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18410270 No.18410270 [Reply] [Original]

I'm playing touhou 06 and surprisingly, i'm actually enjoying the gameplay, but i thought i might enjoy it more if i actually know the characters, i heard the games never actually give that much thought to the characters so what do i do? do i just read whatever manga or would reading them at this stage diminish the enjoyment of them?

>> No.18410343
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Read the prologues, read the character profiles, get the good endings. Read the manga and other print works at least in roughly the order they came out, or you won't know what's going on. Have fun.

>> No.18410474 [DELETED] 

>do i just read whatever manga
You should follow >>18410343 but
if you're into Touhou for fun rather than /jp/ "primary" cred, then I don't recommend you read absolutely every single one of them. Each manga's pacing is different, and all of it vastly different from the game. It isn't for everyone.

>would reading them at this stage diminish the enjoyment of them?
Additional material greatly improved 8's cast in my eyes. Outside of a few games, mostly the spin-offs, I'd say the game's story and writing is still enjoyable regardless of whether or not you've read the written works, but I guess reading the written works could help you understand 15 and 16 better.

Also, if you don't read every single additional material there is then please don't participate in lore or power discussions.

>> No.18410498

Gameplay wise knowing who the characters are is unimportant.

You could read the bios and music notes. But you could also get that from the wiki. There is so much lore across all games it is easy to get overwhelmed.

>> No.18410566

If you're enjoying the games I think it's perfectly fine to stick to them for now. The games are typically where you're getting introduced to the characters. For almost all of them, it's the first time they make an appearance, so unless it's a character like Alice, the protagonist doesn't know who they are either. Backstory and supplementary information on these characters is generally given later. There are very few characters introduced in print works before they show up in games. Generally what I've done is read the prologues and character profiles, play the game to see what designs and music I like, and search out more information on the characters I'm interested in from there, as well as reading about the overall game.

The Touhou Wiki (NOT the wikia) is a pretty good resource for Western fans even if it is incomplete. From it you can get a good amount of information on game stories, script/dialog from the games and print works, character backstories and relationships, and general knowledge of the overarching plot in each game. There is a LOT of information to digest, so don't feel like you need to learn it all at once if you're interested. The game provides a nice skeleton of information on the basic qualities of the characters.

The print works tend to flesh out the world of Touhou and some of them (like BAiJR and PMiSS) do well to explain who characters are in kind of an encyclopedia way. But they aren't necessary to dive into immediately. I found it was useful to go into them with a rudimentary understanding of the characters from the games. You can learn about them from the manga, but Bougetsushou for instance would have been a bit confusing without first knowing the SDM characters, Yukari, Yuyuko, and Eientei/the Lunarians.

Release order is generally the best way to learn Touhou lore or character information, simply because things can change with time and the later games make much more sense in context. LoLK probably makes very little sense story-wise without understanding Eientei and the Lunarian society in Touhou. The Buddhists, Taoists, and Kokoro probably all make almost no sense if you start from AoCF (the most recent fighting game), and knowing who Yukari and Kasen are before playing HSiFS would give you a better idea of who Okina is and what she's capable of.

Touhou for the most part is static and leaves a lot of things open ended because ZUN likes to encourage fanworks. That's one of the reasons its so popular, people can be creative and fill in the gaps as they please. However there are slow developments in the overall setting and cast. There is a good amount of depth to the characters who have it and Gensokyo is a great setting in my opinion.

I'm glad you're enjoying the gameplay, I hope you enjoy Touhou.

>> No.18411142

need to update that to touhou 16 and 15.5

>> No.18411174
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>> No.18411373

touhou 8 would be the best, but it doesn't have suika so it is not very good

>> No.18411572

Literal secondary taste.

>> No.18411585

nice but 15>13.

>> No.18411586

The unbalanced Border Team only game? It belongs in the bottom half.

>> No.18411605

>bullies me
>doesn't put up his opinion to be scrutinized
this is a disrespectful post, please apologize to me

>> No.18411623

who are you quoting?

>> No.18411626

You're right, my bad.

16 > 12 > 14 > 11 > 7 > 15 > 13 > 6 > 10 > 8

>> No.18411952

6 > 7 > 16 > 15 > 11 > 10 > 12 > 8 > 13 > 14

>> No.18412023

god-tier aka 100% mine taste, anon.

>> No.18412053
File: 108 KB, 550x800, IMG_20180202_165514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCB is objectively the best game.

>> No.18412059

You mean IN.

>> No.18412065

8 > 11 > 7 > 12 > 16 > 6 > 15 > 12 > 14 > 10 > 13

>> No.18412089

IN is objectively the best game for secondaries.

>> No.18412102

IN is probably the most unbalanced game in the series. Unless you are scoring, there is no reason to use anything but the Border Team. For that reason alone it isn't the best game.

Secondaries love it though.

>> No.18412103

No ,that's EoSD.

>> No.18412130

Hagfags salty as usual.

>> No.18412166

>Secondaries that play the game

IN has really interesting patterns and ones that actually fit the character's powers and personality very well.
It has a very unique gameplay mechanic that makes repeated playthrough interesting.
How the characters play are also very different from one another. Not to mention there's 2 paths for Stage 4 AND for Stage 6, making players want to play it again with other characters just to see how the other bosses are like.
Has one of the better OST in the entire series.
And undoubtedly has the cast of characters that's most fleshed out in the series. Like it or not.

>> No.18412182

>How the characters play is very different from one another.
That's the problem. Outside of scoring, Border Team is by far the best team by a huge margin. At higher difficulties you're insane to use anything else.

>> No.18412191

This is the truth.

Secondaries worship Sakuya, Cirno, and Flandre.

>> No.18412206

I beat IN on Hard using everyone but Youmu. Didn't see a problem. Heck, I prefer using Marisa. Then again I do in every Touhou game.

Who cares about the "best team" or "best characters to use" anyway, this isn't a fighting game with Tier lists and metas. Heck even in those games it barely matters.

>> No.18412215

Your anecdote doesn't change the fact that Border is by far the best. Good luck clearing Lunatic with every shot.

Border has a smaller hitbox, super important with INs dense patterns. And if that wasn't enough, they get a longer deathbomb window.

Shot balance is important. IN is the worst game for this.

>> No.18412218

It is also extremely easy so that even the secondariest secondaries like you can get into it and pretend it's good.
>It has a very unique gameplay mechanic that makes repeated playthrough interesting.
Yeah being forced to play the game twice is so much fun it's like HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ALL THIS CONTENT AAAAAA
>Not to mention there's 2 paths for Stage 4 AND for Stage 6
And SA has 6, count 'em, SIX paths for stage 4 alone, so you better get on your knees and start jerking off SA, kid.
>Has one of the better OST in the entire series.
>And undoubtedly has the cast of characters that's most fleshed out in the series.
That's not even close to being correct.

>> No.18412240

>Unique gameplay mechanic
Time orbs / Youkai gauge don't fucking matter outside of scoring. It's shit.

>> No.18412246

Lets settle this down once and forever.


>> No.18412293

>IN has really interesting patterns and ones that actually fit the character's powers and personality very well.

No, it's the same alternating phase Demarkation/God's Porridge micrododging danmaku vomit over and over.

>It has a very unique gameplay mechanic that makes repeated playthrough interesting.
Wow, useless timeorbs which punish you for ever using focus button and only matter for continues (lmao) and a tiny bit for scoring.

>Has one of the better OST in the entire series.
Wrong, its obviously MoF.

>> No.18412320

>being forced to play the game twice
who the fuck forced you lmao
It is more content, and quality ones at that. IN Stage 4 is one of the most memorable stages out there.
> SA has 6
SA just changes a few spellcards per character. Totally comparable to having two extra characters.

IN has 3 pieces of official shit linked to it, far more than any other Touhou game. Not to mention CiLR is a short novel and not just a Manga.
Specific characters? Sure. The entire cast? Nothing has the amount IN has.
I don't know about you, but the fact that changing from Youkai/Human changes how many bullets there are and what you can hit i insteresting. Last Words are pretty cool too, making me want to do better to capture it.

>> No.18412324

This wasn't a game rating thread and there is nothing in OPs post indicating he was asking for opinions on the best game. Why the fuck did it just careen off the rails?

>> No.18412343

>People actually caring about "muh best characters to use objectively!" and not just play who you want for fun

>> No.18412376

8 just looks ugly compared to the rest of games

>> No.18412479

You mean MS

>> No.18412485

Who are you quoting? Fuck off crossie. Shot balance matters and IN has bad shot balance, unlike PCB.

>> No.18412493

>>Secondaries that play the game
People don't think about the shit they post anymore, anon. They just see the same words appear again and again and feel like they have to post it too to be one of the cool kids.

>> No.18412937
File: 204 KB, 1280x480, best stages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IN and MoF have some of the best aesthetics.

>> No.18413039

Those aren't UFO and SA

>> No.18413121

Some primaries like the three of them anon.

>> No.18413153

stage 6 UFO is god tier but I felt stages 1-4 were pretty mediocre visual wise.

>> No.18413165

just fap to the doujins and watch touhou pv's on youtube

>> No.18413225

>who the fuck forced you lmao
To unlock Extra, that is, to actually fucking beat the main campaign, you have to 1cc it a minimum of two times.

Between you not knowing this and the fact that you seriously think Uncanny and Powerful are any different at all besides the boss (which you're bitching at SA for doing), I conclude that you're a disgusting secondary that has no idea what they're saying.

>> No.18413244
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>> No.18413753
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Best Touhou game wasn't even a Windows game.

>> No.18414796


>> No.18414825

this chart is all over the place. Why would you read chapter 1 of SSiB but then play Mountain of Faith? just play the games then read the print works, spacing it out is just confusing.

>> No.18415914

>spacing it out is just confusing
The chart is for following chronologically as accurately as possible. It seems "all over the place" in the sense of looking back and picking up works piece by piece, but the chronology of the works tend to follow their release dates, so that's how they were set up to be consumed to begin with if you were around at the time. It's literally the point. I can't recall the justification for your specific example; some event orders are more or less important than others, so the chart just handles everything as much as possible. It's also just a guideline, nobody gives a shit how other people consume the series.

>> No.18424242

That's because when you buy the games they come with a manual that explains the whole story/mechanics/characters etc.
But because you just downloaded the game itself, you don't have that, so it might be a bit confusing.

Here, read this before playing the game.

and for the Extra,

>> No.18424502
File: 48 KB, 264x154, 1508340968136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do these shitters come from?

>> No.18424949

Not an argument.

>> No.18426715

Just salty hagfags.

>> No.18426880

There is still a manual folder in the directory with a bunch of html files, but they're all in japanese anyways.

>> No.18442419

>I'm playing touhou 06
>What now?
Play the other games now.

>> No.18442689

I would "consume" Reimu's tight little "series" if you catch my drift.

>> No.18452703


>> No.18453259

>He doesn't want to play every possible route in a game

>Bitching for SA for doing
I'm not?
The difference between a different boss and a few different spellcards is pretty big, is what I'm saying. That's like saying the change between the Prismriver Sisters is comparable to the changes in Uncanny and Powerful. It's not.

And I never said that anything else is different other than the bosses. How are you enjoying reading?

>> No.18453324

>flowchart of touhou lore
Back in my day we learned the lore by playing the game then reading ten thousand doujins.
And walfas.

>> No.18454593
File: 85 KB, 196x315, 1510621259191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me wait days and that's all you have to show for it?

>> No.18456255

By "consume", i mean "have sex", and by "series" I mean Reimu's vagina.

You can easily figure out the rest.

>> No.18462731

I would have sex Reimu's tight little Reimu's vagina if you catch my drift.
You need to work on your grammar.

>> No.18463315

Does anyone know where I can find/download Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red? (and the rest of the official text works in English for that matter) I'm a total noob, and it looks like Moriya Shrine's collection is mostly down on that front.

>> No.18463327


>> No.18468807

The wiki. This is the first place you should look for anything, really.

>> No.18468966

Please get out of /jp/

>> No.18469054

Exposed! Walfas was only ever ironically posted on /jp/.

>> No.18469141

Am I the only one who doesn't give a hoot about the sprites behind the bullets? Do what I do and skip the dialogues and just enjoy the games for the gameplay. You're not missing anything by doing that.

>> No.18477030

is there a doujin that is just a remix of the EoSD soundtrack?
as in, it only has music from EoSD?
