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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 67 KB, 837x489, circus is important.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1831320 No.1831320 [Reply] [Original]

New Da Capo Thread as old one has gone to auto-sage

Old Thread >>1830347

torrent still with DRM http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4605291/Da_Capo

>> No.1831330

As posted in the other thread:

This was made from >>1831206's exe
It probably works, but I don't have the game to test, so good luck"

Warning, might be computer aids. I have not tested this, I did not make this, I am simply passing on the message.

>> No.1831331

Seeding for SICP wizards to crack this shit.

>> No.1831333

>This was made from >>1831206's exe
>It probably works, but I don't have the game to test, so good luck

Cross postin' up in here. About to test it.

>> No.1831337

the file that needs cracking is at

>> No.1831341

it works

>> No.1831345

Screenshot Da Capo infront of this thread to confirm?

>> No.1831346
File: 148 KB, 880x674, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1831348
File: 112 KB, 800x600, It fucking works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crack fucking works

Thank you Anon

Now, what is a good route order, now that we can play

>> No.1831351

Also confirmed for it to work

>> No.1831353

In 5 hours we got a working torrent and a working crack.

/jp/, you are true bros.

>> No.1831356

so I'll ask again here, would the person who cracked this be willing to share how they did it?

>> No.1831357

I salute you /jp/ bros

>> No.1831358

crack mirrored at

DDL... my own server

>> No.1831359

The game isn't even on sale anymore and we get a torrent, and shortly after a crack.

/jp/, you are true bros.

>> No.1831360

Awesome. Cracked before I even cleared the space on my hard drive to download the game. This is why I still love /jp/, despite everything else.

>> No.1831362

/jp/ - Warez/eroge

I feel so proud, bros.

>> No.1831363

You're truly an EXPERT PROGRAMMER.

>> No.1831364

MediaFire's mirror: http://www.mediafire.com/?hl4mcdiongz

Uploaded by aquapendulum ;)

>> No.1831366

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1831368

Brofist does it again

>> No.1831369

well I can already tell this English in this is a TON better than Edelweiss..

>> No.1831370

Now that there is a torrent and crack, both of which can never be removed from the internet, someone let MangaGamer know so they reopen purchases

>> No.1831371

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

/jp/ rulez!!!

>> No.1831376
File: 167 KB, 800x602, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't I ever wake up next to my little sister like this ;_;
though I suppose having a little sister could help

>> No.1831374

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


>> No.1831377

Going to sleep with warm fuzzies. Seeding all the while.

>> No.1831378

I love you guys. I really do.

>> No.1831385

HMMN I guess I'll have to find time to play edelweiss hinatabokko DC and princess waltz

I'm so happy this christmas... and so ronery

>> No.1831389


They used a modified yoda's cryptor which checks for a specific value in a shared memory area between the loader and child process. It would be standard unpacking except for you having to manually pass the parent existance check. Don't ask me more because it's a pain to post on 4chan through TOR+proxies.

>> No.1831391

aquapendulum is having a great New Year because of you bros. Aqua loves you all ;)

>> No.1831397

It's actually really basic stuff, I doubt THE MAN will come for you due to detailing a simple hack on the interwebs.

Laziness in general, though? That's a reason I can understand.

>> No.1831399

To a lesser extent I can understand the guy's paranoia. I really doubt anything would come from him posting normally, but you can never be too careful right? I'd do the same if I was in his position.

>> No.1831404


Late Merry Christmas.

>> No.1831407

This proves that with cooperation, /jp/ can actually make something.

>> No.1831408

To the anon who put up the torrent, and the anon who cracked the game:

Thank you for the late christmas gift. You guys are awesome. Feel good about yourselves.

>> No.1831426

Someone should torrent Shera, My Witch for the DC buyfags that seeded this shit for you bastards.

>> No.1831442

Looks like someone beat me to it!

I cracked the ArFigure and figured (lol) I might as well give this one a try, here's my attempt:


>> No.1831447
File: 5 KB, 203x152, _41987522_piracy203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.1831446


>> No.1831450

But we're downloading something that cannot be bought, I don't see the problem here.

>> No.1831453


You wouldn't steal a handbag.

>> No.1831454

Yeah, aquapendulum is goin' to buy D.C on January 20th anyway, but now Aqua just can't wait.

Aqua wants MG to bring MOAR English eroges ;)

>> No.1831456


I would if it was full of visual novels.

>> No.1831458

you wouldn't download a car

>> No.1831460

You wouldn't steal a car

>> No.1831461

It was yoda? I knew something felt familiar about it... I just kept tracing through, forcing the checks to pass.

Also, how did you get such a clean file? Did you manually add all the sections back? My attempt is >>1831442

>> No.1831468
File: 9 KB, 511x494, READSICP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1831466

>>1831447 actually torrented DC and downloaded the crack as well

Go away.

>> No.1831469

Is your other car a cdr?

>> No.1831476
File: 49 KB, 640x360, 1187584131058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I liked the OP

>> No.1831478

your heart is now beating manually,
your penis is now beating manually,
your ceo is now meeting annually;

your life is falling apart;
your wife is dating bart;
but at the end of it all you still own a cart
and when that bullet goes through your heart
you realize the one thing that set you apart...

your other car...
...was a cdr.

>> No.1831485

Can someone try this one too and say if it works or not?

>> No.1831499
File: 62 KB, 370x278, 164868265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT people that should STOP RIGHT THERE

>> No.1831511
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 6ta5bmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1831515

That was EXPERT PROGRAMMER quality!
I am the 1/0 of my GET.
LISP is my body, and SICP is my blood.
I have created over 999 HUGE programs that you couldn't even comprehend.
Unaware of Python.
Nor aware of Ruby on rails.
Withstood the forced indentation of the code to create many touring-complete programs.
Waiting for an EXPERT PROGRAMMER's arrival.
I have no regrets, this was the only path.
My whole life was /prog/.

>> No.1831521

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1831522

I tried watching SICP on Youtube. I didn't understand a thing.

>> No.1831530

Don't think; just feel and you'll be tanasinn.

>> No.1831536

      ./  ;!
     /  /__,,..
    /  `(_t_,__〕
    /    '(_t_,__〕
   /    {_i_,__〕
  /    ノ  {_i__〉
/      _,..-'"

>> No.1831550

someone should post the crack at tbp

>> No.1831557

Anonymous is a cracking group now?

>> No.1831558


Why? Why would anyone want to help non-/jp/ people? The animesuki fags can buy it and support further piracy from us.

>> No.1831560

well you have a point

>> No.1831567


Exactly. Lets hope some buyfags support mangagamer. We wouldn't want them to go bankrupt right?

Well I would have bought them if the games sold for like $5.

>> No.1831660

oh anons how I love you all

>> No.1831676

fuck, i watched that anime yesterday and you telling me that a game is translated ?

>> No.1831680

Hahaha. Owned. I never watched the anime in hopes for this day.

>> No.1831685

Well, at least we're killing Mangagamer with our own two hands.

Do cool bros do Kotori's path first?

>> No.1831714
File: 22 KB, 512x384, 1230461716297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1831715

The first anime is okay, the second so-so, the 3rd is shit the 4th is also shit and everything else that's linked to 3 and 4 is shit also. They milked the series so unbelievably much...

>> No.1831747

Her route is pretty mediocre, don't expect much.

>> No.1831750


>> No.1831751

NO I'm saving Kotori's path for last... I'm thinking of gliding through the Orange headed retard path first.

>> No.1831761

I love /jp/

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´


>> No.1831762

Going to go classic Nemu path first.

>> No.1831766

DCII and DCIISS is not the same as DC and DCSS

>> No.1831770

>I'm thinking of gliding through the Orange headed retard path first.

You can't.

>> No.1831772

The "Orange headed retard" has a much better route than Kotori.
You shouldn't leave Kotori for last.

>> No.1831780

i expected this never be translated ( like shuffle )

>> No.1831784
File: 31 KB, 384x288, nemu839a4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, Nemu.

>> No.1831787
File: 186 KB, 800x320, MINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was really shocked how this anime was good.

>> No.1831792

does that neko have a route? the one that turned into human for a while?

>> No.1831793

I hated the anime, Nemu made me RAGE. She wasn't annoying at all in the game though, lol.

>> No.1831794


>> No.1831795

ok... maybe I should ask it this way...


I know Aisha didn't have a route.

>> No.1831800

I hated DCSS

At first I was like FUCK YES KOTORI!

and then Nemu came back and I was like FUCK NO!

>> No.1831804

the real question is: does this version has the loli? you know that little girl that uses the HUGE bear or whatever costume all the time

>> No.1831811


>> No.1831823

same here bro

>> No.1831827

Is the same bullshit be it with banana eating robots or mindreadan girls or loli witches...

>> No.1831828

wait so you mean it's not the fucking old ass game but the newest da capo which has the most amount of characters? that sure sounds nice. I'm now very interested and will play to get the loli and make her understand yiffing is bad with my penis

>> No.1831832

in aniem there was not any bears, but there is loli girl - that blonde in OP's picture

>> No.1831837

Are you implying that you did not shed manly tears for Sailor Moon? Man, what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.1831841

Is this a game where I can just follow my whims and wind up wherever my choices take me, or should I do the routes in a particular order for maximum impact ala Tsukihime?

>> No.1831843

Repost from old thread

OK, I was out of the scene for quite a few months, and now I see this.. FUCK YES.

Also, what other games got released while I wasn't looking? Is there any torrent for the other mangagamer games?

>> No.1831844
File: 10 KB, 401x166, whut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I keep getting this every time I try to open >>1831330

>> No.1831846

blonde girl has small tits though. I'm talking of that girl in big pink animal costume that was the only loli and was in the newest Da Capo.

>> No.1831855
File: 12 KB, 250x300, c408005chara10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the loli character for info. don't be scared by her look

>> No.1831869

cause u are an stupid retard, try with this:

>> No.1831871

i didn't whated it, i just typed "shitty anime" into google image

>> No.1831878


Same error message.

>> No.1831892

May i know which OS are you using?

>> No.1831895

Sakura is the only capturable loli.

>> No.1831897


Vista Home Basic, on a week-old laptop.

>> No.1831903


samefag here, also noticed that it looks like the same error message as in >>1831433. Do I need some extra files besides >>1831330 and/or >>1831442 to run successfully?

>> No.1831905

32bit or 64bit?

Try using the compatibility mode and set it to xp

>> No.1831910


>> No.1831911

Highest possible is 16 bit, also already tried messing around with the compatibility settings to no avail.

>> No.1831917


>> No.1831920

1) Unzip dacapo.zip
2) Throw cracked .exe into the same folder.
3) Run dacapo.exe

Works just fine on Vista.

>> No.1831924


I don't believe I have the .zip; all I have are some exe files. Four of them are 640.7 KB big, other one is 825 KB.

>> No.1831927


dacapo.zip (the game itself):


cracked exe: >>1831330

Easy, bro!

>> No.1831929



>> No.1831935


Thank you very much. Now all I need to do is wait 2 hours for it to torrent.

>> No.1831954

Does the crack work for the Japanese version too or will I need a different one?

>> No.1831962

so when are they going to release DCPC?
that one is better........

and lol at the TPB comments, we only released and crack it for the bros

>> No.1831968

so: is Kazuizumiko Murasaki catchable? Y/N?

>> No.1831980



>> No.1831984

ok thanks shitsux then
also meant to say Murasaki Izumiko.

>> No.1831999

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

>> No.1832028 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 400x555, 1556181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd hit it. Spoiler=her real form

>> No.1832033

the power of the "torrent where?" is awesome

>> No.1832048

So, which is the real one? BCI.exe of dacapo.exe?

>> No.1832077

They both work, but are cracked by different anons.


A whole VN in < 1MB?

>> No.1832078

Is this a typical shitty Mangagamer translation, or is it actually readable?

>> No.1832080

It's just text and stills and maybe some sound files, man.

No 3D GRAPHIX, why would it be big?

>> No.1832086

How can they have a "typical" translation quality when they've hardly released much of note?

In any case, this translation is apparently very good quality. They went through a good proofreading phase, and it seems to have gone well.

>> No.1832091


Seems fine so far, though I can't really speak to the accuracy. Only errors of any sort I've noticed to this point are like two missing spaces, and in that dream early on when she's saying "Oniichan" but the text says niisan.

>> No.1832094

This is a good quality translation.

>> No.1832095

It's much better than before but there are a few typos and ankward translations. It's perfectly understandable but I wouldn't call it very good.

>> No.1832100

So, have anyone found the bugs/errors that pushed the release up 1 month?

I'd also like to see torrents of the other games, since I have no idea how horrible the translation is on those, so it would be scary to buy them.

I also hope they fix their site so I can enter it and buy games in the future so I do not have to torrent all of them.

>> No.1832110

How come there isn't a transition when the people change their facial expressions? Every other VN I've played had a crossfade transition but here they just appear and disappear immediately.

>> No.1832114

Could that be the bug?

>> No.1832130 [SPOILER] 
File: 562 KB, 800x600, ssb_01a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best character of the whole series.

>> No.1832129

the bug

>> No.1832143

Kotori's daugter, eh....?

>> No.1832149

Wow, I was out all day and Da Capo gets torrented AND cracked.

So I just finished dling it and was unzipping it when I


>> No.1832178

S-she's... beautiful...

>> No.1832204

no, that's >>1831855 real form.

>> No.1832205

Btw guys, there's a Kotori route OVA out

>> No.1832214

I want a >>1831855 's route OVA.

>> No.1832246


>> No.1832255
File: 60 KB, 800x600, D001A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, best character of the series is already taken.

>> No.1832282

fuck off faggot and your love of DICKS

>> No.1832283


>> No.1832293

>your love of DICKS

>> No.1832309


>> No.1832318


>> No.1832323

What dicks?

>> No.1832347

I've just started playing edelweiss and wow my brain is fucked from the grammar.

Anyone have the patch for this thing?

>> No.1832356

oh fuck I don't have a nico account

>> No.1832359

I can't do anything for you then bro

>> No.1832437

I fucking love you /jp/

>> No.1832467

Just came back from holiday family visit to find this

/jp/ does it again

>> No.1832710


>> No.1832839

Macfag here. Nice surprise to wake up and see that crack is up.

I'll seed until my ration evens out and at the rate it's going, that'll be next week ~( ̄∇ ̄~)

>> No.1832863

Wait so the the only "bug" is that they didnt QC all the way?

>> No.1833276
File: 97 KB, 806x625, 2008.12.28 15.22.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

--I felta nice wind blowing.

>> No.1833489
File: 352 KB, 500x640, 5665857587655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where's my Shera? /jp/ work your magic...

>> No.1834402

bump...and also requesting other games to be cracked

>> No.1834414

Well, you know, you could always BUY it if you want to play so much.

>> No.1834427

I think more translators should go for mangagamer's approach. Instead of spending years on editing and QC, just release the damn thing, or spend at most a month or two on it.

>> No.1836371

lol buy.
pirates are the way of life, the robin hood of the modern time!
But they don't even steal.
They copy from the rich (big companies filled with gold bars in their treasory) and give it to the poor (us poor jobless and/or who work for not even enough to eat people).

>> No.1836393

What exactly do you want? All that ever happens in that game is fucking like bunnies and some ridiculous plot here and there.

Mind you, I ind nothing wrong with fucking like bunnies. But I really don't see anytone retorrenting this thing.

Unless I get off my ass and search for it in my piles of DVDs I keep right here at my side.

>> No.1836591

Even though I'm torrenting this, I'm still going to buy a copy when it's released again.

>> No.1836659

I'm wait for the Plus version for the loli content. though I doubt we'll ever see this one since MG are most likely cowards

>> No.1836727

Sakura has a route. Alice and Izumiko only in P.C.

>> No.1836745

Oh my fucking gooooood~

This shit actually works!

>> No.1836754

The crack was bloody easy. The "protection" was only a wrapper the real executable was packed in, so it ``just works'' after being unpacked.

>> No.1836759

Thank you, torrent uploader and our resident SICP sorcerers!

>> No.1836783

who cares about Sakura though? I want loli not a midget with small boobies

>> No.1836907

Make it happen, i'll say my opinion after trying it first.

>> No.1836923

She's still loli, just not the kind of loli you like.

>> No.1836929


Well, it actually sounds kinda easy to crack. Not that I have any experience in cracking things.

Anyway, to whoever cracked the .exe, thanks alot!

>> No.1836933


hyperactive pedolicious cousin, no thanks :(

Kotori is love.

>> No.1836937

not loli.

>> No.1836940

She's voiced by Rika's seiyu in the anime.
Only tastless faggots don't like Sakura.

>> No.1836957

Am I a faggot for liking Nemu best?

>> No.1836958

You mean nanoha

>> No.1836965


Yes. But that's okay.

>> No.1836973

you best be joking Nigger.
Nemu is my waifu.

>> No.1836985

Who's the stupid faggot who put a link to this thread in thepiratebay thread. You know its not going to last forever right

>> No.1836986

some have a full cg save for edelweiss?
I'm having trouble getting the last CG for Mizuki and the last 2 for Ran

>> No.1836992

Sagaoz. Or find a walkthrough. Stop making us doing all your work. Fuck you

>> No.1837089

I found a walkthrough I followed it and got the routes but missing cgs

>> No.1837132

Download the savegame from sagaoz

>> No.1837139

http://sagaoz.net/savedata/a/edelweiss_mon.LZH not sure if it'll work though different language and maybe even engine

>> No.1837180

Ffffuuuu what is this

I went through the game twice, avoided Mako on purpose, and I still get her ending. Not that it's bad or anything, just makes me feel that it was extremely sudden and too surprising.

How do I avoid Mako's ending?

>> No.1837183

I hope they let the new quality checking people check the old releases and patch those. I'd like to buy them, but I'm discouraged by the bad translations of edelweiss.

>> No.1837274

edelweiss has a patch, we never got it

>> No.1837289

anyone have the cg rip for the newer edelweiss where sakura and rin has routes?

>> No.1837313

I don't think that's gonna work the mangagamer version doesn't have a save.dat

>> No.1837359

oh shit.... how do I go around getting the last few cgs...

>> No.1837543


>> No.1837552

help? mangagamer Edelweiss doesn't use save.dats

anyone have a 100% cg save file for the mangagamer Edelweiss? I went through all of the routes on walkthroughs I found but still missing 1 cg for mitsuki 2 cg for ran and a few others

>> No.1837554


>> No.1837572

sud files in user data. no save.dat anywhere

>> No.1837784

How did you get Mako? What specifically did you do? I tried to get Mako but ended up with Moe instead.

>> No.1837793

why the sage? Moe is good too

>> No.1837948

I didn't want to bump the thread.
Yeah Moe is good, but I'd prefer to have Mako in my first play through. Any tips?

>> No.1837999

Never mind. I found this:

>> No.1838105

You're all fucking retards.

>> No.1838174

Cracks don't work with win2k niggers. Why is that? Do something for the 2k bros

>> No.1838308

again, is it because of the new engine (DCPC runs on 2k) or did you just fail with LULS EXP at crackan (RestoreLastError can't be found in kernel32.dll)

>> No.1838367

I just looked that SICP thing and it contains 0 information useful for cracking an exe. I suggest you to stop with that, unless you still want to look like an idiot everytime.

>> No.1838370

probably the second one

get a hex editor and search for RestoreLastError, replace with SetLastError, try running that.

>> No.1838372

It's a /prog/ meme about achieving programming SATORI, even if not directly relevant to cracking, it teachs a lot of things which will help you become a better EXPERT PROGRAMMER

>> No.1838376

and don't forget to add a null byte after SetLastError

>> No.1838444

haven't hex edited yet, so I replace it in edit modo. and save, but I get a not win32 executable message after starting it

>> No.1838542

which is why you need a hex editor, a normal text editor will destroy an executable file in an irreversible in most cases. just google for one, it can't be that hard.

>> No.1838590

nah I used two different hex editors but because I haven't hexedited before I don't know if it's done right.

>> No.1838717

Any help? ;_;

>> No.1839053

which is why you need a hex editor, a normal text editor will destroy an executable file in an irreversible in most cases. just google for one, it can't be that hard.

>> No.1839077

Just get a hex editor like hiew32,
open the executable in it, then press F4 to select a mode, select Hex
press F7 to search, select the ascii box(press up), type RestoreLastError, press enter, it should find the entry, then press F3 to edit, and type :
SetLastError, press tab to switch to the hex part,and type 00 00 00 00 (to null out the characters which remained from RestoreLastError), press F9 to update, and Escape to exit. You're done.

>> No.1839278
File: 48 KB, 492x442, 1214655598244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks it worked. I guess the problem before was missing null bytes because of fuggly edit modo with the previously used hex editors


>> No.1839428


samefag, also, I got Mako ending AGAIN even after following the walkthrough for Kotori. Damn.

>> No.1840576

you and mako are destined to be together
