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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1847399 No.1847399 [Reply] [Original]

So yeah, /jp/...

I just got finished watching the #a-radio troll subs, and I understood most of the jokes, but there were 5 of them that I had no knowledge of...

I was wondering if you could help me out, and explain this to me.

>> No.1847413


>> No.1847416
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>> No.1847419

>troll subs
wait what
the dvd came with subs

>> No.1847421

Go watch Minami-ke now.

>> No.1847425

Minami-ke. You should be ashamed of watching shitty troll subs.

>> No.1847429

I didn't think they were trollsubs. You should give them a chance.

>> No.1847432

Jesus, even I know that's from Minami-ke and I haven't even watched Minami-ke.

>> No.1847433

The fact that there even were joke subs makes it clear how retarded western touhou fandom is.

>> No.1847435
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>> No.1847437
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>> No.1847434

I want to watch the troll subs

>> No.1847441
File: 48 KB, 722x400, 1230700843668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, first question down, on to Number 2:

>> No.1847450

That was an accident, since the person in charge of the subs pushed them out without proofreading.

>> No.1847451

Looks like a character encoding error.

>> No.1847452

jap, without a japanese language pack, not a joke. I dunno

>> No.1847454

encode error the project lead fucked up

>> No.1847459
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Thanks, on to the third:

>> No.1847460

dat's no ass

>> No.1847461


You're using VLC and it's fucking up the sub rendering.

P.S. That's the joke.

>> No.1847467

lawl is that FUN^2 bullshit algorithm?

>> No.1847470

>Troll subs


>> No.1847477

Ace Combat 6:
Fires of Liberation

>> No.1847478

Doesn't ring a bell. Could be something more recent.

And wait, why the fuck aren't you asking /a/?

>> No.1847491

hayate the combat bulter which censored everything.

>> No.1847485
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Touhou is more /jp/ related.

Also, you're much more likely to be useful than those tripfag-infested trolls.

Anyway, I'll post the fourth:

>> No.1847487

Follow the Drinking Gourd

>> No.1847501


>> No.1847493

herp derp

>> No.1847494

Is there a standalone subtitle file for these anywhere?

>> No.1847497

Hayate. Same voice actor as Maria, I believe.

>> No.1847502

It's a VA joke, and a reference to how HnG censors itself.

>> No.1847521
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Thanks again, now the last one is in two parts:

Part 1:

>> No.1847524
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Part 2:

>> No.1847528


>> No.1847526


>> No.1847527

"Monster card"
You should be able to get this

>> No.1847535

That episode in Yugioh where Yugi fights Weevil(sp?) on top of a train.

>> No.1847529

Have you never watched Yu-Gi-Oh in your life?

>> No.1847538

If you have even the slightest ear for Japanese then the subs not matching the content just grates on your nerves.

>> No.1847542



Never watched Pokemon, Digimon, Naruto, One Piece, DBZ, Sailor Moon, etc... either

Only big franchise I got sucked into was Bleach... And I'm sorry that I can say that, I like to stay away from things that start to drag on and waste a lot of time. I like the plot to be open and shut, and to have some direction.

But that's neither here nor there.

In any case, thanks a lot for the help, I feel like a more educated member of /jp/ now.

>> No.1847546


>> No.1847547



>> No.1847549

What a sad childhood.

>> No.1847555

Yeah but you can't complain if you don't really know the language.

>> No.1847578

"/jp/ - We're not your personal translation service but we will analyze fansubs for jokes that idiots can't understand / must understand for some reason"

>> No.1847625

Lemme guess, never seen CCS or Nanoha either. Faggot.

>> No.1847636

Well, he wouldn't be missing much.

>> No.1847701
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>> No.1847703
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>>Only big franchise I got sucked into was Bleach
>>I like to stay away from things that start to drag on and waste a lot of time.

>> No.1847722

>wouldn't be missing much
How fucking dare you?

>> No.1847731

You! Go watch at least Azumanga Daioh now!

>> No.1847734
File: 95 KB, 473x661, 1230704737980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sukhoi Sukhoi!

>> No.1847749

The only joke I didn't get was the Yugioh ones, but that was because I'm not going to re-watch something I already watched in dubs.

>> No.1847755

its in reference to this:


>> No.1847757

Dear christ, why did you even fucking watch it?

>> No.1847758


man, the art sure is QUALITY.

>> No.1847774

CCS is essential, it was "My First Anime" for alot of people who didn't quite like DBZ's style.

Nanoha is a good show, but its new enough that I wouldn't consider it something that should have been a childhood classic

>> No.1847782

Because it was fun

>> No.1847792

Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece aren't childhood classics either. They're from 4-5 years ago, OP maybe 7-8.

>> No.1847799


childhood classics for OP, probably.

>> No.1847807

Sailor moon, DBZ, Pokemon and Digimon says it is.

>> No.1847853

Thanks OP I torrented the joke subs.

>> No.1848413
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