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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 436 KB, 600x600, everythingisdjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18372019 No.18372019 [Reply] [Original]

Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread:

>> No.18372022

What is the general DJT opinion about sentence cards?

>> No.18372029

just do vocab
if you really want a sentence deck, mine your own

>> No.18372034

What level of profiency is required to work at a Kanji research plant? I want to help science discover new kanji.

>> No.18372036

Bad idea but nobody's gonna stop you.

>> No.18372042

better resign to a job at the misleading-katakana plant instead

>> No.18372131

I will

>> No.18372162


>> No.18372166

How do i learn japanese well?

>> No.18372170

Watch Steve's videos. They will show you the light.

>> No.18372175

You don't.

>> No.18372192

>stopped anki a bit ago, only knew about 400 words
>Forgot alot of them

Should I just start the 2k core deck over again or just work through this massive stack of cards?

>> No.18372195

Work through it again and be honest with your answers. Anki is designed to handle these situations.

>> No.18372291

Post dekinais

>> No.18372297
File: 16 KB, 640x480, 1517964145860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw doing my reps but having to look up a word every few sentences

>> No.18372302

You're doing something wrong.

>> No.18372305
File: 592 KB, 600x848, 1517602049399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dekiru chan believes you can do it anon!

>> No.18372326

It's all automated now. They've got a whole rack of 1080s mining kanji all day.

>> No.18372385
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>> No.18372511
File: 337 KB, 1102x441, 0d3a07c3dd66e6193792af3cd83f66f5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any reason the character is using katakana for 僕 here? Or is it just because?

>> No.18372522

It feels different. Kanji is associated with formality. Katakana is not.

>> No.18372528

youre so close to the start it doesnt matter what you do just do fucking something

>> No.18372554

How do I "freeze" Anki?
Will be gone for a while and I don't want to come back to 1000+ reviews.
No, I don't own a phone that can run the app.

>> No.18372560

Just leave it and do as many reviews as you can, the whole purpose of anki is to space things out for repetition.

>> No.18372563

Is it a good idea to read through the Tae Kim book as quickly as possible, or in small increments? I´ve read up to chapter 4 in the last week, and was planning to maybe finish it this weekend, should I do this or is there a better method?

>> No.18372585

Cant you just set the maximum number of reviews per day to like 1?

>> No.18372688

That's definitely the best way. Do a fast but comprehensive reading, so you grasp a general idea of the language's grammar.
Japanese grammar is quite more complicated that what it looks like, because of the extensive number of auxiliary suffixes. Just learning how to properly use よう in all situations will take you a few weeks.

>> No.18372838

>No, I don't own a phone that can run the app.
Do you own a phone with access to the internet and a browser?

>> No.18372869

Rate accent please.

>> No.18372884

Better than 99% of DJT

>> No.18372943

Reminder that kanji is your best friend that allows you to memorize immense numbers of words without much effort.

>> No.18372954

Reminder that this doesn't make isolated kanji study good.

>> No.18372992

I'm not against it personally it's just that every system I know is complete shit.

>> No.18373125

People that have done it are fluent.

People that didn't are salty that they heard about it too late

>> No.18373134

>Go through daily anki reviews
>too burnt out to actually consume nipponese material afterwards

>> No.18373140

It's exact the same as mining for words except you mine the whole sentence.
You could also mine for certain grammar patterns.

>> No.18373141

Do Anki as soon as you wake up.

Consume nip material throughout the whole day

>> No.18373176

No, it's not nearly the same thing. If you study words separately you need to recall every meaning of the word but if you "study" sentences you don't need to remember this since you already know what the sentence is about if you have seen it a few times.

>> No.18373182

People who cut themselves have become fluent too. New meta? Stop reposting old posts btw.

>> No.18373185

b-but I have to go to work as soon as I wake up

>> No.18373188

Wake up an hour earlier.

>> No.18373462

hmm. I never considered doing it before work.
Sounds like a plan.

>> No.18373500

>All that salt

Thanks for giving everyone an example.

Now...Don't you have reps to do, wordcuck?

>> No.18373522

>He doesn't know that sentences are how words are found in actual media
>He only does Anki to get better at Anki

Truly sad, wordcuck

>> No.18373583

I've always thought that if you didn't completely empty the review count you were doing it wrong.
Gonna set the maximum numbers of reviews to a reasonable number and go then.
A BlackBerry 9100 is what I got. That can't run Anki can it?

>> No.18373601

Stop being stupid. All I say is that you don't learn words you learn sentences. Knowledge of meanings and readings of a word will pretty much guarantee that you will understand it the wild but knowing word in a sentence doesn't guarantee shit. It's not like I haven't tried studying this way. Probably even longer than you.

>> No.18373730


>> No.18373733

I don't use Anki.

Stop shitposting. You're an idiot.

>> No.18373740

>Gonna set the maximum numbers of reviews to a reasonable number

that guy is wrong, setting a review limit just hides them. they still pile up.

>> No.18373756

Can someone help me break down this phrase:
I know that 滅ぼされ is the stem of the passive form of 滅ぼす but I don't know how "ようと" modifies it.

>> No.18373880


>> No.18373890

Do you guys remember any anime (or maybe visual novel) where there is a scene with a girl screaming something like "私たちをどこまで馬鹿にしたら気が済むの!" at the protagonist? I just can't quite remember where I remember it from, it's driving me nuts. Pls help

>> No.18373925
File: 75 KB, 430x620, 1507654407872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is she saying in the second bubble?

>> No.18374004

Ah, I've always thought it was some Android/IOS app.
The browser on this phone can't even load the 4chan catalog, let's see if it can run AnkiWeb.
Which is why I was looking for a way to "freeze" Anki.
Now the question becomes if it is acceptable to let them pile up or not.

>> No.18374059

There is no way to freeze it, that is just not how SRS works. Even if the program allowed such a thing, you would fail a large number of the delayed cards when you got to them anyway, and not having a huge number when you first come back would be false reassurance. The catch-up period of reviews feeling like shit because your retention is garbage would probably end up being longer.
It's very undesirable, but if you have no choice it doesn't really matter. You might have to hold off on new cards for a while and you might not finish off the review queue for a few days when you come back.

>> No.18374067

Why does everyone in /djt/ shit on AJATT? Everyone who fully tries the method have become fluent. Are you guys really just so mad you didn't do it?

>> No.18374076

Stop shitposting. You're an idiot.

>> No.18374085

Why is djt allowing the AJATT bait to shit up the thread by continuing to reply?

>> No.18374086

People who haven't done it are fluent too.

Sentence cards aren't necessary, and take more time and effort to make than regular vocab cards on top of carrying additional risks (e.g. mining a sentence with a mistake in it and memorising it thinking it's correct).

>> No.18374099

>cuck cuck cuck
Go back to /int/, crossboarder.

>> No.18374102

Very nice rebuttal.

>> No.18374176

Sentence cards take longer than word cards. If you can read sentences you are better off actually reading something.

>> No.18374207

Can you guys please outline the problems associated with using Matt's version of learning Japanese?

>> No.18374210
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, 6421_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder.

>> No.18374237

Opinions vary and you will gain a better idea of it by hanging around. At the moment you will get a lot of shitposting about sentences because that's what we've been talking about since that fucking video was uploaded, but some things that are more consistently agreed on: immersion before you know kana, waiting 5 months to read a grammar book, making cards out of Tae Kim's unnatural sentences, and waiting a year to learn what pitch accent is are shit ideas. Kanji study is also controversial but leaned against, sometimes with a caveat of "if your vocab study is going very poorly, you might need it." But I did kanji study from day one so take that how you will. I didn't delay learning vocab for it though.

>> No.18374250

There is nothing fun about it. Does he ever talk about actually enjoying Japanese? It seems like he learned Japanese for no reason. Even when he lived there all he did was sit in his room and do flashcards.

I also think there is way too much emphasis on RTK and going monolingual.

>> No.18374263

i'm jealous of their willpower

>> No.18374264

Thank you for the reply. As of right now I'm 200 kanji into RTK but I was thinking of switching to KKLC so I can learn the readings alongside the kanji. I have yet to put any effort into learning vocab, though. Should that be something I should focus on alongside kanji?

>> No.18374294

Not to defend him but.
>immersion before you know kana
If you've been watching weekly anime before learning the kana, then you have been immersing before you knew the kana.

Honestly I don't know anymore. As long as I follow the input hypothesis aka read a fuckton, listen a fuckton. Every. Single. Day. I'll probably make it I hope.

Don't go down that path. The one thing that certainly will set you up to fail is switching methods every so often. I lost so many time just fucking around. Maybe is RTK is shit, maybe it's not. But there ARE people who learned kanji this way.

>> No.18374331
File: 377 KB, 750x1200, 6267868e7af5a5d3994b045d1217d43c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your experiences and opinions with dakimakuras? Are they comfy? I don't a waifu pillow. I want just the pillow. Does it increase the quality of sleep?

>> No.18374367

>Does it increase the quality of sleep?
Only if it has your waifu on it

>> No.18374388

I use a pseudo dakimakura with one normal pillow to hug and one between my thighs when sleeping. It's comfy. I should probably get a single full size one.

>> No.18374398

>want to get one but still live with my parents
But I have multiple normal pillows I hug with. They certainly help me.
Also get a sleep eye mask.

>> No.18374402

i got one for waifu purposes and the novelty wore off after a few weeks but the pillow itself is super comfy and i recommend it to everyone

>> No.18374492
File: 118 KB, 591x573, 1494427203933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't a waifu pillow.
Go away.

>> No.18374520

There are a bunch of things I liked about my approach, and a bunch of things I didn't like, but it's very hard to judge fairly what was effective and what was not when I don't know what would have gone differently with changes. I went from keyword to kanji instead of the intended kanji to keyword, which I felt gave me a better understanding of the kanji but was much more work as the keywords are non-unique and I had to add example vocabulary to many of the cards. This tied my kanji progress to my vocabulary progress, which slowed my progress through kanji which was way easier for me to review.
Further, this pushed me to do sparse vocabulary with little overlap so that I didn't stretch out KKLC to take a fucking year. Something that doesn't seem to be discussed much when people start throwing out cards per day is overlap. I suspect that when someone says they're struggling with 15 words per day and another person says they do 50, on average, there's a big difference in how many of those words are using kanji or at least kanji readings that that person has never seen in a word before. I certainly learn words MUCH faster when I'm already familiar with the readings involved.
Overall, I think I'd agree with the suggestion to avoid switching your method and follow through as long as it isn't going terribly. When you get through it, you basically never have to deal with it again, and even if you do continue your strategy into studying non-jouyou kanji you can easily go through them MUCH more slowly without it impacting the rest of your study.

While I get what you're saying, I don't know if it's very valuable immersion when you understand almost none of it. Maybe it helped my understanding of Japanese phonology, but it seems like the biggest benefit is the few times I learned a word that I had already internalized and only needed to learn the kanji for. And there were far fewer of those than you might think.
As far as I understand, the input hypothesis says that this is effective when you understand most of the sentence. When that isn't true, I don't think it's very valuable. It may be better than nothing, but it probably shouldn't take away any time from your actual study until you have some grammar knowledge and a small vocabulary.

>> No.18374621

>effective when you understand most of the sentence
You're absolutely correct in your understanding the input hypothesis. I certainly wouldn't worry about it if you don't do immersion.

But the reason isn't as much for learning new words and grammar patters.
- If you're an absolute beginner (like you never watched anime in japanese) This will turn Japanese from continuous garbled noise into "discrete" noise. You will get used to the sounds of Japanese and where words start and stop even if you don't understand them.
- Physiological. You never need "start doing japanese" because you're doing all japanese all the time™

Of course you should always prefer material you understand over stuff you don't. It also isn't a problem to listen to something on repeat.

>> No.18374734
File: 336 KB, 501x404, Screenshot from 2018-02-09 23-04-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this

>> No.18374753

I know this might sound harsh but at some point of learning you will have to start googling shit instead of relying on jp-en dictionaries.

>> No.18374764

これを お隣(の家の人)に 渡して、
書いて もらえば 良い +のよ

>> No.18374780

so dodge ball?

>> No.18374790


>> No.18374845
File: 337 KB, 667x359, 1492237444291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good mid-tier difficulty manga?

Simple slice of life manga like Yotsuba and Ika Musume are too easy for me and don't present any real challenge, but after trying to move up to LNs I've had to face the fact that my Japanese is simply not good enough to tackle those yet.

>> No.18374867

>Even when he lived there all he did was sit in his room and do flashcards.
Yeah, I found that really weird.

He even mentions that the mother of the host family he stayed with offered to take him places and show him around Japan, and he refused her in favour of sitting in his room and making flashcards all day. It's like, why did he even bother going there in the first place?

>> No.18374987

He thought that being native Japanese would make his life better, and AJATT told him that living in Japan makes the process faster so he did. He didn't want to be a shitty tourist, but to live the mystical and wonderful life of a native as soon as possible. He later determined that living in Japan is completely useless and even a distraction for AJATT, and continued on his quest to become native to escape his own life. Some number of years later, he realized this was ridiculous, shared his life story, and dropped Japanese. Then he started meditating, entered adulthood, and picked Japanese back up like a normal second language.

>> No.18375052

how come 滅多に uses ない when it already has the nuance of being low/doesnt occur.

"滅多に起きない" doesnt mean "rarely doesnt occur" but instead means "rarely occurs"

>> No.18375104

> the mother of the host family he stayed with offered to take him places

Is he gay? Why wouldn't you jump on that milf puss?

>> No.18375179

go straight to LNs and power through baby boy

>> No.18375189

ラブひな and ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 have more text per page and more varied Japanese than your average shounen, you could give them a try.

>> No.18375190

look up 滅多 without the に

>> No.18375193

Where can you find Japanese audio + Japanese subtitled content? I know of a few netflix shows that have both, like the new Devilman and a few of their originals.

>> No.18375201

I'm over two years in and still having to look up a word in almost every sentence that isn't yotsuba level. My brain just can't keep information in. I think for some people it may just be impossible to learn japanese.

>> No.18375213

Never stop reading.
Never stop learning.

>> No.18375217

>Japanese audio
>Japanese subtitled content?
waste of time, you're better off reading and jumping straight into raws of something slow and simple SOL

>> No.18375229

I like reading along with subtitles. If I find a word I don't know, I don't have to look it up by radical, I can look it up phonetically.

>> No.18375231

Anki harder.

>> No.18375237

>I think for some people it may just be impossible to learn japanese.
It may be for people with legitimate mental disorders, but assuming you have no major impairments that affect your ability to function every day of your life, you are probably just not taking a very optimal approach or expecting it to be easier than it is. You aren't born with or without language ability, if that were the case then you would have had extreme difficulty learning English, don't make excuses for yourself.

>> No.18375246

You're going to quickly run out of stuff that has subs so you're better off in the long run increasing your listening skills
they just don't sub things and dont give a fuck about their deaf

>> No.18375249

Might be a matter of source. I can't help but mine at least 5-10 words whenever I read a dumb touhou doujinshi, and I'm 2 years in as well.

>> No.18375254

What kinds of words? Maybe you're mining stuff that you don't really need to.

>> No.18375274

If you're relatively early in your study this is fine, but you should realize that anime is not very optimal for reading practice, and this method will give you very little listening practice as the best practice for anything makes you struggle just a little bit instead of having the answer right in front of you.
Which is to say, when you have the vocabulary and grammar to be able to read other things, you don't want to do this.

>> No.18375290

I kinda want to learn ALL THE WORDS, so I mine whatever isn't utter bullshit. Sometimes it's really common stuff that I somehow missed in the past, sometimes it's relatively rare word that I still want to learn. The last word I remember mining is 房中術.

>> No.18375323

You're either reading difficult stuff or subject matter which you're not used to reading (which is good) or not reading often enough (which is bad). The solution is simple: keep reading, every day if possible, and keep challenging yourself.

>> No.18375336
File: 80 KB, 1365x429, Untitled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a title for santa episode. Where did I go wrong?

>> No.18375338

This is 4chan, we all have mental disorders here

>> No.18375370

The end of the kana for santa has bito, I'm not too familiar with how they refer to santa, but isn't bito also used with referring to a person but usually using the kanji

>> No.18375402
File: 99 KB, 480x360, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet San Episode 18.mp4_snapshot_04.36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Fairies in this series is refered to as [job]-hito/bito

>> No.18375413
File: 15 KB, 745x125, 1502943203404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then he started meditating, entered adulthood, and picked Japanese back up like a normal second language.
No, it's more that he realized he could make money off Patreon. You might've missed it, but he made a video which (he quickly made unlisted) saying he'd come back to YouTube if enough people would become his Patreons and wanted people to comment on the video saying whether they would or not in order to gauge interest.


>> No.18375423

Also, that's naritai, not nakutai.

>> No.18375462
File: 8 KB, 78x293, 별나라 요정 코미 일본판 제39화 - 산타맨이 되고 싶어.mp4_snapshot_02.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is one of those thing which writing varied slightly depend on font and handwriting. I can't believe I missed my favourite kana. Thank you

>> No.18375472

>too easy
Read for pleasure. You'll end up reading more, acquiring the language faster and enjoying the process.
Seriously, the idea of reading X then Y then Z in order to create a persistant challenge sounds as though treating a language like a jrpg game. Autistic and bound to fail.

>> No.18375474

I read the whole first Overlord LN but there was just so much that I didn't understand, and even by the end of it the situation hadn't really improved. It was pretty depressing since I had only recently watched the anime adaptation and had my memory of the plot and general knowledge of the setting to help me figure things out, but still ended up getting stumped by so many sentences.

>> No.18375536

Overlord describes shit in high detail and has a lot of internal monologue at least from the little I've read. I wouldn't feel too bad about it fucking you up.

>> No.18375543
File: 5 KB, 612x25, 1502492211561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

な, た and い are all written in hiragana so why would that be a katakana ク?

But yes, り can be written like that and appears like that in many fonts.

>> No.18375544

>53.2% true retention at the mining deck
Learning 20 kanji, 20 core words and 20 mined words everyday probably isn't the best idea.

>> No.18375560

It's hard to enjoy something if reading it is too much of a struggle. Rather than pleasurable, it's more like frustrating.

>> No.18375652
File: 96 KB, 355x310, BLAZING IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if getting a n2 gets you into japan, and n1 gets you a job, what does an n0 get you?

>> No.18375660

terminal cancer

>> No.18375663

there's an n0?

>> No.18375666

Into a prestigious japanese high school.

>> No.18375677

theres a meme test called the n0 with almost impossible questions

the real test that makes JLPT N1 people shit their pants is the Hanaken 1


>> No.18375688

Jesus fucking christ. Almost $130 for a fucking test?

>> No.18375699

It sure is a weird sensation getting used to reading kanji and kana, you actually notice how automatic reading is and gets bothered by having to focus to read.

Don't mind me, just bitching around

>> No.18375724

This is the proper ladder for Japanese

JLPT N3 <--- Congratulations you now qualify as a japanese student
JLPT N2 <--- Almost there
JLPT N1 <--- You beat the tutorial level

Hanaken 3 <--- The real challenge starts here
Hanaken 2 <--- Are you dead yet
Hanaken 1 <--- nobody will ever question your japanese ever again

Kentei 1 <--- Only 1 documented foreigner in the entire world has ever reached this level.

>> No.18375737

I started with sentence cards but switched to vocab once reading didn't consist of looking up every other word.
>Knowledge of meanings and readings of a word will pretty much guarantee that you will understand it the wild but knowing word in a sentence doesn't guarantee shit. It's not like I haven't tried studying this way.
What did you do? Did you have sentences with words unknown to you in addition to the word you were trying to learn? Did you have translations of the sentences? I can't even begin to understand how you could memorize an entire sentence but not be able to pick out the function/meaning of the word if you're doing it right (i+1).
>that fucking video was uploaded,
What video? I've been busy with work. I'll guess mattvsjapan -- which I haven't watched.

>> No.18375780


anybody who skips from N1 to hanaken 3 gets their ass savagely destroyed

you need to do the Nihongo Kentei ladder first


>> No.18375796

>Kentei 1 <--- Only 1 documented foreigner in the entire world has ever reached this level.
Only one documented Westerner. There are Korean/Chinese people who have passed it.

>> No.18375822


>> No.18375899

Kanji Kentei 1
Nihongo Kentei 1
Hanaken 1

which of these is the hardest while at the same time being the most useful?

>> No.18375983

>Hanaken 1

Hanake. 1. The purpose of the Hanaken exam, even for japanese speakers, is to standardize the language to a point where someone can be anywhere in Japan and get along just fine with anybody.

You learn about every single regional dialect in the country and master them all.

>> No.18375993

did that guy get a job?

>> No.18376008

They're a great idea, from what I hear -- those who do them consistently become fluent very quickly. Because you're reviewing strictly sentences hand-picked for optimal learning.
A second option is mining your own sentences or at least your own vocab words.
SRS really is the holy grail for learning.

>> No.18376024

The video linked in the post that my post replied to, your guess is right.

>> No.18376031

Well I guess they'll show up in the guide.. any day now :^)

>> No.18376034

As far as I'm aware he works for the institute that administers Kanji Kentei now, and he's trying to get a perfect score on every level of Kanji Kentei.

>> No.18376065

>Because you're reviewing strictly sentences hand-picked for optimal learning.
I feel like you're being disingenuous.
I use(d) sentence cards but there is no such thing as sentences for optimal learning. The reason I liked sentence cards following i+1 was that they would build on each other and reinforce each other and it didn't require going back to a dictionary every minute. Of course, once you build up a decent vocabulary and reading isn't going back and forth between a book and a dictionary, then vocab cards are the way to go.

>> No.18376094

Kanken > Goken > BJT > Hanaken

BJT > Goken > Hanaken > Kanken

>> No.18376133

whats the meaning of this post?

>> No.18376138


>> No.18376145

such a weird meaning? thank you

>> No.18376192

>you have to talk about some experience you have had in hanaken
This test is clearly made to bully hikikomori

>> No.18376207

should i take all 4 of them just to be sure?

>> No.18376213

Might as well.

>> No.18376222

would taking practice N tests do well to tell me what exactly I need to focus on? such as specific failed grammar. I'm way below probably even N5 but maybe doing them would help me identify what grammar i need to focus on.

>> No.18376231

Honestly, N is fine as a beginner benchmark, but you might want to look at Tae Kim. Tae Kim covers a massive range of grammar.

>> No.18376252

you're at the point where you should be throwing buckets of paint at the wall, not looking for spots you missed

>> No.18376429

Well, no in english is simply 'no'.

>> No.18376466

Literally none of the statements in this post reflect reality.

Stop being brainwashed by AJATT spinoff communities.

>> No.18376506

Have any of you guys used the dojg anki deck? if so, how did you find its usefulness?

>> No.18376525

I use it as a a searchable DoJG for my phone since the pdf is formatted horribly.
I learned all the cards in the basic one then suspended the rest cards. After that, I just unsuspend intermediate and advanced grammar points as I find them.

>> No.18376571

also would you recommend doing the recognition or cloze for the cards?

>> No.18376595

Hes here to shill for it, pretty sure its one of the originators
Hey maybe this shilling will work where dozens of others have failed, you never know

>> No.18376596

I think I've hit something of a beginner-intermediate slump...

I've got about 1200+ kanji and 4500+ words and now the new words I'm encountering in the wild are more and more specific and rare, it makes me not want to add them to anki. I'm thinking about not adding anything new into anki for awhile and instead just focus on reading.

I don't know if that is the right thing to do, I sort feel like it might just be a cop out to be lazy.

>> No.18376599

rare words are exactly what anki is for you drip

>> No.18376606

>I've got about 1200+ kanji and 4500+ words
You have no idea what a "rare word" is.

>> No.18376616


Thanks, anontachi, I'm gonna add some words to anki right now

>> No.18376737
File: 412 KB, 600x836, 54025178_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Japanese version of spellcheck that can correct your grammar for you?

>> No.18376863

While reading genuinely rare or unusual words will pop up fairly often due to the mangaka/author/whatever deciding to throw them in randomly or the setting brings about obscure or archaic/historical references. You might come across them a dozen times over the course of a mamga series and then not come across them again for months, years. Still fun to learn.

>> No.18376992

how do I use a J>J dictionary when I can't even read japanese?

>> No.18376998

You don't.

>> No.18377002

Use google translate to translate the definiton

>> No.18377007
File: 12 KB, 597x279, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use something that lets you look up words in the J-J dictionary with a J-E dictionary.

But you really don't need or even want to use J-J dictionaries if you can't read Japanese.

>> No.18377009

Stop following meme methods.

>> No.18377033

>What did you do? Did you have sentences with words unknown to you in addition to the word you were trying to learn? Did you have translations of the sentences?
I had only one or two unknown words in a sentence that I was trying to memorize. When I studying with this method first I had translations and kana on the back of the cards, later no.
>I can't even begin to understand how you could memorize an entire sentence but not be able to pick out the function/meaning of the word if you're doing it right (i+1).
It's really easy. When I start reading a sentence I immediately recall what the sentence is about so my brain doesn't even need to concentrate on words that I might not know. It's like word cards but you have a translation on the front.

>> No.18377095

To understand how ineffective studying sentence is you should create cards with a word you're trying to learn and sentence below in a way that your eyes won't read anything from them accidentally. Try recalling meaning of a word first if you can't - study the sentences. If you still can't recall meanings of a word after, say, 10 days then look for this words in the wild so you have a proper context. If you still don't know what the words mean
precisely but you easily understand your sentences it means that you haven't learned the word at all. Of course I recommend doing it with words that aren'y easily guessable from kanjis Pretty easy test that will save you lots of time later.

>> No.18377149

>It's really easy. When I start reading a sentence I immediately recall what the sentence is about so my brain doesn't even need to concentrate on words that I might not know. It's like word cards but you have a translation on the front.
Hmm, I have my cards set up without any translations and when I first add them to anki I look up any words that I'm not sure of to make sure I'm understanding the sentence. Then when it comes up in reviews I think about what each word means and use the memory of the understanding of the sentence (if it still exists) as a memory aide for the beginning stages of getting familiar with the new word since the hardest part about Japanese is memorizing all the different readings (usually).
>To understand how ineffective studying sentence is
Can I just do this with new cards and not go back and update my old cards? I'm feeling lazy. Also, should I tag these new cards in some way to make it possible to compare statistics of my original sentence cards vs my new vocab cards w/o sentences on the front?

>> No.18377182

I don't really have a problem with the most of theory behind AJATT, but the entire methodology requires you to essentially make your entire life revolve around constant exposure to Japanese. Which, at best, is inconvenient and unenjoyable, and for most people who aren't NEETs, completely unfeasible. AJATT is basically just Antimoon taken to its logical extreme. If done properly, it's going to work, but so will similar less insane methods (like Antimoon). I think it's worth reading through, because there are some good ideas (there are also some bad, or at least dubious ones), and there's nothing inherently wrong with using the AJATT method, but it's not the only way to learn Japanese. A lot of the flak it gets also comes from the tendency for people who subscribe to the method of being annoyingly vocal about it on the internet, particularly in their belief that only through their method is someone able to attain fluency, despite that being demonstrably false.

>> No.18377195

Because it's shit and made by a weaboo permavirgin

>> No.18377217

Also, when people assume that any kind of constant input implies AJATT, it's REALLY annoying.

>> No.18377278

How much time did you guys spend on studying at a beginner level?

>> No.18377299





>> No.18377305
File: 253 KB, 250x166, pAKb8A3[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

736 hours and counting

>> No.18377318
File: 71 KB, 960x720, sakura question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you look up a kanji that you don't know how to write if it's on an image or paper?

>> No.18377321

You draw its shape into google translate.

>> No.18377330

Search for it by radical.

>> No.18377360

Drop the roleplay.

>> No.18377371

Attempt to write it in Google Translate, radical search on Jisho, OCR.

Last resort, screencap it and ask here what it is. Oh, and if you're reading an LN, be sure to try writing the kanji into Chinese Google Translate if Japanese Google Translate doen't find it. I came across a "kanji" in an LN I was reading which I was only able to find that way. None of the above methods worked, and when I finally managed to find the character via Chinese Google Translate, I tried searching it in the J-J EPWING dictionaries I have and none of them had any results for it, even 広辞苑.

I don't know why LN authors have to be such pretentious dicks. Using archaic kanji that nobody can read instead of their modern versions is like if English authors decided to start writing random words in Anglo-Saxon runes.

>> No.18377470


>> No.18377495


It is flock.

It is coincidence.


>> No.18377506

>reading LN to practice
>want to look up a scene on youtube
>scroll through results
>"MC DEATH SCENE MUST SEE" halfway down first page
th-thanks for following remember to like share and comment on this post

>> No.18377518
File: 372 KB, 690x690, 1516908665846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18377523

coincidence = 偶然
fluke = まぐれ当たり

>> No.18377525
File: 347 KB, 1440x1080, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to look up a scene on youtube

>> No.18377531

This is what happens when you stop reading, even for a moment.

>> No.18377661


>> No.18377675





>> No.18377704

>o Chinese Google Translate if Japanese Google Translate
Not him but that's how I backtrack Earth Color LN MAD from its youtube video. It is such a pain

>> No.18377735
File: 6 KB, 250x229, 1500890074788s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been studying jap since a month before summer ended. I feel like shit rn, all i have been doing is wanikani anki and tae kim and im not good enough to read and i cant even enjoy activities like vidya or watching anime any more because i just keep telling myself that im wasting time i could be spending studying. This feels like shit but i have to keep going because i know if i give up now im going to fall into an episode of grief over how hard i worked and how i just gave it all up. WTF do i do to fix my motivation problem so its not just me studying for the sake of studying? I have tried joining discord servers but i keep getting ignored because i dont know how to socialize, and as i said before im not good enough to read. Does it get better after you have the skillz to read and i just have to power through it untill then or am i doomed?

>> No.18377747


>> No.18377759

>and i cant even enjoy activities like vidya or watching anime any more because i just keep telling myself that im wasting time i could be spending studying
fuck that gay shit
you need time apart from studying to avoid burnout
so how is that a waste of it

>> No.18377771
File: 440 KB, 933x975, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant even enjoy activities like vidya or watching anime any more because i just keep telling myself that im wasting time i could be spending studying

This fucking feeling has destroyed my life and my ability to enjoy anything for the past couple years. I don't even watch anime anymore because I feel bad for watching it with subs, and when I watch it raw I miss out on too much and feel bad as well. No it doesn't get better. Reading is a chore as well.

>> No.18377783

I'm not good at focusing so I take a long time to study grammar, so I end up taking 5 hours to do what I assume should be done in 1 hour. At least i can will power through SRS's really fast but then its just me clicking on tabs and staring at my music cover when im supposed to be studying grammar.

Thats what i thought would happen honestly

>> No.18377796

>WTF do i do to fix my motivation problem so its not just me studying for the sake of studying?
What you need is discipline, not motivation. If your only fuel is motivation you're never going to accomplish anything that requires any kind of investment.

>> No.18377797

Wow you're a waste of sperm, just kill yourself

>> No.18377815

Is that not what I have been doing though? I stopped actually having motivation around 1/4 into tae kim which was and now im almost 1/2 through

>> No.18377827


>> No.18377831

You're 1/2 through TK after 5 months? What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.18377835


>> No.18377852

Is less than one lesson per day slow? I'd say yes.

>> No.18377867
File: 28 KB, 288x288, photo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get subs for anime that put everything in kana with furigana and also with english subs?

I'm pretty sure this is the fastest way for me to learn the language.

I'll download whatever shitty anime I need for subs like this.

>> No.18377870

>and i cant even enjoy activities like vidya or watching anime any more because i just keep telling myself that im wasting time i could be spending studying.
This is a bad attitude to have. You need to be studying every day, but that doesn't mean you have to be studying through all of your free time. This kind of thinking will probably just lead you down a path to spending more time doing less work. You need rest time.

>This feels like shit but i have to keep going because i know if i give up now im going to fall into an episode of grief over how hard i worked and how i just gave it all up.
This is a strong motivating factor, but also, as harsh as it is, if this is the only thing that is keeping you learning a language, you should probably take a hard look at why you're learning the language to begin with.

>WTF do i do to fix my motivation problem
You find out why you're learning the language. Be honest with yourself. It doesn't matter how stupid your reason is, you need to have one. If you don't have a reason to learn a language then why are you doing it?

> so its not just me studying for the sake of studying?
I'm not entirely sure what you even mean by this.

>I have tried joining discord servers but i keep getting ignored because i dont know how to socialize,
Not really sure what you want out of discord to begin with.

>Does it get better after you have the skillz to read and i just have to power through it untill then or am i doomed?
Yes, and no. You're faced with different challenges once you start reading native content.

>I'm not good at focusing so I take a long time to study grammar, so I end up taking 5 hours to do what I assume should be done in 1 hour. At least i can will power through SRS's really fast but then its just me clicking on tabs and staring at my music cover when im supposed to be studying grammar.
Discipline yourself. Study time is for studying.

>I stopped actually having motivation around 1/4 into tae kim which was and now im almost 1/2 through
>Ive been studying jap since a month before summer ended.
You're frankly working too slowly, and as counter-intuitive as it may seem, this is almost definitely contributing to your problems. You feel like you're not progressing, because you aren't, progress as a beginner is some of the easiest and most noticeable progress you can make, utilize it. The utility of a guide like Tae Kim is in how efficiently it can be gone through. My guess is you're likely working too hard to try to ""fully understand"" each grammar point or some such, which is a fool's errand. Grammar explanations given in textbooks are always approximations at best, and trying to master textbook content is just going to needlessly slow you down, and I'd wager is likely to make the transition from prepared textbook language into real-world messy language harder rather than easier. So try to speed yourself up.

>> No.18377873

>I'm pretty sure this is the fastest way for me to learn the language.
you're pretty wrong, its reading into raw anime

>> No.18377880

Grammer was shit and i meant jap eng exchange based discord servers

and shit thanks a bunch anon

>> No.18377882

Watching with English subs is going to do virtually nothing to improve your Japanese, even with all the shit splattered on your screen alongside, and watching with Japanese subs is going to do a lot less for your listening comprehension than properly listening. All in all what you want to do is stupid.

You can use Animelon if you really want to waste your time, though.

>> No.18377883





>> No.18377889

Studying japanese or anything isn't supposed to be fun if you want serious results so if studying itself depresses you then you might want to quit it as early as you can.

>> No.18377890

Am I weird if I unironically enjoy studying?

>> No.18377905

please stop shilling your shitty streaming service, thanks

>> No.18377914

>watching raw anime with no idea what you are reading
do you know what the Rosetta stone was and why it was so important?

>> No.18377930

thats not what i said, and i don't care about paid resources
they're not in the fucking guide

>> No.18377940

The Rosetta Stone was basically only the Remembering the Kanji of Hieroglyphs and Demotic, the actual understanding of Ancient Egyptian texts pretty much only came about as a result of the Rosetta Stone thanks to the existence of a direct descendant of the language in the form of Coptic.

Anyway, nobody is fucking saying you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying you retard.

>> No.18377954

have you ever asked yourself why people who use accurate english subs for almost a decade don't automatically learn japanese?

>> No.18377965

>>You can use Animelon if you really want to waste your time, though.
what's wrong with watching anime with japanese subs?

>> No.18377973

>and watching with Japanese subs is going to do a lot less for your listening comprehension than properly listening
I answered your question in the post my man. It's not like it's completely useless, but you're doing yourself a disservice.

>> No.18377975


the issue is in doing so and pretending that it's "listening practice"

>> No.18378024

>Anyway, nobody is fucking saying you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying you retard.
why shouldn't I have all resources at my disposal while studying?
Why is watching anime with jap/eng subs bad?

I'm talking about jap subs dumbass

>> No.18378037
File: 42 KB, 796x676, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just did this in under 30 minutes thanks to you faggots (;

>> No.18378050







To Rule
Break the family.

A mother watched her child be taken for war,
trained to kill and force his heart cold.

Break the man.

A mother watched a stranger return,
only able to remember the touch of a woman sold.

Now you can control your land.

>> No.18378052

>why shouldn't I have all resources at my disposal while studying?
>Why is watching anime with jap/eng subs bad?
Because you're not getting anything from this that you couldn't be getting more efficiently elsewhere. You're giving yourself virtually zero listening practice, and only marginally more reading practice since you have English subs on the screen too. At best you're pausing every time a new subtitle comes up and analyzing the Japanese sentence, but not only would this be better served without having everything alongside an English translation, but if this is what you're doing then I have zero idea why on Earth you'd want to use anime for this purpose instead of just using actual written language to begin with.

>> No.18378059

>Why is watching anime with jap/eng subs bad?
english is entirely useless
jap is just reading, of which there are far better ways, especially considering the lack of them, you're vastly better off just listening raw to improve your skills there
and we care why exactly

>> No.18378063

Broken Stronger
I will always want a little pain with my pleasure, a little sorrow with my joy.

The kisses I feel to carry the fear of a bite,
light tension when I am overwhelmed by delight.

I will always need bitter with my sweet, because what I want to feel has to be real.

It is a weakling who seeks only good, ignores the bad;
what weight does happiness hold if there is no sad?

I reject a half-life;
Bring me your pleasure!
Bring me your strife!

Break me stronger,
wrong and right.

>> No.18378070
File: 7 KB, 255x360, screwdog79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.18378079
File: 583 KB, 1125x1600, Jigokuren_c16_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pain, Rape, Prostrate. Not 'prostate', you morons.

>> No.18378088

ban evasion

>> No.18378105

>nobody is fucking saying you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying

This is exactly what AJATTers do

>> No.18378108

No strawman please, it delegitimizes actual arguments against AJATT, which are countless.

>> No.18378112

At least put effort into your shitposting, anon.

>> No.18378113

Beacuse they can't count to 4?

>> No.18378118

AJATT is already a caricature of itself, the cult leaders like MattvsJapan and Khatzumoto both advocate listening to Japanese while sleeping, it's literally scientology-tier pseudoscience until there's a paper about it

>> No.18378124

They do not say "you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying". There are a million problems with AJATT but saying "you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying" is not one of them.

>> No.18378143

RTK and sentence cards aren't studying

>> No.18378153

People who subscribe to AJATT recommend learning basic grammar before trying to meaningfully consume input.

>> No.18378155

Okay. That doesn't mean that they say "you should learn Japanese by blindly staring at raw manga/listening to raw anime without doing any other studying".

>> No.18378162

Even if the AJATT website itself didn't explicitly recommend utilizing grammar resources (which it does), the "cult leaders" as you called them do anyway.

>> No.18378194
File: 49 KB, 684x541, method8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

バタフライウィング泥棒!Butterfly Wing Thief!

>> No.18378199
File: 188 KB, 480x1399, xwpEs0u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You twits. You want to fucking THROW down then FUCKING DO IT. Morons. Just hurl yourself through his windows, he doesn't care. She doesn't care either.

>> No.18378223

I do the cloze cards but I don't really like either since I can always tell what the answer is by the whole sentence after a few times.

>> No.18378285

Do you use the anon random template? I've only reviewed around half the deck but don't really get a lot of repetiton with the same sentences. 280 cards are mature and the average interval is 4 months.

>> No.18378286

i want every word with kana なん somewhere in it to get fucked

>> No.18378296

How does that matter if you are remembering the clozed grammar point.

>> No.18378297


>> No.18378316


>> No.18378376
File: 41 KB, 640x1138, how unfortunate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had this tattoo for years and back when I got it this was the best translation I was told by another forum for what I wanted. I wanted it to say never give up in Japanese kanji. I'm an athlete and I have it on my forearm as a constant reminder. One time some Japanese tourists we're at my work and asked to see it and they kindve giggled and asked what I meant it to say. I told them and they said yes but it says it in a cute way. What exactly did they mean. Idk how to attack a photo to the post so message me if you can help please I will send you a picture.


>> No.18378388

How do I study for hanaken

>> No.18378473

>リア充 does thing

>> No.18378575

Next time I'll make sure to preface the post with おにいちゃん、たくあんたべたい.

>> No.18378638



>> No.18378791


>> No.18378798

That attitude can fuck right off.

>> No.18378825

Absolutely not, I'm the same! If you enjoy studying, it's a very valuable trait to have and will make getting to an advanced level really so much easier. (Speaking generally, not just for Japanese.) The people e.g. >>18377889 who say "it's not supposed to be fun" are missing the point that unless you actually want to go and work in Japan, all this learning Japanese business is recreational anyway, so if you're not enjoying the journey, the destination (comprehension fluency) probably isn't worth getting to anyway. 頑張ろう。

>> No.18378847

>Watching with English subs is going to do virtually nothing to improve your Japanese
Not true

>> No.18378859

I'll give you a concrete goal. Finish reading Tae Kim within a week and start Yotsuba with the reading pack. Keep reading it even if you want to kill yourself because it's "too hard". It was hard for everyone. If you can't do this, give up now and save yourself the trouble.

>> No.18378926

So I've made what is probably the large mistake of memorizing the meaning of a decent chunk(~400 mature cards, ~150 young cards, yes I know it's probably a weird ratio) but I probably only know the pronunciation of half of them at best and want to fix it. Should I just hit "again" on any cards I don't know the pronunciation on as they come up? Should I just start over?

>> No.18378936

My absolute negros. Japanese is one of the few things I've found I can't wait to get back to studying. I'd like to go through it more but I know I have to take breaks every so often to let myself really absorb the things I just went through.

>> No.18378991

What's the rush? Just treat it like school or workouts: dedicate time each day and don't worry about it after the fact. Spending hours a day grinding is inefficient and will lead to exactly what you're feeling now.
Develop a schedule. Spend 30m to 1hr 3-5 days a week. Make a schedule that fits with your life and stick to it. Long term > short term in any form of self improvement.
Just my opinion man. Japanese is going to be my third language, and one of the benefits of learning it as an adult is you have a steady, accessible drip of content you can consume indefinitely. It's up there with English in terms of staying engaged, but obviously not as arbitrary of a language.

>> No.18379069

Go at that pace and you'll end up like >>18375201

>> No.18379127

where can i get information about the Hanaken?

>> No.18379172

If you're a brainlet maybe.

>> No.18379234

>Spending hours a day grinding is inefficient
Except it's exactly the opposite. The faster you progress with your studies the less time to forget things that you've learned.

>> No.18379246

He's recommending, at most, 260 hours of study a year. Anyone who's done that for 2 or 3 years would still be very shit at Japanese. Only a beginner or someone deluded by their texthooker could believe otherwise.

>> No.18379262

It's more efficient in terms of time spent, but slower overall. 2 hour a day for 5 years is worth more than 4 hours a day for 2.5 years. Now of course only normies would use this as a justification for doing it this way. Most people just want to learn as quickly as possible, which means more time spent more results.

>> No.18379269

That imabi guy has a gofundme. Not sure why he needs $10k though.

>> No.18379270

This post really reads like reddit

>> No.18379285

What do you define as "very shit"?
It won't make you fluid in that time, but it's the most efficient way to get good at Japanese. Not everyone is a NEET who can stay home and study for 6 hours a day.
Repetition >> Grinding

>> No.18379304

Anyone that has a real reason to learn a new language definitely has at least 1 hour a day to dedicate to it.

>> No.18379326

The guy mentions 1 hour a day in his post so that doesn't really contradict anything I said. I agree that 30 minutes day is too little.

>> No.18379340

>3-5 days a week
There's no reason to go a single day without studying. Also I was being lenient with 1 hour. 2 is probably more like it

>> No.18379374

Look, I'm not debating about the specifics. I would say 1 hour a day, 7 days a week is enough to make significant progress.
If you have time for more studying, great! More power to you, you'll reach your goals faster. But you shouldn't imply people aren't going to make it because they don't grind for several hours a day. In my opinion consistency and repetition dominates total hours spent long term.
It's the same rationale behind how you can study 1 hour a day for 20 days and get a B on an exam versus studying 10 hours for two days before the exam and fail.

>> No.18379382
File: 117 KB, 1090x395, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with the IME writing input. It literally just doesn't work.

>> No.18379433

Are you writing with the correct number and order of strokes? IMEs not made for foreigners with no knowledge of Japanese expect correct stroke order and proportions.

>> No.18379436

le /r/(le)arnjapanese army is here to shitpost on ur /jay pee/. now, p(le)ase press the (le)ddit integer increment button on the (le)ft, as if my leddit integer does not increase at a sufficient(le) fast rate, i will expire from lack of validation.

>> No.18379440

I am doing it right.

>> No.18379499
File: 581 KB, 464x492, Google translator.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18379512

I don't know about google's, but microsoft's ime is quite impressively good, if you're on desktop.

>> No.18379593



>> No.18379606


>> No.18379609


>> No.18379610

That is impressive

>> No.18379747


>> No.18379748

It is better to do 2 hours of efficent studying a day than to drag on and on for 5 hours daily without really focusing or doing it well

>> No.18379766

>sentence cards aren't studying
>reading, understanding and reviewing sentences in Japanese is not studying
Maybe AJATT and mattvsjapan have specific definitions of sentence cards that you're referring to? I just throw a sentence on the front and readings plus the J-J definition on the back.
This is what I do, but I hold it for 10 minutes straight, no relaxing.

>> No.18379768


>> No.18379783

sentence cards are a form of input-via-anki, you might be using vocab cards that have sentences on the front instead

if your cards indicate a particular word on one side and a definition of just that word on the other side, then they are vocab cards, even if they're signed up (cloze etc)

>> No.18379947
File: 314 KB, 595x694, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ankiconnect keeps failing to connect

>> No.18379983

That handwriting actually makes me want to die

>> No.18380010

I started studying Japanese in 2013, took 3 years of JP classes but it wasn't my main area of study, so I slacked sometimes. I've also been doing WK for years, but stagnate constantly and am only level 19. I really want to hammer down JP, but I feel like I'm just not having a good way to apply it in any way that can help me actually recall vocab and grammar without it in front of me. Any suggestions?

>> No.18380037

stop memorizing. start reading.

>> No.18380042

Check the post you cited.

>> No.18380052

I read the NHK easy, but the sentences seem too basic.

>> No.18380059

Read more. Read for fun. Read for hours.

>> No.18380081

Is there any kind of archive on nyaa for compilations of reading materials?

>> No.18380093

djt netlify, here you go 100000 hours of reading 4 free

>> No.18380139

Thank you, anon

>> No.18380185

Anki doesn't work.

If I don't see a kanji actually getting used somewhere in literature I'll forget it eventually.

I notice this with some words I mined a year ago that I never saw again. Like 杭. And I read a lot.

If this was a language using the alphabet I imagine a mature card would stay mature forever.

>> No.18380207

Can we get a section in CoR or the library for manga ebooks? Scans are kind of a pain on Kindle.

>> No.18380221

>anki doesn't work
It doesn't work for you. Not everyone learns the same, which is why anki is only one of many different suggested learning programs.

>> No.18380245

>Like 杭. And I read a lot.
I recognized that right away and I'm a sentence-on-the-front card guy. In fact, I can even produce a phrase using it: 杭打ちの仕方. Vocabcards btfo.

>> No.18380316

So would you say that Anki is the best way to learn, or should other sites be used.

>> No.18380320

>all i have been doing is wanikani anki and tae kim and im not good enough to read
This is why people here put so much emphasis on reading as soon as possible. People like to think they can get fluent just by learning words in Anki and reading about grammar in Tae Kim, but it doesn't work that way.

Even if you're not good enough to read - READ! It's the only way you'll get better. You can't learn to ride a bike without getting on one and falling off a few times first. This works the same way.

>> No.18380345

Good job wasting your time.

Now go read something. You might want to try a VN like Flyable Heart since being able to hook the text and read it with Yomichan eases the suffering considerably. See the resources guide for details on texthooking.

>> No.18380413

But will you still recognize it after 1 year of not seeing it?
In most other languages you would, but in Japanese the chances of failing a mature card are higher. Especially for words that are almost never used.

>> No.18380456

>In most other languages you would, but in Japanese the chances of failing a mature card are higher. Especially for words that are almost never used.
What the fuck is your point? Are you mad about having to click again on a 3 year old card or something? If you forget a "rare" word then just hit again and bam, you're right back on track to memorizing it. Saying anki doesn't work is quite like saying "my memory doesn't work". It's not some super special voodoo magic, it's just optimized reviewing.

>> No.18380473

>I never saw again. Like 杭
>And I read a lot.
Why do you lie

>> No.18380494

You'll never be free of Anki that way though, isn't that scary?

>> No.18380520

You're free to stop when you average less than 1 known word per text that you need to/want to read. Or whatever metric you feel is sufficient

>> No.18380593


かぶとむし or こうちゅう?

>> No.18380611

How do you read 太政大臣?

>> No.18380629


>> No.18380723

Is there any significant difference in nuance between そういう and そんな?

>> No.18381166


>> No.18381184

Is there any easy way to read on mobile offline, and be able to look up words easily?
I love reading on the kindle app on my android tablet, but the word look up is garbage and can't define anything that's conjugated.

I used to just read on the DJT library and use Rikaichan but it simply isn't designed for mobile and sometimes it looses my spot (since I can't hit B for bookmarking).

>> No.18381227

How is Learning Japanese the Manga Way compared to Tae Kim? I've been trying TK but it feels so dull

>> No.18381241

I liked it but I got sick of reading grammar shit about 3/4 of the way through it so I just quit and starting reading and looking up grammar when I encountered sentences that I couldn't understand. Either way, I think it's a good thing to read multiple explanations of grammar points since one way of looking at it may make more sense to you than the other.

>> No.18381322

i actually just starting reading as well, how do you determine what to look up and what are vocab?

>> No.18381332

I would start with looking it up in a dictionary (Jisho.org) and if nothing comes up, then I would look into grammar.

>> No.18381427

How difficult are the Baldr Sky games for reading?

>> No.18381429

You don't know every english word you may need to read books, does that stop you?

>> No.18381449

Easy/good for a first VN.

>> No.18381494

>The reason I liked sentence cards following i+1 was that they would build on each other and reinforce each other and it didn't require going back to a dictionary every minute.
Perfect example of what I mean by "optimal learning" without the confusion or struggle that all these "just read" people seem to think is so valuable.

I don't understand, why are you hellbent on making sure other people fail at learning Japanese?

>> No.18381500

thoughts on setting card timer on anki? 5 or 10 sec or so

>> No.18381510

really? i thought it would be semi-difficult since it's got mecha shit
you aren't lying to me, are you?

>> No.18381559

like 99% of Ajatt is just thx to anki/reading, people are just so cult brainwashed they dont even notice lmfao

>> No.18381595

Lots of made up or niche technical words, but the prose style is pretty simple.

>> No.18381621


WTF does this mean?

That's fine for another time, and as for this
it's expensive isn't it?

>> No.18381629

It's the first thing I read after core6k. It's a step above braindead moege in difficulty of course but it's better to read something that entertains you.
There aren't a lot of hard to read mech battles or anything because those are done through gameplay.

>> No.18381660
File: 92 KB, 1118x731, Google Translate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way dude. Honestly?
All these Kanji handwriting tools are fucking bad, they need you to put in the Kanji flawlessly, clean with perfect stroke order (just like no native ever writes) instead of something natural. Google translate recognizes it even if I scribble something that only vaguely resembles the Kanji, honestly the thing is fucking magical and I love it.

>> No.18381669

Yeah exactly, this is why you see all those weebs who have watched hundreds of hours of subbed anime with such great understanding of the Japanese language.

>> No.18381686

I'm pretty good at Japanese and haven't really studied at all, just watched a lot of anime. I'm not saying it's time efficient but it's very much possible

>> No.18381700

If you aren't studying the language alongside watching it you won't get anywhere except random words added to your vocabulary, it's not a matter of time efficiency, its a matter of being near impossible because you have nothing to build upon.

>> No.18381708

some random website isnt going to be able to throw out millions of dollars of ML training at the problem

>> No.18381715

You learn random words and then you start understanding the grammar when those words are used and it builds on itself. Literally how babies learn languages

>> No.18381731
File: 178 KB, 1280x399, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18381746

>Literally how babies learn languages
Babies aren't reading subtitles while they're learning a language.

>> No.18381747
File: 32 KB, 963x489, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's stupid. Nobody has any reason to use this above Google translate.

>> No.18381751

They also interact with eachother and still learn the language in school

you cannot learn japanese without some kind of educational tools

>> No.18381752

Their subtitles are their parents pointing at things and saying the name of those things

>> No.18381757
File: 102 KB, 885x358, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're just not cut out for this.

>> No.18381766

If you think pointing at an apple and saying "APPLE" is in any way equivalent to fully translated, localized sentences, which may or may not be presented out of order for the purpose of making them read more smoothly, then you're delusional.

>> No.18381771

Not really. I learned quite a lot (relatively) in the first 4 years of watching subbed anime and could understand simple conversations with no problem.
Obviously after that the gains were minuscule at best since paying close attention to what is being said when the subs spoonfeed everything to you is a pain in ass.

>> No.18381773
File: 33 KB, 532x387, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can obviously do it just fine, it's just that this recognition service is bad compared to Google. Now these are all still common Kanji, I imagine once you put in something more rare it will really struggle.

>> No.18381787


how many attempts did that take you?

>> No.18381807

There sure are a lot of kanji that it could mistake that for.

>> No.18381814

Just one honestly, by copying >>18381747

>> No.18381850

Well yeah, you learn Japanese faster with English subbed anime than a baby learning their native language. The part that is same is it's all through immersion and repetition

>> No.18381950

What Steve?
Linku pls

>> No.18381971

can/does 私費 refer to "personal expenses" in a sense of like personal commodity spending or does it only refer to the context of "personal funds" like we use "out of pocket"?

>> No.18382055
File: 276 KB, 584x562, 1513487474484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would it be for my first novel then? someone who is hot off the presses of hitting 2k words in core and has never read anything in japanese long-term
im open to other vn suggestions too,
stuff action-focused preferably. i'd go for stuff published by Light but that feels like a death sentence with how difficult the novels seem to be

>> No.18382056

>>それは、また今度で いい わ
>That's fine for another time,
>and this is not so expensive, is it?

ネエ nee = ない nai

>> No.18382092
File: 29 KB, 905x456, kage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you took 2 minutes to study stroke order rules and didn't miss stokes you'd have no problem, brainlet. you don't even have to draw the whole thing

>> No.18382095
File: 168 KB, 698x954, 2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost back to where I once was.

>> No.18382106
File: 63 KB, 356x321, fxp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this supposed to mean? I just skipped over it when reading 'cause I was clueless.

>> No.18382114
File: 14 KB, 620x316, ito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, if you write the whole kanji, you have to uncheck look ahead. that's the only reason it "missed" 糸

>> No.18382116


>> No.18382174

wuts happening~? gawwwwd

>> No.18382262

>I don't understand, why are you hellbent on making sure other people fail at learning Japanese?
Can you even read english? You're shilling AJATT here, its pretty fucking obvious
you'll be on the list of:
rosetta stone

very soon, don't worry

>> No.18382304
File: 127 KB, 528x292, 1513299019457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18382348

fun fact this game is in japanese on steam

>> No.18382363

I kinda feel like playing it again so I can practice my japanese a bit. Just downloaded 2 isos of old PS1 games I had in japanese back when I was a kid to see what I can understand now.

>> No.18382441



>> No.18382474


>> No.18382493

well yeah i figured it was just slang

what does it mean though?

>> No.18382547

What's the best way to read manga on an iPad? All of the pages are just jpgs.

>> No.18382564

sell it and buy a computer

>> No.18382572

Why the fuck would I read manga on a computer? I have a laptop, I really don't want to use that to read manga.

>> No.18382579

I'm not in support of AJATT, but that list is unfair, you will probably actually learn Japanese with AJATT because at least the method contains useful methods within it (like reading more) which cannot be said of anything else you've listed.

>> No.18382581

oh you do have a normal computer
in that case use MangaMeeya7 on it
no need to thank me

>> No.18382586

>you will probably actually learn Japanese with AJATT
yeah and the guide in the OP has taken out the 'probably actually'
so on the list it goes bud

>> No.18382590

I just said I don't want to use a computer.

>> No.18382597

but i thought apple products just werk???

>> No.18382603

Time to import physical manga then innit?

>> No.18382604

zip the jpgs, change to .cbz
import to sidebooks

>> No.18382608

Why are you so butthurt by the fact that I own one apple product?

>> No.18382631
File: 26 KB, 219x222, 1517205651995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18382638


>> No.18382641



>> No.18382753



>> No.18382781
File: 61 KB, 756x715, 1496030938733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any benefit to trying to watch shows/movies where you know you probably won't be able to make sense of most of the lines?

I can justify watching SoL stuff unsubbed to myself since the vocabulary and grammar is simple enough that I'm likely to know most, if not all, the words in a lot of the sentences, and so long as I know the words I can more than likely understand the line, but I'm wondering if it's worth my time to try watching other stuff knowing a great deal of it is just going to go straight over my head.

>> No.18382787

Why do people type without kanji?

>> No.18382792


>> No.18382848

AJATT is not "good" and really, it's not even anything new. He's just shilling it for whatever reason that I don't quite understand. Some techniques are great, some techniques are poor. AJATT is just another thing in the huge pile of "how to learn japanese". It adds nothing to what I already knew and some of the techniques I already do, and other techniques I decided against.

The guy who came up with it was hired based on the fact he knew english, not Japanese and work with Sony as a "translator" - but basically got fired because well he's black and you know how blacks and work go.

>> No.18382894


>> No.18382899

>25 kanji a day
Is this a fucking joke? Is this written for NEETs who have no societal obligation or participation? I learn 25 kanji a week to get a good grasp on them. If you try to learn 25 a day, you'll end up stacking so much on your plate, you'll be completely unable to recall anything.

>> No.18382918
File: 113 KB, 256x362, 28410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how Himawari is for a beginner?

>> No.18382919

It's RTK so you're not really "learning" them.

>> No.18382932

Then what is the point?

>> No.18382937

It's normal or slightly easier. I think it would be a fine game for a beginner. Of course you're going to struggle with anything you pick.

>> No.18382940

RTK just came before srs, its older, so it has staying power
there is no other point

>> No.18382941

Go here and read the replies:

>> No.18382942

>but I'm wondering if it's worth my time to try watching other stuff knowing a great deal of it is just going to go straight over my head
Doing that will most likely only help you improve your pronunciation and intonation, since the only thing you can really focus on when you don't understand anything is way of speech. Perhaps if you try really hard and/or you have a better understanding of the language than you give yourself credit for, you'll catch a few things that will make sense when you learn them later.

>> No.18382950

SRS takes longer, I assume. RTK estimates 4 months, my SRS program is more like 1.5 years...

>> No.18382983

>If you've been watching weekly anime before learning the kana, then you have been immersing before you knew the kana.
That's not what Matt means when he says immersion though. What Matt wants people to do is spend five months watching raw anime before they even touch a grammar guide.

>> No.18382986 [DELETED] 

you or anyone else wouldnt happent o know where i could get a torrent of it that isnt in english right? i checked nyaa but cant find anything

>> No.18382988

Most anime is targeted at adults. You should start with simple stuff that airs during the day like Pre-Cure or something. A good way to find the anime's target audience is to look at what time of day it airs or aired. Daytime anime is for kids, and nighttime anime is for older folks.

>> No.18383010

Read the resource list.

>> No.18383031

The point of RTK is learning to write kanji properly by hand, as well as giving you the tools to better tell apart similar kanji, as well as giving you a rough approximation of the "meaning" of a given kanji. In my opinion, if you're going to spend time on dedicated kanji study, this is really what you should be doing it for anyway, so it doesn't really matter if you use RTK or KKLC or whatever else, assuming it presents the kanji in a decent order. I do think RTK's strength lies in what a lot of people seem to view as a weakness: you have to make your own mnemonics. The mnemonics in the kanji courses that have premade mnemonics are pretty much universally shit, and just the act of coming up with your own is helpful in memorization. When it really comes down to it though, what you're getting out of RTK, or any similar course for that matter, is an arrangement of characters. You can use the more traditional RTK method with KKLC by ignoring KKLC's mnemonics, and you can do KKLC in RTK order with the premade mnemonics on koohii.

>> No.18383072


>> No.18383075

Why not just learn radicals, then? Isn't that the whole point? You see 10 kanji that all look the same because they share one radical at the heart, then why not learn that one radical, and then all of the others? That's why I feel like WaniKani is a decent system, though others seem to disagree. Throw the kanji at you, practice the meaning and reading, then put it into vocab. Where it fails is when you are literally held back from advancing if you fuck 4/35 of them up consistently and don't hit their goalpost for advancement.

>> No.18383112

RTK is basically the same as WaniKani, but without vocabulary (although Koohii has plenty of example vocabulary if you want to use it) and you have to write your own mnemonics. KKLC is basically the same as WaniKani, but it teaches the radicals a bit less explicitly than RTK and WK. In fact this is really why people don't like WK. You're doing the same thing everyone else is already doing, but with artificial limits on your progress.

>> No.18383133

WaniKani paces it more nicely, though it's just another SRS but with some kind of "organization". My issue with RTK from what I understand is that it rushes you into seeing it all, but not actually retaining it all.

>> No.18383152

opinion on using http://bilingualmanga.com for first reading attempt? seems very convenient, but I did notice a minor typo early on

>> No.18383180

You can pace RTK (or similar systems) however you want to. Just because you can do RTK in 2 weeks or some nonsense doesn't mean you have to. You can do whatever number of new kanji per day is sustainable for you and drop them in Anki and be getting the same results you're getting from WK. That all said, I actually don't really have a problem with WK, I don't like the artificial limits they put on your progress, but otherwise, like I said, it's the same thing anyone else is doing so if it's working for you then who cares.

It is absurdly more expensive than it's main competitors though, which is in my opinion a legitimate complaint since it doesn't really offer much (if any) improvement over them. I mean you can get a new copy of the books for RTK or KLC for the cost of like maybe 2 months of WK if you buy them new, and even less if you get them used.

>> No.18383234

I'm over seven years in and I had the same trouble as you. It may take awhile, but if you keep going, you'll gradually get better. Eventually you won't have to use a dictionary so much.

Just think: every time you struggle on understanding something, if you just work it out and bare through it, you'll be able to understand that thing faster the next time you come across something like it. So don't give up. Just keep trying, no matter how slow and tedious it may be.

>> No.18383259

Relying on english translations for learning is a bad idea. It takes you out of thinking in japanese immediately and spoonfeeds any amount of learning your brain is trying to do.

>> No.18383270

How can I enroll into a Japanese elementary school just for the kanji classes?

>> No.18383277

This. Try to use a children's japanese dictionary, or something that uses basic japanese to describe the object. NHK is wonderful for this; they often have 3 different definitions for their keywords.

>> No.18383310
File: 604 KB, 900x1200, 1518318587771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the actual meaning of "Zekkō" ?
Negotiation? Proposal ?

>> No.18383328

have you tried a dictionary you dumb nigger

>> No.18383349

If only there was a thing that people could use to discover the meaning of words that they don't yet know.

>> No.18383352

Dictionary fag go away.
Of course, I did.
I want to know experienced japanese language users for the usage of word.

>> No.18383363

>experienced japanese language users

>> No.18383382

May be you are right, my mistake.
Many of them are amateur scanlators, using dictionary to translate.

>> No.18383384

舌耕(ぜっこう): (n) spoken word performance; oral arts.

>> No.18383396

That is clearly not the kanji he is asking about, seeing as how he's referencing the image he posted.

>> No.18383400

Google Translate is not a dictionary.

>> No.18383403

Well how is anyone suppose to know what he's talking about if he only posts romaji?

>> No.18383406

Thanks. Today I've been keeping track of how many words I wasn't able to read and it isn't quite every line but it's still enough to be annoying. I'll keep grinding through.

>> No.18383412

Because his image literally has the fucking word zekkou in it, can't you read?

>> No.18383417

ignore those faggot dekinais

what we need here is a REAL expert who will enlighten us to the TRUE meaning of 「絶」 and 「交」, not just regurgitate what's in some shitty beginner """"dictionary""""

>> No.18383424

>real [japanese] expert

>> No.18383426

I don't see "zekkou" anywhere on that image.

>> No.18383429

The first two kanji form the word "zekkou"

>> No.18383436

Write the two kanji into a dictionary then faggot

>> No.18383447


>> No.18383448

I'm not the faggot who was asking, I'm just the faggot who is calling you illiterate, since you both failed to identify the word in OP's image, and then tried to offer one of many different definitions to many different words all pronounced "zekkou," even when OP had given you the basis to the definition.

>> No.18383450
File: 76 KB, 800x532, 1485490103499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't argue about learning methods if you're a beginner. I don't care how much authority you think your method has. You're a beginner. You don't understand anything and you're wasting everyone's time.

>> No.18383453
File: 289 KB, 1392x805, Fgm6ma8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18383455


>> No.18383461

AJATT is a gateway learning aid of the worst kind. It's a bad site, a clusterfuck of blogposts and lists that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive new age faggotry and INSPIRATION. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the site itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The silverspoon customers all trying their hardest to look cool, the forum members, peculiar, colorful posts, the whole SRS faggotry and everything about the AJATT world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party html backgrounds, emphasis on words, and overall preachiness of the site make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

AJAT is basically THE site to attract the most hated Japanese learner base known to /a/, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this site and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no AJATT threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.

>> No.18383462

Or maybe people don't want to spoonfeed the idiot who can't even use a dictionary

>> No.18383467

Then why even respond with an obviously misguided answer?

>> No.18383469

It means breaking up/cutting off a relationship due to things like differences between the two people involved. How did you get negotiation or proposal? What are you doing?

>> No.18383475

Because this is 4chan

>> No.18383476

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.18383479


>> No.18383487

Does anyone know Japanese?

>> No.18383488

Everyone here is a beginner who can only repeat what's in their dictionary

In the future I recommend heading to your nearest university campus and finding a professor or native who can explain things like this

>> No.18383494

Does Japanese even exist?

>> No.18383495

交 is that trick with minecraft doors where redstone makes them open and close over and over again as power fluctuates between them

>> No.18383498

Anyone who actually learns Japanese here leaves because of the toxic unmoderated nature of the thread.

>> No.18383501



>> No.18383502

>Everyone here is a beginner
Speak for yourself, beginner-kun.

>> No.18383505

Feel free to go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>> No.18383508

Oh, you mean here?

>> No.18383513

I know some Japanese. They live in a neighborhood down the road.

>> No.18383514


>> No.18383517

No, that other site in your mind

>> No.18383523

I am speechless.
I am a JLPT N3 student, was looking for a confirmation of the word "絶交" in the thread, from a higher level student.
But what I got is a comedy, too many "dictionary" scanlator users in 4chan.

Thanks, you are the most helpful one.

>> No.18383522

There aren't any other sites. In fact there aren't any other boards or threads. Only Daily Japanese Thread.

>> No.18383527

is that real and do you actually watch/play japanese minecraft

>> No.18383541

no thats just how i spatialize it

>> No.18383546

No it's just some random dumbass who doesn't know Japanese trying to act like he does then getting defensive and bitching about dictionaries when he's outed.

>> No.18383548
File: 12 KB, 832x287, dictionary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How did you get negotiation or proposal? What are you doing?

He put it in the dictionary of choice for JLPT N3 students.

>> No.18383552
File: 1.07 MB, 1149x1017, 1439536181442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18383556

>I am speechless.
So am I, at your incompetence. A dictionary is all you needed but apparently dictionaries are below you

>> No.18383562

Stop shitposting.

>> No.18383577

Did someone sabotage the google translate server or what?
Weblio has been my go to dictionary for awhile since J-E is just a click away if the J-J definition is too much for me..

>> No.18383587

How many dekinais has this monster devoured? Why hasn't google taken this down already?

>> No.18383606

>complains about too many "dictionary" users
>"helpful" post literally quotes a dictionary

listening to you has been a surreal experience

>> No.18383607

>Did someone sabotage the google translate server or what?
Google Translate has always been a load of wank, and not just for Japanese.


>> No.18383617
File: 1.93 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate dict

>> No.18383618

He's either one of the best trolls these threads have seen in some time, or legitimately 'special'. It's hard to say which.

>> No.18383620

新辞林 is better, but props for not falling for 広辞苑

>> No.18383621
File: 94 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-02-11-02-17-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with my ankidroid core2k?

>> No.18383623

You downloaded a retarded deck from Ankiweb instead of the one the guide tells you to download.

>> No.18383625

Pretending to be retarded is no different from being actually retarded.

>> No.18383632

You're right, the dumbass who quoted the wrong word based on romaji is really retarded.

>> No.18383636

You have needlessly cost a tree its life, luddite. I hope you feel ashamed.

Also, that dictionary is shit. You could've at least bought 広辞苑 or 大辞林, you caveman.

>> No.18383643

6/10 would borrow and not return

>> No.18383645

I thought about getting 新辞林, but I think this one was cheaper when I found it.

>> No.18383650

Laughing IRL right now.

>> No.18383662

>>You have needlessly cost a tree its life, luddite. I hope you feel ashamed.
Oh no, that tree that was planted for the purpose of harvesting for paper was harvested for paper. The humanity!

>> No.18383668

Also 大辞泉 is better than 大辞林.

>> No.18383674


How? It's basically just a slightly re-worded version of 大辞林 (it's edited by the same guy), and in my experience the definitions are always changed for the worse.

>> No.18383765

Try reading the definitions for words that fall outside the op 20k most frequent.

>せい-さい [0] 【正妻】
> (2)一夫多妻制で,第一位の妻。


The first definition is over-specified. One can have a 正妻 that they never underwent 正式に結婚 with, in fictional settings or countries with common law marriage functions (e.g. you've lived together as partners for 20 years, you're married now!)

>> No.18383796

>The first definition is over-specified. One can have a 正妻 that they never underwent 正式に結婚
It isn't a legal dictionary and 法律上の正式の妻 means the same thing.

>> No.18383805

>法律上の正式の妻 means the same thing

法律上の正式 does not mean the same thing as the first definition. The first definition requires 結婚, the second does not.

>> No.18383866

法律上の正式の妻。is another way to express 法律で認められた,正式に結婚した妻。.
They're both perfectly fine dictionaries.

>> No.18383868

>法律上の正式の妻。is another way to express 法律で認められた,正式に結婚した妻。.
No it's not. Either you don't know Japanese or you're shitposting.

>> No.18383883


One can become married within formal law without having undergone formal marriage.

>> No.18383892

>United States

>> No.18383893

Reminder that Matt didn't do this himself though, and I'd be willing to bet none of the friends he "interviewed" did either, but that content is paywalled. He took classes for over a year before trying AJATT. He's really doing a great job at following in the footsteps of khatz.

>> No.18383901

Why does 常用漢字表 even exists if no one gives a shit except for the government?

>> No.18383900

Yes? This might surprise you, but the Japanese language doesn't solely apply to describing things that occur withing the modern Japanese legal jurisdiction. If you have literally ever read any fantasy that doesn't take place in the real world, or even in the past when marriage law was very different, you would already understand this.

>> No.18384008

To confuse the hell out of foreigners.

>> No.18384058
File: 929 KB, 916x646, confirmed white nationalist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misa turned out to be an alt-right neo nazi white nationalist.

>> No.18384067

Question about an example from Tae Kim. Why is it いい友達に会った。and not いい友達を会った。?

>> No.18384070

会った is an intransitive verb

>> No.18384086

Good people write it as 諒解 because that's how it makes sense in kanji so no wonder.

>> No.18384093

I don't get it

>> No.18384097
File: 36 KB, 373x499, 51NjeVCu6RL._SX371_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone tried pic related? I used to have a Schaum's guide to physics back in college and I liked it. I just realized they do language books too. It's not in the DJTguide.

>> No.18384099


>> No.18384103

>Course book
It's trash. Not worth using even if you already have it.

>> No.18384105

New DJT site when?

>> No.18384120

So are は amd が also incorrect in this case? I'm not seeing に used in resources talking about transitive vs intransitive such as https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/japanese-grammar/intransitive-verbs-vs-transitive-verbs/

>> No.18384123

We don't need a new one, so never.

>> No.18384124

You cannot use を to mark normal direct objects with intransitive verbs. Use a better grammar guide.

>> No.18384128

We don't need to remake the site, but the site needs to be updated, and the one in the OP isn't getting updated, its maintainer moved on, therefore we need a new site. Use your brain?

>> No.18384138

desu we really need to replace the guide, it's really bad and it was written by actual beginners

>> No.18384194

Why are course books bad? I like to do the graded readings as bad as that sounds and I enjoy some of the exercises, but there are large parts of Genki I skipped because I already knew it and learned it from Tae Kim and Visualizing Japanese Grammar.

>> No.18384200

What's wrong with it?

>> No.18384203

They're designed to match a curriculum and leave stuff out for the instructor to teach in lectures. They're bad for self study, and classes that revolve around grammar instruction are bad.

>> No.18384209

I was trying to find a resource that used に with an intransitive period.
Even in Tae Kim's short section on transitive and intransitive verbs he says >「を」 should be replaced with 「が」 or 「は」
On a few example sentences but doesn't ever mention using に with them and when to do so unless it's in a different section entirely I haven't reached yet. I'm just confused why いい友達に会った。involves a "target" and uses に over a different partical like が or は.
ジムは医者になる。I can somewhat understand since becoming a doctor is almost like a state or goal to work towards.

>> No.18384230

it's full of false dichotomies and puts a lot of weight on unimportant things, without actually describing the learning process outside of things that can be done inside of Anki, only saying "Once you have read through your chosen grammar guide, you are ready to start reading Japanese" which isn't even what people recommend (you should "start" reading before finishing it, as soon as you're mentally capable of reading, even if you can barely read for like six minutes)
whoever outlined it obviously didn't know enough japanese to know what the road of learning japanese is actually like, and it doesn't reflect the advice given to beginners in either of the DJT threads

>> No.18384240

>Even in Tae Kim's short section on transitive and intransitive verbs he says >「を」 should be replaced with 「が」 or 「は」
He is talking about intransitive-transitive pairs like 割れる・割る. Pairs are special because one represents the effect happening to the subject, and the other represents the subject causing the effect to happen to the direct object. There are other kinds of intransitive verbs.

>> No.18384241

>He took classes for over a year before trying AJATT.
Did he? Source?

I don't remember him mentioning that in any of his videos that I've seen.

>> No.18384243

It's not using に over something, the context is simply left out

>> No.18384249

Is there any anki deck or a list with slang words? I'm mostly thinking of internet/2ch words like リアジュウ

>> No.18384258

Not that guy, but I believe in his like 3 hour or whatever video where he talks about learning Japanese he mentions he took Japanese in high school. Granted, the amount of Japanese I'd imagine someone coming out of high school actually knowing is laughably low anyway.

>> No.18384261

It's in the video that's like two fucking hours long, I'm fairly certain he took high school classes first.

>> No.18384265

I've seen that video and don't remember him saying anything about taking classes in school.

>> No.18384270

Okay so here's what I got from your post
>I hate Anki
>I don't see the giant list of resources and alternatives
>I don't understand what reading through a grammar guide does
You are reading Japanese during the Grammar guide unless you are a complete brainlet and are skipping over the sentences in Tae Kim's completely. DJT guide only recommends reading through the whole guide once, then referring back as you start reading.

I'll admit that it isn't handholding you to the point of "you should do X thing X amount" or "read X beyond yotsuba", but that's part of the greatness of the guide. It gives you lots of options and choice. Maybe that is what you need

>doesn't reflect the advice given to beginners in either of the DJT threads
There are retards in this topic that recommend AJATT. There are retards here that recommend course books like Genki. There are retards here telling others to spend 1 month and more on the kana. From a beginners perspective it's best to ignore DJT completely unless you have a specific question.

>> No.18384277

I stopped reading at ">I hate Anki" because I didn't say that nor is it my belief.

>> No.18384282

>You are reading Japanese during the Grammar guide unless you are a complete brainlet and are skipping over the sentences in Tae Kim's completely
Example sentences are not reading.

>> No.18384287


>> No.18384303

Nevermind, just checked the video and he says it really early on.

>I first got into Japanese when I was a freshman in high-school
>Then in the summer, I took classes at my community college

>> No.18384342

>Granted, the amount of Japanese I'd imagine someone coming out of high school actually knowing is laughably low anyway.
kanji, reading, and vocab are too hard so you basically talk about and practice N5~N2 grammar for months

but it's still a solid foundation and definitely a worthwhile elective if you're in high school

>> No.18384386

Superfluous. Too much focus on grammar study. Exaggerates the importance of pre-reading activities in general. Very little focus on reading itself.

>>18384230 is in all likelihood correct when he says
>whoever outlined it obviously didn't know enough japanese to know what the road of learning japanese is actually like

>> No.18384419

What does より mean in this context?

Or is it just song lyrics that aren't supposed to make much sense?

>> No.18384447



>> No.18384525


>> No.18384719

i guess ことs are omitted

>> No.18384723

Well your wrong

>> No.18384748

either Nより... or Vより... ,not adjより

>> No.18384827




>> No.18384857

i remember reading somewhere より is a superlative
im guessing thats fancy speak for i dont give a fuck im going in here

>> No.18384860

A superlative is a qualifier like "best" or "greatest".

>> No.18384880

superlative more like superlaxative lol

>> No.18384882

Any ideas why Ankiconnect (for yomichan) is failing to connect? reinstalling it hasn't helped

>> No.18384892

oh is that what they are in english

>> No.18384914
File: 10 KB, 159x239, 1502862577474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone know a better site than jisho for finding out what makes up a kanji?

For example in pic related I want to know what the right kanji is but it only gives me the radical for the box, not what's inside. And this isn't the only kanji like this, almost none is properly broken down on jisho.

>> No.18384916

kanjivg but good luck finding a reasonable interface for it

>> No.18384934

Jisho isn't giving you the radical that looks like メ because it's not a radical.

>> No.18384938

>in the middle of my daily reps
>just learned 20 new words and have over 120 reviews
>almost done
>day apparently ticks over at 6 AM
>20 new words thrown into the middle of this
>another 70 review words tacked on as well
>all this shit in the middle of my reps with no option to wait until the current session is done
Is there anywhere in anki I can disable this shit or change it? Its the second time its happened and its very counter productive

>> No.18384945

In preferences you can change how many hours past midnight the day starts.

>> No.18384954

the state of your anki is managed by a database with timestamps. the day has to change inevitably, and having the program lie when the day is about to switch to avoid the problem you're talking about would just cause other problems

>> No.18384958

Just don't study around your day-start time. It's not difficult.

>> No.18384966

You can't disable it but you can move the point in time at which it goes to the next day, even retroactively.

>> No.18384970


>> No.18384974

oops, dont know how i made that retarded mistake

>> No.18384980

Drop that が too, なぜ isn't used as a subject in this kind of statement.

>> No.18384986

thank you

>> No.18385005


>> No.18385042
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>> No.18385075


>> No.18385077


>> No.18385080

Neither, but if you insist on one KKLC. It deceives you less.

>> No.18385085

KKLC but using RTK methodolgy. KKLC has better keywords, but the suggested method is worse.

>> No.18385091

Neither? Could you suggest an alternative?

>> No.18385142

Your writing looks like absolute unnatural trash through. And I don't think anybody actually writes the left component with 3 "real" strokes, no matter what dictionaries say. It's probably only noted as 3 strokes because the direction changes. I actually know enough about Kanji to be able to produce authentic writing and Google is actually capable of recognizing that as opposed to this. I already said I am capable of making it recognize things if I want to, but the problem is it doesn't recognize things that are written perfectly fine and there is really no reason to bother with it when there is an infinitely superior alternative.

>> No.18385161

Believe this anon >>18385085
You need production cards to make Kanji study worthwhile. Add vocabulary as you advance so you aren't reliant on keywords.

>> No.18385169
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>> No.18385223

By "RTK methodology" do you mean going through the kanji in KKLC in the same order that they appear in RTK?

>> No.18385230

RTK recommends
Keyword -> Kanji
KKLC recommends
Kanji -> Keyword

The first is infinitely more effective.

>> No.18385244

Oh, I see. I was intent on doing that to begin with. Thanks.

>> No.18385246

Do you have a single citation to back that up?

>> No.18385247

I mean this >>18385230, I also wanted to mean you should try to make up your own mnemonics for kanji when you can rather than relying exclusively on the premade mnemonics which is something that if I'm not mistaken KKLC says you can do but advises against. There's not anything inherently wrong about using the premade mnemonics, but in my experience they tend to be a lot less effective than when you make your own. Doing production cards is the important thing, though.

>> No.18385249

It's important to incorporate vocabulary though because KKLC has a lot of duplicate keywords.

Read both prefaces. I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

>> No.18385251

>Read both prefaces.
I have, dumbass. Maybe try to figure out what I was asking for a citation about, it's not hard, but apparently this is a challenge for you.

>> No.18385259

Oh I see. I don't really have a study backing this up, seems like a common sense to a degree. Once you are writing every Kanji you are more aware of their structure and many of the smaller differences. You regretting doing Kanji -> Keyword or something? People like Matt also advocate for this and are vehemently against Kanji -> Keyword. Make of that what you will.

>> No.18385264




>> No.18385266

>seems like a common sense to a degree

>Once you are writing every Kanji you are more aware of their structure and many of the smaller differences
Do you have a single citation to back that up?

>You regretting doing Kanji -> Keyword or something?
No, I learned Japanese by reading, not by performing memory rituals.

>People like Matt also advocate for this and are vehemently against Kanji -> Keyword. Make of that what you will.
I don't give a shit what e-celeb-of-the-month thinks.

>> No.18385277

I'm not him, but speaking completely from (obviously fallible) experience, production translates a lot more smoothly to recognition than the other way around. If you don't care about production, then there's not much harm in doing just recognition (in fact it's probably the more efficient option), but if you only care about recognition then I'm not really sure why you'd be doing kanji study anyway. There also are, if I'm not mistaken, a few studies on the value of writing things by hand as an aid to memory, although I'd imagine similar results on that front could be made simply by writing kanji down from recognition cards as you do your reps if you want such benefit.

>> No.18385285

>There also are, if I'm not mistaken, a few studies on the value of writing things by hand as an aid to memory
These studies measure retention of information contained in what is written, and do not distinguish between handwriting and typing. It appears that producing information using the language device makes memory of that information stronger, but there's nothing special about handwriting noted by meta-studies. And none of this applies to spelling ability (the western equivalent of kanji composition), which seems to come from reading a lot, not from producing text.

>> No.18385286

>It appears that producing information using the language device
using the language device and the monitor*

>> No.18385291

Just going to chime in and say that there's no such thing as common sense in language learning. In fact, common sense among normal people seems to have beliefs about language learning that are the opposite of the truth, though language learners aren't "normal people".

>> No.18385300

That's fair, that's why I left that point to last and tried to cage it with "if I'm not mistaken". Regardless, I do think if you're doing kanji study it makes a lot more sense to do production. Since I'm not really sure why you'd want to do kanji study if at least part of your goal isn't having some competency at writing by hand. It also, again, from personal experience provides better results.

>> No.18385307


>> No.18385309

>Since I'm not really sure why you'd want to do kanji study if at least part of your goal isn't having some competency at writing by hand.
I have the same stance, but there are a lot of people who do kanji study just because they're told to, or because they assume that kanji have a different significance than they actually do. This got way, way worse after AJATT infected half the language learning community, because one of the things it says to do is to just do RTK to completion before bothering with conscious consumption.

>> No.18385338

If you intend to learn how to write you MUST incorporate vocab. Keyword → kanji is not how anyone writes anything.

Keyword to kanji is nothing but a parlor trick. Being able to write every kanji in isolation given a specific english prompt but falling apart when trying to write にんじん doesn't mean you're "competent" at all.

>> No.18385437
File: 1.18 MB, 1030x604, ccccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18385464

What's the best way to get into vocabulary? Should I just hop into the Yotsuba Reading Pack or begin the Core 2K Anki deck?

>> No.18385468

Screw all of that and start reading something you want to read. If it's too stressful then you can think about using something like core 2k/6k to make it less stressful, but a certain level of stress is always going to be encountered when you first start reading, no matter how many words you memorize.

>> No.18385501

Typhon App. Ebook reader with integrated word dictionary and even has anki import. It's based on another app called JPreader or something that has no anki support.

>> No.18385543
File: 304 KB, 1125x677, 76E2DBD6-AE59-470E-840A-03FD96BA7DAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you americlaps confirm this?

>> No.18385552

I mean we don't say "shall" in conversation in the ways that many ESL learners try to use it, but it's natural in formal or assertive suggestions like "Shall we continue? (our interview/interrogation)" and the like.

>> No.18385580
File: 50 KB, 253x1200, DVr4UTKVQAEVqFq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. As an ESL I thought that was fine. For context, these three girls are childhood friends and are inviting the other one to a dance. The artists changed the title to "Would you like to dance with me?". Do you think that's more natural?

>> No.18385589

"Would you like to dance with me?" is more appropriate for this image than "Shall we dance?" which is more of a gentlemanly one-on-one thing.

>> No.18385595

Thanks for answering!

>> No.18385626

What particle a verb uses depends on the verb. You can't rely on the English translation to help you because transitivity is often different between English and Japanese, like in this case where "会う" (intransitive) translates into "meet" (transitive).

You're right that intransitive verbs often use が, but in this case that's not so. に is used because the action is moving towards something, like with なる or 行く. If the action is more passive, like with 割る or 分かる, then it would use が. (に in that case would indicate that the action is being caused by something.)

>> No.18385644


>> No.18385650

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18385748

You need to furigana plugin.

>> No.18386574


>> No.18386652


Do these sentences make sense? And do they sound cool?
This isn't Chinese but I like stringing a bunch of kanji together
I don't think they're wrong but the second one might sound too tryhardy or sth

>> No.18386691

>Do these sentences make sense

>> No.18386754


>> No.18386758

MFW I only know hiragana and barely starting to learn katakana and most text in japanese has a mix of all 3.

it;s like I can start getting excited because I kinda make out some words and then BAM fuck you, you can't continue reading the word cause we use another writing style

>> No.18386778

Apparently they don't sound cool
What is the biggest compound word you can make up?
I don't get you

>> No.18386810

Is 10 new / 20 review a good amount of cards to study per day or should I do more?

>> No.18386830

60 new / 300 review

>> No.18386836

You're just starting out, why not do it for a few days and see how it works for you? But no, your review count needs to be like 300+ at least.

>> No.18386837

Try to review as much as possible and see what your limit is
New cards number is all right

>> No.18386845
File: 27 KB, 255x254, 1489490251298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your review count needs to be like 300+ at least.


>> No.18386847

You review all the cards you get that day or you might aswell not do anki

>> No.18386864

20 new is generally recommended. Revise it down to 15 if you're struggling with that, but going any lower than that is going to make your progress really slow. Definitely don't go lower than 10.

Reviews should be uncapped. If Anki tells you you have 1000 reviews today, you do 1000 reviews. Though unless you raise your new card per day count to 100 then that's not going to happen. If you keep your new cards to 20 or less, your reviews shouldn't even reach 300, let alone 1000.

As >>18386847 said, the whole point of doing Anki is that it's a spaced repetition system that shows you information right when you need to see it (i.e. just before it passes from your memory). If you cap your review count, you break the SRS and render the whole program pretty much meaningless.

>> No.18386880

>tfw haven't added new cards to my mining deck in weeks

>> No.18386908

Is there a faster way than anki kanji?

Like vocab or sentence mining?

>> No.18386915

should I be studying kanji and vocab at the same time? and roughly how many kanji should I study before I can start reading things?

>> No.18386934


>> No.18386937

>should I be studying kanji

>> No.18386940

What value do you gain out of constantly shitposting in these threads?

>> No.18386980


> Anki is that it's a spaced repetition system that shows you information right when you need to see it (i.e. just before it passes from your memory)

Anki doesn't use a magical algorithm that knows when you're going to forget something etc.

I read this paper (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/eee5/594f8e88e51f4fb86b43c9f4cb54d689f73c.pdf)) a while ago where they compared an advanced scheduler using machine learning and a random scheduler (which amounts to "random is:review" in Anki parlance) and the difference in results was only about 5% IIRC.

Needless to say Anki's scheduling algorithm is no where near as advanced as a fancy machine learning approach anyway, and it does pretty stupid things by default like completely reset the interval of failed items back to one day regardless of how long the previous interval was. (e.g., are you really going to need to review something that previously had a 1 year interval again tomorrow?)

>> No.18386982


>> No.18387036

>Consequently, our failure to find large and reliable differences among the schedulers is mostly due to the fact that students simply did not review.

>> No.18387069

I can't read.

>> No.18387079

You can't with that attitude.

>> No.18387101

Just read until you can.

>> No.18387107

How can I improve my listening comprehension? It's so far behind my reading ability even tho I watch tons of anime. Any time I hear a sentence that isn't just a common expression or is more complicated than AはBです my brain just goes full retard and I get lost right away. Would doing the Genki audio stuff still be useful at this point even tho my reading is at a level where I'm reasonably comfortable with most of the n4/n5 grammar? My listening comprehension being as bad as it is despite watching 40+ episodes of anime a week for the last 3 years makes me think I might just be literally retarded.

>> No.18387138

Unironically, reading. Being able to understand expressions and common sentence patterns on the fly boosted my listening comprehension a lot.

>> No.18387139

>(e.g., are you really going to need to review something that previously had a 1 year interval again tomorrow?)
Is there a setting to stop that?

>> No.18387142

>even tho I watch tons of anime
Doesn't count for shit if you're using English subtitles.

>> No.18387166

>where I'm reasonably comfortable with most of the n4/n5 grammar?

That's not good enough to understand much at the same speed its spoken. I hope you're not studying grammar by JLPT level.

>> No.18387256
File: 586 KB, 1119x884, dedd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a person to do a 1000 new cards on a day?

>> No.18387263
File: 718 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (111).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand what he means here. "Say cool things don't say go back?" The sentence after that makes even less sense.

>> No.18387407
File: 95 KB, 560x420, 1495536684726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell which reading of 家 should be used?

>> No.18387432

Yes, but police reports state that he was found dead in his apartment three days later because he didn't have time to eat due to all the reviews he had to do.

>> No.18387439

How the fuck do I use anki? So if I know the definition but not how it is read should I just say again or good? this shit is confusing maybe I'm a brainlet

>> No.18387457

Well, what do you think?
If you want to get good at Japanese you'll want to know both the reading and the meaning.
If you don't get both right, you goofed up and you need to do it again. Don't cheat through your Ankis.

>> No.18387470

yeah I should stop being a pussy and be honest with myself I'm going to restart, only did 500 words, thanks anon

>> No.18387586

Uchi refers to home

Ie refers to the structure that is home

>> No.18387591

I'm not telling you to say cool things to bring her back
Use your own words, your own way, even if it's uncool

>> No.18387616

I'm never going to get better at this. Thank you.

>> No.18387665

Sorry if this is a noobish question, but is there a good place for getting raw manga outside of madokami and the djt archive?

>> No.18387670


>> No.18387673


>> No.18387692

Thanks. I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of this before.

>> No.18387781

It's really satisfying how the days of the week reference the planets and the five elements.

>> No.18387814
File: 874 KB, 1264x899, 57894342_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's certainly quite satisfying

>> No.18387822

>five elements
Aren't there like 120?

>> No.18387828

Am I missing something.

>> No.18387867

Essentially the Romans started off by naming the days of the week after planets, i.e. Monday = Moon, Tuesday = Mars, Wednesday = Mercury, Thursday = Jupiter, Friday = Venus, Saturday = Saturn, Sunday = Sun.

Then the Chinese came along and named the planets (except for sun and moon) after "their" five elements (water, fire, earth, metal, wood).

Japanese essentially combines both by describing the days of the week by the Chinese elements which correspond to the according Roman planets.

>> No.18387871

hes harvesting 'yous'

>> No.18387884

我が phrases usually have special readings depending on the word. 我が家 in this case is usually わがや.

>> No.18387902

Of course I had to forgot to yomichan it this time, thanks.

>> No.18387967

>tfw ~55% retention rate
How bad am I doing? Should I lower the amount of new cards or just push through it?
What's the 'normal' retention rate?

>> No.18387980

The normal retention rate is given by
(<your age> * exp(0.948) * <amount of new cards> / 10 ) mod 100

>> No.18387996

How many sections of Tae Kim per day are feasible? 2?

>> No.18387997
File: 145 KB, 304x256, kanari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny seeing your ads change when you start typing Japanese on a new computer.
But what exactly is meant by
>かなり おすすめ
Is it like, "Fairly good idea," or "Good advice" or what?

>> No.18388005

I haven't read through entirety of Tae Kim and I'm 2 years in, so feel free to take it slowly.

>> No.18388006

do you mean e?

and is this retention rate only among the new cards?

>> No.18388011

Anyone going to remake? We're at bump limit.

>> No.18388021

This is a joke, right?

>> No.18388030

No, it's but a start and basic dynamic differential equations are pretty much indispensible when it comes to using anki and if you haven't been using calculus to evaluate your progress, you've been wasting time.

>> No.18388050

Also if you don't know how to calculate eigen vectors you might as well quit because you're not going to learn Japanese.

>> No.18388054

How do you use modulus operator in such formula seriously?

>> No.18388055

Never going to make it.

>> No.18388065

desu, should really be writing out your formulas in Dirac notation anyway. How do we compensate for any complex numbers when calculating probability of retention with the R-hat operator?

>> No.18388066

We wait for the thread to die. This thread will still be up for a while.

>> No.18388073 [DELETED] 

>want to watch anime
>dont want to ruin it by not understanding
>waiting until i'm good enough at listening
>4 years later still waiting

>> No.18388078

>This brainlet actually put a space in eigenvector
Confirmed for not knowing what he's talking about. But I guess at this point we're just wasting posts here on page 10.

>> No.18388079

Why not rewatch old ones?

>> No.18388083

No, I'm just not a native english speaker and I always fuck up spacing. Sorry boss

>> No.18388085

No problem 外国人 ;)

>> No.18388115

I'm getting a baby business degree and know how to calculate eigen vectors, try something that is actually challenging.

>> No.18388126

>eigenvectors are hard
Who started this rumor?

>> No.18388139

I got the impression he wanted to make a joke based on some math a normal bloke wouldn't be able to do because it sounds complicated. I mean something like "If you can't calculate 10 + 5, you can't learn Japanese" just kind of sounds silly? I don't know man.

>> No.18388156

How do you say eigenvector in Japanese?

>> No.18388160

Maybe you should study harder instead of making shitty greentext stories.

>> No.18388166


>> No.18388198

who are you quoting?

>> No.18388204

I'm quoting your mother you disgusting shitposter, meme arrows have transcended past their original purpose a very long time ago.

>> No.18388226

he's autistic and can't help it, please be more patient with him

>> No.18388240

>I'm new

>> No.18388249

>> who are you quoting? <<

>> No.18388304

I'm quoting you, showing how new you are

>> No.18388309


>> No.18388317

I just learned that autistic is written 自閉症, or "self closing illness". The Japs are pretty fucking ruthless with their medical terminology.

>> No.18388327

greentexting is 4chan culture, nobody is using it just for quoting

>> No.18388338

it's chinese

>> No.18388350

The phrase "who are you quoting" in response to a greentext story is an old /jp/ meme

>> No.18388370

>retards semiunironically explaining memes to each other pedantically
I nominate our next thread be titled "Autistic Eigenvectors Edition"

>> No.18388371


>> No.18388374

who are you quoting?

>> No.18388394

Does what I read really matter, as long as i'm reading? I can't decide between 2 VN's and I feel like i'm placing too much importance on their setting

>> No.18388398

Doesn't matter, but how much you enjoy it will probably impact how willing you are to power through it.

>> No.18388402

I propose we lock the content of the djt site behind a randomized eigenvector task.
Anons who can't calculate eigenvectors are not worthy.

>> No.18388416
File: 645 KB, 1903x3088, anki-stats-2018-02-12@08-27-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Anki tells you you have 1000 reviews today, you do 1000 reviews. Though unless you raise your new card per day count to 100 then that's not going to happen. If you keep your new cards to 20 or less, your reviews shouldn't even reach 300, let alone 1000.
y-you too

>> No.18388424

Kanji captcha for /djt/ when?

>> No.18388429

does the difficulty of the novel itself matter as well? like if I jump into something that is considered medium or hard, will I be hurting myself?

>> No.18388430

Anons should be able to derive the eigenvector of all degeneracies of the first excited state of a hydrogen atom to proceed.

>> No.18388435

when nishimura adds a hidden hook that reveals browser type, including all the mobile ones so we can filter them

>> No.18388436

>Studied 1159 cards in 81 minutes today
What the hell? That's like 1/5 of a second per card.

>> No.18388447

Just how much useless garbage is in that deck? Cut out the chaff and spend more time on important cards.

Just calculated an eigenvector. Math checks out.

>> No.18388448

How are you going to calculate eigenvectors if you can't even do simple arithmetic?

>> No.18388449

I don't feel like I should be taking that long if I don't with english words.
Unless of course this is actually sabotaging my retention efforts somehow. I've never found any kind of recommendations on how long per card, its all been hearsay

>> No.18388454

Can you show your math please? I got a different answer, are you sure you're using an eigenfunction?

>> No.18388466

Take as long as you need obviously, it's more effective to take your time and let your brain figure it out than skip it because you couldn't get it in X seconds.

>> No.18388469

If you really insist on feeling elitist about 1st year college maths, I must remind you that WolframAlpha can just calculate whatever results you're looking for.

>> No.18388486

>WolframAlpha can derive wavefunctions that are normalized and obey the schroedinger equation

>> No.18388487

>Just how much useless garbage is in that deck?
I've never known what might be useless and what isn't, I play it safe and add mostly everything
If has some extremely obvious suffix/prefix or is esoteric food, random ability names, of course it doesn't get added.

What appears to be bloating it a little is words that are half kanji half kana when a full kanji equivalent exists..

>> No.18388488

for those that read TK, did you just truck through it all or did you take the time to make notes or annotate, etc.

>> No.18388489

Get out of here brainlet, if you can't calculate eigenvectors without using WolframAlpha you literally need to stop learning Japanese. Stupid gaijin

>> No.18388495

Hypothetically you will gain optimal progress from reading something that is introducing new language to you, but you can understand most of what surrounds the new language and sometimes infer what it means. If you jump into something where more than half of your reading time is looking shit up, it's not going to hurt you, but it's going to be slow and you're likely to be overloading yourself so that you'll be looking up the same shit way more times than you should because you can't keep any of the new shit you looked up straight.

>> No.18388498

Dude I'm happy you know about eigenvectors but fuck off with that physics shit, we're all about pure mathematics here. Thanks

>> No.18388502

>Time for N3 exam
>Studied for months
>Held hour long conversations with exchange student for weeks to master the listening portion
>Grammar portion comes
>Nail it
>Kanji portion
>Don't even have to second guess myself
>Third section asks for me to calculate the eigenvector of a hamiltonian

And that's how I failed the N3

>> No.18388504

>Get out of here brainlet, if you can't calculate eigenvectors without using WolframAlpha you literally need to stop learning Japanese. Stupid gaijin
spot the university newfag
Nobody bothers manually calculating shit, even if you're pretending to know shit, at least try to have some legitimacy.

>> No.18388506

You should at least try to remember. Constantly skipping over words is not going to help you very much.

>> No.18388510

Pure math is basically philosophy, and philosophy = nojob. I'll enjoy my 150k starting salary as a physical chemist.

>> No.18388514

>projecting this hard because he can't calculate an eigenvector, literally the easiest task in mathematics
Get out.

>> No.18388515

Anki cards of the example sentences.

>> No.18388524

150k yen, right?

>> No.18388527

I'll enjoy my 7k starting salary as a 3rd world engineer.

>> No.18388532

>it's more effective to take your time
I don't find this to be true. The longer it takes, the less likely I am to actually come to the answer. You should probably not cut yourself off at 5 seconds, as a little bit of struggle before coming to the answer is good, but by 10-15 I personally find it best to cut my losses and remind myself what the word actually is. I have definitely figured it out after 20 seconds before, but not often enough to be worth every failed card taking me 20 seconds.

>> No.18388533

This post is correct but with the added caveat that if you are still new and haven't done much/any reading of actual native content pretty much everything is going to require you to constantly look things up.

>> No.18388537

Oh i do try. More recently, if the card flags as a leech, I read the kotobank entry on it in jp while also looking at a google.jp image of it, if it applies. I hope it lessens the review load in the future

>> No.18388539

150k yen is still more than what you'd get with pure math. How does it feel to come up with equations and proofs, only to be cucked from awards and recognition by scientists who actually prove they can be useful for real world situations?

>> No.18388544
File: 45 KB, 278x234, Thinking_3a01b4_6377584.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As of Feb 2018, the average pay for a Physical Chemist is $42500 annually.

>> No.18388555

Who are you quoting?

>> No.18388565

Leonard Eigen, inventor of the eigenvectors

>> No.18388566

I don't see your quote posted anywhere else in the thread.

>> No.18388567
File: 347 KB, 1072x692, 1518376283148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll enjoy my English teacher income thankxs

>> No.18388571

A standard chemist. If you want to be so vanilla, you get vanilla pay.
A guy working on the unknowns of the galaxy with dark matter doesn't pull much more per year, but the dude who designs a slightly more effcient razor blade or greese for engine wear is on more than a quarter mil.

>> No.18388577

>Must pay for me AND my husband

>> No.18388583

lel it even said "Boyfriend" when she first uploaded it, before she decided to edit that part

>> No.18388585

A physical chemist could be a chemist who does spectroscopy and identifies unknown compounds, can easily work for a variety of different companies who do ANY kind of chemical synthesis and need to identify their compounds.

>> No.18388593

>1.5k burgers a week
>emploiyment type: employee's choice

>> No.18388598 [DELETED] 

Look at all you math/physics/chemistry cucks.
I'm out here in Nihongo getting mad pussy while my sick startup is literally printing money. Guess my CS degree really paid off. ;)

>> No.18388603

>sex with a race of people who believe genitals are literal blurs
>good in any way

>> No.18388610

Why are you learning Japanese if not to have sex with a F cup milf?

>> No.18388613

>he rejects the pure dfc

>> No.18388616

Just how real are gaijin hunters? Are they attractive at all or the equivalent of white women who date blacks?

>> No.18388626

What do you think?

>> No.18388629

They exist, but I obviously can't generalize much.
I've had a pretty beautiful girl almost throw herself at me at a club. Went straight to cuddling on my lap within 15 minutes.
Unfortunately I'm autistic and don't know how to deal with girls so I cucked myself.

>> No.18388635

>What appears to be bloating it a little is words that are half kanji half kana when a full kanji equivalent exists..
Don't add anything that isn't entirely kanji, it's not like you're going to struggle when you encounter it in half-kanji in the wild.

>> No.18388643
File: 457 KB, 600x600, djt eigenvector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread image for next one

>> No.18388645
File: 2.06 MB, 1280x820, yuta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man, Yuta does a good job of showing off the qt3.14s his country has to offer and how to get in their マンコ

>> No.18388662

ive watched so many of this guys videos and the girls are always ugly

>> No.18388675

The state of this thread

>> No.18388676

holy fuck anon, censor that, there could be natives reading

>> No.18388705

Actually, on that note, how do you type the large O that japs use to censor words? Is it an alt code or does the Japanese IME have it?

>> No.18388724

It's a kanji

>> No.18388730

What is circle in Japanese?

>> No.18388738


>> No.18388749

丸。円。I can't think of anything else.

>> No.18388769

It's one of the suggestions for まる. Also 0, and probably others.

>> No.18388783


>> No.18388791

Hag lovers need to be gassed.

>> No.18388796

That's the wrong one. I think in some fonts it looks the same, but in others it's much smaller than 〇.

>> No.18388803

No I'm looking for . まる didn't bring it up as a suggestion but 0 does.
Thanks anon >>18388769

>> No.18388811
File: 8 KB, 333x213, manko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange. Is 4chan just fucked up? Testing again: マ〇コ

>> No.18388840

Should come up as an option in your IME when typing maru, 0 or rei.

>> No.18388858


>> No.18388862

He's just mad because he can't eigenvector

>> No.18388869

This isn't /vg/.

>> No.18388879

What should I change it to, then?

>> No.18388882

This board is basically japanese themed /vg/ now.

>> No.18388888

You should stop procrastinating and go read.

>> No.18388891
File: 17 KB, 400x289, dodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit
i think hes right

>> No.18388897
File: 460 KB, 600x600, Eigenvector 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quints, have a revision.

>> No.18388925

I guess that works.

>> No.18388930

88888 hours in photoshop

>> No.18389044
File: 450 KB, 711x2804, anki-stats-2018-02-11@21-14-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope to be like you one day, anon.
