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File: 598 KB, 1000x778, 66858303_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18248530 No.18248530 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>18231884

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JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://ch.nicovideo.jp/pixy_for_ever/blomaga/ar994724
Iowa: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14q3M_N9HXVC0g2Jp9gA42qkEChq0EeHKeWHn7Hrt1L8/edit#gid=961378818
Warspite: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HHpzOklOtf0l4UaKRQ5_5kKXoFfTK6qGFAXBvzJmemI/edit#gid=0

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

Leyte ships: https://my.mixtape.moe/hvwakp.jpg

-Murasame and Tatsuta have each received a Kai Ni. Neither require blueprints but Murasame requires an Action Report.
-Next month a battleship that sortied during Operation Sho-I with the aim of breaking through the Sibuyan Sea and into Leyte Gulf will receive a Kai Ni.
-Part 2 of Decisive Battle, Operation Shou-Gou! Interception in the Battle of Leyte Gulf will take place in the Winter event, with Palawan, Sibuyan, and Engaño being the setting. The Fleets commanded by Kurita, Suzuki, Ozawa, as well as Part 1's Nishimura and Shima Fleets will all feature in the event. This will be the final event of KanColle's Phase 1 and will be a large event taking place in mid-February.
-The Kagerou-class will receive Kai Ni starting in the spring and a few may already be implemented before Phase 2. Yuugumo-class will also get more Kai Ni this year.
-5 new quests have been added with Murasame Kai Ni's update. The 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount can now be improved through Akashi's Arsenal.
-New Setsubun CGs and voicelines have been added for several shipgirls. Previous years' Setsubun CGs and lines have returned. Eve of the Decisive Battle voicelines have been added for Zuikaku and Shoukaku. Hourly lines have been added for Hatsuharu.
-There's new and returning furniture available in the furniture shop. The mahjong table now shows the Strait Medal.
-A british DD will be implemented in the Winter event. New DEs by Shibafu will be implemented this winter.
-There are plans for expanding with ASW equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-The 5th year of KanColle will see something "interesting" regarding foreign ships.
-New Akizuki and Matsu-class destroyers are under plans to be added.
-KanColle will migrate to HTML5 and Friend Fleets will be implemented in the 2018 Spring.

>> No.18248542
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>> No.18248555

How would each shipgirl react after reading their respective doujins?

>> No.18248582

If you really loved Yamakaze you'd stop making these posts.
I guess people who don't learn from Kagafag need to learn the hard way to shut the fuck up about their waifu

>> No.18248617
File: 2.06 MB, 2110x3020, __admiral_and_harukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_orihi_chihiro__009d2938fc8362de3b64ebf4a129120f[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Admiral.

>> No.18248623

What is she doing?

>> No.18248631

They go look for Akigumo to murder her.

>> No.18248636
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Is Murasame the best Ishiso's kai2 to date?

>> No.18248637
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She just doing what she has to to make ends meet.

>> No.18248639
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>> No.18248664
File: 56 KB, 599x619, Kaga love 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They realized that they were not the true main character in their own respective doujins

>> No.18248688

Is lottery when you want to enter the game still a thing?

>> No.18248690


>> No.18248696

It was removed in the summer of 2015.

>> No.18248697

>Really!! It would have been enough to look a Takanami's penis!

>> No.18248700

Ah, how I miss those days

>> No.18248710

Trying to stab you

>> No.18248719
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Mou sugoi.

>> No.18248722
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>> No.18248732

She looks so shy and nervous but still incredibly hot

>> No.18248735
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>> No.18248737

Nice meme.

>> No.18248744

She's the most popular destroyer for reasons, anon

>> No.18248749
File: 98 KB, 590x540, osoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's the most popular destroyer

>> No.18248755

Is this 2014?

>> No.18248782
File: 321 KB, 600x800, 1457173115430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about anchor holds?

>> No.18248783

I think the sprite is the best one but the design itself looks a bit dumb so I still like Shiggy and Poi better.

>> No.18248787
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>> No.18248800

A shit.

>> No.18248820

Please be gentle.

>> No.18248830

Shame I'm not a Masochist though

>> No.18248887
File: 388 KB, 1000x1446, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of a Kashima look-alike like Hatakaze when you already have Kashima?

>> No.18248897

I prefer Hatakaze more than Kashima

>> No.18248986
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Maya is fucking great.

>> No.18249003
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I married her the other day.
Feels good man.

>> No.18249007

Literally your best bro with tits.
I love her too.

>> No.18249031
File: 121 KB, 691x900, 01421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And amazing titties at that

>> No.18249054

Would punch face.

>> No.18249080

She have a nice body but I wouldn't marry a tomboy

>> No.18249082

But that is what tomboys are for.

>> No.18249087
File: 102 KB, 681x958, IMG_20170720_182950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like very feminine and shy girls

>> No.18249088

Marriage or becoming old maids?

>> No.18249095

But Hatsuzuki is not very feminine desu.

>> No.18249114
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Your loss

>> No.18249119
File: 666 KB, 800x1555, e1dee04eac25a6d7069ecad94634e3aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saratoga is very feminine

>> No.18249173

Both are my favourite shipgirls

>> No.18249189

Shipgirls are my favourite shipgirls.

>> No.18249230

I went to Aya Sachou's booth on winter's comiket. I was sad that he didn't sell his old books. His newest book is, guess what, about chinkcolle.

>> No.18249276

Haruna is the best Bongo sister

>> No.18249285

Retards like this are why I can't fap to titty botes, because they give them literal zeppelins for tits.

>> No.18249286

Man of culture as well

>> No.18249296

Thanks, you too

>> No.18249305

I disagree but respect your opinion.

>> No.18249307

Then who is?

>> No.18249316

There are no "best" ships. Everyone's classification of ships is entirely subjective, so please use "favorite" instead.

>> No.18249325

Kongou is best looking Kongou
Haruna is second best looking Kongou
Kirishima is average looking Kongou
Hiei is worst looking Kongou

>> No.18249386

How do you manage your playtime if you have to work/study a lot?
I often skip some easy quests because of this (the daily screw is one of them)

>> No.18249411

Do you guys prefer big tits, tummy fat or ass?

>> No.18249416

>if you have to work/study a lot
I don't, as simple as that.

>> No.18249429

>daily screw

That shit takes like 5 minutes and it’s the most important daily.

>> No.18249436

>do you guys prefer obese partner, obese partner or obese partner


>> No.18249442

I like meat, so big tits plus tummy fat and big ass

>> No.18249455

Big tits

>> No.18249460

I like whale blubber.

>> No.18249462

Disgusting. I bet you guys are fat fucks irl too.

>> No.18249464
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Big everything

>> No.18249466
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>> No.18249467


>> No.18249470

So... Taigei and or Ryuuhou?

>> No.18249474


>> No.18249475
File: 250 KB, 1707x2048, DOsNOR6UIAEwlo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong if it's in moderation.

>> No.18249478

You are a legitimate cuck if you like Hiei. Oppose this post if you can corrective rape Hiei in game rather than in your imagination

>> No.18249485

You can correctively rape her. It's called marriage.

>> No.18249486

Good taste.

>> No.18249491

This image is so fucking hot and I have no idea why.

>> No.18249495

Good art style.
"Hot and bothered" expression.
Latex gloves.
Hand touching her chin as she tries to look away.

>> No.18249500
File: 298 KB, 488x373, zui jets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally done. I hope they're useful next event. Long range was a surprise, but a welcome one.

>> No.18249507

On the login screen.

And my connection suddenly went to shit.

>> No.18249509

>Hiei can Reject Marriage
>Hiei can Reject rape
Man she's a tough nut to crack. Unless the rape comes after the rejection

>> No.18249514

They see you're a gaijin and don't let you in.

>> No.18249516

Breast size doesn't matter, tummy fat is bad and ass comes with girly hips.

>> No.18249517

It conveys the power dynamic really well.

>> No.18249518


>> No.18249533

>Hiei can Reject Marriage
In game, she can't.

>> No.18249561

>legitimate cuck

>> No.18249563

She still loves Kongou after marriage
This is a sin

>> No.18249573

whattafuk I had a nightmare that the event had started and flagship re sank my yuu-chang.

>> No.18249576

subscribed, liked

>> No.18249578

>flagship re
How did she look like?

>> No.18249585
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>I guess people who don't learn from Kagafag need to learn the hard way to shut the fuck up about their waifu
He's just a retarded shitposter though. Reasoning with him is useless.

>> No.18249588
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>> No.18249589

Same message, but connection seems to be okay this far.

>> No.18249606

Save me from this game. It's been 5 years I'm stuck here.

>> No.18249609
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>> No.18249622

Just scrap all of your ships and equipment. You wouldn't be able to come back even if you wanted to.

>> No.18249630

The girls are innocent. I don't want to do that to them. I worked so hard for those equipment so I don't feel like scrapping them either.

There has to be a way.

>> No.18249637

>The girls are innocent. I don't want to do that to them. I worked so hard for those equipment so I don't feel like scrapping them either.
See, you still care. If you really wanted to leave you would follow my suggestion.

>> No.18249642
File: 158 KB, 855x1200, __bismarck_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kamelie__03c1ab118cda6c8a4251135c065f2166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't abandon your shipgirls, you kuso teitoku

>> No.18249647
File: 1.23 MB, 1106x1559, b3cacceb4e648912922a6de8e1eca2f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you practicing ballet with your girls?

>> No.18249651
File: 64 KB, 1200x480, do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There has to be a way.
But there is a way: >>18249622. Do it. Don't forget to post screenshots.

>> No.18249654

Because I'm not gay.

>> No.18249659

Of course I still care about them, which is why I am trying to find a solution.

I just can't keep up with it. I will have a job soon. I just can't.

>> No.18249665

>I will have a job soon.
That's where you went wrong, Anon.

>> No.18249668
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>> No.18249675

>you have to be a neet to play kancolle


>> No.18249678

>Of course I still care about them
If you really cared about them, you would scrap their rigging and let them go on to become normal girls (because that's what scrapping does) instead of rotting in your base with no one to take charge.

>> No.18249691

Gotta pay my bills using my own money sooner or later.

It is a job in the critical field. Imagine yourself working the hours in gulag.

>let them go on to become normal girls (because that's what scrapping does)
That is a lie. Nobody survived the scrapping.

>> No.18249697


>> No.18249701

>critical field
Fujita Saki is very busy, yet she still finds time to play the game during events. Mind telling us what that "critical field" is? Medicine?

>> No.18249707

Yes. First 2 years will be hell. After I braced through it might be able to come back.

>> No.18249710

If you really love your shipgirls you will find a way

>> No.18249714

>jet on plane has long range
>combat radius of 3 in LBAS
For what reason

>> No.18249726
File: 1.21 MB, 658x1519, 7812029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my.

>> No.18249727

It's the speed that lets them attack before piston planes.

>> No.18249738

That makes sense for the jet only bombing run but not the range issue.

>> No.18249739
File: 75 KB, 800x480, 2018-01-19 11-11-16 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanaka will not cuck me into shitty routes now!

>> No.18249741

If a junior doctor's position in your country is anything like in mine, then you really are in big trouble. Here, they're forced to take several positions in multiple hospitals because each one pays peanuts on their own. Additionally, they usually sign clauses in their agreements that allow them to work more than the employment law normally permits. And because some of them (around 7%) revoked those clauses starting with this year, we suddenly have a crisis in healthcare, and the remaining professionals are forced to work even more. Just quit the game altogether for 2 years, and then come back if KanColle is still alive by then.

>> No.18249746

I can't imagine I can learn anything if I am a houseman for multiple department at once. However 1 department is enough of a trouble and usually won't even have enough time to sleep.

I want to quit it right now so I can properly say farewell to the ships but I don't know how to do it.

>> No.18249748

>>combat radius of 3 in LBAS
It's 2 for Kikka.

>> No.18249750

>having an excuse to touch your girls' thighs and waists

>> No.18249758

>I want to quit it right now so I can properly say farewell to the ships but I don't know how to do it.
Just don't log in to the game starting from tomorrow. Leave your waifu as a secretary with another high-level ship so the players that fight you in MVP can get that juicy EXP. I had multiple breaks from the game during my service as an Admiral, and it wasn't because I couldn't play, but because I was simply bored.

>> No.18249759

>needing and excuse to touch your girls' thighs and waists

>> No.18249761

>I had multiple breaks from the game during my service as an Admiral, and it wasn't because I couldn't play, but because I was simply bored.
How can you leave your fucking post because you are "simply bored"?

>> No.18249765

Because jets eat fuel quicker than piston engines.

>> No.18249768

I don't think I can handle it though.

>> No.18249769
File: 582 KB, 750x1049, __admiral_and_noshiro_kantai_collection_drawn_by_dragonmaterial__9e84ab4fca6dd6553a988188d975bba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can never touch them enough. Any excuse for doing so is welcome.

>> No.18249771

Because it's a game, I play it for my own enjoyment. Once it becomes boring, there's no point.

>> No.18249774

Since SCAMP increases range it's safe to assume that carrier's range = rearming speed.
Though jets are slow to land so it should take longer. It doesn't make much sence indeed.

>> No.18249787

Then how are you expecting yourself to "handle it" when you actually have a job? Because right now, this is a no-win situation.

>> No.18249809

Well I guess you are right then.

>> No.18249908

You can't use your phone at work?

>> No.18249924
File: 392 KB, 426x582, 1505172463778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 slotter here. Should I scrap Mutsu? Musashi got in.
Bismarck soon, I will scrap 1 Kongo sister.

>> No.18249930

Nah. Musashi isn't worth it.

>> No.18249941

>Bismarck soon, I will scrap 1 Kongo sister.

Scrap Kongo, as the oldest sister she should be the one to sacrifice herself so that her sisters won't end up on cutters.

>> No.18249942

kuso modo doesn't need Musashi

>> No.18249945

I will scrap Hiei
I dont like her

>> No.18249953

Buy slots, fag.

>> No.18249955

>Should I scrap Mutsu?
Are you homosexual? That's your answer.

>> No.18249959

She's weak


>> No.18249961
File: 153 KB, 650x919, Kaga Sara mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18249970

Then don't do stupid questions, retard.

>> No.18249974

Mutsu might be weak but Musashi is just a waste.

>> No.18249981


>> No.18249990

>100 slotter
Tell me how and why you still play this game.

>> No.18250012

I like my strong shipgirls

With EO my hands

>> No.18250046

Why do you even play events since you obviously can't keep the ships.

>> No.18250055
File: 2 KB, 28x33, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have free slots
Kaiboukans are not rewards

>> No.18250056

What, Kancolle is P2P now?

>> No.18250075

wtf I hate kancolle now

>> No.18250130

Is it not better to play the game than to be a secondary who doesn't play at all?

>> No.18250174
File: 18 KB, 739x153, Screenshot_221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by that?

>> No.18250198

Our liege!

>> No.18250203

Great, now it's 2 languages I don't understand

>> No.18250231

The bottom is in hungarian, that one you dont have to understand. For the other, learn moon, my dude.

>> No.18250248
File: 116 KB, 282x320, 1506823896256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18250454

Tanaka finds a way

>> No.18250466

Stay silent fool, before you doom us all.

>> No.18250499

It won't help you when the "good" route is just as shitty.

>> No.18250513
File: 558 KB, 1488x2088, __samidare_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nyum__12e8a4d14439ac0c2173087d15fb5a81[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What words pop out of your mind when you see Samidare?

>> No.18250524

I'm surprised because I forgot she existed.

>> No.18250528


>> No.18250530

Dead artist, dead VA.

>> No.18250532

Mutsu is the cutest BB though senpai

>> No.18250546
File: 102 KB, 498x428, kagadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hug Sara senpai without permission you kiddie-diddler

>> No.18250547

>She's weak
Stronger than all of Kongous except Kirishima.

>> No.18250553
File: 176 KB, 848x1200, 1507811390901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutsu is sexy as fuck, not cute

>> No.18250555

but she is not fast

>> No.18250558

She's lewdcute

>> No.18250559

She's also slow

>> No.18250561

That's why you use her on maps with no speed restrictions. Also, you will keep her if you don't want to make Nagato sad.

>> No.18250568

Sluttiest BB. Which is interesting because her sister is the purest.

>> No.18250576

thats why I have musashi now
Nagato have her squirrel now

>> No.18250582

Don't you have some DDs to scrap instead?

>> No.18250595

Yes, I have quest DDs

>> No.18250606

Abyssal Kaga is not Enterprise

>> No.18250617

>What words
The best.

>> No.18250623

Nelsol and Rodnol when?

>> No.18250630


>> No.18250633

A cutie.

>> No.18250635
File: 69 KB, 680x960, __yura_kantai_collection_drawn_by_peko__534d1a9cda5f58e2185334c47ecb9b32[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yura has taken over communication duty since Ooyodo is on vacation.

>> No.18250637

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.18250639

Then do the quests and scrap them.

>> No.18250653
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x1904, 1378451670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pair of fleet oilers from UK with unusually heavy gun armament.

>> No.18250654

Ooyodo is a devoted OL, she is never on vacation.

>> No.18250664


>> No.18250677

Also known as the ugliest ships ever put to sea.

>> No.18250678
File: 107 KB, 650x498, 6119907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18250686
File: 152 KB, 850x1133, __admiral_ooyodo_and_t_head_admiral_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rasukaru__sample-c17eca6987e8929c2c421d8cce24e444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooyodo will return after I'm done with her.

>> No.18250697
File: 133 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180120-02325497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ready?

>> No.18250699
File: 59 KB, 682x800, B9yA96TCcAEru-N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Buki.

>> No.18250703

>not gensui

>> No.18250704

buy slots goyim, keep every kaiboukan

>> No.18250718

70 ships out of the 280 I have are modernization fodder. Why exactly should I buy slots? I never get rid of unique ships.

>> No.18250749

Please force her to maternity leave.

>> No.18250760

Those side holes are only for this purpose.

>> No.18250764

Is that a sonar and what did she hear?

>> No.18250768

Someone having sex with Admiral judging by the text.

>> No.18250774

Yeah, but if thats a sonar, does that mean he is underwater and soon to be kill?

>> No.18250775

They're fucking in a submarine.

>> No.18250783


In this game's universe im unironically interested about how they are going to perform that.

>> No.18250795

There are normal ships as well, obviously. How else would people be transported between islands?

>> No.18250797

Vore. Notice how we never see what size the shipgirls are compared to the Admiral.

>> No.18250805
File: 588 KB, 1280x1822, 0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku unbirthed him with her gaping cunt and he started jerking off as he suffocated in her uterus.

>> No.18250810

Yeah, unless everyone is already dead, and except the admiral, the whole population is fairies.

>> No.18250819


>> No.18250824

keep going
they're fodder anyway

>> No.18250834 [SPOILER] 
File: 891 KB, 850x1067, 1516385139952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that from?

>> No.18250837

One of Bomber Grape's KanColle works.

>> No.18250838

You should recognize bomber grape, anon

>> No.18250947

No, on top of being inhumane, you can't get a rank better than B if you sink any ships.

>> No.18251000

Works well in 1-5 though. One person has well documented sinking a couple certain ships like the fodder they are and uses that to make plenty of EXP for his ships, It's why I learned to not take interest in shit statted ships and treat most my ships like the canon fodder they are. A feeling which has been deepened by support of stats all around here

>> No.18251023

I'm sparkling, not leveling, and the battle result influences how much morale the flagship gets. Also, you're a monster.

>> No.18251048

Who cares about destroyers. You get more anytime you want.

>> No.18251049

Never felt it necessary to sparkle with a dmg sponge present, do not know that feel.

>> No.18251066

NO shipgirls deserve to be sunk. Even if they're expandable and useless at least let them go back to their homes after using their rigging for modernization/scrapping.

>> No.18251068

Yeah, and also you can easily use them to do your monthly 1-6. But why would you? It just makes you more a kuso than you already are.

>> No.18251082

>he fell for the story that they survive scrapping/modernization

>> No.18251088

Tanaka said it, therefore it's canon.

>> No.18251092

Sure anon, and Bambi's mom just needed a quick nap.

>> No.18251097

Even with your edgy point of view, you are wasting time and resources sinking DDs while sparkling. Fuck off.

>> No.18251104

I hope your fleet of Android shipgirls can fend off the Americans.

>> No.18251110

>NO shipgirls deserve to be sunk.

That is a matter of debate, there are plenty of bad girls out there that could use getting sunk.

>> No.18251133


>> No.18251134

>NO shipgirls deserve to be sunk
Next you're going to say no shipgirls deserve to be scrapped

>> No.18251138


>> No.18251140

Did you even read the second part of my post?

>> No.18251152

Come on, it's not her fault a retard claimed her as his waifu.

>> No.18251157

This logic doesn't work here

>> No.18251205

Who cares if shipgirls get sunk or scrapped? They aren't people.

>> No.18251214

Actually he gains resources sinking fodder.

>> No.18251222

>They aren't people.
Tanaka thinks otherwise. And even if you're willing to discount that, they look and act just like humans, so we should apply the same standards to them.

>> No.18251233

If you go by that logic, then it's a war and sacrifices are needed.

>> No.18251237

Right, they’re better than people.

>> No.18251242

You care about your losses in war. You do your best to minimize them.

>> No.18251244
File: 608 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180119-12280968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.18251250

Not if you're the IJN

>> No.18251251

Yeah but I can just go and construct 10 of the same shipgirl. So why does the loss of one matter?

>> No.18251254

Replace the potato

>> No.18251257
File: 186 KB, 666x934, 66551543_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this artist

>> No.18251260

IJN also got its ass kicked the first time it faced an enemy that was both willing and capable to fight back so you probably shouldn't follow their example.

>> No.18251262

>5CV1BB instead of 4CV2BB

>> No.18251275

Was the IJN retarded?
'Murica had more destroyers on Leyte than the entire IJN fleet. Surigao Strait was a massacre. But they still believed they could win, kek.

>> No.18251279

She looks tasty.

>> No.18251286

In their defense, many admirals believed that the war was lost from day one, but they thought objecting would be dishonorable. Again, reptilian brain wins over rational thinking.

>> No.18251289

It's what happens when you allow ideology to determine policy. Everyone falls into that trap sometimes.

>> No.18251297

Making one post every thread is nothing compared to what Kagashit does, shitposter.

>> No.18251302

What good leader kills their own people for economic gain? That's a Stalinist way of thinking.

>> No.18251312
File: 66 KB, 480x480, 5347-741876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What good leader kills their own people for economic gain?

>> No.18251322

I said GOOD.

>> No.18251347

He won his war.

>> No.18251350

Please don't bring Kaga into your Yamautism argument

>> No.18251368

Russians like him so much that they chose him to be the 3rd greatest Russian ever.

>> No.18251369

Barely and with a good deal of help from the US.

>> No.18251378


>> No.18251394

Still won the war. So long as Russians aren't learning German they've won and a victory is a victory

>> No.18251405

See you in gulag, Anon.

>> No.18251412

>beat an enemy that has no way of winning and only ever had a chance because you yourself had murdered all competent people in your millitary
>declared a good ldeader

>> No.18251414

The irony is they likely could have achieved most of their war goals. The idea behind the IJN's strategy was sound; Vietnam proved that. The IJN could have made it work if they hadn't struck first. They would have known that if they hadn't been horribly ignorant of their opponent's culture. That's particularly damning of Yamamoto given how familiar he was with the US.

>> No.18251426

The disastrous start of the war on the eastern front was what he was responsible for in that war. The ultimate victory was mostly the doing of his generals and Hitler's incompetence.

>> No.18251439


>> No.18251451

>The idea behind the IJN's strategy was sound; Vietnam proved that.
I think they are too different to compare. And advancing your objectives without going on the offensive is hard.

>> No.18251474

But the likely hood of the US joining the war without being attacked first was low. Japan *could* have been fine if they had left the US alone and let Germany make the first move, then the US wouldn't have been so angry at Japan and a white peace could have been negotiated.

>> No.18251479

Fighting a guerrilla warfare in a jungle with support from local population and your opponent being largely unable to bomb you because of treaties is not comparable to a full-scale naval war.

>> No.18251486

>advancing your objectives without going on the offensive is hard
Not in this specific case. All of Japan's important goals were controlled by the European powers, not the yanks.

>> No.18251492

Cough... Philippines... cough...

>> No.18251494

What happened to 'Murica and Japan ships or their scraps after the war?

>> No.18251501

Was there enough oil in the euro colonies for them, after the sanctions from America.

>> No.18251517

The US had an oil embargo going against Japan at the time while being their main provider. It left them little choice.

>> No.18251518 [SPOILER] 
File: 74 KB, 800x653, 1516392795385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them met an, interesting, fate.

>> No.18251520

Some sunk, some were made floating museums, the vast majority got either scrapped for razors or sunk during the tests at Bikini Atoll.
The majority sunk, some were given to their former enemies as a form of reparations, and a few sunk in tests at Bikini Atoll.

>> No.18251524

Is this history 101 now?

>> No.18251530

>baaw why aren't you discussing spreadsheets

>> No.18251532

We /his/ from a long time, anon.

>> No.18251533
File: 92 KB, 1007x1300, 31dfec926bd2e22a817c76570f14e7f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>survive the entire war
>sunk by chink incompetence

>> No.18251551

>floating museums

>tfw I will never visit a WW2 'Murica ship
Feels bad man

>> No.18251556

Just /his/ time.

>> No.18251568

Any ground fighters have a chance of outranging the m21, something like a p51 or p47n with droptanks?

>> No.18251581

That was part of what I was saying. I was thinking worst case, where the Americans do join the war on behalf of the colonial powers. In all likelihood they wouldn't have, and Japan gets what it wants without even fighting them.

That's not relevant. I'm not comparing the wars, I'm saying Vietnam is a proof of concept for the idea behind the IJN strategy, which is to get what they want not by beating the Americans, but by relying on public pressure within the US to keep them from fully committing to the war.
The Pacific war was orders of magnitude more costly for the Americans in lives and money than Vietnam was. The only reason the public put up with it was because they had been attacked.

>> No.18251595

Only important because of their location on the trade routes, and that only would have mattered if the Americans joined the war and used them as a base to disrupt trade.

Barely, yes.

>> No.18251603

Just get a tourist visa if you don't live here. You have good choices on both sides of the country, Iowa in LA and New Jersey in New Jersey. Or if you fancy going to the south, you've got North Carolina down in Wilmington, North Carolina or Alabama in Mobile, Alabama.

>> No.18251609

Yeah. The feeling of isolationism in the US would have been enough to keep the US out of the war unless they were to be attacked.

>> No.18251615

Wrong. Japan didn't even launch the war to get oil from the Americans, they did it to secure the oil fields in the dutch east indies, which they could have attacked and captured without attacking the US. The Dutch couldn't defend them thanks to Germany steamrolling them.

>> No.18251624

It always has been.

>> No.18251638


>I don't even buy slots

But I can dream

>> No.18251643
File: 259 KB, 847x1206, S3AiBhF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely P-51D.

>> No.18251649

Some day, anon

>> No.18251661
File: 548 KB, 1400x990, leyte2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe medium, right /jp/?

>> No.18251664

who quote

>> No.18251665

You don't spend money on a dying game, anon

>> No.18251666

Depends on number of SPF probably

>> No.18251673

Post resources

>> No.18251674

Fuck off.

>> No.18251683

Japan was facing economic collapse unless they went to war because of the oil embargos. They imported almost all of it.

>> No.18251701

They were wiping the floor with the UK and the Commonwealth, so it probably gave them significant morale

>> No.18251708

And Kyofuu.
I fucked up /jp/, I really did.
8k fuel, 20k ammo, 43k baux, 50k steel.

>> No.18251718

Reread my post. All of the oil in the pacific was controlled by the Europeans. Japan didn't need to attack the yanks to get it.

>> No.18251723

This, if the Americans had never joined the war, Japan would have easily been able to hold off Allies.

>> No.18251726

Comptiq warned you that seaplane fighters might be important and you didn't listen.

>> No.18251730

Ehhh. Yeah I don't think I'd try hard.

>> No.18251731

Do you have any Italian ships? You can easily produce Ro. 44.

>> No.18251733

You don't spend money with microtransactions that almost every game, even paid ones, have

I fixed for you

>> No.18251743

America would have gotten involved anyways.

>> No.18251744

I spent my screws halfway upgrading my Keiun instead of spf's, I have 4, did I fuck up?

>> No.18251749

You pay for a permanent upgrade to your ship capacity in KanColle though, plus this is the only way the devs can make money. Server maintenance costs, you know.

>> No.18251753

You needed at least 6 in Leyte Part 1. You'll need at least that many in Part 2 because Kurita's Fleet didn't have any carriers. Suzuki's fleet at least has the advantage of having the enjo kousais which you can use as CVLs.

>> No.18251754

Citation fucking needed

>> No.18251761
File: 8 KB, 246x200, 1496199807301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I fucked up, because I have like 5 ships waiting for a BP.
And what did I do last month? Blew my screws for F36. Go ahead, check it. Funniest shit I tell you.
No way. I'm missing the last 2 years of LBAS fighters. Cannot possibly defend an event air raid perfectly in hard.
This being said, I just cleared the 6-5 for the 1st time and you can see from my res. Fucking TNK, that 3rd landbase is really important against air raids, isn't it? It took quite a number of attempts too.
Fucking fatfuck.

>> No.18251762

History topics and discussion related to the Pacific war are way better than the usual interevent funposting.

>> No.18251766

And now we go back to the start >>18251414
If the yanks did join in without being attacked the IJN strategy actually would have worked.

>> No.18251769

>you can see from my res
You say that as if 6-5 is hard.

>> No.18251770

>You needed at least 6 in Leyte Part 1

>> No.18251772

An Isolationist country
Would get involved in a war halfway across the planet
Because Britain said "please"?

What the fuck?

>> No.18251774

E-3 phase 1 with AA Hime. The good route didn't allow CVLs in the main fleet, and with 6 you could get AS.

>> No.18251779

Worked in europe

>> No.18251782

It is.
Bench your Iowa, Sara, and every equip comes along with them.
I dare you.

>> No.18251783

I cleared that with my 4 fighters on hard

>> No.18251785

Try your luck with 10/10/10/20 recipe. Use it for daily crafting quests with her as a secretary ship. If you get lucky, you'll get a Ro. 43, which can be upgraded to Ro. 44 through Akashi with Italia as the helper ship on Saturday and Sunday JST.

>> No.18251796

If you mean in WW1 that was France. Big difference. They actually liked the French.

>> No.18251801

>Ro. 44
Is that preferable to the Type2 SPF, or you simply suggest it because event is close?

>> No.18251803

And you know, the Telegram to the Mexican government about retaking the southwest, and the sinking of the Lusitania.

>> No.18251805


Type 2 is stronger

>> No.18251808

It's cheaper to obtain and just as good since most of the AA comes from chevron anyway.

>> No.18251818

Yeah that whole Zimmermann thing was probably the big one. The Americans have really never liked the Mexicans much.

>> No.18251819

Nip high command :^)

>> No.18251820

Yeah, I checked. Plus it costs much less screws as anon here says >>18251808
Thanks anon.
So, onigiri improving until I get Ro, then dump screws onto Ro, right?

>> No.18251825


>> No.18251832

> onigiri improving
Do you guys really improve onigiri?

>> No.18251833
File: 250 KB, 590x698, exploding hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paragons of impeccable judgment.

>> No.18251838
File: 19 KB, 600x709, idortlosslessdb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally FREE screws.

>> No.18251843
File: 203 KB, 880x718, 49548150_p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will from now on.
Doesn't it give the screw from the daily back? Up to 6 star at least?
I have 3 screws at total btw.

>> No.18251846

To be fair there wasn't much they could do at that point. Could have sent their entire battleship force in hopes they might do something but then we'd just see 3 or 4 giant smoke plumes and not just the one.

>> No.18251848

Is Akashi just shoving a fistful of screws into it each time?

>> No.18251864

What did you mean by this?

>> No.18251866

Only when at low screw amounts and trying to save up for something else, which is often because of the cost of all the introduced equipment nowadays.

>> No.18251884

Oh fuck finally a use for those 43 onigiri I have

>> No.18251898

>43 onigiri
I'm jelly.
I actually used onigiris for extra sparkle in the last event, when I could not put anything better to the punchhole of Yukikaze or Abukuma.

>> No.18251901
File: 64 KB, 681x554, atago stuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18251918

Make that 69, I've never touched them since they were first introduced

I lined a room with them behind bulletproof glass, and lock Akagi in there as punishment when she's been stealing resources

>> No.18251927

Should have put repair goddesses in, advanced with a taiha yukikaze through several nodes and she never trigered it once.

>> No.18251933

Atago a cute

>> No.18251949

Reminder that the UK severely underestimated Japan just because they were Asian who thought they were still flying fucking biplanes for some reason. America was always weary of them

>> No.18251953

>I lined a room with them behind bulletproof glass, and lock Akagi in there as punishment when she's been stealing resources
Jesus Christ, how horrifying.
I ran out of them and normal damecons up to the last one during the strait sub chipping.
God, that was some fucked up shit.
Still not quite Ironbottom level of fuckery, I may add.

>> No.18251962

>Bench your Iowa
I can just bring Nagato then because no slow bullying.
Big deal, I used Taihou and Zuikaku before Sara got her armored form.
>every equip comes along with them
Okay, first of all upgraded Proto 41cm guns are better than stock 16inch, and second of all Sara Mk. II and Mod. 2 come without any equipment. The only one I even use in 6-5 is the F4U-1D since it helps with FP and allows CVCI as it's counted as a dive bomber, but you could just as easily replace it for Iwai.

>> No.18251966
File: 272 KB, 800x800, 1516397061587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18251972


>> No.18251973

You can really tell this is the case when the US built 3 ships comparable to Nagato and the Brits let the interns build 2 of whatever the fuck Nelson is.

>> No.18251975

I hope this is Oyashio's seiyuu's big break. She doesn't have many roles.

>> No.18251982

You will be forced to Kai Ni her and holepunch her to add a boiler as the routing requires both Kurita's Center Fleet and that the fleet needs to be fast.

>> No.18251987
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x3792, 1414919168760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can just bring Nagato then because no slow bullying.
Okay, I'm retarded. I was using Bisco. Nagato can even in CI in yasen.
> I used Taihou and Zuikaku before Sara got her armored form.
Me too.
>all upgraded Proto 41cm guns
I have stock ones.
>stock 16inch
You have at least 7 stars in GFCS.
Great Reppuu.
Don't be too hard on scrubs armchair Gensui TTK.

>> No.18252001

>You have at least 7 stars in GFCS.
Stars don't mean shit and I don't have GFCS.
>Great Reppuu
I'm talking about the fight-bomber Iwai, not the fighter Iwai.

>> No.18252011

I want to molest this beaver and turn her straight.

>> No.18252013
File: 655 KB, 800x480, 20180116_13373107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18252017

>Using a OP fleet with the best gear on them.

>> No.18252019

>I'm talking about the fight-bomber Iwai, not the fighter Iwai.
I know senpai, I was messing with you, just take it easy.

>> No.18252020

If you're at 6-5 equipment and ships shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.18252023 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.56 MB, 592x1280, 1516398012746.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play her game and you might get a chance.

>> No.18252026

I thought it wasn't out yet.

>> No.18252036
File: 581 KB, 677x1128, 6-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is not the best gear nor are they OP.

>> No.18252039 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 1516398216041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not hard to go on tourism.
If you really can't, you can always visit a few others, like HMS Belfast in London, Blyskawica in Poland, or the old lady in Yokosuka.

>> No.18252047

>HMS Belfast in London
Heard it's supposed to be shit

>> No.18252050

Not only do they look pretty overpowered, but you also ranked them which makes them even better.

>> No.18252056

When London hasn't been shit? Honestly uncle Adolf was just trying to do Brits a favor when he ordered it to be bombed.

>> No.18252057

I thought it was kinda run down when I went there

>> No.18252062

You are probably one of those who think Iowa should never be a drop because farming 16 inches would break the game.

>> No.18252064


>> No.18252074

I miss Strike Force.

>> No.18252089

We already had guns with better FP and the Yamatos themselves, and they don't break shit.

>> No.18252095


>> No.18252096

FP doesn't matter at this point, accuracy does.

>> No.18252100

"Kujo Ichiso will fix this."

>> No.18252111

Did anyone buy all the new furniture? I really don't like it and feels like it's a waste of coins.

>> No.18252112

More NuiNuinja when?

>> No.18252127

WTF? I remember having bypased Sadpanda over a year ago.

>> No.18252128

Did your cookies expire? They do that

>> No.18252134

I did it the going to whatever the name of the sister site is and did some shit there. But i don't even remeber what it was.

>> No.18252139

You have to log in in the normal site and edit the login cookies to work on ex. Cookies can expire or be deleted though.

>> No.18252146

try this (at your own risk)
clear the cookie cache or the sad panda cookies both the black and the regular site.
Log back into the normal site then go to the black site and see if you got it.

once again at your own risk, don't know if it will work for you or not.

>> No.18252179


>> No.18252193

Why not

>> No.18252197


>> No.18252205

Schleswig-Holstein and Schlesien when?

>> No.18252207

When Tanaka dies and someone takes over.

>> No.18252223

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.18252228

>but you also ranked them

>> No.18252234

>last commit 13 dec 2017

>> No.18252235

There is nothing new in the fucking game, it doesn't need updates.

>> No.18252237

Do you not see the "+6" next to the Type 91 AP Shell?

>> No.18252239

That's not ranking, that's improving. Also AP shells cost 1 screw to improve.

>> No.18252246

If we get more krauts, I'll bet for Graf Spee or Scharnhorst/Gneisenau. Tanaka works in mysterious ways tho.

>> No.18252247

Do tell us what new system has been added to the game since Leyte 1 that requires it to update.

>> No.18252255

Scharn has been in Bismarck's lines for ages. So she'll be added right after Shinano.

>> No.18252259

Same fucking thing.

>> No.18252267

Are you sure? Mind Shinano is going to be the surprise for the end of phase 1, that means Scharnhorst soon too. Maybe we'll go to Europe again as the first event of phase 2?

>> No.18252268

>Mind Shinano is going to be the surprise for the end of phase 1
No she's not.

>> No.18252273

Prove it!

>> No.18252275

You're the one making claims without any citation.

>> No.18252278

I already told you is a surprise. Giving proofs would ruin it, bwaka.

>> No.18252288
File: 2.65 MB, 1200x2286, choukai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a true war hero looks like.

>> No.18252299

Chokai? War Hero? The one who was detonated by a fucking CVE?

>> No.18252301

No one here calls it ranking. And it doesn't change the fact that improving AP shells is something you should be doing anyways since you end up at a net screw loss of 0.

>> No.18252303

Killed by a baby carrier's vestigial deck gun

>> No.18252306

Chokai? More like Choke愛 wwwwww

>> No.18252321
File: 1.40 MB, 1517x1877, CVE luggage duty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are pretty cute

>> No.18252326

I'm more surprised those bombers even fit there.
Its more like asking to get bombed.

>> No.18252332

It's like when you dress up a little kid in miniature grown-up clothes

>> No.18252334

IJN was in no position to bomb transport lines like that

>> No.18252336
File: 597 KB, 1715x1368, cute as a bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18252346

These were the only CVEs I am okay with getting. Please, no more Shitbafu. Bring in the Yoshinori USN CVEs.

>> No.18252376

Is this lolicon?

>> No.18252396
File: 143 KB, 666x1892, CVE - Combustible, Vulnerable, Expendable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they really cared if they lost a few at that point

>> No.18252404


>> No.18252491

Why is there Pocky on her hair?

>> No.18252514

It's pocky day and she wants admiral to maul her face with his tongue

>> No.18252552

What's the point of a starter when I was going to collect the other girls anyways?

>> No.18252555
File: 94 KB, 704x524, 1464928673973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who thought they were still flying fucking biplanes
>the country that still used the Swordfish

>> No.18252562

What is the point of a starter in pokemon?

>> No.18252567

You can't even sortie without at least having 1 ship.

>> No.18252573

To start your collection, anon. It's right there in the name. You can't get any ships if you don't have one to start with.

>> No.18252588

You mean.
>the country whose navy thought monoplanes were just a fad

>> No.18252604
File: 257 KB, 800x480, 2018-01-20 00-44-00 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me again why she never gets any seasonal art
I am 200% endeared here

>> No.18252610

Tanaka is a fag and doesn't like them.

>> No.18252611

Luck mod her?

>> No.18252614

Because you are a KC3 shitter

>> No.18252619
File: 396 KB, 800x480, 2018-01-20 00-44-53 64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanaka has SHIT TASTE


I might just do that, she's growing on me fast.

>> No.18252638
File: 348 KB, 641x1084, 50158780_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18252642

I can't wait.
A cat is fine, too.

>> No.18252647

That I can't wait comment was meant for >>18252404. I don't know how I fucked that up.

>> No.18252672

I'm half way through of luck mod her but her luck is fucking low for a ship whole survived the war

>> No.18252697

>subs on screen
Fuck off.

>> No.18252700

No that's a cruiser.

>> No.18252707

Fuck off back to the wikia Takaoshitter. You're shitfu a shit.

>> No.18252718

This, you're supposed to place them below the screen.

>> No.18252731

You have to have a secretary ship.
game does everything it possibly can from preventing a ship from not existing in first slot of first fleet.
choosing starter is just choosing which you like more to take that required slot.

>> No.18252734
File: 27 KB, 360x360, New tweet from _@KCIconWatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shit.

>> No.18252742

>devs working on Leyte 2
Here we go bois

>> No.18252743

What the hell art style is this?

>> No.18252751

They've been working on it for months.

>> No.18252760
File: 545 KB, 2480x3507, __shidare_hotaru_and_taketatsu_ayana_dagashi_kashi_drawn_by_hongchajun__44aa559a3ee0bcfd85985bb5e3aa02ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in the world of replacing in hotaru's body?

>> No.18252762

Maya a bitch.

>> No.18252789


>> No.18252799

Don't bring Akagi into this.

>> No.18252808

/jp/ doesn't accepts subs at all, wikifag.

>> No.18252810

But who drew it and why does it resemble fairies but not by Fujikawa?

>> No.18252815

Fairies by Shibafu now?

>> No.18252839
File: 22 KB, 480x360, YAMEROOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18252840
File: 107 KB, 1000x1414, shirayuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's fire Shibafu and replace him with this guy.

>> No.18252841

Don't see any info on the artist, but they're official. It's for the Lawson Valentines collab. See dev twitter.

>> No.18252850
File: 6 KB, 53x63, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-They will make this shit useful r-right g-guys?

>> No.18252871

Give a reason for which subs are bad that's not "hurr it's KC3 therefore it's inherently bad".

>> No.18252879

But I can't, anon, merely using the subs on KC3 and posting an image here is guaranteed for you to fuck off and go back to where you came from.

>> No.18252883

Clutter and it looks unnatural

>> No.18252884
File: 17 KB, 287x430, Zuiun_(634_Air_Group_Skilled)_237_Equipment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one time he drew an equipment piece and he applies his shit techniques to the Zuiun while barely resembling the real thing and a terrible point of view.

>> No.18252894

That's only when you're retarded and put them on screen, which is bad form indeed. Under the screen it's non-intrusive and serves its purpose of letting you know what they're saying.

>> No.18252895

Wasn't one of the complaints of Chinkcolle equipment was that their propellers weren't spinning?

>> No.18252897

They come from post-anime which is cancer by default

>> No.18252910

And that's why you don't let Shibafu out of his cage.

>> No.18252911

No, it was that the spinning ones they did draw were bad.

>> No.18252932

it's been three years, you gotta let it go

>> No.18253041
File: 691 KB, 769x676, 1516408665178[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iowa with new USN ship

>> No.18253043


>> No.18253047

You can't trick me with that Toji no Miko stuff.

>> No.18253048
File: 27 KB, 287x430, 16inch_Triple_Gun_Mount_Mk.7_+_GFCS_183_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are coming true.

>> No.18253055

She looks like a straight up cunt.

>> No.18253061

They look nothing alike. Not even the style of glasses is the same.

>> No.18253105
File: 882 KB, 1920x2046, iowa resting her boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch the Toji no Miko op again.
That girl isn't even there. The toji no miko girl is a midget.

>> No.18253124

So who is ponytail-chan? The only USN ship I know of that has been name dropped is Yorktown and ponytail is probably a BB, no? Missouri?

>> No.18253125

Same hair. Same hairband. Same ahoge. Until he posts a source for that image, it's Toji no Miko.

>> No.18253134


>> No.18253143

It's just a fairy.

>> No.18253163

I want to sexually harass that Shimakaze/Hatsuzuki

>> No.18253226

It's not just a fairy, she's scientific.

>> No.18253235

Missouri makes sense to me because I can see her being portrayed as a dutiful secretary type due to the surrender signing thing. Plus Tanaka seems to favor American ships that nips can easily pronounce. Ai-o-wa, Sa-ra-to-ga, Mi-zu-ri.

>> No.18253298

It's from the game you fucking retard.

>> No.18253316

That explains why he added Gangut and her mouthful of a 2nd remodel name.

>> No.18253320

>a research girl
Must be New Jersey, there are many weaponary research facilities there.

>> No.18253326 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 857x539, Progression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we interpret this?

>> No.18253327

I don't think the motherland has a single relevant ship the nips could pronounce

>> No.18253329

Doomposting retards obviously

>> No.18253330

Fuck off already.

>> No.18253339

Chinkolle is bad

>> No.18253341

There's nothing hard about Октябрьская революция.
They could probably do Kirov.

>> No.18253343

Saratoga kai ni in standard form or CVB?

>> No.18253353

Fuck off.

>> No.18253355

Both are strong.

>> No.18253358

Standard if you want yasen and upgrade some of the burger planes through Akashi otherwise CVB.

>> No.18253414
File: 28 KB, 360x360, 377D_VvE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw faries literally save KanColle

>> No.18253441

Fairies are the best part of KanColle and I have no idea why the chinks haven't even made an attempt to rip it off.

>> No.18253451

chinkcolle has chibi form

>> No.18253496
File: 23 KB, 287x430, Swordfish_Mk.III_(Skilled)_244_Character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the same

>> No.18253497

Different things. Our fairies just dress like shipgirls, but they're not shipgirl.
Pic related>>18253414 are Avenger's fairies.

>> No.18253507

Cute fairy Kaga

>> No.18253553

That's one tiny swordfish.

>> No.18253573

Chinks can't into moe, their chink designs are either exaggerated "cool" or slutty with awful clothing designs

>> No.18253597

Chink ayanami is pretty moe in her live2d form.
her standard art is pretty bad though because the clothing doing weird things.

>> No.18253638

What's your 5-3 fleet for Murasame quest? Should I go with 2FBB?

>> No.18253685
File: 69 KB, 650x1004, DT0iV0QVQAUIwhT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go out with Turkey?

>> No.18253695

Only if she lets me do her in the ass.

>> No.18253701

Older destroyers only.

>> No.18253712

Honestly attacking Pearl Harbor was not a mistake. The US might strike at anytime with a chance they've got, no matter how low that is.

Let's say they don't attack the US, if US started attacking the Japs in the future, then they would have the first strike and the Japs obviously couldn't handle it. All the loots they got from the war will be moot if that happened. Attacking Pearl Harbor was actually the best chance for the Japs to control the far east long term. But it turns out America has more navy than in Pearl Harbor.

>> No.18253722

If it ends in raunchy sex, then yes.

>> No.18253754


>> No.18253762
File: 716 KB, 906x1126, 52858503_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I would go out with my wife.

>> No.18253826

Co-worker date? Sure.

>> No.18253837

For Valentines? Sure.

>> No.18253844

There better not be any shorts under that sweater.

>> No.18253845
File: 1.29 MB, 1000x1200, __taihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mofu_namako__52fddf81a3ffc4065f510a73b238b809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat is justice.

>> No.18253846

Take anyone who can use seaplane fighters and then go from there.

>> No.18253848

There is a huge difference there though. US was isolationist instead of world police like they are now. The population would not get behind a aggressive war, which is why US was all but officially declaring war through requests and demands. They wanted Japan to declare war first. Attacking pearl did take them by surprise a bit, considering how complicated it would be to do so, but it rallied the entire country behind the war.

>> No.18253849
File: 276 KB, 1000x1316, 1457247199582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious Flat Carrier!

>> No.18253857
File: 54 KB, 576x900, __taihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rokuwata_tomoe__35e88bc584f584332f4467b15d5f0d8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My niggas.

>> No.18253859 [SPOILER] 
File: 275 KB, 1200x800, 1516421447638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people say this, what justice is there?

>> No.18253863

Can Tanaka deliver?

>> No.18253867

Taihou's body is actually perfect

>> No.18253869

It's going to be shit, just like her.

>> No.18253870
File: 259 KB, 370x1090, Ultimate perfection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I improved your justice, thank me later

>> No.18253873

>Taihou's body is actually perfect
Not with a flat chest it isn't.

>> No.18253878

Just cleared it. SF is unnecessary because there are two night nodes before the boss, meaning you have to use night plane and at least one flare.

>> No.18253880

She's like Megumin, but not autistic and legal.
See >>18253845.

>> No.18253883

Flat isn't justice. Taiho would be better with some small boobs.

>> No.18253897
File: 653 KB, 833x1400, 1478591111165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already perfect. Humikane has his seal of approval for that matter.

>> No.18253898

Her K2 will come after Samidare's.

>> No.18253905
File: 518 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180120-13201752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18253915

Why would you expect a ship from the Shitryuu class to not fuck up?

>> No.18253960
File: 158 KB, 1382x1472, __yamakaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_suzuki_toto__e7ab7f99b88908c4afa78ddd5fbbac54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you cheating with her?

>> No.18253962

A shit. Scrapped on sight.

>> No.18253963

You do it for the boss, not the nodes.

>> No.18253978

Boss is super easy even without it. I got the Wo composition and S ranked like it was nothing.

>> No.18253979

How do I unlock the new exercise quest?

>> No.18253981

It's not cheating if she watches.

>> No.18253995

Her voice is garbage so she ain't perfect by any means.

>wanting anything to do with that piece of garbage
No thanks.

>> No.18253996

It is obvious that they wanted a war, that's the thing. If they see the situation was in favor of them they will be very likely to join the war to get the loot. I don't think the population will deny a winning war. FDR or Truman will make it work somehow. The relationship between Japan and US was very hostile back then so it is actually not a good idea to leave your backyard open to US while you were raping those South East Asians.

>> No.18254006

And you can blame the poor relations with Wilson and FDR. I mean the Japs were retarded but those two were to blame for the relationship going sour as it was pretty clear both had a mutual hatred for any Asian.

>> No.18254010

So it is safe to assumed that those 2 were racists?

>> No.18254015


>> No.18254016

It would look better for FDR and it would garner the full support of the US population if it was attacked first. The country was basically 50/50 on isolationism and Pearl Harbor made it 100% in support for bloodshed.

>> No.18254035

The top are eager for war that's for sure. They are very likely to get an approval from congress if the wind blew the right direction and the Brits + the Frenchies begged the US like dogs.

Japan wouldn't even have to join the axis if not for the embargo.

>> No.18254046
File: 492 KB, 1441x2048, i-118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute, alright

>> No.18254048

A shit.

>> No.18254058

Least cute Shiratsuyu. Least cute DD even. Even below several potatoes.

>> No.18254069

Then why did you even ask for help?

>> No.18254125

>They are very likely to get an approval from congress
Yeah, no.
Members of Congress were not going to risk their political careers on going to war to save Europe's colonial empires, and send boys to die for China of all places.
American isolationist movements were exploding in the 1930s and 40s for a reason.

>> No.18254148


>"After the end of seclusion in the 1850s, Japan signed unequal treaties (so-called the Ansei Treaties) but soon came to demand equal status with the Western powers. Correcting inequality became the most urgent international issue of the Meiji government. In this context, the Japanese delegation to the Paris peace conference proposed the "racial equality clause" in the Covenant of the League of Nations."

>"The Racial Equality Proposal was an amendment to the treaty under consideration at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference offered by Japan. Though broadly supported, it did not become part of the Treaty of Versailles, largely because of the opposition of Australia and the United States."

>"The chairman, President Wilson, overturned it, saying that although the proposal had been approved by a clear majority, that in this particular matter, strong opposition had manifested itself (despite the lack of any actual votes against the proposal), and that on this issue a unanimous vote would be required. This strong opposition came from the British delegation. French Delegate Ferdinand Larnaude immediately stated "A majority had voted for the amendment"."

TL;DR Wilson was a dick.

>> No.18254167

The isolationism movement exploded due to economic downturn, much like today. They will approve the war if they know there are something to gain from it.

>> No.18254188

There is a good reason why many consider him the worst US president. Awful in both domestic and foreign policy, rather be king than a president.

>> No.18254190

TL;DR America was already a dick a hundred years ago.

>> No.18254199

Why was America in charge of the organizing the League of Nations when they never joined?

>> No.18254200

America saved them from being hypocrites so it's a good thing in hindsight. Because even with that clause none of those countries were going to stop being empires overnight.

>> No.18254206

>There is a good reason why many consider him the worst US president.

Hindsight is 20/20. He got reelected and served 2 terms as US president.

>> No.18254208

Japanese people deserved it though. They had become far too uppity for their own good.

>> No.18254213

""Neutral"" third party.

>> No.18254214

The never joined because Wilson died, and with him any hope of the US joining the League.

>> No.18254215

I meant years later, many look back at him as a failure and even his historians can barely defend him.

>> No.18254220

When the white bois was to play empire games it was fine and dandy, when the yellow boi wanna join everybody(in this case the Americans) lost their mind.

>> No.18254227

Ironic, as Japan was treated quite well in the late 1800s and early 1900s when they were still friends with the US.

>> No.18254231

Because they joined too late.

>> No.18254239

Yeah, try selling WW2 to the American populace without being attacked first.
Go die for European stupidity, and because Japan hates the Chinese would really help keep those congressional seats away from isolationist candidates.
Japan was stupid for attacking PH, and would have still remained a powerful empire if they just waited to see the results of Germany's sieges of Leningrad and Stalingrad.

>> No.18254244

Considering they got more tonnage than Italy or France I would say they were still treated quite well.

>> No.18254249

Which is why I said hindsight. He was supported by the American people by that time so I don't see any way to take the blame off the population.

The proposal was to make sure everyone dan deal with equal terms. It not only benefited Japan but other countries, which is why Britain and France (and the majority of league of nation supported it without a single nay during the voting).

>> No.18254264

The Anglo was a dick.

>> No.18254267

They were allowed to have the third biggest navy in the world, but cried bitch tears because the RN and USN were bigger, even though it was because they had to defend both the Pacific and Atlantic.

>> No.18254274

Not to mention they had attacked the USSR before, lost and then made a Neutrality pact with them.

>> No.18254281

Because of Ansei treaty. America had control over Japan's foreign trade at that time of course America was Japan's "buddy".

Not sure it worked during WW2 but you can invade and attack other countries as USA without declaring war first.

>> No.18254289

Washington treaty.

>> No.18254291

France gets no respect because they were trapped between to large powers and always gets the worse of any fight.
And nobody would let Italy forget about losing a war against black people.

>> No.18254295

>The proposal was to make sure everyone dan deal with equal terms. It not only benefited Japan but other countries, which is why Britain and France (and the majority of league of nation supported it without a single nay during the voting).
Sounds like a Fantasy anon.

>> No.18254312

>Sounds like a Fantasy anon.

You mean sounds like what we are having today? Don't underestimate how bad the Asians are treated on the negotiation table back in the days.


>> No.18254319

The treaty that hamstrung the USA more than any other nation?
The USN would have been bigger than all the other nation's navies combined even earlier if it wasn't for that treaty. But no, lets weep for Japan's tiny, fragile ego.

>> No.18254344

Why would an isolationist nation need a big navy?

>> No.18254350

Oversea territories.

>> No.18254351

To have ships for both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans? Obviously, one still wants the ability to defend itself.

>> No.18254354

Because military and defense analysts believed the next big war would be fought between anglo nations USA and UK over economic and commerce issues.

>> No.18254360

It wasn't isolationist in the 20s yet pay attention to everyone in the thread. And even with isolationism in the 30s, Phillipines, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Alaska among other Oceanic holdings were a thing. Though it's speculated the american public public at the time would care much about losing Guam.

>> No.18254388
File: 399 KB, 850x1214, __akigumo_asashimo_fujinami_hayashimo_kazagumo_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_fujikawa__sample-e73c6f77694907794faa0171ad39caa0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the Janetty?

>> No.18254390
File: 29 KB, 600x508, 1427299932876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18254396

Makigumo have arms?

>> No.18254406

Sounds like a poor choice of wording happened to me. Maybe they should have called it the Nation equality clause.

>> No.18254410

[insert your own war crimes joke here]

>> No.18254433

One is not gumos

>> No.18254434
File: 37 KB, 306x331, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18254483

Because by and large nations are not equal during that period.

>> No.18254514

You need arms to tie American sailors on a filled drum can and push it down the sea.

>> No.18254525
File: 194 KB, 850x1133, __akizuki_and_hatsuzuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_vi3r6ein__sample-4e2d7ef38459375b412b5d4f402cc5de[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akizuki has discovered the wonders of body suits.

>> No.18254531
File: 1.53 MB, 1300x2249, 7bb9fccc75e44d594ccbee06f8f46e31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have her discover the wonders of pantyhose.

>> No.18254537

Is this some extreme asphyxiation fetish or a war crime?

>> No.18254553
File: 482 KB, 600x802, Harukaze.(Kantai.Collection).full.2001388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harukaze - the cutest DD in the game. Especially with this sweet voice.

>> No.18254557

I want her to lightly bully my dick.

>> No.18254563

Ships didn't have human forms in WWII, let alone arms.

>> No.18254579

Not really

>> No.18254588


>> No.18254590
File: 309 KB, 800x480, KanColle-180119-23351272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongou on suicide watch.

>> No.18254597

>Marrying a KSR

>> No.18254605
File: 672 KB, 1134x2008, 1457977024277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kongou please improve you English skills.

>> No.18254611
File: 1.20 MB, 916x1200, 6454ca59e429bba4a7cfaa9438e2df08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these sluts even saying?

>> No.18254616

Bloody Continentals.

>> No.18254621

Nonco so funny

>> No.18254637

I actually bought his book noncolle.

>> No.18254655

I can tell Aquila is wishing the viewer happy birthday. I'm not sure if it's the same for Graf.

>> No.18254674

Should be the same since the whole image is a happy birthday to whoever this sakitsurugi person is.

>> No.18254678

Back then we have her and Bifidus on KC comic with weirdass humor. Then the later went pro and stop making the said comic.

Guess nonco is the only one left. Even then it's not so often.

>> No.18254689

At least we still have Koruri-ya

>> No.18254695

america was isolationist almost since it was founded, at least in regard to stuff outside the new world. it was only the political elite who kepts getting us into shit.

>> No.18254696
File: 850 KB, 662x1200, d647ff10cc1949519c5838149a4d3739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ido's weeb Kamoi.

>> No.18254721
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 1470303470545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamoi & Kongou should form their own bitter returnee society who whines about everything.

>> No.18254736

At least we still have Yume no Owari.

>> No.18254762
File: 1.46 MB, 1134x2008, Kaga Yukikaze Nonco comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite Nonco

>> No.18254769

Did the artist make any weird dumb humor like the two? All i see is that the artist makes pretty art. A lot of artists do.

>> No.18254777

QMR is the best.

>> No.18254778
File: 102 KB, 578x1024, __zuihou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_nonco__7f3e63f4ded92b21b455623fd1ebaef4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. This is my favorite

>> No.18254779

Yes and you need a strong navy for that otherwise you end up like Japan when Commodore Perry came.

>> No.18254787

The weak shall fear the strong.

>> No.18254795 [DELETED] 
File: 697 KB, 850x1213, __prinz_eugen_and_prinz_eugen_azur_lane_and_kantai_collection_drawn_by_zhiyou_ruozhe__81bf88771af8973e12e66bf4c76fafe6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if everyone could get along?

>> No.18254798

The only one I've seen that I might classify as weird was the one with Sendai surrounded by a harem of destroyers and swimming in money from investing.

>> No.18254803

Fuck off.

>> No.18254817

Nonco is a little too fond of the ahoge face

>> No.18254821

Can the girls become pregnant? There need to experiment done where admiral loads his destroyers and see whether they get pregnant.

>> No.18254827

>ahoge face
You mean ahegao, although that particular one looks more like torogao.

>> No.18255066
File: 697 KB, 1139x1600, 1482712119450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be the 4th Home Security Sendai.

Yes, the one where Naka-chan became a Magical Girl Idol Light Cruiser.

>> No.18255073

How the fuck does Valentine's Day even work at the base? Clearly some girls can get super asshurt over it.

>> No.18255089

>Clearly some girls can get super asshurt over it.

>> No.18255109


>> No.18255115

What a bitch.

>> No.18255118

>wife aura
As expected of fanon.

>> No.18255132

No shit, m8. Who could had expected that a clingy foreign bitch would end using poison when faced with a superior Japanese waifu boat?

>> No.18255148

That is more like a dead fish aura.

>> No.18255153

Kaga is the waifuest of waifus, alright

>> No.18255361
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>> No.18255368

K2 soon. Kagerous can wait.

>> No.18255374

What did she even mean by that? What the hell is a ncha?

>> No.18255380
File: 353 KB, 648x907, c62c057bd65ba80cb04504a507c7b103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I prefer Shigure pre-K2? She just seems so much cuter and sweeter.

>> No.18255388

Does anybody even like Aquila? There's just so little fanart of her.

>> No.18255397
File: 261 KB, 1814x3993, __amatsukaze_and_hatsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shinonome_yuu__dd0cf31823fd4591d5b1854002f7ab9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hatsukaze's KaiNi should make her uniform more like the rest of DesDiv16, kinda like her christmas sprite.

>> No.18255400

Shit stats, shit slots, shit equips, looks around average. No pros.

>> No.18255410

None, Hayate has 5 range and Mustang had nearly the same range as it including the drop tanks.

>> No.18255424

seems less evil

>> No.18255468

She's the most lovable carrier.

>> No.18255491

She's a huge slut, right?

>> No.18255494

Less of an edgelord as well.
Also Yuudachi before K2 is actually pretty cute. Now she, and Shigsmond are all looking pretty chuuni

>> No.18255503


>> No.18255533

It depends on how huge external load there was. Mustang could get about 100 miles farther, which would likely mean 6 range. Around the same with later Lightnings and Thunderbolts.
Though Tanaka might give them stats which make them barely useful compared to skilled and named Zero and Hayabusa squadrons. Lightnings saw much more action against Japan anyway.
Only other Japanese plane which could reach 7 range is Ki-83, but we might need to wait for such later war land based plane for a long time. Succesful prototypes which used same engines as Reppu and people here likely know what happened to the factory.

>> No.18255537
File: 430 KB, 750x1061, 1516443940812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Saratoga's underwear, now she can't get married!

>> No.18255552

Can't see your underwear if you don't have any

>> No.18255572

How come Everyone puts x2 WG42 on Ooyodo when fighting installations, but a Sanshiki + WG42 on a CAV?

Is a Sanshiki + WG42 really better than x2 WG42?

>> No.18255585

Nigga I'm pretty sure CLs cant use Type 3 shell

>> No.18255591

They can't, but he's asking about the antiinstallation bonus stacking and why they don't use 2 WGs on CAVs.

>> No.18255601

WG42s stack their effects then?

>> No.18255612

I think they stack, but a second WG42 will not be as effective as the first one

>> No.18255668

Which exp guaranteed bucket with sparkled?

>> No.18255688

Those that have buckets on the right.

>> No.18255722

Because the type 3 buff times the wg42 buff is better than pure wg42, on some installations.

Personally I'm more confused by dd setups, when should I use tank carrying daihatsu, when kami, when double attack étc.

>> No.18255736

It's something to do with soft installation vs. hard installations.

Someone really needs to write an article about this one day.

>> No.18255787

What the fuck is Kadokawa doing with KanColle?

Nothing announced for months.

>> No.18255798

Season 2 announced what feels like a lifetime ago. But still nothing.

>> No.18255836

Is a Type 91 AP Shell +6 stronger than a Type 1 AP Shell +0?

>> No.18255846

Nowadays releases have slowed down. Like back in the day we had ships that were released not in events, Bisko, Taihou, Uranami. Nowadays we only get ships in events. It must be that Tanaka, Kadokawa or DMM is now trying to extend the game's life as long as possible by slowing the release of content as long as they can. And knowing even the kusos from Reddit, Wikia and Discord that SHOULD Leave but don't and the presistence of nips who make 99% of the fanbase and DON'T Move on to F/GO, Granblue, Azur Lane or any new shit made or play all 4 at the same time. They're gonna stick through anything Tanaka pulls while 99% of the gaming community wonder why the people just continue to play and not shit on the higher up's decisions or fuck off yet?

>> No.18255857

The T91 is 1fp and 1acc taller than the T1 in this scenario.

However the T1 shell looks cooler and has a cuter fairy riding it, so it wins by default.

>> No.18255866

I think the problem with KanColle is that several companies are part of the franchise.
So they can't move away form the internet game because DMM.

>> No.18255875

Just look at what each +1 gives.

>> No.18255924
File: 864 KB, 1452x2000, 66884100_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatships best ships

>> No.18255930


>> No.18255933


>> No.18255942

>1% that should leav
What fucking change would it make if 99% that eat all the shit thrown at them would stay?
>99% who don't play anything else other than KC
Cite the origin of this statisctic, mr number cunter.
And again, how the fuck would 99% of the fanbase be in any way reactive to the behaviour of the 1%? Do they makeprotests in the street or what?
They just wouldn't care. And the fact that you think they don't critisize the game as well means you are an ignorant asshole.

>> No.18255995

Anal lovers.

>> No.18255996

They should leave because they are shitty players yet they stick while Being retarded as most the smart communities say yet they stay here. On the other the 99% nips don't base they're opinion on the 1% I would have assumed they had the same opinion. I might have not been going to enough nip conversations to understand that they don't care but I do have some doubts they play nothing but Kantai Collection

>> No.18256045

>smart communities
Like the traditionally autistic /jp/? Or are they retarded cause they hurt your feelings with opinions you don't like?
Yeah, cause 99% nips have the exact samer opinion as you? Cause that is the shit you are implying, by saying that you know. You think they don't have opinions you wouldn't like?

And with the aproach you have, you would always find another 1% that should leave cause they critisize or don't think the same as you.

>> No.18256073
File: 224 KB, 800x1000, Maya+Choukai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Maya and Choukai meaty enough?

>> No.18256091

What would Season 2 even be about? Fubuki's story is pretty much complete with both Season 1 and the Movie.

>> No.18256100
File: 421 KB, 1579x1116, 01055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All meat class is meaty.

>> No.18256110

Either an unnecessary sequel that doesn't contribute anything to her story arc, or have it take place in another base with no characters returning from S1+movie.

>> No.18256118

Time for all the foreign ships to shine!

>> No.18256140

They can just do another "ships having fun" + "ships doing work" story, but spread across a larger cast of ships with more dedicated episodes taht intervine. Having serious plots is good, but don't give it "end of the world" treatment.
But not like SW, that had character ark filler throughout with only 3 episodes focused on the main plot. It wasn't bad, but the "main goal" of the story stood still while we were given fanservice and moe cause they can.

>> No.18256149
File: 140 KB, 804x804, 1515156827609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

52 episodes of SoL shenanigans with Shigure as the main character!

>> No.18256151

>no characters returning from S1+movie
No way would they exclude around 1/4 to 1/3 of the cast.

>> No.18256155

Just watch Shimakaze anime and Toji no Miko

>> No.18256158

>52 episodes of Shigure talking about the rain and her fleet
It would be, like, fucking, another season of Aria.

>> No.18256159

I hope my waifu doesn't appear in the new season, if it's ever coming.

>> No.18256165

Proabably the TTK will make a new Fubuki and She'll be the main character and repeat everything Season one did with a new roster of ships

>> No.18256167

>Shigure as the main character
Ew, I don't want another boring MC likes Fubuki

>> No.18256181

Would you like it if your favourite shipgirl had a major role in KanColle Season 2?

>> No.18256191

Not a major. The MC of the anime is usually given the worst possible traits.

>> No.18256204
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, Kaga Zuikaku best senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more ZuiKaga antics

>> No.18256213
File: 918 KB, 1048x1475, __fumizuki_kikuzuki_kisaragi_mikazuki_mochizuki_and_others_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamato_tachibana__02c5b7a3b2ca3df217966be9a5e02a8e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's getting a Kai Ni next?

>> No.18256214

That CG was painful to watch. I hope S2 gets cancelled.

>> No.18256217

A Leyte BB, most probably Musashi.

>> No.18256220

Not any of those, that's for sure. It's going to be either a Gumo or a Kagerou.

>> No.18256227

>Kagerou Kai Ni
Really? Who would it be then?

>> No.18256239

Tan Yang

>> No.18256241

Anyone but Shiranui.

>> No.18256245

>Shimakaze anime
Which one?

>> No.18256251

Bestiality one.

>> No.18256254

That Zero mahou something.

>> No.18256256

You mean Ise?

>> No.18256268

Delet this

>> No.18256269

Who knows. Though i'd hope for less Shibafu ships untill he goes back to his initial CV batch standards.

>> No.18256273

Zero only kinda but not really looks like Shimakaze.

Only thing they share in common is the long silver hair and sharp eyes.

>> No.18256286
File: 280 KB, 1200x1100, 1508126277467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't so popular, but I'm still confuced how it wasn't enough for few doujins.
+same body

>> No.18256310

Impossible. Official tweets said that the battleship fought in the Battle of the Sibuyan Sea.
Also, I'll say it again: if Tanaka had Ise and/or Hyuuga kai2 ready, he would have released it during the Zuiun festival.

>> No.18256323

Why? Did he release Kashima or Kaga or other K2 during their Lawson or Mitsukoshi events?

>> No.18256334

Zuiun is the entirety of Hyuuga's identity. Plus we got a few quests relating to them back then.

>> No.18256350

What the fuck does her "created" character have to do with a seaplane?
Why do you think he "had" them? Does he have all the art stashed for 1+ years before introducing them? Shimu and Kuna look that way, but they are the only ones so far.

>> No.18256432

Do you guys still watch seasonal/old anime?

>> No.18256441

Should i take yasen Sara or another Kaku for the 3-5 AV+CL+CVL quest?

>> No.18256517

He's good but he has bad taste in botes

>> No.18256645
File: 467 KB, 758x537, Ooyodo vs Ooyodo Kai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the one by Dam Labo

>> No.18256688
File: 532 KB, 693x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18256872
File: 23 KB, 360x360, LVwscDBy_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogami is peak lewdness.

>> No.18256890

But that picture isn't lewd at all.

>> No.18256901

She is always lewd

>> No.18256923


You mean Mikuma.

>> No.18256924

How good is Mogami's oral skills?

>> No.18256980
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>> No.18257005

Not canon.

>> No.18257018

The anime is canon, we had this discussion many times before.

>> No.18257037

The discussion ended with an openended conclusion with no official proof outside a guy saying "since Tanaka said nothing, it is true untill said otherwise, because i said so".

>> No.18257044

I believe you

>> No.18257088

Fubuki confirmed for abyssal

>> No.18257120

When can I stop leveling my Niggersashi?

>> No.18257130

Until level 90.

>> No.18257157

Don't bully her, anon. She's brown, not black.

>> No.18257164 [DELETED] 
File: 390 KB, 721x545, Erectrical Parade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogamin iss a very hot boy

>> No.18257182

God, that doujin was retarded. Still hot though.

>> No.18257188

When Shibafu draw new Shirayuki and Miyuki art?

>> No.18257197
File: 390 KB, 721x545, Erectrical Parade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogamin's a hot boy!

>> No.18257202

Nobody is going to answer you if you phrase the question this way.

>> No.18257205

Didn't bob once mentioned in his twitter that that's what's underneath?

>> No.18257221

What's the most dedicated thing you've done for your favourite shipgirl?

>> No.18257229

abortion sex

>> No.18257232

Play with her hair?

>> No.18257234

Ringed, then scrapped.

>> No.18257239

>abortion sex
Wait. For a second I thought I was at /gbfg/.

>> No.18257255

That'd be technically correct, no one has done it for KC yet I believe

>> No.18257262

Does Butacoma accept commissions?

>> No.18257264
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x2448, Hatsuharu Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that one guy who painted Hatsuharu?

>> No.18257275

Are you talking about the one by Aya Shachou?

>> No.18257279


>> No.18257291

Is he die?

>> No.18257294


>> No.18257299

Doing the Ise/Hyuuga quest in 3-5. Is it better to use 2guns 2spfs or 2guns, spf and recon on them?

>> No.18257306

He died shortly after taking this photo from the paint fumes that blurred his image?

>> No.18257313

Did the painting get expensive?

>> No.18257325

2 guns 2 spfs doesn't give you artillery spotting, what's the point.

>> No.18257328

Fap to her myriad doujins?

>> No.18257330

I would buy it.

>> No.18257332

I'm afraid of Hopopo, thus asking.

>> No.18257335

Yes. Aya Sachou sure has his way with fetishes.

>> No.18257337
File: 320 KB, 460x961, Kaga tongue twister comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned how to typeset in a day

>> No.18257341

It's cursed at least

>> No.18257366

Okay, so I got a spare blueprint. I plan to get another one in early February before the event. Should I use it, and if so, on which shipgirl? Candidates are:

>> No.18257370

Tone, then Kumano.
Leave Taigei for when you don't know what BPs to use on.

>> No.18257373

But Kumano is needed for Leyte.

>> No.18257377

If he gets another next month, what's the difference? Or you can't use her as a CAV as is?

>> No.18257391

Turned her ship into a stadium in PES and repainted a MMD model of her.

>> No.18257405

The one in the next month is reserved for Musashi. I even have doubts about using the current one, because it's possible that Musashi Kai Ni will require two of them. My Kumano is currently at Kai, Kai Ni would give her a substantial boost to HP, AA and TP and minor ones to armor and FP.

>> No.18257418

Channeling my autism and possibly pissing off some people here by cooking Kongou Curry with Kongou


>> No.18257434

>It's a pretty good curry i had thanks to Kongou's own recipe. High-point to her!
Don't lie, I would be surprised if it was eatable.

>> No.18257480

Dunno, at least on the based on casual glance the only really eyebrow-raising thing about the recipe is the inclusion of strawberry jam.

>> No.18257486
File: 57 KB, 550x439, ch_detail7.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a boy or girl

>> No.18257493

>progressive inclusive whatever character

>> No.18257571

Either leveling to 165 or sketching her constantly.

>> No.18257599

Do people actually upgrade their T89 Daihatsus into T2 Tanks? That screw cost is absurdly poor value

>> No.18257603

It's japan, anon. She isn't there for inclusiveness she's there for tomboy moe.

>> No.18257612

Hr.Ms. Gelderland/Niobe when?

>> No.18257620

Never ever.

>> No.18257634

She looks cool, not moe.

>> No.18257637

Cool is a subset of moe.

>> No.18257642

Cool girl is a form of moe

>> No.18257653

Isn't moe more on the cute side of things?

>> No.18257669

No. Moe and cute are not the same. Cute things can be moe but moe doesn't necessarily mean cute.

>> No.18257675

No, moe is not synonymous with kawaii as some might think. Moe is simply a general term for various archetypes of physical and psychological attractiveness.

>> No.18257682

I don't know that there is a direct equivalent in English. Rather than 'cute' moe is more like 'attractive' which can include cute but also other flavors like handsome or pretty.

>> No.18257696

She clearly has defined, child-bearing hips.

>> No.18257701

She's there for trap fanservice

>> No.18257703

DD-557 is coming along nicely

>> No.18257866
File: 1.84 MB, 1200x1777, __tsushima_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hadron9__c8b44e10cca85e694274459f79fc1421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10-12 is my strike zone.

>> No.18257878

She's 75 though.

>> No.18257888

That basically makes her a jailbait in boat terms.

>> No.18257896

Isn't that a legal loli?

>> No.18257907

Eh, she looks younger than 10 to me, at least mentally

>> No.18257921

That's what I tell myself too.

>> No.18257949

Even if you use launch date-date when sunk/sold for scrapping determining boat's she is still around 20 years old.

>> No.18257965
File: 631 KB, 1280x1876, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These completely out of character yandere doujins keep getting worse and worse

>> No.18257993

>admiral doesn't lose even one of his body parts during the doujin


>> No.18258010

Flat is shit.
Flatties usually have horrible attitudes.
Flatties deserve nothing but bad things.
Therefore they are flat.
Flat is justice.

>> No.18258026


there is nothing on google and yandex

>> No.18258034

Front page of sadpanda

>> No.18258061
File: 139 KB, 990x1200, DT_JgyNU8AEN-jY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18258079

The fuck is that mouth x-ray anatomy.

>> No.18258122

This 3-5 quest is pure autism. Either E or F fuck over half of everything. Ise and Hyuuga do their best to not DA or DA enemies that already had their turn of fucking someone over. Or you just magically reach F with all green/yellow, and then get the only taiha from opening strike.
Fat cunt.

>> No.18258141

I want to cum in her glove and make her wear it

>> No.18258169

So is Tone, look at Suzuki's fleet again.

>> No.18258181

I'm going to watch KanColle movie now. I'll come back when I'm done to share thoughts.

>> No.18258186

Movie is canon

>> No.18258193

It's worse than the TV series, don't bother saying anything if you watch it. This isn't your blog.

>> No.18258198

Fuck off.

>> No.18258252

NuiNui a cute, my favourite DD

>> No.18258336

How long until Tanaka adds in monitors?

>> No.18258351
File: 335 KB, 1100x990, USS Monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but not soon enough.

>> No.18258361

Never, Would make events too easy

>> No.18258397
File: 263 KB, 1280x720, 『第参回 期間限定海域:索敵機、発艦始め!』今秋作戦開始!.mp4_snapshot_00.12_[2018.01.20_16.08.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this grandma so smug?

>> No.18258453

She knows you want to fill her dusty old pussy with seed

>> No.18258460

She knows you want to put it in but she won't let you.

>> No.18258467

You underestimate how much bullshit Tanaka is capable of stuffing into events.

>> No.18258474

You mean like forcing us to go through 3 times the route because super slow speed?

>> No.18258519

Bought a 1/350 model of her and assembled her dutifully.

>> No.18258527

This body type should be illegal.

>> No.18258532

It's incredible how people can still miss important information that's been in the OP since the early part of the month. Or do you two not know anything about Leyte?

>> No.18258536

Post pics or it didn't happen. Lewds, if she's okay with it.

>> No.18258550

Yamatos were the only BBs in Leyte? Cause i remember Kongous, Fusous, Ises and even Nagatos being somewhere around too.
>Mutsu K2

>> No.18258565

Learn to read.
>-Next month a battleship that sortied during Operation Sho-I with the aim of breaking through the Sibuyan Sea and into Leyte Gulf will receive a Kai Ni.
>Sibuyan Sea
Only 2 BBs that entered the Sibuyan Sea don't have a Kai 2, the hotels. Musashi sunk at Sibuyan Sea, so the Kai 2 is obviously hers.

>> No.18258566

Her voice alone makes me diamonds.

>> No.18258568

Musashi was sunk by planes at the start of the battle. Yamato, Nagato, Kongo, and Haruna shot at other surface ships. Ise and Hyuga fled from a US BB/CV task force. Mutsu exploded the year before, and thus won't be getting her long overdue K2.

>> No.18258569

Mutsu died long before Leyte to a explosion while docked.

>> No.18258574

>Musashi gets a K2 before Mutsu or Yamato
This isn't fair.

>> No.18258575

Dunno, Yamato K2 would make more sense considering that she didn't get beaten up like a little bitch there.

>> No.18258584

Except that Yamato is associated with Ten-Gou far more than with Leyte. Michishio, Tama, and Naganami also contradict your point.

>> No.18258592
File: 1.07 MB, 2480x3508, 24b27c2a33810d9980efc845f7f59c27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This isn't fair.
Welcome to the Despair club.

>> No.18258593

It will be Mutsu "return from the ashes" K2 to save the day.

>> No.18258595 [DELETED] 

That's now how it works in KanColle. Getting sunk in a battle increases the chances of a Kai 2 for ships exponentially.

>> No.18258605

That's now how it works in KanColle. Getting sunk in a battle increases the chances of a Kai 2 for ships exponentially if the battle is being hyped up and coming up. Just look at Kasumi.

What part of "that sortied during Operation Sho-I with the aim of breaking through the Sibuyan Sea " do you not understand?

>> No.18258608

K2 update in the middle of the event?

>> No.18258627

What about it? Are Tatsuta and Murasame related to it?
Sorry, i'll stop.

>> No.18258635

Presumably because it was the other way aroudn none of the Japanese ships in KC would get any remodels thanks to IJN's constant loses and failures.

>> No.18258641

Nah Solomons girls would get some love but that would be it.

>> No.18258661

Tatsuta and Murasame were not hinted with Leyte descriptions. Michishio, Tama, and Naganami were.

>> No.18258680

Don't have it here with me I'm afraid.

>> No.18258686
File: 192 KB, 800x800, __asashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kuronaga__b9e98feb699ad5cf3b405e5e520d8027[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have bad thoughts.

>> No.18258704

Why would I have bad thoughts about an unattractive little girl?

>> No.18258710

Who cares about DDs

>> No.18258711

Get those stupid animals parts off you this instant, young lady!

>> No.18258712

Woah, somebody call an ambulance. We have a severe case of gay in here.

>> No.18258722

They are not bad thoughts.

>> No.18258728

Why are you saying this while simultaneously posting an image that fills my mind with bad thoughts?

>> No.18258736

Fuck you. Asashio class is the best.

>> No.18258741

To get (You)s.

>> No.18258754

To "fill" (You)s with "bad thoughts".

>> No.18258756


>> No.18258768

What an admiral thinks of doing with his destroyer daughter wife pet can only be described as beautiful.

>> No.18258771

She and the rest of her class are just rape bait so its fine.

>> No.18258780

It's a test of your resolve

>> No.18258881

So, I watched the movie. I don't think it was worse than the series. Honestly I think it was much better. This doesn't mean it was great, but it certainly was something. Sure, there were parts during combat that could be considered questionable, like Abyssal destroyers diving and shooting flares with their turrets, or Tenryuu deflecting a bullet with her sword. I see why some people were put off by yurishit, but it's not as bad as I've been told and it doesn't take up that much screen time. Tanaka stopped with stupid memes like making Akagi a glutton, that's a big positive. The story structure felt more coherent, there was no SOL filler. The ending was also superior to that of the series, it was kind of bittersweet and didn't feel forced. Not all of the writers' ideas about the KanColle universe felt right, but it's not like the they had an easy job, being given a franchise with next to no plot. All in all, it didn't create a sense of disappointment in me like the series did. Part of that may be because I came in with low expectations, but nevertheless.

>> No.18258885

Nobody cares, fuck off.

>> No.18258892
File: 654 KB, 1208x1138, 4ae62859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that they have an extremely limited pool of girls they can add, you can't just add whatever without it turning into some gay UN assembly.

>> No.18258897

>The ending was also superior to that of the series
>literally solved by hugging

>> No.18258909

Reminder that there are entire Japanese WW2-era DD classes that Tanaka hasn't yet added.

>> No.18258912

Yay, more fucking DDs nobody needs.

>> No.18258917

Large-scale event: at least 6 maps.
2 rewards are shitty potato DEs instead of superior furniture guy DEs.
1 is a shitty bong DD that probably won't even come with the superior ASDIC from top 100 ranking.

That leaves around 3-4 ships left, but we might also get a gumo or two that sunk during the battle. Shit's not looking good.

>> No.18258918

>but it's not like the they had an easy job, being given a franchise with next to no plot
There are H doujinshi with a better handling of the setting, let alone the mountain of non-H. They could have even adapted any of the official LNs or manga. It's easy enough. I like how you blame the bad parts on Tanaka but suddenly it's some ghostwriter who did the okay bits though.

>> No.18258919

They don't need to go UN, they could just add the ships relevant to the pacific war. So far it's mostly just the losers, if you add the winners there are tons to choose from.

>> No.18258920

It wasn't "literally solved by hugging." It was Fubuki acknowledging and embracing her negative emotions. Sure, call it a cliche, but in my opinion it was better than "everybody wins as long as we throw as many ships at the enemy as we can" ending of the series.

>> No.18258925

The main complaint is that people (and I mean foreigners) want more foreign ships because they are not interested in the IJN and these faggots should fuck off to the chinkshit that would gladly feed them.

>> No.18258942

>everybody wins as long as we throw as many ships at the enemy as we can
That's exactly how it is in the game, why would it be bad? You're retarded.

>> No.18258943

But what about the 500 or so USN DD/Es that still aren't in the game?

>> No.18258945

>mostly just literal who DDs and DEs which are flopping
How embarrassing.

>> No.18258955

Blame the fact Tanaka has added like 90% of interesting IJN boats and is unwilling to add in stuff like Nisshin, Izumo, or more IJA ships.

>> No.18258957

>That's exactly how it is in the game
No? Fleets are limited to 6 or 12 ships max.

>> No.18258959

>have problem
>have easy solution available
>muh chinkshit
Are you sure you aren't just an assblasted weeb that hates freedom?

>> No.18258965
File: 92 KB, 595x1000, 463734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18258980

A shit.

>> No.18259016
File: 100 KB, 794x1000, cute gril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mean to my wife, anon

>> No.18259017

No, I hate the wehraboo faggots more. People need to get through their head that this is an IJN game. 90% of the equipment is Japanese, so are the shipgirls, events, expeditions, the fucking combat is based off the IJN naval doctrine to the point that ships like Ooyodo and Zara suffer from it.

>> No.18259019
File: 247 KB, 900x1200, DT_ujYVVwAAvdD7[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please punish me

>> No.18259025
File: 256 KB, 850x980, 1494892072359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Poi, you made me look bad.

>> No.18259026

Shit stats. Shit art. Shit voice. Shit Kai 2. Shit artist. Shit personality.

>> No.18259040

>Kai 2 makes her wear something even worse while making her face look shittier
I can't stop laughing at how awful Ayaki is. I mean Naganami's face got worse especially with that pointy man chin, but then this comes along, amazing.

>> No.18259043

Is destroying her womb for the purpose of procreation a bad thought?

>> No.18259052

This is top stuff right here.

>> No.18259053

I don't see how adding other navies and doctrines makes it worse.

>> No.18259069

That's all fine and dandy but what are you gonna do when you run out of IJN stuff? Napkin botes?

>> No.18259071

Is she even old enough to ovulate?

>> No.18259078
File: 435 KB, 1020x740, __asashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_comah__133efac5ac44cd8cc3ea46afa0a02207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one way to find out.

>> No.18259084

You're saying how it is but your not saying why it should stay that way.

>> No.18259085
File: 363 KB, 1024x1280, 66129becc5701127edcb717e54ed8160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on who you want to believe.

>> No.18259086

Because the game is balanced around the IJN. Have you seen that one faggot complaining about USN cruisers not having torpedoes and complaining that the game is pandering to the IJN? That's exactly what you want to avoid, faggots like him who don't get it.

>> No.18259090
File: 1.57 MB, 1400x1980, __houshou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kyouya_mukuro238__e17f4a0df0b925c4e93c096e7c95df94[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoe show

>> No.18259096

You may stop sexualizing my daughter right now.

>> No.18259104

>Have you seen that one faggot complaining about USN cruisers not having torpedoes and complaining that the game is pandering to the IJN
No one ever does that. The closes anyone says is that USN CAs would be like Zara, with a focus on day time (main fleet) but useless in night time (escort fleet) as well as used for anti-installation duties.

>> No.18259106
File: 493 KB, 1826x945, Casting couch with asashio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, can't.

>> No.18259115

Was Suzuducky at Leyte?

>> No.18259117

No she was getting repaired at the time.

>> No.18259122

This, as long as the designs of new ships are good and they have interesting personalities, I don't mind if they come from other navies.
Would Samuel B. Roberts be friends with Kiyoshimo?

>> No.18259130

That doesn't seem like much of a problem to me. That may just be because I play multiple games where the meta shifts drastically over time so I'm used to it. I can understand not wanting that in a game where it doesn't exist but KC is already kind of like that. Balance now is pretty different to what it was 3-4 years ago.

>> No.18259131

Memorizing IJN's order of battle for Leyte isn't that hard, anon. Mostly because by that point nips had almost run out of boats (and fuel) but who gives shit.

>> No.18259138

I was only asking because I was looking through Futaba and one of their graphics had Suzutsuki.

>> No.18259139

Certainly. I think Laffey 2 was in that category too.

>> No.18259146

Just allow them to equip torpedoes in their fantasy Kai Nis. Or make their firepower and AA high enough for them to present a valuable alternative to current CAs, big deal.

>> No.18259157

I'd rather they stuck with their niche. Historically they sucked in night fights until they got radar, then they were better. They could have unique radar that boosts their guns in yasen or something.

>> No.18259165

A night battle radar with torpedo stat. Coming soon.

>> No.18259171

I still need to buckle down and watch it, but I'm pretty nervous to. I'm glad at least one anon had a positive experience with it.

>> No.18259175

He's a funi shill.

>> No.18259192

Stop misusing this word. Do you thing someone would actually pay somebody for promoting a movie on /jp/?

>> No.18259214

There were actual shills for other series before on /a/ so I don't see how it's impossible for them to come here since this is where the KC fanbase is based in the case of this site.

>> No.18259220

I ain't sure if Mr. Yamada is interested in shilling the whole 103 guys in this thread.

>> No.18259232

Yeah that seems dubious to me. I think real shills would stick to places they can leave permanent advertisements instead of ones that disappear in a day or so.

>> No.18259275
File: 213 KB, 1291x904, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18259296
File: 150 KB, 1000x1200, 1508406746543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>night battle radar

>> No.18259298

Anon that's just an angry USN hater hating. That's never going away.

>> No.18259304

He does it for free, which makes it even more sick

>> No.18259317


>> No.18259324

I want Kamikazes Minekaze-class friends.

>> No.18259330

>May 2017
Wow it's fucking nothing.

>> No.18259333

She was going to be but was torpedoed by a submarine and ended up in repairs. Shimotsuki took her place.

>> No.18259338

Why do you sound so frustrated, faggot?

>> No.18259356

That's an axiscollefag who thinks Tanaka hates Americans you fucking retard.

>> No.18259373

Literally what >>18259104 said.
There isn't even any hating in those. Did you even read them?
Are Duckies going to be split in subclasses like Buckies?

>> No.18259385

We'll see once Fuyu gets added since she is the Ayanami of the Duki class.

>> No.18259392

Have gumos been split? No? Then there's your answer.

>> No.18259408
File: 1.02 MB, 800x1203, __tone_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hoyashi_rebirth__928b8dd29327e56f90bdd6040accd861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagahai is the only true catshipgirl.

>> No.18259420

Which girl has the best legs and thighs?

>> No.18259421

These thoughts feel pretty good, I dunno about you.

>> No.18259437
File: 122 KB, 762x852, Fuyu class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there were no design changes to the gumos.

>> No.18259440

>literally forgetting Tama

>> No.18259455

But Tama isn’t a cat.

>> No.18259515
File: 48 KB, 480x640, 48f21afca09881905051d95fee2119ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Akitsu Maru so pale?

>> No.18259523

The Army has no soul.

>> No.18259540

Same reason why your cum is white.

>> No.18259541

Abyssal spy

>> No.18259566

She's Korean.

>> No.18259598
File: 393 KB, 3120x1669, Asanagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will they add more Kamikaze-class Destroyers?

>> No.18259629
File: 3.66 MB, 2267x3154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housewife Haruna!

>> No.18259637
File: 274 KB, 1280x1841, IMG_0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even come with side windows.

>> No.18259643
File: 318 KB, 600x847, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18259652
File: 1.25 MB, 2104x3000, 0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news anon, Haruna can't have babies.

>> No.18259660

This doujinshi is telling lies to you

>> No.18259696

Useless piece of shit.

>> No.18259728

Hey anon don't be mean, she's a good girl

>> No.18259744

>None of these girls can have kids
Thank god, its already troublesome with them around and becoming zombies when sunk we don't need more.

>> No.18259798

>this fucking doujin


>> No.18259802

Ariake and Yuugure should be next.

>> No.18259823
File: 75 KB, 538x805, Sammy B Roberts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At that point they'd need more artists than just Yoshinori.

>> No.18259857

Eats crayons.

>> No.18259862

Everything not KanColle just feels like deviantart shit to me.

>> No.18259865

Well, they did break the six-ship limit meme last year, so maybe we'll see more artists doing foreign navies.

>> No.18259868

Built for headpats.

>> No.18259869

There go my sides.

>> No.18259878

Do you think Kiyoshimo or Asashimo read or watch shonenshit?

>> No.18259880

It was still by Jiji, dumbass.

>> No.18259905

Not him but your reading comprehension is shit

>> No.18259915

Very likely

>> No.18259925

I don't think you understand how mainstream manga is. Even adults read shounen jump on the train.

>> No.18259926

And It's probably cheaper to pay Jiji than to pay Yoshinori or pantsu ja nai man for more ships.

>> No.18259927
File: 550 KB, 700x850, a79d567468a062ed2e53abbf71102aff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think?

>> No.18259953

Are those cancer /tg/ threads still a thing?

>> No.18259966

I doubt it's about cost considering how much Yoshinori is used.

>> No.18259981

I just asking about the preferences, not about the mainstream. To be honest, I can't even imagine Tokitsukaze reading motherfucking Violence Jack.

>> No.18259984

Yeah no shit it's old as fuck, why would she?

>> No.18259997

Can't see her reading anything, really.

>> No.18259998

Dogs don't read

>> No.18260026

What did people choose for the Tatsuta quest, more daihatsu or another action report?

Action report already is already more useful than new armament material

>> No.18260033
File: 183 KB, 747x490, Unlimited Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've got 6k ships they could do so a few more artists might be helpful.

>> No.18260049

I wish people would stop assuming they'll ever add more than a couple dozen ships from any single foreign fleet.

>> No.18260082

Why can't they just go back and add branching rules to the old maps, why do I have to spend a day losing to compass fairies on 2-4 just because it's part of a quest

>> No.18260100

And it goes back to >>18258925

>> No.18260114

I had a witty remark prepared but a couple dozen per navy is a pretty reasonable foreign fleet size

>> No.18260135

>a couple dozen
Seven per nation.

>> No.18260136

I know that's why I said a couple dozen. You could pretty much run a combined fleet and both supports with a single foreign fleet like that if you had the right ships.

>> No.18260178

2013: I wish people would stop assuming they'll ever add foreign ships.
2014: I wish people would stop assuming they'll ever add foreign ships from Allied nations.
2016: I wish people would stop assuming they'll ever add more than 6 foreign ships per nation.
2018: I wish people would stop assuming they'll ever add more than several dozen foreign ships per nation.
2020, the year of hindsight, will be interesting for this trend.

>> No.18260183 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 316x316, 1516493849478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seven per nation
Unrelated but one more navy and we'll officially have a 7 Nation Navy

>> No.18260190

Nigger please don't lump me together with Axiscollefags.

>> No.18260194

You do realize a couple dozen is 24 ships right? That's a lot.

>> No.18260204

There's /tg/ threads on KanColle?

>> No.18260212

There used to be cancerous quest threads.

>> No.18260225

They created what is possibly the most retarded carrier ever, a fucking baseball player.

>> No.18260236

No way anyone hits 24 by 2020, not at the current rate

>> No.18260252

>the most retarded carrier ever

>> No.18260257

A baseball player, didn't you finish reading the post?

>> No.18260261

You would pretty much need 3 foreign ships from the same nation every event this year and next year to reach 24. Yeah no happening.

>> No.18260359

Didn't they end up having male ships? And I think the DEs were dogs as well. The whole thing was done by someone who both hated and never touched KanColle, just thought he could improve it with his great ideas. He'd show up in the /a/ threads sometimes.

>> No.18260367

A true patriot carrier.
Show picture if the art was somewhat decent.

>> No.18260372

Ah, the USS Baseball Player (CV-XX) one of the unsung heroes of WW2.

>> No.18260407

I mean, Saratoga has a Tommy Gun, so I don't think Baseballs as planes is such an oulandish idea.

>> No.18260446
File: 103 KB, 1000x709, e7b46b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saratoga doesn't literally shoot planes out of the barrel. The mechanism for launching is like this, pretty much the only thing it shares with a Tommy Gun is the loading and handle.

>> No.18260495

She's not pale, she's a geisha.

>> No.18260497

It's also 80% flight deck, the character just pitched the ball and somehow retrieved the plane with the glove.

>> No.18260517

This is wrong. The fire select and safety levers are on the left side of the Thompson, not the right.
I know this because I shoot lefty and it's annoying not being able to easily see what they're set to.

>> No.18260526

The switch is on the right because Sara is a lefty.

>> No.18260539

Are you just making that up to satisfy my /k/ autism?

>> No.18260543

Look at Sara's sprite again, she's a leftie.

>> No.18260549

She is clearly holding the gun with her left hand

>> No.18260563
File: 174 KB, 836x1200, DT_5djKV4AAXuoU[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of keeping more than 3 DEs?

>> No.18260567
File: 455 KB, 585x871, CV_Saratoga_Kai_438_Full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're just dumb.

>> No.18260570
File: 507 KB, 639x868, Saratog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I'm not. Just like you or me, Sara shoots left handed. And presumably would also mean she's left handed.

>> No.18260580

Self repairing onaholes.

>> No.18260581

Satisfying your pedophilia, preparing for the inevitable moment when Tanaka decides that you need 6 or more corvettes to complete an event.

>> No.18260594
File: 16 KB, 360x360, 4RjIU3Y4_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18260595
File: 113 KB, 500x500, 1460480723078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18260598
File: 52 KB, 507x666, qtbote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Call me oblivious but I never noticed that before.
You know, I feel a little silly admitting it, but it actually makes me genuinely happy that my boatfu shares my brain malfunction.

>> No.18260601

Art by Konishi.

>> No.18260604


>> No.18260620

It is nowhere close to the uniform, also the hair doesn't look like it's from anyone.

>> No.18260625
File: 2 KB, 37x23, stripes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just going on this thing.

>> No.18260633

You guys baited me
Toji no Miko is pretty bad desu

Also, there is a new avatar on dev twitter
Have they announced some important news?

>> No.18260637


Large-scale reconfirmed. Expect at least 6 maps.

>> No.18260643

The lines appear to be black and the navy blue is too dark for it to be Lawson. It's either Mitsukoshi whatever or a legit new shipgirl.

>> No.18260653

>large scale
>shit resources
>weak ships

I'm so fucked up

>> No.18260662
File: 79 KB, 327x390, Kaga ittd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinano confirmed

>> No.18260669


>> No.18260670

Maybe we'll get the Battle of Samar.

>> No.18260672

It'll be Mitsukoshi.

>> No.18260677


>> No.18260678

You sure that isn't an eagle?

>> No.18260687
File: 67 KB, 840x1120, 171218_lawson_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this one.

>> No.18260692
File: 223 KB, 960x720, That ugly girl who reads too many books and holes herself in her room.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I won't bother if that turns out to be true.

>> No.18260693
File: 68 KB, 678x800, furutaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a white line on the side below her arm and the cut-off left. There's more than one Lawson uniform.

>> No.18260697

The jobbest of jobbers

>> No.18260701
File: 27 KB, 409x418, CwGbsL2UIAEJtg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>large event
>medium event
>large event

>> No.18260706

I'm at less than 60k bauxite. I'm so fucked.

>> No.18260712

How do Submarines see underwater?

>> No.18260715

>exposing belly

Does she want to get raped?

>> No.18260730

>He fell for the Musashi bait rate up

>> No.18260732

Small events are rare, looking back.

>> No.18260736
File: 389 KB, 1732x1602, 33f5105101f5eb7b6e8f74cf21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leyte is months away wwww

>> No.18260742

50k is enough

>> No.18260743

They've always been rare. The real issue is the last two events have been a pain in the ass. The kind of challenge you normally only see once a year. And I doubt the next event is a breather.

>> No.18260745

Also I'm pretty sure that hair is Zuihou.

>> No.18260749

Calling it now, it's gonna be 8 maps. Each with multiple phases of course.

>> No.18260751

Why the wwwww?
Are you retarded?

>> No.18260753

Stop lying AbyKaga

>> No.18260757

I hope the next is small, I can't keep up with my new job

>> No.18260762

Lurk for a year before posting

>> No.18260763

He's pretending he's Japanese.

>> No.18260778

Musashi only uses up 2k bauxite per craft.

>> No.18260781

Tell your boss you are saving the world.

>> No.18260783

Nah, I've had her for years. I wasted all that bauxite on equipment improvement.

>> No.18260788

Don't tell me you fell for the CV yasen meme.

>> No.18260793

I fell for the CV yasen meme.

>> No.18260806

I can't even fall for it because I ran out of shiden kai 2s

>> No.18260809

Are you ready /jp/ for TP phases with 2k bar, stupid boss routing shenanigans, insanely high land base range, to get cucked by shitty route because you haven't leveled some shitty DD and 11 historical ships requeriment for combined fleet for those non-kuso admirals?

>> No.18260813
File: 83 KB, 500x553, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18260816


>> No.18260830

I'm never ready for events, but I still get it done.

>> No.18260836

Delete this, Sara is pure

>> No.18260845

Pfft. Events are too easy.

>> No.18260862 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.88 MB, 5137x2696, 1516501566219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sara is pure
Nobody could be pure after this ordeal.

>> No.18260872

Nothing purer than delicious, nourishing radiation.

>> No.18260881

Yes, because I am saying fuck this just like I did last event and going kuso unless rewards are too good.

>> No.18260896

3 large scale events in a row is fucking torture

>> No.18260905

Last one was medium.

>> No.18260906

Reminder that if Nagato wasn't in poor condition the nukes would have done nothing.

>> No.18260909

Only because stacked condition upon condition to reduce the number of maps. E4 had fucking 10 conditions to even reach the boss last I counted

>> No.18260930

Looking on the bright side , that means more ships and rewards to get.
Don't miss this one, the rewards might gone forever.
Maybe it's because we tried to overturn the loss battle. Prepare for Engano.

>> No.18260933

>Looking on the bright side , that means more ships and rewards to get.
If it's the same as Autumn, might as well not be.

>> No.18260935
File: 1.21 MB, 1400x1080, KESSEN-Fleets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to fear, not even with bauxite this low.

>> No.18260959

I can live with getting just one USN.

>> No.18260963
File: 1.11 MB, 2483x3500, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this ain't the cutest thing I've seen all week.

>> No.18260967


>> No.18260973


>> No.18260978


>> No.18260980

Seems pretty unlikely, isn't their "flagship" for this event the bong DD? I can't remember if they announced say Iowa/Sara prior to their events

>> No.18260986

>isn't their "flagship" for this event the bong DD
No, it wasn't even supposed to be for this event but for the Fall event.

>> No.18260992

>I can't remember if they announced say Iowa/Sara prior to their events
They did. but months in advance. Bong DD was meant for Fall but got delayed.

>> No.18260993

Kiso and a literal who DE?

>> No.18260997

Fuck off.

>> No.18260999

>a literal who DE
That's Maruyu you near-sighted dumbass.

>> No.18261020

Can we consider the possibility that they go radio-silent mode like IJN did?

>> No.18261021

I don't think they actually announced the RN DD for this event.
I think it was more of a vague "soon" and not a official release date.

>> No.18261034

The report by the US Bureau of Ships said so themselves.

>> No.18261038

They did say in the winter a while back, after they changed their minds about releasing her in the fall.

>> No.18261044

USN often went radio silent in battle situations as well. Both sides were (rightfully) paranoid about being intercepted. .

>> No.18261052

Junk ship is junk, she is dead.

>> No.18261071

Their names are in the image.

>> No.18261082

Jealousy gets you nowhere.

>> No.18261083

I know who they are, anon. I'm bullying them.

>> No.18261108

It is long, long decayed.

>> No.18261127
File: 1.07 MB, 540x720, eMVG-pQ_uHI7ahNe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18261163

Live2D always looks weird

>> No.18261165
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>large scale
Holy fuck.

Looks really good.

>> No.18261169

>jealous of a weapon that did nothing
I don't think so.

>> No.18261175


>> No.18261184

She was too radioactive yo study dipshit.

>> No.18261202
File: 3.15 MB, 1400x1080, LEYTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will I be able to do 甲? Will they be handing out another Straights medal?

>> No.18261216

Yes, we will also have "legacy" medal and take a new position in USN as a surprise from Tanaka. KanColle will rebrand itself as FleetgirlCollection in phase 2.

>> No.18261218

Ugly marionette.

>> No.18261228

no Kongou and Haruna?

>> No.18261233
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Woops, bit of a slip there.

>> No.18261258

Of course they don't hand out another Strait Medal, that was specifically for the Battle of Surigao Strait. Expect something else instead.

>> No.18261261

You do realize Kantai just means fleet, right? There'd be no need to change the name.

>> No.18261270 [DELETED] 

Super Ultimate Gohan never

>> No.18261287

What if... Hear me out.
What if
Phase 2 will have an official English version like GBF and F/GO

>> No.18261293

God I hope not.

>> No.18261294

It won't matter because no one's going to start over just for English UI.

>> No.18261306

I'm expecting phase 2 to change all the game mechanics
we'll have to burn down all the data we used to know

>> No.18261313
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>Of course they don't hand out another Strait Medal
I actually knew that already.

>> No.18261314

They can just implement it in settings, you know?

>> No.18261318

Capital ship reward?

>> No.18261320

That would be really awful.

>> No.18261323

>No story mode
>official English version
What's the point

>> No.18261324

We didn't get a capital ship in 2nd SN, don't count on it.

>> No.18261333

Not after the first test, which is where they deemed her to be in poor condition. A little bit of maintenance would have gone a long way.

>> No.18261334
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Hagi is so cute.

>> No.18261397

You could say that about that about most the ships.

>> No.18261409

The ones that weren't captured were previously in active US service and in excellent condition.

>> No.18261421

So that weebs get into it and spend money thinking they'll be able to catch up to five years of gaming in two payments of 100 bucks.

>> No.18261482

>thinking they'll be able to catch up to five years of gaming in two payments of 100 bucks.

>> No.18261484

Pennsylvania sure wasn't.

>> No.18261499

Yes, completing the event will net you Tosa (drawn by Parsley).

If we're lucky we might get a nip CVE.

>> No.18261514

Regardless, the US was impressed by her construction and performance against the bombs and maintained the notion that maintenance would have vastly increased her performance against the bombs.

>> No.18261518

They said the same thing about Saratoga.

>> No.18261536
File: 66 KB, 500x707, __i_26_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yamaarashi__455332e5b4106afb28f41c92ad90eabf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh my country's boat is superior than your country's boat
Can you guy just fuck off to /k/?
Post sexy girl instead

>> No.18261538


>> No.18261546

>sexy girl
>posts abomination with non-canon tit size

>> No.18261562

>People who didn't participate or clear part 1 event can still play part 2 event

That's bullshit

>> No.18261565

I think a lot of weebs are already into KC though.

>> No.18261566

You were a retard for expecting otherwise.

>> No.18261567

What say Shoukaku and Zuikaku on "The eve of a Decisive Battle" new lines?.

>> No.18261570

Read the wiki.

>> No.18261572

>drawn by Parsley
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.18261574
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Will we get to use her this event?

>> No.18261594

Did they? I haven't found the report on her yet.

>> No.18261600

Hopeful not. Hopefully never.

>> No.18261626

One of the quest reward options was fastsuck barrels so definitely.

>> No.18261633

Its not there.

>> No.18261653

But I already scrapped her, so I hope not

>> No.18261657

Some of my acquaintances want to play KC but they can't, because no English language and they also think the registration process is so complicated.

>> No.18261661

>scrapping one of the ships needed for long final map routes
You're retarded.

>> No.18261664

Then make them accounts and make them download EO. They'll learn the UI within a week.

>> No.18261676

>make them accounts and make them download EO. They'll learn the UI within a week.
I did that only one of them interested, the rest still won't play because no "official" English version

>> No.18261679

>Not playing on very hard mode
What a pussy

>> No.18261683

Then they're dumb.

>> No.18261737

>getting your shit more hard than before because you're a retard.
>bitching here as if this was your blog

I can't wait for the autism from Leyte 2: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.18261767

It's okay anon, you can get the Engano Medal.

>> No.18261795
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I guess it's time for Lawson to sell tamagoyaki.

>> No.18261834

Even kusofags got that medal, it's not woth to talk about

>> No.18261845

I didn't get it, does that make me worse than a kusofag?

>> No.18261847

I would fuck her in the employee restroom.

>> No.18261877

kashima's still in there though

>> No.18261883

Make her watch.

>> No.18261886

Who is more expensive?

>> No.18261890

But I want Zuihou

>> No.18261898

Find another restroom then. Or maybe behind the store?

>> No.18261899


>> No.18261902

Cute dork.

>> No.18261913
File: 180 KB, 636x900, DT_j8J1VMAUNHVT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't make you guys any tamagoyaki because she's mine.

>> No.18261921

Sorry bud, I already pounded her tamagoyaki several times. She's my cock's wife now

>> No.18261937

Why do you keep calling her a dork? Please explain, I'm too much of a newfag to understand.

>> No.18261944

Hey man, that's pretty rude, don't be mean please.

>> No.18261948

I always wanted my cute wife to get a seasonal, but I wasn't expecting the Lawson sprite.

>> No.18261951

Well I'm sure she's alright with sharing that tamagoyaki.

>> No.18261953

She already has a New Year's kimono sprite.

>> No.18261960

It's just a forced meme.

>> No.18261961

Because she sounds and acts like one.

>> No.18261962

I love Zuiho but let's be honest, it's not really that good of a drawing.

>> No.18261966

Well I got bad news for you motherfucker, Lawson sprites never make it into the game.

>> No.18261973

sorry, I meant to write "another seasonal"

>> No.18261999
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You can brutally bully her and she wont do shit, I would throw her retarded eggs out the window.

>> No.18262007

P-please, no more bullying.

>> No.18262021

I want a destroyer to bully me.

>> No.18262027

She is just asking to be raped, and I will indulge in that tamagoyaki.

>> No.18262047
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I rather bully the bullies.

>> No.18262058

I want to eat tamagoyaki made from her egg

>> No.18262060

Bully with love

>> No.18262069

i want to use her tamagoyaki as onahole

>> No.18262071
File: 186 KB, 872x1200, __fubuki_and_lycoris_fubuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_meriken0111__c724331e390ffd5021c18c02f14ecc9a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18262073

A shit.

>> No.18262099

I want Kasumi to step on my dick.

>> No.18262124

Abyssal Bucky would look better if it were not for the oversized fish fin.

>> No.18262170
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I improved Kasumin.

>> No.18262171
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I like Yura, maybe I should marry her.

>> No.18262195

Scrap yourselves.

>> No.18262196

I imagin Kasumi being extra bitchy while pregnant.

>> No.18262203

She really looks better with short hair.

>> No.18262214

But she's secretly happy.
