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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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18224724 No.18224724 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>18198623

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>> No.18224758
File: 80 KB, 692x897, DSmg286UMAATp9w.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best and cutest elementalists

>> No.18224783
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>> No.18225024

I regret retiring my 2aw dupe Moltena, now I want the other path for afk setups

>> No.18225388

Black elementalist when.

>> No.18225508

If that class gets a black I bet it's going to be a light elemental user whose token heals and attack at the same time.

>> No.18225783
File: 252 KB, 1429x913, 1959F036-BD6D-425D-B80B-3C8BB1DB726C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you, Daisy is the cutest—

oh wait wrong Daisy

Eh, she was my first SP plat pull in Nutaku (RIP), and she has the same artist as Lilia’s, so I’m fine with her.

>> No.18225830

She'd get tokens that can be placed anywhere, and if they're placed on range slots they get lapis aura while melee gives them 5-block and 40-hit count before dying. She generates a new token on every 5 kills on a map and starts with 25

>> No.18225854


>> No.18225922

My bet is the Socie route for a black elementalist. Tokens are split between 7 light and 7 darkness elementals, but pre-AW ability is +3 to token count (so 8 of each), and post-AW ability is "+3 to token count, you can deploy an additional token without it counting for the deployment limit" (so you get two free elementals instead of one).

Light elementals could go bishop route or do what Lifelinkers sound like they will be doing: Tons of HP, weak attack/no attack, but whenever a unit in range takes damage, 50% of it is transferred to the token instead.

>> No.18226428

>nutaku does a ridicolous easy to get "free 6* + FG"
>someone asks if there's the risk to see the game closing and if they are trying to get new players
>another guy says that after aigis people is worried
>original guy says that superhippo closed 2 games already and that's why someone is worried
>mod then starts talking about that people can go back to 4chan (??) with their doosmday trolls
Is this how the discord chat is nowdays?

>> No.18226437

>says that superhippo closed 2 games already and that's why someone is worried
>>mod then starts talking about that people can go back to 4chan (??
so what do you expect ? it's blobz, and if u are looking for some official answer in chatroom,it's kinda stupid too.

>> No.18226449

Well they asked if someone got any questions still, when they started with this "lol everything is 4chan fault XD" meme?
Pretty sure it started during the first year.
>if u are looking for some official answer in chatroom,it's kinda stupid too.
It's not like you can find official answers anywhere though, the chat room is the only place.

>> No.18226467 [DELETED] 

>free 6* + FG
Huh, details? This is not in itself a bad thing, though, since they more or less did it before, and if anything it's an improvement over the 50%/20% rainbow campaigns. As long as free rainbows are given sparingly, and other aspects of the game are kept consistent and at DMM's pace (looking at you, character quests and nation maps), they're outright welcome.

That aside, I wonder what 2ch will make of this, once they catch wind of it (and I know for a fact some of them do play the EN version). With the third anniversary on the horizon, I'm actually hoping that we'll get some free rainbow medals, at least, on the DMM side.

Well, taking it easy is the best course of action, I guess? It's not like all the stupid in the world is concentrated in Nutaku's chatroom, there are idiots everywhere. Maybe you just encountered a couple and the chat is still good.

>> No.18226486

>free 6* + FG
Huh, details? This is not in itself a bad thing, though, since they more or less did it before, and if anything it's an improvement over the 50%/20% rainbow campaigns. As long as free rainbows are given sparingly, and other aspects of the game are kept consistent and at DMM's pace (looking at you, character quests and nation maps), they're outright welcome.

That aside, I wonder what 2ch will make of this, once they catch wind of it (and I know for a fact some of them do play the EN version). With the third anniversary on the horizon, I'm actually hoping that we'll get some free rainbow medals, at least, on the DMM side.

Well, taking it easy is the best course of action, I guess? It's not like all the stupid in the world is concentrated in Nutaku's chatroom, there are idiots everywhere. Maybe you just encountered a couple and the chat is still good.

>> No.18226489
File: 606 KB, 1200x630, 26910314_1013387862143553_6833766377313640101_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huh, details?
Go in the Facebook official Nutaku FKG page, there's a post there, like and share.
>dealing with FB
Yes i know, that's the main problem.
Nah the chat is full of ok people, main problem is the mod itself, i still don't understand how someone like that it's the main mod, i know that sucking dicks it's an option but still.

>> No.18226497

>Late again, but let's hope that fellow gets Ivy this time around.
I'll report back with what will probably be inevitable disappointment.

I'm already 1350 in on her, but I'm sitting at 1736 right now, so I guess we'll see what happens.

>> No.18226529

Gold pick ticket could count as free rainbow medals, I guess. Though honestly, a straight up rainbow ticket should not be too much to ask, the game has fuck ton of them, and it's already their 3rd anniversary.

>> No.18226552

That's not good. Looks pretty desperate to me.

>> No.18226578
File: 27 KB, 1008x75, not strange at all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more after this post on discord.
They have to scuse me if i get strange feelings if i see a company like SH doing such a thing.

>> No.18226605

Eh, that seems like a fairly benign campaign to me. I don't know if they're getting desperate for more users, but I wouldn't fret over it yet, as long as they do the things they should: I'm more concerned about them fixing the censorship on Hibiscus/Lavender.

The reward thresholds, though, are worth notice: We're looking at 5000+ garden tweets on DMM (which actually take some amount of effort, so not everybody did it) against 500 one-click likes on Nutaku. No clue if this reflects a stable population for EN FKG, or whether the turnover is finally taking its toll.

Waiting warmly for the good news. You ought to buy champagne or something for the occasion, too.

>Gold pick ticket
Either that or some D-tickets are likely, yeah. The latter was the reward for the 1000th day login milestone, so another for the anniversary would be par the course. A rainbow ticket, either random (possibly with the "non-owned random" rule) or picked, would of course be the best option.

I'm at 230 rainbow medals (no rainbows from the first six tickets, unfortunately), so even D-tickets would be about as good as a rainbow pick. I need some good hard thinking over whether to use them immediately after hitting 300 or waiting for a second glasses rainbow/another "must have, no questions asked" girl, though.

>> No.18226615

Some guys asked about that censorship, they got trolled and/or ignored.
Also devs never said a word about it, yes they are going to leave it that way for who know how much time (maybe forever?)

>> No.18226647

Given how miserly Nutaku FKG usually is with reward campaigns and compensations, a halfway decent compensation would be enough to raise eyebrows, much less a choose-your-6* campaign. Especially with the rumors that DMM might to add English-language support on some games, I don't trust it.

>> No.18226713
File: 603 KB, 775x323, ss (2018-01-15 at 12.25.52).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well guys.

I'm level 58 in Kamihime, I have no SSRs to speak of.

I just rolled 6k jewels and this is my best roll.

Should I re-roll?

I started playing around the Koihime event.

>> No.18226715

>yes they are going to leave it that way for who know how much time (maybe forever?)
If that's the case, then to hell with them. I'm okay with shady campaigns, but there's no excuse for that.

I mean, I'd be against censorship even if we were talking about 120 Days of Sodom-tier shenanigans, but this is just virginal blood and flat chests. If your adult company can't release these things without censoring them, it doesn't deserve to release anything, except maybe Dr. Seuss books.

God knows they would find a way to censor these too.

>> No.18226730

to be fair, fkg, kamihime, dragon providence are still the safest game in nutaku and will be unlikely to close because there are still many players and whale.
Aigis was closed because it's unfortunately there werent many whale, imo

>> No.18226739

go rerolling,
If u are desperate, you can go to unofficial discord chat and ask mod named sharky, he has reroll acc with 2-3 SSR. Remember to ask nicely though

>> No.18226743

Aigis closed because people was tired of devs bullshit, most of the players stopped or jumped on DMM.
All these breaks and slow updates never helped.

>> No.18226752
File: 1.31 MB, 960x639, ss (2018-01-10 at 12.41.11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start with at least two kamis of the same attribute or a 100% eido.

I've had very good rolls but none of them were that good.

This is my best roll, but I don't know if I should keep going with this one.

>> No.18226777

Aigis is dying in DMM too. Some random games are occupying the 3rd ranking slot for the last few days now. It's only a matter of time until Aigis gets dethroned for good.

>> No.18226788

weak, my first one was at 67

>> No.18226801

Are you stupid?
That's great.
Amphisbaena is on Valentine's and she's a decent dark main (40% dark ELM ATK/+10% dar kresist) so eidolon won't be a limiting factor either

>> No.18226803

Dude, Dark Amaterasu is a limited hime with the 2 best debuffs in the game. Satan might not be excellent right of the bat, but DATA is endgame-wise the best buff you can have and she also has a good AW. Dark is the second best element too. This is an amazing roll.

>> No.18226813
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When your line-up is as trash as mine, you start to go full thinking mode, 2bh.

>> No.18226814

I'd hardly say Aigis is dying, but it's likely that players are getting tired of the same old formula for events and poor rollout of content like AW2. They definitely need to stop being so damn lazy. Their idea of keeping the game fresh is to add eighteen billion new classes that have 1-2 units each that no one wants to keep up with.

>> No.18226824

good enough,
- Ama has CD+1, Satan has -1 ball charge.
- Satan has A frame def down, while ama has B frame. which mean they can be stacked
Overall they are good.

>> No.18226829

My dad works at DMM R18 and he says the next Valentine's Day event will introduce a new class; Dragon Bride.
It's exactly like a Royal Guard
but it's a dragon.

This is a good, game changing class.

>> No.18226870

I believe it.

>> No.18226948
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Mission accomplished.

Took 17 10-rolls (850 gems, so 2200 total) and I got Candytuft on the second and Sakura on the 5th, so I was thinking my luck was probably shot. I still have 884 gems left, but not sure what to do with them right now.

>> No.18226951

Give me your email. I will send you a better account.

>> No.18227011

>getting Ivy and Sakura on the same spree
It is fate. Now be sure to raise and ampule them together.

Congrats indeed, it's good to see that a year's worth of dedication finally paid off. And looks like good luck returned to you with interest, a rainbow every 18 batch rolls is the average after all.

>> No.18227138


Very much appreciated, mang.

>> No.18227340

>Go in the Facebook official Nutaku FKG page, there's a post there, like and share.
Every single part of this sentence gave me a different type of cancer.

>> No.18227347

I thought Dark Amaterasu is paid gacha only

>> No.18227371 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 848x1200, 60620501_p4_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free 6* + FG
He's not talking about about the fake rainbow is he?

>> No.18227395

You don't have any idea how many i have for writing that.

No, it's a "pick a 6*" ticket like these they love to sell all the time.

>> No.18227426

It's Nutaku server.
On DMM. she was only available for paid rolls for a week, then they added her back to normal jewel gacha, but without rate up, so it's near impossible to roll her now.

>> No.18227431

Rateup is a lie anyways

>> No.18227476

Rate up tends to work when you don't want it to, just so RNG could have the last laugh.

>> No.18227486

I am convinced Kamihime's gacha has a built in desire sensor.
It's the only explanation.

Nothing like the guy who dumped 300 rolls trying to get Aphro or Nike and got fuckall and some asshole with 6000 jewels to spare gets them both in a single roll.

>> No.18227531
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Thank you kindly, anons.

>Now be sure to raise and ampule them together.
Sadly I didn't quite have enough even for Ivy. Though it looks like the current character quest campaign gives some, so I guess I'll be hitting those today.

>a rainbow every 18 batch rolls is the average after all.
Honestly, I'm long overdue for some rainbows. I have four gacha rainbows now, three of which I just got today, after 21 months of playing.

>> No.18227543 [DELETED] 

Should I keep the second copy of Shelt?
Also where the heck do I get a Silver Samurai unit to CC her?

>> No.18227550
File: 33 KB, 224x112, 1489925141766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep the second copy of Shelt?
Also where the heck do I get a Silver Samurai unit to CC her?

>> No.18227575

I put dupe plats/blacks in second/third baracks for slim chance I'll need second copy in large-scale battle or something like that. When in need of rainbow crystals, I sell most useless ones.

>> No.18227584

Excuse me for being retarded but is this Peperomia girl in FKG designed by the Otaria LN artist?
I forgot the name, but the artstyle sure looks like it.

>> No.18227622 [DELETED] 

Thanks a lot, I've been using both methods. For some reason FKG-info crashes after clicking the play button though, but it still downloads it anyway.

>> No.18227625

Thanks a lot, I've been using both methods. For some reason FKG-info crashes after clicking the play button though, but it still downloads it anyway.

>> No.18227776

Yeah, she's by Anapom.

Other LN/VN artists have also been commissioned for FKG: Ixora is by Mikeou, Karin by Akizora Momiji, Katakuri by Kannagi Rei (as part of the collaboration with Hanahime Absolute, but he also has another, original knight coming up), Golden Lace by Koucha, Liverwort by SCA-Ji and Soapwort by Higa Yukari. There are probably some others that I've missed too, you can find a full list of artists who have identified themselves here (there are guesses for some other artists, but these are uncertain because FKG doesn't declare its illustrators):


>> No.18227848
File: 253 KB, 522x640, Chibi_Shizuka_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get to 20k
>Roll fame and get this

First chibi soma and now this. What am I even supposed to do with these?

>> No.18228159

Collect em all

>> No.18228194

why am I still playing these trash games? It's been years

>> No.18228201

I wanted to get Hastur, Gaia or both and got jackshit with 9k jewels.

I see a dude over some forum that rolled 3k jewels and got Hastur and another SSR in the same roll.

>> No.18228240

I still remember how I started out playing Lords of Valkyrie and adding a bunch of people from here to farm bosses. They're garbage games but I occasionally come back after a year to check out some events.

>> No.18228303

>Kannagi Rei (as part of the collaboration with Hanahime Absolute, but he also has another, original knight coming up)

Do tell.

>> No.18228511

Just be glad you got something worth having from it. All I've gotten for the last two month are normal gacha golds (Zola and Kojurou) off of the 35k tier.

>> No.18228614

How good is Wind in KamiPro? Asking because my recent 2 SSRs were Hastur and SSR Cybele.

>> No.18228664

Pretty strong if you've got the right team. Those 2 are part of the dreamteam so you're on the right path. Aim for (AW) Gaia and Set to complete it.

>> No.18229121

>www the game just throws bond fairies at you every month now man
6 fucking bonded fairies
And Altair is still on fucking 14 cost.
Are you FUCKING with me?

>> No.18229382

Just spend RC every month on the Time fairy anon. Don't tell me you're too poor for that?

>> No.18229699

I had the same problem with her. Took me 10 to get her to min cost.

>> No.18230058

The game has changed a lot since the fkg-info dev disappeared.

>> No.18230547

Lack of ssr assault weapons, the only free ssr event assault weapon for u guys is garuda weapon.
so it's kinda suck in weapon category

>> No.18230641 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 572x685, mtNJpkD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second girl by Kannagi Rei has been teased almost a year ago (in the second anniversary broadcast), but not implemented since. Other, similarly long-awaited girls were all released with the past few events, so expectations are high for her being featured in the near future, possibly on next week's anniversary event itself.


You can find a list of unimplemented characters here, derived from both the NND broadcasts and the voice lines of existing girls (which often establish relations with other characters, since FKG has a very large cast already). Peperomia, for example, was previously mentioned as a friend of Money Tree's, while Viburnum talks about a Snowberry who may be added to the game at a later date (which, in addition to the general winter theme, continues the trend of flower relationships corresponding to character relationships - both of these plants are in the same order, and until recently were included in the same family).


Speaking of which, there's also a list of character relationships here. That page is a bit outdated, but the JP wiki in general is really impressive, and the wikia folks on the English side are doing great work too.

>> No.18230660
File: 73 KB, 572x685, mtNJpkD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second girl by Kannagi Rei has been teased almost a year ago (in the second anniversary broadcast), but not implemented since. Other, similarly long-awaited girls were all released with the past few events, so expectations are high for her being featured in the near future, possibly on next week's anniversary event itself.


You can find a list of unimplemented characters here, derived from both the NND broadcasts and the voice lines of existing girls (which often establish relations with other characters, since FKG has a very large cast already). Peperomia, for example, was previously mentioned as a friend of Money Tree's, while Viburnum talks about a Snowberry who may be added to the game at a later date (which, in addition to the general winter theme, continues the trend of flower relationships corresponding to character relationships - both of these plants are in the same order, and until recently were included in the same family).


Speaking of which, there's also a list of character relationships here. That page is a bit outdated, but the JP wiki in general is really impressive, and the wikia folks on the English side are doing great work too.

And dang, I keep writing these walls of text and quoting the wrong post. I hope you guys aren't sick to death of these things yet.

>> No.18230674

>And dang, I keep writing these walls of text and quoting the wrong post. I hope you guys aren't sick to death of these things yet.

Its slightly amusing how someone can quote the wrong post so many times but I enjoy seeing these.

>> No.18230726

>the wikia folks on the English side are doing great work too
Except that one guy who keeps changing naming schemes. First tried to change everything to Nutaku names and then ended up changing everything to the English used in the gacha banners.

Not really sure why he can't just leave Oncidium as Oncidium, etc.

>> No.18230735

You can buy a special SSR assault large weapon for wind in the Orichalcum shop now. Also, skill up the Kamihime release weapons and use them for the wind grid is not a bad idea, since wind event weapons are fucking suck.

>> No.18230842

I level'd up Krampus' Claw because it has an attack buff. It's really fucking useful.

>> No.18231150

Anyone playing Shiropro mind sharing what the general approach to team building and unit evaluation is?
Is a single well-assembled and maxed out team enough to take on most content, or is having a team for each terrain bonus more of the general standard?

I've mostly been using a 4red/4blue setup of whichever 5*+ units seemed the strongest all currently around level 25, and I'm wondering if I should re-evaluate my composition or double down on raising it.
I'd post it, but it seems there's maintenance right now.

>> No.18231786

I hate that guy.

Although gacha banners are officially the final word on English names for the DMM wiki.

>> No.18231810

AFAIK the Flower Knights should always have been localized using their species terminology in Latin.
It would keep the "exotic" element English names have in Japanese.
Also, for fuck's sake, somebody remove those dumb (Christmas) and (New Year's) from names. Just write "Festive [Flower Knight]" or something.

>> No.18231876

That's how the devs write them.

>> No.18231894

It's dumb and I hate it.

>> No.18232123
File: 14 KB, 711x185, flo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy?

>> No.18232158

I remember people complaining about a retard trying to edit the JP FKG wiki based off of the EN version around when it released. Is this the same person or just another person from the cancerous Nutaku community?

>> No.18232159

Huh, I had been using their Latin names for the exact opposite reason: More often than not, the genus is used as the colloquial name (and vice-versa) for flowers, while things like "sword lily" and "billy buttons" are secondary alternatives. Some plants get shorter variants (mums and mesembs), some are associated with their species epithet instead (tuberose, carrot, anise), and some are named after now-defunct genera (coleus, kochia, cactus), but plants tend to stick with their binomials.

Animals get either their local names (bandicoot, dik-dik, langur, binturong), AtLA-style hybrids (otter-shrew, mouse-deer, mole-rat) or D&D-style modifiers (sunbittern, flying lemur, sea cow, aardwolf) instead, which is worse in many ways. There's at least one case where English took a foreign word for an animal to use it on a wholly different animal.

I agree with this, though, and it eliminates any future Oxalis/Artemisia-type problems.

Then again, Nutaku did get advance warning for both of these, though I guess they had bigger concerns at the time.

>> No.18232197

>D&D-style modifiers

>> No.18232259

Guys check your emails, DMM already sent the points for the new year campaign.

Or just visit this page:

I got 500pts.

>> No.18232265

how do I use them and how many SCs is that?

>> No.18232312

Are those points tied to all-age games?

>> No.18232342
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-01-16-19-51-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Points well spent
Guess I'll go check if I got the tickets on Kamihime and FKG

>> No.18232344

It's only 5 SCs. But if you're one of the lucky 20000 you get 5000 pts which is equivalent to 70 SCs.

No. You can use it on any gatcha game on dmm. Btw the points expire at the end of the month so it's best to use it immediately.

>> No.18232398

Anyone got 5000 points? I can't find any non-500 reports on the 2ch thread.

Did the 490-point step gacha in FKG, got Bergenia and Poinsettia. Pretty good for a free campaign.

>> No.18232404

I think people just got the 500 from participating and the winners get their stuff later alongside the other rewards.
I still don't have the free guaranteed tickets in other games, at east

>> No.18232419

I got the 4-star gatcha coin on goddess kiss.

>> No.18233331

The Wikia didn't use them initially, though. Saying they're officially the final word for the wiki only applies after that guy went through the whole wiki changing them. The original naming scheme was kind of inconsistent, though. If they had a non-Japanese name, that was used, but if they had a Japanese name, the general English name for that flower was used.

I sort of understand that the banners offer some level of consistency (except with event girls since they're not on them) but after all of the fighting the Nutaku players had to go through just to get Oncidium's name changed back (even though no one else's name ever was), why would you then go on the wiki and start changing all of them, including hers? Seems like that flies in the face of what everyone who plays the game actually wants to see.

No, it's a different guy that >>18232158 mentioned, FKGfan4287. Showed up and just decided it was his duty in life to rewrite the wiki after the Nutaku version launched, I guess.

>> No.18233777
File: 246 KB, 300x935, 60862696_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep FKGfan was the one I was thinking of.

This starting batch of gacha girls didn't use them because they didn't get banners displaying them, which is why Chocolate Lily was named Rice lily until recently, for example. There was a lot of argument about naming consistency for a while and one of the outcomes was agreeing to use the banner names. Seems pretty silly to disagree with the game devs after all and if they make a mistake that's their problem, not ours.

>> No.18233823

It's not that the names on the banners are incorrect. It's that they aren't accurate to what the player base (or even the game outside the banners) uses. You find me one person that calls Oncidium "Dancing Lady Orchid." Just one.

>> No.18233927

Got Lupin and Wood Sorrel myself.

>> No.18234240
File: 19 KB, 730x225, 4 minutes worth of points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, I've got 5$ too.

>> No.18234367
File: 883 KB, 960x1280, no salt here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did 4 DMM pulls with the points from that campaign. Thanks anon, I owe you one.

>> No.18234619

Shiropro got a huge balance update apparently
Does anyone have the autism to translate that?

>> No.18234717

is pocket fantasy fun?

>> No.18235430
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-01-17-06-15-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18235554


>> No.18235578
File: 180 KB, 415x237, 4821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay, I'm finally done with the tutorial.

On the bright side, you can raise the free second copy for the other route! :^)

>> No.18235740

Do the NY points expire?

>> No.18235779

The 500 DMM points? Yes,14 days after accepting them and you have until the 31st to accept them.

>> No.18236061

>altema ranks Shelt as a simple S
so much for the best tank in the game
everyone was also talking shit about Kurama and yet she sits at a clean SS rank

guess this general doesn't know shit about its main game after all

>> No.18236195
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>> No.18236310

They should make a Diabolos SSR.

>> No.18236315

her name will be Bahamut

>> No.18236825

So uh why is Feng Shi Healer 150 Revival Crystals? That seems expensive as fuck for a platinum

>> No.18236965

Her original event was an item collection.

>> No.18237044

>Next lineup for pickup summon is mostly trash
I'm going to end up not rolling enough for the legend stamp card this month and having to wait for February for something.

>> No.18238204

Stamp carding the shortest month of the year isn't really the best idea too.

>> No.18238330

Pippin is actually good.

>> No.18238382

What points? I'm not seeing anything when I go to that page.

>> No.18239412

Anyone else too scared to roll the 500 points on the off chance you get a random black and fuck up your guaranteed black counter you've been saving for something relevant?

>> No.18239680

500 points are 4 daily rolls on Kamihime if you wanna spend them elsewhere I guess

>> No.18239751

Coulda fooled me.

>> No.18240082

Using the 500 pts on Aigis isn't really worth it since you only get 1 roll. I used mine on Otogi Frontier since there's a 100 pt daily gatcha there.

But I think the best use of it is on FKG's 490 pts step-up gatcha. It gives you 2 guaranteed 5-star. Too bad I don't play that game.

>> No.18240123

Too bad that gacha disappeared long ago for me.

>> No.18240216

It was only worth a single roll on Aigis, so I didn't bother.

I took it to FKG and did a step-up gacha, 5 steps for 490 points. Got two gold units, one dupe and one new.

Aigis is probably going to be one of the worst games you could spend it on, but if that's all you're playing then go for it.

>> No.18242094
File: 167 KB, 490x550, Nox 2018-01-17 18-21-22-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Shiropro how do you use the things you get on the event map? I thought it was to build a girl like in the event that was on during the Aigis colab, but there isn't an option to do it, heck I cant even check how many I have.

>> No.18242118
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1030, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, you're not Stock.

Seriously, though. Four rainbows this past month.

I have no words.

>> No.18242254

The blue list to the right on the construction page. 200 per attempt.

>> No.18242417
File: 135 KB, 1200x676, Nox 2018-01-17 19-30-12-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I never cared about scrolling that list.

>> No.18242774

>another Altair rateup gone by without results
At least I got Aix

>> No.18242960
File: 255 KB, 900x1200, 48fa2d4e64a66569d7363cdec77aecc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always think positive.

One day she shall be yours.

>> No.18242990

Thanks Maya

>> No.18243835

Is it just me or have these threads been getting more dead lately?

>> No.18243839

>Maint for the past few hours
It's a mystery anon.

>> No.18243853

My bad I didn't realize I was in the Aigis general, mistook it for the DMM and butaku general.

>> No.18243878
File: 682 KB, 851x641, limit break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I?
Those books seem pretty rare

>> No.18243886

you get them like crazy the more you play and do events

>> No.18243943

It pretty much is considering more than 50% of discussions are about Aigis

>> No.18243984

Aigis should honestly make its own general so that the less popular games can get some discussion around here without being drowned in Aigis posts.

>> No.18243992

Why? Aigis is dying anyways.

There's nothing stopping people from posting about other games in this thread.

>> No.18244075

Another disappointingly easy star collection. At least the bearded dude was kinda tricky

>> No.18244165

Huh, we're getting one of the 2 serial code only Kamihime as part of another promo with DraPro.
That is weird, I am genuinely surprised they didn't try to jew us out of her by slapping her behind a money only rateup or something.

We'll see how they implement Demeter later on, I guess

>> No.18244269

Somehow Silvia failed to solo him so he obviously has lots of magic resist. But true damage and high physical hits waste him.

>> No.18244435

Just ranked up to 65 in Kamihime and my AP didn't raise, is the cap for AP 82 for some reason?

>> No.18244624

Damn this subjugation was easy.

>> No.18244780

lvl cap is 125, you still get ap but it's +2 per 5 lvl after level X.
Dont remember the exact lvl though

>> No.18244835
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Meet DMM's next advent

>> No.18244854

On one hand, literally a meme god. On the other, still better than the goddess that appears as a woman-headed brick.

Egyptian gods were pretty wacky, and they have a good claim to the invention of gijinka, since each of their districts was represented by a goddess.

>> No.18244858

Cousin Itt?

>> No.18245021

>Aigis is dying anyways
Nice meme.

>> No.18245030
File: 637 KB, 1030x294, 十天君.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That leaves 4 more of the Ten Heavenly Saints we haven't seen yet - Zhang, Yuan, Qin, Zhao.

>> No.18245070

I want this shitty Union event to end.

Where's my advent, Nutaku?

>> No.18245136

One of these is not like the others. I guess being a St. Bodhisattva is cooler than being a 天君.

>> No.18245143
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>I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.18245155

They're all characters that are almost photocopied from Fengshen Yanyi, including Jin Guang Sheng Pu. The playerbase over in japan even knows the reference from that old novel thanks to Yu Yu Hakusho. Nataku is also from that novel (Nezha).

>> No.18245214

That's because there's only one girl out of the ten saints. Yes, the blue-skinned man is wearing drag.

>> No.18245237

I learned a new first person pronoun thanks to him.

>> No.18245256

Isn't that obvious it's a he?
I'm more surprised if St. Bodhisattva is a trap pls no

>> No.18245260

She's genuinely a woman and the only one, not to worry.

>> No.18245807

Go for it, if you're not a whale they're not a problem at all.
I've been playing since launch and have over 60 of them due to rolling 3 SSR himes total.

>> No.18245977
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I literally flinched at my luck.
Pray for me lads.

>> No.18246016

Why did you roll this terrible pickup gacha?

>> No.18246052

Oh, excuuuuuuuse me for not waiting for a MUH POWERCREEP units on pickup gacha like pink slut loli.
I wanted Ingrid, so I rolled for Ingrid. And I got Ingrid. And also Rion who is, as far as I know, also a MUH POWERCREEP unit.

>> No.18246105

Who should I 2AW first, Rinne or Elyse?

>> No.18246109

I can't even muster the courage to roll for Ashera since she's got that not-Cornellia plat gatekeeping her. I don't have enough to go to the pity black anyway, like the last time I tried rolling for her. Probably just going to wait for Valentine's.

>> No.18246143


>> No.18246168
File: 525 KB, 1109x954, 66083421_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend all crystals to try and get orichihime
>attempt for guaranteed black
>misread it and got guaranteed plat of Lei-Mei, whom I already have AW'd

fuck me. I want the snake pettanko so much.

>> No.18246170

My snake rises every time I see her so she must be really good at this snake charmer thing.

>> No.18246183

I hate 2week events because second week is always slow as heck. It's especially bad with star trials, since you're neither farming items, nor getting a new black for it

>> No.18246205

Nah, star trials are great. You got extra resources to farm for orbs, cans, and fairies. New majin and subjugation too.

>> No.18246219

I cleared lv9 majin on first day, and the subjugation is a rerun snorefest
And the orb daily is so shit I hate it, I still need 4 samurai orbs and they just never drop, I event spent SCs on it

>> No.18246240
File: 41 KB, 300x190, 1470890405338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I event spent SCs on it
You tried using a thief on your team?

>> No.18246269

Turn a 50% droprate into a
55% droprate
A world of difference

>> No.18246275

I've never seen a player in any game ever that would turn down a droprate increase when avaliable but enjoy making things harder for yourself.

>> No.18246492

5% is an extra 1 in 20 chance.
It really isn't that much and still roughly comes down to a coin toss.

>> No.18246523

The main use of thieves is actually to unlock the hidden higher difficulty in majins anyways.

>> No.18246971
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Do 7* Rashas exist, or is remodelling 7* castle girls only possible through sacrificing another 7* or remodelled 6*?

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.18247316
File: 916 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-01-19-10-33-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best physical tanks gets stunned, another one takes over, in an endless cycle of pain.

>> No.18247360

That's overkill for one of the easiest subjugation events.

>> No.18247378

I just toss blacks at things blindly and assume it'll work out in the end.
Sometimes it doesn't and I end up having to actually think

>> No.18247388

So we're actually getting a collaboration with the next Advent event.

Any thoughts on this?

>> No.18248004 [DELETED] 
File: 1.98 MB, 720x720, WWanks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you join Weeb Wanks, anon?
We can full clear union events!

>> No.18248006

Oh another Dragon's Providence one?
Hoping for the 10 guarenteed SR + again

>> No.18248141
File: 157 KB, 900x500, DT4LGhRVAAE5yCs[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it, starts 1/22

>> No.18248240

What's the general opinion on jesters? Just pulled Lepuru and wondering if I should box her or not.

>> No.18248367

I can't speak for Lepurus skill as I only have Motley, but looking at the stats they seems very similar.
Their stats are very ok for their cost, and with their 6% assassination chance and other nice effects they can be pretty useful for dealing with a rush on a budget. For example the later story missions.

>> No.18248445

Popularity contest confirmed. Have you prepared your nectar and flower stones? Decided on which grass/bronze/silver to push? Readied yourself for celebrating the surprise landslide victory of Cymbidium, endorsed by the devs themselves through her recent blooming art? I wish.

Bets on top three spots: Wolfsbane, Snowdrop, Broom

Top grass/bronze/silver (which are also likely to get new versions, as Mint/Pink Waterlily/Burnet did): Strawberry, Royal Princess, Rape

>> No.18248588


>> No.18248689


>> No.18248694

Between Gaia and Set, who should I prioritise getting? I doubt I can AW Gaia in my current state.

And just curious but how is the new SSR looking?

>> No.18248727

New year's segway will probably rank highly and one of the Lotus Lake 2-4*s could be a sleeper. We also have all of the Cattleya skins to contend with and the devs have inexplicably been pushing Anameme for the past year so that's one to watch.

Personally I'm hoping that Lion's popularity with fanartists will lead to good things.

>> No.18248935

Seto Kaiba.
Gaia turns into the best tank in the game but only after AW, she needs investment compared to someone who's essentially Sol with an elemental reskin

>> No.18248983

I cast my vote for Gaia. Set is very good and a healer is always nice but AW Gaia is simply broken. Unless you have many other himes to awake, it's not that hard and you'll do it eventually. The more Himes they add the harder it will get to catch a specific Hime so I'd play the long term game here. Do note that pre-AW Gaia outright sucks.
>And just curious but how is the new SSR looking?
Generally too soon to tell before one sees the Skill+ but it's shaping up to be a really nice Gaia alternative. She has a fuckton of things: party wide Ousei (more remaining HP = more ATK) would work amazingly well with Set, Cover + Immortality is obviously really nice and the Assist makes her CD shorter (although I'm not sure how much shorter) as long as she doesn't get hit. Also her Burst gives her a shield of her own. Still hard to compare her fairly with an AW like Gaia...

>> No.18249024

Isis' assist actually is a small chance of reducing cooldown when taking damage.
It's something at least, but she doesn't have a means to really abuse it.
Her cover skill is the only one with an obscene cooldown and is the only one that guarantees her to be the next target, but you'll likely always use that in conjunction with her invincibility so no damage taken there.
I guess you could place her in the front line and hope it works.

Just don't expect her to walk away from endless assaults of fire enemies like Gaia can.

>> No.18249028

What's the pre-verdict of the event jiangshi?

>> No.18249044

Lan Hua is obviously inferior to the gacha version, Lei Mei by a long mile, even the last event map tells you as much. Regardless, if you want ranged true damage for certain situations, she'll do the job.

>> No.18249051
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>Isis' assist actually is a small chance of reducing cooldown when taking damage.
Sorry, my brain apparently can't help but think of 非- when reading 被- and I end up with a negative sentence. Not even the first time I make this mistake. Fucking moonrunes.

>> No.18249089

>Decided on which grass/bronze/silver to push?
I've got 500 nectars for Kinmokusei. Hopefully this'll be her year, especially since they snuck in her new sprites at some point.

>> No.18249137

I have SSR Cybele and Hastur right now and no Himes to actually awaken either, it's just that LBing Gaia fully won't happen anytime soon.

>> No.18249142

At worst it'll take you until anniversary celebrations start in late march.
They gave out a lot of free shit back then last year, they really can only up the ante now

>> No.18249153

Mats are on of those things that snowballs easily the longer you play as long as you're not a whale/luckfag with dozens of SSRs.

>> No.18249162

Gotcha, thanks for the help. Guess I'll just sleep on this for tomorrow but it's looking like Gaia will have a new home.

>> No.18249168

You know what her H scene is, right? Because some anons committed suicide due to that.

>> No.18249280

>Nike mousepad promo video

>> No.18249322

Jesus fuck dragon providence is a complete mess. Can't believe i'm gonna for myself to play that.

>> No.18249381

Alyssa ia getting cucked in a daily basis by everyone fucking else.

>> No.18249392
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>New year's segway will probably rank highly
I'm actually keeping a watch on Lavender for that reason, this thread wasn't the only place to have "what, they're skipping the very first event girl?" responses after new year. Maybe they will give a new version to the top event girl too, in which case Plumeria, Mirabilis and Lavender (#40, #54 and #58 in last year's contest) are the likeliest candidates.

Anemone being pushed makes sense, though - she's the only girl to rank in top three for two popularity contests, her taciturn personality evidently struck a chord with a lot of people. As an aside, she's also the first ranunculid the game had, and the only for the better part of a year - I think I even complained about that a few years back, unaware that the Great Buttercup Boom (a nearly four-month period where every set of new girls coincidentally happened to include one) was already set in motion.

>pushing a brown girl
Excellent taste, I just wish we had more of them after Thoroughwort.

>> No.18249422

I really hope we can get free SRs as we did back when the Koihime collab event happened.

>> No.18249431


Those SR are story SR tier of weak though, pretty much bench warmer material.

>> No.18249448

>I'm actually keeping a watch on Lavender for that reason
That's mai fkg waifu you're talking about there. I don't want to get my hopes up. But I guess I know where all my votes will be going now.

>> No.18249487

Yeah, I know. But some of my teams need some help, Dark and Water, from the top of my head.

>> No.18249618


I hear you, i only got SR Ragaraja and Amon for fire, and the next event is against wind enemies.

>> No.18249717

There's Pharol, a dark SR hime that was originally given out with a serial code included with the visual fanbook.
She's decent filler

>> No.18249958

All votes for Strawberry and Daisy.

>> No.18250849
File: 12 KB, 299x206, khe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are commenting about this shit being the rewards for the upcoming event.

Holy shit, why are these so fucking bad?

>> No.18250867

13 free rolls and an SR hime for like, 2 hours of work at most isn't bad.

>> No.18250898

Can anyone recommend me a browser/mobile game that has actual gameplay and doesn't take much time to play like Aigis? After dealing with all the revivals/story missions etc it turned into "login twice a day and spend your resourses within 5 minutes", new content is weekly and there is no actual challenge unless you handicap yourself with some gimmicky /silver/gold only team. It was fun while it lasted but lately I'm feeling like quitting.

>> No.18250981

What a fucking joke
Butaku can't even give proper rewards in collabs to keep their dead games from dying

>> No.18251001


>> No.18251003

Why are you still supporting Nutaku? Aegis shutdown seemed like the last straw for most people to make the switch to DMM.

>> No.18251015

Otogi doesn't take a lot of your time. You can easily get all the event rewards in less than a day as long as your units are adequately levelled.

Unless you want to grind for EX end-game items. Then it turns into a massive grindfest. Thankfully, they're not necessary unless you want to challenge the EX bosses (challenging EX bosses only gives you a title as a reward and nothing else).

>> No.18251631

Pretty much the same thing we got last collab event with Dragon Providence if I recall.

>> No.18251714

My wind is a mess. I recently got 3 wind SSRs one after the other so I have 4 wind SSR himes now, plus the 100% eidolon. I never wanted this, and had never prepared a grid because I was trying to get other elements. I can't even auto this ult. Meanwhile my fire party can easily no-skill auto it with no 100% eidolon. Raising a new grid from scratch is a nightmare I won't deal with.

>> No.18251913
File: 565 KB, 367x265, Hard on.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altair dressed like that

>> No.18251992

Yeah, I do. I can just skip it if I don't like it, no big deal. Does she get additional ones in AW?

>> No.18252018

Yeah they get one new H scene, in addition to a non-H episode about the Awakening.

>> No.18252150

Is her extra scene redeemable at least?

>> No.18252171

Only dmm games worth there are, Kamihime and Dragon Providence, Aigis stoped getting in the fishy spotlight way before if closed down, and now FKG barely made it there, but the 2 afore mentioned games always are in the top, so you can say that nutaku is compossed of those two and lots of western shit.

>> No.18252371

AWs and new versions like Rami's have scenes that try to retcon or sweep away the rapes.
I wonder if souls will get extra scenes too once they implement master points

>> No.18252390

They shut down almost their entire lineup from the past. Who knows when Kamihime and Dragon Providence are next to come under the axe.

>> No.18252400

>Who knows when Kamihime and Dragon Providence are next to come under the axe.
pls no

>> No.18252417

It's why I have a spare kamihime account on DMM, it doesn't have much in terms of gear but I've got like 120 himes to tinker with and have >fun building a grid since it's so much friedlier.

>> No.18252823

>Looking up event maps for the harder event maps
>Title says event units only
>Dozen videos later
>Don't quite have the right combination of units or levels to mimic most runs
I need 4 more stars for max skill and cost, so maybe I should wing it anyway and at least 1 or 2-star the last 3 maps. Feels like a waste of stamina though.

>> No.18252859

Any notable Wind SR/Rs that I should keep an eye out for?

>> No.18252861

You can generally replace most units with a basic unit else and achieve acceptable results.
velty can be replaced with a good mage and it shouldn't be too much worse.

>> No.18252995
File: 223 KB, 960x640, 1511923851_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slut for stackable mitigation, Ramirami for burst focused teams and Nevan for her DOT inflicting niche on the SR side, Principality being welfare is an okay filler.
R wise, Anat sets up an extremely potent rampage on herself with a single turn of downtime. Ma'at has a neat gimmick in that she can dispel 3 buffs at once with a disgusting 3 turn cooldown and consumes some of her burst gauge for party DATA.
Callis is decent filler with party DATA and wind attack up.
For the limiteds, Apep provides regen alongside clarity, and Kama as per usual has amazing debuffs that are balanced around horrible proc rates, but if you can get outside support to make them reliable (Mordred, Sphinx, union event buffs) they're a nice tool to have around.

>> No.18253002

Ma'at's dispel cooldown is 10 turns not 3 orz
Not sure what was I thinking writing that

>> No.18253062

I usually only trust that going up in rarity if cost isn't too tight. They look doable but I've got a bit of ptsd about one lich, let alone 3, and the poison fatso is an issue when most of my good units are melee and there's all of those faggots flying around too.

>> No.18253153

Just use your Shino instead then

>> No.18254556

Thanks for the help, will keep in mind.

>> No.18255097

Should I be trying to gather enough orbs to grab a Wind summon from the shop?

>> No.18255290

Get a mlb Icaros if you can, she is probably the best wind summon F2P can have for a long time.

>> No.18256476
File: 894 KB, 956x590, doggo is more powerful than draggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too easy, not even single unit died.

>> No.18256538

Did you SAW Orochihime?

>> No.18256556

No, I prefer permanent skills.

>> No.18257020

Maou no Hajimekata is popular for some reason. Why?

>> No.18257372

Established fandom from an existing property.
>then why isn't maburabu/taimanin/aokana ranking high too
you know the
one thing I should
excuse me for one second

>> No.18257461

Oh wow, Taimanin dropped off hard. It used to be way up there pretty consistently. Like top 3-10 for R-18 at any given time. Down to 25 now, I see.

I used to play and like Aokana, but they started making the events way grindier all of a sudden. Like one event that I was able to play consistently and get all copies of the event unit suddenly barely got my one copy for the same amount of effort. Plus it had ranking events and those are icky. I imagine that kind of change drove people away. Plus, they couldn't even bother to let you roll any of the special gachas on free premium currency, even the birthday ones. I held everything for Mashiro's birthday gacha and couldn't roll any of it. Seems like a pointless way to hold a once-a-year celebration. Just bad decisions all around are killing that one.

Muv Luv fell off, too, I guess. It never did as well as Taimanin, but it certainly wasn't doing this poorly last I bothered to check.

>> No.18257648

I think that original titles do better on dmm overall. Mobage based on popular series like taimanin or the empress games only alienate the fans who would rather play new games than grind endless gachashit for a chunk of content

>> No.18257933

How generous is Senpro with currency?
I saw at some point they implemented something like stamp cards but you need like 1200 total magatama to reach the highest tier, and the tier above the default needs like 150 which is pretty insane, so the whole thing just screams whale bait to me.

>> No.18257989

I tried Taimanin but it was like 90% recycled content. I think the new stuff was behind the real money gacha, but I never bothered to explore too much. I was even decently lucky at it, too bad.

>> No.18257991

Really generous. I get around ~100 free magatamas a month total just from login bonuses, guild wars, and total war. Add one time rewards from events and story mission and it goes higher.

Heck, I'm a free player and I consistently reached the 3rd rank for the last three months.

Events are shit though and extremely P2W.

>> No.18258389

I still find it hilarious how evil the chinks are in aigis

>> No.18258438

Why are people playing kamihime? Isn't that just an inferior gbf clone? I haven't played much of either so I don't know if there are any upsides other than h-content, is it really enough to make it most popular R section game?

>> No.18258457

It has momentum, same reason why Kancolle is still popular.

>> No.18258548

When does the momentum stop

>> No.18258581

hey anon do you want to trade that acc for one with 2 SSR fire himes?

>> No.18259126

Sorry, another anon gave me an account with 3 SSR Fire, 1 SSR water and 1 SSR thunder.

Thank you, anyways.

>> No.18259292

>traded dark Ammy and Satan for an unfocused group of SSRs
Holy shit

>> No.18259394

I didn't trade them, lmao.

>> No.18259459
File: 2.09 MB, 1878x998, ss (2018-01-20 at 07.16.00).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18260066

Sent you an e-mail anyway with all that i have on that acc, pls check it

>> No.18260101

it's stronger and more balanced than the 1 you got gifted so i think you may like it

>> No.18260245
File: 767 KB, 754x412, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting playing this when the Aigis collab was happening. Should I even play anymore? Game seems to be planning on only giving me thunder SSRs.

>> No.18260262

Well you can farm your water grid nicely like that.

>> No.18260292

It shouldn't be fucking allowed to shove in 12 fucking Christias into a unit and have its skill not budge from 4/5

>> No.18260410

Grab and MLB a medjed from the current and just bruteforce events with Your Friend's Kirin™ until you get some other shit, I dunno.
You got a pretty nice water too, and just so happens thunder is good at killing water.

Also extremely mad at all the fucking limiteds you have, I only get SOME of the Rs and summer Boreas that one time

>> No.18260420

Getting my Mireille from 4/5 to 5/5 traumatized me to the point I didn't use Christias on 4/10 or 9/10 units for half a year

>> No.18260470
File: 202 KB, 961x637, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your rotten ass back here you fucker

>> No.18260494
File: 177 KB, 1104x736, Aigis_Fame_2018-01-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mad that I'm having units constantly die or doing no damage so others end up dying
>Exchange for the RC summon and do fame pull
>Plat Paladin from RC summon
>Kramer out of fame
Wasn't the game I wanted a tengu in but this is fine too.

>> No.18260509

>Anya: 15
>Chydis: 13
>Mehlis: 12
>Silvia: 17
>Cynthia: 22
Eh, you'll get over it.

>> No.18261408

At some point you'll just stop counting.

>> No.18261442

Unless you really need it now, just do it 3 at a time then wait a few hours or try again tomorrow. Aigis' RNG isn't uniformly random, there are certain timeframes that gives you bad RNG rolls.

>> No.18261465
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-01-21-13-36-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything within this radius would have 81% effective attack
>63% during the 30 seconds of skill use
Now this is podracing

>> No.18261489
File: 643 KB, 932x829, Pippin_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she good? Is she worth it? I already use Elyse, Iris and Liana, and the only of her class I've gotten are the gold and silver ones.

>> No.18261712

Saw her in a video where someone made use of her second awakening archery attacks when healing wasn't needed but the main reason I got her was the artist.

>> No.18261884
File: 870 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-01-21-02-11-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it /jp/, I got the makai prince

Now I can finally farm for fodder at Orc hero with the big boys and enjoy the cool 3 block prince.

>> No.18261988


Brahma is the broken tier with AW
Aphrodite thunder is broken with her dmg buff too.
grind your thunder grill, remember to pick loli thief as Soul user and
farm thunder SSR HP++ gun from disaster rag.
It will give x2 debuff from normal sniper shot debuff

>> No.18262036

Are those the only units you placed ore there are more?

>> No.18262057

Those were the only ones I placed. Jungle felt a lot easier than the magic city maps because the lack of rocket punch golems or golems in general allowed me to use long range stuff like socie or have fun with mapwide fuckfests between Pikachu prince and Aisha without dying horribly.

>> No.18262234

No, she's fucking trash. Her regular skill reduces the number of targets she heals and her SAW turns her into an attacker instead of keeping her healing.

She's a walking gimmick.

>> No.18262262

You do realize dropping Silvia on top of a rocket punch golem would stop it rocket punching right? With the team you should have no problems in story maps like those.

>> No.18262766
File: 25 KB, 1014x210, dmm campaign points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, apparently these 500 points from campaign are valid only till end of january. Use them before they expire.

>> No.18263373

I realized you can use them to buy the gacha currency (SC etc.) so you can effectively "store" them for a while, no need to actually roll asap.

>> No.18264031

>Get bored and throw 5 rolls onto premium summon 1 because I kind of want a black archer and Orochihime is cute
>2 plats and 1 black
>Amanda, Rivuru, Xiao-Mei
Xiao-Mei seems like RC but scantily clad lolis make me hard and Amanda is nice to have for the passive I guess.

All in all I'm still sad my black counter got reset for a drop rate increase I probably won't notice instead of someone actually useful.

>> No.18264097
File: 88 KB, 834x886, campaign_illust_bluegirl01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now

>> No.18264123

>Xiao-Mei seems like RC
Don't discount her so fast, she still belongs to a broken class. She can stall and redirect many dangerous enemies for little cost, and the high HP of her tokens means that they can take multiple hits from things like liches. She was essential for the 4* Dorothea map for me, and a big help for magic city and Bifrons.

Clarice, Cenote and (arguably) Loretta are better, yeah, but she's still a good unit on her own. Her SAW is also a convenient way to cover for Elyse's downtimes.

>> No.18264140

But Xiao-Mei isn't a loli.

>> No.18264164

Yeah I fucked up my sentence and was talking about Rivuru on the scantily clad loli part. English is hard.

>> No.18264194

>PVP focus.
Killed all my hype.

>> No.18264236

I'm just rolling for the point lottery.

>> No.18264361

Even with a PvP focus I'd be able to stomach it if the gacha isn't garbage.
Another 1% shit on SSRs would be total cancer

>> No.18264469

The fact that they have gacha tickets for equipment and characters is giving me a bad feeling.
Have to roll for both characters and equipment in a PVP game would be an absolute cancer.

>> No.18264511

It's still like 3 months away from release so we'll see, although the very fucking tiny bit of gameplay info we've gotten isn't encouraging

>> No.18264520

Where did you find the release date?

>> No.18264553

Official site says it's scheduled for a spring launch

>> No.18264683

Why is this thread so dead suddenly? Did everyone migrate to discord?

>> No.18264704

The most popular games are essentially solved games so no real discussion happens outside update days
And no one tries talking about anything else

>> No.18264985

I mean, is there anything else to talk about besides upcoming and currently happening events?

I'm still waiting for that fucking collab to happen.-

Also daily reminder that Alyssa will never fuck the MC.

>> No.18265026

If Chris from DraPro could get scenes I see no reason why Alyssa can't eventually

>> No.18265223

mfw my DraPro MC is named Chris so every conversation is confusing as fuck.

>> No.18265289

I finally AW'd my Elizabeth and holy fuck, you guys weren't kidding when you said she's a hidden black unit.
Those liches never stood a chance.

>> No.18265413
File: 246 KB, 984x687, 246472790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they don't even try to hide their water bias.

>> No.18265484
File: 10 KB, 94x118, Succubus_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18265592

Succubus class when?

>> No.18265622

My thirst for this knows no bounds
You know they'd make her a gacha black though

>> No.18265745
File: 55 KB, 599x261, b0QQ8fR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, is there anything else to talk about besides upcoming and currently happening events?
I don't know about other games, but I like how 2ch FKG threads have sporadic discussions about flowers. A good number of people started growing plants after FKG, and there were reports of recent orchid exhibitions and "how would this plant work as a flower knight" discussions for things like passionflower, slipper orchids, kudzu, rafflesia, spices and carnivorous plants.

A while ago, one of the first posts was Yuri (who is another leading candidate for the contest, darling~ appeal is strong and the introduction of a "rival" in Peperomia only boosted her popularity), so they also declared the whole thing to be a yuri thread and posted lilies all the way through. Too bad FKG yuri remains quite rare, despite some noble attempts - when are we getting a "dancho turns into a girl after drinking Yellow Tulip's latest shady drug and is taught the pleasures of women by all four Tulip sisters" scenario?

I mean, there's even a plant (Siam weed, a relative of our Thoroughwort) that can force animals into becoming all-female: Unlike other crocodiles, which use decomposing leaf litter to generate heat for their eggs, the Nile crocodile must dig its nest under the sun - but nest sites are frequently overgrown by this invasive plant, shading them and turning entire batches female through temperature-dependent sex determination.

Be sure to get a dancer to work with her, too. She's a prime unit for Bifrons and will burst down the beginning liches, the dracolich, and Bifrons itself with little trouble (though be sure to stall Bifrons in its first form until her skill recharges).

She's only held back by her low range, but even that got buffed a while ago.

>> No.18265781

Sent you an e-mail. Waiting for your response.

>> No.18266038

Alright. Check again

>> No.18266968

>Makina, Koharu, Lateria
Is this the worst premium gacha ever?

>> No.18266975
File: 371 KB, 826x822, ss+(2017-02-03+at+09.47.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good blind team to level up?

>> No.18267003
File: 222 KB, 737x558, ss+(2018-01-22+at+01.24.05) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit sorry wrong SS

>> No.18267009
File: 33 KB, 330x330, 1495727287397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18267033

Who's a good healing (that doesn't necessarily mean the "healer" class exclusively) unit in Aigis except Elyse to compliment Iris?
Chydis once she's on the TP? I kind of wanted to avoid her because of the boring art.

>> No.18267041
File: 223 KB, 754x557, ss+(2018-01-22+at+01.39.01).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some alternatives I got.

>> No.18267043



>> No.18267103
File: 159 KB, 804x600, Lilies (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have Madonna Lilies all over my house but I just can't like the flower knight for some reason. She's just a bit too manly to suit the most feminine of flowers.

>> No.18267165

Spoiler that image next time you fucking degenerate

>> No.18267224
File: 411 KB, 1200x978, 66661479_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.18267295

You know, if it where another pair, I would tell you how lewd is that, but it looks like she is taking an elemetary girl to her home.

>> No.18267386
File: 148 KB, 683x480, 3f2c8a5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you always have Maiden Lily for that. I have all of them (save Star Lily) full-amped, though, I'm just waiting for Casablanca to get a 5*/6* version to complete the ultimate lily team.

Still, I was never really a lily person. Figs, oddly enough, are the ultimate yuri-plants to me, since the female syconium in these plants is always pollinated by a female fig wasp (males usually being flightless and very short-lived), and the immature fruit even has a "hymen" (ostiole) that must be broken by her onee-sama in order to gain entry. Even yuri rape is possible in figs, as there are also parasitic fig wasps that forcefully oviposit into the fruit without properly pollinating her.

Not really my thing, but cute too. Oneloli is justice.

>> No.18267541
File: 49 KB, 325x305, ss+(2018-01-22+at+01.05.03).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished amping Firethorn to match Ringo for shipping purposes, but I'm not whale or weeb enough to properly give justice to most of the subtext.

I'm taking that fig spiel for my archives. Thanks Botanynon.

>> No.18268261
File: 302 KB, 2632x467, hazOVXr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly, the contest theme is neither Winter Rose nor Lotus Lake - despite a dog rose-looking rainbow and general anticipation for Pygmy Waterlily. Welcome to Bergamot Valley's festival.

>justice to most of the subtext
This is one reason that I wish the prequel series hadn't ended, there was so much material for yuri there. Praise be to Sasayuki.

Let's hope the upcoming new LN series will be good on the yuri front, at least.

>> No.18268817

I rolled it a few times, got Junon and Luxe. Rate ups are a lie. But since Luxe is the only unit i dont really like out of all blacks, yeah, avoid that cursed gacha.

>> No.18268989
File: 123 KB, 955x636, Freesia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have only needed 1 more ticket for 300 rainbow medals, but I'm okay with this.

>> No.18269039

I only get bad dupes from those. But at least the cheap ticket puts me less then 60 rainbow medals off 300.

And I got Hanamizuki from the (inaugural) discounted gacha.

>> No.18269120 [SPOILER] 
File: 201 KB, 320x460, 1516616204143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you identify the scientific name of the new clover?
the wiki already has:
Crimson Clover: Trifolium incarnatum
White Clover: Trifolium repens
Bush Clover: Lespedeza thunbergii

>> No.18269201

Although I'm guessing she represents the genus Trifolium instead of a particular species.

>> No.18269247
File: 1.33 MB, 960x640, palemoon_2018-01-22_05-41-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1850 stone drought finally ends and it's off of a 5*+ ticket.

>> No.18269298

I'm only an armchair botanist (sorry if I led you into thinking otherwise), but I'm fairly sure that's a tulip/pansy situation here: Clover and White Clover are sisters and represent more or less the same plant. Clover's introduction mentions "happiness" and "be mine" as her flower meanings, which match to four-leaf clovers, and white clovers are the kind that famously produce these.

But yeah, Trifolium spp. is a good way to sidestep that entire problem. Also, turns out that the dog rose-ish lady is another anemone, in case you weren't convinced by the buttercup conspiracy.

>> No.18269315
File: 75 KB, 600x842, ac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18269947

Hey anons, who here plays DP and how is it? I heard that it's a whale fest where F2P fellows can't even play.

>> No.18270027

There's no real failure in the game so anyone can play it.
Topping event rankings can definitely be a whale fest though, but guild battles can be won as f2p easily since most whales are mentally challenged and just slap the highest rarity cards on their decks without giving a shit about buffs or synergy.

>> No.18270066

I'm just asking because of the upcoming collab that requires you to play that game to get some rewards for KamiPro.

Man, most Nutaku games are pretty fucking boring

>> No.18270313

Daily free silver+ roll on FKG in addition to the 40% discounted gacha now.

>> No.18270395


I figured what they were making was gonna be a FGO clone, this PvP stuff caught me surprised.

>> No.18270426

Most of gachage are pretty fucking boring in general, it's not a Nutaku thing.
It's the gambling/daily thing to do element that's supposed to suck you in.

>> No.18270441

I think PvP could work depending on how they implement it.
I mean I'm enjoying both Goddess Kiss and Senpro, and both are PvP/ranking focused.

Getting equipments will probably not be a problem.

Both weapons and char will probably be on the same gatcha so expect getting 9 weapons and only 1 char on a 10-roll.

>> No.18270611

I seem to remember MuvLuv had 2 explicitly separate gacha for units and equipment

>> No.18271101

Oh, here's an important thing that wasn't mentioned yet: the top event character is indeed getting a 6* version, while the top grass, bronze and silver are confirmed for a 5* each, and the first-ranking newcomer (character that was absent from the last poll) will also get a 5*. There is a 2ch chart of previous contest rankings at https://i.imgur.com/EkdpM17.jpg, in case you want to reference which girls are likeliest for the position.

Also, fancy coincidence that the thread that mentions coleus, FKG's ranunculid diversity, and figs saw that the new event has coleus, a ranunculid (and the queen of Bergamot Valley to boot - they really need to give Novalis a new version, poor girl can't keep up with these amazing queens), and the game's first fig. Let's hope this is a sign of more FKG yuri in the future, I know that the next Jabjab Maidoari at least will have a book with a loli knightmaster.

And brown girls too. Maybe they'll even give the revival ability to a date palm onee-san with a phoenix, because puns and otomo are the essence of FKG.

>> No.18271352

Just another day of no rainbows in FKG, the game is testing my patience.

>> No.18271726

Got Orochihime from the guaranteed black Gacha. I'm not sure exactly how to use her curse user class. Any tips?

>> No.18271766

How useful is this trapper girl in revival? Kinda feel like I should be hoarding for the mess of dragon units coming up if they're just going to go in order.

>people started growing plants after FKG
Kinda nice when games spark interest in hobbies. Flowers are especially easy in that regard. I have a few varieties I plan to grow because another game I play uses them as a design motif for the girls.

I should start reading 5ch Aigis threads, but I fear they'll be pretty fast.

>> No.18271824

She's a generically useful early deploy, and effectively reduces the HP and attack of enemies in her range (she doesn't actually change HP values, but makes anything below a given HP threshold die in one hit). Your call on whether you prefer regular skill (infinite duration, -15% attack/7.5% HP autokill threshold) or SAW (25 seconds, -30% attack/15% autokill threshold, 3 uses per sortie), the former is more convenient in regular stages while the latter is geared for majin and other top-end content.

Her AW ability gives an extra -10% to enemy attack (which stacks with her class ability, but with diminishing returns: enemies get 76.5%/63% attack on regular skill/SAW), which means that she should be taken on virtually any stage after AW, even if you don't intend to use her (it doesn't require deployment). Offensively, she hits 2 targets (3 after AW) for unimpressive magical damage, but has a huge range that allows you to deploy her behind your healer/ranged DPS and still apply her class effects on the frontlines. The multi-targeting (which was added in a recent buff wave) is good to take out enemies below the kill threshold too.

She synergizes well with fast attackers due to the way her autokill effect works (below the threshold, a stray arrow and a 6000 damage Dolce bullet would kill the enemy all the same), but otherwise she doesn't require a specific team composition.

Her kit is very useful for majin stages (invisibility for Furfur, traps for most everyone), and her cost is low enough that she can pass for an archer in many cases, but she's not necessary if you aren't looking for budget majin tactics.

>another game I play uses them as a design motif for the girls.
Out of curiosity, which game? I've been looking for a "bugs as cute girls" game since forever, but more flowers could be good too. Just not another dang war game, the devil take Kancolle and the whole fad it started.

>> No.18271903

Hope that the cross over quests for kamihime aren't too hard.

>> No.18271932
File: 71 KB, 558x530, DUMaj18U8AIdb_O.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. Is Aisha pragnate?

>> No.18271976

Oh fuck hiroshimoot finally reboot the image server.

Sorry should've been more clear. For the girls' transform outfits and as decorations for dresses. It's very minor compared to a game dedicated to flowers. It's also a bit on decline so can't recommend it.

I don't think I've seen any game with a main theme of bugs, only for outfit design for a few weak one-off characters. I also imagine something like bugs would end up in monster musume territory instead of a motif for outfits just due to recent trends.

Anyway, I'll try to get a copy of her. Nowhere near majin stuff but I don't know how long it'll take for her to come back.

>> No.18272097
File: 447 KB, 1198x794, 23.01.18 0600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>18267541 again. Speaking of fun coincidences. This breaks a pretty long rainbow drought for me and both have pretty nice abilities so that will keep me happy for a few months.

I'm mildly curious about how our new Ranunculaceae got a fire theme since nothing seems to hint at that on her wikipedia pages.

>> No.18272118

PreAW Orochihime also reduces enemy attack just by being on team, 7% instead of postAW 10%.

>> No.18272201
File: 738 KB, 870x1200, 65a886e661afbd23cc8164724c858c87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no bandit AW2

>> No.18272254

Ah yes, a much needed 2AW for such a weak class. Thanks Devs!

>> No.18272373
File: 99 KB, 1200x1070, DQhCYbhUQAEK-qU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bit of a stretch, but maybe because the flower's name is also written as 秋明菊? We have another fire-using, autumn-associated flower in Maple.

She's also carrying a cantera, a kind of old-fashioned, handheld oil lamp, so it might just be because of that - in addition to flowers, FKG takes care to diversify its weapons too. Speaking of which, there was quite a bit of excitement about Gajumaru using a set of tonfa, possibly because both the tree and the weapon (as well as the familiar, who is based on kijimuna) are native to Okinawa.

Congrats on the double rainbows, too. Also, now that images are enabled again, here's the loli knightmaster design (by Siluma-sensei) that I wanted to post. Looking forward to the next Jabjab (which will take place in April), though my hopes of anything getting scanned is not too high.

Oh yeah, my bad on that. It was also not really right to call her an early deploy, she's more of a "make things better" unit that you drop in when you have enough spare UP. In maps that are tight on cost, it's perfectly fine to hold out on using her until you need to tank something tough.

>> No.18272570
File: 419 KB, 720x930, 7880e275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute. She's just a doujin character though I take it? I somehow got the impression she was going to be official in one of the LNs.

>> No.18272782

Oh, sorry, she is indeed a fan character. Jabjab Maidoari is the FKG-only fan convention, like Aigis' "Break More... Prince".

But there is a more official (albeit retired due to injury) female knightmaster in Wolfsbane's LN, I think.

>It's also a bit on decline so can't recommend it.
I've stuck to a good number of doomed games, so the name would still be welcome.

>I also imagine something like bugs would end up in monster musume territory
That would be good too, there are already a lot of insect-loving monstergirl artists. I know that Ganma Rei and Xelvy at least draw for other DMM games, get Nakamura Regura on board and you have half a game already.

Chiba Tetsutarou is the undisputed king of bug fans, though. You won't find anyone else who draws velvet worms, mole crickets and snail-eating beetles (in addition to other things like brittlestars, Chinese giant salamanders and gnathiid isopods) into porn, it's a shame he doesn't do monstergirl stuff at all.

>> No.18273075
File: 177 KB, 390x366, 1494521958722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the detailed responses. Looks like she is pretty strong for endgame content, it's too bad that I'm still working on my first awakened unit.

>> No.18274178

>Gold Armor mass sell
oh shit
>Labyrinth up next when I'm in dire need of SC
oh no
>text captcha is dead
oh fuck no

>> No.18274312

Sherman AW2 when?

>> No.18274579
File: 1.31 MB, 960x637, ss (2018-01-23 at 04.43.27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a 10-jewel pull, closed my eyes and RNG decided to throw its bless at me.

I love this event already.

>> No.18274626

This undead map pisses me off to no end.
>Melee spots are all wonky
>Someone always manages to spontaneously combust when I'm trying for a 2-star run
>Never enough cost to go around
I need two more stars to max skill and min cost Lan Fa, but it's looking like it might not happen.

>Why didn't you one star both of the last missions?
Because I thought I could 2-star one of them and not have something go wrong every attempt.

>> No.18274645

have you tried blocking off beard dude with tokens while you bombard him with ranged DPS

>> No.18274658
File: 1.30 MB, 960x640, ›.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-thanks, gacha.
>my last SSR was Huanglong
>the SSR before that was Tyr, I think
I don't even have a thunder grid.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know what the "SSR Guaranteed LR20% Gacha Ticket x2" from the crossover is supposed to be?

>> No.18274666

At least you'll have a good amount of orbs when they implement them.

>> No.18274669

It's for DP only.
Basically a ticket with 80% SSR and 20% LR chances and nothing lower.

>> No.18274711

>ragnarok boss wakes up from stun
>instant 5k aoe that kills half of my himes
How do you deal with this? I even had Joan's skill available but I couldn't tell when the stun is over

>> No.18274767

Which Ragna are you talking about? Anyways
>I couldn't tell when the stun is over
You just have to learn from experience, since it's something that changes from boss to boss. Depending on the number of people in the raid and their strength, it's safe to assume that most of the time the stun simply won't last. You could always stop attacking to be extra safe.

>> No.18274771

I have nothing to make such tokens. The attack range of the lichs is much further than most of my units too, so even though I can stun them once while they're in the center, nobody reaches or they get preoccupied with some other asshole closer to the exit.

Really not sure if I should try it again with another strategy or run the other map with all of the Chinese units. Probably going to be the same story.

>> No.18274791

I meant Ragna Kyuki

>> No.18274959

True madman.

>> No.18275333

Remember to make a new thread instead of letting this one fall off /jp/!

>> No.18275406

So I decided to start up Dragon Providence solely so I could grab the rewards for Kamihime, what's the fastest way for me to get to these Elemental battles and Blaze Cloud battles so that I can get some Alyssa coins?

>> No.18275445

>General Nutaku and DMM Thread 214
Dunno if that needs a reminder.

>> No.18275449

one of the recent threads fell off before a new thread

>> No.18275457

Have a not-cute OP

Wait fuck I forgot the subject.
You still can't delete your own threads, right?

>> No.18275471

>non-cute image
>fucked the subject


>> No.18275481

Blogpost since it's the end of the thread: Managed to get it by moving Kramer somewhere else to protect Thunder Prince and Ramy so they could clean up enough graveyard skellingtons before retreating everyone. Not enough firepower and healing to deal with the lichs and the undead bitch.

>Image doesn't represent anything
>forgot the subject
One job OP

>> No.18275501

>Image doesnt represent anything
>forgot the subject

Does it even show up in the catalog?

>> No.18275539
File: 727 KB, 909x883, screenshot_603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it even show up in the catalog?
Yes, out of place among all the images of cute girls.

>> No.18275548

I meant when you search for it since I assume that's how everyone finds the thread, of course it'd show up on the catalog with everything else.

>> No.18275557

Second row, two to the right, the cutest fluffy girl.

>> No.18275579
File: 117 KB, 937x271, screenshot_604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes since the words are still in the OP

>> No.18275586

I guess its okay then

Still a shamefur display

>> No.18277199

I thought the deal was new images in OP, not random aspies who play cuck games make the OP.
