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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18362333 No.18362333 [Reply] [Original]


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Previous thread: >>18202551

>> No.18362336
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JP wikis:

EN wiki:

Official twitter accounts:

Downloads (game rips, scans, radio, etc):

>> No.18362547

Sweet. I was hoping to see aim used for an OP. Looks like we have a small increase in upcoming bl titles?

>> No.18362552

Not really, unless you count ports.

>> No.18362612
File: 106 KB, 950x450, DVQAcUXUQAcmf0e.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fujiwara really is done with honeybee. So much for hoping for redrawn CGs.

>Accessory on Vocalist's throat
>Bassist's hand
>Drummer's deaf ear
>Guitarist's broken arm


>> No.18363015

What's wrong with the original CGs?

>> No.18363592
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>> No.18364087
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It's the one game where they were drawn by different people, and some of them got kind of wonky (particularly where naked bodies were concerned). There were a lot of complaints about it.

>> No.18365041

Wow, I like that CG more than the style the original artist uses. I guesss because of the coloring?

>> No.18367002

Damn. Was this a cost or commitment issue? I’m sorry to see this as I am fond of her style. Though, how common are redrawn CGs? I know that some series have lost the original artists, but Uta is the only one I know of to have a rerelease.

>> No.18367171
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No prior notice this time

>> No.18369149

The whole deal with honeybee is sketchy as fuck with the creator, some writers, and the original chibi artist all leaving to form a doujin group. Fujiwara's last work with Dynamic Chord was the first 2 Vita ports and the last shuffle CD, but she hasn't been involved with the rest of the ports or CDs released since (hasn't retweeted a thing about Dynamic Chord since the anime was announced either, top chuckle).

Speaking of Haruka, I think this is the second time it had assets redrawn. Koei has been doing that for ports of their old games. Danzai no Maria also had redrawn art for the upgraded versions.

>> No.18370603

Damn. Honebee really is dying.

I do wish they still did more of their cute relaxation CDs like the Heart Supplement series or the sleeping ones. I've missed them.

>> No.18371244

Surprised to still see Kazuaki with HoneyBee after so long.

>> No.18372679

I guess there's no point in hoping for a Vita port of Blackish House then, huh? Really wonder what happened behind the scenes.

>> No.18375456
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>> No.18376275

Char's really let his hair get long.

>> No.18376641


>> No.18381488
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Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 7

>> No.18382255

Thanks doc.

>> No.18383760

How is this going to work?

>> No.18383808

That's some unfortunate art.

>> No.18387062

Too cute for my tastes.

>> No.18388526

The chibis are cute.

>> No.18389734
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Shakin sugar sugar

>> No.18389820

Woah this actually looks good. Much better than that brand that just buys license screenshots from popular anime series and sells cakes with them printed on it. Easy money but really boring.

>> No.18391225

>A seiyuu voiced a character in R-18 game under a pseudonym
>The same character on "all-ages" version is voiced by same person with their real name
The more you think.

>> No.18391507

They don't really care most of the time, it's just an agency thing.

>> No.18393386

When is Variable coming out?

>> No.18393400

Cool-b's chart is fucked up.

>> No.18393968

A more updated calendar but does not include PC: http://www.4gamer.net/joshibu/schedule/

>> No.18393978

Wait never mind, PC is also there.

>> No.18396158

What's the future of otoge in localizations? To be honest, I want more otome games to be TLed or brought over.

>> No.18396306

Aksys has a few in the pipeline. And Bochi Musume apparently sold well for Manga Gamer so they might license some more.

You really should learn Japanese if you want to keep up with new releases though and most older stuff will probably never get translated.

>> No.18396330

Fan translation scene is dying so the hopes are for more official releases.

Aksys will probably keep doing their thing. They have 4 titles (5 technically with the C:R collection) announced for 2018:
Code: Realize ~Shukufuku no Mirai~
Code: Realize ~Saikou no Hanataba~
Kokuchou no Psychedelica
Haitaka no Psychedelica
The 2 Code: Realize titles (Fandisk + The PS4 ports) are coming in March.

Idea Factory is bringing over Hakuouki themselves now. Next part releases on PSV in March with PC coming later this year.

Sekai Project isn't taking Otoge seriously and has Creature Romance (of all things...) coming: https://sekaiproject.com/products/creature-romances/

Mangagamer will probably announce another one eventually. I'd guess another Kalmia8 title. Yaoi seems to be doing better for them then Otome.

D3 started porting otome games to the switch starting with the Gyakuten Yoshiwara (The Men of Yoshiwara) series. Part 1 released in Feb, part 2 is later this year. I assume if they do well they'll port more stuff over.

JASTUSA, Frontwing, Degica, Sol Press, Nekonyan and Fruitbat don't have any coming and don't seem to be trying to bring any over.

>> No.18396543

I though they would also translate Norn 9 FC ?

>> No.18396735

Harukanaru Toki no Naka de Ultimate (PS Vita) – 9/8/8/9 [34/40]
The Men of Yoshiwara: Kikuya (Switch) – 7/7/7/7 [28/40]
Vitamin X Destination (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>> No.18396854

>fan translation
Has that ever bore any fruit ever?
They all seem like just attention grabbers where the translator has no idea whatsoever on what to do.
Well I guess there were a few translated ones but they are also old as fuck.

>> No.18397235

Fan translations normally work well for stuff like series and manga, but games are just too long so it's hard to work on one alone, and it turns into a mess most of the time if multiple people work on it.
That's why fan TLs only work if you find a small group of very motivated people willing to do it. Which is rare, especially for such a small genre (in the West).

Good examples are i.e. TokiMeki and Princess Nightmare

>> No.18398018

>ひらがな男子 サービス終了
It only has been 6 months. I wonder how long that musketeer one will stay alive.

>> No.18398045
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I wonder what are they going to do with their other planned projects for it like pic related.

>> No.18400040

> And people say psvita is dead

>> No.18400687

Being kept on life support by VNs is not exactly a good thing.

>> No.18400723
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Nah, it's dead

>> No.18401035

>Already dead before the planned movie and character song album are released
Hiragana Danshi Pavilion soon?

>> No.18401591
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garage kit

>> No.18401982

But being put dead by sony is alot worse.

>> No.18403618

At least they could think of a new handled to offer a decent competition to Switch, if Sony don't chicken out and plays the cards right.

>> No.18404647
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They have no plans to make a new handheld.

>> No.18404742
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>EnStars boys look cool in Last Period style
>Last Period boys look bland in EnStars style

Funny how that works.

>> No.18404796 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18404801
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>> No.18404831

Wake me up when this fad ends

>> No.18404840

See you in 50yrs.

>> No.18404847

More information in English -

>> No.18404931

Damn. I don’t think I’ve seen one die this fast.

>> No.18404932


>> No.18404938

given how much effort they've put into it, 1000 muskeeters should be quite popular
then again Japan has shit taste

>> No.18405078

That's sad, I quite liked the PSP and Vita even though they're glorified VN machines

>> No.18405350
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>Let's take Sega, Production IG, the former Utapri anime artist, some notable composers and Vocaloid producers and make the most overdone premise that everyone has seen a hundred times over

The backgrounds are pretty though. Should've been a scenery porn game.

>> No.18405820

>Official site: http://www.capcom.co.jp/palm/

At least they are trying by using newcomer VAs instead of popular ones.

>> No.18405877

Anything recently popular we might see at Wonfes?

>> No.18405934


>> No.18406287
File: 430 KB, 1071x1826, Hello expensive sd cards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Felt it was the smartphones
The hell it was! It is a lack of responsibility on their part. They don't want to claim responsibility for what was essentially their own fault. Their memory cards were locked, low capacity microSD that were expensive. They wanted to milk out people relying on PSN downloads taking up alot of space. Bad marketing, expensive memory cards, and they have the nerve to call out on smartphones. If what they say is the case, then why are 3ds still being sold at a decent rate? If smartphones were at fault, then they should have affected negatively on the 3ds as well. Sony not wanting to take responsibility and trying to kill off the vita and future generations was their own fault in the end.

>> No.18407842

Capcom and Sega going in for that otome crowd, wow.
They make great platformers for indie games.

>> No.18410297

>Tried to login into OD
>Keep getting login errors
>Found out it seems my account has been deleted for unknown reason despite I haven't posted anything on the site since at least 1 years ago
Fucking Chinks.

>> No.18410323

I thought they always delete accounts that have been inactive/silent for too long?

>> No.18410799
File: 92 KB, 800x418, f28377af-7ac1-419f-8051-92048f568789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least they are trying by using newcomer VAs instead of popular ones.

Sounds more like an excuse to have a cast they can easily call on for live concerts, but seiyuu who are not trained as idols pretending to be idols just look silly.

>> No.18410922

>Sounds more like an excuse to have a cast they can easily call on for live concerts, but seiyuu who are not trained as idols pretending to be idols just look silly.

Yep, the popular ones can't commit fully like rookies as they have obligation to other franchises and roles, it might be hard to coordinate everyone. While it's great to have fresh faces/voices and an inexperience VAs isn't a good thing but it's the usual idolshit, not like they have to act some complicated scene. It's going to be like LL Sunshine and the newer female idolshit where 2D and 2.5D merge.

>> No.18411077

looks like they're trying to be kpop shits

>> No.18413640
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>> No.18413654
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Nice noodle stoppers.


>> No.18416225


>> No.18416567

>6 months
Isn't that super fast? I'm surprised.

>> No.18417183

If they make it play like the Project Diva games then I might give it a try. Alternate costumes and rooms would be a bonus.

>> No.18418792
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>> No.18419580

It’s like this at many sites and communities. I had two weib accounts deleted. Luckily a friend passed on their old account. Hope it lasts this time.

>> No.18420800
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>> No.18421196

Mobage all just have the same general UI layout, huh.

>> No.18423098

it's shovelware
I wish the UI was the only thing that was uncreative and copypasted

>> No.18424505

Weren't the Princess Nightmare group working on another project a few years ago, I think I read that on fuwanovel. Then they disappeared and I haven't heard anything since.

>> No.18425393


I managed to login with that account just fine last month so that's why I wonder what actually happened.

>> No.18425497

They closed my OD account a couple months ago for the same reason of being inactive. Now I can't get that new koezaru game even though they have it on there

>> No.18425853

It's gonna be swordfes.

>> No.18426130

Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly is up in April.

>> No.18426300
File: 159 KB, 580x520, ch08_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what are they going to do if I tried to make a new account. Speaking of koezaru, I'm disappointed pic related isn't on that PC remake or the planned fandisk.

>> No.18426325

By the way, I wonder if OD also delete account if the user being inactive after they donated money to get certain user rank without having to post. That would be really awful.

>> No.18426657

I like that they're all relatively fresh seiyuu, and that main boy is a blond instead or red or orange, but part of me doubts it's going to get anywhere fast.

>> No.18427054

Is there a way to get into i7 without playing the mobage? I already tried it several times but the game isn't for me, and I just want to see more of TRIGGER. Any manga, drama cds or just the anime is fine?

>> No.18427135

GSC's stuff is up.

>> No.18427149

>Namahone nendos
Fucking finally, I waited 3 years for this

>> No.18427151

Nothing worth a damn but CCS.

>> No.18427175

Goodsmile claims they take requests into consideration if they get enough of them. Wouldn't hurt to send them an email or something.

>> No.18427251

I sent a request through here once:
Bugging them on twitter/facebook also works.

>> No.18427347

>Pukapuka and Slut

That's an unusual pair to start with

>> No.18427350

What did you request?

We should help each other out and send each other's /blog/ shit.

>> No.18427377

What figures would /blog/ like to see?

>> No.18427407

Kyouichirou and Senge from Mebiusline. I included their winning positions in the Cool-b poll from a while back in attempt to show it's not a literally who series only I like. Probably in vain, but no reason not to try.

>> No.18427420

I think a better question is what would actually have a chance?

>> No.18427429

>what would actually have a chance?
Anything idolshit
Some moderately popular otome
Multiple variations of Aoba

>> No.18427430


>> No.18427475

I'd be happy to see anything that isn't DMMd even if I personally don't care for it.

>> No.18427636

>N+C's 15th anniversary is in 2 years
>Aoba gets yet another figure as the company's mascot while Naitou gets erased out of existence
I personally wish sweet pool got something this year since its 10 years old now but it really will never happen just like the game getting translated since it's N+C's least popular and least promoted game

>> No.18427661

Ishikirimaru and Sengo if we're including swordshit.
Kyouichirou, or anyone from Mebiusline.
There's others I'd like but they're impossible if we're being realistic.

>> No.18427778
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>> No.18428382

Looks like Alter has a request form, too: https://alter-web.jp/contact/form_info.php

>> No.18428469

Wasted mascot. He could cheerfully bid time until their next bl release.

>> No.18428817

I think I’m done with buying figures.

>> No.18428838

Swordshit now.

>> No.18429047

Sengo and Kikkou kiwame

>> No.18429061
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>> No.18429354

Fucking why. Where the fuck are the starters?

>> No.18429399

we all know people will chimp out and nitpick when those come around.

>> No.18429606

The sad part is that Naitou had some banging outfits over the last few years. The 10th anniversary CHiRAL NIGHT outfit would be fun to look at as a figurine.

>> No.18430369
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Wish they announced this before the x2 exp ended, lvled my starter instead.

>> No.18431429 [SPOILER] 
File: 126 KB, 960x544, 1518972509148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that there was an anon who has enjoyed Period Cube. I've bought the game in English on a sale, and I don't know if it's the difference in taste or the fucked up translation, but this game was a chore. Fortunately, English reads faster than Japanese and it took me less than four days to finish everything.

The plot was mediocre, with many holes in it. The romance progressed too fast, like with no buildup and everyone had yandere tendencies. Surprisingly, the childhood friend route made most sense with the romance. The sub charas and interactions were fun though. The sprites were also really nice, although the CGs tend to be wonky.

True route is creepy, Astrum is best boy. I went for the first playthrough blind and found myself on his route. Sakurai did a splendid job and the guy has a perfect gap moe.

Astrum > Radius > Hiroya = Libera > Onii-chan >shit > Zain

I also bought Collar x Malice on the same sale and I'm afraid that the botched translation will leave me with a similar impression. I should just stick to games in moon.

>> No.18431630

>I remember that there was an anon who has enjoyed Period Cube
Probably me. The game kinda sucked even with the subpar translation. I felt the same about CxM, but PC was more inline with my tastes even for how lackluster it was and also a lot shorter. I ended up dropping CxM in the final chapter of the final route due to boredom.

Astrum alone made the game worth purchasing and playing though. You have excellent taste.

>> No.18432660

And Plum: http://pmoa.co.jp/form/contact/postmail.html

>> No.18432771
File: 58 KB, 272x174, tr68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 8

>> No.18433085

luckydog1 stage play

>> No.18435399

God those costumes look so bad. They all look so plastic. They also made Ivan's face way too fem. Gian is the only one that's half decent. Bernardo is so close to decent but needs a better quality wig.

>> No.18435402

otaku related stage plays tend to look that way

>> No.18435461

I guess. I'm probably noticing it more this time because I actually like these characters.

>> No.18436678

What'a a good starter BL you recommend to start with my Japanese training??

>> No.18436724

Beast x Light.

>> No.18437654

miracle noton

>> No.18438882

Oh, that one was great. Should really download it again for the sex scenes.

>> No.18438951

I remember Gakuen Heaven being pretty easy.

>> No.18438979


>> No.18439001

just use common sense. god damn these questions are dumb.

>> No.18439773
File: 137 KB, 450x600, f56de74ecd36f2a4ad971736b760aaf83e86a606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a long way from here.

>> No.18442672

What I'd give for a new Lamento scale and even small trading figures of SP

>> No.18444227
File: 31 KB, 192x308, bite the pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call it great but it was pretty hot at times and funny enough.

>> No.18445645
File: 96 KB, 640x480, ore_28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this?

>> No.18445677

That's Ore no shita de agake, yeah? I never played it but I remember people saying they enjoyed it.

>> No.18447361
File: 172 KB, 960x580, my bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get Pocket to load on my tablet. It just stays on the loading flower thing. Tried deleting cache, reinstalling, nothing works. I have like 14gb of storage left so it can't be that. I can only think it's because my tablet is a potato.

>> No.18447382

Sometimes it takes ages to download the data while on the loading screen. Leave it on for a while. At least that's how it went for me.

>> No.18448238

How long is ages for you? Been hours. I'm trying to sync it for the first time if that helps.

>> No.18450655

>Go to LJ to fetch some links for some random drama CDs
>Full of russian ads despite using ublock
what the fuck, what happened? is LJ kill?

>> No.18450701

LJ has been kill since a decade ago.

>> No.18451110

What /blog/ artist has the most anatomically correct stuff?

>> No.18451576

Didn't even know people still used LJ.

>> No.18453925
File: 115 KB, 1200x628, DLnaC4-VYAEVJyo.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the makers of Dynamic Chord:


Who can guess the voice?

>> No.18454386

>[PSV] Idolish7: Twelve Fantasia (Limited Edition Included) (Bandai Namco, 02/15/18) – 21,481 (New)

Idols carrying the industry

>> No.18454470

I just started playing mystic messenger, does it ever get lewd or implied lewds? I'm not expecting anything lewd out of the CG's.

I know this is slowpoke but I only just bought a new phone that's capable of running it, my old one was a brick.

>> No.18454950

You mean like implied sex without CGs or getting explicit? iirc some routes suggest so but I only played it on the first month or so, so don't know about any extra content they've added.

>> No.18455292

Yeah I just meant like any implied sexual stuff, I'm on the 2nd day of the common route so far and all the banter has been extremely tame so I was wondering if they'd kick it up a notch when you get onto an actual character route.

>> No.18455315

Tome or recent Tateishi Ryou?
Just look up various R18 game CGs.

>> No.18455329
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>> No.18455615

Has anyone ever made a bot for touken ranbu?

>> No.18455648

>fanbase full of women
There's one for Kancolle though.

>> No.18455889

iirc people were making bots the first time an event rolled around and they got banned.

>> No.18456328

They made helpers that can help you monitoring your swords' stats and fatigue, as well tracking drops from nodes and smithing, but nothing which automates game actions-

Nobody wants to lose their account full of hard-earned swords (or getting in trouble with the law, even), so no one is trying to do something like that.

>> No.18456432 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 750x1334, 1519251607843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall any actual implied sex, but they do suggest it deeper into some of the routes

>> No.18456483

>they got banned
Good stuff.

>> No.18456513

Forgot to mention, I also haven't done the DLC and this is from the post-good end bonus

>> No.18456983
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>finished all event missions
>still no kikkou

>> No.18457468

I see, I was curious since I've seen spoilers for V's bad endings and they were super kinky/about as nsfw as you can get while still being sfw, so I wanted to know if any of the other character routes were like that too.

>> No.18457635

Jumin has some pretty heavily implied stuff in his bad ends as well, and things get kinky in the new route, Ray.

>> No.18457881

Thanks for the heads up, I have seen a lot of people saying to play Jumin's route before Jaehee's because if you play Jaehee's route before Jumin's it will ruin Jumin's route because of how much of an asshole Jumin is in Jaehee's route (to her)?

I honestly don't think it would affect me much because I really don't like Jaehee and I've liked Jumin from the get to because he's an eccentric asshole, I find his interactions with jaehee pretty funny so far.

>> No.18458072
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>> No.18458391

I was so mad they kinda skimped on Jaehee's route I never finished it. I also love Jumin, from the original story, he's my second favorite. He never stops being over the top and it's great.

>> No.18459256
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They're both up now.

>> No.18459375

Why does map 7 only give out travel garb? Fucking retarded.

>> No.18460704
File: 573 KB, 1000x1414, keyimg_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn classy music. I love this shit. https://youtube.com/watch?v=aDnVJpfMGvw&time_continue=1

>> No.18462135

It seems the movie and character song album project is still continuing despite the game is kill now.

>> No.18463602
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>> No.18463683

I'm waiting for psychedelica to come out in two months.

>> No.18463897
File: 116 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Dame x Prince Anime Caravan - 07 [720p][00_06_15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am grateful for onsen episodes that let us know which guy has the biggest sword

>> No.18464258

Yeah I've read that they went "best gal pals" about it, I don't mind since I dislike Jaehee and would have found sitting through a romantic route with her tougher than a friendship one.

That's great to hear, whose your first favorite? Is it 707? everyone in the fandom worships him like some kind of god (him and saeran).

>> No.18465773

Very good, I hope it sells a lot.

>> No.18468435

>have to play four versions of the same stage play Ichu song sixteen times
Liber please

>> No.18469297

Haitaka has the best music ever.

>> No.18469573
File: 64 KB, 491x640, DWtWNuaX4AA4TfB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was unexpected.

>> No.18470343
File: 62 KB, 451x640, DWtV-hiWsAAkp9O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked Nitro twitter. It's real. anime when?
What a time to be alive.

>『sweet pool』PS Vita移植版、5/31(木)発売決定!“木村世治”が歌うOPテーマ「I'm in blue」日本語版を収録、さらにパッケージイラストは“オニツカセージ”描き下ろし!

>> No.18470741

>Have to use 2 gems for continue on Yume100 final boss
>Have to defeat a much harder boss which deals 6K HP with like 99% damage reduction for 3 turns in a row so I need to be lucky with the hearts drops if I want to get extra copy of the secret prince
>No continue on that one
>About 10 tries later and I only manage to deal like 40% of the boss HP for the best run
I thought this game is supposedly for casual players.

>> No.18470907

I'm studying moonrunes so I can play otoge directly from the source instead of waiting for a localization. I'm not giving Aksys any money.

>> No.18471223

>I'm not giving Aksys any money.
why not? did they do something bad?

>> No.18471424

Nice. I wonder if they’ll alter anything for handheld release like TnC, or if that’s behind them now.

>> No.18471870


It's happening

>> No.18471980

Nice, looking forward to it. On the other hand is anyone else kinda disappointed in them using Blue like Alicesoft did for their BL brand?

>> No.18472156
File: 19 KB, 450x303, 1514623997271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels so unreal I don't know how to react, it's my favorite bobge too.
The site says they'll try to be as faithful to the original as possible but I'm not sure how they'll handle the R18 scenes. Not like they matter much since the plot is the most important focus though.

>> No.18472314
File: 1.02 MB, 3334x1876, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you /blog/?

>> No.18472322

My first thought was that I wouldn't have expected them to tackle this one, but then I realised it makes sense they'd go for the one without a fanpatch. There'd be a bigger chance people would buy the thing.

>> No.18472739

I would but there's the risk I might end up licking the walls.

>> No.18472920

They have a habit of blocking anyone on social media if they do less than give them a rimjob. I asked, politely I may add, about one VN's questionable localization and got blocked. Jokes on them I can't give them money if I don't know when their games will come out.

>> No.18472957

Prepare to wait 10 years for this. They take up projects and sit on them so no one else can do them.

>> No.18473212
File: 1010 KB, 1920x1080, f93037b1cb0da1c89adfd2711129a5f45f25ee6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they release the remaster or the old version?

>> No.18473386

I thought it was only a matter of time. Seems to be a trend lately.

>> No.18473422

Lamento should be soon, right?

>> No.18473436

Probably on it's 15th or 20th anniversary, though I doubt they want to touch anything Tatana worked on again.

>> No.18473634

Why the fuck would you want an anime? Do retards ever learn?

>> No.18473819

Why not? Some VN adaptations are quite decent.

>> No.18473833

None of the BL ones are. Not even otome can get good adaptions and they're even less niche. What makes you think Sweet Pool will be an outlier?

>> No.18473904

>Some VN adaptations are quite decent.
like what? mainstream popular shit like steins;gate?

eop bl fans already mock sweet pool for the subject matter. you don't need to turn it into a popular meme among anime fans in general with a shitty anime.

>> No.18473942
File: 95 KB, 329x377, 1519422548109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't need to turn it into a popular meme
I now realize that the one thing I'm fearing the most with sp getting translated is all the meme twitch streams that are gonna happen and EOPs holding the game as complete joke.
Good lord have mercy on my soul.

>> No.18473973

You know it will happen because English fans are incapable of enjoying things without spewing unfunny memes and lacing enjoyment with irony.

>> No.18474142

It is, and for good reason, his route is really good. Ray/Saeran's route is definitely the best though, after the updates.

>> No.18474231

I'd want an anime just to increase the chance of merchandise. We might actually have a chance at a Youji figurine then.

Knowing my luck, instead we'll get figurines of Aoba cosplaying as the Sweet Pool boys.

>> No.18474249

Did that work for any of the others? DMMd anime got some cheap ugly shit, but I don't think the anime had anything to do with the figures.

>> No.18474275

We got the entire main cast as nendoroids because of the anime, Aoba scale got a rerelease because of it too (although most of the reason was EOP fans bitching for it).
Other than that, it got some cheap shit with the anime style and the usual yuupon stuff.

>> No.18474561
File: 99 KB, 742x387, 1435525188236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>although most of the reason was EOP fans bitching for it
This is why sending requests for what you want to see doesn't hurt,

>> No.18474668

How long it's taking Hashihime to be edited (even longer than it took to be translated) is a little worrying. Some of the translations on the translator's blog are kinda unnatural sounding too. I hope it's not because the editor had to retranslate the game from weeb to English.

>> No.18475687

>Legs spread wide

What will be underneath?

>> No.18475699

loincloth presumably?

>> No.18476096
File: 65 KB, 1000x335, touken_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not for the price of a suite in Tokyo, no.

>> No.18476272

>I doubt they want to touch anything Tatana worked on again.

>> No.18478175

She left N+C pretty early on, dunno if before-during or after True Blood and ever since then anything related to TnC/Lamento in terms of doing official art was left to Yamada Uiro(Naitou's illustrator). She doesn't seem like the type to come back to do new CGs for a game she probably wants nothing to do with anymore either.

>> No.18478231

Why would she refuse? If they pay her decently.

>> No.18478816
File: 133 KB, 800x600, DWiRHcfX4AIwizo.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The End

>> No.18482298

Is it just me or have we been deader than usual lately?

>> No.18482580

Not many news as usual.

>> No.18483423
File: 221 KB, 500x555, tumblr_oxhn38r4RQ1vewf24o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite place(s) to get merch?

Pic somewhat related

>> No.18483453


>> No.18483511

Ignoring your shitty picture, Stellaworth, Hobigirls, and Animate are some stores that specialize in BL/otome/CDs/goods. buyfag.moe has guides on how to order from them and second hand stores.

>> No.18486263

Thanks for the suggestions and guide!

>> No.18487897

>100 tokens later plus 6 swords lvled to lvl 90+ and still no kikkou
>also wasted 100k on koryuu with no results
I am just gonna bother with the game when the swords are rewards and not rng.

>> No.18487923

Did they change the way weibo's search function works or something?

>> No.18489607

Suddenly working again.

>> No.18490018

I guess PS4 isn't selling enough?

>> No.18490084


>> No.18490885

Well, to be honest, I doubt any teenage girl playing otoge in the living room on their ps4 wouldn't get uncomfortable stares from their parents compared to buying a vita where they less likely to notice. Or sacrifice portability for that matter.

>> No.18490996

Kinda surprised they aren't using this to make the jump to the Switch. At the rate its going it'll overtake the vita sales in Japan late this year or early next year.

>> No.18491904
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>> No.18492399
File: 342 KB, 778x1071, t_kv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18492444

Tell me about Axolotl-kun

I'm glad they stayed true to their roots.

>> No.18492751

Still disappointed that it's just another moabge.

Ura Shouma. "Your" kouhai who's drops by "your" photography club everyday although he skips school whenever he feels like it. Used to take photos but due to plot reasons doesn't anymore. Doesn't talk much.

>> No.18492811

At least it will be a full game that you purchase.

>> No.18493174
File: 154 KB, 720x960, 65331F54-DEA3-43E1-A318-84C0E651C658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you don’t want to kill the bad guy

Name that series, /blog/.

>> No.18493253
File: 1.14 MB, 1634x2000, 72909C69-A6AC-415C-BA57-93326ED21E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18493255
File: 907 KB, 1634x2000, 140C3A52-2B50-4047-B9C8-DCD8E5436785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493257

>that CG
Et tu Brute?

>> No.18493262
File: 1.31 MB, 1634x2000, C1D05CAC-9B96-4400-9001-4B18A2F06A9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493266
File: 1022 KB, 1634x2000, B43D8385-2D0D-49E8-92AA-B816B1FE59DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493292
File: 928 KB, 1634x2000, A7658143-5A03-486D-BA82-8AFAF7AA12E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That recent illustration. Cute shirtless fun times with dog. I like to think that he’ll get a nendo one day, but after all this time they’re just proving to care to do little more than the occasional artwork. Still holding out for a Noiz figure to pair with Aoba.

>> No.18493302
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>> No.18493318
File: 948 KB, 1634x2000, 87809C0A-AE9D-4DBF-88DF-6BDDEAE700E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493322 [DELETED] 

gay thread


>> No.18493323
File: 1.06 MB, 1634x2000, 2490B4C8-EC75-4F94-8A6F-9B52E63B872E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493329
File: 1.17 MB, 1634x2000, 113EE371-2EFE-4139-A1FD-80720225CC39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18493424

>these fucking names

>> No.18497378

Need more recommended songs like these. This is really good.

>> No.18498545

Fortissimo (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
Lucky Dog 1 (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]

>> No.18499019
File: 82 KB, 453x587, DW8MC_kVAAEk2Q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More suffering on White Day


>> No.18499128

Enstars' drama is so stupid

>> No.18499277
File: 501 KB, 750x525, endramas anime production restart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just stick with the stage plays, thanks.

>> No.18499379

Just go play one of the 100 idol games without dumb drama

>> No.18499507

I hope we'll actually get something this time. The whole enstars anime thing is kinda worrying.

>> No.18499528

Well, they basically confirmed that it is/was on production hell so basically we're getting Ensemble Chord S2.
One more comedy idol anime to look forward to.

>> No.18500056
File: 726 KB, 757x2552, husbando industry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's chuuni as fuck, though I like when they talk about how shitty the idol industry is

>> No.18500314

How's that BL browser game been doing?

>> No.18500388
File: 218 KB, 859x1179, Sengo-Kiwame3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're out now.

>> No.18500690

I don't like how his muscles look in his awakened sprite.

>> No.18500779
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Ikemen Sengoku - 08 [720p][00_01_57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Add 2 exclusive characters
>Don't include the newly added routes from the original game to make room for them

Gotta keep the mobile game going. Might still get the Vita version for fully voiced routes though.

>> No.18500927

>Fortissimo (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]
Hm, not bad. I might actually consider preordering this.

>> No.18501374

I love how the two perverts got kiwame at the same time.
Kikkou looks ecstatic about getting a thrashing

>> No.18501953
File: 116 KB, 600x600, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set + Stellaworth rendou tokuten


>> No.18501984

this is getting another visual fanbook according to cool-b.

>> No.18503037

He needs to stop skipping leg day.

>> No.18503541

Thank you.

>> No.18503717

I like his kiwame looks but disappointed at his injured and awakening art.

>> No.18505937

Is the game good?

>> No.18506896
File: 141 KB, 816x1280, DXHOBG1VwAAdVII.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18507097

Chicchai-san's extra episode is hilariously bad.

>> No.18507223
File: 201 KB, 720x881, F8204460-760E-4B97-B571-208EB21EFB97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18507231
File: 194 KB, 720x881, 25BFB362-8FF5-4266-B7D7-494FBEAA2B67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18507242
File: 141 KB, 720x881, 109725CB-1D23-4E0C-9A73-889474B85CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18507288
File: 136 KB, 720x881, E8A4C529-C726-4CAD-8395-F322A1E020B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18507327

Have they said anything about doing the others?

>> No.18507334
File: 103 KB, 720x881, D7538295-940A-4CC7-B581-AF48B2908F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18507405
File: 116 KB, 720x881, EE8050F8-3CF7-4331-BE69-AE222916FA26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon, but besides him and Souji, I don’t believe so. Though I do expect another pair to be announced soon.

>> No.18513509

It's surprisingly good for a mobage.

>> No.18513626
File: 199 KB, 640x530, 1455884636175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>S&P社にお任せしていた『B-PROJECT 無敵*デンジャラス』ですが本日よりその企画・開発・運営を弊社へ移管する事としました。

Serves S&P right. Too bad I can't be bothered to recover my account.

>> No.18515335
File: 51 KB, 312x231, tr79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touken Ranbu Anthology Chapter 9

>> No.18518529

What's the shortest one's been alive for?

>> No.18518621

Galtia Vita's tokutens suck. That's the best they could do?

>> No.18520615

Don't need to pay for recording if you don't include any drama CDs

>> No.18521888
File: 355 KB, 1080x1616, IMG_20180302_161742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Haru-chan in Shining Live though.

>> No.18522469
File: 81 KB, 749x1032, DXMQNaCUMAAlLPe.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SANKAKU in 3rd place


>> No.18522475

Those are some ugly faces.

>> No.18522542

No joke when I first watched utapri I thought she was blind and that that was what made her such a special composer. Being blind and playing piano and shit.

>> No.18523972

>nearly 56 millions

>> No.18526133

Thanks doc.

>> No.18532888

Sengo looks great actually.

>> No.18532937

Just because I don't want shitty melodrama doesn't mean I want some soulless bore.

>> No.18534428

I wonder when yari and naginata will get kiwame.

>> No.18534450

If it makes them useless after kiwame until you take them to lvl 50+ I would rather never

>> No.18537165

Will this industry ever create a character as homage for Aniki? He has all the right qualities to be a target.

>> No.18537189

I could see it happening in a BL game.

>> No.18537279

> A middle-aged blonde Caucasian character that is constantly shirtless, wrestles, and sometimes wears bondage.
Fucking do it

>> No.18539982

That meme is as dead as this industry

>> No.18542118

What releases are you looking forward to?

>> No.18542197

Charade Maniacs. Also the CollarxMalice FD.

>> No.18542806

Collar x Mqlice FD, Variable Barricade, Piofiore no Banshou and maybe Koroshiya to Strawberry.

>> No.18543001
File: 234 KB, 960x544, Hakuoki-Edo-Blossoms_2018_03-01-18_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got something for you to pop, Samo

>> No.18544402

Dream-Fes app is dead.

>> No.18544758

I've never heard of this one. Well, rest in peace

>> No.18545086

Didn't see this one coming since it just recently had a collab with Tokires.

>> No.18546561

I guess no one watched the anime? RIP

>> No.18546795

RIP. I played it early on but dropped it in favor of others. It was just too boring. I’m sorry.

>> No.18548995

Are there any games you're surprised don't have a fan disk?

>> No.18549355
File: 112 KB, 866x273, 201803_banner_uta_nui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18549662

I wish Tome would release an artbook.

>> No.18549739

Does she even have any work besides Mebius and Sanzen Sekai Yuugi? I can't find anything else on her sites but gay vidya fanart.

>> No.18549871

She could make one for HW.

>> No.18549929

I just want to see Tonbokiri's.

>> No.18550111

Muppet mouths.

>> No.18550497
File: 79 KB, 500x500, DRnyUTJUQAAn3JY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for more info on this.

>> No.18550715
File: 158 KB, 782x669, 201803_animejapan_item10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these.

>> No.18550795

I wonder how much money they've wasted.

>> No.18550840

not much.

>> No.18550856

Most shit worth a damn gets one unless it makes no sense to.

>> No.18551703

Are they done milking this game yet?

>> No.18552010

any translated bara VN worth checking out? nty was alright but i want more bearish

>> No.18553431
File: 648 KB, 1217x1785, 2AF04146-E142-45AB-8BC5-BD2E29EAB522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18553752
File: 121 KB, 960x544, DXQHEyjU8AE0u_v.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your casting couch participants for tonight.

>> No.18553756
File: 124 KB, 960x544, DXQHYNMVQAARSE0.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18553766
File: 130 KB, 960x544, DXQHzMPVQAARcMq.jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18553829

Is it just me or are the heroines really ugly?

>> No.18553848

The opposite. As usual with otome, they look better than the guys.

>> No.18553925

Kinda creepy that the MCs all have a mole on the same place, but the one with the camera is very cute.

>> No.18553936

Blonde is really cute, not a fan of the other two.

>> No.18554231

Yuri-route only otome never ever.

>> No.18554307

Maybe everyone in their family has one like that.

>> No.18554441

Good. It wouldn't be otome.
