen if I remembered correctly.
This here is a failed run due to potato.
With a good fleet, I believe it wouldn't take more than 5attempts.

>> No.18588743

>With a good fleet, I believe it wouldn't take more than 5 attempts.
*it wouldn't take more than 5 attempts provided that you reached boss*

I have 91k fuel right now, I am so scared about not able to complete it that the Europe event started to flash through my mind again. I remember I reached boss like ~5 times but still can't kill her, and I had to end everything because I didn't have enough resources.

>> No.18588750

Ok. Gonna rest now. Will start the last dance tomorrow. Thank you everyone for the input.

>> No.18588760
File: 345 KB, 540x850, e578ea9c36f6c89249404ca8e5187f69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's normal reaction.

>> No.18588761
File: 766 KB, 1840x1095, E-7pt1LDv2_winter_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this >>18588281 is your fleet, give Yukikaze 3torps. Her damage is way below the 300needed to break the boss armor.

>> No.18588771

Wait, how many items do you have (presents, etc)? Break them open to get any extra resources you need. You still have 12 days or so to run your expedition.

>> No.18588774

Who is getting the searchlight though? I am using 2 barrels no matter what by the way.

>> No.18588783

Flare and torchlight cut-in chance doesn't stack.
Go with the one that work 100%.

>> No.18588789

I finished LD before friend fleet was added. My last kill was two the boss and one hime at taiha. You still need lucky with crit or good armor roll to finish her off

>> No.18588792

The resources from scrapping and expedition will only be enough for at most one run if God really forsaken me due to how expensive everything is including the sparkles. And this is only part 1 mind you.

>> No.18588799

>Flare and torchlight cut-in chance doesn't stack.
Fuck. All these years.

You are really lucky. How much resources is required for part 2?

>> No.18588801

It doesn't?
And neither actually work 100% as the CI chance is ship based and not yasen gear proc.

>> No.18588812

Do you have a source for that? I'm pretty sure the effects do stack but the effect for star shell is smaller and less reliable.

>> No.18588816
File: 652 KB, 800x480, tashkent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise 甲 drop rates.

>> No.18588835
File: 23 KB, 346x222, Capture wikiwiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18588855

I believe that means they just have about the same amount of bonus, and not that they don't stack.

>> No.18588896

Sparkling for 3 hours straight, what a good game.

>> No.18588935

I think you are right.
You decide if you want to take a +5% flare that might not activate for a lower damage.

>> No.18588971

So, how long until the spring event?

>> No.18588974
File: 90 KB, 665x1019, DYAjdswU0AEhg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prettiest Battleship.

>> No.18588979

Golden week

>> No.18589053

Too front heavy desu.

>> No.18589080


>> No.18589089

She rivals Haruna for sure.

>> No.18589108

No, Harunya is the best.

>> No.18589122

Yeah, I'm just saying she's close.

>> No.18589123
File: 619 KB, 670x947, __gambier_bay_kantai_collection_drawn_by_cai_geng__365f3322120123c7d38aae7551c5bfd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fondle an escort carrier

>> No.18589135

Yes, but can you do it without her escorts punching you in the face?

>> No.18589139
File: 79 KB, 387x313, Ikv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18589154

Nice canon bro.

>> No.18589156

Haruna is disgusting.

>> No.18589160

Graf is the only pure girl in KC desu. Everyone else has had hundreds if not thousands (or even ten of thousands for some of the older boats) seamen inside of them.

>> No.18589176

22 S-ranks, still no Tashkent. I need some /jp/ magic.

>> No.18589177
File: 566 KB, 992x1407, 1428013642102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some men don't mind about that.
Subs usually had well under 100 seamen.

>> No.18589181

it's usually in may, but since this event is lasting so long and they mentioned a mini-event they're probably stalling to get phase 2 out

>> No.18589184

Graf wasn't even completed

>> No.18589185

Who's you're shipfu, faggot?

>> No.18589194

Delete this, Haruna is pure

>> No.18589199

How does that matter to you?

>> No.18589203


>> No.18589212

So I can fap to her badly drawn H-doujinshi and then post cropped pictures of said doujinshi.

>> No.18589229
File: 104 KB, 800x480, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just don't post the disgusting guys who dress as her.

>> No.18589239

This is a good waifu.

>> No.18589242

Don't worry, I don't fap to traps.

>> No.18589251
File: 727 KB, 752x1062, 58296421_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuteness and prettiness in one package.

>> No.18589265
File: 417 KB, 500x651, 53410404_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the prettiest CV

>> No.18589268
File: 180 KB, 662x742, ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'm done. Why is you're shipfu a drug addict?

>> No.18589273


>> No.18589282

Both Sara&Taihou are prettier, both in KC and IRL.

>> No.18589290
File: 1.52 MB, 1700x2400, 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please enjoy your fapping then.
This doujin is still one of my favourites.
You fapped quite fast. Please have another go.

>> No.18589299

What is the point of sending bombers to E-7 boss if they arrive in horrid air denial and then get ruptured by Tsu and do 0 (ZERO) fucking damage?
Or barely scratch the shit of some DD and not the heavy ships you need them to hit to have an adequate result.

>> No.18589300
File: 179 KB, 1114x571, ex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You fapped quite fast. Please have another go
Already on it. Why is you're shipfu a traitor?

>> No.18589305
File: 89 KB, 600x762, DX3ABLAU0AA5Bor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grant me this /jp/ magic

>> No.18589315


>> No.18589325

For that one in million chance of one-shotting a meat shield.

>> No.18589348

is zui with jets really better than both chichis?

>> No.18589358

Why would you use jets over Torp+Dive+Fighter cut-in?

>> No.18589378

>anything special

>> No.18589398
File: 686 KB, 700x1515, __admiral_and_jervis_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ootori_kyoya_ohtori__2a2396d58615526fe12bb9df3ca6e5e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this アホ子!

>> No.18589404
File: 153 KB, 1200x800, DVw3BTNV4AAvhX8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18589416
File: 1.89 MB, 480x270, DIE NIGGER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your 3DPDshit

>> No.18589426


>> No.18589446

A shit.

>> No.18589490

Do you think that Naganami's 30 luck is enough for TCI?
She is flagship and I have flare.

>> No.18589497

I wish I could just punch the shit out of Kasumi. Taiha every fucking time except when I stick a recovery goddess on her.

>> No.18589511

Sink her

>> No.18589519
File: 181 KB, 700x1515, trashcan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18589526


>> No.18589529

She's been at the base for like two weeks and she's already good to go for dick? That's a slut.

>> No.18589534

>comrade comrade comrade
I wish this stupid meme would die.
t. not ruski

>> No.18589546
File: 187 KB, 1080x935, E7 phase 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna get to the boss at least once before the sparkles fall off.

>> No.18589552

Would you prefer tovarishch?

>> No.18589560

So is ring or dong better in air nodes?

>> No.18589567

It's not a meme, you retard. She literally says 同志.

>> No.18589581
File: 870 KB, 1000x1414, __battleship_hime_gangut_hibiki_steven_seagal_tashkent_and_others_jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken_kantai_collection_and_vento_aureo_drawn_by_k2__0b7efc6012cccfb28d289bdeb1ea8d54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is ready to go full bourgeois over your dick.

>> No.18589583

nice quads

>> No.18589586

No commies allowed

>> No.18589591

Yeah and that's what I meant retard, russian characters overusing that word in every media ever, not just this comic, dumbass.

I'd prefer if characters didn't overuse very popular and simple words from their language and actually speak like humans so they don't feel like just a cheap parody.

>> No.18589600

How long would E7 hard take to fully complete? Was going to spend a week running expeditions before pushing to complete E7 since Iowa is a bitch and won't drop

>> No.18589604

When our republic was a glorious communist society, everyone used our version of comrade outside of home all the fucking time.

>> No.18589612

>no screw cafe
>no experimental weaponized macchiato
Wasted opportunity.

>> No.18589613

took me 2 days

>> No.18589615

They got nice hats.

>> No.18589638

Took me playing 24 hours straight.

>> No.18589649 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 852x478, Grease CGI finisher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the true form of burning soulfire?

>> No.18589658

Tashkent was made by italians after all. It's not surprising that she wants to stand out and secretly hates living under communism.

>> No.18589661
File: 315 KB, 800x480, 2018-03-11 19-34-09 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't fucking believe it.
The suffering is over.

Ташкент even dropped.

>> No.18589659
File: 72 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180312-03400060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is getting too epic for me. Power of sparkling.

>> No.18589690

2nd stopped at subhime even with Toukai, 3rd stopped at F.
Yeah, never gonna sparkle combined fleet again in my life. 1/25 ratio of getting to the boss. There has never ever been a map worse than this.

>> No.18589720

What's with the garbage English/typeset?

>> No.18589762
File: 577 KB, 844x455, timetosleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Tsukiyomi version is quite nice. The CD release can't come soon enough.

>> No.18589783

I reached boss without a Taiha 3 times in 18 runs even with full sparkles and 130+ ships. I just ended up giving everyone a goddess and going in with taihas.

>> No.18589801

The problem is that I mostly get taiha on subhime node and Yorktown node. If I was getting taiha on pre-boss, then I would use a damecon, but I would be risking getting a cancer crit from the CAs there and wasting the damecon.

>> No.18589827

That is why I used only megamis, if they activate at a later node it's doing you a favor. You can still end up wasting them, but it's the risk you take.

>> No.18589892

Is trashcan into anal?

>> No.18589911

Is it safe to move on when Musashi K2 is in red?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.18589917

She wont accept anything that doesnt result in children for the motherland

>> No.18589934

Absolutely no.

Abyssals are much like bulls, very keen on red things.
She'll get bombed back to the mesozoic era.

>> No.18589949

>Abyssals are much like bulls, very keen on red things.
How do you know?

>> No.18589950

Maybe he just wants to recreate the battle.

>> No.18589956

Not that anon but you can progress on red as long as you have a megami / ERP to prevent your girl from sinking.

>> No.18589959

A very tramatic 1-5 run in which I got to the second node with Hatsuzuki in red.
All three subs focused on her, and fizzled.

I damn well near swallowed my tongue.

>> No.18589961
File: 85 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180312-04181394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 enemies alive at the start of day battle, this will surely not end with 4 enemies still alive after two rounds of chipping, torpedoes and FUCKING FRIEND FLEET ATTACK RIGHT?

>> No.18589969
File: 85 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180312-04205968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18589981

At least you don't have to clear without friend fleet.

>> No.18589987
File: 1.19 MB, 988x611, e2clearmusashifinalhit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise me /jp/
I did it in hard.

>> No.18589995
File: 356 KB, 1448x2048, DV--4iwU8AAPLly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No eggs
it's over

>> No.18589998

>A very tramatic 1-5 run in which I got to the second node with Hatsuzuki in red.
>All three subs focused on her, and fizzled.
The most nauseating post I read today.

>> No.18590004

Good luck

>> No.18590006

Friend fleet did 40 damage to the CVL which ended up eating Abukuma's 500 torpedo anyway. Fuck your friend fleet.

>> No.18590010

Good job.

But why did you bring musashi for such an easy map?

>> No.18590018
File: 659 KB, 228x271, 1391369993135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a funny guy.

>> No.18590029

where are either of your zuis anon?

>> No.18590044

No night planes, because the devs are cunts who don't put such important rewards in events, but lock them behind ships instead. No, events need to have shitty rewards like a 4th 51cm gun which I'm not gonna use.

>> No.18590050

Doesn't mean you can't run the other Zui.

>> No.18590069

>because the devs are cunts who don't put such important rewards in events, but lock them behind ships instead
A ship that you got from an event. And do you think you're just not supposed to play the game 8 months of the year and still expect to waltz through hard?

>> No.18590074

You had so much fucking time to make even 1.

>> No.18590076

Good job, the next one is easy too.

>> No.18590084

I will make it, once it's not locked behind Saratoga.
It would mean losing air supremacy for her.

>> No.18590108
File: 107 KB, 231x219, 1413530817209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blaming Sara and not yourself

>> No.18590112

people cleared e7hp1 before they added friend fleet. try harder.

>> No.18590119

Blaming Tanaka for being a fat fuck.

>> No.18590121
File: 73 KB, 723x1023, DYBWAU4VwAA0Ujz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the best potato?

>> No.18590133

I should try harder? The girls should try harder. The aimed at the boss during the day and aimed at the plebs at night.

>> No.18590135
File: 79 KB, 868x1223, __souryuu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_wa_genryusui__442d35a21a15cdc164dfe2d65559e7aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a good potato.

>> No.18590137

You should still be able to get AS+ with Zuikaku, though she wouldn't be able to use a cut-in setup. Or is your land base also bad?

>> No.18590146

Git gud.

>> No.18590147

The only good potatoes are Ayanami, KTKM, and Ooi, the rest are shit.

>> No.18590153

Fuck off you whiny little bitch newfag.

>> No.18590163
File: 69 KB, 550x760, DJhfwOmVwAAszrB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18590174
File: 201 KB, 1070x1554, 315d8a25cfff3928469d1fb138b51afb9ee2edbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is.

>> No.18590179 [DELETED] 


>> No.18590187
File: 86 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180312-04470288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to prove it with the calculator in the OP. There's no way she can get a torpedo bomber in one of the slots and get AS+. LBAS has nothing to do with it, since both bases get denial with the best bombers in them. If she uses a Kikka, you have a small chance of AS+ with full slots, which you won't have.
I am whining, and here's my newfag fog ship.

>> No.18590205

And you don't have Sara? Literally no excuse.

>> No.18590206

So did you scrap her for autistic reasons or did you not do her event? Either way you deserve it.

>> No.18590209

I have her.

>> No.18590218

You have no excuse for not crafting night planes. Enjoy being stuck.

>> No.18590222

Then where are the planes? You said they are locked behind Sara but you said you have her.

>> No.18590229

What the fuck are you bitching about then? I didn't have them, but I sucked it up and rushed it before E7 like any reasonable person would.

>> No.18590235
File: 406 KB, 1200x849, slow cow tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does E6 take compared to E5 or E4 and how hard is it compared to them?

>> No.18590241

He probably has no pfd

>> No.18590250
File: 10 KB, 393x27, reward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too busy in the rape dungeon to craft anything.

>> No.18590254

Noshiro a cute, my favourite CL

>> No.18590256

Based Tanaka fucking over dumb axisfags.

>> No.18590258

You are stupid as fuck and deserve all the suffering, nobody to blame but yourself. Not Tanaka or Sara, just you.

>> No.18590263 [DELETED] 

>Dumb goober getting what he deserves
kek have fun on baby mode.

>> No.18590271 [DELETED] 

Nice greentext, crossie.

>> No.18590272

You deserve this. www

>> No.18590280

>all these oldfags getting buttmad like cod kiddies

>> No.18590282
File: 58 KB, 505x495, 1509505373167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hand over the catapult

>> No.18590295 [DELETED] 

Fuck off right back to >>>/r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.18590302 [DELETED] 

Once you return to /v/.

>> No.18590317

>he uses foreign equipment or ships

Remember, if it ain't 100% made&designed in Japan you're a faggot for using it.

>> No.18590326 [DELETED] 

>triggered by green text

>> No.18590327

>i want to win without doing anything for half a year, fuck tanaka!
Reminds me of that one thread where we were talking about nips who wanted even easier events.

>> No.18590337

b-but based nips always do hard!

>> No.18590343

100% This.

Tanaka, if you are reading this, please let me unlock the 4th fleet without Kongou.

>> No.18590347

Playing for 2 years before that is not enough then. Talk about wanting too much...

>> No.18590348

You mean 4 years before that.

>> No.18590352

So you scrapped every AA gun, the kongous and most fighters (using western guns)

>> No.18590356
File: 503 KB, 800x480, 2018-03-11 22-15-38 91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18590359

If you didn't join before Roma's event, you were fucked from the start.

>> No.18590371
File: 71 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180312-05182839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based complaining on /jp/ magic. Get fucked, Alliedfags. Abukuma did the thing.

>> No.18590378

>RNG did thing
So you whined for nothing.

>> No.18590380

Someone who married Kaga is bound to have severe mental issues.

>> No.18590386

>Level 1
Your fault, fag.

>> No.18590389

I marry every girl who gets to 99.

>> No.18590398

How many ships should I be sending to 2-2 for bauxite farming? 70 runs on E7 have ruined my supplies

>> No.18590405
File: 780 KB, 1904x1017, e3ozawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-i don't know.
I really have no answer.

Judge my E3 fleet plz.

>> No.18590409

35. The actual issue was I forgot to swap the gyros for planes on GB so I didn't have arty spotting.

>> No.18590439

There is even more foreign designs out there that need scrapping.
>35.6cm guns (bong design)
>41cm gun (based on bong design)
>tenryus (based on bong ships)
>nagaras, kumos, sendais (based on a ship that was based on bong ships)
>houshou (based on bong carriers)
>akagi&kaga (had triple flight decks inspired by bong double decks, in case of kaga she also had a yank engines so you should scrap her twice)
>all carriers that took part in pearl harbor raid (inspired by bong operation)
>15.2cm single gun (bong designed)
>15.2cm twin gun (bong designed gun mounted on a new turret)
>all CAs newer than aobas (influence by foreign treaties)

>> No.18590443

Should have ranked harder you shit axisfag.
>Being a ww2 factionfag of any kind in 2018

>> No.18590454

My nigga.
57 and counting.

>> No.18590455

Better scrap the Kongou class then.

>> No.18590458
File: 542 KB, 800x480, E7P1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zuihou a best. This was the first attempt at last dance so this saved a lot of resources. I should reward my girls.

>> No.18590461

This, the war was almost 80 years ago and were not even alive to hold any grudge. It's honestly retarded.

>> No.18590467


>> No.18590471

Heck I mean it's no biggie, it's not like you've locked her out of E4 or E6 even, but still. A little itty bit wasteful, even if you did E2 hard.

Hot tip for E4 by the way. If you have the new rocket mount, put it in Musashi's holepunch and give her a fumo for easy AACI coverage.
You can still give her the usual BB loadout or forgo the AP shell for a seaplane fighter.

>> No.18590476
File: 45 KB, 600x643, e43e269d9b4ee51856ce2d72deb60e97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intrepid has been fixed

>> No.18590479

One plane wouldn't do shit. Stay mad. This part came up right as Abukuma shot out her torpedo.

>> No.18590484

My tradition is giving the final fleets a round of mamiya burgers.
Might be wasteful but I like to think they deserve it.

>> No.18590491

How new friend are you?
1. move Chitose-onee to main fleet
2. give normal APCI setup to Ises
3. give torpedo bomber, dive bomber and two fighters to cranes
4. torpedo bomber and three fighters to Chitoses
5. put 3rd CVL to escort fleet with four fighters if you don't have enough fighter power
6. Saiun is ok, but no point to use jets here
7. upgrade your fighters to 5 or 10 stars before you star upgrading a new one

>> No.18590492

I never have any mamiyas left after the final map because I use them all up.

>> No.18590499

I never use mamiya or irako so now is probably the perfect time to finally use them.

>> No.18590502

Just when I thought she couldn't get any worse.

>> No.18590504

Ah the Gundam shiticorn theme.

>> No.18590540

>Hot tip for E4 by the way. If you have the new rocket mount, put it in Musashi's holepunch and give her a fumo for easy AACI coverage.
How? Wasn't that supposed to be Ise-class only?
Also, I presume I won't need turbine+engine for E4?
How is my E3, I know I have enough Ozawa and this forms a CTF. Other than that, I'm not really sure.
>3. give torpedo bomber, dive bomber and two fighters to cranes
Opinion discarded. There are 4 Tsu's on the path.
Accompanied by ridiculously high FP numbers back to back. Those slots are going to get wasted.
>but no point to use jets here
Zuizui has extra damage, which makes it worth it. Some anon told me here.
Post your E3 setup please, I can only think that you are fucking with me.

>> No.18590550

I thought the rocket did smoke screen, not AACI.

>> No.18590557

This is a valid point, IRL cranes weren't very good looking. Taihou was basically the only IJN CV that didn't look like ass. Lexingtons were the most aesthetically pleasing CVs of the war.

>> No.18590573
File: 448 KB, 717x925, ffa58445e2fa2bfe459f2aefd9e8574c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you help her open her heart to you?

>> No.18590581

>One plane wouldn't do shit. Stay mad
>Devs gave away 2 night plane fighters if you ranked high last year one month
>Devs also gave a swordfish mk II(skilled) the month before that.
The only fool here is you.

>> No.18590587

Only after Iowa drops and i clear the event and then she drops before it ends.

>> No.18590595

She has better luck opening her heart towards a brick wall.

>> No.18590603

>Those slots are going to get wasted.
Yes they did few times, but cranes were always able to attack. Better use Ryuusei kais until final if you have many. How do you expect that Kikka to survive to boss?
What I told you is basically what I used there. Too bad that I didn't take pictures and I'm too tired to gather them up right now.

>> No.18590610

Don't forget he could use the Iwai squadron. He just needed one night fighter, a swordfish, and the Iwai squadron. Zuihou gets good bonus damage and has K2 so even that would have been decent on her.

>> No.18590611

Yeah top 20. That's not gonna happen on an old server.

>> No.18590612

How do people usually deal with air raid maps? Are you supposed to set one of your LBAS to defense, or just tank the resource loss

>> No.18590613

I would if I had her.

>> No.18590615

What you mindnumbingly grind to get is hardly within the definition of "being given".

>> No.18590617

Always tank.

>> No.18590620

It's a gift for grinding obviously.

>> No.18590624

> How do you expect that Kikka to survive to boss?
I will report back in a minute or 5
>What I told you is basically what I used there.
Okay, let me test this, given that the comp won't change significantly.

>> No.18590625

The resource loss shouldn't be a problem. But losing to much planes can be a real pain in the ass.

>> No.18590628

Then why does Kasumin have such outrageous crits?

>> No.18590630

top 100 let you get get x2 F6F-3N. But he just needs one F6F-3N, Iwai and the swordfish.

>> No.18590645

Because her RNG likes you. Also some maps she was historically a part of.

>> No.18590653
File: 421 KB, 1579x1116, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished the event and holy shiet, that ED song. Idol anime when?

>> No.18590658

Just now I undestood that you needed that Tama for routing.
You don't have Hatsuzuki or Tamagoyaki?

>> No.18590663

Defense is always a waste, even if you lose some planes the fact you have another base to attack with more than makes up for it.

>> No.18590684

Yes. I'm reserving her for the moment.

>> No.18590704

>I'm reserving her for the moment.
>for the moment.
You should put her there with fighers so you don't need to bully the cat.

>> No.18590706

May was a F6F-3n for top 500, and 2x for top 100. top 20/5 just turned one into 5N.
Old servers are much easier to score high on ranking too, the newest server requires 25-35% more ranking points to place in top 500 than any of the 5 oldest servers.

>> No.18590707


>> No.18590708

Actually, I need to get AS at LBAS first. Plane change will delay my response approximately half an hour.
Please understand

>> No.18590719

She is at B form, so she is not a great fighter mule at the moment. Also, I should be at max carrier, can I bring moar carriers?

>> No.18590735
File: 25 KB, 360x327, myfirstnodamageLBAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise me /jp/

>> No.18590737
File: 644 KB, 800x480, 2018-03-11 23-15-12 61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not JAVis, but I didn't have you anyway.

>> No.18590743

I was in a similar situation for E-3 where I didn't have Akizuki
Just put Zuihou in the escort fleet as flagship, even if she isn't at Kai Ni the map is easy enough even on hard where it doesn't matter too much
The only place she'll be able to launch planes is the boss node too, so give her 2 fighters/2 bombers, or more bombers if your planes are of good enough quality

>> No.18590745

That's 5 quests you can clear now.

>> No.18590757

I gave 4 fighters to my escort fleet carrier.

>> No.18590766

Anyone has good composition to farm Commie? Only 400 buckets left and I'm afraid 5~6 buckets every run without high chance of getting to boss and A ranking it might be problematic

>> No.18590787

Come back after 20 runs of not getting her, she should drop like candy.

>> No.18590789

I strongly suggest taking a look at any one of the wikis
The only time escort fleet can launch planes is in combined fleet vs combined fleet, and the only node where that comes into play is the boss node
You're better off raising the fighter power of your main fleet; even fighter-bombers work for this purpose so that you can still cut-in

>> No.18590792

I already did

>> No.18590800

The only things that drop like candy there are gumos.

>> No.18590809
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>> No.18590812

I see my Zuihou doing shelling in combi vs single. Am i losing my mind?

>> No.18590818

Shelling is not battle for air superiority.

>> No.18590820

Shelling != air phase
Any carrier in the escort fleet can't launch planes during the air phase, but they can still attack like normal during shelling

>> No.18590890
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I'd certainly french fry that potato if you know what I mean

>> No.18590900

Holy shit she is just so plain and uninteresting that even fanart can't make her look decent enough.

>> No.18590912

That describes literally every potato

>> No.18590965

I failed the lost check to Q to S in E3.
The absolute state of my fleet.
Annd, I run out of DD to FCF taihas at O node.
At least I touched S to open shortcut.

>> No.18590983
File: 334 KB, 481x368, E4 Kaisashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kai Rokketo + Air Radar AACI combo also works on Musashi K2. Ise Hyuuga and Musashi K2 are the only ones for that specific combo though.
Example Musashi attached.

The routing for E4 is specific to ships with a base slow speed, so you can strike out turbine+boiler speedboost entirely.
Be very mindful of that. I botched up my first LD run by bringing both Yamato and Hayasui along, making 4 total slow ships. Offrouting city happened.

You should think about dropping Tama from the main fleet. You won't have to worry much about needing FCF to save you this early. E3 was pretty easy if you make sure to bring route and boss support.
Otherwise, you look set. Good luck!

>> No.18591000

I've been fretting over this ever since LBAS was implemented.
Is the resource loss from having even 3 bases dunked down to single digit HP no big deal, or?

>> No.18591006

>Offrouting city
Musashi is the boss of Fuaaarkcolle.
>dropping Tama
Did. Exchanged with Zuihou.
>You won't have to worry much about needing FCF to save you this early.
Nonsense, I had to use it at the first node, and again in P.
>E3 was pretty easy if you make sure to bring route and boss support.
D-do I have to?
I thought I would cruise easily.

>> No.18591021

Not him, but I had far worse equips than you and I never needed to bring FCF. I used boss support, and that's only because my planes were so shit that I couldn't use LBAS for anything but barely scrapping by sometimes on air defense
>Nonsense, I had to use it at the first node
First node is an air raid node. Those cost nothing
>and again in P
You're going to P precisely because you used FCF, and dropped below the historical requirement
Take that shit out and replace it with something actually useful

>> No.18591040

Your girls have decent levels. So you were just unlucky with first node.
How much air power you have now?

>> No.18591046

Nobody remembers, let alone gives a damn about the French ships.

>> No.18591049

I forgot to combine my fleets, and started from the wrong point. I'm getting too sleepy. One boss hit, and I'm out for tonight.
>You're going to P precisely because you used FCF, and dropped below the historical requirement
Not really, I just lacked LoS, which should be fixed with 2 FuMo and a 15mmDup.
I can FCF carriers without losing AS at the boss :3
Air raids are raping my res by the way.

>> No.18591061

I do. They are cute. If a bit akira made.

>> No.18591068

>yet another Gumo-class DD

>> No.18591072
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>> No.18591091
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>dropped below the historical requirement
Oh sorry, didn't realize what you meant before.
I see.
Zuikaku got taiha'd at the first node again.
Here is the new plan.
I might have gone mad.

>> No.18591095

I don't like toothpaste-head but Riche is nice

>> No.18591097

Q -> P requires that you pass the LOS check, but fail the historical requirement. Had you actually failed somehow (and I really don't know how that's even possible, the LOS check is completely trivial), you would be off-routed to T instead

Seriously man, go read the fucking wiki

>> No.18591106
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Oops I thought you were on E-4 for some reason. This is for E-3

>> No.18591119

Got past the 1st node :3
My crazy AA system werks.

>> No.18591123
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Just shoot at the fucking boss ffs

>> No.18591126
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>> No.18591133

Congratulations I guess? How you're having this much trouble when your equips are that good is beyond me

>> No.18591142

It is a pretty big deal, but obviously depends how much fuel and bauxite you have, so try to protect on easier maps and outside last dance.

>> No.18591146

Been a while since I have seen some baka like you. I don't know if you can kill boss if you equip your girls like this. How long have you played shipthis?

>> No.18591160
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Just shoot at the fucking flying things ffs
Exactly what I'm doing.
I don't know.
I was away for two years, so I'm out of touch.
That is why I keep asking stuff, I'm mistake prone right now.
Boss get away with 71 hp.
I should rev up NightRec.

>> No.18591174

The fact that he has jets and Akizuki means that he has to have at least played for a somewhat decent time. Even then, there's no saving retards who lack the capability of basic reasoning

Nigger, my last event was summer 2015, and I had to start over with a brand new account
The Wikia even spoonfeeds you equipment setups for day combat now; try actually reading it from time to time

>> No.18591183
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>> No.18591191

It's no different than Fubuki, Kaga, Akagi, and everyone else designed by Shibafu.

>> No.18591196
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Gave E7 HP1 a couple runs without Hayasui. Got pretty close, to within a hundred HP or so, but never enough, so I think I need the extra boost. Or maybe I should've trying and prayed to RNG?

Anyway, please check this Hayasui comp. I'm trying not to lock out any friend fleets, hence the somewhat odd BB and DD choices. Gave Zuihou a swordfish because she's too low level to trigger opening ASW with just the triple American night plane combo. Have literally never gotten to boss without the ASW land base, but I have the will to try again today.

>> No.18591204

Stick to 丁 and the Wikia comments section then, at least there they'll pat you on the back and help you feel undeservingly good about yourself

>> No.18591207

Intrepid has the best lines of the event.

>> No.18591279

I keep seeing people using Ayanami for E-7. Why? It's not like having her will prevent Des Dev 19 from showing up anyway, and someone like Shigure ought to be better for the historical bonus

>> No.18591300

It doesnt block potatoes fully, but it does seem to reduce the chance they show up if the other friend fleets are not blocked.

>> No.18591305

She's one of the more capable DDs, for those few times she isn't taiha at night battle.

>> No.18591308

Shigure doesn't get historical bonus, and Ayanami has higher overall damage (and mine is somewhat luck-modded). That was my logic in choosing her at least, not trying to block DesDiv 19.

>> No.18591311

where's kongou/haruna for kurita bonus? ideal bb loadout is fast yamato/musashi/kongou/haruna.

>> No.18591324

she's a glass cannon, with emphasis on the glass, also emphasis on the cannon

>> No.18591325

> I'm trying not to lock out any friend fleets, hence the somewhat odd BB and DD choices.
Should I really be locking out the Kongou friend fleets? And Yamato wouldn't be able to carry armor piercing shell.

>> No.18591339

don't think so hard about friend fleet. its more important to do as much dmg during day shelling. yamato can take out hime in 1 shot without ap so that's not an issue either.

>> No.18591345

>Shigure doesn't get historical bonus
Is that really the case? I've heard other people mention it before, but it seems really dumb that someone from the Nishimura fleet wouldn't be included for historical bonuses, especially on a theoretical map where everything succeeded.
>>18587934 mentions that the Nishimura fleet theoretically gets a bonus too

>> No.18591350

Personally, I don't think its worth dropping them for the chance at the friend fleet. If they don't get their faces smashed in, they will often dump big 250+ crits on the dysons. My non-Kurita BB were mostly ineffectual against them.

>> No.18591352

Okay, I will swap them out.

Sounds like it hasn't been confirmed in the nip.

>> No.18591356

Man up. I had 7 baux at one point.

>> No.18591357

How is E6 compared to earlier maps? It looks tedious. How is it without sub?

>> No.18591362

Is it better to use torpedo or dive bombers on a CV that takes part in support expedition?

>> No.18591368


>> No.18591373

I don't know what crits you've been getting, but Musashi did only up to 250 damage to meatshield and that was with AP cut-in on doukousen.

>> No.18591377

Learn how the game works before asking us questions about it.

>> No.18591381

Platinum. Duh.

>> No.18591387

Think of it this way: E7 is very bauxite intensive regardless of difficulty.

>> No.18591391

Phase 1 cost me 13k bauxite on 甲.

>> No.18591400

I didn't spend that much bauxite on my babby mode clear. Also cute secretary, maybe marry her.

>> No.18591403

>It looks tedious
>How is it without sub?
I think it's been done and probably gets you more firepower at the boss, but I haven't seen clears like those in a while here at least.

>> No.18591408

my musashi and yamato landed 450 APCI on green T

>> No.18591413

Ah yes, the legendary green T, which I've never seen on an important boss.

>> No.18591416

Roll your dice better

>> No.18591428

Have you tried luck modding yourself? You're supposed to do it to your critters, but you might need a direct injection.

>> No.18591429

Asking because I accidentally stamped both Iyo and Hitomi in E2 before EOs even opened.

>> No.18591440

Ro-chang. No seaplanes but better tanking skills.

>> No.18591451

I want to stamp my baby batter in both

>> No.18591458

Absolutely NOT. Iyo is the wet nurse, Hitomi is the mother. Anything else is haram.

>> No.18591464

What ASW does Zuihou need for OASW?

>> No.18591465

Same as Taiyou and Gamby, 65.

>> No.18591469

Read the wiki????

>> No.18591473

>It looks tedious
It definitely is. P1 is annoying but manageable, P2 is surprisingly easy, but P3 is really close to E4H bullshit because every single node starts being way more threatening, and no sub is more RNG than usual because node O can tear asunder your fleet regardless if your akizuki DD triggered her AACI.

And even if you manage to get there, you have to pray that your LBA sink 1 or 2 nu. The boss becomes a joke if you ever get AS, but it becomes a complete downhill battle if you have air denial.
At least, with some luck, Nachi or Ashigara can solo the boss with a godly snipe.

>> No.18591475

>E-2 kuso
>Nishimura fleet except asagumo (don't have her)
>try to reuse makigumo from E-1
>roll node A
>everyone gets kurita tag

t. shitter

>> No.18591480

You own fault for being on E2 when we're all 20 years into this event

>> No.18591487

Serves you well for not reading the wiki. Anyways, can't you mix tag in kuso? Usually you can, but dunno if they changed it with the super-kuso mode.

>> No.18591490

You can but the problem is he didn't have them tagged as Nishimura before sortieing so now he goes the wrong way.

>> No.18591491

Only issue i have is why she needs a 7 asw plane to do oASW.

You sound full of shit. P1 and P3 have the same route. P1 is rather easy if you go past the route. P3 is a bit harder. P2 is the hardest as the fleet bonus there seems smaller and you rely on TCI more heavily.

>> No.18591492

You can for admittance into the map, but you can't for routing. He really hosed himself because he didn't read, lmao

>> No.18591499

It is fine to cry

>> No.18591510

I'm going down to "in the actual navy" mode

>> No.18591512

Tell us how the buttsex went

>> No.18591516

its not gay if I had my boot bands on

>> No.18591518


>> No.18591524
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I just want to kill the boss.

>> No.18591527

The fuck is a boot band? Air Force tells us they're blousing straps.

>> No.18591532

>chair farce

there's your problem

>> No.18591537

There's something very endearing and safe-feeling about boats depicted living worry-free normal lives.

>> No.18591539

Navy isn't nearly as gay as the Air Force though.

>> No.18591549

Part 1 is a bit of a cunting bitch.
Part 2 is a breeze.
Part 3 is the cunting bitch's angsty dried up post-menopausal mother back with a vengence for what you did to her cunting bitch daughter.

>> No.18591556

oh no my d-35k

>> No.18591565
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You rang?

>> No.18591568
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Not him but I married Iyo almost a year ago and she is for breeding.

>> No.18591572

Ah, but that's cheating.
It's not right unless it's two 6-blade props!

>> No.18591577

Part 3 is praying for a 777 spin, you need the stars to align for LD because it's pure RNG

>> No.18591582
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>I married Iyo
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.18591585

Hang in there.
The good diceroll will come eventually.

>> No.18591594

I wish Iyo would wet nurse me

>> No.18591625
File: 203 KB, 969x719, DWzjhyFVAAAWsVt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how Shigure would fight for you if you would just bring her

>> No.18591634

I did and now she has the wrong tag

>> No.18591640

Ain't better than any other TCI ship.

>> No.18591650

>coward piece of shit playing badass

>> No.18591656

A shit.

>> No.18591660

Suddenly I can't reach the boss anymore farming E5.

>> No.18591663
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>> No.18591671

5/5 pretty good

>> No.18591678

Which event was it when Nishimurafag locked all his highest level ships in the wrong map? I think it was summer or winter 2015.

>> No.18591727

Say, if you're on a night battle node, which one is better. Echelon or Dong?
I'm doing 5-3

>> No.18591733


>> No.18591735

Echelon is trash
