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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18528848 No.18528848 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, Japanese video games, etc.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:
Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Previous Thread >>18513854

>> No.18529004
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who all wants to argue about learning materials and study methods today

>> No.18529100
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>> No.18529345


>> No.18529373

Does anybody know a good method for OCRing LNs on Linux?

>> No.18529383
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英語ではオエーを意味する擬音語がないので子供から成人じいちゃんばあちゃんにまでdjtって言うんだってさー 爆笑

>> No.18529518


>> No.18529612
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No thanks, we prefer arguing over actually important stuff, like Anki stats and how many exact seconds it takes to search kanji by radicals.

>> No.18530171

Anybody have this fucking problem when you see a fruit/animal written in kana you immediately memorize it?

>> No.18530256

yeah its awful i know so many fuckin fruits and animals its driving me ape shit coconuts

>> No.18530422
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Should I read Tae Kim or Sakubi?

>> No.18530606

after all youll end up like that skyline in the end

>> No.18530633


>> No.18531002

what do I do if ITH can't hook the text of the vn?

>> No.18531053


>> No.18531055
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on a scale of 1-10, how bad of a fuckup would reading Sakura no Uta as my second VN be?

>> No.18531064

find the game genie code or learn some nihongo

>> No.18531102

ask you're mom, she's the best text hooker

>> No.18531103

todays the first day of the rest of your life youtu.be/W96D_ZwGItU#t=94

>> No.18531183

practice 無心 and just start learning already without thought

>> No.18531330
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Guys I want to start reading daily, but I always get demotivated after a few min.
There are multiple things that stop me all the time.

1. I don't understand the fucking sentence at all
2. I'm not sure if I understood the sentence right cause there are 1-2 words with multiple meanings
3. There is some grammar I don't know and when I try to look it up nothing seems to fit

I thought reading would become easier after finishing Hanahira but I feel like I didn't improve at all.

>> No.18531351

got two questions bros...

1) What's the meaning of "In case" when using automatic translation? Example:

This PV is amazing! In case

2) Why do so many jap comments on YT end with one of many letters "w" wwww?


>> No.18531382

read this and more like it

>> No.18531410

You search for a H code
You try agth
If that doesn't work you are fucked and have to use Kanjitomo.

>> No.18531411

whre can I download Aokana? in all the pages it doesnt have seeders

>> No.18531414

>1) What's the meaning of "In case" when using automatic translation?
the pleasure of being cummed inside
>2) Why do so many jap comments on YT end with one of many letters "w" wwww?
sorry I don't know japanese

>> No.18531463

have an english translation beside you and see how much of a page you got right, don't spend too long looking at a dictionary and just guess if you need to

>> No.18531594


do you know how to change the language in Symphonic Rain HD?

>> No.18531721

alright I didnt find any h code, should I just use kanjitomo?
and is there a vn that works fine with ith just to test it?

>> No.18531828

Technically /djt/ is also a place to ask questions about sentences you don't understand, and not only for arguing about learning methods.

>> No.18531864


memeで lolとおんなじ

>> No.18532024

you mean saying i dont understand any of this then copy and pasting some shit yeah thats definitely something \djt/ is about

>> No.18532042

2439 kanji for 62.5k lines of text. Look easy.

>> No.18532105




>> No.18532282

Japanese grammer is ridiculously simple. You can learn it in less than five minutes if you hurry. I'm not joking. All you really need to know is the definitions of は(is), が(is), と(and), も(and), や(or), の(of), …て(imperative tense), …た(past tense), …たい(desire to tense), and …ない(negative tense), and know that descriptive chains work backwards (i.e. how in English we would say "the fish's scales are red", but in Japanese they order it like 赤いの鱗の魚 "redのscalesのfish". Just read it backwards and it will make sense to you.)
Know those things and you know all the grammar you need to read anything that isn't a dialect or slang. Punctuation is exactly the same as English except their double quotes look like this:「」and their single quoutes look like this: 『』and their periods have a hole in them like this:。
There, you now know Japanese grammar. Wasn't that easy.

Memorizing Hiragana and Katakana by flash card should take you about an hour and a half each, so three hours.. You might not have it perfect, but you'll know it well enough to read. Here's the website I used.
Then read these five minute articles:

So that's about three and a half hours to learn enough Japanese to start reading books. I personally recommend studying by reading books, no amount of flash cards can compare to testing yourself against actual usage of the language. Use any kind of book you want- Japanese wikipedia, manga, porn, it all works just as well.
If you study for an hour a day, every day, and let me stress that point, EVERY SINGLE DAY, you can expect this kind of time table.

Day One- Have to look up every word and in a dictionary. Massive headaches for the entire period of study.
Month Three- Headaches still present but not as bad
Month Six- No more headaches.
Month Twelve- You can read fast enough to enjoy books in Japanese just as much as you enjoy them in English.
Month Twenty- You will start to think in Japanese.
Month Twenty-Four- You can read as fast as a normal Japanese reading pace if you rush.

If you can't study for an hour a day, although I'm betting you can, study for thirty minutes and double all they numbers in the above timeline. For fifteen minutes, quadruple them. If you can't find fifteen minutes a day to study, you can't learn Japanese.

>> No.18532416

Asking questions about something you don't understand is more than copying and pasting that which you don't understand.

>> No.18532488


>> No.18532501
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>> No.18532532

I've never seen someone who learned japanese through otaku shit and turned out to be good

>> No.18532535

Does anyone know of any android apps for (very) beginner level reading?

I've been using obenkyo to memorise kana and most of lvl5 kanji, but learning vocabulary purely via flash cards doesnt seem to work well.

So i wanted to instead read simple sentences, learning the grammar along with new words.

Obenkyo includes TK's grammar guide and its super helpful,but it gives too few examples. And with too little repetition, i end up forgetting grammar too fast.
I wish it was more like "here are 20 examples for this particular topic, and here are 100 more simple sentences involving all grammatic structures you've learned so far"

>> No.18532556

Check out the Japanese 101 Pod lessons in the CoR.

>> No.18532575


>> No.18532578

Isn't it what most of /djt/ is doing though?

>> No.18532593


>> No.18532609


>> No.18532648



>> No.18532681


>> No.18532743

Don't do this, even with an official localization

>> No.18532766


>> No.18532794


>> No.18532821


>> No.18532826



>> No.18532827


>> No.18532916


>> No.18532955


>> No.18532973

Reasonable and stupid things are mixed in such a perfect proportion in your post.

>> No.18533025

How many hours of studying do I need until I can finally read the stories of the famous samurai, Monogatari Genji?

>> No.18533044

Genji's a samurai?

>> No.18533051


>> No.18533064

He's basically the classic version of Naruto, isn't it?

>> No.18533116

I think you're thinking of 児雷也豪傑物語

>> No.18533117
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There's no reason to read the original, just check out the excellent contemporary manga interpretation

>> No.18533216

As someone who learned Spanish as a 2nd language (for pleasure), I always envied Japanese learners for the sheer quantity of ostensibly enjoyable media available to them. Are you telling me that it's a non-factor? I wish I'd had quality, enjoyable books/comics/games to use instead of Mexican radio stations and soap operas. Hell, the ONLY way I got out of the early stages of Spanish without giving up was playing Pokemon HeartGold while disregarding all the "Spain" words/grammar since those are no good in the USA.

I'm pretty sure my highest-quality source of Spanish listening material was Spanish Mass at church since at least they spoke proper, grammatically-correct Spanish the entire time.

>> No.18533469

Come on dude. You should have learned real spanish.

>> No.18533505

Couldn't you just have learned spanish through translated japanese media? I'm sure there's tons of shounen manga translated into spanish that you could buy online for super cheap, and supposedly the spanish dubs of mecha shows are half decent.

>> No.18533546

advocating translated manga and dubs what is this thread coming to

>> No.18533592

sorry im a brainlet i was just wanting a direct answer

>> No.18533631

you got better responses than you deserved
do fuckin whatever you can read it again later if your first goaround isnt satisfactory

>> No.18533673


>> No.18533699


>> No.18533705

Nice selective reading you fucking retard

>> No.18533733

Anybody else here use Satori Reader?

>> No.18533943

I thought I'd post this here because it's written literally nowhere in English on the internet. Nowhere. At all. I checked.

To switch between kana IME input mode and romaji IME input mode without using the language bar, use this keyboard shortcut:

Hopefully the next person who has this problem can find this post on an archive through Google instead of spending three hours trying to find the fucking shortcut. Like I did.

>> No.18533984

Doesn't work.

>> No.18533992

Works with windows+shift+capslock for me.

>> No.18533993

I'm using google ime and it's alt+tilde for me.

>> No.18533994

I use Alt+`

>> No.18534003

Can anyone recommend me a manga with cute girls that isn't terribly difficult to read?

>> No.18534010

This one works, but yeah, Alt+` is the best.

>> No.18534022

I just use Shift+Caps Lock

>> No.18534023


>> No.18534043

Yeah never mind, looks like you don't need the windows key.
It looks like the mode shift+capslock puts you in is some kind of english auto-complete feature as opposed to just regular input with alt+`, pretty interesting

>> No.18534148

some of the links still work

>> No.18534183

that link is dead af my man

>> No.18534199

I'm using windows IME on win7 and for me it's
Alt+Shift to change between Japanese and English keyboards
Ctrl+Shift to change between romaji and kana input
Alt+Caps Lock to change between hiragana and katakana when on kana input

Also when you have typed out something in hiragana you can hit F7 to change it into katakana

>> No.18534299

What's up fags I've been studying japanese on and off for a decade now but my reading abilities remain shit due to lack of practice and motivation. Stuff that interests me mostly seems too hard, stuff I can read at a pace decent enough not to want to kms is excruiciatingly boring (children stories and picture books).

Read through Tae Kim's whole thing first. Then had a couple of semesters of japanese in college, also learned a couple hundred kanjis on Anki (though probably don't remember nearly all of it now). Last 2 years been doing the N5 vocab deck on memrise on and off, finally finished recently. Added the N4 deck today on memrise but just brute forcing vocab isn't working out, need something at least mildly interesting to get some practice on.

Any suggestions?

>> No.18534300

Who would star in a Japanese version of "The Office"?

>> No.18534329

Hi Marine

>> No.18534338
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>> No.18534343


check his youtube, he is paying people on italki to watch him fill out multiple choice study guides

>> No.18534369
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how do i text hook pcsx2? im trying to play persona 3

>> No.18534378

try this


>> No.18534395

I want to do the same thing but for now I'm okay with just saving screenshots and then looking up unknown words later.
Please report back if you try this; I would be interested to hear if it worked for you :3

>> No.18534398


>> No.18534402

Roll for better brain in the next cycle.

>> No.18534404
File: 34 KB, 912x544, anki_current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you 日本語天才 know anki well enough to tell me if I can change the format here to a Japanese on Front / English on Back one? If I flip, I'll have the Japanese on the front but the reading will be there too... so the only other thing I can think to do is edit them all manual as they come up, which seems tedious, but I'd rather not start from scratch.

Pic related

Or is there maybe some way to transfer my progress to a more standard deck?

>> No.18534429
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And a word of warning, the other anons here are right. Recall is an ass format once you get to words that are slightly similar. Do JP->ENG cards from the bat if you're just starting.

>> No.18534510

>Nowhere. At all. I checked.
Funny, I found it like a month ago.

>> No.18534511

I'm no 天才 but have you tried moving that {{Vocabulary-English}} bit from the front to the back?

>> No.18534530

Do you have a field that's just the Japanese word without the reading?
like just ご飯 without the [はん] for the card you have there?

If not then you'll probably have to edit the reading out of every single card. Otherwise just change the template so it doesn't display the reading, I'm sure you can figure out how to do that much without a 天才 to help you

>> No.18534632

I'll try that after I make a backup.

> change the template so it doesn't display the reading

Hmm... don't underestimate my stupidity anon, but I'll give it a try.

>> No.18534655

is this a reddit post?

>> No.18534714

I'm scared of reading
I stopped adding new words on core and have been mining words but I basically have to force myself to read NHK Easy every day and I can't understand manga at all because it's stupid abbreviated slang and people interacting instead of proper informative language.
I'm fucking sick of not knowing kanji so I've been adding like 12+ per day by looking at place names and adding the noun words for the kanji used in them and my retention is terrible because they're all rare words and completely out of context
This is depressing

>> No.18534743

Why play the HD version? Art looks worse. There are a lot of typos in the original that might be fixed in the new one though.
You can get jap to work for everything but the song lyrics by deleting EvCG_En, Game_En, and Script_En and then renaming your EvCG_Ja, Game_Ja, and Script_Ja files to EvCG_En, Game_En, and Script_En

Symphonic Rain isn't very good though in my opinion, Eustia and Baldr Sky are much better.

>> No.18534752

Hmm, maybe you should wait until you naturally acquire a better sense of Kanji before bothering with place names. If a Japanese person was learning English, what use would they have for knowing how to spell "Boise, Idaho" unless they were traveling there?

Don't worry about having 100% comprehension with reading, just read often and for a long time, and if that is too taxing, then you need more time on anki/grammar study.

>> No.18534802
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Should've watched more cartoons.

>> No.18534833

I tried following the guide but got stuck on step 4
>4. Copy part of the dialog of the game manually and convert the string in hexadecimal using the same encoding as the game.
I dont know where to do that on pcsx2.

>> No.18534840
File: 128 KB, 1366x728, anki_current.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that wasn't as hard as I expected. Does anyone see a problem with this format, does having a sentence for context on the front give too much away? I figure it should help with homonyms (homoglpyhs?).

>> No.18534877

thanks i'll give it a try renaming files, i don't really care much about graphics just want to avoid 640x480 if possible, text is too small

>> No.18534888

What I meant was I'm desperate because I only have 1300 kanji seen so I've been looking at place names and adding words like 岡 from 福岡, most of which are rare/have never seen used outside of place names so they get no reinforcement outside of Anki

I definitely need a lot more grammar study though. The worst part is how you can't even look up translations to see if your assumption is correct because Google Translate is terrible with Japanese, and I don't want to be a twat and ask here for every second panel I read.

it all feels so futile

>> No.18534916

I recommend just starting over with the deck in the guide since you wouldn't have learned properly anyway. Otherwise you could download that deck and paste its template, the fields look the same.

>> No.18534922
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not him, but
>Don't worry about having 100% comprehension with reading, just read often and for a long time
is this really true? I just started reading as well, and my comprehension of sentences ranges from sometimes 100%, to sometimes about 30%, and I usually have to look up about 3-4 words per sentence (Baldr Sky)
is it really just about constantly reading?

>> No.18534948

I have an update here >>18534840, I just needed to add fields. The Deck is the core2/6k. except it was a clozed format with English on the front. Having used the new format, it's very easy to recall what I've learned to write so far

>> No.18534961

If you leave the sentence on the front you're going to memorize that instead of the kanji. Homonyms are not a real problem.

>> No.18534962

I think you'd be surprised how much you can get away with in anki and still have it do its "job," since it's just to remind you that a certain word exists every once in a while.
What's important is that you're actually aware of the *word* as in, what kind of things it can represent in context, what the kanji are, and for some words what the kanji mean and what they are doing.
You can even have the pronunciation on the front if you want, as long as you're making sure to recognize and read the kanji since that's how most vocab appears in text.

The only way to learn is to read and listen, all anki does is stop you from forgetting words exist. There's no "wrong" way to set it up because 100% of the learning is going on in your head, independent of anki. The "wrong" and "right" comes in how deeply you think about what you see, not in what ratio of information is on the front vs. back of each flashcard.

>> No.18534976

theres value in doing that but i think you gotta go pretty hard over a good chunk of time to really make an impact but how hard and how much time really depends on how else youre interacting with japanese outside of that

but like life in general you just gotta keep goin

>> No.18534983

Probably, but i'm over it and Spanish is a pitifully easy language to learn, IF you can get past verb conjugation. That's what kept most people in my classes from going further with it. I only managed to get by because I exposed myself to the language every day in enjoyable ways (pokemon mostly) and essentially got "free" study time in.

>> No.18535003

What does "the pleasure of being cummed inside" actually mean in Japanese?
Please don't shitpost, I'm curious.

>> No.18535009

google this shit

>> No.18535015


>> No.18535016

If someone feels the need to put the reading or sentence on the front of the card, that seems like evidence in itself that their method is not properly teaching them how to read kanji without crutches.

Of course you can learn Japanese entirely without Anki but I think some formats are going to be more effective than others.

>> No.18535018

i think it's a pretty shallow way of looking at things, i mean your goal in the first place is to comprehend what you are reading, so why shouldn't you try to do that?

if you never try to dive beneath the surface of what you read, you'll never be competent at doing so

there is a point where it becomes stupid to dwell on things but I think it's up to you to decide when exactly that is

like I'm pretty fussy about understanding 100% of what I read and sometimes get caught up on "why did this sentence use 完全で to mean 完全に instead of just using 完全に" or "why did the period come after a 助詞/活用 that indicates an incomplete sentence, what's the nuance here" and I don't think this is detrimental in any way, of course it slows your pace but it's a form of stimulation

>> No.18535024


>> No.18535032

Do I understand correctly that for example in a conversation about x where you'd like to tell everyone that you are an x you'd use が instead of は because the focus of the conversation lies on x and not on myself?

>> No.18535040


Hmm, I will have to consider this. Just now I had the sentence come in handy for the word やる. I thought, "oh this means to do," but the sentence was 餌を犬に「」, so the English will be "give." Though now I wonder if that isn't just a different nuance of the same concept, like "do him a food," or something that only makes sense in Japanese. I think a problem would arise if I had to start reading the sentence for EVERY word to get it right. If that happens I'll remove the sentences.

>> No.18535042


>> No.18535046

No, you'd probably use は because presumably the topic is x and you're trying to turn that around and talk about yourself instead.

>> No.18535053

This should be required reading for beginners imo, Tae Kim doesn't explain it well enough

>> No.18535061

>I dont know where to do that on pcsx2.
I would get to a point in the game where a dialogue box comes up on the bottom and then type that text into the box. If I get through my reps quickly tonight I might give it a shot too and report back. がんばれ!

>> No.18535062

It's kind of an exception. Or rather, two words in one. It's probably best to imagine them as two separate words that are homonyms or something.
やる means "to do", but it can also be a more casual form of あげる that you would only use towards those with lower status and especially animals.

Don't imagine it as "do him a food", because it does mean "give".

>> No.18535065

You can't, PS2 games typically use arbitrary encodings.

>> No.18535075

Thanks, I had the feeling it wouldn't be that easy after seeing so many people struggle with it

>> No.18535087
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>> No.18535089

Being a beginner means you don't know the difference between は and が.
Being intermediate means you think you know the difference between は and が.
Being advanced means you don't give a fuck about the difference between は and が anymore.
Being actually good means that you still don't give a fuck about the difference between は and が, but you kinda have a feel for it.

>> No.18535094

that means I'm actually good, which is false

>> No.18535095

It is the same concept, やる carries the nuance of "doing" something for someone with lower status too.
You can throw the english out the window.

But if you want an analogy it's like "run my hands under the faucet" vs "run all the way to the park."
They're not homonyms, they're the same concept.

>> No.18535098

being a true god of Japanese means you never use a particle

>> No.18535106

Those who have ascended to the ethereal plane need not speak Japanese; they live Japanese.

>> No.18535117

the ancient ones before time need not live, speak, or taste Japanese, they become one with the 大和魂 and save all those who stand in their warm and eternal light

>> No.18535122
File: 8 KB, 133x254, firefox_2018-03-04_02-24-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not quite sure what's the くれない here.

I can understand the sentence structure and か at the end, but I'm lost on the meaning of くれない.

>> No.18535124


wont you wait a bit

>> No.18535129

you're sick of being unable to read casual slang so you.. mined names

>> No.18535130

Yeah, I figured it was something like that, but I'm trying to understand what くれない is.

>> No.18535131

negative of くれる.

>> No.18535138

Ok, I guess it's a rule I haven't studied on Tae Kim yet?

>> No.18535142

Negation is taught within the first couple of lectures

>> No.18535144

>you're going to memorize a Japanese sentence
the horror.
>sentence on the front of the card, that seems like evidence in itself that their method is not properly teaching them how to read kanji
Are we playing the game of who can recognize the most kanji out of context or are we trying to learn to read Japanese?

>> No.18535146


>> No.18535149

Yes, I meant this:

>> No.18535182

No offense, but you should really finish at least "essential grammar" on TK before reading.

>> No.18535184


>> No.18535190


>> No.18535195

Yeah, I'm doing it, I was checking a doujin as I grind in FGO to pass time and I surprisingly could make sense to a lot of it.

>> No.18535203

You're right, that actually sounds retarded.

How do I learn casual Japanese? There's no way to check whether I understood a sentence like with vocabulary translations for words I don't know

>> No.18535208


>> No.18535212


>> No.18535217

Why are nico streams harder to understand than anything else

>> No.18535221



>> No.18535223

How I did it is I watched anime characters interact in casual Japanese with English subtitles to let me figure out what was going on for several months.
Then eventually I dropped the subtitles and did it more and more and watched real people interact in casual Japanese too.

>> No.18535230

Is there any purpose in the "recall" cards of the KKLC deck? I don't want to learn how to write kanji.

>> No.18535267

Nope, no point.

>> No.18535288



>> No.18535339


>> No.18535390

The only reason to do KKLC/RTK over something else is to learn how to write kanji.

>> No.18535426


>> No.18535897
File: 125 KB, 710x842, casey wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do には and では even mean

>> No.18535939
File: 87 KB, 259x377, 1497933419278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one is the correct version for the number 11001

>> No.18535950


>> No.18535986

both are correct
いちまんいっせんいち is preferred, i guess

>> No.18536004


>> No.18536045

if I wanted to look up nuance for words what keywords are best?
like 元気 vs 快活

>> No.18536066

i can't read that well yet

hmm alright, thanks

>> No.18536079


>> No.18536103


>> No.18536171
File: 280 KB, 450x337, 20160411195210e6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18536241


>> No.18536633

I should have trusted you -- that was a huge waste of time. Is there any chance that it would work with the PSP version?

>> No.18536675

There is a chance it might work with the PSP version. The PSP has a more useful BIOS, including text rendering stuff that games use sometimes. ITHVNR has hooks for PPSSPP, I think.

>> No.18536680

Just play it without a texthooker, man. It's Persona 3.

>> No.18536689

Daily reminder to ignore any posts that don't capitalize.

>> No.18536700

poor mic quality adds a huge difficulty spike.
i only watch speedrun streams on nico but i've never seen one where they have a good mic

>> No.18536703

That's my plan but I was curious to see if that worked since it could save me a little time looking up kanji that are still unknown to me. It also would have been nice to help out that anon that originally brought it up too.

>> No.18536708


>> No.18536769

Why do you think capitalization adds credibility to a post?
I post stupid shit in lowercase all the time, am I somehow less of a shitposter now that I'm using punctuation?

Obviously not.

>> No.18536794

>Why do you think capitalization adds credibility to a post?
It doesn't. Rather, the lack of at least some attempt at using proper conventions is typically correlated to low quality posts or phone-posters. Usually both.

>> No.18536849

If I drink two bottles of wine how many kanji will I forget?

>> No.18536876
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1440, grizzly_bear_grass_lie_funny_98981_2560x1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm constructing sentences for fun, but still new to adjectives. Is this correct?:
”うわぁ!洗って臭い人! くそ!”
I don't need to add な since it's an い adjective, right? I have this inclination to do so, which is why I am unsure. In that case, I presume it would be:
”うわぁ!洗って臭いな人! くそ!”

Which one is more correct? Any way to improve the sentences?

>> No.18536880

go to /int/ for baby production shit

>> No.18536890

This. We don't give 2 shits about production here

>> No.18536920

I've read about 40 volumes of manga now and still feel like I'm getting nowhere. At what point should I accept that I can't learn Japanese?

>> No.18536938

Reflect on your progress by looking at earlier volumes, or reflect on your methods, and consider alternatives. If nothing else, that's 40 volumes more than most people here are reading.

>> No.18536940

Found the problem, you don't read manga, you watch it.

>> No.18536941

read more before production

>> No.18536955

Too easy or too hard?

>> No.18536967

May be a dumb question but how do use a dictionary while reading? Like when i encounter something i know that is a piece of grammar, but dont understand what it is, how would i know where to look in the dictionary for a meaning

>> No.18536981
File: 635 KB, 2560x1440, 1510793170235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is surely good advice. I did say it was for fun, though. I like the feeling of being involved in constructive JP studies.

In regards to doing said reading, I downloaded and installed a few VNs that were recommended today. I'm a bit intimidated to begin, since I have very little vocabulary to spare. Is there any sort of decent vocab mining guide out there? I didn't see anything explicitly about that in the wiki. Using Yomichan to produce cards isn't an option either, since it's very buggy for me, and I can barely add one dictionary, if that. I need an alternative.

>> No.18536982

but phones automatically capitalize sentences. if anything the precense of capitalized words tend to be a signal of phoneposting

>> No.18536997

Watch the 59 IP count go to 60.

>> No.18537002

But that's content that I'm already familiar with, so isn't it natural that I'd find it easier to read now? When I try to read something new of similar difficulty I'm just as lost as before.

too hard

>> No.18537003

Never mind, range banned.

>> No.18537013

>When I try to read something new of similar difficulty I'm just as lost as before.
How are you reading? Are you constantly looking up words? You're making me nervous -- I don't want reading to be that hard (I haven't started yet beyond one volume of 古見さん)

>> No.18537031

Yes, I look up every word, but I've only recently started mining them. I try to look up grammar points too if I don't understand something, or compare to an English translation as a last resort, but even then I still can't make sense of some sentences. I think maybe I'm just a brainlet.

>> No.18537036

>isn't it natural that I'd find it easier to read now?

In making this statement, you should realize that you've made progress, even if only some. So, if you're finding that you're not knowing content you should be, perhaps your method is lacking somehow, or you need to supplement your studies differently. Take the time to observe your reading objectively, and take note of what exactly you're confused about. Missing many kanji? Not understanding certain grammar points?

Whatever is the biggest contributor to your struggles, once you can identify what it is, supplementing the practice/study of it should make it more manageable, and allow all of your potential prowess to flower. This is from a general perspective though, and not exclusively a language studies one. So, do what you want.

>> No.18537078
File: 12 KB, 415x387, 1505810346642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with kanji that show different marks in different formats? For example, 辶 vs ⻌ in 辻. I've noticed some kanji do one, and some might do the other, but I've also noticed them both happening with the same kanji a few times. Is it just the difference between machine/digital text and handwriting, like how a '3' of sorts is produced in the bottom corner of the ⻌ radical when handwritten?

>> No.18537187

pls help

>> No.18537209

>but I've only recently started mining them.
>I think maybe I'm just a brainlet.
No. You just haven't put in the hard work of grinding vocabulary so you never really had to learn it if you were constantly giving up on trying to remember it yourself and just going to a dictionary. Once you start grinding your mined words and forcing yourself to try and recall readings and meanings on your own, you'll get better.
If that's bothering you, go ahead and rely on something like jisho.org until you get more used to Japanese, maybe?

>> No.18537288

I'm a couple months in and one of my goals is reading Welcome to the NHK in Japanese. How long do you think it's worth waiting before tackling it? I looked at it recently and already know it's too much for me currently.

>> No.18537329
File: 57 KB, 400x200, 錆.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

錆 sometimes looks like the right and sometimes looks like the left depending on what font you use. It confused the hell out of me before I found that out because I thought I was looking at a different kanji.

>> No.18537334
File: 52 KB, 737x737, 1514213620880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you pronounce trailing いs. For instance: 嫌い
Do you say き。ら。い, where the ら and the い is pronounced in 2 separate syllables, or
き。らい, where ら and い is one syllable?

>> No.18537337

You're overthinking it.

>> No.18537353

That's interesting. I was always under the impression that those discrepancies were usually due to the inclusion of Chinese character writings over proper Japanese ones. That said, how should this be approached as a Japanese learner?

>> No.18537384

Learning grammar and Kanji doesn't really give me any practical skills in conversing in Japanese. I'm worried that if I speak with a native Japanese I'll sound like some retard.

>> No.18537392

If you listen to enough Japanese to even begin to start traveling on the road to being able to produce speech, you will know the answer to your question.

>> No.18537398

It has to do with simplification and jouyou kanji. Kanji outside of the jouyou use two dots in standardized fonts, like 辻 邁 遡
There are fonts that aren't standardized that will sometimes have one dot for the しんにょう radical in kanji where there should be two, usually just as a stylistic choice. You don't really see the reverse happen though.
In calligraphy it's normal to write everything with the 一点しんにょう

>how should this be approached as a Japanese learner?
Just deal with this kind of stuff as you come across it, and don't use Chinese fonts.
For 錆 the form with 円 is standard

>> No.18537420

I didn't even consider the effects of the jouyou reformation. That's really interesting, especially that calligraphers choose to do 1-dot too. Thank you for your responses, this is really interesting to read about.

>> No.18537422

To clarify, in handwriting it's still normal to write the two-dot ones with two dots, calligraphy is just referring to 書道

And there are three kanji in the new jouyou list that still use two dots, which are 謎 遜 and also 遡 which is apparently in the jouyou after all

>> No.18537489


Anyone wanna explain to me what this is supposed to mean, and moreover why a teacher would say this to a class?

My gut says it's meant to mean
>Any idiot who isn't getting prepared while I'm doing this is about to go through hell

But that's just a gut feeling, I can't quite grasp the grammar well enough to be sure.

>> No.18537548
File: 293 KB, 900x1350, 2656b37cd3c77cb6bdb139f1c2cc0a86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18537551

it varies



>> No.18537564

Along the lines of "even as we speak, some idiot somewhere is preparing to create 'hell'"

Don't know the context so I don't know the reason the teacher is saying it, but that's definitely what it means.
I wouldn't trust your gut with words, usually getting ahead of yourself like that ends up with you taking in the vocab but making up your own grammar for the sentence

>> No.18537570 [DELETED] 

P sure that should be どこかで

>> No.18537579





>> No.18537591

Oh, I posted without being certain. ごめん

>> No.18537594


>> No.18537620
File: 32 KB, 320x533, que-1462678769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18537642

Not him, but I see there's an extra row on the bottom for 黒い with the accent on ろ instead of く for some of the inflections?
Is this just automatically outlining different possibilities? Is there a pattern for which one gets used?

>> No.18537646

>I don't want to learn how to write kanji.
Isn't that the entire thrust of that book?

>> No.18537656

yuh, that's why I ask, gut is wrong more than half the time.
still makes not much sense for the teacher to say, even given the context, but whatever

>> No.18537661

Would help both of us if you actually posted the context, you know, since they don't call Japanese a "high context" language for no reason

>> No.18537670
File: 425 KB, 1700x1200, 091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can give you the panel but it's literally just a cutaway to the teacher saying that while MC-kun is ignoring the class going on around him.

>> No.18537673
File: 32 KB, 228x225, hatethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang on im a fucking idiot
it's not the teacher saying it, it's mc-kun

excuse my while i go kms

>> No.18537689
File: 435 KB, 1606x864, inncncnc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat related but these two textboxes are giving me trouble too. They seem simple enough but I can't seem to wrap my head around them.

>> No.18537702

not a clue, havent touched pitch accent at all

>> No.18537755

what part are you having trouble with? the grammatical construction?

"your job is to do X, my job is to do Y, don't forget it... と思ってる"
it sounds like he's relaying what that big thing is thinking? idk, i have no clue what you're reading since you seem to still be unclear on what context means

>> No.18537783


six spear's job is to convince the fallen 流刑体 to 亡命 (defect, go into exile?)

俺’sjob is to kill the mfer if he doesn't listen to what six spear has to say.

Don't forget it... I think

what manga is that anyways

>> No.18537798

Thanks man, that makes it much more clear, you basically nailed it.
I think 役 was throwing me through a loop and I didn't pick up on it properly.

Manga is sadamitsu the destroyer.

>> No.18537825

How many different mangaka are represented by those 40 volumes? I am asking this because different writers have different pet words and vocabulary pools which equates to a random and wide array of unique unknown vocabulary for learners like ourselves.
It means being bombarded with a relatively larger range of unknown words in shorter sentences compared to a lengthier text by a single author. To make it feel easier you can change your approach to reading light novels, visual novels or lengthy manga series; anything where an extended time is spent with a single idiolect will feel easier after a little while. Even so, it will still involve the same sense of not getting it when somehing different is picked up to read, maybe not to the same degree.
However even so if after 40 volumes you are still encountering many new words, it makes you feel similar to as you were at 35 volumes ago because you are subconsciously adapting to your changing perceived standard baseline comprehension. This is a frustration combination but to be honest I think it isn't a bad thing. It is a strong indicator that you are reading from a varied set of native minds and building up a wider passive vocabulary base than you are likely aware of. If it makes you feel any better, compare it to someone who has read a similar size single body of text to 40 volumes of manga and they may end up reading that text fast in the end but are also encountering far less styles and unknowns. Both approaches are essential but yours just happens to provide less of an illusion of ease during the process.

Accept that the language has tens of thousands of words and thousands of different styles and subjects to express them with. Even reading every novel by 村上 won't necessarily mean reading a random fashion magazine will be easy because every new author, every new mangaka, every new theme, every new era will present a new body of unknown terminology, unfamiliar phrasing and out of the loop references to insider knowledge of a topic. Leave your ego at the door and embrace that you have new things to feed your brain with for years to come.

Or only read a single narrow theme on a single narrow medium and feel confident knowing every bump and cranny of a small, shallow pool. That can achieved in under five years with a hours of daily input. That might even be more ideal as a stimulating bubble to escape to. Depends on what you want and need out of the language, assess your goals and be realistic about what you want.

>> No.18537898

What is considered acceptable when writing the bottom left of the road radical--a '3', or the simple stroke as displayed here: 道? Jisho shows what I'm referring to here:


I can remember both forms with no issue, but I've been writing it with the '3'. Is this good/bad/etc. ?

>> No.18537929

How reliable is Google translator for English to Japanese? I dont know the language at all, but I wanted to write a few lines in a JP board, hopefully without being lynched.

>> No.18537947

Go for it bro
Even if you get lynched you won't know anyway

>> No.18537950

It's absolutely terrible. Don't embarrass yourself.

>> No.18537960

Cruddy translator, fantastic handwriting character search tool, if not the best.

>> No.18537974
File: 61 KB, 1080x1191, 20180304_043405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading a bit ago, finally hit 1000 words. Is my mature ratio a bit too skewed? Isn't it supposed to be around 1/2 rather than 1/3?

>> No.18537990

That's got to feel really nice. Congratulations, Anon. What kind of deck is this that it has specifically 1,012 words? Some kind of highest frequency list deck?

>> No.18537992
File: 137 KB, 553x459, michi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand write it the way it's shown in the stroke order demo. Fonts that aren't explicitly based on handwriting have some differences from how people are taught to write

This one is a handwriting font, you can see the difference in how the characters with ⻌ look, how the dots in 火 both point inwards, etc

>> No.18537999

I'm glad I'm learning to write it and others properly, then. Thank you for the confirmation.

>> No.18538001

六槍の役目 : 「流刑体」を説得して「亡命」させる

俺の役目 : 「流刑体」の説得が失敗した場合「流刑体」を殺す


>> No.18538002


>> No.18538018

That's so sad. If he knows the philosophy of AJATT why is he paying tutors? And after so long? Khatz pretty much laid down how anyone can reach general fluency without tutors.

>> No.18538030

I'm going to give matt 10 dollars for AJATT

>> No.18538033

Just a mining deck, nothing special, adding words I don't know

>> No.18538063

How long did it take you to amass and study all of this? I'm thinking about doing the same with some VNs or manga, but I'm a bit nervous.

>> No.18538073
File: 27 KB, 651x362, nothinpersonnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, that's nothin' kid

just kidding man, 1000 is a great milestone, keep it up

>> No.18538092
File: 1.56 MB, 1288x770, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18538133
File: 124 KB, 348x201, 1518692460220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't be afraid of reading, anon. you'll be struggling for a long time, but even then it's still more fun then all the dry out-of-context study

>> No.18538174
File: 39 KB, 700x329, nothing person lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


heh thats nothin kid

i need to start doing new words again

>> No.18538175
File: 34 KB, 1281x224, TESt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it actually translate?

>> No.18538177


>> No.18538178


I've kinda dropped anki of late since I'm struggling more with grammar than vocab nowadays. Mostly been doing reading online and using bunpro instead.

>> No.18538182

this is terrible

>> No.18538192

write simple english sentences if you want google translate to be understandable. it still won't be good

>> No.18538199
File: 34 KB, 429x377, 1417700045177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apologising for bad japanese
>Using google translate

>> No.18538202

Is what I tried to do, I am trying to sort of make amend, some users there feel we are trying to "steal" from them, they even hid files under japanese riddles.

>> No.18538210

Try learning Japanese.

>> No.18538216

Well then I guess is a lost cause.

>> No.18538224

just write it in simple english and apologize for taking their stuff. somebody will know enough of it

>> No.18538232
File: 18 KB, 1360x189, fgsgsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Anon. I'm doing RTK right now because I had a bad time when I did vocab/core studies in the past due to kanji. I did download and install some VNs, but I'm still unsure if I should get a base of vocab under my belt with a small most frequent vocab deck, or if I should just start mining. Furthermore, I don't know how to mine quickly and efficiently (Yomichan is broken for me), or what layout my cards should be in, et cetera. If you (or anyone reading this) has advice on these matters, or a resource specifically about mining, I would appreciate hearing about it.

On another note, back to RTK: why is Heisig trying to teach 'metaphor' as pic related when it's supposed to be written as '喩'? From what I understand, it's the simplified version...that doesn't seem to be used in most/any actual vocab as shown in multiple net dictionaries I checked. So confusing; the similar characters shown before it don't have this problem.

>> No.18538243

memes you fell for
>using premade anki decks
>"there are no curse words in japanese"

>> No.18538248

Wish me good luck then anon, and thank you all.
Is "folder" seriously "foruda" in japanese? What the fuck.

>> No.18538258

there are many loanwords, just like we use foreign words in english

i just recommend trying to get yomichan working. use a different browser if you have to

>> No.18538262
File: 12 KB, 244x218, shortycut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy, ShōtokattoLMAO.

>> No.18538274

Can be written both ways.
There are better alternatives to RTK but I won’t go into detail with you matt dicksucking RTK failures.

>> No.18538306

Best place to buy LNs? Kobo rakuten is shit (neither changing extension and then extracting nor Calibre conversion gives you all the images of the source in the resulting html file).
Anything else that will accept a non-Nip debit card but that will also give me a LN you can convert without losing shit? Preferably something that doesn't geo-lock, fucking around with VPNs is a waste of time.

>> No.18538317
File: 145 KB, 2018x830, dgsdgd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related are the errors I get. I've had my dictionaries not be installed after installing, and most of the time, they'll fail to do even that.
I'm guessing you're with the KKLC camp, right? I started RTK before he even posted that video a week ago, and am 300+ kanji in.

>> No.18538320

Are you using an old version of firefox?

>> No.18538324

Aurora/Dev edition.

>> No.18538330

Do you have any history-related addons?

>> No.18538334

>This program only works on Japanese version of Windows.
Is there an option besides wiping my HDD and installing Japanese Windows 7? I have locale set to Japanese and even time set to JST.

>> No.18538336

Try locale emulator. Otherwise find a crack.

>> No.18538346
File: 28 KB, 571x325, dsdgsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the only active add-ons I have. I don't have any Monkey scripts that should affect it either, just 4ChanX.

>> No.18538347

If the program doesn't require tons of GPU performance you could just install Japanese Windows in a virtual machine.

>> No.18538376

not the same anon, but why not just dl a different browser if you're using it specifically for flashcards anyway. open it only when you're reading and there you go

>> No.18538391

I suppose I can. Does the public branch of the latest Firefox work? It lists it on the site. I just don't want to use Chrome.

>> No.18538442

I'm on the latest, working here
yomichan 1.5.1

>> No.18538443

beats me. i use chrome

>> No.18538512

A clean install of the latest stable Firefox had the same issues. Chrome won't even make an attempt to install any dictionaries. It just instantly says "AbortError: Transaction aborted" when I try to install any dictionary from the zip folders. I have no idea what to make of any of this.

>> No.18538518

Your operating system is broken or your hard drive is dying.

Are you SURE your disk isn't full?

>> No.18538542

Wait, what the fuck. I just tried installing into Chrome. JMNEDict takes 6GB of space alone? What is this shit? I made space, and it's still weird. At least it shows up in Firefox now, but I think the libraries are bugged. This makes little sense, because I had plenty of space before too. I suppose I'll just reinstall them, then.

>> No.18538545

>JMNEDict takes 6GB of space alone?
It's unnecessarily bloated, yes.

>> No.18538607

Well, this has been a ride. I guess I was only a few GB away from being able to install everything this whole time. Thanks for the guidance, Anon. I've got all the dictionaries added, and everything is functioning. Now I just need figure out what I should be doing in regards to card format/deck creation. Any suggestions? What settings do you use?

>> No.18538618

I don't have any opinions on that, sorry. By the way Anki makes daily backups so you're going to need way more than a gig or two of extra space in the long run.

>> No.18538620

I made plenty of space. I'll be solid for a good while, now. Thanks.

>> No.18538631

I find it funny when google translate will totally mess up English to Japanese translation. Even a simple casual Japanese is hard for google translate to properly change to english.

>> No.18538654

Is using の to indicate a question feminine, or does that only apply to the の at the end of non-question statements?

>> No.18538726
File: 70 KB, 1250x340, 媒介笑い.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best Method at Intermediate Level
pic related

>> No.18538753

"の" at the end of a sentence is a confusing particle, which express (1)doubt (regardless of male or female), (2)emphasis or express (3)order.

(1)どこへ行くの(⤴)。Where are you going?
(2)私が食べるの(!)It is me who eat that!
(3)きちんと部屋の掃除をするの(!)Clean the room neatly!

>> No.18538775

he's been "lower intermediate" for 11 years.

he doesnt realize how shit he is. a perfect example of an eternal beginner.

>> No.18538777

No, he's totally embarrassed. He just doesn't realize HOW bad he is.

>> No.18538779
File: 42 KB, 666x403, mature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh thats nothin kid

I only added a few hundred cards total since I passed JLPT N1 about 2 years ago (winter 2015), but I still keep up with my daily anki reviews. Spending 10-15 minutes a day to make sure I never forget those 17000 cards seems worth it

>> No.18538795

Furthermore, "の" at the end can soften the sentence at times. (This sounds feminine.)

>1 (下降調[かこうちょう]のイントネーションを伴[ともな]って)断定の言い方を和[やわ]らげる意を表す。多く、女性が使用する。「伺[うかが]いたいことがあるの」「あいにく母は留守ですの」

>> No.18538799

>why is Heisig trying to teach 'metaphor' as pic related when it's supposed to be written as '喩'? From what I understand, it's the simplified version

Basically, when Heisig made those books, he assumed, that those new Jouyou characters would be simplified soon, the same way the other Jouyou characters were simplified. That didn't happen

>> No.18538808
File: 31 KB, 595x362, nnnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's something but not quite...

>> No.18538810

The weirdest thing about it is that I followed his guide, and made it to N1 in 3 1/2 years while he's still struggling with N4 grammar.

>> No.18538832

By the way, why did you stop adding new words?

>> No.18538847

Mostly lazyness, I guess.
After the Core decks, I added most of my new words from VNs or web novels with Rikasama/Yomichan.
But lately I've been reading a lot of paper books and played console games (Vita/PS4), and manually making cards from that is no fun, so I just look up whatever I need and move on.

>> No.18538885
File: 388 KB, 1191x1000, 1517559690706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone tell me what settings they used in Yomichan and Anki for mining vocab? I'm having difficulty setting it up.

>> No.18538901

Just copy the core deck.
Stripping the html is pretty much necessary.

>> No.18538980

Hi! I'm new into learning Japanese and I've been checking the available methods recently. I read the fiery anti-RTK discussion yesterday and have some questions. >>18526967

Provided RTK is a waste of time and therefore the whole approach MattvsJapan supports - How long would it take to learn Japanese using your DJT-core methods and cutting the whole BS down? Since your methods are more efficient by definition they must be faster - can I hope for halving the time I would spend on learning Japanese with them as opposed to going Matt's 4-year-old-plan to learning Japanese?

I saw a lot of antagonism, but no concrete information about how the proper approach is supposed to be like or how long it takes in comparison.

>> No.18539020

There is no "proper approach". You try one, and if it's shit, you try the next. That's what everyone does, and not just in /djt/. So, don't waste more time, and try something already.

>> No.18539025

It will take years no matter what you do. If your goal is learning as fast as possible the thing that matters most is investing the maximum amount of hours every single day, the concrete method is not that important as long as you aren't doing r/LearnJapanese Genki Memrise courses. Someone who invests 8 hours a day will obviously have different results than someone who invests 2 hours a day so predictions that span YEARS make no sense as they heavily depend on the individual.

>> No.18539038

just work your way through KKLC at whatever pace you seem fit, maybe make an anki deck out of the example words while you're at it

>> No.18539049

I'm a NEET so I have all the time available in the world

>> No.18539120

Why are you worrying about finding the perfect learning method then (I don't think such a thing exists).
Just pick a method that works and stick with it, and you'll eventually learn japanese.

>> No.18539124

>How long would it take to learn Japanese using your DJT-core methods
we don't give an estimate because they're useless in an anonymous setting
we have no way of knowing what your native language is, if its korean or chinese, those have an advantage over say english natives
this is also true of goals, perhaps you're going to have 'made it' when you can read incredibly wordy novels or just doujin smut
but we also have no way to credibly back up any of the material and its benefits from a results basis, not in the manner you are looking for. It gives us the ability to adapt much more quickly, and shit on any method that is so far off the beaten track, but its all self contained posts that you have to source yourself

its all up to you what you want to believe is worth your time

>> No.18539125

>I'm a NEET so I have all the time available in the world

So start using that time already. Again, there is no "best way". The effectiveness of each method varies widely with each person. Furthermore, trying to gauge the time required to achieve 'fluency', especially with no defined meaning of 'fluent', is ultimately futile. All methods lead to the same end-point, just with different hiking routes. How are we supposed to know if you're better at climbing than swimming? Go hike, and if hiking doesn't work for you, then go swim.

Want to know how long it's going to take you? Divide the content into daily chunks, and see how long that will take. For example, Heisig's RTK I, at 2200 cards/40 a day, is a minimum of 55 days, assuming you complete all of your reviews and new cards consistently on a daily basis, without fail. So, roughly two months to learn 2200 kanji. Apply the same thing to Core, mining decks, or whatever the fuck.

>> No.18539131

Read shit that is mostly written in full sentences, preferably something with narrative like VNs, LNs etc. Once you get a knack for how sentences and phrases are supposed to flow it'll be easier to pick up on slang/accents because you'll recognize patterns.

It's like how if you've seen 仕方がない and しょうがねー enough times it you become able to recognize しゃーねー when it shows up.

>> No.18539142

Because I won't be a NEET for ever, so I'd like to organise this precious time as good as possible. I don't need the 'perfect' method because there's no such a thing. I just read that Matt's approach is horrible and looked forward to getting to know the more efficient ones.

>> No.18539152

read the guide faggot

>> No.18539171

>It gives us the ability to adapt much more quickly, and shit on any method, no exceptions.

>> No.18539176
File: 23 KB, 326x263, 1500848984788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked forward to getting to know the more efficient ones.
>The more efficient ones

Get out of here with your bait. You won't learn Japanese if you're going to sit around looking for the perfect solution without trying anything--because there isn't one. You've been given suggestions of what you can do.Don't like the idea of Matt's setup? Do what they suggest in the DJT guide. Like the idea of learning kanji first? Do RTK or KKLC, then mine and/or do Core.

Don't want to do any of these because you think there's a mystic Japanese unicorn who's going to bless you with ultimate Moon-Man insight? >Pic related

>> No.18539180

If you're a NEET and you're serious about putting in 8+ hours a day of learning Japanese, then you'll be able to read the vast majority of modern fictional content after 4 months.

My personal advice (based purely off my own experience) is to grind the core2k vocab deck while reading Tae Kim. After that immediately get to reading some VN while adding new words you find to a mining deck.

>> No.18539183


This is why I can't read manga. Why can't they just write like normal language like normal people? How am I supposed to know this? Has anyone even in any anime ever said しゃーねー

>> No.18539186

How come Matt knows how long his method would roughly take and none of you guys know how long DJT method takes? Is it that no-one here has every finished it or learned Japanese so you cannot really talk about the duration of the whole process?

>> No.18539192

Yes, try actually listening, it will teach you a lot of words.

>> No.18539194

OK, that's a concrete answer, thanks. I'm going to do that.

>> No.18539200

If this worked every NEET weeaboo would already know Japanese

>> No.18539202

try 'Japanese the Manga way'
it has a lot of these manga-only types of words

>> No.18539228

It's worth a shot I suppose, I'll try it

>> No.18539233

Is there a DJT method at all? The guide outlines different resources and gives some general pointers. That feels different from a do X, Y, Z using tools A, B and C with texts 1, 2 and 3, which generalized structured approaches have.
There are probably an easy dozen different approaches used by those who have posted in this thread despite using similar resources suggested in the guide.

>> No.18539243

I guess you are right, thanks for the tips guys.

>> No.18539261

"It will teach you a lot of words" (and grammar) doesn't mean "It will teach you Japanese". But you could say "It will teach you to understand basic spoken Japanese, and written grammar" and that would be correct.

>> No.18539282

>Is it that no-one here has every finished it
why would anyone that had be here to answer that

>> No.18539341

I'm having trouble understanding this sentence. Can anyone lend me a hand? Specifically 気がついた時にはしちゃっているもの
Context is a father lecturing his daughter and her friend (who has a new boyfriend) on what love is.

>> No.18539381

恋っていうのは(about love)、気がついた時には(at the time you notice it)しちゃっているもの(you're doing it)

>> No.18539434

When japanese quote something, they add -to or -tte after it. Is -tte supposed to be like the -te form of iu, itte? If so, is the -ttara they put after someone when calling them silly (or something like that) the conditional of iu, ittara?

>> No.18539453

>at the time you notice it you're doing it
I don't get it. Is he trying to say that you'll know it when it happens? Or perhaps that when you notice you're in love, that you've been in love for a while?

>> No.18539494

move the comma left to toki ni and you will understand

>> No.18539537

Ah, I think I get it now. Like, you just casually fall in love every now and then, no matter how old you get?

>> No.18539548

you might be interpreting ikutsu wrong but I'm not sure what's going on inside your head so whatever

>> No.18539559

http://ce.linedict.com/dict.html#/cnen/home is better than goog at recognizing your ugly kanji drawings with the computer mouse

just replace koi with nihongo and @ everyone who replied to you so far lol

>> No.18539563

Yeah I was interpreting いくつ as how old.

>> No.18539564
File: 52 KB, 800x800, 1457653032268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18539583

>If you're a NEET and you're serious about putting in 8+ hours a day of learning Japanese, then you'll be able to read the vast majority of modern fictional content after 4 months.
Sorry, but it's bullshit. 4 month for 8 hours a day will be only about 960 hours. It's enough to read something using a dictionary constantly but you need at least 3x of that to read confidently.

>> No.18539588

I have two questions.
1. My current work allows me to have 5-10 minute blocks in which there is no work and I started learning the kana on my phone, but I'm unsure what other ressources are good to use on the phone to learn kanji and vocabulary. Not sure if there is something for grammar so that I'd need to do at home. It's mostly that I'm way more motivated at work.

2. English isn't my mother tongue, so is there some inherent disadvantage to learn japanese in english (since it has way more ressources)? Or is it even fine to completely mix it between english and my native language?

>> No.18539619

cant you just check out learning materials in your main language and see how it goes and make a judgment call later? english speakers have it pretty rough seemingly

>> No.18539675

I'm german, so pronounciation is rather easy for me. But I don't really know of any learning materials in german I can put on my phone. I also think it might be a bit easier in english with katakana as I first struggled to understand some words before I realised that they are just the english term but autistically written with katakana. But I probably should try to get a book in german on grammar, I can take that with me to work and read during breaks.

>> No.18539715

i wouldnt worry about the loanwords too much because the problem english speakers have is not understanding that loanwords dont really function like the english word they come from a lot of the time

>> No.18539729
File: 126 KB, 772x525, deki english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18539746

Japanese has tons of words loaned from other languages too. Most of them are from chinese btw, so you better learn chinese if you care about these things.

>> No.18539775

Everything will be hard for a beginner, but you're not going to find many novels or VNs that are substantially easier than Welcome to the NHK. I think it would be fine as your first novel. But you might want to put it off if it's your white whale just so you can enjoy it more.

>> No.18539822

If you share your Rakuten books here I can convert it for you with the images included.

>> No.18539857
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can grammar be so simple yet so fucking difficult?

The に particle is supposed to mark a target or destination, physical or abstract, right?
Then why is it used in this example sentence?

>> No.18539879

に can also make some nouns into adverbs to modify the sentence. 本当に is a very common example of this, you'll get used to it.

>> No.18539891
File: 3 KB, 79x232, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah

>> No.18539894

because you dont intuitively understand に the same way you understand the word to in english or someshit

>> No.18539910

Oh, right, it's the adverb-making kind of に. Thanks, I should probably read that chapter again.

>> No.18539960

You (?) did it for me once already, but I'm looking for some better alternative where I won't be so dependent on other people (and anyway I was unable to change the font size unlike with calibre converts with their easier to understand css).
Rest assured, I will still dee-DRM and share it.

>> No.18539983

Amazon, kindle books are a joke to convert.

>> No.18539994

Iirc they geo-lock, but will they at least accept non-Nip debit card?

>> No.18540000

If you have problems with this case of usage you're never going to make it. Particles in japanese have lots of meanings.

>> No.18540006

Don't want to go to the trouble of finding a VPN they didn't block only to find out they actually block non-Nip cards.

>> No.18540009

All you have to do is give a Japanese address in your content and device settings. They accept my UK visa debit so I imagine you wouldn't have any problems. You may occasionally get blocked, but you can solve that by buying something from behind a vpn.

>> No.18540020

I actually need a Kindle to buy from them? They don't have some clients that just use their computers to read?

>> No.18540050

Also, do you know what (preferably free) VPN works for them?

>> No.18540134
File: 19 KB, 349x571, firefox_2018-03-04_17-10-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No click Content and Devices > settings > change your country.

vpn gate worked fine for me

>> No.18540405

Thanks, got it going, managed to de-DRM too, but am I losing my mind or are the images lower-res than rakuten's?

>> No.18540415

Yeah the epub is 8 times smaller too, despite there being a comparable amount of pictures, seems like I got chinked by the American Jew.

>> No.18540500

And it's not like it's even easier to convert to html, converting to epub and extracting gives 40 small html files and converting to htmlz and extracting loses many pictures.
Fuck me I guess.
So anyone knows a site that will let me buy LNs that will convert nicely to html without any fuckery?

>> No.18540575

Start reading my first vn, five sentences in and I learn the kanji for flat chest, nice

>> No.18540588

check these ones out also 病気

>> No.18540678

what's the best way to skim through a deck in Anki to single out some kanji - for example I have core deck and I'd like to review first the words that I already know but they are scattered all across the deck, so is there a way to go through the deck without putting review 'penalties' on cards as you go along?

manually tagging all the cards in browse mode sounds like a drudgery, i'd rather fast forward in reviews

>> No.18540750

What kanji

>> No.18540776


Now you need to balance it out by learning 爆乳.

>> No.18540787

I feel like you should learn English, first of all.

>> No.18540795

I don't think there is a single kanji for that.

>> No.18540813

There's a kanji compound

>> No.18540814

None of the people who spend hours of their day on DJT ranting about RTK and AJATT have learned Japanese

>> No.18540817

Why would you ever waste your time learning English over Japanese?

>> No.18540885

In order to learn Japanese, you must first learn Chinese for kanji, Spanish for pronunciation, Korean for grammar, Norwegian for pitch accent, and English, Dutch and Portuguese for loanwords.

>> No.18540897

You mean Finnish for pronunciation

>> No.18540903

With that logic, every anglo should know German, Latin, Greek and French, since that's what this mutt language is mainly made of.

>> No.18540910

wadashi wa finlandjean days :DDDD o fug :DDDD

>> No.18540969

Conversely, a program that's better at converting than Calibre or maybe even a program that combines many html files into one file would be a viable solution.

>> No.18541035


I remember my first day posting on DJT

>> No.18541077

What guide?

>> No.18541081

>reply to guy talking about etymology with a post discussing etymology
>somehow I'm a newfag
Alright then.

>> No.18541129

No you're just autistic if you can't clearly tell that guy is joking

>> No.18541196

Nukemarine spends all his time making guides and learning materials to find the best way to learn japanese, without actually learning japanese himself.
His guide at the time when I started learning japanese was an earlier incarnation of this https://forum.koohii.com/thread-5110.html ,which really wasn't all that different from what DJT is recommending (aside from arguing about RTK):
- Do RTK
- Learn grammar via Tae Kim
- Do Core 6k
- Mine words from JDramas with subs2srs (I didn't actually do that and mined from reading and video games instead)

>> No.18541202

Replying seriously to shitposting <
not newfag <

>> No.18541248

Ty for explaining, btw im actually reading a vn, should I use yomichan to mine Words? Or just do it manually?

>> No.18541273

How do I avoid becoming an eternal dekinai like nukemarine? The thought scares me to death

>> No.18541277

I used Yomichan (or Rikaisama before that) while reading, and then manually fixed up the cards on the first review.
Manually creating each card while you're reading just breaks up your flow, so if you really have to do that, do it in a batch after your reading session.

>> No.18541286

Just pick a method and stick to it, instead of trying to create the perfect learning method yourself.

>> No.18541310

And I joked in return. I think you're the autist, anon.

>> No.18541312

no matter how hard you try theres jsut some things youll never understand (if you even realize you dont understand them) until a japanese person explains it to you

idk about that dude but if youre spending your time absorbing and thinking itll mostly work out

>> No.18541314

Yes, instead of BTFOing retards, let's let them run rampant. That strategy has certainly worked well for us, hasn't it?

>> No.18541316
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>> No.18541334

Being unable to detect or correctly interpret sarcasm is a big red flag for autism, anon

>> No.18541343

no one is sarcastic on the internet

>> No.18541344

Expecting people to detect sarcasm on the internet is also a big red flag for autism

>> No.18541351


>> No.18541355

No, it's actually pretty common. I think you've just gone so long interpreting every post you read literally that the concept of someone saying something they don't actually mean is unfathomable to you.

>> No.18541359

i'm not really happy with my retention though and I don't know what to do aside from just 'read more', my core retention is still 80%+ usually but my mining drops anywhere from 65-79%

>> No.18541374

I'm not that guy, so nice projecting.
You're likely to be autistic if you get butthurt when people don't understand your sarcasm on the internet. It's different from real conversations because real conversations have facial expressions and tone of voice. You would know that these are pretty important for conveying sarcasm if you weren't autistic.

>> No.18541381

if you post itt youre likely to be autistic period
and i am no exception

>> No.18541387

Wanna touch tips?

>> No.18541389

鞦韆. One of those kanji is used in only two words, the other, only in one (at least going by what's contained in Jisho). Why such specialized kanji? I know the word's usually just written in kana so it feels a tiny bit pointless to learn the kanji, but I still want to be able to recognize it if I see it. It's just bizarre to me that they'd bother making such detailed kanji and not using them ever again.

>> No.18541392

a-at least we have above average intelligence r-right? haha... that's why my retention rate is so g-good..

>> No.18541403
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 1513319816595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys and girls instead of arguing let's all go study Japanese!

On the count of three:

Sen, noh!!

>> No.18541408

Why the fuck would I study Japanese when BTFOing random people I will never meet is so much more satisfying?

>> No.18541416

Why would you BTFO random people when you can blow random people

>> No.18541436

Is becoming a trap sex slave for the yakuza an effective way of doing immersion?

>> No.18541442

Could someone please post that wall of kanji from Muramasa? You know the one.

>> No.18541446

for all this talk about big red flags for autism I think you may have missed the forest for the trees, which is that having retarded arguments about sarcasm on fourchan equates to parading your big red autism flags through the streets パチパチパチ

>> No.18541454


>> No.18541465

Call me gay in japanese one more time motherfucker, I dare you.

>> No.18541467

joke's on you, all of those posts are me!

>> No.18541501

unfortunately for me it wouldnt really work out because im 6'4 lol theres just no world where a bunch of 5 foot nothings are gonna be manhandling me



>> No.18541510
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>> No.18541515

>haven't read tae kim or done any anki
>can read yotsubato no problem

is this the power of absorbing vocabulary through anime?

>> No.18541521


>> No.18541567

>having retarded arguments about sarcasm on fourchan equates to parading your big red autism flags through the streets
>coming from someone analyzing and sharing his thoughts about a half hour conversation on autism
Welcome to the club, autismo.

>> No.18541576
File: 210 KB, 708x341, 1513026436420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that I actually got this joke makes me way happier with my progress than being able to read some things

>> No.18541578

How many cards do you anons who are well into core6k get in your daily reps?
And how long does it take you?

>> No.18541581
File: 94 KB, 671x829, hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yorosiku onegaisimasu

>> No.18541625

Anime is for plebs, I hope you've quit it already

>> No.18541631

>unfortunately for me it wouldnt really work out because im 6'4 lol theres just no world where a bunch of 5 foot nothings are gonna be manhandling me
That's what the syringes full of mystery yakuza drugs are for

>> No.18541684

I'm nearing 8k and I've slowed down to 15 new cards a day starting a month ago.
>~220 cards/day
>~240 reviews/day
>~40 min/day
I also read every example sentence so that might eat up a bit more of my time than those who just read the word.

>> No.18541709

what i wouldnt give to wake up one day and find out i was the main character in popular 90s hentai game series "x-change"

>> No.18541756




>> No.18541758

Man Heisig really goes downhill with his stories after you get about 100 kanji in

>> No.18541779

You're supposed to make your own.

>> No.18541834
File: 349 KB, 1280x720, advancedjapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is muzukashii nihongo, huh? Truly challenging but I like it

>> No.18541838
File: 644 KB, 500x281, 1477267098189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes me around the same time to learn 20 new cards and review 80-120 I've learned prior

>> No.18541855

I can't tell if this post is serious or not someone help me out here

>> No.18541860

why do you say its challenging

>> No.18541868

Oh, sorry. I was just looking at my Anki stats. It takes me an extra half hour+ to look up 15 new words to introduce.
In the beginning I was slow too and there was a point where I was doing Anki for 80 minutes a day. You get faster over time as you get used to the kanji readings.

>> No.18541920




>> No.18541928

Look at that big ass relative clause. Pretty exciting, don't you think

>> No.18541939

>he still can't process information in japanese sentence order
keep reading, kid.

>> No.18541968

I could but had to pause for a second and reread it
Good enough

>> No.18541977

Much like my dick after seeing your fat whore of a mother who had just gotten finished sucking off several pigs and being railed in the ass by the pet dog, it's not very hard.

>> No.18541978

yeah dude totally >>18532501

>> No.18541990
File: 204 KB, 800x600, albatross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is "muzukashii" "nihongo" go ahead & take a crack at it

>> No.18542010

Is it bad to check translations when you can't get what is being said or should i just ignore it and move on?

>> No.18542027

You should ask the experts at DJT for assistance

>> No.18542039

it could give you the key to figuring out how what you're seeing works grammatically but I would be aware of it becoming a crutch

also yes you could have experts such as me translate it for you and explain every step

>> No.18542040

Why is this random porn VN more difficult to read than actual classic literature from the early 20th century

>> No.18542048

albert ross`s kokairoku truly one for the ages

however four sentences on one screen is not truly muzukashi it is only modokashi because i know the author can write several hundred word sentences that are fatal to try to read aloud in a single breath

>> No.18542074

>because i know the author can write several hundred word sentences that are fatal to try to read aloud in a single breath
post one

>> No.18542120
File: 174 KB, 955x568, pasokon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will stop this man's selfishness.

>> No.18542137

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.18542145


>> No.18542169


>> No.18542187


>> No.18542188

Different person, but for fun I ran a script to find the longest sentences in the Mareni VNs on vnscripts.

Astelight Shuushuubako:

Kagerou Touryuuki:

>> No.18542201

youve really opened up pandoras box here and i wont be held responsible for the consequences

>> No.18542238

that second one made me 即 cream my pants

that's got to be the epitome of porn VN writing

>> No.18542260

now that's a spicy kanji

>> No.18542284

I guess it makes sense for VNs to be written with such flowery prose.

>> No.18542337

i had to hyperventilate myself for 10 minutes but i was able to do each of them just barely avoiding passing out

>> No.18542492

that's a really roundabout way of saying the bitch got fucked retarded

>> No.18542550

maybe thats the joke

>> No.18542595

Why do people say this? I can ship from and buy ebooks from Amazon JP just fine.

>> No.18542628

Do RTK, learn grammar, and then sentence mine.

>> No.18542639

What country is your main address in?
For me they refused to sell kindle books until I changed my main address from the US to a dummy one in Japan.
It doesn't matter for physical books, but they're damn expensive to ship all the way here

>> No.18542647
File: 155 KB, 512x427, 1518410437989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18542683

hey ajatt matt from ajatt here and i just wanted to let you know that the sooner you adapt an ajatt lifestyle the sooner you will become the nihongologist of your dreams because you will absorb like a sponge gaining knowledge and command of japango at a rate several times faster than other popular study methods such as retarding the kanji and sucking the decrepit dicks of old people so what do you have to lose adopt an ajatt lifestyle today

>> No.18542776


注意を払う様子が見えなかった = nothing worth paying attention to? never seen 様子 used this way

>> No.18542783
File: 228 KB, 500x719, 1517842914957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much reading is enough? 1 hour? Or should I just be reading until I cannot stand it?

>> No.18542791


enough for what?

>> No.18542811

this but unironically

>> No.18542819

Isn't the sentence talking about someone else?
Then 様子 could refer to the appearance of that person, as in, "it didn't look like he was paying any attention"

>> No.18542821

to cum

>> No.18542833

sounds like it's describing the 様子 of someone who doesn't much pay attention to their surroundings no matter how 賑やか it is

>> No.18542837

Matt wants you to do retarding the kanji before learning a word of Japanese

>> No.18542841

Is matt from ajatt khatzumoto and also mattvsjapan?

>> No.18542845


thanks, that seems to be correct

>> No.18542862

matt is the guy from mattvsjapan, he did AJATT and got the results he wanted out of it and is now making videos about it
not to be confused with matt from britvsjapan, who has a similar story
khatzumoto is the guy who made AJATT in the first place, he applied the antimoon/krashen stuff to learning japanese and got fluent doing it and made a blog about it. most people here don't want to admit it but the DJT guide is basically an AJATT derivative in the first place.

>> No.18542871

Just read till you get bored.
I can only read for like 30 minutes before I can't really concentrate anymore or be on the verge of sleep.

>> No.18542875

i was unironically being ironic

oh i should make a flashcard for that and put it in my whats hot on djt deck

i think so also japan won

>> No.18542892

a good amount of progress in this whole 'read more' thing

>> No.18542928

i just remembered whenever tadoku rolled around there was always this one guy who got an insanely high score and read VNs exclusively. i wonder if he's native level or something by now because he's been reading an absurd amount of japanese for years

>> No.18543000

That's way too many ecelebs to keep track of for me, I was just curious cuz I get khatzumoto's emails. Isn't the djt guide more strongly influenced by Steve Kaufman?

>> No.18543029

What's with the eceleb worship in this thread anyways?

>> No.18543034

AJATT + RTK is the best

>> No.18543036

i dont get it either, i think /int/ might have permanently died
I'm just here to learn how to read and listen, I dont care about any of these name dropping faggots

>> No.18543037
File: 8 KB, 425x263, card.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitter here. Is this a mistake in the card or is it some grammar rule/exception I just haven't learned yet. It feels like the example sentence should end with しません

>> No.18543044

idol culture is japanese, h*ck off back to reddo, matt is the ajatt idol

>> No.18543048

its not wrong youre just stuck on the english too hard to understand what the japanese is actually saying

>> No.18543050

"The train will not stop at the next station" = "The train will pass the next station"

>> No.18543051

It's going through the station (without stopping).

>> No.18543053

by worshipping various internet celebrities such as matt, khatz, steve and dogen, we prepare ourselves to adapt to the polytheistic japanese religion of shinto, and thus become more like a native

>> No.18543058 [DELETED] 

kill yourself retards

>> No.18543061 [DELETED] 

Go back

>> No.18543084 [DELETED] 


>> No.18543090

Oh I see now, thanks.

Kind of a weird 'translation' in this one though

>> No.18543094

The Two Steves (Kaufmann and Krashen) are the only ecelebs that matter.

>> No.18543101

>Kind of a weird 'translation' in this one though
Is it? What do they usually say when they skip past a stop then? I've never been on one.

>> No.18543102

i mean theres a weird dicksucking that goes on in the western vn blogosphere between the people who dont know japanese and the people who drip feed them literal shit like most of the popular offenders who translate eroge quite terribly or white people telling you how to learn japanese


>> No.18543158

Its not really to word it that way, but its just a weird way to translate it imo. The Japanese says "the train is passing through the next station"; which technically means its not stopping. But it would be like if I were to translate "I have a dog" as "I don't have any cats".

>> No.18543174

That literally just means that RTK itself, the book, is useless.

>> No.18543189

I read 4 hours a day minimum when studying

>> No.18543190

Oh okay. I assumed they did so because it sounded more natural but if it's fine either way then I'm not sure what their reasoning was.
>But it would be like if I were to translate "I have a dog" as "I don't have any cats".
Not quite. If you were asked "Do you have any cats" then saying "I have a dog" with the proper inflection would be a pragmatically correct response but if the question was "Do you have a dog" then responding with "I don't have any cats" wouldn't make sense. In this case however there are only two options. Either the train stops or it doesn't.

>> No.18543197

In the modern day, yes, you don't need the actual RTK book to do RTK.

>> No.18543203

Take the English example sentence off the card if it's bothering you that fucking much.

>> No.18543204

I like telling people to who want to "do RTK" to do it with KKLC instead of using RTK (the book) itself.

>> No.18543209

its not a weird way to translate it you just gotta understand the context that its being used

because you can use that word in a different situation where something is just comin through

theres a lot of stuff thats gonna be like this

>> No.18543270

i looked them up and apparently they're transgender now. this is what spending 24 hours a day reading porn games does to you

>> No.18543281

Good for them.

>> No.18543292

that's putting the cart before the horse my friend

>> No.18543314

>apparently they're transgender now

>> No.18543344

dont be that guy my ninja

>> No.18543413
File: 167 KB, 960x854, B01EWWSST6.01._SCRMZZZZZZ_SX960_CR0,0,960,854_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18543490


>> No.18543522
File: 184 KB, 1066x1600, w017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can i think better raws for 宝石の国? The ones on nyaa aren't that great.

>> No.18543526

you can get em at the comic book store

>> No.18543529
File: 230 KB, 1120x1600, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18543572


>> No.18543574

Is the first 平駅員の here modifying 否んだ?

>> No.18543763

pretty sure its modifying 事情

>> No.18543788

If you're interested I just went in an manually removed a bunch of stray formatting from a bunch of the scripts in vnscripts.

>> No.18543820





>> No.18543826

It's this word I think: https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/14272/meaning/m0u/

>> No.18543841

I don't know how 少年が初め出した外国硬貨を否んだにも訳があって fits into the rest of the sentence then.

>> No.18543858



>> No.18543904
File: 33 KB, 726x360, MB Set-up Question 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I need a bit of help here. I'm playing a game for the first time and at the title screen it's asking me 2 questions as part of set-up.

I figured out what the first question means, but I have no idea what the second question means even when I input 簡単設完 in google translate I have no idea what it's referring to. Anyone here can give me a hand?

>> No.18543909





>> No.18543920

It's 設定 (settings). You mistranscribed that kanji.
It's asking if you want simple setup (yes) or advanced setup with more options (no)

>> No.18543936

The way I think it's meant to be processed is
But doesn't 否んだ need こと after it for that to be the case, or can it be dropped?

>> No.18543937

You do know it. It is one of many ways for asking if somebody would do something.

and so on

There are differences in nuance between the questions, but you're probably not at the level of understanding them yet

>> No.18543948

It's from a VN known for complex and flowery prose, so maybe that's why it's used that way.

>> No.18543978

Ahhh fuck!!! Thanks for pointing it out. Stupid me no wonder I was confused as hell. Before even playing it, from the concept, the game had nothing I would need an "easy completion" for since there's no actual gameplay

Thanks again! :)

>> No.18544074

This sounds right

>But doesn't 否んだ need こと after it for that to be the case, or can it be dropped?
In modern writing you would probably phrase it differently but given >>18543948 is the case, the author is just using の like in classical writing for the sake of artsy phrasing, in place of が
Probably since there's already another が in that clause, and that makes の work better there

>> No.18544152

Thanks. I googled "したには訳が" and it seems like phrasing it that way is pretty common, so it looks like my initial interpretation was correct.

>> No.18544192

how much do i need to know to live there

>> No.18544200

enough to not get slayed by mareni

>> No.18544201

you can do fine in japan knowing literally no japanese

>> No.18544220

The only thing that you need to know is that if you ever get into trouble, go to a policeman and tell him 小学生と援交斡旋してくれませんか。He'll take you back to your room.

>> No.18544235

just be like logan paul

>> No.18544328

>rice plant + wife
Don't send out your wife to the fields during the storm.

>> No.18544374

i asked how much a day to study, not how much a day to make it a job

>> No.18544430

"Eigo kudasai"

>> No.18544433 [DELETED] 


>> No.18544439




>rain + rice field

>> No.18544484

At what point will I be able to understand J-J dictionaries?
I'm ~900 words into core2k so far and can't understand a thing right now.

>> No.18544507

There is no solid point since it depends on the word. If you really want to go that way you could always start with a J-J definition and then go to J-E if you can't figure it out. Over time you'll be able to understand J-J more and more.

>> No.18544512


>> No.18544570

Dicrionaries are native materials, there could be literally any words.

>> No.18544585

Are you a RTK drone? Is 稲光 in this word means "rice" too?

>> No.18544589
File: 105 KB, 448x668, 1508576808124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be a bit busy in the immediate future, is there any reason I shouldn't set "new cards" in Anki to 0 for a couple days? I think I can squeeze in all (or most, at least) of my reviews, but a bunch of new cards on top of that might be pushing it.

>> No.18544600

That sounds perfectly reasonable.

>> No.18544608

I hate RTK too but stop trying to act smart when you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18544628

Your statement only says that you actually dodn't read anything of the sort.. Classical books are usually a lot harder or at least on a similar level of difficulty with mareni's works.

>> No.18544630

Name 1 (one) flaw with RTK.

>> No.18544632

What other effective ways are there to practice output skills, besides finding someone online or in person to interact with?

>> No.18544636

You are right ofcourse.
But I imagine easier words have easier explanations if it's anything like E-E dictionaries

>> No.18544639

you do know what the purpose of language in general is right

>> No.18544649

Awesome, thanks.

>> No.18544669

It doesn't teach even kanjis properly.

>> No.18544684

What does properly mean in this context?

>> No.18544687

It does though.

>> No.18544714

I'm doing RTK right now, but I will say that he's right in that a few of the writings in the book are outdated due to the jouyou renovation. If you're doing it right, you're looking at Koohii while you read the book, so this shouldn't be an issue, but it's something to keep in mind. Also, it's a good idea to consider glancing at a main reading, or the usage in a vocab word or two (which is something that's emphasized in materials like KKLC). I've found it rather easy to passively acquire some extra vocab this way, especially if I play with the words for a quick second before moving onto the next term.

>> No.18544727

-mssleading\incomplete meanings of kanjis
-eliminating the hardest part to learn - readings of kanjis (there are some readings in the third volume but that's too late\they are given in chaotic order instead of comfortable learning method like studying them in groups of kanjis like 複, 復, 覆, 腹... 補, 哺, 輔, 鋪. Complete failure in this regard since like 70% of on readings of kanjis are based on parts.)
-It's based almost solely on both official kanji lists. So good look not knowing kanjis like 嘘 later, masters of kanjis.

>> No.18544739

It's used as an introduction tool you retard, not the only resource.

>> No.18544747

>-mssleading\incomplete meanings of kanjis
What does this mean?
>-eliminating the hardest part to learn - readings of kanjis (there are some readings in the third volume
The first book isn't about readings at all, it isn't the point of it. The second book is entirely about readings.
>-It's based almost solely on both official kanji lists
What other generic order should be used instead?

>> No.18544776

>What does this mean?
It means that there are wrong meanings of kanjis of their kanjis' meanings are incomplete.
>The first book isn't about readings at all, it isn't the point of it. The second book is entirely about readings.
Yes, it's not point. It's selling point. That's to the people spewing bullshit around how they "learned" 2200 kanjis in 2-3 months. Third volume just presents you reading without any thought as I said instead of helping you remember them.
>What other generic order should be used instead?
I can't name a particular one but it's certainly not one not presenting you 嘘 but you have to do 朕 and 璽

>> No.18544793

Since you don't care for RTK, what do you propose as an alternative--KKLC? Or, do you not believe in isolated kanji study? Why?

I'm currently a bit over 310 kanji into RTK. Though I'm hesitant to switch or cease studying, I can if the overall result is better. Speaking of which, does anyone know how much KKLC and RTK overlap? What about ordering?

>> No.18544798

>wrong meanings of kanjis
What does this mean?
>That's to the people spewing bullshit around how they "learned" 2200 kanjis in 2-3 months
What does that have to do with the resource itself?
>instead of helping you remember them.
RTK3 is an extension of RTK1. Everything required to help remember them has already been instructed.
>but it's certainly not one not presenting you 嘘 but you have to do 朕 and 璽
Why not?

>> No.18544804

Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.18544805

On today's installment of mattvsjapan, Matt teaches us the secret of big black cock: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54B7043xd28

>> No.18544818

I recommend reading this thread about KKLC and RTK because it has a lot of related resources and useful information linked.

What is your problem?

>> No.18544820

Ask >>18544798 what their problem is instead. They're not saying anything on the topic they're discussing, just playing the "why?" game.

>> No.18544827

Thanks to this video, I am now able to say "big black dick". I can already see the AJATT method coming into play here.

>> No.18544841

I had always suggested to learn what you need to know right now (aka if you're studying with a textbook you have to study all the words in it no matter what kanjis are there) and gradually work towards reinforcement of your vocab so you can start reading earlier and how you will be doing this is up to you. You certainly have to know main meaning(s) of kanjis but you can
often make them clear just by learning a few words with it. With the time I arrived at conclusion that it's not a bad idea to learn
especially kanjis too, but I didn't get into details what systems exist for this purpose.

>> No.18544879

If asking to clarify your argument offends you, it means you no real basis for your position and are merely parroting garbage you've read before.
It doesn't matter what your pet resources or methods or, or even your pet hated resources or methods. If you cannot explain the reasoning behind such absolute statements which you know will piss someone off, don't make them. If "why" is enough to make you freak out, keep your opinions to yourself in the first place. Methodology zealots are a cancer upon language learning communities.

>> No.18544884

I am not the person you were arguing with. You are acting like a child.

>> No.18544902

Do you consider cramming about 2-3 hours before you do your reps to be cheating, since its so close to the actual thing?

>> No.18544908

Cramming is bad for your memory and for language acquisition.

>> No.18544919

>Kara Morgan-Short, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, uses electrophysiology to examine the inner workings of the brain. She and her colleagues taught second-language learners to speak an artificial language – a miniature language constructed by linguists to test claims about language learnability in a controlled way.

>In their experiment, one group of volunteers learned through explanations of the rules of the language, while a second group learned by being immersed in the language, similar to how we all learn our native languages. While all of their participants learned, it was the immersed learners whose brain processes were most like those of native speakers. Interestingly, up to six months later, when they could not have received any more exposure to the language at home because the language was artificial, these learners still performed well on tests, and their brain processes had become even more native-like.

>In a follow-up study, Morgan-Short and her colleagues showed that the learners who demonstrated particular talents at picking up sequences and patterns learned grammar particularly well through immersion. Morgan-Short said: “This brain-based research tells us not only that some adults can learn through immersion, like children, but might enable us to match individual adult learners with the optimal learning contexts for them.”

>> No.18544926
File: 920 KB, 849x1200, 1519735734015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really gets that old noggin joggin'

>> No.18544927

Cramming is retarded in general, its the most detrimental way to study

>> No.18544942

>What does this mean?
What don't you understand exactly?
>What does that have to do with the resource itself?
I'm not saying that this effect had been intended but absence of reading resulted in multitude of RTK fans who constantly spew bullshit around about learning kanjis in extremely short time which misleads people into buing it
>RTK3 is an extension of RTK1. Everything required to help remember them has already been instructed.
Books not teaching you any readings help you learn readings. Ok.
>Why not?
They have a lot less practical usage and their presence in the books should undermine their overall credibility.

>> No.18544964

How else are you meant to improve your retention if not cramming?

>> No.18544965

That isn't a real question.

>> No.18544995

I've been studying english "the immersion way" for good 6 years already. Spoiler: it's worse than my japanese after a year of studying it normally.

>> No.18544998

Post something in japanese then.

>> No.18545006


>> No.18545010

Because your english production is virtually perfect.

>> No.18545015

Verb + には examples (but I cannot explain the grammar...)

女の子の絵を描くには自信がある ←ちょっと変
女の子の絵を描くのには自信がある ←自然
女の子の絵を描くことには自信がある ←自然

この家は一人で住むには大きすぎる ←自然
この家は一人で住むのには大きすぎる ←自然
この家は一人で住むことには大きすぎる ←通じない

こんなHな服では、街中を歩くには抵抗がある ←自然
こんなHな服では、街中を歩くのには抵抗がある ←自然
こんなHな服では、街中を歩くことには抵抗がある ←自然

>> No.18545098




>> No.18545104
File: 50 KB, 500x375, 1500741834208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a really interesting thread to read through. Thanks, Anon.

>You certainly have to know main meaning(s) of kanjis but you can often make them clear just by learning a few words with it.

Yeah, I agree. I've found that when I focus on kanji study, but take even just a little time to look at a word or two, I have a high chance of remembering it. That's why, despite claims against it (Matt, fellow RTKers), and not having actually tried it yet, I think KKLC might make more sense in actual use.

For example, I'm in the middle of some reviews right now, and I came across the kanji 相. It included a few example words, including 相談. Playing around with some fun imagery and titles, I can remember 相談 on the spot, and write it out too, without really intending to. I haven't even learned 談 in RTK yet, but I can remember it clearly within the context of the word, and even understand the meaning of the kanji without stressing too heavily on mnemonics or word-play. To me, this is an amazing potential that isn't attended to by the strategies employed by the majority of RTK learners.

The fact that they push you to learn at least one word per kanji is an interesting concept too, since it keeps you consistent in doing this 'extra' study that doesn't really take too much effort to do, and ultimately, that means you could potentially have over 2k vocabulary terms to start out with. I can only imagine how useful it must be to have such a solid foundation as a beginner. I wouldn't be pussyfooting about digging into so many of my books and other media if I had that under my belt.

I think that a strategy using KKLC in this way, combined with a mining deck for content you encounter in media on your own (which would be studied in the exact same way), could be a very powerful method of Japanese language acquisition. My only issue is knowing how much to tackle a day with this method without it being too overwhelming in reviews. I wonder if I can study the same amount in KKLC as I try to do daily for RTK without it snowballing on me.

I've done okay with RTK, I like a lot of what I hear about KKLC. If anyone who has done KKLC is here (especially if you have done both KKLC and RTK), I would be very interested in hearing your input on my thoughts and statements in this post.

>> No.18545120


>> No.18545133

×通じない ⇒ 〇普通はこういう言い方をしない

>> No.18545134

>If anyone who has done KKLC is here (especially if you have done both KKLC and RTK)
People here learn japanese vocabulary and grammar over obsessing with the writing system they copied from the chinese

>> No.18545138

The book really isn't giving me much, what story
can I use to make sense of 旬?

>> No.18545144

筍 sprout in the season (旬)

>> No.18545151

I realize that. I've tried straight Core before, and it was very difficult. I've had some success with RTK, but it's come to my realization that more is possible if I learn at least one word with each kanji I pick up. That's why I was thinking about using KKLC in the manner that I described, coupled with similar mining practices.

>> No.18545163

At what point did you think core would be easy, exactly? You only remember something when its a struggle.
You're desperately trying to find shortcuts where none exist. RTK and KKLC are barely the brousure on japanese.
Best of luck though

>> No.18545189

What they fail to mention is that the group that learned through immersion wanted to cry and scream half the time because immersion when you don't know shit is fucking suffering and makes you feel like a fucking invalid until you finally start showing some form of results

>> No.18545192

Or you can just take it easy and not judge yourself.

>> No.18545204

>At what point did you think core would be easy, exactly?
I didn't expect Core to be easy. I just found it ineffective and frustrating to attempt to remember so many cards without any frame of reference. I still dug into it for a long time, but it was functionally fruitless, so I stopped.
>You only remember something when its a struggle.
I disagree. In my experience, the brute rote memorization of unassisted Core didn't work for me. My retention of the material in Core was inferior to my retention when doing outright kanji study with RTK. Furthermore, even casual learning of words (and thus, the associated readings) works well and comes naturally when first learning the meanings and writings of isolated kanji. I am not desperate or "looking for shortcuts", nor did I ask for any. I asked for input on my study concept.

>> No.18545227

What the fuck is KKLC, i havent been on djt in last year

>> No.18545232

RTK for contrarians

>> No.18545242

Sounds shit

>> No.18545245

Kodansha's Kanji Learner's Course. Supposedly, like an updated RTK that implements other things into learning kanji, like learning them in the placement of actual vocabulary (and thus, learning some associated readings by proxy).

>> No.18545393

For some reason that kills my rikaisama

>> No.18545437


>> No.18545450


>> No.18545451
File: 33 KB, 268x249, 1480578546844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this chinese off my japanese forum

>> No.18545458

But it's japanese...

>> No.18545470


>> No.18545494

Do you know what's 漢文 and for how long japanese had been writing with it up until XIX century?

>> No.18545507





>> No.18545555
File: 82 KB, 658x452, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I fix this shit? The first 300 cards of the deck are for some reason scheduled to appear at the very bottom.

>> No.18545563


>> No.18545569


>> No.18545579

Start at 301 I guess.

>> No.18545598
File: 41 KB, 437x554, 1475463134793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is that I'd very much prefer to not do that. That's why I'm asking in the first place.

>> No.18545800

did you try asking r/LearnJapanese?

>> No.18545817

Delete the deck, whoever made it fucked up.

>> No.18546017

There's actually a very easy way to reschedule cards but I'm not gonna tell you cause you're a retard

>> No.18546055

Select every card of that deck with CTRL + A > Go to "Edit" in the top menu > Click "Reschedule" > "Place at the end of new card queue" > OK

>> No.18546227

oh, you mean consider waiting until I can read them somewhat more easily before actually trying it? yeah, maybe. i'll keep that in mind if it feels hard to push through.

>> No.18546290
File: 143 KB, 345x345, 1413017015530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

跪く - ひざまずく - to kneel
膝 + 先ず - knee first

>> No.18546292
File: 116 KB, 963x1400, Yotsubato_v01_225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished the first volume today. \( ´◔ゝ◔`)/
it took me much longer than i would have liked since i only spent 3 hours max between anki and reading, but still feels good man.
thanks for reading my blog

>> No.18546310


Good job man.

>> No.18546315

3 hours max per day

>> No.18546317

Are there any freelance like sites I could translate stuff for pennies with my N2?

>> No.18546326
File: 195 KB, 942x1353, 3455423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( ^ω^)おっ

>> No.18546343


>> No.18546422


>> No.18546423

It took you three hours to finish Yotsubato? I haven't read it, but I'm curious what and how long you studied to get up to this point.
