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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 923 KB, 750x900, the angry burger punches the yeek and destroys him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18265372 No.18265372 [Reply] [Original]

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Chat server still down

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.75 (1/8/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.75.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.18265406

im thinking about getting 'It invokes darkness bolt.' for my weapon but how exactly does the damage works on that one? i know the damage formula for normal darkness bolt is (2+Magic/20+L/5)d(6+(2L+3)/5) and i get it now depends on weapon skill, but how exactly?

>> No.18265418

where is the younger sister portrait in the upper right corner taken from?

>> No.18265429
File: 42 KB, 400x458, 1429855688747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm in the OP cover
Btw, MVP's finalized name is Michael Leafson
Since the enemies seem so enthralled in his dancing, he must be damn good at it
Might as well name him after an iconic dancer then

>> No.18265440
File: 5 KB, 144x72, up4290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elona uploader. Cut out 80x112 and save as bmp.

>> No.18265442

>Just got to act 3
>decided to check in the new dungeon
>it rapes me
I don't know if I am that underleveled, or if I just hit a new Wall.

>> No.18265444

How many times do I have to kill Gwen to get her treasure? I hate killing little girls but I want that treasure...

>> No.18265465


>> No.18265487

Does any place compile all these OP images?

>> No.18265492
File: 18 KB, 564x845, 1516484575915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to turn this cool dude into a sprite?
Got him off the /v/ermin thread, and even though I don't visit it often, this one enticed me.

>> No.18265499

Hold up hold up, I thought I was retarded and posted a thumbnail, went to the uploader to check but the image seems to have actually been uploaded in a portrait-incompatible 144x72. I'm going to look for the original if there is one.

>> No.18265544

For some reason, a lot of my spells are stuck at 75% casting chance, and some of my spells were higher before, does anyone knows why?

Also, even though it says 75%, it feels more like 25%.

>> No.18265577

Remove your gear, does your cast chance go up?

>> No.18265596
File: 1.04 MB, 800x600, up2719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you need to go to the orignal jp site to get the original size?

if you have a shield/dual wield, or more then light armor you get a cap for casting.

>> No.18265625

Hmm, yes it did, is it because I am too heavy? So this is what the flying scrolls are for?

>> No.18265635

When I find bejeweled chests in dungeons, should I keep them in my home to open them when it's a lucky day or is the loot already generated when they spawned?

>> No.18265691
File: 6 KB, 240x112, up4290scaled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. Many of the nips making sprites and stuff have little blogs or pixivs, but sometimes they vanish or inexplicably delete everything. In any case I couldn't find shit, but I could at least scale the image to an appropriate size.

>> No.18265697
File: 28 KB, 1027x731, 1473766801998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the game and started my first character,
Lich Wizard.
What do I do to not get my butthole devastated? Can I raise an army of undead followers?
How do I use spells?

>> No.18265700

Yep. The trade off is your weapon gets worse crits as a light weapon. Max crits requires a weight of around 300s or so. Also like the other guy said, be weary of shields and dual wielding.

>> No.18265712

Learn by playing how to not die, yes you can, press ? and memorize the key list as you go.

>> No.18265727
File: 118 KB, 460x350, 1488179968591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v to cast spells if you've got 'em
r to read spellbooks to get spells to begin with
Yes you can raise undead, get the coffins off the graveyard east of Lumiest and start from there
and like >>18265712 said
since you're new, learn to not die first of all
And if you do end up in a shitty situation you can't seem to get away from, don't be afraid to start a new character with all the new things you learned.

>> No.18265744 [DELETED] 

>What do I do to not get my butthole devastated?
for starters, get a ranged weapon. mana isn't infinite. fall back to it when mp gets low, and make sure you keep distance. give yourself and your pet some good armor.
> Anonymous 01/21/18(Sun)22:39:51 No.18265697▶>>18265712 >>18265727
File: 1473766801998.png (28 KB, 1027x731)
28 KB

I just got the game and started my first character,
Lich Wizard.
What do I do to not get my butthole devastated? Can I raise an army of undead followers?
yes. will take time from where you are now.
>How do I use spells?
press 'v' for a list of your spells. you can assign a shortcut by highlighting that spell and pressing a number.

to learn spells you need to read books. press 'r' to read a book in your posession and learn its spells. DON'T READ IN YOUR HOME.

>> No.18265774

>What do I do to not get my butthole devastated?
for starters, get a ranged weapon. mana isn't infinite. fall back to it when mp gets low, and make sure you keep distance. give yourself and your pet some good armor.
>Can I raise an army of undead followers?
yes. will take time from where you are now.
>How do I use spells?
press 'v' for a list of your spells. you can assign a shortcut by highlighting that spell and pressing a number.

to learn spells you need to read books. press 'r' to read a book in your posession and learn its spells. DON'T READ IN YOUR HOME.

>> No.18265790

Maybe I'm retarded, but I can't get the game to be full screen in 1440x808. It always launches in Borderless windowed mode instead. Is there something I need to do in my graphics card settings for this?

>> No.18265815

Some anon was kind enough to upload all of them last thread, or the thread before. There's 43 or so now

>> No.18265817

As a Long Bow user, should I just make everything I have light, and put the weight on my bow, arrow, or arrow&bow?

>> No.18265840


>> No.18265842
File: 61 KB, 1000x800, 1474126417132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it to fullscreen after changing from "windowed" to "fullscreen" maybe u just didnt change that option?
thanks senpai

Oh and also, is it possible to look like an actual lich while playing? I just look like generic human character with blue clothes.
Was actually expecting some wraith, bone spooky model

>> No.18265853

You can customize your look, have you tried the modding resources in the paste bin?

>> No.18265858
File: 9 KB, 364x315, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The issue there is that Elona tries to set your resolution to 1440*808, but your graphics card doesn't have that listed as a possible mode, so nothing happens.
I got it to work with my AMD card, if you've got NVIDIA there's probably a similar solution, but I don't know it.

For AMD, you need to open AMD settings and enable GPU scaling in the display options, then find your 2D Driver File Path in the hardware information for your graphics card, it'll be under System. Mine was "/REGISTRY/MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/Class/{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}/0001"
Open regedit.exe and navigate to that regestry folder, find the entry named "DALNonStandardModesBCD1" and edit it, it should look like pic related.
You'll have to put a new line into it for your new resolution, for 1440*808 you can look at the last line in mine (unless you run an fps higher than 60, you can just change the 60 at the end).
The first 4 numbers are the horizontal resolution, the next 4 are the vertical resolution. The next section is just 4 zeroes always, and the final section is the fps. If any of these numbers aren't 4 digits, you have to put in preceding zeroes to make it 4 digits long.
Then restart your computer and it should work fine.

>> No.18265870

Getting to the cemetery near Lumiest, you will be able to get an item called DD Cemetery Key, that you can use to summon Coffins of Necromany, which carries your own zombies augmented with monster parts. And the Coffin of Necromancy will enable the Necro Force special action.

And later on, when you get hold of the Necromantis, you will be able to perform Undead Fusion, which fuses 2 zombies into 1 mega zombie.

>> No.18265945

It's already in Fullscreen mode. I even toggled it to windowed then back just to test and didn't help.
I do use an AMD card. Thank you for the instructions - this was what I thought I was missing.
Just a quick question - I also see DALNonStandardModesBCD2 - is that for my second screen? Should I add the 1440x808 resolution to both keys?

>> No.18265966

No, just modify the first one. I also have that file though I only have one screen.
Don't be getting all adventurous on me unless modifying the one entry doesn't work.

>> No.18266126

I'm a brainlet when it comes to stuff like this. I will just roll with what I have for now and wait with modding until I get comfortable playing the game

>> No.18266144

Modding isn't hard, you basically just copy paste sprite sheets into their correct folders. The guide tells you where to put custom character sprites. Honestly, as long as you back up your save (not that you're super far in) and your current game directories you can really only lose something with great and directed effort

>> No.18266158

If I may ask for it, could magic resolution found be a recurring piece of the OP? Every 2nd or 3rd thread?

>> No.18266168

The cap is 420s I believe, whether that's coincidence or on purpose I don't know, but it lets us know that criticals blaze it.

>> No.18266290

Thanks. Worked perfectly after a reboot.
Just have to add this to the list of registry edits that need to be made after major Windows updates resets them...

>> No.18266500

I believe ammo is the only thing that matters. To min-max your best crits for light armor, you'll want 0.0 weight for everything else, and 14.9-15 for your ammo. I think. You can test this with two sets of ammo, heavy and light, that do the same damage.

>> No.18266987

I see, thanks. Although I have been reading the wikia, and it says that in Elona+, weight does not affect the equipment PV/Damage anymore, was it patched and not updated or something?

>> No.18267051

When dual wielding, should I use a long and a short sword or should I only use two of the same type?

>> No.18267091

Do furniture pieces with stat bonuses do anything?

>> No.18267113

Nothing. Some materials have stat bonuses tied to them, which are applied when equipped. You can't equip furniture, so those stat boosts are meaningless.

>> No.18267262
File: 345 KB, 801x598, The Power of Money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a move most would consider reckless for a permadeath+pet permadeath run, I've managed to take out Azzrssil the Impure with the power of money and Yacatect in spite of otherwise being utterly unequipped for the task (no relevant resistances, underlevel, no way to restore stamina other than prayer), getting lucky blinding him with Gold Storm spam. 42000 GP was expended along with several scrolls of ally burned to make cannon fodder, of which a single orc survived out of a gangster, a wizard of elea, and various other low level rabble of little consequence. Their sacrifices were not in vain, as now my Electric Cloud is a Chaos Stormcloud Dragon!

>> No.18267293

It used to be that heavy weapons directly improved the damage dice and pv scores. They did get rid of that, but in its place Ano made it so that heavy weapons do more crit damage, and crit more often.

The eye of mind page has more info, also check the top comment: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Eye_of_Mind

>> No.18267314

By the way, if you like having a high eye of mind skill, remember to eat your Zwiebels.

>> No.18267469

>Actually made it into the OP.

That aside, I'm debating ideas for a martial artist pet and wanted some opinions on them even though I know any pet can be amazing with time.
I was torn between the wandering penguin(for browbeat), a bubble (since I thought maybe summoning fodder by splitting could be useful in tough fights), or a wooden golem(for the eventual shining wave).
Are any of those unique abilities particularly useful or are they all pretty meh?

>> No.18267767

For Shining Wave, there are pets that get a bonus to the skill later like the legendary wolf, which are probably better users. For Bubbles, most really tough enemies will either shadowstep directly to you and gank you or will have some kind of aoe spell, so the cannon fodder is quite situational.

>> No.18267779

Ah. That is a bit disappointing.
How about browbeat? Is the atrophy status at least useful in the long term?

>> No.18267900
File: 59 KB, 379x323, blog 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please respond

>> No.18267940
File: 4 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save pic related as .bmp and put it in graphic/pccs folder.

>> No.18267948
File: 5 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18267978

dual wielding works best if the weight of main hand is 1.5~4.0 and sub hand at 0.0 ~1.5
types... well, its really up to you
1. wielding 2 weapons of the same type means you will train that weapon skill that much faster
2. wielding str based weapons like long swords will increase str which trains melee dmg even more
3. short swords train dex which helps dual wield hit chance

>> No.18268167
File: 28 KB, 963x48, ungabungarockgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't realize preaching was a thing until now. Does it increase piety with your god?

>> No.18268177

It trains your faith, increasing your maximum piety, but it doesn't increase piety itself.

>> No.18268183

Do staves and polearms increase strength too?
Where can I check which weapon trains what?

>> No.18268191

staves and polearms train sta. the attribute assigned to a weapon is the attribute it trains.

>> No.18268197

Go into your character sheet and flip the pages until you see your skills. The symbol next to the skill determines what stat it's based off of.

>> No.18268226

What does converting the people actually do? I accidentally converted the king.

>> No.18268229

Absolutely literally nothing.

>> No.18268235

Ah, was hoping it would give some flavor stuff.

>> No.18268250
File: 19 KB, 1029x42, snatchesfood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I didn't realize they could snatch the food back and eat it while you are trying to steal it.

>> No.18268392

Wow, now that just makes you look like an asshole

>> No.18268631

What was the picture in the last thread underneath "and burns him" of?

>> No.18268848

My specialized shop is selling items that it's not set to sell, eg food shop selling equipment. Have specialized shops always done this? It doesn't apply the markup for items its not meant for, but it still sells them.

>> No.18268935

yes. shops sells everything not furniture. spec shops just have higher chance to sell stuff and larger profit from selling those stuff.

>> No.18269091
File: 645 KB, 600x1000, fefatesmikoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Titty queen from tactical wife simulator

>> No.18269664

I just saw that luck have a base cap of 2k, what is the best way to train it regularly? I was thinking of getting ranches of rabbits and trying to get the rabbit's tail, and eating the cakes and kagami mochis on december.

Happy Apple seems good, but the only way to get a steady supply of them is to spam Party time quests for music tickets. In question of "real life time", I think the easiest way is to simply walk around over world waiting for the rabbits to multiply.

>> No.18269752

which country?

>> No.18269822

Is there a way to curse my flying scrolls, or do I have to buy cursed ones?

>> No.18269826

Scrolls of curse?

>> No.18269829

Either dip into cursed water, or drop your entire inventory and equipment (in say a storage house) and read curse scrolls while only carrying the flying scrolls

>> No.18269831

I havn't done any modding on this, but is it possible to use a static sprite for the player character, like all the NPCs use?

>> No.18269841

I have tried, but it says my prayers prevents it.

I should get some cursed water, it seems useful.

>> No.18269846

The game is made so the player character always uses an animated PCC, but that doesn't stop you from making your own and just putting a static sprite on every frame. PCC dimensions are 128x192, four rows of four frames, each frame 32x48.

>> No.18269954

I mean you could do both Party Time quests and have a rabbit ranch or two.

>> No.18270001

which of the following affects the damage of a spell invoke?
[ ]mag stat
[ ]player relevant element res
[ ]player mag res
[ ]target relevant element res
[ ]target mag res
[ ]player weapon skill (sword, axe...)
[ ]player weapon stat (str for sword, dex for bow...)
[ ]player tactics/marksmenship skill
[ ]player per for ammo weapons and str for others
[ ](more)

>> No.18270071

>five head god greets me with breaths as I open the door in a dungeon
>this happened before and I learned my lesson, Dark Eye it until its blind and then combo status on it
>It's blind, good, now I will close on it
>as I enter the room, another five head god showers me with breaths
Godamn it.

>> No.18270097

This is why I love dimensional fishing. I get to roleplay as a CIA agent, isolating and taking down all the problem weebs with bad breath one at a time.

>> No.18270105

Weapon skill ( it's blunt for normally ranged/throwing weapons ) and enchant magnitude ( the number of ### ).
They're not affected by the "it enchances spells" attribute, but i don't know if breath invokes are affected by the "it enchances breath" attribute.
I don't know if they're affected by the magic stat, didn't cared to test since main stats i level up through herbs anyway.

>> No.18270126

if weapon stats had affected it i would have moved to guns, but since only weapon skill count i can safely try to reach 1400 darkness bolt invoke via fusion on my new balista. but i have a feeling my living one will be stronger.

what about player res? well, ill just have to check that with a statue of itzpalt and a sandbag...

>upload failed

>> No.18270133

HiroCon is having "difficulties" with the image servers.

>> No.18270140

Which is terrible, since we can't make new threads without the image server.

>> No.18270146

Honestly, it's something i wanted to do too.
A super powerful line attack, that blind ?
Oh yes.

But maybe just making a living weapon doing dark or chaos ( or both ) would be better yes.
In fact, now i want to do a rainbow living weapon using all elements.
In fact, i want to use everything at the same time.
Why can't i play twenty characters at the same time, it's not fair.

>> No.18270159

well, invoke darkness bolt got AoE over direct dmg, but only 15% proc rate
can't you just do everything and give some of it to pets?

>> No.18270226

Do pets even have luck? I can't see it on investigate, and crits is the only thing I can see it being useful on.

>> No.18270239

You can't see luck with investigate regardless. When using a christmas cake or feeding them a rabbit tail you will see their luck increase, so they definitely have it.

>> No.18270279

Damn, I had something similar happen to me.
>Open door in a dungeon
>I am erased from existence, together with the door, the walls, and even the floor

>> No.18270300

Hmm, I just noticed, because I could see my luck, that you can see your luck on your character chart when you have bonus luck(ie: Using Statue of Ehekatl).

>> No.18270311

That's only the strength of the buff you have on you. On your character sheet it's showing that you've temporarily gained 77 luck from the statue. You can use movement keys to scroll through buffs and hexes affecting you on there. Only way to actually see your luck in-game is talking to Sinaha in act 3.

>> No.18270319

But it shows "1985(777) Luck +77" which, I assumed that 1985 is my luck with the +777 bonus.

>> No.18270321

1985 are the turns remaining on the buff. It'd be really something if your luck was that high

>> No.18270333

Yeah, I was kinda happy that it was that high, but I checked some other times and it really is the time remaining, either that, or my luck is decreasing every turn.

>> No.18270427

So, I just learned something today. Don't take your undead to the sea palace. They somehow got stuck with a permanent 1h timer on them when I left. It never seems to go down. I assume this is a glitch with how ano nerfed items that have a cool down when in the palace. Hopefully it's not *really* permanant...

>> No.18270446

All right, it does wear off. But it even affects the ones in the DD cemetery key. Crazy.

>> No.18270494

Generally you'd notice it during party times if you decide that you might as well just preach to the crowd instead of perform for them. Unfortunately your own party members also convert.

>> No.18270609

For Young Lady, do I have to give her the supply of negative potions to chuck around or does she pull them out of thin air?

>> No.18270663

She pulls them out of thin air

>> No.18270720

You should have replied to the OP with those posts, as that info should go into the pastebin.

That's why it has to be mentioned in the paste.

You can eat them if raw for training.

>> No.18270764

Just wanted to say thanks to the anon that made the alternate 1.75/custom link.
Always had more trouble than normal with the Jap site for some reason.

>> No.18270899

Hey, I just finally decided to try this game, am I supposed to get the Elona+ (1.75) or Elona+ Custom (1.75.1)?

>> No.18270907

Custom is a mod of + that translates stuff and adds features. Get + and then add custom on top.

>> No.18271054

Where can I get more coffins from?

>> No.18271089

Any chance somebody doing the same how-to for Nvidia? I've been trying for past 3 hours with no progress.
But then again I literally have 0 experience aside from installing and uninstalling something, and occasionally fucking something up accidentally and then fixing it accidentally after screaming at the machine.

>> No.18271200

What that anon posted was basically a way to add a custom resolution - except doing it through using regedit.
You can do the same thing through the Nvidia control panel, or AMD radeon's settings panel. Google "Nvidia custom resolution" - they have a page with steps and screenshots on how to do it.

>> No.18271211

They're kinda rare at the start.

1) Recycle your old summons. They count as coffins.
2) Buy them from anyone who sells furnature. Rare.
3) Steal them. Palmia and the mages guild, both have some. You can also find a lot more in the south tyris refugee camp.
4) Some static dungeons have several. The pyramid north of port kepal and the crypt east of vernis both have some. As well the desert dungeon I think, in south tyris has more.
5) They can be randomly generated in dungeons.

Remember you can use scrolls of inferior material to turn them into paper for easier transport.

>> No.18271351

How does sleep sharing with non-pet NPCs work?

>> No.18271528

You probably have to get them to higher than friend rank, it should be the same otherwise

>> No.18271571

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>> No.18271672

Does anyone have that picture about how to turn a pet into your waifu?

>> No.18271779

Anon, right now, nobody has pictures.

>> No.18271784

/Elona/ on 4+4chan when?

>> No.18271804

Why does hero increase damage for gun users?

>> No.18271819

Question my dudes,

Is anyone interested in some ero-hentai-18+ tone files? They're pretty normal except for extra explicit text during sleep sharing and evochat.

Already have some basic young lady and younger cat sister files, but if people are interested I could polish them up and post em.

Also I've been translating a couple dozen item/card descriptions and dialogues for the next release. Is there anything anyone really really wants to see translated/submitted for next release?

>> No.18271840

Someone tried making one on infinity's /v/, but lets face it, that place is even more retarded than this place's /v/, and that's saying something.

Got any for the yandere sister?
Also, is it possible to add text like "You hear faltering hoofbeats" for Skeletons but replaced with "You hear bones rattling. Spooky"

>> No.18271879

They are pretty stupid, but this thread is nice and at least images work over there
I definitely am, is the younger cat sister the one you get from evolving the girl you get from the diary?

>> No.18271944
File: 253 KB, 543x543, 1994896657b2ab79347ba7afb6fd4825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18271987

>Someone tried making one on infinity's /v/,
Why not /a/? They allow /jp/ content as long as it's not 3DPD.

>> No.18272111

Why do you scale it like this? It looks horrible.

>> No.18272454

If you use interpolation the image becomes blurry, and they didn't have the same length to width ratio as portraits do so needed to be either stretched in width or have empty space added. If you can do a better job feel free to do so.

>> No.18272529
File: 42 KB, 224x112, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one?

>> No.18272539

How are you going to cut three 80x112 portraits out of that?

>> No.18272552
File: 42 KB, 240x112, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about now?

>> No.18272567
File: 42 KB, 240x112, up4290scaled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucked up the guy's hair man, let me remedy that. It's still blurry but that shouldn't matter very much in this case

>> No.18272614
File: 45 KB, 240x112, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, better than what came from my mspaint
im glad that you inharited my idea of keeping aspect ration and filling in blanks rather than simply stretching

that being said, there is a reason why i put the blonde where i did. try cutting it to 3 80x112 and you will see it too- younger sister has less pixel length so like that her portrait will cut into the little girl's.

>> No.18272634

The portraits cutting into each other is because when we use interpolation it makes pixels where there were none in order to make it look thicker/correct from far away (the ''blur''). So the back end of the blonde's hair got a line of greyish pixels added into the sister's area, due to how it was scaled. This can become a nightmare when scaling things where it is noticeable. Not using interpolation can be better for pixel art but can also make it look like shit if not in the same ratio.

>> No.18272649

dude, i use mspaint, your words are gibberish for me.
there isn't anything wrong with me shifting the blonde portrait left, is there?

>> No.18272679
File: 66 KB, 688x475, scaling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you did good. It's a setting for scaling stuff. Let me explain with a picture what happened here.

>> No.18272719

To add to that, >>18272614 (4th high pikachu) looks the best for the ports because the originals in this case were small but not THAT small, so any blurring is not really visible and actually helpful.

>> No.18272815

i am new to this game and want to play a necromancer are there any skills for necromancy or is it via the coffin only? where and how do i get the coffin?

>> No.18272883

Coffins of necromancy found east of Lumiest in the graveyard. Other than that, not much in the way of skills in terms of necromancy but the minimum crafting reqs in terms of making new coffins of necromancy.

>> No.18272888
File: 174 KB, 520x611, 1515216806261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>permadeath+pet permadeath
Plenty of Loss players but this is the first time I've actually seen someone turn on pet permadeath. You're gonna lose your damn wife. No loss player has gone without pet deaths. Hell mine are {armed} to the teeth, carry first aid kits, have barrier, are tagged, one is a defender, 800 speed from AP and they still occasionally die. It's gonna feel worse than losing your MC because you have to keep living with the regret

>> No.18272953
File: 123 KB, 437x168, what did he mean by this?.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18273316
File: 581 KB, 800x600, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never gone to the bottom of Lesimas, I usually postpone it without any reason, thinking of it like some huge difficult bother that will be a pain to go through. But no, I just breezed through it, I was surprised. Took way to long to go there, but it feels good to finish that for now.

>> No.18273324

It's generally easier just to visit the crypt and grab some coffins there, though extremely early game necromancer builds can be a pain in the ass when basically the necromancer in training has basically nothing to keep him alive.

>> No.18273401

Now get ready to get your ass split in south tyris.

>> No.18273549
File: 241 KB, 622x411, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someway or another, i ended up using omega shift core
>thinking danger has passed i let my guard down
>true to the wiki, the passive loss of hp from the transformation doesn't kill me even as i hit negatives
>my living weapon kills me

on another news, pic related's power level is roughly 400
so now its time to stock on sox. anyone knows a good source?

>> No.18273553

Does it still count as necrophilia if the dead one is fucking the living?

>> No.18273577

How would I go about updating a sprite sheet for the latest version? I was looking at the monster girl sprite sheet in particular if it helps.

>> No.18273679
File: 139 KB, 1000x480, this is why GUI is the devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late response due to hiroshima's shenanigans, but I had to resort to regedit because AMD's settings panel refused to let me make a custom resolution for 1440*808.

>> No.18273705
File: 578 KB, 694x395, Stats_LG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hasn't been without pain. I lost The Mad Scientist, Goda, (sadly not) Wing Snail (dojo'd), a few electric hounds, a gold armor, another electric cloud prior to my second one I invested a lot in, as well as an electric sheep I was careless with, but my wife in specific is a more capable combatant than I am. Rather than the standard Little Girl, she's the pre-promoted one recruited from Ol-moran in the pastebin. She's dragged my tourist ass through Tyris on her shocking quest to become an archmage and cleared through dungeons of her level effortlessly while for the longest time I struggled keeping up, and it hasn't been until relatively recently my stats have come to par with her's.

As a tanky tourist (warning: do not expose to magic) I can somewhat mitigate losses by using tag force to pull compromised comrades out of harm's way, which I've used on several occasions to pull her out of imminent danger or onto a more favorable position. I won't lie though in that I'm a bit cautious, using the tagforce screen to have an HP checkup of the entire party.

Ranches are in the middle of being converted from housing conventional boring livestock (cows, sheep) to housing lightning hounds and electric sheep, the latter having a decent breed rate and a base level of 40 for quickly elevating the level of a new recruit or to directly pull out into service as chaff, while the former remains dangerous in packs and is one of the elements I'm conveniently resistant to. I shall drown my enemies in cheap energy!

Our next major goal is looting a Xeren Electric Tank and maybe deleveling an Elec Dragon for a beefier DPS fodder.

>> No.18273711
File: 538 KB, 693x392, Stats_PC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own stats for comparison.

>> No.18273721
File: 338 KB, 797x599, the_burg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at the moment, she's pretty safe coinciding with my opening of our brand now Burger Joint! This has been what everything was leading up to since the moment I started my journey! What should we call it?

>> No.18273722

kawaii portrait desu

>> No.18273745
File: 2 KB, 78x168, Simon_the_Sorcerer_II_-_El_Leon,_el_Mago_y_el_Armario_-_Swampy_Globos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18273768

the farmer class skill says its increase chances of decapitation from 1/8 to 1/7 on weapons that have it, which implies decap has 1/8 proc rate. in the invoke page it is stated decap proc is 100% in vanilla and 44% in +, so wheres the truth?

>> No.18273776

I fear for you man, there's so many things that can instantly fuck your pet up. Cluster bomb rocks, seven head gods, death song spammers, anything with squeeze, anything with smash ground, any panic quest monsters slightly too powerful to handle...pets also sometimes don't defend themselves when offscreen. At least your PC is always in sight and hard to overlook, regular non-gene loss mode has been a breeze after the initial early game hump (and a bunch of failures).

Call the place Witch'n Fries

>> No.18273844
File: 188 KB, 480x606, 1483832229268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While friends with everyone,
>You don't have any friends worth mentioning.
>You love using violence.

>> No.18273985
File: 415 KB, 876x978, 1486388889331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried that
>Your display does not support this resolution

>> No.18274008

perhaps its about hp needed. 1/8 is the max hp for non farmers, while farmers can proc on targets even at 1/7hp.

>> No.18274483
File: 1.03 MB, 1440x808, huh huh what an mess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we the baddies?

>> No.18274522
File: 11 KB, 444x32, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuusha sama!

>> No.18274712
File: 26 KB, 343x350, poverty_god_by_oomonochromeoo-dc0dmh0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys how do I earn money? I am so fucking poor.
Also is there a chest I can get to keep things in?

>> No.18274814
File: 26 KB, 480x160, 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, Where is that?

>> No.18274975

Do a lot of quests. Raid some easy dungeons and sell everything of value in them. Eventually get a farm and/or a ranch and sell what you produce. Museums also get you a load of money but they're expensive as fuck and require that you have a lot of figurines.
As for storing things, I simply drop whatever I'm not planning on using in my home.

>> No.18274990

My house is still starter cave and it doesn't allow me to drop any more things

>> No.18275043

You can also store things in the thief pit in vernis

>> No.18275047

oohhh thanks

>> No.18275048
File: 197 KB, 300x500, face9_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't decide what Gal to use as a portrait for my prostitute pet
>just use them all and make three PCCs in one file for a roving gal squad
time to get some sweet vendor cash for easy skill training

>> No.18275102

Has anything major been added since 1.70 that I should care about?

>> No.18275327

This made me remember a dumb question I had.
Since bums can bump into and steal money, and prostitutes can bump into and sex the hell out of people, is that all disabled when they are tagged to a pet or you? Or would you get a split of the gold/be dragged along for the ride?

>> No.18275335

Irva, the land of 360 minute heroes.

>> No.18275360

Pets can still do the prostitute action, which I'm pretty sure is only accessible by prostitutes and that Princess NPC in South Tyris. They get the gold from prostituting, and use it in towns to level their potential.

>> No.18275397

I was asking if you tag yourself or another pet to a prostitute/bum pet (sharing the same space as them), can they still use those special abilities?
I was mainly wondering if a pc could get extra pocket money by tagging along for the random sexy times. Or if everytime I bumped into an npc while tagged to a bum if I would get change from the pickpocket.
Though this could all be a misunderstanding since I thought if you tagged to a pet you would get half the gold they picked up/stole.

>> No.18275446

I had a prostituted tagged with another prostitute once. One of them was still going at it while the other was dragging her away. No clue if she shared the profits, though. Never occured to me to check.

>> No.18275689

Interesting. Might have to test it out myself to see how it all functions.

>> No.18276099


>> No.18276368

Did you adjust the H.Timing display and V.Timing display parameters on the bottom half of the custom resolution window?
That's usually what causes that error is when your values there are too large for the resolution you are trying to create. I think it's a colossally stupid move on AMD's part to not restrict those values to equal your resolution value or something similar since most people won't know how to tune those properly.

>> No.18276392

I commented without reading the entire thread and didn't see your comment. See >>18276368
If it still fails I guess you should use the regedit method.

>> No.18276617

Just caught myself a Meshera Alpha. What's a good weapon for her? Or should I stick to MA since its already so high

>> No.18277058

You're right, that was my issue.
I didn't pay too much attention to all those values because I had no idea what they were and I was only interested in the resolution, I should have noticed that these values matched the resolution.
I undid my regedit changes to make sure, and this method works fine.

>> No.18277129
File: 201 KB, 570x331, bitch eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18277242
File: 37 KB, 589x397, vindale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-do I still use this?

>> No.18277335

That is like wearing a hazmat suit made of plutonium.

>> No.18277551

i thought about making one once for the lolz, but i decided to stop at ruby instead. you should change its material too. a dawn cloth, spirit cloth and ruby gives good dv bonus but it depends on which material bonus you prefer.

>> No.18277564

Use it during etherwind, it's going to give you less rads than if you went outside without one.

>> No.18277613

Can you use inferior/superior mater scrolls on vindale cloaks?
If so, you know what to do.

>> No.18277777

How did you add backstories to your pets?

>> No.18277948

Yes, I did exactly that. It was just funny that's what I found stocked by the blacksmith shopkeeper.

>> No.18278195

God damn it's been forever since I played this game, about a year even. Any major changes? Also any mods to fix the garbage character creator?

>> No.18278229

What's wrong with the character creator? Please tell me you're not the guy who thinks all the default races are too weak and only the extended races work. I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you are if that's the case.

>> No.18278241

Oh no that part I'm fine with, I'm referring to the part where you create your character's sprite and such.

>> No.18278249

>any majot changes
museum now gives you monthly platinum coins

skills are no longer softcapped at 300

you can smoke and do drugs, it train stats but gives debuffs if you go a length without taking more drugs/smokes

sense object now small medals

farming now changes by the season. for example, you can no longer get a rod of wish all year round, but the chances are higher in the right season.

some god related items to be bought from manytia, like mani alarm clock that will wake you up after 8 hours of sleep always

thats all i can tihnk off

>> No.18278254
File: 3 KB, 128x192, pcc_body_67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats wrong with it? you can just use premade pccs for your character you know

>> No.18278256

Oh, yeah that could be made better or easier. Might want to take a look at the mod pastebin for premade sprites.

>> No.18278288

>premade PCCs
That's a thing? Interesting.
That's true, but doesn't it seem like a good chunk of mods are outdated?

>> No.18278314

also, training skill potential is capped at 10 plat, blessed potential gives 200% to all attributes instead of just 20%, finished act3 dungeon, and shops are less profitable (but still lets you swim in gold)

putting singular sprites in user/graphic overwrites char.bmp

>> No.18278343
File: 44 KB, 240x112, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I ended up with yesterday.

>> No.18278356

>putting singular sprites in user/graphic overwrites char.bmp
I see, just don't use the actual spritesheets that aren't compatible then?

>> No.18278368

ecactly. you can cut sprites you like and put them in user/grahpic instead. consult the wiki for the right index if you want.

>> No.18278792
File: 1 KB, 95x46, skull rocker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of detail for a tiny space. Here's something to get somebody else started

>> No.18279129

Excellent work. How did you get the paint-like effect?

>> No.18279139
File: 24 KB, 154x70, OutputImage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I upscaled the image using HQ4X, then downscaled it to original size to get smooth edges (see pic), then I upscaled it using waifu2x with no noise filter and downscaled to desired size using bilinear (bicubic produced a sharpen-like effect I doidn't like on this picture).

>> No.18279170

They've been a thing for nearly a decade my Manuel, go grab Tieba pack and Chinese anon pack from the mod pastebin (there's others too) and pick some. https://pastebin.com/uAVqeTbz

>> No.18279185

Thanks bud, those'll come in handy later.

>> No.18279557
File: 494 KB, 1286x800, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18279656


>> No.18279815

>blunt for ranged weapons
w8 what?

>> No.18279840

If you take a ranged or throwing weapon and put it in your melee slot, it uses blunt because you're not shooting it but swinging with it

>> No.18279856

>using shurikans as blunt weapon
but ok i get it
as long as its use the ranged skill for ranged invokes im fine

>> No.18280187

I haven't played seriously since 1.6something, did they add some new fun stuff lately? Is Irva translated yet?

>> No.18280227



>> No.18280554

>training skill potential is capped at 10 plat, blessed potential gives 200% to all attributes instead of just 20%
Oh boy.

>> No.18280636

whats stronger, MA or spells?

>> No.18280934
File: 2.61 MB, 1444x913, Summary of chapter 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished chapter 2! I met my 100 hour goal this time. Also, I think the end screen is bugged, I didn't fight no Zeome down in Rehmido. Meshera was a pain to finish off as always, even with 9,000+ damage per gauge release I still couldn't reliably bring her down. In the end I surrounded her with dead-eyes dragons so she couldn't escape and just held down right. Eventually she missed a super regene. On that note, even 6 dead-eyes dragons could barely do as much damage as me in 1 hit, with me being faster. So I think I'll be retiring them for real this time. They make nice tanks and living walls, but they don't do much damage.

I died 6 times this chapter. Down from last chapter, but they were all avoidable.

Basic summary of this chapter:

I started off by going for the statue of kumiromi. Normally this is a bad idea, since the summon knights and chaos dragons will quickly overwhelm you. However, I happened upon a cheaty strategy. Cast smoke screen, read an escape scroll and then spam violent garden. You'll escape around the time the enemies reach you. Since the map doesn't reset you can repeat this strategy until it's cleared. I only died once (got greedy and held off on using the escape scroll) and had the statue within an hour.

I cleared out the cleaner infestation of each city, walling them into a corner. I also bought a new how, which I've still not decorated yet. Finally, I got another back, a hand, and 4 arms. I used drake rod, until I nabbed the solar cane. I seriously underestimated how much of a pain farming more life for slots would be. All my gear is rubynus and I have MP barrier now, but my character is really weak to damage, with 30-45% life depending on when I grab another part.

Most of the rest of my time was uneventful, I spent it leveling, farming plat, leveling, farming herbs, leveling. etc.

For the future, I'm probably not going to rush the ending of act 3. I now have access to all the endgame content, so there's no reason to. Plus speed running isn't the funnest way to play. I'll instead work towards 3 main goals while just playing normally for a while.

1) Get the rest of my equipment slots sorted out and grab the blood-rod
2) Grab a set of performaids for party quests.
3) Get artifact fusion up and running.

>> No.18281005

General consensus seems to be MA for single targets and magic for AOE.

>> No.18281083

how do you guys deal with invisible enemies?

>> No.18281110

Some gear, such as the sage's helm from Mirials and garoks workshop, can let you see invisible enemies.

Or, you can use sense object to see them, then target the tile they were on with a potion or water spell.

Area attacks such as Violent garden and giga gravitation also works, since you can still attack them even if you can't see them.

>> No.18281136
File: 61 KB, 1030x610, Please be patient I&#039;m stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on Nvidia so some things might not be the same(such as regedit, I tried searching though everything but nothing, there not even a 0001 path,only 0000).
This is what the custom resolution looks like for me after trying fuck all with it.

>> No.18281137

A guard just asked me to obtain a piece of shit form another guard. I used my vomit to trade for it
I feel dirty and used

>> No.18281141

So I just realized something. In valm the <reconciled cleaner> on the left of the map is a cleaner. The ones that should throw salt at snails, except he doesn't. He still has the boots and helm. You know who else is in Valm? Snail, the android rider. I wonder who he's stalking....

>> No.18281163

i just use bubble ball rod+duplicane. never fear the invisible again.

>> No.18281225

Is there any way to boost spook damage? That's sad if going far as a necromancer is pretty much impossible

>> No.18281243

why all the electric pets?

>> No.18281258

Well, It's not quite that bad. I also wasn't buffing them at all or using any of the other necro force tricks. They were just meat shields and cannon fodder. Also:

1) I was hitting about 3,000 per normal attack. The other mobs and even bosses were hitting for 300-800. They have no problem with most normal bosses, it's just slow. Meshera however, has super regene. Not only that, but constitution was recently buffed for the HP formula, so she has to have way higher than that 65,000 listed on the wiki. I should have check with insight lens, but it slipped my mind.

2) I had reached my anatomy+alchemy cap, but not the dungeon level cap. The dragons could have been stronger if I was focusing on those. I was also only using 6 dragons, as opposed to the full 15.

3) Necromantis. At this stage in the game you're supposed to grab that and switch to undead fusion. The 5 undead gods you should be rolling with at this point are the real damage dealers and boss killers of necromancy. Dead-eyes are just crowd control and tanks.

>> No.18281321

Sage helm from the wokshop, bought it at level 20 or so and haven't removed

>> No.18281327

>start with loss mode on pc and pets
>struggle through early game with my little girl
>missclick the bandit ambush and the girl dies
I don't feel too good

>> No.18281361
File: 112 KB, 704x582, 1506196203811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another 50 hours in 5 days

>> No.18281372

>he's beaten the act 2 boss faster than I and at a lower level
I really need to learn how to get good

>> No.18281450



>> No.18281477

>400.000 gold to revive Kali


>> No.18281479

Lucky dagger on off hand

>> No.18281872

What do you people think of overdose mode?
Will I get bullied if I start a new character on overdose?

>> No.18281935

Those digits command respect, but unfortunately I don't know. I've seen Kai do it, but Gisnel came with that backstory when I recruited her.
I love electricity. Actually, the practical reason is Gisnel spamming Lightning Bolt meant I needed to stock up on Elec. resistance to not die due to friendly fire, and the decision to make my pets electric resistant so they won't die to friendly fire, and after a while I just rolled with it as my gimmick. Unlike ice or fire, it doesn't risk destroying gear, and in wet places we do extra damage! Shocking.

Electric monsters also come in convenient tiers of power level for each major epoch of the game:
>T1: Electric Clouds and Lightning Hounds
>T2: Electric Sheep and Elec Dragons
>T3: Electric Hippo and Xeren Electric Tanks
I'm at T2 right now, with Two Elec Dragons, an evolved Electric Cloud, and effectively unlimited Electric Sheep from ranches. Once I get an Electric Tank I'm thinking about taking on Ultima. I also managed to catch an Angry Burger and bred it in the ranch for two Angry Burgers.

>> No.18281942

What's the point in playing a gmae balanced around grinding if you don't want to grind? You could just play another game more suited to your taste.

>> No.18281951

Just play what you want. I'm currently on an overdose run myself. Just managed get a rank 1 palace, invite itzpalt, and get the last reward in november 517. I wonder if that's possible in regular mode without extra races.

>> No.18281956

I don't know, there are ways to complete specific challenges with minimal grinding if you know what you're doing. Like how it used to be you could 1HKO Yerleswood with the Panzerfaust X right on the patch it was released, until it was nerfed to uselessness.

>> No.18282065

The deep-sea castle lets you roll for backstory for you and pets. Talk to the princess.

>> No.18282069

One thing you can check out is a program called Custom Resolution Utility (I'm not sure if it's still being updated) by a dude named ToastyX which makes adding custom resolutions very easy.

Your problem is likely being caused by the timing settings. The values you have there are standard for 1920x1080 running 60/120 Hz and might not work for 1440x808. Since this is a non-standard resolution you might be hard pressed to find a reference for values that will work - you kind of have to just play around with it (I suggest lowering them). Also in most configurations one of the two should have a negative polarity and the other should be positive.
This whole timing mess is more confusing than it needs to be - and trying to find some comprehensive resources on it is difficult, for some reason. I even came across some documents that said "the only standard is there is no standard". Your best bet is probably to check out Custom Resolution Utility.

>> No.18282085

My character attributes all turned into hopeless or bad, what do? I've started playing couple days ago :/

>> No.18282124

Those are potentials, which act as a multiplier for stat experience gain. It says so on top. Skills have them too. You can increase stat potentials among other ways with breakfast, potential potions, herbs and certain visiting NPCs. You want a pet at high relationship status and to go to bed from 8-10pm, and invest in a magic store for potential potions (best way). Skill potentials can be increased at the trainer for platinum.

>> No.18282160

Going to sleep at 8-10pm is actually important ? This fucking game man...

>> No.18282167

Only for as long as you want your pet to cook you breakfast. Once you get a steady supply of potential potions you don't need it.

>> No.18282197

>your pet to cook you breakfast
The only thing my pet does is eating rotten meat from ground and getting poisoned.
How do I make my pet do it?

>> No.18282211

Read the wiki. Give them the cooking skill through gene engineering, they don't need to have food on them to cook a meal for you in the morning. As long as you wake up before 11AM they will cook for you if they have a high enough relationship with you

>> No.18282263

ok going to read and check it out

>> No.18282381

As far as I've noticed it's 9 am for me. Any time I wake up after 9 am = no breakfast.
It's actually pretty annoying because sometimes you'll randomly sleep for like 12 hours or something for no reason and just miss it. I might make my next wish that new alarm clock item...

>> No.18282410

I finally decided to play loss mode for the first time and I can't figure out why it ended so quickly.

I was crossing those bridge tiles on my way to Lumiest in the overworld when suddenly a fire tile appeared underneath me. On the overworld map. I took half a dozen instances of burn damage and died instantly at the ripe age of level 2.
Wtf happened? I have NEVER seen a fire appear on a world map tile...

>> No.18282441

Read the wiki page for sleep
>if you wake up in the morning between dawn and noon
I've definitely had it activate after 9AM

>> No.18282491

I know what the Wiki page says. But I've never had breakfast occur after 9 am.

>> No.18282526

We are at an impasse then. I'll be sure to take a screenshot next time it happens for me

>> No.18282564
File: 123 KB, 1425x643, breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I would love to see it. I have a feeling there might be a random element in there in the code or something, causing people to have different experiences.
I know it's not just me because I've seen 4 am - 9 am referenced by others multiple times when people ask about why they aren't getting breakfast.

>> No.18282576

From version 1.23 changelog:
>If you wake up from 4-9am and have a pet at Fellow impress or higher, then a breakfast event may occur


You probably mixed it up with the handmade gift event, which can occur anytime.

>> No.18282602

That makes more sense I suppose. Oh well.

>> No.18282605

Does anybody knows if using cursed tools (like the gem cutter) affect anything on the outcome on your recipes?

>> No.18282609

Thanks for digging that up. This was especially confusing to me when I was new because I never got breakfast after 9 am and just about every page on the wiki that referenced breakfast said noon (including the cooking page, ally page, potential page, and some others)

>> No.18282773

>breeding angry burgers on a ranch
This is my goal now, no matter how badly they breed.
Because the thought of opening a burger joint where the burgers are made by slaughtering hamburger spirits is too amazing to pass up.

>> No.18282878
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Odd, Murder Knight didn't want to join. It's his funeral. Literally.

>> No.18282917

That happened to me too. Is it related to that sunrise dragon that keeps pestering about joining?

>> No.18282969
File: 102 KB, 1300x866, im dumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody please explain to me how to dmg in weapons work? this is my first roguelike and im lost

>> No.18283004

What do you not understand about it?

>> No.18283025

The dice rolls on the left work like rolling dice. The +# is added to that. For instance 2d5 + 11 means 2 dice with 5 sides + 11. So between 2 and 10 damage with an average of 6 damage. Then you add the + 11, so between 13 and 21 damage with an average of 17 damage. Next you see a x1.2 or something. That straight up multiplies your damage. So x999 means you deal 999 times the result from before.

Defense is slightly more complicated, but you get the % reduction before the dice roll. With a bunch of hidden details.

>> No.18283075

Happened with me but with Goddamn, met the man twice, neither time he wanted to squad up

>> No.18283085

Sorry, Goda, I'm just a dumb phoneposter

>> No.18283318
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>> No.18283812
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Crabo the stabo

>> No.18284551

Can you switch a character from loss to essential or I have to start over?

>> No.18284581

What's wrong with zebras?

>> No.18284588

Would you trust a striped horse? I definitely wouldn't

>> No.18284592

zebras are donkeys that pretend to be horses.

>> No.18284600

Were your parties full?

You can only start over. Don't play masochist mode if you don't know what you're getting into. I recommend playing through act 1+2 at least once before trying loss.

>> No.18284616

you have to start over
you can try using a gene to keep some items and maybe even a pet.

>> No.18284699

I beat act2 numerous times and also beat ADOM as ultimate god, but I found out that I don't enjoy permadeath in Elona

>> No.18284732

Is the first little girl unique? Or I can just buy a new one in derphy?

>> No.18284747

Perfectly valid opinion, there is far more to lose than with the average RL considering the many world-sim/sandbox elements (building a house, in-depth pet system, marriage) and playthrough length being extremely long if not endless. I beat Nethack but wouldn't play Rune Factory in permadeath.

>> No.18284783

>wouldn't play Rune Factory in permadeath
i get what you are trying to say but being killed in RF is far rarer than getting killed in elona.

>> No.18284789

Alright, decided to use one tobacco pipe one time to see what they do and now my character gets distracted every other turn for 200 turns. How to fix this?

>> No.18284794

which version are you using?

>> No.18284868


>> No.18284886

if thats the case than don't worry, the debuffs will stop eventually.
you can try using a smoke again just to see what % is your dependancy now to get an idea of how long before it will completly go away.

>> No.18284891

OK, thanks!

>> No.18284902

question: do stats train faster while with the distracted debuff? i know that equiping items that lower skills help train those faster, but what about attributes hampered by temporary effects?

>> No.18285309

>i know that equiping items that lower skills help train those faster
Does that mean that you should take off the +performer hat when leveling up performer skill?

>> No.18285319

As far as I'm aware they never train faster per se, even with the equips. It'll always take the same actions/xp. What the equips do is proc certain rare skills more often, or otherwise nerf skills that are too successful for what you're trying to do. Control magic only trains when it fails, for example.

>> No.18285343

.. Except for performer and other things with ratings like cooking. You'll want a higher rating for these for more exp. So equip more performer boosting gear.

Ensemble gives a small experience debuff, but the huge performance rating might be enough to overcome it. It'l increase fast enough either way.

Here's the old exp spreadsheet with more info, it's a bit old though:

Looks like control magic still trains a bit even when it works, it just is slower.

>> No.18285366


>> No.18285577

is there a way to get to lost irva not trough ancient garden?

>> No.18285598

Get a little further in the act and Norne lets you go back and forth from Larna and the shrine south of the Cradle

>> No.18285676
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is it possible to marry more than one character at a time? i think it's only fair that my goose gets to be married to me if she's going to help my girlfriend and wife cook after a long night of lewd

>> No.18285693

Yes, you can get married to multiple characters at the same time. Logically the limit would be the max number of pets, 15.

>> No.18285730

right, i wasn't going to if it removed the first marriage or severely harmed the relationship. cheers anon

>> No.18285856
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What the fuck is magic equip?

>> No.18285883

enhances your spells.

>> No.18285884

Unrelated to the magic equip skill, is actually ''it enhances your magic'' (spellpower increase) as can be found on staves. Should probably be renamed

>> No.18286041
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I wish

>> No.18286054

That's what I was hoping for.
I see, thanks for the help!

>> No.18286131

i just realized that all final god form's weapon weights 376.5s, has pierce of 65% with max dmg of 400, has -460 hit and +32 dmg, raise associated god stat by 691 and brings an end.

>> No.18286175
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How the hell I make an ally be ranged only? I tried messing with the ai thing but it just kept going into melee range. Anyone knows how to do this?

>> No.18286258

Damn, don't mess with crabbo

Also, looks like you could pretty much have anything as a viable pet in this game

>> No.18286263

As many as you want if you're thinking about an army of them.
They aren't particularly unique in any part except sentimental value

>> No.18286272

Check if Custom AI is activated.

>> No.18286285

which is why your first pet should be a dog, since it has swimming that can be gened into something else.

>> No.18286307

Yeah, but LGs are 1500~ a pop
Its cheap when you can afford it, but until then, you'll be training something you don't even need

>> No.18286330

you can just tell the dog to wait in town, or even in the dojo (first deposit is free) and train a little girl. 1500 is cheap even at early game.

>> No.18286353
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I don't think so

>> No.18286389

Well that was easy, just toggle it then.

>> No.18286417

thanks for helping me out with my mental handicap

>> No.18286439
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>Want to be a holy paladin with a shield, heavy armor, and all the buff/heal magics
>Get crippling spell casting penalties

>> No.18286477

take warmage class

at least you aren't riding a white horse

>> No.18286510

use two handed claymores/warhammers instead. 2-handed is how i picture paladins usually.

>> No.18286541

followed the set up for the chat and i "internet connection required", fixed that and now i can type by pressing tab, but no one answers. what is the chatviewer even good for?
Also eating raw equipment f.e. mica talisman(+5magic) didnt give +5 magic why? i am new sorry

>> No.18286576

>mica talisman

eating simply train the relevant stat, not immediatly buff it by the fixed amount. your talisman gave you magic exp, but just not enough to raise magic by 5 points.

>> No.18286598

*magic talisman raw. my bad.
so stats also have xp like that? So before guzzling on my engagement rings and such i should eat a special dish for the stat boost?

>> No.18286606

so stats have xp like skills but in background?
Should i eat a special meal for training boost before guzzling on all the engagement rings and such?
Also how do I increase the potential of my stats i started as a lich had superb magic will and learning and now learning is at bad even though i read all the books i get

>> No.18286610

nah, after eating special dish you will be too full to eat the rings. you will get hungry twice before the boost run out, so save your bronze for when you have herbed food, or do the old trick of yowyn harvest+dish.

>> No.18286619

dude, at least learn how to ctrl+f

>> No.18286634

So being tired and not sleeping at appropriate times ruined the potential of my learning?

>> No.18286667

i dont mind sharing my experiance by this is already beyond spoonfeeding
read the wiki about stat potential and how to train them

sleeping time makes no differeance if you have no pet with cooking
being tired is completly unrelated
anything else, check the wiki

>> No.18287006

No, training the skill did. Potential is a mechanic which is designed to prevent grinding. How it works is as you use the skill more and more, your potential gets worn down. This essentially means you'll level slower and it's generally a good idea to get it back up to a decent level before continuing the grind. You'll find that a lot of the things you do will increase potential, like sleeping or eating. Herbed food, potions of potential and a few other methods help as well.

>> No.18287374

thank you very much

>> No.18287422

You can have more that 15 pets. Just buy an old discarded ranch.

>> No.18287488


the evo snail would make a good pet 75% damage reduction as metal slug.

>> No.18287508

Still annoyed putit tank doesn't get similar treatment on evolution. Though I am sure you could elosnack it in somehow.

>> No.18287607

Should be noted that the ranch is very useful for when you need to store livestock and "mobilize" an entire squad of companions.

>> No.18287614

How do I make my pets more subservient/free-willed?
I'm not planning on making them free-willed.

>> No.18287619

You don't even need to do that, you can just drop by the doujou. But as far as the game is concerned, they don't count as pets after being dropped off there.

>> No.18287642

Spank them.
Like a lot.

>> No.18287711

I see! Thank you.

>> No.18288297

Found an altar in a dungeon tried to get a god. "You do not have a god". Is this because of a feat i have or what?

>> No.18288311

It could be it was unaligned.

>> No.18288358

Some proceduraly generated altars are unclaimed by any gods and you can claim them for your god and it gives extra favor, since you don't have a god you need to get one, the truce grounds is the easiest place with an altar for every god there.

>> No.18288420

For subservience every time you feed your pet, walk onto their tile a bunch of times to displace them while they are in the middle of eating.
I'm not sure if the "Don't pick up food off the ground" option has to be enabled for this to work (I've always kept it enabled).

>> No.18288745

Does anyone here exclusively use potions of potential to raise their potential? Feeling like farming herbs is pretty inefficient, and with 8 magic vendors in a house it seems like it might be viable.

>> No.18288818

Don't herbs actively raise stats too though? When I eat herbed herbs I get rank ups in strength, dex, learning, etc while potions of potential only raise potential

>> No.18288851

My problem is I'm trying to get 2000 charisma through investing right now so I can get enough music tickets for 1000 life without wanting to kill myself but I'm being bottlenecked with potential. I can drink infinite potential potions while investing but I can't eat infinite herbs. Even if I could getting enough herbs for the scope of what I'm trying to do will takes ages.

>> No.18288864

That's very "elona".

The first little girl is unique in that she has lower stats (and therefore INI) than those bought from the slave master.

You probably can't use a gene to switch between modes.

Yes, higher skill (including buffs) = less exp gained. Caps at level 300.

The chat server isn't working right now. The chat viewer doesn't work with it either.

Herbs also raise potential a bit.

>> No.18289618

i do, simply because i don't have that many farms.

black market vendors sell kiseru which trains charisma.

i checked. you can use a gen to create a char in a different mode than the orignal char was.
>caps at level 300
wasn't that fixed in latest patches?

>> No.18289654

Only the real stat counts for the xp formula, not modified values. You can test this with sickness, or any of the 4th rank god gifts. Otherwise, you could cap attributes extremely fast.

How much does ini affect AP gained anyways? It seems like it would only affect the first 1000 AP or so wouldn't it? Nice, but not worth the time people spend worrying about it.

>> No.18289793
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which vacations is he talking about?

>> No.18289808

That's Arasiel's text. Ano frequently copy's English dialog from other sources as a place holder. I assume it means Lulwy goes to the oasis from time to time when she is bored. I've never seen it actually happen in game though, probably just world building info.

>> No.18289818

Now that anorexia is not a status effect anymore, how do you know when you're not anorexic ?
No because checking it by eating something is nice and all, but it'd mean one more sleep needed due to vomiting...

>> No.18289841

Well that explains why he always seemed somewhat queer.

>> No.18289873

He might be thinking through the logic that some modes didn't let you make a gene in the first place.

>> No.18289909
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>> No.18289985
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>> No.18290043
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>> No.18290637

you do realize this is only an april fools joke right? the game got tons of those. all available in april. make sure you visit different towns to read the whole bunch before may comes around.

>> No.18290673
File: 796 KB, 804x697, way to go me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that makes sense
That's why they were also telling me to cook with api nuts
You can't cook with api nuts, I was so confused.
I was just about to ask why they'd say such things too
and why they'd tell me that I'd find sexy singles in the wilderness if I threw a lot of chestnuts
When previously they told me not to do such a thing

Good shit. Gotta appreciate the attention to detail

Also, finished Act 1, about time too.
Didn't want to get to the bottom before getting Innocent Gwen, who then I instantly Doujou'd.
Also, is it ever explained why you keep seeing these events about the elves and whatnot if your character is too busy exploring Lesimas and trying to see what is at the bottom?

>> No.18290698
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Took me 5 years too
But at least I have Jure and Yacatect in my house

>> No.18290800

>Also, is it ever explained why you keep seeing these events about the elves and whatnot if your character is too busy exploring Lesimas and trying to see what is at the bottom?
It's because Elona is a story where the main conflict is actually not the one that the player character participates in (effectively none of your actions have any effect on the main story).

This is actually a lot clearer if you take the "world map" into consideration, because most of what goes on is caused by something across the ocean, and many of the warring kingdoms aren't actually based in Tyris, but rather in the neighbouring lands, some of them across the sea. Effectively the Elea/Zanan conflict is just the "largest" because of the Etherwind's prominence, but there are many other skirmishes and wars going on.

As you get into act 2 the world expands a little, but a large quantity of the original lore was in Japanese, and a lot more of that was "lost" and never really made it into the game proper. There was a Japanese wiki that basically detailed all of the lore, terminology and such - but many of the things in there weren't nested into the game proper.

>> No.18290819

To add onto this further, the conflict involving Lesimas is of an entirely different nature than the one between the Elea/Zanan war. As you go into Act 2 you'll start to see why that is, but there are several key books which basically drop hints as to the nature of the Irva continent, which is in itself a major disaster waiting to happen. You'd have to sort of go out of your way or get lucky with drops to find them in a timely manner though, and I don't remember if the English translation of the game fully translated the book texts. Elona Custom should have?

>> No.18291134

>the nature of the Irva continent, which is in itself a major disaster waiting to happen
care to elaborate?

>> No.18291143
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Okay, but why even tell you any of that?
It doesn't seem to effect your world in the slightest
The elves are still going to parties
Vanity man is still drinking himself in the graveyard
Hell, the only real change is the death of King Xabi as told in the story.

If anything, we should have had more stories on the side quests like the suicide bombing mission and the attack on Palmia from the guy in Yowyn mission. Who was muderer mask and the other boss assassins in Lesimas and why did they want to stop you? Who the fuck was Zeome and how did he end up like he did, in the bottom of some reverse tower forced to guard a book while a guy who can laugh really creepily keeps laughing at him? Hell, even a story event relating to what kind of snuff film action happened to Gwen to fuck her up that badly and raise her level along with her gaining that new ability of gaining levels every fucking hour while standing beside a well.

As good as the mechanics in the game are, most of which I can only assume is credited to the mod team rather than Noa who dropped it, the story in the first act is hot garbage, and I assume Ano didn't want to touch that since he wanted to keep the image of the original game, since I assume he was big enough of a fan to improve it to the way it currently is.

The way the story is even presented is hot garbage. Why even tell the player these events? Why tell the player "See all this cool shit happening elsewhere, no you're not allowed to be a part of it". Why the fuck do people never mention the story in any of the fucking reviews about the game? It'd get a plain 0 if they ever did point it out

>> No.18291177

well its not completly unrelated. for example, after seeing a scene where melugas are attacked by demons and relaease the neoyerleswood to fight back, you will start seeing this neo yerlees wood when visiting melugas. after killing the murderer mask you will find her in that fricking graveyard in lost irva where she will comment on how happy she is to get to meat her parents so she could kill them again. etc.

>> No.18291208

That's Elona plus, the main game by Noa has shit for story.

>> No.18291227

well, palmia did send their agents to investigate lesimas, so that explains the assassins in there- you got involved in something big. it has many details hiding, but first act wasn't meant to be a complete game

>> No.18291241
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>Why even tell the player?
I can't speak for the author, but I can opine over its practical use: To bring across the fact that you're not the main character, and there are big events happening that you're not really part of because you're just some nobody doing as you please. It's giving the player something to ignore, a trick essentially making the world feel more alive because you get the idea that things are happening with or without you.

>Who the fuck was Zeome
It's actually explained who Zeome was in-game (pre-E+).
>reviews of the game
haha what? fuck outta here

>> No.18291289
File: 41 KB, 546x451, 20915229_151374202110267_6695708349633346557_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things are happening with or without you
It really doesn't drive home the point when you can just keep farming stardust at parties even when Lomias and Larnierre are an ocean away.

Maybe I expected a more in-depth explanation for the characters and their motivations. My fault really. Zeome is just some fucking sorcerer guarding a book, and people seem to know about him being a powerful sorcerer because gameplay.

And give the review some cred, I only heard about the game because Sseth made a review about it.

>> No.18291372

It's mentioned Zeome is the cousin of King Zasim, you are told about him by Karam, and you can learn about his motivations in the card description and from Orphe. Vanilla didn't even have the cutscenes working in the English version. Seriously though you are complaining about the story of a barely-translated unfinished obscure freeware sandbox game abandoned in 2007 and unironically talking about game reviews in the same breath
So that's where you came from. I thought it was just a joke that refuse was being sent our way but here we are

>> No.18291577

Hey man, just some critique, don't be such an asshat

>> No.18291640

>card description
wait what?

>> No.18291652
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>> No.18291657

>there are big events happening that you're not really part of because you're just some nobody doing as you please.
Oh sure, the insane fuck with three heads, six arms, and at least two backs murdering a god and the god inside that god in the middle of broad daylight isn't noteworthy in the slightest. What's that? Some fuckboi prince is giving a speech? Stop the presses!

>> No.18291668

>Hell, even a story event relating to what kind of snuff film action happened to Gwen to fuck her up that badly and raise her level along with her gaining that new ability of gaining levels every fucking hour while standing beside a well.
Gwen is based on a character from Guild Wars or something, so the reason lies there.

>> No.18291691

Not even ADOM with its multiple endings and decades of development has reactions in the world for the player doing crazy shit like creating a wish engine out of rings and genies to become God. And that huge game has much less world building than Elona did in its unfinished state.

>> No.18291810
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>> No.18291880

The mechanics you mentioned are copied mostly from ADOM, which the base game was a fan-game of and Noa recreated in his own Michael Moorcock-esque world (Etherwind series) in a collaboration with other writers (most wasn't even implemented, let alone translated).

Your comments on the vanilla story seems to come down to:
1) The world isn't affected much by story events.
2) It's bad because the player isn't involved.
The first is correct, and we'll never know how that'd pan out since the game simply wasn't finished (you can see remnants of how it was supposed to turn out in E+ act 2+3 where loose ends are tied up, world events are visible such as the refugee camp, the player is more prominent and killing certain NPCs permanently affects their fate). The second point serves a purpose to be able to make a true sandbox game that still somehow has a detailed story. Most roguelikes limit themselves to FIND THE ORB OF ZOT to devote 100% of devtime to gameplay & features.

>> No.18291907

Pretty much yes.
The world is big with countless adventurers that claim to be the strongest. And even if you defeating a god is the issue for you, just write it off as being a physical manifestation. Because after all, you kill it, but people still keep worshipping them and you can summon them again.

>> No.18292139
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I tell you, it's one big Elean conspiracy. Saimore is the true hero, burning down the jewi... I mean Elean forest and de-centralizing the etherwind monopoly. The only good Elean is a dead Elean, and even then dead is pushing it since someone has to clean up that mess

>> No.18292170

What does this "blue capsule" do? I'm not touching it until I know.

>> No.18292203

Get 3, wait till december, go to Noyel, and then give to <Kaneda Bike> to have it join you

>> No.18292257

worst 2nd season ever

>> No.18292279
File: 265 KB, 734x950, 39 - VBLurkJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoulda seen it coming with the change in staff. New writer was a cunt that didn't even like the first season. At least season 1 ended on a fairly good note. At least the Charoiceposting threads were fun

>> No.18292324

what, there was a meme on /a/ related to that faggot?
well, first season was shounen adventure, second was a shojo reverse haram... do you think next we gonna get josei drama or seinen isekai?
we will probably get cooking...

>> No.18292339
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I hope they just let it die.
It had a good run.

...well at least the first season was a good run
And yeah, every thread for the first few episodes were boiling down to humans vs demons, with Charoiceposting about his PERFECT strategy of dealing with his enemies.

>> No.18292655

whats the max weapon weight for crits, and how much bonus do you get for crit chance and dmg from that weight?

>> No.18292949

If anything Zanan are the Jews, actually starting a conspiracy in order to cover up the spread of Meshera by blaming the Elea, and hiding the real cause of the Etherwind. The whole previous civilization, Rehmido, was ended this way by a tribe of undesirables profiting off ether, and the commonly known story the average person in-game believes is a lie (that's why the antagonists want the Origin of Vice). I'm not sure if Zanan's ancestors are actually the Utazu (sp) that jewed a whole world to death. In any case Saimore is a big nihilistic baby


>> No.18292985

HE was joking.
YOU went full /pol/.

>> No.18293003

I have it on good authority Lomias is actually the fuhrer of /pol/.

>> No.18293626
File: 10 KB, 866x18, allmymoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate poor people

>> No.18293640

You got scammed, gypsies always pull tricks like this.

>> No.18293668
File: 49 KB, 384x448, 1516202589794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He saved a single gold piece...?

>> No.18293715

In one of the books (I believe it's the same book that details the Nefia Syndrome), Irva and the Disastrophism is properly linked together. Basically the gist of it is that while the "surface" of Irva appears to be somewhat intact in terms of landmass, the underground layer is routinely rearranging itself like some sort of giant machine - and there are things within this machine that periodically get released to the surface because of this rearrangement, in addition to crazy tectonic activity that occurs as a result.

Later in Act 2 you visit some of the places that were devastated because of sudden appearances by "special monsters" - some of these are Chaos influenced. some of them are due to human interference, but others appear to just be Irva being Irva and releasing civilization destroyers. The whole disastrophism thing is just a roulette waiting to happen, and unlike the infection, the Etherwind does not recognize this as a bad thing that needs to be purged.

In the long run, with Nefia syndrome being what it is, the population of Irva is doomed anyways, because even as the book details - the people are drawn to the ruins of Nefia, and not even government action can stop them.

People are basically drawn to the crazy.

>> No.18293740

You realize this is a world where not even a god killer that can stop the six gods which started the 11th Age (and presumably will cause the downfall leading into the 12th Age) is recognized right?

The recurring problem with the people of Irva is that they're so short sighted that they routinely destroy everything that's helping them, and ignore everything that's potentially destroying them. Zanan and the Etherwind is a perfect example of this, but even the Juere/Yerles war, the Meshera and whatnot.

Irva's people are some of the most ignorant idiots around.

>> No.18293760

Some survive, there have been numerous survivors even from the cataclysmic eras. Such survivors ''rebuilt civilization'' in Eyth Terre

>> No.18293765

The thing is that you didn't permanently beat the god, so it doesn't really matter. And the gods are worshipped not just because they are strong, but because they give benefits to its prayers.

Also, god in that game, is the japanese sense of the word god, which would actually translate to deity. In Elona, there are many deities, and according to the story, many deities die, and new ones born, so you beating a single god isn't that much.

>> No.18293779

Well the Ages are confirmed up to the 14th Age I think, and the next Golden Age wasn't supposed to be until...the 13th? 12th or 13th I don't remember. So technically this is supposed to be a shitfest by design lol.

What I really want to know is why Saimore is petitioning against the forest when there's degeneracy like people breeding with the GREAT RACE OF YITH around.

>> No.18293786

This makes me think how much of the game is canon lore-wise, and how much is game mechanics to not completely fuck up a run. For example, I imagine that stuff like gene machine is canon, but I don't think that people in cities respawn after dying is canon.

I mean, is stardust canon? Does it recognize that multiple people can have the same unique item, but the same person can't own 2? Killing the same person in party time quests, really doesn't make the actual person mad at you?

>> No.18293811

"Canon" in a roguelike is generally left at like 20% of the game, considering a lot of roguelikes have a skeleton of a story and barely any worldbuilding (because it relies on the player to create their own story and invest themselves).

If you consider unique items as basically "Weapons that are famous" then realistically, it could be canon that one guy went and made a fancy magic weapon and decided to pay homage to somebody else by copying the same name lol.

As far as elona+ goes the gene machine is canon (and to some extent based on lore notes it should be in Elona as well) - genetic experimentation and human manipulation is one of the big things that Zanan and some other countries promote, to the extent of invading other nations to subjugate them and get more test subjects.

>> No.18293822

''I'm an albino midget just tryin to do good, but some townspeople killed an orphan I was taking care of so it is time to kill my handsome brother and destroy the ENTIRE WORLD'' - Soymore

>> No.18293827

*well technically Elishe was caught in rubble during a fire and they just didn't try to help her

>> No.18293836

The thing I find hilarious about idiot prince is that he went into it knowing that he was wrecking shit and purposely "trying to leave a scar", but then afterwards he has the whole "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WOULD GET THIS BAD PLS GAIZ" reaction.

>> No.18293883

Yeah, I was thinking more about the game mechanics. I imagine that people only being able to move through grids is not canon, but is the power level of the creatures canon? My opinion is that some are, and some aren't, otherwise South Tyris is on a complete new level compared to North Tyris.

>> No.18293913

Power levels are to an extent, even the in game dialogue hints at South Tyris being so dangerous that they can only hope to keep things in check. The place was intended to be basically a deathland of sorts, granted, a lot of the bad shit that pops up occur in other places as well. I don't remember but guys like Roatanis, Inqtual and Lazasye come to mind.

It's really the Void where things get fuzzy, since the Void really doesn't have much lore surrounding it.

>> No.18293942

Where do you think we are?

>> No.18294116

How do I get higher leveled monser balls?
I read about carpentry and about shop after First Act, but is there any faster way? Highest one I got was lvl 11 I think.
Is investing in vendor that sells them from time to time, going to rise monster ball level?

>> No.18294160

Yes, investing is the best way to go since you'll soon find yourself tackling Lv 100 dungeons at level 60 or so if you play your cards right. So even crafting them is meaningless since you can't craft them about 10 levels over your own.

>> No.18294331

I understand that South Tyris is not as tamed as North Tyris, but I don't think it's supposed to be that much dangerous, I mean, there a bunch of cities and low leveled citizens.

>> No.18294352

To me, a guard makes a good baseline as to what your average human soldier or city defender is expected to be capable to do in the world of Elona. Many monsters in Elona are no match for a guard and a guard can clear a dungeon on their own if they don't act like a complete idiot, but once you start getting to the level of dragons and angry burgers they find themselves outmatched. A step up from the guard is the Yerles Latest Outfit Soldier, meant to be the best your average muggle can do when he has technology on his side to allow him to do his job easier, and can be said to be more or less equivalent to a modern 1st world nation's infantry in real life. After you get beyond that you start reaching superhuman territory.

>> No.18294419


why they were working on building combat cyborgs robots and smart tanks.

Most of the super humans are half monster and shit or live in the ass end of no were.

>> No.18294510

I'm pretty sure that Yerles Latest Outfit Soldier is much stronger than a nowadays infantry soldier. If you consider that Ebon is not much stronger than a YLOS, and you would need a small army to take down Ebon in real life, the differences really show up, I would consider that YLOS is as effective as a warplane equipped with missiles and guns.

You say superhuman territory, but the average guard on elona is already on that level. I don't think even the strongest human could beat a Gi-ant with its bare fists, especially when it spits acid that melts steel on you. Even armed, I don't think bullets are going to do much against an Ant that is 4 meters tall before it steps on you.

>> No.18294539

It's for war, it's like telling the war industry that they don't need to make better weapons. Also, who knows when someone is going to cause a ragnarok? They want to be ready for that as well.

>> No.18294568

Wouldn't shopkeepers be up there as peak humans if we compare elona vs real world? Most seem to hold their own even when faced with the occasional monster spawn.

>> No.18294603

It's not so much guards are superpowered but various monsters in Elona are much weaker than you would otherwise expect them to be, or rather, level isn't the best way to gauge relative strength. In the Gi-Ant example, a guard is not guaranteed to take out a Gi-Ant one on one before it melts them due to the formers' high evasion, and it makes sense for a Gi-Ant to be somewhat frail because its legs are in essence stilts fighting to support its own body. Hard to hit, but if they are struck it leads to the ant catastrophically failing like a building with its supports broken. Bears in Elona are certainly not as strong as their real-life equivalents as random citizens can 1v1 a grizzly and they're only really dangerous in large numbers.

>> No.18294650

They are magical ants. In real life, an ant that big would just explode.

>> No.18294829

The new site for the forum is down?

>> No.18295133

With proper investing and well into act 2, it's not uncommon to find monster balls at the level 100+ range, and generally speaking, if you're going the monster ball route it's sort of better to wait for act 2, because the overall monster variation by then is better

>> No.18295143

It's a bit awkward, because if you're going by Elona lore, South Tyris was basically a battleground between the Juere and the Yerles (it...was the Yerles as far as I remember) and basically the land was so wrecked from constant warfare that the few cities set up are basically like oasis patches.

But if you go by Elona+ lore, South Tyris is basically the heart of the Meshera infection, and also the central hub for all sorts of Meshera based experimentation, for which about 80% of what we have to go by suggests failed on all accounts - releasing a vast number of mutants when the scientists decided that morality was for losers and didn't think of introducing any safety protocols.

>> No.18295172
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In that case, what are some good monsters worth balling?
I'm guessing things like Xeren Electric tanks and Ride Clerics for the ranged blasts and high speed ratings?

>> No.18295235

If you're going for "catch and forget" builds, basically the trainer build that doesn't stress building up pets from day 1 and looks to utilize them right off the bat, then ideally, once you get into act 2 you want a Xeren Electric Tank. The Yerles combat plane isn't a bad alternative (it's a little bit slower but more accessible because of the lower level and the ability to evolve eventually)

If you're looking for EXTREME speed, you'll come across satellite units which are basically super bells.

>> No.18295327

But I heard riding Sattlelite units incurred a major speed nerf

>> No.18295434
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>you can't craft them about 10 levels over your own

>> No.18295461

Huh, maybe my crafting skills are what's lacking then. Couldn't craft past 60 when I was 49 even in level 80 dungeon. And can't craft past 70 at level 57.

>> No.18295491
File: 153 KB, 665x449, BEES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just found the Pain's jacket.

>> No.18295545

speaking on monster captures, what level should a dungoen be if im searching for a monster of level X?

>> No.18295547

You don't need to ride them. Generally you'd have a separate riding pet, then use the Satellite Units as backup sweepers, just like how bells are used for other trainer builds.

>> No.18295763

X-5 through X+10. I'd recommend X through X+5 for best results, if you can manage it.

They'll show up outside that, but it is much rarer. Lower level monsters are more likely to show up in a higher level dungeon than the opposite.

>> No.18295793

thanks, this info will come handy to fulfill arazial-sama quests.

>> No.18295828

Well, keep in mind most of that isn't an exact science. I've just gotten good results using that pattern for myself.

>> No.18296129

nah man. as soon as i enetered a lvl 166 dung i encountered a king in yellow, captured it and sent it to araziel sama. really nice advice.

>> No.18296371

Let's revisit the 24-hand mutant build. In the new version you can get living weapons that boost skill at +10 per level. In other words, you can get +90 per weapon before bloodsucking. This is +2160 to a single skill. Since the only viable way to make a 24-hand mutant is via gene inheriting, you might as well craft the weapons with your old and powerful character.

Magic Device damage stacks solely with weapon damage. So with a bunch of living weapons you can have endgame-level DPS even at very low levels. Probably it's slightly less than 2160 because you'll want spellcasting-enhancing equipment.

>> No.18296376

>Magic Device damage stacks solely with weapon damage
I meant Rod damage stacks solely with Magic Device levels.

>> No.18296407

spellcasting enhance affects rods?

>> No.18296430


>> No.18296443

what about potions and scrolls?

>> No.18296472

probably not, or at least I don't notice any difference.

The 24-hand business raises a further interesting idea: little sister pet. You'll be limited to 20 slots, one of which has to be a rod, but you can use this overpoweredness without restarting.

>> No.18296485

why get a rod and not, say, a bow?

>> No.18296496

that's how you take advantage of huge levels of magic device. she'll be shooting beams that do six digit damage.

>> No.18296518

why not raise bow skill instead and opt for infinite ammo option?

>> No.18296633

Dupli-cane allows infinite rod use letting you spam balls and bolts, and no need for spell stock

>> No.18296746
File: 683 KB, 1893x927, 66526385_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the artist for this picture?
Also who is MT that noa kept mentioning on his blogs?

>> No.18296874

Can pets use dupli-cane?

>> No.18296885

i tried iqdb it and boy, i didn't know those kind of things were allowed on gelbooru

>> No.18296988

so what is the difference between all the versions of elona? what is Elona+ Custom?

>> No.18297005
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>> No.18297031

>need to get a grim reaper for araziel
>find one
>it death words on me
>capture it
>death word stays
>holy protection
>death word stays
death word OP plz nerf

>> No.18297049


>> No.18297126


>> No.18297314

Hmm, do you guys usually craft monster balls? I reserved a book of domination and use that.

>> No.18297348

i crafted simply to check his words. i usually get my monsterballs from the vendor.

i walk around in heavy armor and one of my corruptions lower cha so i prefer monster balls. i don't have the knockout feat, but i found that hugging monsters doesn't do too much damage, nor does life drain.

>> No.18297349

I didn't even know people used the monster balls besides for quests, as far as I knew everybody kinda moves onto domination once they go above the regular ball level.

>> No.18297432

is there a reason to wish for secret exp for aestetic over wishing for cheese? is there a reason to prefer the ero cheese over the aestetic feat when wishing?

>> No.18297472

But domination, including rods of it, depend on either spell level or magic device level. You can get mon balls to capture things a lot higher levels than your skills in those areas.

>> No.18297526

>Hero Cheese
>increases LP by 3
I know that there aren't many things to wish for late game, but is hero cheese really worth it? I am far from it, and I would need to eat a hundred of those to see a substantial difference.

>> No.18297537

you can't wish for hero cheese directly, since it's an unique.

what you CAN do is wish for astral light pens, then use them on little sisters. so essentially it's a trade of 1 cheese per 10 wishes. this is probably worse than, say, farming music tickets.

>> No.18297539

LP =/= HP, it is a direct percentual increase

>> No.18297557

>you can't wish for hero cheese directly
im almost certain you actually can.

what makes you think it's unique?

>> No.18297563

I can't for the life of me find anything on the wiki about "gauge." What fills it up, and how can I check to see if it's filled?

>> No.18297564

Now it makes sense, thanks.

>> No.18297577

You can't. It's a precious item which is why it's possible to get from the little sister quest. You've played this game for hundreds of hours and don't even know this?

>> No.18297623

you can also get rabbit tail and various non-static artifacts via little girl quest. im gonna save music tickets and get 2 hero cheese just to show you what i mean.

>> No.18297627

Not sure what the most efficient way would be, Kai mentioned he simply did a fuckton of party time quests and got 1500 tickets a pop. Maybe that's the best option

>> No.18297635

They are still precious, if you want to check whether your erroneous statement is correct you should actually try to wish for a hero cheese.

>> No.18297692


>> No.18297883

Well yes, but like I said everybody kinda moves onto domination since if you're not RP-ing your character, you're eventually going to get your magic device or spell level pretty much higher than any ball you can find.

>> No.18297893

To prevent one of you wasting bunch of wishes on this, would using Wizard mode make difference on wishing when it comes to HCheese?

>> No.18297906

Precious items can be wished for in wizard mode.

>> No.18297947

Uhm get/copy a separate Elona folder for cheating this stuff and give your self ton of wish rods?

>> No.18297953

Not that anon but items can be precious but not unique.
Hero Cheese and happy apples cannot be wished for directly for even if it doesn't seem to make sense.

>> No.18297997

You can't deactivate Wizard mode.
Unless you use Elosnack of course.

>> No.18298040

It's just that some precious items, like the cooler box, are exceptions to the rule of having only one exist at the same time. So you can have multiple cooler boxes and rabbit tails in your inventory without them turning into stardust (or in vanilla, turning into a different item). However, that doesn't make them not precious (still says ''It is precious'' in the description), meaning you CANNOT wish for them. This hasn't been changed since it was introduced over a decade ago. If this was not the case, you could simply wish for unlimited cooler boxes and happy apples (and the highest level players would have done this instead of ever touching a party time quest).

>> No.18298069

You can force sleep share after knocking them around to low health (recommend knockout feat), you can for example beat a rogue boss to within an inch of her life and then JAM IT IN

>> No.18298177
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Really Moyer? Really?

>> No.18298321
File: 91 KB, 803x790, question!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about being this new, but I should I get a farm/ranch first or just start investing in magic shops?

>> No.18298358

I'd say first a ranch in order to better finance the shop investing, which you will need to do regardless. Try to get all of them ASAP

>> No.18298359

everything my dear Rin. magic vendors for potions of potential is always good, ranchs are nice for specific dropped items or stat food, and farms are generally good for everything.

id say get a farm, than start investing in mag shops. also, don't plant veggies and fruits.

>> No.18298433
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Is it feasible to stay with same Little Girl pets the whole game?

>> No.18298453

Thanks I'll try to get a farm and ranch, my shop is already starting to get a bit better which is nice.
What should I plant on a farm instead of veggies and fruits sorry?

>> No.18298455

dude, what happened to your MAG? unless equip, see a healer/dring spirit restore

anyway yes it is feasible. little girls are powerhouses.

>> No.18298456

Any pet except for the ones that kill themselves and maybe metals is good enough for the whole game.

>> No.18298463

It's the most common thing, nowadays it's harder to find people that DON'T keep her for the whole game.

>> No.18298468

Magic is an abomination.

>> No.18298476

everything else. generally herbs> artifact> magic> unknown > gem.

>> No.18298496

I'm more surprised by Moyer having a child. And still seeing said child. And remembering when its birthday is.

>> No.18298503

ebon is the child

>> No.18298518

Ah thank you, my farming is only around 30 should I do veggies a bit just to raise it up?

>> No.18298528

do harvest time in yowyn to raise it and gain seeds

but yeah, until farming raise, using normal seeds is the way to go

>> No.18298531

Thanks, will do.

>> No.18298554

Here's a worse one... maybe.
Pael is the child.

>> No.18298616

Is there a benefit to multiple cooler boxes? I always thought they shared an inventory?

>> No.18298624

Alright, you won.

>> No.18298628

They don't share an inventory, freezers do.

>> No.18298685

>You can't deactivate Wizard mode.
Well yes, but that doesn't matter if you make a duplicate of your entire game folder and save file, and keep it as your testing version of the game.

>> No.18298911

I would be more disturbed if it was a living fish, I mean dead ones you just cook, what would the kid do with a live one?

>> No.18299015

What the hell am I supposed to do with so much tobacco?

>> No.18299031

get a pot of fusion
go to the wild and get some wood chips and healty leaves
craft tobacco pressing
1. sell in your shop
2. smoke weed ery day

i do 3. i smoke cigarates and hamakis to train myperception and dex and sell the other 2.

>> No.18299135

Which graphics pack are you using?
I like that transparent figurine.

>> No.18299202

If it isn't too much trouble can I request a Trueno PCC to go with my Initial D music?
I need the glorious feeling of drifting my enemies to death.

>> No.18299204

Guys just got panic quests for the first time. I am playing on loss mode, if I die in them it's all ogre or it's just like the hunting quests that I just lose the fame?

>> No.18299209
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What feat should I get first for my shopkeeper please?

>> No.18299272

It should be just fame loss, like hunting quests, but I really didn't want to find out (also on loss). You should have teleport at the ready. Houzanha can help your allies find their way to you but can also get you surrounded. Sometimes the enemies are too powerful and instantly swarm you, consider carefully the enemy type besides the $ difficulty. Weak enemies will probably still be weak, but an annoying enemy (high stats, breathes, explodes, squeezes, fast, high physical damage, crush ground, spell caster) will become a menace

>> No.18299430

I don't know if I'll have the balls, it's too spooky. But I guess if it's something like ice hounds when I have a superb ice defense there is no possible way I could die... right?

>> No.18299434

New >>18299420

>> No.18299439

You should be fine, but engage 1 at a time, don't hold down buttons and be ready to tp and escape just in case

>> No.18299599

If you leash your allies they should teleport right to you after a few turns pass.

>> No.18299740

Depends honestly, what do you want more? There's only a few feats worth taking and I think the wiki has recent enough data on what to take.
