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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 460 KB, 600x600, Eigenvector_2_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18389214 No.18389214 [Reply] [Original]

Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread:

>> No.18389230
File: 29 KB, 638x361, 1511116719858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job leaving the subject out.

>> No.18389236


>> No.18389341

Last thread got derailed before I got an answer so I'll ask again.
What's a normal retention rate to have?

>> No.18389345

There isn't one.

>> No.18389348


>> No.18389368

as high as you can get it based on how much time you can bear doing reviews

>> No.18389382

Depends on your new cards per day. Of course if you're learning 10 cards a day you're going to retain more than if you're learning 25 cards a day.
Most brag posts I see on /djt/ are in the 85-95% range. Of course those are the brag posts, so selective bias means that in reality it's going to be a bit lower. Personally I'm about 80% retention with 15 new a day.

>> No.18389410

How easy is MEXT undergrad?

>> No.18389475

I don't know, I'm just here to learn to read and listen to japanese
try asking /int/

>> No.18389485

([<your age>*e(0.982)*(#of new cards)]/10) mod(100)

>> No.18389530

About tree fitty.

>> No.18389585
File: 160 KB, 500x518, ililililililili-lililil-caw-29897012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't learn kanji, just learn words!

You realize you still have to learn exactly what the kanji in the words look like, right?

You didn't skip learning Kanji, you learned them while also trying to learn words.

And I guarantee you've learned them in a much less efficient manner than focused kanji study.

>> No.18389586

80% is about as low as you should like to see, 90% or above should be your goal.

>> No.18389594

That's not "learning kanji".

>> No.18389601

>And I guarantee you've learned them in a much less efficient manner than focused kanji study.
Citation needed.

>> No.18389611

>Half-assed is as good as focused

You even trying?

>> No.18389618


>> No.18389620

You know what, you're right. We should also encourage schools to teach students common spelling patterns in English before teaching them any vocabulary. Clearly that's the better method for learning how to read.

>> No.18389626

It's almost like people tried doing this and it didn't work so they stopped.

>> No.18389632

It's more like

>We should teach the alphabet before we teach words

>> No.18389641

that's learning radicals, not kanji. dumbass.

>> No.18389651

>Words are groupings of radicals

First day here?

>> No.18389667

I'm pretty sure the alphabet doesn't consist of thousands of complicated characters with very little or no phonetic consistency

>> No.18389683

Well, you're right about the first part

>> No.18389689

>don't learn kanji, just learn words!
Yeah, its called learning a language rather than studying the parts its made of.

>> No.18389741

How can you learn to read if you can't spell?

>> No.18389753

Like I said, you still studied that part of it no matter what method you used. You just used a terribly inefficienct method

>> No.18389755

>very little or no phonetic consistency
How long have you been learning Japanese?

>> No.18389762

Longer than you.

>> No.18389766

By knowing one does not enable the other.
I really didn't study them, no many how much you autistically screech

>> No.18389775

You're a beginner.

>> No.18389779

>I really didn't study them

Then you don't know them. You won't be able to recognize one from another or write out a word that uses Kanji.

Oh wait... You DID study them. You just interleaved different types of study together to make an inefficient mess

>> No.18389782

Stop shitposting about things you don't understand.

>> No.18389791

>t. salty his method is shite

If only you'd given more thought to the process before wasting so much time

>> No.18389794

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18389799

Get out of /jp/. I have no idea where you came from but you don't belong here.

>> No.18389800

>ITT: Retards who can't speak Japanese arguing over who is better at Japanese

>> No.18389806

The important thing is that, knowing no Japanese yourself, you found a way to be superior to a shitposter and a troll.

>> No.18389807

>He thinks we're talking about who is better at Japanese

Learn english m

Didn't realize this was a safe space for Special Ed people

>> No.18389808

You forgot to put https://neodjt.neocities.org/newguide.html in the OP.

>> No.18389810

I'm not the one making claims on superior methods to learning a language, when everyone learns differently

>> No.18389812

>tfw realize I spent the past 7 months studying and don't even use japanese because im too lazy to read

>> No.18389814

The only person making such claims is the troll.

>everyone learns differently
is completely false and you have no place trying to act superior to people discussing learning if you actually believe this.

>> No.18389829

Hi Matt-or-matt's-friend. Stop polluting the thread with your garbage. Thanks and fuck off.

>> No.18389830

Is this 2008 or 2018?

>> No.18389832

This might surprise you if you're an idiot (you are) but people never stopped trolling. Getting tired of the word does not mean that you can sweep the problem under the rug.

>> No.18389841

You're the one acting like an assmad faggot, who also has a completely incorrect idea about learning. If you think that people can't learn in different ways from each other with varying success, than you are a narrowminded fool. Quit being so obtuse.

>> No.18389845

>when everyone learns differently
stephen krashen goes here

>> No.18389849

I'm sorry that you're an idiot who makes wild assumptions and projects them onto reality, anon.

>> No.18389851

>Then you don't know them. You won't be able to recognize one from another
Wrong, I read every day and do this.
>or write out a word that uses Kanji.
correct, I never practiced production because its a useless skill to the intended audience of this thread. Those that only want to consume material, not have over 100 native friends, not move and get a job there.
>Oh wait... You DID study them. You just interleaved different types of study together to make an inefficient mess
When learning to read was my goal, and learning words is the most important part of that goal, my efficiency was as high as it could possibly be.

>> No.18389853

>watching people that follow some neocities guide religiously defend it

Oh boy

>> No.18389854

The entire science of applied linguistics disagrees with you. Post citations or stop posting.

>> No.18389857

You and me both

>> No.18389858

only one person is religiously defending anything and they didn't get their ideas from "some neocities guide" they got them from fucking AJATT or something

>> No.18389863

>Wrong, I read every day and do this.
>I read everyday

Does it not register in your brain that reading is a form of studying? That's sad

>> No.18389866

i fail to see your contradiction

>> No.18389872

I'm sorry you can't keep track of your own argument anon, but you might want to stop posting if you're this confused.

>> No.18389877

>that follow some neocities guide
that follows some cult of personality

>> No.18389888

Not him but I think you're the one that's confused in this argument, his point has been clear from the start, you still learned the same shit and he claims that without putting direct attention into it it was less efficient.

>> No.18389889

>OP fucked up header
>Retards arguing about study methods already
>Absolutely no discussion of eigenvectors
Is this the worst DJT ever?

>> No.18389896

I'm sorry but if you can't see how >>18389863 has nothing to do with the argument then you might be literally retarded.

>> No.18389897

If someone doesn't back up their deranged viewpoint by calculating an eigenvector right this fucking minute this thread should be banned from /jp/.

>> No.18389903

Eigenvectors aren't something you calculate. They're a description of a kind of thing that happens when you perform linear transformations. Educate yourself.

>> No.18389912

>implying you don't have to do some sort of calculation to derive your eigenvector

>> No.18389913

reminder that the guide in the OP is bad and was outlined by someone who didn't know Japanese and https://neodjt.neocities.org/newguide.html is better

>> No.18389916

You don't derive eigenvectors anon. You derive eigenvalues.

>> No.18389917

>page not found
This is not a valid eigenpage

>> No.18389921

fix your web browser

>> No.18389926

You need to derive some sort of function to operate on in such a way that you are given an eigenvalue

>> No.18389927
File: 90 KB, 600x600, 4476837i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll get there eventually, or you'll kill yourself
But I would offer one bit of advice, try and do everything in the morning and get a regular sleep schedule

>> No.18389932

Do you know, like, any vector mathematics at all?

>> No.18389938
File: 36 KB, 426x289, 1522322541544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18389939
File: 460 KB, 472x419, 1451769263658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah new guide looks amazing actually

>> No.18389945

im glad you agree dekinai-chan
together we can uncover and shame all those who pretend to learn japanese, allowing only the sincere few to display their pride

>> No.18389948

>bad and was outlined by someone who didn't know Japanese
yeah the new guide sure is different in both of these areas

>> No.18389949

I do applied math in the realm of quantum chemistry. You know, the math that actually advances society... None of that silly pure math babyshit.

>> No.18389951

How long would it take to read Muramasa, assuming your first day of reading a beginner VN is day 0? About a year or two?

>> No.18389952

It's still not perfect but it's a lot better. If you can't tell the difference then you don't know enough Japanese to judge.

>> No.18389954

Oh. pls discover fast discrete spherical harmonics transform, we desperately need one, yours truly: realtime 3d audio engineer

>> No.18389962

What about them do you want? We have spherical harmonic wavefunctions, but they are largely used for probabilistic purposes.

>> No.18389972

>80 posts
>No Japanese
Yeah, this sure worked out for you huh, nerds?

>> No.18389974


>> No.18389980

spherical harmonics are useful in storing or filtering three-dimensional sound sources but using more than a few orders of harmony is extremely slow
right now I'm approximating it by doing crazy filtering to a 3D DFT and doing PVQ storage (see: celt/opus/daala) but it's not good enough, I have to choose between directional leakage and sparkling artifacts

a stereo audio source is a close match to a complex DFT, but that only handles a single dimension, not three

>> No.18389993
File: 329 KB, 1500x1500, 1518074499475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when even /int/ is better at having threads about Japanese

>> No.18389994

>He doesn't know that linear algebra and Japanese language skills are closely intertwined
Never gonna make it

>> No.18389996

What is the exact field of your work?

>> No.18389999

real time audio spatialization research for VR

>> No.18390000

No, some /sci/ pricks are infinitely better than normalfags that infested at the end of the last thread

>> No.18390003

>New guide? Ok let's check it out
>Step 1
>Memorize the Hiragana and Katakana


you learn these by reading

>> No.18390005

nice meme

>> No.18390007
File: 134 KB, 1280x720, 4chan in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390020

So are you focusing more on simulating sound, or recording it in such a way that if someone were to consume VR content, the sound would change with the direction they were facing?

>> No.18390024

>Learn these by reading
>Dummy, just learn the letters by reading the words that the letters make

>> No.18390036

we have an okay resonance/propogation estimation thing as long as you don't get too close to surfaces (that requires absurd amounts of oversampling to sound physically correct) but we need to do 3d encoding of sound samples and sound pickups or else we can't simulate their travel in different directions in a physically reasonable way. not doing this causes it to sound like those crappy reverb plugins that you hear in music made with cheap DAWs in the early 2000s because of phase construction/cancellation between bounces being unnatural (natural sound sources send slightly incoherent signals in every direction)

>> No.18390042

Would you both be so kind as to discuss your shit on /sci/ ffs

>> No.18390047

This is infinitely better than the argument they snuffed out. Let it play out naturally, it'll end soon.

>> No.18390048

Read the thread OP image the topic of this DJT is eigenvectors

>> No.18390063

Unfortunately, the spherical harmonics I deal with are applied to finding chemical properties of things such as electrons around a nucelus and their expectation values/energies, or ionization energies. From what you're saying, a DFT would be the way to go in terms of separating frequencies of discrete sources, though I'm just a little confused at where that starts to fail. Nonetheless, it sounds interesting

>> No.18390070
File: 143 KB, 1200x851, 7547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point

>> No.18390083

How many anki cards are too much in one day? How many do you do?

>> No.18390087

the issue with DFTs is that multidimensional DFTs are anisotropic and loop like a torus instead of like the surface of a sphere (i.e. a 2d DFT loops spatial +x to -x, and +y to -y)

you can get away with using a 3d DFT to encode a "heightmap" on the surface of a sphere, but not without lots of padding and filtering to prevent lapping artifacts and anisotropy artifacts, which is where my problem lies

there are audio standards that use spherical harmonics but they're weird ad-hoc garbage with special weighting and they don't work right

>> No.18390095

I do 25. This allows me to learn roughly 10,000 new things per year

>> No.18390119

Do you have any links to research around this subject? Sounds interesting.

>> No.18390127

no it's all in-house NDA'd stuff, aside from DSP frequency domain 101 stuff

>> No.18390135

20 new a day. I tried more, reviews piled up heaps.
Well they still piled up even now. Too stubborn to lower it.

>> No.18390137

So you're trying to figure out some proprietary method to simulate this, then. Why do you need to calculate it in 3D spherical harmonics, when it's ideally only traveling in one linear path to the subject? Reverb? Or is it the fact that the sound could be emerging at an angle from the surface?

>> No.18390171

the simulation part is basically just raytracing sound traveling through space as though it were made of particles instead of pressure waves
we basically have a 3d representation of the signal for sampling what kind of "waveform" the sound has from its generator/source in 3d space when being propagated in a particular direction
for example, a guitar sounds different from its front than its back, and the different points on the surface of a sphere correspond to different angles of sampling the sound from the sound generator
you can imagine that linear interpolation between a small number of recordings for a small number of directions is a bad idea, since they're going to be sufficiently different to have phase cancellation problems (e.g. mixing the sound in "aww" with the sound in "whee" together doesn't result in the sound in "then"), so we're oversampling thousands of recording directions onto a very blurry low-passed model instead, but this is where our problem lies. no matter what we do there's at least a little noticeable artifacting from doing this with DFTs or spatial filters. i've experimented with some wavelets that are similar to spherical harmonics and they get the job done, but they're absurdly slow

>> No.18390184 [DELETED] 

少数の方向の録音の間に線形補間は位相の相殺の問題を持つほど十分に異なるため、悪い考えです(例えば、 "aww"の音と " "whee"は一緒になって "then"のサウンドにならない)ので、代わりに非常にぼやけた低域モデルに何千もの録音方向をオーバーサンプリングしていますが、これが問題の原因です。私たちが何をしていても、DFTや空間フィルタでこれを行うことから、少なくとも目立ったアーチファクトはありません。私は、球面調和関数に似たウェーブレットを試してみましたが、彼らは仕事を終わらせましたが、彼らはばかげて遅いです

>> No.18390193
File: 36 KB, 770x640, nm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning kanji means memorizing all the things listed in my pic. None of "I'm studying kanji only" retards do it ever because you can't brag about learning kanjis later. So they are contest themselves with half-ass vague english keywords that are often wrong.

>> No.18390194

>How many anki cards are too much in one day?
Differs for everyone, and even in an individual is going to vary depending on their current skill level and what they're learning. Just do however many you can do where it's still sustainable for you.

>> No.18390198

ban evasion

>> No.18390199

>t. doesn't understand what RTK is for

Hint, it's explained on the first page

>> No.18390204

RTK doesn't teach you kanji.

>> No.18390209

>108 posts
>A total of 3 (three) kanji/kana characters ITT before >>18390184
WOW /jp/ is sure a great place to learn Japanese. I sure am glad /int/ has such a nice Brazilian friend to make their threads helpful, otherwise I may just say that 4chan is an eternal black hole or something!

>> No.18390213

>thread for learning a language
>literally predicated on people not knowing the language
>people don't post in that language

>> No.18390217

Look man, I don't need to know the 30 different ways to pronounce the letter "g", I just need to be able to distinguish it from other letters and write it out when I have to.

>> No.18390224

>thread is composed of 2 /sci/entists talking about something completely irrelevant
Sure is Japanese in here

>> No.18390231

But どうして can わたし learn 二 languages by only 話す one か

>> No.18390240
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 1503330131319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of a weird request, but does anyone know any VNs which use a solid/opaque, patternless textbox for the text?

I'm on Linux so I can't use ITHVNR* to hook the text from VNs, but I could use KanjiTomo** instead to OCR the text... problem is, KanjiTomo seems to be completely hopeless when dealing with any text which isn't on a totally plain background, and every single VN I seem to take an interest in reading uses transparent textboxes, often with patterns on them to make matters worse, rendering KanjiTomo completely useless.

* doesn't work on my distro's version of Wine because it's too old
** capture2text doesn't work on any Wine version so is completely unusable on Linux

>> No.18390249

install archlinux

alternatively install tesseract and do screen grabbing with ffmpeg or <screenshot utility of your choice>, feeding the image to imagemagick or something before feeding it to tesseract so that you can filter out only the color that corresponds to the text

>> No.18390255

Only dumbasses use Linux.
Anyway, don't hook text, if you see something that you don't know, look it up in an online dictionary without copy-pasting from a hook program.It will stay in your memory much better than just hovering over with rikaichan

>> No.18390257

I tried this and it was a terrible idea. You at least need something to get digital text without individually looking up kanji one at a time.

>> No.18390275

>install archlinux
I tried installing it a while back but for whatever reason I just couldn't get a wifi connection set-up during the installation. I had actually installed Arch Linux in the past prior to that and everything went without a hitch, but with newer versions of the installer I just can't get a wifi connection no matter what so I can't install it.

>alternatively install tesseract and do screen grabbing with ffmpeg or <screenshot utility of your choice>, feeding the image to imagemagick or something before feeding it to tesseract so that you can filter out only the color that corresponds to the text
That sounds like an incredible pain in the ass.

There's no furigana in VNs which means I would have to draw every single unknown word into Google Translate. It would make my reading extremely inefficient and tedious to the point where I would hate doing it.

>> No.18390277

Well, it helped me a fuck ton. Yeah, it can be painful, but it is super effective. I never used a hook program on Axanael just because I was too lazy to set up one and I don't regret it. All of the words I came across and learned with manual look up, I can remember much better than the words I looked up through a hook program in other VNs.
Also, if you already have some vocab, most of the time you could just type out words you know that have your desired kanji, and then just cut off the okurigana if there is any, and then proceed to the next kanji.

>> No.18390286



>> No.18390295
File: 29 KB, 720x720, 1490378411690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too lazy to download and unzip a texthooker then double-click on the .exe file
>not too lazy to draw god only knows how many thousands of kanji into google's handwriting tool

>> No.18390305

I didn't specifically wrote about RTK. My point is that people (like one I'm replied to) don't actually learn kanji despite saying otherwise because it takes you much more than memorizing english keywords and readings. I agree that you have to know basic meanings of kanjis because you can't read made-up words otherwise, but my point still stands. If you learn kanji then do it properly. or else stfu about learning kanjis because you know even less than people learning words without examining kanjis.

>> No.18390317

From the few VNs I've read atleast some of them had a slider for the textbox transparency

>> No.18390318


>> No.18390322

try antergos then

>> No.18390323

I never even once used google's handwriting tool for kanji, it is extremely painful to write kanji with my thinkpad's red tumor. Also I was able to look up most words just by typing out words I know and cutting off everything except the kanji I needed. If I came across a new kanji, I just went to jisho and it took me a minute or two to look up the kanji by radicals.
Also I read somewhere that Axanael needed a hook code or something and that you needed to update your game, so that is another reason why I didn't use a hook program on Axanael. I still used text hookers on other shit like 時計仕掛けのレイライン and はなひらっ!

>> No.18390328

Most should have options to be able to adjust the text box. You can also check VNDB for screenshots.

>> No.18390338

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a tag for that on VNDB, so I guess I'm just going to have to try things at random and hope one of them has the option. I was checking for such an option in the few I tried already but none had it. Maybe I was just unlucky.

I did. No luck.

>> No.18390341

try artix then

>> No.18390346

Stop playing low production games then until you get good.

>> No.18390347

try windows then

>> No.18390351

Newer VNs are probably more likely to have a slider

>> No.18390364

Do you manually select the kanji for kanjitomo? As in, use the zoom function and drag a box around the kanji. It's a lot more accurate that way but requires a bit of extra effort compared to just pointing at things with your mouse

>> No.18390374

How do you do 500 cards in 30 minutes? Do you just look at them and hit normal?

>> No.18390378

3.6 seconds/card is not that fast anon.

>> No.18390387
File: 77 KB, 570x960, 27867905_2077733155828542_3325939687062091706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18390388

Yes it is. There's still load time, revealing the answer and then confirming.
You're basically button mashing to keep that speed up.

>> No.18390390

In my mind 3.6 seconds is barely enough to look at the card and hit a button at the same time

>> No.18390395

>If you learn kanji then do it properly
Please, do tell the class what your version of properly is.

>> No.18390398
File: 99 KB, 1200x900, e34ccd52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390416

The vast majority of your time is being spent on looking at the front of the card. Checking your answer is going to make a negligible contribution to the total time the card takes. Even if you assume 1/3 of the time is spent checking your answer (unlikely) that gives you ~2.5 seconds to arrive at your answer. That really isn't that fast.

>> No.18390423

>use the zoom function and drag a box around the kanji.
This feature doesn't seem to work on Linux. I click the Zoom button, but instead of getting a hollow, red square, I just get a solid black window, and it doesn't seem to do work properly at all. No matter what text I select to OCR (not that I can actually see what I'm OCRing), it always just gives me "耀" as the result.

>> No.18390426

What anime is this from? Looks familiar

>> No.18390429

>Even if you assume 1/3 of the time is spent checking your answer (unlikely)
1 second for the back side to load, you to confirm the answer and then hit a key? That's the unlikely part.

Now if you get a card wrong, you're going at such a speed that it's unlikely you mark it correctly. If you do actually mark it wrong and then need to relearn it, that adds a whole lot of extra time which means you're doing the other cards in even faster than 3.6 seconds.

>> No.18390433

>1 second for the back side to load
Oh sorry, I was making the assumption you weren't doing your Anki reps on a machine from 1987.

>> No.18390435

Was just about to say this, kek

>> No.18390436

>1 second for the back side to load
Did you embed youtube videos back there?

>> No.18390442

When you are going through cards you remember well you can spend less than 2 seconds per card easily. Also using keyboard shortcuts instead of clicking buttons is a lot faster

>> No.18390444

You might need to enable the dhcpcd service after rebooting. If the internet connection doesn't work from the live boot medium before chrooting into the new install then there's probably a deeper issue.

>> No.18390447

>If you do actually mark it wrong and then need to relearn it, that adds a whole lot of extra time which means you're doing the other cards in even faster than 3.6 seconds.
If a card gets put on your relearn pile, anki counts each time you see it as its own card for your daily cards studied stats.

>> No.18390450

install true retention

>> No.18390470

Getsuyoubi no Tawawa

>> No.18390488

You tagged a google translate post from a ban evading shitposter. You should probably not complain about the lack of Japanese in the thread when you clearly don't know Japanese.

>> No.18390511

How can you hope to learn Japanese when you don't even understand English?

You don't spend any extra time on the cards you got wrong?

>> No.18390524
File: 17 KB, 640x480, goku7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the answer is [x]
>Press space
>Answer appears (immediately), is [x]
>Press space
Yeah, there's absolutely no way its possible to do this accurately in 1 second. You'd need to be some sort of superhuman or something!

>> No.18390525

Yes. You would need to be a super human to do that.

>> No.18390533

I'm sorry that you've been cursed with the reaction time of a sloth, anon.

>> No.18390543

Where can I find Yotsubato past chapter 90?

>> No.18390552

In the next tank that's being released never.

>> No.18390558
File: 1 KB, 215x49, Screenshot_2379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, looks like I'm superhuman then

>> No.18390560

>4 seconds a card
You're not even close to the time frame we were talking about.

>> No.18390562

I'm definitely not agreeing one second on the back of a card is hard, but I'm fairly sure that number only counts time on card fronts?

>> No.18390565
File: 39 KB, 500x540, 1504824804282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.3 seconds of difference
>not even close

>> No.18390567

There are translations though so scans definetly exist. Why won't people upload raws to Nyaa or something?

>> No.18390577

You'd be the guy finishing dead last running 11 seconds in the 100 metres. In a marathon you'd be finishing 15+ minutes behind the winner. In Forumla 1 you wouldn't even be able to start the race because your pace is too slow.

So sure anon, you were close!

>> No.18390588

With the model proposed earlier, (2/3 time spent on front, 1/3 on back) this would increase time spent on back of card by 0.1 second, if you dont think its possible to do the back of a card in 1 second, I doubt you think it's possible to do it in 1.1.

And besides the 107% rule didn't stop marussia from backmarking every race.

>> No.18390615
File: 594 KB, 687x2825, anki-stats-2018-02-12@02-14-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, I've done anki for 4 months now and I think its a good time to ask for advice.
So please, tell me how shitty I am so I can improve.
My reviews are usually around 500 cards per day but the average time shoots up to 70-80 minutes. And that's what anki measures, I usually spend around 1 and a half hours on reviewing and 30 on learning. Why are people so fast?
I've got a time limit of 8 secs and then I turn the card, what else can I do to be like >>18389927
with times for 1000 cards under half an hour?

>> No.18390618
File: 216 KB, 880x674, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this need some kind of filter to make the hiragana 'blur' together, for readability or does this look fine
i turned off the default blur from higan

>> No.18390622


>> No.18390624
File: 68 KB, 448x328, 1516177336047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a shit day of anki
>feel like I'm constantly pressing 'again' and retaining nothing
>check true retention rate

>> No.18390625

Use OpenGL and one of the image shittening-up filters from https://github.com/hizzlekizzle/quark-shaders

>> No.18390627

>what else can I do to be like >>18389927 (You)
>with times for 1000 cards under half an hour?
I'm that guy. My reviews are averaging 80 minutes, not under half an hour..

>> No.18390633

Ok cheers

>> No.18390635

True retention doesn't really matter. You can completely shit the bed and it'll still give you a high %.

>> No.18390636

I'm doing half you do in the same time. Thatś my problem.
I like doing reps but if there is something that bothers me is how long it takes.
And now i come here and see these review times...
How do I speed up?

>> No.18390638

If you fail all your reps it'll give you 0%. Don't talk about things you don't understand.

>> No.18390643

Seems like a question of preference. That text looks fine to me.

>> No.18390644

Pixelated/distorted fonts are hard to read if you're not used to reading.

>> No.18390645

Failing mature cards is the only thing that matters.
True retention doesn't differentiate between young and mature, so you could have an absolutely awful day but still get a high percent due to having a bunch cards which are fresh in your memory boost the percent back up.

>> No.18390647





>> No.18390649

Anki already shows mature card retention. True retention is merely a fix for the general correct %.

>Failing mature cards is the only thing that matters.
This is a common myth but it's not true. If you're failing too many young cards then you're not graduating cards to mature as often as you're supposed to in the first place and wasting a lot of time.

>> No.18390652

If I'm not mistaken, while you can score 0% by failing every card once with TR, you can't get 0% with the normal retention algorithm because it will count the successful retries. Doesn't always increase your %.

>> No.18390653

Describe what a rep actually looks like for you. Depending on what you're doing, your times might be fine.

>> No.18390654


>> No.18390656
File: 1.63 MB, 1890x2173, __edna_tales_of_series_and_tales_of_zestiria_drawn_by_akitaka_pixiv12739753__160af2a53def58dd709d077ec389625b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get 0% correct rate by failing everything so many times that they get suspended.

>> No.18390657

The distortion wont go away, and a filter as a solution to pixelation wont fix the possibility of misinterpreting which parts of the character are supposed to be connected. I get what you're saying, but I don't know if I believe a filter would make a big difference.

>> No.18390659

First one, don't know why'd you want to use 欲しい with verbs unless you're talking about ~てほしい

>> No.18390660

He is saying they are both nonsense

>> No.18390664

Filtering makes it slightly less of a problem because your brain is picking up on the sharp edges less. Once basic filtering has been applied however further filtering doesn't help. The issue is that the "blur" filter in Higan is actually just the bilinear interpolation setting, which looks like ass. It's better to use a more advanced interpolation filter like bicubic or a gaussian blur.

>> No.18390665

i thought tai was only first person

i just want a boat to sit on my face

>> No.18390666

by sharp edges I mean pixelated corners by the way
You wouldn't notice them on a real CRT because they're so fuzzy.

>> No.18390669

たい means that a particular person wants the thing to happen. The idea that it's first person is only to contrast てほしい which is about wanting something to happen by someone else's volition.

>> No.18390671

Anon, boats can't sit

>> No.18390675

欲しい for wanting a noun
~たい for wanting to do a verb
~てほしい for wanting someone else to do a verb

>> No.18390676

Card is prompted.
Recall meaning
Say the word aloud.
Turn card, compare pronunciation and check meaning.

Of course there is some variance but I usually try to do it in 8 or less. New cards take longer. Around a 45 per card.

>> No.18390679


>> No.18390680



>> No.18390684

thank you, ive never heard of て欲しい until now


>> No.18390693

You have made a mistake here. When using てほしい, you need to conjugate the verb first into て form. 座させて is て form of that verb, not 座させって.
Also 欲しい here is in most situations written just in hiragana because it is used as an extension of the verb's て form

>> No.18390695

To each their own.
There was an edited version posted a long time back in these threads (>>17260535
) which I've been using since then. The straight percentage that true retention gives feels misleading when compared to individual card type breakdowns.

>>/jp/thread/17260535 if the >> link didn't work.

>> No.18390698

i did not double check and should have known better, thank you

still, is my usage of causative done right? causative/potential/passive forms constantly stop me in my tracks and I need to use rikai to check almost every time. i basically just sum it up as さ = caus/あvowel = pass/えvowel = poten

>> No.18390700

Early exit:
Is the first syllable after the verb stem a S syllable? Causative.
Is it long? Passive-potential.
Is it short? Potential.
Is it REALLY long? Passive and causative.

>> No.18390706

Yeah, your usage of causative is done right. Causative and passive forms are pretty tricky to get used to early on, so don't worry too much about them. Just keep reading and you'll get the hang of them.

>> No.18390715

Honestly the only way you're going to get faster is if you purposefully make yourself do things faster. If you have good retention then you might as well just deal with it taking you a bit longer than some others, there's nothing wrong with taking more time. If you retention is bad you might consider dropping your new cards/day.

>> No.18390722



>> No.18390734




>> No.18390746

look it all depends on how and what you score
do you require yourself to recall the reading of the word or just the meaning
and for the latter do you only accept the exact meaning or some vague "general feeling of what it means"
do you do recall, recognition or both
do you do stroke order, etc
depending on these the difficulty level can have a tenfold difference between two stat screens

let's be honest, people are prone to mental gymnastics that make them feel good and let things slide
if she has so little red, that means she either knew most of it already from other sources or uses some bullshit grading methods - either way it's time wasted.

if you're having to do too many cards a day just stop adding new ones until you have time left for them

>> No.18390760

I've had that happen a few times. Not just with the true retention stat, but with the default one as well.

>Oh man, I really fucked up today. Let's go see just how bad that was...
>over 80% correct

>> No.18390771




>> No.18390806

>if you're having to do too many cards a day just stop adding new ones until you have time left for them
Not really. Its just that I think I could use that time to learn more things.
Here's how I do them>>18390676
Pure recognition.

>or some vague "general feeling of what it means"

I do this. Is this wrong?

>> No.18390814

>>do you require yourself to recall the reading of the word or just the meaning
Surely nobody is actually doing this, right?

>> No.18390817

Gotta go fast.

>> No.18390826

Are you telling me you don't recall reading?

>> No.18390828


>> No.18390835

No, I'm asking if there's actually people who DON'T do that.

>> No.18390851
File: 334 KB, 1356x2028, ふらいんぐうぃっち_1_147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ. I could read most things up to this point but this page completely trashed me.

>> No.18390863

Wait, where? It's all simple grammar and kanji.

>> No.18390879
File: 3.73 MB, 1356x2028, save me from this hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words are fine mostly, but I cant for the life of me figure out some of this grammar or how all the sentences interact. I had to use a translation to help figure out what I didn't get . purple circles means I didn't understand the text bubble at all even if I could read the stuff inside it.

I'm probably going to do this personally in the future so I know exactly what to look up, kara at the end of lines is annoying as fuck and so is でも's seemingly thousand usages.

Red is clueless, yellow is iffy but I kind of understood. Like I know tari lists things and that's it.

>> No.18390885

Actually I could probably highlight way more like the と’s throughout because I can't tell what their meanings are unless it's an obnoxiously simple context or sentence.

I feel like I need to go through all the basic grammar again.

>> No.18390888

>I feel like I need to go through all the basic grammar again.
Yeah, you're shit.

>> No.18390889

that's some really basic grammar, read a grammar guide or something

>> No.18390896

Should I use Sakubi or that The Manga Way thing? I'm not sure if I want to go through Tae Kim again for weeks.

>> No.18390899


>> No.18390908
File: 353 KB, 707x1118, すぐ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390911

If you've already read a grammar guide then you should use a grammar lookup resource (DOJG or HJGP) instead. It's completely fine to check other grammar guides if the lookup isn't explaining things the way you want, though. The Manga Way and Sakubi are equally reasonable choices for a "second opinion" guide if you want to go that route.

>> No.18390913

Search up っきり in DOJG or somewhere. しておく is sometimes said as しとく and that's where しとこう comes from. Some nips like to use ~たり once (as opposed to ~たり~たり(する)) for some reason, even if it's technically incorrect, so you'll have to learn to deal with that. ~ものでもある has でも in place of が; you can figure out the difference between が and でも. やっていこう is just a conjugation of やっていく. 教えたげる is a short way to say 教えてあげる. Basically, follow what >>18390888 and >>18390889 said. However, it might be better to not learn grammar as strict chunks, otherwise you may come back here and ask what ~こともある is, despite having read about ~ことがある. Also, take note that contractions can happen; most of your confusion seems to come from not catching them.

>> No.18390917

I recommend Manga Way.

>> No.18390926 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 400x225, Keen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390945


ひとりでLet us go.はおかしいとおもいます

でもLet I go.っていっているのは


Yes, we can.もおかしいとおもいます


we wantは




>> No.18390948
File: 235 KB, 625x1500, 1518290554904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got N2 two years ago
>got lazy after that because I can read most things I want
>check out N1 vocab/kanji/grammar today
>it's fucking hard
Well, fuck. I was hoping to finally finish up the JLPT this winter, but looks like that's not gonna be so easy. Wish me luck.

>> No.18390950


>> No.18390957

I really don't know how it's possible to make absolutely no progress in 2 years, even if you gave up all standard study methods. This is proof that not everyone is able to learn Japanese.

>> No.18390965

>>check out N1 vocab/kanji/grammar today
>>it's fucking hard

Is it? I read some porn games, did SKM N1 and passed it fine.

Then again, I knew that if I fail I'll be able to take it again in 6 months. That made me really relaxed about it, which I think helped me a lot.

>> No.18390974





>> No.18390980
File: 431 KB, 1500x1065, vivio_bath_cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm just fucking retarded then. Full time work kinda wears you out, when I get home I just feel like I want to die so actually sitting down and studying is out of the question.

>> No.18390981 [DELETED] 

ITT: p*dofag realizes he's retarded

>> No.18390982





>> No.18390994
File: 141 KB, 694x632, 1518120727944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw realized my shithole of a country actually has JLPT
Well colour me shocked
As someone who started learning Japanese last year in November, should I do it in December? If so, which level should I try and do?

>> No.18390997


>iced coffee


>> No.18390999

that's not suprising at all, most spic countries have it

>> No.18391041

Yeah I get that, but I didn't expect to find it in Kenya
I wonder how many people go for it, I should probably find out

>> No.18391109
File: 241 KB, 1201x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to solve this

>> No.18391120


>> No.18391125
File: 514 KB, 221x231, 1477043048270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18391126

ok this is a hard one....... the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.18391130
File: 621 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's welcome home, doofus.

>> No.18391131

boku no poco

>> No.18391157






>> No.18391167

What is "may take -no" nouns mean?

>> No.18391170

this question isn't even english

>> No.18391171

How about I shit in the mouth of you

>> No.18391174

just write it in your native language and i'll use google translate or something

>> No.18391211

If になる is "will become"
Why is 頼りになる "to be reliable" ?

>> No.18391214

turns out to be reliable

>> No.18391227

I figured it might be something like that, thank you.

>> No.18391238

>eigenvectors aren't something you calculate
You're the one who needs to educate himself homie.

>> No.18391240

you might want to learn english

>> No.18391243

I'm here to learn Japanese, not English.

>> No.18391244

apparently not if that was your first post all thread long

>> No.18391247

Determine, yes. Calculate, no. Transformations can have multiple eigenvectors.

>> No.18391250

>checking poster count to recognize new posters
>gatekeeping on a mongolian web spinning website

>> No.18391252

i have this thing called 4chan x that automatically marks posts from new ip addresses

>> No.18391253

Congratulations, how are your Japanese studies going?

>> No.18391255

i know japanese

>> No.18391260

Not him, but why do you bother enabling that setting?

It's already pointless, but dynamic IPs make it even more so.

>> No.18391263

it's enabled by default

>> No.18391264

Good contribution.

>> No.18391267

so is >>18391238

>> No.18391269

If you think it's a useless post just ignore it instead of starting an argument and derailing the thread.

>> No.18391270

tell that to >>18391238

>> No.18391359


>> No.18391396

Is it? I'm pretty sure I never manually disabled it but it isn't active for me.

>> No.18391461




>> No.18391510


>> No.18391882

>Start learning vocab
>All those kanji
>All those different meanings
>Sometimes it's written in a completely unrelated way.
Man this is pretty hard.

>> No.18391931

do you know the difference between look, stare, peek, inspect and glance?
is it important to tell them apart?
sometimes yes, sometimes no
it's up to you to decide what you learn.

my point is if you look at two anki screens, you have no idea how they are scored
one of them might press again when meaning was right but thought ちゅうしょ and it should be ちょうしょ and be 30% red
the other guy just uses "vague ballpark concepts", pressing good on guessing cat on kanji for dog since they both are pets and is 99% green

guess who can read a book?

if you just read you might not care about the phonetic part or getting it 100% right

>> No.18391972 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1339x2933, wareya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to stop pretending that you know Japanese. Several years experience failing miserably doesn't count.

What we really need is a new guide that removes all links to the sakushitter's crown turd.

>> No.18391994


>> No.18392008

The thing about no-adjectives using no as a case marker is normal Japanese linguistics.

Sakubi was written by multiple people (the writing style changes constantly) and it looks like it was shared in private before it was posted on 4chan. The earliest mention of it is from before it was posted in public.


>Sakubi is a much better grammar source imo
>That hasn't been released yet.

I really hope people know better than to trust what you're posting at face value.

>> No.18392012

>Words are fine mostly, but I cant for the life of me figure out some of this grammar or how all the sentences interact.

That's why you should do sentence cards instead of core words

>> No.18392044
File: 14 KB, 468x345, 1475457944881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this here because why not?
>japanese people use the kanas to write on their computers
>think this will somehow make the process of learning japanese a bit easier
>they don't space between the words
>impossible to know where one word ends and another one begins
What the actual fuck? Is there method in this madness?

>> No.18392051

Just stop with the appeals to your dubious authority and argue normally for god's sake. That's all I ask.

>> No.18392054

I'm still new to Japanese, but what are you referring to?
You type the kana, but then you get to turn them into the appropriate kanji.
It's true that texts that use kana entirely are very hard to read though.

>> No.18392055

I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.18392059

I don't think so-called の-adjective are indeed part of a speech just some words can't be regular な adjectives, sometimes they can. Just as you can say "a man of virtue" and not "a virtue man".

>> No.18392074

Say that you picked something someone wrote in the internet, and you try to translate it, how do you know where one word ends and another one begins when they don't use space?

>> No.18392082

Brute force.

>> No.18392083

It's really obvious in almost every case if you actually knew words.

>> No.18392085

Ideally you would know the words before and after the word you don't know, I guess.

>> No.18392086

this might be a dumb question but does つ sound different depending on where its used

>> No.18392087

The u sound might be droped.

>> No.18392089

If it's all in kana? It does get a bit hard. If it has kanji? Then it's all a matter of your fluency.

>> No.18392106

Youre wrong

>> No.18392112


hi-to-tsu or hi-to-ts

Yes, the u sound might indeed be dropped.

>> No.18392113

That sort of thing is why the best stuff djt has is everything that isn't opinionated attempts at in depth guidance by some random anon, why the guide and everything else has always been there to provide helpful suggestions to proper grammar guides and everything else one needs to get up and running.
I think the current state of the guide could have some of the more opinionated hints toned down but it is still a million times better than any of the autistic zero to hero guides written by random anons who don't know any Japanese.
The biggest problem when autists try to reinvent the wheel and 'teach' others Japanese is that, aside from not knowing much themselves, they always turn it into a purely ego driven thing.

>What we really need is a new guide that removes all links to the sakushitter's crown turd.
It is in the resource guide and not mentioned directly in the main guide.
>Sakubi - A guide that aims to be more precise than Tae Kim while using less academic language than Imabi
The only thing I'd change about this is mentioning that it is made by an anonymous person who may or may not know Japanese. It was probably a compromise to shove it at the bottom of the grammar resources listed in the resource guide. Not have it at all and have the author go on to shit up threads as much as humanly possible in order to get his way or add it as a footnote and call it a day.
The spergs are ultimately harmless overall since their tirades tend to inward focused instead of systematic and outward looking; the difference between chaotic evil and chaotic good.

>> No.18392117

Is it bad if I don't fully understand when to use は as opposed to が initially?
I feel like I get the general idea, but some sentences still feel very odd.

>> No.18392120

It's not dropped, it's just very subtle, and not every dialect does that

>> No.18392124

Phoneticians confirm that the vowel is entirely dropped.

>> No.18392126


>> No.18392129


>> No.18392131

One of the hardest things to figure out as a beginner.

>> No.18392132

So how good is he? How can you guys still doubt neo-AJATT after watching this video?

>> No.18392136

Matt didn't do AJATT or neo-AJATT so no.

>> No.18392139

"Well fuck whatever I'll learn to differentiate between them from seeing how are they actually used" rule has carried me through most hard-to-understand grammar points I've encountered.

>> No.18392145

Fuck off, Matt.

>> No.18392150

I'd post one but my academia.edu login isn't working and google is returning me results from stackoverflow and reddit instead of university sites.

>> No.18392158

Linguists seem to describe the phenomenon as "devoicing" of the syllable rime but "dropping" when referring to what happens to the vowel itself.

pitch accent and vowel devoicing in japanese - Yoko Hasegawa

by Y Hasegawa - Cited by 12 - Related articles
to consider Tokyo Japanese as a prototypical accent language. 2. VOWEL DEVOICING. In Japanese, especially in the Tokyo dialect, high vowels normally drop when they occur between voiceless obstruents or in word-final position. (Non-high vowels may also drop, but less frequently and only in fast utterances [7, 8].) ...

>> No.18392161

What do you study?

>> No.18392162

Historical Linguistics. Also academia.edu is a non-academic-institution site, its domain was registered before the restriction on .edu domains being for academic institutions was put in place.

>> No.18392170

>all of japan speaks tokyo dialect

>> No.18392173

I disagree. The current guide is a bit too neutral in the wrong ways, and opinionated in terms of leaving out important things because the people who made it didn't care about them. Preparation is important, but the overwhelming majority of the text in the guide is dedicated to preparing to read, not what to do when you actually start reading.

>> No.18392177

Also almost every dialect has its own vowel dropping rules. I would be very surprised to find a living dialect that has no vowel dropping at all, under any circumstances. Surely they would at least drop vowels during speech in a few of the more annoyingly long yamato kotoba that cannot be contracted.

>> No.18392201

>Look how great AJAAT is! I'm so good at japanese!
>He has been studying for 6 damn years.
I reckon you would get similiar results with every other method as long as you keep at it.

>> No.18392206


>> No.18392207

The best method is shitposting in this thread tbqh.

>> No.18392214

Has anyone ever bought a Kindle version of a book from Amazon JP? I'm tempted but I'm not sure how difficult it would be to set up a Japanese account on my tablet.

>> No.18392220

The current guide in the OP was not written by an anonymous individual. It was written by a natively bilingual (in English and some variety of German, I believe) Swiss (?) guy who really liked Kill Me Baby. They left DJT because they stopped learning Japanese before they became fluent.

>> No.18392224

The biggest joke here is that his pronounciation is not even particular good (god bless me for wasting any of my time at all with that video). Anyone could reach that level in a few months with enough practice. But I guess anglos in general just have a hard time with the whole not butchering other people's languages thing. Plus he's a virgin weaboo so I can't really ask much from him.

>> No.18392232

note to self: never contribute to anonymous group projects

>> No.18392261

also the toxicity of the community was threatening their academic life
go figure

>> No.18392280
File: 376 KB, 534x585, pence 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katakana are dumb. That is all.

>> No.18392291

Have you ever considered the possibility that you are the one who is dumb

>> No.18392294

>uppercase letters are dumb

Imagine someone learning english saying that.

>> No.18392306

I really don't think someone could reach his level in a few months. A year and a half? Sure.

You don't "use" them. Just get used to the different situations they're used in.

The guide was not, in fact, a collaborative effort, it had a base written by one person and lots of contributions after the fact due to being public domain and posted on Google Docs.

If you want to say something to someone you know, you should say it personally somewhere that has accounts. If you just post it in public, anonymously, nobody's going to know that they're the one being talked to. Normal people don't search their names in the filename field on archives.

It seems to be enabled for me and I never enabled it. I might've just forgotten but who knows.

>> No.18392311

Nah, they are alright.
You know what's REALLY dumb?
Casual speech.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.18392317

>You don't "use" them. Just get used to the different situations they're used in.
Not that guy, but what if I want to actually speak or write the language? Is that such a foreign concept?

>> No.18392322

How retarded do you have to be to find casual speech harder than formal speech? Did you learn Japanese from classroom textbooks?

>> No.18392323

If you don't already know how to say it correctly then you don't know how to say it at all, even with effort and thought put into it.

>> No.18392335

Nobody will mind if you get them wrong now and then, you're a filthy foreigner afterall
It might out you as a gaijin if you're trying to pretend like you're native though

>> No.18392347

Katakana look better than Hiragana. I'd write all Hiragana in Katakana if I could.

>> No.18392354

Shit taste, hiragana is a e s t h e t i c

>> No.18392360

That possibility was confirmed when I decided to learn a half logographic half syllabic language spoken only by isolationist pagans on a remote pacific island chain so I could watch their cartoons and jerk off to their comic books.
These suspicions where further confirmed when I decided to seek help in doing so from an online anonymous autistic friend simulator
Except English uppercase letters maintain their pronunciation rules regardless of context. Half the time it seems when authors use katakana they're playing fast and loose with pronunciations because no one ever brought the wonders of the "L" sound to the Japanese people.
Agreed, especially when handwriting. Angular scripts are far easier to write with pens and pencils.

>> No.18392362

> a e s t h e t i c
That's Katakana you dumb nigger. I think you need glasses.

>> No.18392365


>> No.18392366

Say that to my face baka not online, see what happens.

>> No.18392416

Ahaaaa epic post bro upboated

>> No.18392466

I just set up anki connection with yomachan, why does {expression} give me the kana reading of 豚 even tho the kanji is clearly there? pls respobd? Rikaisama used to work fine

>> No.18392497


>> No.18392502

Is 仏蘭西少女~Une fille blanche~ difficult to read?
The previews in vndb had some gay looking alternate readings and vocabulary.

>> No.18392515
File: 9 KB, 480x360, Shit, son!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18392518

should be シツソン

>> No.18392524

Ok the button gets greyed out when the expression is in a different deck too, it doesn't just check the deck you gave it for mining like it said.

>> No.18392553

Strokes that go down are needles (need to pierce straight down into the fabric).
Strokes that go to the side are eyes.

>ツ tsu - TWO needles in this one
>シ shi - She has two beautiful eyes
>ソ so - Sew with one needle
>ン n - N. Night Shyamalan (anime didn't have rights to his real name) twist ending is he only has one eye

>> No.18392555

シツ would be tsushi

>> No.18392556

you have it backwards

>> No.18392563

I would prefer a sane writing system.

>> No.18392577

I l
O o 0
q p b d P

>> No.18392580

>Except English uppercase letters maintain their pronunciation rules regardless of context


>> No.18392587
File: 21 KB, 154x305, people must know about my troubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlike any other language if you want to understand a simple sentence in japanese you saw online can't simply translate it, even if word by word because
Holy shit why is this language so fucked?

>> No.18392589

every language is like that when you don't know it, actually

>> No.18392590

How do natives even look up the words they don't know?

>> No.18392593

They use google.

>> No.18392596

Not him, but truth be told native enlgish speakers should be the last group of people to complain about phonetics. That being said there's no way around the fact that this language is fucked due to the lack so many consonant sounds in their "alphabet". It also makes sense why they have such a strong accent.

>> No.18392598

You can translate word by word.
Glueing the translations together might or might not give you the correct meaning as with any other language, I don't understand.

Like you do, looking up by radical.

>> No.18392601
File: 63 KB, 768x464, 768px-Table_katakana.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you have it backwards

>> No.18392614

Post a screenshot of this post: >>18392555

>> No.18392626

you're reading シ and ツ wrong in your browser

>> No.18392628

Bullshit I was able to learn english doing that alone in less than 6 months. Same for spanish, and I could even read big french texts, greek road signs and latin lyrics without ever having touched those before.

The problem is that due to the nature of how words are written in computers, kanas, there isn't really a good way to know where one word ends and another one begins, as often you CAN get sentences where even if you separate the symbols for translation in a way not intended by the writer, you can still get the combination for another word.

Sure that can still happen in some languages if you pick the last letters of one word and couple them with the starting letter of the next word, but on every other language there's space to prevent such problems.

>> No.18392635

>Bullshit I was able to learn english doing that alone in less than 6 months. Same for spanish, and I could even read big french texts, greek road signs and latin lyrics without ever having touched those before.
congrats, you just listed out a bunch of languages that have almost exactly the same way of dealing with context due to their relatively close relationship to each other

>> No.18392646

Is vocabulary not words?
I seen a few posts separating words and vocably as learning two different things but arent they the same? Im starting to be confused what vocabulary truly is

>> No.18392648

Words are fake, vocabulary is real.

>> No.18392650

You know except greek, which I made sure to put in there because I knew you'd say that. Oh and english has a different structure for it's sentences than romance languages, just another thing you shouldn't ignore.

>> No.18392653

greek has the same general method of handling context and is as related
notice that i never mentioned sentence structure

>> No.18392669

Then what does mean to learn vocab?
What dose it mean to learn words?

>> No.18392674
File: 95 KB, 500x377, I should really get myself checked or something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I'm stupid.

>> No.18392678

Words are segments of a sentence, but you can never really be sure what the right way to split a sentence up into words is.

Vocabulary is things that have meanings in isolation, that you can say on their own like a name, that you can list and define.

Learning words means learning vocabulary.

>> No.18392687

No, but it's too long and tedious.

>> No.18392686

The way you deal with context is part of the structure of the language. So yes you did.

>> No.18392692

you're confusing sentence structure for some kind of paradigmatic pragmatics or something
context is about what words are represented in what ways, and all the languages you listed learning have definite articles or some other way to mark definiteness vs indefiniteness, japanese does not

>> No.18392761
File: 47 KB, 807x605, 1451052893497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dumb beginner question.
So i know that i should learn hiragana first and I got this app that will teach them.. But i see that, along with the basic 46 "monograph" hiragana, it also has "diacritic" and "diagraph" ones.
Should I learn those as well along with the basic 46 before I move on? It has them listed for katakana as well.
Sorry for asking such a basic question here, I oddly have not seen info on learning "diacritic" or "diagraph" kana mentioned in any of the beginner guides ive seen, so im not sure if its an assumed thing that goes along with learning kana or if this app is just an outlier in regards to listing them.

>> No.18392783

Honestly you don't really need to study the diacritic and diagraph ones. If you read about what adding the two little lines or the little circle to a kana does, you'll be fine.

>> No.18392790

Yes? Really though, just spend an hour or two grinding realkana and you'll be good to go forever.

>> No.18392831

djt kana has replaced real kana because of malicious ads

>> No.18392853
File: 476 KB, 704x509, nin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18392928

That has nothing to do with the case of the letters. "GHOTI" would be pronounced the same as "ghoti".

>> No.18392932

What's the most efficient way of reading with ITHVNR?

>> No.18392977

Katakana and hiragana are pronounced the same when used in the same scenario, just like upper and lower case letters.

>> No.18393028

There should be stuff in the guide about this.

A browser with rikai based add on.
An add on that automatically pastes things from clipboard into your browser.
One of the .html files which will format it all nicely.

>> No.18393171

Rikai is similar shit can't correctly parse words so you should do it manually anyway.

>> No.18393177

What's the difference between 貸す and 貸し出す ?

>> No.18393215

lend out

>> No.18393325

Answer honestly: what do you get out of shitposting?

>> No.18393344

Has anyone got that chart image that shows word coverage % by how far into core6k?

>> No.18393366

I would also appreciate this

>> No.18393452

One of these?

>> No.18393578

Do you guys usually consider a card "failed" if you misremember the pronunciation slightly? Like recalling 冬 as ふよ instead of ふゆ?
Personally I hit again, I wonder if I should be so hard on myself?

>> No.18393589

Yes. If it's not right, it's wrong. That's what it boils down to for me.

>> No.18393596

You wouldn't doing yourself any favors by cheating yourself out of actually learning the words.

>> No.18393597

it doesn't actually matter, just do pick a way of thinking about it and move on in learning

>> No.18393603
File: 418 KB, 1920x1080, djt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel that トランクを持つ移動 wouldn't work so well here (though maybe that's only because he didn't use it ) but can anyone explain or give some links so I can understand why he used the て form + の?
I remember asking a very similar question when I was reading real imouto and I searched that topic a bit but didn't find anything helpful that'd make the distinction

>> No.18393606

My melanin-enriched brother

>> No.18393615
File: 160 KB, 636x900, cirnolegs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do anki thinking that I need to learn the readings for kanji
>DJT tells me that this is useless and to learn that through vocab

well that helps alot, much faster now

>> No.18393625
File: 359 KB, 480x580, 1516552946270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is is especially odd to be able to get words in Anki but in actual reading forget them sometimes? I'm finding some words I just completely forget, will this improve as I continue reading?

>> No.18393629

relative clauses can attract the head noun into just about any argument of the verb (look up valency) but ての is more abstract than that and refers to the verbal phrase as an idea or at least less specific to the head noun

>> No.18393661

it would be the other way around unless you're a beginner. if you're not a beginner and this is happening it's because you don't read enough or you're memorizing words you're not ready to learn yet

>> No.18393667

It's not really odd, happened to me often too. You just get used to seeing the words in a specific anki environment. When you start reading, you will see the words in a completely different environment which makes you less likely to successfully recognize them in the beginning. When you see a word in your anki reviews, you know that you've seen the word before and that you should know it, but in the wild, you can't just check if the word you came across was already covered in anki, so if you don't know the word extremely well, you'll often just think that you've never seen it before. Until you look it up and you realize that you knew it all along. So, yeah, the best way to get used to recognizing words in a different environment is just reading. Also remember to ditch your pure vocab anki decks eventually. I deleted my core10k and V2K decks at around 3 months into my studying and have been doing great since. Vocab decks should only be used to gain some basic vocab so you can more easily jump into native media

>> No.18393725

The fact that many quiz apps include every combination of voicing marks and digraphs as individual items has always blown my mind. The patterns are incredibly regular, you need very little practice to become proficient at that part. Just read an overview of what they do. The only thing you might need to "practice" is h + ゜ = p, and h + ゛ = b. You might also need to find a decent explanation of what small っ actually sounds like. Everything else is very simple.

>> No.18393738

>Also remember to ditch your pure vocab anki decks eventually.
Is this another "use sentence cards" post? There sure are a lot of those lately.

>> No.18393750










>> No.18393751

>when you combine the kanji for "female" and "child" together, you get a kanji that means "fond" or "pleasing"

>> No.18393759

>There should be stuff in the guide about this.
There is, on the resources page.

>> No.18393779

Anyone know of a deck that has sex words that show up often in doujin/eroge?

>> No.18393781

haha epic for the win rite xDDDD

>> No.18393784

Not really, but if you really want to keep studying vocab through anki, you can't really argue against sentences being more effective than pure vocab cards. I wasn't really shilling sentence cards, I just don't see the point of using vocab cards forever. When you learn enough vocab which you can use to make logical connections between words, their meaning, and their reading, remembering new words becomes so easy that you don't need anki at all.

>> No.18393793

you can just lift words from a text analyzer if you want that

>> No.18393795

Seconding this

>> No.18393799

>when you combine the kanji parts for "thread" and "see" and "beg" and "net" together, you get a kanji that means "hawser" or "thick cable or rope used in mooring or towing a ship"

>> No.18393800
File: 325 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (112).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hurting my brain. Any help with solving that part in parentheses?

>> No.18393815

What reader is that?

>> No.18393838


>> No.18393841

MComix. It's not bad.

>> No.18393852

Right, but I have no idea what she means by "which underside to see the underside of the underside of the Gymnasium."

>> No.18393905

If you read eroge, you have no need for such a deck. You will read/hear the sex-related vocabulary so much that you can't not learn it.

>> No.18393975

>need to port Yomichan from Chromium to Firefox to read VNs
What a pain.

>> No.18393977

Has anybody had success learning grammar by just fuckin... Reading through DOJG or HJGP? I've finished Tae Kim, so I have an okay foundation of beginner knowledge, but I have trouble pulling myself away from reading to look specific grammar bits up, so sometimes I just move on from a sentence after I just get the gist of it.
But I know that if I don't expand my grammar knowledge then I'll never be able to read something more complicated, like LNs that have paragraph-long sentences and three hundred commas per.

>> No.18393988
File: 70 KB, 1024x768, 1507772347310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underside of the underside

>> No.18393990


>> No.18394032

Doing the DOJG deck, which is basically just reading through all of the DOJG, worked for me.

>> No.18394038

This. It also gives you reading practice and you can mine vocabulary from it.

>> No.18394046

There is no way that you will be able to retain all information from reading a grammar dict. The information that you read in grammar dicts needs to be reinforced by reading in order to effectively go into your memory. So, even if you read the whole DOJG series, you'd still need to do looking up of grammar while reading. Stop looking for some alternative that will make reading easy as fuck. Just keep on reading and you'll get used to all the grammar eventually. Once you manage to push through one LN, you will have picked up the most used grammar by that point and your reading will become much more painless.
Instead of wasting time doing the DOJG deck, just go and read and use the DOJG series to look up grammar. Get reading practice from real sentences, not just example sentences from DOJG.

>> No.18394148
File: 947 KB, 500x281, 4368297436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I happen to come across japanese text in my daily life and can read it

>> No.18394156

>when you combine three kanji for women together you get "rape"

>> No.18394161

Is Grisaia no Kajitsu going to rape me? I'm thinking about finishing last 2 routes (Sachi and Amane) in Japanese.

>> No.18394172

She's talking about how the backside of the gym can be different depending on which side of the gym you look at.

>> No.18394176

only one way to find out sweetcheeks

>> No.18394189

I'm going to do it anyway. Wish me luck!

>> No.18394195

If you get hurt come back here and i'll lick your wounds

>> No.18394196
File: 50 KB, 533x300, 1468406391975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you don't say, lurking 4chan, being an under 30 male interesting in video games, porn and action adventure, you came across japanese

>> No.18394201

>when you combine the kanji for "female" and "child" together

>> No.18394242

Donne moi une bonne raison pour la quel AJATT ne marche pas, j'attends.
AJATT yourself.

>> No.18394252

I can't find anything about what しげぽん means. Anyone here know?

>> No.18394258

sounds like a nickname

post the full sentence

>> No.18394264


Two girls are trying to guess each other's Tanabata wishes. The girl speaking got it right.

>> No.18394304

if that's not someone's name I'm as lost as you are, sorry

>> No.18394321
File: 389 KB, 1440x2560, loadsa kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18394339

Oh come on, don't kill his dream. I'm sure you remember the excitement of seeing a strand of moon squigles and actually understanding what they meant for the first time.

>> No.18394384
File: 159 KB, 579x800, 1481355678725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the way he framed it, not the experience itself
of course I've had moments like that, mostly from crappy game related strips

>> No.18394393

Roughly how long do I need to study until I get as good at Japanese as Pewdiepie?

>> No.18394394

what is it about acquiring languages that makes people act like pure cancer

>> No.18394451

you have to be as good at swedish first

>> No.18394453

I wish the order of these posts was the opposite.

>> No.18394461

I wish i was as good as Moogy

>> No.18394466

>not only do you have to know about eigenvectors to learn japanese, you also need to know swedish
All this work just to jerk off to Chinese cartoons.

>> No.18394473

Is 愛でがい the synonym for 愛しい?

>> No.18394525

that one kid who hasn't ajatted himself

>> No.18394538

>try to take notes on TK
>feels slow, and like im just rewriting evrything without summarizing important shit
>not to mention it doesnt feel like im retaining anything
>think "fuck it if i read 40 pages a day ill get it over with in a week"
>read 40 pages and feel worse if not the same

>> No.18394547

>40 pages a day on TK
what the fuck? are you referring to the grammar guide? am i missing something?

>> No.18394556

just read a more concise grammar resource and you'll feel all your cares drip away.
alternatively read a light novel. ゼロの使い魔 is pretty easy and it's all in the djt library. also what >>18394547 said, what exactly did you mean by that?

>> No.18394561

Reminder that you're just familiarizing yourself with ideas, and that you wont remember shit until you've encountered it in real text and looked it up multiple times. Get it over with and start reading. The reading will be slow and painful, but it will get easier every day and you will remember more grammar.

>> No.18394567

>just read a more concise grammar resource
Can you recommend one?

>> No.18394574

What's your excuse, /djt/?

>> No.18394584


>> No.18394587

if you go to the guide resource list there's a VERY concise one listed in the grammar section. no such thing as a perfect beginner's guide so you might as well pick the one that wastes the least time (it's last on the list because everyone here memes about it being terrible). But like >>18394561 said, just jumping in and drowning in some native material, even just a little bit every day, will power you up faster than trying to memorize everything.

>> No.18394593

Not an argument.

>> No.18394602

If you are not a troll, then I'm genuinely worried

>> No.18394603

I'm not arguing with you, I'm laughing at you.

>> No.18394607

Not arguments.

>> No.18394616

Uhh, does Tae Kim's grammar guide pdf not have 300ish pages in it? I had a feeling something was odd about people finishing that many pages in a short amount of time.

>> No.18394626

Pdf has 353 pages. Without taking notes, you should be able to finish it in a day or two.

>> No.18394632

Tae Kim is completely readable in the span of a few weeks, and that's if you're being really diligent with it, you can definitely read it faster as well.

>> No.18394643

No one benefits from giving attention to shitposters.

>> No.18394729

>a day or two two read through 353 pages
What the fuck? I'm not some kind of speed reader

>> No.18394818


>> No.18394863

>hungover as shit crawling through Anki reps over several hours
>stats say I took 40 minutes
What, how does it even calculate that?

>> No.18394869

The average reading WPM is 200 words a minute. That's not the high-tier speed-reading of 1k+.

350 pages is a few hours but totally doable in a day or so.

>> No.18394877

maybe if youre reading a novel, not a grammar resource that you need to take in the information ofto process as knowledge rather than an experience

>> No.18394890

I don't disagree, just that people saying they've read it in a day or two probably aren't lying out their ass.

>> No.18394914

Sum of time for each card between card front appearing and card back appearing, excluding cards where that time is over, I believe 1 minute. In other words, card back time doesn't count, and extremely slow cards don't count. It's trying to exclude your rest breaks and distractions.

>> No.18394941

Well that explains that, it was about 90% rest times.

>> No.18394955

When you guys get a leech, how do you squash it out, what have you found is most effective to retain it?

>> No.18394971

suspend and pretend it doesn't exist

>> No.18394982

Give me some words you would want in this deck

>> No.18394989

Too old
Younger sister
Older brother

>> No.18395003

Older women
Big tits
Small dick

>> No.18395016

Jalapeno poppers
The Third Reich
To shank
A feeling so complicated

>> No.18395046

If you wanted to call someone a communist, would the structure be:
Bill chan wa commie desu?

>> No.18395059

Who is this Bill and why are you so close to a communist so as to use ちゃん with him?

>> No.18395063

pick whatever honorific you like, then
I'm just asking about structure

>> No.18395072

ESL? You don't call people things by asking them a question.

>> No.18395079

assuming you aren't nit picking it was just poorly formatted
If you wanted to call someone a communist, would the structure be:
"Bill chan wa commie desu."?

>> No.18395088

Bill-chan no chinpo wo shaburitai

>> No.18395095

"Bill is a communist."

>> No.18395096

haha nice epic

>> No.18395100


>> No.18395119


>> No.18395153
File: 9 KB, 290x174, 2018-02-12-21-14-30-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The structure would be something along the lines of "sword" into "stomach"

>> No.18395182
File: 264 KB, 1200x1730, 6448534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An online monolingual resource for lewd terminology: http://lewd.sakura.ne.jp/top.html

>> No.18395195

Better dead than red

>> No.18395219
File: 8 KB, 1001x481, PV4PKVY[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started logging everything I read / watch a few weeks ago in an excel file, then I realized I can just filter the list and find out exactly when I read a certain manga, etc. Kind of cool to look back on the future I'd imagine.

>> No.18395230

why does every word have 5+ meanings reeeee

>> No.18395245

is there much difference between 任す and 任せる
they both seem to have identical meanings and are transitive

i dont really know if theres some special shit between u and ru verbs.

>> No.18395249

Welcome to every language ever.

>> No.18395251

because you're doing core 2k

>> No.18395260

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

>> No.18395273

yeah, that's a word I hear every day when using english

>> No.18395278
File: 153 KB, 360x357, 1498585408366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18395290

Go back to school
I don't know what you're implying. That sentence is just as grammatically correct in England as it is in the US.

>> No.18395295
File: 156 KB, 800x1200, 1487173986981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only mine the ones you actually encounter. A lot of the time the other meanings will just sort of come intuitively to you after you've memorized one meaning.

>> No.18395299

buffalo school?
not saying kys but you should probably kys

>> No.18395303

>That sentence is just as grammatically correct in England as it is in the US.
No, it's really not. "Buffalo" as a verb is exclusively American English, and even then it's so obscure that nobody even uses it.

>> No.18395308

you used an example that almost every english native doesn't even know exists beyond a type of animal as a counterpoint, vs someone whos literally learning a language probably from most used words first, it simply doesnt compare

>> No.18395311

>move leech to its own deck
>"haha i'll do my leech deck later on when i've gotten better at remembering these gosh darned kawn-jees"
>currently it's sitting there with about 60 cards
>afraid to go touch it because it's going to be getting hit with everything i'm bad at all at once
they'll, uh, sort themselves out eventually. r-read more

>> No.18395316

You can do it anon. I'm currently just writing them out and trying to consolidate the general meanings of the kanji so it's easier to recall and has helped a bit. Don't run from what needs to be done!

>> No.18395323
File: 47 KB, 430x430, 1461074747462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words have multiple meanings
>the way to know which meaning is purely context
>there is no context on anki cards until after you check the answer
>get several cards "wrong" because I didn't have the context
>would have got it right if I had the context before answering

>> No.18395325

disable leeches, done.

>> No.18395330

give two examples of this happening

>> No.18395336

you're an idiot if you actually marked those cards wrong and you're a double idiot for having those cards in anki in the first place

>> No.18395337

Make a mnemonic.

>> No.18395347

Mnemonics are the only way my dick-ass retention rate can even remotely hit 80%+

>> No.18395353

>there is no context on anki cards until after you check the answer
even supermemo says you fucked up if thats the case
it takes like 2 seconds to look up an example sentence if you're struggling with a word

>> No.18395372

I had two in today's reps alone
I know I've seen more as well like 円

Why would I not mark them wrong if I didn't get the correct answer? And why would I not have them in my deck if they are legitimate words that I could encounter reading (albeit with context)

>> No.18395386
File: 81 KB, 259x377, 1490742057696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how you find out what engine a VN uses (for the purposes of ripping the script from it)?

>> No.18395410

Companies usually have their own engines, for example, nitro+. So, just google the company. If the company doesn't have their own engine, then the engine will be displayed in the credits, dunno if it's documented anywhere else other than the credits. Also you could try googling the file extensions that you see in the game folder

>> No.18395419

>explains why something is unreasonable >>18395323
>then asks why he shouldn't do it >>18395372

are you a real person

>> No.18395510

I'm trying to figure out how this is a question.

"Why do you have to go there?"

I understand koto is a nominalizer but I can't understand how this is a question in any way shape or form.

This is the なにも~ない DOJG page, but I can't find this in HJGP either.

>> No.18395512

Could always put a field on the front of the card with a brief caution for such words.
>(not currency)
>(not あく)
With 上げる there is an option to instead make specific cards for the more nuanced uses by adding 上げる、揚げる、挙げる as separate cards. Things like that.

>> No.18395529

I also keep seeing じゃないですか or other negative questions being used and translated into positive english and I can't figure out how they're being used literally as a result.
... 何もそこまでしなくたっていいんじゃないか
Is this basically "Isn't to that extent good?"

Fuck たって btw.

>> No.18395543

>there isn't really a good way to know where one word ends and another one begins
If you started yesterday, yeah. Otherwise it's a non-problem.

>> No.18395544

Whose translation is that? Is that the actual translation given by DOJG?

>> No.18395556
File: 8 KB, 611x214, Ss6IU3K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking hate this language i dont understand it

>> No.18395564

Did you actually read the definition?
>A structure indicating that an action is taken for no good reason.
>Why ~ have to ~?; it is unnecessary to ~; have no good reason to ~; not need to ~

>> No.18395569
File: 80 KB, 697x425, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's contextual.

>> No.18395582

wakaranai nigga

>> No.18395583

>i fucking hate this language i dont understand it

>> No.18395590

I'm going to guess that whoever wrote that meant it as a rhetorical question. One might as well take issue with the fact that there's no "you" or "there" in the original sentence either.

It's just trying to give you a sense of the meaning, don't over-dissect it.

>> No.18395597

Remember both definitions. See, that wasn't hard
Never gonna make it bruh

>> No.18395603

okay, I think i get it now
its like "why get angry?" in the sense of "its pointless/no need" but its more literally "there is no need to be angry"

sorry for shitting up the thread

>> No.18395645



>> No.18395740
File: 1.15 MB, 3458x2103, 1515034307705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DoJG has quite a few awkward, wonky translations. Pic related shows some.

>> No.18395812

the point of the filtering is to make up for the fact that you're not using a crt. if you can read it in english with the same settings you can do it in hiragana

>> No.18395904
File: 1.58 MB, 1498x849, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would like to set ankidroid to add new cards during the weekday, and just do review during the weekends. is there a way i can program this automatically? or do i just need to set the new-card count to 0 every sunday and saturday?

>> No.18395995

I'm not aware of such behavior being supported. I think you are relegated to having to do it manually.

>> No.18396037
File: 164 KB, 925x888, 1494288675417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know what's going on with "滅ぼさん" in this sentence? I'm assuming it's some inflection of 滅ぼす, but I don't know what it's supposed to be. My first guess would be 滅ぼさない, but that doesn't seem to make sense in this context.

>> No.18396069


>> No.18396071

Nevermind, found the answer through Google. It's apparently a use of the む auxilliary verb (which I've never even heard of before and doesn't seem to be listed in either HJGP or DoJG) which gives the meaning of volition. From what I can tell, it apparently works by attaching to the negative stem of a verb (in this case 滅ぼさ), so like 滅ぼさむ (I think?).

Then what's happening next is that the む is being contracted to ん (for reasons I'm not sure of; maybe colloquial or maybe that's just the way this grammar works when followed by と), and followed with と…した, so essentially the meaning is:
...I think.

>> No.18396094

Thanks. Seems my google search was right. No mention there of this む auxilliary verb which apparently forms the basis of this grammar though.

>> No.18396101


>> No.18396109

What VN is it? I specialize in this.

>> No.18396132

I didn't have a specific one in mind. My idea was since text-hookers don't work on Linux and OCR is unreliable/unusable when dealing with text on non-solid backgrounds, I could get around it by ripping the script and having it open in Firefox where I could easily look up the unknown words with Yomichan.

That said, I'm unsure how feasible this would be since I don't know how these scripts wind up being formatted when you rip them. For all I know, the lines could be all out of order or something which would make the script a pain in the ass to use.

>> No.18396143

>for reasons I'm not sure of
む used to be pronounced 「ん」

>> No.18396178

Scenes might be out of order, but individual lines within a single scene will be in order.

Anyway, you can usually figure out what engine a VN uses based on trying to extract files from it with something like garbro or arc_unpacker.

>> No.18396212



>> No.18396221

>Only mine the ones you actually encounter.
Why would you ever want to do it? If you learn words with anki then do it decently. I remember struggling a lot correcting like 15% of my cards because bilingual dictionaries don't have some definitions or they are too obscure. I had to hit "again" on most of these cards or just delete them and create new ones with the right meanings. It's an inevitable fuckup because you can't use
a japanese dictionary early on but you're suggesting to fuck up even more.

>> No.18396236


>> No.18396245

I'm not sure what you're worried about. You can crosscheck E-J dictionaries here: https://ejje.weblio.jp/content/%E8%B5%B0%E8%A1%8C
And if you're at the point where you're worried about the precision of definitions, Anki should be a low priority, and you should be able to use the low-profile J-J dictionaries out there, like 新明解 or 三省堂国語辞典, at least with a J-E dictionary inside the J-J definitions.

>> No.18396254



>> No.18396255

How is lovely x cation for a first VN?

>> No.18396279


>> No.18396303


>> No.18396308

It's similar to this but I think there was a table specifically for core6k

>> No.18396311



>> No.18396317


>> No.18396319

>sit in a priority seat
>get seppuku'd by an old man with a fruit knife


>> No.18396336


>> No.18396338

>I'm not sure what you're worried about.
I'm not worried about anything because I'm past the point where I had to look up a bilingual dictionary, I still do it for the sake of getting nice
and clean meanings in my native language sometimes though, because I aim to be a translator in the future. It's just that I want to caution against mistakes that will take a lot of time to correct later. If you are not striving for memorizing all the meanings of the words (and really you shouldn't be) then at least add them in your anki, maybe it will click for you in a certain context or you won't have to rip thousands of your cards off because it's incomplete garbage.

>> No.18396353

How do you pronounce 尊い?

>> No.18396361

toe toy

>> No.18396363
File: 37 KB, 500x489, 1506331087894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with words like 賭する and 賭す?

In their conjugated forms they are exactly the same and if you search the す form in a dictionary, it will (usually? always?) just direct you to the definition for the する form. How did it come to be that there are two versions of the same word? Is one version more proper than the other?

>> No.18396365

when a おう sequence corresponds to an あ-something in more conservative or archaic pronunciation, it's always a long お

>> No.18396378

Not him but I fail to see what the issue is. Why would you throw out cards that use the word one way but not others? What makes them worthless? How is it any more difficult to learn a new meaning of an existing word separately?

>> No.18396384

it's not wrong but the rest of your japanese better be damn good if you're going to go around saying たっとい

>> No.18396390

It's something like, する used to just be す in these verbs. When す became する the idiomatic forms with just す stayed around, giving us a lot of our current non-causative す verbs, but する became usable there too. A good way to gauge which form is more important is to look the word up in a low-profile J-J dictionary. If there's no entry for one of the two forms, the form that's missing is the less important one. For example, the low-profile J-J dictionaries I have have entries for 賭する, but not 賭す.

>> No.18396392


>> No.18396395


>> No.18396397

Ah, I see, thanks. So the す version has a sort of archaic vibe to it then?

>A good way to gauge which form is more important is to look the word up in a low-profile J-J dictionary.
Not sure exactly what you mean by a "low-profile" dictionary.

>> No.18396412

You have encyclopedias, large single-volume dictionaries, and small single-volume dictionaries. See also: http://www.gally.net/translation/kokugo.htm

>> No.18396416

>Most of the dictionaries are so derivative of each other, with nearly identical definitions found in dictionary after dictionary, that one wonders whether copyright protection means anything at all in the case of dictionaries in Japan.
The answer is that, like the USA, Japan doesn't recognize copyright on databases of factual information, nor on utilitarian designs. Only the exact representation of the information is copyrighted. Similar to this, typefaces are not copyrighted, but particular fonts of that typeface are.

>> No.18396444

>Similar to this, typefaces are not copyrighted, but particular fonts of that typeface are.
Typefaces aren't copyright-able per se in the United States, but they can still be protected under design patents.

>> No.18396447

This is true.

>> No.18396463


>> No.18396466

At least under United States law, a dictionary would be eligible for copyright protection as a compiled work, and individual entries almost certainly don't fall under the definition of "fact" that they would need to in order to not be eligible for copyright protection. in the first place.

>> No.18396471

Dictionaries are one of the poster-child examples of a database of factual information, and have been tested in court. The information conveyed by individual definitions is not subject to copyright, nor is the relationship between words and their definitions, only the exact text and typesetting used to represent the information is subject to copyright.

>> No.18396487

Don't dictionary editors make up words to try to catch other dictionaries cloning them? Is this a pointless act that can't be used in a legal battle?

>> No.18396488

Yeah and whenever it's tried in court it's thrown out. At least in modern times in the US.

>> No.18396492

>愛でがい the synonym for 愛しい
「愛で甲斐(めでがい ,noun)」???

>> No.18396515

>Why would you throw out cards that use the word one way but not others? What makes them worthless?
because they are incomplete and hence misleading. You'll acquire bad habits in reading very quicly and it's usually harder to relearn than just learn correctly from the scratch.
>How is it any more difficult to learn a new meaning of an existing word separately?
To learn a new meaning you should either memorize word somehow without anki (which somehow contradicts using anki in the first place) or create a new card with this word that's already in your deck, hence waste time on adding a card and reviewing it that you might save on something more important. You can correct an already existing card but there is usually no point if it will be shown to you after month+

>> No.18396525

And by "low-profile" you are presumably referring to these "small single-volume" dictionaries, correct?

>> No.18396529


>> No.18396538

I'm not very far in my learning but I'm having a really hard time imagining what bad habits this could establish. It seems to me that when the meaning you know isn't the right one, it's often clear. Further, in many cases I've encountered, other meanings are logically related. For some cards I try to recall two meanings, but I can't imagine expecting myself to list 3+ meanings from one card.

>> No.18396546

Not him but the problem will make more sense as you get better. Just do what you want for now.

>> No.18396570
File: 54 KB, 850x488, 1518510525959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18396576

>You'll acquire bad habits in reading very quicly and it's usually harder to relearn than just learn correctly from the scratch.
That's bullshit.

>> No.18396583

That point doesn't mesh with the rest of their argument so I'm pretty sure they just wrote it wrong. I assume they were talking about acquiring bad habits from studying outside of reading, but they're bad habits in reading.

>> No.18396772






>> No.18396818





>> No.18396886

女 and 子 which combines to 好

>> No.18397004
File: 278 KB, 1000x666, れいしゃぶ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18397073
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, nihonjin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18397095


>> No.18397124
File: 930 KB, 1280x1220, DJT46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18397134

How does this not have anything to do with hating machines?

>> No.18397143

>that shit in the background
who keeps adding that kek

>> No.18397148

RTK in a nutshell

>> No.18397155

It's weird because I just realised that kanji was made before machines existed, so where the HECK did that meaning come from?

>> No.18397166

uhh what do you think machine means because there were definitely medieval and pre-medieval machines in china

>> No.18397273

is there an add-on to Anki that automatically attaches kanji stroke order to the cards? I have 2500 cards and would like stroke order for them

>> No.18397281

Kanji Colorizer does that.

>> No.18397285

will it work if my cards look like this:
question side: English word
answer side: kanji

>> No.18397287

Can we use kanji as a renewable energy source?

>> No.18397295

really makes you 考える...

>> No.18397303

Yes. All the add-on needs is three things: for your note type to have the word "Japanese" somewhere in them, and two fields in your notes, one named Kanji, and one named Diagram, the latter of which is where the stroke order will automatically be generated for the Kanji found in the Kanji field.

>> No.18397311

One thing I forgot: I believe the add-on's default behavior is to only show stroke order if the Kanji field has one kanji in it. If you have multiple kanji in the field and you want stroke order to be generated for each one of them, you'd need to modify the Python script for it.

>> No.18397318

Isn't its original meaning "mechanism"

>> No.18397324

Turns out I'm a complete fucking retard. The behavior is for it to show stroke order for any kanji and ignore any kana found on the field. I'm off to kill myself now for being such a retarded fuck.

>> No.18397330
File: 36 KB, 401x401, 1493703634610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you're reading fine and all of a sudden the scene changes and it's a different writer with completely different preferences for words

>> No.18397331

Thank you very much, you've helped me a lot! I guess I'll have to change deck type for my sentence cards so they don't get the diagrams. I want those only for the bare-kanji deck.

>> No.18397339


>> No.18397394
File: 198 KB, 1000x750, 1445821594563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intention is to give a nod towards the original image as opposed to something entirely different.

>> No.18397512
File: 12 KB, 163x275, kono chikara da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any visual difference between 力 and カ? Google told me they are different. For comparison
ヒ力ルが地球にいたころ and

>> No.18397518

They're technically different but nobody will notice unless it's handwritten

>> No.18397572
File: 94 KB, 610x179, 力カ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on your font I guess. For me the katakana カ is slightly thicker than the kanji so it's easy to tell them apart. But even if it's not, it should be clear from context which one is meant.

>> No.18397584

>>18397518 >>18397572
Okay, now I notice the serif in second stroke

>> No.18397618

>have a dream voiced in japanese
>wake up
>can't speak japanese
It hurts.

>> No.18397621

When artist write a character speech using 2 different fonts of katakana.

>> No.18397632

>have a dream voiced in japanese
>it's about japanese people calling me racial slurs

>> No.18397741
File: 29 KB, 665x574, 1512200976217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what that first kanji is? I'm trying to get myself through Pokemon Black, but I already got stumped by that. Handwriting it in my IME or Jisho doesn't bring up anything that resembles it.

>> No.18397754
File: 525 B, 98x33, 1505125629307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Of course I'm retarded and I attach a reaction instead of the relevant picture. So help a retard out if you can please.

>> No.18397770

You shouldn't be reading something that makes it hard to look up characters/words if you can't recognize this. Draw it into google translate.

>> No.18397783

hmmmmmmm looks like the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.18397794

just draw that with "ignore stroke order" option.

>> No.18397810

Well, Google brought it up instantly. Thanks. For now I'm mostly looking to reinforce the grammar I know. Probably not the best idea, but I still enjoy it when I'm able to figure out a sentence, so I'll see how it goes. I don't really mind stopping myself to look up vocab at every part of dialogue.

Forgot to mention I tried that one too with ignore stroke order enabled, but it still didn't give me the proper result. I already got it through Google, though, so it's all good.

>> No.18397820

Why are you playing the game if you can't read 世界?

>> No.18397825
File: 101 KB, 422x309, 1511484154024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I recognized this from my anki
Its 世界

>> No.18397828

Did you even do core 2k/6k?

>> No.18397850

Started it not too long ago. Like I said here >>18397810, I'm mostly looking to just make sense of the structure of sentences. I don't actually plan on playing through it for long for now, I just want to get a bit of practice with how I should expect sentences in popular media to look like. And yeah, again, probably not the best idea, but it's still motivating me.

>> No.18397879

How many words in core should one know to play vidya relatively comfortably?

>> No.18397919

Did you guys tried to learn core2k/6k without furigana? At what level did you started?

I don't know if I am ready for this experience, it looks scary to me.

>> No.18398084

>tfw i recognized this word from my english deck
you right now

>> No.18398119
File: 134 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180214-032817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started core2k/6k about 2 weeks ago, doing ok I think. Had 81.8% correct today.

>> No.18398141

I can assume you learn both reading and meaning of words, right? 80% is nice.
