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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1843791 No.1843791 [Reply] [Original]

Not scarlet, nor inhabited by devils, nor a mansion.

>> No.1843797


>> No.1843816


My good man, surely you realize that the use of another poster's name is generally regarded as a dick move.

>> No.1843826

It's a mansion for the Scarlet Devil. It doesn't have to be scarlet, or full of devils, I think. It would have been cool though.

>> No.1843825

Back to /a/, namefag.

>> No.1843828


>> No.1843830

a request for shop perhaps?

>> No.1843834


>> No.1843837
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C'est une des superstitions de l'esprit humain d'avoir imaginé que la virginité pouvait être une vertu.

>> No.1843839
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Having fun, are we?

>> No.1843863

Vous, monsieur, êtes un idiot pour avoir osé clâmer que la chasteté ne valait guère mieux que la depravité, veuillez quitter les lieux.

>> No.1843865

The FUCK is your definition of a mansion?

>> No.1843873


Not a manor house, that's for damned sure.

>> No.1843875
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>> No.1843876

I live in a mansion, this place over there is a castle.
Not a fortificated one, tho.

>> No.1843884


I bet you live in a McMansion, you yuppie son of a whore.

I moved into a mansion back when it was cool.

>> No.1843891
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Je n'ai point affirmé que la chasteté ne valait guère mieux que la dépravation, seulement que la chasteté n'est point une vertu.

>> No.1843903

Dans ce cas la, la dépravité n'est point un peché, c'est donc cela que vous insinuez ?

Actally, my house was built in the 17th century, I don't live in America.
Enjoy feeling important, I don't care.

>> No.1843906


You're small time.

>> No.1843919
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Et tant que j'y suis, sur quelles bases clâmez vous qu'un individu pur peut ne pas comporter un caractère vertueux ?
Assurément, si la corruption n'a pas eu lieu, la vertu est la seule inclinaison possible.

>> No.1843931

Hey mate look at these stinking Frenchmen, spilling more of their bullshit o'er the place.

>> No.1843935


Are you that Frog baron from /trv/?

>> No.1843936


Is that you, maid guy?

>> No.1843948

No, I'm some other guy.
I live alone in my big houses.
No, I don't go to /trv/, sorry.

>> No.1843949

I hate to do this, but:


>> No.1843951

Yes ?
Obviously, the mansions shown in this article don't look like op building, do you see ?

>> No.1843955


Why don't you get a maid? If I was old money I'd have a maid. Just to clean up for me and shit like that, I mean. Unfortunately you can't hire a 2D maid no matter how rich you are.

>> No.1843966

I'm not old money, my family bought the house thirty years ago, my money is second generation, sadly.
But I don't hire a maid because I don't need one, I like cooking and there's no real need to clean the place everyday, although it'd bring company, it'd be somewhat useless.
Also, amusingly enough, we had a maid and some butler, but they got fired before I was born, from what I've been told, she was some old hag, so it's not like I care.

>> No.1843971

I'll take it you're sarcastic, but that wasn't my point actually.

"Mansion is a large dwelling house"
"Castle is a defensive structure"

A castle can be a mansion and a mansion can be a castle. Of course Scarlet Devil Mansion is not, in fact, a castle, it has no actual fortifications (and, no, the wall doesn't count as one).

>> No.1843989

but it does have THE LAKE

>> No.1843991

You're exagerating, a castle doesn't have to have defensive structures.
It doesn't have to be a fortified castle, you can simply look at renaissance style castles and see the lack the defensive caracteristics.
Of course, speaking using strict definitions, they aren't really castles.

>From the late 18th century to the early 20th century, as a manifestation of a romantic interest in the Medieval period, and as part of the broader Gothic Revival in architecture, many so-called castles were built. These castles had no defensive purpose, but incorporated stylistic elements of earlier castles, such as castellation and towers.

quoting a shitty wikipedia article, but you get the point, do you ?

>> No.1844005
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>you can simply look at renaissance style castles and see the lack the defensive caracteristics

>> No.1844007

Not all of them, of course.
In fact a minority, but they exist.

>> No.1844014

Not all of them, of course.
In fact a minority, but they exist.
Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that castles aren't defensive structures, this is their main definition, I'm just adding that there are some that don't have such a role and still are castles, they are a minority, of course.

>> No.1844016

>incorporated stylistic elements of earlier castles, such as castellation and towers.

Uh, okay, I see where you're coming from. Althought if I wanted to argue some more I'd point out those are still defensive structures, just used for stylistic purposes rather than actual defense.

>> No.1844032

this is the only one I can think of offhand

>> No.1844037

I completely understand your point, until I started discussing this point with you, my main criteria was general architecture, which generally allows quick classification, although it in fact isn't a criteria.
And I'll concede to you that you're probably more in the right than I am if we were to talk strictly about such matters.

>> No.1844052
File: 102 KB, 800x567, 800px-Neuschwanstein_Castle_LOC_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only one I can think of offhand

>> No.1844054
File: 138 KB, 800x524, neuschwanstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, /jp/ - Castles/General

>> No.1844060
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and I guess this one

>> No.1844061

Now that's funny, we posted the same castle.

>> No.1844072

I wouldn't attack such a castle, the thought of being slain by people wearing huge dog mouse and duck suits horrifies me.

Also, I don't know if we could classify le Chateau de Versailles as one of those, I don't recall it being on the defensive side of architecture.

>> No.1845472

>you can simply look at renaissance style castles and see the lack the defensive caracteristics

That castle shaped like a star is defensive against canonballs. It's designed to make them ricochet off the walls

>> No.1845479
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>> No.1845506

nice boat


>> No.1845524

/jp/: Architectural Semantics and Structural Design

>> No.1845571


>> No.1845580


>> No.1845586

I must say that this is an unexpected turn to see happen in /jp/. Still rather amusing, though.

>> No.1845616

And once again, the most interesting threads in /jp/ have nothing to do with Japan.
Jolly good.

>> No.1845620

By the way, when did noko get fixed?

>> No.1845627

It didn't. It's an illusion.

>> No.1845640

I would like to live in a country side mansion like a proper marquise.

>> No.1845652

Reported. Touhou is /a/ material.

>> No.1845656

Do any other boards share this meme? Seems like /jp/ is the only board which constantly lampshades its identity crisis.

>> No.1845679

/m/ does it too sometimes.

>> No.1847629
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>Nor inhabited by devils.

>> No.1847633


Your Necro-fu is very good.

>> No.1847656

Speaking of castles, I hated how the asialand castles in Age of Empires 2 looks like bitch-houses compared to the awesome western castles.
