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18536034 No.18536034 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /jp/
For the last time.. Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.18536252

The gym boss.

>> No.18536292

Leatherman. The boss was just trying to be helpful.

>> No.18536334

The boss was unreasonably pedantic. There were free lockers and the leatherman hurt nobody by using one. There was no need to show him to the door.

>> No.18536353

Gym boss. Leatherman was clearly in a bad mood upon entering the lockerroom, and given his reactions it likely had something to do with his outfit, but despite that gym boss decided to egg him on anyway. It was pure bullying.

>> No.18536358

No one

>> No.18536381

Leatherman definitely, boss was just trying to give him directions

>> No.18536383

>it likely had something to do with his outfit,
I don't questioning his fetishes is nice here. Leatherman was in fact in a bad mood, but the gym boss should have noticed. Though, through being helpful, Gym boss would inevitably annoy Leatherman. Conflict was defined by fate since the start.

>> No.18536405

I think it was the leatherman, as he clearly instigates this situation. The boss just wants to give the leatherman some helpful information, yet this prick decides to say “fuck you”, which prompts the boss to have his day ruined.

>> No.18536484

Depend on Leatherman intention. If he want to go to leather club, then it is Leatherman fault. If he want to go to gym then it's Gym Boss fault.

>> No.18536485

That's not the question here, anon.
Now answer: who was in the wrong?

>> No.18536501

Wolffe was in the wrong.
Obviously Van had just come from the leather club that was two blocks down. He's was gonna change out of his leather stuff into his gym clothes.
He didn't change at the leather club because the gym was only a two block walk and he could put his stuff locked up and get changed at once and it wouldn't be strange to see someone wearing leather club walking around that part of town because the leather club was just there.

>> No.18536509

Leatherman. The boss is the boss for a reason, and he did nothing wrong.

>> No.18536533

What the fuck was leatherman's problem? He comes in, gym boss helpfully informs him that the leather club is nearby, but then leatherman takes it like some kind of personal insult and swears at him.

>> No.18536540

Van-sama shouldn't have invaded his gym. He's it's boss after all.

>> No.18536573
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>> No.18536686

Is it leatherman or leatherhead?

>> No.18537049

Leatherman. Japs can't be leatherheads

>> No.18539300

Gym Boss. He sarcastically mentions that the leather club is TWO blocks down when Leatherman is just minding his own business. Unbelievable!

>> No.18539395

Hey buddy, Leatherman got the wrong door. Gym Boss was just giving him the directions to where he really wanted to go, but then Leatherman decided to be rude to him.

>> No.18539458

Their names are Biolante and Van-sama.

>> No.18539502

Instead of talking it over they both went full jabroni with their shit and acted rude to eachother without trying to explain the situation

>> No.18539556

This. Even if Wolffe did have the best intentions in redirecting Van (which I doubt), his reaction to Van's hostility only worsened the situation.

>> No.18539565

What do you mean for the last time?
But for real Biolante was in the wrong; he started making fun of Van's outfit for no reason

>> No.18539617

Sorry, Boss, but you screwed it up. You think leatherman doesn't know where the club is? Dude probably came from there and just wanted to work out, but no, you had to be all territorial against the newfag.

>> No.18539635
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>> No.18540407

I mean, the gym boss said that the leather club was two blocks *down* and pointed *upwards*. I'd tell him to fuck off too.

>> No.18540422

Totally unprovoked assault by the Gym Boss, he should have his title and membership taken away

>> No.18540443

I mean comprehension of that stuff is easy. Are we sure Leatherman understands that kind of stuff and doesn't have a developmental disorder?

>> No.18540506

Leatherman, the boss was just offering some friendly advice since leatherman clearly got the wrong door, besides, you just don't come in one day in a gym you've never been in and insult the boss, that's rude and gay, especially when you get the wrong door.

>> No.18540619


Clearly Leatherman. 2 counts reckless eyeballing before the Boss can even offer him a greeting.

>> No.18540664

Please don't make garbage template threads on /jp/

Anyway it's Wolffe's fault. Van was minding his own business changing and he felt the need to make fun of his outfit. Maybe he just came from the leather club and was changing into his gym clothes?

>> No.18540948

Gym boss was quite rude, but that doesn't justify the "fuck you". That was totally over the line and escalated the situation from overall harmless banter to a physical altercation.

>> No.18541096
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>> No.18541160

>acting like gym boss wasn't intentionally being rude in his tone telling leatherman to go to the leather club to provoke him

>> No.18541700
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>> No.18541946

There's no development disorder in telling a guy who clearly messes with you to fuck off.

>> No.18542703
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Mark was being a hot-headed cunt and just trying to pick fights, as evidenced by him challenging Aniki.

>> No.18542756
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The real debate is who was in the wrong here.

>> No.18543256


Biolante is a girl.

>> No.18543336


>> No.18543451

No fucking way, he also fucked Jonouchi in that movie, Aniki wanted every piece of ass in that gym...Van would have done the same if it wasn't for Biolante's strenght and wrestling skills, he mantained order in the gym and the only reason why he lost to Billy was because he fought to fucking Van first and had no time to recover.

>> No.18543802

Billy was wrong there though, he shouldn't have gotten so offended just because Biolante said "jabroni", it wasn't even directed at him.

>> No.18543960

Wait, you guys actually watched the whole thing and not just the gym scene?

>> No.18543966

>he didn't unironically watch the whole thing
we're all fags here anon.

>> No.18544009

I could never jerk off to gachi.

>> No.18544017

>jerking off to it
Nigga all you gotta do is watch. Who said that?
Are you gay, anon?

>> No.18544022

yeah but Billy had just wrestled too. He wasn't going to be denied that ass

>> No.18544023


>> No.18544110

it's art

>> No.18544121
File: 37 KB, 419x424, fujiwara no mokou (touhou) drawn by shangguan feiying - 19bf3205a653b774e5e7b1e0572c6d45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me i still need to watch the movies, might be a bit hard now of all times
It will be weird to watch gay porn with a warm feeling in my heart

>> No.18544128

>ass we can
unironically, what did he mean by this?

>> No.18544138


>> No.18544150
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You have no idea how difficult it was to find in its entirety. Naturally I'd watch the whole thing once I found it.

>> No.18544168

ass we can

>> No.18544171
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>For the last time
Fuck, that's depressing.

>> No.18544299

Wreslted with that little bitch who also wanted to get a dick on his ass.

Are you seriously comparing TJ Faggot with Van Darkholme?

>> No.18544368

I don't get it, why is aniki the famous one if he's not even in the famous scene?

>> No.18544421
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>> No.18544495
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>> No.18544542
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The famous scene in Japan is the one where Aniki wrestles Kazuya. That was the first video that started it all and also the one with all the comically misheard lines (You got me mad now/Yugami nee na).

English speakers tend to find the Van/Biolante scene the funniest because of how cheesy the dialogue is.

>> No.18544567
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Because once upon a time his fights were the famous scenes. Only later will the western world come to know the award-winning performances of Leather Man and Boss of This Gym.

>> No.18544576

Why did Aniki get so offended over Mark using the word "jabroni"?

>> No.18544677

Cause he's Italian, jabroni.

>> No.18544754

Is Biolante dead too or did you mistake him for Aniki?

>> No.18544772

He isn't dead, but if we were to consider the story of the video we can assume that bench is reserved only for the boss of the gym. Since Aniki beat him, it's technically his bench aka he's the boss of the gym.

>> No.18544773

You guys seriously discussing gayporn make me wonder if pedos in their communities have their own memes about kiddieporn and seriously discuss videos, assuming there's any with acting scenes.

>> No.18544817

... as you post on jp.

self awareness: 0

>> No.18544866

/jp/ isn't that kind of board. Although for some reason your post made me recall certain old /b/ memes which answered my question

>> No.18545444

based aniki
never evil, always chaotic

>> No.18547771 [DELETED] 


>> No.18547775

No way Van was in the wrong.

>> No.18547812 [DELETED] 

Boss was just trying to be helpful, saying ''Fuck you'' was pretty rude.

>> No.18547818

You'd have to be deaf or baiting if you think Mark wasn't just trying to provoke Van. He was being sardonic in his tone.

>> No.18547930

Why are deep threads like this less frequent in /jp/ nowadays

Clearly Leatherman was in the wrong here, though. He agitated the boss way too much.

>> No.18547958
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There is reason we've been referred as /jp/edos before.

>> No.18548015

'Fuck you' was an awfully harsh response to a light hearted joke. The conflict simply escalated from there.

>> No.18548021

Why WAS leatherman there, dressed like that? Did he just COME from the leather bar straight to working out at the gym?

>> No.18548236


What's it matter? He had every right to be there.

>> No.18548253

Yeah the gym boss was just trying to lighten up the atmosphere and make friends by cracking a joke. You can see the tension and aggressiveness of the leatherman when he walks in.

>> No.18548295

Fuck you!

>> No.18548357 [DELETED] 

Oh, fuck you anon!

>> No.18549378

calm down jabronis

>> No.18549622

This is one of those mysteries we will never know the answer for

>> No.18549816

Is that "oh shit I'm sorry" thing related to this?

>> No.18549826

Through homosexuality, yes.

>> No.18549851

Tell me how would you react if some weirdo came to your gym dressed like that? he looks like he's ready to harass some of his boys
Gym boss thought the guy could be a dangerous person so instead of telling him to leave which could lead to unnecesary confrontation he chose to make a joke to see if leatherman was just a pranker. If gym boss was right, leatherman would have joined in the banter and things would have cleared up.
Evidently gym boss was wrong and leatherman was guilty of being a jabroni looking for trouble so it was gym boss' task to deal with him in the only way jabronis understand

>> No.18549997

Catalina Video's "Cockpit", which starred Steve Rambo, is considered a gachi movie on niconico.
However, "oh shit I'm sorry" is a line from another movie (Boy Band), which has been introduced to the gachi universe by western fans because of rising popularity of Bad Gay Porn Acting
so it is kinda related

>> No.18550093

Clearly, lizard man was in the wrong.

>> No.18550344

The one who cums first.

>> No.18550863
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it won't stop hurting.

>> No.18553513

>lizard man


>> No.18553627

Why didn't you protect Aniki's smile, /jp/?

>> No.18553638


>> No.18553775

He's smiling from the sky, watching over us, anon. Smile for him.

>> No.18553836

I'm not even a tenth of a man that Aniki was.
But I'm gonna take on and carry that weight for him.

>> No.18553932
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>For the last time


>> No.18553966

Don't worry, it's not for the last time, Mark isn't dead yet.

>> No.18554634

Gym boss, there is no leather club two blocks down; his comment was clearly a jab at Leatherman's attire.

>> No.18554721

>there is no leather club two blocks down
If that's true that makes leatherman even more of a jabroni.

>> No.18554848

Jim Bossu was in the wrong. Leather Mann was clearly of a different cultural background of Jim. I understand that Jim was just trying to be helpful by pointing Leather toward a local place of worship for his people, but if he was aware of its location and place in Leather's culture, then he should also know that "Fakyuu" is a term of respect and ingratiation. Leather Mann made the seemingly safe assumption that Jim understood his cultural background, perhaps sharing some ethnic background with him, and thus deferred to using a cultural phrase to thank him. But because Jim overextended his reach and tried to impose himself on Leather's culture (like really, who would assume that Leather doesn't already know of a local church dedicated to his peoples?), he perceived Leather's response as an insult or call to challenge.
Unfortunately, this led to an escalation to the point of physical conflict.

Be careful out there and most of all, stay respectful, bros. We can all learn from these tragic events.

>> No.18554939

Patchouli was in the wrong

>> No.18554956

You really think that Leatherman would walk more than 2 blocks in that jabroni outfit? It's cold outside.

>> No.18554998

Mark and Van aren't dead, so the legacy will live on.

>> No.18555095
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To be fair, Van does like a jabroni in that oufit.

>> No.18555115

If there is no leather club then why wear that jabroni outfit in the first place?
If Van just came from the leather club then his outfit makes sense
If Van confused the gym for the leather club then his outfit makes sense.
Without the leather club's existence, why not just wear regular clothes to the gym?

>> No.18555184

Anon... those are his regular clothes.

>> No.18555264

Because Van loves leather.

>> No.18555280

So he IS a jabroni after all.

>> No.18555369

Doesn't justify Mark's behavior

>> No.18555378

Fuck you.

>> No.18555494

Does he call him leatherhead or leatherman?

>> No.18555535

I like how it appeals to both audiences. Usually stuff like the old Hitler and laughing mexican man audiences isn't as funny to people who actually speak the language.

>> No.18555539

*Hitler gets mad edits and laughing mexican videos aren't as funny

>> No.18555571

Why else would he be called Leatherman?

>> No.18555578

Yeah, the videos are actually pretty funny if you know about the mishearings. For example in that fight Billy says "yeah that's what I'm saying" and attacks Kazuya, but the mishearing is "iyaa, sumimasen", so it looks like he's apologizing and then immediately attacking Kazuya.

>> No.18555624

Where can I watch the original Aniki v Kazuya wrestle?

>> No.18555745

My favorite is "Yeah you can go now" turning into "Saikin dounan?".

>> No.18555859


>> No.18556165
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Aniki's heading for a better place now

>> No.18556171

teenbro spam thread

>> No.18557283

the fuck's a jabroni

>> No.18557304
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Boss of the gym did nothing wrong, all he did was give directions and then that hot headed jabroni leatherman got hostile

>> No.18557311

back to himashit retard

>> No.18557338

Nah, the boss clearly saw something in the gaydar and needed to check whether that jabroni didn't come in to harass his bois, turns out he was right.
Aniki would have done the same.
Somebody like Leatherman

>> No.18557479 [DELETED] 

This is all gay as fucking shit. I wish the rest of these degenerate queers would die. sage.

>> No.18557535

>t. closeted faggot

>> No.18558248

Lmao bud easy bud

>> No.18559792

Never understood this meme nor liked the MADs.

>> No.18560059

cool, here's your prize big boy

>> No.18560207

What I want to know is where that video of the tranny saying "and suck and suck" to the class is from.

>> No.18560730

He directed many Aniki's films.

>> No.18561983

That's Chi Chi LaRue. He directed a few of the films Billy was in. Not sure what video the AND SUCK scene is though.

Here's the source of the WRAP IT UP clip:

>> No.18561997

Gym Boss started it by being an asshole out of nowhere, but Leather Man could have been the better man and ignored him instead of dropping that classic line, "Fuck you!"
Like most conflicts in history, both sides share some blame in the origin of the mutual strife between them.

>> No.18562048

Did you see how the Leather Man entered the locker room, glaring at the boss for nothing? A jabroni from the very start

>> No.18563421

This is just akin to wearing a suit at a pool party.
The wild jabroni should have expected that he was gonna get confronted.
The way he stared at Aniki also did not help calm the issue. It seemed like he was looking for a fight.

>> No.18563450

Why did Billy react so badly to Mark saying "jabroni"?

>> No.18563503

He was half-Italian

>> No.18563555

But it's not a slur or anything. Seems uncalled for,

>> No.18563581

Man, imagine being compared to Leatherman out of the blue, you wouldn't take that shit either.

>> No.18563597

Would Mark have defeated Billy if he hadn't wrestled a jabroni beforehand?

>> No.18563614

Mark's kind of a jabroni himself, no way he'd ever defeat Billy

>> No.18563658

That would have been a close call for Aniki, but nah, no way he would have lost to Mark in the end, massive difference in skill.

>> No.18564698

It still fucking hurts

>> No.18564805
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>TFW you wake up everyday and remember Aniki is one with the memes

>> No.18564810

it was us all along

>> No.18569028
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Someone needs to make a video for billy with this song

>> No.18569394

we were the jabronis? fuck man

>> No.18571143
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>> No.18571278

I hate what we have become. I hate it so much.
why does everything have a cover term now?
Aniki wouldn't have wanted this.

>> No.18571315

While I agree with you on your first point, I'd have to disagree on the second.
Aniki wouldn't mind. He'd just say "be happy"

>> No.18571339

seeing the word 'cuck' and 'soy' used for literally everything in the passed 6+ months doesn't quite inspire happiness.
And those using it are usually doing so to antagonize others.

Now I usually don't give a fuck, but seeing the same word used in literally every thread I go to these days as a cover term for 10 different words is exhausting.

>> No.18571444

True enough with the antagonize thing.

>> No.18581649

This image is a few years out of date

>> No.18582986
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>For the last time

>> No.18582997

But Mark didn't die

>> No.18583603

Why do so many people think Mark is Billy? This is not even me being elitist about my gay porn meme, they're very clearly two different people.

>> No.18583704

The scene with Billy and Kazuya is the most famous one in Japan while here in the west it's the one with Mark and Van, they must think it's an younger Billy or something, can't blame them

>> No.18586954

aniki is the lawful evil officer

>> No.18587063
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Bo. He should be paying off his loan instead of getting high and drunk while working his useless job.

>> No.18587890

What I want to know is what that one fat guy says and who he is
He can be seen here for example, at 0:32 https://youtu.be/EdURw5MI5AY?t=32s

>> No.18587901

Why exactly Van was wearing a leather strap in a gym? What's the story behind it?

>> No.18587999

he's a leatherman

>> No.18588062
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Memes yes, but serious discussion was always rare.

Besides, the only reason we're having discussions of gayporn right now is tryhard newfags trying to fit in.

>> No.18588063

he's a jabroni so he wears the jabroni outfit

>> No.18588115

That's Tai-chan, I don't know his real name but he's a German comedian. He's part of Gachimuchi because japs found a video of him where he wrestles another fat guy in sumo thongs and it's reminiscent of pants wrestling videos.

>> No.18588150

but what does he say

>> No.18588726

It's pointless! or something like that

>> No.18597722

No one.

>> No.18597912

>we will probably live to the point where Mark and Van are dead too
The future is terrifying. I hope that point is as far off in the future as possible, though.

>> No.18597955

Those are all memes, to be fair. It's an umbrella term for them in the fact that it describes an idea or thought that spreads almost contagiously across people.
I agree with the sentiment though, most people nowadays don't even care or know about the differences between the individual terms.

>> No.18597964

>can't blame them
Ass we can.

>> No.18598082
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Did Obama really deserve to die just because he was a bit mean to Edwina?

>> No.18608836
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>> No.18612257


>> No.18612328
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Arguably both. The gym boss definitely introduced conflict to start, but the leatherman seemed keen to continue it. It's a classic example of unstoppable force meets unmovable object.

>> No.18612428

vam will live forever

>> No.18612449

The locker, gym boss had to slam it for acting up

>> No.18614608

Bi doesn't exist, just become gay.

>> No.18618896

Leatherman just can't take a joke desu.
