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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 332 KB, 814x1000, __kishin_sagume_touhou_drawn_by_buna_shimeji_keymush__21d13db976587979ae6002e18051bd07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18348442 No.18348442 [Reply] [Original]

The best TH15 character

>> No.18348556

I would spam Omnislash on her if you know what I mean.

>> No.18348634
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>> No.18348656
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I wonder why this filthy lunarian scum isn't down there with the rest of the lunarian (un)popularity trash dump.

She's on the same garbage as Ripoff Reisen, Toyohime and Yorihime.

>> No.18348683

she gets 'pity points' from some, real live admiration from the style junkies; is a way to explain it.

>> No.18348718

She's the best lunarian. The best in a pile of trash.

>> No.18348733

Racism against lunarians needs to stop

>> No.18348747

What happens if you shoot your impure seed into this strange creature, will she be cast out of the moon down to earth?

>> No.18348913
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She is cute. A shame she is a L*narian.

>> No.18348947

There is nothing wrong with liking Lunarians.

>> No.18349017
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>> No.18349027
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Yeah, not a problem

>> No.18349038

Subhuman L*n*rian diaspora, you have to go back.

>> No.18349064

Lunarians are only good for rape doujins

>> No.18349074
File: 272 KB, 850x1063, __kishin_sagume_watatsuki_no_toyohime_and_watatsuki_no_yorihime_touhou_drawn_by_six_fnrptal1010__sample-4bec8f4f39e60118e0f4470761b2404f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunarians are only good for tender loving

>> No.18349106

She's popular because unlike other lunarians, it's extremely easy to set a up a brutal gangrape scenario with her.

>> No.18349121

It's not, that's just people not understanding how her powers work.

>> No.18349127

Sp what you're saying is that it's extremely easy to set a up a brutal gangrape scenario with her.

>> No.18349140
File: 124 KB, 850x1360, 1716036E-27DD-426A-9309-3BE1B9F9A46B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, everyone including OP certainly didn’t care enough about her considering no one even tried keeping the last Gu’s thread alive.

>> No.18349150
File: 452 KB, 441x425, sagume reading a thread about her on jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the impression that /jp/ has gotten progressively lewder over the years.

>> No.18349474
File: 181 KB, 600x600, 54156c5fe67f52662f27f4e4f691ab06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a pic like this starring the gu.

>> No.18349627
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t. Watatsuki

>> No.18349666


>> No.18350293

That's wrong. She's the best Lunarian who still lives on the moon however.
Official TH15 Ranking:
1. Hecatia
2. Clownpiece
3. Junko
4. Doremy
5. Sagume
6. Seiran
7. Ringo
8. Chang'e

>> No.18354517
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>> No.18359973
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the gu's disgusting body!

>> No.18360174

Reisen, Eirin, and Kagu are the only Lunarians I am okay with liking.
They're slightly nicer than usual Lun*rians

>> No.18360200

Three things!
Eiki is super strong!
No wonder Aya doesn't have wings, but she still does what she does! Does she really want to lose something more?
Man I have it easy with Eiki! She just shows up time to time, but she never does anything mean to me! I guess I get off lucky!

>> No.18361452

For the last fucking time Reisen is not a lunarian you retarded waste of space

>> No.18361519
File: 150 KB, 850x638, saggyume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like: /jp/'s disgusting seed leaving deep scars in immaculate Lunarian flesh!

>> No.18361557

She's a moon bunny.
Stop getting your spine in a twist.

>> No.18362043

More like Watakuso!

>> No.18362566

Moon rabbits =/= Lunarians. The former are slaves and tools, the later gods and masters.
Also I'm sorry. I was very angry at something unrelated.

>> No.18362590

Isn't Reisen now earth bunny?

>> No.18362624

Even after calling herself that and having become impure, she still has the physiognomy of a moon one.

>> No.18363060

There's plenty, but not with Sagume-sama.

>> No.18363076

I'm not entirely certain of that.

>> No.18363129

Here. Let me tell you in simpler terms since anon is using a complicated way of wording things.

Reisen is a Moon Bunny.
She fled to Earth and began working in Eintei
She then starts calling herself an Earth Rabbit.
She is clearly still a Moon Bunny and not an Earth Bunny. Earth Rabbit is nothing more than a title for Reisen as she has the genotype and phenotype of a Moon Rabbit. Seeing as she was born, raised and is a descendant of a the Moonies.

Now you're saying here and now, that you are not certain that Reisen
A. Is a Moon Bunny
B. Fled to Earth
C. Is now calling herself an Earth Rabbit despite being clearly a Moon Rabbit.

I dont see what's hard to call uncertain here?

>> No.18363184

Why the long post?

When Reisen says she's been corrupted by Earth's impurities and become an Earth Rabbit, I don't see why that can't be taken literally.

>> No.18363271

because Earth Rabbits are a very specific type of youkai, not a title. Earth Rabbits are born as Earth Rabbits, it is impossible for a Moon Rabbit to become an Earth Rabbit because they were not born one. I would say that Reisen more so calls herself a rabbit of the earth rather an Earth Rabbit.

>> No.18363273

How much corruption do I need to shoot into Sagume's womb to make her fully impure?

>> No.18363377

>it is impossible for a Moon Rabbit to become an Earth Rabbit
You seem confident. Are you ZUN?

>> No.18363397

There's something called playing the fucking games and reading the mangas. Fag.
Come on.

>> No.18363401

Negative infinity

>> No.18363407

You won't find "word for word" explainations, but you can at least use that oversized and uninformed brain of yours to come to conclusions by connecting dots.

>> No.18363597

Speaking of which, why is it physically possible for a human to become a youkai but not a lunar rabbit? Fag.

Come on.

>> No.18363624

I assume you meant to quote me but the irony is that there are several instances and examples of one type of being becoming another in Touhou, so the question is, why the fuck couldn't a rabbit become another kind of rabbit when they literally said they've become another kind of rabbit?

It's like saying, "it's impossible for a Jizou to become a magician, because it was born a Jizou" or "it's impossible for a person to become a celestial/magician/hermit/youkai because they weren't born that way".

If there are so many ways to literally transform from one being to the other, and part of what defines a lunar rabbit is its purity, I don't see why you're on a high horse saying shit like "it's impossible" or "play the games" or "connect the dots". Like, Jesus, take your own advice.

>> No.18363727 [DELETED] 

Moon rabbits are explicitly stated (FS manga) and heavely implied when not stated (LoLK, other manga), to not be youkai. As they're just tools for the Lunarians, you could expect for the highly advanced civilization to not let their tools poison their users, even after thousands, if not hundreds of thousands years. Reisen Udongein is not the rule but the exception here, unlike human transformation into celestials/magician/hermit/youkai which isn't the rule either but more like a special case, a step above the exception.
Also, youkai are explicitly stated to be born from strong human emotions like fear (proper youkai), faith (gods), anger (spirits), etc. Lunarians being alien in their mindset removes the possibility for a moon rabbit to become youkai or anything similar. Even strong moon rabbit emotions negate that possibility, first paragraph.
So, no, moon rabbits cannot become Earth rabbits. There's no hint and the existing evidence points the complete opposite way.

"But Reisen Udongein herself says that..."
She calls herself 地上の or "Earth rabbit" in the same way Kaguya is now an Earth Lunarian, or Clownpiece a Earth Lampad.

>> No.18363746

Moon rabbits are explicitly stated (FS manga) and heavely implied when not stated (LoLK, other manga), to not be youkai. As they're just tools for the Lunarians, you could expect for the highly advanced civilization to not let their tools poison their users, even after thousands, if not hundreds of thousands years. Reisen Udongein is not the rule but the exception here, unlike human transformation into celestials/magician/hermit/youkai which isn't the rule either but more like a special case, a step above the exception.
Also, youkai are explicitly stated to be born from strong human emotions like fear (proper youkai), faith (gods), anger (spirits), etc. Lunarians being alien in their mindset removes the possibility for a moon rabbit to become youkai or anything similar. Even strong moon rabbit emotions negate that possibility, first paragraph.
So, no, moon rabbits cannot become Earth rabbits. There's no hint and the existing evidence points the complete opposite way.

"But Reisen Udongein herself says that..."
She calls herself 地上の兎 or "Earth rabbit" in the same way Kaguya is now an Earth Lunarian, or Clownpiece a Earth Lampad.

>> No.18363763

Lunarians != Moon Rabbits and there's nothing that's ever stated Lunarians made Moon Rabbits. In fact, Eirin named Reisen Udonge because the udonge plant changes in the presence of impurity. She expected Reisen would as well.

Further we're not talking about being born only, but there are again, many examples of youkai that were the result of transformation. In the first place it's been implied that Lunarians themselves are, mostly, ordinary humans that have been removed from the impure influence of life and death. Toyohime has said something like, if they were basked in impurities they'd basically become normal again and susceptible to death. She has even stated that in the first place, even Lunarians bear a little bit of impurity and are thus NOT immortal, and will eventually die, it will just take an immeasurable amount of time.

So yes there's a lot of evidence pointing to "thing can become another thing". I think the only difference would be your statement at the end there, but nothing else checks out.

>> No.18363850

>Also, youkai are explicitly stated to be born from strong human emotions like fear (proper youkai), faith (gods), anger (spirits), etc
Is this actually stated anywhere outside /jp/? Much more often you see the line between fear and faith blur, and in UFO you even have a character that is much more credible than Akyuu philosophize on the difference, or the lack thereof, between various kinds of youkai.

>> No.18364245

I sometimes wonder why people ask stupid questions.

>> No.18364346

Shou is definitively a tiger youkai and the wiki states that
> but from the fear created by stories about tigers that had spread there. As such, her existence originally depended on the people of Japan remaining ignorant about what real tigers were like.
but the wiki doesn't give a source for the fear quote.

>> No.18365891

Never said moon rabbits = Lunarians. For the "Lunarians didn't made moon rabbits" part, remember the native Moon has no life whatsoever and that was why the Lunarians flew there to begin with. No atmosphere, no microorganisms, few water in the form of ice or lifeless seas (doesn't matter if we talk about the lunar mare or the water seas). The Moon cannot harbor life by itself, so the rabbits should've originated from somewhere else.
Lunarians are the kami who moved from the Earth to the Moon after the first one started being "damaged by the impurity" in a strict sense, for either life or negative feelings to arise, it's ambiguous for me to state they weren't humans when all the confirmed Lunarians are part and descend of the heavenly kami.
As for their supposed tainting, nothing is immortal with the buddhist and taoist mix in Touhou except for Mokou and company: if you exist or have a physical form, you WILL need to achieve Nirvana or get stuck during the progress to escape the reincarnation cycle, samsara. Lunarians are a splinter group, if not practicers of a pre-Taoism according to various hints (impurity itself, the way between Moon and Earth, way of living, etc.).
Finally, you're misinterpreting my words. I said moon rabbits cannot transform to other beings, unlike humans and others, and even then it's not a rule.

Each youkai, umbrella term, originates from something like that, not always in the literal sense.
Fear: The cat youkai transform when they either live for too long, consume human flesh, or both. Mystia enjoys causing fear and suffering in the night. Byakuren herself became a magician after fearing death. Most urban legends are youkai 2.0, born from fear of the unknown.
Faith: ShikiEiki transformed after receiving too much faith. Kanako became a divine spirit and needs faith to exist.
Anger: Junko was "born" by her anger being purified until nothing else was left. Vengeful spirits born when the ghost corpse is destroyed or somebody was really wicked in life. Tojiko was a human who tried to become hermit but instead became a vengeful spirit and now is a ghost. Fortune Teller himself planned to exploit the vengeful spirit path to stay as a former human. Tsukumogami except for Raiko.
Others: Suwako gains faith by controlling the Mishaguji who cause fear. Hina collects and feeds(?) upon misfortune. Tengu used to cause fear among humans until they reformed, wicked monks also transformed into Tengu. Kappa seem to have evolved from some kind of real or legendary animal. The current Prismrivers were created from sadness of the fourth sister.

>> No.18372154
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>> No.18372259

Great. Now today is going to be horrible.

>> No.18376936

I think it also bears mentioning that fairies aren't actually youkai, but natural manifestations of nature, which is why they are whilly independent of the need for faith, as their being is tied directly to the aspect of nature they represent.

Magicians in Touhou are considered a type of youkai as they use magic to elongate their lives. Hermits aren't considered youkai as they use other, probably more natural means to elongate their lives, but doing so for a long enough period of time ends up with the hermit being hunted down something worse than a shinigami.

>> No.18377015

Today felt great, but it was bad.
Squandered opportunities and not much went well, except for a few things.
Thank you Sagume! You gave me a feel-good day!

>> No.18377035

I want Gu to wander into my bedroom in the middle of the night and kiss me awake in order to gently rape me!
Lunarians are far from nice, but I'm sure Gu is nice enough to do what she must in the least damaging way possible!

>> No.18386271

One post is all it takes to kill a thread.
